HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-02-05, Page 4T7 7: 'OsTr" R FEBRUARY 5 897* FEB
.4 TFIE.. ALT`01016N _EXXP 11.0 NEW ADVERTISE15MISM, not due to the Gp ectively 11 prizes t n- wt;on went but to see whAt:was wrong. 'She was not common in this part of the country. ---7 losses during thr b !11,828.20, veltyx commission was vernme nt second vice-presidents, rap the' P1aZoX9.%--A 4ke by No. k clinginj to the frame 0 a hin of V composed of T. X Davis, Clinton. son f the pump. Mrs. George Sparks, Mks. Robert Delgaty, a balance a 370. I. The elee.
I ae they had previaimly sent out circulars ) board of directors in Rbves and leAders were obtained and Miss jr,''iind daughter, were the guests on bd- tion of directors was then takq un., whI Durnin, H. Girvin, Win. Baile'r, Win. CAGED BraDs.—Parrot; i0vi "Smith. I
SW 11be Agwe between, the pJarentheals, after each Farmers' Institutes and other farmer's or- MoUsth was rescued.- nesday last of Mr. and Mrs. James Sparks. resulted as follows : J. El
oce.. de.aot4w the pt-ge of the 'paper on which the Cameron, R. Medd, T. Garvie, R. Glen, W., English Goldfinch, let, Harry Speare, 2iid, I I M of -_ left Mo
advertboment will lou found. "C"ary, Scotch FancT, lot, —'The many friends of Mrs. Ale Mrsl.'Alex. -Delgaty and daughter, of Moose- and T. Ryan, of Hibbert, f0i a to in AK
ganizations asking that delegations be sent Fisher'- -Paul R id William MoArthuril T. F. Coleman. n Or home
it Will ply you—McKinnon & Co. CO) Dr. Scott. Any Other variety canary, T. Duncan, late of Farquhar, will . re;oetdto, law, Manitoba, were also their guests re- three years ; auditor, W. A. Tornbull. The —,Ezra, ti
to meet the commissioners, and lay bv'ore secretary. er death, which took place at the cently.—A number of our curlers drove over officers for the following year will be as, fol.,
February w. Pickard ## Co. (1$) Coleman, let and 9nd. Belgian canary, lot, learn of h Wilhelm, A
a one st—Grelg & Macdonald (1) them the deeiren4nd wanta of thei agricul. H. SpAre. Old homestead, 12th concession, of Usbarne, to 8eaforth'on Wednesda;y to play a friend- Iowa : directors, W. H Pasolu'pre, Uoborn ,- tti barn, fell
dar )MOs for T. G;venlook I(% turalclassea. n so far as the Farmers' News of the Week. AYLEsBuny Ducics.—Drake, Ist, W. on Monday of last week, after a brief illnem ly'game. —A r. T. Ballantyne shipped a car D. McLacblan and T. Ryan, %,bbert ; R. it fr ISIO
m, r sal ohn Armour e REFORms DEXANDED.—The powers ha4 young" of congestion of the- lungs. Deceased co load of fine cattle -for Montreal on Friday Bain and, J. Jackson, 0, allar,%on, and J. stone wanted—FxrosiToR Office (6) Institutes are concerned, if we are to judg Carter. Duck, Ist, W. Carter. orne _Uuis H
rl;c for servic". B. Henderson (5) presented a drift of the reforms demanded drake, Ist, W. Carter. tracted a severe cold while waiting on the last Essery, Usb - Preaident t J. Essery-, fsm, n the
House,foreale—C. Bartliff (6) by those in this county at any rate, the in Turkey to the Sultan. I I -r— 8, J. PEKIN DucKs.—Drake, lot n2nd,, G. late Mrs. McCurdy and rs. Batton, who v iie e re,,,ideAt, J. Jackson a&ht , 13, IL Jolly! $I
Houie amd lot for sale—T. F. C01eman (5) an Lacan ; A-. Duncan, Usborne Dimlation of partaer hlpLDill & Speare (5) reason why they did not appoint representa- FATALITY. —Seven persons were burned to a
W. Irwin, 3rd, J. C. Lions. Duck, lot, G. died from the same cause. Mrs. Duncan II. Oentraha. shares. Mr.
WAntwt—George Buskin (8) tives is not far to. seek. The Farmers, In. death in tenement house fires in Hoboken, W. Irwin, 2nd, J..C. Lyons. Young drake, was one of the pioneer residents and was NOTrS. ---'difigefl- Morden and Webb, of Carmichael, Hibbert, and J. Wilson, Nf_ for -a trip to
-husba d larton secretary. -treasurer, &rnaa Cayfi,
New location—RichaiMeon Melnni&(5) New Jersey. let, Wm. Wallace, 2nd, J. O.. Lyons, 3rd, highly respected. She leaes a a i
stitutes. Are not, in any sense, political St. John, near London, are visiting t Air ing up land I
Unreserved auction sale—John Berry (5) RoYALTY.—Empress Frederick is visiting G. W. Irwin. Young duck, Ist, G, W. and grown-up family. ob!u'colwiirs.—G. H. Windsor has bought eron. Ice,cutting—Aitchown h Cooper (8) organizatio a, in the ordinary sense of the n her mother, the Queen, at Osborne. serious Patent richis for sale—J. McGee (5) Irwin, 2nd, W. Wallace, 3rd, J. C. Lyons. —What might have been a very Mr. Richard Hicks' farm on the Fairfield -couryin Of Ale
TewherkantedB: Bryans (5) term. The members as well as the directors, PRzSIDET RoIiERTs DEAD. — George A. ToLousE GEEsE.—Gander, Isk W. accident happened to Mr. Win. -Gibson and line and -will. move on it in the sOring.—C. Exeter. Still at it—Atarry Speore, (5 Roberts, President of the Pennsylvania. Greaves. Goose, Ist and 2nd, W. Greaves. his daughter, Mrs. T. McClement, while W. 1 Smith has returned from - his trip to 131-anshard; r
comprise men of b6th political partiis, Jor I I THY, SKATING CARNivAL; The carnial the sueewful
Sincerity ?116(5) , Railroa4 Company, died at his home in they were drivi I Manitoba, and is much pleased with it.— Friday night was a most successful affair, and work—R. Wi ng from the I atter's home on A hundred s
inematographe—H. J. 11111 (8) for that matter, of all political parties. Young gander, let, W. Greaves. Jerseyaforsale—G A.Deadman(5) Philadelphia, SiLturday. BREmmzN'GEEsE.—Gander, G. W. Irwin. the 2nd concession, of Howick,. the other Walter Fero purposes . taking up his resi bee They were formed nOtL for political purposes 1 7 I- fully 350 people being present, enjoying tbe quite -an unj
Poultry- wanted—A. Younj!81 I CzAR's PHysicrAx DEAD.—Dr. Zedekauer, Goose, G. W. Irwin. day. As they were passing Mr. Williaim Ae'lice in Uncle Sam's dominion. —Herbi exhilarating exercise. Souxe f the ladise the pupils cmillan (i) - is dead. I ThL
Unrestrved auction was— but for the mkitual benefit of the farmers, in the private physician of the Czar rig Edgar s,the horse took fright at aalumb la 11andford. while playing foot ball, had the costumes were very p,rettf 4ndeed. them arel J I
phant4w.cpe exbibition-4--H. F. B. 0 (a) SI,EoLtm.—L. O.Oharles4worth, for you Marmed at IC
Speewl wetting of Vlorasters at Brucefield (8) order that thev iniLht discuss matters per- MORE CHILDREN WANTED. A. which they were raising, and before r. misfortune to hav &ILI race for gentlemen 1ws about the eat exhibitor. Best Game - Cook, e his right knee dislocated. free -for. Mortgage sal". X. Best (5) changee the decreasing population of France, C taining exclusively to the farm,and 4m Prem' Wells; Best breeding pen of Asiatic;,- J. Gibs4n could get contror f him, he ran up. It *ill be some time before he recovere. — most exciting featuref the evening. T he, xor l p Vale--& 0. Bays (6) ier Meline' proposes that prizes should be Lyons. . Highest scoring Cc a at the E rth League large pri
Tom,. Uas.!—A. G. Ault (5) chin, J. C. on the sleigh of. Mr. Adam Fillet Who w& Th att ndance WO vo.ung Is& had the race fill to themselves, how at OW4
expperiences and in this way impart informa offered for parenthood, Lyo&.. Highest scorinK Houdan Cockerel, driving ahead, upsett g the cutter d 0 ISa
Auction sale—IL 14S632 (6) in Ali c niecration serVio--3 on Tues yvening was veral men from trib'dtary towns hibits thOy on to each other of a practical mud technical Bls.y.&RCK IN GOOD HEALTH. — Prince Ithouglt ti J. C. Lyons. Best breeding. pen Minoreas, throwing the occupants out. large, fully 200 being in attendance. The Were "in it," or, rather, "out' of it. The 6 aecondis I I
m in Bismarck is reported unusually strong and nature, which, if piactised, will aid thei Win. Hartry. Highest se6rin -breedin —The Dundaa Banner says The death f meeting was inapiring and uplifting to all * d —Messrs. Deputy ReeVe Taylor, Joe, point, game 9 lu ges b rs and enable. them to make their well, and in spite of the bad weather he pen, Win. Hartry. Beat Light rahmi, Go Ms. Kyle, or., on Tuesday,. removes about preent. At the close of the meeting, Davis and Will WeAs—did justice ika —Mr. Mho
their Is tkes IoDg walks and drives daily. W. Irwin. Beat Rock bird Lin show, Win. the last ery old resident in town. S' I
he b1iis Martha, Hillp who is leaving for Lon- every- me, though handicapped byhe con. getting -lnat4
callingemore successful and profitable,,as THE J AvoinTEs' *DAY.—The usual Jacob- Hartry. Best White Rock Cockerel, ;[ohn was 'in her 90th year, and had, spent the last doiii, was -presented with an addre . so and a fusion caused by the more boisterous bo bam *0x00- well as more pleasant. All subjects in any ite demonstration took place in front of the Ward. Best P61and,' Wni. Carter. eat 30 years in Dundas. She and her late hus-, e of money by her Sunday school class, n, 'contractfor pure Mr. Bawde manager and proprietor of ilie, SEAFORTIEF, FRIDAY, Feb. -5th, 1897 way savoring of politic's have been strictly statue of Charles I, in Trafalgar square, Brown Legfiorn.Cookerel,,J. Melville. 9est band, who died abont seven years ago, came w ret her leaving. k, is to be congratulated on the EdwaTC1 i'COX1
jo very much reg rM success London, on Saturday. Roxburyshire, Scotland, in excluded. That the Institutes are . accom- REPuEssiNc, nREARms;—A bill has been breeding pen White Loghoilne, Win. Haitry.- from Hawick, of the evening; al o on the CODI'modious rink house.
Highest scoring Dark Brahma, G.W. Irwin. 1832Y ard settled in Goderich, staying there to the' public this —After a -a
which he has opened The Education Department. plishing, in a marked degree,the objects for introduced in the Texas House of Repr6- Best pair of Geese,. Win. Grieves. Best about thirty-five years before removing to Kippen. winter. The following is the; list of C.. Sche6rer)
eek that the Toronto which they have been organized, no person sentatives prohibiting the. manufacture or of ducks, G. W. Irwin. Best Guinea Dundafl. The family Tefut consists of two CE CUTTI-NO. — Parties requiring a —Ladies' ch ome, at abo
We m4ntioned last w who has paid any attention to their opera- sale of pistols in that State. Fol It ri, W in. Carter. Best Seebright Bantam, sons, Richard Kyle, ndas, andWalt . er on I of ice from he Kippen Mills, will please winners: aracter dress, Ise spondents, had open- —M r. and not Ify the urdersigneA as 'to particulars, at least Hicks and - Miss Gertie Hicks; girls' beat -family Of 2
.AiIa,iI,_thron& its corre MR. AND MRs. GLADSTONE. aind Mrs. Loutit, 'of -teta.
Ontario tions will, we think, deny. But we are G. W. Irwin. Highest scoring bird, G. Kyle, in Toronto,,- tw days beforehand. Modetate chargest AiTnsoN dress, Miss Kinsman and Mi, ,daugh ed'an active fusillade against the Mrs. Gladstone left Hawardin last week on W. Irwin. Befit Ba,r-red Rockby Farmer, Winkl am. The remains were taken to & 00pim. ladies' and geutleinen!s gra ati afraid they would scarcely stand the tension their way to the Riviera.. I a 491 Education Department. IThe princip John Gemmell , Beat exhibit of Turkeys, erich. 90CIAL.—Oa Tuesday ev4 -a 01 a,I com- God -ning next the, Richard Creech and from -met
that would b6- occasioned. by the discussion n rew's church purposes holil. Spicer and Miss Gertie g n tl e in e xu& plaint, of these so-called correspondents was, Thomas McMichael. Best collectio of —Whilo A. Fiulayson and N. McCallum ch6ir oi St. And' ghorn ng out the bottom of a sewer in
minations, and of a subject such, as the tarfif, on which AFORTH-POUL Ry Pigeons, Newton Davis. Beat Le were cleari ing! a grand entertainment in the way of a comic costume, Rue How Ind Allan that there are. too many exa TH SE Pullett, Win. Hartry. . Befit Leghorn Goderich the other day for laying . he tile, soNl, in the manse. As this is the first of Meyer, bov was 0 Of
through this multiplicity of examina- there is" so, much room 'for difference of -a' half -mile race, opiep, Fred that SHOW. Cbekerel, Wm.Carter. Best Dark Brahma, a large cave fell- iu on them, completely h F' Fair bi Mr,
the!, kind in our vicinity this season, we be- Hawks aw and John opinion, and which has been for so long a tions the school system is being destroyed G. W. Irwin. Best Light Brahma, Win. c*overing the former, and the latter up to JA 0 speak for the choir a grand success. Tea MDUSTERTAL A$SOCIAT T e m nthly al issue. We -think, therefore, that At a meeting of the Huron Poultry Asso- Carter. Highest scoiiug pullet, Dr. Scott. the shoulders, Had it not been for the 8 'o'clock, after meeting of the South H-uro and our schools rendered practically use, less politic wl, bbeserved from 6 to it Ministeriall in, E xhibitor winning the fewest pr zes, J. H. presence of mind of one of the workmen, -Willielm cc
vh ch a
for practical instruct . ion. Also, that on the Farmers' Institutes have acted wisely in held,,, Seaforth on Wednesday of 6n excel -lent and le thy programme Anociiji& was held on M on4y Afternoon# n -ting three men " sidii fee WbQ wa detA
introducing this subject into their ast week, i6 was 'decided that the next Howson. who saw the accident, in get wi be rendered. A small ad-mis in the rectory of the Tivitt Memorial -penses not account of these ea-aminations the ex show under the auspices of the association at work to immediately unearth Finlayson, ill be used en although the farmers Iwi be charged. Proceeds w in church, Rev. C. Fletcher in th chair, Rev. d. The organizations, ey will be held in Goderich. The following of- h6 surely would have - been smotbered to, fu hill. S; e -,v
of students had been largely increase ri fieers and directors were elected death. As it was he'was"almost exhaust6d as -V some, Hurqn Notes. ishing necessary improvements- to the W. H. Butt read the minutes,' which er
actual facts, however, are, that instead of have not been as well epresented before I h r apartments in the church. All are adopted. It w then mo edi- by Rev. ]ELL c H.
l4p, Goderich; —Win. A. Currie, of East a alhosb, W G. Yel been increased of the commission as most of us would like President, A. Mcl). All welowne. E. Bray and seconded by RevI4. . Yel. the examinations having 0 aken out anf lic6 en taken out. Finlayson a face , was lat vice, A. J. Grigg, Clinton; 2nd vice,Dr. has t auctioneer's nse. p tty badly scratched, but McCallum was XOThS.—Mr. ATchibald Bishop, ex -M. of the gifeat uffering they ha&been. 'however, who t g P. land, that in iew ra, the number has been Ial-gely de- . $ —Mr. W. A. ohns has been. plec td to The farmers J - ri
late y?a Scott, Seaforth; 3rd vice, Walter Taylor, ne the worse for his experience.* --nditv, P.,J visited Mr. James Cooper - durin the Whi6haffecto our fellow-sabjeko in India, aken up did appear before" the commission in their Winghaw. Directors for Goderich,—Wxh. fill a vacancy in the Wingham pouncil. —There passed away at his residence in creased. The Toronto Globe ,.has t week, bringing home his nie'ce, Miss le0sle on account of the famine and iiague there, Tnueb. P!romb
at-' es individual capacity, such as Mr. Douglas, Ansta. J. Fisher, C. A. WiII5. Clinton,— , —M. P. Gordon, a former 'resident of chno, on. Monday morning of last weeki inisperia ci- the matter and has 14"ven offici*al at isti Coo' er, who fiad been visiting a couple of we, the members of this M* I sso Lack Kennedy, Walter Coats, J. W. Ford. Goderich, has been elected mayor, of Kam- a old piwieer, in the person of' Mr.- John !section for It says that- in -1877 and others, handled their case very ably, we ts with the family of Air. Bishop,—Mv. ation, would express our deep *ympathyv and - I to prove its position. Hullett,—Wni.. Wallace, Win. Carter, Fair- loops, British CQIumbia. Iv llour` from blood poisoning, the result T. orsyth was at Winghftm taken to bis third ye"
there were in all, fifteen examinations con - and gave the commissioners many facts and service Brothers, G. W. Irwin. 'Seaforth, —Word has been received that John of a sm'a- -4 scratch on the leg, received L some on Saturday recommend that unitpd actioA be figures which will, no do4bt, -be of service —John A. Wilson, 0. C. Willson,. H. John. Fox, a former - resident of Clinton, died two w last attending a special business teacbei%,' bring the -subject Immediately before illness that i
ducted'4y the Educational Department, and eeks ago., Deceased, was in the 78,th I 1. I " entereiris. "ting.—Mr.. D. D. Wilson and Mr. W.. people and urge upon them. 0e duty, 'of to them. ston, T. 1'. Coleman, John Ward, Luck- recently near Langdoh, Dakota. ar of -his age-, and nearly half a century in
that under the adiiiinistration of the present y Ballantyne, Of Seaforth, held *a business ibuting to th relief of J he Suff6rers. o. cantri 6
now, J. C. Lyons. Wroxeter,—John —The county of Huron had 314 ateam fi o settled in the township of West Wawa- I as C lin age theese I
ve, me ting at Mr. Shaffer's hotel, on Tuesday, The motion w arried an itnously. Rv%., - Tylinister of -Education ten of these ha Barnard. boilers in use in 1895, its returned on the. nosh, nd hewed out for himself a home -paper on -who learned.
A Terrible State of Affairs. The following is a list of the prize win-' assessment rolls. among the then almost unbrok'en forest. He for the, pn rpose of winding up the business J. G. Yelland gave anvadmirible been abolished. In the professional train of the license commissioners for the Past the- 11 Personality ai d Deitf of ihe Holy, Who ill'o Iii,
ing of teachers. there have been, - substantial We complain hourly of bard times in ners at the show held in Seaforth last week: —An attempt Was made the other hi Ot was a man of Industrious habits, and had -Creek fia,ctor
Canada; and times are hard and mon'ey LIGHT FRAII-NIAS. —Cock, George Irwin, to burglarize Ford & Murphy's store in accumulated a4arge share of this world's year.—Saw'logs and wood are now moving Spirit, after which the meetifig closed witk J iustanee, in 18771 freely,,our wood, yards getting well'stocked the benediction of the chairm ii. The next, F-14
1V -to be _V *bfitj
reductions- also. For Wm. Carter- Hen, Win. Carter, J, C. Clinton, bK bre*king open a rear window. goods, and at his deth was reputed to;be scarce, but we are thankful to say that in els, for miother seaaon.'—Miss Agnes Blair's meeting is heldin, Cavenchurch, when -J,)hn there were four Normal School examina- Lyons. Cockerel, J. 0. Lyons, Win. Car. —Win. elly,,aged 76, late of Brass among the wealthiest men in that part of 'fed to give a maby friends will be pleased to hear of her Rev. H.'E. Bray has consen "IV- tim
tions anna, -class comparison with many other places, we are e twel for so. ally, viz.., three for second ter. Pullet, George Irwin. an inmate of the House of Refuge, di' d at the count-iry.- Some ten ork ve years ago She is ex ected '&per on 11 Christ-inArt and Literature2l as well off. The pinch seems to be much more DARK BRAHMA.—Hen. J. W. Ford, G. that institution on Monday of last week. lie removed with his. family to Lucknow. improvement at London of Cfee- p Bumps.—Mh D ear Ago an certificates and one -for first-class certificates. home shortly.—Mr. B. Higgins, 4niel, Prie _, of -Clinton, w on a very pleasant iffair at the re in the neighboring Republic than it W. Irwin, J. C-ILyP ns. Cockerel, let, 2nd —Owing to the heavy weight of sno —There Was
there seve W. rwin. Pullet, G. W. Ford, it, part of the roof of the Buterpris6 salt, residence of Mr. and Mrs. William Randle fie d, was in our inidat the other -day re- visited his brother Thomda, bfre, last week.. There are now only two. In 1877 and 3rd G inhale, of Penelon Falls, i in this country. The commissid"ners of inihaing his customers of their policies run —Mrs
ere two county Model School examina- a 2nd and 3rd George Irwin. works, Brussels, caved in., Samuel Pe I Mitchell road, Blainshard, on Wednesday, and seeking renewals.—M. who has been -visiting relatives here the was not tr
ILI 'D A .4- Ding out, -
tione - now there is bab one, so that in re- ` e go urecut o . no mce, BUFF UOCi1I2_1S- -7UOCKI- J - U. JUyO 8. en, —Mr. Ii. U. Lyon, 1ucknow, poultry t;,neubn ult., the occas n I)eZg the mar- Jo0eph Brine, of Seaforth, was renewing old ion -of the Iii
u ednea&y
past month, l9ft forbome ap W cent report, say Men who a year ago J. C. Lyons. Cockerel, George lr ,in, 2nd fancier, was the winner of several prizes at riage of their,ofily daughter, is&, to Mr. cluaintances here this weekem-),Iauy in' t.--Newarealed h6reon Tuesday —David gard to this department of training the Ou evening lag -t owned their own homes, small shopkeepers "d 3rd J. C. Lyons. Pullet, J. Lyons, the 04ven Sound poultry show. J ines Robinson, of Grey township The ac village were pleased to see tbe smiling last of the death of Mri. Nel on J. Hooper, work of examination is one-half, of what i 2nd and 3rd George Irwin. —he next fall fair under the auspices of bride was beautifully dressed in ca2mere, face of Mr. John Moffatt, who was out call- of Tdtonto. M
whose stock is their all, and who can sell ra. Hooper wai the daughter North Dsk
'a twenty years ago. Since 1877, how- PARTYCID011, 0o(!ui_-,-.-1E1en, J. C. Lyons.q the West Huron AlricnItural Society., will- and was s4pported by Wise Eva Pearn, /of . I
wa f I do the other day. - He stills of Mr. James Pickard, of th4 village, and liss vet4rned
ing on rien neither stoci- nor shop—these in thousands Any other variety 'of Cochin,—Cookerel, be held at Goderi6h, on September 21, 22 St. Marys, while Mr. Wesley Switzer gap- M
ke6ps improving.—Mr. Cudmore is having was well.known to man 'd ta this ever, a course of training has been provided r en of deal b1le eli
areforcedtoaakfor charity to keep from J. C. Lyons. Pullet, Ist and 2nd, J. C. and 2.3. ported the' room. he guests were mostly I
for Umdergarten teachers and for teachers of 9 largie Itities-: of oats delivered'at the place.—Messrs. George H. and James BalL He hasIrenb
r a t- ullet 'sited relat on
't I
The dull LVO11111- —Mr. Alexander Nichol bask purchased ielatives of the Con' ractiDg parties and were O. uaLl
starving and f eezing to death. r. Cudmore likes to be circula, . -of H t, vi ives fiere Wed- a han4somt
our High Schools, each. requiring one exam- L-_\GSIIA_Ns.—Heu, J. A. Barnard. Cook- the Love property on the 5th concession of f1ro 7he'dollars.—Those-4ho are making use Alt- Nichor
times have compelled such orporations as 3arnard. Pullet,. lat Morris, containing 200 acres. Mr. Nichol Inesday last.—MT.. Richard 13reenwood, Of in Howick, Grey, Usborue, Blansha,rd in
Even with these additions the erei, lst and 2nd J. A. I and St.-Maryi. Mr. and Mrs. Rundle 'Ad O e -very much
1nation.. th highways are complaining London South, is visiting relatives in and Elms rented
Company to discharge -all and 2nd. J. A Barnard. now owns 500 acr 411 they possibly could to make it pleashat the Illinois Steel es of land. bout the pitch holes, which are not very —Mv. and Mrs. Thomas The lusto,
profeasional examinations of all the teachers around the ViHage.
their employes but their officers and di- GA mEs,-B. B. RED.—Cock, C. A. Wells, —The re -opening services of the Fordwich for all. present,a1'2d- all seemed to enjoy them- pleasant to borse, veichle or dri er.—A- Shapton visitea, relatives Mitchell this of -the Province (Public and High Schoo a A. J .- Grigg. Hen, C. A,'. Wells. Pullet, Methodist church were held on Sunday last. 1 I iucp,and no doubt wished that 14, F1 se ves. very n 'n
rectors. The building contiact-ors can give num'ber from this vicinity, n Saturday week.—Mr. P. Bawden, r.oprietorof the teenw rki
incluJ.ed) are fewer in number than they A. J. Grigg. Special sermons were preached bv Rev W. no employment, for nobody has money to such Occasions would be oftener than' they last, attended the funeral of Miss Bell, Of Exeter ekativg rink, intendshav-ing, a in"- and they w4
were in 1877 for Public S GA_.MF.s. —Duck, Wing Gameb,—Cock, A.' H. Harvey, B.A., of Hamilton. c!hools alone. The paying the last tribute to one who querade carnival, . At the rink on Fridaw, have seen vx
4re. The presents were numerous and invest in buildings. A city clergyman J. Grigg. Hen, lat and 2nd, A. J. Grigg. —A stovb pipe started a fire in the resi- costly. Rev. J. B. -Nethercott, of Wood- -this only examination added by the Education ! Ssao'kighly esteemed.—Mrs. Fluker and evening next.z—Rev. S. 1.1, - Robinsons 4 with
Pullett, Ist and 2nd. A. J. Grigg. deuce of,Mr. Charles gtewart'Luckuowg on ham, performed the'ceremony.
also put§ the case thus At every turn I of Walkerton,'visited his former paris—hwners Department within the eamination area of Wednesday of last week, but it wal ex- baby, neart Blyth' are - visiting at the 31aggle Dar
Indian Games,—Hen, Joseph Tyerman. -Pe iLive one finds the most abject misery. ople i home of Mrs. George Thompson, 1ORdOn here this w0ek.—Revival Services Arp 1877 is the Public School leaving exami na Cockerel, Harold Johnson. Pullet, Ist and tinguished before much damage was done.' out road. ram d, we 7a
services and beg for food for 2nd, Harold Johns6n. —The other day an Willie McInnes, 14th being conducted in the Jamei streetchurch6 tion, which, so far as we know, has- met crowd --William Becker, -who was tried boforme -wood h is, -1
their children. This is our fourth hard win- A. 0. U. Ga;mes,—Cock, C. A. Wells. concession, Grey, was leading a bull to LOCAL BRIEFS. —The roads running north
th universal favor. Charles Suell. J. P. for forgery, was coln- in Eur(pe h
wi Hen, (01 A. Wells. Cockerel, C. A. WbIls. water the animal became enraged and might and south are almost* impassable, owing, to' ILeadbury. mitted to and his trial' at "erie* -and I ought to. beF understood, however, that' ter in succession, and we are no longer able -G. aPullet, C. A. Wells. have gorei him to death had it not been the pitch holes, while those running east to give. There is no work that we WEDDIN —The, residence of Mr. Wil- was taken io jail on Saturday last.—There while examinations vxe r ired, and very an e and west are Very good. —Mrs. A. H. Car- can get
equ HANiBuPxs.—Golden or Silver Sp gled. for th assistance of his father.
forthe men. We n liain Drager was the scene of a brilliant are numeroas pitch -holes on the London properly too, for t6se who desire to obtain eed outside help, and —Cock, Win. Anstay. Hen, W,a. Catter, —According to the annual financial state- ,oll, of Carroll, Manitoba, who, with her wedding party on Thursday evening of last VrL WA
road.—La* quantities of building niater- we need it at once. Hundreds are suffering. Cockerel,..Wm. Carter. Pullet, J. C. Lyon. ment bf.Knox church, Goderich, the total son, Mr. red Carroll, was here visiting her week, beinq the occasion of the marriage of -an could i
-th am- I
recognition as teachers, 6re is !no ex-- sister, Mrs. J. Sutherland,, left here this M4 Drager a second' daughter, Miss Emma, ial, wood A.saw I pass throtigh the.- receipts for the year amoiInfed to $4,07-2, and need help, while, to my knowledge,' Golden or Silver Penciled Hainburgs, 'O hebefbre h for "',those who. in itchell and e villas d .—Mr. Jt Pipcombe, of St
ination of any kind required Rem, Win. Carter. Cockerel, W. J. Irwin.. with a total expenditure of $3,620, leaving reek to visit relatives Ise to Mr. John Miller, of Logan. The cere- Xm F4
-there are many families that m y be sid to w oa,di lJoborne, had his leg iss I by Rev. Mr. Wiegand , broken Hamburgs,—Hen, J. C. Lyons. here, before returning the west.—M' X11. FOM7.
are i'seeking an education for its own sake. Black a balance of $452 on hand. mopy was performed
be actually starving. Oar storekeepers on"nesday.morning last, resulting clothei be
-For. instance, of the half million, of children LEGHomNs. — White Leghorns,— Cock,- --About seven -o'clock on Friday evening, qarrique, of Georgetown, a visiting her sis- Lutheran minister, of Brodh gen.' The from a fa. tree coming back over the - 4 A
have artry ware- do I gettin y
attending our Public Schools,-_ every one can little capital, and cannot carry the Win' H Hen Win. Hartry. Cock- 23rd ult., fire was discovered in A ter, Mrs. T. Nieelands.— tir station yar bride, who was very prdttV I je ed and stuin . D . H% : dinan &' Hyfidman set vere like a fair on Friday afternoon eiel, Win. Carter, James Howson, Wrn-Car-, house used by Harper & Lee, of Gode'rich, .abont' o1w
1people. Every day we see little children Of last looked a -picture of modest an charming the actu d imb.—The xeter steava complete the Public School curse from the ter. Pullet, let and 2nd, Walter Taylor, for dtol"fing plumber's fittings and coal oil. wek, when Messrs. T. J. Berry, James ..aary lt wil
young womanhood, was assisted by Miss f Orin eating whatever they can pickup in our laundry, w, ich was recently started by Mr. kindergarten to the end of the fifth Win. Hartry. Cockerel, Jacob Fisher, Geo. The loss is about $300. B01, Robert Bell and James Horton each Katie Deigl, and 'Mr. Hen Miller did a lellinati Ex
George We' r; is doing an eitensive busi. I -alleys, and we can. do nothing, for their Irwin. Pullet, George Irwin, Jacob Fisher, —While passing in front of John Wflson!s hipped a car load' of horses for the -old without undergoing a sin,gle examination. like service for the groom. rifter con ratit ; 4-. I I ness.—Mr. u Ross, of Brucefield, is George Irwin. eterinary office, "in Wingham, the other ountry market. —Th6 fine weather and a 9 lations, e rly 1,50 guests from among the number is too great." Had Bryan been Of tbe 24,000 attending our High Sch ools visiting reh. ives in town.—Mir. B. Aubrey BARRET -i .s,—Hen' lat and 2nd Leo da , Mrs, Helm slipped and f 'ell, -sustaining ood sleighing this week has livened up our on "Shood bi
elected, the appalling -distress in the great Ro( y youth, beauty and mature intelligence of fine horses here A, 1i
rehased 4 number of )upil can Charleaw;rth, 3rd George Irwin. Cockerel, a serious injury to the thigh bone, although illagd greatly.:7-Mr. Kenneth Macatthur, Pe4b. afid Huron counties sat clown to a 'On and Collegiate Institutes, every I i Western American cities this winter, would Wednesd4 Aheir Jelihi
comete his course of study to the end of George Irwin, John Ward, Leo Charles- not fracturing it. f Ailsa Craig, was here this week visitin: north end- hotil g feast gotten tip in Mrs. Drager's well known property will be offered for sale bv publia -ng have been all charged up to the triumph of worth. Pallet, Leo Charlesworth, J. C. —Councillor Adam Thompson, of Luck- is brother.—Mrs. Case, of Seaf6rtb, was hl In tl
the fourth form (which is almost equal to stylei.being bountiful and well prepared. A;Ni I e14 the silver heresy. William McKifiley, the Ly(xns. no is at pxesent nursing a ve y sore band, in the village last week attending the fun- After this the devotees of dancin who,ap.- auction on Wednesday uext.LMbcta ,W 91 ngton Plains, was the guest of Mrs. ntheUniversity) without taking W., one year 1 I C) - Psworth. f his ral of the late Miss Johanna Bell, and re. of Burli WHITE RocKs.—Cock, Leo Charl the result of an accident to one of his advance agent of prospei ity, was elected pea,red to be quite numerous 6ngaged in
n y George Easterbrook, on Tuesda —Mr
any examinaion, departme tal or other- -Hen, John Walrd. Cockerel, Win. Hartry, fingers. While leading a horse into the ewing old acquaintauces.—Mias Davis is this diversion'to the musi f t i 9 band, y last. cc aarm Frank Wood urchased the Southeat block and the story of how thus far prosperity has John Ward, Frank Willis. Pullet, Fraqk livery barn the other day, -he slipped and isiting her brotherI Mr. W. C. bavis ; and Michael -Nevins wise, ekeepting the entrance examination, h musicians being Mr. onMain street, on Thursday last. The failed to arrive, is as above. Willis, 2ad and 3rd John Ward. fell, breaking one of his fingers. iss Higgins, of Brucefield, wf s here re no fee and Messrs. Win. Brodbagen and son. And
andfor this examination there is gtice, paid was $2,000. 4 Jacob A. BRowN LE(a](ORNs.—Hen, Win. Wallace. —The Rewick Sunday school convention utly spending a few. days with her sister, I diamdnde h -the ew%rt -hd stock of Mr. Wm. less,brdered by the Board of Trustees or n the drawi oice seleetions.on purchased t
Un W. Anstay, W. will be held in the Methodist cha e and ng room Cockerel, W. Taylor, rch, - re. W. C.-- Davis.—Mrs-. E. Paulin rendered by Miss Pushelberry, Editorial Notes and Comments. ord were Pullet. J. E. Taylor, W. Taylor, 'he County Council within whose jiirisd c- Wallace. wich, on Tuesdaj, February 16th. An ex- iss Rannie were in the yillage this week, Rae, Mr. R. A. McKee and others. outhcott at 42 cents -onthe! dat the or an
And now HOD. George E. Foster, ex- W. Anstay. cellent program is being prepared and ib is )he guestF; of their brother, Mr. E.; Rannie, M 7 same time. in -taken. 'We think tion theexdmi' ation is t bride, whom we have known from her ITthe department is to. be commended on Finance. 1inister, has hied himself off fo -LE(,n0R_Ks.—Al1 prizes taken by expected that this will be, one af the beat xierchant. They' were on their way to early childhood, is an_amiable and excellent Dashwood. and an W. Wallace. conventions held yet. Wiaham, where Mr. Pauline ha's engaged of the Rossland, where it is said, he has large in- youig P rAll Whi,ut p
-whole population in rious and honorable young man. Th
securing to the RosE-COMBED Ltairomxs.—Coc n t9e hardware business. —Th4b funerals of dust ady and she has got lor huab enr kerel, J.C. —There died at'tbe residence of his son, go 'e POI ;,TE -Mrs. Pope, f If all."was Sprig 'T"Oong stainraining ventures. The whole Of Lyons. Mr. Archie Barbour, of Lucknow, on Satur- %liss datherine Campbell and Mist Johann f &Z country the benefits of both the Public and tere visiting her parents here for [a few days' lost ao resid a short distance east* o ftto the late'Cabinet will soon be engaged in 8P.&Nisn.—C ockerel, week. -4 -Mr. Christopher Willert, of Zurich High School course of study qthou the W. J. IrWin. day 23rd ult., Mr. Robert Barbouri an old Pell, youngest daughter of Mk Win. Bell,, ha n followed by the best -wishea of a iPe" pei bus'l
aold mining. Dor.KiNos—Silver Gray,—Cock and Hen, an&respected resident of that section. De- of this village, were very largely at- has purchased Mr. Charles Itritz's residen. Barley, -4-7 N
0 Ia circle of triendE. - eel expense o thi f a single far ng as to examina- on Main treet, and will move to out vil- - George Ir 'in. ceased had reached the good old age of 72 ended on Saturday' list. , The first'men- TES.—Mr. George Greig, of the Morris w tions, and we bave no hesitation in repelling The D-ominion Parliament has been sum- *db- WHITE CRESTED BLACK PoL,-,N,Ds.—Cock, years. The remains were interred in St. tioned deceased was the old an tr,, ate lage sh tly.—Mr. Pfaff has moved into tha "t:OOA
: boundary, passed through here one da're- or Mr. - - b " house vacated by Mr. E. A Paulin.—I
the attacka of thos who either from ignor- moned to meet for the 'des'patch of business 'Ist, Win. Carter. Cockerel, lat, William Helen's cemetery. housekeeper of 'Mr.,buncan B.. o b e n, a ceiltlyj with a fine Durham bull, which -he .6, 40-09
11. It will likely be a Carter. Pullet, Ist, Win. Carter.' —The residence of David Ferguson, 6 1.h his deceased brother Doluld Robe a for puichaed from a gentleman'in Hibbert.— G. C. Petty, reeve of Hnsall, was in the KA -V Vey Am,
auce, Dr malice are endeavorirg. to cast dis- on Thursday, March, -Rides per 104
GOLDE CRESTED BLACK POLADS.—Hen, conerssion Hullett, was the scene of a forty years, and althoughl she had a a ned Ali, village on Monday,—M-r.- Solomon Martin credir, upon, those concerned in its adminis- Iong And exciting, session, and it is possible sa Rachel Barrows was paying a.visit to Ist,' Win. Carter. Pullet, Win. Carter. h'ap y event on Wednesday last week, the the ripe old age of 86 yj'ars,' she -was a out of the Babylon line, pept Sunday sot]P.e of her early schoolmates a short time tration. that mid. sammer w 11 still find " our I a- WHITE POLNDS;—C9ekerel, lot, W. occZ,`ion being the marriage of his youngest -until within a f?w months of her death. friends in. Dashwond.—A number of th6 I i . egi '—Mr. Jones, hotel keeper, is doing a lators sweltering at Ottawa. 'This, at any- a - id
Wallace. daughter, Miss Annie, to Alr.D.T.Ahurebill, She was a remarkably smart woman, I with fair- business this winter. The hotel, at members of our Young People's As-.- al What the Farmers Wan't. rate, is what is ex.pectedf although it is fr7e- HOVDA_.\_',S. Hen,,Geo. Irwin. Cockerel, of GOderich township, Rev. Mr. Hamilton mind and memory. as bright as ever, and as 1,4dbury is not only required, but lis an 80ciation took pait in he Yonne Peo. Nood to;.
quently the case that t is the unexpected J. C. Lyons. Pullet, lat, Dr. Scott. she spoke of and recalled the earlier V Rrt of actual necessity, and Mr. Jones ii-- the right Woodpe"41
On the 6th page of this issue, we give a Prf rmingthe ceremony. Ie'a ontertainment in C effiton x Tdea-' A ples P,*r!JN
day nikht.—A meeting of the Farmer? !-in- IT gr Sieedl
that happens. WYANDOTTE, GOLD OR SILVER.—Cock, -'The following are the newly elected her life in Scotland, the hearer con d not man in the right, pla6e.—Would it not olve report of the statement made by _Mr. Rob- I be jst, J. C. Lyons. Hen, lit, J. 0. Lyons, officers of Clinton gun club : President, but be struck, with 'the r'ev'erence & d re- b4ter for those charitably disposed to send stituteiw s held in Moser a 411 on Wedues- 'TIMO- th-VI'See
ert-Douglai, a farmer in- the township of The London election trial was adjourned 2nd Lack Kennedy. -Cockerel, lat F.ork, per 100
and Geo ge Hinchley ; vice-president, Dr. spect which she cherished for Bonny Scot- oatmeal rather than money to the starving Hday mAddregses were, delftpr6d by Messrs. Turnberr in this county, before the Tariff or Saturday, 'after th e* court had sat eighteen 2ad,j J. C. Lyons. Pullet, Ist, 1 ack Ken- Bla 9'kall ; secretary, J. McMurray ; treas- land, and her intimate knowledge of its his- on l's of India. Food upon- itb, president of the,society D. Me- Y, which many Commission of the Dominion' Government days. The, court will meet again on the nedy, 2nd, J. C. Lyons. urei, J. D. -Hovey ; directors, E. -Cantel6n, tory. She was indeed a. truetype of the Europeana thrive should not be too bad for Innes, T-Taborne; R. B. McLean, Tucker- T70 - DOTTES, A -NY OTIrrm VARIETY. J. Powell, C. Overbury, J. Miller and W. eterling honesty, faithfulness and uprig4t- thl Hindoos, and it might enhance td WYN mith, ai;id others. In the i evening an en- when it was at 4uelph a few weeks ago. 8 th February. This is one of the most re- Cock, W. J. Irwin; Hen, l8t, Lack Ken- Foster. The treasurer's repqrt showed ness of character so characteristic of thff of oats, which ii' unsatisfactory in tertainmI6nt Was given in typ haR, consist* price Mr. Dougl ts_ has given a great deal -of Lrst, nedy. Cockerel, Lack Kennedy. Pullet, daughters, of the land of the coven of vocal :tnd instrumental n usic by the 1. markabIg.'election trials on record. F- $125.60 in the treasury. anters.—
Canada at present.—TjiE EX-POSITOR'S adit- I 0 bi
Ist, W. J, Irwin, 2nd, Lack Kenned LA few days ago a suspension bridge on The funeral service of Migs Jobanna. Bell ori l remarks concerning statutory holidays talent. MT. and Mrs. FentVic, of Wawas- ey questions, and for its/ extreme U 2=3 a thought to fiscal and mon len th; second, for the y U. 23c reo
I a
BANTAMS, BLACK BREASTED RED GAME.— thel farm f Mr. James Cartwright, Hullett, was held'in the Preab terian church, and is sound as well as sensible. There are a, e8.i, Mariftoba, formerly ofl this place, arm's y we have na doubt but his epresentations amount of lying and perjury committed by Co4c, Ist, Walter Taylor, 2nd, G. W. (bail for their own convenience), gave way was very largely attended, the church being k --friends liere.—Mr J. Xellermin ber in coun will have due weight with tb e commission- the witnesses, and third, for the general gri at num try place? who take visiting
t I - as crossing it allowing crowded. The services were conducted by too niany holidas, the result almost in- was in Lbndon on Saturda on business,— IrvAn. Hen, Ist, A. J. Grigg, 2nd, Walter while W. Argent %v lity and. crookedness that has en ers when they come to frame their tariff rase, be Taylor, 3rd, Geo. Irwin. Cockerel, 1st and him to fall on a 116ating piece of ice. For- the pastor, assisted by the Rev. Messrs. va Ubly being visits from the - bailiff ill The La4y Maccabees id end giving ka FE
shown to characterize the election. The 9ad, A. J. Grigg. Pullet, Ist and 2nd, A.' oy,3ter sift olicy. It will be seen that he discusses tuinately, he was rescued without injur'. Acheson, of Kippen, and Kaine, of Hensa11. tr Ld leaving the in the near y E atment of, creditors, , aE p expense connected with the trial will be uture, ZOc; -dtick
J. Grigg 3rd, Water Taylor. The river at this point is quite deep and he, The deceased was quite a oung lady,' but 89
y wurld worse for having been in it. the questions toched apon entirely from a enormous, and as Judge Robertson remark- PYLE GtvE BA -.,TA -11S. ----:Cock, lat, T. F. migbt'have been drowned. krom her infancy she had been a great suf- T-_ + 1, Z 1,
1,19 -Mur 8 SMIX Pon s respec a e meaColeman, 2nd, . J. Grigg. Hen, let, A. J. —The -annual meeting of the Wawanosh ferer and invalid, and, although lovin 9 DF.Dit'-,.tTio.-,-oF'Zio.N-ICH,'tmcii.—Thebdaa- But lthough the court has been itting Grigg. Pullet, Ist, T. F. Coleman. N1 utual Fire Insurance Company. was held parents had consalWd .1 -hp. most eminent
-he commission will be val- 0 evidence before t Usborne. eighteen days, it is inipossible to make any 'wE. tiful new church which -was erected here uable, for, while manufacturers, and in BA_NTAV';PTH.ER TiIAN G,u%tEs. —Gold or in the old court room, Dungannon, on Wed- physicians, and would gladly have spared k PROLIFIC E —Mr. Ralph Keddy, of
uess as to what the ultimate result will be. Silver Seehriglit cock, J. C. -Lyons. Hen, this past summer by the 1iEvangelical con- -611
fact, business men of all kindsi have not Acores of witnesses came forward and swore Ist, G. nesday, the 20th tilt: There was a large no expense, yet such was her'illness that it tihj"3rd concession,, has a ewe that is cer 81e, Ir
regation, is now nearly opinpleted, and -the 'bas ets, 1,
W. Irwin, 2nd, Walter aylor, 3rd, attendance of policy bolders. Upon a vote baffled 'medical skill and treatment with no ta nly a profitable 'animal to have around
Ie to been at all backward in placing their' views positively that they had received money ledicatory services wilV ommence on FKA of. Tanuary it gave J-. C. Lyons. Pullet, J. C. Lyons. being tak-en,.C. Girvin, who has b6en presi- hopes of improvement, so that death to the th farm. On the 28th d , February 126. T&'fellowing is: for voting. for Mr. Beattie, naming the man Biaci.: MxxoRcts.—Cock, G. W. Irwin. dent for nd Kaake and Ballan- deceased was in very truth the portals to a. bi; -th to three lambs, and they are all doing I minission, no agricultural ayl the before the co soine ears, a 7C 13
from whom thev had received the money, Hen, Ist, W. Anstay, 2nd, G. W. Irwin tyne, the retirl g directors, were returned better and happier life, where pain programme -. Friday,Febivary 12tb, 7.3 t4 1160 ; -fr4
organization has been heard, and only a few and wi 11, even although it is so early in the sea. and detailing- aft the particulars in connec- 3rd, W. Anstay. Cockerel, lst, W. Hartry: for another terZn. sorrow is no more.—The public m;ting n: so i. Mr. Keddy knows the kind of sheep rn.—Sekmon (German), 'by the -R V. SLV4 lots Lie to
farmers in their individual capacity have rtion with the transactions. But when those 2nd, W. Anstay, 3rd, J. Hallaway. Pullet, —W. Southcott, of Exeter, who Dierlan had nounced'to be held under the waspiceall of to Ideal in. im, of Chealey, 66tario ; Satur men who were thus said to have paid the Cox F6bruar dairy rplle.
y l3th, 2 .--.'Sermon (Germ takert the opportunity of instructing the Ist and 2nd, W. Hartry, 3rd, J. Hallawa. been committed to Goderich on a charge of the Farmers' Institute, in worth's WII HE INSURANCE. COAIP N.Y.—The twenty by the Rev. Lu mo ners as ney were put in the witness box by the C.' ;. I&", of Allegba JAVAS.—Ifit, Geo. W. Irwin. r stolen goods in his possession, was on Tuesday last, was a. great success, and fir t annual meeting of the -Usborne and I 130 Government through their commissio, ' baving t defence, they swore as pbsitively that they RED CAPs.—Cock, Ist,* J,)hn E. Taylor, Penn elvania, ; 'Saturday, February 13t 190 to&
to what their needs and desires are in 0e beforWthe County. Judge on Saturday, to one of the beat ever held hero. In the after- H: bbeft Mutual Fire y lieredh R. wi a held. Ili the riblif. hAdl Eggs.- U
bad never paid any such money, and that 2nd, W. Wallace. Hen, let, J7 C. Lyons, answer to the charge. The nrisoner admit- noon shlendid. addresses were Company 7.30 p. m.—Sernion, byAhe ReW
T . I r I J. G. Litt, Of Campden, I Ontario ; Sundays fro
,way of tariff reform. Why this has been the former witnesses were lying. Judging 2nd, W. Wallace, 3rd, J. C.- Lyons. Cock- ted his guilt, asked formercy, and was re- Thompson, of St. Catharines, 0_1k Gather- M)nday last. As usual there the case, e are. not prepared to say. It is from the evidence given at this trial London eirel, Ist and 2nd . C. Lyons. 3rd, John E. was a large February 14, 10 a. m.41)edication sermon, -strtctlj S'i
manded till Thursday, on which day he was ing and marketing fruit;" by J. A. Wilson, attendance of members and others present. 40 1
is an excollent field for i missionary effort . A (German), by Bishop 8, C. BryoFe11,,.:0:f quite certain, at. any rate, that the - farmers On Taylor. Pullet, Ist, J. C. Lyons, 20ad) J. sentenced to the central prison for six of Seaforth, on " Eggs for export; and by president, J. Emery,' Esq., occapied MON
the part of our chur h organizations and Taylor. months. Reading, Pennsylvania i Sunday, Feb k are fully, as much interested in any changes missionari es. - It seems: superfluous Mr. W. C. Shearer, of Bright, 'I How to th chidr, and opened the meeting by allud- societi TbRKFys.__Cock, lat, Thos. McMichael, —It is currently reported that owing to obtain a profitable dairy herd." In thlb in to the fact, that while the company had' 14, 2 p. m.—Sermon! -(English), by thw that ay be made -in the tariff as any other to I ing missionaries to -Chins,'India 2nd], John Gemmell. Hen, Ist, Thos. Me- physical infirmities, Mr. Dickson, who has dvening a splendid literary r rom. the storms of Bishop ; Sunday, Febr4r 14th !' 7 dAy, other heathen lands, while we have so and musical p o- in with severe losses f in the community. for so many years faithfully I presided over b .clam, Mr. Douglas, in and Michael. Pallet, let, T. McMichael, 22nd i rterspersed by addres by th past season, yet these oam had been Sermon (German), tl ie li=p ; Aplonn' resig gramme, h . 1rn.+4&ctt wji
ri many at our own doors who are, evidefitly, John Gemmell, 3rd, G. W. Irwih. the jail at Goderich, has tendered his was February 15th, 7 we (EngliA., ap vateletter, urgestbat we bring tbist Messrs. Thompson and W. C. Shearer, prpmptly net, and had the pleasure of now bi the Bishop. 4itle :1 Glimpses of Rur__L, worse and more immoral than those found PYLE GAMES.—Cock, Ist,'A. J.'Griirg, nafon, and that Joseph Griffin Theraian
riffin, ex -reeve of carried out. The. programme- consisted of ahk)wmg that the company never was 'in a E i lack of interest before the Farmers' Infiti* in heathen lands. Let the missionaries CODII 2ad J. 0. Lyons. Hen, Ist, J. C. Lyo ;, Ashfield, ii to be a ted in his place. music, vocal and inbtram ope with Amerl Tuesday, Feb-:' -ehoice! M
that they may take mence work at London, Ontario, among the Ppom ental, including in re properous condition than at the pres-! y tates of the county, so `_nd: A. J. Grigg. Pullet, let and 2nd, A. If thiaL is trr.e, the Government is making a selections from the Kippe orchestra and en time, as would be shown by ruary, 16th, 7.30 p. m., gan Receitil Jimed'i i steps'eVen yet to be represented before the heathen who run the elections there. J. Grigg. good selection, for nOtL only is. Mr. Griffin Hensall band ; recitatio the reports. ., Service of Pi&Ube— ish and German. l3c, and o
I no, dialo aes and R4 coL2gratulated the members of the com-' ,9 SILVER CRESTED Poijumm.—Hen let, W. a ien commigsionaDd submit their views. We entitled to consideration ab the handq of his step dancing. The ad ce was a ver pa ly on this state of affairs, and hoped the' y The annual meeting of the Ashfield and, Carter. Cock, Ist, W. Carter. political friends, but he is a man well quali- large and apgreeiative one.- Mr. R. M are afraid, however, that it is now too late, Wawanosh Branch Agricultural Society waa BREEDING PE,.%s.—Brown Leghorns, Ist, fied for the duties of this position. . - c- 0 pany would still continue to prosper. —In connection with the anniversuT Mordie wake airman of the meeting, and WT financial report of the tteasure" L and services the manage; ent of Knox Pruby-
as the commissioners have nearly completed held at Dung—non. recently and was fairl John Melyille. White Leghorns, William —Miss Spoic, MoMath, youngest daightei discharged his duties. in a very able mnner. auditor's abstract, was submitte r' M had a lecture frO0 was weAkA
d to t e terian. church, St. M 4 their rounds, and they have been forced to well att6nded by the members, - whicK Hartry., Games, let, C. A. Wells. White of Mr. Win. McMath, Dungannon went out —Mia Carnochan, of EgmOndville, is the meeting, and from which the following Rev. Robert Johnsto M. A., of London, milder w
ons es the interest taken. The foll M*ng Plymouth Rockii, Win., Hartry. Houdans, the other morning for 4 pail of water. The guest of Mrs. T. Ballantyne, of this village. statistics are taken : Business done during, on Thursday evenin January 21it aad7 nd - A
hurry their investiga-ti so they can bave evinc I 3pointed for 1897 : cur lump being - un nA_ their policy ready for presentation to Par- officers were al y lot, Dr. J. G. Scott. Wyandottes, let, platform -of the I sound the —Mr. M. Ellwood has on exhibition in his thb' year, 755 policies issued, making a tota sermons on Sunda 24th, by. Rev. 1611119- -.Poiuci. Morris was,—for his efficient services as Jacob -Fisher. Cochins J. C. Lyons., M in, young lady fell through it into- 9. 60 -foot barber shop three red rats, which he'had of 2,192 policies in force, covering risks Neil, M. A., of oronto. The discourses"d l,iament in March. The fault of the farmers resident, re-elected ; J. H. Mallough and oreas let, Win. Hartry, 2nd, J. C.- Lyons. well, which had 16 feet of water in it. ', As] the good luck to eapture on Tuesday night" mounting to $3,528,795, ibeing an increase bOth reverend gentlemen were hig'aly werepre*
the J. Crawford, were re-elected a's first afid Red 'Caps, let, J. 0. Taylor. not having been represented before able did not return, one of the 'household last. This is amery rare find, as thty are*1 bfV0t280 in the amount insured paid for preciated bi large conareustions.