HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-05-07, Page 8Jr
F7 -1.
MIrr'10 irru
tive of the progress of the or der and it4 fion of the lungs. go Critical has been his 'there. are now 4,812'booke in the library of ling of he
r own raising., This egg - aiessuree� this wook.—M14..Hatimah Butt,'.Kippeiii
'Wilson's Gash Oroce ry Defi and illustrai ad the. di ion that it -was d6imed shvinable to., 'which were a0ded, this yo ondif hero dn' Mani My( last, -
Mine and obj4 many con t There 7 in has the obe'-w4y and '8.J ineh-ei the, visited �16
Mangold and Turnip Seed bhoxp thti`year. Th6l' ;iroithy deada ihat: had been cull, the absent members of his family to his were 12,974 books issudil'dur$ gain
good and A Bar
re valry numerous at i
oth. and weighs 4 ounces. It would
lity and bedside. On Monday Afro. 0. 'L. Papst, of The reading r6oTn'i,"wh1Ch,ia,I11W5%VJ11 6 46 NbI gooil ized number of thein1ave had shell er"i, in the
Is, no wholesale cosibine prim on seeil this Year wrought thrtough its lastrumoents make' Tramps i It' a large-
uppli. or a a mikil f or man.
we causell. now ru"gold and tucalp wed at 10o a lb. also mentioned �the Progresi We by, and Kineardine - Mrs John Latimer of Peter:�, ad With daily and.weekly papers and period- Wie'� Mlis Mairdle to be joo& lookup, the t ek.-9.0ter h W4 bicycle
Wehvo,,good stbak of the beat viorietAte, bought
from ]4o-be#XvV1ff&C&,Vu6 Of the �=011t relloible elk - well. tronized �4urink'the to t at daek.��Sl Mchardson And: club with'A' me bership. of 23 to sto'vt with,
opt Miss Ida Snel is confi,
g -called ot York staie, and Mr. J.18. Porter, plws� �gii, espe6ially" 'y' yo, ing ladies l4cludinghlo celebrated saw- rouVe re �t
the excellent fifianoial standi of Fidelity be h' &nild Hamilton', 'of Sy be
wed h6bW of Csswids, Lodp..' Ur. 3t.Y. McLean be' r -V f us moved this week to Walkert
of Hostin ned to hirl home
I w*ld and motiarch turnip setd. Gt*e - ui a made a few congroitulatory an cominpada P, arrived. On Tuesday MrZ, an& The iii;inl;ei;hip'itkolaiiiifid-d'as, wh a Mr, Rich1krd on has: emp IL oyment
217ylou,4axot-do better. . In Groceries, we oat(d* with rhi' ms;tica -Mr. Thomas I&W,
on 0
tory temarks,in which he spok highly of the R. Porter, of Fargo, came up on the arson
or betterth" any house In town. Out
gran& work being done by this follows: Yarmers, 44 ; IAdies, 32; Youths, So threw a stone through ouip of has beei. si6k past. few men 0,1 is able Tmto Just now an extra good value. Our Bourbon and kindrefl train. At present. writing Mt; Porter 'it P ows
25; Mechanics, A'; other members, 95. The the 8 #ite,glasx wind in* -the Board. to be on the t A M at �timt- 111hips
biond of Am roasted Coffm is second to none, and societies, and commended then.. to the favor. invery low,,and but slight hop" -are 'inter periodicals and L magazines will be Of abolld, Bid of est 111 Mr. Wag-
wa,bave the biat broad at Canned Vagetables put up causing daM&geL to the 100 h, �te
I rej
able.consideratlim of the publi 3. This nest toilibil for We r000v . ary. 'Per public ' iiiation in the reading room ext of about a. 'Obe.of the members ley $nell 200 hes, a Jnrk ts.
IWOMMA& Therehasbeena drop is the price Of rig progral sod b iolh Bipediftwme ham it you want to get the fall ben*- but b ` f tame closed,.refr4shinenta 'On next -Friday L evening, May `14. There of ChAnge 'uwrrow esoa*d, being.
It of It. All kinds. of 1p"duoe taken at t4hest were, served,wid after op oudinp a Short time - Ax 6PAMAIO. T=kT.-Th b a yesent tiolm should be a largo; tuniout of members altid stru the miimle.�% lesed to'
vwket prl*� Guh for egp. in Social- conveimeo the pleasaml evening was of7 Gilbert & Sullivates net a L access
_ 0 - 111 1 . 'G
I 4e it others StItbis Ali, bes ft a of Mr. gorge Xclatosh,
-Dots.., gain t and. best
C. WtLS0 M. 8. 'Pinafore, in Cardno's 611; �neit oil. N, fluforth. bronot to a close. 4 son of Mr. George McIntosh, of. McKillop, ad an a 1; retard- The igges
we ever offe
1374 Bank of Commons Block. by. lon voll of we sid cold
day ovening,-by i Go'derich c6iii#any, will, WOMEN'S FolaitIGN MISStoN M Wh' li�e Just passed his final examination in these goods. Ladies' Ribbed
wevaitlie IN ra Baker is quite il�l.
STALLION S�M-Mri; Don d Burne, of car th r The regular monthly meeting -o 00 Wo. me Wine at 11fiffalo University. Mr.' Me.
tainly bi a treat that we ii e smalle 11146 0 ev Will under the doon r's care.w-Tho as Hand. Vents, made: from fine, strong
Hay, ndar Heisall, -has'dispos of the, wall 'towns Are unaccustomed to. lia opera ft�!
men's 7creign Missiba, Society, be d in the ford leaves again' thix. week wit lil another We have sold no better p6t 18c
kno A I in h* I or young man and
Wn stallf�n " St.-'Steph Dip" to -Mr.' selt is excellent, and the Mannar in wh 4ou tedly M&k un CLOTHI NG 1. George Colbert, of nderton,.- ich basement of the PresbAeiiiiii. c6urch, last a his mark in. hw' chosen ear load of hong for Winnipeg., 4k -Bou- Extra: value at two for 25c.
don town it is #agod by this eompifi -in -on of, Monday evening, Was 1, attended and already started -to *11 t
M ,, _ppdk Wei pro onion, He has slaugh. has removed his Cho
ship, for a handsome sum Colbert has most highly by iho GoderichViiiiki-wliere it, pra ioe . in Loon,, Now York. state.*�-Th pIng Au 1 0 It will
S goo L Choice, aa St. 8 an i& SHOW._ 't The
made d 'proved very interesting to all present. I Andrew Eli k' vatorwhere In U.1pirenar pay you to buy them now,
was pmented for three successive night*,. ]JAM& ro repar
Owing to unusually large buying this meeting was opened as usual by devotional Sabbath school , was 'opened for .ad tomiel era chop on when they are all gong, we can
pei-sons," who are exercises, ro. William Sproat taking the in er usual days of week.- ithatand. more.
season in Made-up Clothit ad by all hono judges- &to be of.the best and many disintai5ented M -the m ' (in Sabbath last.-Mrs.-Grahom, the A. his donatom
1 We took horses tbat'was in thd ounty. We competent to. judge. of the moritg of much- a derich -street weeb,, met with a painful
'91 're compelled to in order to secure close Scripture. reading, and the musical COM- Of ing the state oftthe we�ther roads th every 1
inside prima, we find we. are Curtailed for wish our young friend of the son production, claim 14 it that it 'is presented mittee Conducting the singing, accompanied, acc nt on Saturds�7. She sl�pped'and fell
large number it4'ndetl the coin Ber-
success in his now.. entexprisa, St. Stephen hi a manner equal if not superior to that of
room to show our large stock. We -purpose by Miss Cash on the organ. A wall- written '00: 0 floor,'fraoturing &�bone -in h
or thigh. morn -.-
was imported about six years Igo by Mr. C. many professional companieg. -The cast is Graham vice at, church on'Sunday last�and
Making cles ce of a arge and instructive paper on, the life And work has been, iit'.ver, delicate Ahe meeting was one oif'great rest and
Portioll a' E. Mason, of Brucefield. ing composed of over forty 0 thor I ti
a large one, bei �at,
SNAP bARGAIN FRICINS.- The of the I&W -Dr. - Jud n, was read,�y Mrs. 'Ingthme., Bud on this account
h, t in !profit. The 'offi I board of sell the
peopl% while a it i feare, a accident will go hard: chuch We sell Men's
good-orohostra. accompani
108 George Scott, and was: much appr6ciated. meets on Thunda evening. kinds the right priom Our
following Will. of what will ftrwByTziRziN WomzN Asm),The them ; the scenery and costumes were her.-Mk.4ohn Brown, an Old and
give you an idea
'Mrs. J. 0. Wilson read a letter which she
be found on our bargain tables - Man!s members of the WolmWe Forei onar speci0y prepared for this opera.* By the ted L rigident
am le
y had lately received from Mm ohnston,wife res of North D fi, i ing doPartment is a store
Suits worth $7, $9 and $12, -�widl go for" Society of the Presbyterian a a h should way the seats we selling -we should judge- of Rev. Dr. Johnittonj of Che-foo,.Chins, W6 and brother-in-law of D nrgxWe-
06 county, Mr. we keep in it a stock . t for,
$5, $6.75 "d $8.75. Boy's Sui6 worth $4, -be satisfied with the report of, the annual the people of Seaforth fully appreciate the cie Scott, of Sisforth, and Mr. George A Gq06 Tim I - CoxxNG.�-T 10 YOU34
$5 and V, for n,85, $3.75 an, $5. Child- 3hoetin Iven �'Jn last w;Ws sida Piiaby meritsf 'the rod tion,and desirous of both being workers in the American mission People's H I -Heart Asoo, i ition will Compare favorably with th#-10f
9 at that 'Place. This latter was , repilevid Ha irk, of MoVillop, -died vie suddenly and an
nearly fi a pages in Mr. T d. Snow'
rexx�a Suits %orth $e, $9 terian. extends to and profiting by - his ppor unity of so hold. their annual � )i clusive furnishing --stoott;
5 and $4, to be Sing this doubly interesting on account of the writer On ti Loma
ursd&V of last week. Jo a B 1:d
slaughtered -at $140 $22andV.85. MoW success. rove, M' 24th i which a
ej afierds a compkehensivie view of what ap- mue0ai eat a' disn's cedar g havipg formerly lived in this vicinity, and Esq , atten ad.. the , funeral from here 94. ro"d value win be found ah d
to and pdars to have been the beat m isting of this. Sat irday.-Mr. Robert Po Xb t
Boye and ChiI&-;Ws'odd Pants, -.Coa having been am attendant of the First Pres. - rter� of Fargo, good time is'explec . T 8 the year in the trade, , This Spring 'we
Vests at, corresponding reductions. Ask to -I highly Successful society held i i the twenty- CUNDS WINO'S. -Mr. J. W.' Miteholl Da otat in at present in town. He came of'Her Majesty's Jubilee, the )mmittee
$4.50 All Wool Men's Suits. years o its v bytetian church, Sesforth. Mr. and Mrs. iscounts
see our one f existence. The Canada referred to in the following, which we take . here on account of the very serious il will spare no paii a in making is one of Ing* stock which d
A— -Johnston have been seven years in the work, � Inew
Presbyterian in a well contlu d I from the," North,, Star," Parry -Sound, was a ' of his father, Mr.. J, S..Porter, of Egmond- the most suedoeshi events of the ason. A Previous -seasoni. Here are Journa, . I . I and expect to return fiexb year on furlough
'Wm. Pickard &Co. and nieriie the large eircula i which it formarly student at Seaforth 001110 t vi splendid pro ram a in being.. repared,
1141. -Mr.' Wm. Routledge has secured for good go(
10 and may visit Seaforth. They art,
ill be and contri- Inoutu -a son of M -the %geney for the county of � Huron for lea aad dependable qualities.
enjoys. In its pops wi and in r. Win.. 0 Nhich will be ubl healater on, We cor- Sty
bu' on many interesting t on from the chells,- of Heniall: " Wednesday, April Lan bertsoa�s safety lamp . urners dimlly -invite t p Dople of the at w, -ounding
-foremost mini tern and . lay of the de- 14th, was an interesting.day at the home of � VORTUNATIN FOR BROUGHTON.-A 10 9 fact xred in Newark, N. X. These burners. pountry to co a . and: take� pa in the Black Cotton Box, German Aye
Express Orders..,
pending legal dispute which has created a an
OmInation. The publishers offer the Pres- Mr. Joh -pleasures of the do y., d help to make this
n Thompson, reeve � of Mc.&eilar. I anteed fast, two pairs for
byterisip till the 31st of Dee6mber next foi About Sixty guests assembled to� witness 9004 deal of litterest in this county," ha; are heap,. Convenient 'and safe and Mr. I ad letter d in the histor of the
RonKedge is a first class man. to introduce A r Black Cashmere Sox, all oA
SCALE OF RATES REDUCED. one dollar. We have Also to Ahank our old the 'marriage of Miss Mabel, - his elde' eon decided in theasuprPme court at Ot. the, lto t association. thread
at he public.. He should receive
friendiforaryof the Pree terian year daughter; to Mr. W. , J. Mitchell,- public taw&. This is ith case of Broughton
I r orders. -The Galt Collegiate Institute
in �book for 18 -townships of Gray and Elms. foot Fine natural wool sox, English make,
The beat medium for d* school teacher against the I
San inst money 0 of McKellar village. The The action has been before this Ontario I team will invade the territory of seamless, a ebinfortable, serv.Jces;b6-.-
letters b mail to any place in the ceremony was performed by Rev. Ge the nemy and Fox, o 3 1
orge sock, worth 40o
courts since 1894, three decisions in auqoess- try.to wrest from our Col- ftim�s.-Mr. Js men 'a
'World. Require no application -no SUDDEN DEA'TIL-We are sorry to learn McKinley, B. D, ; Mr. Fred 'Th legi team, the coveted Hough cup, which WAS,in town one a enin Silk
ompsoni WIN g
w - ng of the death of Master atthe Kelly, only E. Ma. being given against Mr. BrougtorL The has oul Iscely. aild W0011niXd SOX, very 110
t t a in
�o writing �y urchasers. brother of the bride, and Miss M. eeii held here for sevetal successive hale and hearVy.- About the in at impott-
son of Mr. Peter Kelly of the 9th conces. gee, action &rose out of the piesing of bylaw
a on stamps at cost -A rnish at&- teacher at Balsam, acting as groome- seas, as. The match will be played on th an a on 'he seaao' )he mar. Extra fine Balbriggan underweal
authorizi th ;mg t le lig
oner d wilfe brief Correspondence, sion of Tuckeremith, which place on man and bridesmaid respectively. After a out of certain a t nobiall v' t of t sieaa�n r rounds on Saturday aftem000n. t�ge rednem lay I e4b] , 9 at a
drainagglarorkaines' reer, ation g ton M sti, f Archie made-,- strong And servic
d in your letters free, except the He was about a xteen y"re sumptuous wedding dinner a short time Gr cost of $16,. George Baldwin his been confined, to I off blackelmith'of this 3!onday last. was Spent in a very pleasant manner before 210.3.3, of whiC K617.36 was asse fled on suit
or age, and was a smart, biijl b f Mia
stamps. - lad,' who e"d during. the past weak with a severe Sarah Thomson, W L 0
. was a favorite' 0 ton., orme rox- Fine Colored Cambria, shir* open
W. SOMERVILLE, Agent, with all who knew him. He the guests die We welcome Mr. lands in 1111m Mr. Broughton objected, to
persed. -Atta k of illness. -Mr. George Murray is eter, daughter Of kI x
Was not of a ragged coustitul ion, having t6the Thoins n, merly
Telegraph and Exiwess Building, Seaforth. amid Mrs. Mitchell to their new home in the passing of the bylaw, and failing to 2, Collarsand I pair
obtain relief before the Boaril of Revision, doi Splendid Work With his grader'� On of- this neighborho d. here �re or 50 t Patterns, regular $i.2P�
an troubled With asthma for village. During h a sta� here Mr. Mitchell God rich and North Mat streetsi. a roxeter Q Colored Cembrii3 Shirts, fast c '00
n+' has made many friends, and is popular not 'took the matter into court' The Ontario in Th iuviWdguestefrbim me., whom.
He was around, however, clank E t#u my and 'wor is beink done undei the Supervision of a' goodly poreiaiiii at td.
S �E On Monday morr!ing he only an a teacher but a membar of society. 9 Ara co Turner and Major have the � best Win sof &host. Zeq 14 to 16J
HEADS WtN N BU IN SS I Sunday as usual. courts decided agaiast- him but Mr.Brou h- The i 'OU re detacbed, ai
mmissioner 'a
ton took the case to the: Supreme Court t . ige . duT!
complained of feeling unwell an, I in the fore- We congratulate him on securing as a life 111 An erson.-On We'driesday last the after- W. R. Thompson f Teeswate a iipped Unlaundiled White Shirts, I*en fronk
noon a doctor *as tent for, but when he partner so amiable an(I estimable a. lady. Ottawa, and it was' argued by Mr. Mabee 110 0 a special 35a, each, or 3 for
for the plaintiff, Mr. 6&rkow, Q. C., for� freight train' from Goderich passed 'Car of elm lumber f It "t week to
thing.for the sufferer, Mrs. Mitchell is sgenial favorite both here thr gh here w*ith 32 care and two engines. the New York mar r' . 111amiltou New Era" Shirts aulaundifed
and he died soon aftetwar&s. he' funeral. and in the adjoiningisee Grey townehl d Mr. G. G. M
tion,- where oPhe
arrived he coul do no 'ro!- as
an "On �-Aol h, is an extra fin� f2a
Thi4 is the largest train s part. & Sanderson-shippe ro, .
took Ilace on Wednesday and the remains filled the position of teacher and is tif for Elma.� The result was that the court rt, linen f A
were F one 6 o -A * trio of Go -- I -inforeed made �f
d to re6t in the Eginoudiville-ceme. the most useful unanimously allowed the appeal of road bor many years and looks like a' last,
members of the community, .-apel perance re and a goo
Our business is to fill heads with practical al. of usineEs. -Messrs. P. Mulcahy Rfaugehatic Bingen L are here- is Week in quality of cotton
tery, beside those of his mother, who died both in asocial way and in church -work the plaintiff 'with 'costa. The -by-law of
know -ledge. The leading Commercial nearly four years ago. This de where she is a Sunday school teach' Gray will therefore.b6 decla and . McFee left on Thursday on a visit the pavillion.-The Rev.-Murd ck McKen- 'Good flannelette �Irom
is a Bad or and red illegal and to a old country. - We Wish them a pleas. �ie, -of I Hon an, I Chij A, U to giv afi address good qua shirt
School in Canada -to-day ; nine beautiful bereavement to Mr. - Kelly, who is now left member of the choir, and a faithful worker invalid,. and'Eling is perpe�ually. restrained �ity flannelette, sizes 13 to
college rooms, excellent tepahers; moderate ant ime and safe return. -Mr. John in the'PrebbyteriLan church he e Friday
rates,, enter at any time, circulars free. with his tbree a daugh:era. ]Knob in every department. We extend to . Mr. from passing' its by-law- or jmposimg the tax Ro rtson. left here on Thursday "last for evening. -Mrs. Stekbeue,*Ife f J,11. Step -
sympathy is felt him, an I whatever and Mrs. Mitchell our best wishes for a upon the plaintiff a lands. The ow"ah"08 are Gra d Ranid , Dakota, where 'hia brother heiis, barriter, of .!eeawater�, a* visit' F3otls Biefele Hose, to. be worn with
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-502 -consolation hamaii Sympathy ci u afford on long and happy married life. ordered to pay the plaintiff's costs ;f the Img t an ordinary paij of Box, Scotch
9 rrison
a The weddin a resi as. r Robertson intends spending 'friends in town last week. in
dp ourbs. This make ted b urB61vag, New -
Among ag:aIna d all the Ontario c' the ummer there. and if It paring to van wi hi _,;mpor y
�uch oceasiomi 1�4 it. gifts were numerous and valuable. io i i lit a Rets things to is pre] h i se is sum-
s good forBroughton but is it Y suit im. he may move. hie family auct' be- merwith brickor. 1 1 �p
those present from a distance were Sheriff eat 61inbinatio a, at j76;and
The nippen Store. rough on he. tow"hips of Grey -and in&
VINDOW Shades mounted on Spring Armstrong and wife, Dr. J., R. Stone, and I com a permanent resident in that coun-
23 and once more exemplifies the glorious'un-
roller, from 10c upwards. PAPBT's Fix a Sale.
Mr. W. B. Armstrong, of Parry Sound He is a good and industrious' citizen
- —0 certainties of the law. Should the came be 'ry A Collar Bargain
WANTED-.-Ipggs, Butter ant] Dried Ap. and W43 shall be sorry to lose him from Sea- TArLoRxNG PAuLmE bi
Why give 1 them to Peddlers 4' further appealed to the Pri n go toin�
g them to 0. E. KING, )r Half 'Price ST. THomAs CHUROH NOTEs.-The Rector n t improbable that this decision of the fort ate 0 Me
SE E D S! =18, tim to the pu�..T; he Is in a BlWn so � meet Over 1.5 'B Collars, all the me
Wingham, and get full of St Thomas church presented his annual o the wants of -his numer otutomere,wim
value for them. 0. E. KING, Wingham:. 1533-tf Supreme court - may be reversed. This is neatness styles, just in lost week, reg
i report on Sunday morning last in connection G., ANOLITHIC SIDEWALKS. Last year the and punctuality. A g ft guaran every time.
The season for Mangold Seed is now on. LADIES' Companions -Comb and Brush the usual result with the decisions of this tow council laid down a - Priced away down. b next Beat�� �1)00 qFalities, iize, 15 imly,
with the adjourned vestry meeting held the granolithic or cou- e Bi,#s.� store.
We hivve in stock a large supply of the Betts, Odor Case court. 1634xl
and Vases; Cups aid Saucers and
Fancy Table China. at half following evening. The -receipts of the par. creW side walk on Main street, in. fro t of 3 for 2b
83teelei` & B an- ]nre Sal -price and en, at PAnTs
rigo Improved Mammoth 14
ish from all corner an Arm.
1534-1 sourceirwere shown.to beabout the �block from the post office to. the NOTF.S.. on Mond last Mr, Jil
gold. Also Turnip and Carrot Seed. Price THE GXosiNG DIMATE.-The closing dei. of an ex. strong, of, the Brons 11 4ne. St Ln
and qualty the beat.. passed
$1,700, and the expen-diture a- trifle more, �ate'under the auspices of the Seaforth per, Iment. The town paid for tvi1c, thirds of a ng Iness, at
'LImE VO SALE. -F. Gutterid a, Seafort:-i, *arket street. Thin was done as
fact that a baseme
has on band a full stock of Acton i ad SL P& owing to the pea fully away afte r a linged
1. 3W at had to be
lime. Also S ftH stock of come literary society was held in the town hall, :the
at. P, toes 4ht!ry prepared and two new furnaces the cost,and the (4nere of the iroperty for agq'of 77 years. He he een- at
JAMES CANNINGZipWn. placed in F ir - reside
on Monday ovening last. There was a fairly the church and other necessary. repai one third.- The walk has stood the winter of the township for t pwe;rd 0 " eara, and Hoid
15% WALL Pa **r for 2a per tra to large attendance of spectators. Th subject of gens roil pwards, at the floors and furnace in the rectory. The a wal, and has given the beat of satisfaction. wasamisistentneiniberof th IrSabyter-
PArsVs Fire Sa1e6 for discussion was: "Resolved that the Thf re in little doubt but it 'will endure while ianchureh: His renains we i4terred in,,
A TREAT IS � In Store f or thoefe who enj o increased and th a Id a a 8 -if n cemeter on 'Wed
numbir of families attending church have Dominion Government would be justified in th or t ad o earthquake or other the Bayfldld eipay last,
comic opem i Gilbert and Sullivan's y a pew holders- are more in Submitting, a prohibition plebiscite." The suMeranean disturbance "ocean to.'int;er- and A large number of people t4nded tha
�pers 11 H. If. number than at -ny time in the history of
10 Ore. W A pre cast, oplendid,00loists, etc.,
be given1ord,qn, a a y fort with it. e understand that the town funeral, to pay the last tribute f tt assistant secretary, Mss, A, Riddle -
15ke *#Von expaitim 8 P. at " jib Is affirmative *as taken b Revds. Dr. Mo.
e been dial secretary, A.- Bruns,
y lotya. The butertainment th Parish. The rector has made upwards Donald and Mr. Bond and Messrs. James goutil.coutemplate building some more don 1; tt
Au highly spo)(en of by those bav , Of 500 visits -held 108 services on Sunday; � the departed. A widow and t wel. ' -a child -
DISTRICT MA ?TBRS. fortunate enough an of Leatherland And John B"ttie, WhIllai th in �;ean a manner this year, with the in. ran, *five boys and "van girls, Jurvive.-. Mrs. T. Riddle ; marshal, G. Colwill - d
Notlits at Poses Dpg Store -popular grices, 250 by Messra,�., W. I t &i
to see the production. 42.on week days; had 15.baptiame, (6 adults) negative was obampioned ten hl t the work be continued gar by -ad here u�t!. marshal, Mlios 'L. Bri h
16ad 5' weddings, 4 funerals and administrated Abase hall team'has been or, an ft
8-2 4 hl g a,�a ; ob
163 the holy communion in public 22 times, the Baker, James Watson, R.J. Macdonal6cfid yes - in this way until both sideR* or Main amid we expect to se �Te oof playing Woodman ; guard M1 A.
TO AD-%7MXTIs-ERS.-W`e desire the atten- To James Irving. The chair was occupied by at ar laid with 4*is material, the cost When they -get. more practice, f Sentinel, F.
BOARDE�ts--A couple of bbarders can largest number present at any celebration- e ithey.. are Longm�axi. ---,The 1�
tion of advertisers just one moment. Dar- And excellent aeporamodation in I - Mr. B. B. JGuhn, and the decision was eft ;1�i 0 91 0
a pri 'vath house in I I re a ry to he
town, by APPWzig at Titz Expoarroa being 90. All the buildings are now comfor. g paid out of current revenue as, the hastleis.-We a * 4- the ill- check-ed.the progros of the farmers coosid..
lug the Past couple of months we have been Office. 1615-tt table and well equipped and the hibilities to the'votod of the audience and declared a wo k proceeds. This is all very good, but .,mesa of Mr. John Rei , Parr lin 0 " ' bee
ud hope erably.-Quite an addition hag.' nimsd to�
the 0eedsman, is again -to, the front tie. The ':discussion was well 'sustain d g timeL to
Compelled to refuse a. miumber of adver a- with a Is* of the Jparish are not more than $A it III take a Ion Soon.-
100.- The got the Whole to see h.im around ag vin our Methodist chur& choir, the f 11
J. Moore, MiBBLA:
tin rge an# choice stock of al), the leading throughout and'was listened to with muo Own.
Ineat& each week, simply because they came varieties of ensilage come, turnip an congregation may wall lock forward -to in. ch str at Completed in this way, SOL long, in having been added :� M.
dmangel seeds, attention by the audience. A . pleasing fao that, we fear, many of'the Cu
From which we Are prepi%red to suP� creased prosperity in the future. His Lord. feature of the present gen- Dablwood. -Moore
We dislike to disappoint wholesal e-_iWd retail custo 0 , at Ply both our and -Mr. W. Wallaw.-Mr. G. Cu
m re irock bottom ship, Bishop'Bal4win will visit St. Thomas discussion efib from- the .'NoTFs.�.-Mi. W. mm has gpne to Clintori to ork.
to hand too laie. was the excellent ion will not reap much ben
Price#. We inirite you to call and lexamine our addresses delivered by the memb fir Sott* renio edl to Grand
our patrons,' particularly when it means dook before bu' Chltirch on Sunday next and will offloiate at p! -1ted imOroement. . Walks of'this de. Bend on Tuesday. -]dies Butm n who b
I as
money in Or pockets. That nOL person will can satisfy ying, as we are conv cod that we three services on that day. in -the morn* sooidty who had made their maiden -efforts Be ption may very fairly be looked
you both in - qua;lty and price. R. G. 1 9 upon had charge of Mr.. J. Kellerma, a.. millinery
SCOTT, Sestolth, Ontario. 1 1534.8 �t 11 o'clock will be hoIj a cbnflrm= on the platform after joining the society, as permanent improvements, and we would department, left for ier, home in Sta;ff& on Kippeli,
1W mery BLAMSMITHING 'Apprentice Wanted
e disapPointed in future, we wish to say and who owe their present facility of speech Suggest to the council the advisability Of T�eodsy� Her pl hae be an, a an -order bo insure the insertion of an third the price, siPAP87% Fire S ael anted at once a good bori. 1-1 or j8 yeavi f
thatin BOOKS SoiW by.amAe and ater at one. ice at which upwards of 50 --candidates and confidence before an audience to the tali in t
610. if ID34-1 will be presented by the rector for admin. g a ape to have the whole work done Mine G. Dempsey, of Exeter.- w io viehes to learn site b ack4mithing. � jlxist��
experience gpime in a d d in -at mee. It they were to make an, estimate with -commendable: f(od character, and notialfradd t�l xxiske bi
advertisetnerit, ithould be delivered at th d ' th iscu.niom hel eaterpriee, ia �11 0 a, FROST ANDf WOOD DzLii[ The .'ion into fall communion with' the church. connection With the society. The meetings of he cost . �# ut n
annual delievery, of Frost and Wood-* of a walk on each side of Main V 1. Apply perionally to Tuoulk
log' take place on. Saturday, Ifith InsiL, in machinery into his flon-iing in ll;J -, n office not later than Wednesday eveni an will In the afternoon at three o'clock the Bishop of the society have now been Aiscontinued
to 0010, str isk from the station to Goderich street, now have one of t he best �i�tle in.. the
4 HAPPY EVENT. -MT. t; 19 Th�
will address the teoichers and children of the until next fall, when, we hope, they will be &w then submit &.by-law for a vote of the c
ounty. Mi. Ridt d merves tl a
or a -done it at last. He iiei ce yon get into: the-wa of it, it is just as the tesme will boloaded at freight ob Then the Sunday school in the church and in the resumed, as we" know of no - better way i
customers will be, giv4n their dinnorne the several tipporb of
hame, your advertiVements at this hotels in town after which an will be evening he will each. It is now rato ipayers, extending . the payment ov has
formed, hesidea by the sard which young men can spend an evening or net only the villagers but also tfi fikimers
aganoffice on Wednesday as it is to come in on 6 33rd on Bran Band over three years since Arshop, Bald per bd of, sly twenty years, and w�th his tongue which he 00moot uncle i
win has provid- of the surrounding co ry.-,N.,is* G.Demp-
after whibbopescheswIll be delicirered,from pulls. two every week, than at meet of this In M
Thursday. By acting upon, this hint you moa of town, end of the arm. 'E. I[; HAmmTO o visited Seaforth and no doubt many will in r payment by private propert ovqmersi and Mien A. rc em Sunday 'at hi'Is tetth. L We refer to his inatria a to 1%
likeo again h kind. The older members of tfell societv Ida Dignan,which took,j
ear this very eloquent divine. instalments, the we be� done notr homes in Exet Uri
will not be- disapp6inted, and at the mine Agent, who have, from time to time, tak th - 1895 and Otl I plam, on Ved: noodisy
an part in 9 - ast week,at the home of hebride'afather,
time greatly oblige us- WATouzs and Clocks its'r edings, a . re also entitled tio at ude, we would have the benefitt of the 106 Dashwood made aiter: ro
slightl much im kress than
Zurich road, 4out two mf fix waSt f oev��
smoke, at half-price. Pjr8T7a Fire Sal&i 1 � 15gi.1 THE JUXLER CIBLEBRAMON.-A meetin o r a Xi to M rovementi now, and the burdefi would d ng any other A tt
their efforts to aid and stimulate the h *ry-of the not be much, if any heavier than, it wilt be SR. I .
of the citizen -s committee was VI and by I
RRv. MR.. DVNsxo= Os MONDA-r next we win hit've on on held- in thge their young colleagues in he beneficial . got y2F 1, an 4,11897,,9611 The knot was tied by Rev,
congregation -We notice in the Show Room Tables a con by ihe method which the council is w par. eslipse, them all. � Thi 110 i Kerr, of Hensall, in the presence Of i fewl�`
published in. Des Moines, siderable displav of Fine -council chamber on Tuesday evining, to, re. work of the � soeflety. - We look for food Sub g. We believe the citizens 110 greet' of !the nearest relativen. The bride
Summer Millinery- We cordially invite tke Ladies ceive the reprorb of the. managi would name- i&v; residences this an n r A. Thono be6utifuly attired in light '
-Iowa,. of April an. exe-ellimt. like4"5 of our Of Seaforih and surrounding country toi,,Call ng committee results fromthe Seaforth literary society. tioi a scheme -of t4is kinq, as it would be Mk H. -Rome Mp., w . pfsff, �A ilk
n*rel on above or, the mature which the - celebration here Many of the ablemb and most prominent
old friend; Rev.- 'G. JEL , Dansmore, D.- D., date and laspectI3 Wx. pCKA", Kidd's Block, eri My. S. Ire. was assisted by Miss Agnek 7 , on Jitne 222nd will asume. The rough pro. be r and cbeiioer than tink ing away 14- a, Mr. Hi 181des th Othere Will Thompso4o
who if' well kn�v" this *itlity 6d who swators of the day owe their early training Wi Ilse'
BlICYCLF. grimme, as received by the committee, will in i#ublic speaking to just such so "sties wooden walks, as we have been doing. be a now school house new a It luipen) while the groom
is a brother, of. Mrs. William Carnoblism, of &V a Bargain. in good order. 01 �r ho ow
W. W. HOFYVAX� Seafoirth. for enty-five years, and would'not.beamy Mr. E. Dignan -brother o
tle e 1584-1 consist Of & morning, afternoon and evening this, and we have in 8 livery -maft-cable. D7bashhw iod in OD4 1 04 ',,he -most the bride.
thin. to. Partaking of t&e. i4iier,.moveroil,
negational" has VOLUZ; eaforthas good in&- mo ex th the piece.meal policy thriving*villagee On -JEERS' Attention. -As rnsive aiii in: this Count, usual d
T i rformances, so that those who visit,our terialascanbe found anywhere. AlIthat Wh council now propose. i the guests accompanied the bride 'and gra
aboi ore is desired
town on that day, as well as the
to have a full'and effloi t brought out and -to their future h4me, Where, grand
February 21it� Rev.H.C.Dumaimorej D.D., of jubilee Cblebration of meenk.0 mpi for the citizens, is wanted in to have i
mbe o. 3 Co. early in the morn. cultivated.
the :'Ing un tiou was given in the evening. 'The pres.
pany, anv young maim 19 or over. will ineet at ti -I late at night. In the. morning BrXicefteld.
Garnit,,Ksngss,� come to our church at our will be entertained from
invstion to, his Friday evening, at 7 oi RIEFS.-The -driv ng*?ar 1�
ervices. ock. k' 41080cistiOn auto WaT-8 numerous and zontl W* Fibin the firstr the people tu will be made to commence drill at on , "'a Ono the programme will assume almost entirel PRIFY8. The Ingersoll Ch 1. R. HIGGINS, general fire and life ineur. ba�lve got out their lia. 'o atiraiibions for in wishing the voung adtill h
11 practil I
out in I large numbers, the capacity ofruec' who Avish *to take up targe :y. of a loyal character ; it will commence wil LoCAL roniole arm agent PT;
the Camp. will be fu0nishe.4 with rin n pays the foBlowing compliment to Mine f* &king notary blic, oonvey"cer,Gotumiewoner celebrating 24th Of M The� in U
ogramme and prosperity ' -thp
new house being tested tol its fullest. Bei free.. Aum. wnsc.,j on and Aminu i or affidavi i�e funds on am co' usists of - horse race
captain. tion aim exhibitidn bV the fire brigade, and sft Grace McFaul, w 9n. fo tb
ng he took part in an enter, mo",e on good ti rty, at 5 per cent. match and a Sure and afe' aubhorago lin Ifie,
1584-1 that a procession of school children, the tainment in that town a week or At Apme every morainic and Wednesday bteen Brussels and Atwood.,
without,& pastor it soon. became apparent SHIRTS Waists and Corsets W9' havei pad difrerent societies, bicyclists, etc., will form SO .8690 4and feet harbor.
that it � was, -the unammout I desire of particular attention two posso- Miss McFaul has a lovely soprano voice of 14" ra. .-Richard Roach has me ad.' to to.
a 111% to kood- fit and at Some central point and march thro, gh 'Mr. Mair attended Istri 9 OTZS.--m-We feel very sorty no thW-
the peo�le to retain . Mr. Dansmore in late9tstYle- W-�W-HOFFMA2NS0Afoytb.1 1534.1 u wonderful power and sweetness, which she w7;,,,,EF,.-R... the of trotters to the tiack. The ie in Mr. Robert k1gie
thatreapacity. Accordingly, a unanimous JEWELRY of all kinds the- principal streets to the Reore& or., of Tatkeromitis, wlw---
at ha t1olk has under complete control. Probably the� me. ting of the Presbyterian Synod last first-class condielon.-It has n cided to for a nuvaber of - yean has ndt
call W 81 -Price, at Grounds, where loyal Speeches will we k.1Rev. Mr.' Shaw, of - PjAiriondville hdld the meetingslo �- acting 'ass extended,'which has been accepted. PAPW8 Fire Salo� 1534.1 be given ." Stacesta Polka " was her beat number, r a . e4gates in his usual
The outlook is most exicowrragimig;l) GRZAT PRODiveTION and patriotic songs Sung'., The -Afternoon pi� ep the several divisions f6 the health, is at thf1i present 000w;
07, H M 8 PIsA,- a] thong]% her other selections were very fine. d th "' ulpit of Union chiarch, in - th'
will be given over to games, athletic - Sports, _We are i a M coo suffring with his complaint, which of
n remipt of a programme abi nee bf Mr. Muir!, on Sunday, and. de- ventiOn at 8 P- M-- On 'the 26 �of Way-
]FORr., Ox MAY 10M. -This charmia; Z,�' gas been ete., and in the evelking a of an serious nature and lwimf Lb endure. -11W
A Pix.isAN.vs' EVE-xING.-The members -of revived this past sesson,* and represeiistions have grand entertain. liv red two able addresses. Rev. Mr.,Mair Notice of allmeetinge a ad whe,e eld will 'many friefide Will ttflf I h 91 ork..
entertainment and reception held by James - in
been x1ven in every place of importance. * The Opera ment will be held. Every department : has be' ope f -
BUT F given in the local DaPeft eJ t week. ifh Ateh000nt
St., James' Church choir, alen with a nunA- will be pro4uced here In it@ ntile MoLeer Camp, Bonn of Veterans, ilied his place at Egmondville.-As
ty PY a Cast of been pub in. the hands of competent and on- United ment.-Mr. and Xm- Ha
Jose. re. MoGre 0: ng 1,�isiona d there have been residents Jn the -me p
bar of friends, were handsomefy, entertained Over 40 peo S. miss Eva Acbmim, the - States of America, in Keramos hall, Brook- int mated 'last week, Mean There are 39 Ili
ast Friday evenin by soprano', whil erglic sub -committees., who are already at lyn, on th gor' will bi _xrte for evow-
on I' me. It" a min Ball, as D , 3 195 Jere hich, . ith -the four yeais -
g Miss Maggie hino," Is a c arming evening of April 23rd, at which Hu ter, Monteith and Grant did. not test
Buttercup," could not be excelled,and the we k Perfecting the programme. It is de- _the 8, took their departure -last ipjank 16r-
ffebe iA"
Quade, . musical trectress, at her home, of a for he old 61fibers, win ma a a so ention
3110 Wilkinson's, is all that one could Wish. sird!ua that every citizen take an intere Dr. J. M. Campbell, formerly of this town, tied, but*they Started on Wed.. rition of 09mim tates, wbore 31r. Atcheso'i'han securw
North --Main street. The firstpart of the m%le characters airs in thalhandg 0 The at in took an active part in the programme. The n" a of this week. The first na bero-� All should atten an d a a !� hat the -6
f1mears. Zd*ards, the celebration and assist madment a 99W, Poisitioni- -taking the overigight Of iii
in every po, ible --
art Capably rendered,
evening was taken up with Pedro andther Acheson, Shani, LoThusel; wi, ith cattle. best and strongest men are ele te4 500 "re farm.-Gardei making is on a V-61
rhomeou an rede,'and doctor recited" The Wounded Soldier.
as,.. which,. it in - unne- The chorus, is fs above the way the various committees. It is "I M hav� and B 7
See t Y, all On y Mr. John Fowler M. Gibson has secured a seals play football erq,�Rex at.
gain 0 aoi average and the Tjdietil in. h ving a a A ru
a` exceedingly att this way that the affair can collar ositioli, in ts slow move this year a
a P 6 the weather ham,
which foltinery is' by OUGL Of the best loans pfiln one- dug under his residence Loir don, in con -sequence of w joh urday.-C. Kneethel arId Geor a (fling paid bee 'unfavor-Able.—M-.j. If.
entered into with plane --tive, The be made
erg, and the on Goderich street.. h he ha4. n
bountiful and appetizing lunch Was served, entire stage saftiog 19 elaborate-elaborl to case, and we would like to impre pa* ied over� the books of the cheese fact Brussels a flyin Shafer AM
costumes a"Pon -h1r. Thomas Wilson has returned home cry' visib thiq. w k. am- kee b t It *' �Iarge to which all dict ample justice. Thebalance od effects. The'sale at Feates is a large one,and the the minds of all that it rests with the Citi- ae"m &a been ban Ps u, c enn ntitiet. of.
'I"a &SL It * ent roll' d-',' --r
bfir me equall from his studies at Chicago Dental bgte� Retchen. is -expected that in. The for shipment.1tone flour appears to
of the evning �wi 686 sUdisticePardna's hall Q hod fir sometime zel ith oll to f to
as enjoyed -by a splendid if much if not more than w C last es,�.
w be on hand to iryetit this lar on-' the committees, to, make this -Mr. George Beattie left on Tuesday thi ry'will open on the 17th inst.- Assesement is less than There coming m9r.-46--hito use, as our tnill- is ire comi onv. D s one of the t k
'kay loth. g more this seas0n, than f6f soma'y
musical Programme, in 'Which the embers Miss H -L It. a. � Pinafore, on Monday Won on the 0. P. R6 steamer Th Stanley council has purcha"4 S, road arealarge UULinber of aPpeals d the Conn. ing
r , e will h we
Piasfore next Monday. 1631.1 Manitoba. n ortly 'begi tione, put, Which goes to prove that he old war,
of the Choir participated, to the grist gtandest and most successful and patriotic mat hine and will ah il I - - ave a meetin ' '
a in opera g next k exam -
delight of all present, in ine t -�-Mr. Green, of Wing a
concluding with a d monstrations khat has ever been held 0 Monday evening a number and not too soon, . electric
Outa, in still the best, -Tfie big rxi VMW
geaforth or Ontatio. Lab every person, big of his. friends taidered'him, a complim ry an it should hoove been :ng at which tripping the -light fantas. light company, waited on in c
short time spent work several week& two. -The heav tbeg
upper at the Grip House. -One day last raw's 0 c moil last
tie�" when all joined in singm- EG"NIONDTILLE NoTES.-Mr. Roliert Dobie or little, turn in, therefore, and give it a y Moida evening i the,heaviest of the season, has brou&`0-7
g the National leaves �ehortly'for Whiteoh arch, where he gush along. WAVMrs. (Rev.) Barr ruptured a have greatly delayed needing operati e electric lig
blood r towa. seeding to a standstill. There is yet A;' S
Anthem, and then dispened to their various vrill
vessel and since then has been serioual ill. -A. Campbell, instructor n �fad mah.
open out in the hardware bus eon. In y large quantity of grain to be town in
Qr JDI ing, will deliver an addre On thiO subjec part. -Mr. John, MeNe
homes at'a seasonable J-wur after x v9sing . Mr. Dobie the good peopl Her many friends will hope for a speedy Bxeter,
a of tbat village THE PUBLIC LTBRARY.-The Annual meet. ' in ihe to*n hall. here, t vin is this week,
their thanks to, the a;Q��host and hostess, will find an e)� recovery. -Mr. Win. Hawkshaw has return. T 8
citizen, and his ma tIGIOUS. -:-The monthly meeting of the loading a car load of lumber foi. shipment.
my 13th, at 2.30 p. in. a ra May
Mr. and Mrs. John McQuade, for thi de- friends here wish h* Public ad to town and has take possession of his on h Huron Ministerial Association was
iug of the members of the Sestortli h
lightfli manner in
pathmanters, mud gothe rem i godd
entertained. thei inchey, who n the-. Trivitt Metuorial church school
gre.-Many of our 'feathered stitute on Monday afternoon last. There had it leased i for so roads should be on ,
which they had been new depart 'm every OUCC088 in his Library was held in the roome of the In- hotel. Mr. Joseph Melcal bas holA i a �Cou
songsters are ireturning for summer was not a very larg -no -years, Will live ro6*, Exeter, on Mondoy last, Rev. IEF. F.. hand.
NOVES.-Robert M-oBlain, And �siiter 4'.
0 with as. Will our a actors of a attendance, The dir- privately. -Rev. Mr. Bradley, of Mitchell, Bra* presiding. Rev. W. H. Butt intro. Grey,lopeat Sunday at Q. Anderso6's.
ODDrELLow,? AN ---N Cali last year were melected. Rev. occupied the pulpit of the Presbyteriah due tte,))
IVLMSARY.-The main. =thems6lvas into a humane 0 a to A. D. Me I �d the subject of "Mimaterial Etique Londeebbro. 1 i
bers of Fidelity lodge, Independent Orde protect the birds and Squirrels, Was 1
Donald was re-alected President, church on Sunday last. Mr. Br San day school hold In School :8ection No.
mem- Ilizims. -Quarterly sbrvice 6eld. here Was, Opened lost Sunday, Thomas Strwhas4
of � Oddfollows, celebrated the seven so much to the beauty and - forcible and convincing speaker, and hb The meeting adjourned till the first Sunday morning, and a large u
In, ch add Mr. William Moore, Secretary and Librar adley is a hi h f ully discussed by all the
ty- inter' t of our inn and Mr. F. Holmesteds Treasurer. The sermons were enjoyed by th nO)
eighth anniversary. of the establishment of grovea and fields. -er Were of Grey, being Superintendenti The teacjiert� A
The one who- board Me day in Sepitember."llie District meet. present, amongst whom W
atifellowhip in Canad h girls, of, course, Directors for the present year are, Rev. Dr. ere a verAl -of our for -thix year are M re. Stroahan, Cot*
a y an At Home" never use gums or throw them. -We regret to as ing f the Methodist church for the Exeter Kinburn members.-Leagu eas
'in their lodge room,at which were assembled, and Ithis McDonald, Rev. 11r. Hodgins and Messrs. Somerville hu been ill y that Mrs' Wm' a a
aemon they �are using flowers ipateati of for some d Dial riot meets at Flarkhfal on the lith 0ii Monday Mason, , amid Mines Ireland and Mason.—' ,
in addition, to the members of the lodge and Holmeated, Morris, Clarkson Sys past. and evening, the t *0 Soft
feathers and birds in their, hats. Elliott,Lumej -Rev. -Mr.Bond. preached an able, thought. 12ti just. y b - wis - Aliza Currie, Of Hamilton in via i
By B111F NOTEs.-Eve fattig in- were! not as many
their wives and lady friends., a gt�o.dly num. 'fashion never change. -T den and Craig. The Treasurer's report ful and convincing sermon on the prohibit. well' rendered 0V Mi' A. M, T h earke her smother and sister on the 4twlin-e.
bar of invited gueqts. The evening was a 0 memben pnr nV as there D. 'Cinickshanks, of the Uh line, in visiti
of the Egmoudville foot ball club of th
he annua ,me at -it showed the rcelpt for the year to be ion =11tion in he. Methodist church on to a ispe for one roe raeo might have bein for oo Ulf
nsecra night.- -her sister, Mrs. William Clarke Of Toronto. -
heli $462.23, maids up as follows: Members fees, 8 evening Ifist.-Mr. James Habkirk, Mae that ha-ve are.-. There Mr. R Bowcock is al I imm-p
most enjoyable on& throughout, and the in the school house on Thursday 4 venjm�g of .
brethren did $219.50, Go ever vi
all in their Dower to make last week, when theL vernment grant $116.15, - town a former Beiforth bov, itud nephew of Mr. SrOe ady some ie a d h g.-Rov. -Mrs. J. Bownian, 3rd
line, was under
following off cars were grant, $ open entered Mr. drown has bee tack d ith a as- medical treatment last week.-Wichod
their guests feel in ty pea An
at home' 6d, enjoy them- elected for the present se aki 9 Jameo'cowas, of M;Killop, has recently fro a distance in t a differeaf events. Vero !cold -Mr. L. Brigha b6gn Airmstron use, has finished
US= onorary D
selves and that they Succeed, u the amount already name M h ot
goes without president, & OLb McGee ; d The ex been appointed foreman of I he mechanical. M ra. Robert i3anders,' Danibl " Davis and able 0 Ztend selliool. owing to go are -go gt 3rd I
c honor ry a wo&q! say mg a rtment of the Manitoba Free Praia at a cold.-.
evening was. president, G. R. Jackson - preside t, Louis over the receipts, J. Weatcobt are all ading in till delayed on account it-'
ix ing. The early part of -the vici- dittures for the year amountei to somet9iin'
SL le
a t* troubled with severe -Mi. Tamblyn, wh has -heavy fill -of vaia
which was made up
-pen in ames, such as enehre, crockinale, ruae ; i pregiden by as ary of $1,100rr ye" not the wet Weather. A
be t, VV. H. c ar. We congratulate col and sore'threata.-The trees on our be out for som he
aeoretary-treaslurer, F Baker ; the balance on hand from the previous year. our young frien on his remotidn and we stre to are -' begging , to shed their foliage. Was the ab of 36. took. place on Saturday and - Sunday last.�
ete. fancy dictated., In due course a 8 11*0
C.Jackson tain, The: Government grant is congi Jeffr6y, Weduends, k -Miss- L.
halt was called and the chair was taken by H. Col cap derabl less add him to our list of elf lihani him Mr. -D. Meiklejohn, 5th line, is still wesk-,
bert ; manager, Charles Kr a ; com- HurOW9 some who -M Ed. Christie, liver�man, lost a vain- been visiting friong-Around
now than formerly, Owing to. new 'regul. are- doing their native county credit abroad. able on Ta K* 'r:n.-Mrs. We h to ."hesr of his r.ge ery,
Dr. Burrowil, who, in a neat address, in the mittee, Tudor Jackson, G ope soon gorge Hi George atio", and the membership list thigy eaday last, near Fansville, WilliAm Riley is Visiting with daughter, Ground that has
imams of the members of the lodge thanked MoMann, James Youn earis. -Mr. Donald McIntyre has disposed of, his ?n t a uric ro , by stumbling and break. Mrs. Mairs. ' grat
g and y " an- not fiesirly so large as in former years. Master Russell or is vie. two or move weeks is hard now. The -
the visitors for their presence and expressed Eg end. We stock of boots and ohms to -a gon
the pleasure it afforded in The I team' is compose Of ood hope, however, that thin ill a' tlwnan in. -ing i e -leg at t a fetlock joint. The animal iting friends in the villa 4ohnston I
111- oon be made Markham, who has removed the stock to had be Shot.- m John 9 set sown fields wilUl be t a best --mLow, should -
the brethren to a material, and the boys are going mi a up. The membership fee Lest of Wingham, has return'
tartainthenL Solos were sung b Mra.W.H. a for the balance of that town. We are pleased to learn that A'sited friends horn, Lou. om visi- raw
bigbidforthe Crawford cup.- n hire on. Wednesday ing friends in this v
Willis and Mrs. Brright, an(T by Mr. H. Porter, whose health . has been fa S. the _year is o i alth ugh he is retiring from the shoe bu don, ity Good ver.-4&men Stratton kab
dm Won- Timlpiars, lodge met
� roMelutyre does not intend to leave cou MUM,
oplemidid library and reading room r six town. -min Me and the fol
Vedr. Alfred Sheers
Town and Mr. W. X Willis. Mr. James all sum, the member has the Si. Isst. His HonoiJudge Doyle hold div 0 moved to Brussels and taken possession 4&
some time, was �taken seriously ill )h use of the ne9, M rt7on Tuesday last. -Mr. offloon the Queen's hotel there. D Eason han,
eattie gave an interesting address, descrip�- nexd&y mornin of last week, with fo, ggia Scott, of Leadbury, Contractor with a rang iof workmen, an Chief to I were 43 lewd Mr. Stratton's farm at an anaud
IcOnes-. months. The f$ecretary's report.shown that hall sent us Minim th an, laid by it d I rental of $125.—Amatrong.!m bridge, SO&
ae now brick school at. Da&*od Mi. Adams
a k. building %P' C' P
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%UVWX oftratArY. A i orgu, line, in Condened for heavy loads.