HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-08-27, Page 1'here tall the week com- THIRTIETH YEAR. Mau BROS., Publis Auguat Tth, Rem� SEAFORTH RIDAY T 27' i $1 a Year in dvaum
VWI&OLE NUMBER, 1,55MO. AUGUS I 180116f ctaking always s and ends of a -ould more tkan ADAYAT MACKINAC ISLAND. we mat on the dock and admired the summer polt 11, seemingly aliovther done up.' Pride of Genesee and the Early GeneseL if not handredp, of large two-borse wagon such an hotel as proposed w
�ea the last 4e, Giant were the most &ffected by rust. loads of those delicious berrie# were hauled offset the value of the gift in.enhanoing the them, but in real. 16ON7 KNOW WHAT TO DO. e of the adjacent bailding lobs. The le 7. The Stewart's Champion and the to the American city of the gyaits. Grapes pric ..,a84 few yjrd Apart from its natural and artificial ity the were much more palatial and cost- U r, Uri oottAges. - Cottages I call Hello, partner,' I would may. I What sal is to bui' .4 FUt beauty, Mackinac Island is a most interest. ly looking than most of us are accustomed Pride of -Genesee produ6ed the greatest promise an abundant crop. Theta will he propo I an eight-mitory building
cleared- ty ing p "a. are you ig! to, do ?' The answer was al terra cotta a -ad prws" brik
I It has a history and were one to live in an all the year round houses. most al goij
11PL Molloy W.- - ; length of straw. no peaches here this year. and very few ap- of gmY stone,
M1 loci 0 - , ways ihe game 0h, I don't know. 8. The Early! Red dlawson and the ples. This is so very d�ifferent from a year to cost $600,000, P161111 for which have been
to believe all the stories that- are told you 'r final tour of Tiring of this we made o.� tise of. There's jilt a' lit seeing. Th6 Grand hotel, the hotel of A ood many looked as if they didn't care, Dawson's Golden Chaff were the, firab to ago, when both apples and peaches were prepare".
by the guidso, you are apt to come L eitter. They were too- far gone." uoh an immense crop. All bodied in Toronto at this mature, and the Early Genesee Giant 'and- a' kinds of root —Mrs. Wm. Waite, w to the conclusion that this little. piece all the hotels in the place, � was the point of a men' bave the Stewart's Champion were the last to� crops are the beat I ever saw here. led her body to the Otario
r. Fish and other busines Corn, recently, wil
of lizil has been the acme of some of the interest. , With rates ringing up to $12 a a a project to. establish sup- mature. SALE most . important epoobs in as stati rllu%e Klondike regiou, and the noses. The husband bas oom- ,ell them been oonsid ri ut the Medical College for Womin, to be used for
utea& in t most of it at least, was laite planted, b
history. The daywehaduohoposof everbeing there �' Golden Chaff and tl�'e' hot spell, lasting for about two weeks scientific pur
island. comprises some thousands of acres of guests. bat for a time we � could elbow our pl� one 9. The Dawson a and trap from which Mr. Fish h i t returned k hf�r request. Mm -Waite bad nifke, an lug Stewart's Chain 6dabed the plumpest the copious rains, made it grow- very fast, lied Witt
next land, thi groater portion of which belongs way among those who o,)uld. It was just h The idea of flnJing out what �i�u pr i
vhe-A oery odd lilt to the State of Michigan, and it in rented to getting dark as we neared the hotel, and _wM made wit grain, and the iberian and' Poole the -mod and the outlook now in gcod for an average gorror of being buried &live and � took this
could be * done toward arranging for shrunken grain. crop. Winter wheat is the best crop I have means of preventing such an oecurrenoe. r3y. r50118 On w ich to erect summer resi- the immense building was brilliantly lighted the transportation of - goods inland from —Desperadoes set fire to the barns of 10. The counties of rei, Middlesex and ever seen in Essex in 13 years residing here, the larg- t number of alae- based on keen observation and -report t Wilson, of Brampton, Friday nigh DAY ren , the rental going towards keeping up from top to botto& On the fine wide 'What he saw con' Huron furnished t his house and tan- ffled a reranant Wa Dyes of I Skagaway. S. Robe
Of t The balance'of the land is piazza the people were ostensibly out for
er, placed On autir vinced ' Mr. Wh that the Lower cessful winter w 7. Harvest is i They then proceeded to
,th �eat rexris in 189 a, thing of the past, and a number owned by permanent residents, with the ax. the evening promenade but it really seemed a ladyaold watch. And
Yukon offered the only route available for a sacked it, adouring
ce 1e only 00 to us unsoiliisticated r' ain is11. The experigmenters have taken muph of farmers have threshed and the yield ih th
e caption of some 600 acres, I untioa that their in d chain and'
jt purpose. interest in the work) as sh 'own by the mahy best in many years, from 20 to 3$ bushels chain, a gentlemans watch an a d at a � i farms on' the island. a and nd male, wort1k A'W These farms origia4lly object was, to exhibit their fine cloth a, favorable eomme�ts given F in the reports per acre in some cases, and the quality and some money. There is no clue tohe crim,
ALA belonged to one man, and are said to li�ve they were certainly go?reous, resplendent inals. Second and First Class an iexample,: 11 Co- size of grain is far &head of the averag
la here remil"tut week. SATURD el the followhig being abeen given to him by the BAtish for iufoim- with diamonds lore. at these lords of t hould be located will be a good crop, not so much- straw —The sanitarium for consumptiva at ; - - operative experimen a a -in OAts 6L means that i.. F dollaaar did not seem, to be au. i aZ Ation given which enabled them to idapt4re the Omight, Certiftates Gravetiliurst was formally opened Saturdayi, conspicuous plac a as obj I t lessons. My but more grain, larger and better ,quality.
i ies were taken part in by a
ze and that the island from -the Americans. The iiland premely happy. The rich ones seemed to Tire following is a- list of those who have ant withi winter w eat was near the 'Barley is also a good crop. Alihou h thli is and the ceremon originally owned by the French, who snub the smaller ones, while the smaller assed their third and fourth form examin- experim wit t best were the founders of the fort. It was taken ones were envious of their big fellow guests: ations in this county road where 200 to 300 rigs passed daily. not a pea growing country, there i I be a numberof the prominent members of ih6 The visitations to the plots Were -very num- good average crop. Some rye is- grown British Scientific Association. The build- from the French by, the Americans 'who re- and each seemed to via with the (,theirto se6' [ modate 100 patientg, THMD FORM. realized. ing, which will accom,
erous. The iemarks b passers by and the here and pretty good crops are SIC00' 4th; 97 inforced the fort. 'They were not left -in who could make the grander show. Our CLaNTON—M. Aitken, J. Anderson, W. a made wo d fill a volu'nle. The Tha bay or6p was good, clover. excellent - a was erected at a costf $40,000.
undisturbed possession for long. The Bri- clothes might perhaps have looked shabby I comparison ) ke —The body of Fred 81ster, the ya�ng
Z. Bagabaw, R. Capling, A. M. Fraser, M, experiment actiially bees me the leading large number were banking on'Alsi accompallyin
tish cast a coveting glance at the possession beside some of 'these people and our pockets 1rowler'S. Irwin,,N. J. Isbister, D. F. M . the village talk for some time clover seed as a mortgage lifter, but their man who disappeaTed after 9 C41ovee, Blouse$, and desired Was thoir own, a desire which,' were certainly not so well lined with gold, 1i . c topic of Mitchell, the Toronto girl who 8wen, A. McLean, H. MoNaughton, W: =8 to harvesting. I ius many object hopes will not pan out,aa it is almost a com- Miss *itb the aid of the gentleman afore men- bet I doubt if any of them slept as com- several mitted suicide recently, to - Cleveland, w"'
cTavi-h, A. Marshall, R. 0. Richardson weraleatnedby ev�ry day obsery plate failure here this year, but for their bula, Ohio. He v Was
tioned, they were enabled to -gratify. -The fortably or as peacefully and happily on M E. Robb, E. Switzer, A. Taylor, C. A. era I have tal�eD a good ( eal of paing With ye 0 it has been an abundant crop. Plums found near' Ashtal
We have mad.6 it the custom to hold Americans afterwards attempted to regain costly beds, as we did in our �unks in oubby , * an ar arded
�Tebbutt, N. W.Trewartha, A. L. Twitchell, the d Nearly drowned. The remains have been forw
experiment but feel I W�i pears will also be a light crop I rl 4- -11 a futur- it but were unsuccessfal Some years later holes of staterooms. t. - 131 & I . to Galt for burial.Cape Clot,hs� Dres,_�, .,ns Bros, !N_�ON. ,�r Hiiggin ia recQv attack of quin8y.—Mm
ato, is visiting at Mr- of Tumberry.—Mr. Mae., in- GordoWs drug stora, off work with an ausoess. Blake.' - idesarg. Albert Mtro, rid; Harry Daran# haver
�f 'the excursion to 1w �a-sed to learn, that Iho, ere who have been attwA- w(l Seaforth Collegiatwi�,. ful in their examinattonL-
ana ary, ohn Ealer w4, been spending thoir� h�-va resumed their da%JW_ ;d.,�Ddig^iLtesf baver bow ad the Sunday school &an& dr convention at Clint*.
�Vednesday. ' next.—Quite &.1 ung people attended tho
Varna l"t week. The oved them�elves spleadY
ij attended the BA i1a
DFaryoangL� people patron , - z -The Misses MLeCaaghav,
,,been visiting relatives in, d.—Alliss -.-Richardson, of- -Rosetta, Cal ling.Tboae�_� p
uuping-out from here,, bave. on account of the cool. kaiurn. 1�owd visired under thez- toiidon last week. ----Mr.,
�pened with a very painful A piece. of wood flyi.n& ached to he plainer struck ind broke it. Jim is T07- j . aachinery.—TAIr-N. Stalker . . . . . n Wednesday, and is an- r Samuel L�ovson, formerly-
iz* foreman'. over a thre"X
,- Yur�gblnt left. for hlord=v- Wednesday. He intand�ff- T. Acheson,- who -intend&- �'out there.—Mr- John #1id i ed at �'Nvlr G. F. t ;1se", ander the parental e are glad to learn thAtl- isjok . . . . . .
,kb1w who has been 11 .� improving.—INliss younK., ;iting at Mrs. McGaes 'o-1 and wife. took in the ex- 4nd report having &904At- he fa.ruxerslof Colborne rei,- ashels of wheat to the aor#-s- tard they will have about ,.ra. Po -ton, of Clevelall4i . . . . . . . . en and friends YULngblut'. of aMuder- the parental roaf.� low "at. present.—MN5 left lor Ottawa to lilt access go witla'� aBeadie has disposed fox haiindsl a0d hag flvlw'
ood ones. odemch. J . . . . . . . . . of Public Works, iei Engineer Costs, vi�ite# urday. The Ministef waw-- n, V� the town council W4 n of influential residall* ly received. After jbeen made,, a processiOlt Or
medp which was headed by' nd proceeded to the c0ur�'
iurge, assemblage 'Waite,4 W H- 7.p]�,arance WWF ster. Is. a
Arty. cheera,'afte-- which 00' e, on behalf of the citizengt�* Nlr.A. was reid by of the citizens c1nn1itt4W' I Ply, thanked the cOnricIC derich for the enthusiast" ad been given him, ark at- the harbor, he wad
the neqessity of such Work on he bad placed $55j6OW to be, expended for t M reg.retted that grefitf t been faade- with the W001- t the fault of the D"rr�'� Ister and 4&e- delegation Bedford, wheXW . . . . . . . . .
to the Hotel 'aa spread.. the �Chsjr bai'619 rhorapsolit or his Mr. Tarte, n" in the put himself able and arty, then took ca,and the public the evening they and, a A t, ., ban( tar*, 'itizeng, Grit, and Tory;, ption given hin, on' .0sident member Of of 0 to his mother and 0 .hert townsh-,P- en state nearly thirty- aproaebOg a h� -was ai at" time hew, hing, as it is called in a year, go he, west, and is now a labor.
at, WU alr'lr VIAQ-� JD1, Wilma. ThelolLOWIngleaGing v rie or winter every lover of t, r UML%;W W, JVIJ 0--i
ar, at the it was ceded to the Americans- on their BiLL. —Rev. John Wood died recently at his itv sale twice every ye i EAFORTH—Iffl. Aberbart, W. W. Aitche- Wheat will be distributed is year for co- tobacoo, who has Und, grows Lenough and handing over to the British St. Joseph's d in French, Latin and Greek), operative enti in* tario more for their own ase. Others make a home in Norwich, after several W:eeks' se- clos,o Of each'season. island. So much for the history of the The Great Want of Our DaY. "on caus�d by cau(,er of the liver- Ad& rea;tet%, M. B. Bond (passed in Latin), Set 1. = a Gold Chaff, Early business of raising ik in large quantities a -i d vere illness, little plot.. Clarkson M. Gillespie, N. R. HOff�- Genesee Giant and Early Red Clawson. caring it and sellinj�lt, and.they 2ST it is a The deceased was in the 75th year. Rev. As, to the merits of futurity day so far After alighting from the boat we wander DEAR EDiToR,—What is the great want P. E. 9 d was a hig31Y esteemed minister of our day with respect to religion ? It is man, F. A. Kidd, D. -R. Landeborough Set,2. Dawson's Golden Chaff, Pride of paying crop. I cannot close without saying John Woo as it afects our mistomerst you aTe up the short dock with the full intention of the want of knowledge and grief fo d -in German and Latin), A. C. Law- Genesee and Poole. a few words about politics. Well,we had our -of the Methodist church, having been i in the best judges. Look� back upon seeing the sights. The main or business �cKay, C. B. a hot- active eervice about forty years, and nine 0 street presents almost a city appearance so sonal sing. They whose duty. it'is to- "show" rence, F. J. Lawrence, . F. M Set 3. Dawson's G61d�n Chaff, New fill in 1896. The municipal election wa nated'ininister. the purchases you made from us the Lord's p�ople th6ir transgressions and -M�Kinley, C. McIntosh, A. A. McLaren, Columbia and Imperial Ambqr. - years a superann
crowded is it. In a minute we are surround ly contested in January, then the Dominion sins," are feeble in T. McQuaid(passed in French and German), Any person act a careful elections in June, and our opponents got Eo —Fire deatroved. the residence of Mr. on that day. and see if they were the house of Jacob their rishing to ciand ad by a throng of anxious guides who wish 1. Sim�pson, M. A. Smillie, h Ge Hudson, at R 5 id City, Manitoba, the duty. On the one hand they fear our R. J. Muldrew, experimefit wit one of these sets should- badly knocked out wen they were so sure 0 not satisfaetorr,,.purchases. FrOln to drive us around and, who, in -their per- 1 of winning in onth NWednesday night oplast week, urin displeasure ; on the o6her, they fear to give B. Stephens, H. VanEgmond. apyly to the 1�xperiment st, Agricultura 8 Essex.. Oar member on Hudson al
sistence, far excel the ordinary back driver. an his absence from home. Mr
your stand poiAt, then, futurity us pain. They shrink from using. the lance GoDzuxcu—M. A. Amy, A..Blake, J. Co legs, Guelph, for the d ired set an&one- elect, M. K. Cowan,'M. P., is a young in all rig 0M, We are forced to make a selection and for 3ility, and as a speaker hard to four children perished in the flameir. Noth� day is 11t. How is it fr and proceed to healing medicines before our Campion, L. 1. Cunningham, J. B. Cratts, half pound of each vad together 'With of marked al a known of the fire until next morn- ours 7 What do we gain by it q our own comfort a hasty one ; a wise one as diseases are in condition to receive -benefit 0. Crowaton, B.. Duff, P. D�usmore, W. A. instractions for testing the blank lorm beat on the political platform. Our next ing wa son returned home, to is subsequently proven. Nine of us,, if we from them. We do not kno how to mourn Elliott, B. E. Graham, G. M. Graham, T. on which to report will belfurnished free of election was. caused �y our late lamented ing, when 14r. Had What is � its o'biect 7 How on include our driver, and he is an important forourown or our neighbor'seins. Who AL Gordon, W. B. Hawkins., E, Ai Hill, G. cost t The sapply of son�e of Balfour getting promoted- to a cabinet posi�- find his- family and house in ashes ? part of the turnout,pile into a big wagonette I o his addres. 4vernment of Ontario, —OaWednesdaypthe Glencairn IL for earth do you call it such a name will instruct us of the evil of sin, for we do, Howard,. M. Keefe, T. 11. McLaughlin the varieties' is limited, but w4 will lie an- tion in the Hardy G -tive time, -showed herself a These qmestions we will answer, and off we go. I should say up we go, for not know it ? Would thaf they whose workJ (passed in French and Latin), A. McDonald abled to furnish a large number with� this but our opp4ents in this election gave us the third coneecu the road winds gradually higher and higher, it is were strOn d in French, German and Latin), D. seed before th"e supply is exhausted. no opposition, . and last, but not, least, the better yacht thin the Momo in a Atiff prove, rebuket' use through lovely cedar aua beach woods, until"', J ed breeze, and by her Win over the Ameri--an
noting bylbe way deat they were (4cDougall, L. J. R. Naphthel, E. P&ter. 11tened to 11 re
by intersted exhort with ong suff6ring and-doetriue,'! C. Ai ZAVITZ, election in October to fill the vacancy caus o, secured to Canada for another questions= asked us we reach the highest point. some .300 feet. and that we were made hu m-ble and teachi argon . H. Reid, J. M. Robertson (passed Agricultural ollege, : Experimentalist. by Hon. W. D.- Balfour's untimely death, Yact Mom ge cup of the customers in the past. and over above the lake level. All the time able. in LaIiiij, A..F. Roberison,.A. J. Snell, M. Guelph, Aug. 23rd, 1�?7- when his late partner, John Allan Auld, year the handsome challenj Club of New our driver keeps strinfing off his stories and Tichborne, E. B. Tilt, W. G. H. Whyard. was elected for South Essex by mote than Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht Fliturity sale, day from our stand point we would like to ieve them all if we 11 TAt him that righteous is me smite, FOURTH FORM. 1,100majority. Our Ottawa Governmeut� York. uld,andwheu the flow of talk seems Ik eh!kll a kindness be Tube r1culosis in Cattle. Wm.Butler,of Dereham Centre,shipped
is cluite' satisfactory, because we cO Lot hilm reprove, I skill It count H. Lennox, E. PARLT AVENT BUILM12168, appears to be all right, with the right tion a car load of . stock to Montre &I exhibition about to lag,we fire up more quebtions. A precious oil to me. CLiNTox—Forrn IV.— ToRoNTO, Auguat 20th, 189 I Sir Wilfrid. Liurier as cominander-in-chief: I gaii, the use of a lot of money in We are au eyes and ears and I doubt if Snob smiting shall not break my head, Middleton, W. J. Scott. on Wednesday afternoon last week. 'While
For yet the time *hall fall Sim"ouTH—Form IV—F. D. Clarkson. DEAR ExposITO I Wish to draw your ek, a bultwhich
exchange for broken. lines of cloth- anything escaped us. Suddenly as we turn Canada. oadiog a portion of the sto When I to their calamities Form IV.—Parb I.—J. J. Byrne, W, W. attention'to a bulletin issued July,! 1897, was in charge of Mr. Corbin., turned on in-, wbich we would. have to - carry a sharp corner, we are.presented to the arch To Gid pray for them shall. Special subjecte—M. B. Bond. by the Ontario Departmetit of Agricilture, —Nearly 4,000 laborers left Ontario last him, and, would ha im to death 0 - Thompson. i ve trampled h
over to another season, did we not rock, as its name implies, -a huge arch of A READ M. (French and German). dealing w1th,Taberculosisi in cattle.': This ba, r. rock some 150 feet high. it is' a beatiful week for Manito had not help been nea, As it was, Mr.
the limbe dd ends of stock -at GoDERrcii—Forra IV.—S. J. A. Boyd, E. is aost important and useful publication,' —A company is being formed in Wood Corbin was severely injured about
offer these o sight, the arch itself, underneath the water, -the Klondike! S. C641tes, J. X. Christilaw, L. J. Elliott, and will full� repay a careful study, of its stock for the purpose of sending prospectors that could not help but magnificiently shaded from the many color- Ho I for and chest. prices are resj)octfully to.the Yukon country. Nail McDougall,yrincipal of the Park- od rocks of the bed and above and on all San Francisco, C. R. Le Touzel, H. A. Ryan, M_- Sbra% contents. Institute officers sell. 7.1 J. H. Tigert. 'Form IV.—Part L—E. W requested tollbring this publication o the . —There Wag & White froat in Winnipeg on hill public schog'l, had a narrow escape from sides am far as the eye can see, the calm California, August 19, T ir respec i 'He and rs of the lake. We get down from the Dickson, J. G. Dickson, 1. - W. J. Killpat- notice of this farmers in the' tive die* Wednesday night of last week, but no dam drowping at Port Dover lant week. The object of futurity yd'a- will have Wate DE&R ExrosiToR,—If any'of your readq�s iiek, L. Monti, M. McCluskey, L. M. Tred- tricts. This can be done through the local age was done to the crops. Frank, Riddell went into Silver IAka for #- . wagon in a burry and climb to the to of or any of my old friends in Huron are amit- —Andrew Patfullo, proprietor of the Mv bein a v the previ- ere press, at public meetings, and at special OWL'iM Land Mr. not . 9 rY
partly understoo from While % r, and shore Lao far
a the arch to get a wider view.
Ous statement, fullv explained. It we have our pictures taken. Getting,* your ten with the Youkon gold feve meetings called for the pu�pose of discuso Woodstock Sentinel -Reviews is laid iip with good swimmer, got out from the
impatient to be off that they may sh I . a , of t he was unable to at back and had
qui a as im. ove Valuable Varieties of Winter this question., At least one ouch I pecia an att&c� yphoid fever. that is to clear �up OUT stock- at the end picture taken here seems to be the precious metal into their wallets a C meeting should be held in -each Institute —Mr. Fre . C. Wade, of Winni ag,. has suak twice before MrAidaell noticed his
f 0.1 portant a factor as it is in a wedaing party. Wheat. T thus become millionaires in a few days or District between now and April lat, 1898,- been appointed registrar. and der of the predicament and rescued him withifficilty. of every Beason, to make room But we must move &Ion and' as we 90 houraj would bid them pause and consid�rs REPORTS OF SUCOESSFUL WINTER WHEAT and as many more an the funds of the In- Supreme Court for tae Yukon district. inco . mino, ,00ds. burglis bl —Seven young Englishmen from Kelato 00 higher we pass the Sugar taf, a huge rock before they allow their impetuosity to load ExpERImE,,�Ts rRom 231 ONTAR10FARAIS. aiitute'will allow. This is 96 vital question, Friday night a* open the England, passed through Winnipeg a few
resembling in shape the old fashioned agar them to so perilous an undertaking. Am9'ng and should be dealt with in a vigorous yet safe in the Uxbridge post office, but were a Klondike. They we name it futurity day is (Written for Tnz ExpostTOR days ago,7en route to th
The reason loaf, hence its name. Of its origin we heard many others with whom I have conver�eci, careful manner. frightened a*ay without getting an thing. say that there is great excitement in m6nV that having sold man an article two stories. One,that some time in the very about that land of -promise is Mr. Georgel L. There will likely be about 800,000 acres An stated on page 8 of %foresaid bulletin, —There has been an 'epidemic o cholera tl� variably rly ages a meteor diopped there. The Fish, a wholesale grocer of- Oakland, V�ho sowu with winter wheat in Ontario within Lieutenant-Colonel McCiae has b6en em- hifanturn among the infants of Tilbury dur- seetloLne of England ovef-the Klondike golid on this day, he in becomes ea; his Satanic returned a day or two ing the past wdek, an discoveriesi The aecou4 MAnitoba party for
so that other, that on -one occasion ago from Dyea, -%�ith the next month. It is very important, ployed to deliver illustra d addresses ex- d- six deaths have oc-
a customer on other days, Majesty had, in afit of rage, thrust up his his wife. Mr. Fibh gives a most disscou�ag- therefore, that winter wheat growel.0 take plaining-the mode of det cting the� isea . se, curred. Klondike has secured means of transporta- e sales result, thus futurity hand causing an upheava of the rock and - ount of the present conditioa� of every available means to secure those var- tion over Chilcott Pass. j The Maai6obanis f Lttur ing ace treatirig diseased ackni als, disinfecting —4r. R:)ber� Meighen, president of the Iiie a sturdy lot, and well able tovough it. 41 distinct vain for us. A full when he removed�hig hand the rock harden- kagawal, �nd ieties which are likely to give the beat re P. Lake of the Woods Njilling Company, es. is * a airs at both Dyea and 81 ables, etc. Mr. McCr will &Is' be in ri e list will be publisbed in next ad and -stayed there. Perhaps both are true- g winter wil mean sults. By experiments conducted within toba at —A sad drowning affair occurre iu TV- predicts that the comin readin�ss at- all times to test'herds 'or single timates the wheat yield of Mani
for it We see the rifle range where the soldiers a the past eight years at the Ontario Agri- ronto Sunday afternoon. A ferry raft, com- suffering and death for many among th animals, owned by farmelis,in order'to show 92 OW,000 bushels.' f the boye',of
Watch g 152 varieties of mistioned for the convenience 0 week's 1,,xPOSITOR used to practice and get a view in at the thousands of adventurers. In discUin cultural College with the owner: how to do the I work afterwards. —The case of fraud against the Thompson
in the meantime. back of old Fort 31ackinae. Skull Cave the matter to -day, he said,- after telling 1f all winter wheat, it is found that ther the east end of the city to o to the swim- a 'a a' All appli-.ations for Mr. IMcCrae's services brothers, of Toronto,'in connection with the place, on which were ascore of child. ming I
comes next and we dismount and ekawl. in to the troubleo at the blockades great variation in the comparative yields of hould be inade to the un ersigned; through zled k 'ek, an d. see if peret-hance we can find some relic of the i produced by th6 different varieties* ohn Eaton Company' failure, has fiz ren, upEet and they were . all dumped into ,from wee- towe I We U0 ol " Skagaway will be the most largely- op- grait the secretary of the local armerOnstitute, 2out, and they have been liberated. 0 th to month, talkill"! to the rebel chief who remained here in hiding and e a c but when' for any reason,1 this is not p rac. —The Toronto bakers have combined to eifthte-en feet of water. By thelherdio ef- Mon eluding his pursuers We ulated city in Alaska this winter, but ere t is also found that the vari tie whi h fo7r'ts of some men who were at handiall were HE ExpoSITOR, always succeeded in is not a building in the place—nothing but have given good average results in he ex. ticable or�adviaable, the Jarty or p�rties d4;- a t four lads ranging in age. from reade-.s of T conducted at the college' for a raise the price of bread, o wing to the d- saved excep climb still higher and are let down at Point airing Air'. McCrae's servi�es may obtain the vanes in flou. The 10 -cent four pound vina -we flatter ourselves, some- tents. There are a few saloons and a oies peHments 7 to l2y�iars. ha Cy - B(I jo offer our Lookout. If thereis auystoryin connec- under canvas, and the saloons are doi g' an few years in succession have usually -given same by applying diree to tho under-- loaf will in future be sold for 11 cents. _0n_ Thurday:evening of lamb week, two thing to say a tion with it I have forgotten it and remem- good satisfaction throughout Ontario. . This :1 ber only the beautiful view we got from our sxcellent business, and will while the ros- fact has been determined by the results of iigned. In this case, M_ McCrae's work —Miss Sadie Fisher, of Brantford, :has men, name& Holt and McCartney, while
leis. tore' money' lasts. I Shotgun ' wh ske.y qh. and the, correspondence connected there6 entered suit through L.F-Heyd against Ed- standing on the edge of an old stanequary reac Pee co-operative experiments conducted thrDu, strictly I confiden- W e 1 -ton
exaltedness -and how muddled the spiral selis at 25 cents a drink. At. Dyea th re is with, will be considered ard Harris,. r, cently of the Hami town of PiCtoll, weft out tbe province during -e tial. Herald, for $10,000.- damages for breach of just outside of the ing" you have d ach of the past five In that -%vGrd SOMeth -road had made me in my directions. We can one wooden building, a sort of ln.� sup� suddenl�y ving. lan Bxperimental buried to the 'heek by the ca
the incentive to drive to a sitill higher point and upwego, ply store. The only other sheer are years In connection with the i The terms on which Mccr will be promise of marriage. "ground on which they were stand- the motive power, about our busi- until we reach Fort Holmes, 426 feet high, I at the college. From seven to nine sent to address meetings r test h do are as ' —Dr. Bormar, who contested North Bruce in of the tents, and in- many cases people sleep n the work ing. Holt bad one leg broken -and was oth- our and said to have been built. by the British in varieties have been selected each Te&L for
euthusiasm air on their blankets, spread o , the follows The Institutelor� indi-idual re- with Mr. McNeil, M. P., at the last general McCartney was
open erwise seriously injured.
That Word, something, in 1812. On his point is a Government our- _S quiring such services sh 11 be r, -juired to election, has been appointed. a surgeon
dam rocks or earth. In time 1. ka away sending out to ex-ftoudents of the Agricul of badly braise They were baried eight,
d. )le vey tower, and we are. not contented with a cot m. the (Air case applies to good relial will te the land ing point, for pie, of tursl College, and to other interested and pay his �ctual travelling expeneei ro the Northwest Mounted Police, and will be -to the 1. ssive farmers throughout Ontario, hours before they were reicudd. ption, for stijoking to the earth, but'climb up Miles up from the beach it is a compa'ativeN progre time he leaves home unti � he reta ms there- located at Tasish. :.-A lirg�'quantity of dyne'Vite and giant v descri ad their desire to '0111 oci clothing of ever. w Of in 1-11 I 0 top of the toer and get a splendid vie ly level wooded spot, where it is p)ssible who:have.expreas to. Every effort will be nade to keep the —The Britidh Science Ass ation assem- men and boys. wo veral nowderf . stored at Rebbs' time quarry, near the whole island and cah even spy out some I iere is the co-operative experimental it, and for a town to be built. At Dyea, t exppnsw� as low as possib a. Wh4 n e. e bled' in convention in Toronto last Week, I?ort Colborne, exploded Thursdayp doing
U the mainland be f d have written for the necessary material. pers= living in one district require in- when the different sessions were Rattended nothing, and no harbor can t u, the ex U b6 divided considerable damage. Fortunately at c- -iy materiab oin now , eve In the a stru t It oes Dot apply to trasl -We have been to the top and fr wMere, though something of the sor ar be attimn of 1896; seven varieties of by about a thousand of the most prominen ax
-Senses, wi
drive inter wheat were selected for diitribution curred atan early hour and no one W for our view of that class of stuff out we gradually desceqd and in our w equally sLmong the persons served. [ All other scientists of America and -Europe. - hurt. Air. Foster's glass factory was: level- 6rranged near Skagaway. is, that it is worse than no pass the two farms a divided into three sets with three aly dss. -a thiDcr I h�ve spoken of. But ' .,T -he White Paso will be impra ticable and wer expense in connection therewith will be de. . bbs' lima kilns
i -each, the.Dawson's Golden in—Saturday night fire almost -tot in Galt. led to the ground� r. one used to the farms of old Huron they frayed b the Depart ant of Agri,6ulture. to until a road is made through the warn b troyed the fire bell and town stable were badly damaged and his barns burned. A man cannot sell 91 nothing " to I throughout as a asis by ash to don,'t appear to be an, overly valuable poo- lying on the fart�her side of the sump it. Chaff being usei I*ish to urge -upon you the desirability The,fire originated in the -bay mow, sup- Buildings in surrounding towns shook as if his hurt, but be may -sell tr session. When we have " struck. bottom," fearfully cold and cutting wind at which the results of all the varieties could they were about to fall, and muo gl W We have of takilli advantage of this opport,unity, for. pos6dly from spontaneous combustion. The ass as
b ows mpare *th one another. 9
his sorrow. we are t the British Landing, the a ot times throdgh both passes at the rati of 80 be ce d W1 the -fbllowing reasons!- All 1pure-bred lose will be about $1,000, fully covered by broken. where the British are said to have lansed or 90 miles an hour, and its effee *upon received 231 full and satisfactory reports of animals I sold for breeding plu�poies to insurance. --T-The aldermep of Montreal have'decided Our own make of boys' 50c, 65c and when they captured the island. it Is a !arefully conducted winter wheat experi. oseph Herbert and I be in greater de- beautiful spot and we all,� even our driver, those who are trying to make . h adway ( a for 1897. This number is more than American buyers must be tested with tuber —Twor roofers n&med J that the outlook for �a serious sna�llpox
t it may be better imagined th n des- ment culin, and ' ad to be 'Bound, b�fore bheY Alfred Gague" while at work Friday at the epidemic is very grave. There are now 75c Pants wil ear. These Xrov from the wagon and hunt for agates elf. felt in the double that of any previous y a east end depot, Montreal, fell eight cases fully developed in the 0vic Hog a g i nda felt in than ever- now$ as school ' cribs . 'Italso makes itself are al �re to cross the line ; �aii,d the day C P R. jump a ch for reports came from 35 counties, 19 of which on the beach, and for aught we know we towns—to call Dyea and Skagaway is not far distant when ill animals supply- f* he iround, 47 feet, and pital. All these are from different parts of clies hued. through- rom a scaffold to t'i nd 16 west of Guelph. red that he Opening apprOa, nay - have garnered some of the pebbles, the morn6nt_pa�ticularly during the winter, are situated east a 'mil' con, Herbert is so bdly iniU will the city, and several aria uuder-olmervAtion a piece to patch with for 'those The following table givies the oomparative� ing 4 or dairy produe a for human out, and on which our illustrious countrymen and the sufferinff and death amon 'ti ' must by law so teet�d and de- P It has been decided to divide the city into the �rod when they were seeking to add another who are forced to Wait there uu . til spring results of straw and grain per acre of thi sumP 'On I a mouth!s ago the robably die. in ts and have house to house U_ winter�wheab varieties tested during the clared sound, Only a —On Friday afterneop, the street cars 24 distric wel to the crown. We have come to the inio , be dreadful Je Will, in my op n h young lady 6-1' on. As a -he teen addition- officers of the Board of Health, of Toronto, Kingston were manned wi nati ginning, six s suits at 87 and Boulevard drive as well. Thi's ig a drive- phst season on 231 farms,: Our own inake of D1611'� SHOULD TAKE NVARZING. I made a demand that this plan pu in conductors. The objidt was to raise money; al health cons bles were appointed. 'Straw per acre Grain per acre a beech around a portion of 'far as Toronto was concerned. This for a home. The young ladies wore —R. F. Holtermana, of Brantford, preal- the island. It is a lovely drive, and we I would most strongly urge th (tons) (bus. 60 lbs.) force as a nurse' $10, are g.rowing steadil . y in favor. way right on th vidual in a position to demand will be renewed here and,' at other snow-white uniforms, t�!nfimed with red and' - of the Beekeepers' Asoodiation of Oa- I dent ry indi t C0111C in a -11c, mtl�:e us prove all our feel that we would not have migeed it on papers and eve Dawson's Golden oints, d sooner or la�er it will be an- red crose on the righ ,i -,e to impress upon the public with Chaff 2.2 33.9 P Ian tario, reports the honey crop in Western any account. We can see the Lover's Leap give adv F the will of er., Doubt. will do �.hat it is the height lof folly Stewart's Champion 2.4 33.7 forced b, the ponsurn —Mr. Henderson, Ontario game warden Ontario below the -average, while in Eastern newaip-aper statenients—Ifl too, a piece of jutting rock far above. our all earnestness n ebeo, �t is to start north until the winter tax less witfiin a few years 10gialatio will be for the Linds%y d4triet, lost his life. He Ontario,and the province of QU heads on wbich an Indian girl is rsaid to for anyone 4y Red Clawson 2.1 31.2 o, one whose constitubion enacted compelling all i animals. Rold for was preparing to shingle a rain otorehouse total failure, the worst for tseventeen, years. have stood watchig the return of her lover has f-issed. N -Pride of Genesee 2.2 y 'Satrd nost vigorous can expect to stand Early Genesee Giant 2.1 30.6 breeding purposes to be tested and declared at Lindsay, Ontario, when tJhe scaffold gave Clover, thistle ana linden form the prinet Remember Futurit �"Y) who had gone out to win glory and scalps in u6vbhe i sourd. In view of these'f eta the prudent
with a hostile tribe. The boats are the hardships of life at Dyea or S gaway, Siberian 2.3 29.6 way and he fell 181eet,itriking on -his head. source of No. I honey. The linden blossom September 4th. a War beyond. If there is 't snow Poole 1.8 27.51 farmer And live stock bra der wilt do well to ?pened out daring the intensely hot weather returning, bat she mistakes the signal given or on the trails make himself fully a6qua nt*d with the con- He died ari hour later. July. L This flower requires e001 And. is a case of mu here —John Arnold was instantly killed, and in herandinher grieve over the supposed on the ground'it As none except 231 kood reiorts of sue- tents of this bulletin. A eo may be ob. w herself Troin is no comfort to be- found anywhe- his companion, the fourteen -year-old son of moist weather tv secure honey, and conse
............... death of her lover, she thro s panied cessfully conducted experiments have been 'tained by applying to the apartment of in, probably fatally in- quently the ero from this, an *611 -as the the rock and her soul is transported to the it It is true that my wife see used in the preceding summar of . results , Mrs. Fred Fitzmarti 1, but a a never y I Agriculture, Toronto. ivhile driving over a railway crossing thistle, has been almost nothing, leaving WE HAVE ONE PRICE TO ALL happy hunting ground. The Devil's Kitch- meon my trip to the norl the table should- be of great value and Y,ur'�' very tieu-1y, jured i the total crop in Western OAtario a little cave in the side' of the rock, is left the steamer during the three days we F. W. 110 near Napanee, Saturday night, , their rig d iu Quebel and en a JWhen I worthy of the thoughtful attention of wheat MON b belo remained off Dyea and Skagaway. Much credit is due to I ,eiog struck by a train. w the average, an right here, but it entl not the of Domini, Cattlei Breeders'
MONEY BACK IF WANTED. y al growers in Ontario. a collision between a r d -ay " fols =g we enter w ent ashore I found it nee h re a Secretary trolley ca and Eastern Ontario nothing. Id fellow's r, h tD the the careful experimenters who sent us -the —In Ion. - York, Asiociat' freight engine at Niagara Falls, -New
a from ihe am to made, on heir own nounced, we are. unable to find him. man carry in reports of the tee unan e Wish- beach, for the mud flats prevent van the the other day, three Canadians were serious. —Miss Robertson,teseher of No, 2 Logani we drank of the cool waters of th Mrs. F. J. Peter.
jug Well, and albhough I drank most heart- lightest draught craft really ting to far 'MS. Crops and Other Tb1n98 in ESSeX- ly injured. They were has returned from her visit to fflends� CONCLUSIONS. and LD itly, the wish has sho'e, I might mention too - h t when r. I Samuel I on and daughter, of Niagara Falls, in Manitoba, and started her school G ity and wished most ardem At Oar old- -friend, M Sargeant, raon! Monday of last week. Whilein d. -One part of the per- our�cargo Was landed. on 'the 'r'ooks it was 1. In the average ield of winter whe I rity, on Mrs. Em;gb, of Woodstock, Mrs. Pete a 1 Dawion's Golden Chaff stood writes from North Ridge, Essex Coal at been ungra its Muengers stand per acre, the 'mother. Viaiatoobua Miss Robertson took a run y driver told us, was to walk only by -having 300 df the over On- jkugust 7, as follows : 1! 11 guess the sands Is C. Cunnin h in' a CLOTHIERS. formance, our and hand the stuff From or a to the highest among 11 varieties tested =-Granvil a a ' Y-M9.12aging through & parlt of the VrOV-1114a 011 wheal- up some 400 steps backwards. I didn't do in line % single pac tix is. The takio in, 1893, 9 varieties in 189#, 9 varieties my subscriftions to T E EXPO§rron have -1 Street railw . ing tour and- reports h1s'ving bad a vary on. kage at, a , for an- director of the Montres myself to blame other, i dolla'r�'
rie send you ngers worked . on the in I ' drn out, and 71 that and perhaps have only 895, 9 varieties in 1896, and 7 varie gham, Eagland, t U Joyable tri i"Prointed wish. other hundred passe at of Huron's le4ves soon for Birmin On the Wrong Side of the Street, in the for MY di our drive is at steamer, breaking bulk and ge h in 1897, also among 53 varieties grown at. other yeare's nil in th nding position thera The , street �__Joh Brown, a nutive of Fullarton
I had thought in Of writing you a, corrwpo a X. Block. * very. few minutes now shape to be handled. ',Pursuing the A cal tuial College' for - six years in papers ar system in Bii;mingbam haal been secured township, died suddenly at his home in Cot -
Strong In 2d, and we all have reluctantly to jump goods in thing About the Wantiful ,crops we an ei day and a hal ces some I 1,11 by a Toronto -Montreal- syndicite. tam, Essex county, on Monday of laab out, although we feel that we have had big this plan it took a do J897. of 63, Mr. low, a had 'ONT. a cargo to be discharged, and when it was 2. Three varieties of winter wheat have have in Essex this year of grace, u the Orr murder ease week, at the age
SEAF�9RTHj value for our money. But we haven1 (Ion 'for four years in begin with strawberries, las they', were the —Thecor "rs. The immediate
of the great I pile of been tested over Ontario . fruit on the market.� There "Yvan simply at Galt, h b 'lit i -a verdict, accusing only been ill for a few 4
the stores and curiosity shops yet and off ended the owners n the rooks succession, with the -following i6verage first ave ro in rmation, of A blood we go and poke our noses into every con- , plunder I lay down exhausted o, yields oil grain per acre : Dawson�s Golden' an immense cropand tb' uslity.excelient ; Allison, the hired oy, with wilfully mar. caute of death was the fo bad beside it and y1ept as best they could, too He will be tried clot on the brain, which induced par,alysie.
What a feast we have Chaff, 321 bushels ; Early Red Clawson, 29'J. a numbdr.of different k a are �rown here daring Mrs. An 0 -he beat known 0men in ceivable place. eat almost, and have bat old ut reliaVle variety, at the crimi th('ny by Chief Justice Deceased was one of t ur a as but we are hungry all the same tired to a ease Giant., 29 1-20 �111but the Wilsou,t I for �&l � ay, Nove ber the district, having
71� Ck nearer the oat so as to he satisfy their hunger in any came bu� cracers bushels, and . Early G n is said to be the best for's sure crop every Meredith, in Ber4stFUond in been a member of the and eef or such other things bushels. county concill since 1892. At the last urance Company on band at the first ding of the dinner bell. and a little corned b i aff was the most year, and also a very good berry for ship- 27th. Acciden t Ass most easily. 3. Dawsons Golden Ch ra" e idea ot a election Mr. Brown was a candidate A mot;
There is an American -Government cutter at as could be got at te some other'varieties are larger and 6f —Toronto has not given up th i I predict that many will come away popular variety with the exper en re in g gisind palace hotel whkoh N. A. Conte for the wardenslit the dock, and we while awal the interven- Cttei 'quality. Cherries were an�', enormous will overshadow beiigde- In politics �0 W" re a experimen both ing time looking ever it, and they treat ids b6fo winter setai in, and I know that many each of the past four years. i' size and appointments even 'the Windsor feated by only one vote�
Accideut and P19te Glass -operativ to for crop, and in size and quality considerably n
were American citizens. Ev- 'more would do so but, for the fact hat they 4. In the co Pride of Gene- ahead 'of -the average all varieties were a of Montrealor the Chateau Frontense of abroad -minded Liberal, popular with just as if we 1897, Stewart's Champion, Was also an activewoiker in money. Dan three days I I by parties. He rag the is erything on board is kept in apple pie order have no as, Dawson ) a Go�den Chaff, -and Siberian large crop. Gooseberr 9, red, white and Quebec. The,promoters are eucouraget of rohibition. Her leaves a 'widow An ccideat policy costs little. Are n is shining. It is not a very was there I walked several miles up both a i the spring. black currants were the most,' abundant the return of good times to push, their thecause and everythi d pitiful sights eir irywhiri. made the beat appearafice 11 i V4 grdwn in scheme and it is believed that they will ac - and several children. Mr. Brown Was born sured I formidable that trails and fou Dawson�s Golden Chaff and Early crop, larvest and best qualit t0lwnsbi�, hio cept the offer of the On you in loo in affair, and we felt have no idea of the hardshi for one 5. tario Government Lo in Motherwell, Fallarton t - -is atil safe. .1 am sure I could People A possessed the strongest, and E mex ; but raspberries, Of a I rieties,and
our coun in the Genesee Giai father, James Browint sr,.o having been polite v& were he to show who is unaccustomed to such Siberian - the colore,were if possible the nionk abundant donate a site having frontage of 250 feet on
cdonald POP the cap in myself attempt to traverse such a - coun r with a the, Pride of Genesee and ftuit. They'were hauled to Detroit in Kingstreet. The Government owns eon.. master and the -firt school teacher in the him a I oked to be just about four lb
Ranald J. Ma take - him way pack. Many young fellows, a parently weakest. straw in 1897. d1centruthfullysay from 6. siderable property in the locality and place. He- leaves three - brothers amr and half feet square, strong and vigorous, soon give out. I would 6.1 The Dawson!s Golden Chaff and the wagons, an, reliable reports, that scores, the site in the belief that the erection of Motherwell. C. P. R. - Telegraph and Canada Accident you would. were digesting, man lying down by- the si Is of the Stewart's Champion were the least, and the servation and Agent. While our various suppers find a Insurance Company
14uhh. AF
'here tall the week com- THIRTIETH YEAR. Mau BROS., Publis Auguat Tth, Rem� SEAFORTH RIDAY T 27' i $1 a Year in dvaum
VWI&OLE NUMBER, 1,55MO. AUGUS I 180116f ctaking always s and ends of a -ould more tkan ADAYAT MACKINAC ISLAND. we mat on the dock and admired the summer polt 11, seemingly aliovther done up.' Pride of Genesee and the Early GeneseL if not handredp, of large two-borse wagon such an hotel as proposed w
�ea the last 4e, Giant were the most &ffected by rust. loads of those delicious berrie# were hauled offset the value of the gift in.enhanoing the them, but in real. 16ON7 KNOW WHAT TO DO. e of the adjacent bailding lobs. The le 7. The Stewart's Champion and the to the American city of the gyaits. Grapes pric ..,a84 few yjrd Apart from its natural and artificial ity the were much more palatial and cost- U r, Uri oottAges. - Cottages I call Hello, partner,' I would may. I What sal is to bui' .4 FUt beauty, Mackinac Island is a most interest. ly looking than most of us are accustomed Pride of -Genesee produ6ed the greatest promise an abundant crop. Theta will he propo I an eight-mitory building
cleared- ty ing p "a. are you ig! to, do ?' The answer was al terra cotta a -ad prws" brik
I It has a history and were one to live in an all the year round houses. most al goij
11PL Molloy W.- - ; length of straw. no peaches here this year. and very few ap- of gmY stone,
M1 loci 0 - , ways ihe game 0h, I don't know. 8. The Early! Red dlawson and the ples. This is so very d�ifferent from a year to cost $600,000, P161111 for which have been
to believe all the stories that- are told you 'r final tour of Tiring of this we made o.� tise of. There's jilt a' lit seeing. Th6 Grand hotel, the hotel of A ood many looked as if they didn't care, Dawson's Golden Chaff were the, firab to ago, when both apples and peaches were prepare".
by the guidso, you are apt to come L eitter. They were too- far gone." uoh an immense crop. All bodied in Toronto at this mature, and the Early Genesee Giant 'and- a' kinds of root —Mrs. Wm. Waite, w to the conclusion that this little. piece all the hotels in the place, � was the point of a men' bave the Stewart's Champion were the last to� crops are the beat I ever saw here. led her body to the Otario
r. Fish and other busines Corn, recently, wil
of lizil has been the acme of some of the interest. , With rates ringing up to $12 a a a project to. establish sup- mature. SALE most . important epoobs in as stati rllu%e Klondike regiou, and the noses. The husband bas oom- ,ell them been oonsid ri ut the Medical College for Womin, to be used for
utea& in t most of it at least, was laite planted, b
history. The daywehaduohoposof everbeing there �' Golden Chaff and tl�'e' hot spell, lasting for about two weeks scientific pur
island. comprises some thousands of acres of guests. bat for a time we � could elbow our pl� one 9. The Dawson a and trap from which Mr. Fish h i t returned k hf�r request. Mm -Waite bad nifke, an lug Stewart's Chain 6dabed the plumpest the copious rains, made it grow- very fast, lied Witt
next land, thi groater portion of which belongs way among those who o,)uld. It was just h The idea of flnJing out what �i�u pr i
vhe-A oery odd lilt to the State of Michigan, and it in rented to getting dark as we neared the hotel, and _wM made wit grain, and the iberian and' Poole the -mod and the outlook now in gcod for an average gorror of being buried &live and � took this
could be * done toward arranging for shrunken grain. crop. Winter wheat is the best crop I have means of preventing such an oecurrenoe. r3y. r50118 On w ich to erect summer resi- the immense building was brilliantly lighted the transportation of - goods inland from —Desperadoes set fire to the barns of 10. The counties of rei, Middlesex and ever seen in Essex in 13 years residing here, the larg- t number of alae- based on keen observation and -report t Wilson, of Brampton, Friday nigh DAY ren , the rental going towards keeping up from top to botto& On the fine wide 'What he saw con' Huron furnished t his house and tan- ffled a reranant Wa Dyes of I Skagaway. S. Robe
Of t The balance'of the land is piazza the people were ostensibly out for
er, placed On autir vinced ' Mr. Wh that the Lower cessful winter w 7. Harvest is i They then proceeded to
,th �eat rexris in 189 a, thing of the past, and a number owned by permanent residents, with the ax. the evening promenade but it really seemed a ladyaold watch. And
Yukon offered the only route available for a sacked it, adouring
ce 1e only 00 to us unsoiliisticated r' ain is11. The experigmenters have taken muph of farmers have threshed and the yield ih th
e caption of some 600 acres, I untioa that their in d chain and'
jt purpose. interest in the work) as sh 'own by the mahy best in many years, from 20 to 3$ bushels chain, a gentlemans watch an a d at a � i farms on' the island. a and nd male, wort1k A'W These farms origia4lly object was, to exhibit their fine cloth a, favorable eomme�ts given F in the reports per acre in some cases, and the quality and some money. There is no clue tohe crim,
ALA belonged to one man, and are said to li�ve they were certainly go?reous, resplendent inals. Second and First Class an iexample,: 11 Co- size of grain is far &head of the averag
la here remil"tut week. SATURD el the followhig being abeen given to him by the BAtish for iufoim- with diamonds lore. at these lords of t hould be located will be a good crop, not so much- straw —The sanitarium for consumptiva at ; - - operative experimen a a -in OAts 6L means that i.. F dollaaar did not seem, to be au. i aZ Ation given which enabled them to idapt4re the Omight, Certiftates Gravetiliurst was formally opened Saturdayi, conspicuous plac a as obj I t lessons. My but more grain, larger and better ,quality.
i ies were taken part in by a
ze and that the island from -the Americans. The iiland premely happy. The rich ones seemed to Tire following is a- list of those who have ant withi winter w eat was near the 'Barley is also a good crop. Alihou h thli is and the ceremon originally owned by the French, who snub the smaller ones, while the smaller assed their third and fourth form examin- experim wit t best were the founders of the fort. It was taken ones were envious of their big fellow guests: ations in this county road where 200 to 300 rigs passed daily. not a pea growing country, there i I be a numberof the prominent members of ih6 The visitations to the plots Were -very num- good average crop. Some rye is- grown British Scientific Association. The build- from the French by, the Americans 'who re- and each seemed to via with the (,theirto se6' [ modate 100 patientg, THMD FORM. realized. ing, which will accom,
erous. The iemarks b passers by and the here and pretty good crops are SIC00' 4th; 97 inforced the fort. 'They were not left -in who could make the grander show. Our CLaNTON—M. Aitken, J. Anderson, W. a made wo d fill a volu'nle. The Tha bay or6p was good, clover. excellent - a was erected at a costf $40,000.
undisturbed possession for long. The Bri- clothes might perhaps have looked shabby I comparison ) ke —The body of Fred 81ster, the ya�ng
Z. Bagabaw, R. Capling, A. M. Fraser, M, experiment actiially bees me the leading large number were banking on'Alsi accompallyin
tish cast a coveting glance at the possession beside some of 'these people and our pockets 1rowler'S. Irwin,,N. J. Isbister, D. F. M . the village talk for some time clover seed as a mortgage lifter, but their man who disappeaTed after 9 C41ovee, Blouse$, and desired Was thoir own, a desire which,' were certainly not so well lined with gold, 1i . c topic of Mitchell, the Toronto girl who 8wen, A. McLean, H. MoNaughton, W: =8 to harvesting. I ius many object hopes will not pan out,aa it is almost a com- Miss *itb the aid of the gentleman afore men- bet I doubt if any of them slept as com- several mitted suicide recently, to - Cleveland, w"'
cTavi-h, A. Marshall, R. 0. Richardson weraleatnedby ev�ry day obsery plate failure here this year, but for their bula, Ohio. He v Was
tioned, they were enabled to -gratify. -The fortably or as peacefully and happily on M E. Robb, E. Switzer, A. Taylor, C. A. era I have tal�eD a good ( eal of paing With ye 0 it has been an abundant crop. Plums found near' Ashtal
We have mad.6 it the custom to hold Americans afterwards attempted to regain costly beds, as we did in our �unks in oubby , * an ar arded
�Tebbutt, N. W.Trewartha, A. L. Twitchell, the d Nearly drowned. The remains have been forw
experiment but feel I W�i pears will also be a light crop I rl 4- -11 a futur- it but were unsuccessfal Some years later holes of staterooms. t. - 131 & I . to Galt for burial.Cape Clot,hs� Dres,_�, .,ns Bros, !N_�ON. ,�r Hiiggin ia recQv attack of quin8y.—Mm
ato, is visiting at Mr- of Tumberry.—Mr. Mae., in- GordoWs drug stora, off work with an ausoess. Blake.' - idesarg. Albert Mtro, rid; Harry Daran# haver
�f 'the excursion to 1w �a-sed to learn, that Iho, ere who have been attwA- w(l Seaforth Collegiatwi�,. ful in their examinattonL-
ana ary, ohn Ealer w4, been spending thoir� h�-va resumed their da%JW_ ;d.,�Ddig^iLtesf baver bow ad the Sunday school &an& dr convention at Clint*.
�Vednesday. ' next.—Quite &.1 ung people attended tho
Varna l"t week. The oved them�elves spleadY
ij attended the BA i1a
DFaryoangL� people patron , - z -The Misses MLeCaaghav,
,,been visiting relatives in, d.—Alliss -.-Richardson, of- -Rosetta, Cal ling.Tboae�_� p
uuping-out from here,, bave. on account of the cool. kaiurn. 1�owd visired under thez- toiidon last week. ----Mr.,
�pened with a very painful A piece. of wood flyi.n& ached to he plainer struck ind broke it. Jim is T07- j . aachinery.—TAIr-N. Stalker . . . . . n Wednesday, and is an- r Samuel L�ovson, formerly-
iz* foreman'. over a thre"X
,- Yur�gblnt left. for hlord=v- Wednesday. He intand�ff- T. Acheson,- who -intend&- �'out there.—Mr- John #1id i ed at �'Nvlr G. F. t ;1se", ander the parental e are glad to learn thAtl- isjok . . . . . .
,kb1w who has been 11 .� improving.—INliss younK., ;iting at Mrs. McGaes 'o-1 and wife. took in the ex- 4nd report having &904At- he fa.ruxerslof Colborne rei,- ashels of wheat to the aor#-s- tard they will have about ,.ra. Po -ton, of Clevelall4i . . . . . . . . en and friends YULngblut'. of aMuder- the parental roaf.� low "at. present.—MN5 left lor Ottawa to lilt access go witla'� aBeadie has disposed fox haiindsl a0d hag flvlw'
ood ones. odemch. J . . . . . . . . . of Public Works, iei Engineer Costs, vi�ite# urday. The Ministef waw-- n, V� the town council W4 n of influential residall* ly received. After jbeen made,, a processiOlt Or
medp which was headed by' nd proceeded to the c0ur�'
iurge, assemblage 'Waite,4 W H- 7.p]�,arance WWF ster. Is. a
Arty. cheera,'afte-- which 00' e, on behalf of the citizengt�* Nlr.A. was reid by of the citizens c1nn1itt4W' I Ply, thanked the cOnricIC derich for the enthusiast" ad been given him, ark at- the harbor, he wad
the neqessity of such Work on he bad placed $55j6OW to be, expended for t M reg.retted that grefitf t been faade- with the W001- t the fault of the D"rr�'� Ister and 4&e- delegation Bedford, wheXW . . . . . . . . .
to the Hotel 'aa spread.. the �Chsjr bai'619 rhorapsolit or his Mr. Tarte, n" in the put himself able and arty, then took ca,and the public the evening they and, a A t, ., ban( tar*, 'itizeng, Grit, and Tory;, ption given hin, on' .0sident member Of of 0 to his mother and 0 .hert townsh-,P- en state nearly thirty- aproaebOg a h� -was ai at" time hew, hing, as it is called in a year, go he, west, and is now a labor.
at, WU alr'lr VIAQ-� JD1, Wilma. ThelolLOWIngleaGing v rie or winter every lover of t, r UML%;W W, JVIJ 0--i
ar, at the it was ceded to the Americans- on their BiLL. —Rev. John Wood died recently at his itv sale twice every ye i EAFORTH—Iffl. Aberbart, W. W. Aitche- Wheat will be distributed is year for co- tobacoo, who has Und, grows Lenough and handing over to the British St. Joseph's d in French, Latin and Greek), operative enti in* tario more for their own ase. Others make a home in Norwich, after several W:eeks' se- clos,o Of each'season. island. So much for the history of the The Great Want of Our DaY. "on caus�d by cau(,er of the liver- Ad& rea;tet%, M. B. Bond (passed in Latin), Set 1. = a Gold Chaff, Early business of raising ik in large quantities a -i d vere illness, little plot.. Clarkson M. Gillespie, N. R. HOff�- Genesee Giant and Early Red Clawson. caring it and sellinj�lt, and.they 2ST it is a The deceased was in the 75th year. Rev. As, to the merits of futurity day so far After alighting from the boat we wander DEAR EDiToR,—What is the great want P. E. 9 d was a hig31Y esteemed minister of our day with respect to religion ? It is man, F. A. Kidd, D. -R. Landeborough Set,2. Dawson's Golden Chaff, Pride of paying crop. I cannot close without saying John Woo as it afects our mistomerst you aTe up the short dock with the full intention of the want of knowledge and grief fo d -in German and Latin), A. C. Law- Genesee and Poole. a few words about politics. Well,we had our -of the Methodist church, having been i in the best judges. Look� back upon seeing the sights. The main or business �cKay, C. B. a hot- active eervice about forty years, and nine 0 street presents almost a city appearance so sonal sing. They whose duty. it'is to- "show" rence, F. J. Lawrence, . F. M Set 3. Dawson's G61d�n Chaff, New fill in 1896. The municipal election wa nated'ininister. the purchases you made from us the Lord's p�ople th6ir transgressions and -M�Kinley, C. McIntosh, A. A. McLaren, Columbia and Imperial Ambqr. - years a superann
crowded is it. In a minute we are surround ly contested in January, then the Dominion sins," are feeble in T. McQuaid(passed in French and German), Any person act a careful elections in June, and our opponents got Eo —Fire deatroved. the residence of Mr. on that day. and see if they were the house of Jacob their rishing to ciand ad by a throng of anxious guides who wish 1. Sim�pson, M. A. Smillie, h Ge Hudson, at R 5 id City, Manitoba, the duty. On the one hand they fear our R. J. Muldrew, experimefit wit one of these sets should- badly knocked out wen they were so sure 0 not satisfaetorr,,.purchases. FrOln to drive us around and, who, in -their per- 1 of winning in onth NWednesday night oplast week, urin displeasure ; on the o6her, they fear to give B. Stephens, H. VanEgmond. apyly to the 1�xperiment st, Agricultura 8 Essex.. Oar member on Hudson al
sistence, far excel the ordinary back driver. an his absence from home. Mr
your stand poiAt, then, futurity us pain. They shrink from using. the lance GoDzuxcu—M. A. Amy, A..Blake, J. Co legs, Guelph, for the d ired set an&one- elect, M. K. Cowan,'M. P., is a young in all rig 0M, We are forced to make a selection and for 3ility, and as a speaker hard to four children perished in the flameir. Noth� day is 11t. How is it fr and proceed to healing medicines before our Campion, L. 1. Cunningham, J. B. Cratts, half pound of each vad together 'With of marked al a known of the fire until next morn- ours 7 What do we gain by it q our own comfort a hasty one ; a wise one as diseases are in condition to receive -benefit 0. Crowaton, B.. Duff, P. D�usmore, W. A. instractions for testing the blank lorm beat on the political platform. Our next ing wa son returned home, to is subsequently proven. Nine of us,, if we from them. We do not kno how to mourn Elliott, B. E. Graham, G. M. Graham, T. on which to report will belfurnished free of election was. caused �y our late lamented ing, when 14r. Had What is � its o'biect 7 How on include our driver, and he is an important forourown or our neighbor'seins. Who AL Gordon, W. B. Hawkins., E, Ai Hill, G. cost t The sapply of son�e of Balfour getting promoted- to a cabinet posi�- find his- family and house in ashes ? part of the turnout,pile into a big wagonette I o his addres. 4vernment of Ontario, —OaWednesdaypthe Glencairn IL for earth do you call it such a name will instruct us of the evil of sin, for we do, Howard,. M. Keefe, T. 11. McLaughlin the varieties' is limited, but w4 will lie an- tion in the Hardy G -tive time, -showed herself a These qmestions we will answer, and off we go. I should say up we go, for not know it ? Would thaf they whose workJ (passed in French and Latin), A. McDonald abled to furnish a large number with� this but our opp4ents in this election gave us the third coneecu the road winds gradually higher and higher, it is were strOn d in French, German and Latin), D. seed before th"e supply is exhausted. no opposition, . and last, but not, least, the better yacht thin the Momo in a Atiff prove, rebuket' use through lovely cedar aua beach woods, until"', J ed breeze, and by her Win over the Ameri--an
noting bylbe way deat they were (4cDougall, L. J. R. Naphthel, E. P&ter. 11tened to 11 re
by intersted exhort with ong suff6ring and-doetriue,'! C. Ai ZAVITZ, election in October to fill the vacancy caus o, secured to Canada for another questions= asked us we reach the highest point. some .300 feet. and that we were made hu m-ble and teachi argon . H. Reid, J. M. Robertson (passed Agricultural ollege, : Experimentalist. by Hon. W. D.- Balfour's untimely death, Yact Mom ge cup of the customers in the past. and over above the lake level. All the time able. in LaIiiij, A..F. Roberison,.A. J. Snell, M. Guelph, Aug. 23rd, 1�?7- when his late partner, John Allan Auld, year the handsome challenj Club of New our driver keeps strinfing off his stories and Tichborne, E. B. Tilt, W. G. H. Whyard. was elected for South Essex by mote than Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht Fliturity sale, day from our stand point we would like to ieve them all if we 11 TAt him that righteous is me smite, FOURTH FORM. 1,100majority. Our Ottawa Governmeut� York. uld,andwheu the flow of talk seems Ik eh!kll a kindness be Tube r1culosis in Cattle. Wm.Butler,of Dereham Centre,shipped
is cluite' satisfactory, because we cO Lot hilm reprove, I skill It count H. Lennox, E. PARLT AVENT BUILM12168, appears to be all right, with the right tion a car load of . stock to Montre &I exhibition about to lag,we fire up more quebtions. A precious oil to me. CLiNTox—Forrn IV.— ToRoNTO, Auguat 20th, 189 I Sir Wilfrid. Liurier as cominander-in-chief: I gaii, the use of a lot of money in We are au eyes and ears and I doubt if Snob smiting shall not break my head, Middleton, W. J. Scott. on Wednesday afternoon last week. 'While
For yet the time *hall fall Sim"ouTH—Form IV—F. D. Clarkson. DEAR ExposITO I Wish to draw your ek, a bultwhich
exchange for broken. lines of cloth- anything escaped us. Suddenly as we turn Canada. oadiog a portion of the sto When I to their calamities Form IV.—Parb I.—J. J. Byrne, W, W. attention'to a bulletin issued July,! 1897, was in charge of Mr. Corbin., turned on in-, wbich we would. have to - carry a sharp corner, we are.presented to the arch To Gid pray for them shall. Special subjecte—M. B. Bond. by the Ontario Departmetit of Agricilture, —Nearly 4,000 laborers left Ontario last him, and, would ha im to death 0 - Thompson. i ve trampled h
over to another season, did we not rock, as its name implies, -a huge arch of A READ M. (French and German). dealing w1th,Taberculosisi in cattle.': This ba, r. rock some 150 feet high. it is' a beatiful week for Manito had not help been nea, As it was, Mr.
the limbe dd ends of stock -at GoDERrcii—Forra IV.—S. J. A. Boyd, E. is aost important and useful publication,' —A company is being formed in Wood Corbin was severely injured about
offer these o sight, the arch itself, underneath the water, -the Klondike! S. C641tes, J. X. Christilaw, L. J. Elliott, and will full� repay a careful study, of its stock for the purpose of sending prospectors that could not help but magnificiently shaded from the many color- Ho I for and chest. prices are resj)octfully to.the Yukon country. Nail McDougall,yrincipal of the Park- od rocks of the bed and above and on all San Francisco, C. R. Le Touzel, H. A. Ryan, M_- Sbra% contents. Institute officers sell. 7.1 J. H. Tigert. 'Form IV.—Part L—E. W requested tollbring this publication o the . —There Wag & White froat in Winnipeg on hill public schog'l, had a narrow escape from sides am far as the eye can see, the calm California, August 19, T ir respec i 'He and rs of the lake. We get down from the Dickson, J. G. Dickson, 1. - W. J. Killpat- notice of this farmers in the' tive die* Wednesday night of last week, but no dam drowping at Port Dover lant week. The object of futurity yd'a- will have Wate DE&R ExrosiToR,—If any'of your readq�s iiek, L. Monti, M. McCluskey, L. M. Tred- tricts. This can be done through the local age was done to the crops. Frank, Riddell went into Silver IAka for #- . wagon in a burry and climb to the to of or any of my old friends in Huron are amit- —Andrew Patfullo, proprietor of the Mv bein a v the previ- ere press, at public meetings, and at special OWL'iM Land Mr. not . 9 rY
partly understoo from While % r, and shore Lao far
a the arch to get a wider view.
Ous statement, fullv explained. It we have our pictures taken. Getting,* your ten with the Youkon gold feve meetings called for the pu�pose of discuso Woodstock Sentinel -Reviews is laid iip with good swimmer, got out from the
impatient to be off that they may sh I . a , of t he was unable to at back and had
qui a as im. ove Valuable Varieties of Winter this question., At least one ouch I pecia an att&c� yphoid fever. that is to clear �up OUT stock- at the end picture taken here seems to be the precious metal into their wallets a C meeting should be held in -each Institute —Mr. Fre . C. Wade, of Winni ag,. has suak twice before MrAidaell noticed his
f 0.1 portant a factor as it is in a wedaing party. Wheat. T thus become millionaires in a few days or District between now and April lat, 1898,- been appointed registrar. and der of the predicament and rescued him withifficilty. of every Beason, to make room But we must move &Ion and' as we 90 houraj would bid them pause and consid�rs REPORTS OF SUCOESSFUL WINTER WHEAT and as many more an the funds of the In- Supreme Court for tae Yukon district. inco . mino, ,00ds. burglis bl —Seven young Englishmen from Kelato 00 higher we pass the Sugar taf, a huge rock before they allow their impetuosity to load ExpERImE,,�Ts rRom 231 ONTAR10FARAIS. aiitute'will allow. This is 96 vital question, Friday night a* open the England, passed through Winnipeg a few
resembling in shape the old fashioned agar them to so perilous an undertaking. Am9'ng and should be dealt with in a vigorous yet safe in the Uxbridge post office, but were a Klondike. They we name it futurity day is (Written for Tnz ExpostTOR days ago,7en route to th
The reason loaf, hence its name. Of its origin we heard many others with whom I have conver�eci, careful manner. frightened a*ay without getting an thing. say that there is great excitement in m6nV that having sold man an article two stories. One,that some time in the very about that land of -promise is Mr. Georgel L. There will likely be about 800,000 acres An stated on page 8 of %foresaid bulletin, —There has been an 'epidemic o cholera tl� variably rly ages a meteor diopped there. The Fish, a wholesale grocer of- Oakland, V�ho sowu with winter wheat in Ontario within Lieutenant-Colonel McCiae has b6en em- hifanturn among the infants of Tilbury dur- seetloLne of England ovef-the Klondike golid on this day, he in becomes ea; his Satanic returned a day or two ing the past wdek, an discoveriesi The aecou4 MAnitoba party for
so that other, that on -one occasion ago from Dyea, -%�ith the next month. It is very important, ployed to deliver illustra d addresses ex- d- six deaths have oc-
a customer on other days, Majesty had, in afit of rage, thrust up his his wife. Mr. Fibh gives a most disscou�ag- therefore, that winter wheat growel.0 take plaining-the mode of det cting the� isea . se, curred. Klondike has secured means of transporta- e sales result, thus futurity hand causing an upheava of the rock and - ount of the present conditioa� of every available means to secure those var- tion over Chilcott Pass. j The Maai6obanis f Lttur ing ace treatirig diseased ackni als, disinfecting —4r. R:)ber� Meighen, president of the Iiie a sturdy lot, and well able tovough it. 41 distinct vain for us. A full when he removed�hig hand the rock harden- kagawal, �nd ieties which are likely to give the beat re P. Lake of the Woods Njilling Company, es. is * a airs at both Dyea and 81 ables, etc. Mr. McCr will &Is' be in ri e list will be publisbed in next ad and -stayed there. Perhaps both are true- g winter wil mean sults. By experiments conducted within toba at —A sad drowning affair occurre iu TV- predicts that the comin readin�ss at- all times to test'herds 'or single timates the wheat yield of Mani
for it We see the rifle range where the soldiers a the past eight years at the Ontario Agri- ronto Sunday afternoon. A ferry raft, com- suffering and death for many among th animals, owned by farmelis,in order'to show 92 OW,000 bushels.' f the boye',of
Watch g 152 varieties of mistioned for the convenience 0 week's 1,,xPOSITOR used to practice and get a view in at the thousands of adventurers. In discUin cultural College with the owner: how to do the I work afterwards. —The case of fraud against the Thompson
in the meantime. back of old Fort 31ackinae. Skull Cave the matter to -day, he said,- after telling 1f all winter wheat, it is found that ther the east end of the city to o to the swim- a 'a a' All appli-.ations for Mr. IMcCrae's services brothers, of Toronto,'in connection with the place, on which were ascore of child. ming I
comes next and we dismount and ekawl. in to the troubleo at the blockades great variation in the comparative yields of hould be inade to the un ersigned; through zled k 'ek, an d. see if peret-hance we can find some relic of the i produced by th6 different varieties* ohn Eaton Company' failure, has fiz ren, upEet and they were . all dumped into ,from wee- towe I We U0 ol " Skagaway will be the most largely- op- grait the secretary of the local armerOnstitute, 2out, and they have been liberated. 0 th to month, talkill"! to the rebel chief who remained here in hiding and e a c but when' for any reason,1 this is not p rac. —The Toronto bakers have combined to eifthte-en feet of water. By thelherdio ef- Mon eluding his pursuers We ulated city in Alaska this winter, but ere t is also found that the vari tie whi h fo7r'ts of some men who were at handiall were HE ExpoSITOR, always succeeded in is not a building in the place—nothing but have given good average results in he ex. ticable or�adviaable, the Jarty or p�rties d4;- a t four lads ranging in age. from reade-.s of T conducted at the college' for a raise the price of bread, o wing to the d- saved excep climb still higher and are let down at Point airing Air'. McCrae's servi�es may obtain the vanes in flou. The 10 -cent four pound vina -we flatter ourselves, some- tents. There are a few saloons and a oies peHments 7 to l2y�iars. ha Cy - B(I jo offer our Lookout. If thereis auystoryin connec- under canvas, and the saloons are doi g' an few years in succession have usually -given same by applying diree to tho under-- loaf will in future be sold for 11 cents. _0n_ Thurday:evening of lamb week, two thing to say a tion with it I have forgotten it and remem- good satisfaction throughout Ontario. . This :1 ber only the beautiful view we got from our sxcellent business, and will while the ros- fact has been determined by the results of iigned. In this case, M_ McCrae's work —Miss Sadie Fisher, of Brantford, :has men, name& Holt and McCartney, while
leis. tore' money' lasts. I Shotgun ' wh ske.y qh. and the, correspondence connected there6 entered suit through L.F-Heyd against Ed- standing on the edge of an old stanequary reac Pee co-operative experiments conducted thrDu, strictly I confiden- W e 1 -ton
exaltedness -and how muddled the spiral selis at 25 cents a drink. At. Dyea th re is with, will be considered ard Harris,. r, cently of the Hami town of PiCtoll, weft out tbe province during -e tial. Herald, for $10,000.- damages for breach of just outside of the ing" you have d ach of the past five In that -%vGrd SOMeth -road had made me in my directions. We can one wooden building, a sort of ln.� sup� suddenl�y ving. lan Bxperimental buried to the 'heek by the ca
the incentive to drive to a sitill higher point and upwego, ply store. The only other sheer are years In connection with the i The terms on which Mccr will be promise of marriage. "ground on which they were stand- the motive power, about our busi- until we reach Fort Holmes, 426 feet high, I at the college. From seven to nine sent to address meetings r test h do are as ' —Dr. Bormar, who contested North Bruce in of the tents, and in- many cases people sleep n the work ing. Holt bad one leg broken -and was oth- our and said to have been built. by the British in varieties have been selected each Te&L for
euthusiasm air on their blankets, spread o , the follows The Institutelor� indi-idual re- with Mr. McNeil, M. P., at the last general McCartney was
open erwise seriously injured.
That Word, something, in 1812. On his point is a Government our- _S quiring such services sh 11 be r, -juired to election, has been appointed. a surgeon
dam rocks or earth. In time 1. ka away sending out to ex-ftoudents of the Agricul of badly braise They were baried eight,
d. )le vey tower, and we are. not contented with a cot m. the (Air case applies to good relial will te the land ing point, for pie, of tursl College, and to other interested and pay his �ctual travelling expeneei ro the Northwest Mounted Police, and will be -to the 1. ssive farmers throughout Ontario, hours before they were reicudd. ption, for stijoking to the earth, but'climb up Miles up from the beach it is a compa'ativeN progre time he leaves home unti � he reta ms there- located at Tasish. :.-A lirg�'quantity of dyne'Vite and giant v descri ad their desire to '0111 oci clothing of ever. w Of in 1-11 I 0 top of the toer and get a splendid vie ly level wooded spot, where it is p)ssible who:have.expreas to. Every effort will be nade to keep the —The Britidh Science Ass ation assem- men and boys. wo veral nowderf . stored at Rebbs' time quarry, near the whole island and cah even spy out some I iere is the co-operative experimental it, and for a town to be built. At Dyea, t exppnsw� as low as possib a. Wh4 n e. e bled' in convention in Toronto last Week, I?ort Colborne, exploded Thursdayp doing
U the mainland be f d have written for the necessary material. pers= living in one district require in- when the different sessions were Rattended nothing, and no harbor can t u, the ex U b6 divided considerable damage. Fortunately at c- -iy materiab oin now , eve In the a stru t It oes Dot apply to trasl -We have been to the top and fr wMere, though something of the sor ar be attimn of 1896; seven varieties of by about a thousand of the most prominen ax
-Senses, wi
drive inter wheat were selected for diitribution curred atan early hour and no one W for our view of that class of stuff out we gradually desceqd and in our w equally sLmong the persons served. [ All other scientists of America and -Europe. - hurt. Air. Foster's glass factory was: level- 6rranged near Skagaway. is, that it is worse than no pass the two farms a divided into three sets with three aly dss. -a thiDcr I h�ve spoken of. But ' .,T -he White Paso will be impra ticable and wer expense in connection therewith will be de. . bbs' lima kilns
i -each, the.Dawson's Golden in—Saturday night fire almost -tot in Galt. led to the ground� r. one used to the farms of old Huron they frayed b the Depart ant of Agri,6ulture. to until a road is made through the warn b troyed the fire bell and town stable were badly damaged and his barns burned. A man cannot sell 91 nothing " to I throughout as a asis by ash to don,'t appear to be an, overly valuable poo- lying on the fart�her side of the sump it. Chaff being usei I*ish to urge -upon you the desirability The,fire originated in the -bay mow, sup- Buildings in surrounding towns shook as if his hurt, but be may -sell tr session. When we have " struck. bottom," fearfully cold and cutting wind at which the results of all the varieties could they were about to fall, and muo gl W We have of takilli advantage of this opport,unity, for. pos6dly from spontaneous combustion. The ass as
b ows mpare *th one another. 9
his sorrow. we are t the British Landing, the a ot times throdgh both passes at the rati of 80 be ce d W1 the -fbllowing reasons!- All 1pure-bred lose will be about $1,000, fully covered by broken. where the British are said to have lansed or 90 miles an hour, and its effee *upon received 231 full and satisfactory reports of animals I sold for breeding plu�poies to insurance. --T-The aldermep of Montreal have'decided Our own make of boys' 50c, 65c and when they captured the island. it Is a !arefully conducted winter wheat experi. oseph Herbert and I be in greater de- beautiful spot and we all,� even our driver, those who are trying to make . h adway ( a for 1897. This number is more than American buyers must be tested with tuber —Twor roofers n&med J that the outlook for �a serious sna�llpox
t it may be better imagined th n des- ment culin, and ' ad to be 'Bound, b�fore bheY Alfred Gague" while at work Friday at the epidemic is very grave. There are now 75c Pants wil ear. These Xrov from the wagon and hunt for agates elf. felt in the double that of any previous y a east end depot, Montreal, fell eight cases fully developed in the 0vic Hog a g i nda felt in than ever- now$ as school ' cribs . 'Italso makes itself are al �re to cross the line ; �aii,d the day C P R. jump a ch for reports came from 35 counties, 19 of which on the beach, and for aught we know we towns—to call Dyea and Skagaway is not far distant when ill animals supply- f* he iround, 47 feet, and pital. All these are from different parts of clies hued. through- rom a scaffold to t'i nd 16 west of Guelph. red that he Opening apprOa, nay - have garnered some of the pebbles, the morn6nt_pa�ticularly during the winter, are situated east a 'mil' con, Herbert is so bdly iniU will the city, and several aria uuder-olmervAtion a piece to patch with for 'those The following table givies the oomparative� ing 4 or dairy produe a for human out, and on which our illustrious countrymen and the sufferinff and death amon 'ti ' must by law so teet�d and de- P It has been decided to divide the city into the �rod when they were seeking to add another who are forced to Wait there uu . til spring results of straw and grain per acre of thi sumP 'On I a mouth!s ago the robably die. in ts and have house to house U_ winter�wheab varieties tested during the clared sound, Only a —On Friday afterneop, the street cars 24 distric wel to the crown. We have come to the inio , be dreadful Je Will, in my op n h young lady 6-1' on. As a -he teen addition- officers of the Board of Health, of Toronto, Kingston were manned wi nati ginning, six s suits at 87 and Boulevard drive as well. Thi's ig a drive- phst season on 231 farms,: Our own inake of D1611'� SHOULD TAKE NVARZING. I made a demand that this plan pu in conductors. The objidt was to raise money; al health cons bles were appointed. 'Straw per acre Grain per acre a beech around a portion of 'far as Toronto was concerned. This for a home. The young ladies wore —R. F. Holtermana, of Brantford, preal- the island. It is a lovely drive, and we I would most strongly urge th (tons) (bus. 60 lbs.) force as a nurse' $10, are g.rowing steadil . y in favor. way right on th vidual in a position to demand will be renewed here and,' at other snow-white uniforms, t�!nfimed with red and' - of the Beekeepers' Asoodiation of Oa- I dent ry indi t C0111C in a -11c, mtl�:e us prove all our feel that we would not have migeed it on papers and eve Dawson's Golden oints, d sooner or la�er it will be an- red crose on the righ ,i -,e to impress upon the public with Chaff 2.2 33.9 P Ian tario, reports the honey crop in Western any account. We can see the Lover's Leap give adv F the will of er., Doubt. will do �.hat it is the height lof folly Stewart's Champion 2.4 33.7 forced b, the ponsurn —Mr. Henderson, Ontario game warden Ontario below the -average, while in Eastern newaip-aper statenients—Ifl too, a piece of jutting rock far above. our all earnestness n ebeo, �t is to start north until the winter tax less witfiin a few years 10gialatio will be for the Linds%y d4triet, lost his life. He Ontario,and the province of QU heads on wbich an Indian girl is rsaid to for anyone 4y Red Clawson 2.1 31.2 o, one whose constitubion enacted compelling all i animals. Rold for was preparing to shingle a rain otorehouse total failure, the worst for tseventeen, years. have stood watchig the return of her lover has f-issed. N -Pride of Genesee 2.2 y 'Satrd nost vigorous can expect to stand Early Genesee Giant 2.1 30.6 breeding purposes to be tested and declared at Lindsay, Ontario, when tJhe scaffold gave Clover, thistle ana linden form the prinet Remember Futurit �"Y) who had gone out to win glory and scalps in u6vbhe i sourd. In view of these'f eta the prudent
with a hostile tribe. The boats are the hardships of life at Dyea or S gaway, Siberian 2.3 29.6 way and he fell 181eet,itriking on -his head. source of No. I honey. The linden blossom September 4th. a War beyond. If there is 't snow Poole 1.8 27.51 farmer And live stock bra der wilt do well to ?pened out daring the intensely hot weather returning, bat she mistakes the signal given or on the trails make himself fully a6qua nt*d with the con- He died ari hour later. July. L This flower requires e001 And. is a case of mu here —John Arnold was instantly killed, and in herandinher grieve over the supposed on the ground'it As none except 231 kood reiorts of sue- tents of this bulletin. A eo may be ob. w herself Troin is no comfort to be- found anywhe- his companion, the fourteen -year-old son of moist weather tv secure honey, and conse
............... death of her lover, she thro s panied cessfully conducted experiments have been 'tained by applying to the apartment of in, probably fatally in- quently the ero from this, an *611 -as the the rock and her soul is transported to the it It is true that my wife see used in the preceding summar of . results , Mrs. Fred Fitzmarti 1, but a a never y I Agriculture, Toronto. ivhile driving over a railway crossing thistle, has been almost nothing, leaving WE HAVE ONE PRICE TO ALL happy hunting ground. The Devil's Kitch- meon my trip to the norl the table should- be of great value and Y,ur'�' very tieu-1y, jured i the total crop in Western OAtario a little cave in the side' of the rock, is left the steamer during the three days we F. W. 110 near Napanee, Saturday night, , their rig d iu Quebel and en a JWhen I worthy of the thoughtful attention of wheat MON b belo remained off Dyea and Skagaway. Much credit is due to I ,eiog struck by a train. w the average, an right here, but it entl not the of Domini, Cattlei Breeders'
MONEY BACK IF WANTED. y al growers in Ontario. a collision between a r d -ay " fols =g we enter w ent ashore I found it nee h re a Secretary trolley ca and Eastern Ontario nothing. Id fellow's r, h tD the the careful experimenters who sent us -the —In Ion. - York, Asiociat' freight engine at Niagara Falls, -New
a from ihe am to made, on heir own nounced, we are. unable to find him. man carry in reports of the tee unan e Wish- beach, for the mud flats prevent van the the other day, three Canadians were serious. —Miss Robertson,teseher of No, 2 Logani we drank of the cool waters of th Mrs. F. J. Peter.
jug Well, and albhough I drank most heart- lightest draught craft really ting to far 'MS. Crops and Other Tb1n98 in ESSeX- ly injured. They were has returned from her visit to fflends� CONCLUSIONS. and LD itly, the wish has sho'e, I might mention too - h t when r. I Samuel I on and daughter, of Niagara Falls, in Manitoba, and started her school G ity and wished most ardem At Oar old- -friend, M Sargeant, raon! Monday of last week. Whilein d. -One part of the per- our�cargo Was landed. on 'the 'r'ooks it was 1. In the average ield of winter whe I rity, on Mrs. Em;gb, of Woodstock, Mrs. Pete a 1 Dawion's Golden Chaff stood writes from North Ridge, Essex Coal at been ungra its Muengers stand per acre, the 'mother. Viaiatoobua Miss Robertson took a run y driver told us, was to walk only by -having 300 df the over On- jkugust 7, as follows : 1! 11 guess the sands Is C. Cunnin h in' a CLOTHIERS. formance, our and hand the stuff From or a to the highest among 11 varieties tested =-Granvil a a ' Y-M9.12aging through & parlt of the VrOV-1114a 011 wheal- up some 400 steps backwards. I didn't do in line % single pac tix is. The takio in, 1893, 9 varieties in 189#, 9 varieties my subscriftions to T E EXPO§rron have -1 Street railw . ing tour and- reports h1s'ving bad a vary on. kage at, a , for an- director of the Montres myself to blame other, i dolla'r�'
rie send you ngers worked . on the in I ' drn out, and 71 that and perhaps have only 895, 9 varieties in 1896, and 7 varie gham, Eagland, t U Joyable tri i"Prointed wish. other hundred passe at of Huron's le4ves soon for Birmin On the Wrong Side of the Street, in the for MY di our drive is at steamer, breaking bulk and ge h in 1897, also among 53 varieties grown at. other yeare's nil in th nding position thera The , street �__Joh Brown, a nutive of Fullarton
I had thought in Of writing you a, corrwpo a X. Block. * very. few minutes now shape to be handled. ',Pursuing the A cal tuial College' for - six years in papers ar system in Bii;mingbam haal been secured township, died suddenly at his home in Cot -
Strong In 2d, and we all have reluctantly to jump goods in thing About the Wantiful ,crops we an ei day and a hal ces some I 1,11 by a Toronto -Montreal- syndicite. tam, Essex county, on Monday of laab out, although we feel that we have had big this plan it took a do J897. of 63, Mr. low, a had 'ONT. a cargo to be discharged, and when it was 2. Three varieties of winter wheat have have in Essex this year of grace, u the Orr murder ease week, at the age
SEAF�9RTHj value for our money. But we haven1 (Ion 'for four years in begin with strawberries, las they', were the —Thecor "rs. The immediate
of the great I pile of been tested over Ontario . fruit on the market.� There "Yvan simply at Galt, h b 'lit i -a verdict, accusing only been ill for a few 4
the stores and curiosity shops yet and off ended the owners n the rooks succession, with the -following i6verage first ave ro in rmation, of A blood we go and poke our noses into every con- , plunder I lay down exhausted o, yields oil grain per acre : Dawson�s Golden' an immense cropand tb' uslity.excelient ; Allison, the hired oy, with wilfully mar. caute of death was the fo bad beside it and y1ept as best they could, too He will be tried clot on the brain, which induced par,alysie.
What a feast we have Chaff, 321 bushels ; Early Red Clawson, 29'J. a numbdr.of different k a are �rown here daring Mrs. An 0 -he beat known 0men in ceivable place. eat almost, and have bat old ut reliaVle variety, at the crimi th('ny by Chief Justice Deceased was one of t ur a as but we are hungry all the same tired to a ease Giant., 29 1-20 �111but the Wilsou,t I for �&l � ay, Nove ber the district, having
71� Ck nearer the oat so as to he satisfy their hunger in any came bu� cracers bushels, and . Early G n is said to be the best for's sure crop every Meredith, in Ber4stFUond in been a member of the and eef or such other things bushels. county concill since 1892. At the last urance Company on band at the first ding of the dinner bell. and a little corned b i aff was the most year, and also a very good berry for ship- 27th. Acciden t Ass most easily. 3. Dawsons Golden Ch ra" e idea ot a election Mr. Brown was a candidate A mot;
There is an American -Government cutter at as could be got at te some other'varieties are larger and 6f —Toronto has not given up th i I predict that many will come away popular variety with the exper en re in g gisind palace hotel whkoh N. A. Conte for the wardenslit the dock, and we while awal the interven- Cttei 'quality. Cherries were an�', enormous will overshadow beiigde- In politics �0 W" re a experimen both ing time looking ever it, and they treat ids b6fo winter setai in, and I know that many each of the past four years. i' size and appointments even 'the Windsor feated by only one vote�
Accideut and P19te Glass -operativ to for crop, and in size and quality considerably n
were American citizens. Ev- 'more would do so but, for the fact hat they 4. In the co Pride of Gene- ahead 'of -the average all varieties were a of Montrealor the Chateau Frontense of abroad -minded Liberal, popular with just as if we 1897, Stewart's Champion, Was also an activewoiker in money. Dan three days I I by parties. He rag the is erything on board is kept in apple pie order have no as, Dawson ) a Go�den Chaff, -and Siberian large crop. Gooseberr 9, red, white and Quebec. The,promoters are eucouraget of rohibition. Her leaves a 'widow An ccideat policy costs little. Are n is shining. It is not a very was there I walked several miles up both a i the spring. black currants were the most,' abundant the return of good times to push, their thecause and everythi d pitiful sights eir irywhiri. made the beat appearafice 11 i V4 grdwn in scheme and it is believed that they will ac - and several children. Mr. Brown Was born sured I formidable that trails and fou Dawson�s Golden Chaff and Early crop, larvest and best qualit t0lwnsbi�, hio cept the offer of the On you in loo in affair, and we felt have no idea of the hardshi for one 5. tario Government Lo in Motherwell, Fallarton t - -is atil safe. .1 am sure I could People A possessed the strongest, and E mex ; but raspberries, Of a I rieties,and
our coun in the Genesee Giai father, James Browint sr,.o having been polite v& were he to show who is unaccustomed to such Siberian - the colore,were if possible the nionk abundant donate a site having frontage of 250 feet on
cdonald POP the cap in myself attempt to traverse such a - coun r with a the, Pride of Genesee and ftuit. They'were hauled to Detroit in Kingstreet. The Government owns eon.. master and the -firt school teacher in the him a I oked to be just about four lb
Ranald J. Ma take - him way pack. Many young fellows, a parently weakest. straw in 1897. d1centruthfullysay from 6. siderable property in the locality and place. He- leaves three - brothers amr and half feet square, strong and vigorous, soon give out. I would 6.1 The Dawson!s Golden Chaff and the wagons, an, reliable reports, that scores, the site in the belief that the erection of Motherwell. C. P. R. - Telegraph and Canada Accident you would. were digesting, man lying down by- the si Is of the Stewart's Champion were the least, and the servation and Agent. While our various suppers find a Insurance Company