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Wrapper Oompet tion.
MAT, 1897.
The following are the Winners in District
No. 1, Western. Ontario. e�sn`G• t•
Winners of Stearns Bicyc1eo
Mr. F. Dean, 1290 Queen Street West,
Mr. D. W. Clark, 61 Bellevue Avenue,
Winners of told Watches.
Mr. W. F. Hiner , 751•i Dundas Street,
Mr. Robert J. Gibb, Box 201, Galt.
Mrs. Dr. Elliott, Woodstock.
Mitis Dora Ir. Riggs, 40 Goyean Street,
Mise Nellie Burnip, 416. York Street,
' London.
Theabove' competition will be
continued each month of 1897.
LEVER BROS. Ltd., Toronto.
ARMS FOR BALE. =The undersigned has twenty
,U Choice Farms for sale in East Huron, the ban-
anner •Countyof the Province ; all sizes, and. prices to
suit. For full infeemation, write or call personally.
No trouble to show them. F. 8. soon, limeade
0. 139141
1 FARM FOR SALT ._-100 acres,,. n the township of
J .Grey, near Brussels. There is en it nearly 60
acres, of bush, about half black ash, the rest hard.
wood. A never•failing spring of water runs through
the lot. Will be sold at a big bargain. For partiou-
hes, apply to MRS. JANE WALKER, Box 219,
&oussls. 1470
OR SALE. -That valuable property situated on
J the east side of north Main street, Seaforth.
This property consists of faur lots, and a doe dwel-
ing house, containing s dining roon, parlor, 4 bed
rooms, kitchen and cellar. Thtere is also a fine
stable, carriage house, store house and wood shed.
The grounds are pleasant and well shaded ; also well
planted with froot trees, and sarell fruits, hard and
soft water. For terms apply on the premises. M.
ROBERTSON, Seaforth. - 1535 -ti
Ile Diseuaaea the Cities and Towns of This
Country From a Moral and Relligious
Standpoint --Conn *Al o Theles Who hold
Public Positions.
Washington. July 4. -This amnion of
Dr. Talmage discusses from a moral and
religious standpoint the welfare of all the
towns and cities of our country. His text
is Ezekiel xxyii, 8, "0 thou that art situ-
ate at the entry of the seal"
This is a part of an impassioned apo*
trophe to the city of Tyre. It was a
beautiful city -a majea-tie city. At the
east end of the Mediterranean it gat with
- one hand beckoning the inland trade and
with the other the commerce ,of foreign
nations. It swung a monstrous boons
across its harbor to shut out foreign
enemies and then swung hack that boom
to let in its friends. The air of the desert
was fragrant with the spices brought by
'caravans to her fairs, and all -seas were
cleft into foam by the keels of her laden
merchantmen. Her markets were rich
with horses and mules and camels from'-
Togarmah; with upholstery and ebony
and ivory from Dedan; with emeralds
and agate and coral from Syria; with
wine from Hellion; with finest needle-.
work from Ashur and Chilmad. Talk
about the splendid staterooms of your
Cunard and Inman and White Star dines
of international steamers -why, - the
benches of the stateroom,; in those Tyrlan
ships were all ivory; and instead of our
coarse canvas on the a mast of the ship-
ping, they had the finest linen, quilted
together and inwrought with embroider-
ies almost iniraculops for beauty. Its
'Columns overshadowed all nations. Dis-
tant empires felt its heartbeat. Majestic
city, "situate at the entry of the sea."
But where now is the gleans of her
towers, the roar .of her chariots the
masts of her shipping? Let the fisher-
men who dry their.' nets on the place
where she once stood, let the sea -that
rushes upon the barrenness where she
once challenged the admiration of .all
nations let the barbarians who • build
their -huts -oh the .place where her palaces
glittered, answer the question. Blotted
out -forever! She forgot God,and God for-
got her. And while our modern .cities
admire her glory let -than take warning
at her awful doom.
The First City.`
Cain was the founder of the first city,
and I suppose it took after him in
morals. It is a long while before a city
can get over the character of those who
founded it.- Were they criminal exiles,
the filth, and the prisons, and the de-
bauchery are the shadows of such found-
ers. New York will not for 200 or 300
years escape from the good influences
of its founders, the pious settlers whose
prayers went up from the very streets
where now banks discount, and brokers
shave, and companies declare dividends,
and smugglers swear custom house lies,
and above the roar of the drays and the
crack- of the auctioneers' mallets is heard
the ascription, "We worship thee, 0 thou
almighty dollar !" The church that once
stood on Wall street still -Throws its bless-
ing over all the scene of traffic and upon
the ships that fold their white .wings in
the harbor. Originally men gathered in
cities from necessity. It was to escape
the incendiary's torch or the assassin's
dagger. Only the very poor lived in the
country, those who had nothing that
could be stolen or vagabonds who want-
ed to be near their place of business, but
since civilization and religion have made
it safe for men to live almost anywhere
men congregate in cities because of the
opportunity for rapid gain. , Cities are not .
necessarily evils, as has sometimes been
argued. They have been the birthplsice
of civilization. In them popular liberty
has lifted up its voice. Witness Genoa
and Pisa and Venice. The entrance of
the representatives of the cities in.the
legislatures of Europe was the deathblow
to feudal kingdom. Cities are the pat-
ronizers of art and literature -architec-
ture pointing to its British museum in
London its Royal library in Paris, its
Vatican in Rome. Cities hold the world's
scepter. Africa was Carthage, Greece was
Athens, England is London, France is
Paris, Italy is Rome and the cities in
which God bas east our lot will yet de-
cide the destiny of the American people.
At-' this season of the •year I have
thought itfight bo useful to talk a
little while Mout the moral responsibility,
resting he office bearers in all
our eit"es, a;i theme as appropriate to
those s o .are governed as to the gov-
ernors. he moral character of those
who ruled city has lunch to do with the
character of tjae city itself. Men, women
and children area 1 interested in national
politics. When the great presidential.
election comes, every patriot wants to be
found at the ballot 'box. We are all in-
terested in the discussion of national
finance, national debt; and we read the
laws of congress, and we are wondering
who will sit next in the `presidential
chair. Now, -that inay be all very well -
is very well. But it is high time that we
tool: some of the attention which we
have been devoting to . national affairs
and -brought it to the study c,f municipal
government. This it semis tp me now is
the, chief point to be taken.' Make the
cities rightand the nation will, be right.
I have noticed that according to their
opportunities,, there has really been more
corruption in municipal governments in
this country than in the - state and na-
tional legislatures. Now, is there no
hope? With the mightiest agent -in our
hand, tale glorious gospel of Jesus Christ,.
shall not all our cities be reformed and
purified and redeemed? I believe the day
will comer I am in full sympathy with
those who are opposed to carrying polls
tics into religion, but our cities will
never be reforaned and purified until we
carry religion into politics. I look over
our cities and I see that all great inter-
ests aro to be affected in the future, as '
they have been affected in the past, by
they _cIiaracter-of those who in the differ-
entdepartments rule over us, and -I pro-
pose to classify soine of those interests.
Cohninercical Liliics.
In the first place, I remark commercial
ethics are always affected by the moral
or immoral character of those who have
municipal supremacy. Officials that
Wink at fraud and that have neither
censure nor arraignment for glittering
dishonesties always" weaken the pulse of
commercial honor. Every shop, every
store, every bazaar, every factory in the
cities feels the moral character of the
city hall. If in any city there be 'a dis-
honest mayoralty, or an unprincipled
common council, or a court susceptible
to bribes, in that city there will be un-
limited license for all kinds of trickery
and sin, while, on the other. hand, if
officials are faithful to their _ oaths of
office, if the laws are promptly executed,
if there is vigilance in regard to the out -
branchings of crime, there is the highest
protection for all bargain making.
A merchant may stand in his store and
say: "Now, I'll .have nothing to do with
city politics. I will not soil my hands
with the slush." Nevertheless the most
insignificant trial in the police court. will
affect_that merchant directly er indirect-
1ARM FOR SALE.: For sale, lot 6, concession 12,
township of Hibbert, containing 100 acres of
good land in a good state of cultivation_ Well.
fenced ; good brick house ; gocd bank barn and out
buildings ; 18 scree of fall wheat, and ploughing all
done ; 2 good wells and 2 never failing springs ; 85
aorea cleared;. possession at any time. For further
ppaetioulars, apply to PETER MELVILLE, Cromarty-
P. 0., Ontario. 15t5-tf
_ARM FOR SALE, 100 ACRES. -Being lot 18,
concession 7, township of Grey, one mt a west
of Ethel ; 5F from Brussels. Ninety-five acres
cleared ; free of stumpsand stones ; well nnder-
drained and fenced with straight fences ; good•bricic
house and good outbuildings ; :6 acres in fall wheat
and 50 acres seeded. down. Will be sold cheap and
on easy terms. A. McKELYEY, Brussels. "
FOR SALE. -k valuable fruit and grain farm,
on e:good road, within six miles of Clinton.
The Lot is. No: 67, Maitland- Concession, Goderieh
township, and contains 75 acres. It yields annually
from 80 to 100 barrels of winter'; apples, and is a good
grain farm, the land being a No. 1 clay loam. There
is a No. 1 frame house on the Lot, a good barn with
stone stabling underneath, audit is well watered in
every field. A large portion of the purchase money
may remain on mortgage. For terms, etc., apply to
THOMAS BURNS, Carlow P. 0., or to W. W. FAR -
RAN, Clinton. 1536-tf
FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, lot 36, concession
2, Kinloss, containing 100 acres, 85 cleared and
the balencein good hardwood bush. The land Is in
a good state of cultivation, is well underdrained and
well fenced.. There is a frame barn and log house on
the property, a never -failing spring with windmill,
also about 2 ac -es of orchard. It is an excellent
farm and is within one mile of Whitechurch station,
where there are stores, blacksmith shop and
churches. There is a school on the opposite lot. It,
Is six miles from Wingham and six from :Lucknow,
with good roads leading in alt directions. This de-
sirable property will be sold on reasonable terms.
For further portico's= apply to JAMES MITCHELL,
Varna P. 0. 1495.1504-tf
As the owner wishes to retire from business on
account of i11 health, the following valuable property
at Winthrop, 4i miles: north of Seaforth, on leading
road to Brussels, will be sold or rented as one farm
or in parts to suit purchaser • about 600 acres of
spleudid farming land, with about 400 under crop,
the balance idpasture. There are Large barns and
all other buildings necessary for the implements,
vehicle,, etc, 'Phis land is well, watered, has good
frame end brick dwelling houses, eto. There are
grist and saw mills and store which will be sold or
rented on advantageous terms. Also on 17th con-
cession, Grey township, 190 acres of land, 40 in
pasture, the balance in timber. Poseesaion given
after harvest of farm. lands ; mills at once. For par=
Maulers apply to ANDREW GOVENLOCK, Winthrop.
1486 -ti'
Teri tons at a very reasonable price,
in exchange for Oats or Peas.
Seaforth Oatmeal Mills.
1519-' -f
Our direct connections will save you
time and money for all points. .
Canadian. North West
Via Toronto or Chicago,
British Columbia and California
Our rates are the lowest. We have .them
to suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR-
IST CARS for- your accommodation. Call
for further information.
Grald Trunk Railway.
Trains• leave Seaforth and Clinton stations
follows :
Pasaengcr 12.47 r. it. 1,03 e. it.
Passenger..... - 10.12 P. M. 10.27 P. M.
Mixed Train. .. 9.20 A. 111. 10.15 A. M.
Mixed Train...... .. 6.16 P. M. 7.05 P. 61
Passenger.... .... . 7.65 A. 11i. 7.40 A.M.
Passenger.. 3.1t P..11. x.55 P. ti.
Mixed Train..... 6.20 P. M. 4.35 P. 1i.
Wellington, Grey and. Bruce.
Goo NORTH- Passenger. --iii x� ems`
Ethel 9.49 P. ire
Brussels...... , mot
Bluevale1.01 '
Gong Bou-ra- Passenger.
Wingham............., 6.50 a. at,
Biuevale ............ ' 7.00.
Brussels;............ 7.18
Ethel......_..... . 7.28
London, Huron and Bruce.
1.40 P M.
2 25
Mixed. •
8.55 A. at.
9 17
GOING NORTH- Paesenger.
London, depart... 8.16 A M. 4.45 r.Mt.
Centralia 9.18 6.57
Exeter.. _ .... 980 6.07
Londesboro . ..
Blyth.... - -....
Wingham arrive.....
Goiho Su UTH-
Winghem, depart....
Belgrave ..
Blyth ....
Londesboro. .........
Clinton .......,..
Br ucefi eid .`.. ...... .
Kippers . ...._
Hensali_. ....
Exe:,.r ....
Centralia.. . • .
Loudon, (arrive),... ....
9.44. 618
9.60 6.25
9.68 6.83
10.15 ; 8.55
10 33 7.14
10.41 7.23
10 56 7 87
11.10 8.09
6.53 4 M. 3.80 r.
7.04; 3,46
7.16 400
7.24 4.10
7.47 430
806 4.50
8.17', 4.59
8.24, 5.04
8.88 6.16
8.50 5.25
9.60 A. at. 6 30
ly. "Whff dylif oru'ei'lt 7ot3tee lisle 'fit! VII lie odet *Me dWnlie are- Mantic: 'it'hey
I must be vigilant 'while °there are som-
nolent, impereonating the very villainy
they want to seize. In the police forces
Of our great cities are to -day mon of as
thorough 'character as that of the old
detective of New York, addressed to
whom there • came letters from `London
asking for help ten years after he was
dead -letters addressed to "Jacob Hayes,
High 'Constable pof New York." Your
police need your appreciation, your sym-
pathy, your gratitude and, above' ail,
yolir prayers. Yea, I want you to go fur-
ther and pray every day for prison in-
spectors and jailkeepers, work awful and
=beneficent. Rough men,. cruel men, im-
patient :men, are not fit for those places.
They have under their care men who
were once as good as you, but they got
tripped up. Bad company or strong -drink.
or strange conjunction of circumstances
Sung thein headlong. Go down that pri-
son corridor and ask them how they got
in and about their families and what
their early prospects in •life were, and
you will find that they are very much
like yourself, except in this, that God
kept you while he did not "restrain them.
Just one false step made the difference
between them and you. They want more
.than prison bare, more than jail fare,
more than handcuffs and hopplers, more
than a vermin covered couch ° to reform
them. Pray God day by day that the
men who have these . unfortunates in
,charge may be merciful, Christianly
stragetio and the means of reformation
`and rescue.
Some years ago a pity pastor in New
York was. ea1ied to the city prison to at-
tend a funeral. A young woman ;had
committed -a crime and was incarcerated,
and her mother came to visit • her, and
died on the visit. The another, having
no home, was buried from her daughter's
prison cell. After the service was over
the imprisoned daughter came up to the
minister of Christ and said, "Wouldn't
you like to see my poor mother?" And
while they stood at the coffin the minis-
ter of Christ said to that imprisoned soul,
"Don't. you feel to -day, in the presence
of your mother's dead body, as if you
ought to make a vow before God that
you will do differently and live a better
life?" She stood for a few moments, and
then the tears rolled down her cheeks,
and she .pulled from her right hand the
wornout glove that she had put on in
honor of .° the obsequies, and, having
bared her right hand, she put it upon
the chill brow of her dead mother and
said: "By `the help of God, I swear I
will do differently! God help me!" And
she kept her vow. And years after, ,when
she Was told of the incident, she said:
"When that minister of the gospel said,
'God bless you and help you to keep the
vow that you have made,' I cried out,
and I said: 'You bless me! Do you bless
me? Why, that's the -first kind word I've
heard in ten years.' A nd it thrilled
through my soul, and it was the means
of my reformation, and ever since, by the
grace of God, I've tried to live a Chris-
tian life." Oh, yes, there are many
amid the criminal classes that may be
reformed. Pray for the men who have
these unfortunates in Charge, and who
knows but that when you' are leaking.
this werld you. may hear the voice of
Christ dropping•Ato your dying pillow,
saying, "I was sick and in prison and
you visited me." Yea, I take the sugges-
tion of the Apostle Paul and ask you to
pray for all who are . in authority, that
we may lead quiet and peaceful lives in
godliness and honesty.
God's Representatives.
What style of constable makes the arreetf+
What style of attorney . issues the pleat
What style of judge charges the jury?
What style of sheriff executes the sent-
ence? These are questions that strike
your counting rooms to the center. Yon
may not_•throw it off. In the city of New
York Christian merchants for a great
While said, "We'll have nothing to do
with the management of public affairs,"
and they allowed ,everything ro go at -
loose ends until there rolled up in that.
city a debt of nearly #1p0,00t,000. The
municipal government became a Mowing
and a byword in the whole earth, and
then the Christian merchants saw their
folly, and they went and took possession
of the ballot boxes. - I wish all commer-
cial men to understand that they. are not
independent of the moral character of
the men who rule over them, but must
be thoroughly, mightily affected by
So also of the educational interests of
a city. Do you know' that there Are In
this - country about 70.000 common
schools, and that there are over 8,000,000
pupils, and that the majority of those
sohools and the majority of those pupils
are in our cities? Now, this great multi-
tude of children will be affected by the
intelligence or ignorance. the virtue or
the vice of boards of education and.
boards of control. There are- cities where
educational affairs are settled in the low
caucus in the' abandoned parts of the
cities by men full of ignorance and rum.
It ought not to be so, but in many pities
it is so. I hear the tramp of coming gen-
erations.. What that great multitude of
youth shall be for this world and the
next will be affected very touch by the,
character of. your public schools. You
had better multiply the moral and religi-
ous influences about the common schools
rather than subtract frown them. Instead
of driving the Bible out, you had better
drive the Bible further in. May God de-
fend our glorious common school system
and send into rout and conf'ision all .its
sworn enemies.
City Officials.
I have also to say that the character of
officials in a city affects the domestic
circle. In a clty where grogshops have
their own way and gambling hells are
not Interfered with, and for fear of losing
political influence officials- close their
eyes to festering abominations -in all
those cities the home interests need to
make iinploration. The family circles.of
the city must inevitably be affected by
the moral charaoter or the unmoral char-
acter of {'lose who rule ever them.
I will go further and say that the re-
ligious interests of a city are thus affect-
ed. The aburch to -day has to contend
with evils that the civil law ought to
smite, and, while I would not have the
civil government in any wise relax its
energy in the arrest and punishment- of
crime, I would have a thousandfold more
energy put forth in the drying up of the
fountains of iniquity. The church of Clod
asks no. pecuniary, aid from political
power, but does ask that in addition to
gall the evils we must necessarily contend
against we shall not have to fight also
municipal negligence. Oh, that in all
our cities Christian people would rise up,
and that they would ° put their hand on
the helm before piratical demagogues
have swamped the, ship! Instead of giv-
ing so mixoh time to national politics,
give some of your attention to municipal
I demand that the Christian people
who have been standing aloof from pub-
lic affairs come back, and in . the might
of God try to save our cities If things
are or have been bad, it is because good
people have let thein be bad. That Chris-
tian man -who merely goes to the polls
and casts his vote does not do his duty.
It is not the ballot box that decides the
election; itis the political caucus, and if
at the primary meetings of the two polit-
ical parties milli and bad men are nom-
inated, then the ballot box has nothing
to do save to take its choice between two
thieves. In our churches, by - reformatory
Organization, in every way let us try to
tone up the moral - sentiment in these
cities. The rulers are those whom the
people choose, and depend upon it that in
all the _cities, as long as pure.hoarted
amen stand, aloof Irons politics because
they despise hot partisanship, just so
long in many of our cities will rum
make the nominations, and rims control
the ballot box, and ruin inaugurate the
I take a step further in this subject
and ask all those who believe in the
omnipotence of prayer, day by day and
every day, present your city officials be-
- fore God for a blessing. If you live in a
city presided over by a mayor, pray for
him. The chief magistrate of a city is in
a position of great responsibility. Many
of the kings and queens and emperors of.
other days had no such dominion. With
the scratch of a pen he may advance a
beneficent institution or balk a railway
confiscation. By appointments he may
bless or curse every hearthstone in the -
city. If in the Episcopal churches, by
the authority of the litany, and in our
non -episcopate churches we every Sabbath
pray foe the president of the United
States, why not, _then, be just as hearty
in our supplications for the chief fnagis-
trates of cities, for their guidance, for
their health, for their present and their
everlasting morality?
Nor angels can their joy oontaini
But kindle with new fire;
"The sinner lost is found," they sing.
And strike the sounding lyre.
. That Robber Aloalsol.
Edward Everett Hale preaches a mighty
temperance sermon in the close of an
article on the poet, Robert Burns. Re
The Common Council. .
But go further, and pray for your main-
mon council, if your city has a common
council. They hold in their hands a
power splendid for good or terrible for
evil. They have many temptations. In
many of the cities whole boards of com-
mon council men have gone down in the
maelstrom of political corruption. They
could not stand the power of the bribe.
`Corruption carne in and sat beside them,
and • sat behind them,, and sat before
them. They recklessly voted away the
hard earned moneys of the people. They
were bought out, body, mind and soul,
so that at the end of their term of office
they had not enough of moral remains
left to make a decent funeral. They went
into office with the huzza or the multi-
tude. They canoe oiit with the anathema
of all decent people. There AA not one
man out of a hundred that .an endure
the temptations of the common, council
men in our great cities. If a man in
that position have the courage of a -
Crotnwell, and the independence of an
Andrew Jackson, and the public spirited-
ness of a John Frederick Oberlin, and
the piety of an Edward Payson, ho will
- have no surplus to throw away. Pray for
' these men. Every man likes to be prayed
for. Do you know hoW Dr. Norman
McLeod became the Queen's chaplain? It
was by a warm hearted prayer in the
Sootoh kirk, in behalf of the royal family,
one Sabbath when the queen and her son
were present incognito.
The Police..
Yes, go further, nay friends, and pray
for your police. Their perils and tempta-
tions are best known to theifiselves. They
hold the order and' Peace sof your cities in
their grasp. But for their intervention
you would -not be safe for an hour. They
must faoe the storm. They must rush in
where it seems to them almost instant
death., They must put the hand of arrest
on the armed maniac and corner the
murderer. They must 'refuse large re-
wards for withdrawing complaints. They
must unravel intricate plots and trace
dark labyrinths of cringe and develop
susoicit ilito _certainties. The mast
says: --
"The English Government of that
time has been much ridiculed because,
for the noblest poet of the time, it could
find no -gift but the office of an excise-
man. But it should be remembered that,
at that tinge, at least,. no one supposed
that governments were formed to provide
for poets, or that provision for poets was
one of their duties, We live in a state of
high civilization, as we think; but even
with us, if you have a man like Haw-
thorne or Howells you have to make him
a consul; if you have a lady who writes
poetry you have to make her a post-
mistress. It is fair to the wretched min-
istry of the time to say that Burns him-
self asked for the office of exciseman, and
It is more than. probable that the selec-
tion of the office was made by himself.
"And he died in his thirty-seventh
year, so young! And we should have had
so many mare treasures from that warm
heart and ready pen, that sympathetic
friend of everybody who desired a friend,
"If he had been able to resist the
temptations of -liquor.
"Let it be remembered; then, that men
of his gif t, men who have this exquisite
fiber of brain and sympathy of heart are
the special prey of this special devil.
And let it be remembered that `taste
not, touch not, handle not' seem to have
been known, even by pure and temperate
men in Scotland, in their efforlrto sup-
press drunkenness. Such men, if they
.counseled poor Burns, only . counseled
`moderation.' '
"As, if there could be
playing with fire!
"It would seem that no man, woman
or child, not the father who loved him
nor the mother who . bore him, no one
probably but his poor wife, ever begged
Om or even asked him to give up whis-
key, wrizie and ell intoxicating liquor.
"What would the page of literature be
to -day had Robert Burns been taught in
his childhood of the dangers to which
poets are the nearest? What would it be
had the ready sale of a 'social glass' been
prohibited by law? What would it be had
he lived in a social order where gentle-
men bate and despise drunkenness- and
those who tempt men to drunkenness?
Where would it be had not all Scotland
combined to defeat his prayer when he
asked the good God"that he might not
be led into temptation?"
My word now is to all who may come
to hold any public position of trust in
any city: You are God's representatives.
God, the King and Ruler and Judge, sets
you in his place. Oh, be faithful in the.
discharge of all your duties, so that when
all our cities are in ashes, and the world
itself is a red scroll of flame, you may
be in the mercy and grace of . you
warded for your faithfulness. It was that
feeling which gave such eminent quali-
fications for office to Neal Dow, mayor
of Portland, and to Judge McLean of
Ohio, and to Benjamin F. Butler, at-
torney general of New Yot%k, and to
George Briggs, governor of Massachu-
setts, and to Theodore Frelinghuysen,
senator of the United States, and to Wil-
liam Wilberforce, member of the British
parliament. You may make the rewards
of eternity the emoluments of your one.
What care you for adverse political cri-
ticism if you have God. on ;your ' side?
The one, or the two, or the three, years
of Fyour public trust will pass away.,
and all -the years of your earthly service,
and then the tribunal will be lifted be-
fore which you and I must appear. -May
God make you so faithful noW that the
last scene shall be to you exhilaration
and rapture! I wish now to exhort all
good people, whether they are the gov-
ernors or the governed, to make one
grand effort for the salvation, the purifi-
cation, the redemption of our, American
attys. Do you • not know that there are
multitudes going, down to ruin, temporal
and eternal, dropping quicker than
words drop from my lips? Grogshops -
swallow them up. Gambling hells devour
then. Houses of shame are damning
them. Oh, let us toil and pray and
preach and vote until all these wrongs
are righted! What we do we must do
quickly: With our rulers, and on the
same platform, we must at last dome bee
fore the throne of God to answer for
what we have done for the bettering of
our great towns. Alas, if on that day it
be found that your hand luta been idle
and my pulpit has been silent! 0 ye who
are pure and honest and Christian, go
to work and • help to make the cities
pure and honest and Christian!
Lest it may have been thought that I
am addressing only what are; called the
better classes, my final word is to some
dissolute soul to whom 'these 'words maycome. Though you may be cvered with
all crimes, though you may be smitten
with all leprosies, though you may have
gone through the whale catalogue of in-
iquity and may not have been in church
fax 20 years, you may have your nature
_entirely reconstructed, and upon your
brow, hot with infamous practices and
beswoated with exhausting indulgences,
God will place the flashing coronet of a
Saviour's forgiveness. "Oh, no !" you
say. "If you knew who I an and where
I came from, you wouldn't say that to
me. I don't believe the gospel you are
preaohing speaks of my case." • Yes, it
does, my brother. And then, when you
tell me that, I think of what St. Teresa
said when reduced to utter 'destitution.
Having only two pieces of, 'money left,
she jingled the two pieces of money in
her hand ani said, "St. Teresa and two
pieces of money are nothing, but St,
Teresa and two pieces of money and God
are all things." And I tell you now that
while a sin and a sinner are nothing, a
sin and a sinner and an all forgiving and
all compassionate God are everything.
Who is that that I see coming? I know
his step. 1 know his rags. Who is it? A
prodigal. Come, people of God, let us go
out and meet him. Get the best robe you
can find in all the Wardrobe.. Let, the
apgel of God 1111 their chalices and drink
to iris eternal rescue. Come, people of
God, let us go out to 'meet him- The
prodigal is coining home. The dead is
alive again,- and the lost is found.
Pleased with the news;°.the saints below
j„ In songs their tongues employ;.
Beyond the skies the tidings go,
And heaven is filled with joy. _
moderation in
The Gentle Reader.
Has it ever occurred to you to reckon
how far your eyes_travel in reading? The
distance will not startle you, perhaps,
for a million letters in ordinary type
would measure hardly more than a anile
placed side by side, but the curious will
be interesed to know that a great reader
travels many hundreds of miles in a year
in reading, and that in a life time the
average reader wends his way through
thousands of miles of. print. The books
issued from the public library of a large.
town every day represent a thousand
miles of reading. The average novel, con-
sisting of 300 pages, contains a mile of
reacng-that is to say, the eyes travel
1,760 yards in reading the book through.
There are books, of course, which weary
the eyes to a much greater extent.. The
student who reads Macau?ey's "History
of England," for instance, wanders
through four and a half ' miles of type,
which however, means 'that his eyes
travel nine miles, as under the present
style of printing every line inust be cov-
ered twice. -
What a Carpet -Layer Says.
I remember distinctly the first tack I
ever swallowed. I was then learning oar -
pet laying. I was helping to put down
a fine blanket in a' big hotel. I bad my
mouth full of tacks, and ono slipped
down my throat, It was done almost be-
fore I knew it. It scared me to death. I
sprang to my feet, spit the .tacks out of
any mouth, and declared that I would
die because I had swallowed a tack.
The other workmen, all old hands,
with stomachs full of tacks, laughed at
me, and told me I'd get used to it.
Well, after swallowing that first tack, •I
was careful how I filled my mouth for a
:long time, but finally another and an-
other tack went down, until I became
accustomed to it, and now I don't care a
penny for swallowing a tack. I have been
laying carpets for years, and I fancy I
have got outside of three pound's of iron
since I began.
Clearing Sale of Dress Goods.
This is the month when we aim to clear -stocks, and yet it is the
month when the grds are of real value to the shopper. Prints
a.,nd printed goods are in demand, a large selection to choose from,
and prices aro clOwn. Bargains in Parasols, Gloves, Hosiery',
Blouses, Blouse Silks, Collars and Cuffs, and all lines suitable for
early Summer tra4 Gall in and inspect the, Golden Lion store.
J. L. SMITH Seaforth.
Indications on Her Face.
l‘f.Tinipson is cute. He's renovating his
house now, and it isn't costing him .
much of anything."
"How does he work it?"
. "He's made his wife believe that she's
au artist. So he just buys the paint, and
his wife puts it on herself." - •
"She looks as though she did." -
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The Fond Mother -Everybody says he
is such a pretty baby! • I'm sure the poet
was right when he said that "heaven lies
abeut us in our infancy."
The Uncle (unfeelingly) - But he
should have added, "So does everybody
else I"
A Caution to Boy Smokers.
A distinguished French physician has in-,
vtatigated the effects of smoking on thirty-
eight lads between the ages of nine and.
-fifteen who were addicted to the habit.,
Twenty-seven, presented distinct symptoms
of nicotine poisoning. In twenty-two there
were serious disorders of the circulation,
indigestion, dulness of intellect end a mark
ed appetite for strong drink. In three
there was a heart affection ; in eight decided
deterioration of the blood ; in twelve there
was frequent bleeding of the nesse ; ten had
disturbed sleep, and four had ulceration of
the Mouth.
Of all the nerve-tonics--
bromos, celeries or nervines
your doctor will tell you
that the Hypophosphites are
best understood. So thor-
oughly related is the nervous
system to disease that some
physicians prescribe' 1--II„ipo,-
phosphites alone in the
early stages of Consumt;tion.
Scott's Emulsion is Cod-liver
Oil, emulsified, with the
Hy pophosphites, happily
blended. The result of its
use is greater strength and
activity of the brain, the
spinal cord and the nerves.
Let us send you a book all about it. Sent free.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, One
the mid
tit -the fiat
one of Ike *bee
recovery will be
1$ 300 Pri
.1.1000 ple
.1.4500 wit
A general baniting business transacted. Drafts on all parts of the United SttAse
Great Britain and Europe bought and sold. Letters of credit issued, available in all pole L.
of Europe, China and Japan. Fermers' Sale Notes collected, and advinees made on Mt
at lowest rates.
Deposits of One Dollar- and upwards received, and interest allowed at highest eurraii•
Fates. Interest added to Principal twice. each year -at the end of June and. Deeming.
IN° notice of withdrawal iS required for the whole or any portion of a deposit: -
R S. HAYS, Solicitor. W. K. PEARCE, Agent.
is poor econom to 'buy cheap Tea, and use twice aiiM110
and not get half as much satisfaction as from a good. one.
SMITH,- Under
contained in ce
Auly registered
Mine a aide, the
suction, at the
.321., the folio
is -6th t
the 4th Ce
Township Of
or las. The far
in paresis to *di
miles from Seat"
in fair 'date of
acres of good ha
town and there
• treiss. The land
There are ere.c
good state of repo
of sale wit
isle. and may in
Dated stsestort
is a good one and sure to please.
25c, 40c, 50e and 60e,
111. Lead Packages,
For the next 90 days, we will sell all goods at Factory prices, Call an,
try us, you will save reight and packing.
Undeitaking #epartment.
Our Undertaking department is complete in every respect, and as
purChase from first-class manufacturers only, we can guarantee to give g
satisfaction in all its branches as we have an Undertaker and Embalmer
fifteen years' experience, and any orders we may be favored with shall receiv
the very best attention. Dan't forget the old. *tend.
P. S. Night attended to by calling at our -Funeral Director's re.
sidence, First Door lEast of Drs. Scott & McKay's Office ; or at Dr. Campbe
Old Office on Main Street Seaforth.
XIP months old
Boar months o
on Lot 7, Comm
to D CAN ate
108 FOR Si
aloe lumpier lir
-archaised from
and winner st
of returning if -ni
sj 8d with Mr.
aims 3, Hilbert,
keep tor *alio=
I bare also one 31
all Irani good
Brussels, aged(
keep fou
Deka FOE
j) keep for Ile
frotebased from
service with t
.1911N'W. Jun
1.1 keep for
pia, tile shoron
bull woo
• is Irmo Imlunt
Main Street, S.eaforth, Porter's Old St
scay. RIMER
slimed hes
Tarinall, with
A General Banking Busineini Transacted. -Farmers' Notes discounted, D
issued, payable at all points in Canada and the principal cities in
the United IStates, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, 4r,c,
Deposits of 81.00 and upwards received, and current rates of into
allowed. KrInterest added to the principal at the end of May and Nov
ber in eanh year.
Special attention. given to the collection of Commercial Paper and
nun's' Sales Notes.
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor; M. MORRIS, Manage,
We always k
of Tea nn hai
and get
l suit
pound packa
In the Crock
oew lines in
Which we al
We are snxii
AVO mk for yo
Ivo complet.
Newest American Designs -
Imported Under the new reduced tariff
Before pUrchasing what you require in this line; you ought
to see these goods. The Orices will surprise -you. Why pay
as much, or mere, for common paper? Call and see 'the
latest alt ft,