HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-08-13, Page 1__ - � . . _-__..­­­­_­­ ­­__­_ -­,_ 1. - .I— ­­­�_-­­-­_­_­ _ � -_ - � � I - .� . : . - . . I -c -- -.- - I - - , �, 1- 1.1.1'. .� — - �_. : � . I � ,�.,.. � I � . . ii, , __ - - - " � *14. - , - .1 �-� 7,w, , -. ­ _- , - . � - � . .. -r -_ �- q - - - - -, � __ ___._ ­ �=5-11­117_­V­ I ��__- I—, �_­ �­___ ---------- - ------- . - __ - ­.- _____--,___---1_- ____ r__'.... -_...­__._ ________. �_.­__­ ­-y­--r_Mq -7-1111-11-.9—m— ­__ 7 . __ � 1-1 - , , . . — . -.-,. � - - , . . . . . . I I I . -, . � . . % � I I ; " . I Rwr i . I I . � . � . . ­ . . I I . � . I � I I � � . . . I i � . . - . : I I � . ; I I . . ; - . I , I -7- P�4 -� '! %� � " . ­�:;� - � . �, � � � , J : I 1 7 � I �.._.. - - I - _1 � '. 1. _�­.._ -_ '' _A 1 I � — _ ,,, - . I I . . I . . . - I - - , I . . I . . . ! . 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I � I I �_, The Crops in Huron. he -drifted to Missouri, where, some four start a shaf at Ewan. Galway ,promises .cutting on Thursday last week. This is the an ardent, Conservative, and was a member leaves io mourn her. lose, a husband and five - . I - - . . . - - to be the rich it miningAistrict in Ontario, � district where seeding wag delayed owing to of Wingh4m Orange Lodge, having been in. children, Maude, Ellen, Joseph and Wil- , 1. !e's the last olle or , . .- A correspondent of the Globe, who is� years after, he married another woman, and 1� .1 I ' �e last, feiv yar&of . 11 . .. 11 travelling through Ontario, has the follow. after a time deserted her. Some five years as there is gold, silver, copper, lead and sprin floods. 1. itiated i4to the order while residing in lism at home ; Mrs. J. S. Shier, in -maiii. � I � I �",w . I I I I to may about th - e crops- in Huron . ' in large qu�utities. All it _ -nyth, and family, of Vittoria, North E R I t u" ­ r 11 county. ago he went to,Canads and returned with black lumbago Urge S, �gthope. He leavesu widow and toba. - Her sisters are Mrp. Ed.,-hier.Mm � i I I - happily re uiresnow�sforoapitalista toatepandin near Sime _ moum his John Hannah, Jbiseph . DleSS eleajed 011L - I, , I . �� id lock -,up - Ve despatch is dated - Goderich, August his first wife, and they have lived oe, Ontirid, went fishing one day family of! sons and daughtefs to at Kirkton ; Mrs. , Molloy W,a . . . . . . . . L . . . L I 4th : This k.ro.nises to be the beat season since, she knowing nothing of her husband's ankSgo aheadwith the work. last week, and during their absence some sudden death, I - Weir, at Nissouri, and Mrs. Josiah Shier,* . . I : � U I I at Hamiota, Manitoba. Her broithera are ise Qf- There's just_ , the farmers of Huron county have known former career. As we have stated he has -'Over 1,766 head of cattle were shipped person entered the house and carried away � —0 , . kt thi accuw . - 13* L i . I F iday, to the English $15 in cash and Mrs. Smyth's hundred dof- . � I . Joseph, William, a -ad Samuel, at Kirkton 1, ulat iollj� been most highly respected ince coming to fro ' Winnipeg on r Perth Notes. , .8 . 10 years. .If one can judge from the I lar gold watch. A man seen in the vicinity I J aimes, in Motinitobs, ; and David in lAseur, . . Mr. H ry Muir, of EastNissouri, hail i'all them o'Ut eack .. re;:rtP-:07f their conversation with the mer, this place, having been a member of the mamrket"81 I '_ . gn 1; Minnesota. Mr. ]EI-ollingahead and famOY I ; . - Presbyterian church, and has been very -The Dominion Immigration Department during the day is being anxiously looked farni last'week by Mr. i 11 - Chants of this place, they are well satisfied . I ,� I � a -silo buil't on his I � � - , : - � - I inent in church work and every other are -Wanting men to. work on the Crow's for. - I ; . have the sympatby of the community in � � � with the outlook. Many of them mortgaged prom I James Nelson. i �, make -Uesct wi�aelc *. Thm is a doctrine or view abroad their farms years ago to enable their;sons to m6vementlooking to the welfare of the Nest Pass railway. . . -Last Friday night aboutI I o'clock, the :. . - -011iel Wright, late of; the Bank - of. their bereavement. - . ben every od,a line ' �i " community or the betterment of its morals. 4--IPhotog , her. G.. Eu Riott, of Me-aford, bv;rd8 and outbuildings of Mr. David Fraser, - � ,. � � . . which has found e.xpressibu in the start well in Manitoba and the Northwest, I Montreal,J Stratford, has gone to the ­�-Mrs. (Rev.) Xershaw, of EmbrOt is I � I . . I . ,of Nairn, East Williams, was burned to, the � , - it competition is the life of and the lean years have told upon those He was ever ready to assist those m may� lose his ght as a result of pulling a I Klondike.1 . ery ill. Little hopes of her recovery is ex- - r piece tha,es sholt words, v 22 . �., P61! M rye, cifficiated pected. Tb e family have the symp%thy of . who still carry the burden of mortgage and distress -and was honorable and up. C'Ork out -of &,bottle of ammonia. - I ground. The buildings contained a large -J. St6pllens, of St. ' I ' - t .1 ,- ed a rtimnant WiU, _' - � I,- . trade." Whoever it was that first - . t' ' ' a Mr. Fra- i Mr. Kershaw's aismy _� . recurring interest payments. This year right in all hie dealings.' We do not hesi. -Farm hands i6re scarce around Wood- quantity of hay, bu no grain, a . at Mothe I , . � . th. I . to this aenseless is farm. No Causes are given ,�well Presbyterian - hurch on Sab- the community. �. - gave ex himon he ri I L 1 ers, Placed OR Mir __ . . pression promises go well in crop return that if. tate to say that he was one of the Advocate's ' . stock, end farmers are paying $1. 50 . per ,ser grazes h � bath lately. friends Will symps iee with &ring . 1� � I - .- d,it i d how the fire originated. �North Perth Conservatives have re- the Bad news. He is high1V respected by . - �� _ phrase -tor senseless it is -he es for wheat and oats are good at all staunch friends and supporters, an is ay. . I : ' I . fit a price thaV11, I * -Another colony of Petrolia drillers will I -mbro: He is a grand . . .... ne . � 11 I with a sorrowing heart that we, in duty, to _T of J. W. Lang & Co., of To- I . all denominations in E a, R In � it - . - aould never have"given, very Much the relief to the situation will be general. he esta�, nominate4 Thomas Magwood for the Legis- , � -t I - `� . 'Vortlk I our readers, chronicle these sad facts. He ronto hollelale grocers, abowa, liabilities of start for Austria on August 21st, to drill for Isiture. . . preacher, and a loving husband anti father. : . li � , . . I � I L to what he was saying it The main crop of the section as a usual ,,, w i. here remnaut weel-, I . thought, g. i $130. 0, and issets of about W,- the Alsace Oil Company. The party will be - I , - i �, - .. - thing is oats, but last year while the price made friends everywhere and. many - hearts abot , JIF I William f Gilbe b Miller, who has spent the last Mrs. Salmon, of Thorndale, and many kind ' �:_,_� I - a -1 � ... - is unnecessary to state that good, of oats fell'to 17 cents a bushel, whea�t was are touched with grief, and the memory of 000 - � composed of Messrs. James Blake, Ouiyca)rlin.the Western States, returned friends are attending 'Mrs. Kershaw's bed- . �Ii Means that in all . � the sad affair hanga over the community - -ALexandpr Houston, of Petrolia, a'rail." Bowles, jr., W. McGills -William Zimmer- to his hon��e in Kirkton last week. side. . i � clean business rivalry is certainly bringing a pretty good figure. This year I . � I . , f� � _' . I The latter dne6day of'last week Miss Afag- I re small, and that;. - � . like, a pall and is about the only subject of way employes the other day got, his left man, and one or two others. _Rich�rd Painter, of Bliushard, sold a -Q-n Wei . , I - - �� I � well- for the health of trade. But everybody has turned to raising wheat, and con�ersation. The sy'mp�thy of the entire hand crushe� while I coupling- cars, and it gentleman hag spent several years in Austria valuable'liorse to Mr. McTavish, of Strat- gfie . ��, best choice. i . I � - . it -has proved A fortunate venture in. one . ! - - . . ,eldest daughter of Mr. Win. Stewart. I - 0 0 and Africa already. - , ` � last * --� ON, aship, was - married atthe i _ . . . � I what g od has competition so -call- r,spe3t at least, for the wheat crop is far conimunity goes ut to his estimable wife had to be andputated. I * ford', Ir eek ' for a good sum. allart tow � . �_ � - _. -L and ti es in"her affliction. He threw the officer off -Joseph 8tanker, a blacksmith, of Pine -A Paris young woman of 16, having Will � T. W . H nu b, of - 11 I I . , .. - ed done for yot I for us in m above the average, while oats are of only I . - , tonei�an and bride, of Kirkfon, old homestead, to M -S a a - � I � � , oved by her mother for some slight arriage ceremony was I � � Line's *** . -1 .past? Weknowof afew things about average yield, and in many.places his guard by apparent],y making all ' prepar- Orchard, ne Newmarket, is missing. He been repr � . are back firom their wedding trip, and- are Nebraska. The in .1 I . I ations to depart with an early has . I . . him on been in 70or , and has been fault, rushed to the window - and jumped now occupying Mr. G. Hazelwood's performed by Rev. Mr.' Kerrin, of Alit- ; health lately new � - . I I that falla6lous competition has done very short in straw. ' It' is pleasant Fto be . . I I ' I � . able to record that there Js 1. ,ractic4ly no train. Ile carefully and calmly -footed up acting strangely. . I out, falling two storeys. Her 19 -year-old resideribe.-I - . - chell, in the presence only of a company of . I . "I"', CUO'Ve,% Blouse�,, - �-, for others, and it inakes interest- p and William sister became excited and at once jumped � . I �] - , I loss in the Huron belt from sprouting--4,rheat. his accounts and made oat bills' of money -Robert Moners, of Sarnia, -The obntract for the brickwork, stone- the fimily friends and -most intimate so- .. i - - � . I . in" reading. � which were � I owin him. He also Me Crae, I of � Moore, who had. been held for after her. Both were picied up, badly and work and excavation of the St. Marys quaintances.- The bride was one of the . �I I � I . I 0 . The wet spell has here been accompanied by 9 the safe keeping� at Sainia jail, have been remov- perhaps fatally injured. . . bor- - I 1. I � - � . as it is I � Competition has caused, and is directly , a cold spell, and the combinatilDn of looked through the books of I creamery building has been given to Mr. most popularyoung ladies 'of the neigh �iants . -. . I -.1 .11 responsible for, all the great labor heat and moisture, that starts �-tfie wheat Woodinen Order which were in ed W the London Asylum. . -Mr. A. C. Attwood, of Vanneck, who Win. Cociram, for $1,773. . .hood, and t e groom is -a handsome young . i I I i . I'll, . . . . . . . on the stalks, that evil has not his possession, he being Camp Clerk. He -Harry Smith, engineer of the Workman has been travelling throughout the county -Rev. Mr. McLaurin, df Galt formerly ME � -in a prosperous stock trade 1-n, . � � growing - I . . . 11 - - � - - Nebraska. I I I � I troubles of the last half century. been genprated. Hay, however i" has met then made an excuse upstairsto change his & Wordman� Manufacturing Company, Lon. of Middlesex, and especially through Me- of St. Ma is removing his family to the State -of . I, I - � ' - ondon, Biddulph East Wil- 789 c - i Cape Cloths, Dress:� . Competition has reduced the stand- clothes, and while there put an end to hi4 don, � was probably fatally burned while 0 illivray, L Brandon, ,i;hero he has mn extended a 'all -Theresidence of Mr. aind Mt,a. �T. A (luslins, &c. . I'll, : - - thecommonfate. .Thereyvas &,�iieky large existence. Tbeexemv�ary lite which Mr. Ahrowing refuse oil and varnish into the liams, Adelaide, Metcalfe, Ca'r'adoet' West- f one of t' he churches in that place. I I - I - I ard of quality of nearly eVeTY crop, averaging about three .1 I � . . rom Hamilton, of St, Marys, was. the scene of a � I ::: I Kerr has lived during the nemrly three furnace on Friday. I � minster and Lobo townships. says that in happy gathering of relatives and friends on Emoommonsaw . manufactured article. in commerce-. acre, and a great deal of it was saved in I passin -The LSt. Marys Argue says : 1,1 Mr. . - I., . . - time. . It is thought the loss from damage years he has resided in Manilla, leads many -Mr. 0. Pelham Edgar, Ph. D.,: second rcharm'ong the road he has not seen an Frank Carroll, of Seaforth, returned 'home Wednesday afternoon of last week,to wit- � � ! . . . It has furthermore -iven5Abirth to to believe that be sincerely regretted the son of Hon. 1J. D. Edgar, has been appoint- o bearing enough apples to pay for 'Tuesday 'after a week's visit to his ,unele, ness the marriage of their daughter, Miss � . " - by the rain will be less than a third of. t9e . I I . every unscrupulous class of blisi- mis-steps of his former life and was trying ed'tothe ch air of French lecturer at Vic, the picking. Mr. E. C4rroll." I � Margaret A. Hamilton, to Mr. . Alexander - I W crop, but not much less. Apples will be a � te Rev. Alexander . - IS Btos,,_ , ness inen, Who vill. do b . to atone for the same� by living the best he toriaUniv r' -The friends of the la -Tho 'as Hanson� of Fallarton, who had Mennie, of Downie. The officiating el I . usiness at decided failure,this year, but there has been is Bity. '. . Hamilton, of ergy- I � . I I � . . . . . . . . . . .- I . could under the cir-cumetances. - . -Manitoba millers have advanced the Grant, a Baptist minister,, well known his leg -amputated for the second time a -few men were Rev. J. B. Dundas _. , , , 1. ' .. I - all hazards regardless of honor or a very heavy crop of small fruit, and pears . I I rid, who fell from his canoe .0 - --- ­ ) 0 - . pri f fl ' i Montreal 25 cents a barrel, throughout Onta� Knox church. (TON'.1 � . and plums will, it is said, prove a fairly *_ nee o car in iverone weeks ajo, is not making that advance- a d Rev. A. Grant, B. A., of . . .... � integTity. � the third raise withift the past few � weeks, when out fishing, in the Nepigon ri �le. - vi - . . . . . . ment toward recovery that is desiral iss Belle Ldve attended thebride, and -Mr. - . . good.crop. The failure of the apple crop A Cattle Buyer Speaks. are giving u , I � � , AMWNNM�Mlk - - . � largely due to the increased cost of wheat. day last week near Winnipeg, S -There are upwards of sixty . haAds em- J. R. Hamilton, B. A., of Brautfold, was. ''I 11 I * ' I a M treal, on Friday mot ____1 ployed inithe-Listgwel � - I � - _. — Mut the question comes, -who is respon- is a serious matter, but the logo is made up DE.,m EXPOSITOR,-Allovir me a word of -1 * ning, 148 all hopes of finding the body though piano factory, and I i � S&Y r-othing about the-, - , sible for this objectionable cOndi- by an abundance of grain. , I advice to farmers who ate 'buying stockers Chinamen were fined ten dollars each and search parties are out on the Nepigon. I e groomsman. They will reside hi Toronto' I � John Diechert, of . . the numbor is still growing. Orders are for a ,time. The bride was a member Of I � __ I tion of aff-airs ? Who created false , in , � 'i . ... I-- . FA'RMERS WELL PLEASED. to feed. You want to be careful select- costs for not paying last year the fif% dollar had $7,000 life insurance. '_ thk: Knox church and choir,a teacher -in the I ast spent a -few 11, urs, ... �� � . -_ already in which will take several Mon I I ,� . � 0 1 ... ing cattle for winter -feeding. Buy 'good I &,was busy wor to fill. 'Sabbath ichool, -and active in all depart- - 3 in-law, Mr- Shaffer.— . . I coinpatition 7 Was it the manu- Mr. T. J. 1 Videau, a merchant Who deals I tax impos�d upon keepere.of laun, ties by -About three years ago local optio I � i I - � � i carried in Wainfleet township, Welland. ''I e's fine new h�rn in' ments of christian work. . , �'. rted, Messrs . Mc]Kayi - - I'll facturer or the merchant? We largely in grain, speaks with the greatest breedy steers, and avoid -native bad shaped the city. � � -Mr. ames Bossenc __�, -_ �, T,,�,Ck � . . ' This East Nisf ed �� � think not The oriainal root of hopefulness of the prospects. .He attended cattle. Some farmers buy cattle to feed. for -Dr. Kinith,,, of Staffordville, who was county, -by twenty-two majority. ouri, was rais last week gy a I - ersmith, brea- -, � I -Rev.'E. B. Service., son of R6v. R. - !, king. --- 0 but the - !. -- - � I inst.-Mr. and Mrs. . a funeral a few days ago at a place a few from $6 to 88 per head, and pay too much spending t q day at a Baptist Camp meeting spring it Was defeated by seventeen, good turn out of neighbors and friends, The Service, of St. Marys, has a line large I . 1� suicidal competition iests with, the miles -from here, " and that," said Mr.' Vi. for' them. I admit that stockers are not as in pc rwell, on Frid " , dropped dead temperan( -1 ink in Lamlston count , - 1. - 1��, ay � -e people carried- it to the courts pident of - - . � 'Y' ­ . �ooeedings passed off without ac; church that will seat 'fully 7W �ple 'at � � people and they only. The de- -'Ount of P, . i amea Smillies. - Both, - l dean, 11 is where you can learn more about plentif ul is they have been in other . y ears,. on the grounds.. He was a victim Of heart and had the #ecision quashed on s.C( any kind.! . "I - r I - . - g. On Wednesday last the I . . Bruce Mines, Ontario. A -i . ; .. . -P. e ; � - 11 .. . disease. t . I -A heifer belonging to Mr. -.Wh eli- neath is used for sessions of- Saudisi I 2 -Mrs. Smillie. 901mg � _. inand for'the so-c'alled bargain,,, it than anywhere else. The farmers of the but the new tariff will Atop them going to . I illegal votin� .. school. , ie g9i - I 11 .", ing distrietwe're there, and the United States. The new tariff is 927J :--Rev. Dr. Waters, for many 1years a question was again voted on, and the by-law ' -of ,St. Marys, got onto the 't' - the I ardless! of whole neighbor , I . ban, Bruce Mines in 36 thii-ving ,village vn � . - som 0 0, � Cent. ad they would require to be bought d New was sustained by a majority of 15. � n g Olk 1* , ethin- cheap reg � . i 1 7 T � - and ,wei ' A , the . . , the end of* -,7 ? quality, ,has produced its inevit- north channel of the Georgian Bay, = ; arrived at as the compared notes it was soon seen per Presbyterian minister in Ontario an track on Saturday evening, = � - ura ahead of the train. ;: - - - that I crops are everywhere far above the- 'ver cheap to be Beat to the United States Brunswick, and latterly in New Jer�ey,died -There was an18,000 fire in the Centre by a west bound freight train at ; I -mouth eub � . I - . . able crop of commercial disasters . I - K rofit. Farmers Wanting stockers Will � of the business part of Oshawa on Thursday = Algoma district, about 37 miles - I il , average." I at. Halifax on Thursday night of la�t week, crossing. J Her legs7 were out Off andl` , , 0 I ' � . of Sault Ste Marie. The large iron -mines mortgaged properties, and all man- " And are the7 pleased with the pros- be abic to bu3 a good deal cheaper ,now, at after a short illness, aged 70 years. i last week. Owing to there being no water . ! - ; * - te6boro. to be killpd. . t . makes the district historic. It ni a fine - �. I . J least from four to five -dollars per head less. t.41 min- -Mr. Alex. Gaston, of Downie,4eoeived . I � quart . . �� � ner of hard times. , Thinking peo- - pects gerienilly � I .- ' -Among those who sailed from Liver. in the main town tank, it was jus - . summer revoit for pleasure seeiers. The 1i - - 0 ; I eting w ' .. 0 as Th are quite satisfied," returned Mr pool on Saturday for New York, o' boa' rrible.fra.eture of his ri lit foot -� the Grand I ,erly me . a&, . . It * ould be wiser to let the drovers buy rd utes from the time the alarm was given un- - 0 +0 i�ecently, � . � I � I ' have looked I � * for a chancte - -1 � � the,- 0149 0 1 M the Ame ' an line steamer Parih, is the heat - '- large steam boats call daily, and " 11 - I; a number � from P16 r. ��Meau, 11 and look for an unusually their feeding cattlb. They are better judge'] til the first stream -was 'thrown. The . -bile turiiing some horses tack on t;he road. Trauk Railway also passes throug the vil- . i I - ' i -League was( held as. �� I . and that we ple good -return for their labor. he Cox 592 b rdeen, wife of the G�vernor- from the fire brokelsix large plate glass win- 4� 1 � think has come, Peo �or ,several of cattle and know just what Will sell in t inteas o e . JLLe was! knocked down, and one, of the lage n n t At. The subject was, - .. eet . -,.so that those - U ' u - I'll recognize that a good bargain con- years fall wheat has -not .averag�d more market for the highest price, al n General of !Canada, and her chil�relpl. dows on.the opposio side of the str . horses tr4mpled on hie foot. He- will be . a ,ersion '� taken b - L , 0 � � ' ' . I I during the warm season will find Aeft�i � so' th r. _ J. I y min than 20 to 25 bushels. This year in most bay them atLmarket price. I sec aMye fcaa'i -The affairs of the Guelph Nory -A fresh sea s6rpent story comes from laid up for some time. -1 L I I 9sts not in lowness Of price, but .fay Iron there. � . I - - � t might learn a good .. 11 � � . I places it will reach 40 bushels le. an average mere buTing cattle, and, I doi't I care how and Steel dompan:v have been put Wto liqui- Bedford Mills, near Kingston. Two men - Rev., Mr. McFaidyen, late of Fullarton, .-O,a Friday moming, July A .1 . � L 30th, Emfly $ 1 . In- e gh to.'make them good prices are next spring, theyl will - a N i L, ' he This is �he third Alf �etts,wifg of , consecration night,- - - rather in highness of quality. n . Mr. Jame aismith, a' eretary- cla m to have seen. a siren basking in It �1 L . Th, a e Ot dation 'I . has gone to Scotland. al - . W.'J. Wilson, V. 8.,* and -1 . stead of ing fo It 'O is nou ' Thqre are too many 0ek. - , lodge WaBL held oxi Tues. - h�L'&Ljng and banter �rop e � herne h be a great :deal of make any money. ay last W , visi the reverend gentleman haa made to .; - L . 00 treasurer, was appointed. liquidathri with sun. at Lohoborol Lake one d t daughter of Alfted and Sarah Padfield* for- � , "; Ificera were elected aucl , . I t as en " . . . � - � vo to w at t - C o 'w mer1k of Prospect Hill, pawed away and. 1, I .-. for an hour for a trifle, people save I 2 Odiol e' d he his year." . shoemakers buying cattle whedo not know the dire t _�s as inspectors. - 1'�� They describe the serpent as. havinir a bead the land Of his birth within the past f 1 __2 � ;I Scott,. who got his arm 11 Bat farther east there has been a con- what cattle are worth. That is one of the -Beamaville postoffice was 'robbed On resembling that of 'a calf, betweern tw4lve years. It is not every clergyman who cau .4 1 � uding,-Maater Willie. 1.11, hour's precious time. denly at her late residence., 82 King street, �. , that . 2 - -1. siderable loss oNqringto 'the wheat having reasons why stockers are so dear. Wednesday eveninp of last week. The safe and fifteen feet long, and circumference afford to take suck-pleasture excursions, I ceedingly. short illness. I Dve. hia arm, which waa .- 11 . The application of the foregoing, so far A DROVER. , . , ,oudon, after an ex . �� - a begun to sprout in the fields. Is there was blowd to pieces and the contents. seat- eight inches. When it moved in the -water ' -On Thursday, July 29th, while Rev. She was bom iiL the township vf Blausharilp � . I win Adams was stand. . . . I ;� � - as it effects our Vqsiness - relatiolts none of that hereabouts ?,- over the office. The'llose,besideo - it made " much wash as a propeller wh'#Ol- and Mrs. McQuillan, of Kirkton, were re- - � tered all � ,and at an. early age removed With her par- - 41 , 0 ; � I - . . Who conducted a grocery , � on Monday, when the, A Plea for Canada. the safe, will not exceed -830. I -Win. Jones, a young farmer of Keppel turning home from the funeral of the late ; , ��_ - with � our culitomeri, briefly stated' . I I None whatever that I have heard of. - ents to London, w, il! I i ; 1 k fell off the load -,break- . ere was colder be- business on Richmond street north for some 2L� � - , Is - :z lt may be that the weather h . �. j ,owcock wa3 go far re- - - I r I I We have always been very than itwasintheeast during the recent The Victoria,British Columbia,Colonist of . -Mr. M. Markham, of Linda�y, died township, Grey county, was killed. instant- Henry Dodds, of Bidd-ulph, their horse ­ , . I I , ­ I en.ts regarding . I a recent date says : . � suddenly on board the iteamerl Garden ly last Saturday night. He - was moving a came unmanageable, badly demoralizing the years. She was a member of the Church Of li "I I � ta pay a - visit to, the- I - . candid in our statem - 0 rainy weather. It certainly has been cool, A few days ago the -Mail- and Empire City, as the boat was about to leave Toronto steam boiler - aiid crcesing over a small buggy and endange the lives of the go- England., By her kind and pleasant man. I � . --- Jig business. I L i � _� our methods of doi - ri! ii Veek.--:-_Mr. A. Wood- ' L - 0 and I have mot heard any reports of sprout - foe St. Catharines -,on Friday. . ,ringers supporting- cupants., Luckily, Ngwever, both escaped ner she made numero4s friendis. She leavAn . � printed a map of the Northwest Coast,show- bridge. One of the at I I- - � . I I . � - . I ' - . �p with rheurnatismin, .... . We never yet tried to gain patron- ing. This condition of an extra large crops " farm, owned b , throwing the wagon, injury. . I -and - ; � ke'able to aet around � 0 be saved, extends up a cl ing the Klondyke. The only towns marked �The 11 Colin Heer y the lanking gave way, uly 30tb, about to mourn her lose a bereaved husband i � , � 6 by alleging that we were not I i , all of which will n on it were Seattle, Juneau and Sitka. It George S. Wait, conbiating Cf 52 acres, near and toiler -to the bed of the creek. The -6n Friday evening, J four children, her father and mother-, two I ' :'Young, who spent, 0 'clown the lake shore for: .more 'than fifty seems absolutely inipossiable to comprehend St. George, has been sold to Austin Drake boiler fell on him. Death was almost in. 7 o'clock, St. Marys was treated with a sisters, Minnie and Maud) -and two broth- 4 : r ,, - M I ag '* Igb4m ret ed, honi--- .. after a fair profit; we are afte)r a farther i .. � - :� ; I miles, and back to Clinton, if not I how a Canadian paper can excuse such an for $1,850. ' 1 - tantanteous. He wag 26 years old, and heavy shower of hail stonea the size of small John A., of Lopdon, and James, of . - 1, i RZ -2ras "the guest of I which . dr. J�ohn Mum; * . a . . � I . rofit; the manner in I . twelve or fifteen miles iai all." - - -1 _p, a school principal of just. about to be married. marbles. Theydescenied at a lively rate 40. , 6 fair -p exhibition ofignoranc_e.� Thousands of peo, - -�hsic . I � � ,�.-Misa 0. Houston. - %r : _� � I ­ � -%ve buy oul e thinking of the Klon. Ottawa, and -The latest gold story, which may b a for several minutes, but did no � , - goods enables us to i 11 What ofthe spring Crops ?" f the Provincial particul. i . . e Toronto ar president o i . -Last week while Mrs. X M-CHWan 'of I � t�,Jagit week in Clinton. saidlNlr. Videau, " that for ' in Toronto hoax, is to the effect that the stre ' e damage so far an could be ascertained. The 1. L. �- . 11 It seems " p y Teachere [Assoeiatic6, died at.thel eta of f o' L *-secure a fair profit, at the same " . I . d ke,. to get- tl�ere, ownie was preparing to go to SWaZi, I i� .in Sadtford, is, the guesb­ ,- . I s6me, reason the spring grains, such as bar- i fall appears not to have been noticed in the. I tfley, this week. -Mia , I aiving biff value for every Whew they look'in the Mail and Empire General llofpital on Saturday. I Winnipeg are paved with the yellow stuff. J er two childrea were playing Jn the Isaine ;_ I � , I time 0 0 0 ley, oats, peas and spring wheat, have not for information they find no reference to the -The liberated passengers of the steamer The announcement is made by mining ex- district bordering on the town. . hen the older of -the two, finding *n ' . :,� 1. j - �ham, spent this. week . . . dolh I � with ' US. What. done quite so well as the fall wheat. Of a n' 10" Of to that the macadam being put on the -Mr. M. Brethour, of Blanshard, has re � om w I ow- ., I J - l t ... tr expende( to . bt� course we had a very hot spell here for a Canadia Pacific Railway, incomparably Passport, ave e pressed their in6 ti F,01d re'voiver in the drawers and not kn , kviss.Jones� of SaItford, - t . those dollars will 'buy, is - the beat means of reaching the Coast seeking le re ress for the dar,kage and Vlnnipeg streets from the quarry at Kee- turned from the old land, and w9ile there �ng loaded, pointed the weapon 0 his . ., - � 'th I .. I 1� Aon wi: Mrs, Cr&w-' - . while, and t! ' -lines iDconveni ce ca . heir imr, d itt *It was � t'� I seen in the followiDg : he peas werie, shrivelled up, the though it is, no reference to Canadian used to them by . watin is valuable gold bearing quartz- he visited- Glasgow and Londonderry, an I tle brother, at the same time pulling the - i lin, of Detroit, andher- .. rl - - -_ oats made little headway and the i barley � L . AiL con. " I . - � a Sera,p_ -Ntjen�s ,q_uit for - of steamers up the Coast, though they are prisonmetit. I 1' Samples are now being assayed, while par- spent a few weieks with old friends, Mr. lirigger. - Therevolver being loadedth - t_ , are guests, -of Mrs.. A light weiznollt 0 was just in such shape that when the rains , equal to any, no reference to Victoria or -Thieves entered Garland's general a tore tiew have gone Out to inspect the quarry. and Mrs. J. Neely, formerly of Woodham. I .1 - LLLL ' locality roind ,=were lodged in the Chil&S faces just !, - � )uirnette spent Sunday . 001 men's suit for came it suffereit in 'color. -Neither oats nor ,, and, the about.. Excitement Mr. Brethour saw many interestmiff Bights, th big van he right eye. The mother hearing - - - � -EpvVorth J�hle rieport turned and found the youngest . I . $3.75 ; an all -w couver as outfitting points. In the at Portage Is, Prairie, and Mr. Orn and t - , , Stackhouse, was the grades at $5.50, barley will be much more than an, average f , them rer tage over' 4n al- in the � $4.50; better g - . name of common sense when will Eastern caretaker, fired on them. -One o runs high also at Rat P0 ; and on hLia Way home took � ham last week,The 1 8.50, 10.00 and 196.00 - crop. Peaa have picked. up since the rain � nding the c:�'et ker in leged find there. T . League convention, in Toronto. b - , ting at the parsonage- 1 6.50,7.50, J Canadian papers learn something about the turned the fire, won . . I ng on the floor, the blood ,.gushing � �. �' , � . came and are now looking well. Com is leftehoulder. On Monday, of last week the two pria- -Mr. Alex. Cameron, of Mitchell, O' 6 - � orda, -Mr.w. Jeff � menys palits, special, 95c, and )) geograplAy of the West.? . the M � - fri6)LYtih wound. Medical aid vig7s aum I I . ' -at the John Wa .1 C_ returned a few days ago fro m a trip over. I ' I . y,�% reys - � .75, also doing well every place. ., There is another side to the cas% and it -Business ,tso T :nufa oners, August and Alexander Hammerowere . - moned, and the doctor succeeded in extri- ' . a ods at $1 1 THE yRUIT i CROP. - ring C4 r, is pick' VMN the I - av their vacation with $1.25 ; better go .pany's foundry, Ay U Cating the ball, although the bone, 'WAS ter - 4 . is that the merchants, of the Coast -cities of tul anl tried at Berlin on the charge Of ha i country roads through the counties of ' [rS-- J. CiDle spent Sun� )untiful harvest n stolen five cattle from Danie Oxford, Wentworth andMidd visiting ribly fractured,and when last heard from . - h a b( ,I R. Stuffier an I'lesex, � 2.50 and 3.50. As soon as the train reaches Clinton on Canada have the right to expect the news. up- Coupled wit . . � Zows. � - � � . I a - tivity at the plow works, Ayr two from Jacob Smith. The prisoners hav- Woodstock, Ingersoll, London and Hamil- . . The best value we ever handled for the - ts wo6y westward the traveller is imp,reased papers of the East to help disabuse the pub- increase 'ac . , the little fellow was doing us well *A eould I irly on Saturday morn- . I I I . (­ by the fact that Ioliage� , arger lie mind of the carefully fostered i . be herself a * ing pleaded guilty to botb! charges, the ton. He was accompanied in the drive 0 occupies a I dea that should gain. fam ly be expected. . . �qere horrified to hear 11 I - . - money in Mon's Summer Balbrij I and that apple , -It is eported that the typ�6id fever judge imposed a sentence on both prisoners by members of his . i . - . 81 a suit ; portion of the area of vision, the gold wineff are'in United States terri- ;� -Mr. John S. Coppin, of Mitchell, ar a, had taken big life by Oan UnderelothiD- at epidemic ,which caused the deat4 of nine of four years in the penitentiary on both - - I . Z:? 01 . )c - 75C - Orchards, hitherto, very seldom. seen, have tories, -ad hence that the proper places to _ -New wheat was taken in at the mill in rived home on Wednesday night, last week, - j - S per Sul , Pacific / I � own stable,some: tinie,� _ - - to" run coi;currently. Mitchell last weak. A sample of Gold Chaff, from his trip to the Coast. 'His I . other grade ' become quite numerous. .From Clinton to outfit are the United States cities. We in People of Ithe township of Ea-st !Zorra last charges, the sentences ' krly that morning. Hii ; . The $2 a suit is ' en out afresh in thl same 10- The charge of stealing the cattle from Step- brought by Mr. James Jackson, tested 58 8000'whisre he �i , --- $1.25 and 2.00. � ically� every 'farm has one the Vilest have a right to expect this much last stopping place was the I - I Wife in the morning, F. I Lake Huron, ract* year, has � brok I .; - � ditv. - � I hen Hall was dropppd for- want of evidence. . ,'te d to her milking L . ! a ver .fine all -wool line ,� or two orchars:. Near'Goderich they are from the patriotism of the Eastern press. C' -Mr. acob Niebel, a Ne 'Hamburg pounds to the bushel, and one of Gold Star spent a week with his daughter, M-,r,s.'Be'U,# . � . � . n I I L - y ety of pat rns very numerous,- so numerousip indeed, that When thobe papers know that Victoria iEr 4 - w home in -Messrs. Peter Salter and James Dou-. went full 60 pounds to the bushel. Mr. W. and two younger daughters who are visiting - , * ' kd life was quite ex- I I Men's Shirtis in a vari te, it becomes eas . to believe the statement making a gallant fight against her United boot andshoe dealer. died at 'his I glass two Bruce, county lumbermen, have; H. Grey brought in a sample -each of Scott there. Mr. Coppin was much ple�sed with I �_ r' his . strange act is a- � � - to clear at 8.5c. that village on Tuesday morni4g, in his h . . . � : and qualities, . . - .H ron Kas produced half a mill' share of i returned from Muskoka district where they and Reliable, whie weighed 61 pounds to his trip all round, and the experiences of I z 6hat u � 'On States competitors for its proper _ -law ioubtedly remain go, ! 64th year.- Deceased was a bro�her-in p tim- L � 'Ren's black cott half hose, Mr. A. this Canadian trade, our Eastern newsp�t . � i . oil two pairs barrels of apples in a single season. . __p- � had been for several weeks hunting u the bushel. the six weeks' outing are likel - remain ion in,ftay way of such � I of Mr. James Curlids, of Galt. � : � ; ers will not be backward in giving thi0ir with him during the rest -of lifetime. . I . 1 no symptoms that : f . for '25c, guaranteed stainless. If mcD. Allan, a Goderich! business man, who -.Jacob Yager, Ilth concession, Sullivan, ber bertha. They came home disappointed, -An unusual circumstance occurred attbe - Leto � i - ____ I Oil, our three has a deep interest in the condition of the assistance. We ask of theni that they givp and will not attend the government sale of home of Mr. R. May,Atwood latel - Mrs.- . . . pect., his likelihood to. I you prefer the wO . rally, says that while this special . during the n�xt. few Grey county, had 77 stalks of r,yel that grew � I 10 I WiTtwin�s, When in Sm Fmcisecs he met ldr.'Thoinaa ' � I . o - I timber which is to be held in a few days May presented her liege rd . I King, formerly of Dublin, and ,bad a plem- . had been unwell for � - pai -a, Cashmere. for $1, is .value fruit crop gene is to the fact that the best way to get from a si gle seed. One average � head con- I r _ -- � ,: -1 , - months � gL I cc the They report thatwhile thereis plenty Oi making a r. Mg, L a - mproy- has been true in past years, there -no which would mal Years 'O ant visit with him. M Ki h says,is ,� - ' �.er, but Wag i I we� can vouch for. likelihood that the yield fo� 1897 will be from the East to the Yukon mines is to tain6d 5,- rains, timber it is too amall for shipping purposes, thirteen altogether since they started out as cheerful an ever, and in nieely isitusted in - I . Ora a ' yield 4,235 from a single seed.. I been in I.6ndeib ' - .1. We never tire of talking of the worth even so much as 100,000 barrels. He is Of travel over the .Canadian transcontinental and that its only value is for sawing ifito 9 'for 'better or i worse. " This is a *pretty a comfortable and well furnished home. He 6mek 'and had been at- - I 0 er of .near timber. good record, and the change of government - own make of boys' 50c'.65c the opinion that Huron will have apples for line'and by Canadian steamships running - -Gavin Kirkwood, a farm still cherishes fond recolle-,tions ,of his old ',. � H;:�as 39 years of of out � a . . L � , . -Fort Ch kdara, in the Chitral at Ottawa has had nothing to do with it me, and affectionate remember - I good ciretimstancess- -- , ants ; these C'Loods-merit export as usual, but that they will be main- North ; also that in Victoria they will find Cheiley, Bruce county, got 81 loads of hay . districts Canadian ho L . I . and 75C F 0 ly'Northem 8 'es, of which there are more 'the most experienced outfitters for prospec- in the barawithout liaving been dampened Iudia, the garris � on of which has just been either. . . .. anceof hismany friends about here. ' In �nd five children, the, - attention from mothers whoseaboys r ter varietieg, bi - 'in by other moisture than the dew. - It is not nder General " . " than of any otEer win ' 11t still tore and miners to be'found America. relieved by the British army u ' -Two St. Marys young men are spending Victoria, British Columbia, Mr. Coppin konths old. Iffe, wag a- rather -rough on their kni�1'_-'P-;s- not so much as half the usual crop. He The men who outfitted for Cariboo, Cass* harvesters on this farm et,opped Blood, is the work of two graduates of the- the hot summer holidays in their own town, called on Mr. Q X Jones, who , � - are iars like _, he says, has . �sosition, and was hel(I - ld nOW adds that there will be a good Supply Of andOmineca-for joutineys quite as diffi- to smok( much while gathering that hay. Royal.- Military College, Kingston, Ontario. under circumetancoo a little peculiar. - They one of the handsomest dra stores on the - ' neighbors and friends- 'Men's and boys' Straw Hats SO I 1having held are both very anxious to get away for a Pacific Coast, and who *is a ways open with . . . � . . ' uld be ripe Ain -a iplete than f H de Park, T 61 ly was largely attend- . -usually sold very close to what harvest apples, which sho cult and -for isolation more con -Mr. Georfe Nixon, o ' %4 the garrison was saved, � 11 t Ilence are - IT ' his hoepitality for,old Mitchell friinds. Oa � I , very shot' time now and of anor apples- are connected with mining in the Yukon- near Lot don, t reshed 188 bushe a of Daw 0 we'.., I couple.of weeks, but as both are deeply in- . ' 0 "' ' 11 'a attributed to theexce . , pTom- 7 . I _ - � This �ber of the"Order of' I ; we will � r ason to belilve, half acres. his way home he also met Mr. and Min. , , . was paid for them Pears, he has every e, _ will are in business in Victoria, -to-day, and can 01trhe constraction cf the foit by Captain, terested in the �ame Firl, one is afraid and I son wbe ,t from four and a . I . 0 g a, son of Lieu- the other 611 daeaenV To be away a couple Tucker, nee Miss Eliza Babb, aud found ' , order attended the , goodi at the e Duff, Royal Engineer :1 .. . - be a fairly good crop, and so will PIUMP. tell miners and prospectors just wh shels to the acre. Other varieties I I . ise close prices on all 9trau y is 411 b . I . postmortem examin- . 11 : bushels to the acre, Ontario's. tenant -Colonel Duff, Kingston, and nephew of weeks might give the other fellow a th m happy and cheerful. . li� I 11 . . Our special boys is. at 25c, lllen�s An elderly farmer, who got on tbe'train at want to take with them and how to pack it. recorde 31 1 _e onday mor , � I - � � ning, anc . . � Clinton, held a different view of the matter, The papers also should tell that the Yukon. average is 29,2 to the acre. � of Sir Oliver Mowat. cinch. I *_ � 1, � he e uld not he many pears or' beinj in Canadian territory, dul must be -Mrs" Thomas J. -Breen, the wife of a -James August, an inmate of e -On Monday of last week, Mrs. `W. H. . . � busine * t r wo si on in fancier, has just imported-& fine pile game ; Elsda,y' - The gymp,%thY` I at 500. - � ' I the asylum, -Mr. Close, Mitchell's great chicken to tl�e widow andi ss. -the selling of every it r da ade his eacap t Our 0 - a for apples, an orchard tates, and Queen streetrv�ast, Toronto, _ 5"Yln-� he , an outfits from the United while cleaning out a I j Hutchinson, of Grey township, .passed to - I � p .teamate � in Toronto, �. . I Ir ` I pluTni e m.as net then passing, and in -purchased just -as I I h 111cularly said bereave - . article of weariDa used by a man the train eral bottles into a from that institution between 5 and 6 o'clock cook from Buckingham, England, whic the great beyond. ]Deceased whose maiden I : I .- 0 L�' that everything can be enpboar r w se I . I . � I . which no fruit was viFible a aid ket ; Wrankie, their two-year-old child, Saturd%y morning. Just how August es- cost him $35.65 He also is building* a now 6.—' , L or boy, aboes exi-cepted. t a1r, �c Is cheaply in Victoria as anywhere. . has . picked up one of the caped is a 'After &test im- name was Jane Morley, waa'bom iu Dur- . I . - chards all over � L ing around. - Mystery to the officials. I hen house 50x14 feet,'with the I �Iphia. �� � ods -3 fair profit with 'good was a fair sample of the or We make this appeal to the, patriotism of while �l . ham - England, where she was united in I - I I Our meth the country. the Eastern press. In Seattle, .Washing- bottles, whiah contained 5 cents' , worth of gaining his liberty August went to his old provements. He is haying matched lumber 1. I bereft partner- when I is all the rage hera- - - ; I � values to 'our custOlner,`i in e -x- .X,lr. Allan's statement 'that. there hail ing death home at 45 Lippincott street, and profteded on -both the out and inside, and he intends marriage to her now ton, outfits to the value of $325,000 wi�re carbolic acid, and drank it, caus e created so much 22 years of age . They came to this Conn- - - MO ". - chan,,a for hard cash. been an unusually good yield of small fruit it min- in a few hours-. I - I to make try in 1853, and after & 3OjOUM Of two years I t. McPhee of Park- 0 sold during the last fourteen clays. things lively. H flooring it with hardwood. The whole thing , . I I - trouble that the police were sent will cost 8300. . I ummer with Mr. JAM - I for, but ' . I I ; Our object -the makil3g of a living and I have riot heard contrf�dicted by anyone ers understood that they could get these -one of the pioneer residents of North amilton, of - Hastings, Ne. in t4e township of Clark and a year in Hul- ' , LThe Messrs. Shady' . ie first in- umfri;ls died at his farm Ga,011r, 'on before they arrived the insane man had -Mr. J. S. H �, were guests - at the-- , 1, a competency for the future. The failure of the apole crop is the ounce of goods as cheaply in Victoria in t1l rew -they tled on lot 18, oQueession 5P 1 � �_ � bitter in the pound of sweet which nature - come �'Jriday, �n the person of Mr. L"d ror. The police are still looking braska, has been 8 nding a couple of weeks lett, I I I I ' stance and save the dudes, they would � gone away. . . - Grey then bush lot, and upon,which th ,ew Smith, on Sunday I I has served unto the farmers of Huron this for August. . . with his ents rilr and Mrs. Win. ,Ham I - V ' - - � . ', not be possible to con. e was born in Scotland in 1820, and came as, Jr., arrived at ilt,6n, of rospect Hill, and lost . ed ,to reside fic r - here to I)uv. It may MO I week at- have oout* �r the sisist fa ty - ,- , ., ' - I I ,_h, of Blake, has Be- � " year, but there are high -bope4 that the . L ,I the people who go from the United t this 'Country when 21 years of age. He -Mr. David Thom one yeara. Their home was ibe centre, reman at Mr. Kalb- I vince SL Was W* arload of tended the wedding of his cousin, Miss M. - L I WE HAVE ONE PRICE TO ALL general pros ty will enable most peop e e idely "own as a breeder of Leicester Ails& Craig on Friday, with a c h the early *ettlem gathered tor r 2ion 'with a comfortable State : of this faet ; but there should be no � . farming implements houseiholdl effects, Hamilton, of -St. Marys.- .Mr. Hamiltoii around whi I . . per, r P . , CharleE; Kalb6iffe-1- to view the situ . difficulty in making it clear to Canadians. n li ious rvices, -and the Aecessed WIR I , . oed horse to pea.60- - MONEY BACK IF WANTED. .� anadian's '%rJ T. G. Mathere,agent of the Doiniu- horns, cattle, etc., from Grenville, Ohio. considers Nebraska 9; superior farmi g dis. re gious , , I . ' � ' by bite-hing MM Up L _ --- . I philosophy. - - . *_ it will be an unfortunate. thing if C is at Port Arthur to en- Mr. Thomas will commence farming again trict, comparing favorably with Manitoba, be long r4membered on account of the . k - - � I I ................. � are not warned against going to the United ion, Go*ernment I . East a of mild winter many kin4ly word's spoken and ,prayers. ,, & . I mestead near Fernhill, . � having only two month E) f the Transgressor- States to buy goods to take into Canada. force - the labor aw. Particular attention on his old ho )Wered to aoid for those desirpus of fiesing - , . 4 . making preparation- The "Wa�l 0 Williams, where he had left about twenty weather. � I �Iis.s. Adelina Millers- - ti lare regarding the We belieTe this appeal to the Eastern press will be � given to the foreign laborers who me Dar ICU . . I - . n from Duluth to work on the years ago to seek his fortune in the land of -Mr. Fred Davis has presenWd the Mit- from the w�4th to come. For many y"ra , . - __ I . GREIG & MA CDONA LD The tollow* will not be in vain. are coming I . . hundreds chell I&wn bowling club with a handsome Mrs. Hutchinson was a wotthy inowber- of n - - ge life of Mr. J. R. 'Ker PassRailway. the Stam and Stripes. There are i paid a, fly g visit to- 1. r, a . —*— . I � number Of I said ending of t Z CriciWeNest Wd gladly , silver tankard for competition !among its the Methodist church, but for a ' ay last. -Mr- t of Brussels, and of which -Mr. Cargill, the Bruce county Pullman, more ove I �� -Sand I CLOTHIERS. former residen Oanada. , r the border who w( lating thst it win remain the eanshe had east in --her lot with -the �rucefield visiting his; - . . mention was made in last week's Brussels has a trotting mare, ',' Josephine" which , follow Mr.Thomas' example if they could. members, atipu - Street in the - -Daniel Sp , post office ina�ector, is Methren. � A few years ap the ouMeob ,of . -'Mr. Alfred Bossen- I � is becoining famous not so much on account -on Sunday evening, August let, word property of the club, and be held by the L I - - . I � On,,the Wrong Side of the I news, is taken from the Manilla, Iowa, Ad I � . eept­- this notice fell in her yarcf and had the nlis--% : I oriticalf� ill at &'don. - 11 t Campbell, winner foroone year only. The club ac - _� - � on his bicycle on 80- � Strong Block. I vocate, of .July 30th". ,The facts as related Of her ipeed, as trom. the fact that she� will came to Wingham. that Rober her leg, and this vAcident . - I . 5y applications for the I a. .It .: -There are, tweni I 5me on Sand I I here showhow hard it is to make restitu ro rou4d the- track alone, that is to say ed the handsome trophy with thank fortune to break i [ay. -Mr- ;; ' - , who resided at lot 15, concession Is CulrOss appeared to be the commencement bf -her �essful in capturing a- ; - - I SEAFORTEI, - -_ ONT- - tion for one false step : Last Tuesday position of high constable of Middlesex. 9. . It is stated thit this is township, bad dropped dead. He had not was decided to play for the trophy in . I i even without a driver � - health. Heart disease oat in and � � � � . . hie community was shocked by -The rails have already been laid Pr - to been in tubust health for a few days', is his rinks, the skips being Messrs. hidure in 6n roaming, -this Viciu- � � . — afternoon t - e:t pas; to be o�e of the attractions at the Toron somewhat prolonged Wn the re- ieekss, and occasionallr � I . the intelligence that J. R. Kerr, one of the tion of the distance on the Crow's N, show, J nd 480 at London, sud that Mr. heart troubled him, but on Sundayhe felt Dougherti, Elliott, Campbell, Dr. lk� after a I . ir ardE in search (XI - THE CANADA most highly respected citizens, had taken Railway. . Cargill gets SW a day -for the exhibition. somewhat better, and ate a hearty supper. and Dr. Burritt. . lease came and she do. d i .her 73rd . � . . .: . I considerable I a_ � 11, a, who � eisch and John BI- . �'� his own life. Crowds of excited people -A severe hail storm did -Cr)p reports issued on Friday, August Shortly afterwards, or about seven o'clock, OA'Saturday morning, 31st ult.,-after year. In addition to sr. "; .- an ilin�ss of some five mouthat Mary Jane, is 7' 3 -years of age, there are six ,children : . �_1111111. - � � William M.' Cuthbert, Joseph and Mrs. - . ? Accident Assurance CompanY rushed to the residence only to -find the damage all 'through Lampton county a I . on- SuhdaY last-- . - � _ - i . . - ife of Mr. Thomas Hollingshead, and � . - � I . . t of vomiting, and on be- w � 1-:1 for prone upon the � couple of weeks ago. 6th, b 7- the Northern Pacific Railway and as he was going - through the orchard, he iWas visiting friends im , I I'll: � - report too true, that was taken with a ra I rk, pass- John Ransom, of Grey township; Mn- . � � I � one day recently'and ; . . . . . ..'-1- Plate Gl"s. floor in an upstair bedroom lay Mr. Kerr iri ___Two new case& of small pax have de. Manitoba North-western Railway are a r of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ki hi and Mrs. I __. Accident and . uburb of Mon. white ,Wheat has been out in Manitoba in ing escorted back to the house he passed daughte ar 'Kirkton. Camer6n, of Morris to ,,00d time. -Mrs. John � I a pool of blood, with a: bullet hole through veloped W* Westmount, a a I In' Be ed was aged 68 - ed away at her late residence, ne "k, who still 11 _� �, - — . I ces, and that the harvest will not be ii medistely away. D e" Haycroft, of Brame I �_ I sent. W,t,- I _... Subsequently developments treal. few ;� natb�e of Fermanagh Mrs, Hollingshead came .to Kirkton with Thomas I'list at pre is brain. .- � and even ter- in loving memory the life 2 a devoted . r - � An accident policy costs. little. Are b -Reports from Victoria county, Ontario, in general till 15th or 20th, la d ,migiating *to Canada.. her parents when but a little girl, and has hold . - Auu!O . � arrest =y . She wag wife and godly mother. .Th �.Covery.-Misg . I -, , revealed the fact that he Was under . . , . so e places. wheat yield estimate Ireland. F he located in resid L a filn6rai took I E . � I . �,_, , you insured I he committed the act, an officer claim thut mining is progressing wonder- -in Ito The * ty-three yea ed in that vicinity ever -since. . � . I . d, is spending & _� I I- ,- at the, time . i per acre. The about for ra ago church, and- Un_ place on Wednesday foreneous John Me- . I L D, Jeffrey. -on Tues- a - �:__, - I from Missouri having come for -him with fully around Ewan, and several claims have wilul from 15 to 25 busheh rth Easthope, where he resided for a, a member of the Methodist Sa.b. Allis iud F. 0. Ruefer, of - L I - . Many rich finds have yield � ill be large On heayy ground. The. No a short time agol . ter, of Grey, I - papers, the chat being been bought up. couple of yearss L and then removed to the til ' . a teacher in the . * . I . . ducting an .appropriate - - . . . 'a planing .- - __,�, '. .- The stor .that.he been made. * Four miles I bath school. 13 .L eissiveser les, was discovered on th�� -I-- - � ' requisition is tolge [Smaged in'several localities Lachute, Quebee,,con � �,fleisch . maills . __ � - .Ranald J. Macdonaldo � that Of bigamy. west of that place wheat crop is d St. farm which he cleared and lived on up to the ,y her kind and genial dix- . . - j_ . 9 _y ' IF ." seat at the root. Foriners near position she made numerous friends. She Laud impr V i pails of water the && ____ - __� 6re busy *putting down a shaft, and by an f his death, He WtAs an kPiBcOPalian) . - I I C. P. R. Telegraph and Canada Accident ma,rried his first wife in Canada about 1880, they s - . I �_ . . I . �� � I I ;her clain- . -1 time when this coming' week another company will I Jean, on the Northern Pacific, began wheat time o I - - . without fart - -, but lived with her but a short - - .. I 1. - I Insurance CompauyAgent. . __ . - .1 I ... - i ­ � LL � . I L -1 HF. discovered in time it- L__ - � - ­ . . I I . I. I ! ; - '. . - - . . .._�,� � . . � - . . - I I - - aistrous, fire. �1011_ I . I - - ! . I- _. � i - . � . � � . - . - . . ­ 11 . . 'etition - , - .11 � I .1; i. .i - I 11 r . I I I I I I I - . . - ,­ - - . . L - ! 1. 1� .. . . I - � I . � . . I iI 1: -_ � L L I . . I - - - I I . I � - . I . _� . . . � . L � . . . I -1 . I 1� �. � �` . . . � - ;. I . � � . . - - - I I I L . .,- 1 . - I- - 1, � � " I- . - - - I - -1 � , . I , - ­ I L . � . ?, - - . I � I - . _. 1. � I � - I - I- -1 . . i . . I 11 ­_ - - � L . . L I . - . I ­ - . I I I I I : � - I . . ­', I '' - I L . 11 t i- - . . I- � . . ._: I I_ ,� 1. - - - . . I . ­ I I - I __ .� L . . . � . - - - � �. . - � ­ - - % ,`­ .1 L �11. I . ,, L. , I I I 7 � , . . . , � I . L -1 L . I �_. . - L .., - I I I � -11 � . . . . I . �� I _. � I � - I - 1. . I - ­ :_�_' - - � - _. . - . --- . � ­_ -, ; - - _., . - . - I - � � - L I 1 m�7 . - ' " � - . I -- I L . L . . I - � -- I I 1. L' --- I _1 _ A . . . . - ! I L I . ­ ­ - _ ' L '- , ....­-- __ ­­­­­ L I ..'�---"�l-..--.-�-�-��.-It--T. ­ ­­­ . � - . � , � , ­_ ��­�_­ t____ L � -1-_-1-1_1 ­­­ . . . L . L 11 ­'��'_'­­­- __�_J_;�_ _-, _­�.�- 'L . - � � I � � . L . L � . - L ,� I . ­­­ _�,t_ , , -- . 1. . , L L - . I - .� . . � . ,l . I � - I I . . . ;� I I - ,� ­ . . 9- � * 1. ­__­�­_­ _ � ­­ -_1 . I I � - 11 . ._:_- . I . ;_4 . I I L . I L � . � .1 . -1 . I - I . I . I . I I � - �] .- , , I - - - _____,�_____�_____________ __ __­�-_-_�_- —, - L I . I L - . 1. ,� - I , ' _. - - L I - I I - - , . . I I I I . � . 1. I � - - ' - I I � ­ � � - . ., ­_ - - . --; 1� � , - 11 , L . - - . - I - I . - - 11 . I � ­ .JiL'��,Z�� - L- , , ' _ � _ - - . I � � � . L - - - . - - I _. � L - - - - - -1 - L - - I - - - __ � __ __�__ - _­_­__­__-­_ - __-___­.,___­.­_ -L'. _,­_­L_­�L­�_ _� , __ _. --�".,-,--�--."�,�"�____,_-."; �-_­L --,�-,"�'�"--L�---,�"--����'�' ­ ­­ - - ;Z� L- - ­ � - � - - � � . - - - .- - . . � - - - ---- �______ r _Z . - - - - - I - . __� _. _ _­­ -, w._� - -.,. , - ­ -1 L '­ ­­ ­__.__... ___ -A!A � L . I I �