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ar The figure between the parenthesis, after each
one„ denote* the psge of ,the paper on which. the
advertisement win- be found.
No to Creditors—IL Horton (6)
Dog Loet.—W. Parson (51
Harvest Tools— Reid & Wilson (6)
&intuit Efale—G. IL King (8)
Binder Twine—T. Mania (8)
Audio& Sale—F. libline#M (5)
Vetere List, I807-4 Morrison (6)
Hot Weather Boecials—Rodgens Broe. (8)
Shossi,Neeersity—R. Willis (6)
Betray Rores—J. Filmmaker (6)
Japanese Perfumed Fans—li V. Fear (8)
Diversity of Opinion—Grehr & Macdonald (I)
Always Mate Full—Wm. Pickard & Cc. (I)
Select. Your Presents—I. V. Feu (8)
fun fxpoolta.
SEAFORT,11 FRIDAY, July 16th, 1897
Which Is It ?
The following appeared in a Toronto
- paper a few days ago :
At the police court yesterday morning
Richard Stone a saloon.keeper, was charged
with refusing admit Inspector Meetings
to his bar -room on a Sunday. After a hear-
ing, that lasten tor, some time, Mr. Stone
was convicted, and the fine of $50 and
costs or 30 days hnposed. Mr. Kingsford,
the presiding magistrate, remarked that the
sentence -was a monstrous one, and that
some representations should be made to
have the act amended so as to admit of a
lighter sentence for a firsi offence. " In
thbt Province," replied Mr. Haverson, who
appeared for Mr. Stone, " we are in the
hands of a lot of temperance fanatics, and I
suppose we will have to remain there until
the -Lord will deliver ue."
Mr. Haiversom-we may remark, is the so-
licitor for tne liquor dealer's association.
According to the Hamilton Templar and
some other good temperance authorities, the
laws of Ontario are all framed in the inter-
ests of the hotel keepere and. liquor dealers,
And the Government are ever ready to do
their bidding. But, according to Mr. Hay-
erson, the Governinent are in the hands
of a, lot of temper,nce fanatics," and the
laws are all framecl to suit them. Which
of these great authorities is right ? You
can take your choice, dear reader, Per-
haps they are both partially right. The
Government are doing what is fair and right
between the two parties and what is in the
best, interests of the country, and, conse-
quently, they do not please the extreniiste
on either side. Is that not about so ?
• Not Bound.
In dimming the decisioa cd, Justices
Ferguson and Robertson in the Londo
election trial, and bewailing the hard fat
of Mr. Hyman, who has been so frequent'
euchred out of his seat her the represent&
tion of London in the Dominion Parliament
the Toronto Globe says
He failed, however, and the courts hav
declared that the seat for :London fairly
belonga toe his opponent. Against thi
„ judgment of the courts no Liberal has any
'word of criticism to offer, much as we al
aympathize with Mr. Hyman and hope tha
he may fare better in future contests.
Inthis respect our contemporary is entire
ly mistaken. We doubtif there is a Lib
eral in the Province, or in the DOminion
either, who has read the evidence, who is
not prepared to criticise the judgment o
the court. In fact, the London Advertiser
and many other Liberal journals have
criticised it very severely. But, it is the
assumption of thee Globe, as contained in
the above quotation, that beeanse a court,
compeand of one or more judges, gives a
certain decision that, therefore, there
should not be adverse discussion of that de -
promulgation of whinh should not be allow-
ed to pass trachallenged. The Globe admits
that the7 wa,s no doubt that corruption
was rife in the election." It is equally
true, that it was proven by the evidence
that corruption was rife in the ..elec tion,"
and yet, according to the theory of the
Globe, it would be wrong or out of place to
criticise a decision of a court which declar-
ed there was no serious corruption pro von.
In other words, that the decisions of -courts,
no matter how unreasonable or how con-
trary to evidence they may be, must be ac -
peeked in silence by the public, and must be
considered as a.boye criticism. The proposi-
tion is simply absurd, and can only be ac-
cepted on the theory that " the King can
do no wrong," or, in other word; that two
• men, no matter how fallible thee; may be,
and goodness knows many of our judges
are fallible enough, cannot give a wrong
decisionnsimply beca,use they are judges
and are zntting in conft. Such a doctrine
- - may be swallowed in Russimbut it will not
'' have many adherents in free Canada. We
believe that if a court giyes an absurd de-
cision, such as that given in the recent
London election ease, it is and should be as
open to etiticism as au editorial article in
the columns of the Globe. It is in the
interviste of justice that such should be the
case. Let the judges of the land come to
-o understand that their actions are above
criticism, and that no dog dare raise his
head after they yelp, end we will have few-
er just and equitable decisions in our courts
than we now have. The judiciary of this
country are, on the whole, an' just and as
equitable and as level headed as are the
judges of any other country' in the world,
yet they are only human, and human nature
in them is very much the same as in the
rest of us. Nene of us can etand the idea
very well that we are autocrats, and that
our aets are beyond criticism. If, on the
other hand, Our judges know that their acts
are open to riticism, the same as are the
acts f other public. officials, they will
natur Ily be more careful to make their
decisions conform more closely with right
„and jestice than they would otherwise be.
If tha criticism at any time goes beyond'
what is propernand degenerates into abuse
or license, there is law to protect, the judges
the same as there is to protect other people.
A veny important bulletin has been is-
sued from the Agricultural College at
Guelph. This bulletin has been prepared
by Professor Penton, professor of biology at
the college, .It deals with the Saa Jose
scale, a very destructive insect, whiCh has
reeently made its appearance on the fruit
trees in the Niagara district and in other
portions of Ontario, and which, if it ever ,
gets a footing in our orchards, will speedily
destroy not only our fruit trees but our
shade ancl ornamental trees as well. Pro-
fessor Penton gives a history of this insect,
a complete description of its appearance
and how it works, and prescribes the
best known methods of destroying it or
preventing its spread. These bulletins are
distributed free and every fruit grower
should have one and can prooure them by
writing to the college.
Editorial Notes and Comments.
The Hamilton Herald, which is n 'h-
ere' in its proclivities, lays that w en Mr.
Whitneyealked at Dundee he spoke the
same piece as he had spoken at other points
of OntariO, " but," adds our contemporary,
" somehow it fails to convince Mr. Whit-
ney's heaiers that Whitney will win, or to
show than why he should win." -
The Lo don Advertiser takes the follow-
ing Mark Tapleyan view of the weather sit-
uation :11' When we in this favored spot read
of hundie s of deaths from the heat in the
!cities of t e United States, we ought to be
thankful hat our lot is cast in a locality so
The C neenvatives of East Huron are
called to eet in convention at Brussels, on
Tuesday n t, the 20th inst., at 2 o'clock p.
m., for th purpose of selecting a candidate
to contest the constituency at the approach-
ing dectio for the Provincial Legislature.
Several p minent politicians are expected
to he press nt to deliver addresses.
The Mo etary Times, published in To
ronto and which is non-political, says :
" The Mo treal Board of Trade has cabled
to Sir Will ld Laurier, asking that the first
speech he elivere in Canada after his ye -
turn inay to that body. They propose
to give him a banquet, and when it comes
off it will b a rouser. We in Ontario are
proud of M . Laurier, as our representative
in Britain d ring the Jubilee festivitieerbut
we are not o proud of him as the Quebec-
On July 6th, the Clinton New Era passed
its thirty-second mile stone. The New }era
started out in life in a ,erY modest and 'DAL
assuming way, and durin all these years
has grown hind become ore influential
and newsy without tossing any of nts innate
modesty, until now it stands among the
leading weeklies bf the province. We con-
gratulate the New Era on having attained
such a respectable old age, aud we trust
that finder the able management of Brother
Holmes it may still continue to grow with-
out becoming ancient or grey -headed. ,
At a convention of the Patrons of Prince
Edward county, held in Picton last week, -
Mr. John Cavan, M. P.P., was again select-
ed as their candidate for the Legislature.
It is not likely the Liberals will bring out
any candidate in tali riding. Although Mr.
Cavan, before becoining a Patron, was a
Conservative, his course in the Legislature
has been such as to win for him the confi-
dence of the Liberals, as well as of his OW2
party. While he did not at all times sup-
port the Government,. he always took a
reasonable view of public questions and
refused to give the Government a factious
opposition and manifested a disposition to
give them fair play. This is, all the Liber-
als desire.
News of the Week.
a vote °JOS ayes to 28 noes, the United
States Senate has imaged the tariff bill, after
six weeke of discussion.
. VISITING HAWARDEN. —Sir Wilfrid Leer-
ier, the Premier of Canada, and Meagre.
Reid and Seddon, respectively the Premiers
of New South Wales and New Zealand,
lunched with Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone on
instructions received from their respective
governments, the ambassadors of the pow-
ers at Constantinople have presented a col-
lective note to the Turkish government, de-
manding a cessation of the obstruction of
the peace negotiations. .
A SERIOUS OUTLOOK.—The Strike of the
coal miners thrnughout Ohio and Illinois
looks serious. The railroads are confiscat-
ing coal being consigned over their -roads to
factories and dealers, and it number of con-
cernmare seriously cramped for fuel. The
pricetof coal is rapidly advancing.
are new known to have been !killed in the
cycloneand cloud bursts in Minneeota, on
Tuesday and Wednesday of lait week. The
storn was general, and it is impossible to
esti! ate,the amount of damage. The cy-
clone, which was 'central near Glen wood,
was the worst thatlever. struck that state.
HEAT KILIS MANY.—Eighty.seven peo-
ple bave died in Chinago from the effects of
the heat since July lst. In addition, six
have been drowned while bathing to escape
the dazzling rays of the sun ; six have been
driven insane, a like number have commit-
ter suicide, while 347 peostrationa, more or
lees serious, have oceurred.
A $72,000 GOLD BRICK. —The agents of
the Bank of Montreal, in New York, the
other day, received by express a gold brick,
weighing 4,150 ounces, and valued at $72,-
000. The brick will be sent to the assay
offiee for reduction. It comes from the
mines of the Caribou Hydraulic Mining
Company at Quensella Forks, British Col -
Emperor William of Gerntany, while walk-
ing upon the deck, of his yacht at Odde,
Norway, on Sunday, asS one of the masts
was being lowered,was Struck a violent blow
on the left eye by a rope, causing an ex-
travasation of blood on the eye ball. A
-bandage was immediately placed over the
injured eye, and the pain ceaeed almost at
once. 1
ex -members of the British Ministry and the
members of Parliament 'were overlooked in
the distribution of tickets tothe ceremonies
at St. Paul's Cathedral, on Jubilee Day, the
Archbishop of Canterbery did not forget
• the Salvation Army. He sent tickets to
one of the most prominent sectione, to Gen-
eral Booth and five of t his associates, " an
acknowledgment of the beneficient service
which the Salvation .4riny has rendered to
Her Mejesty's subjects."
To PROTECT THE BIRDS.—It has just been
discovered that among the bills passed by
the last Massachusetts Legislature was one
making it a crime to,' sett or wear birds'
feathers, so that every milliner in the com-
monwealth, and nearlY every woman, is
liable to arrest. Chairtnaie Martin, of the
Boston Police Board, says that it would be
the duty of the police to enforce this law, as
well as every other, and the wholesale mil-
liners are in high dudgeon over the prospec-
tive ruin of their business. According to
the lawyers, it makes no difference in what
State the bird was killed.
was opened last week ae Broadstairs, Kent,
in the gardens of the Bleak House, where
Dickens spent many summers and wrote
much of hie best work. The place has since
been deserted, but the hoese was decorated
With flags, as were many houses in the
town, in which dwelt the originals of some
of Dickens' characters. ' The lawn of Bleak
showing his most famous scenes and charac-
ters reproduced correctly from pictures by
George Cruikshank, and. " and may-
pole dances were perfoemed in the meadows.
The proms& of the fete are to go towards
the establishment of a tailors' and working
men's dub.
the gueste were assemb g for ,the stet
ball at Buckingham Palace, London, a fi
broke out on the second floor. The strea
ot carriages entering the palece grounds
was stopped, and an enormous crowd collect-
ed. The fire engines arrived promptly, but
found no difficulty in extinguishini the
.flames, whieb. were due to the acoi ental
igniting of a window curtain. An hour
after the fire broke out the engines had de-
parted and the reception of guests was re -
awned. Among the guests were many of
the Indian princes still remaining in London.
The Prince of Wales entered the saloon
after 11 o'clock, and dancing began immedi-
iseimatien, and -reached the store in time to
I rooms were all ablaze; and 'before the fire
0 could be extinguished sone twenty valuable
e ' hats were totally destroyed by fire. Con -
Huron Notes.
—Mx. Mills, of Woodham, has the con-
tract of carrying the mail daily between
Exeter and St. bleep.
—While shingling a roof the other day,
James Gould, of Exeter, fell through,
breaking three of his ribs.
—A man named _James White, of Col-
borne, was up before the Goderich police
magistrate and, fined $18.30 for assaulting
his wife.
— Dave McKay, an employe of the
Wingham Times got hie hand caught in a
Fees the other day and had it badly smash-
— The other night burglars broke into T,
'A. Mill's store, in Wingham, but took only
a few small artides and seven cents in
money. -
—Russel Robertson, -son of Samuel Rob-
ertson, of Lac:know, was playing in the hay
loft of a stable the other day when he fell
out and broke his arm.
— Word was received 'from Chicago last
week, stating that Hugh Balkwill, son of
Mr. John Ba,lkwill, formerly of Exeter, bad
been run over by the cars and killed.
—T. M. Kay, of Farquhar, and late reeve
of Usborne township, has purchased a resi-
deuce in Exeter and will shortly remove'
eir to reside.
—Elizabeth Ashton, wife of John Watch-
er, departed this life at her home in Wing -
ham, on Friday, 3M inst. Deceased was an
old and highly esteemed resident of Tarn -
—The voters' list for the township of
Grey for 1897 has been issued. There are
1,128 names on the list, 47 of that number
being ladies. 704 pawns are competent to
serve as jurors.
— Rev. Father Quigley, of St. uguetine
aurae -near Dungannon, died early Friday
morning from internal hemorrhage. Father
Quigley was well-known throughout the
county and was highly respected by all and
greatly heloved by his own people.
— Master James Missonmon of His Honor
Judge Masson, Goderich, is a lover of hom-
ing pigeons. On Wednesday of last week
he liberated a young pair in Tuekersmith;
at Kyle's hall, at 9.45 a. m., and in just one
hour the little fellows were at their home
—Hugh Temple was before the county
judge on Tuesday of last week, charged
with committing a burglary in Crediton.
He pleaded not guilty, elected to be tried at
the December Sessions, and was released on
bail of $500.
— J. P. Ross, of Exeter, while workiog
about his store the other day, had the mis-
fortune to runet rusty spike into his left
foot. The spike penetrated the sole of hia
shoe and passed through hie foot near the
ball of the great toe. It was with difEculty
— Sutherland Malcoluuson Master in
Chancery for the County of Huron, died on
Friday morning at,Goderich, after a linger-
ing illness, aged 57: Deceased was widely
known throughout the rwovifice. He was a
prominent resident of Clinton before going
to reside in Goderich, having been mayor of
that town for several years.
—There died at the residence of her son-
in-law, Mr. Wm. Bower, in Lueknow, on
Saturday, 3rd inst., Mrs. Eliza, Kiltin, relict
of the late Wm. Kiltin, in the 71st year of
her age. Deceased was sister of Mr. Robert
Proctor and was an old resident of Luck -
now, an'd greatly esteemed by all who knew
—The township council of Usborne has
offered to pay half the eost of a wire fence
along the west side of the London road for
a mile and a quarter north of Exeter that
portion of the road which fills with' snow
during the storms of wieter, providing the
council of Hay township contribute a like
sum, the farmers interested to erect the
—Miss Aena Spew, music teacher God -
morning of la,stweek. Deceased had suffer-
ed nomewhat from the heat, having on Sat.
urday gone over to Saltford to attend some
pupils there. The effort, in all probability,
was too much for her and after but a few
hours of apparently temporary indisposition
she suddenly passed away.
—The London Advertiser of Monday last
has the following : Trace Jackson, who was
committed by Magistrate Park last week on
the charge of having stolen a bicycle from
raigasti. before Judge Elliot this morning.
He was represented by Mr. Teethe, who
was not ready to plead. The case was ad-
journed until a week from next Friday.
—On Monday evening of last week, Mrs.
-John Crocker, of Exeter, met with an ac-
cident from the effects of which she is con-
fined to her room. She bad some changes
made in her house by the removal of the
wooden kitchen, and forgetting that the
annex had been taken away she stepped
from the dining -room expectantly into the
kitchen, but instead, she stepped some dis-
tance onto the hard ground outside, sprain-
ing one of her limbs very badly.
—Mr. Joseph Walsh, of Beachwood, one
ef the oldest settlers el McKillop, went to
his orchard about 10 o'clock on Monday of
last week to cut grass with a sickle. At
about 3 p. m., he was found dead by a
couple of Mr. , George Ifolland's
where he had been working. Deceased
lived alone for many years and enjoyed
good health. The heat of the sun is sup-
posed to have been the cause of death, He
was 82 years -of age.
—The death of Mrs. A. Ireland, wife of
Mr. A Ireland, on Wingham, conductor on
the G. T. R., tookplace on Monday morn-
ing, 4th inst. Deceased had been ailing for
some time past, but nothing of a serious
nature was anticipated until Sunday !mim-
ing, when she was seized wit!, a sudden
attack of chills which ultimately proved
fatal. Deceased was born in the township
of Onadage, county of Brant, in the year
1850. She was a consistent member of the
Baptist church and was an ardent temper-
ance worker. She leaves a husband, one
son and two daughters.
—After a lingering and exceedingly pain-
ful illness, the wife of Mr. Samuel Wilson,
of Clinton, passed away on Saturday, 3M
inst., her death being caused by absoesses,
superinduced by acute inflammation of the
bowels. She was just in the prime of life,
but had not a strong constitution, and very
general regret and sympathy is expressed
for her husband and family over their irre-
parable loss. She was a true wife and good
mother. She was a consistent member of
Rattenbury street Methodist church, and
gave abundant evidence, of her faith in the
Saviour. She leaves five sons.
o'clock, unknown persons entered the resi-
dence of David Spicer, Exeter, by means of
a rear window, and after ransacking the
glace, set fire to the inillinery goods of Miss
organ, who conducts a millinery and
fancy goods store in the same building.
David Spicer was awakened by a smothering
'adorable laoes and silks were stolen.
—On July lat, a Miss Glenn, of the north
boundary, Usbornee had au experience in
Exeter which she will not soon forget, and
an accident which might have terminated
seriously. She was riding a binycle down
the Main street, and when opposite T. B.
Carling'e rendence, an infuriated COW,
Which was being driven to the slaughter by
the butcher, rushed at the wheel, and -tak-
ing it on her horns oarried bike and rider
into the ditch, breaking the wheel and
tearing Miss Glenn's skirt off. The animal
then dropped Into the ditch as though un-
conscious, where it was at once 'killed.
Miss Glenn was rescued from her perilous
position by several persons who happened
along at the time.
-nAlthough not sick at all, very few will
be surprised to learn of the death of
home of Mr. ohn Bailey, near the Clinton
cemetery, on uesday evening of last week.
He has been almost ' a walking ghost " in
appearance for some ttime. He spent much
Of his time in Clinton, and had been there
on Tuesday, going home early in the after-
noon, but did not complain of being ill until
shortlyrbeford he passed away at six o'clock.
He walked to Clinton twice the day before,
going east around the bloek. He was of
Scotch birth, but had resided there for over
50 years, his fether at one time owning 400
mires in a block, but while Johnny ' had no
bad habiterhe was not prudent, and con-
siderable of his means 1 took wings and
flew away." He had a good home with Mr.
Bailey, who loOked carefully after hie wel-
fare. He was over 80 years of age.
—On Tuesday evening of last week, at
the raising of a new barn for Mr. Geoige
Glenn, near the Nile, Thomas George Shep-
pard had a very narrow escape from instant
death. While he and others were raising a
16 -foot perloin splice plate with ropes and
blocks,the rope slipped from one encl. The
timber fell at one end and struck him on
the side of the head and pinned his body
dewn. When the timber was removed the
unfortunate man was unconscious. He was
removed to his home and two doctors sum-
moned. They found a wound about five
inches long toward the top of the head and
the bone bare, as well as other injuries. It
was dressed and sewed up and Mr. Shep-
pard is doing nicely. Another young man
had the skin taken off his nose by the falling
timber, and there were several other narrow
THE TWELFTH. —Monday last was a real
gala day foe Mitchell. With its aroirs of
evergreens and other street decorations the
town looked its best, aud it also did its best
to make welcome and entertain. its crowd
of visitors. Altogether abeet 400 Orange-
men came in by the early trains from dis-
tant points, or by rigs from the surround-
ing country,and long before noon the streets
were thronged by marching processions and
gaily dressed spectators. Two brass Nimbi
avd a good dozen fife and . drum bands, as
well as pipers in the kilts,made the occasion
merry with their music. Early after din-
ner a grand march was made from' the
market squire to the public park, where a
special platform had been erected for the
bands and Breakers. From 1,500 to 2,000
people gathered about the stand to listen,
first to the words of welnome from Mayor
Hord, followed by patriotic speeches from
Rev. J. W. Holmes, Messrs, .,T. H. Race,
Rev. Stephen Bond, of Seaforth ; Rev. 'Mr.
Edmunds and Rev. J. T. Kerrin. The
speeches were all moderate in tone, but full
of patriotism and loyalty to the Iprinciples
of Btritish civil and religions liberty. Noth-
ing occurred to mar the good feeling that
prevailed, and early in the evening the
crowd dispersed in a most exemplary man -
nee, leaving a good impreasion behind them
of their orderly conduct throughout the
day, and bearing with them an equally good
impression of -the town and the manner in
which they had been welcomed ' and enter-
Mr. Wm. Nicholson, cif Blake, has moved
to our village.—The fanners have commenc-
ed haying.—Our teachers have gone home
to spend their holidays. Mr.- Berated' to
Hensel" and Miss Mills to Stratford.—Do-
minion Day passed off very quietly in our
village. Most of the'citizens went to Grand
Bend to enjoy the breezes of Lake Huron,
while a• number took- in the etrawberry
festival at Centrelim—Mr. F. Kibler, of
Zurich, was in` town on Friday.—Picnics
are the order -of the day. Nearly every
day a picnic party passes through our vil-
lage on their way to Grand Bend. --Quite a
number from here attended Children's Day
on the 14th concession on Sunday.—The
work on the new school is being pushed
rapidly ahead and the building will be
ready for occupancy for the fall term. Al-
ready a number of a lications have been
received for the thir eacher, which will be
required after vacation.
(The above was received too late for hist week.) ,
A WARM RECEPTION.—The many friends
of Rev. Mr. Butt, lately pastor of the
Methodist church here, will be pleased to
learn that himself and family were given a
very cordial reception by the members of
their new congregation on their arrival in
Wallaceburg, their new field of labor. We
take the following from the Wallacseburg
News of last week The Rev.- Mr. Butt
and family arrived here Friday evening,
and sere met at the station by a delegation
of church members, numbering about 100, -
with cairiages-and conveyed to the Metho-
dist parsonage, where a reception commit-
tee were in waiting to receive them. On
the following Sunday the new minister
preached his mtroductory sermon from the
following text " What - think ye in
Christ ?" The sermon was very appropriate
for the occasion, well delivered,and was re-
ceived with attention and approbation. The
preacher made a good impression upon the
congregation. Good big aongregations
greeted the new minister at both services,
morning and evening. On Sunday morning
lasts Mr. Butt preached a sermon to the
Orange Young Brittons of Wallaceburg.
is well noted for keeping good Twines, at the lowest
oast, and no bother to the man that drives the
binder. He takes this epportunity of notifying all
in need, the, be has a large supply on band of the
beat brands, and sold at the bottom oast, cell ann In-
vent, and get your supply. T. Mmis. 1514 2
NOTES,—Mr. Walter Taylor, son of Mr.
George Taylor, of Devonshire, England,who
has been visiting for several months at the
home of Mr. George Taylor, of Thornpark
farm, Kippen, on Friday last took his de-
parture for his native land. Mr. Taylor
being a trust worthy young man and bearing
an excellent character, can not fail to do
ship ents ot cattle from here on Friday
well wherever his lot may be cast. —Molars.
Win r and Dick made another of their big
last. These gentlemen appear to be the
principal buyers of stock in this vicinity
this season and the farmers like to see them
around.—The fine rain we enjoyed on Tues-
day has bad the tendency of making every -
think beautiful and refreshing.—Mr. Alex.
Monteith showed um some stalks of fall
wheat measuring 6 feet, 4 inches, Which is
considered a good length, and is a good
criterion of the many acres of blooming
fields in this community, the like of which r
have not been witnessed for many long
years. If the crop is as good as it appears f
we shall hear HO more about hard times.—
Mr. John ThoMemon, teacher of No. 10
school, Stanley, is now enjoying holidays
at the parental home of Mre.George Thornp-
eon. John is a jolly good fellow and always
has the faculty of making his 00111paniollS
the happier of his oompanye—Mr. and Mrs.
James Cooper, who were on a visiting tour
to North Bay and other 'points, returned
home on Thursday, having very much en-
joyed the trip.—The long hours that our
village imiths are kept tapping away at the
anvils see a sure indication that they are
not verY idle. T. Menus is kept at his evits
end in order to keep all machinery in re-
paie.—Mes, George Taylor's friends will be
Rohl to learn that she is not in her usual
health --The applecrop in - this neighbor-
hood will this season be a slim one. Many
large orchards will no more than supply
home uset—Mr. enthrone's press' men have
arrived home from the south where they
have been engaged for several' months in the
hay trade.
Lower Wingham.
NOTES.—Mias Lizzie Kennedy, of Minne-
apolis, is home to spend the rest of the
summer menthe with his many friends.—
Miss Annie Cummings returned home on
the 5th, after an absence of two months in
Gananoque with hen aunt, Mrs. John Link-
later.—Mrs. John Kemp and gamily and
Mrs. George Flulay, of Brooklyn, are visit-
lare. Kemp's mother, Mrs. Finlay. They
expect to stay a couple -of months.—M his
Annie iWilson, of London, is visiting her
many -friends in and around Wingharn.—
Mimi Mary Ransom, Of Palmerston, has ar-
rived tc stay with her parenti for a couple
of monthe.—The residenee of Mr. Peter
Murdock, of Lower Wingham, was the
scene of a happy event on Wednesday of
last week, when his eldest diughter, Mary,
was married eo Mr. Ramsay, of Guelph.
The nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. Mr.
Perrie B. A., in the presence of a number
of invi"ted guests. The bride was the recip-
ient of a number of 'valuable presents. The
happy couple subsequently left for a tour
through northern Ontario. Toronto will:
be their future home.—Quite a number
went to Brussels to celebrate the glorious
12th. —We have had a beautiful shower,
which was much needed, as everYthing wag
pretty vvell dried up.
Beierah--The weather took a change on
Tuesday, and we were favored with an ex-
cellent sheiver.—A mad event happened near
here on Saturday evening. Richard Living-,
ston fainted while 'working in the barnyard. i
He was catried to the house, where he exe
pired in a few niinutea He had been ailing
for some time with asthma, but heart trou-
ble was the direct cause of his death. Mr.
Livingston's parents have the sympathy of
the entire eighborhood in their sad be-
reavement. He was 39 years of age.—Mr.
James Park1;, while raking bay in the field,
on Thurada. of last week, was accidently
kicked by nig horse and had his leg broken.
—Mr. and Mrs. Boyle left last week on a
trip to Broqkville and vicinity. They in-
tend staying about six weeka—Mr. Hislop;
while having one of his horses tied to a tree
in the Yard last week, got itself entangled
in the rope, throwing itself and breaking its
leg. The a imal had to be shot. It was
rather unfo tunate • for Mr. Hislop, as he
had just I tele, purchased the animal.—
While playi g football at Stan on Wed-
nesday even ng of last week, the match be-
ing played b tween the Dublin and, Staffa
clubs, Mr. ill Jeffrey was kicked on the
leg by one o the Dublin boye, and had both
bones brok n. The accident _happened
within four inutea of the game closing.
The result f the game was a tie. --Mr.
Simon Mille has sold his wheel, and has
purchased a ne driver.
NOTES.—T e Epworth League on Tues-
day evening last was conducted ley Mr. A.
T. Cooper, o Clinton • subject, Growth
of Methodism," which' was - interesting.—
Next Tuesd y evening, July 20th, the
League purpo e having an ice cream socie.
in connection with their literary. Ther
will be a ma 1 admission fee.
party under t
nesday evenin
is being arran
livered by nei
merits of a te
served. Thes
people of Cons
ward to with
as this year's promises to surpass all prev-
ious ones, ever person may expect to have
a good time.
RTY, —The annual garden
e auspices of the Constance
hurch will be held on Wed-
, July 21st, on the grounds
regor. The services of the
have been engaged for the
a good musical programme
ed, and addresses will be de-
pting nature will also be
`annual events by the good
since are always looked for -
great deal of pleasure, and
ported very ill, died on Friday morning of
last week, at t e age of 73 years. His re-
mains were i terred in the Goshen line
cerbetery on Sa urday afternoon. He leaves
a widow to m o rn his loss, who has the
syrapathy of th community in her sad be-
rear,ement.-0 Thursday of last week,
while Mrs. F. oiberg was loading hay, the
horses started s ddenly, causing her to fall
from the load a d breaking her arm. --The
Young People's sociation picnic at Grand,
Bend on Friday —Mr. M. Fenn has sold his
stocik of boots a d shoes to Mr. C. Fritz.—
Al r. J. Hartleib has engaged Mr. A. Young-
blutit, of Aubur , as tinsmith.—Mesars. 0.
rich on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Fritz and wife,
of Orediton, wer in the village on Saturday
evening. --The olunteers have neturned
home from camp
thei application§ for school moneys before
N/rES. —Trust s are requested to send in
the end of the mitnth of July, as council
me(' on the 3rdWf August. —There was not
some thinking it is time the processions
were done awe with, as a number of
Orangemen helpe to put Laurier .in eower.
WANTED. It is reported that the
trustees of school section No. 6 have ern-
loyed E. L. Die enson, barrister, of Wing -
am, to compel t e ratepayers to authorise
new model school houee, and if the rate -
the trustees to bo row money to build the
payers cannot b
compelled or cajoled to do
so, to try and a pel the council to pass a
by-law to borro , irrespective of the rate-
payers. The t stees are young men „ and
progressive, and as their expectations Eittre tO
rival the clerk a d collector for large famile
ies, they wish to have a good rechool house
in advance. Go ahead and prosper, is the
eld Woman's adv ce, but itels hard on Sea -
forth and Goderi h lawyer& to be left thus.
It leeks like rob ry.
MELANCHOLY cCIDENT. —A moat avian-
oholy and fatal ccident occurred near here
nin Friday night of last weeh. While cross-
ing the Canadian Pacific Railway bridge
about 11 o'clock at night, Mr. George Mof-
fatt, a farmer w cn lived near here, was
struck and killed inetantly by the late ex-
press. He was t rown over the bridge_ into
. the river. His left arm was broken in two
places, and his bank bone and ell the ribs on
his left side were lso nroken. Mr. Moffatt
Wtta 60 years of a e and -leaves a widow and
two sons. He as an old and respected
esident or Tar berry, and hie- terrible
death is deeply r gretted by a large circle of
JilLY 16, 1897.
.aittgar will PIT
-diner and cleil
-toles, last wee
leas taken lip
elirectora of the
trig Compan
ing of thew
=George Moven'
and last—Mr.
foreman, of our
-day to mentnte
!staff of Ale
-tied holidays.-
-of Boissevain.
emits, Mr. -and
—Mrs. Daley
Bolted Thyillie
-they lealre for
was visiting 31:
'of wing,hain'll
in Kr. jam
on 'Monday las
of Mr. and Mrs
ered one of hie
know that Mr.
work again.—
Morris, hair re
Borman spent
'sorry to tear of
Walter Rutb
going throngb the
sale, at never
'raffle tor 6 sod 41
inore feet to pou
ware We nen gi
bought an 1
Some idea of
nil a metropolis
ells name, maer
'lodgings, M
writing his Ince
looking room,
chair ; and wht
it to me, he hi
the window.
'together 1101110
'little girl, of
entered the
and begs the f
lull of coals."
Seatorth's Greatest Cash Dry Goods Store.
- On Monday,
*Galloway, Of
celebrated the-
-having been me
Galloway was
110W resides, t
Galloway was 1
November 14„
John CaTo
war of 1812.
horse. In, an
allot by a scout
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family 43011SistA3
sons, and four
the sons are 1
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The old people
health and hai
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*Ingo tha
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