HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-06-04, Page 8X f IVA 4 4 + A Te AI T VIM iv"M i U THER, RURON _-Ea-.A NE 45 be observed in. 86, rewl Mr. W. Clark, our growers and R. Moldordie ing and evoni Dr. McDonald was suf- solf of the - advantages of that intellectual, on Sabbath fir t will Ics -con- $mith, Earnest Gies D/ress Goods e' 7 t righlo and more . thr st.�The Wilson"s Oash Gr9C rw Mustard- fering from 9, co refined and Chriodan-training for which Lo. church. --Mrs. (Rev.) Bar anA children, -siderable.-The Rev. Mr. ndibroons nor- Alexander 4 - 'hor Thomas Fraser, 11901- a ne of Air. t eman who took the lea ing role retto onveot,Stratfordand'Loretto Abbey of Listowel, -are visiti ad cheap this year. There M0118 Oil Sabbath lasit were 11 received by 1adyW` Lo R. B. McLean young gen Xang.old and Turnip So in. was a former resident of Toro o,'ar6 noted, spending more t h an Wm. Ivison, and other frie#do,' this week. is no wholesale combine price on aeol thia. year, so our people. -Really we hav4 stock enough and. Robert Charters I uckeramith ; D. D. in the following dozen years in -these institutiona., -The 'Mission Band o St. Addrew's we mi sell new mangold and turnip Seed at 0� a lb. of our own for all the p'sature on our streets Wilson, Seftforth; Wm. Moir, Hensall. -.Ab Seaforth, being a son of the late Rev. Mr� half nve'nt yeari church anticipate bolditir a strawberr Sal Web*v6agoo, stock of R I formerlypastor of the Methodist The a psria4t-effeeb of those Cc y trock R d the best va, . flatles, bought and it Seaforth will not gra�t reciprocity in a meeting -of the new board of directors, ro y mornin , 325th was a nor . eas 4 -Mr. Shaefer,on obeit Evans &Co., one of the m"t reliable churee here: - On Tdeoda ad devotion and piety that fpstival in the near futurej seed houses. of Clanads, including his celebrated saw- the matter we will have to t#e measures to subsequently held, Mr. H. H. Smith was kught-_ Navid edifle the 4 1 phere in which she moved. and Tuesday last, made a�larg aeliv'ery of hogs 'tog M gold and monarch turnip seed. Give us a protect ourselves from the iMrusioa f va- re-ol�ctedyresidant ; Mr. R. B. McLean, ult., Henrietta, youngest dE In Grocetles, w@ can do arried to stim4ated r' any to a im' ation of - the'like to Messrs. Came & Ch's 4WI, you cansot do better. W#rner a it ne lot Seaforth, for On. Saturdau Juite grant,na:s from the north. We believe vice-president Mr. Robert Gardiner, secre- Potter, Eloro, was in as.. well, or better, than any house In The ceremon was performed by -Mr. and Mrs. th �8. I tqwu. Our ere a pound just outsidei of the village. tary and treasurer, and Mr. John B, Hen- Brole virtu Too good influences of a life uch their packing establis me V. P., visited at Too luo now we extra gool value. out Bourbon ---The local chairman has Q;_a a call for a and Mr. . Alexander Rev. iir. McInnes; tie bridesmaids �eing as hers, though all too short, will doubtles Archibald Bishop, ex -M. ,%land ot But roasted Coffee is second to none, and dermori,.Tuakeramith, *a have the beak brand of Canned Vegetable# put up m ay evening next, at 7 Ducan Usborne, auditors. It was also Miss Deynant of Paris, and Miso'Kellie leave 1 pern�anet gessions on the for. Mr. James Cooper's hom during last week. ego it w In Oaasd&� There boa been a drop 'In the price of ular. institute meetings Maitland, El6ra.. John Potter, brother inanj whoia p to share -Mr. WM. Oudmbre h" been shipfing We commencedaspecial o'clock, in our school house, for the purpose decided that the rag salof DressiGo*- --oonie hem it you wint to. get the'luit bene- Iftcalts i timaile acquaintance. But as in 'large quantities of baled fia and oats Irom 'ken at highest -of appointing delegates to the Reform con- be. held next year at Exeter and Brucefield the bride, supported the groom. After the her a sale that itwill pay every lady in w"tVT A viat�rial, so is it in the spiritual- our station thepast, few 4�ya.-Ma At of It. All kinds of produce f eremony,. Mr. and Mrs Broley left for thin y of the to take advant ozarket price. Caah for an& vention to be held at hensall, on Friday, and the supplimentary meetings at Crediton,- c a dress age of. -We hav& a w-orl thebestis chosen first; takenfrom farmers are complaining of the wire worm been b 0. WILSON, Senforth. June 11th. All interested will please Zurich-anif 11onatill. Phillsda I hi Washington nd New York." ti�ing some remarkably cheap dreli y an tar!d1hings have be 4.... Block. attend. an said of late- this orld of pain and sorrow to receive a destroying the grain dropi �n old mod. -Mr.' goods, ave paid less. for them th Bank of Comment about- the weather olork, on account of the crown of gliorr in the land eternal. Happy David B. MclAiau, of Tuc4rsmith, left here AV cost to rt, We want to turn% THE Juionim QxLzBRATrox.-Tho prepar- IT DIED w Cn;rsxATr.n­;-The Cincinnati iti cold, disagreeable weather helias been deal- ending to s4i a whose cup of !Ipiritual good on Saturday. last with a lot ot fat cattle for over q.uic ve marked them one' for the jubilee' are nearly -completed, y. �o ha -The-- com- in, filled I d such,; we believe,. was the the old country marka� We wish Mr. NEW out, and as a result of these many ri h� maked and from the encourasting reports from the nd'i , f Miss McConnells life in this McLean muchtsuccess in hl venture. prices that 4e very -little over half *ift ntswe may expect somethingprotby h the follo*ing reference to h d ath. of s, IBM a I can fo various committees, we feel sure� that the they are worth regular. Yot rin 4W ?Ogatiin the near future. In the- meantime world. H�r death, calm, peaceful and adi. 0 -1 idea of the- values by theme, but you ft% tions ante ore on programme, ago SUITS and former Hu J. .1 ;. ;Rdocassy, of attrao the small fruits have been damaged to some f3ring 484 &�, fitting terviination to a life so member of the firm of MoCssay Brothers, that day will be one of a at ever given Riv. S. Bon is at- I- tell how good they are finlesayou.400th.. inanufacturers of show - cases aid officO fix- in the county, and one that will extent by the frosta4 well at iis the service of -God. Ae re. WATTINGs.-Mr. T. J. biarks has openei goods. attract a Var bii JUL tending conforen 'in London this weeIC. CLO"PlYING. . ce Maine; were! interred on Attention Day in a small stock of readyn isde clothing and e! tures in this city, died at his home at Fair- very -large crowd to,town. As will - be "on n , ra 42 inches wbat Fine Frenah Berge, V reference to the posters, the, fireman o, Sunday w1k b On account of bi absence the service ncxt Irbialitown iestotery. The funeral'preces. Seats' furnihi M Routledge's store, evening Will take the form of .& si( OPP" or a irtg I Wo have Just received another large assortment of now of two months of Bright's diao"9- . Mr- the day's proceedings by an exhibit:na k* mount, at 7o'clook last night, afttrauill )n, consisting of 120 aarriages, was the its the 71b' on. -I James Don. smooth finish, just the thing f d will be conducted by the largest evei, seen here,, --another testimony Unoz has the' new IA onard wear with shirt waists, black and aervioa an pa�vy :zasdaup Clothing- Amoupt $hem will be found McCassy, who at the time of U6 death was which will be followed by a monster proces. 8onF engine, ro- - -1, __ - solne rare and startling b%rgalus. We vroull call choir. -Last Saturday's Globe contained t<) the universal astee m- in which she was z'- gular price 39c, for Dress Goods sale Vf* special attention of buyewts a Man's Sulk only 39 years Old, came to Cincinnati about *ion and a grand gathering in the recreation costly purchased' at Lon on, tic . . . . . . whichwoshillsell. at$A. The price seems small, ton. year's ago, and commanded general re- grounoo, where loyal speeches will be de- two splendid pictures of the Seaforth young hold. Father Keilly, at the close of his Mr. Wm. Brakdon has a = alter. but we claim it contains an v4A cloth No three spect sm &n u i ht and successful buSirle" livered and patriotic songs BU44.- ladies' drill -corps and club swingin classes. sermon of the day, eulogized the virtues, ations in the interior of his butcher shop, Fine French Coating Serge, 46 naka quarters of the. Suits made to order for $12. Also - - prig Abscription to �AE.EX_ Christian dignity, and exemplary life of the wide, every thread wool, in fawni jkp per man. Ite was never maffiea. He will be afternoon sports will be unsurpassed for in. -In reniwing his 51 which has Much improv4 A its appearance. tralood qualit 100 Ibc. vat qUits, dd to !rest at St. Josep,Fs cemetery, SIT01t, Mr. the He has also placed a firei-claas refri orator brown and cardinal ex , y "cial lines at $1.75. 06* and W 150 'Peter Moore, of Laird town- decaaaied. The bereaved family have Y�uths, Boya'and Children's odd sizes, to be IN terat and Ireen competition. A football ro formerly of Tuckeramith a mpathy of the whole community in this gular value 50c, for Dress U00dale *02$ ioliared at 25 per - cent. less than heir vrJue, 100 Prince Hill, Monday forbitoon." Mr. Me. In -ees arranged for -between. the ship, Algoma, and Rev. - F. J.* Osten I is in Lonilon, at - Men's atch has b Tweed Paste, special value, at $1, to be clew� Casty was a native of Huron' county and Hurons and the champions of the. St. Clair says they hav6 had a very wet spring ana tKe hour of �,their soirow. But whJ.should tending conference. -Mr. B. Harrison is Fine Cashmere Bar or bagi, Call -ge, all wooll 44 inciio, p- od at 800L ; So R&I& PfQof 00&te, Off Value. a atook drbver. here along in 1880, but soon Peninsula the beat players in. o seeding wa's done until the firsi of V, they mournIthe lose.that Heaven gained.- busily engaged imlproving�f the arance of comprisin in thi lin 9 li!l� CD.Tt. Mr. John Whiddon's, re n ellin and inspect. embarked in the whole ode co i i but at the time of writing, May 24t , the wide, fine finish,navy only is, a t�. ffig* per 100 Me- mmIsslon Windsor and Detroit. This W4 wil" be &ug. seed as all in A compan is prospecting gular 45c, for dress goodasale 32c. csWm- Pickard & Oo. business in New York City. I He was the mented by lacrosse and -baseball with pam*t.-�-Messro. F. Gem art and third son barn to Mr. and Mrs. McCassy, of with outaidlubt. The tug of war, be- for iron on the C. P. , alout two miles Stanley. pices of DonsIdson have opened livery at Fancy French figured Dress Goods, Belgrave. His parents in Citibinnati, Ohio, from where he is situated. They are sink- A Cor.Rikmo-.;. -I beg, leave to inform on Louis& str T homas inches quoted abol. tween Tuckerainith and MoKillop, is creit- ing five shafts, and already a rich strike of wide, will -make a most stylish ISTLEAMS 'A EXCIP sad his brother, D. J. McCasi and Dr. E. y�n that your Stanley--3orrespondenb did not Art"incolln, Jr., has purchas 'fr Rev. Mr. tume-navy, fawn and black -regular Vallit ing keen interett in -these two townships, speaki�g gel. G. MeCWy, of that ci T. C. Mo. ore has been -made a short distance below kye a corre� of the'anni'versary ser. Ryan a house and lot on 41 a, i�n 'at, nearly $1, for dress goods sale 58�c. ty, and �r while the relay race for school boTs has them the swhich promises to be one Of t report most ef us A, C f C dia, Kansas, and Dr. J. H. all on the run.' The oonbert in Cardno's vises held in connection with Ba6eld Road opposite. the queen's ho 101. -.. ixis -Bailey 0 1 of PDca0yrton, Ohio, survive him Mr. gri, FIRE.Ilzk� RANCE hall in the everting will undoubtedly eclipse the richest voines ever struck in Ontario. Presbyterian church. The pastor, Rev. J.A. has opened a stock of can I a dl f tion- All wool figured fancy Black Dress Gloodw,. Tie# ec .The r diligent. e0orta, -all former amateur events, and thp pr n We hope our old -friend will come in for a McDonald preached in the morning, and cry in'the comer of the 9(o al hotel. 41 inche's wide regalar 60c, for dresagoo4 McCaasy, by honest and although the om' " farge - share of the go6d luck that is going. - - Rev. W. G.1 Richardson, B. &, a recent -Reeve Burns is bound I o, ha a the by-law sale 37io. acquired a handsome fortune. &de concert in the 'recreation grounds will e pmpeet in I AGENCY. prove an equally strong attack. Two bands We are sorry. to learn of the de'ata of Mr. graduate of �Knox college, preached in the respected. Running at large of cattle, S'PEoiAL June sale f'mattre ;as and wire will be in attendance all day. ' This lengthy �ohn Latta, of Tuckeramitb, near Chisel- evening to d large and appreciative congre- horses, sheep, geese, etc , � is atrictly ob- Extra fine quality, figured Black Dregi aza beef. W., Somerville, Ageht. LzATHzimALs & LmiDaBoition Seatorth. hurot, which took plsVde on Tuesday, after. a. gation. You will greatly oblige �y insert served and our streets ke t clean, Goods, small, neat patterns 44 inche springe. list of attractions will conclude with a mag- 1,nzerna'. 11ness. -wd It may just PUZ an old regular value 85c, for dress goods sale 65& Mr. Latta was or Varn, (Successor to H. A. Strong & Bro.) To BOARDERS. -A couple of lboarders can nifloent display of fireworks. Ing the above in your Stanley a readers, whl' Telegraph and Express Building. find excellent accommodationln a p�ivste house In reiident�and was much and deservedly ea. items. -Col� Tumb dealer.3 � abo teemed by all who knew him. -The council wwn, by apolying at THic ExpoarroR Office. 1615-tt RIFLE WATCH. -The twenty-first annual are havin a drain put in on each side of NORTHERN SPA old, shto!- Walton. RKS.- W. eripyn this ii not an accumulation of heads about AT the Woll a h on t wee Every tudent our Friend I an Mill, Se the prize meeting f the 33rd Babtali ' Rifle As Goderioh 913treet between Main street and was prostrated s =dn ias k by virom goofis or ont-of-date styles we oft- -the fbregiu� -1588-1 11 the range in Seaforth, the churches. - It is a good work and will raper has been on , . He has ex d change you, birtibrand new I �gooda bought at pri proper place to sell your wool. sooiabion � was held on NOTM.-Mr. Robert F neumonia. orience 06 'Westmai u NEw designs in cheap bed' room suits. ort Thursday of last week. The weather greatly improve that part of the street, F(o'r the better, estion is the sick list,', -Rev. J. P. I an Mr. however, P4d we hope 1to ee that enable us -to give. dres's goods Win. Pollard went to London this LxATnzRDA-Ln & LANDBROROUGlur, Sam orth. 15381 was all that could be desired, but, owing to, which has usually been in a very ad con- ee IV to him around again soon. -The weather keepi that'discount by far anything we have dow attend' the � Methodist conference. backward answere XLExT Saturday Men's long rubber boots, the fact that the range had only been open -dition.-Mr. S. Reid, for of Harlock, Miss. and cold, and pnoequently the. . in in the past. They're worth -your b 'that we beet quality, for $2.20, at the cheap 9 %sh shoe store, for practice for three days previously, our innie Mcbonald is visiting friends rowth ie'very slow. -Thiej grass and fall evqn if you with his -'family, are now=rtably locat- - 4 60 1 9. do not make them up uutiinext� S6ratford.-The Ladies'-Mispigna iety J_. aollarwe eco Carmichaels Block, Seatorth. 1538-1 r s good -shape as ad in their new home on the Mill Road, _�wever, ate lookibg well.- fall If you cannot come to theAtore,, STRATFORD, ONTA they wheat, h R No- PEDLAFs NEED APPLY, -We don't oughttohave 'been, to compete with the of-, Duirs church will -hold their annual Cantulon! *ill- preach t J 66 to "a', for our reliah Oar work never fails to interest the Tuckeremith, Mr. Reid having leased the mples. require any pedlars through the con try selling our crack riflemen of Guelph, London, Wood on Mr. D. McCuaig's lawn, on B11i - vale If et�'Z'a - for_� ractical, goods, as our furniture has a g I putatiou, and farm formerly occupied by Mr. Alex. Gray, inent and a A istahauprpchoinatt have wme )a Day, in the students, because it's thorough, P ran ices stiook and'other points, where the seaso, taken possess" riday evening, 'June 11. The, BrusEels' the usual hours, next Lotrf' fly at 0. up-to-date. Our graduates ALWAYS RE— sellseverytime. satisfaction a 0( and pr -Mr. Grey haying ien'of the direc Bed[ old Etand, had opened so much'earlier. The following farm'which he purchased in the west end.- fife and drum band- will be in attendance absence of the pastor at n,fe ence. Air. atel o other from I at COX=" our school and induce others to right at BROADrooT, Box & Co.'s, Port A the Daly orchestra and other Seaforth. 1537 are the prizes awardedith their -respective. Our old and esteemed friend, Mr. Robert alo talent Robert Shaw will offici beezer.- come. We satisfied them and we can - Ouia Shirt Waists and Corsets are noted scores : lot matcb,-Open to all members from Seaforth will also assist in the pro, Wm. Yeo, or., is still in a ory poor state Ho*dgens BIr Ina them. satisfy you. YoU NVANT THE BEST-NVE Elgie, or., of Tuckeremitb, is still, we are 0S gramme. Tea will be served, -from 6 to 8 of heal�h.-Mrs. J. Iffillarl a n the' sick for their excellent fit and finish, ex W. of the association,�-raugeo 200 and 500, sorry to learn, in a very precarlous state of lReople, 'Of the Low] a -7 shots t .0istance : 1, J- H, health.; --Mrs. C. W. Papat and, M HA-vz IT. Write for new circulars. W. HorFm", Seaforth. yards, 0 emA aster 6'clock. X4 rybody invited., list. -Mr. R. Leathorn is!, reparing for a this fact at, W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-52 MoNARcH-Bicyole, good as-new"cost $85) Simpsor.2 65, $6 ; 2, John Gordon, 60, $5 diamond jubilee festival a� his residence, in - - an 3, Alex. Wilson, 60, $4 ; 4, John Willie were in, Listowel. this week. attend-' ConStan OUNTON. d,only Tidden 3 months. for less t an hall price Crowe, 59 the interests oil the- choir, 4�d other wor sequently fv. Apply to W.Olff. WiLms, at the cheap 6uh oboe store# Ing the marriage of 4 niece.w--Rev. Professor k of The Kippen Store". Carmichaels Block, Seaforth. $4 ; 5, W. Robson, 57, 83 ; 6, Wm. Good' Ballantyne, of Knox college, is expected to ' Nom.-Mro. 'McMillan. reburned last the Methodist church. T6�Gorrie �rches- the almost Fp.-We give you free, freight charges, win, 56, $3 ; 7, J. S. Roberts, 55, $3� ; 8P assist at the communion services n the week to her'home in Staffa, after spending tra and some- talent from Wilingham are ex- Crackin, and daughter, Mildred, were V1111 JXard times, packing charges and pedlayschs '.w -buy J. A. Wilson, 55, $2 ; 9, T. Irving, 55, 82 ; Presbyterian church in this town, one Week thewinter *�ith h6r daughter, Mrs. -Wm. ted -to amaist the and Epworth in at Mr. Jbhn McCraeken's.-M. Saft hen you the last foil 10, W. Ament'53, 11, J. Dodds, 52,$l; h Cecalgue in the programme. 'Quite a�-nurnber g urgoodsat ur wareroome o &in street, Sea- from next Sabbat . Mr. Peter Lamont, MI French, who was d�ow� n -with typhoid fever� ntosh. ] Mr.'and, Mrs. Joseph Hugill, of times- so mik forth, Portees old stand. BitoAvr BOX Co. CLOTHING. yo 12,,C. Wilson, 5-9, $1 13, J. Johnson, 51, Zurich's enter"' rising cattle dealer, w as in Toronto, ari'visiting friends here. -Mr. -and' are ufferiDg from severe c 1� a. t at the home of his Ais er, Mrs. ohn Me. We have received another large shipment 1537 $1. 2nd match, -Open to all membeis of town on Wednesday. Mr. Lamont was on Mrs, Thom" Andrew are at, Elimville this Naughton, of Tarnbarry;. is recovering.- :n3,easure dui of Clothing. Our stocki is all new and well FrAGS Folt THE JuBuxg.- I reat variety the association, -ranges 500 and 600 yards, his way to Toronto with a load of cattle. � week attending the marriage I of their son. - Ue Mr. Peter Fowler, is building a stone MIL. prieess but ntratifil for decorating; also large flap for s63leties. school -7 shots at eath distance -. 1, John Crowe, Mr. D. D. Wilson leaves here on Monday den6o on bia farm on the Bluevale road.-,. reasoii assorted. A line of Men's Heavy Tweed houries., and. other public buildin' furnished at Mrs. Cook,�of Winthrop, 'is visiting bar BmEFs.-Mr. and Mrs. hraim Palmer to I)i -at $4.50 sad $5, are �N a 57,46 ; 2, W. Robson, 55, $5 ; 3,_ D. Gor- next for, Wi ipeg. He goes there to ttend' I The; Miss6s Putland, took part in Miss, Suits, well finished, specially close prices by LuMSDI & WrLsoN, sea. son W. B. Cook.�-Nr. D. -Sutherland and of Stanley, spent Sunda with Mr. and t mkd special value. In Boys' Suits,.we are show- fwth- don, 52, $4 ; 4, T. W Copner, 51, $4 ; 5, themeeting7f the Assembly, which wife were last week- attending a - large wad- O'U6nno?s concert in Brussels on Tuesday, o our Mrs. James Delgaty.-M. '1 7. W. Vail has inga Serge nicely finished, at $1.95. Men's FuRxiTuRE Polish.� - LFATHERDADE A. Wilson, 50, $3 ; 6, . A. Wilson, 50,$3 ; opens there on Thursday of next week.- ding -in MoKillop.-Mr. L. Proctor left here evening.-MrS. Pickford is visiting hir- factor in all - lost his valuable driver. mad a halter Odd Pants in great variety,'from, 75c, a pair LAx.DsBoRovan, Sesfortb. 3538-1 7, J. John on, 48, $3 ; 8, Col. Wilson, 46, Ott last wep'kIdr Blaevale, wheie'lie, will assist on. at the time of leavi ere was also M Mr. James Scott, of the firm. of So father rEdward Leech. mercial - $2 ; 9, 10, J. Dodds, Brothers, musical instrument dealers, re- ng h up. Meu�i- Ribbed Overalls, at 75c. Call REeFurrs WAxTED.-A fevv good men., to J. H. Simp on,43, V2 Mr. McDonald in makinf - cheese. -Mr. a two-year-old - colt belon g to Thomas gnat chunt 38rd Bittall before and -compare prices afore buying. fill up Wo. 3 Compiny. going 43 $2 - 11, W. Goodwin, 42, $1 12, J. turned from his trip to the Northwest n Frank Martin's house is a most ready for flandford, with it. Any rson knowing Lumley. -in Te( Aace tocampatLondononthe 28th 61 �ne. Apply to S.,Roi;rti, 42, $1 ; 13, A. J. Bright, 41, $1 Tuesday, He was absent about teff weeks, occupancy. -,Mrs. FarneomV,'Of Newcastle, ddything abbut -them wil, conv6y a great Don,4*8.-The farmers of this neighbor-- -mode Of IRV, JAMES CANNING, Kippen. AL,,. wLaoN, Captain. 3rd matdh,­For highest aggregate scores in and was as far as Rof sland. - Mr. * George has been visiting her parents' Mr. and Mrs. favor by notifying either T%omas Handford hood have mostly all succeeded in getting - 1624 Ni-,TETY � DAYS. -For the nex t 90 days you the let and 2nd matches : 1, J. Crowe,116,. Fortune, one of Turnberry's progresqive W. E. Caldwell. or Mr. Vail. -Mr Ge!orjgz4 their potatoes planteJ1 and mangoldB 0th peolef 3 fat can buy all goods at factory prices, thereby saying $6; 2, W. Robson, 112, $5 ; 3, J. Gordon, farmers, was in town on -Saturday. last. He (J Rook wa the 'continued wet weather having hindered ners Of Hv oat of packin , at our were- Sarnia the other my invei_p freight obarges'And 0 112, $4 -, 4, A. Wilson, 110, $3 ; 5, d t g in a separ. rooms, Main Street, Potter's old Und, Seaforth. J- H- came down to spend a few days with his i them cnsiderably.-The many friends of'a Gmnd Jubilee BROADFOOT., BOX & CO. Simpson, 108, P. ; 6, J. A. Wilson 105, $1; Wroxeter. ator for this 'Reason's w4r,k -Misses Ida gone by. 1637 friend, Mr. George Murdie, of McKillop.- Will Simmons, of Dakota, will bow WOOL. --For thirty years through- all 7, J. Johnson, 99, $1. 4th inatch," �Ursery, In the drainare suit between the townships BRIEF& Wroxeter an ' d. Atood football and Sadie Abbott are visit' at Exeter.- Mr "ad to see his pleasant face again. -Mr; lubs are to play here on Saturday nex't. Mr. Wm. Foster, of Gran a visitin ple peaking of Celebration changes in Tariffs, we ha;e made S?aforth the wool -open only to those who have never won a of McKillop and Logan, tried at Goderich 9 o r woo with Bicycle racing is also on the p'rogramme,and at James Handford -'s thii 'wwe ek5. - R u f and Mrs. John MeTaggart, of - -Staffal opesib now -a -dap-, market. Whea selling brin y or prize of $5 or more at any rifle match,- this week, McKillop came oat ahead,�A I I sr. the,Qaeen's birthday with Mr. McTaggartm,.� thout your grain, to No. 6 Li use, where 3'Ou range 200 yards, an exciting time may be expected. -Thomas ob and Robert E hipped i c us our remars r the -7 shots, -kneeling 1, oung lad,son of Mr.George Fitzgerald, was loa leighogson Tueadda wi are always sure to get III t price. JAMES T. W. Copner, 25, $5 ; 2, W. Ament 24 Gibson, M. P. P., is enjoying a trip to the d of h ductor Snid o law, Mr. T.', Venner.-Miss lagglw- BxArru�, Seaforth. 1537x4 I Elding a horse, when the animal 2ommene- there is no E $4 ; 3, J. Turner, 24, $3 ; 4, G. E. Hender- Dominion 6iital.-Mr'. F. V. Dixon, court is billed at Centralia on ly lat. Every McQueen spent a' pleasant twenty-f�ith VALuABLF, BUILDINCI SITIC ­7For sale in ad to play, and 'kicke1 him on' the! face. is JUNE 22nd, 1897. Seatorth. Estate of T. T. CmEx&N, Seaforth. 1638-1 . son, .22, $2 ; 5, Dr. Barrows, 19, $2. 5thp Fortunately the injury is not daugorous.- reporter, is at present in .-Ottawa.-The one should come and hear li Iii. with her friend, Miss -Chri tins Earl. -Mr. With. the a match,-e,xtra series, -range 200 yards,- nomination'of Mr. Archie Hislop, as Liberal A HAPPY EVENT. -On dnegday even- ..A. Bolton.has improved the appearance -ot-' piano,- a -snit, PjicTup.E FRAmi-w,.-B on your ir. and Mrs. Thomas Kidd went to London ing bf last week, about 70 g ate assembled his farm by erecting a handsome fenft- Consisting of Vie following events : aggregate of two scores, 7 shots each, one, on Wednesday to attend the funeral 'of Dr. candidate for East Huron, gives universal buggy, -or �2 m.; Mon. pictures any time this month. ATHERDALE standin the - other kneeling or -prone, Hanavan, surgeon of Wolseley barra2ka.- satisfaction in t6is lobality.-The football at the reiidence of Mr. W �. Baker, second Monday, May 31st,was cold enough weather FORENOGN-Firemen's display at 9 a. LANDsBoitoumt Saaforth. 1538- gs that he 4car 1 ster street procession at 10 a. m., includiug Town. -fiftee contest between Listowel and Wroxeter sion of Stephen, to w' ness the mar- for October lot, the hard frost doiBg dam - h ve Wool to n -, prizes c I I . I SOLICIT a call when you h ontributed by mer- Rev. H. Ee. Curry, of Walkerton, visited at S the mistie Council, Firemen, Volunteera, Schools bothin town chants - of the town, with $12 cash wburday last, which was played here, re. riage of Mr. John Reaman 't Miss Emma ge to garden ax uff. -Mr. and M� m 8, A.. and country, Societie3 and Athletic Club3, headed sell. W. D. ViNEomoND, Seaforth. 1538-1 Mr. E. Latimer's during rt of l"t week sulted in a�'victory for the home team. Mr. Baker. Shortly after 7 0,9di'l ck the bride iller, of Cr added by the association : omarty, and Mr. and Mrs. 0, thing lies t SEWING MACH' 1, W pa Godb . olt,'of " Mnchelsea were in the village- bythe33rdBsttahon Band, which will proceed to - Rob -Rev. Father Kennedy, Of Sarnia, paid a the Recreation Grounds, where -patriotic sonza, George Wilson also defeated the Listowel and groom Atended by t1i ir sister, and ablie to afflo- zNEs. -Buy ihe new. Wil- son, 45 - 2, J. H. Simpson, 44 ; 3, T. Ir- Aying visit to town on Monday last, -return- tre . I a "I I ' eches, and fancy drills will be given. AFTER- liam's sewing. machine, second to. no�e for domestic - . J, ck bicycle racer on a two -and -a -half mile brother respectively-, %ook t6ir places when last Wednesday, attendpg te m 10 (e vingi thing and I )ON SPORTS. -In the Recreation Grounds an at. use, and away down in price. HATHERDU & 44 ; 4, A. Wilson, 42 ;, 5 P ing on Tuesday. The- reverend gentleman ister, Miss H. Stea6y,to Mr T their M JA ,38 course. -Mrs. David Sanderson is Rev. W. H. Batt performed'I' he ceremony. tractive progri!Tme,copsisting of RelayRace,Tug xnmomouaH, Senforlib. J. Gordon, 42 ; 6, - J. Crowe, 41 ; 7, looks exceedingly well after his trip south. having Call so -remodelled and improv co" t, of War, Fancy Bicycle Riding, Football and Lacrosse L for choice Win. M. Goodwin, 42; 8, 0. Wilson, 40 ; 9, While here he was called on by a very large her hou ed. -Mr. After congratulations the paired --Rob6rt, the little son of Mr. 1. Passinore, WANTED. -Eggs, 10c; Ile A pany re Matches, and Athletic Sports will be given. EVEN- ng e g Fraser, foreign missionary, addressed the to the dining room for din r,, which was "ln-20me way slipped off the wALgon one da' all if. You Cal fresh butter. We are now buyl a, butter. and J. S. Roberts, 40; 10, A. J. Bright, 39 ; 11, num4er 'of his former parishoners.-Tho his wh"eeC ra m' served in a manner lately. 'and caught foot in the IN01n the eyenisg a Grand Concert wi 1.1 be hold wool. Highest pricn, cash or G. E. Kwa, J. Dodds, 39 ; 12, J. Spooner, 38 Anderson ' ission' band here on Wednesday becomini.- the occasion. Of good tit to conclude Wingb&m. In Cardno!a, Opera House, the wholel 1538-1 13, J- Beaver lacrosse club intend going to Stkat- evening last.-Mis Laura Hodson, of A large number of -useful an4 twisting it baa,ly, bat is nolw improvill.- Turner, 36 14, J. Johnson, 33,- 15, W. aluable 'pres. within you; with a Promenade Conceit and di3play p'f beautiful I ford on Wednesday next to compete with . of the Epw�rtb� Fireworks in the Recreation Grounds. Wor details WHm-; you take into cons�deratiqn tbe7 Ament, 32. VVingham, -is the guest of Miss Carrie Law- ento were given the happy uple, and in The maple tafry social e fit morning they atue �J fact That 76 per cent. of the people of Sesforth- and vie, our POP d a pron ro' vicinity buy their boot3 anti shoes Ifrom either of ing the 48th Hifhlafiders� baud will give a $12, at the residence f they- ever ahOT woollen mill- rnan, has excavation$ completed- repaired to their own home4A to spend the of a out 0 irl ay the t �am of the Classic City. On that even- Le re no hari d J�91 = rie.-Mr. �amuel.McKel ular the wee small hours of the, I r of eas A FARz,%i ELL MEETn,-c. -The brethren of the Stratford rink, and will be on y 19tb.-Mr. R, McDoq*7 B n hem pleasant follow th- matter to decide where the best valiable isobtain ritannia Masonic lodge, Seaforth, to the assisted by Mrs. Martin -Murphy, of Ham. ia "' a smiling face latel pr tt 9 It- 0 SC W T M�yo the two. stores mentioned below. it is a very e hamn ia� �'g Jom Be JOHN MIR. S7 concert in for his new, house, which will be erected honeymoo . We wish t and r_tary Man V X 17 Fommitmte able. R. WILLIs, 2 leading aboel storoa-Cady's number of about forty,. met in their lod forthwitfi. happy voyage across the oceai� of life. alYwomars yJ his wiw bf to -day h-. ge ilton. Special trains will be run to Seaforth having presented him with t i Block and Carmichaels Block, Seafotth. 1538-1 room on Tuesday evening last, for the wins, son and. pur- and other points after the concert. -,1v1r. -ug pow UNDERTAKING. -In the un4'ertaking de- Brussels. n May pose of spending a- farewell evening with Brucefteld. nt, we buy our goods from the best under- made an appearance in our school last week- the times 4 Won IF 19r lv� David Donovan has returned home fiom a partme EAST HURoN FARmErt�l INSTITUTE. -The taking supply houses In Ontario, and we are bound RnmOVAL.-The undersi' I ha Mr. A. R. Sampson, of the Dominion Bank, very successful trip - to the old coGtry, moved Some of the scholars are pretty sick. 'coo. I lye h%ve also who had annual meeting �bf the East Huron Farmers' to bring about a reduction In pr. just received word that day of his where he had been with horses. - The from his old stand Into Dixon's w block. J. B. Institute a held in the iown hall here, on We agpin pre$ secured the services of Mr. X, Robe I us transference to a more impgr ant position in Western Ontario Veterinary Medical Also- JAMIRROX tenders his sinopre t4 ke' to the in. DISTRICT MATTBRS. in this department of our work. the service of the bank at Lindsay. The �!iation will meet in Stratford on Tuesday habitants of Bruceflold, and the out unding neigh zuricil. list, and ftom 41 LANDeBoitouan, SelfkMkh. geady a nd was largely attended. The borhood. for their past kindness, j d he- bopes by ,!r attendance would have been much larger , lowin officers were elected : Thomas NoTzs.-Mr. Henry Bauer, jr., has S61W know that next. Among those who are - on the' pro- a0hs it lob atUntlen to business that he * 11 still have the the M W. D. VANEGMOND is paying cash for n� president ; Alex. Gardiner,.Iat pl' his ycung team to M�r. Thomas Berry, for a, had the notice been longer, but the meeting gramme for a i Dr. Gibb, of this vite-presi essure of supplying his old cu8bom rs and as many Ing to -day t $3.' A Xzw PrEss AoENT.-Mr.W.J. White, wool, at the Wollen Mills, Seaforia. 1638-1 was of necessity an impromptu one. Mr. dent ; W.. H. Kerr, 2nd vice. now ones as will favor him with a Olt I. There is no handsome sum.�Mr. Edmond Zeller, from?, for several years proprietor amd mf tdwn.-Mrs. V lament, of, Buffalo, is at 3eselty for blowing, " my pse� inager of DRr-viNG 131ORSE-Wanted to purchase a president George'- Hood, secretary-treas- n0l _ fteen years In Martin, has been on a visit to his parento- and$ 1 .0 were. Sampson was not only a valuable member of Dresent in town a ending a few bolid Robert Bracefteld will sound my workmanj 1p better than the Brandon Sun, has been appointed by good reliable driving horse. Apply urer ; directors, Thomas Gibson, for a few dsys.i-The- brick work of Mr. 0. -%er.. prices -w] the Dominion Government, Press Agent for Brick Yard, Egmoadville. 1638-1 , the lodge, but, was exVemely popular with the guest of her d ughter, Mrs. M. Jord"ayn'l. My POD. It has always been my etiW to do m has all - Edgar, Thoma Gibsclia M. P. P., T. B. r.*anu the mexnbers. The meeting was of a to please my customers. I keep. thd best of iy t t1eib`x harilware store is completed.- luaftel. W the Immigration Department. Mr. White's SONS OF SCOTLAND. -All menibers are re- a- Sauders,'Thomas Mosgrove, James Elliott, laclu purely social and oratorical nature, refresh. red ed aned will 1 60 0 them at small Mr.t Chria. Hilber, our police constable with luties will be to superintend the compil- -Id go prolft 8 go a' 0 re I In Ing the public different seotch June 22 y or er. spe( , brougt 1638 1 v u Pi quested t Din a the procession Tuesday mornin h e in h I ation and distribution of -immigration, litera- oll ments hes, songs and social conver. Tuckersmith. Robert Dilworth, Joseph Smellie,' W. H. to come and& examine 90 a. 1 .7 the assistance of Mr. Fred. Kibler Fraser, G. F. Blair, George Murdie, James j. g. jAK1 am tl sys at home' to town and placed b' OrAer at $10, liki ture for the Governm�nit, and for which -his A NOVEL E-N-TERTAINMEZU.-MiS I �isher sation being the order. A pleasant feature A GOOD BuLL SoLD.-Mr. Herbert Crich 120M. -1582-1- afore the magistrato.- _eol of the evening, also, was the presentation to Rinchley,. Thomas McMillan auditors, M. Mr. F. Rene, two spectacle peddlara� -who- sold -within rcen new erience eminently quali- and her pupilsbave a treak in store for tt p Ple -has disposed of a fine young Durham bull to Bmms.-Rev. Mr. Muir I as on Tues - 'on im. p p of Seaforth on the evrening of Fr day, J6 4 11th. the deparbingfirother of a beautiful Masonic Mr. Thomas Elder, of Kippen. This animal Black, J. 13. McLauchlin. were accused of defrauding a widow women, $20 an $22 fleagh JU?re.rqhite was a resident of the day', 8th inst., to attend th4 General As. They will give a Deloarte entertalam!nk In Vardno's jewel, accompanied by the following ad- is 20 months old and is one of the finest of -in Stanley township. The , however, act 3mbly which meets ka A ' Scotch TweedsV coun,ty of Huron before going to Manitolis. built on that es,ening. This entertsir me i Wilk Ipag. nt ivill con- dress :-Esteemed brother and companion : is breed. The price paid was a good one, eisk of Marches. Pbysical Culture I lovements, Re- Blyth. Rev" tied the matter satisfactol P, and thems He was conaected with the Exeter Times Mr. Stewart will cond-t services of- out Of the' -olA and is a son of W citations Pantomimeseto. Theveratileand �mua- -We, the members of Britannia lodge, No. as prices go at the present time. Mr.. Elder CHips.-Rev. Mr. Rigsby i the Presbyterian church'on th'� afternoon of iatrate let them off with- a warning. -Mr. 0.* r. JohA White, the a atteD iKk-the iog play'of " The Tournament of Idlecourt," will 170, A. F. and A. M., G. R. C., d Moil- has got a first class animal a Grab has purchased a finely mated team of Raincoats and -t an nd we hope he -General Conference which is being- held in June- 13th, and Mr. Shaw, og -June 20th. drivers. -Mr. Ed. Appel has bought a Shot - P present proprietor of that journaL He will form a feature of the progranime. dmission' to all loeb chapter, No. 66, R. A. M., having will be successful.in his v�nture. London this week. -Mr. 4d Mrs. How Durin� Mr. Muir's absence th , ' - I Imfly eoine f have his headquarters at Ottawa. to of the hall, 25.oents; Chil ten, 16 cents. ard We con- I oung eo- and Pon d harnefis,from apartyip lie's Socie�y--, of eavor w Years we have a Merved seats can be procured at Pi at's Mug Store. earned with deep regret of your approach. THE COUNCIL.7--�The council sat y, cart an gratulate our old friend on his appointment Ss Alexander left on Tuesda morning foT the )hriatian y -M. Zellar, Martin Wurm and ey wi and we have no doubt bu that he will be as are cordially invited to come and Spend a 11 reside. 0 gold- their 'i�eeiing on Sunday evening John Prang were at Goderlchafew-day* Entertainmentto commeuce sleigit o'clock. All in departure from our midst, take this op- Court of Revision of the assessment roll on 1orthw6si, where th ur in- Seaforth. botli. en's su evening- 1838-1 a 6 Bros. ecessful in his new sphere as he was in pleasanb portunity of expressing the high eateem in May 26th-, at Kyle's hotel Three appeals b�at wish's go with them. -Denoted stead of Wednesday evening. n interesta which we have always held you, and our were laid bollote the court, all onj the gromnd . ago, in regard to a law suit of! the estate d. the newspaper sanctum. ate busy erecting furnaces at present for ing and instruetive musical' rtainment To muY woollen goods, or eel I wool at first heartfelt regret for your removal from our" of being aad seed to high. After hearing next winter's use. -Mr. Ed. Campbefl, who in aid of the Methodist school was the late� John Prang. The estate came out� at 50c, cost. The Woollen Mille, Saaflort4, Is the place, iel B. Geiger * few' Oapp,- at 150 and midst. Both' a a man and a mason -you evii each appealant, it was de- has beennn McKinnon & Co's employ'for given in the Methodist eburc on Tuesday days agb left for Huron county, Mchi No middlemen. 1688.1 lence'fro victorio' .--Mrs. Dan THE W. C. T. U. -A meeting of the have madp your presence amongst us pro-. cide�d to'disFes each appeal, leaving the sometim�, has resigned his position and evening last. The church wa4 comfo at 35c Women�o Christian Temperance ductive of much good, your never failing 'assessments an placed by the assessor., Lot rts'bl, y to visit her children. -Quite an Union was SOUTU Huitox FARIMERS' INSTITUTE.- Itarted a business in the' dry 200ds and fillod'with an attentive audience; who in re, . a few rM W4001. 3f, � held on Wednesday of last week,at the call The annual: meeting of the me bers of the attendance at lodge and chapter meetings,' WJ 32, co, * ssion 4, L. R. S., was assessed grocary'lliVne for himself in the sho7p n e treated to a rich here attended the funeral of Mr. J. JAtts, en!s Fei of the county president, Miss V. M. Fisher, and the deep aliad active interest which you to Samuel eid, who has become a muji(olil feast' 'near He sall.-Messr. H. Well, Aaron. 85Z South Huron Farmers' Inatit to was held tenant vacated by Francis McCaughey. We wish consisting"of piano solos by Prof� adisor George, Karcher and John F. Rickbiel were who was recently appointed by the provin- in 'Coxwoith's, hall, Hensall, on Tuesday have alwas taken in Masonry, make us feel of same. essirs. Philip Murray, William him success in his' new undertakirig.-Mr. wbid% were -rend his 42,215 fur felt. of Toronto, Is losing Simmons and Henry Jackson were added to pointed delegates to repreacut the Zurig, the local pre Joseph Habkirk is in Dungannon at present ch Ored a ng tw cial executive. The meeting was opened by last. that the r4al craft in this town i The meeting was fairly ell attended. usual excellent style, and rusesin nd eeds ident, Mrs. Bond. -_,Miss Mr. William one of its most useful members. And yet the roll as persons baying a right to vote at I Evaugelical Sunday school, at bhe annual. .4 Fisher read the Scripture. lesson Lewis, of Credi on, was ap. )uying wool for Peter Purvis, of Teeswater. solo's by the Varna and Hensall quartettes, suit. after pointed chairman, and Mr. Al xander Dun.' we feel that our grief, though. -natural, is elections to the Legislative Assembly only. �-The concert in aid of the India relief and also short addresses by �gars. Muir convention to be held- in Dashwood nert- Bike Iff-0 which she explained the need of the organ. 'somewhat selfish, for your removal merely After closing the Court of Revision the fund wad - a grand success, fiDancially and and Burto�n. All went away leased and week. -There will be no service in' tbP'- lzation of the county for effectual work-. A can, of Usborne, secretary. The annual marks vour own advancement, and will un Evangelical church next Sunday forenoon, report of the direct council sat ors, which was read by for general business. Accounts. .6therwise. The proceeds amounted to over profited by the entertNinment.-4- r. CAP) 25ce and b resol, Giza diner, shows 'amle- ution was unanimously adopted to meeb. the secretary,'Mr. Roberb doubtedly be to the great benefit of the or- were passed amounting to $406.43, includ- $40.-Wataon &.Einigh shipped four car. son, our worthy boot I on account of quarterly meeting being held in 'Clintonin June, for this purpose. de and sh" merchant, A the institute to be in a prospe ous condition r in the town to which you are goill lug an account of .9. North, London, Roads of fat cattle to the old country mar. has rented and mo on the 14th concession. -Nosh Sararus an& chool of Methods will also be conduGted ved into the -,',a ore owned doing a good work. ipe by Mr'. Dixon, and will there ay jowe&-". at the same time. There were 9; Ontario,.for one-half car load of sewer pi hats on Wednesd4y. 9nduot his hands in holy, aatrimony in the EvangelicaL and to- be Finally, we wish to express our heart Miss Lavina, Bender last Wednead Some new departments five institute 'meetings held in different wishes for your continued success ; success, fo�'culverts, $121.50, and an account of business as in the old. stand h IKOlqzy as open. church . Ve wish the voun couple much' were taken up. Parlor meetings and the which from our knowledge of you personi $160 for cedar.and elm,,suit�ble for repair. Demorest Medal " contest work; ar� to be parts of the'44ing last year, and the Pen- Kippen. edoutafine stock of the t lines of tinually increasing a idence -am. ttend ce at these� ally,we have every couf , will attend ing or rebuilding culverts Thirty-five jobs joy and a long life together. arranged for. Young people een the meetings, shows an iner As a slight toke: of of gravelling were let at' rates a little lower BmEF8.-Mr. John B. McLean, of Tack do, and no doubt will . 0 bet your future career. gr. � easing and growing to business'in his neW es. -News ages of 12 -d 24 Years are to to: have the ersmith, is this: week attending county is . preml y Increase privilege of reciting before a public audi. interest among the farmers? in whose inter. our esteem, and to remind you of Sealth than last year. The council then adjourned council �t Goderich.-Our at has been received of Mr.- I Med egor's sa' Cromarty. eats they are held. and its associations, we b leave to pre6ent to meet ation yard the fe ence Three Judges will he appointed from The-tteasurer's re ort again on Thursday, June 10th, at past few! days has been the scene, of activity, arrival in the old coqntry. Th6 horses he GATmERmGs.-The cold still continuW was a very satisfactory one, showing -a M- you with this keystone. edn' behalf of the 10 O'clock, a, Kyle's hotel, for the hearing - - took with him -laud receiving anc'e of $130 in the treasury n the the, amount of shipping*done, in the way in exc4 nt condi- and fur capes and coats are -still in requisf- the audence, and the contestant year's brethren.of Britannia lodge, J. ORR ROSE, and trial of complaints against' assessments tion, and no dou'bt w I meet wi, -M . r. John McIlraith is improving tit Wrong S! the highest number of marks will be pre, transactions secretary ; on behalf of the companions of of --baled hW, grain and lbre stock, a , ready tion. Oft the ing, sented with a beautiful silver medal in a This balance, owever, was Malloch chapter, R. S. H levied for the im d better ;oei to shoiO that there is some enterprise male. -Mr. ohn Aik head, of a London house by having it raised and build Str made up of the proceeds of th excursion to AYSi scribe E. maintenance of big drain." ii Hoggarth, 00 saffin lined ase. Mrs. 'Edward cFaul the Agricultural College at Gu 31ph. As this in our village. -Fall wheat in this IdIcality road, south of this, c menced aying on cellar',under it. -Mr. Joh will furnish particulars to anyone wi never looked better, and by present ap. 'Tuesday last. This is the hs n iding in Seaforth, as moved. i ki season. to join the contest class. -hing simounted to about $140,it wi 11 be seen that LoCAL BF.IEFs.-�Rev Mr. Sawyer, 'of the Irishtown. pearan4s the husbandman a loo ng for- Cromarty this week and is now. occupying' the expenses were somewhat ii , excess of the Alma circuit, occupied the pulpit of the Me. 'A BRIC41-IT YOUNG LIFE GoEs OuT. -Amid -ward to, a good crop. -Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Honeymoon cottage. -Mr. Joseph Spe&M regular income. The menib(rah' 'for the thodist church last Sunday morning and the gladsome days of Bpring,when earth and McKibhon, of Wroxeter, have been vi i i J$1Uev&Le. has co�m let#d his barn, and is now in EwITGNIwaz NOTES. -Mr. E. McMurray t U has rented Mrs. 9. 0arnochan's comfortable there were only 141 members as evening. A special cifflection w,%s asked for shrubnd tree in mantled green and fra. with friends in the village during the week. LocALs.-Messrs. King Brok arm, are session ofone of . the finest barns in tiw_ year was not as large as it shouly be, 9 whereas in that day, and in answer to the request Ithe grint blooms spread perfume everywhere, -Mr. R. B. McLean w4s at Goderich on building a double brick house on heir farm township. -Mr. Neil Gillespies, baby In TOT residence on Tiorth Main street.! What a riding such as. South Hurc _J1 the me�ler- amount of $200 was raised. -Mr. A R poor mortals filled with hope and life would Thursday of last week,on special h6u ine n rth of the village. ill at present and does not show =UOR next ? We beheve Mrs. Ca ip, consider ng that the e Be 0 Mr. Ge" a Haney e is only 25 Sampson, who has acted as tellr he see or think they see a is the architect and carpe ter, and Mc of. vement.-Mr. Hoggartlio of in _lengthened span of relating to the public school grants. -Mrs. n inoing into her other dwelling lately oc- cents, should b three tithes s large as it Dominion bank here since this b rnch was years., `Tie often then tliat death steals in John Cooper and 'son Henry, of Howick Gregor Brothers, of Wingham, ' 11 do the all with his daughter NM I opnrgo capied ky Mr. Jasper Winters, wh� ho I 6s I is. The members also get f e of coat an opened, has been transferred to Lindsay, and claims a favorite flower. Most fittingly spent s.1few days among friends here d brick work. -Mr. Joseph West, � f Wood- Case, visited his so)a,. Mr. . Will ffoigar$hp� PaYble I moved to Bemniller to take charge of it ir�imense amount of useful ani interesting and hisiplace here will be filled by �Mr. do the foregoing thoug�'ts represent. the the we6k.-Mr. John McNevin has t. -Mr. _j7ainst a 70 uri'l ad large graziug ranch for a Seaforth syndicate agricultural literatur. As an evidence been stock, ie'visiting his brother Rev. W. J, of this place, on Saturday ]as Loosemre, of Toronto. 181r. Sampson death of Miss May McConnell, which took busy the past week loading several carloads Went. -Rev. W. H. -Moos, is at '. 'ding con. Miller lost 86. valuable beast last week e -On Friday and Saturday, June 18th and however, of the increasing intE rest taken in proved ihimself M-0st efficient and obliging place in Hibbert on Tue�day of last week. of lumber for Messrs. Broadfoot & Box, of ference,-Mr. Wh was intended for the market in a few I lof Turn- 19bh, all those itereate-1 in iii I iproving the the institute meetings, we ma-ir saV that the itfield Jermyn,' A and he ill be greatly missed by the - atrons 'The decedsed young lady sito1r, I- . - appearance of our cemetery are requested to directors have been strongl] with pu6umonJ4 and was -Mrs. Bell,! who spent a few days vi thing to be on hand at an early ho esteemed in this parish, fFom bar earliest half 4cr'e of Mr. Doij's property -and iS now also threatened with typhoi �n 8tratfprd last week, ha "too, ur with a shovel u�ged from of the bank. -Rev. E. 0. Taylolr,of ;Aicago, �was known and Beaforth.-Mr. Shaefer has purchased ' berry, who was ill d fe4r is now friendi i I)er jhoUU, years, -for her many goo�d and generous getting it put in order to set his co er reeovering.-Mr. Proctor, f Kj�iburti, is ad home. -Dr. Pddn is Visiting frien many quarters to increase t�e nu!nber. of will hold meetings in the town hall here, on 0 ax.eor wheelbarrow. Afew teams would in titute meetings. The meet�ng passed a June 17 and 18,. under the auspices ot the qua ea. Even in her oarly girlhood she shop;o�, which is the building he =e y learning cheese-makipg at the ��ctory.___� this neighborhood at'present.-Mrs. -slillow also, be usef is spending a vote of tbanks to Messrs, Ro rt McMdrdie Women's Christian Temperance Union. Mr. enjoyed a full measure of i public approba- purchased from �Ipareqta, ding aured 2 -week or two with friends 4 Blake, where and M. Y. McLean, M. P. fo Mr. - McIntosh. Our mer- Mrs. 0. R. Brinker, is visiting h Miller was away last week atten N Or prolliptn, r their Taylor comes most highly recommended as tion. At the inaugurationlof Dublin, *hile chants will then be able� to get butter zubs near Detioit.-Mr. Archibald wedding of her isister, Alihs Helena 8 she formerly resided. -Growers of fruit and efficient management of the excursion to a ape* Pa reon is aker and as a worker in the cause of yet a child, she was chosen� Queen to rep're. at thpir own door, which no'doubb will be building a stone foundation undef the barn -On J6e the 10th, a grand ewrly vegetables have had much cause for Gael -ph last year, which was fittingly ac temperance. -The Union football team, sent the Dominion,and gr&t advantage, ome capital- the farm in Turnberry, whic he pur- picnic was given possession a thii Ir [tic appe d dd ITY r )e Ir.McLean. he'followin of Xorth Main street, defeated the Maple of the village key, according to the for- ist a] g1most The picnic will be hold n Mr ;anxiety dwing the past few weeks on ac. knowledged by 3 9 on and ball will be held in or the rrent year : nV at an f Leafs," of the west end, in a match on Mon- mality of that celebration. But advancing dustZand set our villaie a' booming. -Rev. ready for the machinery, -Miss oney, 0 gr ni 8 'Count of expect -d frosts, and it seerhs &I. directors were oboe [ao� come in and in the salt in- chased last fall. -The flax mill RaWd most a miracle Ghat things have escaped so Richard Delbridge and Don d McIunis2 day last, by a score of one goal to none. f oe. . Football, baseball- a well- EaUY strawberries -have uffered UBbo e originality and excel. Mr. cheson lea: ves hete on Monday for Brussels, anent a few days: this k, with from leading officers of tile Oder P. P. Tel rue -. George Samwell, ter ; Win. Rev. Mr. Richardson occupied the pulpit of lance of her good and noble nature. After Winnipeg, to attend thw General Assembly.' her aunt,_Mrs. John i U tori brass band- will be-jA_­ 2110st damage2 and an a result Mr. Beek vad 1 Lewin an' 0he aviled . , jr. given. Kirk d Wm. Shapton, Ste ell ; H. H, the Presbyterian church on Sunday, morn. quitting the public scho6l her. --..!Tho t5acr4ment of the Lords Supper will VArltou McWCimmuoken tendauce. A grand tidie is expeato& 10 J"