HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-05-07, Page 3II '1", I897�
Ito of the 'United
wed, available In
Bind advancee made on
allow at Mghest corm:
1 of dune and Deeembaa
rt of a deposit.
E. PEARCE, Agent.
'se twice as much
a good one.
a and 60e.
)st fashionable Goods,.
have made very
in a position 'to show
e showing some beauti-
ries and Laces, will be
Linens, Towellings and
et, Ireland, so that fact
most fastidious.
Wrappers and Tinder -
o know no opposition.
ook through our cloth
those who are in the
in ever thing, and is
leased to welcome one
County •
uron, what Marshall
d Timothy Eaton's to
)ably call on you next
ly peruse.
;8 _ 88,000,000
discounted, Draft
cipal cities in
Wd ; &C.
dent rates of interest
o May and. Novem
renal Paper and Far-
ORRIS, Manager,
ma/ atmiNI,M=10
Furniture as yQn
ess. Ali our goods
`avitation to call
ites,Sideboards. Ex-
x.acks, Wardrobes,
we know we can
respect, and as
ntee to give goon
r and Embalmer " 4f
with shall receive
eral, Director's re-
r at Dr. Campbell's
orter's €7ld Stud
MAY 71189ia
_. etch street, Seaftifih. Fcr particulars apply M
ii4J.MoKINNA, DOnelotOn and Provincial Land
Surveyors, Dublin, Ontario,
, Surveyor, Member of theAsseeistion of Ontario
RENT. --To rent ISO acres of pasture land, on
L Commotion 4, Tuakenmith. Part of it could be
Ploughed up for crop. Apply to. WM. SCOTT,
Bruoeffeld P. O. 1680-t. f.
TORN BEATTIE, Clerk of the Second Divides
Om* *runty Conimbnioner, of Huron„Con-
1117Inmr,Aand, Loan and Ineurance trek Fund,
masted and te Leen. Oilioe—Ortr Sharp ill
Wm' store, Rau street, liestorth.
-flur MET TO MINIX-Alone* to lend es sums of
UE1 $1,010 and upward@ en good fans preputy, at
lowest rates ei isteresi. Payments made to milt
laervower. This least loan cempaules funds. A
*bolos Tokamak farm for sale *heap. Apply to
onsitlift, Sot door south of balloon's store,
ited qoastIty of Good White Beans ; also a
quantity of first-class Tub Butter. For these we will
pay the highest cash price, The highest rash price
slso he paid for fowl in all masons. T. F.
CASE 00„ Seaforth.,, 161aelf
A FARMER WASTER —A practical farmer, ea -
11. ties of England or Scotland, wanted to canvass
in the Old Country. satoogst lumen and others, so
secur,e names of Wielding purchasers, and circulste
our ' Farm Advertiser " with turns for sale, show -
lag printed photographs of farm buildings. Some
connections there are already setablished. Good in •
ducsments to a suitable party offered. Apply to J.
$ 300 Private funds to loan atloweet
$ 1500 rates of interest in. BUMS tO
a 700 borrowers. Loans can be com-
$1,000 pleted and money advanced
$1,500 within two days. Apply to R.
12,1500 S.HAvs,Barristeroirc.,Seaforth.
0 thoroughbred Durham hull, 16 months' old, red
in color, eligible for regiatmtion. He is a particular-
ly find young animsl, and will be told cheep. Apply
on Lot 25, Cnnceseion 4, H. R. S., Tuckersmith.
HERBERT CRICH,_Seaforth P. 0. 16264 f.
UL1S FOR SALE.—For sale tluee Durham
XI bulls, with registered pedigree, said ranging in
age from over two years to 13 months. They ere
red -in color, and particularly fine young animals.
Two of them are froze D. D. Wilson's imported bull,
Apply on Lot 13, Conceselon 4, II. R. 8 , Tucker -
moth, or Egmondville P. 0. CARNOCHAN,
undetsigned, breeder of Large English Berk-
ahlree,has for sale boars and sows in farrow.. He will
also keep for service the stock boar, '4 King Lee,"
orchased from Mr. George Green, of Fairview,
and winner at Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa. Term
—$1 payable at the time of service with the privilege
of mtnrning it n , if booked $1.60. JAMES
DORRA.NCE, Lot 2d, cession 5, McKillop, Sue
crib P. 0. 1466-62
DULL FOR 8F.RVICE.--:-The undemigned will
V keep for service on Lot 29, Concession 11,
Ribbon., the thoroughbred Durham bull " Earl of
Duriraven." Tenn.—U.25 to insure. W. H.
FOR SERVICE.—The Ondersigned will
keep ler service at John lioNevin's mills, Kip -
the thoeoughbred Durham bull, " Sailor Lad."
This bull wasruchased from Mr. D. D. Wince, and
is from imputed stock. Terme, $1.60. McNEVIN
signed will keep for service, at the Bruoeileld
Factory a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar.
with eteitseeees Pedigree. Terms, $1 ; payable at
WM of service with privilege of returning if neces-
sary. HUGH MoCARTNEY. Brumfield. _ 14064f
"DOAR FOR SERV10E.—The undersigned will
_US keep OD Lot 16, Conoeseion 2, Hay, a Thoro-
bred Berkshire Boar of the large Englieh breed, with
registered pedigree. Tenne—$1, payable at time of
DOIVIOO, with the privilege of returning if necessary'.
JOHN ELDER, Henan, Ont. 4 1532-4
1. signed has for servioe tin lot 32. ooncession 3,
limited number of sows will be taken. Thi. is an
extra good pig and breeders find it advantageous to
cross their berkshire sows with this bre of pig.
Terms 61, with rivilege of returning if necessary.
Tla GARS FOR SERVICE.—For service on Lot 10,
_UP Concesaloo 7, Stanley. First Prize, (4121) bred
by Thomas Teasdale, Concord, Ontario.. ilire Berea
Lee, 4th (3444) dam Lady 2872. Varna Duke, (3771)
ored by T. G. Snell, Edmonton, Ontario. Sire Star
one (imp) (3071,) dam Trainer Bell (imp 2838).
Terms $1. for grade, and $6. for registered sows,
at time of service, with privlige of returning if
smeary. WM. licALLLSTER. 1607 ti
DULLS AND PIG.—The undersigned hu
pi on Lot 27, Concession 8, Ilibbert, a
thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, to which a
limita. number of eowe will be taken.
lierms—One don't payable at the time of serviee,
with the privilege of returning if neceseary. He
ano has two registered Durham bulls for sele.
They are about 20 months old, soul in every respect
n Mins animals. DAVID HILL, Staff& P. 0.
Dealer in Lumber and Shingles,
win keep a supple of Hemlock, Pine and Cedar
on hand. All siz-es, and the best qualiV to be had,
at reasonable prices. Alm shingles—Bad- Cedar, the
beet brand. and White Cedar. All warranted No. 1.
P,arties wanting anything in the above line will do
well to examine my stock, and judge for thennelves.
Juet arrived, another ear of those
fine blend teas, which are giving
such great satisfaction—they sell
like hot cakes. Try my new blends
--they will please you. Try my
morning luxury blend. Try my
25e Japan. Try my black blend at
25cm lb. Try my green tea at 25e.
My %We is inemasing every day.
1 palipecial attention to my tea
stock of all kinds of fresh Grocer-
ies andeProvisions, Crockery and
Glassware, and will not 1* under.
sold by any other house, as I am
the oldest grocer in Suforth. I
extend a cordial invitation to all
to call and get some of these good
tess ; I am sure they will please
WOOD'S :PH0141:"1:101:101,7*
The Great English Remedy. *
Six Packages Guaranteed to
promptly; and permanently
cure all forms of Nervous
Weakness, EmissiotASPerm-
atorrhea, Impotency and all
effects of Abuse or Emmons,
Mental Worry, excessive) use
of Tobacco, Opium or Ftimu-
Befireancl After. rants, which soon lead to In-
firmity, insanity, Consumption and an early grave.
Has been prescribed over 35 years in thotusande of
cases; is the only Reliable and Honest Medici -us
known. Ask druggist for Woore Phosehoeinci if
he offers some worthlees medicine in place or this,
inclose price in letter, and we will send by return
enall. Price, one package. $1; six, O. One will
please, six wilt cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The *ood Company,
Windsor, Ont., Canada.
Sold in Seaforth and everywhere in Can-
ada by all responsible druggesta.
Change of Business.
The undersigned beg to thank the many custo-
mers of the late firm tor their liberal patrouage, and
hope to have the same continued. We will keep in
at the closest prices.
We will use lirstedass material and employ only the
best workmen. WM guarantee satisfaction to ail.
Main Street—North Planing Mill.
N. CLUFF & SONS, Seaforth.
1514-1 yr.
We always keep a stock of this noted Blend.
of Tea on hand, also the
Call and get a Sample package as we think
it will- suit you. We are offering a five
pound package of
In the Crockery line we have opened some
new lines in
Dinner, Toilet Sets,
Which we are offering atiprices to suit the
We are anxious to show you our goodubut
we aek for your patronage only when they
give complete satisfaction.
H. R Jackson
Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac,
France ; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Hol-
land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland ;
Booth's Tom Gin, London, England ;
Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas-
gow, Scotland ; Jamieson's Irish
Whisky, Dublin, Ireland ; also Port
and Sherry Wine from France and
Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky,
Ontario ; Royal Distillery and Davis'
Ale and Porter, Toronto.
3oods Delivered with Promptness.
Of the Seaforth Packing House are pre-
pared to handle any quantity of Begs,
Live or Dnee, tor which %key will pay
the highest market pries. Will have
man .cd1 on any parties having live Bogs
to dispose of, if notified. For par-
tionlars call at Retail Store, Carmichael's
Block, Seaferth.
We have opened a retail store in
connection with our wholesale bush
business in the rear of the new Do-
minion Bank, in Good's old atand,
where we will selk the best goods in
the market at bottbm prices. Goods
delivered to any part of the town
TELEPHONE lb 1518-tf
Some of the Troublosolne Queries Which
the Foseltv of the Past Propounded—Em-
peror Tiberius aa Early Example—The
Pusiling Dreams of a, Chinese.
Bowen doubtlem had_ in hie mind the
propounder of unanswerable questions
when, ha his easy on "Diecourse," he ad- -
timed all seeketis ,after knowledge to avoid •
putting troublelorne queries—a- practice
whioh he declared was fit only for a poser.
The pour, hoWever, has existed time out
of mind. He to to be found among ell
'lasses of men, from emperors down to
private Indivi/luals who prepare ecientifio
A somewhat early example of the poser
pure and simple Vr11,1 the Znyertor Tiberius.
The unfortuaste _philosophers whom ho-
used to -keep for a pastime in his island re-
treat at 0apree were continually being
plagued by absurd questions. Suetonius
tells us that the emperor used to demand
of these wise Men whom Heeuba's motker
was. If -they !refined to esameit them-
selves, the fetidly tree of the Hecubes not
having come down to poeterity, the em-
peror was went to wax wroth at their ig-
norance and threaten there with corporal
punishment if on the following day they
did not come mowed with an answer. Oth-
er favorite questions of his were: "What
name did Achille, pas" tinder when he so-
journed with the virgins at Soren?"
"What particular song „were the sirens
when seated on the rooks in the babit of
chanting in order to allure travelers to
their death?" In vain was it for these wise
men to invent fictitious answers, for the
emperor invariably asked for authorities,
and if chapter and verse were not forth-
coming some ingenious Punishment fell
to the lot of those unfortunate manufac-
turers of history.
Perhaps it was because time hung heav-
ily on their hands that the holy men of the
church doring the middle ages peetered
their spiritual superiors witn foolish ques-
tions drawn from the Bible. A bishop in
those days had to know, or rather appear
to know, even more than Macaulay's om-
nisoient schoolboy. No Small portion of
his time, it would seem, was spent in en-
deavoring to find answers to such Ties -
tions as the following: "What was the use
of the ladder which Jacob saw in his vi-
sion, oeeing that the angels had wings,
and so did not require any other means of
descent from heaven to earth?" "What
kind of iinplements did Adam and Eve use
when they sewed the fig leaves together and
made themselves aprons?" Far from
• chwking speculistione such as the above,
the dignitaries of the ohurch appear to
have encouraged them, and "the nicerithe
points the better the bishop liked them."
The regal sue well as the clerical nsind
delighted in propounding obstruse ques-
tions. Was, for instance, a man who came
as a stranger to a city and being in ex-
treme want of food justified in stealing in
order to save his life? Grains, Puffendorf
and a whide boat of foreign jurists declare
in the iffirroattee. Chime, Hale, Black-
stone and others take the Opposite side.
.n. great B50011 himself setggests a miss
point. If two persons are shipwrecked and
get on the same plank, but Ind it is net
able to save them both, is either justified
if, in order to save his life, he thrturt the
other from it?
Scientific men, too, have raised some
curious questions for posterity to _argue
cm. Many of theme, howeeer, are similar
to that which Charles II propounded to
the Royal sooiety—viz, -"If a fish is put
Into a globe full to the- brine with water,
why is it that the water do.es not overflew?"
The society, being loyal subjects, took a
decent time to look „into this piofound
question, and then informed his modesty,
In the politeit terms which they oould
muster that under the given °trauma-
staacesithe water would overflow. Thereto
that anoient question, "What would hap-
pen if an irresistible force came into cont
tact with an immovable body?"
Equally fruitless is the speculation as to
which came first, the hen or the egg. In
be begin -
unity im-
been laid
for evola-
Having removed into the store formerly
occupied by Mr. J. Downey, in the Cady
Blocik, opposite the Commercial Hotel, I
now purpose carrying a full and complete
ine of all kinds of
Harness, Whips, Blankets,
And everything handled by the trade. Just
received this week a large consignment of
Which we are now offering at astonishingly
low prices.
Lime, Lath, Paris Plaster, Hair,
Cement, Brick, Fire Clay and Fire
Brick always on band.
Lime House—West of the station.
Please give BIC a call, and you will
find prices right._
Musical - Instrument
Owing to hard times, we have con-
oluded to sell Pianos and Organs at
spite of the old Greek spying, "
Ding of all life is an egg," we u
agine hens' eggs at least to hav
by a ben. Perhaps the theory o
can furnish an answer to this,
tion can explain muoh. As the Americans
say, "We pacs;" anglice, we give it up.
"Doss a wider wheel run faster at, night
',ban in .the day?" The ailments even of
Germany have studied this niee point and
evrn there is no satiefactory -answer.
Again, "Does' rest improve the cutting
peopertieg of a retort" There is no answer
Ns Ole either. "Does a IMES weigh Nacre
at the equator than at the north pole?" and
"How do birds soar without moving their
wings?" are both questions which sum to
habitter the lives of many apparently same
There ill a 'story to the effect that a cer-
tain gentleman, being oommissioned ta
write ai artiole on Chinese metaphysics,
looked up the words "Chinese" mil "meta-
physics" in the Encyclopedia Britannia"
and oombiued his information. Consider-
ing the questions which the nistaphyd-
elan" of China are in the habit et propound-
ing, wo think the gentleman did wisely in
sparing his readers an inteoduotien Ike
subtleties of the Celestial Intellect. Ae aa
example of what they thus escaped we ap-
pend the following: A certain Chinaman
fell asleep and,dreaened he was a butterfly.
During the dream, while In the form of
a butterfly, be dreamed he was a China-
man. On awakening, a terrible feeling
cams ever hien Was he miw a butterfly
&sawing he IOW Chinaman or bad he
last night beers a Chinaman driamaing that
be Was butterfly?. The questicia Weighed
upon this Chinese man's mind. go ought
out the greeteet thinkers of Wile
pendered ever this question, big 'mild
mike nothing of it. It is said that the joy
aad busty have gone Out of that China -
man's life. Fortune may smile upon
be may be decorated with puma feath-
ers and yellow jackets, yet oontent will
cot be his, for he can never be tonal* in
hie own mind 'whether he be a Chinaman
or Si batterfiy.—Loadon Standard.
Iffe ,Prefers Oso Hind of Bread mad Al.'
•ways Gets It
was going down a little side street
the French quarter la New Orleans, says a
when I "tow a dog—apparently a crow
bred setter that had come down in the
world --trotting gayly along the banquette
in fromt of me, caoryliesei tiOtridge In his
mouth. Presently he 043110t0 &queer little
bakeshop letting upon an old Sims court.'
'Stopping before' the shop window, the dog
reared up on Ms hind logo died topped,
With his fore paws upon the closed pane,
whereupon the baker came and rained the
"Bon Jour, monsieur," said the man'
quite cheerily, as if he were speaking to
an old acquaintance. At the same time be
took a small round leaf of bread twin the
shelf and put it down on the sill. •
The dog, wagging his tail the while, de-
posited his bird on the window ledge,.
picked up the loaf and trotted back the,
way he came.
"You are wondering at my queer atm
tomer?", asked the baker, seeing My Aston;
ishment at the transaction. "Well, all I
can tell you " he went on, "is that the dog
hu been tr'ading with me so for nearly a
year Ivey. Where he coulee from and th
whom he belongs I know not. I think it
is more than likely that he 10 a etray, make
ing hie own living. I have fancied some-
times that be must rob the stalls in the
French market for the things he 'brings
me. But I do not know and nobody com-
plains. Sometimes he brings a bird, as
you see; sometimes a fish or a crab; now
and then only a potato or a spring of pars-.
ley or thyme. Now and then, although.
very rarely, he oomes without anything at'
all. Then I know, poor fellow, he has bad
a bard day; so he gets his loaf just the '
same. Why not? Even a dog must live,
and often he overpays anyhow. So it all
comes right in the end,
"It is queer, though," the roan con-
tinued, "he always must have the same
sort of bread. No other will be take. See,
I keep his loaf here always and if I start
to get one from another s'helf, he. barks,
you don't know how, and will not put
down whatevee he bas brought till. I get
the right bread. Oh, he is sharp, that
dog," added the little baker and I think
that most people will agree With him.
Greatly Reduced Price&
Organs at $25 and upwards, si
Pianos at Corresponding pricey,.
Sam in! !maw Pnacmainea.
To loan ally amount of money, on town or imp
property, at the lowest retie oi interest and en the
meet siseerg:le terms. Apply to TROliaa E.
Rays, 1612-11
A Better Between Two Throbbing Meares
Amitably Settled.
"Will you be mine?"
It was a youmg man who spoke and the).
young woman understanding, feent low,
her shapely hes'id and, blushing, answered
Fifteen minutes after the above emo-'
tional convereation had taken place the,
dorm abated to some extent, and she lift- ,
ed her joyful eye) te his as if in question. ,
Quick is the apprehension of lotie, and '
he was all anxiety in a moment.
"What is it, darling?" he asked, bolding,
her to him as if fearful lett she mope.
"Haven't I $50,000 in my own right?"
she murmured.
Hie grasp tightened on her as if it were:
twice anntuch.
"So I have beard, dear," he responded,'
trying to be utterly indifferent.
"And you haven't 50,000 cents?"
"Juan about, (heeling." And once more
he tightened his hold on the future Qom-,
forts of life.
For a long time she remained silent, AS
if in deep thought.
"Don't you think, John," she told at
laot, "that that question you asked me a ,
minute ago was just a bit out of plumb?"
"What question, dearest? I don't undere
stand," he saki greatly perplexed. "De
you mean when asked you to be mine?"
"What was wrong with it, dorling? I
meant it all, and more."
"Yes, John, I know," she said, weighing
her words carefully, "but it occurs to xne ;
that turret, are not putting up the money, ;
and I am you might, change it arouatd a
and'you be mine, instead of the way
you had it."
All the worry and anxiety fled from his -
face and soul on the spot.
"HaTe it exactly as you please, darling," ,
he said, with a radiant smile. "There'
isn't any more mine or yours in this fam-
ily anyhow. It's all ours. See?"
A Woeful Telephone.
The two Roumanian cities, Galata and
Braila, on the Danube, have been con -
nested by telephone, whisk is, like the
telegraph in 'that eountry. an lastitation
of the state. Before it* opening the ardi-
names of the wenn*** for he 'use wee
published in The Oficial Gazette, She prim -
&pal part of whisk is as fellows: per-
son who wants to have intmeourso with
another by telephone is boned he notify
or etherwiee. I'
It is said that torpeeleee, when Mrs* *em-
ployed by our Navy in the Devolutionary
wok, were called ,Amerieem turtles. ibeir
lam was rOBOILIBOOdi infamons and wee*,
only of movies by the enemy.
eine— THE HEPATICA. A:7F' ,
its dainty blossom sumo& thing so frail,
Fit fee mime *halter and the breeze of May, •
Yet it is gest to boil Ike lenghening day, .
Puling wide its perfumed chalice to the gale '
Wakerobbtend bloodroot in their mossy beds,
Anemonastad violet—drowsy heads
dreamifig, as they eley. of summer show.;
"Wake, wake! The dreamy winter's past!
Tke snow.ts gong! Wake up, wake up!
Open to April's Mu each petaled cup!
Seel Meter lowers, spring is here at leatt''
—J. L. Heston in "The Quilting Beal"'
Whet la Told of Some of His Experienoes
wano Painting Portraits.
Tbe noted painting Of Queen Victoria
being crowned empress ef India took throe
years to paint, and the artist, Val C. Prin.
rep, R. A, had many curious experienou
whfie at work. He went to India in the
winter of 1876. The picture is 27 by 18
feet and eentaine 150 portraits!. So it was
necessary to have sittings from many In-
dian potentates. When Holkar was sit-
ting, he grew tlretioand yawned, and all
the eourt at emu engaged in *napping fin-
ger" to prevent the devil from leaping
down HolkAr's throat. Indian ways WIIPO
new to the Engliish artist, and he at-
tempted to assist untie,* his painting ma-
teriale, but *as told it was considered
highly degrading to stoop to the shadow
of an attempt at manual labor. "After-
ward," he said, "I grew so great a person-
age that if a spot of paint got on my finger
tip I leaned languidly back while an at-
, tendant wiped it off."
On one occasion, when Holkar was sit-
ting, he grew impatient and manifested it
unmistakable fashion. Said Mr. Prim- '
sep earnestly, "If the great God took five -
and twenty years to make you as beautiful
as you are (Holkar .was over 50), how can
you .expect me to paint you in as many
minutes?" The potentate became tractable
at once.
One rajah who refused to give the req-
uisite number of sittings also refueed
allow Mr. Prinsep to take away his jeweled
coat to paint. Finally the artist told the
rajah's son unless his father let him ber-
row the coat he would be obliged to paint
the rajah attired in his cook's garment.
Prinsep got the coat. Another rajvih
would not eat in a room where a European
had been, and always washed himself after
',baking hands with a white man. It was
a trying year passed by the artist. He had
to (*repose doggerel pciiity to amnee hire
.fights, and was thrown rom his pony over
some interest in the ,sittings and asked to
be painted fat. He was rather proud
his bulk, and it was reputed* that he w
able to eat a whole wild.boar at one sitting.
On his return from India the gueen coon -
mended the sketches be brought her for
approval. A van was enquired for the
forty odd sketches, which were arrangod
in two drawing rooms, And tbe queen's
visit lasted an hour, bin,tPrinsep explain-
ing to her. The great p4ture was painted
in sections of nine feet teach. The huge
dak frame cost $1.500. r
In the case of the Prbemp places, "Ern-
peror Theophilus Choosing a Wife," all the
women in the pioture were painted from
models among Prinsepho own friends,
many of tlient women noted as society
,,,Iiieauties., One of them he desired to wear
an angry look, but could net manage it
until he happened to mention ber daugh-
ter-in-law, whom she hated. Instantly; •
flash of anger lit the eyes he wanted to
paint just so.—Chietigo News.
And they will no doubt."live happily ,
ever after." At Root we may all hope so.,
—Washington Star.
Too Many Cures.
The sick world is growing heavy with,
cures. To the rut etre, the faith cure, tin
barefoot cure is new added the gayety oure.
To be as gay as possible is claimed to be,
remedial, aud even preventive. Gayety I,
sanitarium's are proposed, with roof gap,
dens, where Mak MOM and women empy
defy disease with laughter and orush the
bacilli wlith 'badinage. A new philosopher
garrulously, if net_ gravely, declares the*,
we have tee many duties. We think too
much of Wimp and not inou,gh of our-:
'elves, Ws strive to make the world bet- ,
ter, while we ought to he making it jot-,
lier. Ws think and feel and do too much..
bubbling thoughtlessness.
This is a dellelitful theory, but there are
same serioup questions in the way of its
glad acceptance. If it is lave, the habitue@
of the vaudeville should never get Bri tie
disease, and heart failure, Sad a
and grip sad pneuntonii. But they do.
• If it is true, wilat huSineas have the editors
of comic weskitee to have neelawholia and
e nd men to baud short in their career by
paralysis? Why do gilded youths get
arlientatie aad go to lite Hot Springs,
where earety never entered? Lib just peer
sib's thee the saam who hive** this Moe
De is even supposable that gay* kills.
more people than %moray. At al omens,
gayety isn't Lid on like gas or mustard
plastery—% springs in the heart When
mum has dole an honest day's work, er
helped an honest friend. or married flee
girl he loves and expeota to. work for. ,
Away with the fellow who would make a
drag of it and then sell ik—New York
A ladyht east should be thin, of fine
texture med meetly engraved with bee.
name la the .oelsine, her residemee is the
low, eight Iresekownsor and her remellihn'
day, she has *me, in the lower loft bald
Christie& name OR her cards mid set bar,
own. Whoa them me amiss' married is-
dias is the ism* haring the same same,
tia War Womb aim the mesas* ea*,
as Mrs. 1Phito.—treee 'York World.. .
Wise elms Peisst.
deb tie.* bye anybody by and by?
point. Aro yen
Doctors Recommend
Lead Packets only.
BARG IN$4-4011111ftw---
We have the finest assortment in town. We have
thi best goods in town.
The new st styles and eolors in Oxford Shoes. The finest in Women's and
Misses',Butto Boots and1Balmorals. Best value in Menrs fine or coarse Boots.
All kinds of Rubbers, a full stock of Trunks and Valises. We have a line of
fine Kid and olished Calf Button Boots and Bals to be sold for half price, call
and see them.
JOHN WAY, Seaforth.
cInnis' Old. Stand. 1226-13
Electric Matches.
The electric match is the next important
invention promised. Before very long the
phosp orous tipped wooden splints now in
use w I be replaced by a handy little tool
that tty be carried in the pocket or hung
up co enientlo for striking a light when
wan Twentieth century people doubt-
less will speak of the "hell -sticks" of the
present day as primitive and abaurd, Peet
as we are disposed to look with scorn upon
the flint and steel of our forefathers., Al-
ready there is en the market a gaslightm
which affords more than a euggestion of
the electrio match, of the future, a twist of
the handle generating orufficienteleotricity
to acc.omplioh the purposet also there are
several Myles of cigar lighters which de-
pend for their supply of electricity upon
storage batteriet; For some years past, the
gas jets in theatees and public buildings
have been lighted by the electric spark.
Indeed most persons hone seen the ouripui
experiment of lighting the gas with' the
finger after a shuffle across the oarpet to
generate the electricity needed.
The portable electric lighter is bound to
°ems. Meanwhile invade* as shown by
the records ef the patent office, eXteCtiel
mush ingenuity in tryitig to impreve en
the °ozone* everyday snatch. There are
matches of hese sad matches of paste-
board; abm, matches mate of glass and
matches of paper, while one enteeprising
genius preppies to manufacture asatehes
ers ground up. AA least interesting is a
spherical neable—a little ball of wood
pulp, covered** phosphorous oompeel-
tion. In using it a holder is required, in-
asenuoh as there is no stick, the ignited
woad pulp burning -slowly until whelly
„ consumed. Thus theme is no residue of
etiok and ohar to be, disposed of; and
matches of. this kind have the furthers ad-
vantage that they are cheep and can be
packed in very small oompass, like pills.—
Boston Transcript.
Hungry Higgiis—Wet is • pessimist
Weary Watkine—You know Dismal Daw-
"An the ether day yen heard tim sap
that he believed they would come a
when ev'yhelly weliild ha* to world
Well, he's One of them feliers."—ladian-
is the quickest remedy ever known
to care Burns, Bruises, Scalds, tuts,
Sores, Boils, Sprains, Strains, etc.
The many well known people, of
high standing in the community, who
' have spoken and written a the nierits
of Qxickcure, show that it is an honest
remedy of Ereat efficacy.
The s
Ckveland or Massey-
rjs Bicycle for 1897.
fest,' speediest and most durable wheels on record.
nd let us show you their superiority over others.
The finest selection in the County to
choose from.
A nic
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware Merchants.
line of second-hand wheels, some or which are as
DOW, for sale cheap.'
here are others
To Be Taken 'Untie the If. •
livery dyspeptic should Immediately mad
for a rothigon horsed profaner a,
peals, lose ettaitate vss es.
bas ehaessoad anew St; *pe -
the patios* Wes, he Win' rooms-414'rd-
emagetens Winton.;
The meet despesoes waters Jo world
fore the papaw& saw kis ei mot
grist et ltailaisd, Saps Vahaat, ist Isom
mad Cape linishme is Amts.
Osmium mesas am IMOWII ef woo*
gram, aid She stasesle May bane
watarpets, asst, aft ifklb heads.
it Nay par MAO imbeafallaft. or
lass shwa halt the prepselian that paraila
is Great lirtials. _
Priest and Beet for Tat& and Dishy
No adsiteration. Never cakes,.
But Shorey's make of
Rigby Waterproofed Bicycle Sults
Look and feel the same as the
unproofed ones yet they do not cost
any more.
They keep out the rain
bat edusit the air.
Is an adage hich has saved rainy persons from the tvringes of
conscience d from the depths of remorse.- But not only has it
assured the. of peace of mind, and consequently happinese,but it
has many .times spared
And thus a we have raised them materially. We have given
them the be t clothes to be had, and at pricea consistent with
good worktha ship. and superior fit and finish. By looking at our
stock and pri s before buying, you will always have the pleasure
of knowingfiitat you have the best and latest clothes at the
minimum pri
We are (pen to bui
Dressed Hog*, II!' ides, Tallow,
'Poultry, Bitt4r & Eggs.
went raw pro-
Urals Maker,
and recovered.
; aim cleaned
*noble prices.
CO before disposing, as
duce, and ean.plaaae you
'INTIM 1114
Upholsterer and
Parlor Furniture
Carpets sewed au Li
and renovated at
Shop at M. .4/o ertson's Old
Stand, Main! Street.
McKillop Directory for 1898.
JOHN MORRISON, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0,
WILLIAM, ABOHIBALD, Deptit74Aerre, Undo
JOHN O. moasisdal. olio, Ammo F. O.
DAVID M. BOOB, 'hammy WImibirwo P.O.
WM. "YAM. Asseseme. Sessinreed P. O.
busy P.O.
Now is the tint* to prepare for annuner„ sag
pt year
Buggies and Oarriaps.
We have on hand now a fall hoe
of all styles, made Iron the beet
material and by Like best worknion.
Call and mamba oar stook before
purchasing elsewhere.
Lewis McDonald,