HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-02-19, Page 8-Amp" -- OWN I _11014 q Olin ".7"— �Tl 7 199 P-0 7-_ R AIRY JB_ U J 191:r.,. 0. ith him. -Atz ond Mrs. V C> B., at eight 0 clook.iharp,. advanced �age of, 76 years. The Jualeml the 25th, and Le&dbury on the 26th. In- erioh air re" V -visiting tl�elr bodily diseases may be treated. He - 01011ts will cOmm . sales ok, thut aor Maxwelli 01 Wilson"s Oash Grocery also wishas d- will take place an Saturday, to. the Egmoud4 teresting ps -and the matinee at four ci�dlo spere will: be given by L. Patton, Dakota, who have been Way, of Strat -MaE a ea ot ef to erect a Boys' Home and a etunity.of ville,cenieteri. -Mr. John James ) 11vingt M, ]Mrtell, A. Gardiner relatives in the village- fo ome W k I t We cannot g1va,25,'1bL 6f good guartnteed sugar, 0irls" Home, where children can be trained. inj the school, children an oppa Ifyou, All this re%uias absenting themsel foid, has purchased tbe-stook- of boots and and J. 0. Morvisbu,­--The 126h of July has on, Ssturda,y for Hills Green; where Mr. for $1,for the ressonthat It oostsmore money- mQuay,'and Dr.. Buohanan�e attending without ves shoeir-of gr..T., V. Rutledge, and will, open been definitely settled to be held- in Brus- Maxwell's parents reside. -Dr. Buchanan, Early Sprin A can get it &% that priae, take it and be surd';to present object in"to.intereab Christian peo- from school. come ig ime is ga;uasy .- missionary to the Bheels, in India, who is bare for your 6their grmeries,where you can rely on oxitin-the store recently vacatedby Messrs. eels this year, and a bi ti - i mised at getting th I a bed goods at the lowest "PA060. W -a ple *in -thb work in order thatthey may con. McInnis. Mr. now soliciting aid to build a mission house d will tribute of their mom to- lelp, on this cx- P,&TroNs OF IwDusTRY.—On Tuesday, 9bh Richardson & ,Routledge Don't forget to hear Rich and a the , Presbyterian "ke a speciality of fine Teas and Coff06. On a. We understand inat., the County Association of Patrons, of will have charge of the store.—Miss Marie the town hall, Brussels, on Frid y eveningi and hospitil, will be in VU&MLW* better Value then you can got ItOm ADY cpadingly worthy purpoe for Toronto' Febru 19th. church. on Sabbath morning, 'when he will Tea Pedlar. We retail the bad grade of now "Pan it is his intention to visit the several con- Industry,mat in Clinton. There was noi a Kidd aud"Mr. Will Kidd left ILZ I -It ^"A ^f wo O'h n Tea at We jrlr lb., equal to any to be hd at ne in this district, and we hope his large attendanice. The followilfg, resolutions on Saturday morning, the . former ra Itate '5 an account, of a re mano"Is TV . "6 tw oin�, a -69 Sv CAB ]Vic* don pay wore but come and try our b the lowest tes in India. -Mr. Scott went mously passed That we an in the musical treats of the season and the Constance. of new will meet with hearty response. The cang Hysca, Ceylon and India. Tes. We retail at were unani in boo, and ifity- no the finest goods we can buy, try &A ver collection taken at the door on Mon PArons, sevembled'-at our annual cou latter to attend the British Amertean LODGE NoTm.-The officem for the en. to Toronto last week, taking with him a consign ti ty COTTONS our Breakfast Gems at 17a per 1b. We have the d the atten on Business College. suing quarter in the'Independent Order -of ment of hogs. 'He returned on fined canned goods the eel t amounted to $927. in ing, hold in Clinton,'oall . 0 - %ving had a successful tr He ebrated Delhi Brand at sy nigh of set a tariff commission for the Dominion Good Templars are: J. Medd, C.; B. Nonday, hi i same price me other, and after- inferior pods, ask tor th I I ki � up a large shipment opi but - Stanley Schoales, VA; W. McIhtosh,*Ch&p.; G. Farn. is now ma ing them they we the bed. in Crockery and 01114111WATO 3ft1&1&1ZD AT HAxi=o.N.-The !man that they are expected to fulfil, the pledges Aikenhead ban- SHEETINGS vebsvesome very fine g.60a at right priom nb friends of Rev. Mr. McPherson, of Acton, made to the people wheal in Opionition, and - ITEms.-Mr.- and Mrs. Walter Madge bam, P. C.; C. Reid, See.; A. Reid, Tress.; ter for Halifax. -Mr. Wm' troubk to show goods. See them and compare paomh request that they at once proceed tc� PI ce pleasantly surprised last Wednes. Di Tudor, Fi, S. il� W. Taylor, Son.; ISI. Reid, urobaxed a very fine anfinal from the well allkiDds of prdace4aken in exchango torgoods, and who, during the suinmer of 1894, acted were very I fngwn herd 6f Mr.Biggins, Elmhurst farm. �PILLdW COTTONS and the bilghestpricapaid for the b�d goeds. cub as &v. Dr. McDonald's assistant. here., will on the free list, corn, coal, oil, all wire for day evening by a sleigh load of young peo� G.; B. Schosles, organliab. The lodge in in p on- Ali farm'in implements, ple from Avery enjo - 0, � -flourishing condition. The -animal is a fine one, and we wish Mr,� for tip be interested to loam of his latest ate' n -the Bronson line: One member y fni g ur=. able time was, spent with music, games and initiated last meeting and several more ex. Aikenhead much success in his venture.- LINENS C. WILSON, Seaforth. units in wishling himself and and b nfer a also the nagolition of the ward, sud wiU I Mr. Peter McGregor has now two carload$ of comqfto Nook. bride a happy and prosperous future. 'The Saftte, and the alZion of the maintananca, dancing. The m"ic wa's furnished by the 4d Some of the members visited FLANNELTTES ndent of the Tor6uto of Government House and 'free . paasu to Bronson Line str . lug bond, composed of T:b' ur� lodge last Monday evening. Truly of horses, which he intends taking to the Hamilton convw residence of Mr. mainbei of Par4ment. Officers were Messrs. J. & G. Mossap, J. Darrow and W. the Auburn brethren and sisters understand old country. -The collections taken up at HANDSOME PRINTS Maii writest At the the different communion services in the imadian Zxpress Oompany. Thomas W; Ldrd W as& ahemoon, elected as'follows : Cgunty President, John Slack. The party bro-k%-; 4p shortly before the art of entertaining, an they had Lon. Laird,. Govenlock, Seaforth ;.county vice-president, daylight. -Mi. Walter Sliws�rt, of Luck- desboro, Blyth, Summarhill and St. Helensi. Presbyterian church here amounted o 10th inst., his dau&tar� Miss ame AIjL RAIL SERVICE. was married to ths, Rev. H.A. McPherson, B. S. Phillips, Hansall ; correa now, and his cousin, Miss'Mar nearly $W, which will be. divided. be- PRETTY EMBROIDERIES-. pouding y Stewart, Our lodge is invited to visit Londeaboro, tween the, augmentation and French - evan We are now able to handle bywiness to and from of Acton. The ceremony was performed by secrtary, W. L. Lawrence, Clinton; audi- have returned home, after spending a ery next Tuesday night, where may expect a the following Wate In British Columbia, vfz : Kalso AND BLOUSE MATERAM, the Rev. Dr. Fraser,of Knox church. The tore, R. Common, Seaforth ;'J. W. Yeo, leasant mouth with his sister, Mrs. Charles good time. elization schemes of the churc.-Rev. 1Jekcn,a*@@l&nd.,Victorh6 Wanets. and the follow- Muir addressed the oneeting- at Hills Green bride' was attended by her sister, Min Holmeaville ; sentinel, J. Stewart, Kintail - Eonaldson. -Mears. Charles Donaldson and, lag points in 3twitob&, Emerson, Morris, Winnipeg, 01 Forage aul Bracdon. A -a Iiird, and Mr. W. M, MoKay, of representative to G. Board, J. Govenlock. ' Joe M i Monday, evening. Quite a number from, _ggi ossup, are crushing grain this week in Centra". 0y a Mr. McPherson Goderich township. -Mia Orfs Atillar was the Villagie also attended, and an]* ad W. SOMERVILLE, Agent" N�irvsl, was, best -on. on this in 'owing NoTm.-Mrs. Howard, who has be If Joinims _W" formerly pastor of the North -and mis- DiEDWHmE ON A VisiT.-The foll pleasant timp.-;;�Miw, Fraser, Some beautiful things in visiting friends a last week. 118 Tel"10101k and Uprea ]IUMing, &aortb. ing with her grand -daughter, Mrien Wy.' Ovf r1ronto, is at �resant Visiting her mother' obituary notice which sion of Knox church, and the bride was a we take from the Down, ban rem�ved to- Exeter, -Rev. J. and other relatives in Stanlsy.---�Mr. Alex. prominent worker in the church. The Fergus News -Record, will be read; with nd 10108S Jov 00 tohom Walton. Greenway, of'Crystal City, Manitoba, is Mitchell shipped one cm load of applera young couple have many friends who wish interest y many of our readers DJLU.0 station nweek, also two cars ANNmRsARY SEnviow.-The anniver. visitifig friends in and around Centmlia. from this as them every pl! rather sudden and unlocked for death took as ion with Duff's -A large number of the villagers attended from Godericb. services in connect Andrew at the residence of Impactor Me. ch, Walton, will - be hold on Sabbath the church opening servic'em at Crediton on Hoxisr, OF RzruGz NoTm Will be here next week STRATFORD, ONTARIO, met., Webster, of Colborne, in the latest: addition Cmd, in Elora, Friday eveninik 5th and Monday next. On Sabbath, Rev. 'Mr. Sunday last. -Rev. S. J. Allin, of Brussels, unced to* pres,3h' missionary sermons LeeAbury. A large, elegantly equi pad oommermems Muir of Brucefield, Will preadh morns g is anno Stu to the tea. Ho got his lag broketi and when Mrs. Thomson, nee Miss Watson, ex. dent& iniallounfor treatment, but ex- ired while fibers on a visit Mr. and Mrs. ITzms.-A surprise party from Crantrook our Old Country pur- 1 On �evening a tos. -in the Methodist church here on Sunday school -none better in an, evening. Pood ladies morning sery pacts to leave as soon as he reoovem Quite t Portage Is Prom''e, 1110,81 may enW at anytime. Write for catalegue went to th Nowson, and family lef ;ing will be held, and as the next. -At the Sunday ice Rev. drove out to the residence of Mr. William chases are expected to the 3iry W. H. Butt preached the claims of the In - W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-512 numbir of the inmates we laid. ' t pres- Manitoba, on account of Mn. ThoranoWs of thin vicinity are acted for ir culb Smith on Wednesday evening of last week, arrive. up a kbilities, the tea in sure to be a sumptuoug., dia famine fund, alth ad an'enjoyable time. -Mr. J. J. eut. Where there an so many old and in- ill health, and spent the Christmas holidays Aftir. ad tempting one. In addition, addresses fW, which wail thought to be a larg Irvine has had five man and two teams out - firm people there� is necessarily a cbn ider- with Mr. and Mrs. McDonald. a sum d r will be delivered by Rev. Mt. Muir, Rev. for this village, he succeeded,- with the si ting and hauling logs to the saw mille of CRrdno s Opem HWIt able amount of sickness. - Last July a man glasrd ithey visited Mr. Thomson's father in y h, Mr. Westman and Mears. Kerr and Blair, ?f Mr. Delgaty's bible elms, in raising where Mrs. M n $70 r. Job Bennewies, for the last fortnight. 'named Hall absconded from the House ; he Thomson c()4tmoted a 11, MCFAUL "Yore cold. They next visited Rev. Mr. of Brussels. in aid of the famine stricken ufferers; If -Miss Bills, Daridson and Miss -,Tennie hasbeen hanging around Craditon, and SEAFORTH. surrounding towns and illages would only ting money asked Ste in Seaforth, and returned- to Vil Crozier have been around eollec Goo& Zhen council for assistance down Macdonald, i do as well, timely'relief would be given our 44 a previo Step]2en. insidofthoUpper Canada Bible Society, jjry there. He was arrested a few days Blom. Eight us to Mrs. Thom. The Marvel of the Age, thewouderful ago A TA fellow subjects in far off India. and have met with fair -success.-More and committed to jail for twenty. Jays soWs death, Mr. oinson left for home, ex GATtzRxNGs.-A large number attended - weddings are expected in the,near fut�re in 1orabeconding. Theother day a diffie pecting big wife to follow as soon an her the services at the opening, of the -Evan. compmyl ult this section --Mr. James McDonald, a for - 0 we nematograph% 'surgical operation was performed. on Mr. cold was better. But she became worse. elioal church, at Crediton, on Sunday. Ashfield. butwho, Seaforth's Greatest Calsh, Dry Goods consul. En Monday bvening a lecture on a trip PjomoNAL, -We -are sorry - to learn that mer resident of the Leadbury line, The greatest attraction at the lad Henry Bone, of Goderich - township, who Dr. Robertson was called id, and in has beau residini in Manitoba for about Toronto Fair. came to the House expressly for this pur- tation with Dr. Nairn decided that the can tbroggh Europe, Was given by Bishop Bray- Mr. Smith, of the 12th concession, West t* relatives here at iling oh - pose ; it would be a good idea if the county was a serious one. All that skilled[ physi- ogel. He in a good speaker, and the inci- Wswanosh, who was seriously injured by twODtY y8srs, in vid ing Carrie Chapmen), aft -ended her weddi present. Mr. McDon�hrhsa an 'advantage would set apart a ward in the House for cians, a trained. nurse and kind friends. dents in connection with his trip were 1pven being thrown out of a rig in Bay City, Weduesday of lut week.: Miss,M Two Nigltts Only—Tueadma aud aul operations of a like nature ; there are more could do availed nothing, and she passed in a humorous manner. The recital on lies dangerously ill. over a great many; being able to speak a -Decessed leaves a Tuesday evening was well attended. The Chapman, , Miss Walker, Mi& Metev We&isday, MeXch 2 & or lea of them' to be performed, afid medical aws English fairly well and Gaehe to perfection. y an above tated. Geor e Chapman and Robert 40 -Mrs. Francis Morrison, who was very ill, hapmaN -W -4 ovock. men could then fit it up to suit their -re- fsmil�jy of three boys and one girl, the young. large pigs organ is superior both in appear- of Z.218donis ; John Chapman, of Af4l.fllee ednesday Afternoon Howick. is, W4 to say, race% whom is eight years of age. -There- ance, 3 are preased' raring. She quirements. The House of 'Refuge commit- Bet of tone, and is indeed in keepin Ing the marvellous tea of the county council met in the House mains were shipped to her recent home at with the rest of the church and its fittings.' NOTE& - 41mr. James Neil, of Harriston, is was taken suddenly ill with inflammation, and Charles -Chapman, late of . Mui The only opportunity to see The many friends of Mr. John Patersbal, visiting at his brother's,, near Clifford. but it was tromptly checked by medical skill motion pictures on Friday last. Portage Is Prairie 6n Monday. She was -Messrs. E. Barry and Allan McDonald Rodgerville, who has been 6. seriously left on Monday for their home in North i Quite a number around here are drawing and csrefu� nursing. -We heard an agc�d win be born. in Elora in 1850, and was ;ousequently 10 to Wi ham, Lakelet and Gorrie- 'At' person a short time ago lamenting that'the Pleased tDle&rn that he is imoray.. Admission, 25c; children, 10c; advance To Bomwzits.-A codple of boardem can in the 47th year of her age. - Mrs. Thomson Dakota, after a splendid stay irisiting their 1UR, al And excellent secommodation-in a private'house in of thg�,Hon. Robert Watson, friends. -Mr. and Mrs. Daniel.Co ad will hope for his speedy- recovery. was a sistW Wi8ingliammSey got -the hiiheat pri�e for ouse,of Refuge would soon be full, and if -sale of seats 255c, at FrAies DRUG STOR33. ward via - town, by applying 0 Tus ExpourroR Office. 15154f , sound logo.-' We hbar th We are -also pleased to state that Ur_ of Portage ]a Pmii%, Manitoba. ited at Khiva this week. -Mr. Tail, 'of at Lakelet it were necessary for him to go - after while, Hl.!�L, Mauager. WA1,,=D._RR 6utter 1.3c, dry apples 3c, Hakon county, Michikan, is visiting friends Vde Order of Good Templara'lqdge, there would be no room. . Never mind,. my James White, of thievillage, who had q, any qu&Dt!tY. 0. Z. KRIG, WiRghAM. 15204 LOcA'L BwmFs.-Mr. S. Chesney, who in and around Crediton., visited Redgrave on Saturday, 3th inst. aged friei nds to whom fortune has been un- a severe illness, and . was confined -to hin. APOLOGY. -I do hereby apologiss to Mr. has been associated ith Mr. E. , Hamilton B what we hear, a, good time was spent by kind, the home will be imlarged when re- room for about a week, in now able to James 6. Kelkliebael fdr having amused him of tak.. in the implement bweiness herg, will move SIT who were present. -Rev. Mr. Gifford, of quired. around agoin.-Miss Hieks and bliss Stew-, ing a dog belonging to me. JAmrs A. JoNss. Turnberry. art, of Exeter, were this week ithe moeoteof shortly to Oraxngeville, where he has secured Wiugh "M te to give'llis farnoui lee- Drvsdale. the Mli�ses Shirray. .7 GATHEWai'09.-Mr. W. Holmes is grai- tur inam' "' I a similar position. -Messrs. John Meyer om the neari future. A good GRsTLxim,,,T who have lost part or all of ually dying of, old age. It is now almost time is expecte OBrruARY.-We have this week to chron-, and J. Pierce, brother and brother-in-law of d; -There was another car- JoTTiNos. - Quite a number of young men ide the d V -1 thoir Wr should not miss seeing-PRor. DoRzNw&Wa three years since he was confined to. his bed, ee-h of onp 'of the veryoldask DISTRICT MATTERS. latest styles to Wigs and Toupees. They are true J the late H. W. C. Meyer, were here last nival in Pliffordon Friday last. It was to are teaming for M r. Nelson Contine, of resi4bte of the village of Rodgerville, tonstureand no one could tell you had oneon. week.attending the funeral. -Miss Florence where he has remained ever since. It is re. test the racers, and see -who, would win. At Lake Vietr. - This gentleman intends start - the township of Usborne, in t 6 Call. at Queens.Hotel, on Tuee0ay, Febr 28. Johnson left on Mondav -on a� visit to friends ported that he. is slowly turning black on the previ6as carnival, held on Friday, 5th ing a saw mill in the near future -Mr. h person--odff uary 523x1 ym inot., tfiere was'some di8putin 'over who Mr. M a Rodgers who died -on 44*1r- in Toronto. -Rev. Mr. L -aitch, of Stratford one,,ide.� The old gentleman has the 9, - -atth w Tor REF?RXMS.-A meeting of the Re- 9 Harry Talbert is still catering to, a7� wants day last at the ripe old age of go yei4s� formers oi-Seaforth' will be hel4 in the ce in the Pr a CzDAR PosTs.-Any quantity of good, conducted preparatory servi so'. pathy of the neighborhood in his affliction, won th prize, and last night was to prove of our farmers in'the out -straw and chop The dice'seed Scotland, cedar post@ for sale at 10 cents each. FAtatool'T.T. _h on Friday afternoon last.- ye are none I nuer. La his last da too pleaa&nt.---%-E.. the wi was a nstive -of i COLZMAN, Beaforth. 1523-1 council chamber on Friday eiening, Feb- byterian churc and H. Cornell of Freeport,, are visiting on stuff basiness.-Mr. Robert Talbert has bom at Kirk Oswald, -ArgylEishire,'in 0 Mr. D. Crittenden, of Blyth, was calling on broken -in a very fine driver, and intends Mop HRADING BOLTS WANTF.D.-For all the boundary. -A very needy looking tramp ary, 1807. He was marn'ed in Sootlamudi rnary 26th, when it is -desired thatthare. be friends in town thin week. -The regular Blyth. fitting it UT for the spring races. -Mr. Peter 1,833, to 04 quality basswood heading bolts, 40 !uches long, was on the B line Sunday evening, seeking Xartha MtMahon, who now surw'. full attendance. The business to be delivered before Xmh 13Uk. we will pay $2 60 per meetinia of the Literary an 'Debbt elub n NoTzs.-Rev.Mr.Westm&u0of Walton,oc. Denomey rove'through town on Sunday -and a charity. He was travelling from the Wing- vives him, migrated to Canada in t rd. Estate of T. T. CoLsjuN. Sestorth. we ton. was �eTd in the council chamber on2ond brought before the meeting will be organiza- co -cupied the pulpit of 'the Methodist church afternoon lant.-The debating i3lub of the sett Shi WE a in own evening gan r Mrs. (Rev.) Rigsby re. Young People's Heart and Hand Ainociation Hy, --but sdo tion for the coming Provincial elections. feet long- 1623-1 urning barn' the tinue to pay $5 per thousand for Soft Elm lAgs 14 &y ham gravel road, and. an a man w seep by, ou.Sunday IsAt. year 1834 lin * London t last, when an intereatin d - ofit able address was given by Mr. 3ames Mr. Blackwell leaving his b turned from Toronto on Frido�y.-'Mr. hold a very interesting meeting - lately, to He had n; faro - 0 em e press "ght before, it is * t among th t lit wife of D. D. Wilson, chairman. *bl Mr. Tram Mr. ammp, Ifr�iug. ! Next Mon Th mas Livingston left, for his home in discuss the subject, Itesolved that a dirty, Stratford I&IJ. Ch&r1sa, THxy Dn) WBLL.-The two rinks from lodging upon 218(oal"goollibey, which h McDonald, of be, a debate on the tariff question, the sides w," party oman is prefe Durham on Tuesday. -A sleigh load good natured w mb18 to a ohnston, of London, and Mrs. John Har. THz To-vvw_ CLocK��­DFA:a Exposrrop-- the Seaforbh Curling.club that went to To- to be captained by Messrs. D. D. Wilson just been put in he barn, and let fire �r�p drove out to Mr. Wm,. Mills',.in Hullett, on clean, bad-tempered women." The evening vis, of Portage la Prairie, �Msnitoba. roul Wplps, as to the or- Aftm there is no clue iffin Is it not high time that the members of the rento last week to compet� for the Ontario and Dr' Bethune. -Mr. James Dorrance, of f Monday evening, and report a good time.- being fine the towa hall was crowded to the residing in London A '6eNa - of the fi which consumed Mr. Mae township about, two.. council took measurgal to mcertain the cost Tankard, returned home on Thursday night, McKillop, last week disposed of a. fikie rq Miss Plumstone, of Detroit,. in visiting doors by people anxious to hear the discus - b, dF years, the deceased moved to the to of a, clock for the town, with the appurten- Theyere not as snecessfal an they would young Berkshire f to Mr. Richard Pon- d ght, D no' friendain town at present. -Rev. Mr. Andrewal, sion of such'an important question, and all of Uaborue, where h has since resided, av -by elee- &y1e I This is a particularly an. ances with diials'lighted at night like to have been, but they did,remarkably halo, of near B d. w L"an n t Int 8 S at r Oy n i of Holmeaville, will -,occupy the pulpit of the debaters proved equ�l to the I occasion. te h ty the a e have titute tricity. We have a bell and a clock to*er own as Rodgerville, being named a ;ou c f fug f a e:gt, h on I ee am the Methodist church next Sun&y, and While Mr. Win. Bannerman, of thi affirm- -viell. They had somewhat hakd luck to fine young animal, with an excellent pedi. as Its a 0 what is kn start with. They were drawn against the after Mr. Rodgers. He followed' farm* ree, and the price paid was a good one. administer the ordinance of the sacrament ativ and it is the opinion of a good many that ly a side; completely outdid himself in all Hamilton Victorias, the club th�t ultimate until the year,1849, when he opebed a gen- we should have a clock of our own, inde- Air. Dorrame6leeps good stock, and Mr. Bluevate. in the evening.�The.electric light Plant �f bin formier efforts, 6and carried both judgei eral store at Rodgerville, and �being of :,#4 ads the second -beat re6ord it the Tourn. Penhale has shown excellent judgment in pendent of thecaprice of -any one. Some of in ITnms.-Mrs. Barclay, from near Bow. our town wan moved on Monday to Elam and audience with his able' address, and, in enterprising and goahead turn, he not Only, ament In th" contest they were' beaten his selections. -The memberp of 13ritannia manville, is visiting bar niece, Mrs. R. G. Livingstoes mill, he.haming purchased it. 'conclusion, proved to the judges 'that he engaged the mir�_ratfle business, t Is our independent citizens, who havel plenty and little to do with it, might aid Masonic lodge will. ent rtain their friends C e or to by only two shotai bat this put them out of t as in a -Mr. Jordan, f Tonawanda, the first of the mouth. made 12 more points than all his, opponents the race for the trophy. One of the Sea- in a brick yard, -hotel and stage house, the largelyi in the work or do it independently. at -au " at home " in their lodge iooms this New York state,, was in. the village last put together. The decision was amordingly latter being well and favorably known, tow forth rink was five behind and the other three (Friday) evening. -The town ifock is again Saturday, on business. -The box - soc'ial ven in favor of th-3- aflirmative� but our the travelling community as the "'Western. -A RATRPAYBR. ahead, thu-i losing the game by only three Hffls Green. i running, and will apparently, for a time at iv g .g 1. shots. It Will thus' be' seen that the boys least, not be continuall. - deceiviniz the _gi : on Wednesday evening of last week, Last SabVath was a dies are not yet convinced that the hotel and stage house." It was well kept by EpwoRmE Lr!,AGuy, Assom&TioN.. The� an- VE RY.- r. George Johnston7s house, let line, of 1d' Yd -e was right. nual meeting of the Epworth Leage Asso- put up a good gainc The'elub which beat v in - ANNji RsA ublic.-M'essrs. J. G. *i1sou'and Cfeorg'e letter da,� in the history of the Presbyterian Mr. Rodgers and his wife, -and around -it Morris, for the benefit of the Young- Britons, Was like a -fair in the semons for ciation of the Goderich district will be held them played 'off with the victorious team in atterson are this week attending the bringin also, was the first time our Grand was v�ry large attended. The house was Ad D church here The anniversary services g in. the final. grain to London, which was in those in the Methodist church here on Tuesday, - Lodge of United Workmen being held in packed to the oors, and windows too, and were conducted by Rev. A. Grant, 'of St. -'Mr. nt is a prince among* boys ver played on that ice, while their Toronto, as.delegates f aallslouiing the principal market. and his hotel Was $I- Marchl6th. Therewillbe three sessions, roul the Seaforth ding room was, awce.-La Marys. Grai Cuop Corn at the Hen even stan and dvening. The OPPO moning, - afternoon nents were accustomed to playing on lodge. -While Mr, J. P. Brine was driving preachers, and his eloquent and impressive. at $12 per ton, and cedar po 'at 10 cents eachb half way house between Gderich ond Ln. I ut in this vicinity. -Mrs. is preva e it, and the ice is a great deal keener than COOK BY45. don, and it was there that those teaming, morning session will be devoted to the con- along Goderich St. on Tuesday morning, his MICE resentation of the goepel was listened -to is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P the ice on which the Seaforth players are taid ever night. MT. Rodgers a sideration. of Sabbath school topics ;L the af- horse shied at some object on the side"of Walter Ruther&d.-Mr. Edwin Cowden with rapt'attention by crowded congrega- LOCALBRiEirs.-The aleighing -continues accustomed to play on. This makes a great acted the large hotel, which at preoe ternoon to Epworth League topics, and the the road and collided with a load of iee,, re- brought a sleigh load of young folks over tion, both morning and evenin - On the good, and large quantities of grain, wood, 9- stando at Francistown, -br Exeter no In difference. � The Championx are the Lind- 'eveningto the consideration 4f both. Monday evening following a social gather..- pork and logo are being daily brought to the names of e social at Mr. eorge 0 owing are � � e'x say club. The f 11 ceiving, a bad cut in the breast. Mr. Brine from Wingham to th G this did not prove a. profitable teresting addresses and papers bearing oii was thrown out of the cutter, but escaped ing took place in the basement, when, of market, and meet with good demand and ter eas' harsh y reeve, thee subjee'ta will be given at each s ion. the Seaforth, players: W. Ament, W. Me, with rather a FAevere shaking up.-1Kra.J`okn Johnston's.-Mr. Jenkiiia, of the Bluevale i splendid tea, the anditorium of the c Mr. G. C. Potty, olir worth but rather on the contrary was a soureme t road, opened hiaL house to a large crowd of was agqin owin Dougall, J. Turner, A. Wilson, Skip; Yr Wiseman,. of Clinton, is this week the guest cople last Tuesday nilht, when he gave a T to him. About the y&ar IS meeting, judging Yrom thw programme, filled to overfl. pric% eat lost The, and r. M4C1oy, oar well-known g. he pastor auction. 9r. Rodiers retired from business life, promises to'be a most interesting and in. W. Tweddle, R. Logan, T. Richardson, W. -of Mrs. Wm. Robb. -Mr. W. K. Pearce, of x social, the procee a of which will go to having taken the chair, excellent and appro. ear and implement agent, are' this week Pickard, Skip. 'for many years, an long as his tre� er. structive one, and all interested in- the tLe. Dominion Bank, wishes to acknowledge increase the funds of the Methodist church. vda. having harge quantities of stone, bri priate addresses were delivered by Re ek and work should.,make it a point to be present. the following subser-Int-lofis,which have%eei, Messrs. Waddell -and Henderson, mitted, he tilled &bout 20 mr and. ad - Mr. Jenkins made a speech, which was fol- of Hen- sand delivered for the erection, of their fine EGXONDvrLLBNoTzs.-Mr. Stewart Stret- received by him. - for 0e India famine mall ; Muir, of Brucefield ; McDon briek blocks on the corner lot, i JOMIRg his present hom% but as he beasinw- lowed by songs, recitations and instrumental aid, of mine-diately *ery advanced in age, he sold tit but ton, of Goderioh, spent a day or two with fund : John Landsborough, $1 ; a young music-. A PARTFurL Acc1DMT.--LXr8. M. A. Varna, and Grant, of St. Marye. The west of the post office. - These fine buildings a - garden allowance. In religion he we friends in 'the village last week.-�-A'Iarge friend in Hens ]I,, $.-The flour mill in church choir discoursed enchanting -music will add greatly to the appearance of our , Coulter, teacher of th; primary department 0— X_ Presbyterian, - in politics a Liberal, vote was polled by the members of our town, known as the red aill,was offered for Main street, and speak wall- for the in, the public school, met with a painful so. Bayfield. at all the services. Miss L. Whiteman busi- being of a kindly and cheerful �dia church for organist, resulting in the election sale by auction on Tuesday I presided at the organ with much accept. Me ast. but was neas enterprise of Messrs. Petty and cidentonTuesdainigkt. She was return- F. A. EDwAxDs has me very special -Graham b a I good majority. not sold. -Mrs. Callend -neighbors as warm f of Miss H. 1. -Rdbeft Bell, jr. to he had all his ing home About a evea o'clock, and when in, ar,. of Hartney, values ter cash. , Rubberej 26c.! anee. The weather was all that could be Cloy.-M,r. proprie. r of Overshoes, Few and the happy event will. not soon the Hansall. inachine shop, and who,is one At a meeting of the sessiohl on Monday af- Manitob who has been spending Koo' 11 desired, m�an of his age ever retain their front of Mr. W. W. Hoffinan's she slipped the 3 and 4, for 75o. 16234 t the ternoon, Miss Graham!s election was con- winter wail' be forgotten by a grateful, pastor and con- of out most go ahead business men, is also sauses and faculties more fuUy riglo, and fell, breaking her right arm, a th relatives in Clinton was the BRzEzy Nomcs.-Robert Bl'air is home It gr of --- firmed,and k eaultshawill be required I to ninety, as within a very few dave Of k eat of Mrs. M. Y. McLean thl's week. - from the Soo for a egation. The offerings amouLpted to,the havinj a quantity of briek delivered for his wrist. Mrs. Coulter Was alone at the time couple of 'weeks -�-Re -bath. The po- M death he wAs able to walk miles, Zid: to begin her"dualt es next -Bab rias Graham him just received a�i acknow- new b) c�sk, where hat is known and although for a time she was nable to sition is no Mr. Stout, of Middleton's church, i5o&rici haudsome.surn of $106 as T. sine ure, as - 'the organkt is re- ledgment of $19, contributed by friends in Bonthrbn'SL store, now stands. -Mr. and read and write wlihout the aid of rise, she got home, and not thinking the in - the quired to play lead the singin' on Bab. lair township, and Rev,, S. L Smith, of - Trinity a funeral to Seaforth and Egmondville,for the Armen' . Th the Rodgeivills-. jury was so serious, she passed night Mrs.. A. Dent, of Mitchell, were 'in the vil- glum" bath and at the 'Weekly prayer meeting, and church, Bayfield, exchaugedL. pulpits last Brucefield. cemetery on Taesday was very largely AV ufferers, and -forwarded by her to Dr. -Qiite a without having theinjured member dressed. Sfinday.-On Sund&y morning ne*t Rev. B. R, HiaGiNs, generalfire and life as L lage this week, vsivmg relatives. to provide the musie and singing for anni. tended, te 'if to the res ct felt for Geikie, the treasurer of the fund. -Captain number of our villikep attended the anni- st Ing pe 'Jn our Cockeril, of Cloiton, will conduct special is occupy &Mdr.00W[Disdoner i versary se"ices hilld in the Presbyterian The injury is a most painfal one, made more Mr. Sawyer, of Tuckeramith &nos agent, notary gublib, convey 'the d for -1 Milli It VeLrisary and other special services.- and sympathy so by the dela in having it attended to. the pulpit'of the Methodist chu _h here.- for taking affidavii a, &c. Private funds on fird. ill be some time before she will be able to notes of last week we inadverLently placed meetings in the�Salvation Army barracks on The collectio, re mortgage on good form property, at 5 per cent. church at Hills Green on �ah�ath lost, when Redgers, his aged partner in life, and wh, W n at Trinity church Sunday our worthy reeve in the wrong olitical At home every morning and Wednesday of each Rev. Mr. Grant, of St. Marys, preached has f)een his faithful helpmate for oonsidere. T In eau e her datie& at scho6l. P list, Saturday gnd Sunday next, Captain Smith morning next is to be devoted to the India, week. butearcely need an apology,.�Ls we are sure ably over 60 years. going o t Clinton. On Friday evening next, morning and evening, and also attenoed the relief fund. -It is our sad duty! this we�ek to _h he will not be ashamed of his company, - Oaptain Andrews will show sorrie beautiful SUARFOLDER'S MzEtING.-A meeting'of 1 tea meeting on the Monday evening(-491low- -We havealso to chronicle the deait the Shareholders and Patrons of the Brucefield, Mr. James Simpson, of't-his village A.�PLEASANT Evm-iixG.-A very pleasant The Rev. Dr. Buchanan, the returned mi report the,death of one of our best known Ing. and,;profitable ev ' pent in the views in the barracks. -Mr., and Mrs. J. and niost h They all report the services as being ening was. s ighly esteemed young ladies, Cheese Manufacturint Company will be bold lm the I sionary from India, preac6d in our church I M. Best spent Sunday with friends in God- for the pur. very interesting and largely attended, and occurred on Friday of last week. hi de - factory on March 6th, at 1 o'clock p. m., Yoahg Men's Christian Association rooms Miss Annie Millar,; � daughter of Air. and 0 cessed was a native of )torkshire, Euilaudi, iose of, letting milk routes, disposing of the whey, the tea mesting, one f, if not thePestver last Sabbath morning. The sermon was a erich.-Mrs. W. T. Box and Master Ernest Mrs. Michael Millar.- - Deceased w ut to d 3ointi6g a secretary and other special busi. I' ics aiid an Episeo., on Wednesday evening last. A pleasing masterly contrast of the caste system �� of re. are at present visiting relatives and friends e an p held. Our Hills Green friends do not aConservative in po it president 1528-8 -murieml and liwrary programme was provid- ligion of India, with the grand 1freedo'' Clinton about three'weeks ago to -visit rela. Bases 3OHN ]BURD03 d* of' down east. -Miss Lily Holmes, iece of things by halves.-Miag Cameron, of Ajas- palian in religion. )1e moved to this villagt: ed by the members of the - Christian Erk- Christianity. Do we Christi died tives, and a few days after her arrival 'was FoREsTEns.-B from the farm in Tuckeramith, with Jhi&� ans always act Mrs. James Archibald, of this town, Craig,who has Veen spending tke past w ith I t.k' rucefield Court, No. 321, V. ask, deaor Society, and Re . Mr. Hodgins ad- taken ill. It Was thought she would soon i brother Thomas and, -sister, about sevemn as though we believed that the God we Clinton last week, at the early age of 20 Independent Order of Foresters, met last the guest of Mrs. H. Arnold, returned home dressed the meeting in his usual concise and recover, but she become worse, until death ctor of person's ?-Miss years. She hadeen in ill health for some ay evenin interesting way, throwing out many sugges. worship is no respe Frid g, *for the purpose of electing on Wednesday last. -Mr. C. A. McDonell yea� where he hais since resided. Hat Laura Porter returned on relieye&-herof p'ain on Monday mor ranger and was a man of a quiet and retiring dispor4. ues- tion and a good neighbor. He w as unmar-- attendance wa's good, and- everyone seemed &Y f 0 th treasurer. The 6fficars ow are as follows at his wife's home. -Mine Ida Coulter, the tions which would be of profit to all. The a week's ivisit among friends in Cliston. , laab week to attend the faneral of a relative d r in e residence of Mr. J ried. The funeral on Monday last -to Me— Wednesday from time. -Mrs. John McNab -went to Fergus alug, two new officers, viz., chief. was in Forest flaring the past week, visiting 15th inst. The body was brought on T n The Rew J. B. Mullen, of Fergus, wilt con, 1'who diedthere on Wednesday. -The secre-, F "in's C. D., Thom" Boyce ; P. C. R., J. D.Gem- 1young daughter of Mr. Job&. Coulter had to be thoroughly pleased. The anniversary agleson, Clinton, where she died, to the Taggart's cemetery was largely attendedd4, duct the annivers ry services of our' tary of the Young Men's Christian As Mill, ; C. R., R. � McCartney ; V. C. R., !I the misfortune, while playing &'few services in connection with the Association church on Sabbath, th" home of her grief-stri6ken parinig. 'The testifying to the respec in which he was. e 14th bf March. A ation at Chatham has requested us to send George McCartney ;,F. S., George Logan days ago in their yard, to fal on the ice Ist, tea meeting will be- held on -the following them a copy of TnE EXPOSITOI� to place on fi xvill be held in Cardno's hall, on I funeral took place on Thursday to the Bay. R. S., A. Mason ; treasurer, Win. Ratten- bi eaking her . arm above the wrist, - held. He had attained the age of 7& in eld cemetery. Deceased was of a moist -Another esteemed resident has aim-, when Rev. Mr. Johnston, of London, will Monday revening, of which particulars will t�eir reading room table. � Hesays a nu h- I Swann, c an am, George Hart ; S. B., H. We regret to learn that Miss TemA address. the ineetil�g. amiable, cheerful disposition and bad many 8sed away, in the person of Mr. Win. be giveni in' due time. -Mr. J. Bolton, of ber of boys from" Seaforth are membersof berry J. R'A. Broadfoot ; S. W., James youngest daughter of Mrs. Swann, of Us. 7, Nissouri, and bliss 11arris, of Michigan, the asociation, andwould like to 'See the friends who will mourn her demise. Mr. -the borne, is and has been #1aite ill but hope rerr, which event occurred at his ome, in and Mrs. Millar have the sincere sympath McKay ; J. W., John Cameron. After y Blu. BUCRANAN pFAws ABoUT INDIA.- were the guests of Mr. -Thomas Hills durin a home news TnE ExZSITOR furnishes. y 'Hensall, on Thursday afternoon last., -after- election of the new officers there was a shb may soon regain hsr wonted health. - Rev. Dr. Bmahanan, who was engaged in the earlv part of this week. We of theentire community in this bereave. hat long ilness, at the ripe'old age, - are much pleased to,�know that our bo ' I of speeclies, i Rev. C. L. delivered his lecture on 16 80me'w rogram e com a or ment.-Miss Jegnie -Erwin and Miss A. t cour mission w k- at Uiiain, Central India, ior —0 when away from horhe, do not forget their eadin a and In. ic. I hen the Bla kfoot Indiana," under the &us- 7of 85 years. The de6ased w#s a native 4' several years, and who is at horne now, NATURALCuRiosiTy.-Ever since its ap- good hom:e turain . ing.---Miss Green are visiting'. friends in Clinton and 9 ci Scotland, being'born. in Glasgow, where hez' making a tour of the Province, -in the inter- pearance at the last Industrial Fair, at .-On Saturday and Sunday, Feb. r. at McGregor,. vicinity ong, an esteemed brother, in- ces of the Ladies' Guild, Exetqr, on Mon- - was marrie Tor- teachei at Tavistock, spent aturday and vite the embers �o is residence and ten- 'pa d to Miss Isabella Harve Park,, ruary 27th and 28th, Enoign Andre y evening last, to an appreciative Audi- y eat of that brauch of miasion work,- gave a ve'been continually reading - is to of,Glasgow. They emigrated to this countrv,- onto, people ha wg Sunday at her home here. -Mr. John Dodds y night -,dered them an oyster supper. After all did ��ce.-Mr. and Mrs. John Dick left this 0 -ting address on in the papers of the wonderful exhibitions is having,material laid on the ground for lantern vie am ago, remaining 0 most intelligent and interes be at the barracks. On Monda ver56 years for a sh ple justice to the good things rovided station on Tuesday morning for their now the erection- of a Tesidence on the -pro erty ws will be given on. the life of Y, there home in Clarksburg. time in Ottawa and the toLW.nahip of Lanark. the sabject in the Presbyterian church here of the Cinematographe, and those who the T y -on Monday evening. Dr. Buchanan occu- have not seen it are naturally curiou to p late Mrs. Booth. by the doctor and his estimable las were accom- purchased by him some time ago in Harpur. They then moved to thil township of Hay�. were some speeches by the brethren. Then pauied to the depot by a large number, of lay bbath evening, and in know whilt it is, what the entertainm nts bey, -St. Thomas' chu ir li6me, wis ends, with whom we join in wishing the pied the pulpit on 8, e reh congregation pur- where.Mr. Kerrearried on farming succesa­- all wended the way hing Dr. fri his sermon made some reference to the peo- are like, etc. It- is, impossible to appropri- pose holding a sociable evening in the Brussels. fully for over 40 years, friaing for limieff; and Mrs. Armstrong long life and pros. 1 recently married. young couple all prosper - we and family a comfortablehoine. But ple of Central InAia and his work among ately describe it, but ' will endeavor to school room on Wednesday evening next, BitiEF NOTES. -Reeve Kerr i again able perity. ity and happiness. -Mr. Ferris, of the with; them, but entered much more fully and min- give at leasta vague idea of this wonderful the 924th -inst. Music, games and refresh- to be around in about his usual, health. He NOTES. -Mr. Win."McDonal advancing years he was obliged to give up@, d, who has county of Brazt, is hero this week visiting is address Mon- invention, and to be -brief we will put it in ments will be provided, and farming and moved to He�sall where ha, utely into the subjeet in hi everybody d the county town a visit'thii week.- been teaching school for the past few years his brother-in-law, and isiater, Mi. and Aay evening. ng apd welcome. -Mr. John Copp isable to be out r a little over nine years. The tribe which he is most this way. Imagine yourself sitti rhe assessor has commenced his uties.- in the county of Lambton, is no -w -occupying Mrs. Wm. Chapman. -Miss Catrique, of has resided fo anxious to reach- with the gospel is the- watching the people walking along the again after having been confined to the Division court was held here on Wednesday NN dwelling in Brucefield; where he intends Georgetown, who was here visi Mrs. Kerr was not long spared to enjoy the ting her nis. Bheel�, who number about 800,000, and to streets of London, of Paris,or of New York' - house for a -couple of weeks, throuth illness. -of thii week, Judge Doyle presiding. The to reside for -the future. -Mr. Alex Mus ter Mrs. Neelands, has returned home. - rest which 14 had so well earned, having-;, whom the gospel has- never yet been carried, you see them in bathing ; calling on the� -Miss Aggie McIntyre, who as been 'docket was a light one: -Stoddard, of Brussels, is the guest f died only a few ".months after moiring here. of New tard hasenteid his saw mill to. Mr.' Wat., *Lin Hunter living and dying in sin an ignorance with. friends ; see the train coming in, the artil- spending a week or two with friends here, York, and Aubrey, of Montreal, have son for.& term of years. Mr. Watson is -an the Misses S"Ilacombe.-Our council have The deceased was a Presbyterian in religgion, out any one to cire for them. They are lery practising,men pulling down a building, 1 was called tcs Toronto on'Tuesday, and left written that they *ill be present at th d saw miller, and viill no and a Reformer in politido, a good neighbor, doubt already secured a good -hose reel, and hope very poor, timid, afraid of foreigners and and many other wonderful things. All' for the cit at once. -Miss Catnochan is next horse fair to purchase -all kinds of do a good business. Large quantities of very shortly to have a hand en ne.-A and was a'very intelligent man and a great: y gi ys on the alert. British armies check- these the Cinematrographe shows you; tea hing.Mrs. Coulter'8 department of -the horses. -It is said that'Mr. Ronald is get- heading are being delivered at out station number of our reader. -He &d a- family'of nine, e-ven of alwa c very villagers enjoyed - The funeral he Eebl* school until the latter recovers from ting a partner, and that the foundry and duile. Mr. Livingstone, of BIyth, in, Nleasant'evening at the fine home a, Mr �ed and egntrolled the Bheels, and then the equally as realistic as if you were on t u, c whom still i3urvi�ve him. Of win r p Hindoos oppressed and ground them down ; scene of action yourself. They 8�re portra accident sufficientiv to resume char ne works will be run full as h take places to the Rodgerville cemetery thin - y _ge.- engi blast, as there ing - Wand intends shipping -to is ohn Hawkins, of t6 township of Hav, on but in some respects they are greatly super- ed as in real life. Thirty different views The regular meeting ol the Collegiate Insti- are a number of orders on hand for; pWiiln .---Mr. Nelson, of Wing. Fridrgy evening I ern i-ly �h the ant, an speak in the igh- ior to most other na�jve tribes. � They are are given at eagh entertainment, occanying tute Literary Society was h eild on Wednes- and other fire apparatus. =Inspecto I mpathy of all in their bere _r er ham, spent a few days last week -visitibg cot terms of'Mr. and Hawkins as eu- "Y e-ath, chaste, each man ovei�one hour's time, and you desire *you. day afternoon, and was well attended by has been paying the temperance houses of. with his son James, who resides in the vil- tertainers.-Mr. Richard Wrigh truthful even to d if t is visitin!_ having his own wife. There is no child- can see them over again without extra the pupils Mr. R. Muldrew acted as East Huron a visit but so far has found no lage.-Mrs. Ross, of Clinton, was here re. his three -sons in Detroit one in Toledo --A I& e and appreciative "dieuce tnrlt-�._ marriage, and death is the strict Denity charge. The Toronto Globe says t.sat o critic, and the following took part in the strong liquor. It is not every riding that cently, calling on a number of her -friends. Ohio. Mrs. W in wi a, is in Gorris d out ilverto , the other evenin twi hC h' ' anile' e 10. n 911 for impurity. Another thing rendering pleased was the Governor-General with the' pro ramme : Instrumental solo b Ll d 'can boast of genuine temperance houses. -L, -Misses Ernma � and Maggie Burdge, -with visiting liar 4cri Mrs; McLaughlin. - hear Rev. A. Grant, of St. Marys leeturO them peculiarly, accessible to the gospel ia, Ginematographe, that he made the request Hoggins ; vocal solo, by Mr. W. Weattoiye Ament'Brothers have commenced running their'brother James are visiting friends in - A very ple"ant, ioc4l who hold at the on' Robbie Burn's. The venerable f sp'eaker� that they are outside the caste system. Caste to Manager Hill that a special exhibition of reading, by Harold Willson ; instrumental the saw mill for custom work, and heading Zorra.-Mr. T. A. MeLauchlin, formerly Methodist narsonage'on Friday evening last. for more than hour and a, half held the is one of the greatest barriers missionaries the wonder should be given at Rideau Hall solo, by Miss M. Fowler ; reading, by Miss is. still rushing in, they now having the principal of Wo. -10, Stanley, and who' The &oce�&_amounted,to about $26. One- closest, attention of his hearers. is have to contend wibh in -India. It is Dr. when it goes to Ottawa. The Cinemato, A. Beattie ; reading, by George Lynch ; largest stook of heading they. ever had.- now attending Goderich' Collegi to am ate Insti. of the most pleasing features of the e ited inannerhe first took up the no's reading of the Recorder. -Mr. W. W. Bills announcing meetings of the East tute with the intention of completing the was the presentation to the pastor, of the Scottish bard and teft be port Buchanan's intention to return to, India and graphe will be on exhibition at Card vevv! begin work among the Bheels.* One of the hall on Tuea,day and Wednesday evenings, Thompson is confined to the house with an Huron Farmers' Institute are out. The course for matriculation into the Bch Mr Waddell, of 50 bushels of oats by his Burns as a poet, preacher and IyM4 inter-- ool of best ways to reach the people and wixt their March 2nd and 3rd, with a matinee Wed- attack of la. grippe. -Mr. John Sproat, sr., meetings wi4l be held as follows: At Ford. INAedicine, waa here from Saturday till Mon. -The followin ing his remrks with humorous qu- 9 dai, calling on friends. He looks as if God. relatives of Mrs. John D. Dick, nee Miss tions from the author's best known &onfidence is to establish a hospital where nesday afternoon. The evening entertain. I of Tu6keramith, died on Wednesday, at the ich on the 24th of February Belgrave on Chiselhurat copgregation. opera Pon". ZrOff stio 0 �THI WHOIA VT We AT -e Opelt Dr6ssedl Poultil Call before din ducei and can South Main I 'T- be Lonc Cheese Ing -of the ebare r,nd Cheat Ulm BELUSHALL, DAY, 31ASCa of. cenaming # -annual weeting, *olved thit the! Ingtoadopt-SA, in amordwee 1 pgrtmeat-,af Ag of the board i most approi;isdl Iftodern Opp rf .quIreg the 5 holder$, it is I* of the cOmpan! WATT. rvikldl �M A meeting of and B14ter 111%, factor on FA- P 4 jT n fo:%e ,;J�ed eg the factdr% " Apply1toseorel JAA= REAR, Dissolut Notice is lit, tolorevilstl0t ]LAD11facturerl VgInduft Sm C ounty of Ev m1utual coma thwadd-Arm -I' Egruond, and am win -be 'i Dated AU4 Huron, Well Jani Signed B UWE " the Uorc bull Was 11 is frmn -bZv*,,' me"'r. - M.E"Itrz _L velvedbI IM'I or #As 0 Z *Kce th"d PlO ExMiTon Off -nei-ces" I fly * sectim.wo.- 6 CIZED 04V .0 'rer'salei rinted til"I buishele *o*hl A �quwv*fty 01 ,elr -thin �A a Let 29, 4 sagugr., �UYOUSE V _U fortsb1i on Utvis-str4 sent occupied Ulm four. b kitchen, W-10 kouse -,set& A &be * Sood. 7 A. miloession A - At I o'clock,'. ,one horaq -4 to -be iolo heifers at -coming 2 ON eleven Too sixteen wtu � ,&84 weekel ditift. The' Ivalerve As � . Ansumoot ied 4ointui will 1wellow MICHAEL BROWN, Al A UCT'lo 'M x9b struptionsf auction on X J.day- Mar 2 year -1our otaere old, inifoal One *6w a Plow, i'set drill, I bln Inem I set a nblouseb sad under., � credit will b n9tes. Ad1 allow*&-clft ^100 WUhef RICHARD A, TOW10 Balanea fro Hul I dt Tov 1M 4nd:P_-'� Korea Tow Courity irc boundary ii J. -R. mbille- Not"Alsoo emmen Lumber sa Interestfu Tot A saaarles—i xweeilsne� W%rd --We. I Ward No. I ward No. � Wsrd No'. 4 Uridges. Rn seri' schools county To PaIdAvNw Balance -in H1.1 Liabilities Anet&—* kand 41,V6