HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-04-23, Page 1-- 1 � . � r 77�` I I � ­ - � - - - , 777-r� ' —' ­-�'-�7--,�77� 7T - -­­ ­�­ I -- ­Mlllllyr�­-- -1�1-�Y...­-- — " - -1. ". � - F � - '' 4, 4 - ­- -7 4 - . �, - �t , I - � � I �­ �' ?,I; 1.�, , !-. z - . I . , I - � , � . � I - , , n � ffimlwl­­.'�.' Z-: �� , * � .---- � -7 . I I . � - � - . -- -­ -- - ­—­,­-­--­­- - -- � - , - "R �—n - ; � ­7� ­- - � I I I �- -1 �1�1- h�.�­ , , �­ � I - � -, � �­ ­ — Rm� -r—'-- , ­ ­ - �­­­� - � ," ­ �--­�­ T- � �­, ­ , Z� -��z� ff . �:7�— -v,-- "'-7 --.9. . � . . ­ I - -". , � - - 'r �.­ - -, ? � I I , , .1 1. . - I I I � I -I - I , I �, I ­ . Z�, - � , -� . .-� 4 1 - I I � � I � - I . ­ I I I . 1. . - � ,� -�' � '. I - � - � � � I - .1 - I `-� - 7 �, ,.:-, - ,-.:. .� . p - - , �'. � I I 11 I � - . � , . . � . � I . � I � � I � . I . I � . ­ � --- " - - . - � I � - . ; - I - I , I I � I i � t � . I - - � . � � 1 . I I . I r I � 9 , - - �� , - � I - ­ . � 1-1 � ---- - - ,-- I . - I -1 : . � ­49911111111F.417k , - - � ­ - ­ . . , 4, . - - -:V 'r - -- . .1 � . I I � I � .. ­ I - I I - I ;.. - � I 11 - � I � I -�. - -- 11 I . , I � - ­ . . I � - I— I I - . I � I I I . . I - " -1 , I I I I � I I . � � ; . � I 1. 4 , �� -.-- . . -- . � I , , .,�� .. I i - I - I I � 1. - 11 'a � , . . : . � � " - - � . . I - . - I I - � - I .1 I I I - � 11 . - . - I I . I -- � 2 I : � i I . . K . I I L I L. I I I -1 -1 - I . I � � � . . � - � - . I I - � I . � I I . . " . I � . .1 - I I � . I � . I - . . � . ; � I ., - . � 1. - � . � I . i Z I � - -1 I - - - . - �I . . � I � I;- . ,I- - t:- �­ - �, �-W­ - - - --- � - , - - . - � -� I - - - ��� - - ., - I . I - - . � - . I ,�: . - I . � I � � �. - - � . ,-,,- � ­.�U,­­ � - . ­,­-:��--i­--­11- - ;��,,­ 11�11il, 7�1­, - - - -­�, , . I , - - I -� . , ­­.­�­­- - I ­� � , . , ... �, ,,-. - I - 1� - I - - ­ - -��, -,.�, �7*.AIT � � -, i I �., ,A--&, ..: - -A;�r- ".4, � . ,�,�I� :!,�` ��r',� ,�V ,� '7-,%4 ��' -�' , � - - - - ­ - . , , _�� _?� . - - - .� 0- - ' .1� -,�-- . I ­_ - i � � A X - ��p � I , -11 1-7 ­� - , , , , , � , " - � . ff, -- , - , �.;-i-,,�, Ir !O� -1, --- - , ft�­4!-- � . � � I , . � I I I I . i ) I Z . ; - I . I . � . . . . . . I . � I - ; . � I 11 w - . . I . I . I � . - I I . - - . ., - - ff7l�11",i-i�-i -. - "I I �' , _U " , ­�, :;�,*M �:­ - "I � I I I i �� I 11 " ­ ,�r `?�-�k-­.��'!.- ­- 4iiN - '. -- V . - . '-.j �:�'­' I - 1. , - . , - . I I - , -1 , . , i � ; � . i , I 7 .� ; F I -�� � - -- t�--t�;� A - � �, -\ - , - , - , � . V, � I ­- - -, . .. — , - I I . - I I . - � , � I - ; - I I r I I — ; -- , � I � I �.- - - . I I .- I . � - I . .1 � � I I I I - I I 11 � I -- . � � - � I I I I I � I : � . I I I - , , s . � �' .,�: I . � - ,. �- , � - , "'. ­­­­­ - -.-, - , --- -4 , ��.­� ­ I " - , ­',��­%­�:,;. � 11 - . ,.-- �' ­ -1 � , , �, - - , 11 , . - 7 I � .-- I � � � -- . -- -.��.'.� � � � � �� - ­� , I � �-, 11 �� . � - - � , , , c - . , - I ­, - ­ � ­ �-- �^ � ,� - - 7, . ,-- - - - 4 � . . - � .- , I - ­- � , - . , r , , .1 . - I , , , -: . - . - � � I I , I , - - � � - . . - . I I - - - -- - -v �: �.-�Z , ,.�­., : : . , ­ , , �� � - - � I , . , , - , ­ . I I a - . . . , L� - , I . ­- , ­ - - . - � , � � . I , I - I I I . . � - 1. . I - - . I . .. . � . 1. . , � - - � : . . - . - - - 4� . � � - � . 1. 11 � T . � � . � . I I i . . �� . � I � . I - I - � I ;1 � I ; . 1-� � � � I . � . - I I I . I . I - I I - I I . - � - , I . . .. H 1 1 � I - � . � . . . I I . I I � � - � � . I I ,� � I .. I I � � . I . I I I - . . .. . I - . � . . ; i . . . - I I . I � . I I I � I - . . I , I � . I I �, � I i . � � � - . . I - --- . . . . i .1 I .1 i �! �� I . - . * . I . h , I . � � . . - - . I 1� . I I � . , - . � . � - I . - � 7 I . . � I d from Mr- Wm. Mitchell.— t I I ;� - . . I � I . i - , . I . N � i . . . : . - - . . I " �- � I . . I . I . 1, � � a TV .. � I � : I I I LAJLJU 1206% 1891- I I'll � .. - . . � - I I I . - . 4 . . .- � . . � 14meter, ha7ve returned home. L L . I - ! � . . ! . � I 9 I . � . . I � . I �� . ­ . I . . . I - . 4 11 � . - . . ! � I - . I I - — I VENOM - - — 99est, in the Coantx ran- - -- - .1 THIRTIETH YEAR. J� - UP 'intO the' thousands i,rr AM - ` ,area variety onou h h Aw. 'WIEEOLE NUMBR% - 2,532. 1%4� � - g ere� - Aflow V� . Rost every taste. . �.� '.. �Im� - - R I � � F. I - - � � I . , . I - � . - ft givm up� to Carpeta _: � Fire � ; - - 5tore in the. County.* ZW -1 i - . . i * - 0, upper flat, W 9XVea up to, I '. I ., I - I irtment, Theft is floor "- � 111fil to let you, see the, -.. . , . ­ - S oke ' � � . . ,operly. sad judge just. ', ��] . - I 1 look whan; down. ,�, - . I � �� � - I - , r., I I � . .- - ; :1 - � . . - - I �19 bought from u , I - ­ I . - , -- ,,"Ou are, saved that 1mbor­ %1- and � -- i - -� � r ­ �. -11 i - ­ - � '�iu ma"cant, sh �-�- - ... I r ape for- -- , I ; I . . : . I I I �� �pineu. - we have more ;1, 11 , i . I I �. - ; ,Select from than ever. - I -- � ­ - I � , - . hir Patterns are new � - . [ 11 , Our `­ Water F& good, and our prices I-— - r 11 . - . - ' - , You find anywhere. -2� 1 .. - - . - - I . I - - ---n, � � . . - . 1".-%Mpia Valuea: -:,�I'i . ; - - ..V . 1-- I . - kvy Union. CArpet,n,aw -... - - ... . Sale I . e��,�­ � , ­ �, � Colors truaranteerl - 4i. -- : -1 1%W -*�, 'V 1#4 : � . . V - -.0 � : 'W W- --W. -%J -..r . � N,;r y 4 MrJ I . . I - ; . . . . . I 4119r- ; � I I � . � , � . I I I . 7 i � . . � � ,(�- ]E[9 -1FRII) A V . I li . . MCLIUM BROS.,.Publishers- - I I SE' I J3L JL APRIL 23, 189716 li . Y . . . I . . � 1 9 -1 a Year in Advance. . I I � - I : - I . I I I - . . I . . 0 ,� - . .1 $ Z 0 � -- � . . . . I - - I I .. J . r� , - I.. � I . I - I i . I I � . THE --' � SOME RANDOM NOTES -ON eight was very pre4y ; there were cavaliers - tario'Aet. I a telegram to Toronto, and. the youngster on of northern I � i 1. - . , sad ladies on horseback, some with elabor.. Duiring the last twelve months six cues was arrested at the Union Station Satur- 40 gan being entirely unfit for farming - I - . 1 0 BUAWOS AIRES AND. I ate saddle gear has4 with silver; carriages, have received the attention,of the officers of day. In his pocket was found a coloniev Mi hi , ARGENTINA. " � pu!rP68ew. The poor crops and very, low ; I I � - traps and carts, -ga�ly decorated in some the society in the police court. One boy, ticket to Brandon and $20, � The boy was price.of almost all kinds of farrapi6duce f I . I � . I I I Greig & - , cues and nearly always with balls on the aged 14 years, an orphan, found destitute, sent to the jail until the arrival of .:his. have proved too much for thousands of.in. . . (Wrlitm for THz IfimosiroR ) I " I I � I � . � horses, filled with masquers. Then has been ]placed with a good family, where father, J. . I �� - ductrions, hard-working 'people, the last - � - , CARiqrvAL. I . . . . I i .. I titere were 11 comparess," or amateur he is. learning a trade. A- girl, found in —The survey of .the proposed Windsor two years, - especiall be I the. worst, that I . 7 I - I am afraid I have n4 shown a proper a ' I . �� �. Z . evar exper : . ' . R � enR8 bands, each with, its . own uniform, 1 dissolute surroundings, bar. b�ork sent to the and Amber Aburg Electric Railway hast the lsrniarm of 11 . � �. I � i . . Of appreciation Of tke compliment paid me baiiner and insigiiia, - some of them home in connection with-tfia Mercer Refor. been .completedw . and the engineers? report ienced. This party were , to 1* joined i 'be the readers of THE ExrosrroR, pri some presenting a splendid appearance. Round m ' On an - 1'� I ,story, and Choy has 'pe committed to has be " taken to Toronto� ­ . at Sudbury by Aother' laW t . � . ocession,,up ad I . . . � from the eastern parb of ,ar17 � Macdonald or them, in wishing to hear . more4rom me and round went thisgay pr . the %eformatory at Penetauguishene. In -The fall wheat in Brant county never 31ichi- ; - regarding this interesting Southern' Repub- der one set of gaslight arches and down u ---n-. addition to this warnings have been served look L ad better at ihim time of the year. gan, in charge of Mr. D. L. C&ven, ! I - . L � . � I I & . - I . � I He, its people, its industries and its cities. der the other, in two� double rows, while in upon several families with very -beneficial Farmers report 'that in many fields not who is in tbarge of the work from that part, a - I cani6xly V've " an excuse the fact'that I the middlo r6de up sod down the -mounted results. . . blade appears to have been winter killed. of the State. This is only'the 1legf4ing . - ! I � I haveteen, so busy an to have little time to li ith th ': bl L uniforms and top In every community, ho,�ever small, comes —Mr. J. B. Dale has been appointed- of A large, immigration 611a, most desir- � � I ' a . I Clothing - - . Store think bf, to say nothing. of writing, letters. =a%&'r'd the '=hal,a with white riding 6'coasionally arise -which require the atten- postmaster of Wyoming, to -fill the v4caney able class - of settlers for the great wbeat- - � . .1 " Now,that I have, at last,. a tow days of breaches. Soon the fun became, fast and tion of the society, and. which are entirely created by the death of the late HI. 11. fields of western Cana.da. : . - - I - leisure, I shall try to, redeem" the promise I furious. The rolle of� colored paper were overlooked if no society exists. At ?resent Hunt. . .. . . I . --:­Mrm. Robert Burnett, widow of. the � � . � - '—A.NLD IT'S made a long time ago of writing a few jnore mailing through the air in every direction there are no working members outside the —Rev. Dr. Warden, t " reasurer of the For, late Rev. Dr. Burnett, pas, tor of St. Paul's . . . . articles for THE ExposrzoR. . between carriages and! " palcons," over tke town of Goderich. At the last annual ei Minion Board, now declares the de. Presbyterian Church, 11ammilton, 26 years . fl4r - . � It Mi the beginning of March, the begin- trees and,everywhera,ltill the streets and meeting it was decided to make a i t yet re , vigorous . quirod to balance the Foreign, ago,- died the other day in London. Dr. on - . ith hi . ning of spring with you in,Canada, the be- the carriages sad the fronts of the 11 pal. attempt to enlarge the active field Of the so. Mini fund to be $17,000.' - Burnett failed' to agree wi is congre- . . ; I - ginning of Autumn with us here. The time cons), and trees were .covered with them. ciety's operations, by the formation of aux. —A freight train on the Grank ,Trunk gation, and being looked out,xtartedanother ! - . I of enervating summer beat in over now and The 'I pomos " also were in constant oper- iliary committees in the different towns and' made the ruif from St. Thomas ba -Windsor- church on Hunter-ntreet,- where the Lath- � . I i -R�E,i SON* we are entering upon'the pleasautest season ation, and the street boys qrying their centres throughout the country. Friday morning in the record-brisaking time eransnowworshiT. ThededeasedweAmar- ! . . . . 0 * of the year. Here in Buenos Aires, we ,'P.Otnol3pom.1tos"did�s-rushin'g business. .The work of organization in the' different of three hours and twenty minutes. ried twice, her ormer husband bein Dr. -. � ; . - I ., I I I have in summer a damp, muggy heat that. .Many a battle royal, � with scented water centres throughout thu" county must be car- —The nesting capacity of the Roman Rat, broth Of the famous Arctic explorer. � I . lar 1 ' � - is terribly oppressi*e. Sometimes it seems 'for' the weapon, was fought, young ried out by lo�sl men. I . Catholic Church in Respeler is much too —Mr. Thomas Doherty of Sarnia some ; � i � , I 0 ' i , The reason- we must deal with fli-st, as if the hot day would never end, iind the fellows on horseback riding by letting fly a The active interest of the clergy and pub- small, and the managers have decided to t1wd years igo discovered a process -for hard- ! , . . -. I al - cry. � I for 'Without reason there: were no hotter night seems longer than the day. stream at some lady's neek ,or face, and - lie men is urgently solicited.A. � put in 50,addition se%ts ib�the'gall enibg scrap iron. Helas sold the patent . . No all that over however and a are 1 ,3- - : ;� A .1 4-1L '- 4. 4.1 rpl.- .A 4.. b + .4 A +16- . —A "it�l%­ -f 4 -LA A;..+w.7.­: --;�". � fnr flrart+. 'RA+.gk;n +.n �a a nAioafa ,nf a& ital- : -W -� , � 11 I I . 3 I a 1011 In Carr c*gw V 118 a ASSAW V 8,vu V. Lox.0 V" �LJVQ- - . &�a — J I i. � 11 . r i I - �-- - store. � In order that a high grade havint beautiful tum'n weather, with men. Often a man would be seen pursuin nual meetings of the, churches of different are considering the advisability of travel- iota - for XlOO 000 sterling. � The Amerioan � � I I --- � . A19 I I . I . � 5ftr-;�... , . . I 9 - havile 'been sold for a -considerable : � , -1 . ­ � I of all the different kinds of cloth- fresh reezes and.brilliant nights. a carriage or standing on its step, doing his denominations this spring, whon he will ex- ondon by way of the Dominion of rights I'll 11 I I .. V32i,Dn 'Carpet, Cotton _ - -' �111. ing that Men wish to wear, could This is the time of Carnival, forthe Ar- best to keep three or four ladies engs� . ling to L top tici -held - ­ . . ­­ plain the work of the society. nad pate in the diamond jubi-o sum, but � the Canadian 'rights are 1�� I �� - ' I ,ged C& a ar f i ­ - !ing - all Pure wool, looks -. -.,� ai any time be accessible gentines, like other Latin races, follow' the At once and g�nerally gettin the worst of For further particulars apply "to the lee celet ration. 4 bi the Do4ertjr process eompa7 off Hamil- I I-- . to all - . 1. 9 � 4 id will wear as well as an .. Amillag custom of having a few days of riotous, rol. it. � ,� president of the society, or to J. J. Kelso, -On z8aburday 10th inst Mr. John Black On. � . 1. I i - . 0.0 � who appreciate value first, and lickW - I . Superintendent of Neglected and Dependent of Fe 3r $5,000 for exporb cat- '!-Mr. W,. C. McDonald, i the Montreal � i -sold all over at - �.,. I. � Now G%FJ'DR . . iberty, just before the lenten * sea- It would be useless t6 attempt to describe rgas, paid ovi a . � 75c, . tle. The money �aid thus in Fergus dur- tobacco manufacturer, was 'co,ndeinned b . . � I - lowness of price,only as a. sbcondary bon. V began on Sunday which, as on the 'the costumes, or the floato, but the- former Children of Ontario, Toronto. I � I : . i I . . � y i I � 4 -O,OW Judge Pagnuelo to 'pay the ,parents of the I i . 60e.4 - I . consi4eiation. - continent� of Europe is a great popular holi- are of every kind, many pf them very rich, I V I . ing the. past winter has a eraged $1, � , . - �� t d of . .:r ii VO PlY, 8,11 wool Carpet., �.. - � —AT— ,; Here good- Clothing may find' a day, and to -day (Tuesday) is, the I& and nearly all well gotten up. Of the latter por month. , A . I late Alphonsine Nibaudean $1,999, the � %&r -Frank Baxter, who has for some �time amount of theii , , � . 8` and patterns,worth s5e !-.. - . - . I show- Carnival proper,,'but next'Sunday EIg - theie Were not many thi year, but one, a Evarigeli6ia Conference. . . . � , a:ctlou for compensation for I . .. � � ing �-,njostled by cheap spurious . - a The Canada Conference of the Evangelical been looking for an opportunity tostep into the death,6f their daughter, *ho was work- � ; - � � 0 nival will be buried. I doWt know the i 10A epresentation 'of a war vessel, 75m� ;, � , i -. ori- very,gc ' Ass6ciation mob in annual session Thursday, - � gin -to look was too un eildy, and eairly came to grief, . -1: stuff. tn�;v] journalism� has -purchased i the Blenheim ing in the McDonald tobacco factory when . good values in. Brusseli -� I- �' i 'of Carnival, and I haven't time ! � I - - . I try Garpc-ts. . I.- . - 1. 11 . I Because 16vers of good qualities have it up now in order to write gl!bly about it though it did better on th; last night. - Of- . April 15th, in Port Elgin. Bishop Bowman, World from E. L, Mottp and has assumed the fire of � April, 1-895, occurred, and died I - I . ts - I - I , - � . . ril Showers, three lines �', . alway6 found a stool-, equal to and make you think I am wiser than is the '6 comparsas " one -or "two had an their of Chicago, presided. The app6intmen possession. . . from injuries received by jumping from a I ­ . � I � any for the ensuing. year are as follows: 'South . . .- � . . . � Water Proof Circulars .- -� I . really the case, but I know it originated- in uniform the full-dress white guit of the -A number of exceedingly rare and valn- I window of the fourth storey. � . I - . - -11, . Iterns and Plain,Blacks' 11,�­ �� . P,a- S t S. dema*d, that may* be made upon the middle ages, or before that in Catholic Argentine Manro'-War'sman ; another had District " M. L. Wing, P. E.; Berlin, 8- R- able medals belonging to tho rich collection -The veterans of the Braut, County 11 Ir ki ort +I, I �-_ - - P - it in �the way of Yeliable goods. countries, being a ,season of license riven . blue costs and] white trousig-la wi th ._ 1,1.. Knechtel; Waterloo, W. J. Yaegex; Camp- in the. I j-, - - museumof LavalUitiversit have Highland Apaiment of 1860 have formed i;u � , - . � 5j%4SAAUJU0. . � - - . - � . . I kae by - one Of the be7st - � I a I . . I t - I . � A ,�ngl:nd, arelrfect . --, I I . - , whi h ;ver e you � .1 -.. :I, . . Bookstore get, r nore thaa the - - , . *ur money. - - I � � � , . . . . . 11 I . - ­ --.... "' IWIEF4 ! .- I .j.- � - ... , t . . � I opposite -i -1 ,inea, double Texture 1, -- . . 4 Coats, seams gammed. . . � - . .� . ' 1 24 inch dejachable I � * I ­ . ­ - -,. I - - - Cardno ff Opera Ra .& special at ..$&Bwa,--� �' - . . I - � I I -egular Clothing -Store, : �:- 1, pay', fire or six dollara '� -� - I . 9. 1 '- CONSISTING OF - L n: I -1. , te . garment, I -1 �. . I - . L � - ! ­­ � . -. I . . I � I . I . . . . - . . Books. + - - , � . . I - L - . * I I L L � � n- s � -.- ,e Bros, -. - I � . I i�� I . . . 0.1 0 �, ocationenj �1 I . � . ­ . . �,;LINTON, . - -. ' J . .. - I - � - -,., . . . . � . � . . � 0� — . d) Linderfield and family, Of:- , , � - . � � - - Wall Paper Qved into the dwelling he. .- d from Mr- Wm. Mitchell.— t I . Els�ake who have been visit- � " L L � . "ades- Window Oft 14meter, ha7ve returned home. L L - I I 1�?lkerd recently . a'L , . shippei �,, . r tine tattle from here for the- - - ,. 'L eastern markets. -.The, many . ' � . I I L r. .T. Berry, our aii"terprisidg .L- I ' : ill regret to learn that he has� � . . Chinaware to his room for the past, � - . L - - g�j OW to glness,­ 'bat we, ,-,. - ' � e i - - 4e around again,,—A�, ' * . . � ssware Qla . . four v:fflagors attended the- :� -, � 0 - cinematographe in Exeter.7. ­-, .' ' , . I I I L L � . ' 4 . ?ri ayand Sati&day ' emenknz& , - - I L I . . L Id eXprdas themselves a$ Well. - --- . , . Smallaco spent last week. . � -Exeter.—A very enjoyable, - the the. . Silverplatedware �at, parsonage of � karat and Ifills Green. circuit, . . I - . � . � - L & - Iva V31 the occasion. - I Iverware:, sit * un or the auspices of the, - - mit, , and ' despite the very - . �e of the weather and roads, L I ; — 7 'y good attendance. Rer. . mnmi� . . �; , id Mrs. Waddell spared nCP I ll!�el perfectly at home. - . L Jewelry regret -this week to- � . w , .. . � .. . . . isth of Mr. Robert Bell, sr.,,. I � I I bad, tomm-ship of Tacker; - - z Watches. .. 'urred at his home near here,- . - , . �� .. � 4 "emoon last. Ther docease& ' ... 1 # 11 months of age.. and had . I 11 . . I ----- -W ,h for some ime, h -V,* W 7 � t� , svmg; - . . I � - couple of sereie paralytic� - Milthreatened his life and - 'tring I � � I . clocks I . I ther past year anda,; I I � - *r of speack. But beinX . unusually strong and Vigor- L- . - - . I cutienj E It was not , - �, until Friday . � � ireek, that the third an7dt . � . 1. . .istrated him,, causing hi& �'- - � . - v . 16 following e eniLng. The - , � -� - 11 I PC ,uative 6f Stirlingshire,- � . . inkr&ted to, this country, .� I I - � � � Biq+s � � �q the late Robert Bell, and . I � . �L i* the yLear 1836,1 when bo- 1Z. i of age. From that titn&.- L . he 1-1 . � 'L . . .1 , Carr- * ' -Raby tayes rMm up young, man, re� .,- . . ,xestead, working hard,. to_. L 11 I I . . LL 1 brothers, in clearinj uv-- � � . . .-f eat, although now name - . � ,or a. ' - � . I - . I I �itaxio: 'He then engage& I rother'. William, who now , A, for I . L I Childreies Wa4ons a, number of years in I - 0dge building. After-thiisa �, i0le, attention to farmingi. 'In, - - -:LL � I - M- . . I Uys.7 etc., etc. , 4I waa ia,menstly successful, , , L the fin6st farmsa-longthe, I . - . . iich was. rieh not only in-, ­ of a fine mine,. - " e4nd other articles too " gra,vel . . -2 i a. source of great profit. I I i �,, Mr. Bell happily- . UUMerOUS, to Me,atiOnv was . � i � . � ... . 01le to Miss Isabella, eldest- . ­ . . L .1 . : � ,ate Robert Doig, of Kiip� . . L . ..* ,:,.:,. r _ L �,�sonsaud five daugh-ters* ,� � . . .1&ft1mw..-`* � . . r - ,aurvive him. ; his wife pre- - . L . � 15 ) yeurs ago,after a shoro- - �' - - . . . . � L ' ,left, he� waa a Reformer and �byterian, a -ad waa always- : , . - TIM -871tirO. StOOk . I . y a iLn hia famil , fto in whom . I I . I 6mabseat although about- I - '-njoyed a 'trip to the old, ' , , � � . will be deared out - i7 of 1kis birth, where he en- - L . � A from home. In addition '� . - ... without reserve .... . lably iitalinod, he wjwpjw�. � - ' . � . imusie and never seemed to- - .1 . I I euing to the tweet strain* . . - . �ment ; and while of late' I i , was largely found in tbis^ - , . �tisfaction having, — TERMS ' CAS 1H of A'buw . � �or his family, in forraer^ - . prime of his life he delight- . I . . . . f � P,>rts and pastimes- and ', L :8 L � I . . INNOWIT— t , aLrongesit man -in: the- cdm- 1., I - . I ! ;'of the inost aetive, on big- ' - :� . . . - .[ in nalany foot races and L '. ­ .1. I ,� -hich he was iu- _ ' L in w . � . ' ,th, .., including the time, he, ' -. ,I- -COW-PAPSI I V. V 0 1 �-_ 1 mig of war contest at- 11��-- . - xHuroixaiid Bruce I , . � .. I , Rollgorvlille cemetery On . L L . - OPPOSITE I X, last, waa - very laigely- � --. 11 � �cing �about 160 carriages� --. . I . � 0ARDN018 . � Th- 4 deceased ., was One . - I f I ; ' -1 ' OPERA HALL best known of -the PiO1106elr , L., I . . � ; I I . I . Taided here f ver - . LLL�----, � . . - Our Aore has flourished. the not toor intellectual people of those stripe down the side, which looked ver den, J. G. Lit6; Morriston, A. W. Sauer;,. lately disappeared and are supposed to have ass.ociation,!and will apply for formal -papers �� ; - ; times to allow them to get rid of their avi- neab and tasty.; the members of auothe y Blenheim, M. Clemens ; Rainham, E. E. been stolen. i . relating td �their important Iservicei; from - - . .4il,, or -nearly all the readers of the r Rife and L. K.-,Eidt; Hespeler, 0. G. Kaatz: —A party of young men Ift Kineardine 1861 to 1866. The organization has been 1 � mal spirits in order that they might be the were dressed as cavaliers of . the 17th cen- I . Olt � . .1 . . I lagara, . , ,. ExpokT are. acquainted with the better able to give their minds to more me- tury, and so on.. . ; . Hamilton, G. Brown; Ni J H. Grenz- last week for the Rainy , iver district, lauuAed mainly through the'effortsof Cap- , ; . locatioln of our store, on fhe wrong rious thoughts during the solemn season of by ebach; Gainsboro, G.. D. Damm; Arnprior, . , A6out'eleven 1 clock th� c'orso begips to along with Charles 8 11 Mp �� . . tn,, I consisting 'of tain William Grant, who led the Highla�4 I V/. Bolendei; ' Golden Lake, E. Becker; '0 I � . . side bf. the street. It is full of Lent. With ihe waning of the .influence .get thinner, and aboui� twelve there is a Billy and Gabtiel ,Xurdook Mo. companies to the frontier T o4activv service i � I I I - - 'all � and power of the 1%oman Catholic church it Rockingham, H. H. Leibold ; Bonne- Donald and his son Duncau, and Neil Mont- durin the troublous times of the Fenian. � t�les of Clothing, - from - Cloth- n befoie the ,lights are . ohere, : H. G. G. Schmidt; - PeTbroke, 9�- . . � I . , 11 I i � . ing in the 6rdin ary, to Clothing in � became, mord �ud more, simplympopular put out,, though groups of masquers may be gomery. . I � raid. I I . I - ' . revel, bill now, in most countries, its inost seengoing &boat the streets until the small J. Wilhelm. West District—D. Kreh, P. —A carload of B%rnfirdo b�ys, in charge —Little Carrio Daleyi-, * of Wiestfieldf - I . - I lwxurlousness, but whether it be 'enthusiastic adherents are, probably, those hours- of the. morning. There is an � rprising. g,.; Hamburg, J. Embach and H. J. Holz- of Supei.rintindent Owen, left Toronto for 3J .years old, overcome with -grief I ' Vi � I ordinary Clothing, or luxurious 'who most seldom observe Lent. Here, I ij little roughness, though ladies are not man ,� Worth East Hope,. E. H. Bean; TtL i- Winnipeg on Wednesday of,last week-, over at the depth of hei � father, ,mused I 11 . Clethin quality and fine goods believe,it was the custom originally to carry expected to leave their carrispes. � English- stock, F. Meyer; 86ringville, L. H. Wag- the,Graud- Trunk:. They wiIt be -located in her -own death by 6%bipg the skins I I . . _g, , ner; Stratford, I. M. Moyer; Millertou Iter . , are al* s found here. . I a figure representing King Carnival through women do; however, and go�,about mawqued - different parts of the Northwest Territories. of oranges., A aborb � time a - the . , ay . � proCMIDn5 all and then among the motley throng, enjoying a sort of .. C. r . ,G. Finkbeiner Maitland, J *renzeback; � -Thedeath occurred, recently, at D ; rap. and while the I I ll ; el ,undertaker maut, ww Kmowledgo of what guch a stoie con- . Y. Heist; Fall ;on, M. Maurer; - . I - Zdrich, A. art I ii P(iola, in the people were bus , the lialb orl got hold,of - - I.. � . � � Crediton, J. A. Schmi t 71st year of his age: Mr. Poole was a;' for- some oranget, .gibe ate thein skins and alL I . at twelve - o'clock on the last Sundayto " fearful joy," though there, is absolutely no Dashwood, E. Eby, 6 ; Norte, Colorado of Mr. Jbb . � � tains "must necessarily take some throw this figure into' a running stream or risk ff. they have a companic6. of. the strong. Aldboro,.. G. H. Wagner; Middleton, S. mar well known red . ­­vl -. I - tirae t� impatt,in detail. - I solemnly bury it. On the three. first days or seix,--excopt to'their ears if they under. FK . dent of Ingersaft, thirty was taken lWith - 001MV01sNe, and aiea. : � . � North Distric". P. Hauch,.P. . I I Her with to �e buried with her father w" - ; rug,p.,, . i � : We will n6t attempt to impart this i it is the custom to,throw water on passers. stand. Spanish. But then, thb libertV Eng- years ago. . . I � I . 'n- by, and on the last day, when Carnival in to. lmli women have . � t.. Jacobs, D. H. Brand; Elmira, D. -The Wallaeeburg Heral4's A, I - . � . formation * w, . is so ImAhina � that cannot Rieder.; Wallace,' G. F. Haist; Listowel, . prize of a .1 . . . I no but we will strive he buried, ashes are thrown. I suppose be understood or aPprdeiateJ76y the Latin gold fountain pen for the beat humorous. --A daring robery took,place the -other I ' � from �'Nveelr to week as occasion these thifiga had some ificance, but now races. . I J. C. Morlock; Wormauby. U. A. Thomas; composition written by a giA or boy under night at the' east and Undon. Mr. Berb .. . ­ 1 1 � ­ - . . . . . . 0. S. 16 years, was won by Arthur lancy, son of Madole of Dorchester, oti6e. tA the- city to I.", , Every night during carnhr4l, masquerade Finkbeiner; Hanover, W Baim; Port Elgin, James Clancy, M. p. pi - mid *1th i friend vislit. . 1. people have forgottien si Carrick, G. F. Brown,; Mildmay, wouldw' demand, to quote you our w9yu they -do it. - ; . . � prices, -.of seasonable goods. � But aside from its possible. a n and the � balls are given in the differeut theatres and . %y off a morbga . .. ' f ,el I 'a I P significance 6f its rites, C= is.& very clabs in the city. The for�ner .are very Theodore Hauch; Chesley, H Dierlamin and -on. Wednesday lost we the Pengelly ed the Dukei of rork,.AJ . ' In tha hotel . - . I Just now I Men�s Suits are hav' a 1) W. 0. Hoelin; Nipissing, I Parry Bound, - . � -�119: interesting .festival -to the '.'Gringo, who aristocratic and exclusive, b4t well worth L. Wittig. I - form at Eden Grove was put up for sale lu Madole displayed s6 toll 64 ills. Soon after- , -­ - ready isale. Our ran- * I cblie auction and knocked down to PeC�r wards he stm�'rted to wid t� the London . , r)e Prices com- has not been accustomed to such things. I seeing, while the latter are -l -well, wilder -1 - �. - , .. , . . I prise " c000d Suits at $4.50, $5.50, have found it so, and perhaps the readeis than anything you ever see in��Canada. Here - . alter, for.'$2,650;� It contains 89 acres,of East Grand Trunk itait - � :station. Two -. 0 . The ExamdnatiDns- - in the � kl m followed him � $6.50', $7.50, $8.50, $9.50, $10.50 of TVz ExposiTop. will be - interested in there is absolutely no restrain't so you can - choice laud. A short, time ago, $3,400 was men who were 4 ) The follow circular i nued by the off�red for the same farm. � � 11-1 . havilig this - year's affair in Buenos Aires ne *hat a scene there isi 'sometimes- . i I and when opportunity, , :of[bred knocked ... � - f - 1 $12.50. 1 . - . 11 county school ectors will interest many ' - I . . . iT 'no, I don't suppose .you'can,- tor you . I John Brown, a negro, has beam. arrest-. Mhdole down, gagged hi h apd robbedhim, -- Made to 0�der, we show .stylish, and at desenDed . w 110, I P pils -: iz ad at Brantford on a charge of counterfeit- of $65, with wlich thby Xb.t � Long before the time for the festivil. don't know what the South American peo- u . I I AWAY. - , I . � - � -� ­ � A , the sa?ne time reliable qualities, att epme around people were preparing for it, a are like, but its hilarious. 11 Entrance and public sch�ot 1�aving : ing. StroDg evidence -ham been produced - i - I � I - . -$13.50, $15, and $18 a and the papers gave the route which had Daring carnival all business stops, even 28bh June, 8.45 a. m.,, at G�qerieh Exeter, connecting. him with the manufacture of ' Perth N461 - - $10,$12, . I tl . � gan 11, Kin- spurious, -money at the village of � Harley,. -Mr. George Holmaxi. I of the old ,.-at- .. been laid down by the authorities for the a daily newspapers take at least one day Zurich, Bayfield, Hensm , 40 � .1 . I W I � suit. � ,il, St. Helena and Grand d f�r West some sixteen miles west of the city. I different processions of-masquers. Alon o ; care is thrown to the win4s, and evelry- tp tlers of the township bf iW ce, died on . I 9 _ , - . , . 7 . Boys'.Iwo piece Suits, at $242.50, these routes, � I I palcons " or boxes 4 for spec- body has a " big " time.. Perhaps, on the Auron, and at ."Ilinton, ibeaft rth, Wingbam, .-A vote taken at the Toronto W&n- the 6th inst., 9;ftvr lbo�ti*o ' WoOks' illness, ' . - . . � $3, $3.50, -44, $1.50. School tatoks, were erected, flag poles were set up, 7h�le, it is a good institution and then , Brussels, Wroxeter, Fordwi.,h and Blyth dereris' Bicycle Club concert upon'the que�s-.. caused by blood poiso#Wgj` iesulting'from I arches of gas lights were arranged and -other again, perhaps it isn't. I,m n1lo - - t for East, Huron. . tion of Sundaycare showed 1,676 -Votes in stepping on &rusty tiad. ![a was siged -67 1 i t goin& 0 1 Parits3� 35c, -50c, 65c, 75c, and $1. . I !�igh school primary examination (Form favor of Sunday- cAre and 328 against, It years, and leaves a wild6*4 � two soi I is and I ' preparations for decorations, etc. made, 3 alhout it', bat leave you to draw J ­ I I I .11 , Caps 4 15c, and 25c. Tweeds, 25c I) uly 2nd, 8.45 a.. in., at Goderich, h"' been contended that the bicyclists are: ; I On Sunday morning I went down. to the "your- own conclusions. I have heard a . . one dauthter* I I � I I I - in Cor&roy. � . railway station of the suburb wbere I am -Presbyterian minister say it 'was - a good Clinton'.. Seaforth, Wingbam, Brussel . a and, opposed to Sunday can. I , . -Dr� Mathieso,A, of st. MI", is spend-., . - I I Stated in Plain facts, we have one of living, to'go into the eity,and the first thing 'thing, and I have heard a man- who came Exeter. _ �--Mr. Joseph Kuntz, of Culross, has in a few. Wee - wkh bid tiiend Dr. `Omler,, I � the m6at complete ranges of Men�s that caught my eye who . a group of half- here because he made a mistake and put High school Form III d Commercial bought his neighbour Anthony Borhols 1W---1-1 .. I I- "I'll, . I J1 In Jo a Hopk nive i... altimore. The grownboys,and iris'infaueycostumes,- .thewrongnametoa piece of!-pd.per,and -&a Tarra is doctor intend daring his ., it to take ad- . ' - Diploma* aly 5th ; For ' III and Form . .: T . I Fumiqh-Ings in Western, Canada'.-. clowns in wonderfully figured suits Italian then committed bigamy out he�e, say that- 1V, July 7th, 8.45 a.. in., at ,Goderich, located a mile, or so from the village Of Vantage t pportutiiti6a offered ,by thitt I � - - .. . . . NightfShirts, Underclothing, Ties, peasant girls and each like. Arriving in it was highly immoral, which 16' what you Clinton and Seaforth.' Forr ill, July 5th, Formosa, and is a prime farm I fa hoe i for iho j6Udy of the mosti �� f I I T111 Ovary rO- , :1 . I - z now some 8.45 . m.1, . . I . re. ut meth of dealing *itb disease, And � Hosie Hankerchiefs' Collars, the city I found the streets along whick the'�. mightn't expent. ,, Anyway, I i k 8, at Wingham, Brassela and Ex- spect. . J,y) P 0 1 L . I L procesno: With gaily L people who had lots of fun this year out of . ,, gt i uspenders, Bathing Suits, - -The largest single shipm6ut of fresh of,mpplyin . - Cuffs, �S . as were to go, decorated etei be newer. todiodies. � LLL I striped bunting -blue, red, yellow, green, � the carnival and got no harm, yet I know if ALP lications for entran and public strawberrift' ever br6ught int6 Canada at - -j3,e�arge Muelhailtah4' of Brodhwgen, . I L Bicycle Suits, afid Sweaters, and white, while the Argentine flag, two broad � they had gone about it in a different spirit schooi ieaving examinations must be sefit this season of the year, was received by Me- passed away " Saturdayi i0th inst., at the 11 .. 'it might have. been a very different matter, to A . to con4e to the great factor in this stripes of light blue with a -white one in th Ina ctor on or befoi 6 April 26th. 'Willie Bros., of To'ronto, last Neek, for the age of 88 year#. He anGtkid grestly,during . list, The fee is rl, to be ptid 280 June. Easter trade. L They came from Oaklown I o4i Shirt stock. The colored the centre, was everywhere, and the 64 pal- and, after.all, I think that is just about the the last few weeks of hU ifiness, and 54astfi - ' � . nior eaving, . 11 - . . k y to tho situation. Carnival makes bug- 4pplications for primary, UL " I * Farm, Loidsiana, a distance of over 2,000 Wall & welcome relief. !,4a deceased L Skirt.1olds undisputed sway this cons" were-Araped with the national 3olorm , 0 - . I . It came - season,� and we bave a stock equal The streets of Buenos Aires are very nar- none livel anyway. i senior leavig and matr' i ulation -(High Milos. ! from Henan GLermsty-i tbbut 40 years ago, .. . � , I t I I � � - row, just wide enough for three catriages - � THE - W�iqDznER. School Forms 1, H, III an� I IV) mast be ' -A young man about 21 years of age,L & and took up lond oil tQ Bch concession .... . . - to 'demand. � .;- I - ; sent L to the 16speci6r before 24th May, so- stranger, a Red the� season ''9f , -suicidem , . I any, to move abreast at a slow walk, while all � - - No applies- JI I L Logan, whoral he r�sided lititil- 1,5 years %ga,l' , I - � & Secular a*nd SacreA. . coiiLpanied by neewnry faL - r1L T�e ft when he retirod � I The leadm' in colored Shifts aro. 75c, the kouses, or nearly -all of them, have-, y , � the Upper Suspension b id . . from forviing. I 4 $1, anii $1.0,5. . lialcony 6n the first floor. Across from bal- DrAi& Exposnor.,-It may be that there tion can be reeeired b bhe nspectors after giisjsr�, on Saturday. The only f exicM -Extessive prepmratW* are being made -! . � � L I - f0t barn buil . - i . . 001 I ky to balcony, or 'where there were tele- is room to doubt -the propriety of, discussing I that date. , .m. -left to ideatity him was a brown Derby in Downil d�hg. colt. MoNs- - �-� In White', Laungiried, - ask for our . Those who intend to hat, with the maker's name inside : I I Hall," mars and William Ballahtyno, G e, � phone wires, across and among and between religious subjects in the modular newspaper, ination contra in the West trn I - - . I . . , or. have I . . � .special,, at $1, Vulaundried. White* . them, were festoons of colored paper rib- yet seeing that items of church doings are . nspeetoral Boston. . I . material laid down flor � Arge barne with 11 Difision of Huron must send their applies- -At the Owen Bound amsize6 Miss Me- nts. A. 1A near Rai. I . Shirts we quote st.35c,.50c, ajid bons. These we sold in, rolls, which, with so freeLy published therein, and as your . . $tons usseme � . I . ing , in full r. Lediard for slander. . - i I tion, , name , to J. Elgin Tom-, Nevin sued Rev. M I mony�,lm building a stouls VZ:Ment under 756. ; . skill, can be thrown a long distance, while columns arevoasi6red by all to: be well . I ­ . . . - the -thrower retains the free end in his or ,conducted, kope in. entertained'� that any I. P. E, Goderich, and than i who intend to The minister had told the plaintiff's in d-' his,barn. Win. aphoWsi 694 161in Sqyo6, 11 .. In the Sprith,g, work Smocks and Over- . . write in the Eastern Divisi to D. Robb,I. e(I husband something that ck�sed hbon . I I her hand. When hundreds of different Cal- " t im to Si. Warys Road, hava iz�atakd read. -for - , y will be forgiven and � that you . S., Clinton. , � � L . L . y * ; break the engagement. The youn lad . � I � mus ate absolutely necessary, we ored streamers of this kind are intermingled 'w'iflib!'plZmaed to allow 9, little space for a - P ' * Y building. . � � -- I , ^­.-Tulem U86 weak, ; have t4em at, 65c, 75c,- 85c, and t1he effect in rather pretty. All the bal- few thoughts. . I For entrance, drawing 'bc Ok No. 5. and finally cemented to accept a lete re- --On I thilip Herolo, I c � . - the senior fourth class book *- and for -traction and apology from the .Xiinisier, who S., of , . onion were occupied by groups of laughing it in one a COPY .1 - I �V. k, bal deli.,;red to him, I I I $1. If you want the stuff, we haie f the pronounced features of ; I ; girls, who thfow these streamers. across to our day that seculara institutions have public sc6ol leaving, dra* ng back No. 6. will also pay -the costa. � the finest ihe italliou ever I � Blue De - at 161c, 181c, and 20c. 1 L Tho work in theme books'mi st'be completed -The special con1ittee of 4e Windsor brought to plati, 11the Animal in -a .1. - rry. each other, or down ever the shoulders of nothing to do with ecclesiastical ; that in, and certified to by the tow her to be the Board of Education has decided to hold a - - ' I ­ Cottonade i;'fnd Woollenade, at 16c, 1,80, those in the street.- Handfuls Of tiny scales, okurch and state are to be entirely 1 separat- puro Clydeed 11 gin -fArdmh*V` Mt . . - 9 . . Of littS i lDred paper were also show- ad. If Day, mportedin : as a OoI4 Rao I .,Oc, 2'c,. and 30c work of the candidate presenting the celebration on'the Queen's Jubilee . . � . -this be true, then it must fpjlow as book. , I . 1 V6 Herold -- � - . � I nug co 4 1 . June 2 -2nd. After a procession the children now hex t magnifio"t, � horses ,in 'his i 11 . eref Idawa on pedestrians, while i n unwary dqually true, that ecclesiastical institutions , p blic school ,a i ' I � I I - I ..a ....... a.w .. a aving boo K -keeping books will go to Walkoes Grove, where the day eta mat ix- yo '41 A I I I passer-by-, especiallf if he had i �n a nice have nothing'to do with . things'- secular. bles, 146 E I I I J i2gloader," and L . _ a . - )t : I I WE HAVE ONE PRICE TO ALL 'a But whab do we see ? Notice$ of �the a". will be examined as in form.r years. Will itt in different kinds of amuse- I " His fiord ,. . . spick and span col ar, was likely th h%Ve & . - ' . . . i .9 . mentbaeSIT sports. The chil,d�'oa will each , - I . 1. .. . . . 11, - . � Aream of perfumed water squirted.down his rament of the Lord's suppei, together with . be an . ' - -Almost huadr.04 . r4.preman. 1� I --.. neck with, a I I pomo " from any a )an door- the number of admissions to the ordinance , kda. ,Tplied with a Canadian flag and a small , ting alinogt overy Wal tood with ... ­ 11 k axwtca- . mods, . . , A." is.. I I . I - I accomp . W raig,. - - o . , rgus, has been rman � " * I . . - Z . . I ! � -- C I ---f oil; claims took" ad t he ps sap the other ! , , MONEY, BACKIF WANTBD.- way, to the t of ' burst of mixed- up with all the little secular Items if -Mr. J. J. . - L � the Go V. liCS1 at Tavim- i ` , .� . . -�nimeu a � , .016 i w -miss Estells, Corn of D�ndss L ,to i � . oman�a laughter. Theme pamos, which are the -community. Nor is this all. wi� find elected president of the Q adian Lacrosse ,call _ . . . . . , I � I that her husband's fathat and i6ther, Jere- night,sund . Rev. ;AdUrs, �Ieyar com- I 4 - ' I an indispensable �adjunct to carnival, are the church am a church foremost ial all the assobistiols. I - I . � I I � i Minh and Mary Cornellf have alienated her pletelyby, an prime. A J`orl appreciative i bes of-yarious sizes, like thoso in which smusemen1to and entai'tZimeats (t�heie are. -TIO Dominion obampio iship-race of the humUmaid,t � I J sffectionm from her, and have -do- address ' , i GREIGIf MACDONALD 'y*bu got oil into, filled with ,crfumed ' - was road, after W a pastor Melor ! . . secular) things) of. the day, mush as 4a -meet- Canadian Wheelsmen's As ociabioA will.be w4vad her of the comfort *hiofi every'V�ife Was 4 Witha OU" � 3 ' . . .. L L I I water, a thin = Of Which can sentb, ings,.Christmam trees, aniuversan"', piew , as keld this tear at Chatham. I - afeate 06 a $200 : mad 1% - - ". . I I . 6i� in her husband's love. 8he is suing nu"Mcrl of other things. A plessaut even, - I . I ' Me distance t and with rat so. and socials of' ivory - description, 'some of resident of her father.in . 'CLOTHIERS. . . -Mr. John Jessop, a pioneer _law and moth , ­ I � . . . or -in-law for , - - ---- . L � - curacy, when skilfully manipulate . �5 them exesedinalv foolish, productiva of the Essex county, died at his home in'Sandwich . ing ws� then 4pant, " L � � It . � .. . $2,000. � . . I - L . I The streets were also spotted with laugh - is Ig as the crac0ing bf Friday, at the age of 93 years. - ­ . -A year.& ,'a the boot bAd �" store ,of I . I . On the Wro� Side of the Street, in the 1) . . : �Two 'cam of cruelty to children were r. - ig St. Maty.9i w" burgiffiriz" i ; . il . 1. . - masquers, principally boys, hootin blow- thor toOdehiiesK -.one iresid '.� z ! .9 no M . pot. -Fort ents of Woodstock are . � - Sbroiig Block. in pelting p each other wi t unsuitable � union, ov . 7 a of a tried by the authorities in Montreal one day L one night and la fi�rgol qu-sitity of goods were � Z I . � L e - � i I I i last week. - In oiie came the warnmin was taken. No 016C to the oilty party WAS - fi� .horns, . i &h adders There is still another I er eighty year . One colored ; . I ad with wind,atid having a good,wild time that nis the singing of hymns and so_ns gentleman is 110 yearn 91 I , . . , - . fined L SL . I 64 - $5 and costs and to $10 as a re- ever foutd, at and d * last ,week Mr. a. poor child indeed: that -H merchants are importing -rlu ­, . v I . � - SEAFPRTH, - - ONT. enerally. It is ]promiscuously for entertainment. I alifax tea . - r � - . _ _ yy . ps' raig'"cei a letto tough the I � corapense to the child. In Me other case, C "' i - .for brethren tkese things oufhb not so th 6. eat 4u,antibies of, tea, in 0 a. belief that the ad $5 , web, I . I I - � - lees not have some sort of a - costume I - the man and woman accused were fin enLelo$il I I � It ; . I I ': 'I I I e *11 , I ��` I ; V, I . to., i J2 . ]a 0 i , fi� U 0 Mi . ) I , a . is 11 nee day Taviitac -W t ;i ffle, .87 -f hroe . � ni, P. I I your rea, fl: ' I " ht MoUbhle IF 9 I . . . - caamival. Theiy.cau be bought very cheapli What is the opinion o ers on uty will be higher. � I office VZ I � and asking that . : I - _ each. ordered to pay the gir . eig the same be i�wlr"imno a - id through -the I I � ZXPR &4400,..., .. at most of the dry goods steres,- and besides this matter. I I . . � , -A men named Willi m James, was - it $4 per, month, ana this costs of the town papers as . LL � I a for the -stolen Z� L, � the mady-made gidta there is plenty of cheap - - & RFADEF- arrested at -Barrie for- 'for- ' Rev. D. D. wag" " . ' ' � I L . . 4 - the whole smounting to $52. . � ,r I I ---­ I or $15. court, goods, - � - � figured cotton to be had for a merb trifle . : . ' � I i �Aft , � I -Ninety�one Chinaman rrived last week . -Xim. Kettles and Mi.. Stuiidfi, living -Mr. T. Mrlee, who form I li i AlkAff from which to �make costumes. Clown The County of Huron Cbildren's * � , L er y � mod. m � Mom -.Y. OrdeUm. :uits, or 11 Pierrots " as they call them here, I I I . at Mon' breal by the C. P. R from China via on concession 7, Ennisfil, near Barrie, have Noi* Ematho)?e bat left about fifteen Team i , * I - - Aid Society. I . eloped. The.wommn!i husband and Stan- ago for Manit6lin Islando ` is psym* i it I � . sem to be the favorites with the boys, and . t on the m ugar plantations Lg a va I I . Z - L Vancouver, to work I ,&IL- &---*I -A�--- - 1. -TIA .2 A - U..� L L.��' -,-", � /� I . I I �, . ter, of Cuba. - d1up SM 01116 88 Lr Wat UWA film GO ILI Arlen. 19 an � U X* � . &a 10 : 11 - you oan got one of these that would make President --Ernest Heston, bs'Fnis �. L I i I - I � � th ordinary Canadian boy'i hair curl with Goderich. . . --� t Works i4tiniste terma for Some tine, the two Me& He ham �ftn the last fout j�ontU in _the a _a a I . I , I .The Rathbun company" I cemen . . L . � y I j, . I !� I � Co=encing AprH lot, - . low. - Vise -president -R. S. WiLliams, nianager ,,apanee Mills, have roe eived an order - having worked tog6ther all *i4ter in ihe infirmary at Toronto, A6 arrived there/ .� r envy for a coiple of dollars, or. even r at N - '. I � .1 �4 . ' r out timber. Kettles stone blind with cataract qA both eyes,, bat' � The. Dominion E prom (30 The patternx are endless, and eaeh is more of the Bank of Commerce Goden'ch. ! - for 25,000 barrels of comen � for the Trent bush gettins mined i . I � , mj?auy � � � I $50 fz;im I& treasury ihorblF after tke by the means of a sitoowful lop -his � 7 X . The I I conos 11 or Secretary -William Lane, . L I will inuo from all thoir- omess, ontre than ,the others. . county clerk,. Valley ani St. Lawrence a ,sale. � � . orstion - , . . . . . I " i4rAl althoi ; Z . - . . . f InT uers I I -.-IMr. M. Robson, of Ayr, will build an elopement; � , eyesight in fully rom _;gh still � Mon 'orders, at the following re- 01, I T , were not a success Goderich. , -At the 'big sale of the - pr6perty Of the weak. -He i* waiting thd bpening:of nan- i , � nafrat4w : Not 6ver $3, Be; over - ' - Treasurer -B. D. Grait, Goderich.� elevator with a Capacity of 30,000 bxsheh� I - . . _ � processior'! t ey were what the na . bmUk f -ifly good L gstio I � (1= the first n th " Is u to got � to hid 1 6� kid home* with L $3, ,not 6 . ver $5, 4o, -,-over $5, not . tivesc&ll Glliam4re" (cold mast.) On -the Executive committee -The above Inamed to take the place of tke one recently b;;;;i ,members of the Mildmay I . . i I I . I night, ho�reier, thore was a - very officers md the clergy- residing in the' town down. - . pricas were ,realized. - The woolen mffl which be, in highly ­ . . over $10,1 6c ; over $10, not over BeCOM . i f sold for $15M tho urehmser -A chsAvad ease from thO 16th ,00noes. !, � , - 1 $20, 10o ;.over $20, ;io.t over JW, " good one in the suburb of Belgranoi so I will -of Goderich. . . . -Last mouth 161 tons a wood ashes property was I . : . . I 9c ; over! $30, not over W, 15e ; describe it to you. 'The,eourse had been The minion of the Children!m Aid Society were shipped from Fergus, 'most of *high being Andrew Zettel of Carrick. Re bank *ion of Elm&, iwas tried 4 Listowel the ... I . . I I2 � laid out along th6 widest street in tke town, is to seek out children who are homeless, wentto the United States. The price paid building was sold for $35ft and Mr. other day. �iout 90 ye�ng fellovrs had �' over $40, not ever $50, Igo ; over � tm -- Schurter'n private residence for:$170D., 3dr. gathereJ on Tuesdayp the Ath init., to Wei. I - � Santa Fe Avenue,� ana all along it, *that is neglected, or Hying *in a - vicious atmoNphere, was $3.50 per . 1, . - * . ece i I $50, not Oyer $60, 200e. ; over W, , tl martted in Moruilt- d , - not over $15, 25e ; over $75, not the course, which! extended several, , Ao find homes for them in intelligent Chris- -John 'Widdifielal, Of Sil m, has a short- Geoge bunges arm of 1510 acres wao -come a pair r , a y � ,, - . double arches of 1�w ligW had been=. tian families -'to visit children so placed horn'calf which, at four ke old we' h-, sold to &JAMr. Beachler of Wato6rloo County ton. The brid ;roorn had -�ut up the beer over $100, � 30c ; over $100, at same - I x. ag torningto � L �, rates. The orders are cashed atall Then near one end there was a g0ery like out, and to juard them against abuse and �ed 183 pounds, and 208 unds at. Iva for $6,M. . for the boys in IN _j'tnd objected to �� ,me d colebratioiL The young men �' . . - * to in Canada and the an arch across 'the street, in which a very n loot. � . weeks. . - -Mr. J. N. Grieve, Canadian Coloniz. a secon ., � . i DrUICIPal POM an ught the agri. atioln Agent, arrived at Sault 46 Maria, the L l - fi - - - - - - -1 Unitea States - the only safe good band playedl during the evenini. Along Oft in cheaper to save &-child than to feed -Mr. Louis Algeo has 16G& u% It -he ' " o' W 'a " to X I the edge of the strpot were the " I*ooni a criminal. The Childron's Aid Soci?ty cultu�ral and race grounds Biadford, con- other day with a large numberl of intending up the housetatid 9 , for ;T� 9 - . method of, remitting money, and '. or spectators' .b�xes, I draped with the na. provides the legal machinery for saving !isting of 30 acres at land 11 fenced and settlers for the. Caua&au Northwest. They groom t4 ref , , and *,hod he storW 14 -- th public'no doubt will appreciate . � - most desir. drive hoine at night hefouAd tho Uve bar- . t I were from Michigan, were a , - avert i t . . . % stop in the right direction. . . tional blue and white. Then there wire children. . I . . in good order, for $1500. settie ,V . ; .4 A ­ ,V 0orn UP-' . � � flags and buntingi everywhere, the fronts of in every comiaunity in which an active -�--Donald Beattie, a 14 -year-old boy living able- appearing lot of - rs, . ka 4' � g neaded with an 'a al L - I — - - ' a at Kintore, Oxford county, "formarlyL belonpd to Canada. loss, ' 0 Scha&de t- ont.94 it jd4o-rosd and WAS �. . P all ib� houses being more or low decorated. society exists it in found to have a stron with his parent ia"4. I I - � - . I About seven p. 1 m. the avenue began to educational force, �nd is a. wholesale cheof ran away from hls homal, sad went to -their Canadian homes and going to Micht. gre:ettied *rit fusilado A ibud. Some half I - - I I . I were brisk in the lumber n who were not doing *Ucb dxmPt be. � . . - , Raualdll Ewdonald, fill up, the pave�enta being crowded with upon careless or vicious 1parents. Toronto, to see the nights. :Previous to his gan when times . I -16 .came up and . . . i i . -2 &-a. -, ­ 11-.- I ,&L _ . his a cm, a an a an goo], but no4i when lum- ing present waited tiff I I � , &I- � � Im-016ildren2a Aid Sonlef, for the muinty departure he had emptied mothee mp d w g . I I - . ­ . - I mvwjuerm 'an Veu %PL V %; V we p JV ' be�n in practically are forced were ;uAzod Alu vmufutf Pm&' 0 . . - . I k ha,se the v,�mp�thyy of' - . 0. P. IEL Telegraph and Canada Accident the boxes with more or low. pretty girls of Huron was 'formed in'Goderich over a. purse, which contained W, and need the put, thoi _ , . . 1-�:. ' =., who lined thOW41 and eats. � I , ley hwve sustained, of a- � - I I penses. Him I new homes for themselves and their magis I I I . . I :1'. . � SE A FO RTH 11 dueb'Res." In the street the year ago,'under the provisiom of the On. cub to defray ex parents-- sent to I 1 7 1 - � 41, . ­ . Insurance Company Agent. with their . I . I I .. t 1. . . . . � A I 1 14' 1 ! : � I ; .K. - - .e I .. .. . . . � I . . . I � I i -;., - . - L I - -- - I A