The Huron Expositor, 1897-04-09, Page 7- APRIL LFBIL 19, 1897 " HAT 11 -SIMILE SIGNA i/RAPPE: OF EVERY 30 OF 1,1111CWIRMXVICIINIZMIII111111111127111=X1Whessat is pea up in one -dee bottles only, in. hulk, Don't allow elven° ta iing else on the r:dea. or proraiee t ts good" and "will answer every ate See that you got C -A -S -T -04. - )urs. are niade on the false insole foot. ze decep6on 6e feet soon Ile ip t a t. sakAes he der 447 he ad comfort. e 000cbgear it. with the `FI, °r$5' /mike,- it is Fp. AFORTH., Is -from the twinges of . But not only has it tly happin -ess,but it DK, ally. We have given. .ices consistent with By looking .at our ays have the pleasure .atest clothes at the BROS., EA.1-70RTEL 'e for Sprinr HAVING YOUR Cleaned or Dyed' Dye Works, TREET, SEAFORTH: Guaranteed, An Open Letter _To THEIllwrg"-- PUBLIC. .•••••••••••1111111 Mr. John lAndshorough having changed ais place of reaidence to the corner cottage, directly behind the Dominion Bank, has, in the Old Golden Lion Store, formerly mu.- • pied by R. Jamicson, a complete stock of eeverything to be found in a first-class lanai - 'titre store. • We have sold and will coutinue to sell goods at live and let live prim., No eitor- -tion in any line,of goods we sell. Oar goods are bought frout the best manufacturing firms in Ontario. We Can, therefore, invite inspection from the sharp - :est critio 'tot= or ;country. Visitors to our furniture emporium daily repeat the _same old story regarding the low pnce of 'furniture now to what it Y/S8 three months ago. We have no doubt brought this leng •looked for rednetion in priees. We buythei beet, and will not be under- ' ,sold b anyone. .MI goods delivered in •town or eountiy free ot charge, UNDERTAKING. In the imdertaking department we have two hearses, one a fine city hearse, and the other a light levr-down one for winter use. We guarantee; the best goods in this line at :25% less than have ever been given in Sea- -forth. W.Leatherdale, having taken his diploma .at the Champion College ef Embalming un- der Prole/nor Sullivan, of Chicago, will, with Mr. Landsborough, conduct the busi- ness. Any work intrusted to us will be carefully attended to and satisfaction guar- anteed. I E Remember the New Furniture and Undertaking Sto7e1 LEATHERDALE & LANDSBOROLIGH SEAFORTH. Night and Sunday calls will be , attended to at Mr. Landsborough's residence, directly in the rear of the Dominion Bank. COSTS NOTHING FOR REPAIRS. ants tieT CRDER. SOLO ONLY BY . W. PAPST, SEAFORTH. THE ZURICH Saddlery, Furniture, Organ -AND- PgLA-INTO reemsmisserweamimemlwr How an lietwanoe ' Agent. Was Fooled by a Peddler. 1 Theibther day a well dressed Stranger, tarrying a han4 valise, called at a lite hour. Ance offtee, eisellenquired if the agent Wag in. The, agenVcame forward, rubbing hie hands and the Stranger asked : " Do you take life insurance risks ?" " Yes, sir, glia to see yon, air; sit down, r sir," replied the agent. "Whit do Yon think of life insnranoe, anyway ?" ma:inked the stranger, as he sat down and took -off his hat. I " It's a national blessing -an institution which is looked upon with sovereign favor by every intIlligent man and woman in America." I "That's what I've always thought," 'ans- wered the man, "Does your company pay its losses promptly ?"-- • "Yes sir -y, sir. If you were insured with nie, and,should die to -night rd hand your wife a cheek within a week," "oeuldn't .aisk for anything better than that," i 1 e , "No, sir -no, !sir. The motto of our company* "Prompt pay and honorable dealing." "How ra4Ift will a $5,000 policy cost," eagaired the !stranger, after a, tong pause. "You are4det's see -say thirty-five. A polity on you would cost $100 -for the first year." . i " Thatht reaeona.ble enough." "Yea, that'S what we call low, but our's is a strong company, does a safe business, and invests in Only first-class securities. If you are thinking of taking out.- a poAicy let me tell you thq,t, ours is the best and the safest, and even the agents of rival compan- ies will admit the truth of what I say." "And wh4n I die, my wife will get her money without any trouble ?" "Ill guarantee that, my dear air." " And -I'll get a dividend every year ?" " Yes ; thie is a mutual company, and part of the PrOfits come back to he policy sL holders." "And it won't cost me but $100 for a policy of $5, ?" . '• That's the.figure, and it's as low as you can get safe !insurance anywhere. Let me write von but a policy; you'll never re- gret it.Y' " Them's the blanks, I suppose ?" said the stranger, Pointing to the desk. " Yes," replied the agent, as he hauled one up tc, huh and. took up his pen, " What do: you say -shall I fill out an application ?" "No, i guess I won't take any today, replied the stranger, as he unlocked his valise; " b thf you want something that will take that' wart of your nose inside of a week, I've got. it right here. It's good for corns, bunions, the toothache, earache, i sprains-" , He was pl +ping his little bottle on the • table, when he agent reached over and took him by the shoulder, and hoarsely whisper- ed: "My man, if you don't want your wife to be a widow you won't be two minutes in getting out of here." Aud he wasn'e. • i THE KING OF MAN -KILLERS If you are on the lookout for the best place to buy your harnees of every discription and trunks, tr avel- ling bags, or any goods in a first-class saddlery shop, vele E.. welieL, Zurich, Ontario. • If you eeant to buy cheap Bedroom and Parlor Suite, or any 'Lind of House Furniture, 'Widow .Shades &ad Curtain Poles, go to II. WELL, Zurich, -Ontario. If you went to savemoney buy your Organs where you have a choice of 3 or 4 of the best manufactures -In Canada., all are in stock at rook bottom prime, Ge fp H. WELL, Zurich, Ontario. 15274.f. J. e. Smith & CO 13.A.INT3KM13..S.- A General Banking business transacted. Farmers' notes discounted. Drafts bought and sold Interest allowed on deposits at the rate 5 per cent. per annum. SALE NOTES discounted, or taken for OFFICE -First door north of Reid & Wilsods Hardware Store SEAFORTH. • SEAFORTH PACKING HOUSE. To HOG BREEDERS. T. Rs Fs Cat & CO. Of the Seaforth Packing House are pre- pared to handle any quantity of Hogs, Live or Drees, for which they will pay the highest market price. Will have man call on any parties having live Hoge to dispose of, if notified. For par- ticulars eall at Retail Store, Carmichael's Elock, Seaforth. T. R. F. CASE & CO. 15184.1. McLEOD'S System Renovator -AND OTHER - TESTED - REMEDIES. A apecifle and antidote fer Impure, Weak and Im- .aeoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate - lion of the Heart; Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss ‘of Memory, Bronchitis, Coneureption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Ki iney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' "Dance3, Female Irregularieiee and General Debility. LABORATORY-Goderich, Ontario. -J. M. 111cLEOD, Proprietor and Mann faeturer. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. 36014 Bright's Disease of the Kidneys Baffled the World's most Eminent Medical- Au- • thorities until The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN N PROPERTY ONLY INSURED DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Came to the Rescue and Delivery of Man- kind StoppingForever the Deadly As- saults of Life's Most Insidioue-Foe. tre Tmv HURON EXPOSITOR. •k *v. COED BY DR. CHISE. BIMINIMIIII01•81. • .FOR EIGHTEEN YEARS W.W.HODGES SUFFERED -DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY - LIVER PILLS EFFECTED AN ALMOST MIRACULOUS CURE Meares. EDMANSON, BATES & CO., Toronto. • DEAR SIRS, -I take the liberty of writing to you regarding my experience with DR. CHASE'S KlDNET-LIVER PILLS, and the wonderful cure of dyspepsia of r8 years' mending effected by them with three boxes. I am as well as I ever was, and am a man of 64 years of age. I have re- commended OH,CHASE'S INNET-LIVER PILLS to a great number of people and they alt say they are worth their weight in gold. If you desire any further statement or certificate of my case, I will be pleased to furnish one. Yours truly, W. W. HODGES, Holland Landing, Ont. satmeeenamsnemah "Fd wait till it was frozen," answered the dwarf, readily. The king was delighted. "-For so clever a rejoinder," he said, "you shall have from me anything you may desire." "Oh, no 1" cried Bertholde'with a mock- ing laugh. "1 shall have nothing of the sort. You cannot give me what you do not posses. I am in search of happiness, of which you have not a particle. So how can you give me any ?" " How ?" exclaimed the king. "Am I not happy on so elevated a throne ?" "Yes, you are if the happiness of a man consists in the height of his seat." Then Alboin referred to his kingly power and dignity, and the dwarf retorted with another mocking laugh; and when the king ; called attention to the nobles and courtiers about him, Bertholde, with a sneer, re- marked: "Oh, yes, they cluster round your throne; so do hungry ants round a crab-apple, and with the same purpose -to devour it." " Well said," spake the king, keeping his temper; "but all this does not prevent me from shilling among them, as the sun among the stars." "True, but tell me, shining Sun, how many eclipses you are obliged to suffer in a a year? For the oontinual flattering of these men must now and then darken your understanding." "For this reason you would not be a courtier ?" inquired his Majesty, whose fin- gers began to play upon his sword •in a threatening manner. Miserable as I arn, I should be sorry to be placed in the rank of slavea," replied the dwarf, "Besides I have not the necessary qualities to succeed in this fine employ- ment." " What then do you seek at my court ?" asked the king in an angry tone. "Something I have not been able to find there," answered Bertholde. "1 was told 'that a king was as much above common men as a tower is above common houses; I find, as I suspected, that sovereigns are honored more than they deserVe." This was a little too ,snuch. The king lost his patience, and comnianded the dwarf jes- ter to leave the palace *alternately, or he would have him whipped out of court. Men are dropping from the ranks every- where. Cut down in the flower of youth or the fruitage of manhood by that ruthless de- strsyer-Bright's Disease of the Kidneys. Only a few dago Sir Hercules Robinson, the doughty Governor of Cape Colony was forced to resign that pose because of en- croaching Bright's Disease. Hardly had his successor been appointed when the wires brought tidings of the death of William P. St. John a New York bank- er, and remembered 14 every one as the treaesiarer of 1 the National Democratic party during the latest national campaign. Bright' i Disease carried him off. It has killed many better men than most of us. So has Diabetes, its twin curse. Yet there is one cure (and only one), that never fails in cases of Diabetes and Bright's Disease. Let these testimonials bear wit- ness : Mn. FRED. ORRSTEINS, Palmerston; Ont., says "After manyyears suffering with Bright's disease, I am a new man, cured by using three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills.' Mn. F. Xi GROULP, Ottawa, Ont,, says: "Dodd's Kidney Pills have been a, godsend to me, as they have cured me of Bright's Disease of the Kidneys." S. G. Moore, King St., London, Ont., says: 'After taking a few boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills I am as well as ever in my life, despadring of recovery from Bright's Disease.' Mr. Cies. T. BYE, Garryowen P. O., Ontario, says: "For the past three years have suffered from Diabetes, but noticing cures published I have used Dodd's Kidney Pills, which have perfectly cured me." DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS are for sale • by druggists everywhere, and by the Dodd's Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. Price 50 cents a box. Berthold() the Dwarf at the Court cietroene. Geo. Watt, President, Harlook P. 0.; W. G. .8road foot, Vice -Presidents, Seaforth P. 0.; W. J Shannon, Secy-Treas. Sealorth P. 0.; Michael Mudie, Inspector of Losse, Seaforth P. 0. ontecroas. W. G. Broadfoot, Seeforth ; Alex. Gardiner, Lead • bury; George Dale, Seaforth ,• Thomas E. Hays, Seaforth; M. Murdie, Seafortb : Thos. Garbutt, Clinton; Thomas Fraser, Brumfield; John B. Me. Leen, Kippen, AGMS. Thoe. Nellans, Harlock ,• Robt. MoMIIIan, Seaforth James Cumming-, Egmondville ; John Govenloek and John C. Morrison,audiora. Parties desirous to effect Ineuranoes or teens. ect other buffinese will e promptly attended to cn epplicatiou to any of the above officera, addreeaed bO their respective poet offiees. of Alboin, King of the Lonabards. Mary Shears Roberts, in her series of "Historic Dwarfs," contributes an article on Bertholde to the January St. Nicholas. Bertholde was an Italian, and one day he made his way to the palace of Alboin, King of the Lombards, at Verona, and seated himself in an empty chair next the throne. The courtiers were as much surprised at his audacity they were amazed at his gro- tesque appearance: but the Lombard chief- tain smiled grimly upon the intruder and in- quired of him. "what he was when he was born, and in what country." "1 am a man," replied the dwarf, where- upon the attendants went off in fits of laugh- ter. "1 was born when I came into this world, and the world itself is my country." King and courtiers now began to realize that they had a shrewd little imp before them, and they commenced to ply him with questions of all kinds. The asking of con- undrums was a. sort of trial of wit to which sovereigns were much given at this period of history. "What thing is that which flies the swift- est ?" asked one. • "Thought," replied Bertholde, prompt- ly. "What is the gulf that is never filled?" "The avarice of the miser," was the readyanswer of the quick-witted dwarf. " What trait is the most hateful in young people ?" "Self-conceit, because it makes them un - teachable." "Row will you catch a hare running ? inquired the king." " I'll• stay till I find her on the spit." How would you bring water in a sieve?' ill111111111111=1Mt wither, indulgently' "No, I alut goingto marry," pereisted Ethel, "Are- you going to be aa old maid ?" her 'mother asked. "No, I'm going to be a widow, like Aunt ttaty, 'cause she &hewing dr6nea in black and looks so pretty and'happ Mrs. Briske-Johnny, di1 the doctor call while I was out? LittleI Johnny, stop- ping his play-Yes'in. • Ha lit my pulse, and looked at my ton* and shook his head and said it was a very s Howl ease,and he left this prescription and said he would call again before night. Mra. Itriske- Gracious me II It wasn't yoi I sent hien to see; it was the baby. Little Daughter (oi Met dist Minister) -Mamma, have we got to njove again this year? Mamma -Yes, dear. "1 think its a shame 1" "Mush, child We should m kato look upon it as th Lord's will." " Is the Lord going to send papa away to that nasty little town 1 he$r you talkin' shoat?" "You mustn't talk that ' way, dear. If the Lord sends us therm it is all for the best." (After aom momexttss of cogitation: "Well, if I ever see the Lord I'm goin' to tell him what I bhiuk about it anyhow 1" . -- Mamma (after she had pu -Stop making such dreadful (bursting into tears -I ain't. keep a stiff upper lip. • A FARMER'S IFE TELLS A STORY OF YEARS 0E1 PAIN AND SUF- • FERING, Doctors -Utterly Failed to Help, her and Morphine was Continually Resorted to -Became so Weak she Could Scarcely Perform her Household Duties. From the Beaver, Napanee, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stone have been residents of the township of Ernestown, about ten miles east of Napanee,for a petiod of about three years, and in that time have gained the esteem of all their neighbors. For six years previous to this time they had lived in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, and it was during their reeidence there that Mrs. Stone 'was attacked with an illness that made her life miserable for years. To a reporter ,yvho recently interviewed her she told the following story : "Daring the early part of our residence in Colorado, my illness first came on. At the outset evcry two or three weeks I would be attacked with a pain in my stomach. Later on it greatly increased in severity, and at times was so bed that I would scream aloud with the pain. A doctor was called in, but the only benefit I ever received from his treat- ment was through the injection of morphine ished Tommy) faces. Tommy I'm trying to Gaieties. -No, darling, said mother to the sick child, the doctor say i3 I mustn't read to you. Then, mamma; begged the child, won't you read to yourself out loud. -Old Lady (excitedly) -When is the train due? Ticket Agent -In about two hours and forty minutes. Old Lady (with a sigh of relief) -I am so glad I ane not too late. -A domestic newly engaged, Presented to his master, one morning, a pair of boots, the leg of one of which was much longer than the other. "How comes it that these boots are not of the same length ?" "1 rely don't know,. sir; but what bothers me most is that the pair down stairs are in the same fix." -An lrishmap, having feet of different' sizes, ordered his boots to be made accord- ingly, His directions were obeyed, but as he tread the emallest boot on his largest foot he exclaimed, petulantly. "Confonnd that fellow 1 I ordered him to make one larger than the other; and instead of that he has made one smaller than the other." -Mamma-Bobby: I heard you were a naughty -boy. Now tell me all about , it. Bobby (with a sudden access of medesty)- Teacher says it isn't, polite to talk too much of yourself. • -A farmer figured out one day that he had walked three hundred miles in cultivat- ing one acre of corn. He thereupon sold his farm and inoved to a to ern, where he walked six hundred miles in finding a job. -First Tramp -If you had work -just supposin'-what kind of a job. would you rather have? Second Tramp-Well,I think I could be a judge in a. dog show. I've had experience of • all diffrent kinds of doge dere is. -An,Irish hostler was sent to the stable, to bring forth a traveller's horse. Not knowing which of the two etrange horses in the stalls belonged to the traveller, and wishing to avoid the appearance of ignor- ance in his business, he saddled both ef them and brought them to the door. The traveller pointed out his own horse, saying, "That's my nag." "Certainly, yer honor, I know that; but I didn't know which flee of them was the other gentleman's." Juvenile Philosophy. "What were the dark ages ?" asked the governness at the morning lessons. "That must have been before spectacles were invented," guessed May. "Oh, no 1' interrupted Cedric; "1 know why they were called dark ages. Because there were more knights then.' "BETTER THAN EVER" AND STILL THE BEST. CEYLON TEA. Sold in Lead Packets only. Never in Bulk. • All Grocers. ciatiao there are twelve: O. L., Free Masons, I. 0. F.,C. 0. F. Royal Arcanum, I. O. O. F. C.' O. W. O. ,C. O. C. F., K. O. T. NI, Home Ckele, Sons of Scot- land, Sons of England, P. P. A. -Dr. McLeod, of West Zorra, died on Friday, 26th ult., aged 69 years. He had practised in that township for over fifty years, and waaknown far and wide as an eminent medical authority. -Residents of Montreal have been start- led by several distinct shocktrof earthquake, the latest occurring early Saturday morn- ing, 27th ult. -A eoldier leaving barracks is stopped by the corporal of the guard. You cannot leave. I have the verbal permission of the captain. -Show me that verbal permission. --Wm. May, an old Scotch mining man, died while engaged in business in the gold and diamond mines in South Africa, and left a fortune of fifteen million dollars to be divided among his numerous relatives, a number of whom live in and around °Lil- lie: The lideliays of Belle Ewart 141cKays of Hawkestone, Johnstone of Medonte, Mc- Eaehrens of Oro, Blacks of Oro, Molierrolle of Medonte, MCKays of Atherley, and Mor- risons of Orillia, are among the claimants. Ancient witchcraft and modern spirit. nalism " was the subject o Rev. Dr. Bat- tisby's sermon cm Sunday evening, 28th ult. before a crowded congregation, at St. Andrew's church, Chatham. What, he ask- ed, was the difference between witchcraft and modern spiritealism ? None, except that the latter was more impudent and a grosser imposture, because in the face of more intelligence. The sermon is the talk of the city, in view of the fact that so many ing seances. leading„men of Chatham' have been attend- -A large committee, chosen from all the churches in Parkhill, got up a concert in aid of the India famine fund. Everybody work- eclawith a will, and their efforts were crown- ed with success. Mayor Miller occupied the chair, and each church supplied one or more performers. The proceeds were $90; expenses, $10. • -The poisoning trial which is going on at Hodmezoe, Hungary, has developed into the greatest criminal revelation of modem times. The victims are nemberecl almost by hundreds. Most of the accused persons denied everything at first, but one woman, driven into a corner, and seeing that she ould not escape, began to reveal fresh facts, a. -id to inculpate the accused midwifeelrager, the latter not only made a full confession, but also referred to cases uhich had not even been suspeeted. -It seems that a gang of boys at Can- ning, a few miles west of Paris have lately indulged in a system of practical jokes, and have been a source of annoyance to the peo- ple of that neighborhood. One evening lately stones were thrown through Mr. Rid- ley's window, one of them striking a baby • which wits asleep on the couch. Mr. Rid- ley stepped to the door with the intention of warning the young ruffians to desist,when he was struck in the face by a large stone, felling him to the ground and cutting one of his eyes. Dr. Dunton was sent for, and upon examination found that the eight of the eye was permanently destroyed. Later on Mr. Ridley was removed to Brantford hospital, and it is feared may become tot- ally blind. • A Study of Success. The old gentleman was giving the boy advice, not so much because the boy need- • ed it, as because he had more than he knew what to do with, and the boy might as well have it. "Joshua," he said, "be polite to every- body. Remember you ain't no millionaire an' ye can't afford ter put on too many im- portant ways." • "Well, I ain't so sure about that," was the reply. "It's seems to me they's a lot of people standin' 'round ready ter impose on ye ef ye don't show some spunk." Ye hev ter beer lots of things in this life but its work ea counts. .Remember the little busy bee. He jest keeps a-workin' an' a-workin', day in an' day. out. An' they's mighty few bees, I'm' given to understan', as can't look back on their lives with satis- faction, and be p'nted out to their neighbors as a success ; an' all beceuse they jes' keeps on a-woikin' an' a workitd." "That's so, father. But there's one trait of character 'bout the bee that you ain't dwelt nthat?" oiaal% "lie ;don't low nobody ter sit on 'im," • -On Thursday of last week, a number of Berlin young woman -manned the Berlin and Waterloo street cars, and the proceds were placed to the credit ef the Y. W. C. A. into my arm, as a reslult of which the pain would gradually pass away. The medicine which was given me, however, had not the slightest effect, and the doctor appeared to be greatly perplexed, and . thereafter con- tinually resorted to injections of morphine whenever the attacks came on These at- tacks continued at intervals eatil our re- turn to Canada, when they increased in frequency and intenseness. The result was that I grew very weak, and my whole sys- tem appeared to be giving out. My complex- ion turned a yellowish hue and I had little or no appetite. Latterly 1 would be at- tacked with fainting spells, preceded by at- tacks of dizziness. I became utterly un- able to stand fatigue; and could with the greatest difficulty perform 'my household duties. .A doctor was called in who treated me for some time without benefitting me any. Then he gave me what I now know to be Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People, and after I had used two boxes I felt some- what better. I then purchased the pills myself and continued the treatment. found that the pain was gradually decreas- ing. I could get rest and sleep at night, which had hitherto been almost. impossible. I continued. using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for several months, and the result is that they have effected a complete cure, and I am now enjoying the best of health. I can &Bann you it is a great relief to be free from the trouble that made my life so mis- erable for so many years, and I have to thank Dr. Williams' Pink Pith, for succeed- ing when doctors had, failed. Dr. William' Pink Pills act directly upon the blood and nerves, building them anew and thus driving disease from the system. There is no trouble due to either of these causes which Pink Pills will not cure, and in hundreds of cases they have restored pa- tients to health after all other remedies • had failed, Ask for Dr. Williams' Pink • Pills and take nothing else. The genuine are always enclosed in boxes the wrapper around which bears the full trade mark, " Dr.*Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." May be had from all dealers or sent post- paid on receipt of 50 eents a box or 6 boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. News Notes. -Governor Adams has signed the bill abolishing capital punishment in the State of 'Colorado. -A special loan exhibition of paintngs will soon be opened in London, England, to illustrate the progress of art during the Vic- torian reign. -The Newfoundland seal fishing isL; re- ported to be a complete failure this season, and great distress is feared during the com- ing summer. -It is stated that the Duke of Fife, son- in-law of the Prince of Wales, will be made Prince upon the occasion of the jubilee cele- bration. • -A portion of the wall of the old post office in Chicago fell in the other morning, killing a number of workmen. "Well, Teddy, have you been a good boy to -day ?" asked his mother upon her return home late in the afternoon. "No, ma'am," replied the truthful Ted. "1 hope you have not been a bad boy ?" "No, ma'am; not a very bad boy. and not a very good boy -just comfortable ! "What time is it, my lad ?" asked an American traveller of a small Irish boy, who was driving a couple of cows home from the fields. "About 12 o'clock, sir," replied the boy. " I thought it was more." "It's never any more here," returned the lad in surprise. "It just begins at one again." "Mamma, do you think Uncle Barney will go to heaven ?' "1 hope so, Johnny. Why ?" "'Cause he won't, if the Lord knows him as well as I do." A little boy and his sister were allowed, this summer, to collect the eggs from -the hencoops, but they were told they m never take away the nest egg. The little' girl, however, did so one morning by mis- take, and her brother told her she must take it right back, "because that was what the old hen measured by." "Mamma," said little hthel the other day, "1 ain't going to marry." " You have time enough to think of that," said her • EPPS'S - COCOA Express Orders. fro The best medium for sending money In letters by mail to any place in the world. ,Jitequire no application -no waiting and no writing by purchasers. We supply stamps at cost -furnish sta- tionery and write brief correspondence, and mail your letters free, 'except the stamps. W. SOMERVILLE, Agent, Teleeraph and Express Building, Seaforth. PAN DRYING IS EXPENSIVE No matter that it takes twice the usual floor space to "Pan Dry Oats," whet they're ready for you, they are ready as a perfect cereal food. The starch (indiges- tible) is gone the hulls have disappeared, ;le flavor is all there. And yet the cost to yoia is quite a little lower than the package oats. Your grocer sells " Pan--Dritd " THE-TILLSON CO'Y, LTD. Tilsonburg, Out. 1627.52 The Canada Business College, CHATHAM, ONTARIO, is the great !supply school for the beet business firma, Students graduating at this inelltution are sure of good paying employment. Our lad week's notice contained the placing of four pupil", 'WO!, Stenographers, one Book-keeper and one Teacher. Since these we have ,placed Albert Wallace all Meant Bookkeiper, with D. W..Karn & Co., Wood- stock. Santa McGaw as Book-keeper with .the Banner Printing Co., Chatham. We expect a Stenographer next week in a choice College re -opens after Easter vacation on TnSday4 April 20. For Catalogue,address D. MoLACHL&N k CO,, Chatham, Ontario. THE SEAFORTH Musical - instrument EMPORIUM - ESTABLISHED, 1873. Owing to hard times, we have .eonaluded to sell Pianos and Organs at Greatly Reduced Prices. Organs at $25 and upwardeo. Pianos at Corresponding priceb. SEE 'us BEFORE PURCHASING. Notice to Creditors. Purguant to the statutes in that behalf, notice i hereby given that all persona having claims or de- mandlot any kind against the Estate of James Kyle, late o the township ef Mullett, in the county of Hurore, retired farmer, deceased, are required to de- liver to the underaigned, on or before the 14th dee of ARO, 1807, their -names and addresses and full partioolers of their claims, and notice Is hereby given that after the above date the Executors of the said estate will distribute the assets of the ;aid De- ceased amongst those entitled thereto, having regard only to the cleinas of which they then have notice. Dated at Seaforth, this 20th day of March, 1897. It. S. HAYS. Solicitor for the Executors of tibie2sea-314 James Kyle, deceased.• ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA Poesesses the following Distinctive Merits : Delicacy of Flavor, Superiority in Quality. GRATEFUL and COMFORTING to the NERVOUS or DYSPEPTIC. Nutritive Qualities Unrivalled. Quarter -!Pound Tins only. -PREPARED BY - JAMES EPPS ea CO., LTD., ROM030PATE1O cambium LONDOli, EziGnAiin. 1505.16 POSITIVE PROOF. -Rev. Homer N. Dunning, one of the best known Congregational ministers in the State of Connecticut, died (ea Saturda,y,27th ult. He was 72 years of age. -The Czar has sent 50,000 roubles to King George, of Greece, for the benefit of the Cretan refugees in Athens. -The huge steel archon of the bridge that will take the place of the railway Sus- pension bridge at Niagara. have been placed in position. -The Manitoba fund for the relief of the India famine sufferers now reaches 560 .73, of which nearly $2,000 is from the school children. -Mrs. A. Corbett; of St. Marys, was run over the other day by a Grand Trunk Rail- way engine, Both legs were severed from her body. She died shortly after. -The following different denominations are represented in the town of Forest : Episcopalian, Roman Catholic, The Breth- ren, Baptist, :Methodist, Free Methodist, Congregational, Presbyterian, and the Sal- vation Army, besides another company of professed Christians, who disclaim all such names, bat are called (simply , for conveni- ence) " No Sect." Eight of these denomin- ations own their own buildings, in which they hold regular services. Of friendly so - Messrs. T. Milburn & Co., Toronto, O tario : Gentlemen, -Some two week e ago I obtained a box of your Heart and Nerve Pine from our popular druggist, Mr. E Scarlett, of Dundee, and I can now unhesitatingly Hay that they have been very bene- ficial to me in relieving an obatinate and old stand- ing complaint affecting my heart and nerves. I was troubled with the well-known symptoms of heart and nerve trouble, such as sleeplessness. dizziness, palpitation, neuralgic and other pains, for such a long time that I had really given up hope of a cure. Now out of gratitude to this remedy, and so others may learn of its virtues, I give my unsolicited tee- tivaony. Tnere is no cure so good for heart and nerve troubles as Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. This is my honest opinion. My wife is also using this reme- dy with great success for fluttering of the heart. (Signed) J. D. ROBINSON, Dundee, Ont. Leading dealers everyv,There Sell FERRY'S SEEDS Dorn ;ha the loss of time, labor and ground by planting seeds of unknown qual- ity. The market is full of cheap. tsnreliable seeds. FERRY'S 'SEEDS are always the best do not accept any sob stitnte. S eed Annua.1 Free. D. M. FERRY & ore., indsor, Ont. The Brucefield Saw Min As I have leased the Brumfield Saw Mill for ire number of yesre, I am in a position to give the best of satisfaction. Custom sawing done on the shortest notice. All sizes of tile and the best of shingles always kept on heal. . CHOPPING. Chopping done by stone or grinder. Setiefaction. Guaranteed. LOGS WANTED: For any quantity of good Sett Elm and Basswood Logs, and all other timber, I will pay the highest Cash prim. I will be pleased to have all my old customers and as many new ones as will favor nie with their patronage. Josiah N. Vintimony • Brimfield 9,w Mi 11. THE FARMERS' Banking - House, SM.A.21 0 EtT (hi connection with the Bank of TM4oAnotrEeaNI.)Ts. • LOGAN & 00" RANKERS AND FI1STANCIA OFFICE-In the Commercial Hotel build- ing, next to the Town Ilan. A General Banking Business done. Drafts mired and cashed. Interest allowed on _deposit*. MONEY TO LEND - On good notes or mortgages. ROBERT LOGAN, MANAGER. 1058 McKillop Directory for 1896 JOHN MORRISON, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0. WILLIAM ARCHIBALD, Deputy -Reeve, Lend. burei P. 0, WM. lileGAVIN, Councillor, Leadbury P. 0. JOSEPH C. MORRISON, Councillor, Beechwood P. O. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood P. O. JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0. DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. O. WM. EVANS, Aesessor, Beeohwood P. O. CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seaforth P. 0. RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inspector,,Leed- bury P. 0. Laxa Liver Pills cure conatipition, biliousnesaand sick headache, 26c. Prominent Business Man of Pe- • terboro Cured of Eczema. Mr. Thomas Gladman, book-keeper fir Adam Hall, req., stave and tinware dealer. Peterboro, writes the following facts: "Have been troubled for nine years with Eczema on my leg, and at times the itchiug was something terrible, tried Many eminent doctors aud was pronounced Incurable. I had given up • hopes of ever being cured when I was recommended bv Mr. Madill, druggist, to try a box of Dr. Cruse's Ointment, and I am happy to testify that after using two boxes 1 MD completely cured. TIADVMAINC dapo Made a well Man of INDAPO Tita GUILT HIROO° REMEDY PRODUCES TEE ALSOVE RESULTS la 80 DATIL Cures all Nervous Diseases. Failing Memory, Paresis, sleepiesaneea, Nigletly Emis- sions, etc., caused by past abuses, gives vigor and site to shrunken organs, and quickly_ but surely restores Lost Manhood in old or young. Easily carried in vest pocket. Price .1.00 a package. Six for 40,00 with in written guarantee to cure or stoney refunded. Don't buy an imitation, but insist on having INDAPO, It our druggist bas not got it, we will send it prepaid. Medical Co. Preys.. Wenn, W., atone moot& SOLD by J. Ve Fear, SEAFORTH, ONT.., and leading druggists elsewhere. • FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUN -NS BAKINC POWDER THECOOKSBESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. riOR SALE. -Licensed Hotel property for sale in .1.1, the village of Egniondville, three quarters of an acre of land, good orchard and barn, everything in good repair. This house has always done a good ;mine's. Also kir sale or to rent one new brick house, with one quarter an acre of land, good stable, every convenience, all in tbe village of Egmoadville. For particulars spply to J. DALY, Egmondville P.O. or to T. DALY, Seaforth P. 0. 15224-1 TAARM FOR SALE, 100 ACRES.-Belog lot 18, ,2 concession 7, township of Grey, one mile west of Ethel; bi from Brussels. Ninety-five acres ele.ared ; free of stumps and stones; well under - drained and fenced with straight fences; good trick house and good outbuildings; 5 acres in fall *heat and_50 acres seeded down. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. • A. McKELVEY, Brussels. 1527tf 10LACKSIIITH SHOP AND DWELLING FOR .1) SALE.- -For sale, the Blacksmith Shop and Dwelling at Harlock, of Mr. Samuel Reid. The prOperty consists of a frame blacksmith shop, frame dwelling and good large stable and driving shed, to- gether with a quarter of an,acre of land. This is an excellent stand for a good man. For further partic- ulars apply to SAMUEL REID, Harlock P. 0. 1527-1 TOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. -The property on ESA William Street, near Collegiate Institute, occupied by Mrs. Robert Coleman, . The house con- tains 1.0 rooms, besides closets, pantries, cellar, good well under cover, and soft water in kitchen. There is an acreof land, plenty of good fruit trees, barn, sheds; &�. A good Dunham piano, (cost $700), will be sold cheap; also horse and outfit. MRS. ROHL COLEMAN. 1627x4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. -Farre for sale or to rent, Lot Si of Si section 30, township of Laird, Algoma, 160 acres ofland suitable for raising all kinds of grain, stock and hay. About 65 acres of clearing and chopping, lucid of which is seeded down. One-half sere of orchard -plumb, cherry and apple trees-emall fruits -gooseberries, reap - bonier', and also black currants, white currants and red currants; well watered, as there are several over -flowing springs, one at the house door; frame bank barn, 30x40 feet, with stabling uederneath full eize of barn. Frame house, 18x21, with cellar; also small kitchen for Bummer, 10x12. This farm is three miles from MacLennan, 21 miles from Laird P. 0., 2 miles from school; afoul 8 miles from Dersbarats station, on C. P. 11, and About the same distance from Echo Bay; 6i miles from Port Findlay dock. There is also iron and gold mines opening up in this vicinity, which will make a first-class market for farm product& Also flour, saw and planing mills within % short diatance. Remora for selling I in. tend to go into other business. .For finther partic- ulars apply to the proprietor on the premisee, or by letter to ROBERT MURRAY, MacLennan P. 0., Ontario. 1527-13 -- As we intend goingout of the Crockery Business, we are offering some of the best bargains ever given in the county in Dinner Tea and Toilet Sete. We have a good col! lection to choose from and the prices ate away down below the usual. Our Stock of drocenes Will be found complete as usual. In Teas, we are giving extra values; our Japan Tea, at 20e and 25e per pound 'cannot be beat. Although entrants and s raisins are higher .han last year, we are selling a, good cleaned urrant at 50 per pound. We aro paying the highest market prides all kinds of good fowl, butter and eggs -cash and trade.