HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-05-21, Page 8Pf 4�f 0 Wttson7s Oash GrocerY 3b lawA Turnip geed obe&P this Year- There Uno Twatiegaft- combine pdoo on "ad this year, in. *a cau sell now mangold and turnip. toed at Ift a lb. We taya gi coca stock of the beat varieties, bought I Rvault us -trm Robcr . & Ca., one 'of the most rails geed houses of Canads, including his celebrated saw- log M%egold and monarch turnis. teed., Give us a *eI4 or better, than any house In town. Our J. now are extra good value. - Out Bourbon, dtwo� fine routed Coffee to second to none, and we have the beat brand of Canned Vqpitablse put OR in Cagads. There has sen a p i tho price of Blecoi Mohave It you wan mn 4 fit of IL All kinds of V . 9,:Iaftl�hllghest market price. Cash for eggs, 0. WILSOM sestforth. 1274 Bank ot Commerce B16dX CLOT"ING-1 Owing to unusually largo, buy,in this season in Made -Up Clothing, whiel we were compelled to in order to secure don Inside prices, we - find we are curtailed for room -to allow our large stock. We pi!rPOBG making a clearance of A lakge porti6n at SNAP PRICES. The following win give you an idea of what will be found on our bargain tables: Mau!x Suits wortli 87,, $9 au'd $12, will - go for $5j $6.75 ano $8.15, Boys Suits worth $4, $5 and $7, f6r $ "185. $3.75 and $5... Child. ren's Suits *orth V2, $92.7:4 and $4, to be slaughtered at$1.40,'$2. alqd M85. Maeb, Boy a' and-Children!s odd Pants, Costs, and, veats: at corresponding, reductions. Ask W aft our, $4.50 Ali Wool Men's Baits., Wm. Pickard & Oo. STICAWSHIP *AND* RE IN VRANCE S AGETCYc, W., Somervi I le, Agent. iSue6essor to H. A. Wrong & Bro.) Telegraph and Express Building. HEAPS- WtN 114 BUSI[NESS I ST RATFORD, -PXTART0, Our business is to fill beads with practical knowledge. The leading Commercial im an 0- ay nine U1 ge�r ins, exlee 3eac are, moderate r a, r at any time, circulars free. W. 7. ELLIOTT, Principal. "".52 Xnie Kippen -Store. 6. E E D 8 The' season f�r Man iaSeed is-nowon. 01' We ha'ive in stock a large su�pply- of the Steele& Bri ' Improved Ma;mmoth Man- . A gold. JAIZ uQp and Carrot.Oeed. Price in& qualty the best. JAME OANNINGI, Kippen, 1524 at �Pnvou oxyositovs� DISTRICT MATTMS. LA.emonE ScHEDuLn.-At a meeting of the delegates of ]Rnrou district of the Can. adian, Lacrosse As�ociation' held - in Strat- ford, on Tuesday,. the following schedule of games was arranged : June 4th, Bright at Seaforth ; June 9bh, Seaforth at Stratford ; June 12th, Bright at Berlin; June 16.th, Berlin at Seaforth July let,' Stratford: at ]Bright, July Stb Bright at, Stratford July Sth, Seaforth at Berlin ; J. I 16th Stratford at Seaforth ; July l8th,lleriAn atil Bright ; July 29bh, Stratford at Berlin ; AL t 3rd, Seaforth at Bright August a 12t VA Berlin at Stratford. This will mike an excel -lent league, and, 'in consequence, some good games may bee looked -for this seasono THE WIND -UP,. -The final meeti ng of the literary �nd Debating club for this season waa held on Monday evening, for the pur- pose of winding un the affairs -of 11the club loi the season. the surplus funds - of the club, which - amoan,� to, about $15, were voted to the use of the needy poor of the town, and were placed at the disposal of the Woxien!s Christian Temperance Union to be given- by theni to these most in' need of assistance. During the evening, Mr. W. D. McLean, who has acted as secretary . and treasurer of the club for the season, was presented, with a complimentary address and a pipe, by the clab, ekpressiva of their, appreciation of his services during the term. A hearty vote. of thanks wa's tender- gd the president, Mr. James Watson, and after a few con watulatory romarke by him the. meeting adjourned. DuAng the past season the club has held many �iuteiesting and inatractive debates, from 'which the members foal that they have derived'a great deal of good. *The club will. re-organite again in October, THx CARF, op THE BREs.-We have been requested to point out to people i,n tKo habit of spraying their fruit trees, the daw-' gar Of doing it when the blossoms are On. This is the time that thel. bees -gather the material for their honey, and they are P.I. ways sure to light upon a tree loaded with blossoms. They do no barm to'the trees. But if these trees have been, sprayed withi Paris green or- oth ' er ins'ect poison*' while,' th are in bloom, the bees get the - poison, &ayin in $ d all t. noes much dama a is one y Ins'a to them. We know of cases where large numbers -of been have been killed in this 'Way, an(I there is danger of their introduc- ing this poison into the honey, and in this way injuring those who partake of it., The a rayin of trees, also, when they are in Iscom, 5oes not have the desired effect of destroying, the insect pests which the spray- ing is calculated to destroy. The proper time to do this is after the blossom has fallen, and just as the fmit is forming. Spraying done at this time is more effective, and there is no danger to the hOney gath- Wars. THE Jr-BILRE CELEBRAT16TV.-The various, committees having in charge the several de. partments of the grand jubilee celebration to ba held in Seaforth on the P-nd of Jun e, in honor of the sixtieth anniversary of the accession to the throne of Qaeen Victoria, are busy at *ork and are getting things in first-class shape for a ageoessful7 and ma -in- moth demonstration. The first event in the morning will be an exhibition by the fire brigade. giving a practical example of how quickly they can turn oat and extinguish a, fire. After that will come the grand par- ade, which will be led . 'by two - bands, and the procession will consist of the firemen and volunteers in full unifor.m,. the. several societies in town in full regalia, the papile of the Collegiate Institute and public school together with the children of the neighbor-) wischoolis and several other organizations tch do not occur to us just now. The forenoon proceedings, will conclude in the, recreation grounds by patriotio speeches, songs. etc, etc. In the afternoon the athl4ic sports take place, and *ill ' consist of baseball, football and lacrosse matches, In which some 96ientific -playing will. b� 189 MAY 2 _JX THE HURD POS and on. obligi. improved lost Sulo The th' [itis, reliable who doiffy8t, nam. exhibited., In adAition. to� ese stalies can u's wdsomem,' o only regret we have AIDER jw6 i o well,. also; makes a members of the colgregStions 4. t e Good there will be several fal joy drill exhibitions in the matter is that this large numilm of is extra wn bar ot i about 25,, turned out sild had the well If you bave 4mid your - oubscriP specialty. of ' king up and putting d by an army of over fiff y yo- on, implements are not manufactured, :as IgITOR fo loul)ets at Xich he is . an-ade t -A lecture seats !covered with rea materi-41 and the exhibitions of club 51 an sold1here. And this large deliver I tion, to TaX EXPO ise renovated. -Oa egg on y on the la� insionary outlook wd*f in chan 'I therw mahn represe�nto a part of the implements aere regularly, and g000 mt wit, elm of young ladle& In the evani g there )f this chy" ihi� year, don1 read tbis. comee in Carspots ring the . the Bgmo. dville Fresbytkrian church, on 0 ng kind that have been sold here du -at if you bave not patd your Tuesday evening -heavier. Therie islit any quan. will be a promenade oogeert in okati other his lo _ d much ring and a vocal and instiumental concert past season, as thirere several deab B next, by ev. Robert de era wh: have done a large.busluess in im. subsoriPtion for this year, Johnstone, of St. Andrews church, London, tity 16f produce being received aV the store in Oardno?s hall, the -whole to conolin thin - spring. -There are ma'11' farmers ider'the auspices of 'the Wo'menlo of vsAous makes. Therb are It tWill fty yoU to NeA4. It al to got with a fine display of fireworks. The town Flementa M60ion Society. Mr. Johnstone in an able thro.'gh sending, mud jullb an in' will also "steftilly d000ratedana in the imple0ents enough �801& in Seldorth and r fails to in- thro b. The y have -been wa� g 1pr the and flaitnt speaker, who neve We sell good -Carpets, sell them it evening will be illuminated. This in the used in the 6ouabiy �trlbutary to- thin towns rge roportion of our. sub. it they As wet A. -Very Is low seen to d�ry -up, bu dge for Y, and if s4ibers, have alreiAy. paid their b vMr. 1Ae prices, and our readers can ju to keep * large entablishmput tersoL. ch, of Stratford, will when they started out. he, school and carry & stock programme reach in � the Preisb tartan church next now _1f theM themselves whether or not there is onough the mops they repregent was kept here scilptioni; for this ,year. But, a a repaired here this - *eek. Mr. enough and varied euoug� to I *v inst i t labbath, D. MdDonL11 sad - he exchanging. fan was �p e yft ent. The intention 'eac 17beingilentto foreign tovini and are'atinafew who have not done rbioh amount. ample choice in selecting. We re, pulpits. -Dr. J. W. Livingston left , on Geo�ge Cornell did the work,vi for a 9=11 Oym To these we would say, that oil owi, where. -he Will practice" ad b of the mrt=t to put up a day's on- cities, A would make quite a diff renee in _$13 1?ike� lake- east of 'Clifford, will a big Carpet business, igger -tile-plaeo. We16 Tuesday for I - tortainment that twill not only gay our the trade of th4efore, on account of hard tinifewo Beare ty a *�ali steamer von it this ohmmar. 16 thali'we could possibly do it our: neighboring friend# to come and visit us, tha eman, - the - a , nterprising of money, we have beenn I his rofession. His many friends here will quite a Mori for - summer andpatteras were imot absolutely t the Messrs. Cot him all meible proopirity in his now in g tting to be, - propri4ors of the Seah)rth foundry, who do but which will also be worthy of the ocean I than we should have been, but fr ut invest' who have been thin out w home.: The Rotor in an- intelligent, indus. smWeement.-Chiffod celeb#ate �fie first If you aft thinking of slon and creditable to the town. large business already and e must adhere strictly to our trious young man and will be. sure to make of Jjul right roy tyle- - thiiii y6r, last Carpet, it will pay to sea our .2 ni in the manufacture of several terms. We m very-suacad *ng that we ------- net do this in justice; to r day was a grand once, it?n worth rememben 'Implements, will soon bmuch out infarm his mark in 'Uncle ftai's land* M 'or ymr Soup. GRAPE& In - th?se who'bave paid promptly. We carpets bought here frie of ---iThe Galt Reporter, Anderson �;and his staff are getting d t, 0 a recent football - match the direction indicated, sad that they will now, therefore, give fair waraing, that noliihi6 walz on B17th, o?mmening oil the laying down of the subseripti �in Ld be able to supply the home markeL Should INGRAIN CARPETS - any One remaining -9 Galt and Sedorth 4:6116#ate are fbusil; engaged re- bittween th aid unjust- they beI so ev5i�fld in those ines' as they ONE MONTH from this date, wilr Main, street, They 11unn.-The woolen mills uO' er the new' Institute teams, re lecto unfairly i vin the plank walk. -i min..Eva Acheson, ma#10mGRt' Will - commOnce funning this All wool and a yard wide, a ready charged the FULL CREDIT prico. 6jo 0 114. have been in those which they have &I Gol ly on the Seaforth team The Reporteen e lob, is visiting -friends in town. wif4k. On the evenin tried we think we are safe in. predicting 0 er g of the :28bh, a con. quoted, sidetracked patterns, but era Ant grievance in t4st the Seafort"ley '�wouldn6t be many The amount is small, and there orb The churbk of Epgraud Sabbath school cert will be given in Industry. 40 to raise now, '1897 designot, Lin quiet, that ti;r Gilements reL ld here, none who cannot pay. it if they win. 1 It association in fu ra. we 16farbiggen'l Ourteam willaverage of foreign msnuf&otu tAm,3her's and church ;Oorkees do for the India r4lief fund. The Sao re so tints that won!t show dust, and 0 We&r in tbolnsL about 135 pound ght, not ver is only through neglect or cireleasness in.the -Deanery of �Hu min't of the TArd a Sup r watTIiZoistered a 10 well y ron will hold their I turn well. There's at the tio surely. compl*int No. 2 in th W3mDws Bxfix_a.�-On Wednesday Of this that all -have not paid. It, therefore, fourth annual convention at Exeter, on in 9i. Andrews church, on Fla day.-Wsit- they look Won almost as long game. Dar- LONG'FRIUS, referee did not u ratand the you are charged th week one of those happy events. which sl- Wednesday and Thursday, May 26 and 27.- joll & Emigh shipped fivi ads of cattle a thread left. Any of th inq the first h r. R. E. Jackson acted you must blame yourselves and ilob us. sudwe do -there is ways causes a Apple of excitement took -Messrs. Scott Brothers,_ musical' instru- tolthe old country on Mondsy;� ��Tho Agn. are good, but the better the in that ubt Jf Boole YL place at� high noon, at the residence Of Mr. We give yol� fair rs in town, sent several cultural t are having fil tioir new amnother gentl in the province better gr I can improved. better the Carpei. Prices are'75ks sk. Win. Copp, of thin town, when his nephew, isnon and or, a to, Manitoba this week.- do levelled and other 90c, $1 the yar& ond half, Mr. date. "it, of Clinton, is visiting uslified. than he.; in the we Mr. Win. Copp, of fAudon, and Min Sarah Mouth from this ties Lilly gun, Aplding, of CBM4 a, replaced Mr. Jackson, BAOTHERS, Publishom in Walton. Iformorly of Seaforth, were united MOLEAN friends' town this week. -Mr. Andrew i CARPETS.r- and the'Galt pliyei i were qui a agreemble, in the bbuch of holy matrimony by Rev. Mr. Crawford, a former Seaferth boy, was mar. UNION in tto the chanir.. Ttey also accuse Seaforth GATHxRIN(m­�-Most of th4 farmers o winn, taotil 'Hobbs, �f London. The bride vas attired wi oxen ried in Detroit on . Tuesday last, to Min we are Not an good. not* an lasti not -an I th perhaps a rough plough, a pair of �fiis vicinity have finished need' f , ing t 0 gain b bad y unfair Isabella Clark. Mr. Crawford is now an pensive 46116,-ak in bea, tif l.gown made of creambroeaded and'seed grain, besides food to keep. them pleased to state that Will 8 in W -he has as all woors, but in gjv*� while cred theinselvee with the better adjutant in the Salvation Army, while his jgUs'&nd Colorings. 9 2 trl;m a -next crop can, be -been under doctot ad with cream chiffon- lace and and their familie till the ro'care for a past weeks the "me des IRV oombinati. ames hey have,conceit enough wife in a captain. - The marn;1e took place of Lou- cheaper ones are jute And cotton ir' uqueb of -he can defeat Seaforth. pearls, and carried a handsome bo reap.ed. How soon the famine will -be over is improving. -Mr. and Mm. N to imagine at t in the opera hoaxe,'Ntroit. ra. Crawford ir so -Miss Rebecca Batson, sister do ads on the summer rains. If these are don, are vidting at Richard P�llard'o. -Mr. the better ones cotton and Wool, INA w color tilt John Turnbull, who ban been Mck for so ke the* best. There!# #oA With a soore Of 7 to 2 against them, and, crfolmb riae, dressed in cream cashmere, ly ind plentiful, we oball be at the end in a Canadian and wss at -one time connect- me e? generosity' of the 0, 8 invingi, �s rapidly as and wears too, thoie At only kept so, low the trimme with pink nilk, aftri, a of our diffloultion list October, &no ad with the Army at Clinton and Goderich, time past, is not im Seaforth bays; ritainly looks like a case it 'r=n4d, -The twenty-first annual -ohooving match bouquet of ink rom,* acted as d at something under a sterling would Me many friends woull ro 6see hinl.-�- 40o, 45o, We and. 60c the yard. of sour gra" wi the Galt players, and lion' 33rd Batts The Women's Foreign Misiton Society of we tv--erget thr while W Thomas Copp, brother of the M Us through. At present we have' obij under 'the auspice't of the ny, event It is a i to unbecoming on their roe to Rifle Association will be held on the range, Duff's church are making p eparations, for. RUSSELS. AND TAPESTRY - the Merits Seaforbli, on Thursday of next week, 'May Teceived. iby the bride were both numerous ever, the rains are short or badly defer their surual garden party to held during They should leam to take an honest groom, did duty as beat man. The present, got about th -quarters of th . If, h t entlem u. 'i nothing to ieva thought in then maV God helpthe poor unfortunate Fefrt like gentlem and costlyi and showed the high' esteem 27th, when liberal prizes will be offered for For beat wear there the second week of June, on, Mr. D. M6- them. Our, assortment is law, itself thi competition. -While *a are always pleased of Ing which she in hold by her numerous friends. for our pie -sent fuddo would fall far short of Cualglo lawn. -Dr. Armstro is busily an- ScbTT, the meeden n to the front After the ceremony, the guests I , to the nQm- the BUML DI n M1 �n, is a i and tnamphe Or values right. Big ps�terns, litt needed to carry them -through. The to chronicle the successei fl aged in making preparatii thebuilding bmin. W With a large and cholpe 4tockv all the leading ber of about Huroa young men who go abroad' it agordo terns, dark colors, light colors, I . of varieties of ensilage coTes, turnip and Mengel seeds, fifty,. oat down to A sumptuous rains should break in June, and yon me's his new house, on tke lot�'Jl 't ly bought, our talk yd no. eaual pleasure to 'record the successes of !.a and colors to suit any mind Of a From which we are pippired -to supply both out wadding dinners under which the tables )*;dge how anxiously. we &wait the in k will wild valneshard to bat.. wholemd e7and retail ustomera,6 at rock boteom When all had r,, roung ladies, and as a rule they are �rom Mr. George C, rigg. This You'll find these the behaq of t our upon prices., We Invite y to call and examine our ft fairly groaned and trembled. ith my best personal thanks on we gr atly to the improvenidin of village. tc er mans the bride and the suffering multitudes t �'ib behind the young Mon. 25o, 371c, 459, 50o, 65op 75C and stockbeforer u In we are convinced that we to you and all I t&w I toniers give ta long as th saudy on th n quality and. price. R. G. groom were escorted to L the three o'clock those other Aind helpers in our nied,'be- 1�arn that Miss Nettie Ewing, daughter of Zuftch. yard. a a lates, ri .1534-8 train in covered carriages, and amid show. lieve me, yours very truly.--jOHN W. Mr. George Ewing, of this town, has fe placed ce and old shoes, departed for their OTTLI&y.- noted'! creditably as a nurse at the %ew BRIEFS.—Our village trustiei ha obwers of. goo FoR right prices, r hardware stoves, etc., are of ri at' cisterns., On try S. Ku 0 aforth. iF;a ome I pamp in each of the itre to taken In at- future h in London, followed by the York general hospital ;,also that Mine Min Wed "'Onti`ue esda the fire brigade had the� engine kood wishes of all who know them. EGiktoxDvuLv, NoTEs.-Mr. Win. Me. nie Oliver and Miss Fletcher, of Goderioh, 1 we win -coutin out f n r pr y tic d`171 w1ell'and the gens irlo: s GIRL WANWD.— ant a good girl.to do Dougall left last week for Berlin, -wherd he both of whom are well known here, have 1 0 " .1 e. It worke Hod BL cister a a just the t - `1 '0 general house work., H ghest wages to a suitable - f esbyteriin hospital, n re Mal n Monday of our A NFw LiGnT.-On Monday evening last has secured a situation or the sururper. graduated at the P Re TWxAs Govxw"K, ibited What memorial are bur neighbors ifk Sea - New York. Min Oliver in a sist;er of Mrs. person. Apply to ML IAC- Mr. E. M. Robinson,.of Hanson, exhl Rev. A. Y. Halet was calle by telegram to I e�ffispomd I Killop, near Seaf, h. -in the store of Messrs. Lumxden & Wilson, forth in to present to future aes as Will. Robb, of this town, and Miss Fletcher Tavistock to see his father, #rhg is oick.. OLINTON. Week, Aw g lar his Mmes $3 shoes, Oxford,, Choolet, and of this town, a new kind of lighting a their tribution to 1 the jubilee year. A- is a sintgr of Mrs. J. T. Garrow, - Goderih. Mr. F. Seigner has dug the Xeel for Tan. for 82.50 on Sakurdiy. RxoEuRbsox & 110INNiS p- now dwelling. -Mr. F. Hess�,!Ih&s on hand a paratus, which furnishes a light, which for celebration doing honor to the day is all ap. We congratulate these young ladies on their language, abon ower and lict for them a successfa' lot of the nicest and latest st�le of buggie's gepted ack about the beglningvf Jun' nessj 1p. clearances priiinisee to propriate enough, but why not something success and prec methods of d( A LARGE quan�ity� of Wall aper and in Ltke ale in at eclipse gasoline and gas, and bids fair to inore enduring' for sale. -Mr. Joseph Buell 4as two d' Window Shade ellgb�ly damaged by awoke, a t future generations career noble profession: to which �hey c -a car feattl% is ,so the ank - tt and Jones and 01: greater reduction than! ever, for a few days more,L prove a powerful rival to electricity. This lookwig,on may ask, "What meaeth this hi an themselves. -The many friem o the week for banking busin, as. His dii also Clegg and I &most on Monday it FiAm's Fire Sale, Sesforth. is in the town ball Igge call boast fight is i�ade by the burning of a gas -gener thing ? 11 How would a Victoria park, -a of (Rev.) Barr will be pleased to 'e not of thl ated by 6 us ea now re ver d from her of two bank. --Oar flax ;i4any have this week and another. on Wedne I x Housx To RwT.-�,-A good. new house on a machine called the Simplex iubiree scholarship for the Collegiat I ti- I ru. that she is oo a A#ient is having his libilae. renoval ibrary for her citizens, George street. Apply Wason, Soxforth. Acteylen6 Generator. The machine is a very tute, a free -li -or, if fiecelib illness.—Mastor Frank Log;sn, son. of sown lot of flax this sea3oA' and lot Of OU,.L I M.18113l; it about 4 feet and re-roodug-ji-, thatveryleen IM -2 simple affair audio made in St. Marys, this is reaching too high, a memorial clock Mr. Robert JA-gan, falloff his- bicycle work will be provide �J this summer. from finished 'it will be much improie_&-� Riff3lEmBER we mq've into our new store Ontario, and the process was lvented and for the town hall, or a marble bust of 11 Vic. Wednesday ana broke his arm.—Oa tur-1 The mill is still. busy work1#1,gI hen Sa up flux due, eyery, 4 P. Ament is h fin fence put in ht* shortly,and greater bargains th*U 6Ver,218 to be had, day. afternoon a game of football will- be.: last year. aving a a an In usly nj for a few days only, at AXST*S Fire Sple.' Seaforsh. atented by an old St. Marys boy, named toria the Good," to be placed compicuo Of, his residenoe.—D. Loury ham sold- ram S. Stinson, who is now a resident of the in! that imposing structure. Here, in a played on the re;6ation grounds,' betwen; brick residence on the corner of Queen no 0 a, have- been' appointed ullett I does beal United States. The am in produced by the chance for 'the Nabobs " to surround Clinton and- Seaf6rith Collegiate IustituteI * V 11 1 sole agents In Seaforth Ifor the celebrated Stanley EAST ]KITTROW ERAw.-O ing Turberry streets, to H, R. Bre W other 01,4 action of water on �Zcium carbide, -a sub. themselves with a halo of patriotic glory,and teams for the "Hough cup. The game, he nominat wers This walek we opened up the Ilrd VA _gone to Colored Shoes. rapher.—Gorge Loury h .01 they ere the by fusink together in an circulate some of their rusting shekels, and which promises to be an interesting 'an& convention to me a candilate to represent 9 DUSIgUment, and without exception stance pr6dueed . I don to work-�&t his trade.-37ames AWLMW nicest goods we have ev�,r showed in fizorth. The electric furnace, powdered coke and lime. we won't charge a cent for the advice either. exciting one, willcommence at a quarter. the Libe ar in the "ext election for Cheap Cash Store, Carn�lchaers Block, opposite Ex- has returned from his trip through mostom ticulu indivk rdarrou Office. The lighCprodaced is clear -and bright. It —Oa Tuesday evening next Rev. Robert after two.—Mr. Stockdale has had his resr� -the Out& ature, 11 be held 'in the t nasals, on Fri Y, May! in said it can be produced at one Ihird the Johnstone'. of London, will deliver &.lecture dance raised up, enlarged, and a *tonet foun-, townhall, r 28th, at to handle the� HOUSE'TO RENT O� FOR SAI.11.—A cOm, cost of ordinary Mr.* Robinson first in our church, under the auspices of the dabibn placed under iit.�Mieo Mary' I o'clock p. m. Meetings t6. ' t delegaten for LeeA�bur7- but it is a 1( fortable residence an George street. Seaforth. Hard tri this convention will be hel on Wednesday, it ad the light in file, own store at Hannan Women's Foreign Missionary Society. The Sutherland leaves on Saturday on a shor mm= b" egret to he - and soft water and all nepesury conVenit-nees. Ap- O=TuAuy,�We r vo. on the preMINS to X*8.,JAXX5 RYA. and after a thorough test, he foun& it so ladies ha , a been fortunate in securing the visi� to friends in Woodstock. --Miss Sadie 26th, at 7 w 'on 5 delegates intemt -and ply nounce the death of Mrsii Stimore, wM* 1585x2 cheap and satisfactory, that he decided to services of a speaker of such ability to do..' Johpston, of the Orchard House Asylums from each 'aldhrmision, 11 be chosen. I Levant took plwe on Thured mau that Har 8 vacatioj The chairmen of I oub-di JUST. a fow day's nj�ore to catch ba ecept an:ageney for the sale of the machines liver their annual address, and it in helped is spending a two weeW 'of lost week. The driceased had. Hving profit �0 was and that a fall house - will greet the reverend with her parento and sisters here. 'on rgains' :nd is n maoti. upwards of a year with a oom 6cati at pArsfo Fire Sale, Seaf?rth iswi ow visiting the, several to and the places wher go wil Fop. prepared painta, alabaatine, villages in the county, showing the public gentleman on the occasion. Some good bebeld are asJollows. George di Uoxi. in whicb Paris disesses, an in ite Of 4H that the oTum DEPAuTuRE.—Another respect.' white, whiteing. ote., go �t) S. Muurrr A; Co., Sea. what the machine can do and the kind of music m@vV be expected during the even Stephenson, Constance sell'. No 1 2, Geo. gage medical -c Nd do in her lbXe&bM4l4 forth. 1586.1 light it produces. He went from here to A silver cqlleebion will be taken yjp in aid of edi itizen, and worthy pioneer resident has Watt, Harlock- school h 3, D. PRieFs in Isadies' �ixfords, and slippers, Brussels. the funds of the society.—Miss zdauson has thill week been removed from our raideb by Shannabau jr., Separate o 'c ol ; No. 4, Rob. Pesood away at the' age of 47 years. MW Stimore was a. Aliet, good KA -Ing article in th reduced all around on Saturdwy. RICHARDSON & KC- an vieifw*g *in Wingham during the week-. th hand of death. Mrs. Keating, relieb of art Scott, Londesboro, I i i i desirable that be . )olling' sub di and , native of Germany. The list bears W* NXIS, AxwHEU FIRz.—On Sunday afternoon —Mr. D. Stevenson has moved into the th6 late Mr. Stephen Keitillf, of Tuckep- ?!ery Liberal in the abo ! � : - 1 in the ametery of the-, BOOK82' fancy goods, china, silver -ware. last the usual quiet of the day was disturbed bodes lately occupied by Mr. Hays, whiCZ stn'th, died at the residenco to her son -iii- isions should be present a' hese ineetingal were interred for, 1poflt J I f am 11 school supplies slightly damaged by smoke, at less by the sounding of the fire alarms. In a has been nicely renovated this spring.—Air. Is Mr John Kline, Seaforth, on Weduesl gelical Association. This f U ha than half price, at PAnii,4 Fire sw�, sestorth. sorely afflicted.' The father iod four �Xen% Suita at S-4154 f;w minutes the streets were filled. with Win. Chesney iogetting comfortably settled da"'last' Mrs. Keatm*g has been ill fo� Constan"' ; fly -o years ago. i Shortly after that 1536-1 people running to see the cause for the- in Mr. Hills' new brick side' .—Mr. a ut eight months, so that her demise was NoTm.—A debate was PURSE LOST.—ba 6aturday,.about 5 P. re. nee &1d on Wodnes siders a fine young woman) pawed alarms. It was soon ascertained' that the Win. Bickle, of this villages has purchased no, unlooked for. She' h4d. reached the day. last in connect m., on the south side of tWerich street, between Jon wit* the Good Tem- last August a brother, aud now the Main street and the Pras�yterlan Church, the purge fire was in � Whituey's block on Main street. the right, for the township of Tuckestnith g age (if 78 years. Her mwden nam�l plar's lodge meeting. Th4- subject was, re- 'XoTzs.---7Thc pasture is very fine for An�s rants at 90c. c3ntalned tw $5 b'113 80 silver. two or three pap. Dense volumes of smoke were issuing from of the celebrated, charnpion stay wire fence: w4 Efizabeth Fanning. She was a uativ�e solved " that town, lil!41 is preferable to season of the year.—A number Of Frod 'tb the owners nLne nd some other things. he windows of the elothing�store of Mr. manufactured by Litt & Company, of Ham- of� ipperary, -Ireland, and with. her hu rmitive was captain- 'Ou pfices— The finder will be suitable rewArded by leaving the Wood binders came'into thin section onaW ers vn 0711a count%life." The ffi �:It-1 r Harry Spears and thp photogiaph galler a] mme at the K;XPOSITOR 0 10Z, seaforth. 1586.1 y . of ilton, formerly of Dublin. Mr. Bickle is* ba d and small family came to Canada ad by in Alice Madd, the negative by uiday evening lastj that being the d*y n. "I . -The fire, howe 18 2, and soon afterwards settled in the Mr. Harry Blaine.—A ver Oleasant liters ongols, Mr. Henderson. ver, origi to introAtitice this fence, Having just the man MIssEs D tton patent tip, and ry, tfie delivery at Seaforth.—It wil be, ated in Mr. Spears's store. It had started been a successful farniir for T�any years, he to evening in the e4ting to learn how maty of on,- - CauMilm. ba3k, for Q3 on Saturday. R1611ARD80$ Mobals, nehip of Tuckeramith, where sho, con- meeting was held, on Tuesd v.dues, Seaforth. about the contra of of the store�and bad f all .6 1530-1 understaiids the requiremento f a tir, tied to reside until about five years agq, Epwqrth League meeti Mr. obert firmers will 'haul their aaarse.grMN-V SummEnUTF.NsiLs. Gapoliue stoves, worked its, way up the wall to' the cAing, 'gool farm fence, and realizes that this one wken she came to Se%forth. Her bui- Rogerson took charge of i Sunday even- blue n arket and -buy Yauke6 corn in ToNse; t��Pilelc tirme coal oil stoves.rafrig rator.s., ice cream tfeezera, and then ran -along between the joints to the Ella the bill in every particular. bal id died ab'o'ut sit yesrs.axo. She had �& ing service. —Rev. Mr. A own preached a V re presume their names could be screen doors and windows try S. Mum= & Co., front of the building and &across into Hall.. Sehforth. 1536.1 fai My of fourteen oc;9ildrei,lour of whot� very appropriate -sermon ille League Ban. d )wn on a very small sheet. —W6rdts derson's photo rooms adjoining. The fire . DgA:Tu Op MRS. jA'31ES �IAY$.-�_Mra. dead. Among the our embers 4f day afternoon. -The.an I Sunday s6hool o's pugilistic encounter U'etween ya!' thre-piece 9 br m oner CARD OF take this op igade were promptly - on hand,and as soon James Hays, wife of Mr. Jaides Hays, ex-' 8,h're,,, family Are Messrs. "Pivaitnrgiemk Joseph, il be held in the women on the -Main street of 'Winthrop tuJity to thank the Fire Ma and citiz9ne anniversary services for ifisir kind assistance.-j'i the Aire which 0 1 a oy; as they got the seat of the fire � located, a lib- Reeve of McKillop, met with her death in a I ohael iand John Keating,of Seaforth ; and Methodist church (in Sit d ay 23rid. other day. What onvarth were J. Yqurs -tru eral pply of water soon extinjuishid the very sad way on Saturday night. It seems, a Rev. Mr. Millyard, of �ante at We,. on Sunday afternoon Is; . 3 IL A Kline 'and 'Mrs. Brown, also of thi t Abary Street riioa and S quire Govenlock doing All at . .. e. . J Brimm, Seaforth. . Speare's stock that Mr. Hays had been in Seaforth, and on! to Mrs. Keating and her late husband chuKoh, Clinton, will pre 230 SAM FOR 13ALE P. 1111"i time ? wu mak cor sale cheap, a good was burned and dat6ged by smoke and, his return home about eight o'clock in the wf re -among the fir*t settlers in this part of and 7 p. mt., respectirt'l The ;;�Ileotiou TnE Mx=omsT CHuRcH.—The make at 3-5c. second-hand safe. A61; to F. GuTnIuDes, as&. Water, while the inside of the htore wa4 con - evening, and when nearing his own-, farm,, he tb)oountry,and.know well the hadh at each service in to be a id., in aid of the forth. 2530.2 siderably burned. There was not �ery much' noticed a yearling -calf . in a, field - where it &a I privations of pioneer - life, but by the school. meeting of the official board of the M. d15t church, Walton eircuit, took So= good bargains secondhand Bic damage done in Henderson's p�hotogrs,ph: should u 11 1 Boyi, Cap$ I nd y- ot have been. He sent a -lad, a a* weise of that indusEry and pluck which j J clis ; also right Pri Manda afternoon lost. There were 008 on Nusey Harris. Cleveland rooms. , The family- of Mr. Walkei, who live ;rand -son, *he was with him, to drive the wile no characteristic of the early settlers, .1 Qit Messrs. Pollard, Grigg, M. Mo 36C =d 50e - and Stomer whs4ls. S. Nu LEW CO., Sesforth. over Mr. Speare's store, had their furniture ganimal out of the field. It -is supposed that i succeeded in making fcr themselves and KrzoToir Zo 15861 o -v D looting$ for Holland, Hackwell, Roo, Dundass : me attdnd the 84tt J. -C. Morrison, Wi BicreLz repairing in Ion iti branches, d and household effect@ somewh4b'damaged by Mrs;-- Hays bad also seen the animal and fa Ives properous and comfortable home. the appointment of dele 0 to one 'hasty reinvial and water and a ke. niameon on Phortept notice; ailso a full line of sundries, In. had gone to drive �t out, for." the boy had ating was a warm hearted, kind ]Reform convention at loole on Friday, rows. M- Be just now .1 rab my was the -only iiing eluding the Us$ makes of tlies. rims, saddles,- not known how the fite urigmated.* WO Ars driven it i�p to the gate abi appeared to 11, slid to her generous disposition and May 28th, will the 0 of I ec ev Ul�g out. , Mr. Win. was 01 glad to -for Summer eta., at botkom learn -hat Mr. SpGAWN halo him. and. stood- in front of the k ly sets many of the old . settlers we're May 26th, at 7 o'clooko a ad gi, to to the district meeting. The spokes, wrenches, guards, cycle bit, however, t Ina . - , rollard prices. 8. MuLLzrr h Co., i8eafarib. 1636-1 It rt�m lose is pretty Much covered by insurance,. ptei to head off the beast and ca in no % little indebted, and in these an a respective poill an V16101141 as sui ireoti L use I go � d other in th R the circuit were found to be in -A hoddW. Fou beat assortment �f Shirt Waisto, r5( Z;;O g1h-the loss by the interruption of his the d on desired. The calf, howev r, w a --she greatly endeared herself the follows : No. 1 8 to wel-1-ma4e 4 pars iool house; . condition, and the members and adhortnO W. W. Hoffman, Seatorth. bueia�o will be something. The damage to ran,- against her,- knockilif her ver. ple among whom. she had lived' for so .2, Beachwood No. 3, School NO 4 .; d#Ughted with their amiable and talesWIV the IaWt FiRx DAMAGED.—J. Henderson, Sea. the building will also be covered- by ineur. suppose she injured her in ny years. She was, in short, a faithful No. 4, at Roxboro school ousil ; No. at -forth's popular g2oftraphe�, has a lot of ri tures, young pastor, Rev. J. LT. Westmss� w. ability the anee. Thus another disastrous owiflagrstiOn heid, for who w a lovings. thoughtful moths is kind Leadbulw,; No. 6, at L ury ; No. 7 a06 %1 Vote Of th&nk$ was t Frames, &s., w ch have b slightly da n Mr. Hays came up, almost w r, kinal ad by ordered to IW. smoke during the late fire. TU i which, for al in the very centre of ILK I rdi the town. has been immediately, he found her unconscious. He rand in the fullest sense of the Grange all ;. NO.8, M F Mr. Ri b f h- id d tig the *A, ed suits lies I e school house.. in ISL Ur 11cal purposes, are as good As eYer,and which he Will Ovoidal b our very efficient Ifire brigade and at once conveyed her to the house, and a good and worthy citizen. She was a It -is hoped that each of.these mes low. head tailor M36-1 our axe Goderich,- sell as less than Brat cost. owent system of w6terworks �ings year. Ev r7Edges of medical aid was sent for, but although c intent member of St. James' church in will be largely attended. pied the chair. the nee(He fol Ho-mic-mA-Dis screen Iloors and factory everything possible was done for her, she tb, towii, and the remains will be interred STATIMCAL.—FrOln th sessmeat roll of made screen doors aud wi�dows at specially low never regained -'consciousness, and died in the MeKillop, the following I resting partic- prices, at Jowis.x ByLos. 1 Vc� -INDIA.—Mr. Robert J. DrI in- St. James? cometery4his forenoon dale, merch!'Llit, of Drysdale, has kin( about four hours afterwards. The occurrence fd� level services taking -place in the church ala d have Gome. guar-antee& To THz LADms.—Itfro. Lavi Smith,'cor rs have been glonne an een nor Market and Jarvis Streeti, Sestorth, to sent us a Aetter which he has recently re-' was a terrible shook, to her husband and at 9 o'clock. Her death marks the -do GA-Tnxlm;Gs.—Mr. Park, of Wilik*o Cpared _par- kindly furnished us byv ti olerk : The,gop- __I� 1 owelry froml k Swito as, etc. berof.the bell- ulation of the township SuiU made to do up Ladlee hair comblogs into ceived from Col. J. W.Obtley, R. E., family. A] ro. Hays' maiden name was Mar. tu re from our, midst of &not 2,93.o, of t an hai purehas�d the.stook of j Switches of all 001016 for Sale' L%dies having dark of Calcutta, India. Mr. Drysdale has two,* garst Alexander. She was a daughter of or ad pioneers of this county, the memories 879 are voters.' There.. 1 5 910 cattle ; Stratton, Who bo?jght out Mr. or black hair combings to se11 will be liberally dealt objects in sending us thi's letter that the late Adam Alexander, of MoKillop. She of whom will long be cherished by. those 2,329 aheep ; 1,729 hogs, fia , ,625 -horses. 20DIG UTMSALgo.—Wat now have tbrroe t4AW with. All work warranted,, to give satlefaction. A trial solicited. Orders p o tly filled. � 1538-2 our readers may obtaill'an accurate estimate was bom in Scotland and with. herfather ind wl to are left behind, and who owe so much There are 3,499 actes o' all wileat, and 8�6ps, the proprietors Of. which "Port - of the coadition of affairs -in, that famine other' members of the family came to Canada for the blessings they now enjoy now low SAvz f tial and avoid1phe discomfort of to their 40,156 acres of cleared I The asseesed business good. -701r. R. Mutch in heated house by using A gasplivis or blue stricken country and among that' Borely of. and nettled in McKillop. She was mar I d in lustry, integrity and probity. value of the township is fortably domiciled in M-r.J-. Walkeesloask- 114me on rie 8890750� stove. The best goods in thial line and the ch flicted and second, to sho, the re- to Mr. Hayti about forty-four years ago. She south of the Methodist church.—Mrs. HAVZ ,a 179t, markable efficiency of the mail nervice of was sixty-six years of age at the time of heir at Jowmaox BiLoo. look in Visiting friends in Hanover.—Mr. L Clint.o*. KING's Oxfords for Ilies, are the beat the present day. Mr. Drysdale despatched death and leaves a family of six sons and Blow bas completed the brickwork an Jftov aw WArmKGs.--7;Mr. Bruce, represent BuRGLARY. —Early. ing esdav in value In Canada. A n s" of this famous make his letter at Drysdale post office, on the.lab, four daughters, all of whom, with the 6x-' oraing Beswitherick's tailor shop.—Mr. March ; thi answer t Nj oay Jusk opened up at the Cheap Nsh Shoo Store, Car rthrop & Lyman, of Montreal, spent.Sun- thieves entered the resi ice of Mr. Alex- o- it was written on caption of Mr. Adam Hays, Seaforbli, arem"ar- has bought the residence michaol's Block, opposite Zxpo ITOR Office. 153&1 day here.—Wm. Mono, of Gorrie, w ho ander Ewl They fie� -ed six or seven . I I - We unliff'- the 7th April, and reached him on the 8th ried. Mrs. Garden and Mrs. William Irelailld, learned hamessmaking with Thomas am. dollars, b=e help g 4 meelves liberally and occupied by Mr. R. Ross. 0 spl��tA - Mv-_ So that the answer was received in a of Seaforth, are both daughters of Mrs. Hays. 0 was calling on ftionds here last week. to what eatables the I ce contained. En� s�and Mr. R. McGrath has been Hamilton, liCtle over two months. Thefollowing in She was a woman who was beloved by all who a constrble. So rely'stone, throwing in W the ener tic and effic' gy a new Army officer, Captain Rue, has trance was affe0ted by of 6, window. len� agent here of the the, letter: 'know'her, and her sad death was kee from Thedford.-­Mr. George Hemk The same. night bhe h of ine Eva village, football pl on our stiFeets SO OAKOVZR, S1VrA, He D5 will'be totally fW Pon- Punjaub, India, April 7%b red i r manner M) Frost & %ood firm of agricultural imple- felt by a, very large circle of fz iends wh Ndyism, Of everrilin ment manufacturerb, made quite all im 11897.1 her bereaved husband and family . ha'v'e ouf. Miss Nellie Martin visited, Mr. Heek's Stevenson was ante sikila, hibited now, within the village limits A ing display in town on Saturday last. That parents, near Clinton, on Sun4ay . last.—An and the house searched. a secured only,. 3Q 40* MR. ROBERT J. DRYSDALE, ryodale, On- fered a lose which none but themselves 4an east.—Oar stores are closed t 7. dollar, however, wh he' were appari. ort is being made by the OrAngemen of was the day seleo �ed. on vAich Mr. Hamilton tario,—Dear Sir,—Your lebb of th lint #uly appreciate. The sympathy of the com- a' evening, except Wednesday and Sstdrdop', e%.- me by munity as well as the respect in which eld to arrange a gathering of members ently frightened. off by b matess —Mr. Stinson has put u-neiat fence in--frl.& was4o deliver to th !!�o bl purchased March having been addrt"s to B , yfi the in the Jourroun ing count There is no clue to the in r ders wh name was forwarded on to a t1W from him, the imple=n all they had a from ase Of lodges. of the 'i ry- purchmed. There were a quarter of a bull. Calcutta. I alit now returni her a thQ dec d was held, *as amply manifest- h raonJulyl2th. Manyobjeot'to going NoTzs.—Oa Monday ing the house of his place. Mr. Cummar and son Aid dred farmers in for their achines on that enclosed remittance to a to participate in a patal Of Mr. William Marph no it'mith th ed by -the large number who attended The lo! g distance work.—Mr. G. Gorrin who taught in NOX my -0. - or Clinton,- was I wrong side vi i�coessor in the funeral on Tuesday last. yy Howick, in A it' our village. He b* tot ingan orybody enjoys a day a outing at the Jake. destroyed by fire Moo th f4 i are day." Mr. Hamilton ant rtained the mi -to Honorary Secretaryship, and he will doubt. there is no reason why there should ack was saved but the house coi t41 do- been studying medicine in 96fislo.—*, dinner, and after -dinner t a loaded vehicles less send you the usual formal ri�ceipt. .1 LocAL BRimps. The county couacil will Cummer and lie son are putting up n procession be. an enjoyable time arranged here for' stroyed. There was ani rance of'$900 in formed i and headed by the was very grieved to have to 'abandon the meet in the Court House, Goderich, on fence- around the village srk._�00 Of ay. the McKillo Mutual.-- a Mary Wilkie Karr% May alet. —We are sorry to le'an those pleasant events which eanse a band of the 33rd battali and carriages Secretaryship, but my health broke down Mond& I go crowd. B all means come to, B d on —Work. has in. , has g9one to to d the summer, containing several gantlet all, interested in tro Rd July l2bl. been 01 On" al overwork, the c b astenea by of thq loss isustained by Mr. W. D. Ste*att. m i of excitement,,ocourred at the resid Is ein eaced on Mr. John Tippet's new shop, —Mr. Harry Read.hat. ne to Calumet, Mr. Edward James, in our village, on- W the distribution, marched through the a c in., ms�Z practically of St. auLl and son of Mr. A. Stewait, -of ch wh he win principal streets of , the to�m, slid hauling holemio attack wb adjoining his residence. T gage.iu the drug n front Of the impossible for me to do anothi ir -a a ork. this towni - On Saturday, 8th inst, is gan' th all araary of the Ep- need"forenoon of last week,- whes famine in thii v y`c tr entire works in that city. were destroyed by i thurd daughter, Miss Addie and Mr. Commercial hotel, were '07 bt vfassf�— he"ei r In no prov on" un y -*. 0 aNdi seed from the balcony, of the hotel by worth League of atten street MeWo a e ave ach Qt steps been ta tit by the fire. This will undoubtedly be a heavy'1048 Lakeleto Gilpin, of Orillia, were united in theW. h OT 'a m rfe diet [iurch was celebr By - Dr. Bethune, Mr. T. E. RaTs, Mr. Whit. G am ei as on SuAd and y have been tako n the pres. to Mr. Stewart, but with - oommend�ie )aTS.—We are badly situated here to:get bonds of matrimony. The ceremo laafer, the general agent of, the firm, and cut ' to Monday. The church w prettily deock". performed the - Rev. others. . Tfie following a Oct. 6sion. Every effort ha i an made, enterprise he and his -partner . have secured- notes to Seaforth in time for insertion. ad with flowere and '' t too. On Sunday G Mr. It- the names of and is bein made, by the Government, to new premises and are again at work.m�'Ae Tt a- notes must be written on Saturday Orries in the presence of bot, �fte an those who took part in tb proeosi,�6u, and avoid lose not special services were held and.; on. Monday lifo, but it is impansible to Toronto Mail in commentifig on the lacrosse bb or Mond molining. Our mail front dre:1 invited Oests. The bride ay, evening a lecture on Parity" was the implement Purchased :1 Binders,—Win. reachleveryone, and KnI rid u in 'to of all that match in.Torouto on Saturday last, betwel.�n ilkelet always Iies over in. Clifford �r x Rev. 0. T. ingly attired in cream lustre, t , imed Vi any and Charles Government has anicf-ii still doing, the Toriontba and tho-Varsity team, makpo uij�t, and.makes things rather inoonvenjent delivered by C Ott. MeGavi , Thomas Kei done L 0"Am laces and carried in heii ;VA Dodds, McKillop ; Herber' J. there is' 01 t Crich and an enormous amount of misery that the foll6wing reference to Mt. John A. as attend6d by Bison, on of Mr.—John Gowid of tb; bouquet of rose%. She w and C. Routledge, Tuck y era th ; J.J.Irwin, no effort can really reach. The' Govern. Jacksonj son of Mr. G. E. Jackson f rioter Annie, who wM beeomiu� Henry Rapine, J. and W, 10 i6- h -concession, had bin arm - broken I the V ;;ogg, Robert meat can, however, onlyhelp those who Egmondville On th' students' defeabo' ot er day, also had it Nom.—TLe' 24th c rationpromises fawn Bilk. The groom-, was supiwrted tif Mat. W a] Hi%bkirk, James F. Hack. ell and Win. show themselves willing to be helped, and Stoney " Jackson - s5ente the pace, putti t, 0 D a 0 1 blin, of Q a tw mo thi g the P,u,t.:O,ut of Was to be a success he 1 also promineto, Mr. J. McLaugi, McKay, McKillop; Jarqea Allan and who ask for charity,. bat there are hundreds up a steidy blockade for the Toronto men. br an, and had got nicely knit whewhe fen be T U r I well filled, so th r' Iready a number House, Gorrie. The inasTiage ial g Win. Sinclair, Tuckeramith. ]viewers,— of -thousands who would sooner die than —The -spring non -jury sittin go at GoderlT,! a again broke of horses entered.—A. OaA he guests repaired to the COMMA*= per tleusaja George Notts W. R. Archib�ld,- R. Brock, ask for gov it. Dr. Tuck, of Gorrie, Campbell, r ernmqnt. charityl. You know will begin.-dn May 319t.—Mond&3 a Q 2 d. tteen re need the fractafe.—Mr. D. A. Harkness s here Issf k and oni, where a sumptuous ntructor, wa"s gave a g -to Win. Carnochan, David Fprgusou, W. C. thefeeling amongst our own respectable Birthday*and will be a Tublie -holidx. of Huntingfield, will represent our -Inde. lood addiian on thibs an t' in the town artaken of, -after which &I ok, Sured I 9_. Landaborough andJohn MOLesn, Tucker- poor, they would sooner suffer any privation There will be no celebmtion ere as we a 0 tion to _t�k�'46 J" vor.Pro�itneaa use amith ; James Croal, Louis than go to the w6rkhouse. So, it adent, Order of Good Templars at the all. The attendance not *hat it was driven to the sta, as in In. layinglow for the 22nd of June.—Mrs. r e&ro" Rak and Lodge meeting in Toronto in June. should have been. The 11�1 tions made o'clock train fbr the out.—Oal T Malone, McKillop. e!o, &nice Camp.' dia, there are, I had almost said millions Greig, of Clinton, was visiting her son, MP' Mr. Harkness has been there several times were first class, a nd if upon we would- townsman, Mr. J. R. . illiams, tras of W at bell and Hugh Catnpb�ll, M i'llop. These would sooner die, and J. C. Greig, the latter part of last week., an makes a firat-olass delegate.—Th�' have better road* and ext=181h: then in his employand h were all in the procession, t there were do die, than ask for public charity and ex. Mr. A. Cardno has had a handsome n B f .1 b is a ho, 8 gbank fact;6ry has been running now.—Court of Revisio ceiuq usinese. several other binders. and towers sold to pose their nakedness to the world. This so, of Teeswal is drop 3urtai seed in his hall.—hir.W. no for two weeks. There in quite a; lot Menday,.June 7tb- at' 8 i m.—Division Charles ter who parties who could not make It convenient to a clan that our fund is tryu a to Rat at and Walker, who !9r, - tax opened a shop here f of ilk received.'—The Huntingfield milk court, 14ne 9th.—k;;. Rice,,who has bankelerk here in- Gilliex Od come for them on Saturday. a machines help* A in, n d yeoman or upbol2terin work and furniture re through here four times a been -filling the pulpit o V he Rev. S. . 0 home it id ra pa=lgi -W on passes slid represent a good deal of in y, and while a twhei". ion the battle in,'we are IgLd'to learn, doing a good usi.' -wee . The haulers are all paid by the gal. Allin, who is nick, ,no Mond for that the in to be removed f0n1 r&eent farmer haa ith fam7 lot i thin yeaF ae, OD� we congratulate Mr. Ham n on his L Ing. We want to start such again new. Mr. Walker is a first-olass we .—The Methodist church here home. Mr. Allin in I;; ing and in ex- 'VVe hope thti rumor. is not tr y y r Ir ,a h