HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-07-09, Page 8a JULY THE HURON- EXP TOR ir from Mr. Heotor Reid%� hold the' � annual 'It road- this week.—,The her. ',She. has, therefore, been in delicate uesday. The -day burned, no daniake was done. This sort of gentlemen evidently ends, much t6 the ad. town and on the MI picnic 11tp field -on T PLAIN I of late she has _Wilstynls� Oash Grocery, thin� ma -Y be looked u&n as sport by nome, vantage of the preient occupant of the Young Peo 113 a Society of Christian En- health for in ny years and ay e e sufferer, so hat the change was delightfhl and th little folkw.enj dangerous kind" of sport. positiou. —Mise Nell McDougall deavor of t e Pres terian church will hold been a sever oy d but it is very coveted E , the - Mangold and Turnip Seed. oboap this year. There s not an unwelcome one to her. She had themselves immensely. �.Rxying is no Wholesale combine price on aeal this Year, so These, urches i were in the mIdeb of the went to 'Berlin on Thursday to see her bro . a social on Wednesday evening, J uly'l 5th, Wa TALK., ;U ns and four daughters, all order of �he dr*y with the farmers at pbes. we can $OR now mangold and turnip seed at 10:3 a lb- bustiaess part of the town, and being of the ther,' who has been laid up with an attack for the raising fund� to ma We have a good stock of the, besi vadetles, b I Ought purpose ot of whom, with the exception of. the son &I- eat. It isj a, flue -crop and if the present trcmtRobert,Ev&n8&0.3�,,0ne of the most reliable most inflammable material, had -the firci in of pleurisy. repairs to the basement. of the church at read7 mentioned survive her, She was a good weather continues � -will be saved in There are a great many ways of doin - them got full headway, the adjkcent prop- iss Hattie Leslie, of., Clinton, spent I excellen r. and Mrs.:. Noble. g buti nod houses of canaflo, including his celebrated saw t- consistent m6m�er of the :Vrosbyterian c9ndition.—M mess—oe isr - 0 try and make peo and monkr+ tutzi seed. Give U2 a lowing par%graph from week at the residence 4 Mr ert .—ThefoIll James Wa he have bleen visiting at Mr. T omas believe Pie! aid,* refert to the death of Boll. h & church, and was a kind and good woman, w rated you ca"Itok do better. In groceries, we ton do ny would have been greatly endangerod,' 0XITURART baseball club has imported through exagge news n. 6ur a vast' conflagration pi;ht have been the Stratford Hoi —T e- aor better, than anY house In tow the result. Mrs. Neil, mother of Mr. Oscar Neil, of crack pitcher and with the material already who never was so well pleased as when she et on Saturday for their home per statements, that they are getting ore extra goo, t and reader a service to deserv. ioarToroitto. Mr. Noble thinks thiss -the Tom now (t value. 'Our Bourbon two or tbriie times as much as the b,, just —The death occurred on Sunday here they will have a winning team and could asols I na ork a tositect Coffee is second to none, and thi's town. ever was � in is tu wehave, tk# hest brand of Canned Vegetables put up at her residence, Wellington street, of Mrs. ect shortly to get on some good matches. Ing persons and objects, and in the early-- finest partlof the country he paying.for. Another wa toa BRED AT LAsT. —A coupIfe �.of weeks truth, state the In Canau , Iliam Neil, at e—Tin Oliver, of Clinton, has been vi were ;reatly indebted to her ind hels right. There is no discount on dop Is, the price of CORN 0 facts, any sell goo&,." Blecal6p-tipme- here It yon want to pt the full bens- ago we mentioned the stealing bicycle M. Neil, widow of the late Wi thesgoofWyeaxs. The deoisised had been her sister 'Mrs. Win. Robb.—The 'next kindness and hospitaly. Theremalras were old Huron� and especially that portion in the lo-4est possible prlees. That is fit of W A31 kinds *f produce taken at highes from Mr, Alexander Mustard, of Brucefield,. which Brudefield is located. To" market price. Cash or eggs. in failing health for over a year past- from regular. m;eting of the Huron' Medical As- laid to rest in the Maitlandbank cemetery on store's way. Prices and values-priji -the supposed thief being a young man who, ot in *hich she was here are genuine. - Here wo internal troubleo and for the past nine sociation -will be hold at the House, of Monday, and the reaps 01 is i VMOLD i Winglj&M 0. WILSON, Saaforfh- according to hi� own story, had slep� - In the and cotton is cotton, and sho Bank of 06vameroe Block. ha 10 months wan confined to her bed, She was well Refage, Clinton, -on Wednesday next, the held in the neighborhood where. she bad so Lower uld 20al over night, and to whom Mr. Mus- ases of profes7 long lived, was well mimifested by the large article at any time not turn ut as breaklast next m The fel- known in the city, hav resided here for 13th Wet,, when numerouso NOTHS.—Miss Ameliai and Mroi- James taL gave ustard's ixteen -- years, fifteen in . which �'ohe had sione interest will. be discussed.—Mr. T. 0. number who had turned out to show a last 0 1 lit -to, we're here zeady to make�*! 0 low came to 84aforth with0rVr!-k_ Y 4 NEW =n a widow. Her maiden name was Mar. Kemp, of tM Ogilvie mills in this town, has tribute of respect to her who 'in life had Netterfield took in the jubilee in Clinion, right with you. You are always ufWa & and were the guests of Mrs. Everett for a wheel, ind left it with Messrs. Arnoldi ana ian y ne nean Graves to save moaeybuying here. 117 rrowin t Hodgens. She was a C d* " b- sod u In article for xtweek relab. been so beloved by many of them. cc�iuple of days..—Mrs. D14: spent D JL IT Ham, of this I town, bo, from them g&r6 M T -*- , . - . SUIrP and in relig, A Iromi the _011 ati and harvesting of wheat, d ith Mrs. Stewart in Blyth last L k another wheel which Ike to return. birth, and ion a ethodist. a in a few Sys, wi. M:. William Scott, -ecials. up family of -eight children, five boys wh9i!0h will be of interest to our farmer Oonstance. of Two Parasol a '�ultimately traced to Z . L week.—Mr. and rM This witool was Lon- grown the Man who stole it *as,captured and three girls, survive her. They are Mrs. readers.—Mr. 'Thomas Govehlock, of Me. - GAT s.—Mrm. George Stanley and -McKillop,-near lAadbury,'mere visiting at don, and CLOTHING. da Killop, who is an enthusiastic fisherman, T. Here are two special values in Para$ in St. Thomas. 1 The sequel, in given in the J_ Palmer, this city; Misses Xellie and I two chil0on, of Sault Ste Marie; are visit- Min I. G raharn's.; also Mr. and Mrs. London Advertiser of Tuesday, " followsr at home; Leonard, eatineer Chicago & captared a fine string of beauties' at Bay- Ing the ftmer's mother and other -friends.— Beattiei of Dakota, was -visiting at the i are worth - buying—the'll ave yowi We bave Just receiv; =%Other laws assortment of Grand Trunk, Port uron ; Marshall, field a few days go.—Master Re ' Wil" A number of oung eople of this vicinity same place. —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Currie, money. Trace Jackadn,j the alleged bicycle thief, -found a 1199ale ne Gloria Silk Parasols will not out made uip 0, otbivg. Amongst them will be Grand Trunk Railway baggageman, Toronr. son, son of Mr. Alex. Wilson, who 5 be Fi� some rare and siartling b*rXxins. We would call who was arrest�d by Detective Nickle, at en ionicked at ayfiel last Saturday.—The or., left oo� Wednesday, �3rd ult., for the turn green, ho low ri , fancy blac the special attention of bayeri to a Man's Suit.. St. Thomas I t week, under the name of to Isaac, fittor, London ; Oscar, cabinet, seriously ill, is able to be around again.— funeral -sermon of the late Mr. - Henry their gold fields of Now Denver, to visit Misses Annie and Ella-Sinith, of Hamilton Hinchle was preached by 'Rev.' J. sons, andlo I ee what the country is like.—. lished wood, with Dresden top h". price seems small, CARR, on, a ohar�e of stealing a bicycle from maker, Seaforth; and William H.,upholater, y but we vialra It contatus as good cloth as three th, this city. The -family have the sympathy are at present in town visiting their grand- Andrews in the Methodist church last Sun- Miss Mark Jane Murdo is visiting at the dest re ular prices have been quarters Of the Suits made. to order for $12, Also Amoldi & Hares establishment, Se'afor of a large circle of friends in, their sore mother and other friends.—Miss W and $1.9, . - e have ,t-srysp.cial lines at $4.76,464and $& 150 3len's, 'DR June 14th, i was examined at the police 'bite, day.—Mr. J. W. King has gone o Bluevale home of h�r parents, Mr. atid Mrs. Peter many of thelin, bereavement. who has been the guest of Mrir. F. W. to spend his holidays.—Misi Ettie Proctor so they are now $1,351. Youthe, BoyV and Childretes Bulks, odd sizes, to be court this m4rniug. Thomas Hare reeog- Murdo. She is from Guelph.—M Flora cleared Tweddle for 9, couple of. weeks' left for her Eitra quality Satin-de-ehe" Parasclo, Villi sit 25 Per cent. less than their value. 100 nized the wheel and the man who rented it. who has been teaching school in Hastings and Master John M cHardy, of Toronto, are X*Wki Twef FiRES A I d Pouts. special value, at $1, to be clear- not out or turn gre6u, 23 inch, Wloj 30 pain pmof Costd, at, off value. CA), He said Jackson left a wheel at I his - place, Ni) Rumom op FritEs.r-lb may home in Montreal on Wednesday. —Mesors. county, and Miss Daisy McGregor, who has Zreading their vacation, at their unele's, ,ad at 80c: have been because Monday was such a Winter and Donovan intehd shippi 9 aa* been engaged 'in the same profession in Robert Kennedy's.�Miss Jenny Me- ribi a choice variety of obby b andins which is said to have been taken from Mr. n mud* pect. county v -65c,but swel�ering hot day, and no person felt like other car load of horses to the old country Bruce have returned to their re- Gee also of Toronto, is spending her sum- ha e been $12150 and $2. Mustard's place. in Brucefield, and took an Wm- Pickard &Go. other to ride to Dublin. He brought the hurr7lDg, that the fire a:larm rang so of ten.- next week. These *entlemen havettbeen !pective homes to spend their vaostioni— me;' holid�iys with her parents and other now wheel here and sold it to Mr. F. Radway Junt abont the time people were taking the remarkably fortunate in their old coAtry r. L, Proctor and Mr. -Warwick, of Blue- friends.—Miss Maud Netterfi . eld went to for $12, saying he came from St. Catharines,. shady sides of. the streets, back from din- shipments so far, never having lost is horse alej spent Sunday here.'—Sevea pupils Goderich on'the Ist of uly 0 visit for a THIB 18 HOW Have you eN STEAMSHIP ner,both the.fire belle rang and the whistle on the passage.—Mr. Christopher I a I . d here i - oUgh&r4e and"wanted toell the' wheel, as he bad a I )al'B,l Of fro 'this section wrote on the entrance ex- week mong friends.---mNe rr,rive ell these goods every day - ed. The firemen turned out and ran the Huron road, Hullett, sold nearly five amp, J, We L f yon, *AND* cbmice, to go to the old country with horses. scream inations at Clinton last week, and one this week Of the death of -M!rj. ekaberry, ore -exoeptiox Mr. Radway recognizedl.be man, as did a to the Queen's hotel corner, but :the wires thousand dollars worth of fat cattle to Mr. fo paying more it Is not our fault. Igo had 'got crossed, and hence the alarm. Case this week.—Judge Masson, of Goder- r . public school leaving. of Bay City, Michigan, formerly Min Annie Exctra heavy Cottonade, stripes and bheeko* not -0 Of FIME INSURANCE De'ective Nickle, to whom Jackson told an- England, of this place, of typhoid fever. othO story, and said he came from S.trat. About two o'clock there was another alarm,: ich, was in town on Wednesday on his way Ethel. 22c line for l8e. but it was also a deteivbr. As if that were -' to Tuckeramith to adjudicate on an appeal L Laies' fine cotton Vests, the beat value I& ford. Ja cksou was committed for trial. POINT.S.—Mrs, E Iliott is. very. sibk this Zurl:ch. Of te mi .4G.ENCY. not enough for a hot 'day, the Fire Under-' by the Canada Company againso the the trade, two for 25c. I presided af the week. —Principal Dobson cha�le I. Ltnen effect Shirt Waists,. deta writers' -Ins ectpr happened to appear -in -d inage assessments. The appeals were WARIN _NGTO FAitmEpq. --Their are agents W. Somerville, Agent. HOT, isalt it Get a Gasoline Stove, and entrance examination at Vroxeter last town, and stlortly, after seven o'clock in the amicably settled, all the parties appealed. going through the county offerin,, Binder Tivie.for lar, 90c. Yon V1011 you can do your work in the kitchen- in comfort. week.—Joseph Falkner and wife are holi- sale, at 7J6 per pound. We wilf sell iou a better (Successor to H. A. Strong & Bro.) You can get them cheap at ouNim, BRos., Seaforth. eveDiug he called the brigade out.'� Bub n t agreeing to allow one Aollr to be daying with friends noar Barrie. Thev Twine for 6 and 6 cents per pound, w iob will run Xpek dye strong Cotton Hose, two p" the gmt, there was more of it.- Between eleven and, illiam for 25c. Telegraph and Express Building. 1643-1 a ded to ther assessments.—Mr. W drove via, Palmerston, Mount Forest ana, more feet to pound. Call and see at Zurich Hard. 46 inch Serge Dress Goods, worth 45o, iews lexl MONEY WANTED. — Wanted to borrow twelve O'clock that night there was another Jeffrey, of Cromarty, brother of Mr. Harry ware. We can give you a snap this year, having for bought an immense quantity. Yours truly, 0. 3pe. $31,000 on first mortgage;, of improved firm property alarm, and, although there was reason for Jeffrey, of this this town, got his leg broken Shelburne. —Williatit Cook h4s had a neat Apply'to this offiae, F. HoL.NisSTRD, veranda p Friend I in Tuc�ersmith. this one, people had been fooled so often on Wednesday evening while pla, ing feet- laced in front of his brick- resj� HART1101B. 1542-2 F�ot 0olor Chambrays in mixtures f blue, at it isi-noi_u Every Student ou:r Seaforth. 1642.3 they didn't feel like getting out of bed, but ball in a match with the Dublin club.—Mr. deuce. W. -Routley did the work.­(juk Bwmrs.—Mr. Philip Koehler, from Cav- i pink, green, mauve and fawn, 15c, WE, are sole agents for the Ameri sidewalk to the station is now in very�good alier, Dakota, - wh' ic a o was here for a two ends of fine factory cotton, worlib-74 an Sheaf and Plymouth Sisal Binder Twine, which is they mightas well have, done so, as the J. P. Brine, of Harpurhey, has a mall field shape.—The proceeds of the gardbn party week's visit, left for her home last Satur- that he best value In the marxet. The above is the alarms kept up such a continual racket- that' of fedl Wheat which bests anything we have I -for 6c. held at the parsonage last week, �are to be day. Mrs, Axt, her mother, accompanied ae testimony of those who used It last year. S. 51 UL- sleep was an impossibility. The fire was in' seeD this season. The stalks will average P�re Silk Gloves in bl k and cream, 25e, niinds. LrTr CO., Seaforth. 154S-1 a vacant house on the south side of the rail- &boat six feet in lengthwhile it is standing applied to the building. of a veranda.—W. her. Mrs. Axt has lived here about forty Fine Sailor Hats, black or white, regulm Vel) E - have a good second-hand Bicycle, way track.* and owned by J ohn . McDonald, straight, and well headed. If it matures K. Whaley and Miss Sproab� of Belgravv, years; and.wa one of the first citizens of STRATFORD, ONTAR W spent Sunday in our village.—Rev. Mr. our town, and we regret to , see her le for 0 life, eq-"] Oar work never faila to interest the Pneumatic Tires, and in first-class order, for sale of Goderich. It was completely destroyed., erly it will give an immeuse yield.— ave, Men's fine colorad Cambric Shirts, with.ond, heso, HiNcuLzyBR0T11RR8, Seaforth. 1642-tt Stewart preached his initial sermon to a but we wish her much joy iniher old d Ys without collars, fast colors, 50c. viewit ift students, because We 'thorough, practical, This too, was undoubtedly the' work of an RopSeaforth horrticultural -,society have 'a up-to-date. O�r graduates AL,%vAys F -E- THE: potato -bug is doomedif you dose incendiary, and art -investigation should be decided to hold a Qower show on Labor day, large audience last Sabbath evenin.0 in her new home —Miss Hilda Strinipfer, of, They buy the best who buy here. one thinki 'him with the bed English Paris Green, which can made into these matters, as, &part from the the first Mo:day in. . September.—Tfie Toledo, Ohio, is herevisiting her old home We atisfied them and we in St. James� church, in na and friends.—Miss Martha Anthes, of Wat- com-mE" our school and induce others to be bought at Jonsso-N. BRos , Seaforth. 1513-1 loss to th6 owners of the property, it is en- special service Var come. thing," 1 CAN we send vou. a Gasoline Stove On daugering other. property, and perhaps'. town, known A's the 140 hours,' which 0 e' BRmFs.—Mr. and Mrs. James 'Reid, of erloo, is here visiting Miss Lydia, Faust and satisfy you. Yov AVANT'THE REST—WE nd us word, and return it it it's liv Hodgens Bro-S ap I HSO Just 8; n: -o see his father other friends.— -annual Children's day rwe sud &�;rt tV -ha ea. Neither of these two properties de- ed up last Sunday and concluded on 7ed Bay City, Michigan, came t The 1118vM rr Write for.new circulars. no rthe s log you ever 1, and can be run stroyed were very valuable, but it gives nesday morning, were conducted -by ev. who -has been seriously'ill far the last fe� in connection� with the Evangelical church, 44U-52 W. JELLIOTT, Principal. cheaper than wood. S. XULLNIT & Co., Seaforth. CLINTON. filwous and people an unsafe feeling to think tbab there Father Paul, of Chatbani. The various weeks. He returned home agiilw on Wed. was held ',a week ago last Sunday. The seem that' DuEss CuTmxG.—Sligb's Dress Cutting are people in our midst who would o wil- exercises were attended by very large con- neoday last. Mrs. Reid, however, Is. stay. church was brilliantly decorated with flow- -L of. er himsaf I School is now opened In the Parlorsof the Royal fully destroy th a property of others 78hould gregations, while the special sermons were Ing for a time. iss Lizzie Ritchie, a and with the national colors. In the lailat week, calling on the Misses. Dent, of he likes Hotel, Seaforth, twenty-eight recommends from the guilty arties be detected i practical.and instructive, and were Clinton. A new tailor system cuts on act I they ill un- bott Walton, who has been visiting - at Mr. D.' forenoon the pastor, Rev. A. Y. Haist, de- S�ratford, teachers in the public s6hoct� others M-01 mes3urements, no patterns, &'course of iesson's doubtedly C dealt with seveiely, as it is 'an d�livered- bv Father Paul with an 6arnest- Campbell's during the last week, returned livered a good and an im pressive Sunday there, who -are, visiting their - aunt, Mrs *ad systatu costs no more than a chart, lessons at offence punishable by a term in peEkitenti- ness that c;uld not fail to awaken symp�_ home on Wednesday last.—Mr. and Mrs. school sermon. In the afternoon the gener- DISTRICT MATTERS* your home without extra charge. The deaf and dumb ary. thetic responses. 6om his. bearers. The Ritchie, of Walton, drove to Ba field on &I prograome was takeif up, when address,, 4mes.Suherland.—Miss Jennie Murrw7, ot great, Mi can learn this system, free exhibition on drafting Wirgbam, is here Visiting her parents, Mr music was A 1, and reflected the highest Tuesday last, returning on Wednesd�y, well were delivered by D. S. Faust ; Rev.'E. govern thi aoy time, social attention to girls f rom the country. and Mrs. James Murray, of this Village.— IssTALLATio-N or-'OFFicERs.—At the reg- ?lease call and examine for yourself. 15431 credit on all concerned.—John Clakrk, of pleased with the outing. Eby, of Dashwood ; J. Kellerman, of Dash- powibbe A To BE RmxEmBERED.—DEA-R E) Mrs. Joseph Ellis and daughter. Miss Mat— Calumet, Michigan, is home on a visit to ACCIDENT.—A, few d M r-. wood school ; G. Holtzman, Al. Geiger, of yet �be lift -R pure -English Paris Green, try , S. —1 cannot allow the present important oc- t" are ular meeting of Fidelity lodgb, Independent Fo ays ago as this week in Gderich —Mrs- mulLzrr & Co.. Seaforth. 1643-1 casion to pass without patting on record a his mother, Mrs. Clark, of Goderich street., Andrew Reid was mowing hay, his little the Zurich school ; George Edighofferof the (�e$v we Order of Oddfellows, on Wedueed J. � S. Henderson returned h me last Inv - my evening, ollicers were installed for the ' HOW TO KEEP COOL THESE 1110T DAYS. few thoughts that passed through my mind, irl, five or six years old, fell asleep in the 14th concesaiiin schooL In the evening, - the follo*i Wear a pair of our' Ventilated tay, directly in front of the Inower. Air. Joseph Snell and,the-pastor g4-ve interest- week from Goderich, where she had been..,,',,. pTea4er, ensuing term by retiring District -Deputy Corsets. W. W. as, on Tuesday, 29-nd June, I stood on my Winthrop. spending a few wpeks with her sister. HoyvxAwN, Seatorth. 1643.1 verandah and Reid managed -t' ing address� Mr. and OR 4 Chant, of Clinton: X. G., W., D. McLean - witnessed the beautiful pro- ITEms.—Mr. and Mrs. Finlayson, of Hen- 0 stop the horses just in es. The singing, under the lead. Henry Jacob has"' purchated Air. Gedr cession pass esp . .1 V. G.,, Dr. Barrows; 4cer6tary, James DON'T miss he 6pportunity of getting time, as another revolution of the knife and ership of F.' Kibler, wab grand, and the se- more yo�tir preserviag -Kettles and Tinware at the low by, and noted especially the sall, spent a few days � at Mr. Boyd's last nothing could have saved her from being 'leetkons we're admired by all. The collec. lugram's store, End intends in a few Beattie ; permanent secretary, J. 0. Rose�, various -classes of children from town and week.—The Winthrop cheese factory is do- moving his present stock of harness, now In. t2i ice we are selling, for the -balance of July. S. cut to pieces. As it was, one of her fingers tion amounted to 821-.92. —Sanday was Chil- treasurer, Robert Willis ; inside; Iguara, 99LM & Co., Seaforth. 16 .1 country,—boys and girls dressed in white, Ing a rushing business this season under H6dgins' block, into it, and carryin alit 13 g on, John A. Stewart,- outside guard ar the emblem of innocence and purity., I the management of Mr. Millson, recei was out, but a kind Providened saved the dren's day in the 14th concession' Su dsy b� ry NOTME To TitmrA&SERS..— All persons Ving little girl. School. The church was prettily decorated. usiness there for the future where he wilL STe We., 14 Town; R. S. N. G., S. Trott; L. S. IN. realized the fact that these were the hope of 8 1-16 cents for May cheese. —Mr. R. A. have much more room &ads. 'better stand for - G., croesingthe farm of the undersigned must keep the The addresses were excellent, and the par tow -Ara J. B. Thompson; R. S. V, G., Dr. Gibb; rowd. Those found croBAng the fields will be punish. our country when we are under the sod. Jelly, hirdware merchant, - of Shelburne, his increasing business.-­Mhe Misses J01111W S. V. G., Fred Cardno; warden, Wm. ed according to law. ED. JAIMAX, Seaforth. 1643xl- I have seen twenty thusand people gath- accompanied by his -cousin, Miss - Selini Staffa. onto, Sunday scho0l'-workero and children sthn,of Wfnjiham, are visiting their AT REST. —Early on �4e morning of -the were all pleased with what� they heard and - brothe4 8clater ; conductor., A. D. Sutherland. BioycrFs I BicycLEs ! BicyuL-Es ! A few ered on the banks of the Clyde to witness a ly, hav eturned home, after. spendinj Mr. Ogle Johnston.—Miss Brand, of -for-, I We Ue rt Je' ast o r another The 'collection,. which amounted to After the installation an adjournment was, good second hand ones left at a bargain, for cash or swimming match, and as many to see a boat the week the guests of Miss �Mau .27th of June, just as the dawn of saw. est,who has been spending the past tw M or L, —Mr. Peter in exchange for wood. S. MuLLzrr & Cc ,Seaforth. race. I have been among a surging crowd The Maples." Robert 11 be;:devoted to missionsi made to. made to Stewart?s restaurant, where the Sabbath morn was breaking, Mrs. $11, wi -1 )n, at 'Norris fell asleep in, Jesus. Mrs. Norris Klopp, of Buffalo, has been here with his yl e p is, ii 1543 "he, were ars in Philad I h* il the guest of lira. of between twenty and thirty thousand in hem for the 22ad.—Mr. Leatherland, of 410.00 brethren refreshed themselves with deli A, McDonell.—Mias Lind of Wi hanit" had r- FIRE.—Owing to the shop whichI my native -ity, on GlasgowlS, green to see Seafbrth, took charge of the service in Prov. had been an invalid ever since the do ath of wifq on a visit. Mr. Klopp is in the insu cious ice-cream and cooling beverages. spent the past week the guest of rented in London being bidly dan3pged by fire a few her husband, some fls,e years ago, and ance business in Buffal�. It was quite 6, formerly of Tackersmith.—Mr.- Ed,7WZJ_, days ago, I will not be leaving Sestorth for a few and. bear the great Daniel 0 Connell, and idence church here last Sunday, for the &I- OuR"Boys iN Cmar. — The' volunteers weeks yet, but in the mean time I will continue t) again to. hear the great chartists leaders, Rev. Mr. Tiffan, who wai delayed in get- though helpless and suker'�ng she wag -never treat for him to see his old, acquaintances Sborb and his sister, Mrs. 116nry 'Welob, Bicy-cle 81mits J laughter all lines in China and Glassware. Gro- Fergus O'Connor and Smith O'Brian. I al- ting here.—Will Robinson, formerly teacher hear to complain. Rheumatism was the Once more. —Mr. Peter 1amont has put up ver who left here last week for camp in Lon- " were in Hepworth lately, attending- th#v cer'es at cost and under. W.,tt. 8-ADLE11t, Opera e , of her trouble, and the continued a wind mill, on his farm.—Mr. Valentine . . . . . a _y don have h d t i ry time of -it, owing to so witnessed the greatest -procession Glas. here, has returned home from Ottawa Nor. Oau8 funeral of their sister, Mrs. James Parker.— ad@, jLt. a a rying Block Grocery. Seaforth. 1543-1 -M er saw during the reform bill agita- mal Soho cold wet weather of the past and. wife, from Windsor have been here via - the extreme heat, but we are pleased to gow evi ol, looking well, as usual. $ Mr.� G. Lacey, of London, is visiting at Mr. XoTiom — After Saturday, July 24tb, iting - their son, the pastor- of� the Catholic learn that they have stood the ordeal Well, tion, *hen nearly'all the t rades and profes- too much for the already weak fram;, and I C01,19MAN's Foundry, Sesforth, will be shut dowc although -the beat meiical church. They left for hbme"p few days G� Ingram's.—Mr. Gould, of Detroit, Mi and they have, no doubt, endured the fieat for the summer months. To,eceive attention, all 81011.9 -in Scotland were represented, with kill prescribed of the itmosphere as bravely as they would machine repair work will' iiquire -to be in before about a hundred bands of music and flags Walton. for her and loving hands�'admini8tered to ago.—Mr. �olomon Schluchter and wife been spending the past week or so- with hit-, that date. 'Now goods will OUR NEW PASTOR.—Rer. A. C. Tuffin, her wants, she gradually were here I visiting his father, Mr. Ji G up, Cie, Mr. Joseph Gould.—Mr. G. Alliston. For those Wh be on s-ile as usual. and emblems of -their calling, 'When the the fire of the enemy. On Sunday -evening, Ratate of r. T. COLEMAN, Seaforth. 1543-1 ch grew weaker, and hem the new pastor of - the Methodist -.bur rning last the Great Physi. Schluchter. Their home is Pigeon ichi. and sister, Miss Alliston, who were ing, look for instance, the thermometer registered 92 papers said there were forty thousand pe,' here, with his bride,-arrivefd gan.—Mr. Louis oster and Mi'as. Kate recently, the guests of Mrs. T. Murdock, thari -t b degrbes, at 7 o'clock. The London Adver- ple marebed in procession. On the present in our midst cian bid the sufferings cease, And carried have returzied to London. —Mr. JoaBrown Tows SAYINOS.—MR. BDITOR.—Tbe late occasion, 83aforth presented an appearance members her in His bosom to the fold where pain and , *, - on Wednesdai of last week. The- Eisenhofer, both of the Babylon line, last our new photographer, who recent IS Uits -at i tiser of Monday says The Thirty-third ilee celebration, as you know, brought a &a attraefive as any town ip Canada. The ofthe congregation gave them a warm and sickness is unknown. The funeral on Mon- Tuesday j oiued hands in holy matriony. were pat through field manoeuvers this Inb hearty welcome. They -met at the We out Mr. G. A. Ellis, is arson- 91V ed large number of strangers into our town, arch' m? day, at 2:30 p.bj., was the largest e wish them a happy life together —The giving good eadafka. will 0 morning, and one of the sergeants describ es on Main street, ereeVed �y the vari age, and after making thii ortable ver wit k6— c who has been engaged and very complim6ntaxy Teferences were igs as co brick worki of Mr. F. Seigner's the-m6las falling over like a lot of pins in a ous orders and benevoleat societies, were, as possible, they organiz nessed in or around Staffa, and the weariedr houseis is ome open Mir, Wilidit in ver, ummer vacation. —Messrs. y 0 s laid to rest beneath the daisies in 'their fla.x this week. the s bowling alley. Nothing serious, -- howme made by them regarding the decorations,, ver fine. The Free Masons. even had a ed a social, and a form w, nearly completed.—The Zurich Flax Com- asi milliner in. Parkhill, i h both public and private, also the fine pro- very pleasant social time was spent, fford- any finished 1h The the old Cromarty Presbyierian 'cemetery. -p resulted, as th6 men in the Huron battalion live at in a cage on the centre of their- Ing Mr. and Uri. Tuffia.an excellent oppor- T ey White shipped a car load of h9go from thi& cession, and the excellent programme in arch, which seemed to enjoy its , elevated We extend our deepest - s�mpat4y to the had a long run this year. -possess: a physique capable of great very hew endur- t on this week.- Mrs. John Petty, or... ance." So they do. ' Haronites are always general of the day's proceedings. There position, and contentedly chewed the tunity of becoming acquainted with the bereaved family, and when feeling gad,and e blot, however, to mar the otherwise N members of their congregation. Jae sunshade was in Londo, last week, on a visit.—Mr. up 0 the mark in everything and on all was on cud." Hoping 'that Her Most Gracious 'lonely may they be cheered -by the thought neall. JohnShepherd recently made a shipmentoE: 100, De neral. approval of the town's appearance, Majesty, who has'seen and received so min A BiG Dly's WORK,—On Sabbath last, that mother is at rest. G. J. SUTHERLAND ha occasions. ge `h hese people did not fail to notice, y Rev. T. Wi Cosens, of Fordwich, left Trow- s.arnong other flue ne cattle from this station.-�-Mrs. O'Neil. whic, t tokens- of her people's love and esteem, may Houses for sale, one at a great bargain, co�tainlng 2'rpq, and one which I frequently heard during be long spared in the enjoyment of health, bridge,' drove to Brussels, and preached Rest ! rest 1 How' beautiful the word sounds, two acres of land, wlth all kinda of fruit, and neat of, London, has been visiting the Misseo- DommioN DAY.—Thursday of last week, there in the -forenoon. He drove to Walton Rest from toil, from pain, from sadness and Weeping, stable. HOdgins.—The many friends f Mr. the day as I passed to and fro among the Applyst the Post Office. MI and, in the language of the east, Live for- Rest for the exi!e, i For harmd Dominion Day, was an exceedingly quiet in the afternoon, arriving at the chur Mrs. Georg6 Brown will iegret -to team of: and that was this, that the town authorities ever." I remain, EDNVRD CASH. ch Blissful rest. A CASH PRODUCE STORE. —Having open- Shirtsw4 ed a cash produce store In Hensall, the uuderidgne& n Mervino, day here. We had celebration enough on seemed to lavish all their available energy while the services were in progress. At the - . I the very serious illness of heir so Jubilee day and people were apparently invitation of the pastor and much to the. Beautiful toiler. thy work is done, will pay highest prices for all kinds of country pro. and will[ hope for his 8peedy reeovery.—Mi.w. to fill th. on the Main street, to the utter neglect of duce. Farmers bring your E er parition- Beautiful soul unto flqry gone ; Cherries, glad of a da� of rest. - During the day the their sid and back streets. Judging by . LOCAL Lt, lion gratification of manyof his fort _ggs. Butter, BRiEFs.—Mr. W. J. Ellie H,, Cook is visiting relatives in Detrqit.� I ight t an Beautiful life, w th Ike crown now won, eta., to the Hensall cash produce store, d receive streets were Almost dos6rted. A large num* the apperance of the aforesaid streets, one of Mr. William Elliott, of this town, has era here, he took charge of the balance of AD. James Delgay, principal of the Ven - God giveth thee rest. highest cash prices. A few doors east of McArthur t1me g -o -O. enjoy theervce, and delivered a most able ser- & Co'd-bAnk. D. A. CANTFLON. ber went to Goderich and Bayfield to passed a most successful examination at the tralia publi was in -the -villa would imagine that the town council were Rest from all narrows and pains and fears, week, visiting his sister, Mrl spintion the lake breezes, and others sat on their Ontario A ricultural College.—Mr. 0. B. men. He then drove back te Brussels, con. i4arnes 9 going to compete extensively this year with Rest f rom all possible sighi LOCAL BRiEFS.—Quits a number of. our . ke. ng and tears, --�Mrs. Nesbit, nee Miss Clara, Warrini own lawns and tried to ke?p cool. About the regular exporters of bay, as they seem Leslie and Viis Trudel,' of London, were ducted the evening service. there and re- Rest through God's andless, wonderful YeSTS, villagers and thers from the adjoinin 9 the only Atir in the turn been spending the past week -at, -h 99 At t morning was at the �he guests of Mrs. Harry Jeffr6y on Domin- ed to Trovibr oun k adv of the cheap rail' home at Mr. Richard Warring's, of t to be letting all the available gram grow so idge. - When we consider At home, sweet feet. c , try too er o1& bawlin wherablitchell Clinton and as to have a sufficient -amount on hand to Ion doy.—The students who were writing the very trying weather of Sunday last, we excursion to on Saturdiv I his 9 green, =b i , wa ork, Sea -forth were playing. In i1he a,fternoon compete successfully in the - markets of the at the examinations ihis week had a hot may looklupon this as a w Blyth. aul report having had a very pleasautT tr "t lage.—Mr. Win. J. Mitchell, rincipal of C day's -C the married and single men had baseball worfd. If this is their object, then the time of. it.—The trustees of the public which on y a mail ivho g both jhysi- IAPPENINGS Of —Pic -nice are now the,order of -the.d 'P, the McKellar public whol, Parry Bound, I& =rMiss Susie Newcombe ML ratepayers won't grumble, as by this means cally and mentally could do. here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.Wm. match on the recreation grounds, which at school have decided to replace the old, de Detroit, is visiting her mother in town.— —The weathef on Saturday and Sa% tracted quite 'a. crowd. The game was a lapitsted eicket fence in front of the school Mitchell. They had a receptioulawapsrty th will be enabled to reduce our taxes a -Miss Bella Magill, of Detroit, - is at present bath last was extremely hot, so much 90 `e grounds, y a new gas pipe fence, The "Ol for him on Tuesday eveningi when a ver SUMMer od one, bat the bachelors were jst a tride from the receipts of the sales. -But be d9 Kippen.. visiting friends in town.—Mr. George Gib-. that on Sabbath the attendance at the little too smart for the family men and won work will ue during the holidays.— pleasant. timel -was spent by a numbar.X what do they intend - to do with the large NoTEs.—Rov. S. Acheson, who h" b�en son left for Goderich 6n Saturday, and from, churches, -paritcularly in the evening, was 10veras and from them by three runs. The lacrosse The Jubilee arches have all been removea it30__'111rr Fairbairn, who has been are growing so art of the provium. very a baf to a8eist in a crop of Canada thistles that attending the assembly at Winnipeg, and thence to the eastern p' small.1—Mrs. Clegg, of Kippen,, 0 boys went to Wroxeter cele- luxuriously on our Ftreets in every diree- glad to learn a B 0 years, is ho'me4 from Main at-reet.—We are also visiting with hiR two brothers and son —Miss Ross, of Glenzoe, formerly a teacher accompanied be her sister, ar r ek, of a number' of and $1. prese prin. bration there and succeeded in defeating tion? They can't make them into hay, and that Mr. George Fizgerald is so far ut on a visit.—Mr. W. McKayj recv" in. the west, returned home on Saturday in town, arrived hotne on Tuesday evening. London, and niece, Miss Brock, were in the the Walkerton team, their opponent -s' by as they seem to make no effort to rid us of ered from his recent injuries that he i cipil of our public behocl, is spending, is DOW 'last.—Mk. and Mrs. R. B. McLean last --Miss Maud Rigsby, of London, is enjoy's village on Tuesday evening a ftminer Ties three goals to none. pending a few the* peat, we must be forced -to the conclus- able to drive out and attend to business.— week visited with Mr. amd Mrs. John Coop. ing her holidays in town at present.-�_Tfie ours with friends.—We are pleased to of his va . cation wit relati es in Detroit. ion that they hare a grand scheme in view The Misses and Mr. John MoGavin, of Sea, er, of Howick.—Haying is now in full Presbyterian church intend holdhig a straw. learn that Alias Jessie Elder, who has been R ta or R forth, spent Saturday and -Sunday last with A CANUDIA-N ImPREssmss.—A former whereby they will be enabled to utilize this and heavy crops are being cut. —Fall berry festival in the near future.—Migo so severely ill dturiiig the past week or so, is Brussels. friends in Blake.—Mr. William Wallace, of somewhat betWr, and we 'hope for her NOTES.L-Council -met on' Monday ev hitherto unmarketable product and thus awing'never looked better, . and by present okit. resident of this county, who was in London, wheat Curr Acton�, is a visitor 4 the residente ud, during the Jubilee celebration, in again add a little more to the reve aturday and Sunday last d William Elder, and and passed a number Egl, Howick, spent S Of Ohn Wilford.—Mrs. 0.' Harris &Oil speedy recovery.—Mrs. nue of appearances the yield will be good-. —Mr. R. of accounts, an a letter. to a friend bere, says saw M r. the own. We hope their combined wisdom wit). friends in Tuckersmith.—Miss M. D. MoMordie, who has been absent from home children, of Detroib, are visiting her fathe�, daughter,� Miss Helen, (if this 131ack We village, left cided to repair the sAwer on Muin street 40M. ani wor- Mr. George Iting, at pre here on Monday on the excur8i .-Laurier, or rather, The Ri ht Honorable will enable them, to deiise something Mitchell, of Toronto, is a guest at the robi. for six weidics, returned home , on Saturday sent.—Rev.- Mr. ontoMani- th&tit would do this season, �ud at the $ir Wilfred Laurier, G. CITT G. He is thy of this jubilee year, and if they succeed last, feeling improved in herilth.—ldra Cos. Millyard, of Clinton, occu&di the pulpit of deuce of Mrs. (Dr.) Sloan this week.—The tabo where they intend spending the sum. municipal election would subtlift a by law- ndoubtedl friends of' Mr. James Clark will be a- great man. -a You should in these two particulars they will' earn the many ford, of Glenallen, was in the, village for a the Methodist church on Sunday last.— r. mer months with their many friends.—Mrs. for the approvil of the electors for 9, systow Linen Duster leased tw team that he is recovering from I have seen tKa reception he t in. the great everlasting gratitude of a numerous body of few days visiting with -her'brother, Mr. R. Alex. McKellar And,wift left last week o � a Dougall also - intends visiting her son and -of sewerage and mnolithie sidewalks by Aud He gim Lecent severi illnes. —There is to be a frontage tax,,to w lomsoever petiti6ned'for- procession. had onlyren a. week in r ttepayers. Yours, CITTZEN. Mellis.—Hot weather appears to have set three months' trip. to the Northwest. —M . friends out in� the West. —On d him and, grand bowling tournament on the Seat6rth Monday even - England, yet everyone reep ize in in good shape, JudTingb the excessive- Sherlock, of Winniper, is spending x few ng last the 1�w,n of, Mr. R. Uoad, adjoini them. They also decided to call on the y 4 'at her parents residence.—Mr.Andrew worth's hall, presinted quite a nice an 9 EGATONDVILLE NOTES.—Miss McNaughton Cox al Ronald en ine works to put in an automatic - next to the Queen herse - If TLord Roberts, bowling green on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd at of the pastfew ays.—Mrs.-Jam. Miller, days he was the most warmly received. was of this month, when it is expected �that all !1e as McNally arrived home on Tuesday evening, animated appearance, the occasion being a 'fire alarm on the of this . village, is acting as agenf for Mrs. to a hustler. in ihe selling of boo town bell for fi-re pnipol"i ko, h I - 1 WEHAVE very proud of him he was so distingiiished Ross' new book, t the leading clubs -of -Western Ontario will accom -in-law, Mrs. he memoirs of her hus disposed of a number of the new books not panied by his two sisters social or recepti6n party to welcome Mr. and to comply with the request of the Fim- -Mr. Cheswright and fam- out on the life of the late Mr. Ross. —Mr. and tion.—Farmerobave band,the late Rev. John Rose, of Brucefield. ily and the iisses Punchard have taken Mrs. Pride and her two daughters, of De., eni looking, and responded to thecheers with a be represented Carter * Mrs. Horney, of McGillivray.— McKebree, (Rev. Mr. Kerr's assistant for the Underwritees Associa, courtly a manner. I hDve seen the Queen ining year.) The evening being fine, the commenced their baying.—.A garden —The -activity of the human kin has been up R. Mellis is visiting among friends at Glen. their summer quarters on- the banks of MONRY three times, all the Princesses and Princes, enormous during the past week o allen. -Mr. John MoNevin has had a new roiti are A the. residence of Mr.' attendance was good and with abundance of was held at Melville church manse on Tuoo-�' r so and no Lake Huron, n' ;eor and most of the great Britons you read ear BaTfield. The are the �e ly miller -added to his home, i n- the wa of H. Gidley was� in refreshments,�stirring �iusic, produced by day evening, for the purpose of spendi stimulant has beenneeded either. The most first to occupy the White City in season. _y ,nton about. Most of them are ver decent, th y expert celestial laundry man could notkeep a —Ig a young son.—A number of the oungolks our harmonica band and others, a very en. social time amo the members of ut_ respectAble looking bodies, and some of r. William Henderson ay. is engineer of the joyable� time was collar in shape many minutes.—No, Alir. of St. Andrew's Sabbath Behoor k H. Wreen was in town this, a _picnic ed spent by one and all.— church.—AV. street sprinkler -this season, and the streets at Bayfield on Tuesday,.­�A number of the Arran ements are now being made for the week anginji to 0 On With the eroodow know. Ihavenow seen the Priucess.of In '_ annua Sabbath school of th Tr Methodist young people took in thd picnic -nie of Carmel ctric ht tuilding. them, I should think, would be very nice to Tuckeramith scribbler, we were not pro t better watere& than they are Bruceffeld. f eaele GREIG Wales four times and am more in love . with ed by jealo in our remarks on the jubilee under his mitnagenient.—Min Livens, who NoT GOING To LEAVE.—We mentioned Prebyterian church w her eacli time. Indeed, the Walses, from Parade. ;ye are not made that way and has been teaching school at Centralia at Chiselburst t e same day. The day be. last week that Mr. R. Graham had disposed the course of i hier'will be held in DEATHS.—On %ednesday, at noon, . Man - can always rejoice 'in an honest triumph has Ing beautiful, a pleasant time was spent by a couple of weeks. or less, the den Smith, of Grey, near this village Possi of the lease and equipments of his hotel',and exact date n Mr. Wales down to baby York, seem to be returned home to �pend the holidays.—Mr. all. —The Foresters excursion- to Sarnia was o, Yet being decided upon. bo the great be ond, death bein 09 no ma 9 bjr tter who the -;victor. By thus allud- Alexander and miss Annie Habkirk, of a very nice, agr,2cqbIe family, very mucb well patronized from this vicinity. intended removing to Hens&]!. Mr. Graham Goderich, however, has Wen decided u peritonitis. Me had been sic pon k for a oon%16-- inj -he the same, in fact, a4 other nice peo'p e. g to your notes of last week please do not Bentick, Grey county, were visiting their now writes us an follows *. "The gentleman' as the place and the committee are now of weeks, and in his 57th year. was understand us as ting a paper con- friends here, Mr. and Mrs. George Habkirk, from Listowel who purchased my business making arrangemen - or romp born �t Weston, OaMA- p to " f cheap railway Smith was troveray, as we never deem it wise to reply of McKil19, near Seaforth, last week. Mr. here, has backed out, so you can tell the ratts.—Miss Mary Murray, of Clinton, for- -cAme here in the oarly days and settled in was quiet, the night was quite exciting. osed people and the travelling public, that they merly of Hensall, was in the village orris A NxGuT op FiREs.—If Dominion day to a writer who indulges in personalities.— Habkirk is greatly�;Adelighted with what DEATH OF MRS. JoHNSToN. 'There ?a this M on the River Maitland with W Mr. Harry Town has been busy several days he saw of this. counti, and was partioularl -away at the residence of her a 0&and twelve o'clock, and just in decorating our church with new window afew day *ate, hhoWv at - Between elev y on, in this will find me in the future as in the past, at week, 'spending 5 withL her m mother, brother and two al , ro. M, , Etta Balloi ne. returned any afterthearr! alof theLlatetrain from pleased with one very excellent roads. —Mr. township, on Friday last, Mm. Irwin John. the same old stand, catering to th§'ir f 1 ads. terwards he went into the saw -mill busin"1V y this God- glasq. Nineteen years ago he first filled the and Mrs. R. Hicks, � of Egrhoadville, spent ston, relict, of the late Irwin Johnston. wants k from visi intlbbsi pic.nic of erich, some persons, evidently intent on same sash ; a much easier job then than the Dominion day at Centralia *t* friends near Egmond.- in Brussels, when- he accumulated consider - They attende Mrs. Johnstop's maiden name was Sarah A. X r. Plowis has been confined to v lo.—The annual W vi able wealth hipping ash and cherry lumber - sol T" arousing some, excitement, set fire to the present one, no doubt.--A� several of our the Methodist festival, whore they met Lee She was born in. St. Johns, Now 'the house for some da, to injurion the Chiselhurst, Methodist ehur6h W" held to the United He ' d out the ten arch in front of Hawkxhaw's hotel. The are members of �he thirty third with many old friends. 'This was Mr. B;�nswiek, in 1836, and shortly after,"with received by f alling w9jil"a owingged putting- a on Tuesday last, in the woods on Mr. John and bought the John Sinclair farm, in Greyt 00 . -toung.men. remen were called out, and they a n ex attallon in camp at -London, we are pleas- Hicks' former home. His father -settled her parents, moved oWn$hip of tin guished the blaze. A little later the ed to notice much favorable comment from there -about thirty-five years ago, taking W the t Erin, loa� of -straw on the wagon. —Mr. R. G. Fitzgerald's rented farm, about half a mile where e resided ever since. Mr. Sinitu Ae6ldent county of PeoL'-She was married to Mi. Simpson has erected a very neat -fence north of the village, and attracted quite a was a good, cansistent Methodist, a up arch at the Royal hotel was touched up, the London papers on the -fine physique and a large farm, which, although bush at that Johnston in 1853; and settled in MoKillo alon'g the front of his property, which great.' number- of our villagers. There were a Liberal, a kind neighbor and an I nd but Constable Gillespie happened along and creditable drill of the men.—Mr. ard Mrs. time, is now one of the handsoniest home. on the 9th eoncei, y ;mproves t extinguished it without the aid of the 6 pion, when that part of tre .1 heappearance. Mr. Velsb, number of reverend -gentlemen present, who husband and father. He leaves a vi re- Rioksattended the stiawberry festival at steads in' that very fine and fertile section country was a dense wilderness. - She� howx of ensall, did the work.—We haye now gave short and, intereating while one son and three daughters mourn -bit asure o, 1, go -by lose. The funeral will be conducted undeV Again, about 3 in the morning, peo, Ceutrailia on the let of J61y# renewed old of the county. It is now -owned and- occu. ever, lived to see it one of the finest and a post office order department and ii stirring ausica, selections were rendered An men. addresses to CO PIOL were frighteDed out of bed by another acquaintances and had f -e(l'by Mr. Hicks' brother Frank.—Mr. most fertile sections of the province; and bank in I nueotion �with our -post office. the Kippen Methodist church choir. The the auspices of 'the Ancient Order of he I I alarm. This time it was a firi, - d as a listening to addases from Mr.: Y. Me Units& e one of the old time abn george Anderson is home from Windsor for she, with her husband, did their share in This -will be a great convenience in the. way 4i being finec there waa sigood attendance, kme which he was a member' as Lag conxequene usine Lean M. P. P. and H. Eilber Esq., Conser- the holidays.—Mrs. H. Jeffrey is visit converting the forest wilderness into 'fertile of receiving and, transmitting . money.- Mi. and a moat eagoyable time was spent by one e - candidate for Souih Huron in the friends in Shakespeare. Wor aL n' o- -The places was demolished. 'It was the old Me vativ Frid 4-30 p. nL—On the -same mbri Bride hotel,south of the railway track. t -ion —Mr. Leo Killo fields and gathering for themselves?and Marks always endeavors - to lease his and all.—Dr. . utton, of Forest, Was in the H at oldest daughter of the I&W y Iran: a eqnsid leasure `of village Tu6si his ditighter, Mrs. John Barker, and wife of Mr. Peter Bin- -re.gulalk. It nex elect Of course the were the beat who is teaching school on Cornwall Island their famil erable fortune. 11 Mr. friends ann 1, the has been vacant for some time, but in the of friends and both eschewed polities'entire. is spending his holidays at home.—The Jo and has the p aving'the SOO -on al hasten Xed in July, 1M, and ai few good will of the general pUblict—Mr. John McDow very, suddenly. Mrs. Sine I*, Lbut wait a few months and the contest B"ver lacrosse team played with Berlin on weeks previously,'they lost their son�' Dr. Thompson, principal of Noi Ilk Stani as rushing bus'iness was transact- 3 _V%,i6`sg-1Attie Kaiser re. clair, - died law ed there. Incendiarism, was undoubtedly will wax warm all along -the line. We co turned home if'�'olrn Clinton this Week.—Our was not feeling well, 'but nothing ser10111i early day C. A. n, Thursday.—Mr. Harold Cherry, of Chicago, G. L. Johnston, a fine romising young spendin5 his holidays at hi near the cause of the blaze. While this fire waa grOulab-t bur Tory friends on choosin im councillors are I with wise f6rethought, hav- Wasi� anticipated, and Mr. Sinclair had gone .0 ho a, P" wading a few days with friends in town. main. These afflieti"or; reell very heavily pen, an Miss Bell. at her home in Tackr, in X the three ire ground tanks they put in, to Brussels for some Medicine. On bin ire, in progress^ the arch at Hawkshaw's was r6ipectable a -candidate as Mt. Eilber, tusob —13M. GdorRe Forsythe and sister,' Min upon Mrs. Johnston, and she never fully re. smith.—The different Sabbat schei of 2ed up this week with good clean, water.— turn he found her dead, heart failure WAS X_- agin set on fire, but further than its being there the favorable contrast between the IAura, of Teeswater, are visiting friends in covered from the shook which they caused the village, together with th -b - nch ac dol. Miss Smith, of Bayfieli, was in the village the cause, e ra t M