HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-07-23, Page 8N 13 a I.4E XPO R Y 243 1897, JUL KTO inng on P rth boy and is -a Lake Huron,- at Bayfield. _�FMier Bons Case during the storm of U6nday. afternoon last' lightni rods that have been placed ANNUAL Oli&.—Mija JennieL Baird, of St Pan- referred to is a rmor Se%fa With some is visitino in Torobto, the 'guest of Mine to have two valuable horses killed, by light- buddin!a f ixi this vicinity recently by Mr. -0 Minnegbt&, is visiting old, school m &tea an son of Mrs. Slo of this town. epyeo 0 ge, small Wils nts Oash Grocery etr Bargal, _M - Dr. Camp -bell, of Brook- whilein the pasture fleld�j On the R Seaforth.—his villa friends herei Min Balrd'has g6wil. to others he left B itish Columbia for Alaska. Helen Aird, re, ning though it it Id d Turnip &4 obeap this �eair. ' There morous friends ly.ni in -here visiting relatives aud friends.— SaM16 afternoon, Mr. John Hawkins, of the may be, has in some ways the ad. is ftN:nwt1= combine price on seed this year, so hearty womanhood siA.ce she left 'here, about a year ago, and his nu antages of; larger places, for example, four W -can sell new man$ few years ago.—A number of our young -hereabouts win e pleased to.learn that he 5 Ida Tiernan left on' Tuesday last to London road, had is shed adjoining his v e told and turnip seed at Ift a lb ame on the London road about butchers Mid a baker suply the wants �of weh%vesgood stock of the-boativailetles,bougbt men went to Bayfield on W�duesday, where has struck it so 'ch. visit friends in Berlin, and atten d the stable and b P tiom Rdwit icvans & ca., one of the most reliable the inner man, not including our own goitial they win spend a couple of weeks in camp. ubi,lee, which in held, there this Weak.— three miles south of here, burned to the ay seed bousee of Canada, Including his celebrated raw-. We Christian Endeavor choir of bho-Premby- ground, but.very fortunately, owinig 'to the local fish dealer, Mr. George Pringle.: -14r. Al msepm and monarch turnip seed. Give us s, There menu a strong tendency in the peo- 'WEDDED.—At the First Presbyterian W of Courtright torian church, and a few invited friends, fidavy rain storm and the assistance of his Thomas Jarrottp princil Wyoucannotdoibetter. In Groceries, wecan do- oof thisdaeadeto return to the u0msdi` church, Sesforth on Tuesday last, Rev. an well� or better, than any house In town. Our ionic at Bayfleld today (Fridg).—Mis".E. neighbors, the fire. was prevented from Public school, in home for vacation. ­�The tabit of primitive ages. We are certainly Neilm&herson, A.,B.D.,.pastorofSt. tiFileteesof School Section No. 7, Stanley, TWA Just now are extra good value. Out Bourbon, and Mug M. Cr6ig spreading to his Itables and barns.—Mr. I t* none, and becoming a race of wanderers as 'well Hamilton, and Wichniond, of Blenhem t 'af rme, 'o 'of , vft JB ago, ita I(. a t 31 e so ch blendoffin*roasted0offie, is s000v William intend renovating the school house by.re. p -Ilera. What is- PauFX Presbyteri a church at rd ay we hae the beak bnnd of Canned Vegetables put u tent dwo the cause:,of this Isabel d liter f Rev. Matthew'Barr, of Riahmond,,'.of Princeton, Kentucky, are Gibson, of -Galt, is visiting at Mr t laftrivida. Therehasboona drop is the price of restless spirit in our people, anywy?—Mrs. . , sing -riageio The visiting at Mr. A. Youn a..—The Hurons Moirls.�­Mrs. C. F. Maynardi of London, in nting it, and adding a belfq and bell.— Seaforth, were u ited in mar I & the "guett of Mine Maria Eacrett, of Vic-' Irri. Robert MAllister, of Hay, recently Bisculta--oome here it you want to got the full ben a I 0 went to Berlin,on Wednes. my and played est, Wim. Powell of Toronto, is holidaying with ek, by Aken at high ceremony was per ormed at one JU Y 244h% lit cf-IL All kinds of produce F r a of football with the . team of that toria Park, near Sexamith.—Mossis Cook 't an Addition -to his flue barn.—A number price. Cash for eggs. relatives here this week. Rev. Dr. MeDona d, assisted by the father gain - M market ' i I fro this neighborhood took in the excur- �@ - The game rsulted in is tie,esoh side Brothers are having their flourinj mills 0. WILSON, SeRforth. of the bride. Th bride was attired in town ring three goals.—At the recent enti-ance painted, which will very much improve the sion to Goderich on Tuesday, and report a Bank of Common* Mock. TaETAssixc.- SHowwL.—The raiii show. figured cream pill with bridal veil and. 500' IM AX& inations one of the successful candid- of the same.—Miss Ethel Troyer pleasant day spent on the banks, of *14arm during the post wask nave boonii; As un orange b=lmt The- bridesmaids are I n lull a couple Lake Huron.—Mr. Alex. Forrest is making Mee R y ar, at Tine wind up of *a*. robabilities would say, local, most decided- the two f the bridej Miloses Jennie mites from Roxboro school was Master W06; returned home, after ape di season, we have a, bargain 1) h - - MisslEffle Tro or, prepars an for the threshing season, hav- ay V, t1w NEW fly local. Seaforth seemed to, be the' divid. Arthur Scott. Master Scott, who Is a son of weeks with her cousili, lye tio , balance of the'season's stock is el ged Mr. George Blackwell as assist- *It as Y and Maggie Barr. Miss Jennie wore a dress of Mr. John Scott, is only ton years of age of the fourth cones ion of , Ha , r. lug engal Ing line, as they would very often have a of white organdi oyir blue. and Miss M at prices that an absolute aid is. a, clever little fellow. His success George Murray, of Clinton, and formerly of ant, with the veteran thresher, Mr. Win. and to the'libitith and none to the hit 0 )iX he&vy shower gie was owns in i a rgandie over I the helm.' Alex. is a livtng ex. money for those who buy. Shrewd bull - - north, and vice verea. Last FAday capped The also reflects credit on his teacher, Miss Hensall, is in the village this - week renew- Jarrett, at take ;Avantage of the � �W,:- uet of roses. Hugh Logan, of Toronto, is ing old acquaintanoes.—Mr' D.A. Cantelon, simple of what oner ud so semi-annual Inev.42. D. McCul. -gy push a enterprise the most of them though. People scurried )y and -are money ahead bry dolinigo, lnr%%at� pro uce mer a 0 CLOTHING. speading his holidays with Mr. Alf. Box.— our enterprising d ahant, in ship can accomplish. Mis hii had w never B Ift' 7 home from the lacrosse L match, because it 7h. B of Dresden. The church was- -11 I I& season a argAin Day ill A ID"wall going to rain. It did rain a little *in Mr. W. T. Box, is on a ip To Glaud iDiug away daily large quanttues ox irun. grow less.—Mr. 21% "Aax 0 0" r prettily decomted ,with flowers mud plants, DAY p JULY 24th, wheil W bal 7 I natches. Then Chica� —The Y. M. C. A. The heavy rains duRni the past few days Tuesday for Cashel, kota. where he has e , ve just reeeived another 1"ge Assortment Of m6ti In afain and the bride stol under a large bell com- Rapids and stopped haying, but win greatly benefit the -a brother residing. He accompanied stocks of all kinds will be placedon agh kl lariv. madeup Clothing. Amongst them Will be found !bout seven 6'Jock & desired refreshing posed of a rich pr6fusion of roses, daisies Sunday morning Bible.class will be discion Prices ithhat will quickly clear the cougi some ran and startling bargalus. We would call shower seemed ready to tumble, but it only - tinued until the first of September. roots and other crops. b Mrs. James Maxwell (nee Mine Munroy man's Sulth and smilax. After'. the wedding ceremony; a olBrucefield.—Mr. George Troyer� tole- and empty shelves of summery 00 special sittention, of buyers to a ,which we shall sell at.4i. The price seems small, tumbled on the righteous, and the gardens reception. iae held �at the residence of Mr. With the and of the , mouth comes toek,. claim it cautmas as good cloth as three of the righteous. `Vhia favored People live he after- Wingham. Constance. graph operator, Aylmer, is bpending his va- Barr. The �rmael I left by t but we n �oup 0 taking and we want as much rmhand quarters of tbs. Suitc-inade to order for $12. At Also on the west end of Gbderich street#-: to the noon train o anded trip to the At- LocAL BniEns.­The crops in the Bar. POSTPONED.—OWing to. the rain in, the cati"Onunder the parental LOOf. - I M little Dry. Goods sit is pbspible by that Ajkta .PEI VeJW%XcW, an ST. 0.10,qualuku qpa-� hey lantic coast. The I bride is a particularly rounding count ry healthy con. afternoon and a i W - --- , "I - Youtb#'. Boye and Children's Suits, cdd sizM to be want of Louisa street, and there only. d the ry are in a ve vening of the 21st inst., the We're going to make it worth your cleared st25per cout.less than tteir value, 100 oat on their, verandas and watche intelligent and hillb y eduoated',young lady,- ditionond a large vield is anticipated.—The garden.party at Mr. D. McGregors,' �nder Centralia. driving miles to this Bale. The sueoging NeWs Tw"d Pants.. special value. at 01, to be clear- copious shower refresh their gardens ; the and is em'inentl ted for the position she granolithic walk on the east iide of Joseph- the auspices of the Presbyterian church, was SHOT IN THE lEym—A shooli ffr Y-00- odst8oc; SO PAta Proof Coate, att off value. Call d until Monday evening, 26th inst. curred here,ab6ut midnight Tuea ay, which our bargain- days has been phenomenal,au& others sat, too, and waited, but the shower ill oocuDv as the ife of the pastor of one ine street is completedt and the whole of postpone this won't be behind We Dredecem. never came, not one single drop. The of the leading con reg&tions in Hamilton, the main throughfare of the town has now The committee say -they will be better pre. may have a fatal termination. The victim can help it. XV I I . showere of M ndaf and Tuesday, however, — pared than ever to have- a good programme, -a - Herearesomeof the goods we�re golV& Wm. Pickard & 00. 0 a andher many frieiida will extend to her nearly a mile of this modern pavement. is Win. Kelly, of Biddulph, about two nd .a i has fdr the future. The late Mr. George Moffatt was president and will be'able to secure the assistance of were not so -parti they fell on all like, their beat win &-half miles soeh of here. As2 a result, tosell-and the prices were g I that most profusely. of the Turnberry agricultural society -and more outside talent. It will also give the Richad Culbert, of this village, is under ar- oing o "A �STEAWSHIP 'and to prepare them :at. The goods are good and tIW u THE�BowmNa, TOURAMENT.—The bowl- had been in town attending - a meetivg- of Seaforth band time something rest, charged with firing the shot. Kelly prices cut so a dollar win almost do tU *AND* MEDICAL AssociATxoz;. � The regular ing tournament held 6n the Seaforth green the directolra and -was on his way home special fbj� us. went to Culbert'o dwelling at about 11:45 work of two.. Wednesday promised when the meloncholy accident, which was Tuesday night, to engage Win. Taylor, who meeting of the Huron edical Association on Tuesday andi It means money in your parse to dfugej Clinton, on to be a grand nuccesb from a bowl- ij, residing with Culbert, to get him to hoe FIRE INSURANCE = held in the House ot It repoited last week, befol him. —S. - Gracey, Jdruss Bargain Day. for him the n Taylor was -ad July 14th. - The following members were er's standpoint, 1but thb. we't - weather undertaker, has had a mammoth plate glass. A FME Rumop. SET! AT R98T.—(;n July eep in Curtain Muslim, 30 and 39 inch whif present : Drs. _AfcKay, Bethuners Burrows, kind.of, ut a damper on things. Playing front put in at big business p)ace.—Con' 7th, inst., Hannah Sindair, the wife of Mi. bed, and Ca r1sed to awaken him, as spot, fine goods, regular 20a and -25ox jor AG-ENCY, tractor Graham, of London, has been award, ip af Grey,died he (Culbort) wisfted Taylor to work for him of Seaforth- ; Taylor, Goderich ; Agnew, my was interrupted by the rain for 1 - Londesboro ; Ferguson, Hensall; McKenzie, dn Tues,� alks on Peter Sinelair,'of the townsh 12J. a time but it faire up and the excitement ad contractelor laying granolithio w suddenly. Her sickness and death was- of also on the sam4;lay ; but Kelly,- who was - 'Whiteand-Cre'a Lace Cnrtains,,.tJlM- W. Somerville, Agent. Monkton ; Gunn, Turnbull, Shaw, Clinton, somewhat undeAhe influence of liquor, be- was kept up until i was too dark to see several of our back streets.—The road such a nature that many stories were in y' ards long, taed edges, one 'pattern only,,, even the white kitt y. Wednesday promised 1 clime persistent, and Culbert ordered him uccessor to H. A. Strong & Bro.) and Messrs. Lindsay and Ryan, students machine has -graded the yrincipal streets in circulation as to the causeli the report, moist balrin day 60c I An interesting per on " PucrVeral better, as far as we ither was concerned, and town. It -was a good. investment on the 0 b that of poison. Mrs. Sin- from the place. Kelly left,but in the course oe Telegraph and Express Building. Pal ommon eing Curt*�;B, yardis Ion Eclampais," was read by Dr. Bethune, of part of the town council. of about half an hour he returned, and, as 91' all morn;ing the.fuz was good, and the keen clair2 possea�eJ some money and a life in: edges, good paite4�, extra, fine qalltj�' Seaforth, and a discussion, followed, the 0 1 Culbert avers, tapped on the window ; at Every Student our Friend I oompetition and xcellento!owlin made regular $2.75, bargaija day $1. 95. In w in the patholo it e Leadbury. olicy for $1,000,.which perhaps, embers exchanging vie a c e which OulberV deliberately fired thru h Fancy Vests, 95c. gy things interesting. At no gan to added to the cause of accusing some one in . ig in at t ....................... and treatment of the affection. A paper y . i and kept -up an almost incessant down. NOTE$. —'The in connection with aiding her death. Peter SiuZIair, her hus. the window, the ballet Pagel] fe rah Fines-olored Shirts, collars attached, Dr. Burrows, of Seaforth, on some varieties Bethel Sabbath I was well attended comer of Kelly'g'eye, and glazing the bri a ear during the Oternoon. This did not band, ordered an inquest -6 This was hold colors, i�gular 70.es, iiuA $1 goods, bargaiw an'a , - The bones were shattered, of " Dyspepsia," was both interesting retard the ayin entirely though,'as they The singing and recitations were good. The b� Coroner Holmes, of Goderich, at Cran- of his none. and d 500. tea -of spi g instructive. A number of cases, inma, t ! Misaesandes, Forbes and Rae glayed 012 brook on Tuesday. The medical a ideuce thecourse of the ball changed in such a di- a races� strong elastic web were at it ipn' e of the elements, some VW' B the House - organ in tame. Rev. Mr. v rection as to puzzle Drs. Wishart,. Braming, STp the usgrave ATFop.D, ONTARIO, of Refuge, were present, exhibit- even with their coits i and haots off. The showed conclusively that death resulted inir, various forms of nervous diseases. g�ve an address, whi3h was well received. Shoults and Rollins, who were called after strong buckles a,nd straps, regular 256, 35s�' mpeti k ton &I causes, and the jury rende and 40c lipLes, bargain day, your choice I A live, go Tgese were examined and discussed, but It 2, Lon ir. Fletcher Roe occupied the chair. Of the shooting. Culbert dragged Kelly out litaies Linen - Collars - good ahaps� -&-head school that thoroughly 00 in s w4re, -Goderich 2, Clin from nat r red prepares young men and women for busi- 1, Afitche n2. Ae players were a yerdi t e oridingly.. to the time being so, limited, it was course there was a little sweethearting and on the road -and tried to goul;6 the bullet 'this year double that all in good form as their was some -skilled COINSERVATIVE CONVENT101T.—The- Con- do up well, all sizes," bargain, day tlmje� life. Attendance =d to have a paper on 11 Nervous Dis- , as far as a4 inexperienced onlooker a little gonsip, but what of that.—The out with his finger, but, bei�ng unsuccessful, for 25c., of last year. Only one kind of, busiDO99 eases)) at the next meeting, and have these pla servative3 of'East Huron met in convention couldinjge ; there� was'at times a goodly Jubilee, Twelfth of July and political con I he sent for Dr. Shoults. , Constable Davis Black Sateen Shirts,' white a t% AM'* 6iur students, and that here on Tuesday for the purpose of selecting shortly afterwards to cus- van to cases, -with others, presezn'ted to illustrate number of spectators on the grounds too ventions are past, and the only apparent ex- toi)k'Culbert in 14je, 15c, 15Jc, 16c regular Re !�tucea Write for circulars. a candidate to contest the election in tl�e 11. $1.24 lines, - the various forms of disease mentioned. who seamed to take considerable interest' 6itement for iome time is that which the tody, and drove him off to the lockup ari bargain day 69c. a w. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-52 After discussing matters pertaining to the We console with the club in their weather harvest field' affords. —Jacob. Barrows is coming Provincial campaign. There was'; Creditou, where he awaits trial. Kelly, al- About 100 meWs and boys' fine -8t — welfaie of the society the meeting adjourn- erecting a now residence ; it will be brick good attendance of delegates and consider- though badly wounded, still retains con. ralw luck and hope thatUey may be more for, Hate, all good shapes and qualities, have 0 ed to meet again at the House of Refuge in tunate able enthusiasm was displayed. The follow. n ment, although eneqNd, and two stories in height.—Mrs. sciousness, but it in feared blood poisoning gkt *#Von fra Ore, ;etober next., ing gentlemen were nominated:. Me . been selling at 40c, 50c., 75cand $1, ll�irjaim TV in the matter of attendance of pla7ers, �Ciatner, who has been in poor health for 9srs. may set in, as the doctors were entirely an- day, your choice 25c. a d ome time, is, we are pleased to say, better Henry Mooney, Morris ; B. S. Cook, Ford- successful in probing for the bullet. interest, etc., the occasion'was ecided wich James 7`qrkinsii Gorrie ; Edward Goode we want to ol WE have a good second-hand Bicycle, success. We will publish the score next ear odd lines f0f that DISTRICT MATTERS. Pneumatic Tire@, and in first-class order, for sale Bryans, - Grey; hn Benneweiss,- Logan are in every day use in every fionseiQ: Cheap. HINCULxy BROTHERS, Sestorth. 1542-tf week. Exeter. Thomas E. Hays Seaforth ; 'E. L. Dick. Zuriell. Heavy Twill Toweling, a regular 8c TRY us for your Machine Oil, Harvest Lic.HTNING IREAKS.—The residence of inson, Wingham A. H. Musgrove, Wing- AcCIDENT.—One-day last.week as Mr. for 5c. To C0RRFSPG.4DF_NTS.—On a=unt�Gf the Gloves, etc. S. MuLLWff & Co., Sesforth.' 1545-1 LOCAL BRiEFs.—It was $180 that. was Mr.'Wm. Snell, of William street, was ham; B. Gerry, Brussels ; John Brittoin-, Henry Warm was drawing in hay he. met Wide craAh Toweling, 5c. list of those who passed the entrance amd DRESS CUTTING. —The dress cutting school paid for Mr. Donald McKinnon�s horse and truck b liqhtning during the thunder Hallett ; and Charles Qaerengesser, Grey. with a bad accident. His daughter, Mrs. Sixty-six inch half bleached table dam that has been at Royal Hotel, Seaforth, will retain not $75 as we inadvertently stated in these .:term on YMonday evening, and did consider- All the nominees retired except Mr. Moo'ne John Fans, and a boy were on the load as- all1pur li 400d patterns, extra Valft-, y public school leaving examinations coming in September, beat rf recommends received durmg notes last week.—Mr. D. Trott, of Abilins, able damag�. There was no insurance.—The and Mr. Querengesser. When a ballot was sisting him , when in some way the ladder at 60c, bargain day 45e. our short stay, from the ladies' who learned the broke and thia boy fell onto the tongue of Sixty-six inch bleacho7d table dam to hand.ao late, and as the list could not system. J, E. SLIGII & J. GooDsox MiDD, Kansas,with his wife and two children were. stables of Mr. Jas,. Dennis were also struck taken Mr. Mooney received a large majority ell be left over, we are forced to leave out Drafters and cultem 3515XI visiting at Mr.'S. Trott's in this town, dur- b* lightnig. No seritus daimage- done.— of the votes. Speeches were made the wagon, -frightening the horses so that good quality . and/ Lou- by all they, ran away. He managed,to get hold of bargain day 45-6. pattern, regular &man of local news , from various parts, BIXDim Twit-cE.—Just a limited amount ing the past week. Mr. Trott is -a former The barn orMr. John Hawkins, on the , the candidates, E. L. Dickinson, Wingham; f American Shoat on hand, so call earlynd aet Se&fOrthite. It is seventeen years since he , don road,'twb miles north of this village, A. H. Musgrove and Thomas Magwood, the lines and hang on, and in that way they Sixty inch half bleached table re. 0 dam"4' which came to hand -on Thursday. If, the ran around the field three" or four times. your needs, for it's the best running twine on the left this town and located in Kansas - He was struck by lightning and consumed on member for North Perth. A resolution of worth 40c. bargain day 28c. fore, any of our correspondents or readers market. A sample order 'will prove the above, bag a large kf I -rin and devotes himself Monday evening, about 5 o'clock. The ad- confidence in Mr. Whitney, leader of the Mr. Warm attempted to stop them and in Linen dm'mas Towels, red border, regula, (try it). S. MvLLvff h Co., Sesforth, Agent for the miss from our columns this week, items that Plymouth Binder Twine. entirely to the breeding of - Daroc Jersey joinin b :nd other outbuildings were 0 -sition, was carried unanimously, and doing so was knocked down, and the hind 25c per pair, bargain dicy 19c. 1546-1 ppo should have appeared, they win know the NEw atock of . ladies' _Ox -Blood and and Poland China swine. He has made a savedfy"ttahelt Istance of his neighbors. after cheers for the Queen and the candi- rt of the wagon passed over his legs- Staples Buggy Duster, good quality,, x,easou. We will irive attention to all cor- Chocolate Oxfords arrived this week at the cheap success of breeding -this kind - of d date the convention closed. Mr. Mooney, Peoirtunately no one was eriously - hurt, al- reular. 63c, for 45c. X the candidate, in a farmer, residing though it is a miracle how all escape4 ight and dark rriatai Cottoil Waj&� k 0 ite E cash shoo store—Carmichaers BI P - gets ready sale -for them, supplying ?b!rPeedae3ra in the ce To Roy in almost every statd in the union. He flow Wroxeter. towaship of Morris. He has been reeve of ppel and, family Materials, r6gUar 8e to 10c, for 5c. respondence of the kind . mentioned next pooltor Office. and 4 doors south 0 &I W_OmIGs.—Mr. Ed. A Hotel, Sesforth. week. If those who have charge of the eX7 WHITE'Nr 1645-1 has over three hundred of these pigs and NoTEs.—Miss Jean Davidson is spending Ylbrris for the past ten years, and is now a have returned from a' visiting trip to- American Canton Cloth, 32 inches wide, .4,'--T Pea Harvesters at reduced sometimes he has a, . larger number. He is ember of the county council. Waterloo county, where they spent a week fast colors, regulai 12je, bargain d -aminstion lists would arrange to have them see THOMAS BROWN or Hwcuxixy —Miss In pneels, call and very little changed and seema to be stand- a few days with friends in London. with AL Ir.ApTel's parents. —Mrs. John Prang Check and Stripe Shakei FI dg& forwarded to the diffiereat'papeis earlier in Mos., Main Street, Seaforth. 154bil ing the battle well.—Mr. J. 0. Rose and Gibson, of Goderich, is at present visiting has returne from a trip to Hidlett toyin- and light colors, regular 8c, for 5c, her sister, Mrs. F. V. Dixon, at the 11 Wil- Brucefteld. thei week, it would be a great convenience THE LAST Mi-_,m.—For this week only family have a 'Cottage in the cedars at Bay, Iowa.,, ship, where she was visiting her Bister.—' Regular5e Shaker Flannel, bargain day' the special offer of T. R. F. CAsz & Co. win hold —John Elooey is'off to Glasgow with ftir!,FS.—Migg Sutherland, of London,has to the papers, and would avoid the danger good. wenty ?ound Pails of Lard at $1.40 each, field and are rusticating there. Every per- Mr. Nicholson Foster left last Wednesday 4c. %nd 50 pound ubs at $3.40 each. If you are want. son who bas ever a ent summer holidays at another car of horses.—The Wingham races been the guest of Mrs. Win. Scott for some for Berlin, where 4e wiR consult a doctor as Fine De#s Duck, regular 12J, for So. of giving one favored paper the preferenob , ! were an attraction for. the lovers of sport d4s.—Mr. D. Rose, of Seaforth, spent a ing a Pail or Tub of pure kettle rendered Lard, call Bayfield always Zesires t(.- retum.—Miss to the advisability! of taking the mineral Brown and Wh& Check Shirting, worW or advantage over others. at our Retail Store, � Carmichael's Block, Seaforth. this week.—The Miages Elliott, of Chesley,' sh�r� time this week visiting friends in this baths at Prebt0n.`�-Last - Monday afternoon 8e, bargain day. 5c. Hallie Coleman, who is taking a course as vicinity. —Mies Cooper, of Seaforth, is stay are viiting friends'here. a trained nurse in a hospital in Chic go, is we were visited by the heaviest rain the Heavy COttonades, good patterns, Tegu1W WE are offering great bargains in ladies I ing with her friend, Miss Ida Simpson.— ba1*6 LNSTAIJ�XTION OF OFFICERS.—On Mondy Shirt Waists, Bolts. This, Collars and Cuffq. W. W. visiting her mother, Mrs. Robert Coleman. Idoms. Mr. -Hugh McNaughton and sister, of Teen. old inhabitants say we ever bad. 'It poured 222c, three �iecea only, special for evenin at the regalarsession of Court Sher- HorrmAN, Seaforth. 6461 — water, are spending part of their vacation e streets day l5e. I - We are apparently not very Vell versed dowii for about two hours and th wood, 40. 6,065, lkneient Order of Foes- WE w- stock of the PERSONAL.—Mr. P. J. Phelan of Cind and low places were flooded and cellars Thirty-hree inch, 'fast _6' Aprow children's Shoes,- arrived in the different variety of ranges on in- lor this week at the cheap c"h Shoe Store--oarmichaelle we got the name of the nati, is the gaes of his father-..dfrii at the home of Afr.George Baird,in Stanley. nearly filled. The thunder and lightnin� Gingham, re Isr 10c, for 8c. ters, the following officers- were duly in market, but we E lends, g,u to !of Morris Wowns. Miss Campbell, of Kincardine, is visiting were most severe. It struck the roof of the Special bargains in Factory Cot n st.alled by H. Town, P. 0. R., and E. Blook—Opposite Expositor Office, and 4 door south one handled by S. Mullett & Co. this time. i p and vicinity. He ar- of Weir's Royal HOW, Seaforth. rived home on S' urda the 17th inst., on her aunt, Mrs. George Baird, in the village. Spears, P. C. R., into their respective offi- 1645-1 It is the "Active range," and is said by ys Evangelical church and tore off quite a fine even thread, full 36 inches wide, 'wvo%4 ces, for the ensuing term : G. Smithers,' MOVING SLE.—One week more for bar- competent judges to be one of the very beat a few weeks' vac ion, which will be highly _Mrs. (Rev.) Simpson left here last week number of shingles. It alsontruck Mr. J. be good value at 8c, in 8 yard ends �only J. F. G. R. .,,�W. D. Hoag, C. R. ; Jordan Fains, and then the big sale is over, we move the and most converlient to be. bad.—Keep in appreciated'by his many friends in this see- to visit, friends in Detroit.—Quite a large B. Foster's old house' and wrecked it badly. bairrgain day 50c the end. Elliott, S. 0. R. ; P. Daley,treasurer; John balance of our stock to London, August lot. Wm. SADLE11t, Opera Blook Grocer3. Beaforth. 1545.1 mind the baseball match on the recreation tion. -He is looking well, and speaks highly number took in the excuision to G ode rich A lot of culverts'oti the Bronson line and on Re - nants ;of Tweeds, suitable for bo*' Finch, secretary ; Jaiiies Willison, S. W. -------------- grounds this (Friday) afternoon, between of Cincinnati..L �He. says MoCassey,'Broth- o Tuesday.—Mr.'T. AL. McLachlin, of the 14.1h concession were washed away. wearmat remnant prices. W. Smith, J. W. John Abel, S. B. J. ers, where he is employed, are doing a great Brussels, is here this' week calling on his Heavy oats and flax are down flat.—Mr. N. Dress Goods.—In this _4d Az�oTHER 'FIRE ALA-am.—About one ,�Iitchell and Seaforth. Itwill be a good business.—Miss Martha Carrie, of Hamil. many friends. �Mr. McLachlin has just epartmert yow Xorden, J. B. This court extends a wel oziock on Sunday morning last, the citize one as both teams are confident of winning. finished wr Deichert, of Milverton, is under the par. will �nd some of the biggest bargains in the.. come to all desiring to - connect themselves ton, is- visiting her mother, Mrs. -Don iting on medical matriculation, were again The Stars have signed a new twirler who, ald ental roof. —INIrs, John Deich6rt left -last store. with a benefit society. All visiting breth. aroused from thei slumbers "Y they expect, will make the Mitchell fans" Currie, on the 4th line.—Mrs. John - Bow- and is now taking a short-reat in order to Saturday for ew Hamburg, on visitin All Wool Black :Crepon, mikes a most the sounding of the fare alarms. The fire. d wind. The game will be 'called a man, of the 3rd line, still continues. very reepperate.—Mr. Samuel Motley returned 9 ren. are welcome. poun t tri �.—Mias Lydia Faiist, Emanuef! Faust, stylish diess or skirt to wear with shirt, men were promptly on hand and had their four o'clock sharp. —Mr. 'James McMichael poorly.—Mr. H. E. and Mrs. Burkbolder,of to London on Wednesday affer apending a ans Miss Martha Anthes were -,on Tuesday waists, 42 inches wide- regular 60c, bargain. apparatus all, ready for operations, but, is beau Leadbury, spent- Sunday with ftiefide on short time rusticating at the �home of Mr. THE BEvvE-as IN A CANTER.—A schedule fortunately, their ;ervi tifying his residence on Goderich at Crediton. -While there, "N'lias Lydia dy 33c.. ices were not re- the 3rd line. Tomlinson, London road. street west by having it nicely painted. 'I i- Motley Is a Faust fave a lecture in behalt of the Young riestley fine figured Black D ren member of the central stati, Good#, lacrosse match was played on the reer�atiou quired. It was soon learned that the cause Mr. Crioh is doing -the job.—Mr. A. 9. !� fire brigade in People 9 Association, of which she 'is ap- some of the best goods we carry, wewaut, grounds here oa Friday afternoon, between of the alarm was the burning of one of the Sampson, of the Dominion Bank, Lindsay, - Tumberry. 'London.—The balance of the June make of pointed to hold a series of lectures in the to clear out the ends before stock-tAkiigao, the Stratfords, of Stratford, and the electric light poles in. the recreation cheese was shipped from here on Tuesday. and formerly of this branch, is a guest at . it. — near future. —Mr. David Gottschalk moved on bargain day will sell regular 910o Iineff, a, which had not been removed since lug1jeside, the residence of Mr.DD. Wilson. has received a valuabI Beavers, of this tawn. A fair sized crowd ground JOTTINGS,—Ths Bluevale Methodis ' t choir The price realized was 81 cents per pound, to our village recently. We welcople him. 'for 62 Ia. weat down to eee it, but it was a ratty. ex. the Jubilee celebration. The pole was a "guls' 'on In the which, coniidering the low iprice of other hibition of lacrosse. In the first place both covered with evergreens, and, as these have —Mr. James Graves intends uilding a argon of Mrs. Rogers.—N. Bolt assisted farm produce, is a very" good salt.—Mr. —Miss Francis Well, of Berlin, is here vis- Nayy Drelfs Goods, diagonal and fincy brick block on Main street on the ground Names Anderson through haying.;—W, Bel- iting her brother and sister. figure, regular 45e and 50c, bar in Y where his frame store now stands. The four is on the sick" liat.—Wm. Hol 'me , teams, were ' dressed no much alike now become dry,tbey burned up very rapid Janies Stewart, of Stanley, 4elivered a very gai da 29t. French CoatingSerges, 46inebeswidj, that it wa's bard to distinguish which from ly, and for a time made a large blaze. There Is fine horse to Mr. Peter McGregor this week. t sork will be begun at once and it is expect- minus a lamb from his flock. He do —Edward Heidman, who -was sent up to worth 10c, special for bargain ds� 25o. as 0 Mr. Stewart raises good horses. --.Mr. tother. Secondly, Stratford may have been are four of these poles in the re re tion ad that the premises will be ready for c- know whether it is lost, strayed oi stolen.— Win- Go'derich from Exeter recently,-lon a charge All Wool Cashmere Seige, lack only,, Colw611, of the London road, also delivered able to play lacrosso once, but if their ex- grounds, bat only one was burned. There curancy by the early fall.—Mi. Harry Howard Bolt is engaged with James' Case- of assaulting big wife, and w"! released by regular 65c, for 412c. y 19' Campbell, of Chicago, is on a visit to his more for the harvest.—The brick work an- the Judge on suspended sentence was, Forty-two inch, all Wool Berge, fins� hibition on Frida, - was any indication of is n-) doubt but, the fire was purposel of one to the same buyer.—Mr: James Aik what they ca -n do now, they wilt have to nited. These frequent fire alarms are head disposed'of a fine horild' to Mr. Honey, parents in town.—Mr. W: Prendergast, of learn the game over again. It was Beavers greatly to be regretted, as they serve to King Bros.' residence in comyleted. It in a of Mitchiall, recently. —Me4ers. Tomlinson charged before Police Malwistrate Reagr, finish, special at 202c_. Toronto, �separate school inspector, is visit- neat and tasty structure and reflects credit with assaufting a constable in the execution Six fine Dress Costumes, regular $4 an& Ong the citizens, ing friends in. town - this week.—A junior on those m a new all the time, and such an easy time that, the create an uneasy feeling� am and McConnell have purchased of his duty. appeared from the evidence $5, your choice bargain day $2.50. boys apparently couldn't get up energy as well as a feeling of distrust and uncer. _,4io devised the plain.—Rev.�' Mr. Monarch grain separator with all the I eno to make the game lodk fast, and at tainty in the "fire bri ade. We c lacrosse team will go. to Exeter today Edwards, _ivife and family, of Barrie, and - atet that the constable, thinking HeiAman was Crdam figured lustre, 44- inches U94 9 annot r . improvemen a widep - the end of two hourathe score stood Sea- think either that those who are re8ponsibl (Friday) to compete. with. a team of that Mks 0 r, of Badefi township, are the guests to, and are now ready for th going to again assault his wife apprehended regular 60c,.for 39c. e threshing season, which will soon Open-- him, and in. the struggle got a blow whi h gured Dress Goods, Tweak' fully or -these fire realiaCtfie danger. of enley Mr. James Swan and his assistant are he -said Heidman inflicted with a knife. Bilk Mixtures, our -regular 55c, 60c and 06� call Connell and Miss Hughes were vi ng at busily engaged in. getting the binders -into forth 6, 8tratford 0. The Beavers play the f village.—Mr. O'Beirn, proprietor of the of ir. and Mo. R. Leathorn.—W c Fine fancy fi re.turn match in Stratford next week. the enterpria��in which they have engaged, Stratford Beacon, made us a pleasant siti Frid He came up to see the the residence of James Casemore, on Sun., a �case was �ousiderably mixed, and after line, your choiae on as, if they ai�.a discovered, the severeati pun- running 'order before, the - - _b day on "imue—A horse belonging to Mr. day. in 'Y'Se I �` lacrosee harvest 9 com- I turing both constable and defendant, the per d argain Tim K-wBuItN-c AND HALOCK MAIL CON- ishment must be meted out to them, and, John Govenlock, of Winthrop, mences. He disposed of three car loads of police magistrate dismissed th-e case. A Zo TRm:T.—We understand that the contract as the fires have not been a source of gain which -was tied in front of 'Reid machinery to the farmers' in this locality Tia� I figured delaines, light and dark. to any person, either directly or indirectly, & Wihon,a Reneall. this season., This does not —The waiden's committee of the county grounds, regulai'25c and 30c, for 15c. for carrying the madl daily between Sem- bardware store, Saturday Ilook much like those who cause them must be actuated hard tim council met at Goderich, on Wedue Fancy colored Muslins, regular 2(k fortla, Constance and Harlock-, has been let night became frightened and breaking the ENGIWES FOR SALE.—Oe 16 H. P., Abell sday of to Mr. William Meliattish,of Constance. His solely by a desire for what they may term tie strap made off down town at a livel Portable two 14 H, P., Whites ; 13 F. P. Sawyer- last week, to consider what hould be done 25c, for loc. fun, but which might result very Ban- M roue , snJ -several concerning the late accident.at the London Fancy MUslinji, colors, white andhIscI4 contract commences, we are informed, on gait. It turned the corne at Pickard Hffls Green. col ously and diwbtro =hand Stationary Engines. All thoroughly e, near Clinton. Messrs. James the first, of August. us!Y, not only to the town road brid fine ored Cotton Crepons, all regular 00 After that date, Con- but to themselves. The Mayor h w and good as new for work. These 19oglues NGS.—Mr. James' Turner, of the NoW nd lobert Craig, who w a notified of goods, for 12ic. store and in doing no collided ' ith an 61elell rebuilt HAPI-ENI stance and Harlock W-111, therefore, as, very er have a trio light pole. The buggy was overturned will be sold on reasonable terms. Cider Machinery— properly, issued notices fferm Parr line, has recently improved his out. -the meeting, were represented by Mr. Scott, Plain Ofa�a Linens and Fane Lima al o and'Scrow Eff daily mail service. This, also will remove g a liber bv the collision and the horse stopped* We make a comylete line of Hydrautl buildings by the addition a lean-to to his lawyer, who was fequested by ihe commit. act Mus, reward for information that will lead Presses of soy size also jeii from the road the familiar figure of IN-ir. to the y Evaporators, latest ins, the most stylish' 0 Ilttle damage was done. It.was a wonder - improved. design. R7 have, regular 25C 'for 15c. conviction of the guilty parties in any case. isiring — Engine and MUI barn, and, &.stone foundation under all. tee to state the claims of the Parties, which 'Thomas Neilans, who, ever since 18792, has there was not some othei accident as the work d promptly'atten ad to. Correspondence so. This will give him inereased!accommedation he did, and urged the pro We havd,too - iany Parasols, and never faithfully served Her Majesty as mail street was crowded at the time.—Messra. licited. -RoHnRT Bmm., Jr. rety,6.f some A SEAFORTii BoYs' Lum—The R '_ 154141 b6thforhisatock and grain. Mr. Goorge compensation being iven. he had nic&r 1 goods, to ellear out all possiblo carrier between Seaforth and Harlock. - For 0881;nt McMillan, McMichael and Stephenson, of LocAL BRIr6 ' h f- C committee and Rat j?ortage mining districts have been FS.—The union picnic of Car. Logan did the frame �work and Mr. C ar as did not ommit itself upon the matter, but before stoek-taking, will give speciat- t6nty�8ix years,rain or shinei,ecild or warim, Hullett,shipped 8 car loads'of very fine cattle mel Presbyterian and the Methodist Sab. Shumacher the masou'work. The fact that took it into'consideration. bargains on bargain day. through snowdrifts and through mud, Mr. cast into the shade by -the rich finds of gold from Seaforth on Tuesday for the old - coun. bath 'choole of'this village to Goderich on itwas done by the above gentlemen is a —Andrew Murray, blaeksmit:i, of Wing. A eilans has faith -f ully discharged his duties, reported from the Canadian Yukon coun- try. Messrs. John Scott and John Stephen. Good Bla'o_k" ateen Parasols, large giW r -y. To reach this golden country Tuesday last was very largely attended, ham, met with a painful accident the -other and has pawed aier the road three time t guarantee of a satisfactory job.—Mis Mabel 390. one has son went witk them.—Mr. James Archibald ovee 450 tickets being, sold at this station. Reid, of Bay City, Michigan, is renewing day. He was heating a piece of iron for Your choice of our $1.75 $2 each week, and can now retire with honor, to go 2,500 miles from San Francisco to St. also shipped a car load of horses to the old although it will be hard for him to resign Michael's, the Alaskan untry.—Mr. Win. The day, although threatening rain in the acquaintances in this viclnipy.,—Mr. Win. eld when, it getting' too hot on one for S1.35, -_ er person. Camminp son of Mr. turned out all that could be de. Love is greatly adding to the appearance of w ing'pat on sand to cool it. On taking Black and cream pure ilk Glomir the charge into the hands of anoth mouth of the Yukon river, then,travel on James Cuffimings, of Egniond mornin a most pleasant time was spent by his fine residence by the application of a side, he regular 25c, for 1%. om airedangA the iron out of the fire the hot saild flew daily 0 wc Mr. Nellans also tendered for this the river steamer 1, 995 miles clear across the. a tree in fecint of his father's house on M0117 all on the banks of Lake Huron, n t one new coat of paint, - the oric of Stacey about in all directions, two particle contract, bat although his figures were low, 8 going Clearing our fancy Belt Backlog, regil American territory and well into the Britieh.- day mornin and got prett adly shaken single accidenit or mishap occurring to mar Brothers, Hensall.—Mr. Elmund Troyer intohis left eye,eadejug greatipain and 50cand75c B-uckles, for 25c. posseasions and after the'long, difficult and -up, althoug there wei Mr. McIntoaW must have been lower. expensive journey you On en.— the pleasure -of the occasion.—We ve has improved the appearanae of his resi- nearly'blinding h" -bu Real Torchou lAces ,and $0, Will arrive at im, besides regular 6c Daw, Early Wednesday morning and "before a much regret this week to have to chroni)cr?e dence in a similar manner. Alexander bar of small he eye is son City,thecentre of thenew good many were seriously considering the the eath of Jessie Gordon , Munn eldest McBeath, of the 4th concess1ion, Stanley, is getting better, and will soon be all I right regular Alaskaninining lea in his shirt. r7lea uuT_ for 3e and 4c. Morris, is the guest of Miss Stewart this the last few days a steamship has egion along the Klondike River. Within advisability of stirring out, Mr.James Scott daughter of Mr. Alex. Munn, Hay, which purchasing cattle which he intends for ship. again. 12je, 15c and 920c, for 8c. IE(�3-roxl>vxLLE NOTES.—Miag Sorrel, of r Special lot of assorteil Laces, -arrived at was off to the country with his, fishing Bad event occurred on men week.—Several of our peoole drove out in Seattle, Washington, from St. Michael's, -Saturday evening last t to the old country earl tackle and had captured a fine speckled in August.— —One forenoon recently, as the l!nen were Odd Corsets, regular 75c and $1 01 Is. J easie sizes 19,,20,_25, 26, 27 only., the drenching rain on Monday, to attend Alaska. On this vessel were several return- from a severe attack of appent, *t* We understand that Mine Annie Consitwho excavating for I the cellar f M bar trout. it measurea over Robert 0, foot long Bud was a very bright little girl 'of nearl -the funeral of the late Mrs. Hullistonwhose iiig miners loaded down with gold y 12 has no successfully taught in'School Section Bell3a n an - Among carries off the palm f nile di ew�blocg, in remains were M�terred in our cemetery. the nam -es of these as holding d work- NO. 7, Stanley, for the past two years, has the earth CaUged a portion of the Black and colored Veiling, regular 20c�. 1139 or size this season.— years old, possessed of a nAld, ge - Hensall, the mov&I of 350 The deceased was well -known to many of niines in that rich country, we notice t at �A our peop1b, and will long be remembered as of William Sloanj� of Nanaim —Mine Segmiller, day and Sabbath school associates, but to in salary.— r. Oliver Coleman has been and the joist being unsupported, immedil White Flouncium Embroidery, beautifut h brother, Mr. R. S. Hays. to Tor for 110c. Miss Hays, of Goderich, is the guest of bet 13ition,.which endeared . her not only been re-enpgad for next year at an increase of McDonell's hardware store to fall out ine of I- e most lovable, kindly spirits, o, British 061. of Indiana lie, is visiting at the residence all wh 1 knew her. t engaged as principal of Zurich public school ately settled down, and a portion of tterns, suitable ior aprons, regular - prism h umbia. A San Franc' up o within loco correspondent, of Mr. D. B). Wilson.—The garden party to 0 ?DIY the whose presence ever blessed a homi.—Hard writing from St. Michael's 'Island, under have been given by Mr. James Robb's girls' very few days of her death sh was n the for the fall. term, while Mr. Ed. J. Hapan brick wall also fell out.' For a time gial-95) and $1.50, sold n ends of 1i lines are falling to the lot of the devotees of date of June 30th, says : enjoyment of apparentl good health. But intends attending Ottawa Normal sell it was "In all about drill corps met with unfavorable 'weather on oal.— feared that the whole side of the building ol, per yard 50c. the wheel just- no. We hear of fourteen seventy-five lucky miners have reached tL so severe and fatal was er illness, that al. Mr. Justus Parrish, of OhiselhiArst, very� -would give way. Propl pf timber were mint Sette, black, gold, silver, for Ift 8 . Monday evening and was postponed until though all that, lov bearts 'and inedibal acceptably filled the pulpit of the Method. y in one neig portion of � passed away. ning last.—Mr. Ed. rk, rebuildin the for 15c the terrible experience of a lady in Exeter, portions in mines they kno In T - 9 i hborhood, and now.comea up, preferring to invest other then also too wet and the affair was held in The remains were interred h the Rod Hagan paid Clinton a broken foundation., nd he builders Ladi'es' Ribbed Hygiene Vests, regular having been bitten by a mad dog on jubilee Michael's. Some brought but a the following evening. The ground was aid could do was in a, a . placed against the wall, a White Glaze Undervests, regular 300p, da their clean dogn iot church Sabbath eve immediately got to wo business visit Satur W to be rich. theskating rink. There was a good turn ville cemetery on 'Monday omas Farquhar and Mr. —Among the shipments 100, two for 15c. -Tis good that some portion of creatioii has Among thetn'ost lucky are J. J. Cleniems afternoon. Ghre day laat.—Mr.- Th of cattle from I$of out and everybody seemed to -have a good floral tributes from the members of the de. Robert Love eaeh delivered A fine horse to Clinton last week we Ladies' White Cotton Drawers, odd lin espect for those who still plod along oil, Los Angeles, who has cleaned up about time. Temiting refreshments re two cars b y E. d's day and Sabbath school classmates Mr. Peter McGregor, of Brucefield, last Watson, two retar 75c, 90c, $1, choice' 50c. :foot,- even rabid animalff.—Miss Libbie $175,000. He brought out $50,000 and in- by-th%girle ; the band discoursed sweet earn by S. Smith, two cars by di were many ai r. S. J. Lattal J. Hearn, and three cars of exporb cattle Cumming, 'daughter of Mr. James Cum- vested the rest. Professor T. C. Lippy, of usic, while the boys',brigade and the id beautiful.—M ' week, receiving handsome Bums for the as 'Cotton Drawers, regular Mo, for drill principal of one of -the London; schools, ac.' same.—Mr. Lo ming, -of this vilage, who has been 'residing Seattle, who brought out about $5o,000 a uis Hearonemus, who has re- byohn McMillen, of Hallett. T I t nd corps gave pleasiniZ exhibitions, —Mrs. ilia US England, is mother, Mrs. John Latta, of Tuckersinith. left for Berlin last week, where he will in 13 among them being unusually fine the in GWifornis for some years, arrived home has $1,50,000 in -eight, and who claims his ton, of St. Leonardo.' Hut. companied by -Mrs. Latta- is visiting his aided near the village for a number of years, ahipment embraced 75 head of choice cattle on Monday evening last.—J. R. Collie, Tas. mine is worth $500,000 or more: William visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Barton, of this —Rev. Orla Cam ' J h H&wthorne,Alleamemann, ming, 0 n uring the we y Store Open from 7 a. M. to 10 p. M.- re raised by John McLean, of Tukr. town. It is 44 years since they I t met. kot c o p ni Fe,1 is spend storm on Sunday last lightning struck a qmith ; nine of the thirte Stanley,of Seattle, who cleared up 8112,0ft nd Gram of Mouud City, Da.- -future reside with his brother. —D ra Daly, and Mo an averaged 14rge elm tree in Mr. A. Love's bush near pounds each three of them 1,300 each, Henry Ander- Undoubtedly many changes will have taken a week or so with his prrents, Mr. 1,577,.' Do Maggie Elliott were suc. Clarence Berry, $110,000; aa a, a c in a ed by his 'wil at th liam and Mrs. cssful candidates e recent entrance son, $55,000; T. J. Kelly, $33,000; Wil place in their lives in that time and they Win. Gram, and brother Geor , of Hay.— this village. The tree was struck last year, and a steer oni examinatiom from our school. We extend Sloane, of Niiiniamo,.Britigh Columbia, 685,_ will have much to talk over.—Th& con deserved congrtulations to the teacher and 000; and at least thirty more, who will not ga io gre- Mr. David Moir, of Pullinan Illinois, is which explodes the old theory that lightning L221 Montbm old weighed t' u and Sunday school members of St. 1,045 pounds bert McMillan accompan. Hodgens B ro PuPils,—Mim Marie Hills is spending her talk but stan visiting his many relatives in this neigh. never strikes in the same place twice.—It ied the shipment. 'The Mossrs. McMillan d guard over the treasurer in Thomas' church will -hold their annual &a if t -holidays with relatives in Btrathroy and -their stterooms." ThoWilliam I pie- borhood.—Mr. Andrew Dougall, of the 1,6n. looks,like herew" going tobean still have on their farme 125'head of expert here nic on Wednesday next,` on th() banks of don road, Tuckeramith, had tho miefortun arm of electricity, judging by the nu mber of cattle. OLINT0, * pe r--Nv.e i �Iertiaing loan hu for wh9e. k this as it done to rtAing p Wllat - ri -ght man in fil "Of good, of 11 uni thomlit i h" been 1 befit -by thropic i�, leasonable Pc isgusted 'know tha the xpei necessary. man, -as keen thal ence -in Aaple aTt, what Teasons tha me] their. ad-' fici-�ig re .they lool chantA E ing unso wbich, r fly eadi. tilon in To apply the� On em bave the pav� hands o-, er-S, wh custom artieles wtel Men's an -w, made ;_ : for � sul better 7.50, 82 X, -en!z spech 2..00 ui, BOYS, Knee. .5 0 0, V BY reason 0 Hats -al a IaTge Ayllah The sunsha Flaffin'olefte gatta f, Neglic� Ill an A special I k � alt School or Q 'better ad % Rain A u Wq bo t t sold $22 WEHAI XONE On the En The 44 0. P.