HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-03-26, Page 34NTS tst fashionable ,Poods, ' We have made very in a position to show e showing some beauti- fies and Laces; will be !Linens; Towellings mad •st, Ireland, so that fact Luabie most fastidious. .Wrappers and Under- - Spring . to knewIOoppoon. look through our cical- a those who are in the t in everything, and is pleased to welcome one Ootmty. Huron, -what Marshall nad Timothy Eaton's to bably call on you next Uy peruse. AFORT MIMIERCE„ RE; $6,000,000 .1 $ 11000,000 °tea discounted, Drafts rinoipal cities in h.ct 4irr. rreut rates of interest of May and :Novena- tercial Paper and Far MORRIS Manager. 1897 of Furniture . as you pliess. All our goods t an invitation to call Suites,Sideboarda, Fav - 'it, Racks, Wardrobes, lien we know we can L 7 respect, and as 'arantee to give good raker and Embalmer of t[red with shall receive aneral Director's re - 1:: ir at Dr. Campbell's `,..th, Porter's Old Stand MARCH 164 1897. 9 tiltiPORTANTHNO44018.H t 011,11111111e _ Li.lieEN2111.1. DO0211211111 said Peadedel lead Surveyor, Mamba of theesseoleticaat 0010010' Surveyors, Dahlia, Onto*. 111N41 TORN tilLaT12, Clerk ef the anead Division 4 ol Ooux, _County0oramissioner, of Huronooto voyager, ISM, IOW and 11:11MratiOe Agent. Funds invested and tO Lean. Olice—Ovar Sharp _ ivies? acre, Main street, Seaforth. 19811 NITAIITEIX-tA good mutant farmer, with &boat VV $1,b00, to buy enehalf af a good 100 sore tam and tons* the other -half on (sheet& aPPiv to THOMAS PIPPER, Brussels P. O., Box eta or on lot 6, concession 9, Grey, 17_11e eset.....o_f_Bruseeintif itirONICT TO LEND.—XO ney to lend in sums of $1,000 and upwuds ma good farm property, it lowest rates of li2teratik Payments made to suit becalms. Tbis is net ken °melanin, binds. A choice Tookersonlilt farm for sale cheap. Apply to A. 00SENS, Sat don south of Jackson's store Egalondvilla 159tit TO BENT.—To raisin a tan of years, a splendid 50 acre fano, being east half of Lott in theist Ooneeesion of Hallett. Poseeesioa can be given any time. Apply_to CHBISTOPIIIR DMA Hallett, or to GIOIOZ DALE, TnekeilasithsusteaSioe enters. SEM PEAS FOR BALL—For sals a quantity et Canadian Beastylosas free from feel seeds and suitable for seed. *three variety el the White Itarrowfat Type, bet wits finer straw, very pro. ductive and reliable. Prism Slope bushel. A on Lot 8, Coneentosi 8, L.R. IL, Tuckennith. ALEL BUCHANAN, Ronan P. 0. Nitere SBED-DAT. AND 'CLOVIS SEED ten BALE-- For sale, Siberian Oats. suitable for eeed, war- ranted Glean. In 1806 these Osts yielded 112' bushels to the acre, lest year they yielded 85. Also a quantity of good clean clover seed for vale, cheap er thin it 011l1 be obtained else wbere. Apply oa Lot 29, Concession 10, Ribber% JOHN TAYLOR, Chiselhunt P. O. 15 /Watt litrOUSE TO RENT.—Te rent in Seaforth, a corn.fortable frame dwelling, pleasantly situated on James Street, in the west end of the town, at pre- sent occupied by Mr. John Copp. The house con- tains four bed TOMS, parlor, dining room and kitchen'. with good stone cellar under the whole house; 801t and bard water in the house. There is •180 a- good stable on the premises. Apply to JAMES McMICHAEL, Oratorio. 15244.f. $ 30Q Private funds to loan atlowest $ 500 „rites of interest in Brims to suit $ TOO borrowers. Loans can be com- $1,000 plated and money advan.ced $1,500 within two days. Apply to R. $2,500 8.11mrs,Barristerokc.,Seaforth. 126 STOCK FOR SALE. -OHORTHORI-7 BULLS FOR "SALE. --Two for sale, 0 of *Select Scotch Breeding, about 20 months old. Come and see them. W. J. HIGGINS,Elibburst Farm, Clinton, Ontario. - 1526-3 S°01 CATTLE CATTLE FOR SALE—The Under. 0 signed has forside three Shorthorn bnlls„ from Ste) linoonths old also some heifers and oows in molt. These are aliby imported stock. Address, J011t/ AVERY, Clinton. 1525-tf TAIIREAM BULLS FOR 8ALE.—For sale two J., young thoroughbred Durham bulls, both red in color, and one is 11 months and the other 12 months old. Apply on Lot 22, Concession 11, Mc - Mop. , JOHN MORRISON, Winthrop P. 0. 1522 DULLS FOR SALE.—Never so good, never so JJ cheap, five Shorthorn Bulls, aged from 9 *0 22 znooths old, at about half former prices, come and see them, terms to suit purchaser. DAVID MILNE, *lthel,„ Ontario. 151841. YOUNG BULLS FOR SALE.—For sole three young thoroughbred Durhara Bulls, from 7 to 20 months, registered pedigrees ; red in oolor. Sold *trait the times. THOMAS OUDMORZ, Lot 80, Generation 5, Usloorite, Lumley P. 0. 1574f 011011 -THORN BULL FOR SALE.—For sale s 0 thoroughbred Durham bull, 16 months' old, red in color, eligible for registraMon. He is a particular, ly find young animal, and will be told cheap. Apply on Lot 25. •-neession O. H. R. S., Tuokerth. HERBERT MICH, Seaforth P. 0. 15264 I. DIGS FOR SA= AND FOR Brame.— The JE- undenrigned, breeder of Lags English Berk- shirealme for sale boars and Win ton'ow- Hi win els° keep for service the stook boar, "Sing Lee," archased hum Mr. George Grum of Fairview, and whiner at Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa. Term —41. payable at the time of senioe with the privilege of returning if necessary, if booked $1.50. JAMES DOURANOZ, Lot 26, Gotioession 6, Molt , flea- urth P. O. 1465-62 STOCK FOR SERVICE., BULLS FOR SERVICE.—The tindemigned will keep for service at John MoNevin'a Kip - pen, the thoroughbred Durham bull, "Seiler Ire& This bull was purchased from Mr. D. 3). Wilson and fe 'rem Imported stock. Terms, $1.50. MeNiVIN &MoKAY. . 1524a4t1 ,rallisTER WHITE PIG FOR SERVICE.—The underligned will keep for service on Lot 26, Concresion 5, L. R. S., luckersmith. a thoroughbred Chester White Boar. This auirnal took first prize at alI the local shows last fall. Terms $1, at time of . service, with the privilege of returning if necessary, or $1.50 if booked. JAMES GEMIIILL. 1622X8 DIG FOR SERVICE,—The undersigned will keep _IL on Lot 21, Huron Road, Tuckeremith, an int- - proved Yorkshire pig, oecently purchased from Mr. ussell, of Edpemont, and to which a llmlted slumber of sows will be taken. Terme.--One dollar payable at the time of service , with privilege of re- turning if necessary. JOHN B. HENDERSON. 1517x4-13 filAMWORTH BOAR FOR SFEVIVE.—The under -- 1 signed will keep for service • at the Bruoeflekl Cheese notary, & thoroughbrk TaInWOrth Boar. with registered pedigree. Terms, 11; payable at time of service with privile of returning if neeee- eray. HUGH 1100ARTNEY, Brurafield. 140641 -- 31AMWORTH PIG FOR SERVICIL—The under- signed has for service on lot 82, concession 8, MOKillop, 5 thc-ro'bred Tamworth pig, to which a limited number of sows will be taken. Thi. is an extra good pig and breedere find it advantageous to cross their berkshire sows with this breed of pig. Terme $1, with privilege of returning if necessary. OHN ¥cMILLAN 1505xtf BOARS FOR SERVICIE.—For service on Lot 10, Concession 7, Stanley. First Prize, (4121) bred by Thomas Teradale, Concord, Ontario. Sire Baron Lee, 4th 0440 dam Lady 2872. Va/n• Duke, (8771) ored by T. G. Snell, Edrc.onton Ontario. Sire Star one (troP) (3071,) dam Trainer Bell (imp 2886). Terms $1. for grade, and $& for registered sows, at time of service, with privlige of returning if ecessary. WM. MeALLISTFIR. 1507 tf BULLS AND PIG.—The uncrereigned his on Lot 27, Concession 8, Hibbert, a thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, to which a limited number of sows will be taken. Terms—One dollar payable at the time of seerioe, with the privilege of returning if neoessery. He also has two registered Durham bulls for sale. They are about 2,0 months old, and in every respect re tame animals. DAVID HILL, Staff', P. 0: 150941 PHREPEA MEAL 0 Ten tons at a very reasonable price, iri exchange for Oats or Peas. Seaforth Oatmeal Mills. 1519 -t -f Prepare for Spring BY HAVING YOUR Clothes Cleaned or Dyed —AT-- Barr's Dye Works MARKET STREET, SEAFORTH. Satisfaction Guaranteed. MONEY TO LOAN. To loan any amount of money, on town orl farm property, at the lowest rates of interest and on the most reasonable terms. Apply to THOMAS E. Hays, Seaferth. 151241 • avoiding the neoessity.for stoopiiig. the tid+ turned, and at 8 o'cleck in the, A physician tells of a man who Viniat evening the Man of destiny, who was ' called bi his troops Old Two Hundred . mall carer financial troubles, and, after 'being confined In an asylum, took to ex - Thousand, turned away vrith broken heart, and the fate of centuries was de- Perimenting with an old clock which the cided. E authorities let him have for amusement. f Lion and Lamb. • .While the man had absolutely no know - No Wonder a great mound 'has been • ledge of mechanics or, indeed, mitt reared. there, hundreds or feet high --a else outside of his tanking house, he 0- moundatt the dxpense of milliimas of dol- ceeded in making two clever and useful lars and many years rising—and on the contrivances out of the old clock. Of couese there are exceptional cases top is the great Belgian lion of bronze, and the great volume -of thought in -the and a grand old lion it is. But our great Waterloo was in Palestine. There came madhOuse 18 usually directed toward a day When all hell rode up, led by wlld end impossible sohemes. -.Thii sarae Apolly•tn, and the captain of our salve- physicia,n who told of the successful in - tion confronted them alone. The rider ventor told of many very different cases. on the White horse a the Apocalypse go- Among them was this one: "A lunette Ing out against the Mick horse cavalry in an asylum where I was once atidistant of death, and the battalions of the de- physicaan invented a flying machine, and monbut and the myrmidons of -darkness. had e unique method of suspending it in Frozn. 12 o'clock at noon to 8 o'clock in mid-air. "Iiht atmosphere's pressure be - the afternoon the greatest battle of the ing fifteen pounds to the square inch,' he universe went on. Eternal destinies were said, 'I have simPly to exhaust all the being decided. All the arrows of hell i air from above my airship by an enorm- ous air pump fixed over the whole deck, piercedeour chieftain, and the battleaxes struckim, until brow and cheek and and the air pressure underneath will hold , on ttil should r and hand and foot were *earn- the ship up.' I told him he'd need an- adinedth oozing life, but he fought other air pump on the top- of the first one until he - gave a final stroke, and the to exhaust the air that would be presti- coramander in chief of hell and all his tag that pump- down, and another above forces fell back in everlasting ruin, and that, and so on, ad lib: but he declared the victory is ours. And. on the mound he bnce made a model which had worked splendidly. He said £it flew about that celebrates the triumph we plant this In the room like a bird. Unfortunately day two figures not in: bionze or iron or the window happened to be open at the sculptured marble, but two figures of living Xight, the lion of .Tudah's tribe, top and it flew out. And so I lost it,' , he and the lamb that was slain. lainexited. • . ' i . chaplain of an asylum in the Beeping Hine Charles' Memory Green. north once told me of a madman there Persons who are adapted by intellectuar who had aiplan for layingta cable wo days. His idea wa rito in t and spitirual equipment • to be high the world church., Episcopalians seem to find ex- tend up a powerful balloon to the high- (*tient entertainment in that fold. Com- est possible altitude, with a cablelat- znent lies hardly cleared yet on the very- tached. By the revolution of the earth on its axis the cable, he declared, would be interesting novelty- that was provided for some Ithem on the 80th of January in laid completely round the earth in Nework and Philadelphia, in the twenty-four hours!" shape ef celebrations of 'the anniversary i of 'King Charles the Martyr," the samSlept Eight Days. e _ being no less familiar and recent a per- • The Berlin Vom Fels Zuni Meer illus. sonagoithan the late Charles I of Eng- trates the experience entered into by an land. ,IPious and respectable asCing Indian fakir at Preshurg on the way Sth Charles was, it put the casual newspaper two other Indians to the Buda -P th reader Ito his stumps to gums why two Millennial Exposition. The man is id 4.111eflOan churches should be putting to have awakened after eight days in a themselves to trouble and expense to theater in Buda, Pesth. He began his keep his memory green, but there is ail longi sleep after taking a meal of milk at tie f it tains the hotel in Preib here his future . . *win of dint madam n1in INVENTIONS OF THE INSANE. o month of June. . " mid our guide, “thedilliblend • tit lay down on their WUseful Articles Designed la Lunette Asy- el Waite loins au d Patented isy.arehsods. for the 1110/hent rto epring " , the - - oe. that orchard 2,500 men Weeticout A lunatic asylum is not the place most to piecee. Here stood etitennooeh rit,,rh people would look for the products of in - whits lipse and that rode ventive m 11 minds, and yet there are a 11111- up knoll „ - &al NI on his sixth horse, five having ber of cases on ntoord where men have hem mot under him. Bore the reuhe of . been ow:dined because their Inedris were the French broke e and Marshal Ney, with wrecked, and who worked behind the, his boll, slashed at by a trword,and his it bars until they speoeeded in giving vain - off; and his face covered with powder and able new devices te the world, Some blood, led i to rally his troops as he e Years.ago an inmate of a Philadelphia cried, I ,ad see how a marshal a • asylum invented an egg -beater with an France dies on the -battlefield!' From automatic movement,which his friends yonder idireatioit Grouchy was expeoted have patented and eold for a considerable 111. • for thinFrench re -enforcement, but be sum of money. . came eiot. Around those woods Blucher A similar case is reported from an Wae lociked tor to re -enforce the English, English, asylum. In the -institution there and 1114* in time he came up. Yonis a man confined who think he is der is the He141where Napoleon stood, his arms looked up in prison because he is unable ' mien to throng the reins of the herle's bridle, to pay The national debt,. In dazed and inane, trying ,to go back." raise the necessary money tigLIFT the Scene fro. m a battle that went on front . debt he has been using his d bratn 26 raiiiites to 12 o'clock, on the 18th a • for several yenta. on inventions Fd has o June ntil 4 o'clock, when the English sueeeeded in several instanees. one oried out; eBoys, eau you think of ore, Plead on the mad of a lawn tenn1i4eatlet • seenik defeatecl, and their coMmander °ale iu'reut6d a eentrivaue6 be tug eteayi, Remember ote Eughuetter enet for the purpose of picking lei bells and • • expiates o whichpartly exp . w It is held that Charles might have saved couch—and glass coffin—waspre for his life if he had agreed to abolish the hinel He entered it, clad in a ni ht- epIsooaoy On that ground he is held to gown, and was then covered with a silk be a Martyr. He was canonized -after the coverlet. He passed into unconscious eat restoration. and his day kept in England by steadily gazing at the tip of his ose. for more than a centime but the enthu- His !associate placed his hands upo the siasm414uabout it gradually fell off, and th -operator's' forehead, the eyes of the 1859 een Victoria, with the help of gradually beaming fixed. In two parliament, abolished the service for his utes he was in a deep sleep. day, removed his prayer from prayer hook When the time set for the awake and tieok his name off the saints' eaten- in Buda-Pesth arrived the English d dar. managing these faldric thrust :la Later a society of persons'not other- needle into the sleeping fakir's arm. wise fully occupied, was started in, Eng- sleeper did net stir. Then the fa land to observe this day of the only Eng- partner began -to munch= a pray lish soint made since the reformation, which the influence, ostensibly, beg and branch societies have since been, awaken the sleeper, who first sh stezte, in this country. A portraits of life by abdominal motion. Gracluall Charlea in saintly guise, painted by pupils of the eyes 'dilated to a n Oswald Ileum, . has been hung in the size, and the man groaned aloud. Church of the Evangelists, in Philadel- nese departed from the limbs, and phia fond was unveiled with many °ere- solemness slowly 'returned. The Mon fs e rec . p Perry, of Iowa, the same , who ;was so and. then in English asked for zealously opposed to making Phillips Milk was poured into his mouth fr Brooks a bishop, pronounced a eulo,gy on Sint Charles, and eight other bishops and Dr. Morgan Dix, of New York, sent • their rblessings to the service. How many kind* of pious people there are in this interesting world, and how odd. the acti- vities, Of some of them do seem to us, their more prosaic fellows I—Harper's Weekly. Byroa'ai "There Let Him Lay." t th ent celebration Bisho Mumbled same unlntdlllglble syl in- ing tor arge The tr't , of uSa wed the al tiff- con- akir bles, ilk. 111 a al - $ I A. !correspondent recently wrote to John, Murray, stating that, having learned he was about to publish a new, complete and carefully revised edition of Byron's poetical and prose works, he thought the time had come to correct whatl admirers of the poet oonsidered musk be a misprint. He advised the oifisia91on of the period after "lay" in the line +Mich terminates with "there let him lay," in that stanza of the apos- trophe to the ocean in the fourth canto of " Ghilde Harold," and so do away with whatImany felt to be a reproach to the authar, as hitherto printed. Mr. Murray in reply said:— "In answer to your inquiry, I write to infca•M you that the well known passage ID the fourth canto of 'Childe Harold, 'the*. let" him lay,' is no miginal MS. in my poisessionieprint. I have the the 'ford and the full 'stop are as cli;and ar as can posslbly be. "Moreover, the stanza beginning 'The armaments which thunderstrike the • walltt was not in the original draft, but was added last of all. "As originally :written, the word 'lay' wasfollowed by, 'Though glorious mit- ror etc. So that it could not have been Byiem's intention to run on the sense froM one stanza to the next. "He uses the word 'lay' in an incorrect way elsewhere."—New York Times. A Weird. Advertisement. A grewsome advertirement of bicycle fixtu'res to displayed in the window of a stora on Market street, above Tends. A bleyoile is rigged up * the vrietelow, and upon it sits a &sister' norther. The boay fingers elan& tha handle hors aaa the Beehleas feed are firmly fixed to the pedals. ,The sleng is Stied with a power - fel eleotelp lamp, and the light gleams very:weirdly-through tie hollotr waits where the eyes had °Bee teen. An elec- tric motor sunlit*, the power which drives the wheels isessupdp and the lag bent* rattle up and dawn rapidly' and the jewbene mem reguiarly, asi though the likeleton ware Ethrtli ohevring Philadelphia ecord. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICEs iSEAFORTH, ONTA.RIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED. spoon, hut at first he was iinible to low. At last he drank eagerly from a n his nd lish, been g of and Ir old such 1 glass, and complained of pains i back. After half an hour he could up, and then began to toll in Zn though still stuttering, that he bad in the better land, censtantly think God; that he had been very happy, had heard noble music. The fjk named Bhim-jen-Pratlay, is 2,8 yea and comes from Lahore, in the Pu Be-attributehis ability to underg .experiences to a superior will pow. Used to Nice Things. "One cannot talk with her for minutes without discovering that not accustomed to nice things," w assertion made of a woman who cently acquired 'wealth. ' • , t'How does she show it?" 1 mice "By never admiring a handsome owned by another person. She is ions to have people imagine that s had always the best things of that she dreads tO admire lest her ewers guess that she never owned ‘th real thing' herself until lately. That is ways the way with human make-belleves. In New York the country visitor heititates Idled abl- teen e s the, d re- iole 9.11X - e has s life, to show an interest in the wares in thashop windows, while the tont of the city pauses to gaze terest at the latest thing. The m has always lived on plain r boiled simulates contemptuous fa • ity with salads and entrees) whIle the genuine epicure expresses enthusiiTio ap- preciation of delicate fiavorin and piquant seasoning. He who is sure of the ground on which he stands is not afraid to stamp or wtilk heavily, w whose understanding is shaky tre media* delicately. Yes, people not need to nice things seldom anytlainsi They prefer to criticise think criticism of an article argw iliarity with it" th in - who and ilinr- ile he s ex - ho are tre They fazn- The Sun's Neat. If -the heat ot the MEI wee° produced by the burning of coal, iteveleld reqeire a leper 16 feet in thiamine eVading over the enn's entire length to er flame for a soak hour. aa the sun been a jlid look of autterElte .18 would heti, boU ittetly vonswilied within 46 oenttuJias after tie they it took ther He Sad ilantarks. " P073"011 Warm that money talker tiy. IP at did it over say to you?" "It said: Ta, ta.' " $1. URON EXPOSITOR. • AMOOMMIIIM About Roosevelt. TEAS •TEA Theodore Roosevelt *Jos not always the _• finent orator and I ready extemporaneous *meeker that he is te-day Alea boy he WAS wide-awake, good at his "books, but better and a healthy, hearty, stardy boy. A. THE SEAFORTH at his sports, a lover of ail out -door sports school he was required to writeteseays and give recitations. His old playmates delight TEA *STORE to relate how Ted brought the house down by his method of rendering 'Marco Bozzar- , is.' This stirring poem begins : At midnight in his guarded tent • The Turk lay drearniug of the hour When Greece, her knera in suppliance bent, Should tremble at hie'power. When, young Roosevelt's turn came to speak, he arose with all Confidence, and be. : ; ' At midnight in h s gnardied tent The Turk lay dreaming of thepour When Greera her knees--. Then his memory 'failed him, and he re- peated : Greece her kneee--- In vain'his meinory etubbornly refneed to work. Once mere he shouted desperate- ly : Grego her knees -- The old professor looked over his spec- tacles and encouragingly remarked: "Green her knees once more, Theodore, - perhaps she'll go then.", ' • , • , • The Man and !Elieliouse When John Quinoy Adams was 8 old, he Met in the'streets of Boston friend, who shook his trembling hen said " Good morning And how is Quincy Adams to -day ?" "Thank was the ex -President's answee, Quincy Adatkis himself' iis well, sir; quite well, I thank you, But the house in which he lives at present id becoming dilapidated. It is tottering upim its foundation. Time and the seasons have neerly destroyed it, its roof is pretty;well worn' out. Its walls are much shattered, and it trembles with every wind. The old tenement is becoming • almost uninhabitable; and I think John Quincy Adams will have to move out of it soon ; but he himeelf is qUite well sir; quite well." With that the venerable sixth Pres- ident of the United States moved on with She aid of his staff. It was not long after- ward that he had his second and fatal stroke of paralysis, in the Capitol, at Wash- • ington. "This us the end of eart ," he said; "I am content." A Storin Incident. Twenty years ago the writer, with her 3 - year -old child, was on her way to W , hing- ton in midwinter: Instad of reaching that s was night ght of bo dig t only years tt old and John you,,, John Purest and Best for Table and Dairy No adulteration. Never cak in th beautiful city early e morning, expected, the train was stalled in th by a terrible blizzard. After the he the storm was over it took houre away the heavy now,' that buried, n She rails, but th whole world, apparently. Slowly and labotiously the locomotiv' crept Was • 8 in ped up cUp of on, and we were still 201) miles from ington when the 'church cloak Arno a village where We halted. Men juni to see if there were time to get a coffee; nervous and anxious women clam- ored for tee, and I cried with the Itsi "Oh, if only I could ) get a glass of milk or my little gui I" "Impossible," said the brake- man, who was ,passing through the car; "we shan't, be here but a minute." Paying no heed to his words a gentleman of striking appearance, whose Eine faze and head I had been silently studying, hurried- ly left the car and dioappeared upon the snowy platform. "He'll get left," ' sneered She brakeman. , . , The train moved on, feeling its way through the huge white banks on both sides. The gentleman had evidently been traveling alone, for no one seemed anxious because he did not come back. ' The cars were hardly in full swing, hoe/ever, when he jumped aboard, a tittle out of breath, dusted with snow, but self-possessed and calm, holding carefully 0 tall glass of milk; which he gave to the wee girl beside me. My stammered thanks for such unexpected kindness from an unknown traveler, he brushed away with a wave of his hand, "But the glass ?" I insisted, knowing it could not be returned, as we were now thundering onward. "Is yours, madam," he replied,isettling himself into his seat, paying no more attention to ue. But later in4the course of the dreary forenoon he motioned to the little lass to come to him, which she willingly did. He lifted her to his aide, and with his arm round her she cuddled tip against him, and for two hours he whispered stories into her ear, so low that no one else could hear, but the dellght of which was reflected in lull, dancing eyes and smiling lips. At Baltimore the stranger disappeared, and a gentleman across the passage from us leaned over and said, " Do you know who has been entertaining your child so charm- ingly, as indeed only he meld?" "I haven't the faintest idea." Profesaor Francis J. Child." . any years have flown since then that Bom the little lass herself writes stories 110W— perhaps far away echoes of those she heard that wintry day when 'Professor Child made summer in her heart, but the Its% thick depot tumbler still stands on the high shelf of the cupboard, too sacred -for any use, sive as a memento Of the kindly Chivalry of atgreat man to a little child. A latitic's , Contributor's Club. - ' --• The Effidaby of' a Countersign. While Colonel Want, with 1he middle Tennessee regiment, was occupying Nash- ville during the late war, he stationed sen- tries and patrols in all the principal streets of the sity. One day an Irishman who had not been long enlisted was put on duty at a prominent erossingf and he ke t a sharp and faithful' watch. Pre.entlj a citizen came along. ' , . " Halt! Who goes there?" "A citizen," wee the response " Advance and give the countersign." "1 have not the countersign," replied the indignant citizen, "and the de and for it at this time and place is unusua "Well, Begorah ! ye don't p Until ye say' Bunker Hill 1'" The citizen appreciating thb situation, sinned and advanced to the sentry and whis- pered the magic words. "Right! Pass on I" and the wide awake sentinel resumed his beet. • horseman, of Brussels, has urehased "Sir —Thomas McLanchlin, the iwoesfelldpa;anyeil. Mr. Robert of Bowmen - easeful thew at Toronto, pieces will a this way Walter," a lie unported 01y lion, from Adams Brothers., They bought the horse from Beith,` the well known import. vMe, Rohm been & very au horse, as the many prima take Montreal; London and othe prove. IBA__ VIZ Gaza ' H1114 DOO'REINgDY a• 4,430 doppr lirla Reint4ele TIOD1701.8111118 all Nervous Dieeasee, Failing MinnOTY Paresis, Slesolgraneso Niehtly Einla slurs. eauWo by 11,04 abuses, Ores' rigor and size to shrunken omens, and quickly but surely restores Lost Illan,bood ka old or Voting. Badly curried in rest pocket. Pries 412.00 a package. Six for $11.00 gotta a written inserantee do ours or nsorsrvi refunded. Doter BUT ANI IMITATIon, but irinst On haring =DAP°. If roue dreitaist has not firjtoi,)we win rand it prepaid. , gime co., Pram, clause, m: or oar U. C. Harvey, Draggle!, :ST. THOMAS, ONT. — Just arrived; another e.ar of those fine blend teas, which are giving -such great satisfaction—they ;sell • like hot cakes. Try my new blends —they will please you. Try my morning 'luxury blend. Try my 25o Japan. Try my black blend at 25o alb. Trymy green tea at 25o. i My trade is ncreasing every day. I pay epeeist attention to my tea trade, I also keep a first-class stook of all kinds of fresh Grocer- ies and Provisions, Crockery and Glassware, and will not be under- sold by any other house, as I am tho oldest grocer in Seaforth. _eud a cordial invitation to a to call and get some of these good teas; I am sure they will please you. A. G. AULT, C4th. Wbores PIEZOSPELOTOINEV The' Great Itaallah Remedy. ft Six Pacbages Guarantee& to promptly, and permanently - cure all forms of Nervous Weakness, Ernissions,Sperss- aterrhea, Impotency awl col effects of Abv.se or Arouses. Mental Worry, excessive use Before and After. Zbbamoo f Opiumor ksnts, which. soon lead to In.- firritify, insanity, Consumption and aa early grave. Bea been prescribed over 85 yeato in thourande of cases; is, the only Reliable and Honest Medicine known. Askdruggist for Wood's Phosphodlne; if he offers some worthless medicane in place of this, p inclose price In letter, and we will send by return mail. Price, one package, $1; six; $5. One will iso te please, sta cure. Pamphlets free to any address. • The Wood Company, Windsor, Out, Canada. Sold in Seaforth and everywhere in Can- ada by all responsible druggests. Change of Business. • The undersigned beg to thank the many custo- mers of the late firm for their' liberal patronage, and hope to have the same continued. We will keep in stook PINE LUMBER, BOTH DRESSED AND UNDRESSED, MOULDINGS OF ALL KINDS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, LATH AND SHINGLES, 'BOTH PINE AND BRITISH COLUMBIA CEDAR, at the closest prices. We will us'e first-olase material and employ only the beet workmen. W!.11 guarantee satisfaction to all. Mai; Street—North Planing Mill. IL CLUFF & SONS, Seaforth. 1514-1 yr. ▪ too -la dd BM 10 NDIS ' S OIIS NOS -1 Pis PA CD Owit$1 c -P 0 (1) CD - 5 0 E. 41 0 CD #1, tiTri 0 renrt- • c Fa.) O e1r 0 pci c -a• 0 Its la, CU CD CA P C.) l:$ 0 glOp,a0 2 0 02.5 p: cp 0 It " P 1-s • I:3 24 '51 PI Po P.' CD *I 1)4'41 6. P p., bd. 0 0 131 5 IS; go .9• 5 7,71 n.` o p) <1 a) a) rn sn 474"Ix' 04° et- . NEW SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOE JUST OPENED hip. The finest assortment and the best quality at the lowest possible prices. New styles in fine. Shoes and all kinds of wearing shoes cheap. A fine variety of Trunks and Valises and if you want somet • nice or somiithng strong in footwear, you can find you want at bottom' prices. ' JOHN WAY, Seaforth. Richardson k McInnis" Old Stand. 1226-13 FIFTEEN HUNDRED HAND MADE SAP PAILS THE SAME PRICE AS FACTORY MAKE. ALSO A .k ULF, LINE Spil es, Sugar Kettles, etc.,,atrock bottom prices. • S. MULLETT & Co., Seaforth. Hardware, Stoves and Tinware Merchants. Second hand stoves taken in exchange for new ones. DOMINION BANK. CAPITAL, (PAID UP) REIM) SI050010410, ABEEMM•1! - ",500,004, SEA.FORTH BRANCH. MAIN; STREET, - ,SEAFORTIL • A genera banking _business transacted. Drafts •on allipsrte of tikeUited Stags - Great Britain and Europe bought andeold. Utter, of credi•t iimadt Manila/kin all pear. of Europe, China and. Japan. ,Farmers' Salo !Jain collected, sad advanoss made on eon • lowest rates. 11AVIIMOS DEPARTMENT, . -d "lnAlas and Deettaber. Deposita of One Dollar andgtwice esayear—at the wad of wards moeived) interest allowed at hlgbaot ourrost ratesIztereet added to grin No notice of withdrawalkmunad for the whole or any portion of a dere& - R S. RAYS, Solicitor, W. K. PEARCE, Agent H R. Jackson & SON. Madge Laresiseas OP • Jules Robin & Oc's Tkandy, Cornet 'Franee ; Jne. de Knyper & Son, Hot- bed Gu, Rotterdam, Holland ; Booth's To Olt, Leaden, Maenad ; Bello& & Co.'s &obeli Whiaky, Gies- ew, Scotland; imaiessn's Ishis • Whisky, Dublin, behind • also 7Port and Merry Wine freln imam) and Spain,Agents for Walker's Whiaky, Ontario; Royal Distillery and Davis' Ale and Porter, Toronto. Tp THE PUBLIC: We have opened a retail store in connection with our wholesale husi- busineas in the rear of the new Do- minion Bank, in Good's old stand, ,where we will sell the best goods in • the market at bottom prices. Goods delivered to any part of the town free. TELEPHONE 1 1 . 1518-51 tnnft.11.111111.1 Is the quickest remedy ever know to cure Burns, Braises, Scalds, tuts, Sores, Boils, Sprains, Strains, etc. The many well known people. of 'high standing in tie community, who have spoken and written of the merits of Quickcure, show that it is an honest remedy of -great efficacy. °Note the testimonials in this issue. BICYCLE TALK • 1897. Ladies' aid Gentlemen We have • ready for your inspection the new Crescent Wheels, and invite all interested to call and look them ovfsr earefulli. Al though they hit*e been for years the best 'Wheel in the market for the price asked, they are this year further ahead of competitors than ever. We are also agents for the Welland Vale, the Hyslop and the Brantford Wheels, and will give the closest prices and most liberal terms of payment on any of them. We have rented Kidd's Hall, and any intending purchaser may try a ride on any wheel desired. Some Bargains in 2nd Hand Wheels are now Being Offered. Cab or Write to LUMSDEN & WILSON/ suarrs BLOOK, MAI,N STREET SM.A.101:ZEUEI, The Brucefleld saw As I have leased the Brueeneld Saw MIR for a number of years. I am in a position to give the best of satisfaction. Custom sawing done on the shortest n oti a* . All sizes of tile and the beet of shingle* always kept on hand. CHOPPING. Chopping done by stone or grinder. Satisfaction Guaranteed. '• _ LOGS WANTED. For any quantity of good Soft Ehn and Besswo4x1 Loge, and all other timber, I will pay the highest Cash prioe. I will be pleased to nave all my old customers end all many new ones as will favor me with their patronage. siah mi Watson, Brueefteld aw 22-8. THE 13gAFORTH Musical i= Instrunte4 . •EMPORIUM- ' ESTABLISH:ED, 1873. Owing to bard times, we have con. ?Jaded to sell Pianos and Organs at Greatly Reduced Price& .mow•Ifaia•01 Organs at $25 and upwaieds, and Pianos at Corresponding prices., SEE 178 BEFORE PURCHASING. SCOTT BROS. -