HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-02-05, Page 511,828,20, evitle
d of 0.20. The eke -
ken. u which
Rbbert for a term of
„auditor, W. Turnbull. The
the following year will be as fol.
gore, W. B Pastime* Usborne;
Ian and T. Ryan, Hibbert ;RAI.
Jackeon, Fullerton, and ,
borne. President, J. Eseety e
jae.kson ; agents, d. S.
mean ; A. Duncan, Usborne ;nne
Hibbert, ad J. WIWI% Fa -
:eatery -treasurer, Thoma e Genie
.TIG CARNIVAL. -The carnival
tit eras a most successful affair,
mple being poment, enjoying the
g exercise. Some of the ladieef
oere very pretty _indeed. The
race for geettlemen was about the
ng feature of the evening. • The
had the race all to themselvee,
everal men from tributary townie
e" or, rather, "out of it." Tho
esers. Deputy Reeve Teylor, Joe
' Will Weeke-did juatiee
'though handeteapphri by the con-
ed by the more boisterous boys.
er d proprietor of the
Le; eangratulated .on the succese
ang; also on the commodious rink
be opened to the public this
he following is the list of prize
Ladies' charsoter dress. Mee
Miss Gertie Hicks; girls' best
Kinsman and Miss Haveksaw;
gentlemen's grateful skating,
peeell and Miss Christie, Bert
Miss Gertie Hicks; gentlementa
imm, Rua Howard and Allan
half.mile raceopen Fred
;and John Spackman.
the South Huron. Ministerial
was held on Monday afternoon,
tory of the Thivitt Memorial
to C. Fletcher in the chair. Rev..
p read the iniunteswhich were
It was then moved' by Rey. H.
A seconded by lbeee J. G. Yelr
view of the great suffering
ts our fellaw-subjects in India,
of the famine and plague there,
Mbers of this Ministerial Assoei-
4 express our deep eyrapathy and
that united action be taken to
;subject immediately before our
:urge upou theme the duty of;
to the relief of the sufferers.
t was carried nnanimonely. Rev.
ad gave an admirable paper on
onality and Deity. of the Holy
'er which the meeting clotted with
aim of the chairman. The next.
to be held in Caven church, when.
. Bray has conseuted to give a
i Christ in Mt and Literature."
-Mr. Daniel Prier, of Clinton,
brother Thomas, here, last week..
rind Penhale, of Fenelon
eenvisiting relatives here the
left for home on Wednesday
--News reached hereon Tuesday.
death of Mrs. Nelson• J. Hoope
. Mrs. Hooper was the danghb
tes Pickard, et this village, and
mown to many . reeidents of this
lirsrs. George H. and James Ball,
visited relatives here' on Wed -
t. -Mr. Richard Greenwood, of
uth, is visiting relatives in and
village. -Mr. and Mrs. Thonms
tsited relatives in Mitchell this
t P. Bawden, proprietor of the
ting rink, intends having a men -
ravel at the rink on. Friday
mt.-Rev. S. F. Robinson, of
, visited his former parishioners
'eek.--Resival serviees are still
acted in the James street church.
Becker, who wee tried before
ell, J. P., for forgery, was corn-
eal:id his trial at Godericto and
to jail on Saturday last. -There
ins pitch -holes on the London
ge quantities of building meter -
'lid saw logs pass throngh the,
Ler.-Mr. John "Pincombe, of the
road, Usborne had his leg
Tuesday morning 'last, reimlting
tiling tree coming back over the
Frs. Hyndirtaxt & Hyndman set
red limb. --The Exeter steam
filch was recently started by Mr.
tbber, is doing an extensive bud -
Hugh Ross, of Brucefield, is
ativee in town. -Mr. B. Aubrey
a number of fine horses here ore
r Lest. -The north end hotel
ill be offered for sale by public
Wednesday next.-Mrs.flawden,
on Plains, was the gnest of Mrs.
iterbrook, on Tuesday last. -Mr.
mirchased the Southeott block
treet, on Thursday Iast. The
! was $--2,000. Mr. Jacob A.
irchased the stock of Mr. Wm.
et 42 cents on the dollar, at the
$.-Ms. Pope, of Hensall, was
r parents here for a few days last
4.. Christopher Wiliert, of Zurich,
sed Mn Charles Fritz's residence,
reet, and will move to our vil-
tt-Mo Pfaff has moved into the
ted by Mr. E. P. Paulin -Mr.
reeve of Hensall, was in the
tforiday.-tdr. Solomon Martin,
bylon line, spent Sunday with
Dashwood. -A number a the
id our Young People's As-
aook part in the Young Pen-
tainment in Crediton on Tiles-
-A meeting of the Farmers' In-
ft:feta in Moserti hail on Wednest
resses were delivered by Messrs
presidentof the society; D. Me -
erne; R. B. McLean, Tucker -
others. In the evening an en -
t was given in the hall, consisting
a instrumental music by the local
r. and Mrs. Fenwick, of Woman -
ba, formerly of this place, are
lends here -Mr. J. Kellerman
don on Saturday on business. -
Maccabees inteuel giving
)er in the near future.
er OF &me Curet -le -The beau-
urch which was erected here
elenner by the Evangelical con -
is now nearly completed, and the -
'services will coinmence on Fri-
ary 12th. The following is the
• Friday,February 12th, 7.30
nt (German}, by the Rev. H-
of Chesley, Ontario ; Saturday,
3th, 2 p. m. -Sermon (German},
r. 0. F. Braun, of AlleghanY,
da ; Saturday, February 13th,
-Sermon (Gerrnaii), by the Rev.
of Campden, Ontario., Sunday,
I, 10 a. m. -Dedication sermon,
by Bishop & 0 Bryfogei, of
ennsylvaina, : Sunday, February
m. -Sermon (English), by the
today, February 14th, 7 p. no-
mmen}, by the Bishop; Monday,
5th, 7p. in. -Lecture (English),
Lop. Title : Glimpsesof Fur-
merican Eyes." ; Tuesday, Feb -
7.S� p m. -Organ Recital and
traise-(English and German.)
Onetime with the anniversary
e management of Knox Presby -
RI, St. Marys,had a lecture from
zt Johnston, M. A., of London,
ty evening, January 21st, and
o Sunday, 24th1 by Rev. John
ie. of Toronto. The discourses of
end gentlemen were highly • an-
y large congregations.
Perth Notes., i was fair, with a alight reduction in the
. 1 prices of Toretty good cattle, se the propor-
....James Inglis, with Me wife and ciuld. tosekrawaed atilfrarogemrnothanto •
eme left Monkted on Friday last for his : utti°11114.14 trihekblabest tit
Imo in 21 -toe -05°11, ifebut4kI6 i no per lb, with pretty good stook at from
twoheint, Amine!, white aims acting in 2.10 to 3ic A oar Rad of large fat cows,
.-Ezra, the six-year-old eon of Andrew .
'tho' barn, fell from one of averaginsinabout 1,200 pounds each, were
the beam *44 I sold at each. Common and inferior
e,fraotured a kV • beasts sold at from lie to le per
--Lellie ileibeie has rented his 50 acro The calves were sold at from 2 to $8- ea
lam, on the 5th concession of Elmo, to W. I
1 Sheep sold in lots at about 3e per poutid;
Ne. Jolly, a neighbor, for three Years °fl lamba told at from 4c to qe per pound. Fat
abates. Mr. Heibein will leave next April
hogs of small size
for a trip to Manitoba with a view to take sold at from 4to to tie
per lb, and heavy hogs at from Ste to 31c.
ing up land and making a home there. BAST BUFFALO February 2m1. -Cattle-
-Miss Emily McCallum, nusernary, Heavy deers, be&tt $4.75 to $4.85; good to
cousin of Messrs. Malcolm and D. Sinclair, choke, $4.65 to' .$4.70; light butchers',
Blanshard, reports -from Smyrna, Turkey, $3.85 to $4.15; cows, $2.25 to $3.0,
the successful opening of the Girls' School. Stockers and feeders were dull and lower;
A hundred and sixty pupils are enrolled -
quite an no recedented numberMoat of
tha pupils are Armenians, but thirty-five of
them are Jewesses.
-Messrs: CloseBrothern of Mitchell,were
a t
good etookers, $3 to $3.25; feeders, $3.30
to $3-60; good butchers' bull,$3.25 to $3.50;
exports, $3.65 to $3.90; veal*, $4.50 to
$7,25. Hogs -Market fairly active; York-
ers, fit 70 to $3.75; few early, $3.80 ;flight,
large prize winners at the recent poultry $3,75 to $3.80, but generally sold ett Inside
ehow at Owen Sound. Out of twentyprices later ; Weed. packers, $3.60 to $3.65;
hibite they carried off 21 prizes -13 firato,
, 6 seconds, 1 third, and a special for highest
point ;game bird shown. • 1
-Mn Thomas Laing, of Rtusseldaler is
,getting materlalion the ground for anew
barn 40x60. M. Archibald McLean has the
• contract for the carpenter work. And Mr.
Ed.ward Cornish is preparing to build a new
----After a short illness of one week, •Mr.
• 0. Scheerer, of Shakespeare, died at his
home, at about the age of 78 years, leaving a
_family of grown up niarried sons and
--Mr. John Pickard has purchaeed a bull
from Mr. John Whitten', of Beverly, for
Mr. Freeman ScriOnger, of Galt, that has an
exceptionally fine pedigree. Its mother
was one of the c,oVis sent to the World's
Fair by Mo. Ballantyne, of Stratford; to
compete in the milk test there.
--Miss Wilhelm, daughter of Mr. John
-Wilhelm, concession 5, North- Easthope,
who wandeted from home some weeks ago,
-was found near Nithburg, north of Gads -
hill. She was discovered at the house of
some relatives. The poor girItti reason is
entirely gone.
-Mr. James G. Grills, eldest son of Mr.
Samuel Grills, of Wallace, a young man of
much promise, died on Sunday 24th ult. of
pleurisy. He had taught in a neighboring
-section for two years and had entered Ou
his third year when he was attacked by the
illness that causecl his death. He had just
-entered his 21st year.
-Mr. Hugh Jack has sold out his Garth-
. age Cheese Factory to Mr. Jas. L. Holmes,
who learned the business in his factory, and
who also has had experience at the Black
Creek factory.
-Miss Flossie Webster, daughter of *Mr.
John Webster, Blanshard, has been very ill
for some time and her condition is regarded
as critical. She sprained her leg about
year ago and though the best medical skill
was employed at home and ht Toronto hos-
pital, decay of the bone resulted and she
was not strong enough to endure amputat-
ion of the limb. -
-David Nichol; who has been running a
successful livery4 business in Langton,
North Dakota, for the past year or two,
has returned home to Elms. In the livery
deal he ;cleared a neat thousand dollars.
Be has rented the stables for three years at
a handsome rental. Andrew Peebles has
• Mr. Nichol's farm on the 8th concession of
Elma rented for a term.
The Listowel Banner of last Week save -
Messrs Hay &Kidd shippedon Friday, eight-
. -teen working horses to London, England,
and they were as fine a lot of animals as we
have seen on our streets. They also* Bait ,
with this cargo, the well known mate
Maggie Dermal, sold to tMr. Wm. ern%
Liverpool, the owner of Bellwood. If this
mare does as well across the water, its Bell-
wood has, it will. give our town a reputation
in Europe for horses of the highest class.
,K. Anticipates.
Mrs. Wallace -I do believe that a wom-
an could wear her dresses almost to rags
before her husband would notice it.
Mrs. Ferry -That is not the case wfth
Mr. Ferry. He notibes the dinginess of zot
•elothes before I do. I oan tell when I'm
getting sbabby by his beginning to talk
.about now scarce money is and bow noee.
sary it will be for us to economize. -Cin'
4einnati Enquirer.
A a Ton Take It.
‘f AR little girls," laid the Whir,
"should have some kind of light work fel
their leisure hours. Of course yoh do Melee
thing in that way, Susie?"
"That's espeoially nice. So few children
knit nowadaya"-Detrolt Free Press.
".French paste," out of which artifloial
diamonds are maderis a mixture of. best
glass and oxide of lead.
Saeroxiii February 4, le97.
Fall Wheat per bushel, .. . ... .. 0 74 to 0 76
Bowing Wheat per ..... 0 74 to 0 76
°eta per .... 0 17 tO 0 18.
Peas per bushel ,.. 0 38 to 0 40
Barley per bushel.....-. :e 0 22 to 0 24
Butter, No. 1, loose- - , 10 to 0 11.
Butter, tub . • . 0 11 to 812
Eggsper doze_ .... • O. 0 12 to 13
Flour, per 100 e. 2 50 to 2 50
May per ton newe. - 7 00 to 7 60
Hides per 100 The-.-...:..... 6 00 to 600
Sheep Sielpte• • • AI • 41- ... IF 150. tO 70
Wool...* ... .. ....... 0 19 to 0 21
Potsitoesbage(neve).... sot4 40
Salt (retell) per bareele. 1 00 t 0 00
Weed per cord (long). ....... 2 75 8 00
Wood per cord (short)
Apples per bag -
f d
.. 1 50 1
„... 0 25 to 0 26
4 00 to 600
Timothy Seed.............,1 26 to 1 75
Pork, per 100 ibo.... . .. e......e 400 to 500
Tallow, per lb.... - .. . ..... OR to 0 03
Towner% Feb.. 4...-10s11 wheat, $0.79 to e0.851;
• wheat,i0.6n to 80.63i ; oats, 210 to 28to ;
peas, per bush, 42e te 44e; barley, 26e to 800 ; bay
ter ton, 812.50 to 014 00 butter, 15o to 16e ; pate. -
toes, pee bag, 80e to 40e : eggs, per dos., 20c
to 2.3e ; deemed hoge, per 100 Um, $4 60 to $5.50.
Toronto Poultry Market.
FEuRteART 2nd, 1897. -Chickens, 20c to
5()o; ducks, 40e to 5c;ggeese, 6e to 8e, and
turkeys Se to 10e.
mediums, $3.60; heavy grades, $3.05 to
13-60; pigs, $3.70 to $3.82i ; roughs, $3 to
13.15; stags, $2.25 to $2.75. Sheep and
Lambe -Market easy; best native lambs,
$5.15 to 15.20; good to choice, $4.90 to
$5.10; common to fair, $4.50 to $4.80;
mixed sheep, good to choice, $3.50 to $3.80;
common to fair, $4.50 to $4.80; mixed
sheep, good to choice, $3.50 to $3.80 com-
mon to fair, $2.90 to $3.40;'yearlings and
wethers, $4 to $4.25 ; no export demand.
TORONTO, February 3rd. -Export Cattle
-There were not many offered and not
many wanted to -day. It is expected there
will be a better demand for cattle next week.
Friel) were nominal at 3e to 4o per lb.
Butchers' Cattle -Trade was poor. ' Prices
to -day ruled for good to choice at Re to3c
per lb, medium at 2to to 2o and common
at 2c. Stockers and Feedirs-There was a
fair demand to day for medium to good
stockers to go to Buffalo, but the demand
was not so brisk as ie was expected to be.
Prices rule from 2to for 15ght stockers to 3o_
for good feeders, and 3te tot. choice. Sheep
and Lambe -Export sheep were rather dull.
Offerings exeeeded the -dammed. They sold
at no to ne per lb. Lambs were plentiful
and quiet at 41e per lb. Butchers'. sheep
were dull at $2.50 to $3. Mitch Cows and
Springers -Quality was better Quotations
were -00 to $36 each for the best and $20 to
$25 for ordinary. Hogs -Choice selections.
were in good demand and firm at 4e to4e
per lb, weighed off cars.; thick fat little
firmer at $3.50 to $3.65 per cwt; sows, 30
and stags 2o per lb. Stores not wanted.
Oat Dust 'and Seeds $1 per ton at the
Seaforth Oatmeal Mills.
Births. -
13TORY.-Ip Maillop, on 'January 15th, the wife of
Mr. George Story, of a daughter.
011pton, on January 22nd, the wife of
Mr. Ed. T. Huhn -a, of a daughter.
BARKWELL.-In Ashfieid township. on January
27th, the wife of dr. Ames Badmen, concese
ston 14t13, of a on.
STANBURY.-At 5 Moss Park, Toronto, an January
• 18th, the wife of Mr. R. B. J. Stanbury• of a
0HURCHILL-FERGUSON.-At the residence of the
bride's father, Mullett, on Januery 27th, by Pew.
J. Hamilton. Mr. D. T. Churchill, son of Thomas
Churchill, 'deputy -reeve of Goderieh township,
to Mia Annie, youngest daughter of Mr. David
• Ferguson.
FOSTER-FOREF.8T.-2-At the residence of the
bride's parents, Hay township, on February MA,
by Rev. S. Acheson, If, Georte Foster, of Lon.
don, to Mini Eliza Jane Forrest, third daughter
of Mr. 0. Fewrest. of Hay.
ClIALMERS-FLANAGAN.-At the residence of the
bride's parents, Paris, on January 27th, by Rev.
E. Cockburn, Mr. David Chalmers to Miss Male
0., second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Flan-
agan all of Paris.
LUOAS-1BROKENSHIRE.-At the residence of the
bride's parents, on February 8rd, by Reit. W. J.
Waddell, Mr. Cyrus WOW of Elm, to Miss
Lydia Brokenshire. of Stephen.
Dairy Markets.
o Ont., February 3rd. -Butter -
Single rolls, per lb, 15e to 160; pound rolls,
baskets, 13e to 14c; in large rolls or crocks,
lie to -13e; in tubs or firkins 9c, to 12c;
lard, te per lb. Eggs -Single dozen, 18e
to 20c; fresh,basket, 16e to 17c; fresh store
lots,14c to 16c. °
TORONTO, February 2.7th.-Butter-Large
dairy rolls, 110 to 120; dairy pound rolls,
13e '- dairehtubs, 90 tb 120; ereainery
19c to 20e ; creamery tubs 18e .to 18tes
.Eggs. -Limed, 13c, 14e to 15e for cold stor-
ed and fresh gathered, and 17e to 18e for
-strictly new laid.
MONTREAL, February 2nd. -Butter -The
market keeps firm. All the fresh creamery
is bought- uplocally and there is none for
'export. Choice creamery, 19-io to 20o;
townships dairy, 13e to 15e; Mtn Ilia to
12e; western tubs, 19e to -12o, Eggs -
There is no change. New laid, 20e to 22c;
'choice fall stock 15c to 180; Montreal
limed, 13e to 14,;;; western limed, 12e to
13e, and cold storage, 12e to 12ie per dozen.
• - Deaths.
MURRAY.-In Seaforth, on January 30th, John
Murray, aged 29 years end 5 months.
HADDEN.-In Egotondvine, on January 30thaTames
Hidden, aged 63 years and 9 months.
ROUTLEDGE.-In Tuokenmith, on January 81st,
Annie Clementine daughter of Ur. Maria
Routledge, aged Idyears and 6 months.
MANSON.-At the Manson residence, in Tyner,
North Dakota, on January llth, of haat fatlure,
Lilly, wife of Mr. James Manson, and daughter
of Mr. John McKay, Tuckerstnith, aged 47
McKAY -In Seaforth, on January 170, Donald
McKay, aged 81 years.
F.RAYNE.-In Exeter, on January 23rd, Margaret.
- wife ot Mr. Robert Frayne, aged 08 years, 10
months and 6 days.
GRIGG.-In Colborne, on January 22nd, Wm. Grigg,
aged 85 years.
BLAKLEY.-J7 Montreal, on January 23rd, Aggie,
daughter of Mr. J. D. Blakley, formerly of
Brussel, aged 21 years and 4 months.
KNIGHT. -In -Atones, on January 210t, J. D., son of
Andrew Knight, oged 6 months and 21 days. -
CALDWELL,--In Mullett, on January 27th, Eliza
• Caldwell, wife of Mr. James Caldwell, aged 48
years and 0 months.
RODAWAY.-At Los Angeles, California, MraRoda-
way, mother of Mr. Ed. W. Rahway, Rune%
aged 81. years and 2 months.
Live Stook Markets.
LIVERPOOL, February lat.-To-day trade
was weaker,owing to heavy supplies and,
milder weather. States cattle, 5ad per
pound; Argentines, 5d; sheep, 51d per
MoNTREAL, February 2nd. -The butchers
were presentein large 'lumbers, and trade
Extending till February 1st.
During the month of January, we always take stock. Thi S has been our
rule for years, arid it is a good time to find orW what goods have ,been sticking
on., hand and require clearing out. Then there are always/ a lot of ends of goods
or different kinds, prices and qualties, some good Dress lengths, others enough
for skirts only, and others again only sufficient for Waist. We don't want
these tosccutuulate and remain on, soles stock taking time is, when we always
find these things out, we have deci 'ed -to make a general STOOK TAKING
SALE, during January, and clean ap the entire stock of all goods that have
not gone out promptly. We will make the price do the work, as the stuff must
and shall not stay here, when price ill sell. it. The People may depend that
we mean business, and the balance of January Will see big things . at this store.
We would advise all to come and share in the benefits of this :tore. .
On Friday, February 19, 1897,: at 1
o'eloek, P. M., on. Lot 34, Concepsion 12,
Melfillop, Farm Stock and Implements.
John Berry, Proprietor; George Kirkby,
On Friday, February 12, 1897, at 1
o'clock, P. M. on Lot la, Concession 18,
Grey, Farm. Stock and Implements. Daniel
McMillan, Proprietor; F.- S. Scott,
STONE WANTED. -A good stone mason and
brick layer wants to procure ten or fifteen cords
of good building stone delivered in Seaforth, for
which he will pay in work. Apply at The EXPOSITOR
Office, Seaforth. • 1521-2
cKINN N & CO.,
"nY's 'T 11_
And buy whet you need at our great
trade sale, rather • than let the 'chance slip
by to supply your needs at a uarteo or a.
third less than regular prices., loney costa
6 per cent. Our prices 'mavet. you three or
four times 6 per cent, as a matter of busi-
ness, wouldn't it be good policy to borrow
money if necessary, in order to take ad.'
vantage of the exceptional opportunity to
buy cheap: Read the list of prices. The
oange of bargains covers every department.
in the store. Whether at'a new Dress or a.
pair of Shoes, a Hat or Cap, Groceries or
what not, you can buy it at this sate at(
money prices. Special lines Laundry Soap,
7 bars for 10a; Morris' mottled Soap, re-
gular price 5e, trade sale price 3 Bars for
10e; Clothes Pins that will give satisfaction
and won't break on a frosty morning, 5
dozen for 5c; Brooms not the best in the
world, but a very fair Broom, trade sale
price 3 for 25c; Corn Starch that's good, we
guarantee the quality, 5e . a package;
bhirubbing Brushes extra large and stronge,
regular price 100, trade -sale price 50;
pound Tin Baking Power, regular price
gOUSE. AND- LOT FOR SALE. -For pale a de-
eirable house and lot in the town of Skefortho
opposite the Collegiate Institute. For particulars
apply to T. P. COLEMAN, Seaforth. 152141
'DIG FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep
on Lot 21, Huron Road, Tuokersmith, en im-
proved Yorkehire pig, recently purchased from- Mr.
Russell, of Edgremont, end to which a limited
number of sows will be taken, Ternss.-One dollar
payable at the time of service, with privilege of re.
turninit if necessary. JOHN B. HENDERSON.
rillEACHER WANTED. -Male teacher wanted for
1. School Section No. 4, Grey-, holding a profes-
sional second Or third class eserdficate. Applications
received up to February 17th, duties to commence
March let, 1897. Communications forwarded to
undersigned. EDWARD I1RYANS, Secretary,
Jamestown. • 1521x4
ijOUSES FOR SALE. -For sale cheap or to rent,
on the corner of John and Sperling Streets, a
b ek house, containing 10 rooms, besides closets
with a good cellar and turnover), hard and soft water
inside, and all other oonvenienees, with a stable on
the lot, also two lots with frame houses for sale on
Market Street. • Apply to CHARLES H. BART-
LIFF, Seaforth. 1521-4
' DARE FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 87, Concession
r o East Wawanoeb, containing 100 acres, 95
clatzW., remainder good had wood bush. The Lod
Is in a good state of onitivetion wider drained
and well fenced. There are good buildings, a never
failing spring of water in the lane and a first-oless
well hear the house. Price 13,100 if sold by lat of
April, small payment down, believes can rentain on
mortgage at 6i per cent. If wanted. For thither
particulars apply to ioas ARMOUR, Blyth P. O.,
Ontario. 1521x8
10c, trade sale price 5c ; 15 doeen White
Dinner Plates finest quality, regular price
11 a dozen, trade sale price 75c; 10 doze?),
white Bowls, large and small sizes, prices
were 12te to 20c, each trade sale price 10o ;
Vegetable Dishes round and (men, till sizes,
regular prices 18c, 20e, 25c, trade sale
rice ; Glass Sugar Bowhe Batter
Dishes, Cream Pitchers, regular prices 121,
and 15e, trade oak price Se; this week two
special lines in Men's Boots, cannot rip,
worth $1.25, trade sale price 98o; a finer
make, good sole' and light upper, sure to
please, worth $1.40, trade sale pride $1;
a line of heavy Algoma Rubbers $1.10.
This is essentially a dry goods store, but you
see we keep nearly everything, we save
you the trouble of walking around town to
make your purehases. Dissect this "ad"
as you will scrutenize•it item by item, com-
pare prices, qualities and brands, take
every possible means to find out whether
' the prices are right, and the. More careful
, you are the more certain we shell be of your
patronage. Blyth monthly Fair, February
9th, (Tuesday next.)
j. AND ELEVATOR. -Situated in ;the
Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. There
will be offered for !ale by public auction at the
queen's Hotel, in the Town of Seaforth,
on Teesday, February 16. 1891, at eleven
otelook in the forenoon. By virtue of powers
of sale contained in a! certain mortgage which will
be produced at the sale, the following property :-
Part of Lot 11, in the first Concession south of the
Huron Road, in the township of Tuckersmish, in
the County of Huron as shows on plan of sub-
division of said lot by Andrew Bay, P. L. S., and re.
gistered in the Redstry Office for the County of
Huron., the 7th day of April, 1433, and described
therein as iota 56 and 67 on the south ride of Huron
Street, in the Town of Seaforth, each lot containing
20,000 square links, more or lase. The following
buntlines are raid to be on the premises : A frame
Flour Mill on stone toundatione triune elevator,
frame office, brick engine room. Terms. -Ten per
cent. of the purchave money to be paid, down on the
day of sale. For balance terms will be more known
at the sale. For further particulars apply to
Toronto Street, Toronto, Or to R. LOGAN, Seaforth.
For Farm Property,
A dwelling, two stores and photograph gal-
lery, valued at 12,400; towfi over 4,000.
Good ohanee for retiring farmer; difference
in eash. Enquire at EXPOSITOR OFFICE.
hes been instructed by Daniel McMillan to sell by
publle auction on lot 11, Concession 18, Grey, on
Fridley, February 12, 1 7, at 1 o'clock p. m., the
following property: HORSE8,—One heavydeaught
mare 0 years old, 1 general purpose horse 7 years
old, 1 driving mare 6 years old, and one blsok driv-
ing horse 5 years old. CATrese-Six COWS supposed
to be in calf, 1 At cow, 1 heifer coming 8, supposed
to be in calf, six steers comthg 3 years old, 2 steers
coming 2, 2 heifers coming 2, and 2 calvete SHEEP,—
Fourteen well bred ewes. Pius, -One thorobred
Berkshire boar, 1 sow with litter at foot, 2 sows to
pig about April 1st, and 15 small pigs. About fifty
hens, Impesmertrie-One top buggy, 1 cutter nearly
new, 1 set single harness, and 1 robe. Teaues,-4.11
sums 01 85 and under, cash, over that amount nine
months credit will be given on furnishing approved
joint notes; * discount of 6 per cent off for cash, on
credit amounts. Sale withoue shave, as proprietor
bas sold his farm. DANIEL MoMILLAN, proprietor;
P8. SCOTT, auctioneer. 1521-1
Under and by virtue of the power of sale con-
tained in a certain mortgdge made to the vender,
dated the 9th day of January, A. D., 1895, whioh will
boa produced at the Ora° of sale. There will be
offered for sale bypublic auction by Patrick De
rantilion, auctioneer, at Prendergast's Hotel, in the
Village of Dublin in the County of Perth. on Tues-
day, March 2nd, 1897, at the hour of 2 °taloa, p. m.
The following vaulable farm being Lot number 21, .
on the 2ad Concession of the Township of Ribbed in
the Count' • of Perth, containing 100 acres more or
less. This farm is Weil situated as to matkets and
railway, and there is an abundant supply of water
on the place. There are a good barn and a small log
house on tbe place. The fences are in fair condition.
Further particulars and conditions of sale, made
known on day of Si10. Folefurther particulars apply
to J. M. BEST, Vendor's 43olieitor, Seafooth. Feb-
ruary 3rd, 1897, 1521-4
ORTGAGE e ALE.-Uunder and purensnt to
j. the power of sale contained in a oertain mort-
gage, dated the 5th day of November, 188, which
will be produced at the time ,of sale. There will be
g old by pubio suction by Thomas Gundry, awe
tioneer, at the River Hotel, Bayfield. on Saturday
the 27th dity of February, 1897, at 2 o'clock, p.
the following property, viz: The north half of the
west half of Lot number 8, Lake Road, East Con-
cession, in the Township nf Stanley, in the County
of Heron, containing 49 acres of land more or less.
This property is situated on a good gravel road
about 8 miles south of Bayfreld, about 40 acres are
cleared, balance in bush. The soil is a good clay
loam, and there is a never failing spring creek. The
buildings are a small frame ban, ehed and house.
Terms. -Ten per cent. of the .;purchase money at
time of sale, and balance in one month thereafter
without interest, or arrangements may be made for
mode! balance to remain at 5t per oent. per annum.
For further particulars apply to Messrs. Garrote &
Proudfoot, Barrieters, Goderieh, or to the Auc-
tioneer, Goderieh, or to R. C. HAYS, Vendor's
Solicitor, Goderich.
N. B. At said time and place will be offered for
sale under power of sale in a mortgage. Lot 886, in
Bayfield, good frame house on it, and choice fruits,
a vary desirable residence. 1514-3
.4,N TED.
We are open to buy
Dressed Hogs, Hides, Tallow,
Poultry, Butter & Eggs.
Call before disposing, as we want your pro.
duce, and can please you with a price.
South Win Street, - SEAFORTHr
U IMPLEMENTS. -Mr. George Kirkby has been
instructed by Mr. 'John ,Berry to sell by public
auction on Lot 34, Conoestion 12, McKillop, on Fri-
day, February 19, 1897, at one o'olook, p. m., sharp,
the following vaulable property: team
of 6 year old gelding. 1 mare 8 yam old, 1 brood
mare 10 years old, in foal. -Cattle. --Seven grade
cows supposed to be ia calf to a thoroughbred
three heifers coming 3, supposed to be in calf; one
heifer coming 2, calves, two steers coming 2, two
steers coming 8 yeas old, one bull 14 menthe old,
eligable for registration.--Sheep.-Nine well bred
ewes and one Leicester ram.-Implemente.-One
P*arson binder, 1 reaper. 2 a -tampion mown, 1
seed drill, linty rake, 1 ecultier, I pair iron barrow,
1 pair woeden harrows, 1 roller, 8 plows,1 prig.
plow, 1 new disk barrow, 1 democrat wagon: 1 pair
trucks, 1 wagon, 1 strew cutter, 1 tangling mill, 1 hey
rack, 2 sets of 'double hareem,' -cycle grinding one,
f pair of bobsleighs, 1 root puiper, 1 crowbar, 1 sheep
reek, suger kettle, 800 bushels of mangolds, 800
bushelof turnips, a quantity of timothy and clover
hay, if not sold before sale; also chains, spades,
shovels, forks, 1 etove, 1 creamery box and cans, 40
eap buckets and spoils, 1 buffalo robeand many
other article too numerous to mention. 'The whole
will positively be eold without reserve as the pro-
prietor has rented his farm. Terms. -All sums of
$5 and under, dash; over that amount 10 =tenths'
credit will be given by furnishing approved joint
notes. JOHN BER1tY, Proprietor; GEORGE
KIRKBY, Auctioneer. 1521-8
Buil Calf coming 5 months old, solid color; his
dam, a fine and extra large one, can never have bet-
ter. Her dam tested 17 pounds of butter per week,
when 14 years old. Price, $16. Bull 2 years old
next June; a fine animal and 'mild color, from good
milking straits. Price, $30. Jersey cow 4 years old,
due to calve next. October. Her dam tested 7% but-
ter fat, and good for 21 pounds of butter per week.
Price, $75. All registered. G. A. DEADUAN, drug-
gist, &c„ Brussels, Sint. 1621x1
Patent Right For Sale.
The undersigned having talon out lettere patent
for the improvement in Washing Machine for 'the
Dominion of Canada, would sell province, county or
township right on the most reasonable terms. Per.
sonal inspection is solicited. Models, and drawings
furnished at the very cheapest rates. Particulars
and • terms made known on applieetion. Addrese
JACOB MoGEE, Patentee, Egmorldville.
Ladies, ask to see our Serge and Lustre Skirts, c
Applications for Transfer of
Ladies hitewear
LOT 1 .flye Dozen Night Gowns.
Full size, trimmed with T rehon Lace, yoke and front.
We will' sell this lot while th6,' last at 49c.
Lot 2—Five Dozer' Night Gowns.
Empire style, twelv- e Wilt cluster, insertion front, frill
trimmed, during February for 59c.
ot 3—Five Dozen Night Gowns.
Frilled and tucked, fr ed trimmed yoke and cuffs.
Thislot would be cheap .at 950 each, this sale 690.
Other lines of Night Gowns ranging in price to $3,25
Lot 4—'.Ladies' Skirts.
Space will not permit t mention' each line in par-
ticular, but will sell fro 35c to $11.75.
Lot 5—Ladies' Drawers.
In all kinds and prices -Ta look will convince any lady
that her time is lost when she makes her own white
wear, we will sell drawers at this sale from' bc to
Lot 6—Corset Cover
Sincerity ill
Viord and Work.
An immense range of his line,. ,and we Want to sell
them this month from 111c to. 75C.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has
purchased from E. R. Swartz his interest in the
lever Hotel at Bsyfield, and has applied to the
License Comtnission of South Huron, for transfer of
license. PETER MoINTOSH, &Add, January
22nd, 1897. 1520.2
A meeting of the creditors interested in the estate
of John Hannah, Insolvent, will be held on Friday,
the 5th day of February,1897,at 1 o'clock, p.m ,in the
Town Hall Seeforth. A full attendance is earnestly
requested. JOHN BEATTIE, Assignee. 1520.2
Tenders will be received by the undersigned till
the 5th day of February, next, for the Royal Hotel
Block, (Hotel, Drug Store and Rooms). iu the Town
of Mitchell. Oh reasonable offer is made property
will be sold. Tenders my be for the Drug Store,
Rooms and Statrway, to dividing brick wall separate-
ly, anS also for the Hotel. G. K. MATHESON.
New Location.
Our curstomers will find us located in
our new quarters, Whitney's cor-
ner store, one door north of our
old stand, where we will be pleas-
, ed to tneet all our old friends, and
those who will favor us with their
We intend. to make 1897 a banner year.
We will have a larger and better
stock than ever before, and more
accomicaodation and better facilities
for showing the finest stock ot.
Boots and Shoes, ever shown in
We will commence Bargains.
We will continue with Bargains,
We *ill end with Bargains.
You are sure to find what you want.
Our ambition. will be to please our trad.e
Our welcome word for all—bargains.
Richardson & IfInnis
wear, at $3.48 to $3L98.
lete to
,Tha.t is what makes frien wins
customers, grows business, insures suc-
cess. We make no ,elaims we, mullet
substantiate, declare for no values we
cannot show, ("note no prices we are..
unable to make good. Such has been
our record the past 15 or 20 years.
When we say; we have the meet com-
plete stock of Boots and Shoes in town,
and that our values and prices are in-
coraparableot means something—it is
Just lathy we are -clearing out all
kinds pf Felt Boots, Overshoes, Socks
and RubberA at prices that bring the
people .in +Ws to our store, conse-
quently we are busy.
Opposite f TWO 1 Okposite
Expositor Ofpte ISTORES f Town Building
fairooessok to) DILL 4‘.?5 SPEARE.
Having taken over the entire in-
terest of the latefirm of Dill & Speare,
I will3contihue to offer you the same
inducementas before. Everything
right in
Good rePiable gods it the very
lowest pr4e possible, is- what 1 offer
you in exe ange for your 'hard earned
All Winter Goods will be sold at immense reductions—
clothing, carpets furs. Men's Fur Coats ar6 steadily , finish-
ing up—we have about 20 coats left yet that we will sell
cheap.. Ladies' Capes will be out to wholesale prices. If
any lady would like to save money on a Cape, call and ask
prices. Bargains in all departments.
m• Pickard
Direct Importers, and liuroo's largest Dry Goods People.
SOUTH STORE c""F dand.Market 'Riede
Two Doots South of Expositor Offfon
NORTH SToRE Oardno's
Under Town clock.
It's hard to 0011VIHCO a fanner
against AS WM) yet we have often
done it inl reference to
Condit* n Poi' ders Ques1ion.
They say:what better Is your powder
than othk makes - 'Answer — take
three pouilds and give it a test. The
result is dways the same. It is the
best horse, medicine ever used.
$1, at;
• A
amide for 50e, or 7 lbs. for
rug Store, Seaforth.
et -e33333.3,333.3.33333-33-3-.
ji-E48) TEAS
Ts the right place to get the best
• tea 4 for the least money. Every
oneiwho has tried my teas says
that they are the best in the
mai et. 1tify green, black. and.
J74, n teas at 25e a ib, are equal
- to the best 50c teas they have
be0 getting elsewhere. Also a
-yell tine tea dust, which is giv-
ing i the best satisfaction. All
kirkls of fresh. Groceries at very
low 'prices. I am selling out all
OroOkery and Glassware at cot.
I! '
A. G. ' AULT9 CatIth.
Dissolution of _Partnership.
The eaMP heretofore exiiildug hawser the
undo ed as Was and hahadeshers,under the
name Dill & 0 , at the Town of 'Worth, has
this day been ved by mutual oonsent. AR
debts and liabi of the latie inn will be liquid-
ated by Mr. rry Beare, and all debts due the late
km will be payable to leme. PETER
Dated at Seaforth, January 28th, 1897.
In regard to thet above notioe, 1 may elate that I
bave transferr d my entire interest Is the badness
to Mr. Harry , end I beerak foe him the mune
liberal e that you so camomile ortAnded
to the FETES DIM.
t 1521-3