HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-03-05, Page 2Oatit
Cheaper Than Ever,
All must be sold': within the --
A Fine Assor ment of all kinds
of Boots and Shoes.
Boys, CHIC
Children's Boots
Our prices bring the Buyers.
at once. It will pay you.
Leading dealers
everywhere sell s
Donytalsk the Ioss of time, labor and ground
byplantingseeds of unknown qual-
ity. The market is full of cheap.
unreliable scads. FERRY'S IIEEOS
are always thebest ;do notaccept
aeysubstitute.Seed Annual free.
Windsor, Oult.
Upholsterer and Mattress Maker
Parlor Furniture repaired and recovered.
Carpets sewed and. laid ; also cleaned
and renovated at reaeonable prices.
Shop at M. Robertson's Old
Stand, Main Street.
A General Banking business transacted.
Farmers' notes discounted.
Drafts bought and sold
Interest allowed on depesits at the rate
, if 5 per cent. leer annum.
SAT,F, NOTES discounted, or taken for
OFFICE -First door north of Reid &
Wilsoo's Hardware Store
Of the Seaforth Packing House are rite -
pared to handle any quantity of Hogs,
Live or Drees, for which they will pay
the highest market price. Will have
man call on any parties having live Hogs
to dispose of, if notified. For par-
ticulars call at Retail Store, Carmichael's
Block, Sesforth.
Having removed into the store formerly
occupied by Mr. J. Downey, in the Cady
Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel, I
now purpose carrying a full and compiete
ine of all kinds of
And everything handled by the trade. Just
received this week a large consignment of
Which we are new offering at astonishingly
- low prices.
System Renovator
A specific and antidote for Impure, Weak and Im-
poverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate.
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss
of Memory, Itronchitie, Consumption, Gall Stones,.
Jaund(ce, Ki nes, and Ilrinar? Diseases, St. Vitus*
Dance, Female Inegularleies and General Debility..
LABORATORY--Goderich, Ontario.
AL MCLEOD, Proprietor and liana
Sold by J. S. Reimers, Seaforth.
Barr's Dye Works
We Clean, e and Finish
ladies' Capes, Coa Shawls and Dresses
Suits and Overeoats, to which we give
special atteiilieu. No matter how soileti or
faded elothes may be, if the cloth is good,
• it will pay you to: have them 'cleaned or
dyed. We will be pleased to have you call
and see otework. Wood taken in exchange
for work.
McKillop Directory for 1896.
'JOHN MORRISON, Reeve, Winthrop P.'O.
WM. MoGAVIN, Councillor, Leadbury P. o.
DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beeo)twood P. O.
JOHN C. ItORELSON, Clerk, :Winthrop P. 0.
DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. O.
RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inspectoraead-
During the Year 189Z.
17c:r full parliceieri see advertisements, or apply to
MURK FOR SALE. --Lot 28, Concossion 4, Town-
ship of Hay, containing 100 acres. For part -
cellars apply to GEORGIE E. GREENSLADE, Kippen
1GIARM TO EkNT.- -To rent, a 200 acre farm,
r miles • from N't ingham, with lint -class buildings,
an dwell watered. 'It is all in pastifre, and is an ex-
eellent chance for either farming or pasturing cattle.
For ,particulars. apply to Box 125, Wingham 1473ft
VARMS FOE SALE -The undersigned has twenty
r Choice Farms for sale in East Huron, the ban-
ner Conoty of the Province ; all eine, and prioes to
suit. For full inforntation, write or call personally.
No trouble to show them. F. S. SCOIT, Brussels
MIAMI FOR SALE. -100 acres, in the township of
X Grey, near Brussels. There is on it nearly 60
acres of bush, about half ,black ash, the rest hard-
wood. A never-failleg spring of water runs through
the lot. Will be sold at a big bargain. For particu-
lars, apply to MU. JANE WALKER, Box 219,
Brussels. 1470
MIAMI FOR SALE. -East half Lot 41, Concession
r 2, , Township of East Wawanosh, containing
100 acres. This is one of the best farms in
the Township, and is situated in a good neighbor-
hood, soil of the best and no waste land. There are
on the farm, frame barn and stables, also two acres
of orchard, plenty of good water, and within one
mile and a half from the village of Myth. For
further paiticulars apply on the premises or to Box
105, Blyth P. 0. 1514-tf
k./ cheap, the farm of the undersigned in Harpnr
hey. There are between 28 and 80 acres, all cleared,
drained and in a good state of cultivation. There is a
good frame house, barn and driving shed. It is
within a mile of StAforth, and is admirably adapted
for a market gardener or a small dairy farm. Apply
to the proprietor on the premises, ISAAC MILLER.
II cheap, or to rent tor a term of years, the hotel
in the Village of Blake, in the County of Huron.
The hotel contains six bed -rooms, tor,ether with all
Other necessary rooms and conveniencles, usually
found in a Village Hotel. There is shoo a large barn
and shedeand splendid welL It is the only hotel
in the place, and is a popular and convenient stop-
pineplace for travelen. There is no other hotel
within four miles. It is s first class stand for a good
man, and will be sold Cheap and on easy terms. or
wlli be rented for a term of years. There is a good
yard and garden attached, possession any time.
The villege contains Church, School, Store, Black
smith Shop, &o. Apply on tee premises or addrees
MRS. WM. lioNICHOLSON, Blake P, 0. 1515k4-tt
"DARE FOR SALE. -For 'ale, lot 36, conceinilon
r 2, Kinloss, containing 100 acres, 85 cleared and
tne balsnce in -good hardwood bush. The land Is i
a good state of cultivation, is well undenlrained an
well fenced. There is a frame barn and log house o
the property, a never -failing spring with windmill,
also about 2 sees of orchard. It is an excellent
farm and is within one mile of Whitechurch station,
where there are stores, blacksinith shop and
churches. There is a school on the opposite lot. It
is six milea from Wingham • and six from ;Lucknew,
with good roads leading in all directions. This de-
sirable property will be sold on' reasonable terms.
For further particulars apply to JAMES MITCHELL,
Vane P. 0. 1495450441
12 As the owner wishes to retire from business on
account of ill health, the following valuable property
at Winthrop, 41 miles north of Seaforth, on leading
road to Brussels, will be sold or rented as one farm
or in parte to suit purchaser : about 500 acres of
splendid farming land, wilh about 400 under crop,
the bialance in pasture. There are large barns and
all other buildings necessary for the implements,
vehiclee, etc. This land is well watered, has good
frame and brick dwelling houses. etc:. There are
grist and saw mills and atore which will be sold or
rented on advantageous terms.. Mso on' 17th con-
cession, Grey township. 190 lama of land, 40 in
pasture, the balance in timber. !Possession given
after harvest of farm lands ; mills at once:. For par-
ticulars apply to ANDREW GQVENLOCK, Winthrop.
Our direct connections will save you
time and money for all points.
Canadian -North West
Via Toronto or Chicago,
British Columbia and California
Oar rates are the lowest. We have them
bo suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR-
IST CARS for your accommodation. Can
for further information.
'Station G. T. R. Ticket Office.
Train Serifice at Seaforth.
Gramk Trunk' Railway.
Trains leave Seatorth a d. Clinton stations as
Passenger 1147 r.m. 1.03 P.n.
Mixed Train a
GOING Misr -
Wellington, Grey and Bruce
Genie NORTH-. Pauenger. Mixed.
12.52 9.44
Bluevale 1.08 10.20
Wingham.. 2.16 11.10
GOING SOUTH- - Pessenger. mixed.
Blnevale 7.07 6 08
London, Huron and Brqce.
Centralia. 9.18 5.67 , PA
Exeter 0.80 6.07 on
Brucefield: - 9.58 6.83 VI
Londesboro - 10.83 7.14
Belgrave _ 10.56 TX
Wingham arrive- _ 11.10' 8.00 OU
Blyth. 7.18 4 00 Ho
Brueelleid 8.08 '4 60
Hippen- 8.17 4.f9
Exeter 8,44 sag
Centralia 8.5 I 5.28
London, (arrive) 10.00 aat 8.0 Par
Rev. 10r. 'Tallness Preaches Vpon an Ex -
sated Theme, but 'He Makes It Practical
and Useftti---The Rustle of FlulonS--1:01-'
Wine Velocity.
7 Washington, Ileb. 28. -In this discourse
Dr. Talmage takes a rnost exalted theme
and makes it practical and useful to the
/est degree. The subject is "Wings of
Seraphim," and the text Is Isaiah vi, 2,
-"With twain he coveied his face, and
With twain he covered his feet, and
Witle twain be did fly." -
. In a hospital of leprosy good. Sing
lIzziah had died and the whole land Was
and phophetic Isaiah was thinking about
religious things, as one is apt to do in
'time of great national bereevement,' and,
forgetting the presence of his wife, and
two sons, who made up his family, he
has a dream, not like- the dreams of
ordinary character, which generally come
from indigestion, but a vision most in-
structive and under the touch of the hand
of the Almighty.
The place, the ancient temple; build-
ing grand, awful, majestic. Within that
temple a throne higher and grander than
that Occupied by any czar br sultan oz.
emperor. On that throne the ebernal
Christ. In lines, surrounding that throne,
the brightest celestials, not the cherubim,
but higher than they, the most exquisite
and radiant of the heavenly inhabitanti
-the seraphim. They are called burners
because they look like fire. Lips of lire,
eyes ot flre feet of fire., In addition to th
features arid the limbs, whioh suggest
human being, there are pinions, whic
suggest the lithest, the swiftest, the mo
buoyant and the most aspiring of all em
intelligent Creation, 'a bird. Each serap
had six wings, each two of the wings f
quivers and /lashes With these pinion
Now folded, now sPread, now beaten .
locomotion., "With twain he covered h
feet, with twain her covered his face, an
with twahe he did Sly."
Unamagi nod Celerity.
The probability is that these wings wer
not all used at once. The seraph standin
there near the throne,overwhelmed th
insignificance of the ;paths his feet. ha
trodden as compared with the paths trod
den by the feet of God, and with th
lameness of his locomotion, amountin
almost to decrepitude as compared wit
the divine velocity, with feathery veil o
angelic modesty hides the feet. "Wit
twain he did cover the feet."
Standing there, overpowered by th
overmatching splendors of God's glory
and unable longer with -the eyes to loo
upon them and wishing those eye
shaded from the insufferable ; glory, th
pinions gather over the countenance
"'With twain he did cover the face.'
Then, as God tells this seraph to go to
the Varthest outpost of linmeneity on
message of light and love and joy an
get hack before the first anthem, it = doe
not take the seraph a great while to
spread himself upon the air with un
imagined celerity, one stroke of the win
earned to 10,000 leagues of air. "With
The most practical and useful lesson
'for you and me -when we see the seraph
,anreading his wings over the feet -is the
;lesson of humility at imperfection. The
brightest angels of God are so fax be
neath (led that he charges them with
folly. The seraph so far beneath God,
and we so far beneath the seraph in ser
vice, we ought to be plunged in humility,
,uttor and complete. Our feet, how lag-
gard they have been in the divine service
Our feet, how many missteps they have
:taken! O'er feet, in how many paths 'of
worldliness and folly they have walked!
__Neither God nor seraph intended to put
any dishonor upon that which is one of
:the masterpieces of Almighty God -the
',human foot. Physiologist and anetomist
,are overwhelmed at the wonders of its
lorganizatiozi. "The Bridgewater Treat-
ise," written by'Sir Charles Bell, on the
• wisdom and -gooduess of God as illus.-
'trated in the human hand, was a result
of the a40,000 bequeathed in the last will
and. testament of the Earl of Bridgewater
:for the encouragement of Christian liter-
ature. The world coald afford to forgiye
his ecoentricities, thaugh he had two
, dogs seated at his table and though he
put six dogs alone in an equipage drawn
. by four horses and attended by two foot-
men. With his large bequest inducing Sir
(Charles Boll to write so valuable a book
on the trindinn of God in the stricture of
the human hand, the world could afford
ito forgive his oddities. And the world
could xt6W afford to have aiciother Earl of
ridgewater, however idiosyncratic, if
e would induce sorae other Sir Charles
ell to write a. book on the ovisdorn- and
oodness of God in 'the construction of
he huinan toot. The articulation of its
ones, the lubrication of its 'joints, the
gracefulness of its lines, the ingenuity of
ts, cartilages, the delicacy of its vein,s,
e rapidity -of its musculer contraction,
he sensitiveness of its nerves. 6 e
Apostrophe to the Foot.
I sound the praises of the human foot.
ith that we halt or climb or march. It
the foundatien of the physical fabric.
t is the base of a God poised column.
ith it the warrior bran& himself for
ttle. With it the orator plants himself
✓ eulogiu,m. With it the toiler reaches
is Work. With it the outraged stanme
indignatlon. Its loss an irreparable
disaster, Ito health an invaluable equip-
ent. If you want to know its value ask
e man whose foot paralysis hath shriv-
led, or machinery bath crushed, or stir-
on's knife hath amputated. The Bible
onors it. Especial care, "Lest thou dash
y foot against a stone," "He will not
suffer thy foot to be moved." "Thy feet
all not stumble." Especial charge,
Keep thy foot when thou goest te the
USG of God." Especial peril, "Their.
t shall slide in due time." Connected'
ith the world's dissolution, "He shall
t one foot on the sea and the other on
e earth."
Give me the history of your foot, and I
11 give you the history of your lifetime.
11 me up what 'steps it hath gone,
With egege hat - *Wit saw
et igialiathat. ake ibe. opening of the
late eagle" with tgleir sedum,
th* gardens; lantana von Kylsont,
&lbw water out -of the wen for them,
it Was very pure water. But the ha
raged, end 800 dead and half dead w
flung into the well for. quick and
oo that the well of refreshni
became the well of death, and long af
people looked down into the well,
they saw the bleached skulls, but
water. So the human soul was a well
weln she tans, the pounds avoirdepdlo,
bank) minors, the grains, the zuilligrauss.”jusii
ttle how midi they weighed then,,-sadjust,
ed how smith they weighnow. "Be witithei
to the inountains in scales and the hills in
and a balanoe.P Oh, what a God to run
ttle against! Oh, what a God to disobey! Oh*
ere what a Clod to dishonor! Oh, what a
easy God to defy! The brightest, the might'.
ent est angel takes no familiarity with God.
ter The wings of reveeence . are lifted.
and , "With twain he covered the face,"
lid 1 Another seraphic posture in the text.
' The• seraph must not always stand still
ght • ire must move, and it must be without
been clumsiness. There must be celebrity and
ele- beauty in the movement. "With twain
ead he did ity." Correction, exhilaration.
Correction at our slow gait, for we only
(trawl in the service when we ought to
fly at the divine bidding. Exhilaration
in the fact that the soul has wings, as
the seraphs have wings. What is a wing?
An instrument of locomotion. They may
not be like seraphs' wing, they /nay not
be like birds' wing, but the soul has
'wings. God eays so. "He shall mount up
on *Inge as eagles." We ars made in the
divine imagine, and God has wings. The
Bible says tio. "Healing in his wings."
"17nder the shadow of his wings." Under
whose winge hast thou come to truet."
„the soul, with folded wing now, wounded
wing, bneken wing, bleeding wing, caged.
wing. Aye, I have it now 1 Caged within
bars of bone and under curtains of flesh,
but one day to be free.- I bear the rustle
of pinions in Seagrave's poem, whieh we
sometimes sing: -
good, but the armies of sin have fou
around it and fought across it and
slain, and it has become a well of sk
tons. Dead hopes. dead resolutions, d
opportunities, dead ambitions. An aban-
' doned well unless Christ shall reopen and
purify and fill it as the welt of Belgium
never was. Unclean, unclean.
Relic Vandals.
Another seraplile poature in the text,
"With twain he covered the face." That
means reverence Godward. Never so
much irreverence abroad in the world as
tolday. You see it in the defaced statu-
ary, in the butting out of figures from
line paintings, in the chipping of monu-
ments for a memento, in the fact. that
military guard- muit stand at the grave
of Lincoln and Garfield, and. that old
shade trees must be cukdowinfor. fire-
wood, though 500 Geore;e P. enforrises
beg the woodmen to spare the tree, and
that. calls a corpse a endaver, and that
speaks of death as going over to the
majority and substitu.es for the reverend
terms father and inother "the old man"
and "the old woman," and finds nothing
impressive in the rains of Baalbee or the
columns of Kerne°, And sees no differ-
ence in the Sabbath from other days
except it allows more dissipation, and
reads the Bible in what is called higher
e criticism, making it not the word of di
a but a good book with some fine thin
h in it. Irreverence never so much abroad
st How many take the name of God
vain, how many trivial things said abo
or in the world, they roll up an idea
a imptidence and imbecility and call
ha God. No wings of reverence over t
is face, no taking off of shoes on ho
d. ground. You can tell froin the way th
talk they could. have rnade a better wor
than this, and that the God of the Bib
g shocks every sense of propriety. Th
talk of the love of God in a way th
e shows you they believe it does not ma
d any difference how, bad a man is here
_ will come in at the shining gate. The
e talk of the love of God in a way, whiz
g ehows you they think it is a general ja
h delivery for all the aba,ndoned and th
e scoundrelly of the universe. No punis
h ment hereafter for any wrong done her
The Bible gives two descriptions
e God, and they are just opposite, and the
are both true. In one place , the Bib
g says God is love. • In 'another plate th
s Bible says God is a consuming fire, Th
8 explanation is plain as pleb' can be. G
. through Christ 4 love. God out of Chris
, is flre. To -win the ono and. to escape th
other we have only to throw ourselve
body, mind and soul, into. Christ's keep
d ing. "No," says irreverence, "I want n
• intervention. I will go up and face God
_ and I will ,phallenge him, and I will def
g him, and 1 will ask him what he wan
to do with me." So the finite confron
the Infinite, so a tack hammer tries
break a thunderbolt, so the breath o
human nostrils defies the everlastin
God, while the hierarchs. of heaven bo
the head and bend- the knee as ,the Kiag'
_ chariot -goes by, and the archangel turn
away because he cannot endure thesplen
dora and the chorus of all the empires o
_ heaven comes in with full diapason
"Holy, holy, holy !"
1 Reverence for sham, reverence for th
old merely because it is old, reverenc
for stupidity, however learned, reverence
for incapacity, however finely inaugura
ted, I have none. But we want mor
reverence for God, inore reverence for th
sacraments, niore reverence for the Bible
more reverence for the Imre, more rever
ence for the good. Reverence a charaCter
istic of all great natures. You hear. it in
the roll of the master oretorios. You see
it in the Raphaels and Titians and
Ghirlandaios. You study it in the archi-
tecture of the :Aholiales and Christopher
Wrens. Do not be flippant about God.
Do not joke about death. Do not make
fun of the Bible. Do not deride the
Eternal. The brightest and mightiest
seraph 'cannot look unabashed,upon him.
Involuntarily the wing! come np. "With
twain he covered his face."
t.= Who is this God before whom the ar-
rogant and intractable refuse reverence?
There was an engineer of the name of
Strasicrates who was 'in the employ of
Alexander the Great, and he offered to
hew a mountain in the shape of his mas-
ter, the emperor, the enormous figure to
hold in the loft hand a city of 10,000 in-
habitants while with the right hand it
was to ho'ld a blasin large enough to col-
lect all the 4:mutate torrents. Alexander
applauded him for his ingenuittn but for-
bade the enterprise because of e its costli-
ness. Yet I. have to tell you that our
Ring holds in one hand all the cities of
the earth and all the oceans, while he
has the stars of heaven for his tiara.
Earthly povvei. goes front hand to hand,
from Henry I to Reny II and Henry III,
from Charles I to Charles II, from Louis
I to Louis 11 -and Louis III, but from
everlasting to everlasting is God. God the
first, God the lea, God the only. He has
one telescope, with which he sees every-
thing -his omniscience. He has one
bridge with which he crosses everything
-his omnipreeence. Ple has one hammer,
with which. he builds everything -his
omnipotence. Put two tablespoonfuls' of
Water in the palm of your hand and it
will overflow, but Isaiah indicates that
God puts the Atlantic end the Pacific and .
the Arctic and the Antartic and the
Mediterranean and the Black sea and all
the waters of the earth in the hollow of
his %and. . The fingers the beach on one
side, the wrist the reach on the Other.
tille holden). the water in the hollovr ofl
A Measure of the Earth.
As you take a pinch of salt or powder
between your thumb and two fingers, so
Isaiah indicates God takes up the earth.
He measures the dust of the earth, the
final -there, indioating that God takes
the duet of all the continent, be -
lien the thumb and two Auger*. Niii
p around your Vend a blue ribbOn
mibreadths, or it Is ton handbreadths.
Indicates the prophet God winds the
e ribbon of the sky around hiehand.
"He ineteth out the heavens t•Vifik a
epan " You knew that balances are made
of a 'bean suspended in the irdddle with
two basins at the extreming of equal lief .
the balances that Isaiah taw suspended,
In that way what vast heft has bee
weighed. But what are all the balm s
of earthly manipulation compared With
when he saw God putting into the scalds
the Alps and- the Apennines and MounIt
Washington'and the Sierra Nevailas. Yo
see the earth had to be ballasted.
Would not do to have too much weigh
in Europe, or too xnuolt weight in Asia,
or too much weight in Africa or in Amer-
ica, tim when God made the mountains
he weighed them. The Bible distinct
ranges _that crass the_ oontinents.
down what declivities and in what -roads ori
'and in what directions, and I will know an
'more about you than I wint to know. tw
None of us could endure the scrutiny. wra
'Our feet not altrays Att paths of Gad
metinaes in paths of worldliness. Our
t a divine ond glorious machinery tor
tabaess and work, so often making
sebeps, so often going in the wrong
treat's:tn. God .knowing every step, the
the heels of ray feet." Crimes thaahe
nd, crimes of the tonghe, formes of the
, crimes of the ear sot worse than
es of the foot. Oh, we want the
ngs of humility to cover the feet!
gat we not to me into self abnegation
Ore Vie till searching, all eerutinizing,
trying eye of God? T,he seraphs do.
w much more we? "With twain. he
covered the feet."
All this talk about the dignity of hu-
man nature ie braggadocio and sin. Our
nature started at t,he hand of.God regal,
but it has been pauperized. There is a
well in Belgium which once had very
oure.water. and. it mos stoutly ransom& greo
• Rise, my soul,. and Stretch thy wings.
I hear the rustle of pillions in Alex-
ander Pope'S stanza, where he says: -
0 death, where is thy victory4
A dying Christian not long ago cried
out, "Wings,. wings, wings!" The air is
full of them coming and going, coming
and going. 'You have seen how the dull,
sluggish chrysalis becomes the bright
butterfly -the dull and the stupid and
the lethargic turned int) the alert and
the beautiful. Well, my friends, in this
world we are in the chrysalid state,
Death will unfurl the wings. Oh, if we
could only'realize what a grand thing it
will be to get rid of this old clod of the
body and mount the heavens! Neither sea
gull nor lark, nor albatross nor falcon
nor condor, pitching from highest range
of Andes, SO buoyaht or. so majestic Of
See the eagle in the mountain nest? It
-looks so sick, so ragged feathered, so
worn-out and so half asleep. Is that eugle
dying? No. The ornithologist will tell
you it is the molting season with that
bird. Not dying,' but molting. You see
that Christian sick and weary and worn
out and seeming about to expire on what
is called his deathbed? The world says he
is dying. I say it is the molting season
for his soul -the body dropping away,
the celestial pinloos coming on. Not dy-
ing, but molting, Molting out of dark-
ness and sin aud struggle into glory Wed
into God. Why do you not shout? Why
do you sit shivering at the thought of
death and trying to hold back and wish-
ing you could stay here forever and speak
of departure as though the subject were
filled with the skeletons and the varuish
of coffins and as though. you preferred
Jame foot' to swift wing? .
Oh, people of God, let us stop playing
the fool and prepare for rapturous flight.
When your saul stands on the verge of
this life and threte are vast precipices
beneath and sapphired domes above,
Which way will you fiy? will you swoop,
or will you soar? .Will you fly downward,
or will you fly upward? Everything on
the wing this day bidding us, aspire.
Holy Spirit On the wind Angel of the
New Covenadon the wing. Thne on the
Wing, flying away from us. Eternity on
the wing, flying toward us. Wings,
wings, wings!
Live so near to Christ that when jou
are dead people! standing by your lifeless
body will not soliloquize, saying: "What
a disappointment life was to him; how
averse he wait to departure; what a pity
it was he had to die; what an awful cal-
amity." Rather, standing there, may
they eee a sign more vivid. bn your still
face than the vestiges of pain, something
that will indicate that it was a happy
exit --the clearance from oppressive quar-
antine the cast off chrysalid, the molting
ef the 'faded and the useless ,and the
ascent from malarial valleys to bright,
shining mountain tops, and be led to
say, as they stand- there contemplating
your humility and your reverence in life .
and your happiness in death, "With
twain he covered the feet, with twain he
covered the face, with twain he did fly."
Wings, wings, wings!
He Knew Tennyson.
Lord Tennyson was a subject of won-
der to mealy vountry people. His slouched
hat shocked their ideas of propriety, and
his long cloak invested him with a kind
of supernatural mystery.
That they had rather vague ideas of
his ocoupation is illustrated by the an-
swer Cof a Freshwater lad to a lady who
asked if hi knew Mr. Tennyson.
" Yes," he replied, "he makes poets for
at do you mean?"
"I don't know what they means, but
p'licemen sees him walking about aemak-
ing of 'em under the stars."
Bishup Wilberforce states that when
walking one 'day near Aldworth, where
Tennyson had a residence, he met a
laboring man, from whom it occurred W-
him to draw some opinion of the poet.
"Me. Tennyson lives here, does he
notf" was his first remark.
As is a post nubs?"
call great. But h• kalko One me" -
servant, and he doesn't deep in the
Sloe Would.
Miss Yenowleaf-I'd just like to on
any man isles mel
Miss Roeebud-What a hopeless ambi-
lust as Good
You hear it nine out
of ten.drug stores.
It is the reluctant tes-
tOiony of 40,000 druggists
„that Scott's Emulsion is
the 'standard. of- the world.
Arid isn't the kind all ethers tir to
ratige up to, the kind foe you to buy?
You want the best
Then waste no more time looking -for it.
6 6
Fills the bill. . It. is_ not 6nly pure but
always fresh and delieious.
In Lead. Packages. 25c, 40c, 50c and 60o.
Opened Out foi. Your Inspection
oice new Prints, &teens, Crepons, Dm -lets, Embroideries,
Laces, Pillow Cottons, Sheetings, &c.
lso novelties DRESS GOODS,
Prices right, and it will pay you to see them.
Re ember our sale of ,
ill going on, and we are determined to clear them at less
wholes.ale. Now is the time to get a cheap Spring
e Golden Lion store.
J. L. Seaforth.
Is an adage which has saved many peirsons from the twinges of
conscience and frota the depths of remorse. But not only haS
assured. them of peace of mind, aad consequmtly happineps,but
has many times spared.
d thus may we have raised them materially.- Ikre have given
heca the best clothes to be had, and at prices cohsistent vith",
ood workmanship and superior fit and finish. By looking at oar
s ock and prices before buying, you will, aiways have the pleasure
o knowing that you have the best and latest clothes at the
nainimum prices.
MAD SHED 1867.
4:Genera Banking Bnsiness Transacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts
t ed, payable at all points in Canada and the principal cities in
the Unita States, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, 41c.
Depo its of $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest
allowed. Interest added to the principal at the end of May and Novera-
ber in eac year.
Spec 1 attention'given to the collection of Oommercial Paper ana Far-
mers' Sales N9tes.
F. fElOi,
RUED, Solicitor. M. MORRIS, Manager -
m n ants Cheap.
Remnants of Flannelettes; •
Remnants of Flannels
Remnants of Cottons
Reranants of Cloths
.Remnants of Shirtinga
Remnants of Table Linens
Remnants of Ribbons -
Remnants of every description.
Must be sold out
Bargains in Ladies
Jackets and Fur Caps.
0.41.6111 EVITOIRM.
Agent for Butterick's Patterns and Publications.
/24e7, for tbe eir
necessarily SAM
Section, No. 0,
eiEED am,
z rot MUNI
ranted clean.
bushels Seth*
Lot 29, Oates
Chissihnrst P..
0,500 -EL
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An color, eell
months old. -
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