HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-02-05, Page 3%, �r - , � I
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- IbM'RTANT NOTIUS. of that cathedral. And team of &op TEACEDW TM DEAF. � , i 6� T11'E GifteaT R,___DY '
qA . � LITRIL J15511 MIRCHINT ,, " ENE *'!
, _, Dookoke Lad Wovis" lmd 400tiOn CAMO WO WY �Yeg 'a$ I Old tO I . � � i i I . I �
� -T a q . .
,, =i6emberetawAnooladonotOn"o Wiwlf 17here to a *ul worth-mbve , , , . 7 71 I . _�
&A S,y*M Dubhn. OnSadc. 1886151 = 0,� the mzterlal 1,=4099, That THE FIRST SCHOOL FOUND15D IN THE � I - �
. - Z., .
___ I Mau Will, live af ter tho pl*idsde has . I -00001T, -, . . �
RENT.- sore ,I , I CENTURY. OF 9OLLIN'b"W1110 '
11 14t in t a wo p of Usborne, 90 fallen, sad not one stone I all'tbat I I The testimony of hundreds :In Seaforth, confirmed by repeated orders from
11 : 1;
.. &red -1 d I . -
�" & I � i good of 3W cathedral glory shall remain um d - - . .
an ba Y. I . Toronto, Londan, Ottawa, Hamilton, Montreal and many other places, is that
house 411A lit is now a Lazarus In rap por EaTlIest In the.lUnite4, States 3FAtablished - �
. a rv. Apply to W I K YBA u:dr rt� I .
Sr., Farquhar. - , ,.�, 1619IX4 - d' � For Eleven Years a Sufferer
.- ZED 0 __. - _ �� . _ . Bud weariness, but immortal, an, a son br Dr. Thomas M.Gallaudet at Hart- & WILSONI's
. I SALE. -For sale, Siberian Oak, of the Lord God Almighty. And the ' ford ft f8ll-Systems of Instruction I from Nervous Spasms, �_ I ..,..
. I suitable for sotd, warranted clean. In 1895 prayt)r he now ofters, though -amid many - - I i .
9 . . ; �
th I � i
�� t*e 0stus dtd 112 bushels to the acre, lu-t Year r,uperb-titions, I believe God will hear, t owd Their Friendly' Rivalry. I I (
theyyWid 85. A on tt 20 Coucetalon 10, . I I . . I Royal 010erated Balsam of Fi r : a
. t P. 0. � A, Desperate I' I
Hib , JOHN TAVaRl Ch lhu6 and among the apostles whose sculptured t The earliest r000rded attempt to found a Cale That Jwee( * 'd the Mill I I
. . . 151841 forms stand In the surrounding niches � qf the Best rikysicians - � a
I - ! school where the deaf could be educated -
— — he will at last be lifted vind Into Oe � Is the one remedy th.at excels ,all others for the safe. and speedy cure of 06ughs,, d
TORN MTTLE, Clsirk q the S000nd Division 1 was made In the early part of the seven- ..
or of Huron Ootk- Presence of that 0hrist whose sufferings I ! Hoarseness, Soreness or inflammation in the throat or bronchial, tubes anX all "
J clourt, Countv ComnAsdon , teenth century by the learned John But-,, a
,my murance Agent. K;ds are represented by the emcift before paren . .
, woorslandD Us,- and IL far, a contempbrary of Milton and Bacon. I *-NTo greater trial c=105 to "' kindred affections, including incipient consumption. Its healing and sloothine,
An!resw and to L"n- Offloe-Ovsr SbArP & which he bows and be raised In due time , -neas � z5 T
brue $601m, main street, Soaforth. 1289, tf e, however, says of the - project: "I goon than the sick <)f their ohildeen. -
. the properties are tiuly wonderful, The mo8t dist.ressi.ng coughs of Iona standing i
, 1 out of all his poverties into the glorious � perceived, by falling into discourse with And w1hen thds tr(yub16 assuUms 11 0 a
ONU TO LMD.--Money to lend in sums of home built for hfin and built for us by shaipe 0(f. nervousness, the hope of the have' been known to yield to a -few, drops of this magic balm. It is equally suit- t,
. some rationall, 'Man i%boub such a desIgne, parents receives its mverest test, for . I
W %,000 and upwards on jood farm ProFartY, at 'him who maketh the. seven st�rs aud 'that the attempt seemed so paradoxical], so aeldom <10 chlidren reeover from able for all ages, and can be procured from almost every dealer, but see that they I
lowest raw Of intereaL Payments made to suit ' Orion. I " � . with somethin,"that they say is "just as good". Get the V
borrower. This is not loan oompanlea funds, A . prodigious, and Hyperbolicall that it did I di'sease of this ohamyter. rkhey "ttle do not put you off n M A
bhqIce Tw*eramith farm for oak chesjp� Apply lo One of the Kaiser's Boasts. � ratber amuse than eatlifle their - under- � wUh it, it may be for many �iyears,,,but genuine article. If your dealer has not got it, he can easily procure it from any r
� A. C48ENs, Ant door south of Jackson's Sim, German. Is never weary standin a 11 Indeed, itwas not until more ; evf ntuallY the disease conquers and the , . ' � � IV
I 15"tf One boast the � wholesale drug or patent medicine firm or direct from the manufaturers !
FWwondvil1q. . rernment than a%utury later, when Do PEpee, child dle& .Jessie, the little daughter I 11 !, ) . � ; � � ,V
. > � �
-...--- . of making in rej?ard to * his goi ,. merchant of Collingwood, I . I I i
I , -United -,, Heinicke and Braidwood founded schools of Mr.. H. E . I I I
MARM TO UNT.-To rent LoUR2, Coneento' 8, as compared with that of the ont., hsd given - her parents greet. � �
],4 McKillop, with -n thr* miles of &ftforth. it In France, Germany and Graht Britain re- - I
,NMU&" job soM mearly all clewgd and in a high States -namely, that the officials of the spectively, that any pemanent institu- . anziety, aA -for eleven yes,re she had LUMSDIPEN & WWW I L S O]Nh"r,
at**$ of cultivation. BrIct house and good bank fatherland are disting;dshed, if not 'for tions won established for the education 69 b�en a sufferer frora nervonm trouble -a. I . I I
hLrns, and clost to school wMnatfor6iters. Ap- enterprise, at least f4 honesty. The late T`,hose wouid take the 8118,PS Of cPa.wns ' . . I
gly on the pireml#o dr Zdresk JOHN NoMILLAW, Chancellor Bismarck had no sooner got the deaf. , - a,", beciame so severe- tbM she Would . CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, I .
- -
01 1A Swath. - - _� . 1520-4 his Imperial machinery in running order, it,is a *try- rare occurrence *ben a deaf be unable to' c01ntr04 heroelf. -The pa.- I I
I .
. 1 25 years ago, than he introduced as part person is� mute for aDy other resson save rents spared no effort to' give to. SUOTT'S' BLOOKA I . : !- I., . . MAIN STREEI
IffE CAN GIVE rOSITIORS-to ponons of all the lack of . the Instruction which a bearing �thedr loved'one the hemIth tha,t is na-i � I
-ke of his government one of the -most odious, . 9
pers, - .jLl to child life.- - The fartber writes:: I c
_ "rhy- features of Russia -namely, the secret � '"D A 0 T lu,
- _ grades of ability. Agents Book 6hild receives' through his ears. Recogniz tU7
t,1l#rks, Farmers! Some, T,awpws, ifechantes, I S i T
ar,cians, rrewbeM StvAents,. Marded and 81 Ing, this fact'and that speech is the most "I doict,ored with the most skilled _JP_J "I 1
1 agle political police. He set aside large sums phy&1clano in CoNingwood without am -y ' � I : V
VrQmen, widows. Positions are worth from $400 distinctive � gift of man, Heinloke and � :
. t4) %00 per annum. We hava IWd sevend of our of money with which to pay Informers, 1 Braidwood devoted them"Ives to the. relief coming to my daughter. I must I � I . . . 1
. I .
Many have startied spies and a class of wretches,- unknown I . have spent 'nearly $600 din t,1148 VIU7.
I)o4r&nd became rich ivIth us. Particulars m in America, called agent provocateurs. training,of ,tbe vocal organs of their pupili it is .not to be - wondw,6d at that I Was 3M - �W- QUICKGURE - � , b
application. State salary expected. T. H. . and to,teaching them to read the speech of becoming thoroughbr discoun d :
a , The business of these last gentlemen was . 119 I . t� -, - -_
COTT, Manager, Toronto, Ontario. others by noting the movements of the lips begw.n to . real4ze the -t It coalld Vnlyanbe � � i . � I �
� � to organize disturbances among socialigts and tongue. On the other hand, the Abbe a ,short tim(3, when our littae one would . � i .. . Z
I I - '� . I
In order that the government might have I . . �
S 300 Private funds to loan atl De IlEpeebased his method ofirstrfic- us. A friend influenced me There's many I �
owest . pass from , . i . . t I
an excuse for making arrests of such as I h, American Nervine,know- . i -
� tl n upon the fact that all human beings, - to try Sout . .1
leAsed to, 0 . I . a � . . !
$ 500 rates of interest in sum to suit the great prime minister was p b nj ,of thewiondeTitul curers I � I �
0 700 borrowers. Loans can be com- call " enemies of f,hq empire, " or such as . when deprived of speech, either t roug , Ing somethi a Slip . 2 - I . .1 I
deafness or Ignorance. of the langu it had effected in tbe case of children � � - - :,. : I I
I ag I'h e . .
S11000 pleted and money advanced -we would call ftneinles'to the Bisraarck- ' spoken about them�resort to vigns to mak Itroubled as was my little Jessie. r . I , I � . __1. .t ul. I I I � �
I . . aVJ � edi--ine was proewed and given to __. __ _ I
Ian Policy. I I es h m rA 's . I -
I . $1,500 within two days. 'Apply tD R. known their wan tff. Allsavagerac - It -fie dhild, and she lies never been so Accidents will happen' -burns .and scalds �; 'A I
The fruit which this tree has borne is I a code of sig-na by which they ca m- � 1 Id ' o- , -
S2,5oo S.H&-ys, Barrister,&c.,'Seaforth. very bitter. A recent trial in�, Berlin dis- n co 1well. and strong as since she,, eom- � 0: . are bound t.o occur in the best regulated .
municate with one another and with the rnme 1
125 closed the -ainful fact +,'hr,+ this secret I . , nepul. Vie use of South American � ,r.vn;i Cox onva"rimailtcavvillhfo avoided ' - - - 9,_
___ . � police, -intrusted with the � dellil,ate . surroubding tribes, no therefore conven� Ner,vine:�'I"en sbe beg -au Its. use i6he C3 . .y a H rapidly disappear—new skin I ' . I � 4W
1 ost tionalized and systematized signs and in�- was hardly able to move about, but , X —pain-wi I . - X
. STOCK FOR SALE. ,' of all political tasbg, has ee using its � n natural gestures -now . -she can run �iwound as o-ther tj will for% in three days, if the, burn or 1. � . I
. I powers for the purpose of rd,vvnancing the : fat'lled to convey the Idea. children. I a,m still glvdng her, the - 11 I
- interests of a court clique as opposed to EJ scald is promptly - coyered with a plastet "' ' 0 _.. ! � - .
,nuLIS FOR SALE.—Never so good, never so With this syst�m of cquventiobalized. medleine. seeln.g'thAt it Is efteoting a I I .
I aUr4e " I . �
D cbes ,five Shorthorn Bulls, aged from 9 to 22 the constitutional governmeilt of the - signs, brought to this country by Dr. Thom. , permanent . � - a made, with
�aontbs als, at &bout h%lf former prices, come and country. Bribery, forgery, perjury, have d In The seere�t of Neivine Is th,�Lt It
see them, terms to suit purchaser. DAVID MILNE, been used in the ho eg ,of damaging as- H.Gallaudet, a school was opene operates ,directly on the nerve centres, . � ,-IQ * - -
Ethel, on"o. . - I 1618-tf, . p Hartford in the year 1817. It had been - loca-ted in or near ,the baft of tAble ,
. Baron Alarschall, who Is head of the found, however, that the sign language , train. It Iss. when these are deranged - uickcure "
YOUNG BULIS FOR SALE.—For side three German foreign oflIce and' a man wholly I � I �
to 20 did not solve the problem of giving the i with nervou-s trouble that rhun,h other it . 1,
young thoroughbred Durham Bulls, from7 above the vulgar intrigues that flourish deaf a means of communication With the trouble ensuea AA,t leest two-tthLpds Of t Your druggist sells in 25C. 50c. and $z.00 White Glass Pots, I
inondis, registered pedigrees; red in color. Sold in the atmosphere of a court. But per- - - 11 I i -
tosult the times. TH03ug CUDMORE, Lot 30' . world In general. Very few people under- chronic diseases orisImMe In a, de-, with necissary lint fcr apvlving, or you can write direct to � I
Concenion 5, Usborne, Lumley F. 0. 1517-tt haps the saddest feature in the case is � stood this language, while ItR oonstruc- 'ra;n� I . .j, .
g7ent of the 'nerve mntres. I � �
— the side likht it throws upon the German _� tion, so far as there was any, and Its eon- vine at once bifAds them up, fills I THE QUICKCURE C � OMPANY, LTo. OUCREC, CAm. 1
]3108 POP. SALE AND FOR SERVICE.-ThO press. Our own papers are not models cisenems_a single gesture frequently rap- . the: bdood with i1chness,, and so � I
I undersigned, breeder of Large English Berk- of purity, but it would be difficult to strengthens, the nervo tinai-es that It A .AElwr,— JP- WICKWIRE 4 limb"400-
, idares,hu for sale boars and *owe in farrow. He Will resenting, a complete sentence of spoken Is onily a Uttle while w1hen disease � _ ___ —
also keep for servtce the stock boar, 11 King Lee," naine a NTew York paper capable of doing varnaouWr-rendered it unfit drops from -its vlctk�zs as the shackles- I . - - I
' 2
pireamsed from Mr. George Green, of Fairview, such dirty work as is expected of so Ily constructed lan- --
mid winner at Moutreal, Toronto and Ottawa, Term called official and semi-official papersin guage. The inethod of spelling the I received his freed,ont. The cures ef-
,�yable,st the time of service with the privilege �
'1,ir I necemry, if booked $1.50. JAMES ,Words with the fingers by means'of a fin- I 'THIS CAREFULLY,
the land of Schiller and Goethe. When SeDtID9 grammatical' I would drop from the sla.ve who had itEAD -
. 01 feated by thts medicin4e, as with the I !
DORRANCE, Lot 2% Concession 5, MeKillop, Son- we in America read that the German ger,alphabet was then pressed into service 1� ca-ce before tis, are indeed remarlm,ble, . I I � I . . ;
� . I
- 1. I
forth P. 0. . iW-52 press attan_ks this nian or praises'that In conjunction with signs. This. Is the : but such cas,eas are being effeeted every - - - . __ .
� -
- . _ - one, it does not mean that the,editors same as writing in foreign characters on ' day by S,6uth American Nervine,� " _. . . . -
of these differ6nt papers have - rEfached an the blackboard or upon ,paper, except that Use 'this remedy for -nerw)us PT0s- ' 1
��TZ UB (a e p ' S
. STOCK FOR SERVICE. independent opinion in regard th their It is more rapid and more convenient. 1n tr&don, sick headache, hot fla-gheG, i
. �
OAR FOR SERVICE. -The under- relative merits, but it too frequently does tbis'way the reading and writing of #Tam- sloeplK,sne'as, debility a the nerves. .
I r "s fwaffinoe I k for service, at the Bruoefleld 3nean that they have been instructed by —0 � STARTLI G NEW ' FOR THE
, inatical English could be taught, and both , - . it P I I I I
Choose Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. the political police, or some other organ the manual alphabet and the sign language - Seein Things." I �
m4 . T( ' . A TZ- -
, ih registered pedigree. . erms, $I; payable as
jitme of rArvice wikh privilege of rehuning it neces. of state, that they must say this, tha't 'Or are fampl4ed In certain sohools today. feotrd uv oijakeB or toads, or ,bugs, or worms, _1.1
. I - I Ain't a .4 J
sciry. 1WGH WCAUTNEY, Brucefield. 106-tf the othe;.-Harper's Weekly. . For many years after the founding of or mice, ' I . .a- � I I _
- _. I the Hartford school no speech war, taught An' tbingo 'at girls are okeered uv I think are'awf Ul I . . I . I � I I
. ,
DULL FOR SERVICE. The undersigned has on Wevr Uses for -th* Rite. : � there, though today the teacbIng of artiou- nice I . . I . � I
I'm pretty brave, I guess ; I& yet I hate to -go to . � I .
� B Lot 82, coucession 2, McKillop, (Roxboro,%, a Vome very notable advances have been lation � to an Importaht factor in the bed,
tihoroughbred Vurham, reoently purobased from the made in the science of kite flyln�g during I a
which work. In 1867, largely through the efforts For when I'm tucked up warm an, snug, an' when We wish to return thanks to all who so generous - Iv responied to the invita
hard of Mr, James Broadfoot, Tuokerswlih� to aid, � " We wish to Txrt F
a, limited number of cows will be admitted. Terms. .the past year. The great utility Of the , of Horace Mann, who some years previous- my prayers are s tion to call and inspect our goods' and compare prices,� iCUla ly
--one dollar payable at the time of -service witt the kite for military purposes has 'been con- i ly bad vielted the schools of Europe, two Mother tells me " Happy dreAms I" and takes away
� ,
I � the light, address ourselves to the good people of Tuckersmith and the southern. portion of
plivileg`b of returnlug if necessary. JOHN SCOTT. elusively provea. In the line of sigiialing , institutions wore established in tfiis 00ull- An' lesyda me lyin' all alone an' seein' thlogs at . . - Now, we think we are
. 162M es�ecially the kite has shown. its �a(japta- ' try where the deaf could not only be taught nignt I � - Hibbert, as they may� think we are too fai up town.
� , I ds -combined wiuh courteous treatment -
WORTH PIG FOR 8 . e nn er- bility even more than the captive balloon. to speak, but be Uught by speeoh without Sometimes they're In the corner, -sometimes they're .able and in a position to show you goo
r � . ed bab for service on lot 82, concession 3, The recent feat at Bayonne, N. J., of I 'the use of the manual alphabet or the slaq by the door, that will, if you favor us with a call, make you permanent customers. The fol -
NZ I . _
- g a telephonp wire through,the ' i;nguaga One of these was In NOW York Sometimes they're all a -standing in the' middle u- lowing are some of 'our prices forl Our �
XCKM I s thero'bred Tammorth pig, to which a carryin ! .
I in
11mite number of sows will be taken. Thi. to an air',on a kite string and dr 9 it to ; city and the other in Northampton, W the, floor; . .
r tageous to * oppin 1M.1 Somail I . - i � - -_
extra 00 I pig and breeders And It advan the earth 1, 000 feet away from where - the 1 and they are today large and flourishing mes they are a-sittin' down, sometimes they F9" ; � -
cross their berksbire bows With this brood of pig. are walking round - I
was anchored, so that signals could instAtutionK � So softly and so creepy -like they never make a 'EA, -u � SALE -9.
Tetme $1, with privilege of returning. it nemeary. kite . �-GR JANUARY' -
JOHN MoMILLAN Umxtf be transmitted back and forth, 'is another - After the establisbment of .these Insetu- mudd I . I . r I � .
. �!_ distinct advance in the scienae. Its prac- tions ibere 'sprang 1p in this country: in Sometimes they are as black as Ink, an' other times * ' 7th '97
they're white-- qP I
-DOMIS FOR SkitVICE.-For service -on Lot 10, tical utility Is great, and could a Mau the ranks of the teachers of the deaf, a But the color idn't no d1ifference when you'sef. Overcoats that were $10.50, reduced to 08 atter Jan,
0 Comeadon 7, Stanley. First Prize, (jl2l) bred have been In the rear of GeneFal Grant . diAsIon which already.existed in Europ,ft � things At night I I" at were $8.50 reduced to $7.25 &fter Jan; 7th
� I
i)y Themaw Teudale, Conoord, Ontario. Isirs Barom ' . Over"coats th �. I
TAc. 4th /3444) dam Lady 2871 'Varna Duke, (87n) at -Vicksburg, for instance with such a I 'On the one side wera the ardent adVocat" Once, when I licked a teller "at had just moved on ' .50, redneed to $6.25 after Jan. 7th
bred by, �. G. Briell, Edmonton ontarlo., Bin Star device, lie would have i��en able to ex- I of t . . Overcoats that were $7.
1 be sign language as a means of Instruo- our street, ! . .
2834 change messages with the Confede I ,md exp)anatlon, while on tho.other An' father eent me up tf,� bed without a bib to eat, -
one (imp) (3071,) dam Trainer Bell'. (imp rates I -e $, 6.50 reduced to $5 after Jan. 7th 1� I
'Terms $1. for grade, and $6. for re0teired tows � , tionL ' Overcoats that wei. I I
. pent up in the city. It could be accom- were the opponents o� signs, who e miployed . I woke up in ShP dark an' saw . thinga standin' In a ' ' -
ist time of service, with privlfge of retuming 11 � row reduced to $36.75 ' '
riecomry. WM. NeALLISTRIL � 15W tf J plIshed at any siege, in fact, and in the the manual alphabet, writing and speech, Men's Fur,Coats thatwere 1421 1
1 � A-lookin'stIme crote-eyed an' plIntin'st me --4o, I I Q �
. I it
. nighttime,'when its presence would not only. The controversy bus been waged 0h, my ! I wuz so skeered that time - I never slept a Men?s Fur'Coats that ,were *38 reduced to '32
. -DULLS AND PIG. -Tho uridervigned has be known to an 61ftemy. . with more or less energy ever shm, but I miw- i � bingo at iaight.- y 9
L> on Lot 27, Conceasion 8, Ribbert, -a Rowever, the ad7ances of the p,ast year like &II the Ideas of a cruder and less ad- It's.almost sliuz when 'm bad I see t Men's all-,Oool suits s�lendidly made and stylish1v hued, for
ithoroughbred - Berkshire Boar, to wbioh a � I I I V
; .
.. I ited number of sowe will be taken. have been In -a mensure conclusive, and vanced age the sign language has been Luckytbirig I ain't a girl, or I'd be skeered to $6.80,; splendid horse blankets for $1.50 per' pair after
. lam the next development will be in 'the line gradually crowded out, until now It Is on- death !
-Teruw-One dollar payable at the time of service, ,
,with the privilege of returning if nee,4-881U. He of midnight air photography. By this is tirely excluded from naany schools and Beln' I am - a boy. I duck my hoRd and holdmy Jan. 7th; one good pair of Corsets for 205c after Jan.
. regifit,ired Durham bulls for sale. breath ; - '
also has two 3neant the taking of pictures in cameras - used but sparingly in others. An'l am, oh I'm a naughty boy, an' then I ide ginghams 10c per yard after Jan,
'They are about 20 wr nibs old, and in every respect suspended from the kite. string at n1kht single Argument brought forward by I promise to �eo= an' say.my prayers again I 7th ; best yard ,Wl
limt class animals. DATID Hffil� Stafts P. 0. . ; -in the trade. ,
15094f 'b,en ae4,,m6 n of a distinguished advocate of the Gran'ma tells we that's., the oDly visy to make it
6tel� I *hA
___= Large city distric vq, ' esol - . 7th; we have the best 5c grey cottou -
- __ ,VlDtpgraphed by 8 , _Ites during , ancient.method in support . right I I . 1.
- __ - t(t lof ], of this lan When a faller has been wicked an' �ees things at I � I
. the daytime, but no midair kite photo- ; guage is enough to indicate Its ultituate .
I ,REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. - -en at night. Expert- . 0 nigbt I � G Department 00, mplete'.
I - .graphs have been tal, fate, though it has serred a n ble purpose I .
ffi a ments are making. In this direction, and in - ite day. He says, I I It is ai fact worth "Aal so when other naughty boys would coax me In- i . I I I
� � . �
OUSE FOR SALE. -For sale in Sesforl , -, Its dn, � - i .
comfortable hame dwelli-ug houise, leseantly very sattsfact<)L7 and useful results will noting that the signs used by the Indiang I ne: xt 30 days at prices iinheard of before in Sea
. .
. -
If I try to akwush the Tempter's voice 'at urges me And will sell groceries foethe
For pairticulare apply at THE EAPOSITOn ultimately be reached. With a highly ' of North America are identim-a in many within ; 25.1bs. Granulated., Sugar for $1
OFFICE, Seaforth. � � M94 sensitive plate mAnIpulated I'n midair instanc6s with those employed by the deaf An' when there'@ pie for supper or cakes Sat's big forth, as the following will abundantly prove :
I - , day. " No one will ques . W nice, - after January 7th ; 2� lbs. CofLee Sugar for $1 after Sanuary 7th; our Japan
. R SALE.-Houso and lot for eale cheap on objects on the earth below may Perhaps mutift of to tion I want to -but I do not pme my plate f r -thew things and Black Tea�at 25c, are trade winners every time. We think it is a great ad -
North MaIn Street, Sesforth, occupiJ by be photographed which could not be dis- *be truth of this observation nor deny twice I
Mr. A. Nichol. The house contains seven rooms, tingulshed by the humim eyi). If tbis 'that ib Is worth noting, but we have reached No ruther let starvation wipe me ilowly out of vantage to get everything you require under the one roof. Wishing all a very
wash room and wood shed. Apply on the premises condition actually exists, midnightphoto- -^ sta'ge In the world's bletbry when we can I . sight . . 0 us New Year, I am, faithfully yours, I � .
A. Nichol. 1619-t.f. Than I should keep a-livin' on an' seein' things at merry and prospero �
I .graphy vifll have a wide military appli- lay aside the tools of savagery. Through I night I � I � I . I " � I I
GOOD CHAN'E.-For eale, eteam older and cation. Fortifleations and hostile camps progress In enlightenment we we forbu- . --Eugene Field. � I
A 0 I mill,_�pple butter .nd jelly factory. could be accurately pictured and the eon- nately able now to.give our deaf children a � #_ ,
c'nFnIllighe county. Proprietor wishes to en- %, wn to Wter means co u Ica ton with men After -the Boys. . .. � ` S
Best a a'l dition of an eneirhy become kno a - Of mm u t n - .�B -G �
1619XI general whose foo need -not know he. was *ban that employed by the America' In B a J
gage in other buiinesa. Apply at EXPOSITOR ,,
.IFFICE, SeMorth. I � - During an Ende�vor Convention one of I 7� ,.;1 ____
_,�_ I . than or the Africaii savage, It Is a friendly the delegates, a young business man, alert I - 'I -
— — In the neighborhood. The idea' would be � , I I ,
. FOR SALE. -'For sale, a neat of peace in photo- atruggle, tit which the old school advocates . . I�P
, - OUSE AND LOT useful also in time . ., and eager, and ielling of bottle energy . �Nl
- I a arty I 0 lffcma�y competitimm Win counneliee Janu&Z7 lot, 18910 Q
IR and�cornfortsbI6 residenceand-a good lok on ru will be emtinned each ]mouth during 1897
the old market site. graphing large assemblages, celebrations, of the signIanguage are the defeus v p within, came suddenly upon a -faced The Fft%6 of them '
Jarvis Street, zieaiorth, near I and
The houncontairir,si-ting room, kitchen, two bed. multitudes of people or exhibitions.- - and the or�llsts the aggressors. Both are, citizen, who evidently had been pAronizing -
, 0 n the great work of
rooms, and pantries. A18o a wood-sbad. Hard and New York Sun. . I the hotel ba6r., , " Buttonholing 1, the dele- IN BICYCLES GIVEN FREE -
sef k water. The lot is well planted with large and _' 1 ameliorating the condition of an unfor- gate unceremoniously, he said : ' . . . � �
smal! fruit frevs. it ia conve2leDtly and ple"antly _ I and have much that Is com- " What are yon fellows trying to do, any-
, The Embezzlements of 1.896. I bunate c ass . lee
- situated, 4nd will be sold at 6, bargain. Apply on According to the remarkable' compila- inow aroundivh9re they can clasp hands $. P625 AND, WATONTEG I EACH MI.ONTH
the premisee, or bo W. A. WORM, Seaforth I way ? You are hot 6n temperance I see by � 1i I I
�� !Bic-tf tions prepared and .published by the, with hearty approval. the papers. Do you think you could make . . saw &% FO R
- - Chicago Tribune the sn:ms represented. by . In the schools for the deaf In the United a temperance man of me ?" I . As Followl�: . a
� .
FOR SALE -Lot 20, ConceseiOn 111, in the town- embezzlements, defalcations, forgeries and Stibtes today three systems of Instruction " No," replied the delegate, looking him 10 Fht Most $100 Ste=e 81008, s I'm I :
ahip of M.-Killop, raontainiDg 75 ROM Of truper- I - �
bank wrecking of the past, year in the an used. The methods employed Kra, in over from head to foot with a keep : : 625
ior land. This farm is all under gram. well fenced glance, �
and abundantly watand. There is a log house and United StatEs amounted to $9,46155, 921, an the Ilrob system, signs and the manual � slightl T, contemptuous, ' 11 we evidently , 26 Sevind " $251 Gold Witch is 4. I
an orebard upon it. ALxc_North-hj&tf olloot2l, average of about $788,826 per month, alpbab�t; second system, speech and the souldn tdo much wii�h you, but we are after . - B1010188 and Watobes gkon each �mth . . 1,626 , I
I I . .
Concession 12, iD the Bame township. Thii place b&13 The losses inilicted in this way. upon the nmrival alphabet; third system, SP66011 your boy." I � 12 SOAP, ,
a frame baru, a comfortable dwelling house, PA ex- i I I
cellent well, and a good orchard. The fenues on this � confidence of the public were not as great only. Writing to of course employed in At this unexpected retort th� man drop. � �: I .
as they were in 1895 and fall far below an the sysbms. -John Dutton Wright In ped his peculiar tone and said seriously : during 1 1 11
lace arer very superior. it not sold will be rented. � Total. given I year, 107. $19,50 WRAP
r1rma easy. Apply to S. DICKSON, SeftfOrkh. 1619x4 I the Umm of 1894,' $25,234,112, when Cgutury. - Wall, I gners you hai-e got the right of it - - I I �
. Ahesp forms of rascality wrought mogt I patriotic -wasting. I lere. If somebody had been after me when HOW TO OBTAIN THim. : RULES.
TTOUSE FOR SAILL-For sale, chesp, the house destructively in the history of the coun- . . I was a boy, I ohould be a better Inan to- commetteors to sawo as 041i bit I. Zv*rr assixtit aortas two in wch at tio a
I _ - is I" %eeeto VWt* fttd6t*,PrU4*W01b*&WW"&4f9110W6: �
JUL and' lot on Willimm. Street, owned and oc- shown 8"&WIrawrl ber"o " ,; I
cupied by Mr. S. Bennett. The house obntaine ten tr3r. Vhe nearest approach to the record of The -energy of English patriotism day."_'Our Young PeoDle, 9 4 01 = VWM WMAOMPMNS Who Snd in awlars
roomv, bebides clo�ets, with stone collgr under that of 1884 when the public It4i6lf in &!I olasm of English people. from . � %be IV Do E W
- - "Snag Pepsi , =V aMbers oc =85 ftm Q*
' An Incident 4 . Aea�llzw "Ta mi SV*1MT*PQRM n WM
whole house, together with a wood sked. A good Was victimized to the extent of $22,154,- the peer to the criminal. 41"d ,
Prompt People. P.11 Theke 4 ed 61C*ww I - rwAMstvim oressrs
- I -1P ^,". ."sR., ,
cistern und well, &nd all other conreulenceg. The 0000. The figures relating to the era- the Crimean war mentioned by Mr. Haw W D be 06116 enclosed stean"o IS14. ., vi. I
it is well OP , , Don't live a single hour of your life with thalf) = 1A v
houise has only been built oeven years. tborne in a letter to his family illustrates as eetor=rle
owhiels Th93wmpWtbrs-wbo send theltext
t 'bars of coupom from
tions of embezzlers, forgers, etc., vary of i out doing exactly wbait is to be done in it, the compe-titair wroden h" 10 mum
arraDged, pleasantly g1tuated and will be sold cheap m I I So o Memories th.7rull-It in,wbich they raSdk viii eawk
as the owner intendsi leaving town. A ply on the course greatly from year to year, so that this fact. We quotafro In . and gQing istraight through it from beginw or bar Nil namo suit drew : I . raceiTi. at winuar's option, a 1&4y's or
remiges to the Prop,ietor or to JANN WATSON, it is dif4cult to determine from a record of Hawthorne," published in The Atlan- ge:Vs Gold WMAMIL, vans SM
Mfodb. - 1616 -ti ing to enJ. Work, play, study -whatever I - The corapetWons WW 010" M6 Md
- of this charwter whether the world is tic Monthly. "No act Of the British peG_ - e day ofoa& month durbg Im. coupom
I it -is, take hold at once, and finish it up TO to. mar a 0 ON.. I
- � . pie In behalf of the soldiers has struck me - Imi, 4 left -band ' received too Wo for on* maautb's comv
rse. The record by squarely; then to the next thing, without er , YMBNA of !the Dits. tition will be put into the nalL
growing better or wo -,upies first as so noble and touching as that oftbe re- ti 11'es In. � I s. competitors wbo obtain rrs from-mnsold amp
MIONEY170 LOAN. states show that Xew York oc � ion In I -An. letting any moments drop between. It is - - ' In dmIer's stock wM ::g1l,q 1W=14DYfOX Of WOUft
' or DISTRICT Lover BrotbamU&, 0:�W:, .,Ub=. ftm
place, with New Hampshire second. and tormed criminals at an Institut ng wond�rfuf to see how n�any hours these NO. OF N"19 d
( Western 0 , ,�� of Countim 6;
do.n. They wished to contribute sometbi . lay; it DISTRICT comyetfsg� . I
To loan,%ny uacunt of money, on town or farm - Pennsylvania a close thir& The losses prompt people contriv'e to make of a ' ntjn&g mt,�f winners in compeutorfs
i the 1 axe distributed as followo: Stolen from to the patriotic fund. The only way they . I York. 81mcoe & U t� d 8, of thms be cowyetitors 21 "o wwr emu ---!!4
properky, at tha.' lowe t mtes of intereat and oz me , picked up the moments which the — C1080.
I un- is as if th I E�t n. ontarlo. consutinlofuOuntleso-a.
most reu8,,)uable termg.- Apply to THOMAS E -banks, $3,996,570 - by city and county could do it Was by tasting. So from S utle, . & N. of these & mqnm Lww 3rotbeM Ud., wM endeavor to swwd
1I. 1512 -if ' dswdle� Tost. And if ever you find yourijelf - 2 tario. Muskoka & AH Cou - 'a basil of thatr &bWtyUAJU
Hays, seaf,ort . till Tuesday morning they &to fairly to et .
I tb'5 rt1Ms=4&o" ubst au who oompew agree =
— � officials,, $1,398,1;4; by agents, $1,045,- � day night where you have, so many things pressing 3 1 F"WIR" Oir QuebOe ' but
I � iDothing, and the money saved -28 and New nraii�ek i of usum Levar'Broawm ", as awd.
- . . 000; by forgeries, $341,500; from loan � I youhardly know how to be. 4 Province of ( ,
4CUrz rAlseellsueous ' ovsr-wassenttathe fund. Freciousmon- n ' . orNown"ousowdPrInee LZVZR BROS., Ld" 28 Boott SL, TomaAe
� . $479,587; upo y a wl"821T 11slaul a a picycies are the celebmted Steame, =vuf d by E. 0, StaWWr& 43M
. associations, gin, let me tell you it secret; take hold of the
L � ,."
; T"i E -11i R S ��jngs, $2,M0,000.--4Phi1adelp1a1a Led. ey- is this W first one that comea to hand, and you will symc-, x.y.. Townt6. nu E"h witsel Ls guu=teed by the mkm wA ham wwpbw sttmbiW"
.; � i - � .
ger. I . . A Dangerous Doctrine. find the rest all fall -into file, and follow - I . . — �
� .
c after, 111--c a company of soldiers, and though I , %&_Tr.*11__
- —AND— - "Alfmi6n," said the orstor,,"are born � 1%0 AnUSLA"Up Ut I Fin
t_ I A Flavror Holder. I . I work may be h�rd to meet when it charges GODER10H �
. For Palms,' oleanders or rubber -plants ' equal. " . tad it is easilly vanquished if you- I
I I a holder Is to be bought that ion" itself "Hold on,11exclaimed a listener. "That in a squ I I
� -
SLEIGHS. to the scheme, as the stout green tub may do to any on the sidewalk, but I can,t bring it into ,line. You may - have often Steam 6'Boiler 'W�A& Imurance 00mP&nT'
with ms, If I were to let on heard the anecdote of the man who was ask- � I
f&Tniliar to us all never soomed to do. take it home ed how he had accomplished so much in his (ESTABLISHED 18W.) .1; I PROPERTY ONLY INSURED
. This is an imitation In pottery of a tree to zhy wife that I thought ouv boy, whom . life. :'My father taught me I' was the re- -
, ,
I stump, realisticaly colored as to bark and we've christensd Esbart, , wasn,116 any bet- I . A. CHRyst '&I . OFFICIAN.
Now ie the time to prepare for winte�r, and *red balred twins next d"r, ply, 'when I had waything to do, to go and : I
. to wood so that It looks as if the plant ter th&D th no �o do it." There is' the secret -the magic 12 Goo. Waft, President, Harlook P. 0.1 .;Ama
get.your WoUldn 1i; be anything 16ft fOr I
. were growing out of the wreck of a bit thus & A.- ,i-fm�q�& &11 forever* 8U& UVO word now I Make. -sure, however, that what � Su000swr to ChrygW & Black, 1 Broadfoot, Vioe-PnWdmt, beeforth P. O.; W. 4
. & � 13hannon Sopy-Tifts., Seatorlb P. O.; Woh"
�-s' Z-,'otes discounted,. D,iafts ,
.the principal cities in
lei' Bermuda, &c. .
� MEN T.
; - current rates of interest
ommercial Paper and Far-
M. MORRIS, 111a;�pager.
- �
1. NISM:
will give exceptiGnaj
Vests at the -
I S1rC)1R:0_
.dft..ft. 1% a
- . �
. .
. z I ,
: -
.: - - 3
it Pays to p �
—, — � -.,I.,--
The demand for gradustes of -
The Canada Budness College,
ontInues to increase. We bave now four unfliled I �, �
pplic-ations for teachers from- other buE.inew Col- �
egos in Neu, . Ha hi New York, ManRchuxetts .
TV . I
nd Ontario, and . ft�lrell,,, just been filled' why
o not teachers sad thon holding teachers' oertl- �
eates, also those tm,hing on vm&ll 16als IR
lill ,T*ld
a teachers of commerclaa subjects and short an
Ve cannot moot the demand made upol us iq such. I
his Is the most widely patronized buduesc oollege 11 �
n Canzda. Here Is t4o proof: NOW 120w Mani I
tudenW come �from pointa north of London, stra I
rd and Toronto. Wslkerton hat t with us, Goder.
ch 1, Olinton 3,, Wingham 1, Fordwilch 1. Seaforth 3 1
roxeter 2, G41t 2, fteaton 1, Lucknow 2. Allieton 1, .
ivindon 2, Htneardifie 1, Glencoe 2, Palmerston 2,
etrolis 3, Crat4ie 4 Lochalsh 1. Napier 1, Nelsor.- - :
. I
ille, AlFoms, I �: BryAnston 7, Hensall 1, Leaming- t, �,
�, Lanod; 1, Londeaboro 1, Ravonswood a I
ardsville 2 olyroDd 1, ABas Park 1, Godo 1: " I
1:1 . �
;0u1mville 1. Whoatley I GlenmoYer 1, Pelee island 1, I ,
... �
. �
�r�l, Sombro 1, mandaumin 1, 4zalnn 1. "I'll - . �
Imer" � i
'ru'* I 'y � I
ti le For ca e of either department, ad . . i
�rpmyDi-' XCLAO'n & CO. 1486 - I
. 11 .
- o
'. .
-Teoders Wanted. � I
.. ;
Tenders will be, received at the -Clark's ftee, Sea- �.. �
. I i
orth, untH lot of March next for what luvaber AM 1i
I ` -- �
ravel will be ftired by tb'e oorporagon for the :
: . ;
urrent year, M ,. pine plank, 2 X 12 X12, 2 X 10 X - . . �
2 and 2 x 8 x 12 � (About equal qwntltbs of esch �
I . 4
idth.) Elm plknk, I x 12 x 12 jmd 8 x 12 x 112. . - - 1
1 ;
DIM scantling, 4� x 4 x 12. Cedar scantling, 4 X t x I
2. Cedar plsn�, 3 x 10 x 12. The lumber to be J
ound and frew.' k bUck knots and to �
151k,em sha as and 11 11 I - I
e delivered . required. Gravel to be free from �
and, earth and *rgo, stonee, and to be delivered . I
y1here re.qdired.- Tendets to state prim of sometled . .
md unscreened. ;pine plank to be dritGed an one I.. � I I
Me and ends trl6med. The lowest or any tender .
ssarily -4ceepted. WM. ELLIOTT, Oferk, .11, ;
leaforth, January! 27th, 1897. 1620-8 ... .
-------- Z�___ - '' __ _�_ -
- �
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i ' � I
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Chanav 4f Businesso I .1, �
1 .1, � .
The und:ralped beg !to *bank. the miny tudQ� . - - I
. I
mers of th late Aim foi� their libmal patronage, and i . - .
,hope to have the same 0ontinued. Vre will keep In �
stock .� �i :11
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It - i
1, I �
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1� . -_ i
at the closest prices. - �
- I �
L . �
, � I.,
We will use trot -claw ii0terial 604 employ anly the I . . .
best workmea. W!Jl pj&rantse satisfaction to all. I J� I �
Main Stree&�Norih rr,laqi*-g Kill. Ic . - I I
' �
. I
N. CLUFF &'S,ONS, Seaforth. I . � I
.? . �
. _q i , I N14-1 yr. ,
. � ; . -
- � __ __ .— . 1, 1,. �
. - -
�� -
I- THE StAFOR-Ti - 4
mlln strument
Musical , ''I �
I . EMP 7 Pdlu"M.
i I
I �
. a .
Za -60 I � 1. ; 1873.
. owing to hard �4mes, we hhave W!i-
Auded to sell Piands and Organs at
� I
� .1
P% f
Greatly Reduved PrIM8.
, � .
Organs at $25 and upwards, aud
PiAnos at Corio'sponding prices.
; I
I : .
— -
FOR - TWE:Nlry-six YvARe
if � 111111111� 0 U W 4 .2k EVAM
of the forest and had Jus been brought
In from out ofdoors. ' '
UO —,--.v NW.Wf �
at a bet*l I �_Wa;bington Star. 0
is to be done ought -to be done. I 'Never put
off till to-Inorrow what you mn do to -day"
B&anufaoturers-of all kinds o f Stationary
Marine, Upright & Tubitlar-�'
murdle, InspoiAor of Loom, Sestorib P. 0.
TFIR �� �
- 1.
We bave on band now a full line
from the best
- - — _!
is a good proverb, but don't do what you
may regret. :. � -
Jac Brosdiad Begforth; Alex. Owdineir, Lead
; Goor Bale. Saforth; Thomas It. Ham
= ; Kurdle, Worib; Thos. (*"bU*
John B. No-
� �
to hiodle "biblishod, U"s in I
WE WANT this: ou"llm stock .
. I
I — — - �
oi all styles, made
. material and by the best workmen.
. .
—The death is announced of Mrs. Hunger-
� ;
Clinton, Thomas Fraser, Bruoefield;
Lean, Hippon. � I
wuuo� � I w �
pu�anieed to urc P"VAWMt � -
Call and examine our stock before ,
purchasing elsewhere.
. I
I ;t
� - 1. .
. �
ford, the novelist, who wrote under the
de of "The Duchess." She
Wt pang, moke Stacks, Sheet Irot Works,
I T ,
etc., eta.
. "REM
Thom. Wellans, Harlook., Robt. Moldift 3, 888forth
Position, wh*4� of -put Ume. .
AGENTS Ub#W terow 'Irbm *No ntska .
� ;
ton doibm a week or botter wft � i
Lewis McDonald,
. ___
I I..
. � 1. �,, 11
- - . . .
i .
nom plume
died on Suudan January ,%th, at Bandon,
c t 0 )rk, &land, of complications, in-
I �
- . . ;
Also dealers In Upright and Hortsonthal slide Valve
naines. Automatic cut.,99 Engines a opecialty. All
James Oumming, zgmom&vwo; Goorp XWAI# Wo
John C. Norrisca'awb". _.
Parties desirous to eftAi llwar=" Or "Oro
us, for every week you worL No experion,oa . ;-.
n000mmy. .
� -
Pitiest and Ekst for Table and ry
I doun
uced by an attack of typhoid fever. She
had been ni"cd twice and h�d several
laos of pi pe -fisting constantly on
=or, i
Urmat" on short notice
. ot othst buslDw will be promP417 AW, Dded 00
9601'ror's*Mn to any of We t,bove offions, 6ddi"Nod So
speadve pod offlom
I �
ConjalleuW Numjivj, TORONW. ONM 161ftU :
I � 1480
� -
� I
No adulteration. Neyt)r cakes
children. ,
. —
Worufoppodis Q. T. i NM� Godelicb.
- I �
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1� .
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