HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-08-13, Page 4� ­ ­. ­ -7 � It - . - � -1 I - . - 11 , :� - - ., �- , , - ­ ,-. C � - . -T ", - - .- � - . � �- � ,. . . . � ­ ­ ­ ­ -.,7: � �-,-",:-r �-�- ,�--; :-,'s i , , ­ - � - �� 13�w. - 11 - ­ i I i�- - - - - - : . - - � -1 - - - . .-- - - - 1- , ,* ­­­ - L.--. �-- .� , � , , - . , - -- - . � , , - � - , 7 - � I I . , . , :- 1'. -, - ­ ., � �Z r'� - -, � - .*�- 14.� , , " . , - , �,� - ­ , .1 , � ­ - � � -, - . . - I - ­ � , - , - �- - - I r. � ., . - �z , � - �. , , -- - ­- - ,­ . ,� ­ :� I - I ! - ., ` -, - ` � .� - � , . , t � ,. - I - I ­ - - -1 I � - ���� I � . , � , - , � I .. . - - . I � �' ,� - 7 � � � I � - � . , � " �, � � ,� - - , , .� - ,wA " -,�,-�' �'. '� 1� . 4.1 -- � - . ; , : .1. - , � -­ 7 - � 11 I ­., . ,X . , - .. �� , -, , - � 4 1� - - � , , I - " , " . , ­ - - � - , I . I � I . � I I . It . . . - 1, -- 2. . .1 � ,, , . - ,,, ­ � , � � - . . - I d - !�, . , ,- . , - . - . . ­ � : � I , � , *- ­ W" Jli, .. '. I . -, � - . - � .��v - - -,�r,4� �� � �� - , , -- - - , - ­.- I I - , S '. . -- ,. � 1. . . . - - I I -1 7 . - I " . . - 0 WNWO, I � . , . ;�M �­�*-* , , i` - - - =-- - � -,�;! , IV I � �:,�; ----,�%,,-�- -� ��,:r , � 2 . ui . �:: I I '. ,� v , � �,7 � 1 , I , - ���,;:'.'t,� :��-.-,`.�`,,',��, --!L�­­ ; -,� ',�i��­4­1 - -� - -­�,­'%' - -, --�� ;7�� 7­,�- ---711 , . ;, ­ ­k� I , I 1. I I Abiki - I . - - k ­� � I f ,�. � ��­ "� woo= ii"* ok" - ­ �- - - - ` - �, 44�-� , �-,;71'-` -�-� i- � I ,:. - ­ . -. 11 -, -, --, � I .1, , � 4i , , , - 1� 1� ': ! ': ;; 1, � � I ­ - � 1�­ �, ---- ­, , % I � I I ': 1, I I , I ­ -�, - -1 q ­�� 2�w �� -.1.: 1; . -� -� ­ - �' 4 - �' - ., , 1-.- I ,,, �.. , �;;:.7 1— , ­. -. -1- .f I - � ­ Z, I - a I � I - p - - � - - -- Y, - �.­ � I * I . ­ - , : . -� , � � . � I I - � . - -1 - -­- - �.�,�: . .,� � . , � I , I - �. - I I 1: -_; --1-T -,- -- -0 , � -- -1 ­­­ - , � - - : i ­. -',, - " �. .. -- ­­­ - ­ - ­ ­- - , - " � ­., , - I I , . , , . . I , I I � I . I - - I I � . - - - - %Y - I - . -- I . . ­ t . �­�. � . � �,: " , � - ,- � - -- 1�� , - . - � � - : -1 I - ­ ­ ­ ­ I . -� � . - I � - , " � �,� , ­ t , * I - . I ­ � ,. . -: - , � -5,� -. � ��,- � , . I . , � .;;�, . " ., J; . , I I - � I I . I - I . � . I � - � ... . �­ , .1 I 11 � -, � 1. I I - I .1 I I , - I � I ,l , -� . I I I I . I - � . . . 1. 11 . - . I I . . � , -� � . - - � I I I ,,, 1. , . I - � ; I � ­ I � � I : ! . I I , , I . � ­ I I �� � i- I - I � . �-, - � . �.. - , I I . . - , � - . ­�,- - - : , � I I � I ,, . -. - 11 - - � � . I I F , . I . I I ­ 4 . 11 . ,� . . . . - � - I I . . I . . � .1 � I - � % - .. I . i �' � - , I � I i- I � - -, - I I � I . ./ 11 - . - I I - � � I . I . I .- I . - . .- � I .11 - � . . � . � � , I I � . .- ­ - I � � . - . I.. I � . � . I .1 I . . . I I ,- � I - -1 � . � � .1 -1 �, � � V"' . � � � I I I I . � -1 - -- " 1: . , I � 1 7-- 1 A�� I ' ' . I . . - � � - , , , . 4� r - % $� 1 � � � fi - . . ��­ I - - .L�, ��::: � I ; � . . T 134 1897 1 . - I ,� - � I I I '0 � -M. P- Mi I I 1: � I � I ­ I 11. I AUGUS � - A - i - . -- , .-Hult. - X. X � , � Is 1 4- . . . – . 6 1. – I Tn- _0 - .. ­.... t -,--- - - . 1- . � E . ­.. I .1 ­-- ­ - - -1 I -1 --1 � . - - �. — "-- - — - .-, . . - � I - ­ I mulmi� � - 101000101000009001 - !"M"Tn. ,1 I � I I - - .1 ,�- . I . .%, �` - - . . �. � . . . j. - I � � I . i 11 11 � � � � . � �magiu. Years h - ent mos� -of his time on the --be e this week for Algoma. -Mr. -and Mrs. � � . .� . I I . � NEW ADVERTLUMBNTS. cause they are intelligent and know better. feelings of the mother c�n better be -as, spi I -are open TIME%'-m04"PP-- I � � . L 0( � � . the, Free Press and U4 colleagues osass� ad than desdribed, . i . . _ firm, illness not allowing him to. be' around W Ham, Pope. of London, ding a 1i I . � . . ; - ... I - - lAt I � . - . -�,' I - 11 ly , . � I Y'Atl I AW The Agn-a between. the parenthesis, alt enet -Dr. Woods is pu tiug the finishing yery much. He was a member of the fe days visiting at the home of Mr. Ueo e � - t � . ereach -a-lizing and come down to solid, hard I I . rg � . - � I I � .. of Mr ( ` . i 11 � - I . ­ L . . .. L oi* denotes th* page. of the paper on which the -p tt ibtle villa on the Episcop I - T L lor. Mr.. and Mrs., Pope purpose, III a . - - . I . I ; . . -- ­ L � lacte, and let them prove even one charge of � touches on his � al churohi and in Oolitios a Conser � I . � . I � - ­ I - 0 out a s4vertisement will be found. I I dishonesty and extravaganoe Against the, Unk of the river t field. It is bein votive' . He leaves P, widow but no family fe 'days, going to British Columbia, where . � L - . I � . I . C�mpetltl=�Grelg & XacdorWd (I) . a of - W' h in as t eyintend to reside. Air. Pope has a � 7 . . I - . I I.- - � jAd by U . ad to 8sesill Y X mn n n & a 6, (6) present Government, If they will do thin, beautifully fitted up In e and the * Ole -Min. Mattis Wade, - " w I � "r-.8 I then we' will ' ve some kro ' . In' thode"Island', 'last b other there, who has persuaded him to � - us -. 101e%?]T1F;-1X-,;.V OHoff nian (f) admit they ba, 6411 when completed will b ,one of the set married at Providence, I i ; , - L ­ ': . th" * " 1 1 � I . , BVIer I . . . oma . 70NUeormt, Mr---� amas A. Browne Ov) to work on.' Thus far, howqver, they have situated and handsome ' furnished houses week, to Mri Eugene Moorehouse, formerly- c me and join him, where work is more i .- I .-" � . .Exceptional Values -J, L SwU-h (5) . not - even attempted to do this, although in Balmy Bayfield. i . � of La�idon, Ontario. ,The bridegroom, who a undant and the shekels are more plenti- , i � � - I imi I - i I . - r6ws for Your Feet --W Willis (6) . I . � , is not altogether unknown in VY'ingham, had 11 .�Master Frank Ross , of Exeter, 0 0, * PEOPLE'S ; - 1� I& SOanton oosl-�Reld & wileon (6) they have been challenged to'do, so time and - � * f, and . . I - I I -11, �.. ,�L 6NIIAL. - - Bargaim.-W, time again. . his house furnished and all preparations A aster George Cooford, of Glenallen, are : �- ­ - I - I . . I �� - . � . Retioval--a' W. Roffman (a) - I - I Huron Notes. i ' . - . . i - -- -..-- �- � M,r. Job, arlas Hartleib (8) - i b lid n at the home of Mr. R. Mellis� - L L; I - . �, - . s; , � House a" L,ot� for W . Alcook" house In Grey haw been , made for the reception of the bride, whose Zalrai Cudmore of Clinton, spent ihe I . I � I � . � -1 the Uk - t, I . e--31lu Gamble (8) Mr. - J. B. Laing, Provincial Municipal r --R I � - I many friends hope hwwill prove worthy of in . I I � r . I - I if - CheapQrsa -G. E. Hinz (8) . - * � I - ited I . - - - I WOW Ilugar . L veneered. . . the .us who went so far to join him and f repart of the week at the parental home. � I A . 11 11 .- Alls 6 WAW unt SUR ftTlng Produee-G. F. King (8) 1 i . -� - - SaW to Auditor, has just completed an audit of the -Th,6 Walton cheese factory last week I � I L . . m - i - , L I 11 I * Rev� .j. � -- _ _PL and Heading Bolts --T. T.'Colem2n (8) - share his joys and sorrows. - �, � I � i - L .� I -L ppe" Ofer-T. a. F. CA" a 00. (8) treasurer's books of t4e County of Simcoe. made a good sale. of cheese'. - . I I I -.1 I - I I - . � I L ' altaking to I I 4 I I ,I.) 0. I -Rev. Dr. Ferguson, an aged divine, I I -�� ­�� ... L I -, I . . . . . IftetumBooksi-Mrs. Arms Rosa,(S) -, '�. -Monerief is going to have a new sh - . Gome, � I ,�- . , � , -00uple droi I., It will be remembered that this official a -- � � - - _ 00 for ierly of Bruneli, took Rev. D. PerrWo - I � I - I , FAItTelm-W. J. Elliott (8) -. . n . , I -i. - 11 I I t t. maker's shop. ro. Armstrong, of - I I .... 1116PIPID Publiollotice-F. G. Neelin (5) - sconded some time ago, leaving -the coun lace in W'ingham Presbyterihn church on RrAyms.-Dr. and M - � I i � � -.; - - ... . - I . , Y -Mr. John Moore, of WinghArn, has rucefield, spent Sunday with Mr. James - .. .,- . :. I - 41 Mrs. * I it' House for Sale -J. Landaborough (5) � gund ay� lot inst. In speaking of the, ex'- 'I ,- , . , " L I . . School Books Chesip-0. W. Papst (6) in the hole. It in n.ow ascertained that the, returned from a trip to, the old countrY. eebed downfall of the ' � Turks he fi I mistrong, V. S. -Mr. J.D. Dickeon, prin- . I .� - . I . ,.- L L � . . . . . -, -it Tb Rest Estate for Wi--Um X. A. Barry (8) shortage amounts to $62,M7 W. The steal-' -The-broom works ot Mr. W. Krareter I Nate at 1898, -and told his hearers-- they ip I of N�agara Falls Collegiate Iontitute, - � � - . * - I — - - , lea f0i B- -. I I L itoe ­ � . I i � .. I — I . . . . . . . �� � ut!" in her 1 ing by the treasurer has been going On ,; for Cranbrook, have been removed to Listowel. u his niece, Miss Eva McMichael, of I ! -AL- - - - . . 001 should sti�dy this uestion frOm. the Bible I - L ,. . -1 11 ­ her ; , ti .9 ton years or more, and, although the books -Sch No. 9, Grey, underwent exten- and also -read - care5ully the newsp I aperis, so ullett, spent Sundayl. let !iriet., with i - I - I I - I ­-, -- L -inguer V,54& wrl I - I � I .- ght furou fxpooftor sive gairs during the holidays. . that they would know' what was, going, on friends in our villa e. -Miss Edith Gibson, ' I- � I ; .- .1 - --- AndifewAi'Of 1AU . - � - � e , I il � . . 1 . I I 1.�, . L - � � At I - � . � - * have been audited by the county auditors _ r - � I in this matter. ; I - I . I � L , a 1�t Vriek I I I L D Armstrong is erecting a handsom - of Wroxeter, was tie guest of Miss Mabel i w, . i I I Pak' two-story brick reside on. I . ' . - : � -,. . � 'W's- Tuesday eV4 . . . .-- every ear, they failed toi discern tba� nee in Walt -About one o'clock Tuesday morning a Campbell on Friday of last week. -Mr. I ' :, . 0 � � - I - - � � I � . . L I age. Rio sort of thing might have con- -Will Drummond, of Blyth, is to be ; I I m L . m n 1 � 1 1> . I -., - -- ibe EFV - � . D . . L, -- I -- �, I in. ions 61 - Ashfield. A ]a . . . L � . I � . - I � I V . ;&� luvk aw t( e . or the act- pained forem I SEAFORTH. F1 ".A'Y, Aug. 13th, 1897 tinued much longer but t terrific thunderstor ' assed over A nibiErrley rthur Orawford has, returned from the I an of the flax mills at Wingha americau Sault.-Mrs.1' Ferguson, of Bur. : * -- . . . and other sect - - I .11 I - L, � - : I - L � : . 4 � � I � . I -Wartr Law"s 0 � . by.the Ontario Legislature last session, re- -The license for the hotel at Saltford Lbehind., the general etc r6l goyne, and her daughter, of Duluth, spent a � . � - I barn_ re of W. - ' I . . - I I - WtorW. NoUs amd Comments. quiring a new style' of book-keepingby will not be -extended. Murdoch, belonging to James Wilkie, was few days in town visiting friends. -The � 1, L I . - I - --- I Deuptes - I .- L. L I 1, : . municipal treasurer's and the appointment' -A new exhibition building is to bp -built I . . , I . I : "I I m6ekl ) - - I � struck by Ilghtn sad , was totally con. .Rev. Mr. Gunne ban 're'signed his charge � , i L ", - 7th pvtndon Lai � -AKingston correspondent -says: Cheese of a Provincial Auditor whose duty it is Lto in Gorrie this sesion. � ]RS11, L . �. i - � � � 80 . L I � I - i sumed by fire. i"fe're were thirty tons of an is goinj i - �Ir -�26`th. L L _ made by graduates of the Kingston Dairy L see that the . law is complied with. ., The. T d i i q to Parkhill. -Miss Mabel � . ! . . I - - � ... - -Mim Gerb - � I . � I - I . . I 11 . -The hotel at Devon conducted by Mr - I hay and several heaA of cattle burned. A of Toronto, is visiting with her grandmoth � L I . I I , I � t EL PlIchards I � Simcoe treasurer seemed to feel that by this er I .. Mine L - School invariably brings higher prices in the Jones, is now a temperance house. and hint . , - . : I... - I I i valuable horse and two sets of ha'rness be. Mrs. Stinson. -Mr. Arnold Tait . � Mim Dodd, of Q I . ­ memo his roguery must be detected, and so -Allan P. B6%g, foundrymari, Wroxeter, -1 I I sister Lil are , I - � 110R-"PNftw­' I ---- I � . longing to VV -G. kurdo visiting friends in and [ - f I iend, M-a's board here than that offered by other . ok were burns , yy � . I � ­ ter I - I - he made himself scarce. The treasurer Of has in *ads am assignment for the benefit of eL aro nd 8 8 , n, � . : -- .1 . : . I . I I . makers, and frequent - . I an(rhad it not been- for the h &vV downpo2r u helbourne.-Mr. and Mrs. Mae : . I I � . I . - . I � � I ly the price paid here the County of Frontense has also made him his creditors. . I J, of Wingham, visited friends here last week. - - . i I I 11 . � L . - . of raih and the brave eff4rts of the citizen i P , � I . i I i 13 , , is the highest in Ontario. 'There is much -self scarce, Imt it is not, suppose d his defal- -Samuel Stinson, a Gorrie Wy has Be- the Mores and several buildings would, have -Miss Merli Sanderson in visitin friends . . . I . . : J I I I . I . - - . � demand for cheese made by the !i1chcol -ex- cations will be so large. . i I . .- . - � I .r's-rac's. 7 -, f cured a good situation at Portage I& Prairie, been burned also. The, barn and contents in Shelbourne. -Mr. Richard Motr . . . . 'HA� ., . � � - - - Y1 I I perts. I . I - . . � - . -p.ev. r, �Ballant - L , I - - L . - - The -Law OfficeraL of the Crown - have de- have established a new branch of industry, Wingham o� Tuesday and . Wednesday, -For -some time - ' t - workmen have The.web weaCher-'seems -to havek set in ;: - �- I � �&bbith. . 2,ev� I 11 . I I .� p . L kUGUS.T - Ns -1 -3. . Ant , ; I . _ . � partially lost d , � - We notice that the Ontario -Opposition Manitoba.' , wen, irdd # the British and go.ne to B61leville as a .delegate to attend I tie Pres) - umberry fall fair _ h meeti _ �: .- -T will be held in Mercantile Insurance Company. I ng of the -Oddfe)low's society.- 'a . September 28th and 29th. . . � L BARGAI ro*w -h.-Mr In again, very heavy rain having fallen Mon- - . - oided that Germany, Belgium and France which is no less than an editorial manufac- rom the c k ' 4 - . I been buoy laying pipe ree . � . -k but . �h L . . 'tled to minimum rates under the . -1ar. George McKay, or., of Grey, e �r ; - ­ . in laso wee I, - are enti tory, by which articles criticising and mis. "Dot a Blyth to Sims' blacksmi hohop for.1 pu . day and Tuesday. -The crops in Howick - . . . - 5 - I . I .-Min . I valuable horse by inflammation, on Tuesday ' Irod . I . . ,imp% - � . L L . � - new Canadian tariff until July 30, 1898, re i . one of better fire prot� bion and using es are reported the best '7 for many years. - � I . I I ding a - L -1fiee, spen . presenting the'actions of the Ontario Gov 1ast week. I .. - �.. . ' Eose,'whicb, if it prove satisfactory, *w I Meefirs. Nicholls and F�rgusoir are dissolv- , i 1, - &.�Mr.A , - , . L I .. � -- - �ffd4rie . when the treaties. now denounced come to ernment, and Legislature are manufactured. -Mr. E. Harlton's driver, Thanies Road, . � I . I I I T - . ,,, - an end. Thereafter the specially lowered I r L ega cut with cost much less thanhome. The fire com ing partriqrship. They have been in busi - L1 7 1 - I �: - .-Wat *Med by ligh, L I - � I 11 - and sent out for -publication in the local Uabo ne, had both of its front 1 pany Was out and tested it and it worke ness for about a' year � and a half. -It is - . �� -- I tariff will not apply to any countries but wire'fence. . � L ' � - I I `L I . I a � I � 11 - �Sun"Y 'afternool . Great Br uth Conservative press. Wher - the headquar- ;vell. There in no doubt that, another yea rumored that we are to, have an increase of I * 1. - ! � .. . r : LL . - .. � - -The railway staff at Centralia ha*s been . i I . �jfj�Crl�&ett, Of Br. - . I . Q. the council will extend it up to the marks storekeepers in the near. future. L There are I � - I � I . I I , ters�,6f this establishment is we do not reduced, and Mr. G. Baynham, one of the I - � . ! . I � , *b -, "Mr. a � - square. some shops not at presen� occupied and we 1 . 0 I . , I � , Ver - Parki Mid- I - Lr tutho � Mr. George Nixon, of Hyde kiioi�. We do know, however, that. these section men, has been di;oharged. , L ume they can be had -at reasonable rate. I . I - � � ­ , - j%r. rP ­ . -AteamBeloj� ing to Thomao.Jenkine pr" � � ! I I I 1� Mr. . . I - I dlesex county, threshed 188 bushels of articles appear week by week.. in several of -Mr. Crystal, of Goderich, has pat in a � . � I - I L ill 11SLU his ree0v i I . of Turnber f hro gangwa -Mr. Joseph Ardell, ,of Brussels, spent - I - , � - - L il. � th in . . � . I I I . n T, Qj e a aller Conservative papers as original new steam boiler to be used in the new flax rm I Mrs, - Dawson wheat from four and a . balf acres. L I leading to VV!Iliam!At le7on th Sunday in town.-Sev"eral of our young I � � 11 I . - . I - . This is 41 . bushels to the acre. editorial arti,)Ies. - It, in a 'very easy � way of mill at Wingham. D nal road on Monday evening, wbil man intend going to Manitoba to work at .; . - I � I I . .1 L - -6 St r. S,V' .4 Other va. getting editorial thunder, but the';editor -Miss Kate Calder, of the Boissevain, the haxveofing.--�-Miso Rae Patrick,the very L .. . . I L . ; ; ­ � p a Vr. tt 0-.- Val e � � . � . . - . L -- yeart is o . articles Manitoba., public.school stal�, is home on a jily L , - 0 - I I I I - V who publishes these manufactured . i10 hay into the tab%. On I : The balan 6 of our Summer Stock -- . �� d to its p;. fleties, for instance Genesee and Democrat, dr ing a load of a - - -, horse went comple tbrou h and th popular milliner in: the Montreal House, I I - . � , - 7 ­ - -11 - i - . I wo I only recorded 31 bushels to the acre. This and awns them off as .the product of his visit to her mother in Grey township - me for a few I .� � . 11 - - record ia good, for EnglauWaL - own �rain - has very -little respect for him- . other remained straddle a team. Wit has4ono ho � we&s.-Miss Mary . . . - Id . I . . best proclue ) -S. G. Brown, formetly of the Wingham difficulty they were extricated from their ch has returned, from her visit to , must be disposed of this month in order to - : , � - Lij6 June. 1891 I I � _ '�veragea 28 bushels to the acre. 4. tit I - last,-�-The Toron tion only self and still less for his readers. This is a Times, has seenred a posibion as, despatch peculiar position, not, much the worse f friends east of Toronto. i She was a dele. . � . ri, - I - I . r The United States bas'only an %verage of new and novel way 6f manufacturing public reporter on the Winnipeg Northweeter, the accident. The 'harness ,v�as somewh t gate to the Epworth League convention. . ve us � in for the Fall St i . - I says: 4;Among the i - some 11.9 bushels to the acre. Ontario av- opinion, but it la as mean as it is dishonest, . � � gl L I ockle �- . I e � I ' L E, pwol I � - I i -Ga,vin Wilson, of Turnberry, near . . . Her report is very highl y� spoken of. _ 'plenty of roo � I "I 8 � � - demoralized. � � . � t - erages 19.2 to the acre. , as; the wifter not only makes a liar of him- Winghain, started'pulling peas on Tuesday, - I - 1. - ., I -. I . 11 . Timmin] , I . -The Brussels Post of last week sa a , , - which will comm'ence to - arrive shortly � -- � - 1 . - self, but he induces numerous confiding ttb inst., the first heard of this season. L - . -- 11 . � I ' that business at'thetalt works there, own d � . . a 11 ,Dvktota, whi i . The failure of the wheat crop this year in andignorant as well as iazy editors � to as- -Air. S. Dunn, of Grey, had the miefor- - ' . - I . � � . . - I " ' - . - .... e lion. Thornes'A L ­ I f . � responsibility for his lies. by Messrs. Coleman, of Seaforth, have be n BelgTave. - .- " � Itile bu �. Russia and the Argentine Republic. two sume - . tune to lose a valuable horse one day lately. hustling of late. They shipped, in additi n We -have, still quite a variety of Summer L � iiness. Ile h I � .. T i . 'Another horse kicked it, breaking a leg. . A Lucky FIND. -Mrs'. Samuel Fells, who I I -1 I . - - I - . for 21 Jen . earn 1 great wheat growing and exporting coun- to the local trade, 28 cars in June and 33 . - - 6 LL * , I . � - wo wo mo�t a resided with her husband and family on a. ' I . - I - L - . . - �There is a world of truth in the f6llowing �W. J. Dickson, Walton, shipped t - S. I Goods, which we are offering in many � I LL I . 11 .Wl'. "no" ' � July, a total of 61: for the t . � ' i tries, will have a strong tendency to cause which we take from the Canada Prefiby- cars of export dattle lately. George Dick- . .. .. farm qn the 7th concession of East Wavvi- � I � . - I - . I . ; . a I I I . L. 11 ... L. I . I , M 46 Lui . an improvement in prices in this country. . son accompanied the shipment to the old Last week, in additiow to a ear going nosh, _#ied this last. spring. Daring �er ill- � . . -.. 11 L - . . .- . -- . - with TOM . terian, and we would like to impress its � . Quebec and another to Toronto, an :Ord r I . . I I In ordinary years Russian wheat has, taken i country. mas o�e was waited on by a neighbor lady, I - cases at. greatly reduced prices. . I � _,- --- T - At hi. intends U 11 I I - L truthfulness on any -of oui readers who- may - -The rate of taxes fixed by them unicipal was received - from Ottawa for 13, Mrs. Tavid Scott. Slionly before she died � I �. . . . � L � - . I . �­. - - I -resider Lee here?' � � a firomineut place in the British markets ' 3 -pound. bags of the celebrated . Enterpr e she said to Mrs. Scott that if she did not, ' 1. I.. - ' � . 9 - have become smitten by the gold fever. It council of West Wawauosh for 1897, is 2 1 - - . 3'startec store keefu I whereas, on account of the failure there this ' Dairy salt and 5,460 7 -pound bags. recover, she wished her, Mrs. Scott, to take .. m 10 . � . I J . � . in the iouse now o I . - - . . inan issued forbid- s&ys : " Gold ii not voalth any , more than mills on the dollar for county rate,and 1 81' -On.Monday last week,, Mr. Judson'C. good care of a petticoat w hich was � - J . �� - � another commodity is, which is at once mills for township purposes. I hanging I . i 11 ,!-. "Yluket . When "I . . Greenwood, of Toronto, and Miss Hat is, on e wall of the room i 1 which she '%*as. - . ding the exportation of wheat from the -'lvlr. Walter Scott, of Brussels, won the th A Such as -4VNw&--- ' I I 1� inoved if rom here, h �� �� country, and it is said a considerable scarce and Airable. At present values daughter Of Rev. James Ha i5p Mrs. Scott never thought much more of 'the - � I � . f � first prize for tossing caber at the annual youngent . . - 11 . hands: his brot , . amount will have to be imported to supply ther- f Gus h, formerly Methodist minister of the i .. - - I 0 is more wealth in gold than in an Scottish games given at Hartford, Connecti- occurrence, and the statement of dyin '; � - I ;MLins, I rho manage 0 1p � . L run - � P I . I I - - ; c eat is already being , -united in matrimony. he mind, - Blue" L�, Until aI I -1 , equal bulk of- any oth�r article of ordinary out, on Monday last week., B els were, .. woman had almost passed from her ! le � ' - . I e3 I . L , . , � away, A . - i sent, from San. Francisco to Buenos Aires, r. wemony was performed b the bri 8 until she learned that a w!onian bad been .Liqht Ground Prints, : . too,moved. I --- I , I - roduction and exebange, but one may safe.' -Pea:rl Moore, the little daughter of M %F - . . I . father, assisted by Rev. S. Seflery, B .: employed to wash at Mr. � Fells. This was . � � -1 i - r - Argentine Republic, the locusts having de- fly assert -,that, value for- value, gold'costs on Wm. Moore, Wingbam, had the misfortune - ' .�. L . I i I I . - stroved the entire crop ' that country also a former pastor of the Methodist r some days after the death', and funeral. On I I . � - - I I . � - -. -. in All the average more to procure than &I- to fall from a cherry tree one day last week - , L � . � � - 11 I L � - - � . , . I "I I this is pronno . ,in - v for the large crop Otita' * Bruseeles. Bertha Bellamy, the little n � I N , I E - 1`10 most anything else Aces. On the whole, ag- and. fracture her left arm. cO hearing this she thought of what Mrs. Fells � .. � , � .. I , - will have to export this year. of the bride, from GlenallaD, was maid , . -":ambr ays, . - � QJNES FOR SA . ,V � riculture pays better than gold .Mining, and -Mrs. Alungo Wallace, one of the old honor. I . i Of bad said about the petticoat. She went to . LigN Ground (/R. I L - Es I L' I � � - . - . I it is less weiLring on the health, and more pioneers of Brussels, celebrated her 70th - . 'L . Mr. Fells residence, and secured the gar-. - I � - * .. 'Tro , two 14 U�- I I - � � - I I � ,I . I The Canada Presbyterian, in referring to � -The ladies'of -Clinton have recrea ton ment before it had been placed in the wash- - I . L ' I . . . . . . - ](me one U IL I L - 1 S"tidul - .. I"On . I L 4. ­ - I � . We Mat I. auk tood w I t , - conducive to the general welfare of"the indi- birthday on the 31st ult. The old lady is . . % �4 T 'the resignation of Mr. W. W. Buchanan vidual toiler. There is a- fase - inatibn about st'ill hale and hearty. grounds of their OWO, Lin the 7 rear of he .tub, and on making an eXaMiD&tiOn Of it, : � Summer Blo. eri4%18 I Val) I - - rectory. The " c6urt " was opened on 31 - from the managership of the Royal gold hunting that allures victims to only too -Gorrie merchants have signed an agree . much to her surprise, she found the sum of I I - - . � I -will b�* oil 1060(mi I . . - IL Acomp , Templar . - - Thursday, 29th ult..-.,� with a I& n e Dif" $1 600 sewed securely in the garment be- 1 � I we )eta - , . probable destruction, and it seems just now ment to close thei usiness at, 7.30 - e npaciol w a I i � � I I , � L .­ iWas" Way Mize; 4 . Insurance organization and of the Templar. . r places of 1� " at home.".. Th is grounds wtr in tween the lining and the outside covering. ' . I .Impro ­ 1 � I paper. way traly say: 11 While many ' as if this were likely to remain chronic in each evening, excepting Wednesdays and excellent shape for play, the in& hem ere She, of course, handed the mone� L to Mr. I I Am " L A I � �tem- Canada for months co come, as it has been Saturdays, and are sticking up to it. . te - .. I I I work � s`� . � keenly contested, and the lunch refle ted Fells, who was even more. Light Colored Ginghouns, I - 11 . 13mi I perance workers have found it hard to "ikeep for months past. These gold booms may, -Mr. Colgrove, the principat of the :urprised than --- � 1101. . 110BZRT � . I . I . - I in the end, add to the prosperity of the Crinbrook public school, has resigned, to the greatest ponible� credit on the -com it- the finder of the money, am had no idea I I I . L I I A Lo BILIXF.S.- on fair working terms with one who 'likes h I z tee, Mrs. G. D. MeTafgart, Miss Me ag- thift his deceased wife had been possessed L , ]Lnd L .. him own way as mu -.h as Mr. Country, if they promote permanent settle. accept of - a more lucrative position near i . L -well own I .1 - . .L , I Bachanandoes, gart, Mrs. Spaldi . rs (Dr.) Shaw, re. of any money. tire. Fells was a woman of � , , I � I mento ; otherwise they will do very little London, Ontario. , . I . 1:, . Aad . -a w load there can be no question about the e4er - - Jame's Fair, jr., I a. ReLean . and re, . Tancy Printed Muslins, - 11 1, y . . about 60 years of age, and the , money IS L 11. th* k.--Vess; , good." -Mr. W. M. Doigo of Tuckeramith, 1� I - % � - .. -4 � I I � - � . I Is w -two wo NE�th which he has devoted himself to tt-e (Dr.) Agnew. . supposed to have beeu the savings of al;out :; . I prosecatiou of -temperance work. He will - raised an addition to his barn lately. The -There died on Tuesday eveni 10 I . � I L . . I - I . . 139 ,lot tw 11 euty years, which she - bad accumulated I �. :: '10 O soof -hop t� , I L t . Y' kold � - , I � i . � � I i i " a BU'S S� T d - I u �* I - I � , . . A contemporary says : I I Not 'very long stone work was done by Mr. G. � Kydd, of - Ed" . - no, doubt, make hiSL influence felt in any week, one of Wing am's most highl re. I I I - J - I - � I in this way without the kno wledge of any � Fan -Printed Challies, � :11 �P. 11 other sphere to which he turns, and it- he ago the management of 61 ty Hensall, and the frame work by Mr. John . . � A ... . ullin , I now* 1�1 .. ' . cago Univerai _ Doigile . L - agected young wo en, in the perso Of other person, but what she intended to do : 1. . I CY. - - � . many I the bOY49: . will onl� learn the lesson of toleration he -� required the resignation of a popular pro- _ ary Eup-hemiai be oved wife of Mr. Ja es : , - . . i 11 ,well i grown -up shipped'.& car I v .q . . - ,I - I .- ause in h Langley, -brakeman n Ahe London Gan ce ever L I . - I - ' . may et render better service than he has fennor Of sars. Clegg & Dames with it, had she li Ott is a mystery, as the I I I - � ­-, ' I .. . -,conFild MOW Trunk railway frei ht. u;d . � I 1. 'M 7� 1 . - Cn able to do heretofore." .economics bee i� lecture he -of cattle from Brussels on Thursday last d .only hint of its exibten that she had - Dece el:as the' gven to any person was what she said to � - lan-4 Id, A Fort I . condemned I trusts,' while the chief patron week. Messrs. Wilson & Casemore also eldest daughter of Mrs. A. I I a . 6n 4,ight Shades, Dress G I - forwarded one on the mime day. � Of Mrs. Scott shortly before she died. She , . ,ied . The costs incurred in the recent London of the University, John' D. Rochefeller. is Ing a an a tif. . . I . . � Wi h dh d eenrnarrielloni a I _. wl . !rienl�l `11 . - evda. M sors.- Fish and Calder, of I . JV lesves benind ner on1v a nusbana and one ­ I . I . ,� . . . . I . . . -election trial amount to nearly 810,OW. As at the head of the greatest 'trusV, the world Claysville, Pe sylvania, and Scott Di a year. * She leaves a sorrowing hush d, son, who will likely Aare the bard.e,%rned, � � � . . - I . . nt daughter, in tber and two si ter to savings thus inysterioasly preserved by the . , - � the petitioner is penniless, the question now has ever seen -the Standard Oil Company. son, of Godetich, were visiting Mr. infit n't . . � . . . 'Light Shades, Delaines ; - i mourn her loss, wh ha - pa i h Of wife and mother. I I I is : Who will pay the cost ? It is likely The other day President Andrews, who has Thomas caiaer's, Grey, last week. They uni y in their soym Lffl 0,. . . . I I I . r w . the entire'comm re a. ton. --- I . I ,- I � that each party will have, to pay his own done much to raise Brown Vnive�sity to a ere touring it on their wheels. -Through a run ay of cars at the ail- I .� . I - . . - - -One,of the Wingbam papers devotes I . b- . - � I I way station at God rich, on ' Monday last St. Helens. � - ? .. . � � i costs. There seems to be a defect in the high position a.niongaca(lemic-inatitutions,Dn nearly three e,olumns.of its space to a descrip'- . ! '�--­ Fanc-lir Grenadin � I I law here. Any elector may be.& petitioner this continent, felt it necessary t� resign his tion of a foot 'ball match, so elated ever week, ten freight are were smashed and DEATH OF A RESPECTED RESIDENT. -John ; I � - . . .7 es, . - . altbo�gh'he may not have a cent to bless` -office because it was plainly_ intimated to - - considerable freigh damaged. The acci ent . � I - - . Wingbam's foot ball team being at the head - - . . E. Gordon, of St. Helens, a romiveut and ' � I himself with. He has to make a deposit of him that his teaching of econorn di occurred while the rain hands were ow ch- � �� . - T! was Is- of the league. . . . much respected citizen Tied Saturda I . , Ono thousand dollars with his petitioni but tailteful to the Fame John D. behe-feller, 1119, and the.cars nton the down'grade 9 y , I , -i. E'. Swarts, of Wingha has nur- . mornin aft.ar an .01"ana �f .;- A V , IV,, 11. .Q,: 7 7, - I � - - . I . ? on the switch leadt ig to the harbor. � �t Is M.V 0, I 0 L'y 0 9 I . as a rale this is but aaffiall portion of the .who was expected to contribute � a million ebased the pacer " Ala I Leaf,"fro'ni James 48 Canadian cholera. Mr. Owordon had been � -- - estimated that $6,( )O will cover the G� nd I . . - ' costs.. If the costs- exceeds this amount, dollars to the endowment of the University. O'Leari, of Brussels. Vr. Swarts has als ,a troubled greatly with his stomach and . I - - � I 0 Trunk's loss, and � hey will be the )nly _ . I 1� � . I and the I titioner is not able to pay the This is a 8ingttlarly small-minded, business all purchased the running horge 11 Norine, weakness of the bowels. The apparent sud. � � ' � � . - excess, tree respondent must bear the brunt . round." Iruly it is. Mr. Rochefeller's from J. S. Donoghlirit of Sarnia. ... lo8er. 3he Signal aems to think that I . - r I . calamity might have been avoided if 'a larger � Parasols i - -if he is worth it, although he may have been conscience, or . what is left of �it, must be -At Mr. Hinchley's farm in Me the dennen of his death came as a shook to the i Shirt WaiWs mul I � I � 1 ; - 1nn Kill? cominnnity. He had only been back about I I � - I 4� ocent of all wrong-doingand the. protest kiviug him trouble when he is so een8itive. afid more eiteient staff of ipen were .sin. ; I . . - I I . - the ,)ther day, Messrs. M. Tagney, . ployed there. � . I I two weeks from Manitoba, where he had . . . 0 . . � I'll - — ! 11 . bad. been entered onlyfor spite or persecu- It is, however, only another proof of the de- ',Stewart and S.- Neely, of Seaforth, pressed �Mw� spent about two months, expedting itmould � . t . - I . -- . tion. A man of straw�.s uld not be allow- lorable condition k which our: neighbors � I - t � . I . � 11 � . � -1 . through Protection. e plu- 15 tons. of hay in- 9 hours and i 45 minutes, K .Ppen. 'help -him to recuperate, and during tha : . Ribbons � and - ' � �P 'Eave arrived Th which is considered extraordinary good time attended the general assembly of .the ! . I I Laces . v ed -to act as a petitionei,An anv case. � I _-, . . . --�-% . I � , . I . tocrats of the Rochefeller stripe, who 'have - 'N D GA SM PLOWS. —T. IV. ellis Presbyterianchurch, in Winnipeg, being a ' -- .. I . � I . work. PLOW -S A - I N - been enabled by the laws of the land to rob * Mr. Doig, grand organizer of the Can- unin-well stocked witl all lines of plows and g k1gs. representative elder from - the Maitland I � ; a . - 11 - - The Toronto World o4o : " The -consen - �� � , , Farmers want4ig an,, rlo,�,p, now is yourobi ate - . -, ­� Foresters, and a former resi- -Must be sold regar esi of c t A full line r -f -11 nd-*an' derof St Helpn--h.�Ak � ZI , a . � the common people, now not Only control adian Order of . A Presbvterv' a R" ;0 In a. TrzaQ A141117 rr..,; �- ,us of public opinion�is undoubtedly in I , , , Wee .ter, aua -day e-1 ,to a b Tuted Alven RV. . - 7- ; Mr. C Asocom . �ent do .� ter,,im I this v . vidge. � - � . . - . . . I a- ads a epee ality I ce its inception., He 'was also 1 � � - -- - 9 -- � . I . - I -is ;i�,, I el, &.V Lae Legislatures but most or the other in' dent of Gorrie, was made The recipient of i rep&lrs,and till 10,r tepstring m ! almost sin I - 11t111VV1VYt7 - . . . . . � , f or of an immediate enforcement of the stitiitions as well, and now k seems even opf, "a WS iggt. A few second- hand plo 0 in � I , �, . nicely worded address and a gold 'beaded nd price@ v superintendent of its Sabbath school for 1 � i I I t - - Anany , ­ good repair at a ow figi ire, T. blellis, Kippen. I I . I I � proposed export duties on pul' wood and ges are falling a prey to their cane by the members of the society at Ot- � - " M i - . L � , I p � the colle I � . 0 :: - �;. I 17 0 IRA � a over thirtv vears. In inolitics he - . 3412. . - .91 S&W Ogs. VY e do nor, Know who author. ,greed. - . t I awat on the 25th ult. . I J. . I . . ,; . � L O'CESSFUL PUPILS. -At the recent -)ub- i � I; I I � -5-f ized the World to speak for' the public. -�-The quarterly board meeting held at I SU pronounced Liberal. Mr. - Gordon was a )mmmer 'Cosets, � � . . . . I.. . trance exami 6 I . . � The Goderieb post office embroglio, which C lic school leaving aqd en native of Forfar, -Scotland, where he was 1 . I . tq " Ono born the 31st of January, 1827..' Coming to I ., . � , - -k - We think we are in as good. a position to ooper's church on Monday last week, de- the pupila from school N o .- 1 4, 18ut : I . , . I I l . . , . - b6s occasioned so much tall talk for a time, cided to build a new parsonage in the vil- yo Canada Just 6ft'er the rebellion' of 1837, he li ' . . � : I Jy' - kuQW what public opinion is as the World, made a most - credi able showing and the ! . I .0 . lage of Woodham. The work �s to begin i � . . . I . V,O. L. . r �,-� and we have no hesitation in saying that has, at.length, been settled. Mr. Campbell, . litei, settled with the r#fi of ,.be family. atc-Bay. 1 , .Sutnmer� Glo ,L...,, - I n the standing they t ok reflects reat or,-dit I * I . . . I X-, 8 ay �001 ' 'd Whitby. Ikthe fall of 1850 - I I e -Fo that the I pastor -m h a ' e. he set- � . - 4 -tblic opinion" i - 'in the the post -master, has been dion)iseed, and ­ upon the efficiene of the te er- , Ir. I I - - the "consensus of pt the near f uCur - g � �F . . .. . . ove into the new. parsonage I November- Beattie, as well as eirig an indi eat Wawanosh, in the wilderness, � I . very opposite direction to what the Vo in tied in W' I I �� . � . - P11 that if the ,- . - . q. . � rld Mr Galt has been appointed his' successor. -One day lastw'eek as jteT4 St-rachan cat'o 'of I dn the farm on which he died. He is . i I I -.. says it is., We do know also, -, . � the natural clevern as of .the pupils. ut � 0 - � , t, . I dN . . Vninnar";" fba -;-t 4, 9 AA 1-4 I ft"A A 1ki - 4. 1 I- _ � . A- V" W L. atwe -Is L izu 15WAA% %J r usse 9, t e . � I �', overnment, were to LaKe the World's ad. 5 —rV . of seven candidate iceess ul, Mourned for by a sympathizing community, 'U111,01te.r, ." 081term. - . I I , six were at � 11 I (,Olt they were driving -:t-ook fright at an . I V., -7�' � vice it would be one of the Yery first to have nothing to say. That is a matter be. �, - - where every person looked up to him as a i I ;1 1, ! . and the.following ar: the ,marks obtai ed , - i* . � . : Y � Yr . - ;. raise its voice in abuse of th6m for causing tween the Department, Mr. Cameron, the a 'ibrella and upset .the buggy, . makipg a by each ; *Entran e standard of uprightness, and one whose. . . �4 e, -Mabel Whiteman, I ;1 - . I . I . is � . q I badwreekof it and gave the occupants 614P the highest Obtained in Went, Hur4u - 'P es will be hard to 611 as well. He leaves � � . i the unfortunate results which would cer. sentative on whose recommendation, quite a serious shaking up. It I �i- . repre ­ . - ' erwear, �. �alnlY follow the placing of an export d�uty was I Dora Alair, 438 ; Ila Dinsdale, 4 a t*idow. four sons and six da;ghters I � Summer Und 1% . . 1 31 * tie * I * -- . . � " � - on logo and pulp wood. no doubt, the appointment was made, and mystery how they escaped as .well as they Public school I ' William T., of St. Helens ; Dr. Duncan I , I . . �� il �-` did. - . Grassick, 527. leavin . M. � ., I �� . � -1� ' - -� his constituents who are mote immediately - - f Lucknow ; Jornia, bf Rounthwaite, Mani- ; I , ,*, - . Harriett Cameron, 784 ; H. D. Camer I U, 0 . . . . � toba, Dr. James K. U., of Ripley; Mrs. 1� � , I -W. J. White, superintendent Of imml- 613 ; Alden Whiteman, 671. ; . -4 - Mr. R. J. Fleming, wbo, for several years interested in the office, and with's hich out- t' ies for the Dominion, a, I - -4 has been mayor of Toronto, . - w ga iou agene ge Thomas Sanders, of'West Wa,"nos' I - Etc Et�- � �'j, 'and who was', 8, NOTES. -Mr. R. Mehis, who has en � h ; Mrs. ! 0 � . . , I iders need not concern themselves. As to Monday, nighi last week with his f a eart, spending I five weeks visiting among frie do Gaunt, of Sault Ste. Marie ; Miss Christina i . I I . I . . � -- � - un4uestionably, the beE-t mayor To'outo has the dismissal of Mr. Campbell, while we do John White, of the Exeter Times. Since B., professional nurse; Mrs. Jame Inglis, I - � . . �. r �4 � � . � � , in Glenalle'n and other places, retu ed ., f I had since the late Mr. Howland, has sympatbize with him, in view of the, report his appointment sevaral thousand immi- home o- Of Rounthwaite, Manitoba ; M rs, "John A. I I �r- . � . resign- ­4 , n Monday. ----mTh reshing is now he . � ; � 4 Ord . .IV ed his position as chief magistrate of the of the Commissioner appointed to investi- grants have left Michigan for the Canadian er of the day.- The sound of the whis Is i McDonald, of Brandon, , Manitoba, and 1 : ............ i.w.. . i � , � - � I - * I -, I � gate his conduct, we cannot see liow�the Northwest, . ' . 1 �k�� �� city, and has been appointed Assessment Government could have done otherwise than -Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rollins, of Exeter, is now heard in all quarters. Four differ nt Miss Victoria Ed , at home. I - � . 5 I I . � A # � I . � � , � machines at work the name day with' e c I . I - �, e I . . . The position was offered to Mr. Flemin ' .� . I - �� J� Commissioner at a salary o� $4,000 a year. cause his dismissal. - This Goderich post left on Thursday of last week Dn a pleasur range of a mile,goes to show that tho'agh e . I . - -- � 4 i . .g by office business is a fair sample of the many drive through the counties of Middlesex crop is large, the machinew are equ BruBsels. . [&I to I -1, 0 t e -- I . - -.., p . . ng among, I - , fitness. for it was universally recog - - . I ; ; difficult and d4agfeeable questions with Lambton. Essex and Kent and will wind u� occasion. -Mr. R. MeMordie and daugh r, NOTES. -The base and foot ball clubs of I Tf there is anythi � a, the above � � � I unanimous resolution of � council as his which Governments and re resentatives the trip by taking a jaunt thro gh a ;.--.-,rtain I I - - . ID a 4- ' . ,nized, not have to deal, and the fact that so many are portion of Michigan. They wi I be Miss Annie, took in the scenes at Bayfi Id Blyth visited our tow� on Thursday of last. i � I I ­ I I _-_ . alone, bv the conacillo-ra but by the- citizens - away" I.Ou Thursday of last week. -Mr'. - Will* week,and played a game each with the clubs mentioned goods,. that . ., .,­ . you may - require . �.��- - personally interested, does not make it any several days and will cover abo t 400 mil , . 1�3 .1 � 41 . generally. It is a good b' - ' � , I I - � . � � - .�rth, and is per easier. There would ha,ve been dissatisfac'- . es. McDougall, of Hensall,and his son Willis , of our town, which re'sulted in a win for i . I - . � . - --� . , -Tbe followingeship'inents of cattle were of �Tuckersmith, left .on Wednesday. f r the home clubs. -Clegg and Dames shipp . ed W n tho next two o r I , � : Manent during good bel)-avior. Alderman tiou no matter what course the Government I ithi r three we'els—we . I I I � . Fl . e rom. in h I � -1 �, � mad f Wi am on Thursday of last Manit6ba, to visit f riiends.-Alro. R. Cleg , I a car of hogs on Monday, and Scott 4nd . . ". - - � . I I . I Shaw was appointed Mr ` eming's succes- had pursued. Had they allowed Mr. Uamp- week: Messrs. V Stewart, of Wingham, who was in London for some days att�ndi Jones a car load of cattle. cam save you money. 11 � sor by a large vote of th&icouncil, the. con., bell to retain the office, under the circum- Baeker and Van- . , I � . I . ' I I - � � stitution, of Toroutoprovill4ing that. in the stances, a great many- would have 'been dis- and E. Pugh, of Niagara Falls, ship d a her'mother, who was not in good healt , stone shipped -a car .of hogs on Tuesday- � I � . I � � I . I . , - I . I event of the mayoralty becoming vacant - car load of butchers' cattle to .N iagara V13eahs; has returned home. -Alias Etta Gilespie, h, of Morris, near Brumele, died � ; I 4, after six, months of the r�gular -term has ex- al . f Win. Cornis I . I pleased, and,now that hehas been dismisi- so Mr. McLean, of Luckn two car Exeter, is visiti4 the Misses Claiissa ar d I last Saturday, from cancer of the stomacb. � . ­ . I ad, there *ill � be more or less di* sa�isfaction. loads of export cattle. " 0 1 He Wag L i . . I - . 1; pired, the vacancy must be filled by a vote , . .I- There would also be dissatisfaction no mat- Mary Alellia.-Miss M�ud Ricker, wh; bes ' in his 51st year, and 4as buried by i . I I , , I . 1, - I - of the council instead of b a vote of the -4 joint stock company w a capital been i -pan Ing a Western Lodge, Independent Order of Odd 1 . I . Y ter ,who his success It seems to -� d' everal weeks with Mr. aid ; [. , ]people, as in other cases. or might be. of $10,000 has been organized I iq Exeter to Mrs. James McKee, of � . . IT � — . us the duty of the friends of thei Govern- _ T�a as returned fellows, on Mond& -Gus. Goebel i' . ., ,� ment is to stand by them, and operate a system of ele,et i 1i hting. The home. -School No 2 c= ith, is no w : ha dling his mare, I '13 : V I -in' the ab- rl' c i 9 , 11 Lies Delmarch here" . - . I The London Free� Press conclude � I i . I a I - I -s a long,, sc company have obtained a fr chise from the possessor -of a hne new bell, which will onrour track this week. -J. H. Green has . I L .; �ence of amy evidence to the -effect that the town to erect poles, legont add greatly to the appearance of thes h ns on his electric light � . I I . , , I ' 1, � I . �� ' 'b'u'iilding, and in rushing it along. -Farmers ' �' ' � I �, 11 R � � bealavers Mr. Whitnev and his colleaguek der.all the circumstances, to sustain and light the back street ether the and will also be; of good--servi 'c' ,) rX, -6) r,' �'I' bombastic and foolish article, in which it they have not eone the best they could un- [.' or"Alt � � . company will start with about 9 incan- efficient tea 'O Olt :E1 4ell� � 'as t * . - u in the Le lature With fulsome praise, approve of their action. . . descent lights. . 0 � - cher Mr, Forsyth, eep,og' who have threshed their fall wheat report a t I I � � ,4 � - & in ki ! ; . . e� � his scholars on ime.-Mrs. Acheson, r,, good yield. -Rev. John Ross is away on his � . - ! . . ; I I � I -r- while it', makes many general and false ' -The Clinton New Bra of last week mother of Rev. . Acheson . " � I - . . I ;; -considerable excitement was . , who has been holidays. -The Brussels salt works are - . A caused at sa ,a : One of th . I I I I . . y e peculiarities o Canadian staying at the rise for some time, left . rushed to their full capacity, running night I . � � :- . I � � � 1-1 arges against the Government, with the Grand Bend one day recently. -It seems that weather is its variableness ; if a man don't here on Saturd last to visit her brother, 1 and day, to fitl orders and are still behind. � E !. ,I- ch . I i : - � following statement : " Ontario wants an Latimer, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. like one kind of weather, it is not much Mr. John M ind is principally for dairy� and ; I . . , � I aeon, of Mono Mills. Mri ,. , The demi I I 1, James Grieve, of E xeter, *andered a con- trouble for him o have another, On Fri- Acheson, during I , , �' ,; honest, economical Government." This is t ; ­ her visit -here, endearel - table salt. In those lines aid "to ! I abou ' I t the only true statement in -the who e ,��ly at the herself to many by her' large heartednei ' 1 & " : 2 I , . . i siderable distanae from * cottage nunotic- day afternoon it hailed quite liea, our salt is s I I ed and was nowhere to I be found. The n�thern end of the town ; it rai1'ed about and kindly ampathy with all whom It wa , :urpass anything made in Ontario. -The . . I . . r� i article. Ontario has proven the - truthful- Mother became. nearly - frautic with grief the middle - , and at the south e , fhe -sun her privilege to meet. She leaves behin . d . ewers are repaired, and- the heavy rain of I � CJF ' , � - �� I . : onday tested them, and they are now re. � , � �h � I � �. � for over a quarter of a century "an honest, whole community became agitated -Mrs. Dr. McCulloch, of - �� T I ;� -., t ness of this statement by,returning to power over the loss of her child and soon the was shining, all at the same time host of friends who will ever wish he I orted all right. � I � - , z, and set -After a somewhat lengthen d illnear ' ; I . - I I . .i 11 many -b I I . .1 I lessinga through life. -w-hl ra. 'Georg etroit,opent a few days under the parental I . �1 omical Government," whi Free out in pursuit of the little wanderer. Con- George McCartney, of the 16 h 'conces. I : . Z - econ Is the . � . - . . - � - . - - I i �, I Tavfor, who was in London for some day : roof last week. Both she and her husband . . . - - I Press has striven hard and earnestly to siderable time was spent in fruitless search sion, of Goderich township, passe 1 away on visiting her dauS liter, Mrs. Pope,. returns( . I ' - .; I I - . L., drive this " honest and economieal Govern- and during his absence a terrible rain and Friday last week at � I ' gractine their profession in the City of th�- o� �­ . � I . � . � � ,- 'from pow the age of 86 years A home on Tuesdsy.-Mr., Thomas Robertson, traits. -Mrs. Buck, at Bad Axe, Michigan, � DRY GOODS- COMPANY, Z ment' er. .It has, made many false -bail storm prevailed 'which did not improve native of Ireland, he came to thil country - ' . ; 4, . of Tuckeramith, made a sale of 27 head ol i formerly of Grey, was viaiiing at 'her . I . ; I - ­� and baseless charges against this Govern- matters, but the .search pafty still con- when a young man, settling in t at town- caitle.. last, which; no doubt, mother-in-law's last mreek.-7-A number are � I I . . - , , " . . I . 1`- - ment, just as it close in the article in ques- tinued. Finally they succeeded in locating ship in the early fifties, and -as there- would bring in a number of round dollars going to the went ou the excursion oi next I � I - . . I I . . . I - . � -1 � - tion, but the people of Ontario have not be- the little fellow, a rently tired and worfi fore one of the pioneers of the co uty. He Mrs, William Cooper, aceo panied by is we6k.-Geor (a Thomson has loat his ,fine I I i, , lieved it and will not believe it now, be- out, sle "^ ari- under a tree. The, was a man highly respected, and of late son David, and tre, Jauies Cooper, lef . St.;Bernard fog, as the re S Worth's . G ' atest Cash Dry Goods Store. I eping soun m0a 1. � I I �� � . . ; � swult of poisoning. I , LV . . - I I t . . I - I I - - ; . I � I - - i, .-. . � : I . . . . -- I � � . - - . - . .� : . � . �, � - 1. I I I - I . I I . . .. i � i - . I . ! . . .. ! - - . � I - . - 6 -- ; ..�i . I . � . � � V I i : � . I , . J % I I - I . - I - . I I I I � . - ­ ­ I � I i - � I ; . ­ i . . - I- � � , . . I . � J I I I I � � - I ., � - . ; , . i . I I . I . I . .- . . I ; t I I . - ,� . . . 1. I � . I I - . � . - -1 . � . . .. , 1� . . . I . ; I . I D, , . . - . ; - . - - . .1 I . - - I I 1� � I .. . i . -�. . , � . . � .1 . � � . � # . I . - I . � I . - . � . - . 1-1 � - I � - I . . � I .. I � I 11 � � I �'.1, . . I I : I .. - - . . - . . 1. - . I . 11 ,:, . -. - ,. , , - � , ---�, ­ �, . I � 4, �'i I - - � �.,..! 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I A . 1. � . �, , � 1 __;__�,- �­­ I I " AE­Ika -." -- � �, -- 11 7 - � � I , . e ­ . - �., ­��:­, I 1. � 1-- .-- -1 I I !�� --- - � I - I - .. � . . ­­­. ­­'�­­­-'r-­"�i. I �. � - -1�,�,---�-,..-,-..,,-��.,;7��;-�,:,-'-- , V . - , - ---I , � -­ T - - , -� � . . . . 1- ­ I ­. - � I - I ;-, , " ­.­ ��­.:-171­1­- ­­­­­ -----1 ­­ i�j- --.�.,.-�__.,,;�,-,-,i,.,,--�-,--, I �",�--�i--�,.--�----��,.�'..-L-�:-,-�.-�---��<-- -, -:.1 —�- ,�­­ = � * Nice I `bath i 4ervic mumb -the sl usual, mr, is -on FT remai cemel -eondt 'rexidq wreal test# -for tl Ellis �, FAlils, Vilum -to All �of Ail Aay in Ails& �C 'Carmel. annual Ust, &E . -ant d&3 Thomal -house, to Mr. I .& Clal -W.Vj, Tremt iald�216 -11, . - - I ; I w I I I I I � � . i "*1'-!.5& 11 - :�