HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-08-20, Page 3. 7 � - - '�' -15W I . I I . P � , . ­� I - - . 7 I- __ ­ I ,� I I . . � 1 - I ­ - . , . I - . - . I I - I I , - ­ (_ - 't - ­� ` � I ., - , - . 1� � ­. - - I- , . , I I . - - , I � I'll E 18wof �.y 040 ­ __ - . I 1� I " I - , - .11 �. . ATTGUST 204,18970 1 � - I -j- ;;�___ I I - . - . I - . .. IMPORTANT XOTICES. � � . .. � ; __ - ' . 11 . . . . . "I I R SALK- ,Desirable property situated an God , - - - , ej, sestorib. Fcr particulars ap at I . ,rjoh ;jje . . � - , - �r, 128tyu , F-XrMTOR OFFIM . - . .. I I - - __,� - _� -lia Land - I .. '... -, - jJjc9XNNA, Dominion and Provinc � --- . . Member of tboAssocistion Of Ontsario : � �._ ., I surveyor* - -52 1�1 . , ,.. � . L. surveyors, Dublin, Ontario. . .1386 - , ..------ ­ �, I - Iliq BEATTM 04rk 14 the Seloond Division ' . - ­ 4rt.rt&Co;ntV-0omm1Wonor, of Huronk= I, ­ - � d - - am, d, Loan and insurance Agent. - . - "" Offloe-Over Sb� . 11 �� - � iii"g,sid amd to Lean. 1%9 & _ _ _._ I .1 - � - irwe #Ore, main street, Sestorth. , I � � I - --.-. � . - - "W --i-_ . I -­ - ' he 'publte are hereby cauHoned I .. � V='k;j�jIng &e.dit to any person ein ray so. , . . I I . � - _ . . aaa!6 as -'it will not haesftr bb --r*sponsible for any � - : &MW -,ontracted. without my - written order and - . � . I - i0s"aL HENRY ST - IMORE, McKillop, Auguilt 5th, - -1 1547X4 1 _. ,207.- I I I . I B�EA)zs AND BUTTER WANTED.-Wazittd a lim. Ikd q11&DtI%`.v Of Good White Beans; also a - . Of ill st class Tub'Butter. Fortbeselivewill � Ighest cash price. The highest cash. pri3e be paid for fowl in all seasons. T. )�_ F. I CO3, Seatorth. 1529-U e CASS I __ I � � � 3oo Private fundE to loan atloweat ' . i�7 -1 � , W of interest in- sums to suit ' ' . . . 700borrowers. Loanscanbecom- � #1,000 - pleted and money advanced � - -11,560, within two days. Apply to & 4� - . z - . . L L - . � , F L I TEACHERS WANLTED. I I __ , I ACBER WANTED.-Applicatiors will be re- 7ceived by the secretary of Union School .. Se& ,on No. 1, Bay and Stanley, for the seivices of a - �� . . .. . wak ttacher, dntles to commerce January lot, 1898. - .. � 'ROBERT ALL&N, Secretary, DfYEdale P. 0. ''I I 1516x4 �11 - i , 11 - . -%A,c-jlE,R WANTED. -A female teacher, holding I & �N ,jx@s certificates wanted &A an als8istilint � I . . . . . : toy school Se.,tion No. 6, Stal duties to enm- - �� . - mi Auguit 16th, - 1897. Applications to be re - L, . edved VII Augum 9tb, state salary when applying, ALF_X FOSIER, Varli Ontario. 1545 -td L — . —_ I rnEACHER WANT-F.D.-A male or female teacher . JL holding a second or third class certificate, ' ' I L I van" to teach in No. 9, MaKillop, duties tO CO111- I . =once Nt January, 189S. State salary when apply- ing. Applications close Aull 28, at half -past -two, at school house., PLETCHER ROE, Secretary, I Tnasurer, Walton, Ontalio. 1547x4 I � . IN REAL ESTATE FOP. SALE'L I ___ ----.-.---. --,-- . GOOD CHANCE FOR RETIRED FARMERS I L I AOR MARKET GARDENERS -For sale, thirty . - acres of choice land in Barpurhey, specially ilill . for a market garden or small farm. Good buildings . I -- �� -And every convenience. Apply to ISAAC MILLER, I'll, ..... . On the premises. . 1545-tf .... __ _____ L T)ESIDENCE IN BRUCEFIELD FOR SALE. - LLL ... JLt For sale the fnme dwelling house and let Dear I.. the railway rstation in Bru2tfleld. The house con- tLing ten room;j ; a stone cellar and hard and soft water in the house-; also a good Istable. There is P. LLL L quarter acre of land. Apply to ALEX. MUSTARD, � I- Bruceffeld. 1616-tf - . — ' I - John I LandFborongh, sell or rent his fi e new residence in Egniondville, which was built last sum- wer. This is in every respect a first-class house, with good brick and well finished, bard and soft water, combined coal or wood furnace, cement tl,)or . in cellar, and every modern convenience. Apply to - JOHN LANDSBOROUGH, Seaforth. 154S-4, . I FOR SALE. -One hundr*d acres com- of Lot 30, Concession 10, MoKfilop. all jilred, frill hoUal bank barn, and other out c era r gm� --A A -A--A-in-d and in a Ill " lasts *. � _-� siniple. . - > 'use a . I Polish - � I � . - I .. ; P1011641 I - - I , - , w eek, I :�, W, he 0 . 1* I actual I d an d J, Wfth i M -i ,.-INK0, . , � - _ buildings. wen son - � F - . - good state of cultivation. Also west half of south I . , IWI Lot al, Concession it, xcKillop, containing 25 acres, about 10 acres cleared, balance in bush. Will � - be sold together or separately. F,)r father pill ic- � � , iflars aYly on the-premims, of to -MRS. JAME3 � . WRIGH , JAMES CUTHILL, W. ALEXANDER ' . 1647x4 1 1`897 Executors, Wiathrop P. O. , . �.%. oall and tnto ,ct, aud a,3 we I ACA -ive ­OOd 0 z> Embalmer of' Shall receive Director's re - Dr. Campbeli's . ; F I I I I . . es Old Stand TROVE " � y . � � � � 162000,000 111,0005000 7 � �, I un Draft -al ' � in liee i . �_ � � and Novem- I I er -and Far. . . I , Manager. I 7 _� � � � I 7 I - - - �:_�. (A a1z ,jtlr , I, - ry, �._,, Etc., )RTH. - - �. USB AND LOT FOR SALF.-For sale, a de - W sizable ptopertL,n Egmondville. There are I three acres of land, 1p ted Ivith large and small fluits. There is on the place a good brick vaDeered I - houoe� story and a half high, &ad a good frame . stAble. There is plenty of hard and soft water. This ty is most pleaftnt,7y mituated, and ,:j.rc,'VN d,,i.bl, place for a retired farmer. Apply to &DOLPH MORENTZ, Egmondville. 1543-13 11 - - � I I ARM IN ALGOMA FOR SALIC.-For sale the FSouth East quarter.. of section P., township Of I -Lal containing 160 acres. There are foA) acres cklared and free from stumpolandunder crop. Com- fortablelogbuUdings. The balance is well timbered. jjj@�%-iWn lour miles of Echobay railway station, andrix miles of the prosperous village OfPOrt . Findlay. Thisis a good lot, and willbe sold cheM &Ddoneasyterms. Apply to WILLIAMSIMPSO an the preirikee, -or to ALLM MUSTA11D, Bruce- . field. - 1646 -ti - - . FAU FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 31, Ith Conees- sion, town6hip of Usborne, containing 100 . . acres, 85 cleared, and the baiance. in good bush. . . The land is in a good state of cultivation, Js well I _ underdrained, and well fenced. There is a frame bum, frame stable and a comfortable fram,eldwelling � house on the property, two never failing wells ; also about ij acres of oicbard. It is an excellent farm, I and is within five miles* of the thriving viUages Of I I Exeter and Hensall, there is a school within one ,mile. and is convenient to churches. Tbi3 deE-irable % Rropelty will be sold on reasonable terrn& Pool � sion given after harvest. For further particulars - apply to jon�lj McqUEEN, Lumley P. O., Ontario. . 1546.4 I'OR,, SALE. -For sale, Lot 5, CcHcel3sion 12, i Tuckersanitli, containing 100 acres, 85 "rev 1 cleared and fr.Ee of stumps and stones, the balance . good hardwood bueh. The land is in an excellent date of cultivation, is well underdrained and well . , . leaned, principally straight rail fencing. The build- � ings consist of a good framie barn, frame ll . : � I n and comfortable house. There are ; pig - i , ree g wel , and two acres of excellent orchard I � . cipally winter apples� with plenty of smali . � It. This o rty is situated within three miles - I of ensall, ils f Sesforth. It is 4180 convenient to church and school, and one mile and a - quarter from Gbiaelburst Post office, having a daily mail. $3.0m, of the purchase money may remain On I the property it desired by the haser The pur- I ,� chaser may have privilege of M,ug fall �vork when 11 . . . , � desired. For further particulars apply on the - I premises, or to JOHN SHEPHERD or JOaN FITZ- , GERALD, Chiselhurst P. O., Executors of the estate of the late John Latta - 1546-4 — I - STOCK FOR SALE. -DIGS FOR SALE A_N`D FOR SERVICE.- The - - : .L undersigned, breeder of Large English Berk - I shires,has for sale boars and sows in farrow. He will . also keep for service the stock boar, 11 King Lee," archased from Mr. George Green, of Fairview, I � - and winner at Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa. Term --$I payable at the time of service with the privilege I of ret turninZ it necessary, if booked $1.60. JAMES .. DOARA-NC � E, Lot 26, Concession 6, MCKWOP, Sea - ort -b- P. O. - I - 1465-62 SERVICE. - - UL FOR SERVIOE.-The undemigned will 1, _� . B ce for eervice on Lot 29, C,r,liceasion 11, ­ I of � Bibbert, Phe tboroughbred Durham bull - Far . Dunraven." Terws_$1.26 to infilorv- W' H' STONEMAN, Proprietor. lbsi-t.t I . . AR FOR SERVICE. ­The undel -il� ., BO I,e,p for eervice on Lot 34, Concesaion 4, Tuck4 eramith, a thorouizhbred Cheater Whi �e r purchased from H. George & gone, (,rcp?rpt�'n I AlIddle8ex County. Teiril payable at time 0 . : service, with privilege of returning V necessary I JOHN W. ROUTLEDGE. 1640-tf - I ULLS FOR SERN710E-The undersigned wil I Bkeep for service at John MoNevin'll m1119, KIP : the thoroughbred Durham bull, " 811,ilor Lad. � i rh_141.1 'null was Purchased from Mr. D. D. NN ilson, ani I 1 18 from imported stock. Terms, $1-60- MCNEVII I McKAY. z , 1524x4tf � - XWORTH BOAR p0]jL SER,710E.-Thle undej stgned will keep for service, at the BruceffOl . eese Factory, a thorou ol Boxi ghbred Tx -1 I 4 - th registered pedig7ft. arms, 11; Po= . I I e of service with privi , lVe of returning ei . 1406-tt 7 I 101y. HUGH McCARTNN . Bruol - I . i - 1 "11AXWORTH PIG FOR SERVICE. -The undo: I X signed has for service on lot M concession I McKillop, a thcrio'bred Tsmworth Pig, to which limited number of sows will be tall Th" In a extra cold pig and breeders find it advantageous I . CAM Their berkshire sows with this -bTeed of Pill f returning it necessar I Irerme#l, with rivilege 0 1505xtf' 'In � - OHN MoMILL — I � ALMA COLLEGE I - I . For Youngr Women- � . Aresidential 860o Collelplate and Pr I A &mtol-y Studie I . gusic, Fine Ar Elocution Busines I - Moral aud,'Esthet . Advanta S. Aff ated wilr Victor I ___ - in an eight acre park. Lo - Jniversit * Collegestan - rates. Fo illustrated catalo e and paniculars, addres " . Rev. R. Warni6r, M. A., Prin0pal, I St. TboM33, 011L � . ; , � ; I - . . � � - I - - �_ __ I � - I I- .- - � . - ­ I � I : i � , , � � ­ . . I .- I .. . �� I , . � - . I . - . - lw , - ­_.- . � � - - __ � - - . . � . I � � . - I � . I . I � - - I � . I � . I I - , � . I I - . � . r'. � I � . . � . I � I , - .. , I . I � � I ­ � t � � I ­ .. -1 . . � I - I . I . I ,�� � "p. .—, ,. . I � . I Z. 1. - � I . � - .1 . I - . I I . I � . . . . . � . I I �� . - I - ­ � i I I I . . - �. � I . . I � - I I I � .1 11. . I . . . . . . . ,_ . I .11 I I . - . - - . ­. �i � , � - — � - . , I - - , -11 . . - I I - � . � � - I . . . - - I - - - - . I -11 � - I � I ­ . I - , . -1 I . ; � .. . - 1, � - � , - ­ I � I , - -,:-- . -_uA­ - �;;, - � — .­�,,�� �_ � - I I - , -_ - __ .- I : I : I I i . -, _ - - , - - . � I � I I `_ � � - . , � ". - .� I I . - � - � . - __ , - 7 - � z,.- Ir . --�� - - - � - : - ,-: , I - � "� -., �­ � I I I : - ; - � , - � - � � . . . - , - - I I I I . z I � - . � - I- � I . . I : - . . . . - �� I I � � . � , i � . . . � . - . - . , - - I � I - , , . . I . � . . . . t z 7 1 . I I . 1. , . I . � � � - . . , I - I - I , . - I I I . IL � I . . ! . .4 . � � I I I .. I I �, CARTERAS " . - . �, ITTLE I I - - . , � :: IVER . ?ILLS - . � . . I . .1 . I � � _�_____ ill.' 'I __ . r &10 NUDAGNE r, K - ! Positively cured by these I Little Pills. i I They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, . �ndigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per. i ' cct remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi. iess, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They P,egulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. I I - S . mail Pill. Small Domes -. . i - Small Price, . � Substitution 11 -I I I the fi-aud of the day. � A � - ! See You get- Carter's. : I - . � � Ask for Carter's, I insist and clemand - I - --- q r f- 11�. ,,arter's Little Liver Pil N. . � I= _-P_A__Y-S lill � "-.,.,Oil I % I - 0 1 9 .The Canada Business College, - CHATHAM, ONTARIO, Still leads In finding choice pcsitions for ,Tdo uates. We hav6 teen placing an average o w Mp week. Forty-one were placed between January and May let, four months. The following is an extract from a Utter juet received from one of the older American Colleges:-" We must make a ebal of toacher in our Business Department - Gould you recommend a young man to take ci Ty We are continually receiving such requests OW other Business Colleges and also from busil houses. It rays to 5raduate from a school whose ' students are in deman . College re -opens Septem- ber isk Wete for Catalogue. D. McLACHLAN & Co., Chatham, Ontario. . - Wm. N. Walkerp THE RELIABLE Upholsterer and Mattress Maker, - SEAFORTH, ONT. Parlor Furniture rey L aired and recovered. Carpeta sewed an laid ; also cleaned and renovated at remonable prices. - Shop at M., Robertson's Old Stand, r Main Street. WOOD WILL BE TAICEN FOR WORK. - 1522 1 ___ - PLANING MILLI MAIN ST-, NORTH- . " TheunderaignedWiDuldbegto say to the publin generally, that they have their mill running now full blast, every day and all day, and are prepared to do custom work on the shortest notices and guar- antee Satisfaction. All kinds of . - I PINE LUMBER, BOTH DRESSED AND UNDRESSED, MOULDINGS OFALL KINDS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, LATH AND SHINGLES, BOTH PINE AND BRITISH -COLUMBIA CEDAR, And everything kept in a first-class Planning Mill always in stock, beet workmen kept. and beat -work done. . Plans Aurnished and estimates given- Please give us a can when you want anything in our line. N. CLUFF & SONS, Seafor-th. I[-;14-1 yr. - I I H. .R. .J�ackson ' & SON# _. 7 DIRECT'IMPORTERS OF . Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac, Mr .W Q�� Wol. , �. � ""' , �� , -,;".,— �tl �­_1-_­_­­___­;,,1 -1 -__--____-V-,_-_ " __ ,--..-- , ­­,­--_1­*_1 -­ � . � � � � . , . -11 W-1 __ � . - . . I . - I � . � . I I . I I I 1. I . . 4� � . - � . - . - I . . . I - I . . . I 11 . � . ­ - . . " I . - I . . . - � . � . I - . I I �­ . . I . . , , 1, ; . . I I . I . . � . I 1: - . I I .. . � I �� . . . � . � � . I . � . . � I .. :- . 4 . . I . � . . - . . I . I . ­ � . . i � I I . I.. I � _. � � � I - � . 7 , , . . � - 1. . - ., �-�: - � I - ­ , ­ � - ,­ . I - . I - I � . - .. . - - . - I � - I- - � , - . I , - � - -, ­. I . - 1, - - , , -- , I - , , - , - , I � � , , ­� " ��_ � I I - ,� , , I- � � - . � .4 , - - � - .1, I - - i -�,�-�,:,�-�-"��: ":�;.�_' - _� _,`_- :.� 1-1 il : . . I � , � - , , , � I � � - � I I . � � I 7. - , , , �� :� , . 1- ,�� 1� �. -I' - I I . - - - � ­­ ­ - - . - � I � I , � �_ I - ,`� 1� Z - -'-- ,;;� -, -.0--. 4', ,�'ZI%4 k 4' .1. , I I I � ,� , � , �� � I I I , , z I .- , ''I - ­ . - � - - I , 7 1 �- . 11 .�1�5, 0 - - _,�%�-.' ,� - - � �- . . � ­ . �1_ I - I � � . -1 1, �, �Z,� _ �_ I _,�,� �, �4_A ��,_ " � � - ��­�,, �_- i_­'Y� 1"C I - � ,�­ I - _til_ -1 , �, � 1:- , �. -i ­ - . - I _,��. . , . . . I ,. . . I � . - I . � - , , ­.� . - � '.. I ­� �, ", �, " �,�, , .,- , _. � : ,_ , � . � . - I I . ­ � . I � I � I � I 1, I I . � . . . � . � I : � - :, I 1, I - . � . I I � � I I I I I I . � I � I � . � - I � . I I i . . . . I . . � � . I I � � I I-_ ­ . - � - 11 � � . . . . . � I- . I . I I . . I . - - I ., . -1 �. I _. � �,� . , ­ . . . I - � 1. :, ­ I , .1 I I - I . . � . - . ,� i ; I I - . � I . . I . I . . I - THE HURON EXPOSI ____ . � , 11 . � ELOQUENT BAkERG, . . . � - I TH E -PO � RT I ER HIS BOOTJACK. A Struggl� In a Pullman Which Inter- 1E N ENGLISH BORN WESTERNER ested the Car. :. WHOSE SPEECH WAS A SPELL., 'A traveler recently witnemsed an I . - . ainuming episode on a train between ,e U i 8 X-emorable Effort Which Charmed Chicagoand Kansas City. Avery,re- : ,V spectable and well to do old gentleraan t ih* Reports" Beyond'the Fol to ; ' was In the car. When bedtime came, 1 32 R000rd What 33e Wd — HU Career an be struggled,with his boots. He first kd the P"ific Co"t and His Death. . put one foot on bis knee and tugged. ! . I . Only once bays I listened t" As he Was traveling bis boots were now. I t vho could make a newspaper reporter The boot wouldii't budge in that posi- I k 11 �orget his occupation, and I that M an tion, so he placed the too of the ot,her I t . , , was Colonel Edward D. Bak6r of Cali- , boot against the beel and tried it thaC fornia, Oregon and the nation. way. The boot stuck. Then he booked i Colonal Baker wals Win in England his foot around the other leg and took I kuld was brought to Ametion while a bold of the heel and tried to "work" it I off, but it wbuldn't come. At last he I �hild by ble par*ntc His fatber was a went in .Aearch of the porter and de- I weaver and obtained work in a Phil'a- inaude�� b6otjack. I telphia mill. Young Baker also worked I , 'Clax to goodness, boss, ain't got one m the mill when ho got old enough. � i4 de cyah. 'Unc' George don't funnish j Weaving was not to h$9 toate, and an 1' us no bootjacks. " � t loon as he could he weolt to Illinois aqd . I - tried , to' i Sympathi� zing passengera wvitbout the aid of much scho oling edu- � tbink the old man out of his troubles, I 3ated h1mmelf, got adWitted to the bar I and a druminer, as usual, brougbt forth ,1 knd began the praotice of the law in the beat injigestion: : I middle Illinois, riding in the circuit "Make the porter pull them off, " he I with --Lincoln and Winning fame as an � - said. I 5rator. He went to Mexico an Colonel of So the porter took off his jacket -and an Illinois regiment and Won fame at 'Beivg turned baok his cuffs and went to Work. j Cerro Gordo. attracted to Cali- He tugged and pulled and: seesawed I fornia at an early day, be settled in the boot baok and forth and perspired � Ban Francisco and gpeadfly became fa- ' and gruiated, but the boot wouldn't I wous an a jury lawyer,, particularly in I raeve. Tbo') drummer filled the breach I criminal cases. So great wals his repn.- I - agaill. ! � I tation as an orator that the miners "I used to pull my grandfatber's would leave their claims and go railes - boots off ometimes whenl was a boy, " I over the raountain trails to hear him he said."' Tell you bow I did it. Turn speak., . I round, I I he said to the darky. The Early in 1860 Colonel Baker deter- I darky turned. I 'Now take the boot be- , ' bained to try to be elected a United tween your logo, grasp -the heel -and toe States senatok from Oregon. It was a , and yank. " The darky did se.. The old most Rudacioua scheme for a resident gentleman clung desptrately to the seat. : of one state to attempt to become a men- The boot began to move and fintilly slid ator from an adjoining state, where he off, almost throwing the puller across had not even attenipted to gain a rexim thecar. The crowd applaud edd. -Kansas - dence. ItNi6uld require- a little more I . City Star. cheek for a New York man to try to be- . . - — - , come senator , from Connecticut than it LEAN MEAT. - -- did for ColonelBaker toundertaketo I b000me xeDator from Oregon. The very it sometimes Contains as andaoity of the sabewe comm6ded it ty-eight Per cent of Water. , to Colonel Baker, and he entered upon Lean meat. it may surprise inaiy to � the work with great energy. He stump- learn, is much more watery than fat ed Oregon before the June election and meat. This may be illustrated by the boldly proclaimed himself a candidate , 11tateident that very lean meat -niay con - for the senate as a Republioan against tain as much as 78 per cent of water, the celebrated- General - Joe Lane. The whila very fat pork may contain only legislature met in the fall, and after a 10 per cent. 6The flesh of fish is more hot fight Colonel B�ker was elected son- , watery than ordinary butcher meat. . ator, with a noted 'wit, James W. Nes- Thus salmon oontains five-eightbio of its -mith, as his oolleague. total weight of water, cod four-Iffibs The news of the election of Senator and flounders six-Revenths. Baker preceded his return by only a Among the foods which may be cited few days, causing great joy- to his as containing but a small percentage of � friends in California, who decided to I water, and consequently as dry food, give him a public feception, a function are flour and oatmeal, and sugar is a wbich in these days mearit the asnem- food entirely devoid of it. The animal bling of friends to listen to a speech by body has often boon aptly likened to a the benored man. The American the&- machine, and, like all machines, it re- ' ter on Sansome street, with a seating quires fuel to keep it working. Now capacity of 8*,000 when the stage was this fuel it obtainis from the food which arranged for auditors, was eiagaged for we eat, and in default of food the alai - the awasion. On the appointed evening wal time Itself is drawn upim. Food, eTery available seat and bit of standing 4 therefore, ke . 0 the animal body warm room was moupied, while hundre& and yields th:pmusoular energy necessary were turned away. Seats at tables were for the aocomplishment of thO work , itrranged ou :tho stage for balf a dozen which the body d,oes- lu this OaPacitY - reporters, among thena beiug a taU, the thm clauses of food nutrients may' 1 thin, consuniptive 'looking msan about sU be concerned. 45 years old, named Hart, who had The value of a food inny be estimated been reporting for uewspapers"so long in tjrM8 of the aMOUDt -Of '"Cat it Will that he was supposed to be proof give rise to. The most concentrated food I against the wiles of man or woman. ' fuel is fat. When fat is burned, It gives It was stated at the time that as rise to twico as much belit. al is given Colonel Baker rods down to the meet-- by the burniq: of either the albuminoids img with the committee he remarked: or the oarbohydrates. Fatty foodil there- I , I , "I ought to make the speech of my fore; possess 1 a muc h greater heating life tonight, but I feel as if I will mRke value than naufatty foods. -Pbiladel- a failnre. " phis Times. , _ __ After the meeting had been formally I � - Named the Fabrics. . opened a man about 5 feet 8 indhes in . At a very- early period in the north - height, stbletto and erect in build, with head scauttly covered ern republics of Italy commerce and a magnificent -with gray bair, a swoothly sbaven face, v1snuftoture became very active, due in aquiline nose, blazing dark eyes, a large & great me"ure to the stimulus given by the ruaritime supremacy of tho cities neck enciroled with a wide Byron col- of Genoa, Pisa aud Venice and to the lar and weariuS dark clothing, wam in- corresponding aetivity in trade in such troduoed an "Colotiel Baker, our sena- " prosperous inte�ior cities as Milau, tor froin Oregon. As I bad never heard Colonel Baker Florence, Bologlia and Padua. Milan , spiak, but bad had my bead filled with and Mahtua gave us milliners and man- nt�ries of bla -oratorical powers, I sat tua makers, and Leghorn attacbed its name to a certain kind of hat and straw. . -_ &MoDg the reporters, prejudiced against England, Ireland and Scotland bave him by the perversity of my nature, and given number of . DaMeS to fabrics stx�dfed him. For the first 15 minutes . I compared bim with the noted orators ,a made in certain localities, of which I had beard in the east, my i earlY con- tweeds, cheviots sind JiDsey woolsey are familiar examples. Worsted comes from Franee;Jno. de u.91- - y ohision being: "If this is tne greau land Gin, Rotter�am, Holland ; or of the Pacifie'and'the gray eagle the village of Worsted, near Norfolk, . Booth'm Tom Gin, London, England ; orpt and drugget may be traced to Drogbe- BuRoch &Co.'s Scotch Wbisky, Ghw. of, California,' he is much overrated. I ' gow Scotlasid ; Jamieson's Irish have beard a sce, . re of men who excelled da,, Ireland. - ' I _ ) Other materials of diverse origin axe Wh* k Dublin, Irelua;td ; also Port him." Then I became interested in the batiste, so - called from its French in - is le'rry Wine frorA France and �; xnanner of the orator. and 8 matter and the , � ventor, Baptiste, and gFenadine, which Spain' Agents for Walker's Whisky, His voice riTaled in tons and compass was first made in Grenada. The derl- Ontario ; Royal Distillery and Davis' t,he notes produced by a silver bugJe Ale and Porter, Toronto. when played by'a master, bis gestur�; V�tjon of the.word jet isiquita interest- - seemed more appropriaW and graceful ing. it was firist found near the river than thoise of any speaker I had ever aud town of Gagas, in Asia Minor To THE POLIC: heard, and bis utterances were so en- � whence its 'ol&'Freuch name, gagate", . et . or jaet, Nybich eventually devel- We bave opened a ret -ail stOrls. 'P trancing that all idea of the flight of � Jay I ection with our wholesale busi. . e Englisb jet. conn time was lost as the ears drank in bis ! oped into th I I business in the rear of the new Do- I eyes watched his grace- � I � minion Good's old stand, words and the . . Ancient Thermopylw. � W ods in 'ful movements. ' 1, werof I An officer of the English intelligence where we' ill sell the best go the market at bottom prices. Goods To give you an idea of the po ' I at i1a spite of the to any part of the town Colonel Bakerps�oratory it is enough tO 'department reports th . delivered - I at Mr -Hart, the case hardened fact, w,hich im well known, that the sea ,free. relate th - has receded since ancient times, the I TELEPHONE 11. 1518-tf reporter I have mentioned, became so strategical positiOn Of this ancient pass _________ - abmorbed in the matter and so fascinated to still immensely strong. The alterna- d by the3manner of the orator that be for- � tive route by Deleghi, whioh crosses the Cookfs Cotton Root COMPOU11 got his duty to his newspaper, forgot to hills 'a mile aud a balf north of the Is the only safe, reliable tnke notes, forgot -him surrouudings and _' mouthly medicine on which At one climax in the speech jumped springs by well engineered zigzags, is tpeud in the . the atiLge, equ�ally capable of defense and leads in - ladies can & from his seat. ran out on to a coun try of a' M ost d ifficul t charac - �hour and time of ff,led* grabbed Colonel Baker round the neck ter. Either pans might be held Indefl- � k 1. Is prepared in two degrees and,amid the tremendous cheering of pitely by 5,000 men. The coast road is -_ � of strength. rdinary cases the great audience, yelled' - absolutely commanded from the heijhts , No. I for 0 "Dy God, sir, you are rigbtl" I I is by far the best dollar medicine kILOw" The, instaut Hart spoke he woke up so that a comparatively small force -sold b ' t one Dollar per box. and, realiziDg the zPCCtACl6 'he 'bad - %vould render it impassable, while the y druggis 6, I No. W for special C"es--10 degrees � made of himself, rushed from the stage flat lowland lying near the sea is . druggists. Otte box, inarshy and Intersected by� dikes. I stronger -sold by 1 oxest Vive Dollars. amid the wild and long continued obeer- . I Three Dollaro; two b %I r No. 2, insiled on tccciPt Of ing of the vast audience. The Ono Thing lAwking. . . No. .1, 0 ce None of the reporterm on that atagO it Why does the young wife of old Mr. price and two was ever able to write out mor4 thitu 1. The Cook Companyp Orouts alwaYs look so unhappy? Re I windsor, 0nW10- &n ocossional paragraph of that two - gives her everything she wan* doesn't 1. - hou", mooch made by Colonel Baker, - h's?" . t Can- 9, �- Soldin Seaforthand everywherein the 0gly one I ever hemird hils mal "Everything except widowhood.' ada by all responsible druggests. , . I 8"n afterward he came evAt to 16whaste , Chicago Post. I !_ - I � gnat erow& in New York by his patri- I � - I 1, � otic aderanow, to 0100tft A6 80"ts ElDglig e come tc a RIMM—OVED. and the country by is 13�,Vrowjft re- ths conclullion that it is a ,mistake tc , ' n I ppy to Breckinridge, liV44a whik iR wr - till Havemberl'to plant- the bulbd 01 .. 0 fl I hyscinos and atecuffs and '. Having removed into the store formerlY th* inud gtained unifirm ip which he tulips and r. occutled by Mr. J. Downey, in the Cady ,bad jumt oome from the del# of U608 that vr . ben the summer diolplay is OTM - . opposite the Commercial Hotel, I alid to die fif hflug for his adoDtad 4*un- (September) the so'cuer bulba are got il . � - now pu se carrying a full and compliete , rpo try at Bail a muff. _�P. JD. I fit Now . it ine of aft kin" of I York Son. I The beAer. � - _. . I . ­ . . . I hi p- Blankets' - 111iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffilliN , 11amess, W_i, s, 0 — ___ . Anaeverything handled by the trade. Just - . ignment of - Ask your grocer for 1. received this week a large cons � MARRIAGE LIOENSES - . . . - !_ BLANKETS, GOAT ROBES AND i I �k i I . I ;. GOLLOWAY ROBES, I I ISSUED AT � t, 1, S. Which we are now offering ati astoniabingly -,;- - - . lF low prices. � THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, 1�1 1. - I -.-- [a � SHAFORTH, ONTARIO. I �Zlt W 7. M. , BRODERIOKI — IFor Table and Dairy, P�Irest ard Bcst i � I SEAFORTH. No WITNESSES REQUIRED ; , 11 . , . . I : . . I - � I - . � . � . i . T . . I . I .- . I - L I - I � . � _ -, - - ! - .. - 1- I I ; I . , - I . , I I ; I . . : . . . � I I . . � . - . f I . . I . . - � - , �. 1. � I .. I . ' ' , I ,. I � - - - . � I I - - , , � -- ­_ � . , -_ � - ,-- . - - . 1-- _� _0 - �L­ _� 111-e_�__ �i � . _ - . 1- ', - I I I ,_ �,_ _. .: - —, i L � - . I �_�_ .�_,_ , _ � - .--,- _;�__�- " -_ ". , - ­ ': . � � , - � - .- � - .__ - �,­___ � - — � . - - I I _ i . I � - - - �_ _.-.� .. . .. , �'. � , I - �­���­ . . I � . .- .. ­ � I - I - I . I � - - _ __ � I I .. ­ ­ 6__- _­ __ � .� , �- � . � � , " - , 1. I " -------- -- � ­_ , - - �- __ , f2 _ - . . ,� __ , 11 - ­­ 11 -A- � I - 1- - , , '. " . , � _. - 7 � � - . - 11 , � % , - , � - � , _. , ,. -1- _­__ ,� ­_ I ­­- -1 � �_ _­­ �v­ ,.-,,- -- I - 4-- 1 1; .1- �1. � , . 1 1 - � z � � I . � � . I . ­ . � . i . e j, . I ! . . I - T � . I � � . � . . . - t . � . . ; . . . �� - � - � � . I - . - . � � . I I - . I I : .- �, I . .9 t" � � , � . I - " � �, . I I �� I i : i I , *- � I . I - � I . - . I 1 ­­ -­ � ," ­ : _'.1iiii _­_ . , � � , I � I i:_- , - 11 , I ­ I � - � z 1 - - : - 11 11 I - -_ . . , .11 L � .1 � . I -1 I I � - ,� i I � !� . � I - � - - I I I I . . I I .. .. . . I 11 . . . I - ,� ; - 2 1 � t I � I i i I N -1 . . - I TORO I . � ;, . � . I . � i . I I -rED. WHAT SHE NEGLE6 . . - [e Was a Studont of Rulman Nature, and L He Caught Her. . . Albert Bloodgood gazed . , mestly into his youug wiWs eyes. It ras evident that serieum dl�ubts- had &ken pommension of him. He had been iarried to Sylvia Bloodigood for three lays and had thought that he was hap - y, but now, as she sat beside him in he maloon of the plunging steamer, a orrible thought sudd6ly forced ittself r i ,pon him. � i . The sweet girl who bad giv�n her life ato his keepiug noticed that gomething vas out of whack with )%im, and, look - ug up, more no au innocent obild *ould Dok at a parent than ail a wiie contem- ' ilaflug the features of her bu6and, she sked: L ! "Doeon't 'oom lave 'oor lit . fle darlie my more? Tell me, darling, what it Is hat troubles you. Don't try to conceal t from 'oor 'ittle lovey devoy. You , ,now I'm so wise I can see everything. .1 I rou to141 me so yesterday., whei ' i I guessed . vhat you had in that pretty OeWel box I or me.$) - � � i He sighed and said: . i " Ah; sweetness, I don't know wbethar � i � : ought to inapart my thoughtg to You )r not.'Perhaps I am borrowing trouble. 3ut I baye,'as you know, always been )f a studions disposition. I ba've studied nen and women, and I have been wont I v think that I knew human �ature. " "Yes," she urged, becow,ing inter- � I isted; "goon." . I "Well, either my observatiOng UAA" leduciions have been wrong or you lon't love me as a wife ohould love her �uxband. " I 110b,.Albert," the sweet girl cried, Ringing ber arms around bim neck an - d iobbing pitifully, "what b as caused you �o form this cruel,' cruel opirion? What bas loor 'ittle darlie done to arouse � such a suspicion?"' . -It j8u1twbat*oa have done, " he re- . � plied, "but what you have not done, i I I . that worries me. " I - : She drew back in wil4 fear and waited for bhu to proceed. 'I . t I I I Yes, " he wont on, I I it A wb at you have neglected that has e:auved these .: doubts to take pomseellon of me. HOre - we've beeu married for tbree days, and you bave not yet amkod we to solemnly declare that I nev ' er really 1101yed until I . cam a to know you. It I With a. guilty look she alilInk away t� her stateroorn, for she knew that sbe had forever forfeited the right to claim his confidence. -Cleveland Leader. I ! HERRING BOATS. I Their pe(juUsr Itig - oue of, Them SUBS � From cornwilli to Australia. The fleets of herring 11sbing boats sail- � ing out of the ports of Great Britain I axe grand seagoing craft, 1 strong and ' swift, and able to stauji thq stormiest i willoather. They are uniby -rigged with � two stumpy masts and c*Ty enormous square lugsaile, wbich havo fo be low- � ered and raised every tinie the boats-, 9400me about.,, In Sood"d and the , )Rnglimh and Irish ports they are called luggerm, but in the isle of Man have the locil name of "nickiec!" , ' In many cases the crew's own the I boats, enob man baving a �share, but in any case the flobermen ha�e an interest . in the aimount of :Bxh xold" and are paid L according to results. It ie a glorious oight to see these boats racing loome af t- er A good baul, the first. boat in having the best market for the fish. It is not uncommon at Tarbot, the headquarttris of the Loch� Frone boats; peel, in the ilile of Man; Penzanoe, in Cornwall, and at some Irish ports to see the fish taken away by cartloads to . bt used by the farmers for mautire at times when an unusually big catch has oversupplied I the market. � In many places during the summer there � are races organiz6d by the towns- people and visitors for theee luggers, and the interest in time eveuts is far more keen than in tho finest Yu6ht races. Only recently a JPenzance lugger was sailed by her crow to Australia, and made the passage in wonderfully quick time. The large boats -are manned by from 20 to 3o men, the weight of the lugsails making a big crew a nece&- gity. � In most cases the Bails are stained a reddish brown, and distinguishing let- ters and numbers on t1ie sail'tell t�) what port the craft belongs. -NOW . York Sun. � . miskluff it F,1�7- S- i Old John S-- was a rural postman Ju a west country district and in a _ rather rough fashion was also an ama- ' teur dentist. On his rounds one day he ' met a certain farmer about to start for a jjix mile ride to town for the .purpose of getting anaching tooth drawn. On seeing old Jobu, however, the farmer, distracted with pain, determined to test I the old man's skill as a tooth puller. A pair of somewhat rusty pliers was pro- duced, - and after a few tngs the tooth was hold up for the farmer to see, who ex0laimed: * 4' Why, John, you've drawn the wrong t.00thl That is a sound onel" . I 'I know that, maister, " said Johin, 'Abut now I can get at the other bandi- er. I I -Pearson's Weekly. - Walter Besaurs Trl'6uto to America. . Sir Walter Bemant, the eminent Eng- - lish novelist, said, *wbon be went back to England after a visit bere, that noth- ing bo saw in Aracrica imprensed him so deeply as the devotion of our young . plp6ple to th�ir flag; that nowbere ex - I mpt among British soldiers had he seen such affectiou and respoot for a natioual emblem, and that a IlixtiOu whi4h as 0 Whole felt " we geeWd to feel aboul eisr colors from the tiim* WO left On] I ! "theral knees, WPA ,one that could : 6stalmd the 'Whole W' orld in irms.- Zriot Sydney 01ark in St. Xil*olss. . � I ­� The London SpoetatOr BaYS 1,000 01 I the Irish coustabulary with rffleR wOuli I r9s*re the worst mob df ConstautincPh - I to dmparattrle fianitY 011 t6s minutem. _�_ I 190 intolleat has 0�jtjy one failing whift, to be sure, ig & ,jory 4bolabl, : M& it h&A NO 00UX0i"00--L*W*1L ! . � �_ I I -CASTORII-A . j?Or N&uts and Childreu- � Ths I", , It a slualls IT917 ftutu" Trappi of 4e, cw4 �4��W, I It . . . . . - . . I � I . I i I I I - ­;_ . . � I � - - . � - , - -, .1. I - I � ­ � 11 - � - I- - I . ,._ . I 1, .- . �. � _­__­­_­��____ ­­.­­___��-­��_ . � . � . I I - .. . �,,�-�l.,--...'������--"-,�--I'- , __�;.,­ , —, - I .- I � . . 1. , - ,­­­ ­ . _--T-_- ­_­ - ­ -- - - � � I -_ , - I I I - - , - . � . - . . . : . A I � I I � - . � . I .. .�. - . - - I ! , . - . I . � � Lw, t . - � - . . I � . - i � I r, . , I . I i � I . . � 4 1 ..:� � . ! - I I I I . i ,. i I I I . -1 M� . i 1 � . � I :. . - .. � . , . I . . .0, I . �1 � I I I � � . I I I 1. , : I I - , I - - -1 . - f . I . - . . I � � I .- � 1.�� .� i� __ a .1 . I . I ,; , 4.i� �. V 7 , ­� -� I I - ��­ 1. � �­.­..!­ . I � I. - i . � 1 I '� I � �� . ­ ,.�.�., ,4 I . . I I . I - - � ­ . I t� . I ­. ,_ . I . ..� 1. �_. , I . � 1�.. � . � I .- I . I 1� I I . . 1 I . I . , - � I -1 . �- V - � .. . - . , i I -1 � I J 1; � � - � I , I I " I I . I � - � . I I � i - I � I . i . � �, r . . - I I � I - �-, . . , - I , . .1 . I I � . - .� I . � I ; .11 . . .1 . 3 . - - . I 1, .- - � I � - � . i TMT!M 77- � �t - . . - . I . - � . i � . � . . � � � . A THE Q U.,J� LIT Y i ; i � , ! � i 1 �. : I � I : - : � ; ;� . I . � - Ts t130- firkt thirg io coi)sid�r in Cloih-111g. The rice comes next. ;* � _. . - I I I � �, Qunjity Treal's good Iraterial ly(Il mtoe lip. It M'Z�P�S 'a good fit; 11 , I it weaT:ls good wcar,� it means a genteel appearanct. Our clothing '; , is di�trilnctively quality clothing; the price is only a, :. I little more than I I 3,ou would pay for the shoddy goods, but you'll find � Vast difference . I I I . in the wear and looks. - � I .; . ! . 7 1 ' . � . i i . - PHREE�� POINTS..- - q i � - . .i . er -�, a good deal -of satisfaction in knowing tb t your clothes - I �� : fit you hnd iook well. It is as imT.,)ytant as the w wing 4lialities, .4 . 11 and w&n the thlee points are combined, you bave ,just the kind of 1 .... 11 . clotbir,g we are selling. Our stock comprises all th3 best lines of - 11 Tweedsi to be bad, Vbile our Hats and Haberdabheiy is unexcelled. - - I I The riie is in Arict accoi,d with the quality, "and is the same to all'. I . I ine of Suits for business and professional men. Special j . ! I I . �� - � I I i i� - BROS99 ��� I . I �BIRIGIIT . i . A . ,I SEAFORTH, � ) I . � ___ �. I . __1 -11 �, I . I . � .. r�-_*_V.-ArW_*-_%0039_- ODOOWZ��;3 I � . 000 �,��= . � , I - - . , I - - - . � 401,71-11 I"- .14� 11 )r,04r01% I'. I' I - K ". It V ji�-.Mn". P Uri _td 4"V14 . I i V-1 t_� I &�" I" � R I `0 "j;t W1 i?�i F"Tt . � zi . r- roll I 0 T __ , ;, ! M �kl 4 1 '� I - ­ � '81- , i I Mi P, I ! 8 � - I L L"R, A.Mill, - , , a !; a . . V -1 , . I . U 1i , I Le I � n Q, I %r�e I P� - - I � �. I i I . - I- I 11 � 0 . I ., . I The Great Modern Remedy fd ir * - 1 4 . � f - 3 . �. I a � - I I � . :) I 0 6 it 4 Tooth Ache r�f._ �;, ,I � f .. . -7-1 . � � 0- ; 4- * .,.�� ; A - 4 � .V1 * 1; I :..j��k�--gt_: V �; . � r � .1, ..��11_ ,VZ. � 9 s * ari:dAll Pain - ��­I'�',.. \\ ;6 () .", )�Ziz,-�,,,-��-k,"-,�., ,,-;�;�,�,� 6� 1 C. ,;;�PI,,­, I 11 � _��i!qt--,"._/_"-��'_, �; I - 11, W 0 TT - . &­: - � ; -� I as receive�, niorl onest unsoli- `� �.. ,, ;� -_-� - ;111 6 I . 1� ) . � - . ­ 1- - , :1 i 1,�S;i;-_­� i; ! � `- ' � "I R) cited testimonials 7rom reputable � A � - 40 . . � I - ! i � ... � \ tWb - I le � R -1 t I � ') peop, than' auy other reme4 _ -11 % * r ) � I '% ,..,..X- � � , I - . JICK " I , � . -V N __ . � � F;op ,_ � 8 of the aze. , W_ - Ail .. � C, W . - - . __1 I - 0 f - __ . I 6 - I 1� f, .. I - I � _. __ _ : , .. - � - . . : . - �X­ - - i J �� - � �� ��_ � i - I .11. W 1-1 :4 ! — 1 )W)6c00W_*00C4ll *_60"r- ... ._4V_4C*0*0WAK*AD&c004100, OC4�n*:,'�.2 .. I I I : � , i I ,i . . i ! i , - � I - � I � I . i ': i -.4 I - - 1 M . ; , i I I - . I , .. I 1, . i : j I i , � I , ! I . i I I i� . � I __ I . . . A ; HINGILA S# - , . : r _. ! � i I . i I i � . - I - I. I . . I � � To ad-verjtise and prove to those who are skeptical regard- ; - � . - . ; a ; � * t i I �ng metal rod.fing, wl� are going to offeTjor the nbxt 30 days, - , I ,� 1113 1 1 ! 1 bhese shingle's at EDUCED PRICES) alld with them ' " - I 1 1 & ; � - ve a written guar I tee for 26- years, These shingles are ' ' 9i � t I - ' � ., I worth tibree t'imeis as ingles, and eost about ! I � 4 - I � . . - � I . I - bhe same. I - 1 .... j . I � ; . . Ye ; - I � Remembeiov' for 30 days o:nl i : , . I I I ...W. - t I � i - . , I : I rs I . � S. MOLT1RITT & COO) S tak worthe � - � - : - -1 . � . -,-- I . i , I I a - Combines the B�st ! . .- . I � Sloan" Indian - Toni le Points of all ; . . . Other Medicines. I . - . A . - I - I D-1 1. Cures Erysipelas, crofula, Salt . . � I Rheum Eczemk and all �� . . other eruptke Skin .. I . Diseases. � , , I I . - . . -1 �, 11 I . A Marvellous CUre fcr Erysipelas, by - � . i 'Al"I. Sloan's Indian Tonic, in Lambton county. I . I �L CORUNNA, JuLy 0b. . I � Dear Sirb,- ed oine "I right, and am . I received the wed I .1 , . 0 much obliged for it. I hoA Er alpel" suminer L es sol b m evo7 for five yearn, sometim "o arms and lis I j - body would swell to an enorr1m ze - nd %ozff 0 q � w rs .. would be shut for days at a time I trial 0 - I but they did me no good, and I eyou went for chan ve of climate, but all to no avall, until I got Your N10. . Af ter taking. one bottle the #well lug ceased, and I Im- -- � - I proved every day and am now entirely aura. . Yours vi xy truly, %. rl� MRS. J. J. FORTER. 11 . %I � _- . .. . - - . - . TRADE MARK6 * I 11 . I . . I � PRICE $1 a bottle, 6 Tor $5, A_U druggists or b 7 express. __ . . I - I . Send for our new book of wonderful cures. Fin �e by mail. , . 4 .. 4 . The SloanXiedicine Co., of Hamilton, kIMITED5 I -1 ", . .. - � , . : .i . . i SUCONSSORS TO Bi: Rma BRos, & 0.04 ! . Ple 0. DRAWERL 33, HAMILTON, CAN. . , I j ! I - . ; � . S�@AFORTIH per mr a y*sr we kave ba i tbe agacy for the "It 41 1 . . I . I . -INDAPO. Our first order e for a quarter of a &IMO . � � . . ; I � . __ I off last for to fte" am . Den.lars wortL __V" - PACKING - HOUSE. 8, � � . I � � - a , . I., L .. 11AP I . . RS LL ado a wbit , I . To ROG BREEDE . a A ma of - : . I �� � 9*6 11 . To Rm Fe CASE & 002 . "t ' I I .. . IL I , . . . of the Reaforth Packing HouseaTure- 11 � : a �0 � � : . rred t4 handle any qlTtitY Of Hogs, TIRM277 EnT - . ,ve or Drew, for whi they will pay' H�I�N:00018111MZDX . the highest market prIce. Will have I P20i TA ADOVZ � I man call on any parties1having live Hogs R1jjjjM4n80ddr&- 'I [emor ail NeirwousDissasm. Fall _y . I . to dispose of, if no#fted. For par- paresis, sleeplellill N in ticularg call at Retail store, Camichael's stone, etc� oatmed. by peA zieft, given - Block, SeAtOrth. z vigor and site to a I us and quioWy but - � sni-sly restores Loot n old or youim. . . � T. R� F. CASE & CO. Fissilicarriol , . Pdoe 01-00 a�sl ! I I 1618-t.f. Six for 05.00 W" a 0"arm"" to OK" or I . I ! momill refwndod. Dole BUT AN rKrXAWqX. bUt _ I � . insist on having I A" , If yaw drugort has not I ­ ; we will asad it kid. - ! . VAD10110 BIRMWIT CID, Chisni ft or ear AV06 L THEM R11OH--illill'""' This d I ft Is a noeft, " #"rim* . , I ! who tries It speaks w I of. Yours . I I 1IF, . � I ,A* Oat - 'gadL F --al f ! . — , . 4jeru , FuWture, Organ, '91 ; . . " � � , L 1 -rAN.D- BUG I]Fjl. S I L .. � _ � Mmki'SIMTO 110-urs:m_ —A rj__�_ I : . � I I - .- I . � I -0-S i L It you are on the lookout for the best plam to b I CARR, AGxj is .1 our — -_ every discription and tMoks. tr all - I j your harness 0 � I litiff b;" - ;o.rspy goods in a drs*.clsW saddlery si � I -to � pore for summer,, SUCI - ) .� � ! go - 14 Zurich, Ontario. Now is the time to p ; . I get your ! � it you waul to I,uy-- cheap Bedroom and Parlor . Suit&, or any kind of House Furniture, %iddw I I Shades and durtilill poles. go to H. WELL, ZUfi&g 'S d Garnlagft, I L " e I BUg � Ontario. , h Is, �v o r h d Uow a fau Une It Vu want to save money buy your Organ@. where we a Irom the b"t you & & ofioloo of 8 or 4 of the besi manufactures of 0 otyles, I I in (rX, jai are in stock at rock bottom pilm. material and by he beat workmen. I Go to H. ftLL, Zurich, Ontario. 1 1627-t.f. 00 and examin our stook before I ! � _.____�� I . purchasing else here. . . ' a Kcmuoi mroam for 1896, � I � Lewis McDdrald, , jOHN. 11�RRISON, Reeve. Winthrop r. 0. . I WILLIAM AWAIBALD. Deputy-P"vo. Load. . 8EA'F ORTH, � - 1480 ..... �, bury P. Oi., � .... %joal �VIN, oonnaMor, TAsdbury P_ O. ______�_ --- � pH � MORRIS01j, 00mol Beachwood P. 0. f Cklionoilloy Beechwood P. 0, MONEY, To LOAN. � .D"M MANIAU Wthropi-P. 0. � I JOHN 0. jVOl , ClOrks — � DAVID N' ROSS, Treasurers Winthrop P. 0. To*loan any amount of q money, on town or farm �, uterest and on the ' I `�g* cod F. 0. ' -_!j P. 0. L property, fit the lowest - 0 Most reasonable terme�!;*ApplY ito THOU" IL - ro W ctor, .Leado lasys, Sestarth. �� 1012-U , L ,na - � . 1; . ; I . � - I I . _ - i - : I - I ; . : - . - : . I ! I . � I i . � - I I . . � , I � � z - � I � L . : . � J I I .. I . I : 1. i - I I - . I . I I L. I � : I . . I . . � - . _ ­ - . . IL - ] . _: ,� j _ ­, , _ - - ' s I �, ­ . ­ ­_.�__­7�. �, . ^fi�Akll� L' -_ �, ­�t ', �';,_.�_ _ ­­_ ­ .­­ � . , ' . ` � . - I � =