HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-03-26, Page 2• Ettrit PQ ' � MARCH 26 1817. TO SAVE MONEY. First find quality: Pan Dried Rolled Oats Pave money for you. They are sold in bulk, by the pound. You pay something extra for the package in package oats. You needn't do it though. " Fan Dried." is the equal of package oats; but at a lower price. Your grocer sells them. Ask him. VTR TILLSON CO'Y, LTD. Tilsonburg, Ont. 1527.62 CUTTERS -AND- SLEIGHS. ND--- !►S1101- HS. M.i I» BICYCLES AND WATtiiESFoR Now is the tiraet to prefoire for winter, and get your °UTTERS and SLEIGHS. We have on hand now a fall line of all styles, made from the best material and by the best workmen. . Call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Lewis McDonald, 1480 Saddlery, Furniture, Organ - PMAILINTO 110 -10 -SM. If you are on the lookout for the beat ptace- to buy your harnese of every discription and trunks, tr eve'. ling bags, or any goods in a first-class saddlery shop, go to li. WELL, Zurich, Ontario. If you want to buy cheap Bedroom and Parlor Suite, or any kind of House Furniture, Nib idow Shades and Curtain Poles, go to H. WELL, Zurich, If you want to save money buy your Cirgans where you have a °twice of 3 or 4 of the best manufactures in Canada, all are in stock at rock bottom Tutees. Got° IL WELL, Zurich, Ontario. 1527-t.f. A General Banking Inusiness transacted. Farmers' notes discounted. Drifts "bought and sold Interest allowed on deposits at the rate Et per cent. per innum. SALE NOTES discounted, or taken for OFFICE -Mita doer north of Reid & Wilson's Hardware Store SkAFORTH PACKING HOUSE. TO HOG BREEDERS. Of the Seated& Packing House STO pre- pared tr. handle any quantity of Hogs, Live or Dress, for which they will pay the 'highest market price. Will have man call on any partite having live Hogs to dispose of, if notified. For par- ticulars call at Retail Store, Carmichael's Block, Seaforth. 1518-t.L hEMOVED. Having removed into the store forinerly occupied by Mr. Downey, in 'the Cady Block., opposite the Commercial 'Hotel, I now purpose carrying a full and compiete ine of all kinds of HarileSS3 Whips, Blankets) And everything handled by the trade. 'Just reenived this week a large consignment of BLANKETS, GOAT ROBES AND GOLLOWAY ROBES, Which we are now offering at astonishingly low prices. SEAFORTH. McLEOD'S System -Renovator OTHER - A specific and antidote for Impure, Weak and Im- poverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate - don of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis. Coneumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kieney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Inegularieies and General Debility. LABORATORY-Goderich, Ontario. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manu facturer. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. 151314 - THE FARMERS' (la con/intim with the Bank of Montreal.) PANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. OFFICE -In the Commercial Hotel build- ing, next to the Town Hall. A General Banking Engines. done. Drafts ssued and cashed. Interest allowed on deposits. MONEY TO LEND On goodpnotes or mortgagee. ROBERT LOGA.N, MANAGER. ItIcKillop Directory for 1896 :JOHN MORRISON, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0. WILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Daputy-Reeve, Lead. ,posgpia C. MORRISON, Councillor, Beechwood P. 0. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood P. 0. JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. O. DAVID 31. ROSS, Treasnrer,- Winthrae p. CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seaforth P. 0. RI011ARD POLLARD, 'Sanitary Inepectorjoad. During Ihe Year 189t, For hill particular; see advertisements, or apply to LEVER BROS., in., 23 SCOTT ST., TORONTO REAL ETATE FOR SALE. "DARES FOR SALK-The unde ed has twenty ✓ Choice Farms for Bele In uron, the ban- ner County of the province ; all sizes, and. prices' to suit. For full information, write or call_ personally. No trouble to sho them. F. S. SCOTT, Bruseels MUM FOR SALE. -100 acres, in the township of 1.1; Grey, near Brdesels. "There is on it nearly 60 acres of bush. about halt blaok ash, the rest hard- wood. A never -failing spring of water rime through the lot. Will be sold at a big bargain. For particu- lars. apply to MKS. JANE WALKER, Box1472019, TIOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -For sale, in the village of Haepurhey, a frame house and over .half 'acre of land, the property of the late B. Eden. The house contains 7 rooms and woodshed. The garden is planted Vlith a choice number of fruit trees. For particulars, apply' to 'F. HOI.MRSTED, ESQ., Seaforth, Ont. 1525x4 riARM FOR SAL .-For sale, lot 6, concession 12, f4i X township of ibbert, containing 100 acres of good land in a , od state of cultivation. Well fenced ; good brick hbuse ,; gocd bank barn and out buildings ; 18 acresioefall wheat, and ploughing all done ; 2 good welle and 2 never failing springs ; 86 acrea cleared ; possession at anytime. For further particulars, apply to` PETER MELVILLE, Cromarty 'LURIE FOR SAL. -East half Lot 41, Concession ✓ 2, Township lof Baal Wawanoeh, containing 100 acres. This 'is one of the best farms in the Township, and is situated in a good neighbor- hood, eoil of the best and no waste land. There are on the farm, frame barn and stables, alio two acres of orchard, plenty Of good water, and within one mile and a half from the village of Blyth. For further particulars apply on the premises or to Box 195, Blyth P. 0. i 15144f (1011FORTABLEILPLACE FOR SALE -For sale k.a cheap, the far of this undersigned in Harpur hey. Them are betWeen 28 and 80 sores, all cleared, drained and in a go0 state of cultivation. There is a good frame house,1 barn and driving shed. It is within a mile of Seatorth, and is admirably adapted for a market gardener or a small dairy farm. Apply to the proprietor on the premises, ISAAC MILLER. . 152244. ITcheap, or to4line for a term of years, the hotel O'TEL FOR S tE OR TO RENT. -For sale in the Village of Blake, in the County, of Huron. The hotel contains six bed -romps, together with all other necessary rcsims and conveniencies, usually foundtio a Village Motel. There is also a, large barn and shed, and splendid welL It is the only hotel in the place, and is si popular and convenient atop - place for travelers. There is no other hotel man, and will be sol cheap and on easy terms. or within four miles. Ict is a first class stand for a good will be rented for a term of years. There is a good yard and garden attached, posesidon any time. smith Shop, das. Apply on the premises or address MRS. WM. MoNICHCiLSON, Blake P. 0. 1515x4-14 FoR SALE4-For sale, lot 36, concession ✓ 2, Kinloss, containing 100 acres, 85 cleared and tzte balance in good hardwood bush. The land Is in a good state of cultivation, is weU underdrained and well fenced. There a frame barn and log house on the property, a never4failing spring with vrindmill, also about 2 amea cC Orchard. It is an excellent farm and is within oni mile of Whiteohur& station,. where there are stnres, blacksmith shop and churches. There is a echool on the opposite lot. It is six miles from Wingham and six from ;Lucknow, with good roads leading in all directions. This de- sirable property will be sold on reasonable terms. For further particula4 apply to JAMES MITCHELL, Varna P. 0. 1495-15044f VOA, SALE OR TO 1RFNT ON EASY TERMS. - X As the owner wishes to retirelrom business on account of ill health, the following valuable property at Winthrop, ti miles riorth of Seaforth, on leading road to Brussels, will be sold or rented as one farm or in parrs to suit pnrchaser : about 500 notes of splendid farming lan4 with about 400 under orop, the balance in pasture. There are large barna and all other buildings necessary for the implements, vehicles, ete4 This land is well wateree, has good frame and brick dwelling houses, etc. There are grist and saw mills and store which will he sold or rented on advantageons terms. Also on 17th con• cession, Grey township, 190 acres of land, 40 in pasture, the balance in timber. Possession given afteraiarvest of farm hinds mills at once. For par- ticulars apply to ANDREVeGOVENLOCK, Winthrop. etet-Le et, et ea- ea Our direct comie tions will save you . time and mon y for all points. Canadian orth West Via Torontio or Chicago, British ColumboLa and California . Our rates are the 1, west. We have them to suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR- IST CARS for your4accommodation. Call for further information. Station G. T. R. Ticket Office. Train Servic4 at Seaforth. Trains leave Seafortll and Clinton etations as GOING WEST-- SRA:FORTH. CLINTON. Passenger 12.47 rat.- 1.03 rai. Passenzer 10.12 P. M. 10.27 P.M • GOING EAST - Wellington, Goma NORTII-. Ethel Brussels Bluevale GOING SOUTH- Bluevaie Brussels Ethel Grey and Bruce Passenger. Mixed. 9.44 10.20 11.10 5.30 rad 6 03 6.37 112.52 1.06 1 15 7.07 7.21 7%33 7.02 • London, H Ton and Bruce. GOING NORTH- Passenger London, depart _ Centralia Kippen.. Brucefleld Belgrave Wingham arrive London, (arrive) A GREAT SACRIFICE. REV. DR. $TALMAGE ILLUSTRATES THE ATONEMENT. He Explains the Theory of vicarious Saaeri4 iflce--The Blood of hrlst--Cassa of Sub- atitntiou--Lite for Life --Frequents*, of • Suffering for Others. Welshington, March 21. --From many conditions of life Dr. Talmage, in this sermon, draws graphic illustrations of one of the sublimest theories of religion -namely, ,vicarious sacrifice. His text was Hebrews ix, 22, "Without shedding of blood is no remission." John .G. Whittier, the last of the great school of American poets that made the last quarter of a century brilliant, asked me in the White mountains, one morn- ing after prayers, in which I bad given out Cowper's famous hymn• about the "fountain filled with. blood," a' Do you really believe there is a literal application of the blood of Christ to the soul?" My negative reply then is my negative reply now. The Bible statement agrees with all physicians, and all physiologists, and all scientists, in saying that the blood is the life, and in the Christian religion it means simply that Christie life was given for our life. Hence all this talk of men who say the Bible story of blood is leis - gusting, and that they don't want what they call a 'slaughter house religion" only shows their incapacity or unwilling- ness to look through the figure of speech toward the thing signified. The blood that, on the darkest Friday the worlel ever saw, oozed or trickled or poured from the brow, and the side,, and the hands, and the feet of . the illustrious sufferer, back of Jerusalem, in a few hours coagulated and dried up and for- ever disappeared, and if man had depend- ed on the application of the literal blood of Christ there would not have been a soul saved for the last 18 centuries. Voluntary Suffering. In order to understand this red word of my text we only have to exercise, as much common sense in religion as we do in everything else. Pang for pang, hun- ger for hunger, fatigue for fatigue, tear for 'tear, blood for blood, life for life, we see every day illustrated. The act of sub- stitution is no novelty, although I hear men talk as though the idea of Christ's suffering substituted for our suffering were something abnormal, something distressingly odd; something wilaly eccentric, a solitary episode in the world's history, when I could take you. out into this city, and before sundown point you to 500 cases of substitution and .volun- tary suffering of one in behalf of another. At 2 o'clock to-mor:rosy afternoon go among the places of business or toil. It will be no difficult thing for you to find men who, by their looks, show you that they are overworked. They are prema- turely old. They are hastening rapidly toward their decease. They have gone through crises in business that shattered their nervous system and pulled on the brain. They have a shortness of breath and a pain in the back of the head, and at night an insomnia that alarms them. Why are they drudging at business early and late? -For fun? No; it would be difficult to extract any amusement out of that exhaustion. Because they are avaricious? In many cases no. Because their own personal expenses are lavish? No; a few hundred dollars would meet all their wants. The simple fact is the man is enduring all that fatigue and ex- asperation and wear and tear to keep his home prosperous. There is an invisible line reaching from that store, from that bank, from that shop, from that scaffold- ing, to a quiet scene a few blocks away, a few miles away, and there is the secret of that business endurance. He is simply the champion of a homestead, for. which he wins bread and wardrobe and . educa- tion and prosperity, and in such battle 10,000 men fall,. Of ten business men whom I bury, nine die of overwork for others. Some sudden disease finds them with no power of resjtance, and they are gone. Life for life, blood for blood. Sub- stitution! At 1 o'clock to -morrow morning, the hour when slumber is most uninterrupted and most profound, walk amid the dwell- ing houses of the city. Here and there you will find a dim light because it 'is the household custom to keep a subdued light burning, but most of the houses from base to top are as dark as thoaigh uninhabited. A merciful God has sent forth the archangel of{sleep, and he puts his wings over the city. But yonder is a clear light burning, and outside on the window casement is a glass or pitcher . containing food for a sick child. The food is set in the fresh air. This is the sixth night that mother has sat up with 'that sufferer. She has to the last point obeyed the physician's prescription, not /giving a. drop too Much or too little, or a moment too soon or too late. She is very anxious, for she has buried three children with the same disease, and she prays and weeps,each prayer and sob ending with a kiss of the pale cheek. By dint of kind-. ncss she gets the little one through the ordeal. After it is all over the mother is taken down. Brain or nervous fever sets in, and one day she leaves the convales- cent child with a mother's blessing and goes up to join the three in the kingdom of heaven. Life for life. . Substitution ! The fact is that there are an uncounted number of mothers who, after they have navigated a large family of children through all the diseases of infancy and ' got •them fairly started up the flowering slope of boyhood and girlhood, have only strength enough left to die. They fade away. Some call it consumption, some call it nervous prostration, some call it• intermittent or malarial indisposition, but I call it martyrdom of the, •domestic circle. Life for life. Blood ;for blood. Substitution ! • r A Sacrificing Mother..' Or perhaps the mother lingers long enough to see a son get on the wrong road, and his former kindness becomes rough reply when she expresses anxiety about him. But she goes right on, look- ing carefully after his apparel, remember- ing his every birthday with .some memento,and, when he is brought home, worn out with dissipation,nurses him till he gets well and starteahlitreagain and hopes and. expects and prays and counsels and suffers until her- 'strength gives out and she fails. She IS oing, ,and, attend- ants, bending over er pillow and ask her if -she has any me sage to leave, and she makes great effo to say something, but out of three oe fo minutes of in- distinct ixtterance ey can catch but three words, "My po 1 r boy!" The simple 9.18 5.67 StabstitUtion I .sihOnt 36 years ago there went forth 9.44 6.18 9:50 8.26 from our northern and southern homes 9.58 8.33 10.15 6.55 10.3e 7.14 10.41 7.23 10.66 7.87 11.10 8.00 7 04 8.15 7.16 4 00 7.24 4.10 7.47 4 30 8 06 4 50 8.24 6.04 8 38 5.18 hundreds of thoustds of men to do battle for their coun y. All the poetry of war soon vaniShed and left them nothing but the terrible prosl They waded knee deep in mud; they s ept in snowbanks; they marched till the' cut. feet tracked litr the earth; they we e swindled out of their honest rations nd.' lived on meat not fit for a dog; the had jaws all frac- tured,' and eyes extin ished, and limbs shot aWay. Thousa ds'of them cried for :water as they lay d:ing on the field the 3 7 `ter*, . Ylenzteiil0i gffa reanv a no meemage from their loved ones. They filled in barns;; in bushes, in'diehes, the bus- sarda of the summer . heat the Only attendants on their obsequies. No one but the infinite God, who knows every- thing, knows the ten -thousandth I part of the length and breadth and depth and height of the anguish of the n'prthern and southern battlefields. Why did these fathers leave their children and go to the front and why did these young men, postponing . the marriage day start out into the probabilities of never coming back? For the country. they died; Life for life. Blood for blood. Substitution! Cases of Heroism. But we need not go so far. What is that monument; in Greenwood? It is to the doctors who fell in the southern epi- demics. Why go? Were there not enough sink to be attended in these northern latitudes? Oh, yes 1 But the doctor puts a few medical books in his valise and some visit of medicine and leaves his patients here in the hands of other phy- sicians hysicians and takes the rail train- Before he gets to the infected regions he .passes' crowded rail trains, regular and. •extra, taking the flying and affrighted popula- tions. He arrives in a city over which a great horror is brooding. He goes' from couch to couch, feeling of the- pulse and studying symptoms and prescribing day after day, night after night, until a fellow physician says: "Doctor, you had ,better go•home and rest. You look miserable." But he cannot rest • while, so many are suffering. On and on,, until some unicorns Ing finds him in a delirium in which he Wits of home, and then rises and says he must go and look after those patients. He is told to lie down, buthe fights his attendants until he falls bac and is weaker 'and weaker and dies ' •r people with whom he had no kinship, land, far away frim his own family, and is hastily put away in a stranger's tomb, and only the fifth part of a. newspaper li • e tel s us of his sacrifice, his name just tentic neo among five. Yet he has touche the 'far- t st far-tlst height of sublimity in t i 3t three w eks of humanitarian serivce. He goes straight as an arrow to the boso n of him.- who im- who said, "I was sick, and y>;' visited me." Life for life. Blood. for blood. iib stitution ! + In the legal profession I see he same principle of self sacrifice. In 181 William Freeman, a pauperized and: idiotic negro, was at Auburn, N. Y:, on' trial for rear - der. He had slain the entire Vtan rest family. The foaming wrath of the epni- munity could be kept off him, only, by arrived constables. Who would olunteer to be his counsel? No attorney wanted to sacrifice his pbpularity by such an un- grateful task. A 11 were silent, save one, a young lawyer with feeble voice, that could hardly be heard outside the 1kr, pale and thin and awkward. It was Wil- liain H, Seward, who saw that the pri- soner was ' idiotic and irresponsible and ought to be put -in an asylum rather than put to death, the heroic counsel uttering these beautiful words: - "I speak now in the hearingf a l�lee- ple who have prejtldiced the prisoner afnd condemned me for pleading in his behalf. He is a convict, a pauper, a negr` , with- out intellect, sense or emotign. I1 e child, with an affectionate smile, disarms ray careworn face of its frown whenever I cross. my threshold. The `beggar in the street obliges me to give because he says, `'God bless you!' as I pass. My .dog car- esses me with fondness if I will b' it senile on him. My horse recognizes atne when I fill his manger. What reward,vha}t grati- tude what sympathy and affection can I expect herd There the prisoner sits. ' Look at him. Look at the assemblage around you. Listen to their ill suppressed censures and their excited fears ind tell me where among .my neighborsor my fellow men, where, even in ' his !leant I can expect to find asentinient,a thougt, nutl to say of reward or of ackn wlo g- meitt, or even of recognition?; Gentlem n, you may thing; of this evidence what you please, bring in what verdict 'ou can, but 1 asseverate , before heaven d you that, to the best of my knowl a and belief, the prisoner at the bar doels not' at this moment know why it is that My shadow falls on you instead of hi$ own." The gallows 'got its victim, but the post mortem examination ofit e peer creature showed to all the Burg ons and to all the world that the pubo was wrong, that William H. ' Seward Was right, and that hard, stony step i of oblo- quy in the Auburn court -room ras the first step of the stairs of fame p which he went to the top, oir to within +one step of the top, the last denied ± him ,through the treachery of American politics. N cth- ing sublimer was ever seen in an Ameri- can court -room than William H. Sewa}rd, without reward, standing between the fury of the populace and ,the loathsome imbecile. Substitution! What Ruskin Did. In the realm of the fine arts there was as remarkable an instance. A !brilliant but hypercritieised painter, Jo eph Wil- liam limner, was met by a volley of abuse from'all the art galleries o Europe. His paintings, which have since won the applause of all civilized ' nations -"Tho Fifth Plague' of E )'t,''"1`' T isheimen on a Lee 'Shore In ` Squally Weather," " Calais Pier," "The Sun,Rising+Throtigh Mist" and "Dido Building Car.;;hage°'-e were then targets for critics to shoot at. In defense of this outrageously abused •man, a young author of 24 years, ust one years out of college, came fcjrth with his pen and wrote the ablest and Most famous essays on art that the world ,over saw, or ever will see -John !Rusl;in'p "1lfodern Painters." For 17 years this author fought the battles of the Maltreat- ed artist, and after, in poverty and brok- en heartedness, the painter had died, and the public tried to undo their cruelties toward him by giving him a 'big fungi ral and burial.in St. Paul's cathedra#1, his! old time friend took out of 'a ;tin box 10,i000 pieces of paper containing drawings.' by the old painter, and through many vreary and uncompensated months asserted sand arranged ]hem for ' public observation:' People say John Ruskin in his I old days is cross, misanthropic and morbid. W. at- evei' he may do that he' ought not to do, and whatever he may say that ,he ought not to say between now and his death, he will leave this world insolvent as ! far as it has any capacity to pay this author's pen for its chivalric and Christian defense of a poor painter's pencil. Job7 Eno-dein for William Turner. Blood or blood. Substitution! ' What an exalting principle this wlhioh leads one to suffer for another!. Nothing. so kindles enthusiasm,' or awakens! elo- quence, or chimes poetic canto, i or moves nations. The principle is the domiinant one in our religion --Christ, the martyr, Christ the celestial hero, � Chrlsthe de- fender, Christ the su`bstibate,, ! No new principle, for it was as old as human' nati}re, but now on a graiad'er, wider, higher, deeper and more world ; resoiwd- ing scale. The shepherd boy at a cham- pion for Israel with a sling toppled the giant of. Philistine braggadocio in:I the dust, but here is another David, who, for all the armies of churches militant f and triumphant, hurls the Goliath la p rdi- tion into defeat, the crash of his brazen armor bike an explosion at ' Hell Gate. Abraham had at God's command agreed to sacrifice his son Isaac, and , the same God just in time had provided aram of the thicket as a substitute, but here is another Isaac I1Qund to the altre'r, a}na_ no nano ari i UM sharp gclges'or Doorman and death, and the universe shivers and quakes and reooile and groan" at the . hor- ror. Allgood men have for centuries! been trying bp tell who this substitute, was like, and every c onaiiarison, inspired and uninspired, ` evangelistic, prophetic, apostolic and human, falls short, for Christ was the Great Unlike. Adam a type of Christ because he came directly from God, Noah a type of Christ because he delivered his own family from the deluge, Melchisedec a, type of Christ he- m -dee he had no predecessor or successor, Joseph a type of Christ because he was cast out by his brethren, Moses a type of Christ because he was a deliverer from bondage, Samson a type of Christ because of his strength to slay the lions and carry off the iron gates of impossibility, Solo- mon a type of Christ in the affluence of his dominion,, Jonah a type of Christ because of the stormy sea - in which he threw himself for the rescue of. others, but put 'together .Adam and Noah and Melchiaedeo and Joseph and Moses and Joshua and Senason and Solomon and Jonah, and they would. not make a frag- ment of a Christ, the half .di a Christ or the millionth part of a Christ. What Christ Did. He forsook a throne and sat down on his own footstool. He came from • the top of glory to the bottom of humiliation and changed a circumference seraphic or a circumference diabolic, Once waited on by angels, now hissed at by brigands. From afar and high up he came down; past meteors swifter than they; by starry thrones, himself more lustrous; past larger worlds to smaller Worlds; down stairs of firmaments, and from cloud to cloud, and through tree ' tops and into the camel's stall, to thrust his shoulders under our burdens and take the lances of pain through his vitals, and wrapped himself in all the agonies which we de - sere for our misdoings, and stood on the splitting decks of a foundering vessel amid the drenching surf of the sea, and passed midnights on the mountains amid wild beasts of prey, and stood at the point where all earthly and infernal hostilities charged on him at once with their keen sabers -our substitute! When did attorney . ever endure so much for a pauper client,or physician for the patient in the lazaretto, or mother for the child in membranous croup, as Christ for us, as Christ for you, as Christ for me? Shall any man or woman or child in this audience who has ever suffered for . another find it hard to under- stand this 'Christly suffering for us? Shall those'whose sympathies have been wrung in behalf of the _ unfortunate have no appreciation of that one moment which was lifted out of all the ages of eternity as most conspicuous when Christ gathered up all the sins of those to be redeemed under his one arm and all his sorrows under his other arm and said: "I will atone for these under my right arm and will heal. All those under my left arm. Strike me with all thy glittering shafts, 0 eternal justice! Roll over me with all thy surges, ye oceans of sorrow!" And the thunderbolts struck him frown above, and the seas of trouble rolled up from beneath, hurricane after hurricane, and cyclone after cyclone, and then there in presence . of heaven and earth and hell -yea, all worlds witnesssing-the price, the bitter price, the transeendant price, the awful price, the glorious price, the infinite price, the eternal price, was paid that nets us free. That is what Paul means,, that is what I mean, that is what all those who, have ever had their heart changed mean by "blood." 1 glory in this religion of blood. I am thrilled as I see the suggestive -color in sacramental cup, whether it be of burnished silver set on cloth immaculate- ly white,' or rough hewn from wood set on table in log hut meeting house of the The most exeiting and. overpowering day of one summer was the. day I spent onethe battlefield of Waterloo. Starting out with the morning train froth Brus- sels, we arkived in about an hour on that famous 'spot. A son of ono who was in the battle,and who had heard from,his father a thousand times the whole scene recited, aceoinParnied us over the field. There stood the old Hougomont -chateau the evraili dented and scratched and hroken and shattered by grapeshot and cannon ball. There is the well in which 300 dy- ing and dead were pitched. There is the chapel,' with the head of the infant Christ shot off. There are the gates at which Per many hours English and Frezible armies 'wrestled. Yonder were the 160 guns of the English and the 250 guns of the French. Yonder the Hanoverian hussars fied for the woods. Yonder was the ravine of °halal, where the French • cavalry, not knowing there was a hollow in the ground, rolled over ranch town, troop after trhoop, ttunbling into one aw- ful mass of suffering hoof, of kicking horses against brow and breaat of cap- tains and colonels and private soldiers, the human and the beastly groan. kept uti until, the day after, all was shoiteled (Continued en Page 3) Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver 'Oil with Hyps)phos- phites brings back the ruddy glow ,of life to pale cheeks, the lips become red, ,the ears lose their transparency, the step is quick and elastic, work is no longer a burden, exer- cise is not followed by ex- haustion; and it does this be- cause it furnishes the body with a needed food and changes diseased action to healthy. With a better cir- culation and improved nu- trition, the rest follow. io'r sale at 5o cents and $Loo by all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE„Belleville, Ont. 1' BEST YET is the expression of all who have tried ,„/ CEYLON TEA It's many drinkers are unanimous in saying this Tea; is most economical in use. ROM ALL LEADING GROCERS. NI 14, PLAIN CANDID STATEMENTS ,TH.E pEpriAg. We are placing in stock some of the nicest and most fashionable Goo4 that it will be your privilege to see outside this store. We have made very elaborate preparation for the Spring trade ; and are now in a position to show you Goods, which for value, we defyl comparison. We are showing some beauti- ful things in Dress Goods and Trimmings ; our Embroideries and 'Laces, will be found to exceed. anything you have seen before. We imported direct through auents all our Table Linens; Towellings an7 Apron Linens, from the Brookfield Linen Co., Belfast, Ireland, so that fac enables us to offer you Linens at prices not hitherto obtainable. Our Ladies' Vests • Arb models of beauty and in them we can please the mosi fastidious. Ladies' Underwear. We intend to make a specialty of Ladies' Blouses, Wrappers and Under- wear ready to wear.. Read to War Olothing for Spring To hand, and in this department we are bound to know no opposition. Every Man, Youth and Boy cordially invited to call and look througb. our cloth - we think the magnitude of the stock will surprise those whe are in the habit of buying where small stocks are kept. Grocery Department. Our Grocery Department Is complete with the latest in everything, and is under the direction- of Mr. James Purcell, who will be pleased_ to welcome -one and all to the brightest and lightest Grocery Store in this County. - Our aim is t make this store to the Connty of Huron, what Marshall. Field's is to Chicago, Wanamaker's to Philadelphia, and Timothy Eaton's to To ron to. Our advertising agent, Professor Golding, will probably call on you next week and will show you literature that will pay to carefully -peruse. B. B. GUNN SEAFORTII • THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ESTABLISHED 1867. HEAD OFPIOE. TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID up) SIX -MILLION 'DOLLARS • 1118,000i000 REST - B. E. WALER, GENERAL MANAGER. A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, Dr issued, payable at sll points in Canada and the principal cities in the United Stites, Grpat Britain, France, Bermuda, &c. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest allowed. !Wintered added to the principal at the end _of May and Noma, ber in each year. Special attention given to the collection of Commercial Paper and F mArs' Sales Notes. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. M. MORRIS, Manager._ 1897 TURNITURE 189 We have started the New Year with as fine a line of Furniture as you - wish to see, and at prices that will astonish you for cheapness. All our goods • are warranted to give satisfactimi, and w4extend to you an invitation to call and inspect our large stock of Bed Room 'Suites, Parlor Sultes,Sideboards, Ex- tension Tables, Dining RoomiChairs, Centre Tables, Hat Racks, Wardrobes,. Chiffoniers, Bamboo Goods and Chairs of all, kinds. When we. know we 13101 please you in quality and price. ',Give us a trail." is I Undertaking Departme Our 'Undertaking department is complete in every respect, and as purchase from first-class manufacturers only, we can guarantee to give good satisfaction in all its brancheo, as we have an Undertaker and Embalmer fifteen years' experience, and any orders we may be favored with shall recei the very best, attention, Don't forget the old stand. P. S. Night calls attended to by calling at our Funeral Director's sidence First Door East of, Drs. Scott & McKay's Office or at Dr. Campbell Old °eft on Main Street Seaforth. Main Street, Seaford', Porter's Old S Ituri losadflurvi JOEN invented krat given any Hullett, or oRED 0 Caned imitable 4e Marrowfat AUCtiVi 11211 Lot 3, COM BUCHANA OEED 0) 10 Form ranted el bushel. in er than it Chisolhunit am Jones S eclat octet4 also a JAMES ah 100 onrn ef Nam, aid HORTH signed to 11 ma calf, These raUltIti Web isee them, SHOR ly and no Lot owth kee the Jaba- SWEAT VOEHR titioater stall the. or • *LW number payable- turning- witk thee of tim WWI Terinall WIN by Tinny Lee, 4th wad one tra Terms at time eeeflarl thOrOugh with th adsO hes They are P TT Ten elm Clot ItreliettYS hood