HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-05-28, Page 8I
AY 28i
Royal� Templars of T
ant spent Sunday and Qiieen's Birthday , borneicif Mr.GootgaVaylor, over the 20h. pioes of the m
ple vent abroad on is same l t er- DER yo vMr. I S. Di k perance. The ball wat'brii,;�vded tA 0
tt "eboi Orange, the guests doors, and the chair was occupied by, Mr.
Wilson"s 0 -heim, Oxford 6ounty. sisters, of Seaforth, the: G ad
isud.-It is amusing to notice with what with riendis in BIOA
ash Grocery aton took 'a he Ct at,�rr
determination some will persfist in If You bave paid your subsorip- The first bowling match of te as all
There bjUt a n 0A for place on, Monday afternoon,, _ This -Communion service's Wm. Lewis, of Crbditon, di ct councillor.
XA*v1d= Turnip god ch cap ibis year. t1ing the Mo t. b cial tariff changes. tion to THE EXPOSIT wo be. 0 Mrs..R. MOM04 die.an 3
we can son now msingold, and turolp toed at loo a lb. even d escape �dverse -11 be
Is o , 0 cordbinsPrI00 CD W81 this YOST, 50 Free eorn tweenrinks chosenby- the 'president, Mi. wi. observed �a St., Andrew's the- first The, subject, 11 Resolved tliarmarried life is
this year, don't, read tbie. ihael and 'the vice-president, Sabbath of June q "preparatory services on preferable to single life," 440 disdussed. by,
the beat variation, bought criticism, thout in t. of our farniefs will James Moblic Carpet -82111
We-h3va a zood stock of 6 e Vf;;r a hard fought battle �heo previous Friday. -Mr. Shaffe
hem ItobeftRma & Cj., one of the moist rollsl I purchase some or*, , and will be at least But if- you have not paid your Mr. M. MOfris r has Mesers. W. Harris,. S. 86brilake, R.i
*isiod how saw. ff -victorious. h4se'd the viigon shop of Mr. Hugh' Cobleigh and Ja jV& Z
we of Cisnads, Including his celebrated mes elgafy m a irm-
augold and monarch turnip seed. Give us a a trifle ahead in the reduced-price.1 Why subscription for this year the aide of the president came o
i Gait, spent Sun- Vorlaniltboh, and iniends to have it m6ved to ative, and Messirs. Ethelburt Butt, Jesse
cannot do better. In Grocerlet, we can do snarl at a bleuiug��tbhough -it d -I P to Read' it. —birs- Cant, of
'YOU It W14 Pay you Elston, S. Stanlake, and J. Prouty on the
me well, or better, than any, - house lim town. Our from & grit source. dav and Monday with heir sister h6s. the to of theivillage adjoining his prop -
Tow Jost now are extm goad value. Our Bourbon Intaig in one close u- fo # a coo
he holiday so Win. Elliotti;'of Egmandville.-Miss B. 10 r ty, -- d t ruing in )perage. Mr. negative. The referees, hIiissrs. Wealeyi
ason, it is little A very large proportion of� oar sub. 'She keeps thin 5 a -booming. -M Huston and G' . Dale, decide We sell them at
blead of an* To&" Coffee in second to none, and, PrOxItaity to t g9od Carpets,.sell
we have the besk brand of Canned Vegetables put up ecture, ilready paid their sub. McLean, of -THs Exposrron istaff, is fit - III r. R. in. favor of tw, _01ft
wouder.that the atte danoe at, the I iscribets have Ahn vieftey priew, an -hem bi,
in Canada. There ham been a drop in the price of an Tuesday eve was rather meagre. confined to her residence through illness.- B. U Mrs James Dick, of affirmative. A very pleasant evening w d carry a stock of t
scriptions for this year. '13 Is during the for t of the week. spent, and the Sodom friends are alway
Blacults--come, here'll you. want to jre�k the full boos- um iiwsvy rt&W ' I d 'no no. Mr. Harry Spearep whose stock. was d Ive
Those who remainel am enough and varied enough to
m on so a A"' has made ,M Aga" a I oholF in selecting. We to -do
Cis we At of It. All kinds of produce taken at bigbut are still a few 4ho have n4 dZi B14ir, daugrte!r of Mrs. Wil- welcomed at, Centralia.
80 &god by fire is couple of w k go, a Mp g iriiirketprlge. Cavit-forens. aniatdl tual treat, �ho like of WMha,0,ihd To theme we would say, that although r, is spend' f eks visiting
not come o b t seldom.- r. and onamountof hard times-ana moarciiy a satisfactory settlement with the insurance &I t basinen, bigger -1; t bi I If our
0. WILSON, Sworth. Mrs oompanies and has his establishment run- 4 riejuli at Albert Taylor, Of roxvtoi. d possibly do i
i prift
ArmaturroZa0yf t 0 "1 Soo," hs�o been of. moneyj we have been more: lenient I w 00
Blako.-Ar W ban
Bank of Commerce, Block. Tendwilg game time �] ately the nests of nidg fall blast again. -Mr.' L F' Gatteridge !Olin spent ths24th at the parental home. NOTES. -Her M oijesty's birthday was very and patterns were not absolutely
rs. deorg than we should have been,,but from :-M . Acheson quietly observed here., Those in queWdf a thinking of in in
a Bro?vnJ of this A age. -A has a large gang of workmen busily engaged ,it., of'the manseis visit-lng If you arr
a this out we must adhere strictly to our Arano Carpet, it will pay to Nee oarl
NEW loin on the wheal INS he ;avorito 0 in laying down.the lithlio pavement on a t r. Asler's, in Blake. -The bay fields hissure patronized the' $'simes of neighborl
terms. - We must do this in- justice to the wM hfain street, north from Mt. I, t rance, and by the pres., IV# worth reme
pastime of our youn e i spri LA t side of presen a good appesi ing owns while many took A d4vantage of th rubering tha
those who have prAd. promptly. We
, i Pickard's corner. The merchants along the lent outlook the I` will be no lack of hay. Is carpets bought here free of c
SUITS and and one worideri wh all. the mo off, n9w thetefore, give fair *,.fartsing, that r! oliday to have. a day#1shing.-Amon
Juxur - - il
from to provide th route will not be sorry when the work in those who are hire open Ing a da
_y. any sul4criptions remaining � un id spent
complebeA.--Mr. J. 0. Smith, banker, to.
Baker, of our school, �ttended the tewieYs ONE W1 - 'Chnton. with friends. mind relatives'in town a ic INGRAIN CARPETS
CLOTHING. last,- MONTH from this date, wil Queen's Birthday in. Toronto. -Kiss IA y iii
convention at Wingh*m -on Yrid4 charge4 the IFULJU CREDIT ioe. N6TN3.-WorA1 has been received of the ard Miller, of Goderich '; John J. Gibson, of
PrI Hunt returned to her home in Clinton on I All wool and a. yard wide, not
Mann. Bolton and BrOwi, of Niv4 Toronto and George All&' i6nd wife, of Pro'
uri,wore ante or , nieo i - - quated, sidetracked patterns, b
The amount is small, and here are Frid hot, after a pleasant, death of bliss Jo F d i a of Rev. W. , P
visit with4j. t k*
mests at Mr. Tho0as Hills' fov several ton. -James Fox and es Thompson, of
We have Jewt received another large assortment of nonewho cannot U if th Will. it friocn1% in town. -Rev. Father Keeliy, of Ford, of ihe Ontario street 6hurch. 'Miss 4m new, 1897 designs, in . quiet. et;
=ad* up Clothing. Amongeti - them w111 be 'fount -A
this week. fuhionable wedd lFord was a Methodist missionary. at Chen- Brussels, and Charles Eiving, Teew-aster,
in only through n ot or odrelessnesis Irishtown, will prea6h in St. James' obureli, tints that won't show dust,
some, Tar
e and Startling bargainiii. We woul call lyiplace at the manse one evening here on 8 -Thom
have nol paid.. If, therefore, turn well. There's wear in theta
that all Seaforth, on Sunday. evening next at 7 ter, China.-. Wh�ls driving into Clinton, the were abbath Wp. Ra
eattention of buyers to a Man's Bulb, was in the Queen City heear
rac ME
414 IOU a4 t
I LONO PRICE, 0 c1qck, taking as his Subject -,,Christian part of the week.--�-Roberp Black 0 0
which we shtll rell at St. The price seems small, week, the Coat ti parties being a co ypu are charged the other day, M r 81 Appleby- of Hallett, bail 04 businem t1ifen they look well almost
ored gentleman from 8 saforth and tit --IN
but we claim it contains as good cloth as three ' C u Must blame yourselves aid, not us. a narrow escape, from a serious accident. a thread left. Any of these quali
om Gode 4oh. --Night I& omel yo Charity." -Mr. C.. W. P"t h sold his
tivarters, df the Suits niade to order for $12. Also white lady fr and sui A on business on Wukday last. -Re
I Him horse shied and upset the bu throw. are good, bat the better the price t4w
I very# lines at $1,75, So and $8. i5o Mens, shine united.- We giva you fair wannng—OnS family and driving mare to Dr. Sloan,, but 9
-pedal Mr. A ilebylout on the 1arly ro WArliam Burns, of Toronto, o6cu ied t better the Carp
Tiouthe, Boyis' and Obildrees Suits. odd shiiM to be g and. et Prices are
a an tho doctor intends returning to Toronto 74t 1�
cleared'at 25 per cent. leas than tbeir value, 10a Month from this datp. ff I of the Presbyterian! church t SA $1 the yak
he will not require her and will have to die.- Yortuniste y.,he �ps not injured. -The latest Pu 01
XW9 Twefd ftntq, special value. sit St, to be clear- To BOARDism.-A uple of boarders can McLEAN'BROTHERS, Publishers.. laddition to the ixma�es of the e of the Rev. M..Aude -
ed at W; 30 Rain Pzoof C;oats, at I off value. _CW1 -in a private house in poa6 of her again. -James Farewell, th-6 Mr. F. V. Dixon, co�,firb reporter her
and iaspwL And excellent woommodatl n lRefuge in James Lougett, of Goderich town. son-- _VNIO.N CARPETS. -
town, b applying at Tna Eiroarroz Office. 1515-tt notorious convidt who escaped a. few weeks : i I
ship. -Mr. Georle Gordon in improving his was in attendance at the Olebrated Mel
D.-Waat A James' church cemetery on Monday forenoon. ago by jumping from a moving train with tone found n.
good girl to do to I residence by ation u othen arson cue last week. -R. Hainstoc Not as good, not as lasting, not as
Wm.- Pickard & 00. GmL W -ANTE He was the sbackles-6 n, when on his way peni- n eX*
-pneral house work. Highest wages to a suitable Mr. Spain was 46 Tears of age. der it. -Mr. Ba�,sngtke%loivn this week Shipped leavis for Manitoba' Ihs "week. -The Wr p, . ensive as the all wool's, but in us
Apply to Mas. T ii-miciE, Mo tentiary, was recaptured at -Port Perry Mon. arson. ROXAS GOVIL I native of Seaforth, being a son of the late xeter football club had 4 tassel with Wing- uok
Elop, near Bedorth. 1585-tt pi day night, and in no doubt safely lodged in fine lot of hogs! o Collingwood. .. . , the same designs and colorings, Th -sr
SIAMMICAM MW Patrick Spain, one of th toneer . residents f ham last week result 2 to 1 in favor of the cheaper ones are jute and cotton mixeoii.
SATE 'FOR SALE.-Fck -Sale cheap, a g*o.d of this section, and a blreot-her of Mr. Peter that house of rest -before this. -Mr. and latter. OANDO se6ond-hand safe. Apply to F., GuTrzittiez, sem- the better ones cotton and ool, and,
Spain, of this town. He was a strong, ro. Mrs. John Morro of Ingersoll, who re- Stafta.
bust man, industrious and well doing, and eently returned froo spending the winter at NoTics.-AA gelus accident occurred on keep their color best. Therels
To Tnu LADIZ9.-Xis. Levi Smith, cor- looks and wear, too, in those at xic
-JEA INS-URA.NCE forth. Luch respected by those who know San Die , Coal* ia, spent QaeeWs birth- Goderich.
Der Market and Jarvis Sineis, Seaforkh, Is prepared was M 90 the football grounds on Monday afternoon,
d rrible day with friends in eaf6ith. They were the' , TRAmps ITENCW�—'On Friday last, 40c, 45c, 60c and 60a the yard.
to do up Ladies! hair qonibiho Into Switches, ate. him. His mad and sud en death is a te in which Frank Tuffin had. the misfortune ft � I
William Preston, ThomasWhite and Frank
AGENCY, Switebesof all colors for sale. Ladieshavlogdark affliction to his bereaved widow and family guests of Mrs. Hargan. -'Mrs. McKinney, �et hisle br4en. Dr. Michel, of Dub. LS AND,TAPEST.RY-
or black hair coutpinp to isoil will be liberally dealt of eight young children. They will have mother of Mrs. Thomas Stephens, of this Ilion attendeg to �the fracture, and it is hoped Stewart were brought .161re Judge Mason
with. Ali work warranted to give satisfaction. for trial on a charge of train -wreck'
W. Somervi I le Agent. A trial solicited. Orders prorptly filled. 1536.2 the sincerest -sympathy of the entire com. town, died at the.residence, of Mr. Stephens th t e will soon be able to be out again.- ing on For best wear there's nothing 'to equw
the Canadian all
on Tuesday last. -,She had been staying We are sorry t� report that, Mr. David Pacific way track be- them. Out assortment i I
NO PEDLARS NEED APPLyi.—We don't munitY.- arge, (successor to H. A. Strong & Bro.) require any poillare through he country Selling our, with her daughter'here for several months, Bruce was taken seriously ill at Mr. Robert tween Gorrie and Ford*i6h. The prisoners values right. Big patterns, little pa -
Telegraph and Express Building. gooJ reputation,. and MR. JO'HNST6'N's ADDREs&-�-The Rev. She was 77 years of age and had beiiin in Saddle's, on Sunday evening, and is were. foland guilty of pl�bing obstructions on teris, dark 'colors, light colors, atte
not yet I . iolls every time. Satisfaoidol gu3rantoed and price�e Robert Job t of London, delivered his fai;-Ing health for a long time. The remains able to be remo�ed to his own home. -Mrs. the traok and were eaqh; sentenced to two and colors to suit any kind of a roo�
right at BR( AwoM -B-ax & 04. 's, Porter's old etand, in on"
1537 pr6inised ad ress were taken to Kincardine for interment on i James Oliver, of Port Arthur, -is visiting her years less one day in the central prison af You'll find these values hard to
HEADS, WIN N BUSINESS I u� in the Egmondv"ille Pres. best-
ning last.
RuTTER SALT.-Anoth�r load of S oial Dyterian Chu ch on Tu Thursday. -Dr.; Gibb, V. S., has been at St.! mother, Mrs. John Drake, who is seriously Tor nto. They were all tramps, and one of 25c, 37je, 45c, 50p, 65of 75e and $1 thft
pe, his father, Dr. William G ibb,: the 01, had a previous criminal record. The
ButterSaltin 50 lb.sacks,�aa been redeived and The attan4supewas -not very large, atlhough MI' ill at -present. i yard.
whZes ill and not expected to recover. Crown was assisted b� Mr. Angus Mal'
-Cuakomerecannowbesuppli �'nice there * W* a fair audience. The Chair was H� isnvery
or at the grocery stores, Esulte of TIT. -CoLxKAN, ow returned and attendin t busi- Murchy, of Toronto.
occupied by Rev. -Mr. Shaw. The lecture Luridesboro.
faith I . I
1537-1 119. .
was, delivered under the auspices of the 11085'ad-formerly.-Mr. Doilald Acinonis, of,- MR. 6ARRbW THE Uk�NIAJIOUS CHOW
Nimw BARN-. -LMr. Robert Scott raised his
Fop. siLE.-Three Xresh cows. For W U.Sborne, and of �he firm of , Richardson
STRATFORD, ONTARIO, One of the largest -anq�!'Miost enthusiastic
omens'Foreiegn Missionary Society. It Is e bank barn on Saturdayidat. The'
I E rg �v?r held in West
further particulars apply at the E xposuoROFF'10 , was an abl�, earne it and eloquent deliVer. Mclainis, of thiel town, was in town on rsme Liberal conNentions Hodgens Bros
Oar business is to fill hemda with practical Seaforth. f wo!* was done by Mr. Wm. Riley. Hu
knowledge. The leading Commercial 37-2 ence and was listened. to with evident pleas-" Tuesday. We ate glad to learn that Mrs. GooD ItMPLARS.-The district meetin ton took place at D�uganndn on Friday.
School in -Canada to -da ; n . ine beautiful FREE.-We.give you ftee, freight char use' and el6se interest by all present, and McIpinis, who ba!s been laid up for some, 9 The first order of busines's was the election
packing charges and pediar's'eharges, when yout"UY, time with inflammatory rheumatism, is now' of the Good Templars was held here on the of officers, which resu��d as follos : Mr. OLINTON.
college rooms,'excellent teachers, moderate jo -our wareroom' on main street, Sea. Will no doqbt, result in stirring up increased 24th May. The meetin d at 11
eggoode at recovering. ct oPene.ap
rates, enter at any time, circalars free. Porter's old stand. ER ADFooT, ]Box & Co. zeal and liberality in the cause :of foreign. -Mr. Robert Wilson has Eold, o'clock, with the Distri thie Te lar, J9 D - McGillicuddy, Godeiiph, President; Mr.
1637 -missio Is r,"; -Holmes Vioe
The church choir ga, h" handsome brown drivin , mare to M "ml)e; R. nton, -President; Mr.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-52 ne.. fe a number 9 1 L. Farnham in the chair. A large Ch minute race, half mile,—" Mae, J. Swartr,
WANTED.—Eggs, 100. Wingham of i6d' Thompson, of Brussels, for $150. She weaj Morgan Dalton, Ashfield, Second Vice- Ist
mer very MCA musical selections which add, of delegates we�e present from the various F.eddy J. OLeary, 2nd
chants are always to the fro 6. We are giving a To- bred by Carlisle President ; Mr. James" Young. Auburn, n-nii
not a little to the pleasure of the evening.
fund of two cents per d1011Zz3en 0 all eggs bought for es and reported the. work progressing Third Vice -President - ad lkli. William e H.,-' J. H-ugill, 3rd
The - Kippen Store. 8c during the past Wx weeks; also two cents per lb. A silver c0lection wasi taken at the door, nloideS Y. A considerabIgtime was spent dis. It. Beattie, 4th ; beat time 1.01 0-26 ace
on all go butter. Look up your bills and bring them and we have no doubt but a liberal sum wam i Brucefteld. the C q�ming . plebiscite vote The Coats, Clinton, Secretary. A thorou h or- mile heata,—" Rockaway," J. In. We have a contract for 49 to 60 tubs weekly a I prooured,foi, the purposes of the society. to auizAtion was effected,, ill
choice dairy bu r ;price, 11 G. E. Knis, !MRS. BAIRD has just opened out a case of i next district looge is be held in Luck. I 1,and afterabead- let Rodney,,` 140. Bossenberry, 2nd b4i
Winghmm. ish2337-L up-to-date Dry Goods, consisting of the nevresti or Cases by Mr. M. C. meron, Mi.* P. 9 J. 33. Old- man's race.—J. H. me-
thingsin Ladies' ready made Blouses, at r 0 2nd. In,
CLOTHING. V Pul", now in Ocob This being the meeting fo T. Garrow, M-. P. P. d others, Mr. Gar time 2,
We have received another large shipment IF the party who borro d a steel scraper A GOOD ARPOUNTMENT.—Wel notice that grices ; Gouts' fancy Shirts and Ties ; love y Lact the election fficers for the year, the fol. row was unanimously-ir -nominated as the Cracken, lot ; John McKinon,
-well from Mr. George Murray, so days ago, will e, appointed rialue, $1 Or pair; also Bed Spreads, full size, 0, 1 fficers were elected and installed:
of Clothing. Our stock is all new and leass the Ontario Government hav ach. See our leader Hose, stalniets and .1 �i standard-barerl n West Huron for the novelty race there were only two eon'�
return the some without a seanilesel' ]37T J D Murdock -; P. D. Liberal testauts and the directors decided to leave
er notice, he wi I con- Dr. Sloan., of this town, to the Coition of 2 �Irfr !for, 25o ; Ladies' Beltq and Blouse sets 0. T., E. L.
assorted. , A line of Men's Heavy Tweed fair a favor upon the own r a d at the "me time the Local Legilaturejab the�uert election.
158 h a ithe Central Prison,' Kroilto, in J d lu a nham D. ., James Yo�ng ; D. V.T. 9 t"t off until the fall fair, -when
Suits, well finished, at $4.50 and $5, are save himself from further Is. 7 p yalclau 11 le� Emblome ; Ribbons and Laoes ; Prints and� Mr.- Garrow accepted the nomination.' The it Will wo
special value. In Boys' Suits,, ye are Show- place of Dri Aikins, deceased. � The Gov- Goibonades. All now and at prices to suit the tlmer�l Miss Addis Crisp ; D. S. J. T., Miss Armp. I given.
A-NoTHrp. shipment of Olevelandis for the eeis for the Queen,
inf apSerge nicely finished, at $1.95. M I tare m,ore t Produde taken in exchange, 5 per cent. of cash. wl'l trong ; D.Sec.-freij., B.Lawtason; D.A S convention closed with 61
0 en a livery. making 14 first class w eels; price -10c, 16c ernmen o be congratulated than shio handle a full line of Grooeriles, and sowd I j 3., Mr Laurier, r. Har4y, Ali. Cameron and
d in. great vArbety, from 75o a e -.M.,
C tj Also fancy =
ants and 20c per hour. Also a good light tandem to, rest. the doctor on this appointment. r. Sloan new in Dinner'and T 1196 me Mi-jiL.Brigham D. C., W. Moor D Statile
Mr: Garrow. Y.
Giso:"tos; BALDwiN at 8 Mull tt & Co.'s hardware W. McGinnis. AwNi:vznsARy SERvicrs.—Th
up. Men's. Ribbed Overalls, at "r5c. = isoneof the�oldest and most experieneed. Aarry sets,and Bread and Butter Plates. MRS, e e store, Seaforth. 1637-1 medical practitioners in the Province and BAIRD. 1587-1 1 � — mary services in connection with old
and compare prices befor buying. aye you I)ash od. . I CAL BRiEFs.—Mr. Alex. Mustard has tance. here held
NiNETY bAYs.—;or thLnext- 90 d -well up in his profession' He Dons road Presbyterian Churc
can buy all irood3 at 'factory ceis, �e has kept
JAMES CA"ING, KIPP1011 thereby among GATHERINos.—Thisteek'it is our sad bath last, when art able -an
freight charges and cost of I of also, one �f the oldest -and most highl secured the contract of erecting cement, NOTEs.—The Rev. Mr. Millyard, of d thought ul ser. -
1621 Too , king, at our vare- oted residents of Huron duty to record the dea�h-of Mr. Adam En
me, Main Street, Porter's Jold s6Lnd, Seaforth. reBPe count af. abutments under the Bannockburn *bridge. Clinton, preaeb ed two very abIq sermons, t 9-1 Mon was preached in the 'foren
BitoAwooT, Box 06. 1 a to show I ng popularity o� 0 Rev- Mr. WaddeI4 Methodist by
1537 though for Several years he has resiYe'd in This goe -the laug. The deceased ha beeii ailing for some
the Sabbath so I children of this place, on inistAi-
on y i0frowl time and on Tuesdayv o ning passed away. of Kippen - who took the place of Ir. Mr.
ScRKEN doors, and gas line Toronto, and I removed to Seaforth 'a this cemen0—Mr. n Snider has been 'Sunday last.—The Goo &ins
mnd Jubilee S 0 d Templars gave a His rem. wvre in r ed in the Goshen Hendersont of Hensall, who w4-ts il Th&.
stoves, retrigemtors, etc. S rr co., sea-' few weeks ago. We are sorry that this ip- obliged to engage as assistant, o very interest' me in, their lodge Wing to inj program on MOIL.
forM- 1537-1 - pointment, will necessitate the doctor's re- press of -work, which speaks well for Mr�' room on nesday evening.--, Quite a ine cemetery on Thar d y forenoom—'Mis- -anniversary tea-meetiog was held
n HAvnxG been given h we regret his Snider's goodbusiness ability.—The Chris' number of the Memb sionary services were h. I in the Evangelical day evening.- There was a large atteudavw_
Celebratio ippl t1he contract for tam to Toronto, and, althoug era atteided the die
Ing the fireman with ru her boots, go church on Sunday aftbrnoon by. Rev. Mt. and a really pleasant evening
es to removal from� here, we can, in common with tian Endeavor society of nion chur h in,' -riet meeting held at Londesboro on May spenk
t was
rX S M3 _A� W 0 IR' !r 3M, whe*e quality is considd�ed. We are selling his numerous iiiends, congratulate him on tend inviting the Clinton society to is�end 4 24th, and report a good meeting. Mechel, Of Cleveland'.. The services were The refresbi-nents, prepared by the ladies of- -
"Peat goods in town. RictrARDso.,j h Mo[mms, I I eogducted partly in n r
*&forth. 1537-1 his prefermentfor so important 6, position in social evening on Tuesday next. --:-Miss Bella'i glish and. pa I 'in t e congregation, were of the choicest and..
CEMENT AND LimE — iie -ser�,ice. I McDonald spent the 24th at her home here,' German. Subscriptio amounting to
the pub! t is well de 'served, both 1100 'in more than abundance. The ebair,for -the
11 keep constant- Howick. were taken up in Sup r � of the missionary
JUNE 22nd, 1897. ly on hand a full stock oi C'ma, its, and Lime, on account of his qualifications iis 'a medical —Mi. Wylie of Turub6r and M68mrs' -intellectual part of the entertalnm6 t
f irthd y p e ov r cupied by the
Plaster, Plastering Hair Law in practitioner and his long and aithful ser- John Aikenhead and John riulinball, of Lon-� NORTHERN SPARKS.—MiRS' Mabel Pr cause. —The -Queen's ass d. e OC
structions given dyastor, Rev. M.Mcl)onald, Consisting of Cie foMwing,events forAll kinds of Cement work. ce3 righL South don, were the Miss 'E. quietly in our villa e1i Rable resses we ' delivered
vices to the Liberal party. I, chard, of Toroato, is the guest of nost of our citizens andui I
guests of Mr. James Aiken' re
1146 Grand Trunk Railway, op bite Freight Shods, Pritchard thee days.=Rev. Mahood and takin races It. Exeter.—Mrs; H.
FORENOON—Firemen's display atois.m.; mon- Fr GUTTERIDGE, Seaforkh. head, on the 24th. —The communion services' Rev. Mr. Acheson of Ki
1587-1 ippen ; Rev.'M
star street procession at 10 a. m., Including Town LoCAL BRiEFR.—The elocution class, un. Of Union church will be held on Jun family, of Web ter City, Iowa, arefaAtre Weigand is visiting : iider the' parental Muir, of Brucefield ; Rev. Mr. Graham, dt,
THE celebrated Knot doable IS, . Council, Firemeu, Volunteera, Schools both in town ent visiting un er the parental roo ui roof at Elmira.—M
and country., Societiej and Athletic Clubs, headed Washing machine, whi action der the tuition' of bliss Fisher, intend giving 6th, with the preptiratory and thauks;'ving te George Ruby Bayfield, and Rev, Mr. Burton, of Varna,"
ch co rpeted - with p
over - i a gloom w ' cast over the commun- attended the funent of her brother Miss Williams, of Zurich, who is an a
by the 33rd Battalion. Band, which will proceed to 9W machines from all over the Orld, ami toak the a musical and literairy entertainment in this services on the preceding Fiiday and f;llowe
-the Recreatton. Grounds, where patriotic sonzs, Gold Medal at the wolds air, is for We by S. town on the evening of June 11th. An Ink Monday respectively. —Mr. John Thom.' : ity the other day when Mrs. lBecker in Hamburg this,,.w(A.—Mc. H. Roese plished -elocutionist, gave, several reciltations-
7hes, and fancy drills will be given. AFTER. Kul-LBTr & Co., Seaforth. Givei i on trail by apply- excellent programme is being prep son,rincipal of 8 hool section'No.10, Stin�' received a telegram that her sister, Mrs. has torn his w tgon shop down in a manner
0"OeND SPORTS.—In the Recreation Grounds an at. 109- 1537-1 gred for which delighted the audiehov-.
tractive rogramme consisting of Relay Race, Tug the occasion and we are ure that the lay, and Mr. Geor,,e Baird, of s (Rev.) Maurer, �,of Oregon, had passed to the and intends, ereebin e, residence in it and. showed that Shia
BicYCLE: FOR SALU.—B irgain, first-class chool section 1 8 . porsesses rare eboil.,
of War, Fps ncy Bicycle Ridi-g, Football and Lacrosse order. W. W. HorymA, Sa&fo� - young ladies and gentlemen of -this class No. 1, Stanley, to )k in the teachera' con.,. great beyond. It is reported that she was place. A new wagou a 0 has been erected. tionary powers. The Varna male quartoette-
Matches, and Athletic Sports will be given, EVE�X- 1537 -IL sick only a ver short . time. The friepdo to the rear of, H. G e therE bla�cksrnith
wilt giie an entertainnieikt- that will be vention held in E., -eter on Saturday,, 22ud I gave several nice vocal selections, while ts,4,
ING.—In the�evenisg a Grand Concert will be held S(�%Ir, great snaps m seco ad hand- shop. —Our tea hers a t nded the conven.
both Ladi I bicycles creditable to themselves and pleasing to the ink.—Mr. Wm. I lurdoch and relatives i ve the sympathy of the excellent choir of the Seaforth Presbyterisin
in Cardno!e. Opera House, the whole to conclude eie and Gents'. 8 x#Lljxrr & Co., 89%. 0 of Stanley, aud� C
with a Promenade Concert and d13play of beautiful forth. Call early f th audience.—Wd are plemed to see Mr. Alex. r. David McLean, of Tuckersmith in, whole communi their sore bereavement. tion at Exeter -last weal church, unaer the leadership of Miss e -
e sold. 1537-1 M I
Fireworks in the Recreation Grounds. For details ey ;auilll Stewart. safely'returned from. his trip to the tend starting for 1e old country 'with sev�, Faul, gave a number of very prwiiig
WOMEN'S OX Od r almorals, worth
and full particulars of the day's proceedings, see :-.10' , —Most of our eighbors around here are all
OTT $3 60, AS $150 on Saturday. k old country.—Rev� W. J. Clark and Rev. erail car loads of fat cattle on Sattird y. W� through Seeding, and consequently are pre- East Wal tn6sh, anthems and choruses in a inanne
large posters and p rammes. R. G. SC IURDSON & 21101"19, ay r -aIii4__
Mayor, Seaforth. paring their ground for turnips , and pota- OBITUARY. Toere ai i , suddenly and un, creditable to themselves and ple i g
Chairm%n Xauaginglj� IfOHN 1537-1 Mi. Stewart, of London, paid their friends h6,pd the will Arike a good market, an4
ommitt 9 WEIR, sec- y asu to t1w
retary Managing Committee. DON'T make the -mist -ke of -giving an here a. visit on Friday last. They rode up �we wish for the toes. —Mr. and' Mrs. Shiltzi . who visited expectedly at tpe fa " 'y residence, lot 28 audience. Miss Maggie Cash, of Seaforth"
order for binder twine, until vou have seen samples, on their wheels taking in Bayfieid on their m a pleasant voyage and a� friends in St. Thomas last week, . returned township presided at the organ and played the accom-
N days ago, as Mr. Alex concession 9,
,a� re fe ast Wawanosh,
tu Monday. Theyreport evetythiug
and asked prices at JouNsox hR ibsT-1, way. While here they were the guests of oini : throu h a field of - fall home o on Monday morning, t 17th inst., Maryt paniments. The services throughout were of`
I w:
WOOL.—For thirty to through all Rev. Neil Shaw, of Egmondville.—Mr. Wm. stard w a nplijofo at on arm,
his he pufled a stalk which� in very qgood c dition dowfiAhat, way. the beloved wile of M ohn Stein, farmer the most successful and Satisfactory nature, Z.
Ike 9*1111A hanges In Tariffs, we have there, (a native of Abel eenshire, Scotlaind) and must have been highly grAtifying totho-"
mad's Seaforth th,) wool Powell, a graAuate of THE EXP681TOR measured three feet in length.
market, When selling brin th or
& � office, spent the Queen's Birthday at the n the 62nd year of her i e, much and deep esteemed pastor and his worthy people.
without your grain, to No. e arehouse, where you MCKW. OD. I
te always sure to get -,the hi hestprice. parental home here. Mr. Powell is now ly regretted. Mr. Stei with his now del The proceeds amounted to about 00.
BEAmE, Beaforth. A DASTARDLY' ACT.—Some -parb, crim. er, first cail il to Wawanosh t�
DISTIUCT MATTERS, i 9 15s7x4 mooh3mica I I superintendent of the Presby- LE adbury. ceased partu
ma y ine ined
�oTE9.—In givii ig the names of officials 11 11 barked a row of maple trees
Cum -LosT.—Lost a pair of linen cuffs, terian publishing house in Toronto.—Mr.' of � the Methodist c ikurch last week,' that of, on Tuesday night of last week, on the tenth reside in the fall of 186 and have coutin4, Perth Noteso
A BicyoLE CLV_J�. —On Weinesday* even- with j&Id links. The -finder will a liberally reward. and Mrs. A, L. 8 of Guelph, spent uOusly been residents of bat townbhip ever:
ed on leaving them Mr. Thomas' Den iison, by mistake, was Concession, in ' front of Robert A. Boyd's L -It is proposed to build a memoiisli foun-
of last week, a meeting of the bicyclists at GILAHix's otel, Brucefield- Sunday with the'i= and &ant here� Mr. r. since. By untiring ind u try and persever
1537-1 De nison hi 8 been for many', farm.- The trees have been - growing for soil 1111 ce o:
in?seaforth was held and a club formed. Ii I &nee,
f 0 and Mrs. W. M Smith. Mr. Simpion is omitted. and with the a F a working, tain on the market square, 'in.Strattord.
shall be known as the " Victoria Bicycle anld Seaforth boy, being a. son of Mr. an energetic and useful member of the some years, were a nice size and greatly im. well doing family unt* them, they-suc. -During the summer months, the Dublin
21 as an 4, proved the lo, stores will close at 7 o'clock three nights im
THE QuxEN1s BiRT'HDAY.'r-There was no Robert Simpsoni now Mia,71ton congregatim.—Mr. John* R d' ke of the farm.—Also, on eeded in for 'themselves their,
Club and the following officers were elect- of Toronto, but for. his two daughters, Misses Maggie and Ten&,! Sunday evenin the week
. Celebration in Seaforth on' Monday last. g while Rev. Mr. Ms
ed . Honorary president, A. H. Ingram merly of Seaforth. Like most other Sea-' b pre�ent coZoeruale ho e on thefth con -i
pleaswit visit to, was preaching n the Grange Hall a int- I d a good deal -of
Every kind of business w however, sus. forth boys who� go abroad, he has d ppo cession of East Wawah, h. The deceased,
president, S. Mullett ; vice-president, H. ft';eived as a gen. [one ve been away on -a Is took the wheels off —A maddened cow create other day, but -
)b friends at Zurich.- -Mr. �?erey Smith and ;� ment, some r"Ca the
pended, and the day was o excitement in Mitchell
-trems- eral holiday. A on lady was the true ideal a farmer's wife,
Box ; captain, Fred Crich * secretary well and now h�s a responsible position tv�o sisters; Misse Mary and Gracie,'bave, young man a puggy. The law. makes n& fortunately did no damage.
ri good many t�ook advantAg he Guelph Daily - Advocate. —Rev. Mr,, 1 0 being what is known as � great and untiring
urer, H. Ransfrd ; Ist lieutenant, John of the cheap hilway fares to visit friends been iway holid ng with relatives at Hen-, provision �uh conduct, and —Mrs. Awty, of Toronto, is con
I there are tributi,
Campbell ; 2nd lieutenant, Dan Campbell.; Itch, of Stratford, preached two cry able for Prov worker, her whole aim patently being to 5:
abroad, while a goodly number 'entertained v sall.�Mr. Wm. of Toronto Univereity,il Dominion ai�id inoial boarding houses do all in her powe a memorial window to the new c�aroh W
whipperin, E. Latimer ;.bugler, J. Aber- friends from a distance at home. A goo sermons in the !Presbyterian church here returned home on sturday last. Elio many, for charac r to Mi e her husband and Mitchell, at a �cost of $150.
ter who perpetrate c6 'famil comfortabl. .1 Hiir funeral on,
bardt ; committee, Messrs. Baldwin, Sclater d last 8abbath. The Presbyterian. people of fties� of large' family comfortabl. m -1, who
many of the more a ibrtivel,� inclined went Stratford are for' tunate in having so good a friends were pleased to see him, lookingd this nature. Wednesday,'the 1,9th init, conducted -by her S. S. ,Tneh recently la
and Watson. Weekly runs will be held by to Mitchell, BrusseFal and Exeter, well.—The concert at the school houee inj a the towns Shakeipeare for the went, has opened out the club during the season. to see the preacher and so.fine a man for their pastor .YrEAR �Oa �atepayer in Shi� pastor, the Rev. W. T . . . . .
as a d ided success. The mue jack )1t, of Belgraveto harness business in Morden, Manitoba.
races at these places. Son, section 9, was a; d p
'1180 went to —Mr. Joseph � Thompson, of London, 1* 1 lie I rted t it thi council are all the brick church cemete , was very largely
Bayfield, but the great majority seemed t P was of a high oid)r and everybody went' asees and I d y —John Burton, for 18 ident of
AFTER TIIE Hou 0 visiting his ed , a jackass, and he is going attended by neighbor 1a; id acquaintances, years a res
GH CUIP.—A football hav6 Stayed at home. The �Veather was not -parents, Mr. and Mrs. John home delighted wi h what thef heard.— to the next co, noil meeting to give his ad- Listowel, passed over to the silent majority
team from the Clinton Collegiate Institute Thompson, NLorth Main street, this week.— showing the esteem il which she' and the:
ng. The rain of th previous nights Many of the yo4n ' era, as we I as older i v ice. A hum er of otherl are likely to go on Thursda, 1.3th inat, Heart -disease VW
came here on Saturday lait to com ete with. had made The baseball club were defeated at. Mitchell remaining members of4lie family a
ones, are ooking fe re held the cause of death.
rward 'to the 12 -2nd of tohearthe iac.�asses get' their medicine.. by the community at I' I-,
the reads too we� for comfortable on QueeW Birthda�by the Mitchell team. ark - It is needless
our Collegiate team for the Hough cup, but bicycling, m T June. If the day 6ne a large, orderlyll The clerk,,-ha'been known as a jackass fot to say that the hus i , —Mr., W. Dymond, of St. Marva, an&
rhile during the forenoon the r and Mrs. Coleman and Mr. T. TrL d family have the M. ' �lara Danday, of Ingersoll,,were a�
like those who have gone before them they . I —M I band 4.
Clouds threatened rain at, intervals, although and highly intelle ome Tea", lea
to .,be applied heartfelt sympathy of Iiia. -large circle of
pent the 24th in Toronto.—Mr. pected in-Seaforth from this section. This to ed in marriage at Ingersoll, on W
9 a ternoon i
rried aay nothing more forious than an no rain fell, but in the f R. F. Came s but'for-the term
ble, it got quite. H u h J. G o the council isi something new. There is a and acquaiutauc�a in this'their sad of last week.
'5 -he Clinton players put cold,. and in the evening a fire was comfor"t- Gracious onola' on tor them, that jackasses are
honora' defeat. T rieve,,of Tuakersmith, had the is only an it at ould be. Her one C ti friend
up a good game, but the fact of the matter able in doors he day pas ii misfortune to get his left thumb caught in Majesty has at all Urnes shown the, deepestl a higher order of animals than apiR, and. and suddenbereaver6ent —The town council of Listowel have, in.
T ed very quietly a turnip cutter on Thursday of last week.
is that they are not in the same clagg with in town, the weather being t r her subjects, no atter whitt' some people think they are the descendants troduced a by-law to mise the m .
our boys. They have yet many things to in the house and not plezu ant enough tv their color, ustiona lity or religion is. Then � of apoi.—Com. for the purpose of purchasing and complet-
oo ne to Stay The knives were clogging up and he was affect L 'on to MI
learn. Despite this they Pdt up - a moat make out doors 'trying to keep them clear with his left
NoTEs. —Court of Revision, Jane 7th, ing an electric light System,
comfortable, and those who I we say, let her out jects manifest their re-! (i hand while he turned the crank with his spect on the comin, important occasion. p. m.—R. Roach leaves Monda . with is —Alex Craig, of Stratford, died suddenly -
creditable game and gave the home team did venture out aGer-led to. wan er round, right. . His thumb was pretty badly cut and I Varna. h
i string for the Guelph ra�ei, a
about as stiff a fight as they have had for aimlessly, looking as if I they would a aull -follow Sunday, _16th inst., from the burstingvf a.
some time, The score, which was 3 to 0 in will lay him off work for a time. —Mr.Harry
I BRIEFS.—On Tuesday -last, Mr. Joseph on the circuit until finishpd. Good accounts -blood vessel. He had atended church t"t.
good deal rather be at work. There were Cowan, of Mount Forest, spent Saturday ppen. Foster, of the pair line, Stanley, was sed- will
faior of 86afortb, could have been larger, few country people in, and the town was be heard from h6 eventually, no morning and. was then in his usual health.
i ously injured by a horse. While holding the
but Clinton, evidently aware that it wa left pretty much to those w,, to had remained with old Seaforth friends.—Oa Friday a NOTES.—The We�Lther clerk is still giv i doabt. —Mise Clifford, of '& Marys. had &Ur --
useless to try and score, played, during the at home to take care of it Unfortunatel r w4gn us very cold weather for IS` semon of tl! animal he was struck down.by its two front ' DFATH.—On Saturday!lmorning, the Rev.. row escape from asphyxiation by gas in
team of horses attached to alumbe e
last half, entirely on the defence. You did y ran away from Ogilvie's flour -mill. Th feeb. The exte t of the injuries receiived is Sam
it was too wet to garden oi clean u %bout year. The small fruits have been greatly uel Jones paased"peadelully to his long Berlin hotel recently.
She had not cloud
well this time Clinton, perhaps you will do the. yard, or else a goo( I I i,n%ny.odTo wagon was somewhat damaged, but further damaged by not fully known7 at the time 4 writing-- home, in his 89th year. t e jet off tight when She retired., She w110- the late frosts. —�The 24th pass. #.a had been fail- h
better next time. h6res than this no harm -was done. —Mr. S. A. Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance, of Zurich, ing lately, and getting n1 ' ttack of b
might have been done whi ' ed off very quietly in our village, many a 06 Ton- unconscious whers discovered.
Ick, will now have Dickson has returned from his studies- at were the guests 'of Mr.' JameiArmatiOlIg On
to go until the nex�,,polid . There were from this part going to E 'ter as usual, chitis it proved fatal. The funeral was on —Edward Stafford, a young man living in -
IT Cox
JOTN --TION t S Toronto University.
vF, .—This year the Huron 150 tickets sold a —While playing bme. while some anjoyei themse1xveeb fishing, but onday evening last. —Mrs., James Beirnes, the afternoon of the 24th,'l and was largely the vicinity of St. Marys on a iuted farm#
County Christian Endeavor Union and the as follows forth tation, divided ball at Mitchell on Monday, Mr. Hugh e appeared to I a more fi of Seaforth, wativibiting at D. 0. Campbelre Jones . ck' e o Brussels has been arrested, charged with
for shers than flab. attended. Mr. -m
Huron County -Sabbath -School Association, Clinton Strat , is Mitchell, 45 ; Stephenson" fell 1 and sprained his -ther last'weak.-LMr. �B. A. Higgins and family away back in the sixtiei ai t'
wriat, —Mr. John Dinad Uls team of bornes last 14 took charge of tin box game on a German farmer near
18 Godetich, 15; �ther places, 45, necessitating his laying off work. upent their 24th at Lucan.—Mrs. R. Haxb
will hold their annual conventions on Aug. —Rev. D. week broke lose rom the tiepost atthe y the pulpit of Kuox churcQ which he oceu- gara, Falls.
xuat 24th and 25th, the first day being'de.' Williams, M. A., rector of St. jameg, it office,and for a of- Clinton, spent, the 24th with friends here, pied until old age compelfid him to retire
MILANcHOLY Acciwwm' Word watr I time m. ade thingsjpretty t, a 1� —Aniong the repreEentativex chosen -from
voted to Sunda School woTk ; the second e- church, Stratford, and Rev. Rural Dean fiovaely, by taking 'tlie London road, first, to —Miss McDonald, of Detroi nd Mr. and old: gentleman the Northwest mounted police to accompoy'
ceived hereon Saturday ev7 from his charge. Still thp'�
to Christian Endeavor. This ening that Mr. Hodgins will exchange pulpits on Mrs. Munshaw, of Wingham,. are the guests I
William Spain, of this to", h SuaelaY one side then the o er, t�ll soon the tongue did a great deal of work. He was one of. Mr. Laurier to England, for the Quiwol
ad met with next.—Mr. J. S.'Brierly, of the Montreal of the wa on slipp d out of the nookyoke, whom it might be said, t��t he had his jubilee.. is an old Mitchell boy, the eld"b-
waa decided on at the convention. held in of Mt. John McAsh.—Mr. McKie's brother
a fatal accident at Goderich. 1b seems that Herald, and Mr,1 Waterbury, manager of i i ing here,
Goderich in August, 1896, and as the lead- Mr. Spain, who was Out of employment the Merchant's bank, St. Th6mas allowing Zle tongue to run midway into the heart in his work, and w respected b 11 son of Mr. J. T Hicks.
ing workers are the same in - both these I AccOln-, ditch at Mr. Ket BASEBALL.—Avery interesting and amda- who knew him, as he was bioad-minde
here, went to Goderich 'a, which brought the Land —There is quite a lot of huildmig 11%
departments, it will, no doubt, meet with on uesday of last panied by Miss Brierly and Miss Gola$0, wagon to a Stand at ame of baseball was played here on the without a touch of bigotril �vhioh endeared on this OrLe,
that town. spent Sunday and Alonday at the rectoq. year on the 1-th coneegtion
the approval of those interested. wo ing nd the single Mr. McGraw tti up a houNo-
week, expecting to get Cr1_TR 11. The horses getting
free from the wagon, TO 24V beiween the married a
Thetw' On Saturday, as a Goderi h ade for home. For- him to all, whether they, elonged to hi n. is pa Ing I
Executive Committees met to arrange the formss, he had just ninbe a dispatch in. They were on a bicycle trip and were del' vaen of our village. The game was keenly Joh T,
aY- tunately for Mr. D nedals no 'serious dam. flock or not. Bowls. John_!�"`Aoss end a ; Rickmeir a house, while Mr. Davey in-
ogram, and decided that the convention ing a vessel, and had job at unload. ed ky the rain.—Mr. Ed. Bossenberry, of age was done, with the e�c' contested throughout, the married men play- on took charge of th6 Juneral. Rev. tendi I I � �ix barn.
option of a -few en arcing
held in Clinton on the dates mentioned. called on the foreman Zurich, passed through here on Tuesday light scratch�s fro a wire fence, an d* the brig well considering their practise. It was was
"erraFergueon paist-4 of - Melville '—Mr. J.-G.'ki'm the other day Attempt-
Alrangements are being made to get two of the breakwater works foi another, but las at Job
t on his way home from the Brussels knocking mot long, however, before"the benedicts
being informed there would f e at at, Mr.Grant's. Church during the incumbency of Knox ed to drive through the Thames River at
gentlemen from a distance who are speeially be no vacancy races, where he had a couple of horses. -7 f th
—Mr. Donald Mc] 0 e Kilo, was 'door
for some d 0 u 0 invee showed Signs of weakness and yearned to be church by the deceased an&.i' now on a visit Tavistock when the horse got inio
e 0 1 1 2
active in theme departments of church work. ays he left I se much dia- The members of Presbyterian church this weekyaying a isit'At t home of hi ' borne again ith their ittle ones. . After on. account of bad health "' d. 300
11 appointed, and made for h gly be he I water, and waa with difficulty save
the ng they, ri.�, -
being track. 1were final!Y QuEzN's BmTuDAY.- _. i ave
-king the railwa iven, of the Kip en " i . he morning a Field had to Swim ashore tit s himsoX
and. with the abundance,of talent in up town, ta teps leading choir went to thelttea meeting in the Bay- son, r. - Cohn Me 'a . 'a;bout three houri playi
county we re assured of the program An e.n. field road church'an Monday evening, where mills'.—Mr. Stewart McMord-e, who a's released, the score standing 43 to 28 in game of football was playi on Victoria r
gine was descending the gr I t i
one of special interest. Let all Eadeavorers the doc�, they discoursed sweet music for the pleasure —A bunqh of cattle delivered to Hen 7
audien ce. Th spi6ak in been in Toronto stu ing at the Universit favoref the young men. Mr. A..D. Me- ussels otherday, by Natt-
o y' Oonnell refered thii game to the entire satis-
�y has returned home r the surtimer-holidays. clubs, which resulted ina 4i6tory for the ereott Brothers of Fullarton, nettid them
and Sunday school -workers remember the. the speed at -which it was go , as he faili6d. the hi faction of all.
and he either did not see i r misjudged of the aasembled xguarebetween the Atwoo".4, and Br Heal, at Mitchell the
date and arrange to be present., gheat terms of the kind ;LnA hospitable —Mr. D. C.rMcLea, who h
to leave the track, althoug� the engineer manner in which they were treated there.— past year frpm ha as Suffered the visitors. In the afternoon it �,beeame cloudy $2,300. One out of this bunch, two and
g his sheep worried and, cold.. which prevented 'good number hilt years old, weighed 1,535 pounds.
seeing hun on the tLack, Sounded the whis. The Messrs. Beattie Bros. have shipp d a wi h dog
b to any owei. annoy& C�ntralia.
EGmO-_NDvMrx NoTEs.—Rev. Mr. Shaw tle and did all he could to Stop his e e t nee, from attendin* the races t is driving �—Mr. Adam Heipel, o bail 2,
ngine, lot of baled hay from Seaforth station thjs ha f Wellealel
will conduct anniversary services for Rev. but it overtrook the unforta a simitiu,Disit d ring � POINTERS.—Mrs. Butt, of Clinton,, has park. The rain of Satur 'i t left the "Mw escape the other day. - WI -die- 094 -
,nate man, and week. There seems to be plenty of bay in, Seven of his no lam w Forried, killin been risit
Mr. Henderson, of Manchester, on Sabbath he was knocked -down by. erem ing her son, Rev. W. H. Butt.— track heavy and at one timei�. t e directors Jag, the harness broke, and while he W" 1W -
t -catcher the country yeL Farmers no 9 1
next, and Mr. Henderson will preach in our and got entangled. in a wheelhe cow w grow so three, and leaving th remainder in a very W". jAlloway has 'gone on an extended visit looked blue, thinkin they ere h&ViDg 'th� act of fixing it, the horse knocked WW
lof the engine. much corn that they do not feed as much r way. All 9900 dogs should be at to friends at Grimsby. —Wedding bells are their itsual run of ba, luck' few
church. On the 23rd of May, 1893, Rev. The train was stopped as is"n an possible, bay as they used to and hene 00 bulb by two under the seeder. He escaped with
Mr. Shaw was inducted as pastor of our when it was seen. that the' poor fellowyig more to sell. The prospects e they have Kome and all ramble d 'the ground.— ringing in this neighborhood. —The J&pwo-rth o'clock there were prenty on't sciatches.
un er e grounds to
for a large Fsir;�Ors are all b as and Le sfirp us. he races -.vote A man
getting. in pe; ague-Opent a soclabWtime on the parson. foot the bin and a I by the �'namb of Row hired nii 11 cont"to
church, consequently, last Sabbath was the head was badly bruised, a d it i upp ed crop thi a handsome new delivery wagon I " d The fol. irothers' livery stable in Stratford
u 8 a os a ye r are� good.—Mr.' W. J. Clark fl I shing up.rool Us —Mr. and to. A age lawn on Tuee4ay everut a nucces and were we at
fourth anniversary of that 1 event.—Seyeral he was internally injured, as he breathed has placed a or, a. ig. Though it toi
persons from a distance took advantage of his last _�, a large number lowing is a summary 3 'to trot, half I 'Ham Toronto
within two minutes of beingpicked on the toa It was innade by A Monteith, of Clinton, visite4`*Ith Mr. R. wim rather damp and chill mi!iq Lo -burg, but went to
the holiday rates to visit friends and rela.' MeMordie and friend during ihe week.— 'Were in attendance*' and ar pleasant evenin milee-11 ODonnell," James i O'Leary, let; whirs he was arreste
The remains were brouilit to Seaforth Barton an -Son and is a 1 69 do' He wo
credit to the. smi" Mr and Mrs. Willia Pope isidd children, of was'spent together.1—The event of the weenf R. Boattie,.2nd ; 1i'Dick Roock,l to,
tives in this vill�ge, and several of our peo- �olup`Saturday night and were 4terred in St. taste sindworkmaship.—Mr. and Mrs. back -too Stratford ard lodged in jail
London, visited at rhornpike Farms tho *nix i6 debate on Monday evening, under J. D. Warwick, 3rd; best Olue, -1.23. 3 his trial.
: on,
10U__P1_e �Of_i
ro ge�i ott4
in 4e
rt el
, d
times by the
mewwboi iu
yergition, pos
W"ting word
vet when iu t
U business A
tiox, to gi". N1
bautfey W0Xd
resist. SO far
we are readi,
that ill appeal
Prs and tust
week, f4r th
-the worth 01
values we I
of, Be]
that has to I
A! - st. To us
for many of fl,
generally are
fbink well -ol
way be Imma
certainly not j
who appmeiti
desire futb
3neAU only, I
tiuUally ett(
=parrelka SV
body's 900d8j.
think, howevtl
lay 4aim to
toling the Mer
to Sell I_n lfell�.
inrr -of zVery I
Clothiing aud.
sell, and we
art anxious
ivin bring a rn,
something th'
customer -of I
t4en fDr -W
view of the -
never, - to 'Ovix
custohiexl owil
sold him.
U view of this fac
must be -of a S
price lielt, of I
to mentio-u th
wool, mlLde 0
$6.50, taps to,
Hose, at 50ol
and suo, el
Belts, at 1-0q,
the prices a�
leather, a vei
at 350. me:
made to avilei
in 4igh gra(
A handsom
Tweed Suitin
tay of thewl,
�cloths. have
for -$20.
at $3.75, SIA
$10 and $I*-
IaTge value..at
Xen�s Odd
$1.40, $2 an(
Smock-, at
$1,25, C etti
at 16e, 18c,
wats, sewn J
$7� $10, $1
Black Rubb
�pecial at
ette, 5 for
ond -65c
and $1.25.
-500, 65C and.
Boyje Sweat,
and 90c.,
% the Wrong
Is payable a-
ada� or the
Froearable A'
A'Cauada Aceid,
thing to tarri
per tibousan
ziired I
Por pro t S8
RWWd J41
P. R. Telegralp
Insuranoe I