HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-02-12, Page 8FEBRUARY R THR �W, Iff''EX MIT 'formerly for- many yem on esteemed passed away full of years, havmig,perfor-med frow the Bank —Revivql servi Cely can, of Commerce, the dwelling being held in the yond th� meridian of life,, -has with his Wilson's Oash Gro laid to rat in well iud faithbill r part it! this life, and on Market street, f9rinerly occupied by M itations resident of this village, were he r., Methodist churo Ich are'fairly well humorous readings and 'c6mic7 reet our cemeter7, om name pimply an- inspiration among - We cannot eye 25 1W. of good guaranteed sugar, on Monday hwt,,�"Tho icehar- her share in making life' easier bettbi and Th' as Kidd, and intends MQ7 Into it attended. —We are seed to say th4, Mrfi. made his full owing on the river, and more pleasant for all who had the pleasure sboitly.---�,Mrs. Graccie, . of Ilear amilton, David Rquatt, who as been- ffl:foi tot $41or the reasoutWitoostemovernoney. If you vest in now in r some theloung people. Min Weaken, of Exeter, atremains , were who has been - spending a week. skilful- treatment of reb ered a� couple of beautifill solos; Early Sprin. p oNt eltan sure 0 come t"tities for summer cooling an be- of intercourse with her. The with -,her months, has, under h here folt y o or gr riep,where you oRn. rely On' larghlBaviledaway. We would itiggeot, how. laid to rest inAhe Egmondville cemetery on Eister, Mrs. A oat itin t 0 a at the lowest pfloes. We ing durrAy, returned to her home 'Dr. Aimstrong, been�i fully r4iored Messrs. W. D. and G. Woekea gave a num. Imake a Ity of fte Tess -and Coffee, and will - ever, that no ice taken from the river, at ita Monday last, and many old residents who -on Tuesda.—Mrs.. Andrew Weir, . of to healtb9 she bami a, le now to, go - about ber of guitar instramentals in a very ar� valu-9 tfian you can' ge junction with Silver Creek, be used for cul- had known the deceased in earlier years Dakota,, who is spending the winter with the house. —Rev. r! . air went to Bayfleld tiatib manner, and Mr. andMrs. J. P. Ross t from any now "pan as We tetall the bask pads -of inary purEmisea, an the currents meet from attended the funeral, to a last tribute friends in Huron was for some days this on Tuesday afteino6n, 6 emist Rev. ;,Mr. sang a couple, of duets, which were well re- We are Showing a splendid Tea at 85opar 1b., equal to any to be had st,any is 0 assortra, 'lay almost opposite directions. of respect to her i ey had so highly week thd guest of her brother-in-law, Mr. Graham, wh ofidu ting special services ceived. Mr. J. Senior sang a solo in a very riess, don r&snore but come and try ourbast of ndw repected in life. John Weir.—Mrs. 'Dr. J. H. McFaul and in that village.—Qui -a number of -�iqur able manner, while the Exeter male' quar- ount Elysont ylon and Indla Tea. We retail at —a— soo, and they, are the finest goods we can buy, try 9 gung people att4 A NENY PosT OmoB.—An mentioned in —Considerable surprise was felt here on little daughter who have been spendin mdedltM social ab Kippen. tette fairly brought down: he house with our Breakfast 0oom at. 17e per lb. We have the this issue in our epoit of the proceedings Saturday last on receipt of the toings that several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. L. It speak in high ter�s of the hospitality their renderingof ',-Call John.", The Hen- COTTONS finest owned goods the celebrated Delhi Brand at L same price as other, and after interior goods of the last, a' 01 Mr. H. of ay. and Mrs. Ache0on, jkt whose: home oall quartette was present, and favored the ask for ounell meeting, a petition w W. C. Meyer, of Cal ary,t,had died. MoFaul, left Tueed for their home in To rhey an the best. la Crockery and Otanware be ci -ie forwarded It seems that Mr. Moyer ha been in wr ronto. Ad ulated for signatures to I am leid, of Brussels, was the social was held.—Mr. Robert Murdoch audience with some beautiful selections, SHEETINGS re e have some very fine goods at right price% no to Mr. John McMillan, M. P., for present&. health for some time. He had been in the calling on. frends in Seafoith on Tuesda hoaremoved into the hi�use owned by Mr. 1 while the recitations by Jarvis and Evelyn Y. trouble to show good& See them and compare prices, PILLOW COTTONS r goo6k tion to the Postmaster General, asking that hospital at Calgary, but was removed to He was on his way to visit his sister near Win. Alkenhead.—We Inoticed a very inter- Horton were loudIj applauded. This de - all kinds of produce taken in exchange to and the highest price paid for the bad goods. Cash a now post office be erected in Seaforth by Banff for a change. The change, however, Mitchell. Time deals kindly and leniently eating, letter'in the. Tor6nto San, fro�a Mr. li htful occasion was brought to a close by dro%.�barrjster of thall city, joiniti heartily in singing th National tar eM. the Dominion Government. Although. we did not baVe the desired effect 4ud he died with Mr. Reid.—Mr. Harry Speare has Gordon Wal all 9 e LINEN 6 son of rented from Mr. Charles Whitney, of Wood.. giving an acoo - am not in favor of the erection of public Friday. Mr. Meyer was the eldest u, 6 of bin trip to !South Anthem. 0. WILSON, Seal buildings by the Government for politicat the late Ludwi - Mr, for many years stock, the -store in the Whitney block, America, where he has en sopurning for NNELETTES 1874 Bank. of 0owmarce Block. re can heartily endorse the action Division Court Clerk at, Seaforth. He was. lately occupied by Mr. 0. Pearce, ind will the past two months. e was expected to a rpom, B17th. A 'rr, OME PRINTS 1 0 MUN D pof the council in this matter. One glance. born or% the homestead in Harparhey. He move into it the ena of this m nth, The call here and remain a 'few days with his GATmmmGs.—Mr. John Young, of Lo Express Oompany. at either the exterior or interior of the was about 50 years, of agBe He studied store will b� improved by the putting in of parents on his way born bat, throu lack don, was in town over Sundaj —Air. Robert ra present office will auffioe 'to show the need 'law with Messrs. Burton ce,,of Ham- now plate -glass windows.—LAit reek, of time, was unable PR�ETTY EXBROIDER-Its to d no. -L-Mr. urrV McKee of Kincardine, W84 in town- last d ALL RAIL SERVICE. d M T.'R. F. Case & Co. ed out Gibson is* at present, taking orders f6r gain th I e i1ton, and, was called to the bar iia 1869, an essrs Open of anewstructure. And& avount i week.—Mr. R. Holmes, of Clinton, ocen- We are now able to - handle business to &ad froal of business done at the gWoWWoffice is some years afterwards was appointed a their new retail store in �he Carmichael books.—Mr -i and . Mrs.' Aikenhead, Of the AND -tLGUSE MATERI it of the Methodist church on the following points In British Columbia, viz 4 X& p Queen's Counsel by the Dominion Govern- block, and have as fine a meat store as is to 2nd c�ncQr;� of Sts, ey,. enter�balned -Wanets. and the foll much low Nelson, Rowland, Victoria. _ ger than at any office in the county, ow- an r. John Ken y, of Goderich, Ing points, -in Manitoba, Emerson, Morris, Wiunipek ion sy evenin in td'wn on Blind visiting friends. - 9 and is large enough to warrant the erection' ment. For several years he ractised law be found in the- province, and we doubt if number of fri dson Tu Forlage aul Braudon. of a much more capacious and, convenient with, Mr. J. H. Benson, now of Begins, in &'ny city store can equal ic" It contains all M iss M. Crittenden left for the Northwest W. SOMERVILLE, Agent, office. There are several good sites on Main Sedorth. About fifteen years ago he re. the most -modern appliane"', together with Some beautiful thingr ii h dome i r of e St in. on Tuesday morningL. where she will reside. Telegraph and Express Buildft, Seatorth. treet, and we hope to see. one of these. movedto Witigham, where, he engaged in a an a refr,prato gr a ca NOTES.—Mesers. f 4raced ere long bya, convenient, commo-� the Practmi of his profession, and in which Messrs. Cass & Co. have disp4l pact Y Mol); �11&0, wii� —Messrs. R. Howard and John McMillan ocknt yed , con' liant Barry and Peter CFry are home from WON t in Winghim on Manday.—Professor he. continued until about six siderable enterprise in establishing - such a dious and imposin post office. ears NTO, I � G[00' I H. Welch, the phrenologist, is in town A. North Dakota, visiting'' at their former DET"M S when he removed to Calgary, store in town and itheir enterprise will un�- homes andyenewing' g ..uaintances. around at present, giving lectures in the Tamper - HURON MzRwAL AssocutTrox.—The He was a public spirited, enterprisi doubtedly be remunerated by a liberal pat. Khiva.—'Mr. 1 once hall, on character reading.—Mr. Elam . tl %­ George 1�y and Min Doyle, annual meeting of the association was hold man, and to his efforts mainly the peop 61 ea le ronage. The store Is under, the maage. were married in Mount Carmel Roman Livingston's mill ip� in full. W.—On Will be here nekt week, owing no ma are STRATFORD, ONTARIO, i in the town hall, Seaforth, on Wednesday, Wl' ham debtedforhaving the Can. went of Mr.Peter Daly.—Mr.and Mrs.john i ads Pacific R il ter their town. He. Cathol c church, by Rev. [�kthoi Traher on* Sunday Bishop Baldwin will hold 6ufirma. andin a very s6rt time Of last week, when the following mernbe�6 . Way and Mrs. A. A. Goetz, of Stratford, A large, elegantly equipped commercial tion services in Trinity cliureh,* at 10 a. in., Hon. A. M. spent Sunday last in town, the guests were present: Dr. Shaw, President- Dr was married to a i Of Tuesday last.—Miss Liz�e Ratz, who 'ban Our Old Country Pur - .1 been in New Hambur for thelastfew and in Belgrave at 2:1 .30 jp. m. In the even- f - school—none'better in Canada. Students Trnbull, Secretary; Drs. McKay, Barrows, Rose, of Toronto, formerly of Godericb, and Mrs. JohnDorsey. —Mr. 'John Malloy and cbase,% are exp6eted to. anniversary services in enter at auv time.' Write for -catalogue. months, has returned ho ing he will- bold j for many years county treasurer and M. P. Bethune, McGinn* Seaforth, Stanbary his siater, bliss Kate, of Kinkors, were the ELIOT17, PrincipaL Trinity church. On Monday evening he aTrive.. 44"-521 Bayfield; McKenzie, Moncton; Graha town 'ever Sunday of Mr. and in. P. for West Huron. She died several years y yeste in I will deliver his popular lecture, Jerusalem Brussels; Taylor, Qoderich. ' Interes ago, and Mr. 'Meyer -was never married mrs.,T. V. —The Christian En- tmf H r Rutledge. and the Holy Land," in Industry hall. jig were' read by Drs. McKenzie an again; They had a family of three dough- deav Co'uxcm�. Council me on Saturd r3U:M or society wi I provide a -free entertain- syl p Cardno's Opera a which prov6ked splendid discus. tero,wh survive both are He was a ment in the Y. M. C. A. roo' 6t h, at one 01 ock ra. The [Recelved too late for last week.] me on Wednes- i NoTE9.—Rev. Joseph Edge, of Goderi6h, ion. A resolution was passed by the as- genial companion, a warm, true friend, and day evening next. All young men are =report was accep ed i1the clerk IL MCFAUL i sobiation knd presented to Dr. Graham, of &a enterprising citizen. Few men had a cordially invited to be present.—Miss Mur- instructed to have 50 0 lea printed. A was in town on Monday, seeing after Rev SEAFORTH. Brussels, who is leaving the county to wider acquaititancieship, and he was liked ray, of Clinton, was visiting, at Mr. Alex. number of so' Dsv. Mr. Rigsby's interest while"laid aside. counts were pawed for tise in the:city, oulogising him for the by every person who knew him. Many. Scotti, John street, this week.—The anni- ment. Council meets ag in on Monda�y Mis Gray visited her parents in :-Seaforth e Prac 81 The Marvel of the Age, th wonderful great interest'he has always taken 'in the will regret to learn of his death-, and will vereary meeting in connection with the Y. March 22nd, �Lt one o'cloekip. m. last week. —Mr. _F. Sparling, of Wingham, —A load* of 'young association, being one of the first members, unite with us in extending to tb6 o haned M. C.A., will be hold on Monday evening� was in town on Friday. oompanvl de drove ing am on Friday even- Seaforth-'s Greatest Cash Dry Goods jS 0 n e matograp he, and -regretting his departure froih the daughters and bereaved relatives thrpe most March let, and will be addressed by Rev. Howick.� peoF oWi It 11 E e ig to hear Prof. , Welsh'a concert. They The greatest attraction -at the last countv. The officers for next year were sincere sympathy. The remains reached Mr. Johnson, of London.—Mr. Wi NOT s.—R v. Mr. Masoo,j pf Wingham,is Toronto Fair. elected as follows:—Preeident, Dr. McKay; bor.on Thursday and were interred in the Tippet, of Bayfield, visited friends in to d report havin-a pleasant time.—Miss Me- wn at present very ill. A V�ry a& t -Vice President, Dr. Stanbury; Secretary fa&lyplotin Ra for a couple of days this week.—Mr. i ;e fanoral Clinton was in town' on Monday visitin tive party machine, aud gnythipg. took place on Friday,501 dgrave, friends. 9 payerL e —Miss Stephenson has been engag- says to th contrary, I qjisrao Two, Nig4ts. Only —Tuesday. and Treasurer, Dr. McGinnis. The next meet- —We have aled to record the death of McGrath, jr., is,seriousl ill with an attack the -deceased. being Miss Allan of, that of the association will be held at the Mr. Roderick -McLeod,'. a native oi this of inflammation of the bowels. —Mr. Richard place. The bereaved fri3nds, 9have the ed to fill the vacancy caused by Miss We. as pure imagination, having no,,- foun Weclitieisday, March 2 and I. wouse of Refuge, Clinton, in April when town. He passed away on Sunday event Pollardi of Leadbury, passed __ through sympathy of the whole con munity in their Laughlin, of Brussels; giving up her position in fact. J.udgin from his -epistle, I ted. last. He was a victim, that te. fs ul here on Thuj�day on his way home from sore &ffliotioaLL —Mr.George Bently left for Phil- come to the cone a many� interesting cam will be presen Of rribly 6t —Mr. John; Spotton, of Or. as teacher. th t his no The only opp6rtubmity to see the marvellous adelphis on Monday to take a: term at the of muniolps matters in Usborne. is & disease,, consumption, andL'has been in Loi�don, where he has been visiting his angehill, died! on Thursday 4th inst. 'The motion pictures MONEY- Wm-%7TxD. —Wanted for & tern, of delicate health for several years. About a daughter. funeral iook place on Sat ti profession.—J. B. Kelly was in deal like Sam Welleeg knowlede of one day, at Gorrie, Paln lug es 'hanking 11 Goderich on Monday, on legal bus peculiar and extenrve.11, Monday Mr. Editor, for your valuable 8 years on first mortgage, on first class property year ago he went to Colorado, with the the Rev. Mr. Fisher preachi g the sermon. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Rigsby left on in T Admission, 25c; children, 10c; advance thousand dollars. Apply at� Tita ExposiTOR Office, hope that the change of climate would be Tuckersinith. The family have the sympat y of the whole. sale of seats 25c, at FEA-R's DRva STORE. Seafoith. 15224 advantageous to him, but Ahe disease had THRv;kiwa OuTFIT SQLD.—Mr-. R. H. community. ­�Mr. Lou Ma6od, of Ford- for Toronto, to visit friends for a few'.weeks. remain, yours trqly, G-FOF.Gs - W. H. J. HIL Manager. CEDAR PoTs.—Good fresh cedar posts too firm a hold of his constitution for any Murray, the veteran'thresher of this town- icb, is under the weather tl�ese day was w a.—Miss —Mr. C. R. Shane, of Godeeich, visit- ex -clerk -of Usborne. 152,14 for sale. Apply to THoxAs GovxPmocK, Seafooh. change to be of service. For several ship; has decided to go out of -the businialk, Maggie Mahood, of Kincardi� has been in friends intowaRon Sunday.—Mr. A. -H. 1621-2 weeks he has been a severe sufferer and the and has disposed of his outfit to Messrs. visiting at her uncle's in ForAwrc'h' theme last mmer was in Wingham. on Saturday.— Pit Philadelphia. To BOARDERS.—A couple of boarderii can change was indeed a welcome, one to him. James Hudson and Hugh Simpgon. ' T few days. Reeve Wilford was in Wingham on Taesday he y find excellent accommodation -in a private bouse in NOTES, �The smile on Mr. J. Reiellej- town, by applying at Tun Expoerrox office. He was a steady, industrious young man, are both industrious, steady young men, and attendig.all: Qrange rno6e.tinv. 16154f. face is easily, accounted for, H�uwife and was very p?pular with those wh7o knew e are sure that the peopleof the townshig wife WANTED.—Roll batter 13c, d4 apples 3c, him. Befor is illness he was a member of will find them capable and efficient work. Walton. presented him with a. bouncing baby any qu e b antity. G. E. KiNo, Wingham. 1520-4 NoTm.—A!number from! here Bluevale. Mrs. A� Albricht, who was * ri n IV attended Vi and the Seaforth band a -ad the members of that men, and -we bespeak for Messrs. Hudson & the county Lo�al Orange Lodge —A- load TO THE LADiEs.—Mrs. Levi Smith a cancer, is slowly reeovermig. DITRICT MA7TERS. organization showed heir respect -for the Simpson &'big share of the \work during the meeting in BRrEFS.—Rev. Mr. West of Woodstock, Mrs. Taylor are prepared io take ord " for all kinds Wingham, last week.—Mr. R. Morrison, of bt taking charge of the 'services in the young folksattended a wood saiving bee of hair work. An assortment of switches, all colors, memory of their deceased co mirade by at- next season. i bee I Hullett, is visiting fr"iends- this week. —The Presbyterian church for two Sabbaths. He kr. F. Daters', on Tuesday afternoon, lin made up. All orders will be promptly attended to zendinLi the funeral- in a body.- 'He made NoTEs.—Mr. James GemrMll, of the 5th Ladv True Blues intend giving an entertain- is a clever preacher. spent a happy'evening, dancing ti To RFFotums.—A r'neeting of the Re- and satisfaction guaranteed. Orden to be left At hi home with his sister, Mrs. Kerr, alid in concession, L. R, S.,was unfortunate enou Mr. 'West graduated gh lit in tfi MRs. Surrus residence, corner of Market and Jarvis me e so'hGol house in the morniug.—Ajr. james, A&un, on Friday evening, front Knox collegei, Toronto, and afterwards formers of Seaforth, will be held in the Streets. Of At MR8. STARx's Market Street, Seaforth. his last illness he received the' most iender to have a valuable young driving mare die hour 19th inst. The cc from Shi k gave us a call on Wsa"Ma xnmibtee is busy prepar- studied a year in Edinburgh, Scotland. eduegd council chamber on Friday evening, Feb- ,isms -nursing and loving care from her and other from inflammation the other day. The He ima good pr6grami-ne. The proceeds will returned a few weeks ago from tr —Mr. Zuis Kleinateiner� of Dash ruary 26th, when it is desired that there be GiRL WA-sTE-N.—Wanted a good reliable 'relatives and friends. He was :029 'years of mal was a valuAle one,. and Mr. Gdmmill avelling in nt to theJ Orphanage, in Toronto, be. Great Britain and France. Fromhe was the, guest of Mr. Louis Schilt on girl " nurse and hofise maid Apply to R. 0. COLR- age. The remains were interred in the feels his ' loss keenly. — Mr. Apple Ion re -he a full attendance. The - business to be MAN. Seatorth. to thd society.—The social at Mr. goes to Unionville to preach a pr bL ti day. 4 1622-1 Egmondville cemetery on Tuesday after-' Elcoat, of the West End,' has recentl n, q a ton - atop y trought before the meeting will be organiza- Johnmve ock'Wjast week, was a success. er.—Miss Millie blow is sufferin* -vnth noon. made an important )purchasei th 1i in A Pig me- —Anniversary as view will be 'hold at erysipelasof thefaee.—Miss McIllsiain Dashood. tion for the coming Provincial jelections. COUNCIL MEETING.—The regular monthly so of meeting of the council was held on Monday He purchased, from Mr.. James Snell, the Duff's church,! oik the 21it inst. Rev. Mr. Wingham, is visiting her sister'l, btrs.� PzNtciLINGs.—Mr. Arthur ftelek is D. D. Wilson chairman. eding last. The committee appointed to LocAL BRIEs.—Mr. John 0. Morrison' noted pig breeder of Edmonton, a very fine ev Muir, of Bra6efield, will officiate., The- tea Andrew Holmes.—The Mm'ses,Bu and the sick list. We hopesoon to hear of bis 'interview Mr. Cardno in the use 4of the the versatile and very efficient clerk of the eight months old pig, for which he paid a meeting will be hold on the Monday even. Clegborn.were visiting relatives eels reoove M in Bras r - hris. Willeltw"I&A township'of McKillop, informs us that he handsome price. This pig of the Berk. ej�; as 19A NOT Tnis YpAr_—Two rinks of 'our town clock, reported that Mr. Cardn ra in folloWig, _thliwi Ida Smith, Miss Little last week.—Mrs. Houston and daughter, marri re cl, and is from rted stock on Llgan, und th -curlers went to Toronto on Tuesday to com- the use �of it for $25 a year, provided the a gd Mr. B. Smith, of Atwood, were visiting of Manitou, Manitoba, spent a day or two have moved ato the- house recently 0 Offe has been a subscriber to TUE ExposiTon shi bree n th sides. in the final for the Oniario tankard, since its first issue, now over thirty years. bo '; the Berk is town keep it in repair. It was decided to Mr. Elcoat th �s some friends here last week. last wiek with Mrs. Bruce and Miss Crow, chased from Charles ritz, on' He claims to be a Liberal Conservative. and the best and most prolific pig of any. 9 ut suffered defeat at the, hands ot the take no action in the matter. The mayor I —Mr. Walter Rutherford, of Port Rouen, I be 3 his liberality is, no, doubt, due to the ex- street.—The e wil -no drries in Hamilton V iotoriao, the ambitious city reeve and councillor Stephens were appoint- Drysdale. is visiting his parents in the village. Mr. Evangelicnal. urch next cellent reading matter he has provided for- Wmthrop. lky, 0W7 It was ed a committee to interview the Grand Rutherford has ati sports beating them by three shom NOTEs.—O 'r old reliable nur�ery agent, jamb returned from an ek. the dedicati of the new chat a narrow margin, but sufficient to prevent Trunk authorities to,have the culvert at the himself. -During the past year there have GATHERINGS.—A large crowd attended Mr.John Banu tensive trip through the United '.States and ton.—Reivival meetings ire still fierman,who always his an been 57 births, 26 deaths and 15 marriages ege 0iingon. the tankard from gracing Seaforth this tank deepened and enlarged, so Mrs. Blanoh&rXa sale -on Thurada t r&ilwa after tothe interest of far Canada, visiting New York, Chicago, Mon. the Evangelical church. Mr. that Me registered in McKillo' mers, has ecured 1by is t1fis- year. The Seaforth rinks were composed of spring freshets may paw through, p. and the clerk says noon last. The weather was very -favorable. there were a good many of �. each that were Mr. Thomu Brown, auctioneer, of Seaforth, tinted b Re Mr. Brandt and agency of the wellknown firm, C W treal, and other large cities.—Mr. John week being as not flood the proper y the following players: Win. Ament, Wm. t on the north v not registered. —Man of. our readers- will side. The mayor Stewart & Co.i,, Newark, New Yc� k, for th; Robertson, jr., returned to his home in Zurich.—Miss Tillie Of WT"on, wielded the hammer to the satisfaction of Zu Th and finance committee sale of their Jones' celebrated =3 wheats. Boissevain, Manitoba, this week, after spending a few days with aura, %erbs'. were iistructed to make arrangements with be pleased to learn of the reooverl ofMr� all. Cattle -sold woll, at. from stives Xellerujan.—Mr. Charles Hartleib, of Zar. uckeramith ro h cows going John MeGavin, of T Wearesorrytolearitthat Mr. Edmund spending a couple of months with kel Messrs. Broadfoot & Box in regard to their $28 to $38 each ; calves, $4,,75 to $7.2S in Bluevale, —The eeting in the For to I ich, was in the recent severe illness.—We are glad to learn Westlake, who has not been well'for some w ea re village on Saturday.—Mr.A. loan, and report at the next meeting of isch ; steers and heifers; coming two years time, by catching - a free been- hall last Friday afternoon, held for the pur- Musser in t - Ith apa . al that Mr. Peter McKa h cold, has e wl -inf accident on Monw, of Tuckeramith, has old, $13 to $16 each ; three-year-old steers -Hor.TicuLTuPisT5._An'. interesting and council. A number of account's were passed T) changed his mind, all that he doe compelled to take to Doe 9f organizing a flax mill company day last, - while working in Mir. H. his bed, but we, hope 4n PT ofitaCole meeting was held by the Horticul. for payment. The mayor and clerk were 11 not in- $56 a pair, but implements -sold very cheap' soon to hear of a speed� recovery. - Fisher-' Rluevale, was well attended. A P'ompanv, �aaw mill. He was tryin 7 to remove tend to remove to Algoma, this ear, but 9 tural Society on Friday evening last when Instructed to draft a petition,i praying that y —Mr. Robert Beattie has Weed' the Grieve* formed and sixty-five shares subsciiboid that had come in contELet with the saw. whow, 'menwhowereinhopesof soon being sole W88 will remain.here and work his brother's farm on the 10th convasioo, Mr. Henry Mr. A. the Dominion Government may see fit to for that afternoon. The provisional dirfe. his hand got caught in the rapidly revolyi-hr b1cl). Allan, of Goderich', was to catch a"few fish, - are now hanging their present and gave an address on, horticulture. erect a post office in town, to be forwarded farm.—We did not do the � Hensall curlers Cooper, its former occupan�, It All 'heads a lit essrs. James Elliott, George T.ur- saw, severing one of the finigers from: big to John McMillan, M. &ctur; , t1e_—We understand that Mr. tors are M bir. Allan spoke of 'several ways in which P., to Place before full justice last week. It is true that the chased a farm near Clintom-2r. er Tobn Orr h as -made an offe* ey. John Burgess, Philip Thomas, and R. right hand.—Remember-th L. 0. T. M the society could be iof benefit to the town. the Postmaster -General ; and Messrs. G. A. Seaforth,plavers came out ahead 'in the Hanna, who has been sojo6rning for r for the Blake some hotel. John would make an obliging land- N_ Duffi Mr. Wrn. Messer was appointed Oyster supper on the 18th of thi$ inonth. They could beaUtifyLthe school grounds and Sills, James Gillespie, Wm: Ament and match in the"afternoon, but in a match the time in Nile8town, near London, returned. lord. treasurer. The ftax mill will be r'eady for A good time i ted e flax viii1s, interest the: children in keeping them in sameevenin Hensallevened tbings up by a e .—Th homas Stephens were appointed a com' beatimg the to Winthrop on Tuesday. He reports' the work the coming, eason. The directors shut down on Mo=ay, on Of They could also' cultivate public ving order. mittee for the purpose of aecuring signa. eaforth boys, one kink by 12 to winter there very mild, little snow ha me the.. t on Tuesday and completed arrange. soft weather. . A, very v taste by keeping their own lawns and gar- tures to the petition. Council then. ad. 8 and the other rink by 15 to 12. This wag fallen.—The many friends of Mrs. Johnston, Bad e ent oceurm4 ments for getting a charter from the Gov- near Tavistock, at the -botne of Mr. pretty good for Heneali, seefng'that BniEFs.�M'r. Dan. McDougall had a Aant, 4dens: as ni6e as possible. journed. they of th#.9th concession, will r Mr. Allan kindly egret to learn of very success have no rink and had no practice. lul- wood bee on Friday of last ernment. . All this has developed in a very Mantz, on Friday last, whop his wl assed -consented to give the society -another ad- —Mr. her serious illness. Izzard, teacher, is short t2me, for it is only two weeks sirice away at the age of 24 A CuRio James Scott, of the hrm of Scott Brothers, we�k, when he ad about so cords delivered yeais. Mrs. SITT.—Among the many wonder dress at -some future date on apy subject making a very favorable impression on the the idea of starting -a flax mill , here was the dillghter of Mr. f ul inventions of the past few years the intends going to Roland shortly, with a young.�Mr. Ro at the grist will here. The ladies having wa Birkof theydesired. The meeting cloNd with a bert Hanna, r., who has been invited for the evening a most enjoy. first mentioned. —Miss Emma McCracken, this place, and was culy married about t cineatatograpbe is view to pushing the musical instrument been' t twxk one of (the most wonder- at Mont-rea with cattle, t 0 time was hearty vote of thanks being voted to Mr. returned able of the Bluevale road, is home again, after years. business there.—Air. Adam Reid, Dan'knows Allan for his pleasing address. years .9to people f Brus- home on. Tuesday, and reports the markets cater to the nj ' how to would have scoffed at the idea t two -per. sels, was in town on Tuesday, and called very good. oyment of his guests.—Mrs. spending two months with friends in Lucan, TUE FARmsRs, 1N_sTrruTE._The meetin Thompson a St. Marys, and London.—Miss Etta Coad, of the South Huron Farmer tit so lea apart could talk to one ---:-Mr. M.Y.MeLean —0 hirdr no several mi upon several old friends. hea returned to the parsonage, a Inn I to Hoc&Ey MATerf. The h6ekey another, but would they r' Aft a couple of weeks' visit of Trowbridge, is visiting her grandfather, in this village on Wedne4Aay Goa A*Uhd, er not have been more 'Went to To onto on Tuesday to be present to friends in aftern -been told that in that at the opening of'the Legislature on Wed. Haimilton.—Mr. Joseph Hambly has mide match on the rink on Friday evening last, astoniAhed had they Bayfield� Mr. Edward Leech.—Miss Polly Duff was evening of lost week were, among the Most. IF YOU intend getting any carpet wei6vin iting in London a few days last week. successful. of this year's series. The after, linton and Seaforth, attracted short period of years, by the use of the nesday.—Mr. Alexander Kerr, of McKilloP, do g an."signment for the benefit of his cred- abetween C1 ne get your supply of warps from F. A. EDWARDS, itors.—Mr. R. Webb, who has, been on the quite a largo crowd. The score was a little cinematograph we would �e able to see the -has purchased the farm of Mr. Ritchie ne noon meeting wab argely attended by w warps ordered this week. Mrs. Green is pre. -too one aided to say that the g�me t'lle, was '11- people walking along the streets of Engl Common, north of Seaforth, for $5,900. Mr. pared to d sick list for the past couple of weeks, is farmers from the surrounding country, wkw an& 0 w"vinir fn first class style bring in your Usborne. tensely exciting� although at times th.P and the European countries, soldiers drill_ Kerr has got a good and cheap farm, and he work before the rush. F. A. EDWAIms. 1622-1 not convalescing as rapidly as his' many showed their interest in the addressei deliv.; friends desire.—Miss Tyerman f and Miss DEAm ExposiToR.—In.a'ree-ent issue of ered by the close attention paid and the ill. Clinton boys made things. interesting. The ing, etc., while we were thousands of miles seems -to be a farmer who can m ke mo ey POINTERS.—Mr. R. Lamont has returned 'Melville, of �Seaforth, are the gues players were apt to forget themselves, how to Of Miss Two, EXPOSITOR there appeared a comman. telligent questions put to the speakers. In. away. Years hence the man or woman even if times are dullq—Our old friend, Mr. from Algoma, where he has been for the cation from Usborne, signed by " Pate. ever, and the game would lapse into a de- who has not seen the cinematographe will be Wm. Kyle. of near Roxboro, called on us p Robbins.�The sleigh the absence of the preside ing is a boon to our ast-four-or five months.—Mra. Plater and payer," which contained too much that was McInnis, lit, Mr. DOW& cided semblance �o the old time shinny, but regarded with as much curiosity as th the other d saw mill, as they are running to their Rest of. T-Tborae, presided. All -the, ay and renewed his subscription family, of Ed 'a Mille, is here on a visit misleading regardinj myself to allow it to speakers are practical farmers and the ad. e I y to fit when ever the Seaforth players stuck to Manor woman is' now wh6 has not been for the twenty-ninth time.—Mr. capacity to keep up with their custom work. their combination, they were almost sure to aboard a railway train. Like all Cowat, formerly assistant in Hrry her mother, rs. Parker.—Mr. Mallough, pass without a wor from me. Since the dtesses were, therefore, of an wonderful Mr. J. If. the proprietor of the Bayfield- bakery, has reeve and clerk of UsboriDe have replied on score. For beginners the Clinton boys do inventions, its excellence is i Roberts' dr pmetical nature and were all the more use. very well, and with the material, in their n its ultimate ug store, has purchased and engaged a first-class baker in th person of Ethel. behalf of themselves ase. utili may be pardoned at ful on thar, account. Mr. R. Thom oit,.,6 ty. In this connection a strange story taken - possessioli of a drug business i i Mr. Hook, formerly - of ClInton.—Mr. NOTHS.—Wm. PAtton'ig seriously ill.— this Ute' date for ha' team and a little more practice they will be colnes from England. It says: Mount Forest. Mr. Cowan is a moon ving my the sick list;—The ice first The - �Cultivatioa -The cinema. t Thornas Stinson has opened a barber shop John Patterson is on In the. St. Catherine, spoke on I" no mean adversaries. The score at the call part of his letter "'Ratepayer " de- of. Fruit Trees and Small Fruits 11 showLirl tograkhe:is on exhibition nightly at the Em- efficient and. experienced pillQmaker, and in the buildiag next to Thomas harvest is Mmost over.—Soft wood i bei Cameron's Is votes tome attention to me and gives we a the beat weth6de of raising these ndhio L gr a thin y profits derivble from tfi -if properlyi- a him many friends in business, while ex- to hold a grand concert in the near fuutguing his obliging and courteous manner won for harness shop.'—The band boys are arra ' a to th t m2 fairly good'. recommendaticon, so for as in of time was ten' to four in favor of the home pire Theatre, London, where nearly throe battled in large quantitie team, The band was there and enlivened million people have seen it. Recently, re. Mr. G. Imlay is inspector.—D. Milne turn- ability and faithfulness as clerk em, 9b v some of their ohoic� selections. foreign detective was in the audience, and cellent social qualitiew made him a general —Rev. Mr. Graham is holding special meet- ed out on Tuesday and greatl e cultivated. Mr. Shearer, of Brigtt, Ox - 6f Usborn improved the are -concerned. In that he a aks no doub in one of the scenes produced for the first favorite in town. His very many friends in in St.Andrew's church,which are being road to the station.—Two oads of young from pe ford county, took as his subjects, " The U., time he recognized, or thought he did, a herd will always be pleased to hea' exyGrience as, a ratepayer, and with actical Dairy Farmer,y) .—The Phanto. r of his w pe le periened of a Pi M ell attended. attended Miss Croothwaite's lecture, due i esty. I accept his ertific&te with an he was looking for. He made en. stic6ess, and we can heartily recommend 6&G Corn'for the Silo." Ml�. no rt� soope Concert Compiny appeared in Card- t lenfryn, on Tuesday i 'ht of last week. thanks. But having said, w4at " a ra`ei; B. no�s hall on Sxturday and Mond quiri i a Dig It m to the good people of Mount Forest, as took so es, went to the place where the view Pupils of our public school intend enings —The =n, of Tuckerami�b, Brucefield payer he had a right, to know, he should theme, " How can the lQonditions of t�fib last, undei the auspices of the Huron loot- as taken, found the man had been there, a; most estimable young man, both in busi- glvl�g an ut entertainment, ball club of this town. The disagreeably had gone. The cinematographe B. R. Hiomr;s, general fi consisting Of have stopped, and should not have drawn Agriculturist be will be on new and social circles. —On account of the re and -life insur. minsic, recitations, dialogues, Improved while If r. D.. tableaux, club a oonveyanoer,00mmlosion Upon his imagination for what he did not McInnis dine seed " General Fawning."' er lswlnglag, wet weather on Sattirday had a very bad exhibition in C&rdno's hall, Seaforth, on football club concert on Monday e once agnt, notary giblic, venin b etc., in the township hall, on know. -Tuesday and Wednesday, March 2nd and 9 for -ta lug affidavi Privati funds on I submit, that as clerk I had a i effect on the attendance that evening, but last, the regular meeting of the Literary mort Brat Thursday, 48th i -Alltheaddres-tes were. in gage on good farm propert teresting nd. in. y, at 5 per oevi., net. A small admission lit, being surrounded at the council table struetie, and an immense deal of useful 3id. No person should miss this oppor. and Debating Club was dispensed with. At home every morning and woduesday of each fee will be on Monday evening the hall was well filled charged. ri over byg n.ei with an appreciative, audience. Themusical tunity of seeing this- greatest of all inven. Next Monday iing it is expected that week. ----------- men inexperienced in mu ; paI law, to information based upon practical experienew such members in the de- was imparted. GATHERINGS. tions of this age of inventions. addresses will be given by 'Messrs. Norman presume to guide part of the programme proved of a high —The Young People's S0_- (3entralia. tails of municipal legislation, and indeed I —At the evening meeting, -the ball was. McLeod and James Irwin, 4nd on the fol� ciety of'Chriatian hudeavor Keld a social at would ha fa ?rder, each performer taking his or her part - --During the past week a report has beon NOTES.—Ralph Handford and ve iled in mv duty bad I done in circulation that the electric power neces. lowing Monday evening th' Frank Alled, large number of Jadies being pres. in a most acceptable manner, while the ta ere will be a de. the home of Mr. Wpa. Sinclair, Parr line, Anderson, who are attending the otberwise. But I challenge ri ry to run the cinematographe could no bate on -the ff question milit�ry Ratepayer" eht. One encouraging feature of oth th& or an - mem comic gongs. of Mr. Baker invariably a' t be with Air. D. D. 8tantey, on Friday evening of last week. school, in London, spent Sunday h ber of the council, past or pres. afternoon and evening brought down, the house. The Phantoseope ere with y ent, to show where, in- any instance, I at- tellg t got in Seafofth. We "have learned, how. Wilson and Dr. Bethune as leaders, ably There was a good attendance of young peo. their red coots, which mude them t meetings was thi),_ views were also ver ' he centre large-nuftber of bright, in en looking y good, and. as it was ever, that the agend of Mr. H. J, Hill was seconded by capable debaters. Let there be ple-.despite the unfavorable weather, and of 4ttrac'tion.—W. X. Elliott, left, on Fri. tempted to influence theouncil for political young men present, and the very close at - the first time that many here had seen any- in town tke othar ay and consulted with a large ttendance at these meetings.— all report a most enjoyable'time.—A very day With a car load of horses for Manitoba. purposes, dr that I attempted . to use'the tention they paid to all Mr. Ingram, of the electr1`c light Etation, While skating at rhe rink on Friday even- diagriceful scene 'was witnessed on the cor- that was said. At thing of the kind, they were appreciated to —Waltpr Fero,- who is leaving shortl f council as a machine in any sense whatever. this meeting the chair was. occupied b Jr. the fullest. when it wag found that the system of elec. ing last, Mrs. T. F. Coleman wa rather ner of the street one evening last week,, the States, exchanged his house y or I confess too, that y 1 trio lighting in town, required exactly the seriously injured by being run' into by a which, for cruel treatment of a horse and and lot I have MY Political pria- Snell, poatmast6r, who presided in a In here in the village for w-50*a ciples, as I think an_- sanie current add voltage as that necessary young fellow who was skating faster than -profanity of Ian ere farm near every man should bevet ner highly agreeable to the audience Anil EdNrosmmm., NOTES.—Mrs. Wm. Logan, 9 would be� hard to Arl�bna.—The qdarterly me and that I have worked, perhaps., ou uage to rnn the einetnatographe. We can, he should have been. Already 1i couple. of equal. We would stro eting, in the Me- ceess- creditable to himself. He opened Oe meet* of Carberry, Manitoba, has tented and ugly advise the ap. therefore, assure thp people that they will other accidents b 0, red from the same pointment of avillage constable, ths, tho4ist Church on Sunday, was very larj(l fully, in the interests of riiy political arty, ing with a neat address, after it-vIlicha,. ave ecur e y t par. or which I also have an undisputed rif t to so sidence. he expects to remain some con. ties who have no reg ect for themselves or ordi6ary interest and profit an do, without let or hindrance ; but moved into Mr. John Landaborough's flue nG-t be disappointed, but that the marvelous reason and the rink authorities should take attended and the services were of m - e t i�ewhab lengthy programme was t re measures to put a stop to it.—Mr. Fifte'en new again M r. Allan, the Well known blind mu. siderable time in the village, with invention will be here on the dates named Frank feeling for the poor Z mb be youngest children, on a -al n on r her three ab�vew Sp4rling, of Wingham. was in tow animals, may re- met# ra were received into the church, and 'challenge Rateps�yer," or any other man, sician, gave a couple of wel-rendered solos&. of M Mon. ceiveajust reward for thei disreputable to furnish ccoutit of the pre% day.—Miss Edith Babb, over one hundred received the sacramntf oof that I ever used ny party accorn allying itchell,' spent conduct.—The sacrament of on Mis Z the melodeon b maelf on ence of diphtheria in Carberry. Mr. Lands- the Lord's the Lord's supper.—On Sunday next a Politics 6 furtNer my own selfish en a. DEATH's DoizNas.—Mrs. David Duncan Sunday and Monday with Mrs. W. - W. Supper will be dispensed in t wis, of 'Credton, who has a beauti. he Presbyter. I Positively, without fear ful, sweet, well cultivated voice, del�,ghte& Es the contrary" say preparator'ser- stricken people of India, will be radction, that I never opplied the audience with two well -rendered solos 'gmondville, died at the resi Hoffman. —The tate of T. T. Coleman are ian church on Sabbath special appeal, on behalf of the plague. borough has found the distance too far from fortnerly of 141 on having an electric workman's time detector vices will be held to -day made by his business in town, and will live there as dence of her son George, in Seaforth of coat oc soon as a suitable residence can be pr st. Mrs. Duncan's m (Friday) when tbepasfor of the church. for or 'in an ty, directl or in The wcker and Wilber strin� bandgav&_ aiden system placed through their works. It will Rev. S. Acheson, of Kippen, will preach. He asks for $50 y wl y Minnie Pearson has been in Clinton name was Mary Hawthorne. as t from his p directly, "S She was -born be necessary for each workman to i er eople, $2o of the amount is ol. sought any f9tical Office several well executed instrumental selec- for some time, waiting on her grandfather, a Mrs. James McCartneyj of Manitoba,, who ready on haind. iolument, or political honors. tiOns. Miss Moilock, of Crediton, who is,. who was injured by a fall a few we in the Parish of Girthon, Kirkeudbright- key in the* detector on going to work, and has been visiting friends in- other parts of of em eks ago. 'shire, Scotland, on February 4th, 1810, and by this system his time will be registered in Ontario for some webks, is The work I have done for my party has beed evidently, a natural elocutionist, ' gave a. J d ring 1rom the ut e u L Atxtrwittatay- willingly and gratuitousl performed, aAd I German and a Scottish reading, so true top, ter demoralization of had, consequently, reached the great age of theoffice.—Mrs W. Acheson, of Goderich, ing with her brother, Mr. e ader how. Chiselhurst. ' everyGing in connection with the elections 87 years. She came to this country with was visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. have never sought, nor asked reward. . It is life. one would think that in each emat C. Greig, son, Bayfield Road.—Mr.: John Stewart, of . CoNmERT.—It is seldom that the people a pity that Mon cannot hold political opilL- she was to the manor bo ' . Addresses were in London, it might be well to suspeud all her husband in 1849,and settled in EgmOnd- this week.—Mr. John Hannah, of Tucker. Goderich township, spent so of Chiselharob and vicinity have an oppor. ions and do what they deem lawful for the also delivered by Messrs.: R. Thompson, of just her me da a this ro parents, 34'r. princip, es, , W W. 0. �hesrer, of B. ' h calachance.to cool down to a country was almost a wilderness. Shel tr While in Liverpool he wasin. Win. Graham, Of StauleY.—Min Beatty, and literary entertainment as was holdin having the holding of inch and the doing of V. Ratz, M. P. for Nort Middlesex 11, Y, 'Ile. At that time this section of the amith, has returned from the old week visiting anT Mrs. tunit. of hearing such an excellent musical itholit St. Catherines elective functions for a few ears, and give vi partisan 7 furtherance of those reasonable 6amperature. A deadlock in the spent the most of her life there since, until e a produce merchant that the bay who has bee'n waiting on her sister, Mrs the Presbyterian church On Monday even- such worka�tribated to recently elected school board, over the she came to live with her son George, about shippedirom here by Mr. George Stewart, J -selfish motives. If M.eLe&n X p. p. for &nth Huron an& election of a chairman sitnee Swann, returned to her home ja Wat: ing last. The greatest harmony exists be. in say e ICID.- _y political services have not been reward. Th' r The city should take a pointer or two She leaves a family .Of two sons, McBride This speaks well for Mr.L Stewaft as a ha ed, it is perhaps owing to the fact thait gramme was concluded -about eleven old makc is the latest ensa twelve years ago,* -when her husband died. wan the best that' came into Liverpool. I fo d on Saturday. We are pleased bO tween the paptor, Mr. Martin, and hin con fAwis, of Crediton. Min fromGritty old Tuckeis-mith, which this Duncan, of Guelph, and George,of Seaforth. buyer and pressor. It is only by sending ay that Mrs. Swaim is slowly recovering. gregation Chiselhurst, and judging from political rewards go to those who ask, and aAd all present seemed pleased and, satisfiodp. Dowier, of Clinton, is this week the guest the musical Phalanx, which &0eOm year has elected, go(,d Tories to the positions She had thirteen grand -children and two first-class article to the old �ountry -that the of Min Allan, received. an they well might be, as a more P1 sainir anied never having.asked I hare never of reeve and deputy. In , many parts of great- grand -children, all of whom gurvi London Ro.,d.—Mrs. Alex. him to assint in the programme, we believe Bub the principles I have alwsys a advocated and profitable entertainin ve high standard which Canadian'�gooda now McHwen,. of the Bayfield Road, is now similar happy condition prevails ent is seldom I Canada the political crop has be,u far too her. Mrs. Duncan was an exceedingly. kind have there can be retained, and if all shi affering from an attack of Is grippe. The doors in Exeter. forth on the plstforin,. and through the.preas, toned to. Th luxuriant for several years.—Miss Louisa and hospitable woman. In the early d We were opened at 7.30 and by 8 1 am as ready to tip . e directois of the Instituter" hold spin, just as freely and the committee W -got Up the enter- ya ho a pers would emulate Mr. Stewart, a &teZ;- Zopey however, to soon be able to report her 0 clock, this hour for comme Toms, of Toronto, is visiting relatives - and her 'home in Egmondville was the resort of and profitable market would be assured for as reco1v grip, neingo the as though I had been 'rewarded with thong. tainment are- to be congratulated on'the --friends in the village at present.—Mrs. A. every one- in the district 'in need of sym. Canadian ha�y in the old c ering. La pe is evidently no church was well filled. After Collin Mr. ands. In couclusion,j I simply deny, and very great success which has attended the'w Ountry. re8pector of persons, at#A-eking old and H. Horton to the chair, a it J. Smith, who had been spending a coup e of patl� -see, or of more material Ingthy huf well challenge successful cojitraffictioll, that I effcirti, and we are sure that both the after - Y, of kindue —Mrs. Edward Johnston and two child oung alike without any discrimination.— selected programme commenced, Miss Mar. ever used my position ren, mon' hs with relatives here, left for her aid, and Mrs. Duncan never failed them. from Braudoh, Manitoba, were *the guests an clerk 6f Uaborne, noon and evening meat were notoW 4 Daniel Campbell has a . ecured the con. tin presiding -ait n se in any way not in kee with the stat ings home in Fewenden, Dakota, on Tuesday Heruiet courtesy, ready sympathy and this -week of Mr.and Mrs. D, Johnston. tract of making some re n -the but- who took part was Mr. McCollu pIng utes, pleasing to those who attended them, but - Ir in, of Exe. or that I ever used th n e e council of Usbome,- that they will be prod!4ct4ve of goo inorniDg.—The remains of Mrs. David Dun- wise counsel, were freely given o all. She —Dr. 81dan, formerly of Blyth, has re t d buildings on the farm Of 0 d in -the- HBO R Higgins. ter, who alth ugh he has attained far be- individually or collectively, ?A a Conserva. community. taul im e, uj t ey ei p p 0FAI, aunm 10"NEWWW14 Be4 ant ,6161 Of kor, A, d rw pat nee not It I All $4 shoem All $3.50:sbl All $3 shoes All $Z50 -shi All $2 show FTn -But THE Farn BrApplewelate ere Institute FORD Fel BFILO Pei LEAD I 'THE FORD1 Bew I IL ARM Jfavrft, W121 Dalrylpt 80,4" Ing; IL Sarret EwIng eowdi L. Psen -now -choosetsAorlas There mill be ing"oommench raijectilrely. I interspersed wP U1 puda. .- AJL THOMAS XTILA ABSTR, Balance from 11 Hallett Town --hl. IM,=d IBM _' Morris Tow,,011 Aoountk Areasul bounduyllne,.c, J. fi. valkhJ10i Notes,discouiA0 'Governmentsob J,Umbar Aad sj 10olle-oted Vador coutdoef roll' - 6 Per'oeftt. In -_*I utemt from U 20tal I" ABSTI wsyd,wo.,t In I W, ,ard No. -2 in j Ward No. 3 In v Ward No, a -lit i 13oundar-T 'ACbmulty ........ Eugiileere feiw Schools .1 ...... 4COUnty Wd notes; - disco Balance In bAnd Total band P. We ir� qp Dressed �Call before di duce, and call South main The Sr As I have I IbUmbervf T"n All Al"sof I-,Vt On hand. 'Chopping di Guaranibid. U Forany,1ul LIGAP, U!ld All 4c n ppoe. I will be p 'And as many no Patronage-,,