HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-08-20, Page 8V
V 4
1� -4
!7"1-7 1, a'- a ION,
AtTGUST 205 1897*
d;leg t h;re and stayed ve r. Len
eek e
ends in Blenheim .lodge in Belleville last V lj�tle bother'Robort were
y iting fri I I . illierns and his
but who was defecitiv in thb 116it& OUD9 Is via thp lodge herei—�,ljas Ewing !of e cheap railway rates to visit friends at a duty, -Rev. S. and in ir Sunday.—Our public the township.-- Mrs. Bond leave in fro �er .— in Port Huron * OV J?emnall
wIlsons Gash Grocery distance. - A tair ctowd defied the weather, ortant item of discipline, they I -a- they will trpli&, is the Ftuest of Miss Annie San I on Monday. Mr. Cole -
IMP p"o about a mf>At 9 resoultion . giving him a testi. h for Halifax, wher -1 Ireland, of Blyth, is Y�gi in school stat - - -
and were at the recreation grounds in the aa a —Mr. and iss Pear f the principal,Mr. -P this year, There the terms we have irai- attends, iiiiasionary convention. �t priesent.—Mr. Peter mc�ar- man is taking the Place Nan Id sod Turnip Seed cliess morning, to see the baseball match between monial in nesday for friends here a gone. to Ottawa
%lo combine Prim, on see i this year, so Mrs. Arch! Scott left , on Wed E, J. He an, who he
ton Is rfer- cated, and we cannot but think it would is, and lane,who worked inL the flour mill h+ a9me
we Call sell now m%rigold and turolp seed oit 10a a lb Clinton and Seaforth, but the rain inte Manitoba., Mr. Scott in on busines ol. —Mr. H. L. Peine and wifi
o�k of the beat varieties, bought er ended here.� the time ago,and has now a mill of his owp down Normal Be -0
ed, and the game had to. be stopped at the have been well had the matt visit his brother -in -
have a good r MrS. Scott will visit - many friends in B village a flying vi�it &at have beensaporth to 0,)., one of the most rolisible I Thompson's
from RoVerb Evans & close of the first innings until after the I But, it would seem , that Air of Ottawa, is the line, paid th4 rough pulling Week
geed. hougsg; of C-auads, including his celebrated "w- Prairie Province.—Miss Friel, mipany are thi
tab in the afternoon. Play wis friends and sympathizers in*town were not t the week.—Mr. J�rry McKinney hiid themis� law. Ou flax co
iced. Give us a lacrosse 4ra. Hodgins, 'a threshing.
Mangold and monarch turnip e A- visiting her�eister, A d ,Jttirig ready to start
lea, we can do fied with the action of the board. hrea ing 'on Aux an
in Grocer mt . itchell, who has fortune to lose a hand while t
W1. you cannot do better commencea again about five o'clock, and a satis
seven innings match corlipleted� at tfie�_ end accordingly, circulated, ask- reetory.—Mrf W. M
ouse in town. the farm of Mr. Wm. W i
or better, than any h eir.
Out Bourbon "'ition was, been.residing in his town for some time, We ar in a to cill the 'week THE
t now arc extra good va-lue. th to call ablie meeting of
wend of fine roaiated Coffee is fecO114 to n6no,and of which the score stood a tie, each. team mg a 1consider the Ro- left Seeforth on Saturday, at 8:20 a. m., on was held on Tues.- e go ZD �D
tile ei 8 Mayor
we have the best btsnd of Canned Vegetables Put uP having scored four runs. The game was tizene to discuss an, milton, vis 01juton.. NOTES.—CiViC libliday
in Canada. There haa been a drop ia the Price Of tion of the trustees. his meeting was his wheet and went to He 1, of day. A number of the -young people took mencing Saturday, Augu3t 7th,
keenly contested throughout. The pi n -
the WoodatoWi and Brantford, reaching there in STOCK NoTBs,—Mr. A. Plumat ursion to Palmerston inant Week. Stocktaking always,
Fwaitw--cowe here it Y;au want to g�t the full bene McCartney, for Se&forth, and Ballard, heldon, Frid last. None of making ihe ent I ire Hillside stock farm, near here, heal I to advantage of the pxe . brillp
fit of it. All kilads Ot produce ken at highest ers, '"Ied this meeting. Mr.Thomp. good shape at 6:20 p. m., ch between Kin- to light the odds and d f tt for Clinton, were enigmas to the players, trustees'atten i, one o the to see othe base bull mat emso market price. c"h for egp. his distance, i02 miles, in ten hours, and ,he Mr. John Bennett, of Walton
Walkerton. n There's th
%nd very few hits were made on either side, son, however, Was present, and gave he 4as ver cardine and The game -was -*y
7 h tired either. � He best shorthorn ball calves that goods stock. 1 There's the 1,-a-st _0�e
C. WILSON, SeafOrth- advantage- version of the affair. A committee of citi- says he was not mn! and roin won by Walkertoi1i by a acore of 17 to .5. —
although the home team had the ted to enquire i ce such g6od bred. The oalf is a beautiful roan f this line, the last fe
1214 Unk of ommerce BlOOL no was appoin nto the mat- isys he does not find in any pl eather delaying harvest opera- t1W-0 1 0 W yat&-4
in the stick work.' The main attraction far ze roade as we have in Huron.—Mr. IN. J. the highly -bred bull, 19th Prince O�Thule, The wet weather ething, else that urdess
the afternoon was th�.- schedule lacrosse ter and to report st a subsequent meeting to and and he will make a prize winner. The far. tions donaidersbI3 andf aa- a farmer eaid soin e.eana
be held. The second meeting' was held on Fowler of 1kolerline, North Dakota,
NEW match between Berlin and the Beavers, and so" of 'Mr. Win. Fowler$ of the Huron mere in reach of this bull should be rii and the other day, V giving them time. for soon accumulate and lock up moiloy we
n turning out to
in this the home he Tuesday evening. last. The committee re —Mrs. David Ui threshinge WhQ ib is
this week. n �heir . res
team fell a pr�v to t -town patronize him as it will be mon% for many should have the use of. The 1 '-Jug
Twins " from the German town. They rted " that from the evidence at their Road, wasin edn day. pop�ets by the improvement in t ir stock atisfy All', being the Vest seen
and %Is irk quick n, was Moore, of 'Egmondville, left on W Vote I li, it court will be one way to prevent this acCuMVj4*Q)j
earn ra
scored the order, 30b;eal they found that, Mr. Thompoo f - for Grey
firat three goi to.spend &1few weeks wibli friends in Ches' raising. b townsiftip hall, and that is to sell the Out
and it looked then as if the Beavers ir and disciplinarian durin Keld o*—n M
-were an efficient teache 9 September 8th, ai
in the Col- ley and Duirliam.-L-Mr. D. Moore, who has
'CLOTHING. not going to be in the game at all. But the past year which he taught reOidiug. There are eighty- season.
th surprised the crowd. Thdy� legiate Institute here, and that he was un- been suffering for several weeks with a sore Staffa. n Judge Mes"on pi
;Th lay of this week,
"r week
We have jutit received another large asaortirterst of R and Remnant 0
Vin "in "o a B 11 When M-37 odd U
shifted the teim a little, and tool-, four good dealt with in being requested by the 1 4. nearly recovered.—We notice go to
ey agreeably eg,16 11C NOTEs. —Miss 1A Roche, -of 1i is nine appeals.—Odr base ball team We're goin to make next ve*
Amongst them w.11 be found goala.insucemion. But the lead wasuot to resign, and that the board be re- thatMr. P. Freeman, one of the leading the guest of Mrs. John Me M
amdeup Clothing. 'also players 'of! the Beaver lacrosse clubt t b
bargains. We wouli eall nested to reinstate him. The re ort Hothain, of Seaforth,is visitinggeyh-.�rp= �oh helth on the 25th.
sonic rare and Rattling their's for long, as Berlin dropped into the n his head, the result —Work is bei ahead on the in the store every piece thays,*
'alkd a r
the IPMW attcritiork 61 buyers to a 31an's Suit, e here, and made the score a tie, and aealt with the qualifications of t e head wearing a bandage o Mr. and Mrs. Dalton.—Qaite a�'vnu�mber ires g d be 6,
�n M On electric light pla e h t iunant
wbclwe h -At ell at 04. The price seems small, of their ref - of,& blow during the match 0 day'— from here purpose takitig in the he e.0't ex. 0 wa
ga' followed up e publication East Huron gri ultural society ore on the be gathered together, plac
shortly afterwards with an-, mester, bat as th o One
but we claim ib contairs as good cloth as three even* erence to him woula serve no good purpose The families of Mr., T. 0. Kemp and Mr. cursion to Manitoba.—The auiu� f�al fair & -he bi6st ed
Also other, and the Beavers W d pr mise this ear
quarters; of tho Suits wade to order for 912. ere unable to war path an marked at a pnice i5o men's, advisable William Pickard, who have 'been spendi ounters and
of the Ribberb agricultural socie y ill be youtlijal, Boyie and Children!s Suits. led not to make any quotatio will be three inter- te mpt uy, and 'make it -
game, but at no time could it be cal t. Usis thaw the th and 28thi
clewd at 25 per cen ir value.. 10D of the report. The report furthermore returningi home' on Fxiday,� to-day.—The September 21' 1 1 usual list of I rize there ir is your
ery ap-cial lines at $4.7.1, $6 and to be (lea i of the players got fair of the t In aldi
odd sizee, to be up things age n. It was a hard fought It the pr�,sent time, we deem it several weeks in camp at Bayfield, ine Y. tion to the e-
n from that section held at stiff& on Monday and Tu�aday, you to b
men's Ture, d PatAe. epecial vlmlue,� at $1, rough, although severs ee had notified the Misses Aird, o% Toronto, gre visiting Bit eating horse race . The date of the fai while to come h6re renmalit
ff value. Wl
ed at We 80 Rain Pvoof, C�oats, at 1 marked, mostly from accidental cracks. On stated that the committ leplember'30th nd October lat.—Robert Odds and ends means that,,
the home te -Brown Jackson and Hatcher Collegiate Institute board to attend a meet. Mrs F. Case's.—Mr. W. Hawks'haw, jr., rm k Ii f
Md. L Ashfield.
ate the met- left on Wednesday for Medicine Hat, 'A strong has been on e sic . ist or the
worked like trojans all the time, . and were ing of the committee to inveatig ITEATS.-A beautiful monument I -4i a Rev. Mr. Fer- cases qaar-titie are small, and tlx�
Northwest Territory, to take a position As last few days, asihas t�ke
WM. Pickard & 00 L ignored.. their of the * guson, —A numf3�r of ex-'eursionisto went to
ably assisted by. the balance of the team. ter, and that the board hao] ected to the memory te 1 Mrs. firat buyers will get best choice.
This shuts the Beavers out of the champion- notice. This report of the committee was operator on', the Canadian Pacific Railway. Th
Baynes, in Zion cemetery.— e fall �vhe�at Port Huron and 3etroit on rthe cheap ex -
ship, and they have now to fall back on unanimously adopted by 'the _j meeting. A We wish our -young friend all possible eldingvery well in this locality. lFrOm.
J16 JIM y home.—Mrs. IS Y1, cursion last Satuiday.
resolution was also adopteA ',censuring the rosperity iin his far awi - -0 Se t
their laurels -of former years. 30 to 35 bushels per acre is the yield. Mr. Odd Lines
AND noluot towa;rds Mr.Thomp- Namuel Deen, of Toronto, is visiting riends
board for their co John Hunter, 13th concession, h t
the services of in town.—The people are having a laugh at f � g'i romarty.
D.E.tTn oF M -Ft. GEo-RcE SPROAT. —A once son and also for retaining Mcen a
e Gillespie life partner in the person o a 1 'nnie
71-JR-ANC.EA the bo'ard to re- the expense of Constabl. On NOTES —Alth ugh there has 1,een consid- In Parasol llrosier'y, Glovee, Blo
INS prominent and widely known public man the'head master,and asking Matilda, sister of Mr. James Culbert We ; I
of th board not com- Wednesday� afternoon he came running up erable wet -eat er of late, the farmers i n der w dar, c.
sign, a�id in the event e
in this district, has bL;en removed from this ish the young couple a prosperous v yage. this vicinit eking good progress with
-1 to the town, hall in" hot haste, and com- w -nit
AGENCY. life by the death of Mr. George7 Sproat, of plying with the request,; that' a com- t as the town
heir hary a and some have already
con- menced ringing the bell
Egmondville, which took place on Tuesday. mittess of the citizens ' act in their W,6 have MW
Blyth. threshed. ames Parker, who had his t we�
to -clock was striking five. People looked at
formity with the town council Rewtnctnts W. Somerville, Agent This sad event was not unexpected,although their watches and wondered what had hap- NOTES. -A large number leftj here on leg broken a fe4. weeks ago, is. able to. be
the announcement eausod deep sorrow take legal advice with view to having
(Successor to H. A. Strong & Bro.) tter stands at pened them,�:but alost before they coiild Wednesday morning for the east,� both around again, by, the use of eratches.—Mr. it sale
among Mr, Sproat's many old friends Of Dress Goods, Cape Cloths,
He them displaced. Thus the ma DAM of
d Express Building. ap the situation some person had told ingi C?UU '-A. Miller spent -Saturday
Telegraph an had been iu failing health for -some time the present time, and it will be a fortunate $!a from the village andthe surroun and Mrs. Simon
ing friends in
e institute if it Mr. Gillespie of his mistake. He had mis. tr .—Miss Moffatt, who is eDg ges� jn.,a and Sunday visi Atwood.— Y�veeds, Cotton, Mudin, &,c
thin for the interests of th y
although his condition was not considered % J. L. Mr. George H milton has returned to As to the ma
FALL TERA, SEPTEMBER. W3 critical until �vithin - the last two weeks. is owed to rest here. There are two or taken the time, that we large concern in Chicago, is home n 16 V181U.,
we mity refer. Killoran has �been confined to the house f9r —Mies Sillers, formerly a teach r in our Chatham, after i pending two weeks' holi-.
at w&3 na lihrough illnese.—Mrs; A. , J.
Mr. Spro tive of Twineholm, three points further to which
He was the First, no blame can be attached to the head a few days, public, school, is visiting acq, sip.tances days with his psFent�, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
e, Scotland. the but
master for his action in the matter. sit. u- Hamilton, of this place.—Mr. Alf. U
third son of the late George Sproat, and was He re- Willson and litbte son., of Detroit, are vi here at present. �1%1 iss Mary Mills,,# A iller, of odgens:Bros.
-other r6 ce 'ith his instructions ing at Mr. 0.',,, C. Willsons. —Rev. Mr. Gal. burn, is visiting friends in town.-4-Mps: R. Toronto, apent tlllwo weeks visitibg his par- the purtl
71 years of age. With, the embers orted in aceordan w, loway and M a. Galloway were in town this S. Hays, of Seaforth, is visiting r.�Iativei in ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, of this
ai da in 1847, and rom the board, and if he believed there was r on that
of his family he came to Can
-part of the tea place. n.
ching staff, it week, visiting frienda.—There will be a town this week.—Air. George P�rrot, for- —Mra. 160rar, of Michiga - a at
he -reniained in Esquesing, Halton county, a defect in an) OLIN.TON. Eatiel
STRATFOI�D,:. ONTARIO, special grapoophone or talking machine merly a Blyth boy, was in, town his week. present visitingl at Mr. -Donald Tlarkl.s.
Com.- 'Salvation Army barracks on your staf
for two years and came to Huron and set- was his duty to report it to the board, and
A live,'practical and influential tled in Tuckeramith in 1841, and two yeara he would have been remiss in his duty bad service in the —John Denholm. is in Montreal �his week. Mrs. Turnbull and daughter Ella, of Win.
mercial. School, none better in Canada. we -the evening f August 24th. There wilf- — Elam Livingstone has purchased tw 3 large chelsea, spent V i day,
9 1 iner's.—Mr. Wah er Huggin is reco. afterwards he was married to his present be. he not done so. In view of that report, iday I . ast is*tingMr.Simo is -a
Circulars free. -the school, also be two cornet solos by a celebrated e r -Apent last -severe attack of qui Y._� �ours I V
reavedpartner. For many years,Mr.Sproat can not see, in the interests of jectric dynamos from a London firm. A. Miller.. ". John McIlraith after a very no
W. J. RUIOTT, Principal. 4444-59- acted otherwise cornetist, and several 'choice selections
was one of the most extensive farmers and how the board could have week visiting fliends at Motherwell. —The S�rigley, of Toronto, is visiting at sstock raisers in the county,.his magnificent than the did, that is, so long as they have the Columbia 'orchestra, and speeches by Turnberry holidays are noliv over, and school hag cO`- Don glas Fraser's, of Turriberry. —Mr.. -rt
arm of four hundred acres on the second confidence in their head master, and if they staff officers.—Mr. and Mrs. George Turn- GATUR RINGS. lftu�:ber jook in the menced again.—Mbs D&via, of Staft was Measer, assistant in Gordon's drug sto;
f M ud are not pre- oull spent' Sunday last with friends in the guest of Mr- GeorgelNfiller last week.— Winghem, i- laid off work with an ab These qu
of Tackersmith, being a model have no confidence in hi it Orange excursion fo Sarniabn he 140.
Grand Bend.1-4bir. Alex. Wilson is remov;
in many respects. He was also prominent pared to carry out his recommendations as R. J. 0jantlon and wife spent S4nd4y with Among those wPio left f6r the Northwest on I Lotinig b)
ding his . residence Inesday were : Mr. Duncan McKellar,
f the staff under him, the ;g tdhe, fence surroun
y years to the character o y - tlou�,, Sun- Wes: ques in public affairs, having Veen for man Oun Mr. Cantlon's father, Peter Can Blake. tiop
DI8TRICT MATTERS. a member of the township council ofucker- should discontinue his services. As to the and isrrisking other improvements, shine.—A number of our young m'en left for jr.,Mr. Rugh!Gillespie, and Mr. Archie
G,�THRRINNGS. - Messrs. Albert Mon�j nehip merits of the head master, we -have nothing which will improve the appearance of his -Mr. lkod
smith and he also represented the tow Manitoba on the harvest excursioi, eg, Towers.- gers, of Fullerton, was
He was a member at present to say. We presume mi
in the
the trustees pre see. Mr,' James O'Connell, depu n Harry Howard and Harry Durand
ty v gool rt h e the guest Of Mlil, Duncan MeLaren on Sun -
county council. day to help gather in the sheaj. . taken advantage of the excursion to I'm sa, e.
EDITOR,-Xindly iermit . of the county council when Huron andBruce have full corifidence in him or they would registrar, f Goiderich, made a flying visit Nortbwest.-Fall wheat is aver�'gink about day. -AI r. Etrka�ual Speare is at home on his Initurity
y Mrwest.-We are pleased to learn tbAt
b. -Mr. I antine . is re -
me to express, through your columus, m were united for municioal purposes. He not retain his services. . He has held the to friends in this vicinity this week. 3;0 bushels per acre. The iample �s ve�y fair. holidays at preoeni _�all at
sincere and hearty thanks to'the citio' us of ki candidates from. here who have been
rs, and the P. Keating has sold his handsome wor in and the
Seaforth for their kind interest a&' -their was also secretary and treasurer of the position for a great Many ye. Oats arelaidverylow as a result of tliprecent modelling his barn this summers ig the Clinton and Seaforth Co gain the,
township school board While it existed. He record of the school is, perhaps, the best mare to Mr. David Donovan. She' weighe rain and wind storms. -AIT. Chirle# ReAd- �'people say.the house will soon have, to get
maxiy efforts on my behalf during the recent was a man of good ability and enjoyed the and safest criterion to.go by in eatimatmig 1,660 pounds, is five years old, and was sold an overhauli have been successful in their examin
ing -Wingham, were th� nests !
and wife, of -Alfred MoTaggart, John Egler in, whii
anplessantries. I fully Appreciate it and on for $170. . She is to be shipp�d to the old
confidence of his fellows. For several years his qualifications and fituess for the positi
I a1w ' remember, the generous treat- of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, on Sup ay. - 0 Gemmill, who have 'been spending
wil eye he took little or no part in public affairs, he occupies. The trustees 'have also been country, and is'as fine an animal of her 6 at home -over to A
Rev. Mr. Scanlon, wife and am�ly are Gorrie.
mept I have receaved at the hands of the ieir
and a few years ago he retired from all blamed for dismissing Mr. Thompson on class as has left -his town for some time.- vacatio have resumed A
spending a holiday at the resid ncq of Mr offer the
people of Seaforth. I sm,yours very truly, Mr. S. Mullett has moved into the, Strong NOTES.-Miag Eva McGrathj of Toronto, of wielding the rod. 'Delegates bave
active business puraluits,� having di posed of such short notice. There may be some6hing as [has re -
William Smith. -3r. Thomas 8 y nd app?l!� te -to -ad the Sunday school is home on a visit. -Messrs. 14 erguson a J. F. TompHsoN. d to Egmondville to in this, bat we think it any persiDn will dis- residence, on Market street. r. Mullett emore Ni
Oh�risti his fine farms and retirei turned home again. -Miss maggiec cholls have dissolved partnership and an Endeavor convention at C'
they now occupies one of the nicest and most I
live. He was a useful Iman in his day. His passionately enquire into the matter, MN� H.
of the lObh concession is ve 'Of the on Tuesday and Wednesday pe
SuDDim DEF1;,ATu.- ry Dev6reaux, wife Mr. Ferguson1has boughtthestock x1tf
comfortable homes in town. -The Metbo-
death removes another of the respected will come to the same conclusion that we Connell, senior, formerly of this tow#ship, is
of Mr. Patrick Carlin, Hibbert, and daugh- Vioneers of this county. He leaves a famil, y -have (lone, that the hasty action was un- diet and Presbyterian Sabbath schools will reported dangerously il I at I Proston. - McLaughlin. Brothers and, will in a few number of the young eople att-en The object
ter of Mr. Edward Devereaux, of the Hur�n have a union excursion to Goderich on Fri- eeks be fund in; the Glasgow house, where garden party at . wrUps ast week.
of four cons and.five daughters, all of whom avoidable under the circumitikoces, andi as Thomas King, M. D. of UncleiSath's do.. -he served his ' rentiship. "Joe,"las he is report having enjoyed themseilves . a partly u
r�dad, just east of town, died very suddenly
are grown up. Two sons and two daughters we are creditably informed,, he received day next, when the round trip can be made ends in this vie ity. �Lp
mains, is visiting fri T vorite ly -idb'd a fiumb�br Attended the
eii Moriday last at the early age of 29 years. children. Mularly call, , is a very general fa
reside in this vicinity, and one s�n and two longer notice than hiss agrgement requires for 40 and 20 cents for adults and
an - his many friends wh en parties. Our young people po
A little over a week previous to her death, Miss May Ferguson, of Fort Wayne, In- o tbought he intend -gar is to else
Mrs. Carlin had'given birth to a child, but daughters in Dakota. The remains were, n- the board to give, and all the. teachers are ed to lsgav� town will be deighted to know i: leery place. -The Misses MeCo=.
terred in the family plot in the Egmondville engaged under the same agreement. . hile diaries, is visiting her mother, Mrs. T. Fer- Usborne. �of evel�
was regaining strength rapidly and was that he is g9ing.to remain heLre. He is I of Goderich-, have been visitilig relativis
ap- cemetery on Thursday. we have ihe greatest res�ect for Mr. Tho gusson, of Egmondville. -Migs Ruby Adams, A NARROw EscA Pz. -One day las week,
parently in_�the-beat of health and spirits on, and while we do sincerely sympathise of Teeswater, is visiting Mrs. T. Ferguson, Mr. Archibald Bishop, ex-M-P.V. f r South spending a few days with his parents at the! neighborhood. -Miss Richardsoin, al
until a few minutes before her death. She Buigoyne.-'Mir. Sanderson, *who lived at VarnVL, is visiting Rosette Capilihg.-Thm-
Bicycixs, Baby Carriages, Velocitedes, with him, we can not help saying that in of Egmondville.-' Mr. and Mrs. W. Fanson, Huron, had. a narrow escape fr9M I a very
11 romherehM The reason
L 'I
was talking to her' mother when, she was Ex -",n opinioju he has been very unwisel of this town, returned home on Wednesday Bishop the south end of the village, departed:this; who have been campi g out f
preas wagonii, at interesting priee at sww our o y serious, if not fatal acaiden.t.. Mr. . idd6lv on Saturday morning. He�. nearly all returned on accouut of the V4 that ha,
taken suddenly ill and within five minutes & wmaies. seafortb. from a three weeks' visit to friends in Lon- was. driving the binder cutting raiti, when life very at
advised in the! action he has taken, as the
she was dead. A clot of blood lodging in hao attainse advanced age of 85 years. - evenings.
buy Butter, Eggs and Dried notoriety which has now been given to his don,* which they enjoyed very much -Mr` ghtened d the- On
td STILL W.' Dan. Devereaux, anif son, of Chicago, who by some means the horses got, fr one of the.. main ar iries leading to the heart Apples, highest priecs, clash or trade. G. E. Kma, affair ill do him infinitely more harmi than and commenced to run away. 1 In' School opened on 2donda.-Mr. Arthur a CUQ-tDI
was the cause, Her bereaved husband and Wiagham. 1548-tt Pulling Crawford.is working in the Montreal house. Auburn.
the action of the board would have done have been spending a few- weeks' holidges them up the lines broke, setting t em, free I J�
to t camp I I -
friends have the sympathy of the entire HOU$E AIND LOT FOR SALE. -For sale had it been submitted to quietly, while the with friegols hereabouts, returned We wish hin� success. Miss Mabel NOTES. -Mr E. Rowd-visited underlb:
and rendering Mr. Bishop help as 66 con.
neighborhood in their sore affliction. The cheap, a neat frame house and good lot, planted testimonial which the board gave him was Windy City on Tbursday.-�Miss Je'nuie bell, eldest daughter of Mr. J. B. Campbell, parental roof at London last a trol them. e was thrown from . is seat
remains wer with large and small fruit trees in Seafowth Will be
e iterred in, -the Irihtown 6 principa of 'our public school,' passed the Ja_
heap. Apply on the premises to Miss affiriple, and an excellent passport for an in- Ballantyne left on Tuesday for Z tlan& and his foot catching in some t ofthe me Young happened witha very'10061
sold very c rice
cemetry on Wednesday. GAMBLE, Seaforth. lf48x2 troduction elsewhere. We hope, however, where she has secured a -good situation in a machinery he was dragged a. on-iderable primary exainination. She attended Nia- accident last week. A piece -of wood
in a pulley attached to tb(�, plainer
ra Falls Collegiate Institute six months. fro
EvERyroDy goes to, Wingham, KlNG's both for his sake, as well as for the sake of school. distance. In. their mad run. the'horses came 9`1
110 FOR Tim- WfST !-The farm. laborers, gale ia boomin - pounds Granulated 8 W. P. 1400re; a former, pupil of Our him on the nose and broke it. Jim U i in the
3.10 25. ujar for the Collegiate Institut6, that wise counsels collision with several stoois Of grain,
excursion to Manitoba and theNorthwest $1, two car loa G. E. I 48-tf will hereafter direct all concerned, and that Bayfield. which considerably checked th6ir progress school, pass4d the part 1 -form 2 examin- unlucky around machinery. -Mr.N.
on Wednesday was well patronized in this I ation at Hatristoni where he bad attended left for Dakota on Wednesday, 'Rua We go on
T. R. F. CAsE & Co., Seaforth, offers for the matter will, in the meantime, be allow- F. A. Ei)w.utD'_Q is anxious to dispose -of and they were ultimately caugbt� by Mr. the' higfi-seficiol for only-tbree months.- ga
vicinity. Thirty-five were ti3keted from ged to work for Samuel Lawson J 0
the following two weeks at their retail store r. ed to rest wheiie it is. Our Collegiate In� the balmice of all summer goods, Straw Ha'o r, no month
Bishop's son-in-law, who was in the field at
Goderich, '215 I-rorn Clinton,40 from Seaforth, miebael'is 1316ok. Dry Salted Bacon at 8c. As this 19 atit"ute is one of the very best lin the Pro- Drem, Goods, and is giving very liberal r Miss Blaie ]vloore obtained the highest num- of Hullett, who is foreman over a th�
j wanting any would her of marks'at,the recent entrance examin- crew. -Mr. Wm.'Yurgblutlefj 13 from Dublin and'.32 from Mitchell[. 2c below usual price, all Parties If you need Prints for Aprons, Linings, Quilts, or the time, and he was relieved fiorni his per- do well o call. 1648-tf vince, and is a credit to the town. Let us any other purpose, buy them now. 1549-1 ilous position. The many friends of Mr.
Among those, who left this station were atiork at Hariston. Elsie left our school Manitoba:, on Wednesday. HIS ititeAk, -
-TaE: biggest stock and beat values ever not do anything that will inj Lire its reputa-
WAFTn,,cs.-Df.� R. B. J. Staub Bishop throughout the'eoxi6tyl will be
ur wife
Arch. Scott and wife, JohnMoatJohn St I who thilm?
brought into Seqforth, is our verdict of our fall tion or impair its usefulness. The members just three months before the examination.- clerking for J. T. Acheson, and child, are guests at Dr. R. antury'a. pleased to learn that, although colsideiably
on -Mr, J0 readers
A large nuibber left here for Manitoba starting business out there.
Murphy, R. f�mith, -Harry King, John Comi- stock of Boots and Shoes, now arriving. Never be- of the trustee board are all prominent citi- _E L EaVleson X1 Baker, S. Mittleholb, shaken up, he escaped very fortunately and
mon !on the excursion train. -The Mips Tory Brown visited at Mr GF'. Y*L.
, liobt. Jones, Peter Spain and John fore hive we, had such a variety to place before our ,�ns, who have the inter6sts of the town at Charle onaldson� and Tudor Marks, left was not in any way seriously inju led. Wednesday
-sey, Seaforth. , Louis Kruse, R. Haw- customers, and our prices always a little lawer than
Dor weather is v'er wet and cold for this sea- blut?s last Friday evening. -Miss LOA*
the lolvest. 'The cheap cash Shoe Store Carmichael% heart as much as any of us. Alany of them y In. that W011
thorne, Charles Bickle and Miss Laidlaw, Block, 4 doors sough of Weles Royal Hotel, and op- have given years of service in the interests- on Wednesday one.'trip to Dakota. -Misses ison. Whitneyvisited under the parental the MD
C. and B. Markh, �f Detroit, are home for a Brucelleld. 1 1
Egirionolvill e ; W. Shillinglaw, R. Doig, W. pwaite Expositor Office, Seaforth. 1549 last Sunday -We are g,l.%d to h
inlason, Joseph Grieve, John McNair, of the school, and these services have" been few weeks' holidays.--Tyft,,�E. Routlege" of I McKillop. HOUSE TO RENT. -To rent, a comfortable given freely and gratuitously, and we k LOCAL NoTEs. -Mims Minnie *cNaughton Miss Bet the
McKellar andAfiss Magg* now St. Thomas, is home for e8hort vacatioil.- Yibgblut, who has been.a
Arch. Towers, D. ie f of Teeswater, was the guest of! toe Misses : nes-4.
dwelling house, bonvenient to Main street, either The annual children's service at the Aleth. I � -TNOTES Fok FARxFs.-The farmers took for some time, is improving. -Miss Yom* -
Martin, Tuckersmith ; Miss Elizabech with or without a stable. Apply to MRS. JOHN D whereof we speak whes we say, that the Chrysler on Sunday.-Revda. Muir and 'Mr. Kemp'� adyice this year and did not our
ch, on punday evening, was very
tory, Ed. Robinson, W. Jamieson, James sicy, or Mr. S. Mullett. 164 on' high standing of the 11A#tute is due in no odist chur of London, is visiting at Mrs.
took in t1re #X'
small degree to the disifiterested labors of Graham,exchanged pulpits On Sunday.- cut the whelat -too green, consequently the 14j. Samixel Nichol and wife
interesting. Theipastor, Rev. E. R. Shaw,
Wowbr&y, Frank Hackwell, John and Adam TH&Nxs.1 desire to thank the officers Miss M. Laidlaw, of Toronto is 'visiting at L - is all good quality. The showery cursion to Sarnia and report ha�lng a
many of the membeTs'of the present board. I gain
and directors of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insuranlo delivered a suitabl sermon, and the vari-
1 0 men at
McGill, Miss Morrison, Thomas Neilands, We know there is no difficulty between Mr. George Hart's. -Mr. Joh� Aikenhead, weather helped Mr. Kemp in his advice.- time. -Some of the farmers of Colborm
Company for the liirompt and satisfactory manner in us choruses, a I's and quartettes by the 6 1 -
Robt. and Tbos. Somers and Fred Millson, late of London, is at homs�,but we By the repIrts of the threshingS the 3,500 port having 40 bushels of wheat to the saraw
which they aettled my claim lor loss - by having an them and the citizens wh took the leading 0
MCK,11 H R. Gillespie and Thomas animal killed by lightning. Jow; G SPR)AT, Me- Sabbath School siolars, were well rendered - to note he is confined to his tie throug It does nei
parts in the two recent pu lie meetings that The altar was ve. y, prettily decorated with 0 bushels to the acre, and counting mustard they will have 4b Kt -
j 1 0 h' f making 1051' WO bashels, but we wi call it 55 of a yield. -Mrs. Polton, of 01OV61w.r
Most of tliese persons Killop. 1349-1
Ni. romarty. -Miss Flo Chrysler too, I c arge o for our
illness. ti could not, be amicably Ber ed by a half hour he lawri- social a
tOL plants and flowets.:L T '0 ohday at Vern tilal
Tuesday evening,! at the residence of De. C. 'of Dba'__
were oketed through Eativan and SEEDS ! SEEDS ! SEFDs A splendid conference if gone about i the right spirit her school on M The Varna 18,000 bush Is less and allow 20,0000 bushels ia visiting her parents and friends h 41W
Moosejaw, although many of them intend stock of home grown Timothy Seed. Also goo i h for bread a d 7,000 bushels for seed, leaving
We would advise, in the interests of people will never re ret their present. -Mr. Andrew Yungbl A min
sample of Fall Rye. Pareon's Golden Chaff Wheat, Sheppard, was largely attended. There was .� ?ice as we
atoppihg at intermediate points. t are confident she wi prove a d teacher. 70,000 busfiels to Bell. That is More L Wheat. wood, Sundayed under the parental roA--
Red Claw8on, and Other leading varieties, - both the town,
0 the Institute, and the good feel a plentiful supply, of good things on tables -Seaforth, bought Inis hui
whblepAle and retail, at SeDTT7s Hammath Seed and ing that should and always b a L exialvel be- -Among the successful studl Mrs. Elkin is very low at present --V*
g from NO. than Ogilvie's mills, in Ec:.Nio,-, wny.LE: NoTEs. -11ra. McGee a.pent arranged on various parts of the lawn,
Feed Store. We invite you to call and examine our
tween our citizens generally, that such a 10, Stanley, we notice the na'fet;q of Thorn- 41 -The -'cheese of the Winthrop Annie Feruson has left for Ottawa t -0 It- his sor.
last week enjoying the scenery and breezes stock before buing, isa we are confident that we cin which was brilliantly lighted with electric ton- - -Mustard, Charlie M ti d, Mack i"__t_y;a,`-rjJuly was shipped on M-dinday, at tend the Normal School. Success 90 vilk
lantern , etc The r
elsh of giveyou satisfaction both in quality srd price. [conference be arranged, and that mutual lights, Chinese a _pro' Aikenheai, Bert McQueen nd . Robert factory fo Our own u
of Bayfield. =Mr. and Mrs. C. W 8c. The make was about ten tons' for the her. -Mr. Charles Beadle has disow f
I Flour and Feed depirtment always completeijiG. I ex &nations be given in a kindly and cour- i
Stratford, were guests at Mr. J. S. Porter' ramme consisted of selections by the Bay' Boyce. This speaks well for eacher and
9 Scow, SeafortK. Ontario. mouth. -The peas, oat and barley crops iire two of his young fox hounds, and hass #�W,
for some dave this week. -Miss Etta Lai teo to manner' and we have no doubt but a Eeld brass band, recitations, oloo, duets, 75e Pg
BOARDERS WANTED. --A few boarders'eall mu mal and s�atisfactory understanding can be students, as they had a very a drt time to � not near t4e quantity nor quality Of last left. They are good ones.
etc., all of which were greatly enjoyed.
law started on Wednesday for Manitoba, find excellent accommodation at'& first-kilses house, arr: ved at which will eatisfy all parties who prepare, having gone over I the work year. Tho apple and potato crops are very I
where she will spend a month or two with on very liberal terms. A gooft place for Collegiate The proceeds amounted to upwards of $43. epela-
�Years.-Mr. Gr 111
el des �re peace, harmony and good will rather since New shipped rand will be relished this year as a Goderich.
r atives.-Mim Agnes Cumming is spending Institute- pupils. Roomers will also betaken. Five -Mrs. Purdy, of Varna, is the guest of five carloads of cattle from here is week esert ai meal times. minutes walk from Main street. Apply at ExposiToR than turmoil and strife. This course will op has a out all
was 'k or two with relaives and friends in Zxioic, Seaforth. 1649xl be better and cheaper than going to law to Mrs. J. Tippet. -4-A plearjan't lawn so--ial VISIT OF Hoir. Ma. TAnTs.
a wee and Mr. Turner three for- the�' country couple of , hool cases as , well a� Se rth. Israel Tarte, Minister of Public th# A :.
the village. Though very helpless she is held on the beautiful lawn of Mr. W. market. They were all in ex Ilent con- The trustees in one section have applied for
still able to greet vvith pleasure the in& depose the present school board, and will be Jewett, on Sat6rda�, evening last- The u companied by Chief Engineer. CoBte.,
ny TuE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE DiF.Frouiri-Y. vastly more satisfactory in the end. Don't dition a d no doubt will re dize a good a mandam6a to compel the council to pass a 0 %Y -n
I - Goderich on, Saturday. The Minister
kind friends wbo call on her. -Mr. Russel programme, which was an excellent one, price. -Mr. Thomas Fraser, 0 t6 2nd con. by.I%w to 6rrow money contrary to the S14D,
-We mentioned'last week that Mr. Thomp- stand upon your dignity, gentlemsfi, but met at the station by the towu coundl A
in- was taken part i� by the following campers
Hill,'teacher in No. 4, MaKillop,fitted hi son, Classical Master in the Seaforth Col- come down and meet each other like gen.- Mr. Mv- wishea of the ratepayers. In another see -
self out duringtheholidays witha comforta and cottagers:1 Misses Oldham, Neelin, cession, Stan�ey, had three a large delegation of influential residaN*
b legiate Institute, had resigned his position, tlemen and counsel together, *and we are Cowan six very va, - luable ghee )I worried by tidn the t�aoher wishes to place a substitute All
Brooks, Neal, Wilson, Helen Wilson and enthusiastically received. After in
rig, and now drives to his school, instead of dogs'the other night. -Mrs. Higgins and in hii-pla,
This announcement, however, did not con- sure that all will end well. 6e whilia he goes to Manitoba, con-
�walking as former1j.-Tbis snimmer has Dolena Wilson, Kemp, Pickard, Reita Me. troductions had been made, a procession
vey by any means a full statement of the two children. of Turnberry.. pre visiting trary4o the wishes of the treistees. The carriages was formed, which was headed �.rf
been a season of decided improvements in theson and Mri. Pickard, and Messrs.
affair, but we. considered that at that time Miss. -Higgins last week. -Mr. Jo" Thomp- school lav� needs amending, as at present to
our village. P%inting and other repairs . 'kard, T. Wilson, I - the town band, and proceeded the
it was not uece8sary to say more, and that LocAL BniEFs n tickets were sold Mo by, Matheson, Pi. son, princi tail, �,y, ii back at
pal of No. 10, t the trust4es think they can rule the rate
house, where a large assemblage Waited i
-terests of the In- at this station on Tuesday for the excursi4 Fero ; the teachevs think they are above &nee
have been carried out extensively. Among it would not be in the in -Ele4 b1nd Ken Kemp and Bishop Neelin.
his post again. Rememb
receive the Minister. His appear
those who have had their residences nezItly atitute or of the parties concerned to do so. to Brantford,and fort were sold -to differ. f
y the trusts�es and the inspectors wish to rule the signal fori hearty cheers, after �vhitih
painted, are Messrs. ' Joseph Sproat, T. Had matt -era remained as they were 'hen, ent points for the civic holiday excursions. Wroxeter. all councils included. A teacher of 128 year
Hills, Joseph Dyson, D Zurich. aaddress of welcome, on behalf of the el
onald McKay, Alex. perhaps any further reference to the a'jffair -Mr. JameF Fisher, wife and two children, experidtll4
-,e- states, he never received ten
TQKmy and W. Finlaysom-Alr, John� Steet Foit SALE he house lately erected on HARTLE115's NE)v BLOCK, Opp Osite Peinie's and town council- was read by Mir.A. 319A
would not now be necessary. 'But its the of Little Rock, Arkansae, are isiting iela- I I
Fail,* street, substantial throughout, and. up -to. Hotel, we advise the people of Zuri 0 and surround. cents' worth of value from an in, ector by ......
is having a nice stone cellar placed; under Be, 'p Allan, effairmau of the citizens comini
matter has been the subject of much heated tivesin-town.-The Beaver lacrosse club date in all its 1110pointmente ; cellar full size of ing county, that iKe have remove I to new st ind, hi's visits,`ib schools. Why not ad
his residence, which will add mu--h'to its discussion, and as is usually the c layed a league match with the Strat house. For partl lars a ply on,the Premises, or to with our fit)ck of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware,
a com' Mr. Tarte in reply, thaviked the VON11=111
d d
-for P, mission t� reeve to compel the above officers WEHA
p jr and people of Goderich for the enthwis
`e unc er TiiOMAs Gins)N, jr 1646-4 and we extend our thaake for. the 1 put patronag
comfort. -We are sorry to note the illness of simil r eircurnst nee some very erroneous team, in Stratford, on Thursday, of last not to fo�rce the ratepayers so badly. -Com.
-Miss Mamie Pearson, who has been again from our many customers, and he to e favared
statements have been mxde, it may no,%v be eek, ail succeeded in defeating the classic . P.EydijrLiNas.LAbj Goebel, of Mitchell, XONE1
tu as our stock -0
with any new ones in the fu i'__oi_;;e Zb;k ;�_Che%arbor, hf4w&
confined to the house for some time. -Mr. well for us to give a' brief history of the city lacrossists to the tune of four goals to formerl a jeweler: of this place, was is more compste than ever before add prices -lo w as
e U8'1% call. CHARM a HATME111.
Bluevalo. he was aware of the necessity of sulob
George Sproat, who had been ill and suffer- affair from the commencement to the pres. two. Some of the old time feeling must in town last';!week on a flying visit. the,]OWeSt. GIV Auffiel h h of placed
ing severely for about two week,% died on ent time. Under * instructions from the have been aroused in the bosom's of the -A. Sanders, druggist, of Toronto, Svisit. POINTAs.-Me. R. 'W. Bruce, M. .,. and for that remo e a
-esti ateg
were ing under parental roof at pr in it: be expended for
Tuesday morning. During tyd �ast few board, Mr. Clarkson, the head mastei'of Stratford boyA, as some- of our fellows ' 1 NOTES. -A few days ago, w4ile Mr. R.R. principal of the Huron street school, To- in the
sent. -
pretty badly marked liip when they got rom 1'. Hess' rointo, hes wheeled his way up to our vil- purpose. He also regretted that Sim
years he has had several s6ver attacks, the Institute, is required every quarter to Mr. Peter McFarlane, inspector'of cream. J ohnston w4a taking a trough i EM_
-which finally wore oat his naturally fine shopl to Mr. Philip Hau, -h's on'a light lage, anoi is spending a week or so among progress had not been made with tbov-01
e to the board a confidential repoft as to home. -Mr. Alex. Davidson hai gone on a eries for the Dominion Government,- paid wOgOn
constitution. �-Two of our young men, gil ied but that was trot the fault :of this the working of the school, the condition of triV. to the old country. We wish him wagon, the �orse jumped, and Mr. ffauch, his manv friends. He is acoompan by
-essrs. Lou"is Kruse and --ThomasBickle, VOV a this place a flying visit last week. He re. ment. The minister and the de tana"M
l Mr. William Kerr, of Inspector Hughes'
the school jroperty, the chameter of the safe age and a pleasant visit with friends ports the aver�ge farmer in Quebec in much who wu oq the wagon, fell o T, nol," broke left on Wednesday for Manitoba to push work two of his I ba and was otherm iseebruised.- office, Toronto. Mr. Bruce in an old Huron thew proceeded to the Hotel Be
dford -Wh-011
being done by the several teachers of the old sod. -Trace Jackson. alias Cann, better circumstances than the average On -
their fortunes,and we trust the ze
y will reali Mesers. J.* Dimmert, Peter Wooley, R. boy an4 was principal ofour school here a capital lunch was spread, the ch
under his charge, and so on. Shortly after was up before Judge Edward Elliott,of Lon- bario farmer, Owing to the promine on the wro
le 1jr4 apisitol. by Acting -Mayor- Thompsa,14
their est hopes. -On Jubilee day, J. R. the close of the school prior to thesummer don, the other morning, for sentence, hav- to dairying bylthe former. He all vg Heideman and some others, tc ok advantage some sixteen years ago. Mrs.- Bruce mud oce
Collie, George MeMann, Leo Charlesworth holidays,the head master handed this report pleaded guilty some time ago to stealing that many of the butter factory p of the cheap excursion to Bar 2ia last Satur. children are abo. in Bluevale enjoying the was ter. Mr. Tarte in his
roprie 0
-are very sorry to hear di and Joseph Winters, four young athletes to the see ingi to day. -Mrs. Philip Hauch re mrned from a country* air. 'We inner ap" h put hinuelf in a
retary of the board, and in due a cycle from Ainoldi & Hare, of Seaforth, stand in their 1cwn light by hanging on c
�ieisent by an -able And
from our school won the first prize of $15 in course it was brought before the board at and another from Mr. Alex. Mustard, of goo3s for prices to rise. ' He advises taking visiting trip to Berlin a few di ya ago. -Mr;s. that Miss Mary King has scarlet fever. graces of all SEA10
the re' av race. and they certainly deserve then took � car
its first meeting. This report contained a BruceSeld. The Judge sentenced him to advantage of � the efforts of the Dominion
Fetzer with family and Mrj Stephen, all' Miss Ruby Imrie, of Toronto, neice of Mr. address. The party
n It�pe, the Scottish poet,is visi d th' Minister inenected the break -
much credit for the judicious way in which clause to the effect that Mr. Thompson's three months in ge transport&. from
the Central Prison. At Government in' the cold store Belin, have bee� the nests of Mrs. Job ting her --an
they bave spent the money. As a result, a teaching had been very defective in the the expiration of this term he will be taken tion scheme. Ship the goods as soon as mana- Thomas Johnson for anof the public b
a coupoj� of weeks.- t, Mrs. William lobiater, of Morris. She the harbor piers
very bandsome clock and a beautiful por- matter of discipline. After due considera. to Whitby, to stand his trial for assaulting factured, ind thus Mr. Smith and wife, from Se riugville, have and Miss Nina Isbister vitited at Mr. F. B. of the town. In the evening they
when in prime condition, a T
trait of the Queen ornament the walls of tion the board decided to ispense -with Mr. a turrikey'in the Whitby jail and escaping. establish a reputaMn in the almost unlim. -been here visiting Mr. 0. artleib, their Seott's,'in this village, over Sunday. -Thos. serenaded by the. town band and a
the principal's room. The junior depart- Thompson's services, and instructed the -Misi Houghton, of Wingh -in-law.-Minas Laura i liams bas re- King, M. D., Cincinnati, Ohio, is home via. number of the citizens, Grit and 1ioryp
m, was visiting ited market of Great Britain, and the price son A
ment also received a similar portrait as a ed out to, the reception given him secretary to write to Mr. Thompson to this friends in town last week. -T he boys.' brig. will eventually correspond with the turned from a five weeks' visit to -her uncle iting his moiher and brothers and sisters. -
i Mrs.Kent, of Brantford, spent Sunday with groundS of the
effect, and ask him to send in his resigna. ade will hold a, garden party on the lawn of artiole.-That the at n Port Huron, Michigan.,- resident member
reams of this see Mr. W. H.
tion of
Mr loon this (Friday) evening. A country are not yet'Aepleted of the " apeck- AwAdv
tion. This the secretary did, and Mr. D. D. Wi Magel, from Pulaski, Mich�gan, has been her sister, Mrs. Andrew Holmes, -Messrs. ment.-
res Is
Civic Ho -Those interested in the Thompson, as "directed, Wired his igna. good programme of music, fancy drills, led beauties" is videnced by the fine here visiting his mother anol I brother. -Mr. Will and Jack Gardiner went on the-excur-
P -o et , ill lenry Wesloh and son John �were at Berlin 'sion tolManitoba, this week. Jack -will go -MT� Frank Kelly, of Oiklaud,
I, gramme of amusements oa civic holiday tion, but at the same time asked that his 0. w be given, to say nothing of the eetches Mr. George Brown and others are
bad everythiug in ood shape, but they ne- conduct in the respect complained of be tem ing refreshments to 'be served. The from time to time exhibiting to the last weekk-Mr. Louis Welpoi and wife, of to Ratirorts", and.if he likds the place, nia, is on a visit 0 big mother and An aceidei
glecterd to order a gue day, and, as a result, further investigated. He returned to town, bang will also be in attendance. The boys datock, have been here On a visit amon will reinsin A winter and proceed to BritiBh relatives in Hibbert townalcip. rg:ze of their friend is. -A car of maple luni' WOO 9
relatives and frieni nag.
had to' take what they got, and that wasn't and a special meeting of the board was held have always been willing to assist -whenever r Is. -Mr. Noah Fried, of 'Columbia- in -the sp, Will intends re- went to the golden state nearly thi
was shipped from here this week by the
t as he wai g.:
much for a holiday.: Early in the morning at which Mr. Thompson was asked to be their services were desired, and now the Belmore sawmill proprietor. -Mr. Howard Pakrhill, has been visiting did friends here; 'turni ' to �Ojltarlo.-34r� )%us%ff went to Kears ago, )us i appraiabbin
y� 0
it rained heavily, and everything was. wet, present. He attended the meeting and people should return their kindness by mak- Snell, of Tor6ntos;�v in iown last week for -Rollin Fried and wife, of 0 6ginaw, Mich. Henaef, llist 'Frida, Z=.-Misa ood. Montof that time he was oce.
and the rain kept up at intervals all morn- pleaded his own cause. The board, how- e the guests of MrX. Kibler. -Mrs. Xnoix,� of An as or ran
ing their social a grand success. --M r, Geo. a few days. �'Mrs. 0. Smith and daughter Igan, %r' burn, wais'6iting Jennie farming, Ching, as it s called 1111'
Diams�nd this week. -Mrs. Bickle and- Miss country-; about a year ago be ie 10k
ing. In the afternoon the raia kept off, but ever, adhered to their former decision, and A. Aetzelieft on Saturday on n'trip to New have returned from a visit to friends in G. Holtzman, who was in H on, ichigano �0- P. F.,
au ht r i has Martha Thornton went to Detroit on Set. is now living in Oakland. Mr.
the sky was cloudy, and the weather cold. as the considered him an estimable young 1 York. -Things bave -been, booming at the Chealey.-Miss Edith MeLaitighlin, of, Bru waiting ow her daughter nick, Ke
T Macdonald,
Despite the disagreeable da a number went man, and an energetic and- painstaking ; Seaforth foundry lately, so much ad that. eels, is viel'ting friends herd.-hir. John returned home, bringin he aug�ter with urday Mr. and Mrs. John of prospered in theL-weat, aild is now 411
-to d the Oddfell we' grand. her. Her son Benjamin me ipanied them Luck ow, spent Sunday at Mr. John Gard- the fruits of his labor.
tp T$ayfi�jd, while others took advantage of teacher, who seemed anxiou&% o his the men have to work over time. -Miss Douglas atteuded',
r r e