HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-04-09, Page 8A—— . , - ___ - -1 --1____ -_ -- - I . . .--F- 1— -1 - 7 �F_ ;% . . I - I
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ild' slight hop".
)in Ing is, most covered—by biNan". cLoko, all of which attracted- notice and San Go�eri�h street, hao'been laid
aw Xb,Mad* are entertained for his Past few weekso and' who was, i
CLOTHING, Mr. T. M. t, who had kis Is,* Office Oyer forth, many plissing comments. It is� upf I I day quenee tL
or :a ery.-�-Xri. Win, Ple*es Ing
the &*toi�e, aboa loner from. smok6 and coo so tL 0 �. Iff
o, _pevera 6 been vori -to give- Up a donee' BeautITUI
worthy of meuti u that the dla�olay of shirb but Ahope Na twith, a severe illoose, , po.oi her f bli ad
water.. - whi Mr* J. L. Smith's dry gooas Waists find blo soon r ver,—Next ly for some time, —Mr. T Mae M, the high 8611061 at Clinton, is now impr
_Uses Was Lalmogem noticeable, week belu'a Holy *�k,_. there will be i divine' laid up with* an.. attack of I& g it Joyt Wb 3
Owing to Unusually large buying this WAN 401490d with w r as the millinerNy di I J d ing bYL the service inSt. Tfi2p"__ 1p �h( nicel o although still very oonri
ate ap Sy. L U I lop churoh on . Tnoode, , is now able too go arouud.—Mr. !Aomsa dart old here on T #day evening, last
*eason iu Maae-Up Clothini, which we slid = t hur,
the stock coilsiderably dam-' hundreds of 'dozens of this really- useful and Wednead�y and Thursday idghits,_ at. 7%, BalTd is now compelled to use a oxne, lowing -week, in Coxworth's han - the talent.- being
were cov -of ladi
zed Th ori in of the fire is a, degant Article
apellett to in 6rderto adbure close ag Th mystery, 't I on on' and on.Goaa Friday, morning at 10 30 to to injurfee received to one of his kneeimak. all from -Clinton
pate was a very good one, but
the com di
inside pno", we find we are curtailed fire the store all the tables and -coun t eigr't o memorate the lost hodrebf Our �;I�'vZ M iffin
for m there h n no INK, Ing walking somewhat ffloillb.—Thl on- the attendance ' i
room to show our large stock. We purpose day aid a 4hing win s) ahirtwaist b yet on the ascendant w" not as large as it would
lyparently A
ght Lordontheearth. blies Grace Robertson gine in the snw raill broke down lag
pest ten I b'week, have been if held under the an
9 t a Idt for her home in Oakville va, Thursday, necomaltatin spices 0 guy
ms�iro a clearance of a lugs portion at when they V. about ha f
g the closing of the mill a of our ehurches,or societies.—Mus Paffle,
SWAP BA:RGAIN PRICES. Thi previous ev The -portion of the stock . Sucozssrn HuRox Boys. --4A the list of -after having spent the winter hate with her short time. Mr. Wit8oh, who in a hu'stlerr who� has been Visiting with friends in Tor -
which had removed was placed in the those who have successful!y passed their ex a Mrs. T. Z Coleman. Mimari.13eittie soon got break repaired, and is no wl run- onto for quite a length of time,'has returned
'following, WX giv nist IN.
a you an idea, -of wbab will store ad recWtly occovied, Aminations at Trinity Medical College, T b f fall blast. —Mr. M utard commenced �home here.—Miss G. Morrison, who has
jetr - o ning.in
and on our bargain tables. . Mews, by MrL 'gut die and an if *. Papers 'lose roato, we notice the names of the following, eir soo o rk was scold to Messrs. seedinglast week.—Master David Roan, of been T1
be fo 6 street o. Bros, �ish us to -state that' only
spen Ing
Suita- worth $7,_. $9 and $12, will go for had not bete suli y laxioi, some sneak Huron be F. A. Scott, Stanley, and T. R. F. Case irCo.:, and aot the entire Clinton, Was
di a number of weeks,with
U70 and $5. Child H
$5, $6.75 and Boojrla Suite worth 84 Ili friends hero I oln Hensall and Bayfield, returned
$57 solid rl, for 82.85i U our aeb friend
broke into to quarters on nholbr. Scott, Sedorth J. S. Hogg, stock as inentioubd inue of March week.—Mr. Ch" es d shipped a fi�e__car home- to London on Monday last.—Oar mlor#AT San- arl
dayight, d sto a a silver watch, a quan- son of al on I
Is Mr. James M, Killop Fred. '19th L. load of butcher cattle to Moutre d-' councillors this week secured the services of
ren's Suita Nvorth M, r2.15 and $4,.to. be t ii#tyv- ff p a r f .—Messrs. Charles Walker.
and other small tvinkets. 'Bethune, son of Dr.026un:, Worth ; J. 1�ora left here on Tuesday for Vonecouver, nesday.
having his tGow 0 �W. Livingstone, Sawforth, -and J.. T Britj$h Colutabia.—Rev. Hodgins dealt
slaughtered at $1.40, V and $92.85. Mon!a, W, Papt
mi r4ime rary, quarters Mr. F. W. Farnoomb, Ontario land our.
Boye and Childr6r?s odd Pants, Coats and fixed, U Wi -of gambling Do"s"le.
1. . P &an U il veyor, to take the bearingsJor the proposed
Vests at corresponding red ations, Ask to drains, sod have thus made, a good careful cuing display. -
AgAilm with now stock. This was one of cler1r. Mr. Be
a" our the firit
I A felo &ay* open out Elliott, son -of Mr. William Elliott, town very forcibly with the. subje6t We made our Op
Ott graduatod with honors and bptting latheirAifferent forms on F1
$4.50 --Ill WO;I,Men�s Suits. Won SUR- ITEMS.—The farmers in thi's viciuity� have start in what is, one -of our important and ng Millinery , list week,
the finest otbres of the kind west of Toronto, and silver medatj Messrs. day evening last, sod has announced fdr started seeding.—Mins Jeanie Slacko� who preaning wanti.—We
-2 & and it will I� some time before it can be Hogg and Bethune passed -their third very much zegret, in the dieplak, attracted thr
WM. PoIcka- 00. ye�r next Sunday evening the subjOct of iotem- has been on the nick list for a Ion h of common with many of our citizens, that our
people to the itcore. eat
Pitt in as _92o�d shape again. Mr. -LivingstonaL his final and Mr. Elliott peranas. The Saciament of e baptism time, in. slowly tecoveri Mr.', mom council rescinded their former- rnotion to put There eat.
oIisfirsb�year. Masin Scott -sod Living- infants -will be administered 15113 30 Nieholson, of the Sanble n no doubt -that we
Wflson7s Gash' Grocery has a d have ex
—For Rome time t stonshaveyeti to Pan their examination a in�threa ground, tanks, and ire now on
'Mr. Trotter shipped i eat load olo'ho'n'—s ry
pan fino'horsoo for. which he received a arige going to ut in one, as we. fear
o- I in . can the fact that for
thers has be im talk of an Increased mail before the Medical Council, This dome from this station for Brandon, M Of High -018% Fft-IF
Webave extra, good value Just now In Tes. out arvioe to suitcobst sum. Mr. W. Wild 4nd sister tile anythinglike a Is ding - fire in ionable, Millinery,
tanoe lout no6o nation Was theTillbe full-fledged M. Ds.- Mr. - R., on Wednesday. Thompson went at
doylon bla* and uncolored Japan Tes at 25o 9 guests rge or spres
V101 taken in,the matter until a 0ay or so �)f Mr. Ed. Etue op Sunday I of our frame'.ranges, that one task
ad as the beat we ever had for the money. B. ohn Stanbury, son Of Dr. Stmbujy, of f them. O� Thurad egrove this in the place tocome.
Y, John Me- Mr. Robert Nicholson of -M I
"I"Ve W best black WhOrL XP-" -Bayfield, has pawed! his final year's examin. be Pound altogether -inadequate to
And Irr"a Teas In the matkok io ware issued callin W:Uld
g for =IPPed a car, load to Yetroib.-The. fum, sol horse latefy
and retail thou' for 500 per pounk. The bat quality ton'deri for g the Mail to C-Diftiance tion, taking the d a valuable U�r the requirements. While ouir do,
of -Thplart Tes for 85a per pound. boo Japan Fellowship do roe with Toronto Globoo of Wednesday says Dr. Win oil are an,
'hiended for a- careful ex well within the mark
evDump Passed through town on Sq#day be: always 6om
-y dry. present the only &'tri- Brat -class honors and winning a iplorna, of Sloan of Dunn av h IL WIN W -
at 100 pair pound, or 8 undo for Sky, we guarantooe-, We are
nuet W 0 has been in last 011,11111"WaY to Mr. J. WiWsi diture, and desire to keep our 'we say hat there in
satiffee-Noxi or return IKs In weekly servi aind the rou far an honor. In addition 1 the Ifellowthip do. pm;710; in Park= for some taxes andnan'-
o"Y'. In Osgood vaget. to ex -
no die
*blow. we have the celebrated Delhi Brand, IM pseL Hario6k. U der the now. state Of years, left play it
affairi ores he took that of M., D. 0. M., with yesterday to take UP peses down, yet there in a danger, the con
of honors, *at Trinity Univer Im
2111of Aid the best. A full line of choice fresh which comes into force after the first his rai4ence a ain in Dashwood. ON Of a false eepaomy, and we think th Uty �o equal thin. We Aw-
�4_ &TOM40 always on hand, at the lowest cob price. j, KY. In one sub- Seaforth, his former homei,* On , Aonday pZN01W
uly next, t a anxious
Flnestnew made-Vaple smg, No per gallon. The. mail will be carried every ject he stood next to the silver medalist No$'-Haffmin Brothers have as- Witter an Y- is i inatter where too strict to-h&*O You see it, And V V. A -C
highest Price.paid for all lilw ofloroface. fistiance to Seaforth and return, and in another to the gold medalist. r. tra v6tiou of 'Mr. qcOI
fro6om. Co evening a number oi the nisitibers of Dart. ot for the pf
0.@b for day oured the con 2omy 4. cold not role or be- paramount he glad to show you throu
ogp- and the We edin Camp, Sons of� Scotland of which D
gh afty'
ack mail will be taken to venture toay that no other ooun the SIL obern now brick' hotel. -Mr. R. Davis toithe safety mind best interests of our vil. time you are in
can has been camp phyisjoi6n, met at his town. -Youll
C. WiLSON, Senforth. Leadbar t times a week as usuaL province can show a better record ly In and Min Ida'Snall, of Exeter, spent 'Sun- 14ge where therels at -least any resionable
the home for a few in' be pressed to, �Uy -if you d
1874 Where it mutes to wish him well and day with friends in the village. -The Y: doubt bf the provision devised or made fal. V
r of their pleasant. People's Alliance of the Evangelical ol Oun isi short Of the actual requirements in th
route. This, on some other arrangement of our Huron boys, They always come cut relations with him.� Dr. an'd Mrs. Sloan nouarnof a
entertainment in the cue of a large fire that Might *90ok it:'su
shut out our 014 friencloo' -on top. We oongrat late our young friends will be greatly: mined in the want" endi church on Wier t not our'coun@I SO ye e Our'stock is brig
Bank of Oommons Bloak., is made, connect -with hhe Brumels above. We have always reason to be proud present him with a gouvbni to. a
intend giving 'an..
hi Thomas Neil"i. who for years has carried each and a.11, on their success Monday evening, ApA 196h. - t" ' lit,
t gi freak Md
Expreans Order& In where ley have had the req IN
Iwo on the mail 000k met
onMr. Glue and family have moved to COD ine- oration, as tractive with New Goods,
fro 'fri
to Seaforth, and fidence of.-aN large n� bar of ends. Rev. be rdL* yery careful consid otti of
who, has �ed himself a faithful, Ual villa, where they intand'keepx*ng 0 bt, aim' at the best int*re
E-GMOXDV1rLE NOTES. they no eve Ing
es having been added thk
-On Tupoday I n. Rural DAn Hodgiis preached at the Lenten house. -Mr. Smitbo of 9' a
obli an efficient servant, and we Ing aw of Molsou's servicer moved out villagai-Mrs. D. Weiamiller has been
1, Mr. Brewer, manager- has
think the P tmaster-Geneml- could no -in St. George's church, Guelph, on into Mr. Ge week, and our StylesShVen ant
b. do bank, Clinton will ve--a magic lantern an. Friday Kellerman's house, re. RP"Airig the Past couple of weeks with her
�han � appoinb Mr.Neil evening I"t.-Mr. � Dunlolk of
send' betterl
The best medium for Ing money in ans as carrier tortainment in under the SUS'L Orillia� is visiting Mr. 11. Link. -Mr. H. mother At New Hamburg. -X social will be
it his auaV Mrs. no - centl or a
letters by our c arch, y ieMy residence on Main a uesday'evening, at. Rev. M Trimmings are correct, and
mail to any place in the on'the new r4u4. XV Roese has sold his held next T
I - treat r.
of the Ladies' Aid Society. Several Harpurhey.
World. Require no- application -no pin" to Mr. J. Smith, Of Stephe wi ell, absolutely RIGHT.
n move
WHAT the ipeople ee I gJ talent and 9, pleasant time is expeb to t a village to reside. �Measrs. J. Holz of the
by purolissers. say. -The co
selections of music will be rendered b who will dd s. It will be under the. #uspices of
waiting and no writing foocoad, tey Hills Green Methodist church, �b
tamps at cost -furnish ata, in
at any other @too. A. Youxo, Seaforth. 1530J At A' m Willert . have 6ppned out a shoe reverend gentleman's stations. A good
tionery and write brieteorrespondence - COU.Wo special eat* f -the store in the shop formerly occoupied by Mr. tiTe is confidently looked,
We supply a At A. YOUNe's has a differenj flavor from what I got A aniall adrn siou fee will be charged. TuOrersmith. and 8% ne W
What a happy people we Canadians. should forward to. -The
township council held at
K;.10,310ZI, on C. 'Fritz, -Again t Misses Higan, spent Sabbath wit�. friends im
and mail WluvrsG---�All kinds of weaving done- be ! While our neighbors are being blown, he'cold hand of death, has
your letters. free, except the ay, April lit, Mr. R. A McLean, of
stamps. T red 4
0"Petweavin" spedisity' MRs' AND`3* OERs to pieces by eyel6nes andrown visited our village, this time calling away Clinton. -Mr. R. Cudmore, ouf: 61d West Of Pfibbbyt0an 0hureb, EgmondyWo. ad by floods, esUb
SOMERVILLE, Agent, Kippen, sappointed is an' arbitrator in Mrs. Ezra; tterbeim N The decea" J00 D:
162DX2 grand spring weather is gladdening our Bed ;had lished and- enterprising mason -And con- accordance with. section 43, sub -section of be6U ailing f - some timej and on Sunday tractor, has sold his c6tirage, at -presento
Telemph and Zxprew ]Building. Seaor%. WANTED. balance of hearts. No wonder the elements are I or
0 cents th mlied a rem
yot 74go I the. publio schools Act of 1896 and in re. morning she passed, c!-xpied � by Mr. A. Mardock, to
irdriodapple4; weare heM-quarters for clover in fury when legal enactin away, Th I ke IN. Joseph This is great Dien Goodg Store. -
and t1mo Be to a petith 0 ware interred n the Goshen line cei
cuts permit men spon )n praying i r a dissolu-
loby see4, &c. G. E. HiNa, Wingham. toviolate aln)ost a i n=ry Cisei merchant, o6of this village, it a barpin.
Eros I wer Divine I . What 11h
aw -between
t .. on Tuesday. iting: relati
HEADS WIN -114, BUSIN 1530-3 ple expee w tion. of the union at present existing Mr. Win. Mi i� The Dress Goode -Departnitnt
can a Poo] legalize vice'sho tchell was Ives
B.10Y=S.-LYou-r choice of the Is W' school sections 'NO' . l0v - Rays and NON is the back bonef the,buinans.
flialop" and friends in Cen; 0, uring the past
libtleor no reggrd for the Sabbath and Tudkeramith; by reason of and through',the
-Tur�iberr a itoek iis larger
now 1 - wook.-The dust was 2glon ilia roads th'
the " Cresceni. " the Brantford," the throw the protection of the law around incorporation of parts of the amid adhool NOTES. -D. E�bout -her the roa-.
the I" Perfack the " Gorden r
ho� Dominion!" *hevIs ; also a the encl of last �eek.- terials
a jiumber otl"" 0 men who do their Wit to murder each 9th. aeotionsAnto th J�ewitt is engaged on the w
of second
a hand wheels tO 1disPossof cheap at Lmumw a er to make an Ame—ri6aij holid y.- farm of B. Leathern for the summer.
e Village of Hensall. More stylish, and the ValUft.
started 'work on Monday. -O sifster Mrs.
A GOOD'SALE.�-The auction sale on the _rss Aisthorp, of Sb M Who Lwao here
He f - I .
TARIO, WILSON's Blcyclo� Showroom, sesiorth. Or somernouthe visiting her better than ever bef�re. This
a, STRATFORD, ON 1630-2 -James Coleman, has been very ill for a couple liver i week
farm of Mr.o J. H.1 -McDougall, Huron road, ichard Beek has . returned. fiow-e. sev. ral lots
$1,000 TO LkND at low rate, on of weeks, and �ve regret to learn th purchased'whorse from --B., Heanings 'last athe newest In
Oar business is to fill heads with Practical or farm p good town tvery on Friday last roperj,�. First mortgage. Apply at THic slight hopes of 'her recovery, are entertained. was a great success. The Friday. -George Leathoin met with, a Hggarth was 'in- Seaforth lask-week com. terials have
been opened, adding'
-knowledge.. The leading - Commercial Rcroorroi oArciL 1128-2 attendance was good and bidding brisk. ful bining business with a visit to i6ld friends further to the attr&eti
School in Canada to -day; nine beautiful -Mrs. Robert Porter, of Fargo, Dakota, accident on Thurad just.
arrived o a visit torel ear.old engaged outtin sy, veness ALL
A- YOMWI 25c Japan tea is as good as and her7little son, Calves sold at 050 a pair - two -y ' a '-Oar bicieliste were taking advanta' -of the
college roomS, excellent teachers, xaodQrato 1,have beew ;;Ing, No- per pound- g fire wo;d with circular ge of
for in. other heifers ii"34 a piece ; and a- two-year-old the good roads last week -41iss'Annje Me- -stock. Prices are
r4esLenter at. any ti tives. here, on Weduesd This is bull sold saw driven �y horie power, two of ihis marked
ay morning. ion A
me, circulars free. place& A. Yavk�, Seaortb. 1530-1 Mrs. Porter's first visit to Ontari* for $60,; -while other Otock ivent at fingers came in contact with the saw, Alli;ter and Miss Minnie Sheffer ar6'lesrn, cash basis, and yotell find that you 1FRONd
0, 111iner Mv. E.
during her stay of several weeks she will be Cor.
W - J. ELLIOTT, Principal. _. .4444.52 THE nicest 6d largest selection of men and proportionately high priees.,' Mr. McDou tinf them half ihroug4h the bone. -A,- cut- jag the mysteries of m v it
fine shoes in tow�. and prices from 25 t a 5o centa a all wielded the 4 i' tioneer's hammer him* can Rave money� buying yDur spring
the gnast of Mr. Porter's paren 8 1 nel is engaged with Mill Rnnies.-The Many friends of Mr., David
the same quality 'of ts.-We un- re 8, for seeding. C
S pair lower than other stores for
VIP* oederstand that Mrs. aud did it well, so -the result: of the sale ---Willie Balfour has lark, of this village, and formerly of the' dress here- Try it. 'Put us to�the
at the (1114AP cash shoe storv, carmichaere William Chesney has secured employment
township of Stanley, will regret to learn �eet.
he Kippen tore. ock. four door* south of weies Royal notel. 1530-1 reatedMr. Thomas Hilla'brick residence f ally exemplifies. with John Musgroye,jr., for sevin months.
THE Cleve)auj, Massey Harris, and. now occupied by Mr. D St We --James Nichol disposed'of an- aged cow that he continues- seriously ill,, and
and will
Stomer Bicycies Are going fast &6snto, people McKMuao. hope for his recovery.--]N1jsj Card I
re are pleased to learn that woollen fact three-year-old hedir to Messrs. Harris & a agrain
an ever
th before buyin cry NOTES. -Mr. Thompson McIntosh has Stinson, for $51.-1 who has been in London for same time� U
House inspecting 01 iie
your order, =4 �ho' 9, leave will open up shortly, as a strong company &men Case deli: Hod"Anns B
4 . * YU Want 'OL rd. they"od".be more - ver- home b pressont.-Messrs. Dick and Win -
Is. near to hand., re a. xubuilir b Co. Sestorth. lbso-I has been formed to operate it. -Nearly two 901118 to M1611tAINS i to seek his fortune. We ed a fat cow at Gorda on Monday, for Tor- a
the front with a large stock of wall paper, years ago Mra, McGee lost 9, valuable pair are sorry to see i so many of our young ter shipped this week a L Car _load of Cattle
- HATS RRMODAL-11D.-Ladies wisbing Hats Onto ark6ts.-R. Leathoin shipped his for
bought. direct fro' done over win re�eivo perfect mustsotion of gold spectacles, and friends leaving for distant parts hogs Monday. the Easter markets. Thtiy were the
in the manufacturers. by havia list week no but we Seeding operations are� in
their ordera at Dorr000 wish them abundant ou6cess.-Min n
epared paints on Store, = trace of them could be up to A est lot of cattis hat have left he
a full line of Rabertoozes PIN ce's Fancy found, but strange Eliza full owing. -Min K. Anderson is preparing re for
hanol, which an: thOL but. Prices -right. forth. 1628-6 to sagothey had been in the han McIntosh has been very nick, but 'is* some for a trip.to Denyor,British Columbia where. some time. -Mies Nellie Anderson, eldest
do of a
TENDZR8 'WA2XTZD.Either for the pur- neigh r, who h' bettar.�Mr, E. Smith,'of Michigan ii via- she will join her brother. -Mrs. Win' d ' hter of Mr. and, Mrs. David A�nderg
ad been trying to discover ii J OhtL ittl -Reid � an Oil of the speak
choose, or lease, Ifor one are of the doy,h% led
109 in
CMM% Ki or more years, of the See. iting"h of AInneipolis,is visiting her grandparents thro h be' full of inteegt And
n the owner all this time. Why don't 'people ;;:Noir.' W. and Mimi .1 turm.,
irol i at
forth CareAti G undo. leaden to be in the Maggie Balfour were visiting M 9
advertise more,it pays every time ? Campbell in quite an expert horte buyer,- r.and Mrs. Wm. Bell and - with who;; thoukTit. hould ,he ever
A hands 1 10 good on or before Monday even. James Casemorils on Tueoday. I . 9 8
A the undlorld Aw. April 121h,� the hyheot or any tender not 'she intends remaining fi),? some time. -Mr. villate he will hay.
SOU16 Of the Young folks on the ninth con.*
aa big house. -Oar vil.,
necessarily accoo
_Sod. 11mumm, President, cession on loyed a fine hop at Mr. Robert 7. Murdoch, proprietoit 'of the Hensall I b
Loa blic Chnton. _W staiths an now kepk. nay
152D-2 AL BRIEFS. -At a students' pu Campbell's, on Thursda night.! -Miss Maq. livo&ry stables,has again 8�.cured the adntract farmer implemen
meeti NOThS.-The council are wr tling with -years fo Rick W
antity Df cord gie ocarl es, for A term of r*Psik.*"J&"
WOOD WA*TXD.-A qu 9 held under the auspices of the To. good
r the conveyance of r who holds the fort in
wood wanted at $pmts Brick Works. Apply Im. 9 London, having 0 ni a pleasant time. protection, as Her Majesty's mails between He
9bg *#Von 6*00 n Ott has returnel from viBib
ronto Bible trainin school, in the Clinton In; the question of better fire
mod pe
lately to J- 4 J. 13MAT. a Z nsal and and ;Wriage trade, in ]kept
DISTRICT *ATTMB. 1627-2 street Methodist church, Toronto, M, demanded, by th Fire Underwriters' Au'ci. utleh. Mr. R. Lorimar, busy at
0 the obliging and work.
H. Lawrence, son of Mr. Janied Lawrence ation. There is some talk of a wate officient manager *of this stage and mail,
TO BOARDZ�5.-A couple of boarders can Londesboro. rworks'
of 31cKillop, read a, paper -on An all im'.
excellent aec6mmOdstian in A private house In system being introduced, route, Will k. harge.-Mr. Rich.
-A game of h.ee in
AN OLD RESIDEXT GO -WE. ITEmS.-Mr. R. Bowcook has taken era was played with Blyth by telephone the ;'ard Wright and sister-in-law, Miss Sarah NOTEs.-Dro.chishoint, wingh
Thursday, tow]- by aPPIYIn* at Tim Faroorrox oxce. i5lb.ti portaut Payer." Mr. Lawrence in a clever worse a -Min Mary Apew, who has Other day. The firt gaime was won b
_v Carlisle, were in St. Catherines last week cue doctor, pawed through heka
-let inat., death removed one of the old CARD OF THANKS. -I desire to think and promising, young man, and his address been visitine with her brother, Dr. Agnewi Olinton, and the second was a d �!I!4io
reaideatiraL in the person of � Mr. Patrick those who -so kinoly assinted we in saying my atock on this occasion was instructive and inter- returned 'at on hibs
0 tending. the funeral of their brothor-i to Mr. He
W raw.
a quiet, inoffionsive me Monday, evioning.-Mr., nry Demmerlingle, near,
from damage during the recent Jiro. I will be o eating,, while it showed much deep 'thought Lyons, of we!ks ago Frank McDonald placed in water law,. Mr. John Black; -Mr. Robe'
for busineis agma go Saturday. J. L. -ftiTa, roan. Clinton, is in Loodesboro at attend his stick child. The doctor
-a andiliar Ego On and study on his part. -The rain of 8PkIgs of plum, pear -and apple trees. The
in& and for years, was s, f re forth. res rb Carlile to
e Our streets. - He had resided in Satur- left here last Friday morning for Ripley, considerable pr
day and Mo;nday,although eat. -Mt. J. CoIrill Was ticketed,for Sault Baldwina actift in this utighbo
ZI of Chicago
again, wi ness in par no lo
ky of short tim and then proOoed turther "it ership with his brother -in. Visifinig at Mr. S. X
ecess, every -body, a delighted with out dispi, 900 f, while the winter p
sad V.1 PIT -was quite a mudd do a power of d and stav it' _ear aad the egg busi alt
nity for a great many years, and at u OUR Millin 8 Opening itmade the roads Ste Marie on Monday lastp whore he will the lea on the fourth day showed only :where he intends engaging in the hardware -Mr, and Mrs. Sche
on:e time waa employed at the ashery in trimmed goods. Wo WN, HorpMAX.Seaforth. win clean away the dirt that had addainu- plum Haskers.-They.
were refuse with �blosaomo. Tfijs ilaw,
Tuckeramith. He has bee;i,siok for a unm. B 8 mat as -usual con Tuesday May be is am in a. few dj�ys.
end stock from Whitechurch to Riplo We Wiggins hie gotoorafbly
ready fo Y.
bar Of months, sad the ultimate cause of -Oxet your wheels fitted up ing.last Dr. McDonald preached an able Wecided to hold their doncert on varieties in 1897, bai ring possible frosts aad ish the new firm all success;
ICYCLICS. -on Sunday even- nighi.- tZ
lated during the winter. west Lot[ an inteationof theyield of th Mr. George Found, who jig moving h pect to ret
r riding, ind if,anyt, 15 Wrong with them settled Con,
a 9 OF if you would li*e them to " I -We are old farm again, near Orangehill Rn
the everim Of May 24th. The committee. other drawbacks. -Mr. -�-�Some
death was Oweler Of the liver. He was 77 look like now, get the;: sermon on Sabbath�obaervance.-Mr. ames itnd -Mrs. He pleased to see that Mr. John Blatchford, our neighbors hav
a comin lou"n - 'j. -
'earn Of age, and leaves a wdow but- n enameled &fresh, 4% the Sestorth bicycle repair shop. . Cowan has returned fro ted were' Mina, L. Brigham, A. Cole intend moving to Rapid ki S. MULLM & co, m a trip to Mani. ap iver, M P Owing an
ndrews and &Ms.-Wa Ichi- our old and respected citizen., is recovering some have been plowing
children. The remains were interred in 'St. toba. When he left ther'e the prairie CripeopiM. A E. Ad gan, about the 4st of, May, these Ian
James' cemeter UJLAL Society meeting. -An province - wa- are unable to exp &de& a& t
HouncuLT to reside. -A nicely from &somewhat severe attack of I& days. -The o r t present in a
on, Saturday. ain how it is � that Mr.
8- one vast glitter,g -ex- Oakes does not ttend his sinj . ;m lacrosse club has, been organized with the : grippe, which confined him to the house for. bad state. Some
ipAjourned weetill of the seatorth FLOrticuitural Pages of $now, raother earth being nowh T class. following officers : PresideAt, CsptsNin places the
society, wi are
11 be W in the town hall,'on Wednesday ere dustyll'4
Y Are
Mor -Ta, number. of, -weeks.-Mr. James W. Bell. other places the *ncow The least thing he could do wolull be to rish secretary -treasurer, .1. R. Read Cap : KOungent son of Mr. James Bell returned"' feet deep. -Those wboare making,
�A PATarxRonAL LADy.-M
Irs. Lair "Culuff next. At T' p- M. When the bulbs ordo;jg vu*ible.-The debating club has decided that infrom. one o
wife T ;"A
Of the late Samuel Laird of
Ville will be disliribated to the members, and the soods to the Unio pah canno ofitoibly run Bond them- word when he is not coming and tAin, Larry J. Hanlon executive commit-' ome recently frdm London, *here he Was
very ban f
Hays Of thin town, for semble for nothing. -Mr. a n in port these days as'being the
a -' the school childroo. I iti Bob have them a$
who ban been living with her "au -XIMLIN. rearfranchises An electric lig9tring, etc., too, Shorty Caqtelon� B. Potts and G. Hax- tte d* the Forest City Bfisiness Oollege;N sap running,, as it fairly
r a GUINN, President, F. G. such t
and Thoia Miller has lost fine cow and calf. by. Th. club will join.the
t a t n 1680-1 consider that they should be handed over to - streataL
years -Dr. C. L. A.-�-Ths ---�-Mr. William Mitchell has old his house 'Mr. 0. S. Trolli Hain
a 104 of 140 very IA110811 Now York designs, woeki te
; H- Bell intends to start bu: iness next John McDonald f In, near Per r's HUI, on Brook street, formerly owned and -occu- Visit g t
returned from Brwmels On WALL -PAPIMSN-Large assortment, now private cc NO t or ilton, has boa
goods, P, Of
where she. had been view h evening they Z11"di'seelm x in a or grand-
Jusio'chand-s"48roxx WMIXONs. S"forib. a Consisting of 80 acres, was sold by aie d b his late son George, to M' r. F. StreaPs for
tioti few
a on
lot in 'r. J. Lin. days. He reports doinga ranking basis
children since her hundre birthd secularizing the schools. -The annual a ring 34817 of Zurich, who
10304 . the other day,: to Mr. S. McPhail, for
the 31st of October last. She stood the Rzmz show under the bluevale. into it in that city, having no fewer than f-
MRXR t6ore is a big, dr2p in the auspices of the $4, 100. The ptice is a good one. t
driv`6 Net as well an site would havii done price of Manjold good, cams saw and Toornip &ad Huron Aricultural Society, will NOTics.-Her friends will all 'in
X011th his wLk. -Mr. -and Mn. Alex. Ross were clerks) who
be hold in b pleased i are runbing the business through,
to know that although she -is still very here recently spending a. few da�-s With --Alr. Joseph Pritchard, of the 6th eonow
40 years ago, &ad from appearances promises this year.- A. Youi.g hon just ordered and opened Biuesfieia, on Good Frid�y, April 16th. -
Cool rforneignment of. Evan's improved Owing to the fire in litaLboolt store, the ing. their friends. They are now visiting at Ur
to live 'for several Is JELeasafl.
prov- ton on Thors-
ably known to be.d HuRnAH for the New HA�ruexg Sho er-im-14w of Mrs.
Goor McCurdy and Ada John, in R. H. Collins', barrister of Exeter, broth-* day of last weak
telephone servicain, town was demoralimd of Henf4,711 itin atMIN.Christo, h H
fully made up her mind Yet as te whetherr saw 1A ago d ead, *hleh lip 80 well and favor aps Im
years. She has not PAP weak, Mrs.- John !Robertson ke sion Visited friends in Harku
no of the very bat varieties in f Eton, ;revious 16 starting
not she will take a trip to Nebraska, to the market- We 94foutee this seed to be. ow an or were edgins, Block, Zueftes old
d ew Aye. anA. Youso. - a bought for their home in
visit her sister, who b" been liv �p er
Ing 4hate IN. Jose h p h
d It is not until you are de- Thornto a direct frow Toronto for a" Livingstone, bi
NMI pjdv;d of its use that one fully radiiag what h, and I am bound to
sell low r than the lowest. Come eirly and avoid
for several years. It would be a- long trip bed Oxfords, hiind turned A useful thing a telephone is. -The display the rVHh. Carriage trimming a specialty. la.
LANDIEe: 0xbI went to Hamilton last Friday.
Dongola Kid (now ils this week) regular #j
of NOTES—MaNsFe. -David and Hugh -
for one of her age -but she ham Intosh,.of Shakep'peare, is* attehiding her JACOBIN. fien"ll. Cromarty. Hum.
never for millinery in the show window of
131 sizes, at the Cheap ,ash shoe
failing. confideno f.0 sister, Mrs. John Robertson.-MrB. and their sister Aanabells, In
a in God, who has Ifilled Block. four doon sputh of Wsilg Carmichael Mears. S. Mullett & Co., 6n Fri Go oMAWftdU;
=A1 Hotel da and SZE.)S, ITEMS. -Owing to - the fin; weather of on Tuisday.
his promises in satisfying her with I SEEDS, ZEEDS !—Come to Casa's -Mr. A. Nichol, jr., bada A. -I
ong Saturday lost, - althou of Brussels, was in the village last _W=Ul late, the nfud hasdried up
life. 160.1 gh perhaps not as Mr. John Mitchell a' Now OR819 Store, Hon"ll, for all kinds of nice oisau and waow have wood boa on
Wednesday of last W
NZW HARD4ARX costly and elegant as that in some of the. hipped two ca loads of choice iseeds. We have everythin very good roads and some of -
9 in the seed lines the farmers Samuel Love was married tin Wednexdav of
-We will be maple rolleri from have commenced the spring plowing -.-Mrs. last week to Min Mar
open for busilmesi on Wedn*Way,Ap1iI14tb with seemed to be quite a riders. Out ready.
othershop windows, here to Uve�,pool,lajlt and will dispois of them at right p
No NEW iPOST OFFICE FoR, SmAyORTH.- 6 CoOmplite stock Of Hardware, Stoves and dmwing card, if one, is' to week. -Mr. Douglas Framer, of Turnberr MAWO clothing is all now stook, nd the cloth, msice Samuel Speare, who has been in Wilson, of the WW
-A reply to the petition
WACOj"y joylts��&ii Our judge by the y, and price are all up-to-date. W:C" fire you a Ana Brampton line. We wish the young couple a sented to the old friends and the public numbers whoa6pped to Adm went to Niagara F&IUbwt attending the funeri
mother, who and happy life. -Mi. J lgkgg Shippad*_
-r. Johii -MerMill wearer, At Pruaranteed, for sb.r)o Fin real es the on
Postinaster General by M ton"ally ire it. -We are will study, to secure Friday, where he Blue Serge Suit for $3 6o. Rood Halifax Tweed, fine, al of her
- abd examide our atook before par. pleased to see that Major t .. a first clan 'd r6 returned home
an, chasing. - You will find the price right, and -the J. A. Anderson is He cartificate.
Monday. -
P., on behalf of the c goods the best in UT98 number of hogs from Be%i
itizens of Seaforth a market. because his ol 'Ootr -aye n Fri_ -
1;oes 0 2 iagara Tw dSuit, good wearer@, sure ilt4, from So A colt belonging to Mr.L
Orders for Furnace on the street again, after being laid aside d friend, raying for the erection of a post office Work, Mofailio R Bag, Uvegro James Mi 9 pe
Mr. David SL60. Fine all wool Sootch Tweed Suits, for $9.50. ller day of lost week. -Mr and
hing. and all job for over a week in consequence of an at Walkerl formerly of while running loose in the y fatally
ard ou:$unday, have moved from the 5tik', Ifne to
work pertaining tack Wroxater We have a nice line of Serges and Worstediii in �4j. Hallett,
rera�' ha's been received, and is now in the 'e "09MItublog Boo, prompt] teaches in the high s6hool there. -n -Mrs, A' Blue And Black. Give us a call when in town. a Slogainsta'barb wire fence,-L.toW-
attendedd too. 11tes etfully YOU". SMLS MURD1 of M0'2- I uship, near 1 desbo
W of la, arippe.-Mr.A.Rous and bride accidentally ran
hands of Mayor f3cott. In it the Postings. McEwen in somewhat- imp - ,o
Counter'so old suan Seaforth. tan&, were in town for a few days visitillgr E rovod.--�Miss trouble *0 show goods. Our 97 piece Dinner Betts cutting itself pretty badly. Mri. McMillan home rO-777JAY'0Ia9S is-.
with gilt, Still take the load at $8.go. in fact for awhile fro the -General states that while he fully ap. relatives and friends., Mrs. Rose 119118,111v Vent Saturda and (laughter, ho h 'siting 'Russell in
ter thel King, of Wi
w ave
was cannot be biateu for Crockery, Glassware an been vi
preciates -the fact that better post office of China.
with heir grandmother, Mrs. D - Ionic Ona, visit from Nilsdel,�
in Our stock of groceries are the newest and freshest in UL
inThe they leave shortly for Mr. Rose, home was ill Witt - tOwn. Remember the gpoL CAnoll their home in Brussels on 'Saturday rK. Watloals able to.go about again, &JtW�
inof the opiniv Now Cash
accommodation is required here, yet he is fine sunny weather of Friday last -
THE SrRL-ioa MmUNERy Op]jNzX(;S._ formerly Alias Bonthron, of Rodgerville,and _3fr& jimes Cr fo,(,. who and Ki around here for Rome time, returned to hi ---Georg4�.pakker , ranting his fargio
and Saturday Livingston, Montana. pneumonia, has recovered. -Mr. S.CAsz.
a that the Government would or_
last was extremoly favo While here they and Mrs. 152 Mrs. James Laing, jr., who has been sick severe illness.
not be justiied in the expenditure of so of the M, rablefor the success were the guests of Mr. RoW gobert 0. King have returned 'from their LOCA1 BRIEFs.-The farmeri in IMe, la DOW ROb8rt GibsAn boa mover--
Iline4 sister, Mrs. -this for some ti sufficiently recovered off the Smillie
largo a sum as the erection and maintenance openings given by our W. Elder. -At a meeti we On. neighborhood have made. good he to be able to take a drive oat. -Mr. Simon Wilkinsonis -house..
doling tripYa- Port Hur farm and rented mr. W. �1,.
ildialwould entail. Bat to
ng of the House of
to see 7hat dame Fashion had de- held at Clinton ofi Friday. last,. the contract
of a public bul merchants on bli6se days. Crowds of ladies Refuge committee of the, county counoif with their ploughing during the past Miller, carriage maker, owing to a rush in ing with the man o. in coral) were out W Mr. Gibso tend&
alleviate the iecal
P aint that the office ac- or so, and the lands are working well for so businems, has secured the one this year h 199 ea.
concre ON" Stone.house, off &AmAat,,,
early in the season. -The ladies are on the couple of men for a few dAYs.-Mr. Hugh Wawanosh.-
he has instruct. U-mmer wear, in the' for-buildi 'to hog and hen house B. R. HIGGINS, eneral fird� and life jusur. tip toe of expectation and - Wyn- Thuell has undergone an.'
, and a Brucedel assistance of a gaged with MIN J h
odation, is inadequate, creed for spring. d.
Mustard, XBOO-Agent. notary tience for Qilles ie, carpenter, in now engaged with operation at the hospital in Tor
eid the postmaster to furnisil without, delay way of bats, and ibounets, and there was in. was let tmo IT
Messrs. Gutteridge &
deed no occasion for any to, retu 0, oonveyancer,00mmissioner the millinery openings of Thipsa ;VP _Onto, -and i
such AccOmmodhti,&u as meets with the ap. rn disap- for $395. The committee also decided to week and Mr. 'alker, Staff&
inted. The Tbilliner for taking affidavic.1 &o. private fuudt, on first
proval df th or stores of Messrs. mortgage On good farm pro assisting in getting the do -mi nicely, but t Will be no
me tifine
a inspect the inspector has , offman, moraul a ext. -Mr. Amdrew Lammie druggist, of factory in running order for t 1;4 PrOcure-75 apple trees to plant cub rty. at 5 per cant. n
bee- notified to this effect, and has been in ad for an At home OYSTY worni g he. making of before he will
Kokard we Madnesolav of each Detroit, formerly Of thi '11 o -was butter there th ming Plow
a got holne.-Somo of a vi agi, 7h nummer.L
me Muni The farmers have started
he funeral of his sister; the ill be opened the let of May. ing, bat it 'is pol
I' structed to put hi tually ov re all. ac- orchard. -The Rel draught stallion, week. a co,
elf in com t' erflowink with the ew-est and 1404
here attending t factory w Bismarck owne1mby the Belgian Draught GATHERING on- high and dry sod fields that it
with the postmaster here. at on, 'O S. -Rev. Mr. Muir c ducted late Mry. George White, returned home on not nmost fashionabl�. and elegant millinery. He* on
pugLh roe company, was sold �y on here the services in Clinton Presbyteri The ground is drying vAry rapi
we are not to �receive -a now po office, it Shapes, styles sod colors are so numerous on aueti on church Saturday last. -Masers. Willis and White My this.
will be' seen from the Above that the present and varied this i Tuesday last, and was knocked down to. last'S%bbath morning. not L
a season may o !ear;jr L d ot
exp ld; of Tuckeramith; for cipal of Clinton Collegiate, week.
for ladies to Pasou there is ample scope Mr. John Oldfie Mr.. 11ousten,,prin shipped another car load of hogs this week, and th be -8
lice. -Tfie Mines Acheson, of Kippen, and th NOTAS.-Mrs. haffer and two grind- after all. -Snow foll. on Tuesday and aim
wise improved, and
office will have to be considerably, efilar ad reise individual taste in $40& -Mr. 8 8, book-keepqr for T.R. F. field for Rev. Mr. Ste% art, on pled children are this week A iti also. -T he fall wheat h
. ' z ayle we r
and other * their selections. 1. The large bat still holds a Case &Co. shas moved his fairmy,to 0 is *A unt, of Clinton,,were in
we think tiat well.- friend, Miss -with her as & rough spell of
let 'US
town and Hen. *daughter,.Mrs. Jamqs Dick, ol'Seaforih.-w- we ontend with yet and in Am, this will nice, with the approval of prominent place � public favor, but there now occupies Mr. James Mcmi f Mrs. siall on Tuesdaylast, visiting friends. -Mr. Mr. Janie# Cooper, who always makes it a. places is looking very Po
the ma. The -sad intelligence of the eath b ather to c
are r at prmo*�,
ra, t1irbans �nd tie poin
they- might have wished
iry d fine jmatUe�r
English walking hNU leaves next week to take a position 0 College wan here recengtl F. spending a weak dows, had the misfortune to love a after iti- the crop may co lit
Jority, even though it does not go no far i plenty otheii of medium size, such &a chael's house, Win. Moffat, was received here soi6 day MoRay, student of Trinity 'Medical- t to keep the best quality of da'
as on James street..: -Mr. A. R.
Milo George Beat a
th 90 With a good warra rgin
at are -bonLyenient for n the a ;h, Mrs- Moffat underwent an operation .11
common wear, and C. P. R. steamer, Manitoba, f Winnipeg hospital, and never i -allied, or tie his brother, IN good meout all
will be Popular ftlor ever Which Mr. dying a short time 'afterwards, on March ith William McKay, One, newly calved, from, mi.1k fever. -Mr. A report is sfioat; that the 0. W. 1 -day use. Anew W. Bethune '18 purser. -M ra. Bills & -
P-kST BERNED OUT—Abut 7 and pretty, aied�i" Xr.:aid Mrs. Moff t ipal of our publi6. school. -Miss Pearl. George Taylor has disposed of his three- oaliby will not be run At alI
oclock Sunday morninj -Orn size hat, is the Tava. Murdie ba rid the t and himily re. his_ 9 people were out of ve h ir store a rilininowas in Lucan this week, visitin 'this season. T
All hats are profusely trimmed, five or six nicely fitted sided for nearly
g her year-old colt for a fitir price. This colt is
bed considerably before their add up and expect to,,open for business early thirty Years, on the 2nd brothe'r.-The past week was very favorable R no will be A 1085 to the.farmer,4 ". well cannot fail to be a d er work
ire llarni'L Colors beilig commonly Mean h t. ek.-M-iss Farrell, of for sugar making, and quite a large quan. invest town
Sunday time, in response to the f _ust0mid different oiaterial� and as many difterent next -we- and 3rd concession of Stanley. They re. a good one, and oth ing men, -in both
On On Kineardine, moved to Manitobs, abouto mix Ment, to the, purchasers.�-_M-jm
Y"rs, ago. titY Of Molasses was made. -Mr. . C. Clan.
has been spending week wit 00(
The fire was easy of location 0 a i E In n t, cOuntrY-
h her friend, During their resid of Clinton, was 'during the beginning of the- i1bil
amolke could lo� seen, vol"mmen Of Flowers are used �n such profusion as ta. be Min Hargan, of Once here thqy made m
ourin out
Jarvis street. -The books w AUY son Was in Toronto recently, being called Oavisiting with the famil
of the rear literally, one may say bank4d OIL Ostrich brought in by t of Rev Mr.
of Mr. C. W. Papsen arm friends, who will extend their'hearl. there as a, wituen in an Wroxetgr
store. It ha& tips, a. In' he children, of the Preab felt iympathy to
any as� yot Ot con- Acheson, at the
apparently been burning like, chifions, ribbon terian Sabha Mr- M054t and bereaved manse.- �essrs. James NOTES. -W. R. Th
ollar patent righti iC' Poon, of Tess er, and per ar shipped a oat of soft d1m, lumber
this their hour of sore berea. Milk in Still 00 & Son are this week hipping
fore it Was noticed, aa Mps, jewelled pim the Northwest, were forwarded to Knox -Rev. C. L. holding siorivides 41 front J Im ANN=
for some time be- bows straw Roas'.and gi bh school for a needy school in family in
sequins, Mrs. moffat GOA of oattle and -Rl- -
-the store was in Homes before any ajar is sesson, to college tb- be taken one of sheep to jgr. on Wednesday last. -Mr. Apbort, the entire back of alf combine, th, Mont. k
In Was form to their destingtion by bad reached the '67th during lent, in St. Paul's church, eve McFee, of. Obloi These gentlemen are a-1. sa car of tour I"
the elegant *nd fashionable hat of the the student appointed to t trio ymr of her age. 0 funeral took 918,06 at Tuesday evoning.-31r. James ry t weele. -A
Lyon. The firOmen were Promptly on hand period. At #remeht the favorite and le
�hat die Beverley I. ways happy when up to t
P6, -
fat the smoke %ad them from locating. Ing flowers ad. Mr. W. JUllantyng license jag oosejaw on Monday, March 296 heir a in busi- Of Proprietors in mooted in connection wi*
proven .-The sold his fine two story brick dwelli to now
peotor, is faners, Procession of the late D4nvjd. Camp. i-----8yrup making has nearly closed for ths Oatmeal mills here. -31r. Robert
the centre of the fire and. in couse are the lily-Of-thO-TalleY, rad laid up With a severe attack of Is Mr. J. W. Ortwein, general merchantufor a !,this sesson.
Lsrge quantities have been has inst, completed the pure
eranium,i, and *iolet or p d the Mrs. James C olemany of Egmondv a died end cqueenion of along the see- ood price. 'Mr. Ortwein t;akee ponsessio how of -a Ins
considerable time' an SiPpe.- bell, of Grand Bend, it. When th did jpOrt this -Was I eadig color$, Purple, red and green. For on n of 'made in these parts and many IN(
oat in extinguishing fg ER
VY I at at the flamax bicyolf Thursday, aged 40 years Mrsj�;Iemaa its �7&y to Clinton Stl%� Way on TuOday, on fie now home the end of this month. -Mr. the best sesoll, for many yea".
ng and ce -quantity of firewood for the 0. p. It.
Core the.flood of canas hat in Ou0ng A useful and d i _Mr. T. French and family left
hough, it was not I - on he, arable, had beeu_in,�poor health for' MetorY, where his re- John Hodgins and daughter, M for their future komso�
*.�Nter poure(I int Wn, which in likely some time but Maine were laid to rej beside in Hodgins, Mallis t �IeF-df days in Clinton near Toronto on Mond
0' to be bar case w&i- Only considered erious t open st soup
the uilding extinguished a good wearer. Not 'many bon for a wife who died some tboss -Of his of Brholimy) were in the villa hy morning 1xit.,
go this Week, lastieek, under thi doctoroe care. -The The
them. The ets ere years ago, Mr.: Camp. visiting relativec-The Grand Trunk Raii. millinerystorce in town, undir the X.j
firee'tarted in -the rear of 'the shown but those Ion exhibition week Post;. The funeral t&kes place to-dar benhad reached the plows are now well started. in the sod Niad rectorship of
he wisu prettier than -mom" ro vanced gigs of 87 Yards Present quite a livel' the Miskes Lang
store, beside the safe, and.'irent up't were much (1')rid&Y) ut three o'clock to the Egincondvilla yea the greater Y appearance With i few fine days the golden and Min Hazlewood vary no
to the department whore the tock of �bu. P
-t -Of tile bats. Then there coniettery.-MIN ar Ws win present a fi
j. r call which Wai Vent thiYe week, owing to the loading and ship. be in the hands of the war.
are the old stand�ya made expressly for the Mi I agent for the on the farm. now
velopea were kept from there it 8 elderly ladies who want a iesl hea ch'gan Catholic, is On a visit to his McEw ad by Mr- X211001 ping of a large quantity of fine s -The timber Pearance. Some of th mails of Wi
qu&re tilfi. inen f of
rread to an. One by on the al a Blyth am
the wall paper do. artment and t on ran tetor.. net a H d pro. family in Egmon.dville.-Mr. 'old landmarks nor. It is many years since, too,- much W now at the station leading art are, marvels of beauty And exhibit
ff f9f thistledown to get off Dickson, as the -large delivery of logo brought in this very best tante.-Th
along the roof to �tte front of the building. their 13 raiHinerS, bles's them, away.-Memon. Dan.. C&SUPboll delivered here. -Mr. Samuel White, of 0 PlAnift ifaCtOr
frizzes. PoetmostOr. was confined to the house for . and Jamagg d left here canon. -The lectures during the week �y 13. Smith& Co. a 'y
The Bair De- i'
s t is week with an attack of fing for Rat Portage. morn- troit, was here recently,' visiting his torted, 'Operations tor 44W
h our. young Wadons" hoNL_ThoYJ1&,r* it under control, but though the front of either'L &N the PrAty full bordered, in a grippe Case an PAV rroL J. A. Cook, under the &=piece of thi somm on PP091
maged by a ]law count tend through sawls
d never forget thg old ladies, or the babies i Vrr. Do ROSS, O(Brucefield, who friends every sue j LL to, Mr. and Mrs. Janine White, and at RAj #Ji Temple, of Temperance, were inter
Before it could get further the firemen hij couple of da Wednes"T
napfe liloolrn for this
yin on CIjUtO Jamiesou� ry. in the funeral of his sister-in-law, tk at saw mi, r here; &ad will iow
here and there tatcK and inettuo%iv�e
-fire, it was thoroughly demoral a, will stud during the vacation loand were well Pato
the store down atairy was . not da embroidered Cap uslin lost year'studied dentistry with Dr. Bruce, -Mr. j. B.
ized. b
lit the tables ton unable to a W'89 to' iIInO30, was late Mrs. George White. -Mr. -Arthur. Me. ronizet The foreputo of sash
eve" was manufactunw the custom lopasid soft
r oungem son of McA
and water. . Ver boa Dr. Be "3he 'Many friends of Mr. conabbath. t Mr. John
tie of the etc twinv' The several - with Idea.- ttend to h" duties AN Pereento,
show roome and reetimollf We aree eaj Allister, y ]lim- *704" tO a Shert addren on rranoe #
down were hand- M. Hurley, of this town, will be pleased everthat bo in -attending the and its rapid progress
-wan saved and Mr. PaPaVil loss -� will be soinely decorated to led to leam, Low- ter, of thig� village, w etc., into luniber..
he had On1V an insfAftnee of. $6JOMP Pickard W room At W. learn that he in recovering,- though slowly, will be ble too
leavy,as the sho he he now mewhat. bettor, and, high.school at Olinton,-h and that selence is
Co.'s ad the minfoitune, proving it is oT" to gta After that he
and A_ T#:L
been SpIris
ing ;�_Ich �Lu h delegates fma-
in co
-while histoek'was valued at betwim ten decorations with portraits of the Queen has confined him to his be 5171PPe w ic IN h JOB Richardson
usual nelb Sibbath. Tuesday last, while exerels- _Msears.
ingunique in its jubilee frORI & severe attack of thel hi It Mr. James Moodie kinoly took his IDS In t 0 gave a public exhibition o7obaracter read- Bali have
h ffi oi a We
d for 'several The i,:e
P h
many friends of Mr. Thoi In th
rry to hear that Mr. will regret to learn thi� be is ve u sod Knox church t
twelve thousand. The low to the draped and'surro4ded with Rap and union weeks Past ---�We are so use im ool,� b k h ;0 and
school, Tivook,
ry, Iw who has an on W 111 t the tho'county convention at St. maryo, one April.21 and 22.