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During the Year 1892'.
Por full particulars see advertisements, or apply to
WARMS FOR SALL-The undersigned has twenty
_V Chat* Farms tor sale in Eaelt Huron, the ban-
ner County of the Provine.e ; all sizes, and prices te
suit. For full information, write or call personally.
No trouble to show them. F. S. aeon, Brussels
P. O. 189143
'11 FOR 8ALE.-100 acres, n the township of
X Grey, near Brussels. There is on it nearly 50
acres ofbush, about half black ash, the rest hard-
wood. A nevenfailing spring of Water runs through
the let. Will be sold at a big bargain. For particu-
lars, apply to MRS. JANE WALKER, Box 219,
Brunelle s 1470
II.OR SALE -That valuable property situated on
X the east side a north Main street, Seaforth.
This property consists of four lots, and a fine dwel-
Ins house, containing a dining room. perler, 4 bed
rooms, kitchen and cellar. There le also a fine
stable, carriagehouse, store house and wood shed.
The grounds ere pleasant and well tthaded '• also well
'planted with eroot tre, and small fruit., berd and
soft water. Per terms apply on the premises. M.
ROBERTSO, Seaforth. 15354f
"OAHU FOR SALE-eFor sale, -lot 6, concession 12,.
X township of Hibbert, containing 100 acres of
good lanL100if a good state of cultivation. Well
fenced; brick house ;good bank barn and out
buildings ; I sores of fall wneat, and ploughing all
done; 2 good wells and 2 never failing springs; 85
acres -cleared ; possession at any time. For further
particulars, apply to PETER MELVILLE, Cromarty
P. O., Ontario. 15i5-tf
MIA= FOR SALE, 100 ACRES. -Being lot 18,
X concession 7, township of Grey, one mile west
of Ethel; 5i from Brussel,. Ninety-five acres
cleared.; free of stumps and stone.; well under.
drained and fenced with -straight fences; good brick
house and good outbuildings; e5 acres in fell wheat
and 50 sere' seeded down. Will be sold cheap and
on enay terms. AelicKELVEY, Brussels.
1527tf -
"ETOR SALK-A valuable fruit and g-ain farm,
X on *good road, within six miles of Clinton.
The Lot is No. 67, Maitland Conceseion, Goderich
township, and contains 75 acres. It yields annually
from 80 to 100 barrels of winter apples, and is a good
grain farm, the land being a No. I elay_Son. There
is a No. 1 frame house on theLot, *good barn with
stone stabling underneath, and it is welt watered in
every field. A large portion of the purchase money
may reresin on mortgage. For terms, etc., apply to
THOMAS BURNS, Ceelove P. 0., or to W. W. FAR.
RAN, Clinton. 1536 -ti
'DARN FOR SALE. -For sale, lot 36, concession
X 2, Rimless, containing 100 acres, 85 cleared and
the balance in good herdwood bush. The land le in
a good state of cultivation, is well underdrained and
well fenced. There 15 .1 frame barn and log house on
theproperty, a never -failing spring with windmill,
also about 2 ao.es of orchard. It is an excellent
farm and is within one mile of Whitechurch station,
where there are -dome, blacksmith shop and
churches. There is a school on the opposite lot. It
is six miles from Wingham and six from :Lucknow,
with good roads leading in all directions. This de-
sirable property will be sold on reasonable terms.
For further particulars apply to JAMES MITCHELL,
Varna P. 0. 149545044f
X As the owner wishes to retire from business on
account of ill be,sith, the following valuable property
at Winthrop, 4e miles north of Seaforth, on leading
road to Brusselswill be sold or rented as one farm
or in parts to ;tilt purchaser: about 500 acres of
splendid farming land, with sibout 400 under crop,
the balance in pasture. There are large barns and
all other buildings necessary for the implements,
vebielee, eto. Thie land is well watered, leas good
frame and brick dwelling houses, etc. There are
grist and saw mina and store which will be sold or
rented on advantageous terms. Also on 174h con-
cession, Grey township. 190 acres of land, 40 in _
pasture, the balance in timber. Poaseasion given
after harvest of farm lands-; mills at once. For par-
ticulars apply toANDREW GOVENLOCK, Winthrop.
Ten tons at a very l';:easonable price,
in exchange for Oats or Peas.
Seaforth Oatmeal Mills.
1519 -t -f
Our direct connections will save you
time and money for all points,
Canadian North West
Via Toronto or Chicago,
British Columbia and California
Our rates are the lowest. We have them
bo suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR..
IST CARS for your accommodation. - Call
for further information.
Grand Trunk Railway.
Trains. leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as
follows e
Passenger 1e.47 n. 1.03 p. n. •
Passeneer . 10.12?. M. 10 27 P. M.
Mixed Train.... .. 0.20-A. M. 10.15 A. la.
Mixed Train ......... 6.1e P. M. 7.05 P. hi
Paasenger. 7.65 A. 31. 7.40 A.M.
Passenger.. all P. M. 2 55 P. M.
Mixed Train.......... -6.20 P. M. 4.35 P. M.
Wellington. Grey and Bruce.
GOING Noent- Passenger_ .Mesed.
Ethel „ .. , . 9.49 e. n. 1.40 r M.
Brussels.. .. 10.01 2.05
Bluevale.. . - 1.01 2.25
Wingham 10.25 2 25
GOING SOUTII- .. Passenger. Mixed. "
Winghana... ...... ... e.50 A. M. 8.55 A. m.
Blnevale . 7.00 9 17
Brussels.... ...... 7.16 9.45
Ethel.-- ..... 7.28 10.02
London, Huron and Bruce.
London, depart
Centralia .....
Exeter.......,; ......
Reiman- .. . .....
Brueefield ... . .. . .
Blyth..... .
Belgrava...... . . •
Wingham arrive .. . . .
Winghatn, depart
Blyth. ...... .
Brucefield........ .. .....
• London, (arrive) .....
• Passenger.
8.15& M. 4.45 P.M.
9.18 5.57
980 6.1/7
9.44 6 18
9.50 6.25
9.58 • 6.33
10.15 6.55
10 33 - 7.14
10.41 7.23
1056 . 737
11.10 8.00
6.53 A M. 3.30 P. M.
7.04 8.45
7.16 400
7.24 410
7.47 4130
806 450
8.17 459
8.24 5.104
8.38 5 16
8.50 5,25
n. 6 30
Rev. Dr. Talmage on the Dangers of
Hypocrisy -elle Says- It Is Always Ex-
posed, Either in Title World or ht the
World to Come.
Washington. July 11.-Th18 discourse
of Dr. Talmage, founded on a strange
scene of olden time,shows that fraud 'will
come to exposure, if not in this World.
then in the next. Text, I Sanmel x'
"And Samuel said, What meaneti
"then tkis bleating of the sheep in mine
ears and the lowing of the oxen whieli I
The Amalekftes thought they had con-
quered God and that he would not carry
Into execution his threats against them.
They had murdered. the Israelites in bat-
tle and out of battle and left no outrage
untried. For 400 years this had been go-
ing on, and they say, "God either dare
not punish us, or he has forgotten to do
so." Let us see. Samuel, God's prophet,
tells Saul to go down and slay all the
Amalekites, not leaving one of them
alive; also to destroy all the beasts in
their possesedon-aox, sheep, camel and
ass. Hark! I hear the tread of 210,000
men, with monstrous Saul at their head,
ablaze with armor, his shield dangling
at his s '
ide holding in his hand a spear,
at the Waving of which the great host
marched or halted. I see smoke curling
against the eky: ' Now there is a thick
cloud of it, and now I see the whole city
rising in a chariot of smoke behind.
steeds of fire. It is Saul that set the city
ablaze. The Anialekites and Israelites
meet; the trumpets of battle blow peal
on peal, and there is a death hush. Then
there is a signal waved; swords out and
hack; javelins ring on shields; arms fall
from trunks and heads roll into the dust.
• Gash after gash, the frenzied yell, the
gurgling of throttled throats, the cry of
pain, the laugh of revenge, the curse
hissed between clinched teeth -an army's
death groan. Stacks of dead on all sides,
• with eyes unshut and mouths yet grin-
• ning vengeance). Huzza for the Israelites!
Two htindred 'and ten thousand men
wave their plumes and clap their
shields, for the Lord God hath given ,
them the victory.
settles Mistake.
• jilt that victorious army of Israel is
conquered by shetip and oxen. God,
through the prophet Samuel, told Saul
to slay all the Amalekites and to slay all
the beasts in their possession. but Saul,
thinking that he know more than God,
saves Agag, the Amalekltish Xing. and
five drove of sheep and a herd of oxen
that he cannot bear to kill. Saul drives
the sheep and oxen down toward home.
He has no idea that Samuel, the prophet,
will find orit that he has saved these
sheep and oxen for himself. Samuel
comes and asks Saul the news from the
battle. Saul puts en a solemn face, for
their is no one who can look More solemn
than your genuint) hypocrite, and he
says, "I have fulfilled the command of
the Lord." Samuel listens, and he hears
the drove of sheep a little way off. Saul
had no idea that the prophet's ear would
be so acute. Samuel says to Saul, "If
you have done as God told you and slain
all the Atoalekites and all the beasts in
their possession, what nieaneth the bleat-
ing of the sheep in mine ears and the
lowing of the oxen that I hear?" Ah,
one would have though that blushes
would have consumed the cheek of Saul!
No, no! He says the arniy-not himself,
of course, but the army -had saved the
sheep and. oxen for sacrifice, and then
they thought it would be too bad. any-
how to kill Agag, the Amalekitish king.
Samuel takes the sword and he slashes
Agag to pieces, and then he takes the
skirt of his coat in true oriental style
and rends it in twain, as much use to
say, "You, Saul, just like that, eh I be
torn awayfrom your empire an torn
away from your throne.'.' In other ords,
let all the nations of the earth hear the
story that Saul by disobeying God won
a flock of sheep, but lost a kingdom.
I learn from this subject that God will
expose hypocrisy, Here Saul pretends he
has fulfilled the divine commission -by
slaying all the beasts belonging to the
Amalekites, and yet at the very moment
he is telling the story and practicing the
delusion the secret comes out, and the
sheep bleat and the oxen bellow.
A hypecriteeis one who pretends to be
•what he is not or to do what he does
not. Saul was only a type of a class. The
modern hypocrite looks awfully solemn,
whines when he prays and during his
public devotion shows a great deal of
the whites of his eyes. He never laughs,
or, if he does laugh, he seems sorry for
it afterward, as though he had commit-
ted some great indiscretion. The first
time he gets a chance he prays 20 min-
utes in public, and When he exhorts he
seems to imply that all the race are
sinners, -with one exception, his modesty
forbidding the stating who that one is.
There are a great niany churches that
have two or three ecclesiastical Uriah
• Heeps.
The Exposure.
When the fox begins to pray, look out
for your chickens. The more genuine
religion a man has the mere comfortable
he will be, but you may know a religi-
ous impostor by the fact that he prides
• himself on being uncomfertable. A man
of that kind is of immense damage to
the church of Christ. 'A ship may outride
a hundred storms, and yet a handful of
worms in the planks may sink it to the
bottom. The church •of God is not so
• much in danger of the cyclones of trou-
ble and persecution that come upon it as
of the vermin of hypocrisy that infest it.
Wolves are of no danger to the fold of
God unless they, look like sheep. Arnold
was of more daniage to the army than
Corn wallis and his hosts. Oh, we cannot
deceive God with a church certificate!
He sees behind t the curtain as well as
before the curtain; he sees everything
inside.out. A man may, through policy,
hide his real character, but God will
after awhile tear open the whited sepul-
cher anct expose_the putrefaction. Sunday
faces cannot save him; long prayers can-
not save him; psalm singing and church-
going cannot save him. God will expose
him just as thoroughly as though he
branded upon , his forehead the word
"Hypocrite." He may think he has been
successful in the ciecePtion, but at the
most unfortunate monient the sheep will
bleat and the oxen.will bellow.
One of the cruel bishops of olden time
was going to excommunicate one of the
martyrs, and he began in the usual
form, "In the, name i of God. amen."
"Stop!" says the martyr. -"Don't say
'in the name of God!' 1' Yet how many
outrages are practiced under the garb of
religion and 'sanctity. IWhen, in synods
and conferences, ministers of the gospel
are about to say something unbratherly
and unkind about a eember, they al-
most always begin by Ong tremendous-
ly pious, the venom ei.,of their assault
corresponding to theatlavenly flavor of
the prelude. Standing here, you would
think they were readyIc to. go right up
into glory, and that , othing kept them
• down but the weight of their - boots and
overcoats, when suddenly the sheep bleat
and the oxen bellow. i
• ENV my clear Mends, let As cultivate
simplicity of Christian charade'. 1 Jesus
Christ said, "Unless you become as this
little child, you cannot enter the king-
• dom of God." We may play hypocrite
stioceesfully now, but the Lord Ged will
after awhile expose our true character.
You must know the incident raentioned
In the history of Ottaeas, who was asked
tokneel in the presence of Randolphtis
I, and when befere him he refused to
do it, but after awhile he agreed to come
In private when there -was nobody in the
king's tent, and then he would kneel
down before him and, worship. but the
servants of the king had deranged it so
that by drawing a cord the tent would
suddenly drop; Ottacas after awhile tame
in, and, supposing he was in entire pri-
vaoy, knelt hefore Bandolphus. The
servants pulle& the cord, the tent dropped
and two _armies' surrounding looked down
on.Ottacas kneeling loOore Randolphus.
If we are really kneeling to the world
while we profess to be lowly subjects of
Jesus Chrldt, the tent has already
dropped.- and all the hosts of heaven are
gazing upon our hypoerlsy. God's uni-
verse is a very public) ' place, and you -
cannot hide hypocrisy in it.
The Futility of Sham.
Going out into 'a world of delusion
and sham pretend to be no more than
you really are. If you have the grace of
liod, profess it. Profess no more than
you have. But I want the world to know
that where there is one hypoorite io the
church there are 500 outside of it, for
the reason that the field is larger. There
are men in all circles who will bow be-
fore yon, and who are obsequious in
your presence andtalk flatteringly, but
who a1 the while in your conversation
are digging for bait and angling for im-
perfections. In,your presence they imply
that they are everything friendly, but
after awhile you find- they have the fierce-
ness f a catamount, the syhness of a
snake and the spite of a devil. God will
expose such. The gun they load will
burst in their own hands. The lies they
tell will break their own teeth,. and at
the very moment they think they have
• been snccessful in deceiving you and de-
ceiving the world the sheep will bleat
and the oxen will bellow.
I learn further from this subject how
natural it is to try to put off our sins on
other people. Saul was charged with
disobeying God. The man says it was not
he; he did not save the sheep; the array
did it -trying to throw, it off on tho
shoulders of other people.- Human nature,
Is the same in all ages. Adana, con-
fronted with his sin, said, "The woman_
tempted hiee, and I did eat." And the
woman charged it upon the serpent, and
if the serpent coulehave spoken it
would have oharged it upon the devil.
suppose that the real state of the case.
was that Eve was eating • the apple and
that Adam saw it and begged and coaxed
until he got a piece of it, I suppose that,
Adam was just as inuch to blame as Eve
was. You cannot throw off the responsi-
bility of -any sin upon the shoulders of
other people.
Here is a young man who says: "I
know -I am doing wrong, but I have not
had any chance. I had a father who de-
spised God and a mother who was a dis-
ciple of godless fashion. I arn not to
blame -for my sins. It is my bringing
up." Ah, no, that young man has been
out in the world long enough to see what
is right, and to see what is wrong, and
In the great day of eternity he cannot
throw his sins upon•his father or mother,
but will have to stand for himself and
answer before God. You have had a con-
science, yon have. had a Bible and the
influence of the Holy Spirit. Stand for
yourself or-hale:tor yourself.
Here is a businIss man. He says,
know I don't do exactly right in trade,
but all the dry goods men do it and all
the hardware men do this, and I am not
responsible." You cannot throw off your
sin upon the shoulders tA other mer-
chants. God will - hold you responsible
for what you do; and them responsible
for what they do. I want to quote one
passage of Scripture .for you -I think it
Is in Proverbs -"If thou be wise, thou
shalt be wise for thyself, but if thou
scornest thou alone shalt. bear it." -
An Old Sin.
I learn further from this subject what
God meant by extermination. Saul was
told to slay all the Ainaletites and the
beasts in their- possession. He saves
iegag, 'the Amalekite king, and some of
the sheep -and oxen. God. chastises him
for it. God likes nothing done by halves.
God will not stay in the soul that is half
his and half the devil's. There may be
more sins in our soul then there were
• Arnalekites. We must kill them. Woe
unto us if we spare Agag! Here is a
Christian. He says: "I will drive out all
the Amalekites of sin from my heart.,
Hde is jealousy -down goes that Amale-
kite. Here is backbiting -down goes
that Amalekitee" And what slaughter
he makes among our sins'striking right
and left. Who is that out yonder lifting
up his head? It is Agag. It- is worldli-
ness. It is an old sin be cannot bear to
strike down. It is a darling transgression
he cannot afford to sacrifice. Oh, my
brethren, I appeal for entire consecra-
tion! Some of the Presbyterians call it
the "higher life." The Methodists, I
believe. call it "perfection." I do, not
care what you call it, "Without holiness
no man shall see the Lord." I know men
who are living with their soul in perpet-
ual.communion with Christ, and day by
day are walking within sight of heaven.
How do I know? They tell me so. I -
believe them. They would not lie about
it. Why cannot we all have this consecra-
tion? Why slay some of the sins in our
soul and leave others to bleat and bellow
for our exposure and ccindemnatibn?
Christ will not stay in the same house
with Agag. You must give up Agag or
give up Christ. Jesus says, "All of that -
heart or none." Saul slew the poorest of
the sheep and the meanest of the oxen
and kept some'of the finest and the fat-
test, and there are Christians who 'have
slain the most unpopular of their trans-
gressions and saved' those which are most
respectable. It will not do. Eternal war
against all the Ainahtkites. No mercy
for Agag.
I learn further from this subject that
It is vain to try to defraud God. -Here
Saul thought he had cheated God •out of
these sheep and oxen, but he lost his
crown, he lost his empire. You cannot
cheat God out of a single cent: Hereeis a
man who had made $10,000 in fraud.
Before he dies every dollar of it will be
gone, or it will give him violent unrest.
Hero is a Christian who has been largely
prospered. He has not given to God the
propertion that is due in charities and
benevolences. God collies to the reckon-
' ing and he takes it all away from you.
How often it has been that Christian
men have had a large estate, and it is
gone. The Lord God came into the
counting - room and said: "I • have al-
lowed you to have all this property for
10, 15 or 20 years and you have not done
justice to my poor children.' When the
beggar called upon you, you hounded
him' off your steps; when my suffering
children appealed to you for help, you
had no mercy. I only asked for so much,
or so much, but you did not give it to
me and now I will take it all."
, Sunday Observance.
God asks of us one-seventh of our
time in the way of Sabbath.. Db you sup-
pose we can get an hour of that time
suceessfulLt away from its true object?
Nd; no, Odd tag demaillied one-seventh
of your time. If you take one hour of
that time that is to be devoted to God's
service, and inetead of keeping his Sab-
• bath use it for the purpose of writing up
your accounts or making worldly gains,
'God will get that how from you in some
unexpeeted way. God says to Jonah,
"You go to Nineveh." 'He says: "No, I
won't. rn go to Tarshish." He starts
for Tarshish. The sea raves, the winds
blow and the ship rooks. Come, ye
whale, and take this passenger for Tar -
shish! No man_ ever gets to Tarshish
whom God tells to go to Nineveh. The
eea•wOuld not carry hini•, it is God's sea.
The winds would not waft him; they are
God's winds. Let a man attempt to do
that which God forbids him to do, or to
go into a place where God tells him not
to go, the natural world as well as God
413 against him. The lightnings are ready
to strike him, the fires to burn him, tho
sun to smite hini, the waters to drown
him, and the earth to swallow • him.
Those whose princely robes are woven
out of heartstrings; those whose fine
houses are built out of skulls; those
whose springing fountains are the tears of
oppressed nations -have they successfully
cheated God?
The last day will demonstrate.- It will
be found out on that day that God vin-
dicated not only his goodness and his
rueroy, but his power to take care of his
own rights, and the rights of his chttich,
and the rights of -his oppressed children.
Ceme, ye martyred dead, awake, and
come- up from the dungeons where folded.
darkness hearsed you and the chains like
cankers peeled loose the skin and wore
off the flesh and rattle on the marrow --
less bones. Come ye martyred dead,
from the stakes where you were burned,
where the arm uplifted for mem,' fell
into the ashes and the cry sof pain was
drowned in the snapping of the' flame,
and the howling of, the mob; frxn
valleys of Piedmont and Smithfield m r-
ket, and London Tower, and the hi -
of Scotland. Gather in great pee -
cession and together clap your bony
hands, and together stamp your raeldy
feet, and let the chains that bound You
to dungeons all clank at once and gather
all the flames. that burned you in one
uplifted arm of fire and plead for a judg-
ment. Gather all the tears ye ever wept
into a lake and gather all the sighs ye
ever breathed into a, tempest, until the
-heaven piercing chain clank, and the
tempest sigh, and the thunder groan
announce to earth and hell and heaven
a judgment! Oh, on that day God will
vindicate his own -cause, and vindicate
the cause of the troubled and the op-
pressed! It will be seen in that day that,
thouah we may have robbed'our fellows,
we never have successfully robbed God.
My Christian friends, as you go out
into the world, exhibit an open hearted
. Christian frankness. Do not be hypo-
critical in anything. You are never safe
if you are. At the most inopportune
moment the sheep will bleat and the
oxen bellow. Drive out the last Amale-
kite of sin trona • your soul. Have no
mercy on Agag. Down with your sins.
Down with your pride. Down with your
worldliness. I know you cannot achieve
this work by your own 'arm, but al-
mighty grace is sufficient -that which
saved Joseph in the pit; that -which de-
livered Daniel in the den; that which
shielded. Shadrach in the fire; that which
cheered Paul in the shipwreck.
Athletics in English Schools. •
Of all7the sports cultivated cricket; has
the fewest characteristic features at the
• public shhools. This is not beeause it is
the least:popular _of the spots, but be-
-cause it is the most popular.. There is no
cricket but cricket, and all England is
its prophet.. It is played in 'fields and
parks and by-ways.As you whiz through
England on the hysterical little railway
trains the wayside swarms with men,
boys and children in white trout es. Its
Is played in the morning, in the after-:
noon and in the long summer evenings
14 18 often almost 10 o'clock before the
stumps are drawn. It is played, I had
almost said, from the cradle to the
grave. And it is recorded that a famous
cricketer once excused a younger brother's
lack of skill by saying: "He never'had a
chance to learn the game. He was so ill -
that he couldn't begin playing until he
was 6 years old." If a boy isn't a past
master at cricket beforehegoes to school
there is little hope for him.
How much most __schoolboys do Irlay
cricket is evident in the Mine and space
given to the game. At Eton, for instance,
there are seven separate grounds, each
with a name of its own. The most ex-
alted of these is Upper club, where the
best 22 players in the school hold their
matches, and the school 11 plays its home
games. Then there is a Middle club, a
Lower club, an Upper Sixpenny, a
Lower Sixpenny and a lot more, the
names and offices of whtch no traveler's
pride .could have 'educed me to learn.
Every "house," in fact, has its eleven
and, for all I know, -its separate field.
In all the Eton cricket grounds cover 2
acres and afford roc= for almost 500 boys
to play cricket -at one time.-Harper's
Round Table.
Made the Most of His Opportunities.
Major Ginter, the Richniond tobacco
king, has resigned hits position as direc-
sor of the American Tobacco company
and will soon retire froin active business,
worth $8,000,000. When he laid down his
musket at Appomattox, he did not have
a dollar or the prospect' of one. He
walked to Richmond and rolled a truck
for six months at a salary of $1 a day.
His career is one of the meet remarkable
In the business history of the country.
He is a man of great liberality. He has
given a great deal of money to charity
and worthy public enterprisies. He built
the Jefferson, the finest hotel in the
south, and one not surPassed in the
whole country for beauty Of architecture
and general completeness. - Atlanta
The wolf is from 234 to 3 feet in
length, and stands about 18 inches high.
Carbonic Acid Gas Emily Generated Front
• Vinegar and Baking Powder.
That there is charcoal in baking pow-
der, and that vinegar and baking pow-
der will make carbonic lacid gas were
two bite of knowledge imparted to sev-
eral hundred school girls and bays by
Professor Peter T. Austen In the hall
of the Brooklyn Polytechnie institute, -
This was the second of 'a series of lec-
tures to young people on l"How-to Make
• Scien title Experiments atHome."
- Using .the simplest .kindof apparatus,
- Professor Austen demonstrated how cart
bonio acid gas can be generated from a
combination of vinegar and baking
powder, and he shewed also how the
burniig of a magnesium wire in a jar
of Carbonic acid gas brings out the char
coal in baking powder. The children
were inteniely interested in the state-
ment that whenever they ate bread- or
cake made by the use of baking powder
they ate a lot of charcoal, Init they took
thelecturer's assertion that there was
charcoal in sugar as a joke.- .
• "While hot c.arbonic acid gas is light-
er than air, cold carbonic acid gas is
much heavier thanafir. and.,4611. be hail,'
dled ' like' ' Vrater,, rv &id Professor Atli -
ten. To ehow the heavy and palpable
quality he generated a lot of it in, a
large glass jar and proceeded to draw
it out in cupfuls.' Lighted candles were
extinguished by pouring the gas upon
them as if it were fluid, and the pro-
fessor showed his alert disciples how to
make carbonic) acid gas run through a
cardboard trough. A dozen small can-
dles, lighted, were placed a few inches
apart in a long glass channel. From a
pitcher Professor Austen slowly poured
carbonic acid gas into one end by the
glees channel, and as he continued to
pour the invisible fluid the lights went
out, one by ono.
The children witched with evident
delight the construction of a rude pair
of scale. "I shall use only such things
as can be readily pieked up around the
house," said the professor. He took a
common -strip of board and planted it
upright tim his table. Across the top he
placed apiece of lath and balanced it
exactly11 y hanging an empty bandbox
O one el d and a basin of shot on the
other. y Now, there is nothing but air
In the bandbox, " be said. "Let nte
ohm ybki how ranch heavier carbonic
acid gaslis than air." And, suiting the
action o the Woad, he poured a large
pitcherf 1 of carbonic acid gas into the
bandbox Immediately the bandbox de -
wended an if filled with bricks.
The hildren applauded and shouted
In -glee?and a few minutes afterward
they -were on their way to their homes,
imbued with a determination' to raid
the 4re, stio larder for vinegar and
ing povder with whioh to make car-
bonic a id gas -New York Times.
The 'English Ilislike"Of Commerce.
We b lieve that the English, wbo are
In continental opinion a nation of shop-
keepers' are not by instinct or by aspira-
tion a rading people at all, or even an
industrial one. They . are a seafaring
ogle y tendency, and as the sea pro-
ces iothing they are compelled to
ade, rid circumstances have driven
theni i to the industrial life, but their
proclivity is toward struggle of any
kind, rnd not, except as an incident in
that s ruggle, toward the making of
money It was quite late in their his-
tory that they recognized trading as
their IT' ation, and much later still that
they s avendered the notion that to be
a trad la whekher merchant or manufac-
turer lor dealer in money, was to be
comparatively a base person,. Tin with-
in th last feow years all historians
thong t economies rather . unworthy
subje ts of their pens, and the social
distin time drawn againet industry
were f the most galling character. In-
deed, lthey have not disappeared yet, the
coute pt which vas once felt for the
merchant and the banker being still en -
torte', ed for the distributor, though he
- often, combines both. functions. The
- greatj industrial is still hardly reckoned
on a ar with the great agriculturist, •
and ie shopkeeper of any kind is still
placed far below any sort of professional.
M4ney, it is true, is now almost the
only °urea of irresponsible. power, and
thos • who goalless it begin, like the
pow e ful in all countries and ages, to
be 11' hly 'regarded, but the grandsoirof
a T ttenham Court kW per Would
muc rather hie peerage had been ea-
quir d in battle or by chicane than out
of a hop, however large. Even the cap-
tain a of industry, who are like the old
baro s in many respects, are not thought
of as quite their equals, and the greatest
of r ilway builders, say the late Mr,
Bras ey, is not placed en the level of a
grea agricalturist, say the late 'Mr.
0okJI of Norfolk. The state has hcraored
bothl but the popular sentiment, which,
and iot the state, settles what Greeks
We Iiike, condones, rather than delights
the action of the state. The difference
iji diisappearing, but it dies hard. -Lon-
don 'pectator.
Much Too Liberal.
P Ople who take all things literally
are pt to tread on other people's toes.
The iman who walked in vehere he NW
a WO, "Walk in," and who was or -
dere -out, was a literal man, and so was
be *filo went into a pawnbroker's shop
and demanded 40 shillings because there
Vvas.a placard in the window that read:
"Look at this watch for 40 shillings."
" looked- at it," said he, "and now
e'et my £2."
Tie most amusing incident we have
heard is that of the country raan who,
wh'' e sauntering along a city street,
saw a sign:
lease ring the bell for the care-
After reflectiug for a few minutes, he
walked up and gave- the bell such a
pull that it nearly came out by the
roots. In a few minutes an angry faced
man opened the door. -
"Are you the caretaker?" asked the
bell pulite'.
"Yes. What do•you want?"
"I saw that notice, No_I rang the bell,
and now I want to know why you can't
ring the bell yourself. "-London Tilt -
AND TURKEY OBEYS. -The Czar has again
written to the Sultan, urging him to 'accel-
erate the peace negotiations by renouncing
demands with which it is impossible for
Greece to comply. As a result of this let-
ter, the Sultan has virtually accepted the
terms of the powers, leaving only details to
be settled. It is probable thotreaty will be
signed it three weeks.
-There doesn't seem to be
very much the matter with
your child. He doesn't ac-
ttially lose weight, but there
is no gain. He belongs to -
that large class of children
that don't seem. to prosper.
You look at him a little
more thoughtfully than you
do at the rest and say "He is
not doing well." • Failure
to gain in weight in a child
is a danger signal. •Scott's
Emulsion should be taken
at once. It puts on fat
where health demands -it,
strengthening the digestion.
SCOTT & BOWNS, Belleville, Ont.
JULY 16, 1897.
A BM 11E11110110
TEEM .01:1M.A.E1
for Butterick's Patterns and Publications.
CAPiTALI (PAID UP) Sli5005000,
at! eneral banking business transacted. Drafts on all girt, of the United Statue
Great Britain and Europe bought and sold. Letters of credit issued, available in all pier
of Eurege, China and Japan. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances made on sam
at lowest rates.
Deposits of One Dollar and upwards receiVed, and interest allowed at highest cum.
rates. Interest added to principal twice each year -at the end of June and December.
No notice of withdrawal is required for the whole or any portion of a deposit.
R. S. HAYS, Solicitor. W. K. PEAIOE, Agent,
It is poor economy to buy cheap Tea,- and use twice as much,
and not get half as much satiSfaction as from a good one.
is a good one and sure to please.
In Lead Package's,
40c 50c and. 60c.
For the next 90 days, we will sell ail goods at Factory- prices.
try us, you will save freight and packing.
Undertaking Department,
Our Undertaking 'department is complete in. every respect and as we
purchase from first -class -manufacturers only, we can guarantee to give good
satisfa tion in all its branches, as we have an Undertaker and Embalmer of
fifteen years' experience, and any orders we may be favored with shall reeeiv e
the Very best attention. Don't forget the old E tand. -
P. S. Night calls attended to by calling at our Funeral Director's re-
sidence 'First Door East of Drs. Scott & McKay's Office ; or at Dr. Campbellii
Old 0 ce on Main Street Seaforth. I
Main Street, Seaforth, _Porter's 101d Stand
REST • • - • • • • .• • • • I1,0001000 •
A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts
issued, payable at all points in Canada and the principal cities in
the 'United States, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, &a
De.posits of $1.00 and upwards received,,,and current rates of interest,
allowedi lar'Interest added to the principal at the end of May and Novem-
ber in each year.
Special Attention given to the colletion of 0o,mmercial Paper and Fu-
mArs' Sales Notes.
F. HOLAIESTED Solicitor. M. MORRIS, Manager.
Newest American Designs
mp?rted under the new reduced tariff rate
Before purchasing. what you require in this line, you ought
to see 'hese .goods. The prizes will surprise you. Why pay
as much, or more, for common paper? Call and. see the
latest at
ited elea„11
ritsantity. ._rs
Mule T.
-nil OUSE
three scree
traits. Therese
bouse, {Ptoes" an
*table. There le
1:11ls property
would rokire s
Apply to ADOL
$ 300
$ 600 rates
$ 1,000
12,500 S.H
M1TE.-Under s
-contained in et cei
thdy registered al
thne a sale4 limn
auction, et the
Saturday, ehe 24t1
p. ne, the foliose'
the fith Coneelisioi
the 4411 0073CeissiO
Township of Tact
°rine. 'the lane
In parcels to melt
miles from Seifori
in a fair state el
acres (AVIA ,bar
loam and there is
trees. The land is
There are erecto
brick dwelling ho
good state of sepal
ditions of tale will
Isle, and may in ta
undersigred. R.
Dated at Seaforth,
months -old, 1
ing -strain.
Bo4r4nOfltbe -01
on Lot 17, Oatmeal
10108 FOR 8A1
sidres,hea for male -
also keep for ffierv1
lambs's& from
and winner at Mot
-111 payable let th
of returning if nee
Or* P.
2.." keep ler
Ribber*, the tho
Dunraven.", Te
OAK rut.
ersutith,a th
urchaseil Xreln
)ttddIeae Ueue
service, with
Ye keep feense
pea, the there
That bull wits pet
Is ff.= importe
-signed win
with re1at4red
time of aeries:le
eery. HUGH.*
Je. signed his I
McKillop thc
limited manlier -
e*tragood pigs
crnsstheir e:
Tottnsel, with
Sealed fehders
behalf of the Om
Smith, /or the CO
eth. Ith andel*
plans, Arxrd spec*
office of F. W. Fl
Joe of the =dal
not necessarily ai
Tuckeremitis, He
We alws.ys k
of Tea an ham
can and get*,
it Will Snit
pound gackagi
In the Creeie
dew lines in
Which we are
We are *maim
we ask for yoi
ive ample te