HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-04-23, Page 8R
a 4- i4 ig 4
23, . . . . . . . . . .
chuich, was -taken by the En. Ivanhoe
P sweepstakes for best DuAwki Manning hotel. He will also p1livy with, the !M�assrs. Robert Thynne, Stephen Playford buyer'. of St. 6homas, who is 'well a- n*d
CLOTHING 1 ld"eaty,!rn Society,, asRay. Mr. Shaiv has been bnll,. any age, Thomas Russell's. . 11 Now Windsor football team gad will prove a 'and George Muir left 'for the * Wabigoon favorably know4 in thin district, died sud-
-suffering from a- severe cold for some time.— Year's Gift 1, tower of strength to ths, organization.—Mr. 9 -and Rat Portage districts on Monday morn- denly at his hotqp oik Monday morning lastj
i ged Hereford, Alexand4i CAR
ro IP
We '�he keeo
thilf Davregret to note the illness of Miss blaigle Monteith�o Tudgis.—Heavy A.Cardno has. puth a has ome new delivery , ing &at. An the first mentioned is both a from at fit.—Mr. Aquilla, Snell,
an apople
Owing to unusually large baying is, teacher �� Hatimit's school. To all horses, J. R. Murray, Bennington ; Jamei wagon on the road.—M A. R. Sampson, of mason and a miner he,should stand a chance
of -London, att ded the funeral of his
wagon in Made -Up Clothing, which we appearance the-. Easter holiday semon.will Snell, Hullett. Light horses,. William� thi-Dominion Bank, an4 Mr. J."M41len of of getting something to do in that country. -gran(Imother, th late Mrs. Webb, on Friw
were compelled to in order -to secure bloge not be very Corn" Baste;, a
_ple"axt to her, but we hope Graham, St. Marys. Bulls, - Joseph Atkin -1 the Bank of meroe,, o ut t —Mr. Brent Hazlewood was home for an day last.—Rev. George Jackson of the
inside prices, we find" we are curtailed for soon to see hW about again.—Mr. Thomas Tuokeramith. theirhomes in Tor Coo, Campb, Roster holiday.—Mr. Peter McEwan, better Colborne at-reet Methodiat�
room to show our large stock. We purpose Hills in preparing to make considerable im. —0 teacher on thb Babylon I line, Stanl known as 11 big Pope," met with a pailiful Good Friday in t4wn. phurch, spent We do the Carpet buil*so
eyt __,Rev.^ Wi
making a clearance of a large portion at d 11ough-
provementO in iv�ci Of his dwellings. . The Looic ftyorm You LEAP.—Rat Portage� Miss Jean Campbello te0ber on' the AAy�. saoidentone� sythis 'ek. Whiles Most dry goods stores As
upied at, present b we agaged by, of Sarnia, leafared in- th Trivitt Me. 11 ��_ �, .
SISTAIF BARGAIN PRICES. The one 0"" _y Mr. Oceans is to and vicinity in at present the cynosure of 'field road, are spending their vacation tinder in cutting turnips with the pulleer, by gains m'orial dburch us but no store in H_ -u 1 1-1
b&*e SLU oda eL g, on the ron tiftiskes
tollowing will glire you An idea -of -to be generally remodelled. a of -special - of C
_ew vakanda, and. the one occupte-d 'attraction to many residents of this county, the psreMd roof.—Misi Belle Watson is un'fohseen occurrence, the ends of two Northwest rob i, D. 0
what , will by Mr. Heys is � :In,, in y friend itY arpets w4 Ao
but before making' up their minds to leave' visiting relatives this we k, in Goderich.— 6 ro were taken off by coming in contact Mr.
be found on, our bargain tables: Men's Mr. Hille R. F. Cone Lmo, amp 11, of- the &me$ Road,
111 k'6 for' spares no expense in- making his tenants they *111 do well to perUie the follo, I
is Ian in6lgent landlord, and a peaceable ind I&* abiding community � Mr. T . was In Toronto during
Suits worth $7, 89 - and $12, wi 0 wi the k van.—Two services on Sabbath , Usborne eased to bear that he is 0UR STOCK ITki
oy 3 V1 I
I being hold in the Presbyterian
$4, comfortable. -letter received from Brit able to i� aroun gain, afjir his rLeoent
$5, $6 75 and W -B , suits woAh ring Easter, combining business with &4ure.— A Ly a ag a
$5 and- V, for;$ -2.85 $4.75 and $5, Child- exbrakdt from aprivate -annia, Masonic hold a By a he the second being at 3.30 p. m., sovere illness. --M homas 8 ute, of Gid- biggest in the 0 Wff4()TA N
This in lodge wi church Is the Moe—
ran's Suits '%orth t175 and $4, to be thatp'lace last week. h 6stnokerll in their lodge rooms this (Friday) ';immediate after the Sabbath school. Idy street, in I ill.-�Mr. R I h not:
Az;xivERSARY.—The anniversary services gettifig to be a wild place. "Tw"o burglaries evsmg.—Miss� S. MolAma in home from To- ous y 3 Ding well up into -the th,
slaughtered at $1.40, $2 and $2.85. Men's, I
31 O'Neil, af Lucan, as here on Tuesday. There's variety 4inbigh jim
'and ken ronto for Easter holldays�_Meiers. W. G. Tuckersmit]L will shortly take osension of the- Mansion ItE
'Boys and Children's id d e Pants, Coate -school were held on Good Frida;r. A sump- man was sandbagged the� other night, and McClelland and H. Ransford spent Easter FARtr SOLID. tostut almost ever to$
A connection with the ]Methodist Sunday, were committed this week. A drun We value.
ale of the House. y
Vests at corresponding r dactions. A:ak to tuous tea was�ieived the children in the then - relieved of— $80, and left to couis Sunday and Monday- with 'London friends.
oiur $4.50 All Wool Mares Suits. _The- auction -a
see -basement, when an adjournment was made to life as beat he Could, after estate and effects of the late James Traquair
being —On Monday forenoon last, a gust of wind WE HAVE
ei bt car. One of blow in the windows in the went side of ly at- marty.
to the audieneq' room for the intellectual deposited in an smpt� fr' which took, place last week,, was, large 04
--Wtn. Pickard & Oo. tended and the prices realized we -ITAMS. Th,
treat. The p*ogramm this ear was a the hardwars stores in Is"t Portage was .-Mr. John Beattie's residence.. -The large very weather of late has More Space given up U, C
pleasing variation fromethe 1144 rogramme bialren into a -ad about two 'hundred dollars' ima-eilk'in the top gosh were broken to pieces. satisfactory. The farm which. Ig lot, 4, on Preventei.ihoa rjr from making much
Wilson's Gash Grocery t a presen- the 14th concession, waol,0614.�`to John progress with fneir than 42Y store in the Coith "M
ing, recitations, eta.., by 71 worth of such small articles as razors, —Rev. S. Bond, pastor of the Methodist bh:Tr�gaediug, and althou i I
11110nag Traquair, jr.. for $4,325, there has bsen cons dq of our- large upper flat in
b th il of the "Arch of Fame,!'. knives,'jewelry'late., removed. game of the - church in this town,--ocoupied the p It contains 97 vible rain of late tile, %ran UP'
me us Ulpit of sores. The price realizedA considered a roads. in in nei h rbood are in very good this department. Thor in
We have ex-Irs good value just sow In Tea� Our in whichythe Marelib nationalities of the goods have been recovered, 'but I do not the, Colborne Street N oth6o t Chu
Ca.ylon bls�*,-and uncolored Japan Tos, at 20c L)ar world were represented. The pretty per- think the culprits have been apture b in rob, Lou- very satisfactory one. The chattel q di r. 'o nXelgraith 'moved into
pound. an the beat we ever had for the money. we c d ye . don, on Sund&T., and preached the educa. property . ondi space enough to let ft am tu
have the best black and green Team - In, the market, formance was! concluded by a bedutiful The other day a man walked into a Bit. tional sermon in the morning, and In the was also all sold and realized about .,seven 6he house wbio h . �urehased from Mr.
hundred dollars.
=d retail: them for W per pound. The but quality, tableaux. The arch was illuminated and Portage residence, and delib . erately put on evening on " The Resurrection." The pav Thames Vanor. 'a Moore whose home CarPet Pr-OPerly, and
014span Tom for 86c oer pound bat Japan id V ge JaW
at Ift per pound, or 3 pounds 16'r f5c, watuarsatee the various representatives of the early ad overcoat and walked 'out. Suffic it to or of the. Colborne Street Church, Rev. in near St. Marys, a ved in Cromarty last how it will loolL wl an d
satisfaction or raturn, too money. In canned vagat powers laid their crowns at the feet of the may- that he got I one year in Central Prison McKfflou. week and intends marting . a dressmaking WE SEW
able# we h �ge Jackson, occupied Mr. Bondle pul. An
aro the celebrated Delhi Brand, IW6 Wk. queen, " Christianity." It was one of the for his pains. - You know in'every mining pit t Seaforth, preaching Sunday school 1'PTG SOM.—Mr. Jamffl Dorroinee, of the -shop.-Mr. Rich& Spears, of - Londol�,
They 3re the best. A full Due of choice fresh most pleasing of the many anniierearies locality there is always a tough gang hover- anniversary sermons.—The Weather h North Gravel Road, APKillop, who is mak-_ . spent Easter holiday under the parental All Carpets
reeries always an hand; at the lowest dub pri bought.fro 6.
nes goo per gal I [on. isig around, striving. to live the, beat they �gain moderated since the severe cold of tion as a r,00f.—Mrs. Sim*n of Walton,
t new made iffawe myrup, :Q hold by.the school, -and the whole *&a most 0 himself a - valuable reputs with her Buy -
highest price paid for all kinds of proluoe. thoroughly enj�yei by both bld and ithout workiii 11 fB k son, �Ilsited her da d that
i� f r r 0 or ing here you are save
'Cash for young. -canw.i .9. Monday and Tuesday last. Sunday night brosede shire pigs, has sold to Mr. khter, Mrs. William
the wind blew a perfect hurricane and Man- Jarres Longworth, also of this township a Hoggarth, of this Alto, on Saturd-sk, and IOUs work.
BASEBAtLiCtux 0 1 1 �' the Best m C
pig'- six We are in magnificent 'hape lot,
very superior young , Berkshire 51 . . A i , Ar 1 0 a Splendid I I
of of Atwoodi visited �in parents here on
Bank of Commem Block. purpose of organizing a baseball club in bar of citizens attended iii the Council ward weather has greatly impeded'-fani ,ng months old. This is one of the best the
C. WALSON, Seaforth. A —A meeting for the THE QuEEN's JUBILEE. —,A goodly num. day fur coats were comfortable. The back- Sunday of last week.—Mr. James iller,
town was held;in the Commercial hotel on chamber on Wednesday vening last, to operations, and the cold, bleak wind miny good pigs that Mr. Dorrance, him, Oatu,rd" and San of last Spring business, We hoa m%*
Tuesday evening. Since the old time take the initial steps towards getting up a night frosts have Injured the fall wheat bred, and Mr. Longworth thinks he has got Henry Hoggirth, wh for you to select from ifign
has been sigail;j evo
EX ress Orders, "Stare." dropped out ofexistence, baseball suitable celebration in Seaforth on the oc. considerably.—Mrs. M. Thompson, of Spar- 11 prize, from a feloirfor some ima past, is improv- before. our PatternsarJfiew OUF 48KPZJ
in a. —The sabyt6rian Sabbath
P has been praatioally dead in Seaforth. Late casion of the Queen's DiaTond Jghilw. The liug street, and Miss Thompson ietarned .82001, little.
laab season, however, the game was partially chair was ocalxpi�d by ayor Scott, and Taesday evening from a I which has. bee closed for the winte qualities are good, and bar 1�jcor Gorien TOO]*,
revived, and the'latent enthusiasm was re- -Mr. Job n- Darwin -acted Secretary. The days with frienis in London.: --Mrs. W. G. 11 re Sunday., April 251th. , a
I -OF RATES: REDUCED -visit of several TurnberT7. r
SCA _E season, ivi -open 0 th lowest you find anyw4ere.
kindled, the result being that the meeting meeting- was unanimous in the desire NOTns.—N. J. Kerowell has disposed of
-to got Duff and family left here on Tuesday for the fifty acres known as the Watcher Two or Thrpe
y in on Tuesday evening was a very enthusiastic up a celebration worthy of the db3asion and Manitoba to join Mr. Duff, who has- been for the "mount of mortgage and a is (Jent T
The best medium for sending mone farm
a one, and with 1 the office
The th I re for a couple of years, slid �Io is do- mouthspasiure -for his horsesto W.Church. BmIsm— a Epwoth League was large, Extra -heavy Union Csqet, nsw'� At.,
letters by mail to any place in tho re a;d committee that will be creditable to the town. a Th r I
world. hequire no. a ication—n appointed, ba
PPI Xball will, certainly, be a desire was also universally expressed that in —The many friends of Mr. Andrew ego w�da evening, and an ap. Pattern colorz guaran"ed,
and no writing by purchasers. There in addition to the general displ derwillbe pleasediolesoin that he is slivered by Mr. W.
wu figure In sport' g circles - this year. C1 well. ill. —Oliver Millfr has exchanged onsof his ly attended on Tueed
ay" some jr0priate jiddr
We supply stamps is plenty of material here for a good team, horses for a need drill, road cart and $5.—' Aaggith, who in home f r his Easter holl-
Mrs. R. Leathorn is on the sick list. —Adam
at cost—furnish sta- lasting memento of the event should be -getting on nicely since his return from To ular 60c.,
r A BEV,
tionery and write brief correspondence, and, undoubtedly, the committee will Short- erected and a memorial clock for.the towe ronto hospital, where he underwent an days.—Rev. L. W. of London, Heavy Union Carpet� Cotton
and mail your letters free, except the ly gather toge�#er a team which will be able 'of the town hall was ve Gray is engaged with John Black for the, preached educational'se mone hege J San. Chain, filling all pu
UIPS. to Pla ry favorably earn- operatioii. He in not yet able to leave -his g on-
sta y ball with the best of them. The- untiner.—Mrs. A. Cornell and' baby are on, re w ol, look-*
Agent, mend day last, and made -a.. ors, a impression. as well, and wi
W. SOMERVILLE, ra elected were :, Honorary president, each of the Socis R wearas well ASA4
office ad. A resolution was passed asking residence, but hopes soon to be.—We are & visit to Preston.—Seeding is delayed some L -Rev. W. ]E(. Butt lect 'r in Port Hope
ties, Clubs, and other or. a
M. Y. -MbLe tor to learn- tho there is a' prospect th owing to the inclemency of the weather. —
riday, and pr ached
an Good F er at 75a
pr!ax ent, W. K. Pearce ; president, E. C. each to a mmittee in can- the comi W�B sermons at'Cobou,rg Easter Sunday..— special at
Teleirraph. and Express Suilding, Seaforth. 'd I aul;t Af. P. P. ; honorary vice- ganization3 in town to appoint two members helsforth flax i�ill will not be run during Mr. Thomas Musgrove, of Wroxeter, all wool, sold all ov
Coleman; vice president, W. G. Willis ju at -on a general lug year, on account of there bein on Si
9 visiting. friendoet the B-Iine Sunday. I
6 notion with a committe 'of citizene.and Some difficulty in getting the estate of the Rev. S. J. AMU, . a Ior I er pastor of this. He& two ply, al Wk -
HEA S - WIN IN BUSINESS I secretary, J. Rankin J. treasurer, W. A Me. also a committee of the wool 10"t
unefl, this gen. late John Livingstone wound up. Thin will r a, but now of Brno Is, , is laid aside good co, or's and patterns,'worth 850
Le in, X Broderick ; manager, J. eral Coin Of
A. Stewart; co mmittee, John Beattie, W. mittee to meet a week from to. be quite a loss to Seaforbh andi surrounding DrVsdae. work through n1v prostration, to 90c
, 'i 0 8
d, J. F. Reid, J. Edwards, GeoTge Mr.- Wray, of r
night for organization pur an LOCAL d is in London unde Y Counteeis 101d
ation ea. From this co t, an our flax, mill is one I'mils. duical treatment. 9C. Pally good �idues In,
Irelan �of our most London
general committee sub ommittees will valual ng 91d acquaintances in the vicinity
rfe'enterpriaes; employingi as it, does students are home
Bills. The club, will be known as the Star b renewl number of Calls I
likely be appointed to 0 out the various a large number of workiig people and d�is'. . -,Mr. George Howard, of Goderi Cone or their Easter hou and Wpes-try Carpets.
baseball club of Seaforth. oil R. Elliott For April Showers
9- il, .
STRATFGRD� ONTARIO, details of 0 late institute, spent Easter holidays under who ha's been on 'three lines,
Ug a bu
citizens' com- ute and pu the parental roof.—. iss Kennedy, of Al-, Friday, looking Tweed Patt
gentlemen were appoin .9 trip to anl
the celebrat The followi trib tinf a large ouin'of- money, annually. — :i ies' Water Proof Ci
ted blie schools M
Our businesa is to fill heads with practical TnE Cm; Then' egiate Instit tob, returned hom, of Lad
-opened our shop, and are now in a position It conjunctiom visiting -friends and 'one the worse for his Jo ey6: b
knowledge. The leading Commercial 'have TRAL HARDWARE STORE.—AVe mittee, to act i with the other commence o�erations after the 1aster holi- goma, who has been eras and'Plaia
School in Canada, to -day ; nine beautiful -offer to The public a cordplete stock of Build to reuresentatives to bi appoi: ited : Messrs. A days On Monday, next M atives in this locality keturnodhome. at $1,' -$1.25, $1.90 the rment.'
college rooms, excellent teach Hardwxre, Stoves and Tinware, second t-61 nonee'&' D' Wilson, M. Morris, F. G. Neelin� E. C, J h Rdnkin rel hos They're made b
era, moderate the country. In ng.— 7 one of the -bat
was in Toronto this weel "�,k4nding the —Weddlingbells will soon be chimi Staffa t
rates, eAter at any time, circulars free. Special atteatio Coleman. F. Holmeated, Jo in Beattie,, John Grand Camp of.the' Bonn otv Scotland, as a Mr. R 1� h Drysdale, of Forest CitKo Busi. ex-leofi
Tinvisaltbitil, Ha#etio7hirig a' V"" to &11 & inds of Tjrpj- SpnixG it, England, are p
4444_5, ine you
'49ky. Iq d Paints, for choice of colors delegate from lady 'Nair camp entire stock under th a icesof the Hib- buy, you-il
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. se our Furnace Work a Weir, and M. Y. McLean. I It will thus be ,of Sea- & 811ow.— eipring show of goods, imd which ever
and durability th seen that the necessary m hi Dees College, London, has returned me. get more the Popu Jar.
ey-cannot be*xcelled. it willpay M4 inery has been forth.—Miss Avnabell� Watson,! and Mrs. Mr. William Banneiman intends selling the bert Agricutural, Society, ran held. at Staft worth of
9 f - . your money. -
you �o call on us ono got our prices before purch"in set in motion and we fairly look for- Adams and two children, of Mite ell, spent celebrated medicine known as ".Our Native oiI Tuesday last. The da was cold,
elsewhere. , Youn respeatfilly, BILLS & MUMS, ward to and anticipate a n h I - but as
r,e. Countersold stand, Be forth. pat pleasant and Easter with 'their parents, Mr. and -Mrs. the town III 'of Colborne.—Mr.. there was no chanob to w Tliolouawlaff P0
Sto 15321 e a I d k pq' the farm� ugular I
Herbs " in w
_11le Kippen successful a lebration, as t�e people of Bea- Henry�'Waitoon, Went street.—Mr. 'C. E. A. Stirling has disposefo; a Valuable driver' there wo�i a large turb-o FOR THK imIEN opwaveroutes du ag Ab
..4DA FouiqTAJN._—For a a bargain, I pe
forth never undertake an a terprise of this Gleason, of Saginaw, Ifichi to. Mr. C. Greib, of Zukeh. ut of op4- The
first 0ost $30. will sell for 875,. cash. -Intend1% an, spent a few —Mr. Menore show of stoc howeve t large.' Tweed Lined, double ;Texture A 17-1
his Wa
Bootw and Shoesmw-- PUIR"rw can inspect the. same, and learn kind that they do not mak it a success. days in town this week, t a guest of has arrived and is making preparations for There were on w DO terproof guiuMe
1 9 two buIrl onanth and. Costs seams
Our stock of Boots and r gro DoR"
pa pulars by APPlYing at C. A. NAMN's General broths -in-law, Mr. James Murray the ing summer. —Say. T his, considering the large number of very �achablo - ' ...
. r1i, t fishinf during the com JORW
GreO sewn, 24 1
Shoes is now ry Store, Godi�ich. Of and inch de
1632-9 - A SWEET SuBJ XT M Grand Trunk Railway. eral 0 Mr.
complete, consisting, of Ladies? , a Oxfoide John Walker, —The new hardware - Contine's employees spent Good superior animals of
this aracter in , the capes., extra specialxt
fin BiCYOLES. —Some good second-hand of the Mill Road,F r firm, Messrs. Bills & Murdie, h Frifty in the village. —Mr. John Howard,
in allaty–les-and prices ; also fine Button Tackerstaith, has on his I I I _&
wheels lox age cheap, a. MULL Co., avo started neighborhood,: was somew, t of a disap- -mush 49 as ourim
farni #;aplendid sugar bush, and is in the our trusty mail catrier,-- was in Bayfield p6intment to the op Rate, re. * There has to a regular Clothing Store, joese, - -for 100% -A"
Shoes and Balmorale. in M-Ang working business. Both'gentlemen are well and Go
Boots we. have a large stock, and are offer- " CoFFrE f C ey are young men inspe t, however, aw and you'll 2W
"42.1 habit,every ydar of making large quantities favorably known, and th oting the electric -lights... been it show this kind. held. Pay five or oi�i d I Ali
some extra OF�EE COFFZE.—T-hat _Ae- of m% Is syrup. B6ing alw ye on the look and business push, and � will' we for. several years for the same gar all VW of ftth 4-o jEk*mv4
vt.lues - 'Mens fine lielousL"blend of coffee, controlled and sold by A. muse, -Then "A -to J
of energy h a Ir
at improve a -ment.
ra' a on, o4ders- are Many not eX
golas, Congress and Balmo .1-9. A full YO,NG, only, is giVing ffraZt,1%tI ft il
For the mo labor ma r. W. -M. McKWO11 pecting it this gar, had t 1 time* to get *10L I Wed
i3on out have no doubt, do a good trade. —M
day, All loven of coffee should machinery, v1ng Govenlock, mathematical man
Ene of Chfldren�s wear all at popular prices. nore he last fall burchased the ter in Inger- their stock' shap after the show amos to 91
give Vnix-eiYA. YOUNG, Sesdatth. 1"24 94 Sap evikporator which is made tute, and son' of 34 TOWNSHIP OiFICERS.—The following are Ina owl
Champion Boll Collegiate Inati D
&TAMS CMNI r. the names and addresses of poundk was announced. If tie she; is continued XW4 hotel, WANDO, to
no I
r M
_ htl
1524 Clark's improved,L Iran Pifle and feneeviewers for McKfllop Pound. unt
NG, KiPPOU A WOMDERFUL SPRING.—Midicine, Dr. in Montreall, and an applia very generally Robert Govenlock, of MoKillop, was in eaPer fo; another year,,there will., o doubt, be a
. -h and used in the Province of Qns )so, where the both h 3 and bulls as
gVrify the blood, cleanse th; quickly eark riedat Glencoe, on Tuesday 6 Hodgens B,,,rr% Wday-20the Royil be!
syrdp and 8 biwitiesE lady of that. town. thi is one .0
skin fioni pimples, Maple '&at, to], a Young keepers,—John Maloney, Beachwood; Con better turn out, f
bhI ' h d 4 becomplexion, andinvigorate ugar mal in Mr. Govenlock * has a a of the beat or a distridto in
no substitute,but get the extensivel ood; Timoth you
oc '" on very host of friends bereabouta who will units
BY641 " rad Eckhart, Beechw
e en;re carried Walker following alist -of the sue.
gen & WILSON, Seaforth, sole McGregor, Be orth L
has hall this evaporator in constant with us 'in extending to him congr&t 11 %J
ulna from L Ks ; ceisful ''T
Oun -8 t - use in Seaforth ; Alexander I . C I ads. The lei 0 IN "N.
agents, price 25c. and 60o per box. 1682-1 his sugar bqph this season. Ile has given it on this ht' ulatiOns Thomas Davidson,, Leadbury George A. competitors : Ini orted -Heay BTSIM
r�ughb Horseei . — Thom Colohoau a
ppy occasion.—Mr. Philip Mur- Gray, Seafor D TOH9 GALBRAirm
of Winthrop; Brooke,
DISTR11OTMATTER'S. WANTED.—Eggs 10 canto ; the balance a t6rough test and is delighted with -it. It ra of T' keramith, has also taken� to him- th ; George McKee McTaUper;" 2nd, Jame
r dried apples; we -are head ucJ George Hearn,Leadbury; George Dorrance, Me. church wAs held in the church va
------------------------- YOU -quarters for clover in not onlra great labor savor but turns old seP a w4a, in the person of Mine Ruth .2 221?_ Fri dar
and A M.��4-- )J 0
aw. r'. KING, lngba!�D. earorth ; John Rae Leadbury. r , VV In Uolq honwe 11 jag. evening of last week.—M.r. Jaineg 1C Q
THE BONt-LERS.—The bowling club at a 2530-3 a better article than can be 'ads by the old' 'Jones,, of. LeadburT, an eatimablel- young Fence. a -Carriage$—Leevy'& C a, oMi�iburn,', and D. W. Fo h ve ov- Ar
process. He has made ov 0 dred viiwera,—Bernard O'Connell, Dublin ; John . an a W ad ry mqa,,�
alle —Durham,—Two years old.—George confectionery business to Mr. , tylo
meeting in the Commercial hotel," on Man- us hun lady,L who is 'well and favorably! know" Murray,Beechwood ; Jae. McQU their'�,%ke
TO BOARDEIMS.—A couple of boarders can gallons of syrup this year; and resbdut6 M ads, Beech. at Ron&
day evening, got into workirig Shape again find excellent aQcommodati with this he, ore anon. —Mr. D. Johnston,
7i, wood; Jas.Davidson, Leadb Smil;'o " Jumbo." One yea old Durham, —M.r. Leslie Colwell is able to
and ill e on in a private hoube in evaporator can turn out a llon M. of Knox ury; Alexander go arcvuA
wi ommence playing las soon. am -the town, by Applying at Tim F of co, bollege, who has many iffiends. Kerr, Be —banean McLaren's I gas.— again, er,' _0
moarrog, 6mce. 1515.tf &forth ; Alexander Gardner, Wal not Tad idt this severe
9� Win&
J'a Dr. Shillinglaw Mitche j, as Atkin- the. lateness of the oui�
r offl P,ZRs —The newest American simple and easy in its operations, thaba Mr. Johnston men Ryan Walton ; William A. hour at which
weather gets, fine. The following cars WALL FA plated syrup every hour. T�l is also so around Saniforth, is stationed for the sum, ton ;. 11 illness.
elect mer at Mildmay and Ayton. a Tackeramilh- - M u
were ad for next year : PresicTent, Jae. dqeizns. as obeap as 6ommon goods, at Lumsumi &
McMichael ; vice president, M. Morris; W`80N's, Senforth. woman or girl can attend, to it after the sap has already begun his duties in� Anderson, Seaforth' c ean, Sea- b dget from Hensall *as received, we hav
1582-1 these 'NOTXs.:--Ti'mes in McKillop for h.
weretary4reasurer, A. Wilson.- Committee, in gathere andplaced,in the feed taqk. pharges.—flr. Y.'E. Baker, Provinci�l see- have made been obliged to greatly curtail it.
_-J. Weir', W. K. Pearce, R. Logan and F.' f6rth bleycle repair Wop. The syrup, alsoj,, is finis retary of the rapid improvement since the'23rd of June,
TmE Vulcanizing a arcialty, at the Sea' 0
o selected spent his Easte' bakelet. '09borne.
-'when it comes 'Young Men's Ir
Holmeate IdULLRn & Co. from the eva hed sociation Torontg, Christian An an promised by the Reform leaders, but the
d. A committee was als SL"S FOR SAL]k.—Any -quality, good 22 poiator and does not require ' While here he was a r holi- Grits, who. have been educated to grumble a all plough. GOOD AN-iAtAu._ With the
any further clarffyin w, It.
days in t,
to: draw up the ties and to see inob slabs for sale. g process as 0 6AT�ERINas.—The farmers in last few
to La-ving One cord'S St -50 ; 2 cords $2.50, 'In the case guest dur the last eighteen years, are. 'still 19,1 but we havenot, yet eard any of them weeks Mr. Thomas Cadmore, of Luml
the games for the different club tankiirds ZMAN, Seaforth. 32-1 by the old process. We at Mr. E: mer's.�Mr. Ed. Hill, of infling, as no flax mills aria running'and so,, was in eyt
at Estate of T. T. CoL - i5 with yrup, made Lati gru
a Callegi;%te Institute, apent, Easter oats or still low in
played off as promptly as possible. PRINTS) MUSli's and Dimities, are extra have seen a Sample of the syrup as it owns Goderich in say itha� the od shape. Al- has di d of threesuperipr young D&.
a I 'thotigh there ham been qu a lot of frost h' ' b for which
value with us.tbtqseAson. W. w. HoFpmAw. Soa., from the evaporitor and it is ipe with friendff in town. price. Hens are aying ,
rfectly clear —Miss May Broadfoot I am UE a.'
80 Ma" a . 4,16 f- +16, # -he received bin
In in- ot J als 10 L aners are airraid they wil �.GfKAJAgv LOUS ZAIL De looks well. sums., One,w.ent to Mr. Laidlaw, "Of MAIII,
ZOOTBALL -VATTERs.—The annual meeting B -1582-1 anu 01 aqUcioub navor, in. fact we have ratford,- taking a course at the get lower in1price,as Easter -is past.--i.J.Ir. HoAai id is one of the be hi i
31CYCLP-Q.—Hav; a yon bought your wheel -never seen better. Mr. Walker says it at t Ips in the tobs ; axis to Mr.. Yellow of xetor Bad L
of. the ' Westem Football Assaciati�n was Business College there —Mr. Robert� Ful- vine, John C�Morrison and the Beechw4od county for the growth of fall I E
held at Berlin on Good Friday. yet, if not, don't for ef thei beat value- 'for your makes the work of sugar making pleasant larton, of Bruce township, Bruce county, —There the other to Mr. Pedlar of Credithu SODI
Ile &;!a thousands of �buohe
land, Massey Harris, or Btormer. and easy when compared with he labor 13 E E* Miwi
Mr.. WID, money to the Clove � _g correspondent, who know all the ins and in the Cudmore has also
Govexlock,, of Ingersoll, a former Seaforth 8. X1ffLIXTT Co., Agents, Sexfor.th. t it a few days last week ith his a UJ f, purchased a fine YOI"�
artilers gran N W�y 9r4_1Ml
in- onto, say all the young ladies in the to &rise but t Mondiv
jad 1)rcoew -by Ws
Aitchison.—Mrs". R. McGraf arried t in, They have Farm,which ought to make an improvement Date% VMS,*
'a curiosity in the neighborhood and its , of Dabbing- wittin six months, except one.—Cox. on all al,ong,thin
1532-1 under the old process. It has proven.quite 9. 'R- h* are married or engaged to be in wn' t6 get a very big thing for
boY, was elected president.. Mr. JQhn A. liw and daughter, Mr. a I'. Mrse 17 ite 0 re t likely Darham, bull from Mr. Russell, of
Jackson, of EgniondviRe, Was elected a vice- id. I
VERY SUDDM. DxATH.—We regret --to opera one have been witnessed ton, was this week visiting her brother, Mr. Weril holding
Iti in oAto -would in the stock of the neighborhoodas -his grood
by large
Road 40VIS A
a dam was the�co
'Presid4nt for the Toronto league, and Mr. learn of the veryi sudden. death of Mrs. FARx PUPXHASED.—Mr. T. Ryan hi take! a rise,7but thus far are d to dis-
9. ' Rob4tson, of the Huron district � Alexander Dod&,'of W numbers of people, all of whom were de. J. S-.Welob..-The Collegiate Institute re. pu as I . � w owned by Mir. RFMW14
appo, timent.-The
mel or about & ho students, viz., R.
rehased the farm of Mr.James Carlon, oil ton High which was for years the beat butt -or cow la
a 2nd concession of McKillop f go stoon; Ahence by wa
0 a itswork. ilton. S. Canada. W*Ano
one 42,000. Thisfarm con 'all f1hyacresand Mah d, Frank Lowish and Ive
stration that Mrs. Dodds I went to Kincardine g Ma Walkerea of the most eiijoya Is events of the season., PUBLIC
nber of the committee -on regi -is town. It seem ditions manner in which it d a an Monday evenis next, promises to he
W o Mr. R. C. Cheswright was appointed of Mr. John Dodds, Of th four
-hil ingham, and mother lighOd with the Complete, simple ard ex. 'opening concert, to be held in Cardno'g: hall th
etc. the following schedule of gi yo it is as grelit a -labor savor ts,1 a Raritan, SCHOOL ExAMI'liATION. th&
Ames ;r Thursday of last week, with the incouti0onn as the binder is over the old- hand cradle. A most 'interesting programmie h is very- convenient to 'kMr. Ryan*,home are home for Easter. -Mes�gra. Hamilton afternoon RbA4. 10"Ponald't
drawn ap for the spring season in the senior be of 'Thurads
teacher and pupils of of the 2nd 00
as an farm. Mr. Ryan'now has 250 acres of as and ]�*ultsn are ta g �Itrft wa.
- It will make sugar as well as syrup. prepared, 'And we ca� promise thosew, kin Up rim Work Be ool section 0. ��Absoft mroft to _eurl
of spending the Fiaster holidays with a mar April 15th! -the
series At Ingersoll, Preston, Juue 12 riect daughter there. On Saturday evening We and as there is iii Canada. He is Lowbh
Ix M ho good I a
k- 41— rite, departed from their usual routini: *0
he seemed to attend aw ant bespeak 1 for farmer -Who makes LViDg, ans Mahood, Usbo
Berlin, May 22) or 2L At Galt, Ingersoll, jual treat. I senior I
moiney at farming, de- N ro.
bute pajib a crowded house. -Mn Imaie are of ex-ercises and held a public examingtion.
us spite the dull times. We hop vantage of the' cheap t95 an
Uay 15 ; Berlin June 12 At Berlinj Sea. heialth. III fact she appeared more than J. H. Pyper, of, Hamilton, in visiting our genial: d Boom after one a clock the visitors began
the Ineti mat*ulation.�Mr. and
in , her usual state of -LocAL BRIEiFs.-At 'the sun I meeting taking Ad
forth, May 09 - Yreston, 'May 15 ; At Pres- �her
Mrs.* John Beattie.:! -The wealth.
usually cheerful. � After retiring for the of the Canadian Lacrosse Amoolanon held parents, Mr friend, may continue to prospeli! and grow in are in Toronto buying the a
toU7, Seafow�, aune' 19 Galt, June 5. ng and arrive and by 3 o'clock the sollool-Iroom wa
At night, As complained of a chock in Toronto last week. Mr.'R. E. Jackson, of. Min summer stock Th k op an I excellent well fill-
ing Neoax.
Ingersoll, June 15 ; Galt, M i ad'. Mr. Anderson the teacher,
_if a
as Brierlay, of Caledonia, are guesto at - 0 IM'!!�
and at the request of her daughter got lot,
23 or 24. —0— ti6n, Egniondville, who was first vice-president the residence of Mr. R. C.'Cheiwri;ht.- stocki here. r. Zoey" - of tuinbarry, aseinted by,the follaw.,ing ;;obela AiLvedoa L- 'Zoad U
to $72.50, the other day. It !was�,: �__,ken Kedlv An. Johnston. -Hortow, and 2011041b Vhtu the folio,
of the council. Mr. Jackson invited the at Mr. John Beattiels. I visiting H. K1,1fSXA-,,,r, Dentist, continues hi i -
been in -the chair a few minutes when her -The Misses Ball to
out of bed and oat on a chair. She -had only last year, was thi's year elected a member Mir's Joan Anatey, of Hamilton, i Z11110h. bought a horse from Mr. Adam t Upott for Johnston Gow
an- each o whom examined some -of j�_
VESTRY Xy;MNC;.-The - annual vestry head fell forward, and she died alin 32. association to hold their annu at Zurich on some of
15 via] Wrox�ter on Friday. -Man f
oat i 41 meeting, at tyne, who are attending the Normal ic the last Toured in each month. TOf t elfaraters the digrerentelauss during the
meating in cofinection. with St. Thoma.,- st"tly. a M boo], Peoplewhe waut teeth afternoon.
Mrs. Dodds was a Seaforth next year, but extracte7withOut pain, fold in' this vil
ixty tour years aq rit decided in Toronto spent the Has Dinity will be Barry to Diarn. of The answeragiven by the pupils were b.
church�`was hold in their school room, a& of age. She had not been enjoying the in fay.0of Toronto. Had t Tecided to to ter holidays in filing, and plate work, highest grade should cal on Messrs. Gibson & Sanders, of the 7ordwich in t and oorre otb-.,- MAG
beat wn.-Rov. Dr. McDonald and Mr. D D 111110, eximating tnth. A at and showed that they
Mondayevelling laaL The;-tressurerls re- of health for some time, but nothing serious come aWs we would have used Ithent well - Wilson go to �' Paris on -Monday, to at n� no trouble in ffums after that town. These ViL JOMT MC
f Waa flour imills, leaving d' n ftrofally bra
ined And * ht b Vay 3rd-wa
port -shows that the church box never been the northern gravel the pasting of the Presbyterian By ad gentlemen have been giving th jr best the pains -taking teacher, Mr. Andersoi.
ntieipated until she was so suddenly Mr. John Aitcheson, of 1582-1 By
in such a prosperous standing as at the cut. do". Her ma d road,- �IoXglop, sold a five yak old L horse to the NOTES.-Messro. Macarthur & Co., of satisf�cti#n to 4 ISO
present time. L In the absence of the . i aft name was Margaret re. An appeal - frorn the Presbyte of Hensall, have rented a the farm ws.-L f the Between the "A of L*Abury m
vestry room from Mr. ex-aminstion of the: .66 j
She *&a a sister of Mr. James w, d farme�s in this vicinity have a c difiereat -aim Z�-. -
clerk, Mr. G. A. Jack Townsend. Messrs. Winter and Donovan,, 1 a . fe aye Huron, by,Mrs Gavin Ross, of Hay, a case Zeller, -where they will start a bank In- S at 6me flax classes the pupils! added cousidorably tw Ama then to -Dwe
son, Mr. Neelin acteil Townsend of Clinton, formerly of Tucker fat $130. -Mr.- Thomas I Soole, of !rhieh cans seed from Harriston WI 'ro W
. �� :11"
as kin' substitute. Mr. T. 0. a an considerable interest in this few days. -Mr. John Doichert, w a was in and Wfiax this the
-Kemp retired amith, ind of M ft' h U Afternoon a enilpyntentby giving sev
from. the office of peg-ple's warden,L and 111r. in town, and county, will 'he dealt with. -Mr Henry W*odetock 6yer Easter,. retu ay, to recitations and 6kUsas, Which were w&
William Rattenbury, Itnto; spent Good Friday a miner. Twelve miles is a lon tfim !"C'M to
med home haul. iti, but flax pays we - a When &U. tL elgagegL of
Sr., of Clinton. She leaves a family of four was the guest of his brother Charles. Mr. Pybus and son, of Tucke_� ruters rendered.- he Ud bow atJ null , for a
F. Holmeated W -as - blected to flil Lthe va- gone and five daughters Soole in an left o last Mondky.-Miao E 11 Thi[fwal
eaday for Manitou, Rickbiel, who aretaiingrout their bogs e�ch Oak to thoroughly examined Mr. P.1, y
I or Ch. MaT4901161 bound" 4116.
cancy. The election of officers resulted aa survivin Sh carrying on a job printing business in To. Maudi Kidd, Who has been in- London. dur- t or and one of the true 24)wv, Van
e was a most estimable woo- '=U91 Ohl
all of whom are old Seaforth boy. He has been Tu has been -near Kilm
Manitoba. -Miss Michigan, f -Mr. John Walls is the b i
follows: Rector's warden some time, returned home 1:4 Saturday. toww" le4 1.
SiMpeft and wa
C. E. SL Clair man a greitly beloved by all who ronto, for several years and has prospered Ing the past year, under training for a .70 $4.75 per e*t.- 1r, A. and after giving a short, rd
people's warden. F Holmested Miss E. Heas,.who has been in South Bond Pzl!.
hib&14,14 ilor I
sideanten, Messrs knew her ad especially his- last. year's business, dull tim ' kindergartner, is home for her holidays. outheran, reeve of Our townshi. passes ad upon severalof thevisi in 0 b
Neelin ' ' by the members of as, Indians, h" retUrned home for g 1. ting tea
Bullard, Edge her -own family, to)'whom her sudden death has bee4the beat in his ex Mr. 00 --Rev g tea arm and
and Tiernan; an perience.- throng here quite frequently theta days.
diters, Ressrs.'Morris and will be a ve severe,bereavement and Mrs. Roberb Scott, of Paisley, spent 0 A X B'raund has returned home from can- others, es�ah of whom replied with 1 hort at
ry 0— d A.
Holmented. - Messrs. Helmested and NeeliiL Suaday""last with friends in town. Brucefteld. ference. His future. station will be St. well worded addresses, The meeting Glow&
Wor4 J ROAM& by th tional ant
&Gobs, and next Stinday he will preach his a na hear 4, lihwast.
n of Mr. J, S. and life insur. farewell
I appointed to represent the congrega- _T11Z John Porter, of Hastings, so B. R. HIGGINS, general fire' o1upag - -to
tion at the meeting of Synod in June. tRUGXFI aarmon.-Our village trustees have DisrOm-More new tea setts home feeling that they had spept;a th
RLD SPRING BROW. -The Porter, Egmondville, a since again$, notary public, conveyancer,00mmilwoner audi Idinver
annual sprin Pont Good Friday for taking affidarite, &o' ads ja first let to W6yer and Shettler, the dig Come end see the now 44igne, In 0011. relo"11 V
Private to ging: of a Betts Jusi arrilred. and profitable aftern
g Showif6r entire stock, under with his parents and othbr friends here.- morkme on good tam prope as 5 pe Bawer from Fred.Heisl to Ed.Bogi dinner @�tts. My $took of dishes s4d crockiri warg
the auspicei of the South Huron agricul. The li enberry's, I second to none in Western Ontario, fAh
EmiomwTiml; No come commissioners for East Hiron At home ivory morning and r oent.
TM -L-18 the millenium tural society, was! held on the , gociety,11 ;rldnesda-V of 00011 for. the -sum of $220. 60. This will 'maj d will xorri&
dawn being ushered in? Many are. led to grou inetat Brussels on Sattirdly last, and week. a' a be sold, I like the old ones. Cheaper I lan the
nds, in Brucefiald, on' NOTE$._p
Tke tants on
Vary unusual weather, although somewhat threatening, council in getting about summer months with Wal
opened his new hotel for the first 'time 13,'600 feet of lumber for sidewalks. 010(�ZGJC MAi!
OUR Nrsw HoTEL.-Mr.. William Dixon that street. The when You are in. Try our tax and coffee, Zd do ter
Friday last. anted hotel and shop licenses the same as great improvement or the inhabi cheapest."' Ask the price,or a nice . suit 0 wobart Gsrnes has hre4 I r
ask that question from the f 0 _ th0-
conduct of our Politicians lately. flarust year. None were added and none were not forget about our Jim stock of seeds. X x CAaz. Thuell is home from fro -
What is wasnot unfavor&W, and as. the farmers struck off. -Dr. R. w B. -Mr.F. rronto, :and muchk �Wgl leavabis
Smith, of the on Friday last. As in well known -Mr. Demuth boa h new dwel ng n rly fin h.*
nowledge of the details. of bad tisne to go ouf,� Hamilton insane Asylum, is li as improved in - health- -Miss Lizz; e
to become of the partybosses if only men hadnotyetgotimm'ersed in seeding and
with a practical k with big two Dixon's hotel was burned down over &9 G. J. 1BUTHERLAN D - Notary P iii 7th, Seen; tubee *0
there was a 'large at- youni yesk; ad. -Mr. C. Hartleib has -be at) I I Con- line, his gone to -M0000mw, 114" .1 - -
position the mason veyancirlill Inuer of marri; 7�7
office are appointed to the s of tendance, the largest, in gest daughters, paid his mother. and ago, and he has had constructed on th Mon -go Licenses and I ranae Aksgo .
sheriff It. ears. other friends in town a visit this week. This of the old bailding a handsome now adifice, -M` r.'Fhnilip Fossald, Agent. t rAtew hol, 6th line, has PW -W
� 1 6 $!is work on'his new store.
a, registrars, and the fact, for Y Rol;ert Nic
lik ey to loan od rasi estaw at to
terest. Office at the pwkofflo Heasall 1 lj531.4, ad Yorkshire -hog f
Jot -toon - an
ever,, the cause of the new departure: be, ia the doctor's first visit to Seaforth which he has had newly fin �thoroughbr
What. The show of stock, 6pecially in horses, was of Crediton, has been the guest of his old 0 A
not so large as in some former- years, but since he -furnished and -fitted friend, Mr. F. Signor.-Mr.Joseph Rameire G. J. OUT]F[ERLAND Brethour, of Burford ra- 4,
r o dwell-, grant count ..-M.2711 t. vh
it ia certainly a step i left here, now nearly three years ago, and up from top to bottom in the most modern preached a �ery Ing p)
effective sermon in on his hands fo W Michia, 6th Hue, 100ft
a the right direction, th0 character of the amimals shown wasfully I big many f a d we eas- to rent.j � Great has the lower 3401k; tUam k
and we congratulate such men as our ri n a re ad to aeo'hi style. Itisoneof the Most convenient the bargains will be ffiven a a t f - : . nd
new and _111D Dgel ra 'd hriok Tin am Aiday
-and those who have the powerof show comfortable hostelries'of the kind in the houses, I the very bes& In Itite vil th
up to the high at ard 'usually spen at this. , �and Nva ical qhurch lasV Sunday
sheriff looking so well. -Mrs. f rkman is spending forenoon, to garden in the township. -Cal
appointinent.-Mr. T. S.. Porter, of Has- and ' In bulls there was keen 6rapetition lEaster holidays in Toro#to K Mr. Dixon a large audience. Offiffee at t e post ainee. lase. intends. erectin 4 driving khad W, IbA I
several as finei animaig Bs could be Coulter county- Intends aceth 581-4 -
Elliott the from Ito!
I tings, spent a few days at Easter with rela- found in th is visiting friends in Ifigersoll.-Min Nellie himself, and has applied for-& has g will TO 16 ce top, W* 4UAa
tives here. ape. . 14 i3x8ter. r. Thomas Webb is ding now brick school Will be built in see iiait NO.
-Mrs. H. P. Kennedy is in Tor. lowing is & "at of the successful competitors Cline, Of WinghAm, spent Good Friday with &SIPlication is supported. by a petition sign- up -and much improving - the g linds 1. 8th line.-Thie schools ar
a country anywhere. The f*l H
onto at present, on a visit to her daughter, as friends here. -Mrs. .(Rev.) D. Perry,. Of bT' I BF -119F8. -,Mrs. Charles Eacretb sad Mrs. around -0 closed this
Hor a4 -Aged drs _near y every, resident of t is risidence.-Rev. Mir. I r was weak a
light stallions, let, 0. E. Wirighant, was the guest he vicinity- Charles * Brown, of Sarnia, owing to the E sal"
I � &star holidays +4 WIT11aA_ X
Mrs. Clarke. -Miss karcua, of Ridgetown Mason's 11 Lassaderl Rover," 2ndi7 of her moth Dixon in one of and Mr. Robert here weak -Ti hi f tber-i -law, 0ook in hams from Lanbton coun COLN
er, -the oldest hotel ke IBI ing
opera whas
has been a guest at the manse sine 'Thomas Mrs. Knechtel, Harpurhey, last week.- in the can& Darch ^n4 -daughter, of landen, attended Mr. Da d Phinniore. �161 fi the he in tawbiug.44001. -A to
Thuts- Colqubo ty, and his genial and obliging the funeral of Ann, relict o . t reached ' Xonda
Z, I f -the late - Rich- 21; - IL A
a fill'is MeTauper three year old Miss Elder Math 9hurch on Sabbath evenit last. over.t
day of last week.-Aboat five years ago drAught. is spendin holiday week with manner, combined with his strict observance rrible
r. t #1 Aim
Miss let, Horton & Reid with her cousins,'DI ard Welsh, which took place on - a his 110041ity'on Sunday and 4111da"
Maggie May, eldest daughter of Heroj" 29nd, Peter M3Kay10 Gas and Miss Rose of the law, and the quiet and orderly way &fiernoon I Friday -12 m -mention in a former I t-. :�4 ,,
Mr. UW4f accompanied by snow, which felt '-oftd. for
hip, cmusin hold March than.ApT.0. JOL
ritertained ast.-Mr. Ed. Christie purchased the fi iner display and
James Sproat, ran a lead pencil into. Stui Book at Manchester.-Seaforth - a in which he has always in the past csinduqt. the pro ie fine 14 ding , will In - My
g a ps late
inful wound, wh h soon tutor, as well t, L aln ,party of the late Richard Manning, here'7 inadvertently onti, lani
her Sweepstakes for best, herso of any age in the larg� quota of visitors over ad his 1busillOss, will, no doab re for M t tlettto
claseXason's "' Lasiader Rover 11 A in tion No
am street, last week. We conpatul w-�7-Cattle Are already r.uanmw so t1w . . . . . .
ry�llcu I as Beilding out a large number to be enter- &�e7 the .
however, healed. From time to 'time ever' tural or Canadian drought, him the favorable consi#�rati 'a of Mr. J. W. Ortwein, hi fine roads. We would like to 116681
aged, on of the Li- Mr. Chr;Atio on his good choice of a, be& know A 4 tk@y
since she has- suffered from paiufit the re CalemaWs " Rykerfield 11 three "am I tined at other Places. -Mrs. Thom Bell, cense Commissioners. Mr. Dixon's many Ur#I_ L Ile
Uf year : millinery opening being held 6arlier than get ; it must be exercise 11r. 8 .14, re wnit -wal I -
friends He will shortly take pos-i the othei1a) and we are now' 4 '13 It W44.
planned to add away to Wisconsin on itlesday, to I)ok for. -Do"%* for
nday with old friends and the travelling public will be nession.-Mr. James Clark, of Londonapent hia name' as his diip L
ationset in. On Tuesday Drs. Scott and Me- " Premier Ha d aged carriage, lot and ahell.-Mine Kate Cowan is v ro
of the injury, and lately'swelling, an& Canadian drought,. . Thomas Russells in town, while on her way home from Miti- pleased to see him at his old stand once lay was "rtainly well land. -John Kelly, 7-th line, has,lean�d V
c'eor! Old 6 Wingbarn staid over Mo ful residence.
i4i ing at rthy lei *00�1. ib J
re. mention Mrs. Clug, Of luck-- Parker's 50 acre farm, lot 10, on 6t so
Kay performed an operation, and we're one- sweeps more, and we have no doubt but he will Good Fridig. here, the guest of his -old iro
te"ful in removing a point 0 takes, �roaln Dcorrances 11 Maitlan'd," B17th, -Mr. Will as* his fall share of patron friend, Mr. Mill.".Mr. Charles Senior, eramith, here recently +isiting , her at $60 a year. Mr. Parker rente WA.A 1 4
f lead and a 2nd, Leeyy & Cola 11 M J� and Brussels. M onald We
ilburn " ;a age from those
sliver of wood about gad ;road- Of ttoit, son of Rev. Dr. McDon who requiri such Accommodation as he in of Blenheim, a d tfi� M,=o
d, was atgood1ridaywIth his son father,
aIlluchlong. As she star stallion, lot and sweepstakes, Peter elected president of the Peninsula all of Win. VVIlitesides, who is 11- 56 acres to George Beat, Brussels, alad ho for,
a at Easter with his p Ic one hundred acres topail
Brook's 11 St. J�ynri three —*— , arents C-:�rll -
is otherwise a very healthy i MoGregor!a " St. Blau." 2nd Robert association at its meeting in Wind or,' on I. I # into the new brick'dwelling he lately our cleggg' drover, nb*
girl, a speedy naula able to afford. Joseph hers.- Ser S. Cracker, Noron Mr. Jam Beverly in moving this
I 8Ula otb to
recovery may now be looked for. The oper- W d or rent -ye
ear old road. Good Friday. -Mr. James'D. Oleo Ipped a car of fine astdor
ation was performed at the residence pf her' ater, Willia -in' Lucker's unell Wroxeter. 2;red -Salter, of London, qmnt- Easter here chased fr�tn M*n. Bro�w; and, Clark '-&I)
Bid Tolatoi. deputy re Leonard MoTaggart has Mr- OrtWein is hav*g the two i d on - -Thu raday, from Belgrgive. -Will. Z610
Blum. -Mr. John Hooey shipped an- purchased the North' Bud hotel- p t07 Orick ban IS Berkshire pip. bred f
grandfather, Mr. McGee, of this Village, gigtkar, spent Easter holidays ai with friends. -Mr.
where she has been staying for some days. roperty, A% 'rom, impo
urchwed from Mr. rV stock. Th,
Monday ountry last ske considerable improvements Iii, I ey are a. o'wkeA forl and joil at -
Mark -h Z:111, calved since the ground was white with snow. It the consignment at an early date. -Mr. James Sfbwart,. of very a . a J Ole eight. It in Wd that $5 a -pur has'
Mr. J. $. 31duldrew left on, Friday last for Royal Alfred' DZ jane's quite a blizzard on and- by night week, taking char a - of cely . Intel and papered, "d int
" Perfection Kniiht," 2ad' Thomas I velling 'he
Bulls. -Aged Da , rham, lat,Robart Charters, his home in McKill9p. -We were visited by other car of horses to the old a and will in,
am, to take charge of the work of September 20th, 1894, Thomas W&I himeelf.-Miss Edit Gihaon' 7.!no ev
is home for the Huron street, is -seriously ill at preoont.�-_ Henderson a livered his special sermo on it �CZ +Ak*
Russell a -not very well received by people in general, Easter holidays, from attending Niapm Ei t I ving, into. it -R S. !slid forpigs six weekgold. 03ME
Rev. Mr. Reidi who has been in hi�. health It Now Year's Gift," 2114, Robert B. Me- particularly after the flie weather Mr. Thomas Greenwoo I ttle firiune to buy manys;t
l;Z that.
W,&Fjr in Dougaid I previous T
for some t' e, Mr. Hugh ReEwing, of Lean's n Trampi" 3rd, of the -Falls Colleg-7 to d, of Douglas Mani. SaMnth evening last on the subj
tbe:� 0�il iL
Palmerston,, calved day. -A number of the pan of Now that a drop has - taken rl - t
the vill a last -week. Fotheringham's "Crom Crean h " entertairim Ir I a hog market, paying, fancy'prioeo is = dd*�
ag her in the y ant given by the Christian En- relatives in town. -Mr. Richard -Spears, of oziregation.-Mr. Thorn IM
VO Institute. -The literary tolm, a A Thursday of isat,wWk with "The * Bicyal its Use and Abuse
6111- By evenin r. ch 0 OA Un more or law than a lottiry.-mins Ansfa I k4d for
It ' �ep_tember,721h Meg M on Mon , societyof the Presbyterian chur London, spent Easter here with
95" people an oyed a social ho�in Cardrio's oh"alf. deavor
He had been out to see his mot a a lialla Stephons leav( success. ri a n a grea ver, of Olin 0 am
vening ' 'y g , of Bdw,&s I Z_
country. The old lady keepoL in fairl ood Is r _Rivaral Thomas F here, on F 'd ht last" friends.- sch I teacher, of . Owen 8 ia and Mr. Willi
y h's 2nd, Wil w shortf;7or 'il t Mrs. Hoo, 14aunderx atteridt d-lbe,
health. -The a a ' ; Chapram"s 4, Cnamp Windsor, wher; ton, spent Good Fridaiy Sekto
ery1ce 94 Isadath John Avery's I --Mr. fil Urn n, formerly log is Faster vacation with big dding of Miss Whitfield elf. We"e".
he will take a situation as clerk in the of this place, the guest of her sister, Mrs hqmnd 'h I `
T. W. hawk. rents. -Ai very enjoyable at-home under we k
D. Finlay, horse auspim the choir of the; Met1k9qibt cow on Sunday.
Was in town lant week.-. xhaw.-Mr, Thoutas be of last.week.--Sell arm Br.an.lost a "o�M
f. A