HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-06-18, Page 17 7 !W77' It_ SALE a of how We are Ith d 8 down below t4v V�eg er sold dress er, sold &-wh good gooda 9004 �10110y, and it will pay im THIRTIETH YEAR. if: tlLey� WHOLE NUMBER, 1,MO. MOLE .0 them up tiu SEAFORTH9"FRIDA�Y -18970 AN BROS., PubUshers. the J �NE 189 the matfi-Ir With $1 a. Year in Advance. Aot aase of a lot of A -TONft AMONG THE ROCKS. Ontario Commissioner at the World's Fair, which we exercise and form opivions� but in partook of the wine. from 0 a position he filled with a g rei the same cup, this legislation p renting the importation of it came unexpectedly as she was conversing tO get - fid of, but at deaf of order to know if our religious opini no are conference is of opinion that it is to be deep- nursery stock from the United States, ex- am y a ew nu redit to himself. He re gne his seat in- correct, we nuat submit them to the test of ly � depreciated that BRAOICBRIDCM, June 9, 1897. si with a member of the f il f nutes Ye not been in tha i eepting under the most Hgorous inspection before she passed away. Shehad nopar- c novation DEAR Exrosrron;—Perhi the JAgislature two years ago to accept the the word of God. should bq introduced any of our Math- ks,- selling for jiast abq�j spa some of y1ur registrarship of.Wentworth. Last into and at one 'or two popits oply.; They ticular pain and her only suffering was on summer readers would be interested with a descrip. A RFA F.R.. odiii churches, that to secure. uniformity further advise that "the importation'o fruit he last day of herexiatzrice,when sher in - when he web tri6velling in Europe for the of preeed0re on this important and olemn tio4 of this 001 growing town, in the contra of from States where the ochards a' I f rict. win t to benefit of his health, hi reikuown thisi rocky diet i a wife died. He lamied of vilrortnese f breath. She wow r Cans". part of 90 service this -conference strongly to be infested be also prohibited. left a widow about 152 years ago, without and ilards town - a for ree minends that every superintendent of a brief description leaves a fondly of it�o sons and one dough-* —Thenew Queen' Park, in Br t d 0 OR Fr ter. He was bxtremely popular family, and at her r!quest was I buried ita business. B1 Wi ge is situated fit the with both -11 be d on jubilee day. circuit see' that the scripture-madeand time- -a her late W1 0 political friendn and opponenti.15 nuron Notes,. basid husband, in St. Catharines confluenee of the j;orth and south branches —The c conai a honored usage of 6ur church be, observed."- 0--f, is. absolutely of the Muskoka - river, at the head of ring —Mr. Al. Floody has cemetery. .purchased Mrs. E. not 0 the idii'6f placing a prohibition tax cig- 'Was considered important Denton'b house, in Blyth ying $26i for it. -�­The residence of Mr. &muel Ames, of A W --D - The matter nor turn navigation, five miles from Lake Muskoka. Evangeli eno�gh to haver an hour not. &part for dis- its color cal Sabbath School arettes. to the lax It hasil. therefore, uninterrupted navigation The Gbderich Or' Ethel, was the scene of a pretty *ed4ing on —The Murray Canal in to be open ri cussion. gan Company made a ven oftery direct for the collection of- all clause of timber, the whole of Sundays throughout t a prng —On Thursday, Charles Piiiacoek's large� shipment of organs to ja last Wednesday eve of lastweek,whibn at Con tion. a Sooth. The 22nd son 11� ManufactureM and sion of the Sabbath school a. 'week. .7 oclock� Rev. niBg bark, at,,—, from the1akes of the Muskoka to James Walker, spoke the you711 not, get ah"hiZ 6vention of the West District, Canada ant season. new bahis it the old Brown- magic W ned Wise Pauline M.�, farm, on the ammond, of Blyth- re- Syne, W, 1koeburg, were tot ly d otroyed t at , while it has also the two rivers on Conference of the Evan m.sas it, is esti- —Master iJmee H -ords t"t joi t a week ge ,a civ0d a nisty kick in thC face from e colt the estimable daughter - of the - host -and hi logo can be driven to it rom all people have go -into �y 6 tents, includ- Ladiee ]!%,� on this side of the watershed of the Doll, Ontario, June 9th and l0bb this sprmg. ing variou implements. —The other night some- !persons a porous yl liere, is. ALTYL ey em was held in the new and spacious church at mated at least 3,0(* �1 bostess, and Alexander M-eAllisier, a prols- dya, which lical AsAocilLtion, A Winnipeg telegra Hermsdorf dy 0 Y walters the Dauphin district. the other day. DUNg former of Grey, " husband 25. any� Rev. A Kooh,, Th prope and wife, in the presence of 70 guests. The V good value at, e. OttAws river. esides having in �thous- 1897 -president, Eltraiford' —Rev. Dr. Georgeo of St. Louisi Mon& r no insurance on. the number of tomato plants ftom Mr. A� Bag- slads of acres of lake surface tributary to' tana, has been Mr. Peacoc� was absenb from 'home at 1t; a?pened the convention With Scripture read appointed I rincirl (if the garden in Exeter. stood under &large we - these waters, acting as an immense reservoir Congregational College, Montrea, . wntracting party GERTS. mg. and prayer, and appointed A. Y. Heist time, having gone to meet his bride at Mon- —the May make of cheese' at the Holmes- dirilbell compoj;ed of white lilacs anging waters of the wet season and Lodge Anciei t Or- treil. sy win ow which was a regular as secretary, who called to his alsoin'tance has been solct 'to Mr. 2allan- to store up the —The Ontario Grand ville factory int -e b d der United Workmen, will sever all co inee. -The M4yor of Montreal indignantly de- - i the Iske outlets being generally a narrow -E. H.-Beart. � Mr. John Wittw bower of flowers and :ferns. Mias Annie ro4 tyne, of Stratford. A gorge, p6rmits &'gradual flow, which er was elect- tion with the order in the United Stab is. nice the printed statement that there 18, keep up the sup ad vice president, and Mr. F. Kibler, —Twenty-four oheese'werp turned 6ut in McAllister played the wedding marcli. The ply far more regularily than a Dime Up.. Zur —The SmithvilleL Natural Gas ani oil likely to be trouble between the French he �Sil*er Cornep most rivers.- Bracebridge being- situated ieh,.as treasurer. J. . Schmidt end J. 0 Catholics and the Orangemen on Jubilee t�e di recently at t bride was attended by her sister, Mine Me- L. Eidt were appoi ted - C mpany have struck a strong flow of gas ay I .11 a lissa, with list neice, Miss Luella Ross, of re n as committee on at a depth of 265 feet. Day E r� n Greytownship. i, -k . regol ar very consideration has been shown I'D 4 Brussels, maid of honor. Robert MtAl­ inier . -UnAlerwer, from it may be a I We o -,It of the whe � the river descends from the upper question drawer. The treasurer's report —Miss Ferguson, teache at with every price_betwee�, L plateau, o near the lake level, there are —Rev. Dr. Jackson, latef Galt h the h?nglishJiipeakiug societies, and the par I been lister Bappo rted the groom. routine talk about our business as was satisfactory, and exhibited, a -sound - born% has resigned for 'the pur ose -Of :t. inducted into 'the pastorate of the East ads, whichwill include 20,000 Frenchmen, our Yalue ,,cry large water powers on -both rivers in financial standing. —The gentlemin -referred to in- the fol- $ ii these g dealers in clothing, to digress this ita vicinity. , That on the n The follo tending the Ottawe'Norma Seb -1. in this se4ioii. orth, which is Madison Avenue Church, Cleveland. promises to be the greatest affair of the kind 1grass know Wing ssions * A writer in a Idea i! We week, and devote a few words the ni�in branch, is in the centre of the were treated, followed by after discu �opics I p a, er a -of lowing paragraph is a son of the late Rev. two for 25c, is not equa114 —Eraetus Rogers, the American oasman everseeki, inlMontreal. t , I I The chief requirements Mr. Logie,'at one time stationed at Rodger- upon hat it ursdoy, while John Davey Was Paint- has fo be cat with a ero'so-eu�t a of the Sabbath h ge —Th in C4nton that is so: tal: near the price. It iff things worth noting in coil- town and hai a fall of 60 feet through a School." %e challeii of. Edward Dur. - as aoftpted vile: George Logie, B. A., B. D., Professor ,ahildren rock ravine, which permits of the ready han, Lof Toront(�, for a race for $1,000 a side. ing a house �t Windbor, the scaffold gave at Knox College, Toronto, was married to we are sho nectian with the jubilee celebra.- "Elements of an ideal Sabbath School —Mr. James McFarlarie,. .( 6f 'Stanle�' —Mr. William Hewlett, of away, and he, fell to the ground, a distance has constraction of permanent dams that would Session."' Pickeri sold a car load of thorou' hrlb'ed Shropshire Miss Magwood on Tuesday night of last .fine qualities, in AmerieZ, tion. In the firbt place, what are divide into 3 Octions, with'plenty of room . . dead, as the . result of -injuries oustain aof over thirt� of g 11 - parbici- ( , much'finer and bettej�'. It Reasons why the society should C( b feet. He struck on his head co t of Michigan'. we.celebrating and making such a along its banks for manufactures, which is i y to Dunham & Wo week, at !be bridles residence on Robert the ordinary makes. )1liding with a horse and cart while Ed nig -and rieck, a4d,was unconscious whion picked Is it the fact that our pate in the work of the Sabbath School." is ured d ado about only partly tilized at present. Within he teachers, sebolars-4nd friends of street,Toroxito. Mr. Win. Elder, a nephew The relation of the Public Sch his bicycle. up.' Hi wrist was fract an he re Of - Mr. o,racious Queen is a good woman, falls, one o er ceived severe injuries on' -the side of the four miles of The town there are 4our oth ool To . ach- �The Essex County Council has cut hhe the Sunday school at' No. �_.Lqction, Orey, cipal C Logie, was theest man, -Rev. Prin- er to the,Sabbath School." will hold a ju�ilee picnic on� Tuesday ri�xt. ' aven and Rev. W. G. Waillaceer- f ich a considerably ov6r 100 salaries of tho county treasure head. He v�las unconscious for three hours, f and has . been a wisti reiigning Our aiiii in Sabbath Sch om §1,100 to but the —Fred. Noble, who hap been einfiloytid in the -ceremony. Quite a number of a eek two extra a ue i r ;rr $ doct�r is of the opinion that he will Farran and Tisdale's baiik lih The o �Ifeet high. i 41V I - ool work." $1,450, and the county clerk om to or�ed barg%bw soverehm over the British Empiie There Are ol ge tanneri rtance and extended infl Cl, tog"; for invited guests were present. rtment that, arar worth ar ies running - all ence for ol�'r mu -'ho u- $600. recover. inn Rome time, has entered th( a'�ank Rar y� wedding trip th Old Montreal city hall and its contents —A very� Bad drowning accident took 41 the year rou of which has an output ligious Instruction." MT. Logie to take a on arch of Catechetical or Re- t t left on their to a for areat number of years? X e . ferchan .ou would save mioney i 0 - —The U011111try. is going M of siles'i of leather per week , the were seized by bailiffs to satisfy lacenear Gordon at Chatham.*. few people believe that this is t1le Discipline of the Sabbath School " Brantford, last wee�. —At Brussels, on Saturd a cla im of 5t i.nai I the post -graduate course at Edinburgh. Venis, of Moimt Vernon, and his sister he A 0 a f lbark per annum. Ther is are ations. fishing in Whiteman's � creek, near-, Apps' heart- of the celebration. -.This-) other, I beli ' eve, more, consuming 'over How our oung. convert may -be pre- $12,000 costs in connection with- appropri- were Listowel football team de ated, t —The Clint�n New Era says: Latest re- d. Shirts i,900 cords o served in gracei" layers by's score of 4 to I 1,,in the I '1� a ports of *the growing cropk in West Iftron made froin. view of the question 'is,what is also two -shingle mills and three large saw 'fit 0 �James Coed, one of the veterains'ef this e6ttou, pare lineu dam, when ihe little'fellow, slipped on the ur present duty in -Temperance . Re- rf are favorable, as the - cepeation of the ram d1la inside th crook. eague series. V)gether �to last, sizes coiinonly called loyal sentiment, -Ir a corporation. One of these form." country, end a former resident of Wood- clay and fell1into a deep hole in the 0 —While passing over ajlbihge the qtlier and a bright, though . not over warm sun, has a daily ouiput of 40,000 feet of lumber stock, died at Cuba, New York,,on Sunday He struggled t get out, but in vain, and day -a horke belongir ort Thor4son, has given every growingplant a fresh start. �uc each, or three -which -view, in our humble opm- At the children's mass meeting the follow- Oil has been struck in the village oi the frighten d sister raimed'the alarm, but -and "40,000 shG so, also two saah and door ing topics were spoken upon�: broke tfirou " h g.�uch Enquiries from residents of the different ion, is. the poorest and cheapest- factories, in '91 atchfactory, and machine 'shop Delaware at a depth of 105 feet. The well when help an ved the child had sunk to rise ?f% Goderich g 1i receivirill kind of service to render either 1. Decorum in God's House. no m i ore. t injuries as necessitated its! 4ing shot. :�l municipalities enables -us to'give the follow- 6mbrie Shirts, all sizes 91 yields from 50 to 60 barreloper day. for iron turnin' a large woollen mill,, etc. 2. Habits. I —Mr. J. R, Bone, of Wawanosh, alear ing statements: -Hay, generally heavy crop. The report of the Minister of Justice —A part f i ir men froiii England I Marnoch cessfutin passin ` his Fall wheat, slendid growth, and harring The first .and greatest principle of pa- and be utiful '7 and attracts the an for the yl�ar ending June, 1896, shows an d at y Ig 9,� with 6r without collars man or inonarch. The :ce'neryl around Bracebridge is varied 3. Dorcas' Good Works. arrive th IT(o=n House, Toronto, a d � has been sue Pital goods to wear, mmer 4. Puzzles. secon ear "Viarsity exatiii4 rust, bids fair to be one� of the heavie5b increase of 6i per cent, in the nun�l er of 90c and ql, up the lakes. It is estimated that Lisbon, Ontario, was chosen as Bone , was successful in cai4ing o Awo yields for years. Spring sown grait show few days ago_,; , ations. special triotism, lies in being loyal and the place and went west tfie following ff effort 1199 vigorous gr true to oneself ; individual in round numbers not fewer than 220,003 of the next� annual convention. The dis penitentiary convicts. morni boulid for the gold districts of beholarships at this examin "Ion. -owth on light and high lands, people spend the summer in tfiis district, tkict has 30 schools ; 20 schools were repre- —At th6mieliting of -the General Assembly Rainy River and British Columbia. They —Mr. Jelin Wilson, V. 8 , of Wing and though there was considerable fear of and faithful eitizenship are the consequently everything in the, shape o of -the Presbyterian cliurch held in Winni- Were sent out' -by English capitalists to re- has gone on a trip it being drowned on c f sented by 30 delegstes, while a 1hrge num- port upon. th " 1. Maniti)ba!15'.�th lay lands, -the fear has itors attended, filling the beauti- p of Ottawa, only -real qualifications of true fa a produce has a ready market right at ber of vir eg last week, Rev. Dr Moore the prospects of the cofintry. 'rou ,loyalty. Granted that the fore- the doors of the settlers. Bracebrid$e is ful church, which accomodates 500 people, was elected moderator. They were A.� F. ash4w, S. Frances,B. R. Northwest'ad Britia'h Cofu Abiai to extend been partly dispelled. ky the present clear —Private Stewart, of the 48tb Highland- Gatitlhrony, *.'M. Standish, J.R.Forie6due. over a period of about three �tnonths. weather. But few'potatoes, have been e,ns Bros well supplied with churches, there being a to overflowing. The district sustains 4 —The Winghhm co cil; �#ill pr oina be .true, the first question 50 an o4fbit planted,'and as these are early tones, mostly -Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist,- Roman officers and teachers and 2,500 scholars. era, Toronto, won the ba'yoriet competition All are practicalmen who have had- exl*ri- y H . -1. i scorchl b bi -yclists-oft� �the prime pal in light,sioils, they have suffered bt little. in the Military Tournment at Islington and ence in the Rend district of South, Africa that comes to us is, what can we Catholic, Plymouth Brethren, Salvation A. Y. HATST, Secretary.' and the Coolgo,rdle district of Australia. streets. n hey'will also impose a tax of;"1$25 Fruit till shows well, apple buds being JNTON. do to celebrate properly in..�.Sea_ Army, and Free Methodist. The public was%warded-the Empire Prize. on cigarette dealers. fairly plentiful and strong. P bloosorr�s_ schoql is a fine building contami . lit ti Sunda car —Mr.'Walter Wright, of Windsor, who ear ing eig —The application of the forth 2 Church Amu was conduct * g the case of his- —Mr. A,. Strome', of Fo�dlkich, is' the. Are abundant, ani as few lave been ihjured rodine, including the Model for this,.aistrict. sements. people for a scrutiny of the ballots cost in uncle, the possessor of a common-�red 4o�v that by ae.; either by insect or frost, a large quantityof Well,'have voii cut the grass in your There is a brick town hall; a good, fii nty treasta er of Essex, before the- county Caves,, of Loudonj re com- DEAR EDITOR;—It is hoped that it is the late contest has 'been dismissed by Judge 1011 I �ul tual test makes a little over t�iktecu pounds fruit should be gloLthered, - Plume,though not yard andin front of your place on p understood that objection is not made to McDougall, with coats. their siater, Airs. TAtta, an council, died iuddenly on Wednesday night of- butter er week. am 11kntif I as in 1-890, show up, fairly well, The town also own their water- 0 b�t only on the grounds of their con dy, Premi r of almuoleid'of bei 'iest anT ou 13, give an average, while,chrrien, the funeral.—Mr. Willia'1111. the etreet, or does it still stand a and electric light plant, the - whole the various amusements ind entertainments —Hon. Wilfrid Laurier, remier of an- of last week f apoplexy. His uncle was te costing 40,000. The light is a marrel f nectio� ada, and Hon. A. S. Har g short in his Accounts. Mr.. _Wm. Bailie,, of conce.Wou 2, 'A 9,&t nding the University-, waiting the knife of the mower a Wswandeb, President of -thel West Huron JLu appar. Curran ime, spending, the summ�� moln with the church, although it might be said' Ontario, were on Friday last, giv Wright unlerGo ' to -show t Farmers' Institute, has purebased from will also give an average. and strawberries cheapness. Sixteen candle power lamps for an tb de. gookeberiies ment of your indolence 9, in passing that some of -,them are grossly i of L.L-.D.by the Provincial Vnive sity. Snell Brothers, of Edmont a finw- Bork- his parents.—Mr. . Curnie�, - bhops and -dwellings, the firat five lights gree ent aeficieney i'amse from it defective system �t miniter of Hensall This is a small matter, but it is a costing only 26 cents per month each, —Owing to recent excensive rai of'book-keepiig, and so recover, the amount eir_ and foolish in their own character. Seeing that, ins new shire boar. these things have gone on in the churches so fungold growth hes developed on the heat Perth Notes. a been attending the Uni. help, and we should all do what graduallydeoreasing in price as numbers are that had been demanded from his uncle's —Gladys, the four ea -0141 daughter of itoi was in the village om- 000d of geaf8lrth used. Fifty candle power are used for street long with scarcely a challenge, it is r�ot to fields of the St. Thomas' distric'. The bondsman. a council refused to see i � ih �egcan for the, g a Rev. and Mrs. E. 7VI Hu�t, fori�ierly of —Mr. C. Preiss, all old and respected -winor old ar lighting and pow�r for bad- be wondered at if some feerin leat that light, an Mr. Wright was pressing Exeter, narrowly escaped seri . vistock, passed away on Fri- �qnaiataneaz�_,_ _i - ight candle clined to de- parasite is not the �ordinary rusti� of w! resident of Ta ve everything, an air of neat fe d them, if some of "them w he case when he dropped dead. a- of Mr. William - White- rooms., at half the Xiice of the previous 16 ere only modi- —Dr. D. Mitchell, of Blenheim, die I on t not instant death, in a runa�ay accideO,a't day,, 4th inst., at the age of 75. years. !�ased to learn that he is� candle fled a little. —A pleasant wedding ceremovy, before a power. In ependent of corporation unday of pneumonia after only a few lays' —A fatal ad I eident was narrowly aver4ed Owosso recently.. kt, better.—Mra. A. Mur- On tbt�- 22ad of 'June, Seiforli will lights there are at present 1,700 sixteen So far has the church stepped from her illness. The deceased was ore of the 'ead- at Cainsville., thxee. miles from Brantfotd, —Word has b uenday een received that Henry -large gatheringil took place on T candle power lights in use and give an all lawful calling, that from taking no hand or ing ractitioners of Blenheim, and w well Wednesday afternoon of Iast week Thfee Collina, of Deloraine,Manit* �a, and former-- in g. the past week vr maintain its past record as the P OA 0 orniug of last w6ek,in the Roman Catholic night service. The rate is believed to -be the d favororably known.'. men were am loyed at the erection of h ly of Hay township, had me6 with a most church', -M i,tchell, Rev. Father Downey W11. a,_—Mr. FGeorge ost progressive town in Western come the foremost in all things of this class. —The construction of- the Rainy. River building at t' E� :at Staff In part whatsoever in amuserfients, she bs be- an I ZA'ev� Mr. Walker, lately of lowest in Canada, and yet yields a substan- a rear of the new cheese &c- unfortanate accident. He who" kicked by a ciating. The bride was Miss Rate, daugh. Ii agent here, during ther Canada—a clean, eneretic, thriv- tial profit to- the town 4-fter paying -all All amusements, of whatever character, are Railway, which will be of great. ralue in tory. Suddenly the 'building took &-lurch ter of Mr. Michael Connelly, of Logan, an(! ng horse, breaking his leg in twp aces. charges and interest on debentures a the groom, Mr. Patrick McLachlan, a pros- ,oufif Harold at Winn in, ace, offering to the farmers nd secular, and therefore it is contended they 9peninEr up the rich miner�l territory of for ten feet tq'wards the river, bank, and —Among r d ab� the IP#9- - in 0 tb e vicinity . th "best market for ought to be confined to secular institutions, Northwestern Ontario, will be begun within r led the throe men in the debris. Hately London Methodist Conf6rehe were A.;;, C. perous farm�k of MeKillop. -very happy- eept took e -sinking fund. bu i [ence of Mr. william. M At present the business section* is com- and it is humbly presumed that people the next month. and his assist,int had a marvellous escape Tiffiii,'oon of Mi —James Oiozier, a well known reidentof 014- their produce, also being a good 0 1. . Tiffin, 4 estV o, Tuesday af 0 prised of the following : Seven general would enjoy them none the less, but all the —John J. Heal, a 13 -year-old Toronto with only a few scratches, but a man named Byron Snell a1w St. Marys, passed to the great beyond n fternoleft last.. nosh ; , brother, lali of Exet� i1e, �narriage of his eldest market to buy in. stores, four or five groceries, flour and feed, more, if they were kept in their own place. boy, has. been awarded the bronze medal of Hones was- pinned to the'�rpund by falling Mrs. C. 'Hoare E. CurTy, Tuesday of last week. Mr. Crozier was -i or your boy may need new suit two drug stores, three confectionery fit What beauty, comfort, happiness and use. the Royal Canadian Humate Society. fo' -Clinton, and ,Jemwe, to r. Joseph Gaza,. Yoi ores, r timbers, and hold there for twenty minutes formerly of Hensall. born on March 29th 1891 Lincolnshire f apparel shortly three fancy goods and stationery stores, and saving the life ofa youth named before he could be released. —West Wawanosh's ai England, ca nerprisiug mer- . fu I Iness there is in every bone, muscle bravery in 11rit a 'ears most ent or other article o two organ in its own place and in w pp_: ime to �oronto in 1828, living t� out , remeny Ra performed by watchmakers and jewelry, four or five orking order? Greenwood, who fell into the 61& PAImping At a meeting of the. agricultural Com- on assessor�b roll for '97 as *a . Amoun . Yonge street. I In 1,842 he came to i-rson, n the presence of &� you 1�11ay as well ('on it � on June butchers, two or thred bakers, three barber What misery, pain and -hindrance of even a station. mittee of the H�u'se 'of Commons last week' bf real property and inconie,: $1,112,7�05 ; Stratford, and lived on a farm in Downie, the r I 2 -2, n d. ill bone beig —Rev� Samuel Massey, died at Mont'real Mr. bilbert, poultry manager I f elatives. The brfflea� shops, three hardware stores, furniture a "' , g put out of place. at the Dom- -population, 2,094;, school Ichildren -of' all sold and went to Blanshard, returningagaan r storea; implement and sewing machine Ere we pass further, there inone thing in Friday morning.4� Mr. Massey was 79 Years inion, Experimental farm, showed that'with ages, 901 ; to Downio in 1848,� livin iouie, sister of the bride,. 0,14 prices for nieD's suits are possibly aereageof wheat !'�1411­ cattle, I on the 11thcon- 9 agencies, two harness stores, three millineryw connection with one class of entertainments of age, -and was � one of the beau known fifty ordinary barnyard fowls, since 3,682 sheep,. 1,772 ; iwine,'J 112 herpes, ces'sion until he isold his farm in 1874, and wha .supported by his not the lowest to be found. Prices which ought to be stigmatized. Reference clergymen of Canada. H 6 did a great deal April, h t -tailor 1896, lits ma -de' 6. profit of $93.93, or about $2 1 98. n Ca,,,e. The bride Was- stores, one gunsmith, four menchan I. camd to reside -in St. Mar a, -where he has y �d, and Wa.s given &way by- shops, three boot and shoe -makers, and is made to Ch istmas trees. There have of labor among the" con z Two of his sons head. "This' experim6nt was taken in as since JiLved. are not what weL interest you on ; - r p per �While 11r, -A. Robinson,:o Aaburn,w �r the h6ppy young couple we interest and sell you on:, value private bank. The town is well supplied been presents hung upon them that is a are millionaires. hand at the 'request of . the committee. unloading a barrelof sugar!: Westfield, —A �ery pleasant event took phols at the laone. These prices for men's with hotel accornodation, as there are four :shock to common modesty, as well. as an —The Young Liberal.Club, of Bra When speaking to, the farmers he never held the h6rses'took fright and ran away. The ly. con,4gatulated, all set. nt'o I residence of Mt.- Chris. Traghsellj of Shakes. sult to respect -Able people, and minis. has received the Hon. Arthur S. 11. dry" are, on Wedneiday, 2ad inst., when his ,amptuaug repaat, and after. suits tayt at $3.7-5, anging to large hotels that -%vill compare with any a out a greater' profit than $1 per hen. The horses were found in the rivet, lentaniled in, town ters, elders and people have all eat by and acceptance of a banquet to be given it his cost for feeding! artifically for the fifty hens a barb wire fence ;..one horse almost bled Ou ter, Miss Jennie, was married to Mr. at in social iatercourse, ther $4.50, 5.50, 6 50, 8.00, 10.00 and in the province. All the brick build_ laughdd, and as for the cooples concerned, honor at the Kerby. House on Tues imy, was 10c Far diem. oings have substantial fronts with plate to death, while the other,was'badly cat J. Coatsworth, of Kingov e. a ,re driven to the depot, 12,00, and each suit at its price is here was no redress but " laush and bear" June 29th. A number of thA Cabinet Mi n. —Lawrence Doyle, who was sentence I d to —The teachers of the Rattiribury streel, ill Th bride the 5 o�clock train, for -Do- glass. There are also in the town and vi- t was tastefully attired,aa& was attended" as large value. as beat they could. Mr. Editoi, pardon isters will also be present. cinity many fruit orchards, which are doing two have bridesmaid, by her sister Ella, little p, followed by the best. years' -imprisonment Lin the Central Methodist Sabbath behool,' Clinton, X�Z i vehement words, but -one's 11 blood has —Richard Scott, 'of Missouri township, risen L U a I a Parry tL groom was sup- A their, friends who, hrA Mien's Pants -.it 90c, $1, 1.25, 1,75, �$-! well. There is one just adjoining thiii cor- by J d' M h iftey at- th presented their superintenden Mr. Horace being maid of honor ic S aation, tor seeL -poration which is worthy' of mention. It boiled. " at. the hearing of such things, and has entered an action againiet:W hard Lo gan, ound As zes t week, has eicaped from Foster, with a volume of Tennyson and ported by his friend, Rev. Mr. 'Marloti, of them oF.- 2.75 and 3.50. custom for - the prisoners to Mat -thew Henry's Commentary, as a token 1Aa ceremony the 65c and 75c trees and from three to four dozen grape have their meW's in the jailer's of" their appreciat of his Ibng' and faith- M%de, th recipienik of X_ comprises 700 apple, - 200 plum and pear when one considers the connection in which of the same township,- charginj him , vith jail. It is the' mirigto, After the kluable presents. Boys' Pants at 35c, 50c, it has been done—under the auspices of the assault. The asgault is saidfto L ave grnrn residence, ion i Pat down to, a sumptuous wedding Sweaters t 35c, 50c, 65c, 75c, $1, vines, and other small'fruits, and I church—underthe naine of Christ—what out 6f a breach 'of promise case in-wi estr i of those j' events 1500 to iich and after halvi�g his breakfast Doyle was ful services. inner. olyclus words shall we find to give fitting express- both parties were interested. killage the same afternoons, 1.50 and 2, 00. 2,000 grafts put down. It has been proved . sent to sweep one of the rooms 'in the C�urt . —The following 'statistics are katheiled —Five weeks -ago Mr. Win. Stevenson, of - ion against the deed 9 Even had the parties —Mr. S. A. Mitchell, of Ki�gston, won & House adjoining. He made his escap I a a from the Blyth assessment roll for the year . it bore them awa-pu their-' Eathing Drawers at 15ci 20c, and 25C. beyond doubt that all kinds of fruit grown Listowel, was reaching down into grain in Ontario can be raised here except been of unbecoming character, that was fellowship at Johns Hopkins Univermity, few minutes ifterward. 'He bi f sea to feed his fowl We here refer to- appears to Total, value -of real prop4irty, $19311879 In Or 86me when a ]Bathing Suits at 50C 7-5c and 1. 50. neither tbe time, �jace or manner to admin- Baltimore, which is $500 in 'cash, Thi i h ve slipped off the jail pants, having pre. value of personal property, � $19,700 ; taxa- large rat bit in on the back of his hand. M -!o_ Robert P. Bell, 6f t) peaches. a 8 C, Summer Ties at.10c 15c and 25c. The population of the town is from 2,000 ister reproof. the highest prize in the gift of the - institu. Me seized and killed the rat with the other brly ot Henaall,' " a part. S. viously put on anotber pair t4at belonged, ble income, $10300 total vaue of real and But to return td'the general view of the tion. Mr. Mitchell is a graduate of Queein' counting summer I to a prisoner' in the jail. He also donned -personal property and taxable income,. band, but beyond putting on some liniment unshade Straw Bats at 10c, 13c an to 2,500, not ,Patterson& Bell; to Mm' ;our! * sts. The assessment for 1897 gives a 'total of subject.. In the letter contained niversity, Kingston, and'will return next on the wound, did not think it necessary to a grey coat hanging in. Judge MbCurry's of- am, second lbc—niep and boys. P daughter o issue of June 4th, the ground ib- taken, that. year for the degree of Ph. D. $214,875 ;. population, 954 phildren from 5 to 16 years of sge,, 223 ji, 7 tq'13, 127 ;. over ound hn Workman I of Tucker- $315,000, and in 1896 the balance of assets fice. ay any attention to the bite, The w Summer Shirts' flannelette, Ete for $1 over liabilities was- $21,336;39. Inl88'9thw wbateveris lawful, is lawful to be donein , —In the Hamilton Methodist Conferei ice, —win. Dane Kas since poisoned the arm, which in very was perinrmed at the on is under arrest at- Niagara 16 and under 21 " 69 ; No. of, acres, 428. on was only 1,286. Las report painful, it being swollen and black up to . But this rule will not apply or Rev. A. Hamilton pr'sented the Of Falls, charged, with committing a —mo.3t' —Mr. Win. Stevens, of H-44ett township '"William B4, � of- - this,. better ,,rades 35c, 45c and 65c else we might carry our* trades and profes. the committee on ystematic beneficence -It bru d word the other day of the death ori the elbow. p the -room. The brides- each. (Yauy')ataix families moved here inside ol, two sions into the church and prosecute them strongly advocatpd' 'the tithing system tal and inhuman assault on a woman, receive ZDI weeks. Aduse rent is very high, but busi- Mrs. Smeaton, 4 middle —Mrs. Alexan'-der Mills, of A-voubank, [aggie Workinant, sister of ag1d widow, who his brother,Henry, which occurred in North. BOYS and -Me's white straw sailor hats ness places are very moderate. As an in-, equally on the Lord's day s on the other and charasterized pew rents, bazvro, lives next door to him. A leaky water. Devon, England. He was� engaged with while driving hoW.e cows 'from the pasture he groom was supported . six. We have t . he example of Christ driv- and adinissiop fees at tea I Thomas Bell. A largO at 29'5c—this ,,rade is arge value ; stance, a dwelling say of five or six rooms, meetings as spout on Mrs. Smeaton's -house -allowed the others in a clay quarry, When the ea;rth was attacked by a bull d i seiously rents at from 87 to $10 per month, and my ing the merchantsout of the temple vith a directnd questionable metho'da." rain. from -the reof to run into Duncan's lot. caved in and be and, another workman- injured. She was accompanied her little :re- Altives of the contracting other qnalities 35e, 50c) 75c and whip. The question is asked,. " What a —Six caddies of tobacco were found. a few ed barican, who entered the ceived -injuries resulting in Wair death. He grand daughter, whom she succeeded iu-xxy� place of business, in the centre of traffic, X_ This enraj he ceremony, and after nd in a brick block, plate � glass, 131x40. ample or precept have we for Sabbath and days ago under a heap of reeks on A-11 n'4 widow's house, had it is alleged -after- abus- was 43 _years of age, unmarri�d,iiud a member ing by tt �g'her oier a Unce and- then - d been heartily extendedL week -day religiou's services'm conducted at :)erty, near Kingston P prol enitentiary, by id her -with his fists. Then of the Foresters fo With great ing her assaults le' 'and a bountiful, repast- mell's &.0 8uits: ecil feet, with fireproof vault and two large r 20 years., fought ravely for her own life. tah Tweed a sp 41 rooms upstairs for workshop, is $10 er th sent day ?" -In return, the question� Guard Hewton. They were stolen hem he savagely throat an umbrella down her —Wednesday-' of last week theremwas a presence of mind,she got hold of the 171 in party- wereL made- to order at $1 6. p he bridal in a pr: Of, ' c ay b asked How have we come Rock*ood Asylum several weeks'ago. Five throat, and left his' victim unconscious. A very, pretty wedding at the' resi lance of , the brute's noae,and hold on until rescuel by All wh re a large number i month. Anyone who has a few thousand have a Sabbath or religious services t all if caddies were intact, but the contents of the doctor, on axe Jar;es Stewart, of Goderich' ; H 'her oons. . dislocated shouldercollar b Ohildren's clothillo, at close prices. dollars to spare, could come here and erect 'ilhe contra: ct- we preseat to extend their' not from the Bible in the first.place 9" That sikth had been abstracted. mining the woman�s wounds one Have suitable dwellings to rent for from $5 to $8, found the throat and mouth seriously ut, ing garties were Edith Stewart, of God- �ud ribs broken, with severe bruises fro)n I Which -we jain. you tried u§ for your boys' he would have no difficulty in making good Is our authority for all divine worship, and —Charles Brown, the colored man who though not dangerously so, unless blood erie and Benson W. Cox of 1 Leamingt using trampled upon, are the �*._ on. results ,-of dothino 9 hat is lawful on the Sabbath- cannot be -sin robbed a grocer store in Chatham and ho poisoning sets in. Re g� was the ?fficiatinj mimis- what was very nearly a fatal seef interest on his money. This season has w y v, Joseph Edi been very backward, cold'und wet., and ,.a on a week day. But to bring precept or shot Detective Mahoney wheWhe was being �The Brockville Recorder of Monday ter. Miss Roberts, of Beaforth,assisted jhe —Among the- successful'candida Hodgens, of th1w tax at the -for rain, it has rained without exception example for the services " as conducted at arrested- was on Friday last, t, the Ofiat. contains a column interview, with Mr. Goo. bride, and George Guest, a el lusin of -the rbeent examinations at Toronto TJ-uJversJty,, �hv died on the 4th inst4 from V%vol to ten hours per day for the past. the prdsent day," I'give up, I cannot do it, ham assizes, sentenced to life impriaonmt nt. T. Fulford, of :that city,'who, has just re- groom, was best man. An � ex,,elleni wed- the following names of those from the vicin- r�day � a,� Brinaley. - De- WE ]EIAVE ONE PRICE TO ALL bilf. to briug precept or example for Sab- Moore, his companion, was given twe i�y turned from a � seven raouths'- tour of the di bra kfa as served at fl �e co'nel uj�jon ity of Listowel appear: R. Nichol, houb three weeks. No one in this locality ever -%vet season as we are bat a e of con� h and sGple and pure worship, is easy' years. ng a c a at W r mremembers such a world. Both b siness and pleasure were of th e 'am ny. in final, Baebelo; of Medical degree. M i na h MONEY BACKJF WANTED. ugh. We have Acts 20 : 7 : "Upon 0 �ves -zorrewi , nabarid' —At the last Consetvative banquet -at )t- combined on the trip, Mrs. Fulford accom- t t a unual having. Hoping I liave not trespassed too eno A h a meeting of the West Nichol'also secured the faculty silver medal, 11dren to mourii her, loss. iinuch upon the patience of y the first day of the week,wben the disciples tawa last week, Senabor Allan prdsente� to panying her husband. Offi, ed Huron Farmers' Institute held at Nile; on ' d R. Hackin pur readers, ces were open an �Nllr. H. Win, g, and C. C. Tatham appear Algeria, r merchant, were come together, to break bread, Paul Sir Cliarles Tnpper an albu Palestine, Ceylon, June let-, the following offi4ra were elect�pd: under the honor list of, matriculant students ----------- ................ I remain, M -containing he in Egypt, Syria� preach�d unto them, ready to depart oil signatures and photographo,o �y �ei, t Ratz- of �e, am- J. M. B. f the Com er- and the Hawaiian -Island. Branches had Mr. Win. Bailie, president'- I Mr. -James takir first examination. In ' the Arti m "e ! I - mor Cou ng' Ha' I>urg on th the row," and at verse 36 we have Paul vative Senators, together with an address already bee� established in Australia and Snell, lot vice president; J. Hutcoin_ Ee Messrs. F, S. Selwood and George " kneeling down and prayin with them congratulating Sir Charles and LadyT6p ?er New Zealend, although Mr. Fulford spent son, 2nd Vice presid'ent, an d M1r. M. Lqbk- ay, of Listowel, have passed their finer couple arrived Bit GREIG &, 9 Br "T le have the pre- on their golden wedding. some time in both places, and succe6ded by hart, secretary -treasurer. i It� Was decided exaniinati a, and wM receiv ti� week. We extend' Death of a dnce Prominent all." In Hebrews 10 : 25, w I ne f Politician. their B. A. union picnic Of er ' not forsakina the assembling of our. —In Thorold townEhip, Mr. James Fria r securing strongi testimonials in persuadi4g to hold the regular two 1days'iiieeting'. at degree at commencement. chools of Shi ka CLOTHIERS. Mr. "Nicholas Awrey, registrar of Went- se %!ea together, as the manner of same is requ6 d him seven-year-old daught o the Austriliani to purchase as freely as Dungannon with supplementary meetings at —While Dr. C. Engels, and Dr. N. R. Ite -morning of last week, horting one another," and -we have in ring m �d Bund will be article from a pocket of �ti a Canadians already do, his world-renowned Holmesville, Aubiirn and Wingham. I Engels, the former belonging to Chicago, heli worth, died Thursday but ex b hi an �the 11th -of June.-4�. —As Mi. George Quinn of East W ailing on Lake Nipissing the other On the Wron Side of the Street, in the at his residence in Elst Hamilton. . He had Matthew 26:30, Christ and His Aspostles coat up stairs. Upon hearing the reportl of Pink PiII8,, I 9 awa- were a has now recover- I Strong Block. been ill on. avd off for more than a year, but singing bymn " which the margin -and a revolver he rushed tip stairs and found —The deput4tiqn sent by the Dominion nosh, was returning trom!, Blytb, li� called day, their boat was upset in a quall, and lnes� --The walls -of thfl- -at week that his con- scholars tell us in Palams 113-119 inclusiv'e. - tying 'a ho ' . t' a- Dr. E. C� Engels was fire ' _d. -Both doe - it wa'only in the pa the child lying on the floor' It appears and ProvinciaV Ministers of Agriculture to at the cheese faetDry,. hi roe o wne thool at bashwood adition became critical' and his relatives and We have' also Deutronomy 31 : 11-12 : the weapon attracts d the chiid's attentionjl investigate the presence of the San Jose post. Somehow the horse got. looe 4nd tore werer friends realized that the end was near at- " Thou shalt read this law before all Israel and while toyint with it the revolver- was onie 9 I ii porn in'Mitchell, their lather hav- Already a, SFAFORTH, ONT. e pe I scale in an orchard near iagara, in re- at d for h � its own accord it Jvas ing carrja_-:�J on - a jewellery and dru busi- hand. Brights disease was the cause of in their hearing. Gather th ople to- discharged into er body. I go along very'nicely an 9 yard. sponse to the request of the Ontario Fruit J - tit ;'it met the ness theiv, many years ago. Deceased bad a fit, for death. gether, men, women and children and th A young man named Peter Jones had a Growers' Association, report.that they have scho are at the cross road. i"They-tried' to lar Chicago, and he leavesa, y — ci)hi I', ge li%gice in commencement of the. The deceased was born in Binbrook town- stranger that is within thy gates, -that they close call frum having his head taken off the Jound this scale in large numbers. The stop it, but only onweedeq in frightenin it, *i ow -pd three childrcn� the oldest of y 9 .w. It will be use"- THE' cANADA ship, Wentwort i, in 1851. He was educat- ay hear, etc." Also Nehemiah'9 : 9,: other evening in Brantford. 1fewas ridin say that unless prompt measures are take as it turned the corner and sta;rted to film Vborn iavnIy'fiVe years c�f age. Two sisters 9 a ed in the public schools of Wentworth, and 11 And read in the book of the law of the out to the park in one of the cro street 9 -h their stepm er, 4 a ."Is pulled it residevNo oth ' -Mrs. E'nge Pi A06dent Assurance Company concluded �ia at dies at the Collegiate In Lord their God one-fourth part of' the day care, and, when passing another car leaned rible peat, it will spread throughout the off d upset the bukg a erteacher in additi0m. wded for the iminediate destruction of thister. The line gettin fast on t]ll oyed, as the school the road an Y. lt.�Tan 0 �'rd, and the doctor pent few stitute in Hamf ton. At the time of the and another fourth part they confessed and out too far. He was struck on the!head by whole 'of Southern and Western Ontario, for a; [short distlence i wh' it ell days wi & them recently. art inthe worshipped,Dhe Lord their God." We the passing.car, and received some neat and utterly ruin the prospects of the Ontario -and. lay there until caught! 4raded the, marriage Of AOCident and Plate Glass. Fenian raid he �ook au active -p have ' y The buggy �Fas AnAbiteresting wedding was solemnized tt N`ew Harnburgr ization of 4 corps of volunteers, being practices in our religious'services for which bruises. The boy w1as pulled in just in titne fruit growers. 'There were about" 30 fruit a total wreck. 1 Pglen L On IA�n at Brodfit" Wednesday June 2o4 1(le"t policy costs little. the office of the Binbrook company we have no scripture authority. These to save his life. growers present, and a unanimous resolution —Mrs. Ali when Mr; John, G. Rock, of Bruce bounty., ecent heavy, rains bl-'VO Are 'Mrs. Aob' ce Grattan sister] of ir work so, For a number of practicee please ourselves, but there is room —At the recent meeting of th'� Toro was past thanking the Hon. Sidney Fisher ert Holmes, of --,d in marriage to iss Clara LOT[- with the of the,.71th `baIalion. to Clititon,ailed af' he reside"nce was unito have not grot; through Y years, filel*ss'a i ahool teacher, but had al- o raise the question Do they please our Conference of the Methodist chuerch. n r. and the Hon. John Dryden for; their prompt of Mr Holmes in -Clinton A ?1 . on Thu e COM and 'Pot,30- ye takou'an . nterest in politics. When Redeemer, to whom we profess to render Warring Kennedy gave the following notice in investigating this matter, 'and re- eveniu* , 3rd inst. L' n0lay hardt,ofBrodhagen. The nuptial knob West -a nd Carmona sail Iva 28 years A age he was elected a these services ?" of' motion; "For, as much- as ii�, certa n ng 9 She waii well known securely -tied in the Lutheran vhurchp by wpt back- The Cam]& he was, ac'in ted 4n � several: Oca. Rev. Mr. --Weigand. Mr. Ruppel, of Bruce, faso.-:floaa regularly from Goderich to the mem, que�t� that aninspectorbe appointedto in(-' fintou, having ViaiL I t i b1l t in carnes and it er of the 4ocal Legial�ture for South As to commending christianiby to the mode �f al�lmiaistering the elements of t a examine the orchards in the vicinity of Nia- sions,and last September ahel came there in performed the duties of beat MAV,- W. I e Wentworth, in� -1880. His opponent was young brfrivolous laughter, it cannot be sacrament of the Lord's Supper he& recently ara, and, if . L other parts of delicat cKwopl, Acted as -roads haT74-1 developed 800 01, ud after June 30th. y 0 necessar , in e health, knowing that Johe bad ' on- Miss Katie Diegel, of M 'this spring. Maior Carpenter, ex -M. P. for South Went- done- Many of the stories told at enter- been, introduced, which is an innovation 'in louthern Ontario, and devise means for the 8umption, and that there coull be but one bridesmaid. After the cersmOny was Over Raiiad j worth, who was' elected by two votes, bu b tainments must give the young the idea IS] ethodi8m, and which we learn ba..; I n utter destruction f -this enemy. If there result of her ailment, and..ob4q, calmly sub- the gueqj, about one hundred in number, re $40 000 for the Gov-" Macdonald, on the scrutiny r. Awrey was. giver the that religion must be something very funny. already adopted by som in 'teh' ed Vo the residen f Mr. John a churches 1 a are only a few orchards' effected, they r% mittbd to the inevitable witpou the slight. repair ce x I Zuty tKis year. The seat. He was r -elected at the subsequent -1 We read in the good book, -there is " a time city -nainely, the substit'utioh of a cup f , r commend the destruction of the trees, root est murmur. For the past h she hardt; t4her of the bride, where a ump P—R Telegraph and Cana a ve Mont 8, J c6unty lands has beau Accident elections, and was one of the, brightest I to weep " as well as " a time to laugh." each communicant instead of the mode i - and branch, and i certain compensation to kept her bed, gradual� pik-� to which amPle justice was -done y wasting away; and ous re ItioU Insurance Coi nt. members of the Legislature. He ated as I The Creator has endued us wi h aculties atituted by our Lord, in which -the discipl is the owners. They further advise vigorous -while her death was l6oked"foi at -any time, wa0part#en of.- 41's equalizi . - - - :1 t f 640—the same as i - 10 I