HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-05-21, Page 3211 1897 BAN $1,5003, $1.500. SEAFORTIL irta a the Uedted &altos iwied,-avalleble m all parie and idvanees made on 5411 Ta attewed at higheet (turret d of eTtille sad Deoembeta. m of a depoeit. PEAROE, Agent. use twice as much, a good one. ease d 60o. GROCERS. Al LENTS °PLR most fashionable Goods, .e. We have made very ew in a position to show are showing some beauti- aeries and Laces, will be e Linens, Towellings arid [fast, Ireland, eo that fact tainable. . tLe most fasti ous. Wrappers and Under - )r Spring to know no opposition. look through our clothe rise those who are in. the 1 t :est itt everything, and is e pleased to welcome one tis County. f Huron, what Marshall • and Timothy Eaton's to trobably call o you next luny peruse. E1FORTII DOMMERCE, LARS - $6,000,000 - - $1,000,000 AGSM, Notes discounted, Drafts principal cities in B'ermu.da, liliENT, ettrrent rates of interest end of May and Novem- aneercial Paper and Far- [ MORRIS, Manager. 1897 rte of Furniture as you teaspness. All oar goods rots an invitation to call et. Suites,Sideboarcls, Rat Racks, Wardrobes, - When. we know ...we eau irtment. 7ery respect, and as we 4uarautee to give good srtaker and Embalmer of Lvored with shall receive Funeral birector's re. or at Dr. Campbell's co forth, Porter's Old Stasi MAY 21J897. READY IIIIXED AINTS IMPORTANT NOTICES, R SALE. -Desirable ploperty situated ea God. Well street, Seaforth. Fcr rattleulars apply at EXPOSITOR Orrleo. 1Mett JelleKERNA, Domhilon laid Provincial Land. Surveyor, Meraber of theassoelatIon of Ontario d Surveyors, Dublin, °Mute. 1386.52 ESTRAY SiiiilEP.-Came into the premiees of the subeerlber Let '22, South Boundary, Stanley, a white ewe,apparantly about 3 yeasts old. The owner can have the Rune by proving property and paying Expenees. ALLAN DOUGLAS, Blake P. O. 16135- 4 rreo BENT. -To rept ft acres of pasture land, en L. Concession 4, Tuekerateith. Part ot it could be ploughed up for crop. Apply to WM. SCOTT, Beieoefield P. O. 16304,1. TOBIN BEATER, Clerk et the Second Division it$ Cowrie County Comadesioner, of Hur,, Con- veyancer, Land, Loan and !Petulance Agent. Fonds masted and to* Lean. Offloe-Over Sharp & Ivens' store, .In street, Seaton*. 169 "MONEY TO LIND.-Money to lend la sums of si,000 and upwards on good farm property, at loWest rates of interest. Payments made to suit borrower. This is net loan companies funds. A /thole* Tuelserandth farm for sale cheap. Apply to A. OWENS, Brat door eouth at Jackson's store, Egmondville. 160441 1DEANS AND BUTIER WANTED. -Wanted a lino ikd quantity of Geed White Beene; also a quantity of int chos Tub Butter. For then we will pay the higheet cash price. The highese oash Twice will also be paid foe fowl in all wagons. T. R. F. . CASS & GO.; Ssaforth. 162941 - $ 300 Private funds to loan at lowest $ 500 rates of interest in sums to suit $ 700 borrowers. Loans can be cora- $1,000 pleted and money advanced $1,500 within two days. Apply to R. $2,500 S. HAYS, Barristerefec.,Seaforth. 126 STOCK. FOR SALR. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SALE. -For sale a thoroughbred Durhain bull, 16 months' old, red in color, eligible for registration. He is a particular- ly find ytiung animal, and will be gold cheap. Apply on Lot 26, Conoeesion 4, 11. R. S., Taikerepaith. HERBERT CRICH, Seaforth P. 0. 1526-41. -110IGS FOR SALE AND FOR SERVICE.- The eL undersigned, breeder of Large English Berk- ehiree,has for sale boars and sows in farrow. He will also keep for service the stock boar, " King Lee," inclined from Mr. George Green, of Fairview, and winner at Montreal, Toronto s.nd Ottawa. Term -41 payable at the time of service with the privilege of returning 11 neeeeary, il booked 41.60. JAMES DORRANCE, Lot 26, ConoeeelOn 5. UeitUIoP, Sea- * orth P. 0. 1465-52 STOCK FOR SERVICE, DULL FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will ella keep for service on Lot 12, Concession 6, Stardey, the thoroughbred Durham bull, "Stanley Chief." Terms 4140 insure. JAMES KEYES. 1526x4 DULL FOR SF,RVIOE.-The undersigned will 1_11 keep; for 'service on Lot 29, Conoession 11, Hibbert, the thoroughbred Durham bull "Earl of Dunraven." Terre8.-$L25 to insure. W. H. STONEMAN, Proprietor. 15314.1 keep for service at John lioNevin's mils, Kip. FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will pea, the thoroughbred Durham bull, "Sailor Lad." This bull was purchased from Mr. D. D. Wilson, and is from imptated stock. Terms, $1.50. MoNEVIN idoKaY. 1524x4ti felAMWORTH BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The under. 1. sfgned erli keep for service, at the Braoetleld Cheese Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. with registered pedigree. Terms, *1; _ payable at time of 'service with privilege of returning if neoes. tory. HUGH MoCARTNEY, Bruoefield, 140541 DOAR FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will _1_1 keep on Lot 16, Concession 2, Hay, a Thom - bred Berkehire Boar of the large English breed, with registered pedigree. Terms -$1, payable at time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN ELDER, mesa% Ont. 1533-4 11AMW0RTH PIG FOR SERVICE. --The • under. signed bee for service on lot 3E, concession 3, McKillop, a thceo'bred Tamwoeth pig, to which a limited number of sows will be taken. Thi. is an extra good pig and breeders find it advantageous to oroes their berkshire rows with this breed of pig. Tertes $1, with rivilege of returning if necessary. JOHN MoMILLAN 1505xtf 1100ARS FOR SERVICE. -For service on Lot 10, Concession 7, Stanley. First Prize, (4121) bred by Thomas Teaedale, Concord, Ontario. Sirs Baron Lee, 4th (3444) dam Lady 2872. Verna ,Duke, (3771) toed by T. G. Snell, Edmonton, Ontario. Sire Star ons (imp) (33371,) dam Trainer Bell (irnp 2336). Terms 61. for Rode, and $5. for registered sows, at time of service, with privige of returning if &teeny. W. McAnLISTEB. 160741 P. IlEA,TINGi Dealer in Lumber and Shingles, Will keep a supply of IlemIcok, Pine and Cedar on hand. All &zee and the beet quality to be had, at reasonable pricds. Also shingles -Red Cedar, the best brand, and White Cedar. All warranted No. 1. Parties wsuiting anything in the shove line will do well to examine my stock, and judge for themselves. P. KEATING, Seaforth. 162941 CITY GROCERY. v.srarrdrxererremerzzrzr.zerzerszee.rez4-- • RAN LACS- PURE INDIAN TEA AllrealTIXI Now astbeeeeneeto eats SLIMMERS relirsiri. We always keep a stock of this noted Blend of Tea on band, also the BLUE RIBBON BLEND, Cadl and get a sample package as we think it will _suit you. We are offering a five pound package of JAPAN TEA FOR 50c. In the Crockery line we have opened some new lines in Dinner, Toilet Sets, Which we are offering at prices to suit the thaws. We are anxioue to show you our goods but we ask for your patronage only when they give complete eatisfaction. HUGH ROBB ITURON EXPOSITOR. o., EXCELSIOR PAINTS • Are the Best in the Market. We Show !It Splendid Line of Shades. COMPLETE STOCK Of Garden Tools, Spades, Shovels, and ' Draining Tools. SEA FORTH. 3oods Delivered with Promptness. BUILDERS' HARDWARE A SPECIALTY. Sills & Murdie HARDWARE, Counter's Old Stand, Seaforth. Leading dealers everywhere sell FERRY'S SEEDS Don't risk the lose ottime, labor and ground by planting seeds of unknown qual- ity. The 'market is full of cheap. unreliable seeds. FERRY'S SEEDS are always the best ; do not accept say substitute. Seed Ant:nal feat. D. M. FERRY & CO., Windsor, Ont. H. R. Jackson se SON. DIRECT IMPORTERS OF Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac, Francs; duo. de Kuyper & Son, Hol- land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland; Booth's Tom Gin, London,- England; Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas- gow, Scotland; Jamieson's Irish Whisky, Dublin, Ireland; also ,Port and Sherry Wine from France and Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky, Ontario; Royal Distillery and Davis' Ale and Porter, Toronto. To THE PUBLIC: We have opened a retail store. in connection with our wholesale busi- businems in the rear of the new Do- minion Bank, in Good's old stand, where we will sell the hest goods in the market at bottom prices. Goods delivered to any part of the town free. TELEPHONE II. - 1518-tf WOOD'S PEECPSPII4001)11410. The Great English Remedy. 11 Rix Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Weakness. Irsitssions,Sperin- atorrhea, Impotency and art ell'octs of Abuse or Zzosesos. Hest -al Vrorrlb eavessive use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimu- *fore andAften ;ants, whit* soon DIMS to /ft- jtratity, insanity, Consumption, and an early grave. Esc been prescribed over 36 years in thousands of cases; Is the only Reliable and Honed Medicine known. Askdruggistfor Wood's Phosphodine; if he offers some worthlees medicine in place of this,,_ inclose price in letter, and we will send by return - rani'. Price, one package, $1; six, 45. Ons will please, six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address. Wilitt 'Wood Cosapaary, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Sold in Seaforth and everywhere in Can- ada by alleeeponsible druggeets. SEAFORTH PACKING HOUSE. To HOG BREEDERS. T. R. F. CASE & CO. Of the Seaforth Packing House are pre- pared to handle any quantity of Hogs, Live or Dreee, for which they will pay the highest market price. Will have teen call on any parties having live Hogs to dispooe of, if notified. For par- ticulars call at Retail Store, Carmichael's Black, Seaforth. T. R. F. CASE ScCO. 1618-4.1. Prepare for Spring BY HAVING YOUR Clothes Cleaned or Dyed ----AT- Barr's Dye Works MARKET STREET, SEAFORTH. Satisfaction Guaranteed. REMOVED. Having removed into the store formerly occupied by Mr. J. Downey, in the Cady Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel, 1 now purpose carrying a full and complete ine of all kinds of Harness, Whips, Blankets, And everything handled by the trade. Just received thin week a large consignment of _ BLANKETS, GOAT ROBES AND GOLLOWAY ROBES, Which we are now offering at astoniehingly low prices. PONIES. Nome Bandseese,liees Owned by Philadel. Otis YOurks Peapla. e4OOStrdblit tO 1\0M show rnps and 1.4 a pe4y isa horse arida 14.2 POO ;slut heeretiet, Wets the line Th, Shethtnd be - Low tilt and as from the pony 'elem. all bones gyor A2.2 1%010 height. /thiladelphio '41,1dren win ad pH stoms of the Sheet stoeioeene o the Onus pay 10 be fed in Mimic*, The esinttlest animal in tire Oki* CAI ions belongs to the tkitetlend breed,. We breed is alio the most profitable to rear for sale. Net all posies are Shetlands by any mesas. There are the common in this country besides the "Shelties," the Welsh and English breeds as well; also M. BRODERICK, SEAFORTH. Now on Exhibition -AT TilE- HE SEAFORTH TEA STORE DANDY AND DAISY. the Creole, a beautiful family found in the south. In the picture are shown a pair of English ponies of the Exmoor breed, Dandy and Deisy, owned in Phil- adelphia. A writer in the Philadelphia, Press says of the Exmoor breed: The true Exmoor pony is a strong,' vtell knit 18 or 14 hand animal of the dray horse in miniature type; sure foot- ed, docile, generally bay in ' color and poseensing an ironclad constitution. Nothing seems to tire these ponies. They oan work steadily for hours and then feed ,,ell without any danger Of injurious results. The next illustration represents a showy little Iceland pony. This pretty piebald used to be in a °irons and is all the more valued by his youthful owner on that account. There is certainly good money in the rearing of -well broken ponies, trained A magnificent assortment of Fancy Goods, Tables, Hat and Coat Racks, and also many other useful articles, which I purpose giving away to my cus- tomers absolutely free. My reason for doing this is, that I believe the cash system is the best both for the buyer and seller; therefore, on each occasion you purchase goods at my store, we will give yon tickets for amount of such purchase, and when .you have a suffi- cient number, you bring them in and exohange them for one .of these useful articles free of charge. I make no ex- tra charge for my goods, but depend entirely on the increase of business to repay me. I have much pleasure in calling your atten- to my large and varied, stock which embraces all the leading linen in Eng- lish, French and Bohemian China, Crockery and Glassware, consisting of Dinner, Tea and ToiletSets, Water and Berry Sets. Have you, tried my 25e Japan Tea, or my fine blend in black at 25c? It will pay you to tre them, as they are the best in the mar- ket. A cordial invitation extended to all to call and examine my large and varied stook before purehaaing else; • where. A. G. AULT, C4th. , ICELAND PONY. to both riding and driving. Animals 12 to 14 hands high are perhaps the most profitable for sale, while those 9 to 11 - hands high send the young ones into ecstasies of delight and carry off the ribbons at the horse shows. • Lincolia-MerIno. For crossing on fine wool ewes for the production of both wool and mute ton the Lincoln sheep has few equals and no superior sanong the coarse wool breeds. I have used the Cotswold, the Oxford and the Lincoln, and 1 have seen the crones on other than my own Rooks, but I have never seen any breed of coarse wool sheep blend as nicely with the Merino as the Lincolns do. The Lincoln is a very large sheep, but it has a smell bead in proportion to the rest of the carcass, eo there is seldom any trouble experienced with the ewes at lambing time. wen blended with the h The lontiti:y, lusereue wool of the Lincoln s 'Short Sae fi of the Merino produces a very nice wool much prized by wool dealers in general. The very best Aus- tralian wool is produced from Lincoln and Merino ottellift easheep. To illus- trate hoer neudh these Lincoln"; are in the$. opuntrY for 'crossing on he Merino figolis i will 'loots it few .prices oloNtinet for Lincoln rams at a recent Melrne ram sale. Mr. T. F. Itutledgoilid a Liaooln ram for $500, an. felt PRO, eke fee $850 and 24 head 'snore flit an *vestige of $115.87 per head. The Argeatiem sheep men have !also awaltene4t f� tbe fact that the Lin- 'oolus axe what ehey want to cross on the ')lerinos art kative docks of their coun- try, and they are inaporting large num-. !bus of rates for that purnose.-Cor. Na- tional Steelman. f Training a Dull to the TreadmLU. • Iblill III the morning loaded iip with 'a stock of patience sufficient to last all day a0 with * firm faith and deter- !nainatilln tat before night that bull Wile lth OR *be tread power without 'Dav- i ins sisal ay force Or enger,ttlered any pill eels.' oh the part el the- ifrall or Ineg. ;6 not f•la him Were begiu- ' flintbet have bim leungly becanse yea need te emelt on him teheeeth his 1 aPP•ti* IN a lost repe be lead hiin „will. Lead in miner' the power as he !will go w11liH1y4 Then take * turn .with the rye &Nut Home part of the tread power or beyond it. Now give him, o little feed and coax him for*rd a little with it, at the same time ahtt ening the rope. Keep it up till you -slo- wed. Hoard's Daiuman. 1 SELLING- LIVE STOCK. tisefnl flaggest(ons For Breeders Who Wish to Mimosa of Animals. Professional breedere of edigreed live stook -Inert who cater to the trade Was the requiem poured o'er ns lost lure's crave. BURNS AND HIS MARY. He sarieepf friendship and duty And niaOhood all creels above, - Of the dear, green earth in her beauty And the\deWy glory of love, , ,1 But the sweetest, tenderest chord he gave for pure bred enimals -should use printed 'otter heads in their correspond- ence, settiu4 forth the name of the farm (each breednag establishment ilhould be dignified by a name), the variety or va- rieties of stock maintained, the name of tbe proprietor, his posteffice„ county and state, and the name (not merely the initialeYof the railroad by which the farne le reyhed. In addition it is well to ornonieht letter head and envel- ope With a small out of an animal of the breed tho Maintained on the farm. it is, of coerse, best if this plc - tux() represents the sire in the herd, nook or stud, or sonae animal owned by the breeder. Small as this naatter seems, it is sonietinies of value in effecting sales by correspondence. . Most of the particulars mentioned are included on letter heads that reach this office. Those which are usually conspicuous by their absence are the name, of the county and the railroad. Both are of interest and sometimes val- ue to the prospectiae purchaser. Gener- aIly he wants to know the location of the farm from which stook is offered hina, and the name of the county will often identify the section of the state wherein it is located, whereas the post - office may affordno idea of locality4 Very few farmers have complete postal or railway guides at hand, and the - names of counties and railroads on let- terheads will generally prove of conven- ience ttie the purchaser and save tron- ble andtorrespondence. When breeding farms are located near large cities, it is an excellent plan to print that fact on the letter head, as for example, 'Forty- miles from Chicago, on the Chicago and - road." It will cost the breeder nothing. It will often aid to make it sale. Some enterprising breeders have had railroad maps made and printed on letter heads or the backs of envelopes, showing the exact location of their farms as related to well known railroad centers. The idea is an excel- lent one, especially for those breeders who prefer to have customers make se- lections in person rather than fill mail orders. While this is an expense that the ordinary breeder may perhaps not wish to incur, he can at least have printed on his leiter head the county in which his poetoffice is situated and the railroad by which his farm is reached. This will aid the purchaser and it will also help the seller when shipping stobk to other breeders, ' Another excellent idea which some enterprising breeders are taking upi is the use of the typewriter in their coree- spondence. Not all handwriting iof "copper plate" clearness, and it it a somewhat singular fact that many of our best educated men write a haid that is almost indecipherable. In sech correspondence as that -wader discussion it is desirable that every ward be clear and plain, and the typewriting Ma - oblate, when once mastered, will aid greatly in this matter. Tbe best ma- chines aro yet too high priced, but cheaper machineare now, on the mar- ket which perhaps have not the extretne speed of the standard makes, but ane Yet rapid enough in their action for use in the correspondence of it breeding farm, Ill selling live stock by letter ranch depends upon furnishing the inquirer full information in clear, definite and legible form. -Breeder's Gazette. MARRIAGE • LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE SBAORTII, ONTARIO. NO - WITNESSES REQUIRED. . Then life was but ftitilo longing And earth but it beauteous tomb, But sense through the silence were thronging And glory 0:reit in the gloom, And sorrow, the harper skilled and tronyr, From the breaking heart drew its sweet- • est song. When thy grief had heavenward striven Did thy Mary remember in heaven Her love by thf braes ef Ayr? • We know not, but -earth that heard thea e sing Mint ch4orlsh thy song to her latest spring'. • Deep heart, so lavinh in loving! Oh; wayward and broken heart - As safe f rom our shanty repreving As deaf te our pradse thon krt. Yet thy song shall thrill us, while love hall last And thy sorrow move us till death be past. -Maggie Clare ineeNew 'fork f3un. Ave Stook Poinbs. • Ailsike clover appears to be a good pasture plant, but net profitable for hay. A Missouri stelekpean believes he has succeeded in byrditig a family of Here- fords without bans. Per eight years he has been folloetring up experiments along this llue apd at length announces that he hits attained the; desired re- sult. 10 mills his new breed of cattle Polled /legit?. lile hat at present it herd of 27 -he erp pad 2 bulls that were born hornleis. Tbey present the raark- ings of the faseceepeeed beautiful White faoes, but they are lersor end are sparer about the hip!. Tho Oock1stan contends that his neveWreed tof Polled Herefords make better beef than tbe horned spe- cies. Horses? Yes, there aro too many of the kind. There lee too many ugly, lightweight traiterethat cannot trot and ought to be meth "inth fertilizing ma- terial, too nig* *Wm that are neither • big enough foe &saw apry and hand- some enmesh for cbriving, far too many bony loose jointed, fiat footed, Bop eared, .swey Wicked, stupid brutes that are more like an old fashioned Tex- as cow after o hard winter than like a graceful, neat built horse. But -the right kikd of a lierse-ah, that is different! A protuinent firm of deal- ers write, "We war sew time'when a 16 hand high, !CI made, stylish, well broken coach horse with good aotioe •'Would sell for ntore money than he will now." You can raise without trouble 100 bushels of carrots or parsnips to the acre. You can sell these to town horse keepers at good prices or you can feed them to your ewn stock. They Consti- tute for all animas, with the expeption of ensilage for milk cows, the best pos- sible change from dry grain feed. In meter troniblinito prayer. HER REFORMED DET. Newligbt ?Cakes a Series of Astound- hsg Discoveries. "IVO just awful how criminally ig- norant I've been regarding our food," said Mrs. Newlight to her husband the other day. "I can never be thankful enough that I joined Professor Boarent's class in domestic science. Myt It's a wonder we're not all dead, ignorant as I've been. There's one thing sure, George Newlight-there'll be no mons tomatoes on my table." "Because .Professor Scarem explained to no today how tomatoes cause a mark- ed arrest of vital activity in those who eat them, and he proved that the acid of tomatoes acts almost like it poison on the membrane of the stomach. Then I'm done with any berries that have seeds in on my table." "I'd like to know why?" "You wouldn't ask if you'd heard the professor's talk on appendicitis and its cause. A single dish of raspberries or strawberries may bring on that- awful trcnble. It's fearful to think of the risks people will run just to gratify theOalate. And here we've- always allowed otnr children to have sugar and cream on their oatmeal!" "What of it?" "Well, you'd say 'What of it?' if you could hear the professor explain how the combination of oatmeal and cream and sugar causes dreadful gases to 'arise in the stomach and utterly retards diges- tion. I've not the slightest doubt that the awful spasm our little Mania had last year was due entirely to this cause. Then there's bananas. 'Why, Newlight, they're simply rank And _you'll get ne; more white rayi,twabhl. ye'' not?" "Because there's no more nutrition in it than there would be in bread made out of pure starch. Every bit o! the nu- tritive element has been rain el out of it. It makes those who eat it thin blood - "Do I look thin blooded ell. as if I lacked nutrition?" asked Newlight, who weighs 199. ' "That doesn't signify. •You don't know what day you'll begin to break down under such bread. Weill have nothing but graham or whcole wheat •our hereafter. And I've done with coffee too. If you could see and hear Professor Scarem demonstrate just how poisonous it is to the whole human trys- tem you'd shun it as you shun opium. • He says that cocoa shells is the only real safe warm drink." as soon drink dishwnter," said Newlight. "You'd better drink dishwater than your poisonous coffee. If you'd only take it little time to study denaestic sci- ence and look into this food business a little, it would be it good thing for your health and the health of yourfamily. There's it lot .more things we've been jeopardizing our lives by eating in our criminal ignorance, and I'm going to out all of them off our list. "1 And she did, wbich is the1reason that Newlight is taking most of bis meals down town at present. -Detroit Free Press. Waehiagten Pusslee !Elm. "I have found my way aorompathless prairies where I had never been before,. and even through the tangled mama of isonoth, bu arpat Iey ranithercieootstr ktweithaeutangeg:oltiatfr without getting abselutely Weiland," said Mr. H. M. Barker of New Mexico. "I have been to Washington at least a dozen times in the past thrne years, awl yet 14 1. just Ss strange to 'me now, aft. er a sojourn of two weelue lap it was the first time I ever. set feet in the district. 111 pi one block away from my hotel I • lose my reckoning, and I' ilitd myself • wondering continually whether I am going toward the capitol or in the di- rection of the treasury. 1 get sore with myself for Wag so slow to find my bearings, but I liter other, men owning ttp te the sante diliculty.1 It certainly is queer that there should be puck a difference between people, for I know plenty of men that can go anywhOre they choose in a oity a few hours afte,. landing in it, but take them out into the country, and they would pt lee* like the babes in the woods. " -Wash-' ingtou Post. George • poisonl bread at A writer in The Southern Stock Farm glorifies the artichoke as an article for hog feed. He advises everybody in a suitable latitude to plant a patch of this vegetable, whioh he says will alone keep and fatten her for a consideeable length of team He recommends farm- ers to have an acre or tweipt artiohokes for the 'Wine to run win winter. It will keep them in pod health. The ar- tioboke may also be put up for indoor feeding. One bueltel of corn makes 10 pomade of hog, Rua 20 pounds of clover sale 1 pound of hog. ;told be is the hackney stallieri Match- less of eihillepbero breitght $12.4000 when he Was tritely sold ist Dr. W. Bair- ard Webb ta NEV. W. IA Clay* of Staten Island. Miitehless Ir seirly 18 years old. Doctors Recommend ALADA" CEYLON TEA. Lead Packets only. 25c, 40c, 500 and 00c. He won't use it, because its too long, and *seerng too sitnple. 'Pays him betttr to use a, wax pore-fillerti.and polish up a prevlbus polish Paid bit the week, instead of by the pair, he'd shine the actual leather, hard and smooth surfaced, with I ROBERT WILLS, SOLE AGENT FOR SEAFORTH. A Remarkable Portrait. The pope has received, through the' Countess Mariayestetios maid of hon -1 or to the empress of Alstria, a seme-! what remarkable portrait of the lan peror Francis Joseph. It is wrought tn! ink and cotton, and its preduotien volved an enenuoue arnewit of labor ' and expense, the offset of light ask elude being produced by only two colors.; The factory from which it 00f0411 is the , famous ens a Remand*, ie &hernia. The portrait, whioh L.o XILIt is having' placed in his library, received a geld; medal at the Chicago World's fair. It has been disoovered that to bury a man sp to his neck inwet sand is a practically certain cure for apparent death from an electric; shook. . 001 BEFORE YOU LEAP Is an adage whichlaas saved many persons from the twinges of conscience and from the depths of remorse. But 11.4t only has it assured them of peace of mind, and consequently happiness,but it has many times spared THEIR POCKETBOOK, And thus may we have raised them materially. We have given them. the best clothes to be had, and at prices cob, sistent with good workmates* and superior fit and finish. By looking at our stock and prices before buying, you will always have the pleasure of knowing that you have the best and latest clothes at the minimum prices., BRIGHT BROS.. SEAFORTH. "Why didn't you :keep to your own side of the road You Bloomin ICJ Well, perhaps it was my fault, hut never mind. I have a pot ot "Quickcure" in any lat and it will cure our bruises before we get home. YtO -never saw any, - thing like the way it will heal a cut pe a bruise cf : ny kind, and for sprains and strains it it Li ju.t "out of sight." • HENRY IEVERS, caiebec, writes: “Pne .of my children sprained her, kaki°, which becarn4 Much swollen and discoloured. Soffit"! 'Qeickcurec was spread or kinen, and applied, the pain ceased nt once, the swelling was gonei the next day, and on the foutd,h da.7 s2 walked to school as usualif 1 have also proved it -to be a wondeeful remedy for cuts and bnilies. •• Htg,m1KfLsassimar,s„,..t....-43m2xia..-09 a, Ride a Cleveland or Massey - Harris Bicycle for 1897. The safest,: e(peediest and most durable Wheelon record. Call and 1t us show you their superiority over others. 4 The fin6i' selection in the County to choose from. S. NIUL..LETT & CO Seaforth. • Hardware, Stoves and Tinware Mere Mier itar SHOW ROOM OVER STORE. • A nice line' of second-hand wheels, some of which are as good as new, for sale cheap. eetegne-Werelelotenellweineoriro *Waage He eswereleerairseieeerawee Ole..eleeeleessweraerelleseeeeares 0 sis......sse•roar-sts.owtses.eassiter.rowter-ww.sas-rair-orses.aaw-ree•riliwarr Rigby Waterproof Golf Capes are the most comfortable and convenient out- 1 iof -door garment a Lady can west.. If you can- not get one in your town suggest to your dealer i to write to . .11. SHOREY ec CO., Montreal who will forward samples to any Dry Gtxxis Merchant free of charge. -am.** wrlier.-Pri+101.11.041 Jill.....i. :., _ . ...10, Pircat and Beat for Table and Dairy No adtdtorailon. Never cakes, BA.RGA.OTSIN_ .%-ameniObb- BOOTS. We have the finest assortment in town. We have the best goods in town. The newest Styles and colors in Oxford Shoes. The finest in Women's and Misses' Button BOOts and Balmorals. Best value in Men's fine or coarse Boots. All kinds of Rubliers, a full stock of Trunks and Valises. We have a line of fine Kid and Polished Calf Button Boots and Bals to be sold for half price, call and see them. • JOHN WAY, Seaforth. Richardson & Ildnnis' Old Stand. 122i-13