HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-01-22, Page 8'THE -A'HURON JUXPOSITOR JANT—Telivy 223,1.897* -thirtieth annual subooription, to T ding were interred in the - Clinton c6metery on ad a c4mmittee to Interview Mr. Cardno U EX_ and afterwards moved toIrlslitown,0htario, Misis M. MeMordie, Kippen; Racer Wilson's Cash Grocery ouday. .'By the death of- Mr. Dale, an- and arrange with him for 'the useof the. rosmia, He has been a constant reader of it where she married Mr. Matthew Dorsey, Seoretaiy, Mr. Jacques, Exeter Treasurer, Tory still. We are whom she surVived some twenty years� �he Mr. E. H. Wanless, Varna; Herald, Mr. S. THIS WEEK, n of IN V O�her linkin the chain which binds the town clock. Accounts to the smou t all this time and he is a we cannot give 25 lbs. of good guumnteed sugar, eat to the early days of., settlement in $105-76 were passed for payment. A b - araid his case ishopelems, but all the same Oeaveo several children. They are Mr. F. Cooper, Kippen -. Guard, - Mr, J. Wariless, for $11or the reason that It costs more money. if you prom can get it at that priae, t4ke It and be sure to come this county has been severed. These links la* appointing the following officers at tZe wd hope he, may be spared -to enjoy its J. Dorsey, at one 7time a well-known C.P,R. Varna; Sentinel, Mr. Walters, Holmes. bere for your other grooeries,where you can rely on salaries named was pamsed : Clerk, Win. pages for thirty ears to come.—Mr. Peter conductor running out of Winnipeg, but ville. After the delegates had - partaken of W Ing our an- are rapidly becoining fewer. e are busy tak 9 es got 6 0 e has 1:en in the employ of Mr, now of Minneapolis'; Mr. Michael J. Dor- the hospitality of the good pdople of Varna AU4 will ;--It is also our mad duty to- chronicle an- Elliotb, salary $275 ; assessor, Wm. Ballau- Daley, who Wilson for over fifteen years, and tna e a speciality of, fine Teas and Coffe say and Mrs, 'Peter Klinkhammer, of Win- they returned to the hall where an excellent nual inventory of sto aral,teee better va'ue than you can got from any other deatk,_this week. . The Great Reaper tyne, salaryi, $70; WM.Gillespie, constable, D. A eks, es, Ped1sx, We retail the bAet grAde of new Japan ]rrsons. He elite. down colledtor§ manit%iy inspector and truant of- who, for seveial years had charge of Mr. Mrs. B. Gfrieve and Mrs, ff.' J. programme was introduced by the chairman, 10 is no respecter of nipeg TJpon our*countci�­' ral had at any -of Sheldon; North Dakota ; Mrs. Mi� Lewis, consisting of able addresses by Tea at 35a per 1b., equal to any to be not only the aged , ut the middle aged and floar, 1 salary $400; R. S. Roberts, *ater- Wilsoh's thoro*bred stock, has been engaged Barrovis, -(ore but come and try ourbeet prices, don't pay n leer -and poundkeeper,- salary to take charge of the retail mea business of J. R O'Neil, of Minot North Dakota ; Mrs. Revda. Messrs. McDonald and Burton, of lots Of Goods to. el6alr at Young 111son, Ceylon and India Tea. We retail at This time. it is one in the very prime works an iE t - J. E. Tom, Very youn - s. 060 ; E. flusby, market clerk and care- Messrs. T. R. F. Came & Co. Mr. Daley M . Klinkhammer, of Detroit, and Mrs. N. Varna, and Past Councilor Mr. low Price before the clse of Wu,'and they are ih6 finest goods we can buy, try Of Me. Mr. Peter Dodds, sot of Mr. Tko inkhammer, Of Brantford, Ontario. On of Goderich. The music by Mr. Burton's our Breakfast Cocoa at 17c per 1b. We have th 0 OY, t ker of hall, $350. was offered. a position with Premier Green- KI finest canned goods,the celebrated Delhi Brand Olt D dds of M illop, passed away a his ta same price as other, a I nd after interior goods, ask tor residence, near Winthrop, oli Sunday night way, of Manitoba, to take charge of, his 'SuDday morning the remains were taken to boys was highly appreciated and loudly en- them they are the best. lit Crockery and Glassware last. Mr, Dodds was just forty-six. yeara SouTH HuRoN Aowour,TuRAt, SOCIETY. herd of thoro'breds on his farm , a Crystal the church of Immaculate Conception, core4; - The recita�tions, songs, duetts, trios, brated we have some very. fine goods at right prices, no of age. He was 8, strong, wiry,. robust --The annual meeting of the members of the oiti, , Manitoba, but preferred remaining in where solemn Requiem mass was cele quartettes, etc., from the different councils, trouble to show goods. See them and compare PTIO". an, who,a, few montha'ago, bade fair to live South Huron Agricultural Society was held Segforth.—Memers. Winter& Donovan ship- by Rev. FatborCherrier. After the service represented, were highly applauded, and the sit kinds of produce taken in exchango for goodow in ond the highest price paid for. the beat Cash to a good old ag�. He bad - 'flaring at Graham's hotel, Brucefield, on Wednes- ped 9, car load of very fine horses from Sea. at the chilrell ocession was fortlidd and Varna council take this opportunity of been all a pr mntiy on Monday. the reMains t f Is 'day last. There was a fairly large attend- forth station to the &d c( skei. to the C. P. R. depot, th ki the brothers amd misters, who took lor eggs. for some time with a . severe attack 'o an 'In NEXT WEE: 0. WILSON, Seaforth. grippe, but no serious results were antioipat- a,nee. The treasurer's and -auditors reports Mr. Donovan went with them td look after from whence they were sent by the eaqt, -part in tLe programme,, for,rendering --such ad until within a day or tw9 of him death, showed the society to be in a good positign their sale.—Mr. William Cudmore, 'of the train, accompanied by Mrs. P, Klinkham- valuable assistance. The -hall was beauti- oomwe�rce Block. laid, Bank of - otherwise. The following London road, was in towli on Monda. Mr. mer, to Seaforth,, Ontario, to'be interred at fully dec6rated with evergreens and appro- when inflammation of the bowels set in, and financially and I We will commence, to open his once ruggect -constitution, being enfeebled offiers and directdrs were�appointqd for the Cudmore has been quite a stranger around Irishtown, where her husband, brother and priate mottoes for the occasion. Oana&au Express Compallya by the former disease, was unable ti� with- -ourrent-year -,'President,,! Edward Christie, those parts for some time. He has been in sister and three children are' buried,- and, up the New, Spri ng Good. stand the ravages of- this attack. He was Exeter) let Vice-Presid6nt, John Murdoch, the oounty-of Kent, near Thamesville, sup- where her brothe,-, Mr. Timothy Ryan, and Wroxeter. ALL RAIL, SERVICE- an industrious, good living man and a most Stanley -, 2nd Vice -President, Robert Me- erintending the baling and shipping of large her sister, Mrs. o Ila Malone, still live. GATHERINGS.—J. Hamilton is in Buffalo We are now able t2 handle business to. and front worthy citizen, who was obteemed and re- Mordie, Kippen. Directors,—Messrs. John quantitieF. of'hay from that section to the The deceased was a�- a ' taunch, an4 stu ' rdy this week.—Our curlers were defeated in -ld country. He is never no happy. an when Catholic, who always tirle'd to do her duty Harrinton on Monday last.—W. H. Farrow 49sh Columbia, viz , Kdw c hi the, following points in E4 f spected by all who know him, and his early Ketchen for Goderi h towns ip ;.Alexander o Relson'r Itessland, Victoria, Wanota, and the follow- , th rV3M3M, -the community where he Muitard Stanley;' Henry Smi , Hay; up to the eyes in business.—We notice that "a faithful member of the church and Ing points in If"itoba, Emerson, Aforris. Winnipeg, death in a loss to lost a valuable hor'Se through inilammation Portage anl graud6n. resided, and *here, we believe, he was George Penhale,, leph ; William Dixon, at the meeting of the -Ontario Creameries' devoted wife and mother, and it was a fit, on Sunda —Mr. �ohnt Barnard was 'an use St. . Maryij ting end to a long life well spoilt that she y night.. 19. McFAUL R all sueasufni in capturing somogod prizes at W. SOMERVILLE, gent, born. He leaves a widow and five children. Exeter ; Thomas , �Usborne ; Hugh Association, held last week ph and Express Building, Seaforth. Tie sincerest sympathy will be extended by McCartney Tuckeramith; A D. Wilson; Mr. A. Q.-,Bobiar, proprietor of the Exeter passed away sueroll6ded by loving,ohildren the Guelph Poultry shov r. C; W. An- Telegra U Morons friends to the bereft and fflicted Seaforth. !Mexander Ross was appointed creamery, was appointed to . the Boxid of and grandchildren and 'fortified by the drawn preached in Londesboro on Sabbath widow and famil,sn(f to the sorrowing par. the ex,tra, director, Messrs. Thomas 'Fraser, Directors.—The heavy . rain and . mild sacraments of that Holy Religion, in which last.' Revival services,are being �held in the -The remains were laid to Stemley, and Andrew T.- Scott, Brucefield, weather of Sunday last took away the fine she was such a firm and consistent be- a ents and -friends. Methodist church here.—There is a mov ted auditors. Messrs. Thomas slei n enj rest in the -Maitlaudbank pometery on were appoin ghing that we had bee eying for liever." ment on foot to have the Mechanical, Insti. Tuesday. Russell and John Murdoch, were appointed over a week, but the nice, even snow fall of tuto here made -a Free Public, Library, for oompanyl, -has given us a renewed to attend the meeting of the � western WK Wednesday night, Belgrave. the 400A of the citizens, —Thomas HemphiU STRATFORD, ONTARIO, SABBATR SCHOOL WORK IN M19SKOKA.— association at London, and M. Y. McLean 0-nd plentiful supTly of 'the beautiftil,' and THo AGRrcuLTuRAL Socimy.—The an. is shipping grain this week. Seaforth's Greatest Cash Dry� Good ere is now A large, elegantly ?quipped commercial Mr. A. Sproat. who is, by the way an old was, toda-delegate-tothe me6ting of th goo sleighing to the South nual meeting of the members of - the East school—none better in 61;nada. Students Tuckertmith boy, and is a on -in, 'law of the = association at Toronto. At as well -mi to the Nortfi of bilisgood town.— Wawanosh Agricultural Society was hold at BmsseJz may enter at any time. Write for catalogu8i Mrs. Stobia, of this town . writes to a meeting of the new board of 'directors, Misar Watt, of Elora, spent &-feW days this re -1, BeIgn Scaud We hote 6ve, on Wednesday BiLips.—Atthe school trustee meetin Smale', n Monda; 7,_ W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-52 us from Aepden,- Mtmkoka,- as follows: held after the annual meetiig, Mr. M. Y. week visiting at Mrs. Kirkman`s.�Mima afternoon'bf last�week. . The following,, Offl- 9 Imt,—The Lou 64 on Wednesday evening� last,' Mr. Adam Dramati 'Com Tfayed -to a fo6ir The Sunday. school of the Prom. McLean was re -appointed seoreUry and Lucy Hillen, of MOKIIIOP, was the. guest of ,G'dl ?*n1V P' audi were elected for th`� a etm o u noulng year —John R. -1 Koenig was elected chairman. -A q o me oil Tttes4y.ev ,e b7terian station at Aepden, Muskoka, held treasurer, and it was resolved to hold the her friend, Mine R. NiW, north Main 'President, C a harl ; Proctor ; vice-president, Grant, Brussels' old postmaster, now m- Ann Heitman, -Mrs. their annual Christmas entertainment on 1181161 springfair at. Broomfield. street, last week.—Mro. Coon, of Phila- W. Scott. Directors,—J. Owe'lls, R. Scott, Aldinj id W , iumpe I paid Brussels a flying 19ke ##visa (ftyloofforo Frayne, Mrs. Phoebe Harris, And Mr, New Year's eve. The church was tasteful11K delphia, was visiting her cousin, Mrs- W. T. H. Taylor,"George Taylor, J. Coultas, R. it on Tuesday. a looks hale and h' Easterbrook are an confined to James earty $heir A.FoRi= Hu.RomTE Hurm—The Air W. Hoffman, over Sunds 'McMurray and iThe western climate a and are under the doctoes cara,�_M-r. decorated with evergreens and mottoes,wi Currie, B. Wilkinoon,.-R. as of yore. vident des atoh Beattie is confined to his re DISTRIC" --MATTERS. two t, -A— and an arch I-+- each Walner alluded to in the followina L et through W T 01 .4 A is Ir Ir a A� . . W va , au Va, s6rr son Ogrees with him. Mr.Dan. McLach , w o "utt, ot UYpress River' Manitoba The trees were loaded with gifts. from Berlin is a former well known resident ilnesse—Miss Minnie Campbell is visiting and J_. S. Scott; treasurer, Charles McClel' has resided there for x aIgo 'relativex h $ . 1 $ ome ere on aturday LE,FT OvT.P-'We have redeived through The evening was pleasant, and &I. of the county of ---Huron, having resided for at her home, north Main abreet.—A meeting land ; secretary, F. Anderson. T'he t 80010 K back visiting his father,Thomse, blan. Daw is confined to his h though the roads were not,good, at seven many years on a farm on the London Road, of the Collegiate Institute Literary Society ome through. a'. aborne, near Exeter. The despatch, in was held in the assembly room of the school the kindness of' the clerk, a report of the o'clock the church was comlortably filled, U is in a prosperous condition, and wl ' ! '—At the annual mebting of Melville church —Messrs. David JacquesI John 3 an efficient staff of officers and directors as last Wednesday'eveniu$, Mrs. Dr. Graham and Wm. Delve the We Quite a on Wednesday afternoon. Several musical the above, it can not fail to have another was premented with an inscribed silver wait- ing of the Royal Totnplars I ast meeting of Huron Presb� tory, held this ionle coming long distances. The chair dated the 17th inst., and says : attended be We ate was at varna, week at Blyth, bat we are forced to leave was taken by the superintendent, when sensation was orea,ted in Berlin yesterday melectionswere rendered and a deb nd useful year. prosperous 0, er and an address,'in recognition of her ser. Tuesday last.—Mr. Harry parsongbas )ry good programme, consisting of vocal - afternoon, when it was reported that Mr. held, the subject under discussion being, it over until no it week, as also the report v4 . 0 vices an organist for the past four years,— appoirifed night wat&hman for the music and recitations by the teachers and Abel Walper, proprietor of the well known " Resolved that the, study of clasaics afford Londei;boro. The following are ,the; officers elected -for at 80 cents a, n Iof Tilokersmibb. council meeting and other pupils, was given. The audience seemed w Walper house, and who is a prominent a better mental trainin than the study ?f ighb. Mr. Jame"a r. 0 constable, at 8350per year. His duties - matter which did not reach. us in time. greatly appreciate the selections given. The citizen, was dying as the result of a blow mathematics." The docidion was given in CRuRon church, Lon. Wastera Star Lodg No. 1,49, Independent greatevent of the evening w"'. however, he received at thellands of Daniel Williams, favor of the affirmatie.—The six year old, deaboro, held its annual congregational Order of Qddfellows, for the -ensuing term : to colleciall taxes and.ov6rsee the str Meeting on the 14th just. Mr. Isaac Barr John Pugh, N. G.; , W. H. Kerr, V. G.; A. repairing, and LEAVING Tov�x.—We regret to learil'that the stripping of the trees of, their loadei� of on Thursday, Williams has. the manage. son of Mi. James Slebth, Of this tOwn, met all const4ble's duties. A ar?e y s' I to present Air. S. Bennett, a member of the late firm presents. - In this part the children took a merit of Mr. Walper's livery stables, with wiW a painful accident the other day. He was 'chosen secretary. During the ar Koenig, R. S.; John Ament, iP. S.; F. S. tition- was I J I igne( of Cluff & Bennett, has decided to -lea,ve special. delight and. the glad, proud smile offices under the Opera house. Mr. Wal wds visiting at Mr. Robert, Dodd's, in Me- 1896 there was raised for all purposes $90, Scott, treasurer, a -ad Drs. McNaughton and Masson, hursdy last, to be lan- pe of this sum $314 was expended on strictly Kallbfl 'Bch h sicians. D. R. G. M., Bro. with the sentence on -Wm. Southeott towfi. Mr. Bennett has purchased Watt's which illumined the face of each one as the had takeh exception to the conduct of Wil. i Killop, and was taking a ride on a load of congregational objects, ana $126 for mis. McKa;linnialeT them into their respective the Theft of goods from -,Nfr. James planing milfbasiness in Wingbam. and will gift was handed out, was such as to please. -liams lately, and had frequently protested, wood, when his left hand was daught be. Grie e to that town with his family next the old as well as the young. The enter- with seemmNly very little effect. - Williams, sions and jor other benevolent and religious ffices on Tuesday. tailor shop, on Decem-ber 12bh, on a - mov tween two rolling sticks, bruising the -week. Since taking p his residence in tainment was oses. The mission band contribured of his previous character, and having a -pronounced a grand success while naturAlly a good - fellow and respect. band badly and breaking one of Purp Seaforth a number of years ago, k.r. Ban- by all. This Sibbath Ohool is very grate- abl connected, has been gefting into dis. the fingers.—Mr. W. -G. McClelland, of the $15 for home missions, and the auxiliary of Uorris. and six small children, who are ful to Mks. B Kirk. n� d -other frie d i reput ble, cc Mr. Walper claimed. Dominion bank staff, has becn confined to his - the Woman'p Foreign Missionary Society, Com-TcrL.—The first me ting of the On.him for on —Mr. Wm. tt is petD has proved himself to be a Most as ma an n a n a: mpanys I pport. timable and enterprising citizen, and we with $21,- in addition to clothing sent to Indian newly, electe Mntreal this weeki on business. Seaforth, who kindly contributed and for� On Thursday the two got into a disput room at Henderson's hotel thin week, d, council of Alo ris, met as a in would fain keepauch �men in our town. warded a box for the Sabbath school an in the livery office, Which became very heated. an attack of quinsy.—Miss N. Wilaon is vii- missions. Mr. R. Adame was chosen see- provided by statute, and after the oFdinary ------------ year." is MZLSO it P_ t .0f.f 01 rdtary and treasurer for the ensuing year, routine proceedings, Mr. Wm. Clark was However, we must congratul&te the good former years, and without their kind aid,% a Mr. Walper, it is sedd, flourished his cane Ring friends in London.—A meeting of the Kappek. people of Wilighain in securing such would be unable to hae our- Christmas threateningly. Williams was afaid the old Literary and Debating club was held on Mr. William Weymoath'and Mr.Isaac Barr re -appointed clerk, at the usual maiaxy of OIIITUARY.---�-We have this week to re take the place bf the two retiring managers. wor?hy addition to their population, and tree. This station has no mupply during the gentleman would strike him, and bbing- - Tuesday evening, in the council chamber, $130 per aunutm. Mesers. Allan Cochrane the death of Miss Mary Slater-, O Hay, we are'4re the -will find in Mr. Bennett,as winter, but Sabbath school is conducted the heavy weapon, he dealt Mr. lCallper a but was rather slimly attended. It i& The congregation expressed their will!ngness and Malcolm Black were . appointed auffitors passed to her better reward - to on the 12 and is well ;resounding blow over the head- causinga. thoughtthata, better attendance will -be ay ry of $8 each. Mr. John Watrn inst. : The final summons we 6ve done,a good citizen and enterprisinf, regularly the whole year round one-third of -whatever might be re- at a #A -la was ot I un business man. attended. Rev. Mr.. Findlay' is to hold out which extended down over his fqre- secured by holdinig the meetings on Monday quired for the maintenance of the manse. was appointed assessor Wa. salary of. $60, ad, as the deceased had for many" years; Missionary serviees here this evening and 'head and eye. Some one who had been at- night, and in consequence, commencing Messrs. George Hood, Thomas Laidila and a- great sufferer And was one -wh;' was to -TuE KEi;r,Y-E.,dsraE CoN.eF.F.T. —This com- make arrangements for summer supply. tracted by the noise then stepped in and with next week, the meetings will be held Brucefleld. Wm..J. Johnstone Were appointed members afflicted, and one to whio, held Mr. Williams, while Mr. Wal er, who, oil Monday evening, when L large attend- of th� Board of Health, the -first named to happy relief from suffering. Rany, imposed of %Ir. Charles Kelly, his M- a B. R. HwGiNs, general fire and life insur- Puring h 4aughter, and rs. Emalie, gave a concert WOOD Wanted, long or short in exchange had fallen to the floor, was raiseT into a nee of -members is reque te4. The subject ance agent, notary'rublic, oonveyancer.00mmissioner be for' thtee years, the second for two years, long illness she was -kindly administered in Cardno's hall op'Monday �venin under for furniture. BRo,wrooT, Box 4. Co. 1519-3 chair. Dr. Arnot was quickly on the scene, -for debate on that evening Will be, "Resolv- for taking affidavi a, &c. Private funds on first and the third f6r one year, and Dr. MeAsh an - d warived on by her brother. a -ad mister the auspices of thb Methodist ollurlet choir. Ecowomy ni FURL.—Having ecured the -and put a number of sti tchei ill the out, and ed that -the Canadian Senatelshouid be abol- mortgage on. good farm pro at 5 per cent. was appointed medical health officer. Mr. receivin At home every morning annVe'dilesday of each fall the care and attention then Mr Wal er was ta to his home. week. 1464 a wai The evening was a stormy one, but the agency of a patent heat - regulator, for the saving of p ken ished. " The sides will be captained by Messrs. Coad, moved and Mr. labister becoded,that loving . ands could ., bestow. Sh U audience was fairly good. Mr. Kelly has fuel, and having put them to severe test both on Mr. Wilhams was ab once discharged. Dr. Norman McLeodand Ja I Mae Watson.—Miss the bridge known as Anderson's bridge be consistent member of St. Andrew c re furnaces and coal stoves right in our to 1 BRIEFS.—Mr. and Mrs. McLeod, of Olin. a lost none of his old time charm as a vocalist, and Arnett Bays that while Mr. Walper's in- Elliott, of Torohto, is visiting - at Mrpl re -built during the present year and that and in her diye of health -was u proved beyond a doubbitbe saving of 26 to to 4(? per ton, are at present visiting friends- in - this over' to while -his guitar playing is excellent. Miss keepink the he pries are dangerous they will not likely Hall, the residence of Mrs. F. 'Case.—Rev. the county engineer be requdated to examine found in the i Ouse f God, It' cent, of fuel, by at to the place It to vicinity.�Dr. Elliott,as lalting some of rnust be Kelly is an accomplished young lady. She intended for and not heating the towa first. We prove fatal unless other things set in, and Dr. McDonald occupied his bwa pulpit on his old patients last week.—vRev. Mr. Muir the site irld prepare plans and specifications consolation to the bereaved �b ot r r plan have already sold several, and one party who last, morning -and eve I nifig.—The k Le s has a sweet, full contralto voice ; he 0 the patient is quite an old man. Mr. Wil. Sunday for the re -building of the same. The tress. sister to know that -through the merits of It a special test boa ordered the second and holavO It occupied the I it o� St.� Andrew's church, liams says he struck annual meeting of the Huron. urer was instructed to pay off the indebted- solos- were most cleverly and a mirably put on, which proves it to be a 1rood thing,. either only in self-defence. . Presbyter"' Bayfield, on JuuNlaly 'last. Rev. Mr. Gra- loving Saviour she has -reached the gol rendered, while her mandohn playing was conte and see the Regulator or telephone your order,- He will not likely be prosecuted. His wife Foreign Missionary Society was held in name ot-the township as soon as it is due. A habitation above. The remains we � I which will receive — A tom - i A It I& ham supplying his lace here.—Lut fall ro is Aying dangerous in 36t tine hos ital. yth, on Tuesday last. report Will be c(Inally good. _A rs-. malie elecutionary r F . . � numberof accounts for township' works torest in the Rddgerville, ceineter, number on hand. No risk, ev � Ly p when the apples were eing shipped, a note cry. one guaranteed. efforts were thordiaghly appreciated, -and S. Muijbxrr &Co., Seaforth. given next week. -!—The thermometer re i ere passed and ordered to be paid, when Thursday last. was placed in one of the arrels requesting showed her to be:an artist in that line. tered two degrees below zero on Tuesl 0 the couiicil adjourned to meet again on the NOTES.—The Young People's Liter, ay the receiver to let the sender know the con- Apprxs WANTED.—A few car loads of EG.NIO.NDV The appreciation of the audience was fairly good apples -wasted by Soon BROTUERS, Musical, IM- ILL NOTE'S.—Miss Katie -Stev. morritug.—We are pleased to hear that a ditiou the pgl d in, etc. Word 15th Of February next. Society, which has bieen very well'atten evinced by the encore of each number on enson, of Lindsay, arrived in the illage 'on large number of entries have been made for as arrive d4rmig the winteiFbY both strUment Emporium, Seatortli. 1519.1 Friday last, on 4isit to her uncle, Mr. was receivedat is -week from Durham, Eng- old atid, yo DERs.—A couple of boarders can D. teve o, Seaforth Bayffeld. arid Much enjoyed b all the programme, and each encore was most, the poultry show to be held in To BOAR ns U --�-Mr. Hicks had his -old bay land, saying that the apples arrived in first Y �present� *Mj graciously responded to. find excellent accommodition in a private house in next week. Intending exhibitors who h4ve is giving vi one of its bast meetings his (Frldiwy) aVenk town; by applying at Tim ExrosiToR Office. ony, Nellie, which he had driven for near- n�t yet made their entries should bear in F. A. Ewv-AnDs ary Special The abbate on band for the eve 1616-tt class condition and that the price paid for Cash Prices in all departments dui�lng January and ing. 0 IT a Ou on rMay MOD. Mind that the term for making entries closes e . so. 10abruary. It will pay you to call and Investigate. will.be of a moat interesting -eharacter, t BEATTIE v. WEN(�ER.­The following ap- She was a faithful old beWet, but had become peared in the Toronto court reports on Wed- THE McKrTor IsuRAxQE CmrrA.NYe— this, Friday, bvenini'.—Mfe. William Bal. subject being, " Which is the happier, The annual meeting of the members of the painfully and ,ineurably'lame. Tt seemed to nesday. of last week. It is of interest to the the owner almost like instigating Murder to lantyue. eft on Mo�,iay to visit friends in Ethel. B-�FEzy NOTES. —The annual. meeting of ried or single life V' The aflirmative IcKillop Insurance Company was held in Toronto and Orillis. )The Misses Bella and GtTHEaixa —Special services are being led b , Mz iVilliarrl McLean and creditors of the Hannah estate . Judg- have her put out of theway. Thanks,how* tha Bayfield Cemetery Company was eld. ,be _T� ment on appeal by' defendants from order the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Friday after. Jennie, also left on Monday to attend the conducted in the Methodist ch' in the hall on Monday last, when the neatively Mr. A, Brown.—Mr. urc 'It. h this Willi on last. There was a fairl ever, to the wide circulation ofTnE Ex' Toronto Normal School. A four year old week. —La grippe has confined a great ffi, and directors were ap. Cadmere is now busily engaged in of a divisional court (Armour, C. J., Falcon- 40 y large attend- following o cars e.' The meeting was, perhaps, one of FOITOR, he has been fortunate in supplying g 'sold h i week to Messrs eople of this village and man ointed : President, W. H. Woods; v , ioe bridge, J., Street, J,.) varying judgment anc eldibg was here t vicinity to tee p ;ip five carloads of oats, he having ree- the most satisfactory that has been held in her place with a good dubstitute, which 'he i Winter and Donovanfo $190. This horse Ouse. * Rev. Mr. Aull, of Palmerston, lec- president, James McDonald secretary a contract for that amount from: a of Robertson, J., at the trial. �Action by 9 the history of the company. utchased from Mr. Levi'Kakins, of Varna. the assiguee� for the benefit of creditors of Never before P was bred from Mr. illiath Habkirk'q tures in the Presbyterian church on Thurs. treasarqr,, A. E. Irwin ; directors, T. J. firm.—The sudden change -to cold weather was the company in a more prosperous and —On Wednesday evening, last week, the an- 4 lCrystal -City" and w bought at T. E. evening of this week, the subject being, Marks, John Middleton, Geo rgo Bates a a t defendant Hannah, to set aside a a fraudu- nual Sabbath so6ol meeting of our church h ving bad a �e on ut wood pilels"t satisfactory position. The past year was a Hay's sale a year -ago. r $92. This looks y work pay."—Grey town. -James Campbell, John MeNaugliton, John ing them to diminish most rapidly. A,; lent prefer6nee a transfer by Hannah to de- oes missionar fendaut Wenger of 11,000 pounds all butter, particularly fortunate one. In some past' was held. The report or thepast year was as if horse flesh is in the ascendancy. Com. ship council hel4f its' "first meetin in the Morgan.—The Salvation Army banquet on, William Weeteott ;of Seaforth, w stored in a cold-9torage warehouse in the Years the losses of this company read, and, the election of officers for the potent judges may he is the beat gelding townshi hall here on Satur 9 Monday .0 ho 41 day last.—Mr. evening was a success. In-, been visiting with Mt. Cudmoree'4 f il. heavy, but the tide seems ve present term was then proceeded with,whidh that tereating meetings were also held town of St. Mary's.� The action was' dis- to h evde ri Yn has been sold in the town for a year. G. W. Follard is able to be out again, after the London road, during the wee ivisiona, favor of the members' resulted as follows,: Mr. D. Steven'soili Saturd:ty Missed by the trial judge. The d - pockets, as the losses He is for. shipment to he old country. — an attack of pleurisy.�The following offi. and Sunday evenings.—A very the village calling on the b4ys of hie form aid last yea .!uperintendent ; Mr, Win. Elliott, ibrar- Rev. r only amounted to $92,575, Fathe MeCabb, able time - was spent by, the day. Mr. Westcott feeli'pr6lld Of his t court., (Street, J., dissenting as to $1,600), p r Ian ; f rmerly of -Raleigh cers were elected in connection with court enjoy directed judgment to be entered for plain- while the year wag closed with a, balance in Miss Jennie Hills, treasurer ; Messrs. and Ridgetown, has bee appointed pastor Fthel, Canadian Order -of Foresters No members of the Ca'nadian Order of Foresters boys.­m-Tbe boys of the 2a'd concession, tifF against defendant Wenger 'for V2,082 the treasury of $29,943 and all liabilities Harry VauEgmond and Richie Elliott, see- i of,St. Jaiiies church, Sea orth. We welcome. 261 : C. R., John Kellner'; V. 0. h., j: and invited friends on Tuesday evening. A Tuckersmith, aid MT. John Moffa, a retaries.—Mrq. Alex. Delgaty, of Moosejaw, -with costs, subject to the delivery up of a paid. The assessment this ye,%r was, also, the Rev. � kentlemen to wn and hope his G. Heyd ; chaplain, W. E. Sanders ;_ F, 8 plendid oyster supper was provided. In- turn on Thuredq last, by brfugng m_; 0 Northwest Territory, and her dauizhter very light and with ordinar good luck it - i stay amongst us wi a long and pleasant. Wm. Spence ; treasurer, L. Echmier teresting speeches were given by Revs. their saws a.ad axes and cutting him suirlm, promissory note fo $1,600 given as pat of y Mrs. Hugh Stewart, jr., of Grey, were visit- the price of the butter. Appeal S., George Dobson ; S. W., Eph. Cober J. Oa,ten and Grallark, and Mr. D. Wilson. woodi- We re eased to note that Mi, allowed 'should be considerably lighter next year, with co, -bat a 3tate- 3U, and action dismissed with- It is not surprising, therefore, t ing relatives in the village latel .—Mrs. OFvicE� -ELECTED. IThe bolf yearly W., W. Routley ; S.B. Wm.Greensides J. Mr.Allen,the blind oloist, of Drysdale, Silas. Butt, lame been I costs. In w gmond�ille Young B., John Hansuld. sang a number of songs, and Mr. 8hay rei ail for some ent of this kind should put the memers Ferguson,who has been visiting friends business 1�eeting of the in Stratford for some t weeks from the effects of a a i's in the best of good humor. There has, alsop ime, returned home People's Society of Christian Endeavor was now imptoving, and is able cited in his inimitable Ptyle.—We extend been a considerable accession of new mem- last week.—Several friends here Of Mr. held on Monday evening, Janus, Ilth congratulations to Mr. Baker, of Toronto, gain.—Mesirs. Fred Taylor aind Al James Collie, of Calumet,. Michigan; were Blake. A HUROX Yomsro LADY MARRIED IN THE bers during the year, while the with- when the '18 Me'TrIaLge following officers were � a acted on the occasion of h' to Miss Anderson, who have been in Michigan dur- delighted last week at receiving "beautiful 13RIEFS.—MiSm Emma Thom�son and Gertie Bigg&L WOFVTIIWENT.�Thelady mentioned in the drawals have been proportionately few. . ; President, Mr. John McNay; vice presi. rt, daughter of o w 11 -known ing the p t 10= nth , are spending a to 0%,11121. paxagn nd v lu bI mineral %11 The retiring directors this' year were, a 9, 0 specimens, both dent, Miss M. Manson; treasurer, M1815 C. townsman, Mr. John Biggart. The wed- days at their homes here.�­Mism Mei(;Io f(d], iph, which was taken from a Miss Olive Walker, who are attending the ur e as mo a mounted and native, from him, as ine ien- _gq�# the Prairie Witness of Indian Head, is Messrs Thomas Fraser, John B. McLean Porter ; recording sebretary, Miss -G. h Iliot; 4Pent Bat- took place at Clinto;,u, on Tuesday, Jana a daughter of Mr. Ricbard Pollard, of a Collegiate Institute in 86aforth daughter of MT. Archd. McGregor, has. and James Broadfoot. Messrs Fraser and M c- tos of -old time -associations. —We '-regret to urday and Sanda,y under their parental MaKillop. The Witness sa'ys One of corresponding secretiiy, Mr. D. Stevenson , 12th, Rev. Mr. Stewart officiating. suffering from a bad cold for some ti ean were re-elected, but Mr. Broadfoot, whO note the continued illness of Mr. - Hadden� roofs, and then returned to Soaforth on organisits, Misses Addie Stevenson and 0 Her Many young,friends will be pleased who lies just east of out village. 'He has Fiora Porter ; donvener � of 16ok-out com- Monday ruing.—Mr. Arthur Stelck and Hunett. learn illat she is improving.— Andh those happy events Which occur at any has been a most efficient director for man time, but espeebtlly at hol.iday -season, took y been ailing for some months, and so far s,Lowaola, ]Erartleib were the guests of Airs. place at the mause�on Thursda ' afternoon, years, much to the regret of the members shews no si f mittee, Mr. Robert Mul rew ; convener of A McKay, who is wiell- advanced in yeara Y igns o improvement. —Mr. Fer- positively declined re-election, and Mr. 'W. prayer meeting commit, ee, Miss G. Elliot; Miss.Pearlinda, Nicholson on Sunday lasti— CnU90ii MATTEns.—The annual meeting Angus Urqubart, of Fort Qu'Ap- guson, of Wiarton, is the guest of his uncle t�j Mr. John Brennerman had a wooa bee on of Bur"' church, Hullett,was beld on Wed- been confined to her bed during phe G. Broadfoot was elected in his place. Mt. 9 i convener of social committee, Miss J. Mul. e,day, the 13th inst, with the pastor -in few weeks throuili illneis, pelle, and Miss Grace Pollard, -of Walton, John Govenl" Mr. --David Moore, of this village. —Mrs.' Tuesday afternoon for 'sawing his'wood.— Ontario, were 'united in -marriage. The ock and Mr. John C. Morris9n, William Mliot left last Fr I dri6w. This vigorous society has done ex- Mr. Albert Mero'has been busily engaged were appointed Auditors iday for Galt, to the chair, -and Mr. George Watt, secretary. Some changeg in - cellent work in the past. 1 The meetinji are For the Sabbath school, the report showed Leadbury. ceremony was perform- ed. by Rev. A. Rob- the rules and working of the compa . ny visit her brother, Mr. James Rennelson, who th6 past few days in splitting Mr. John always well attended and full of interest, ring the six -summer months the NOTE.—Mr. Se'll Brown xnd,'Nbs�YE son, assisted by Rev. Mr. Burton, oi Fort which the direetors had deci had been -ill for several months. She arrived 4nd with the - present st' of officers and Leslie's wood.—Miss M. Dick, who Was, that du ded to adopt at Qa�Appelle. Mr. Urquhart is one of the Fort's the suggestion of the Provincial Inspector a'c clerking. in Mr. R. Walker's store, has left average attendance of scholars was 52, and Brown, of ,Ste�hen, are visiting friends -and ouple,of hours before his death and was committees, good work idlooked for in the of officers and teachers, 10 ; the contribu. relat;-ve.9 in this section at present.— most, respected and wortby citizens. Miss of Insurance Conipanies, were explained to affectionately recognised- by him. future. our- town. -l-Mesers.'Adam Edighoffer. & Son Pollard taught the Park -lands school- for t o improve our town by opening tions amounted to $31.30, (all given to mis. Mamie McEwen has been away n Is" 1896 up to Christmas, and was a great fav- �e meeting by Mr. Shannon, the secretary, are about t up a boot andshoe business.—A number of "d were by resolution approved of. sions, as the congiegation supports, the ant visit to her uncle, Rev. Mr. McKitboilp,_ Ata LooAL BRIEFS. �Al aster Willie Soole, HOUSE OF REFuGE STITISTICS.—The fol. school) the number of new books added to who is a deservedlrpo.pular minister of 0 -- or $33 worth. Methodist denomination. couple along and ha )py life." The aany lowing is a cop� of the House of Refuge Jeffrey Brothers in Hillegreen, and r,Urt o ite in the district. We Wish the young meeting of the directors subsequently helO, eldeston of 'Mr. Charles Soole, of this our citizena'attended the party given by the r 01 The M 8 d Con ec, God tim'e.--Our enterprising citi2en, r. J. ty, organized in lutosh, of Strathroy, has d o Alv; Mrs. Tfrquhart will dent, and all the other Officers were also re. some time, left last w ek for Gleaboro, ember -318t, to be ubmitted to the nty 5ohnston has lately fallen heir to an a �M I st, closed the year with 27 active or friends hereabou ts - town, who has been in Logan's bank for Inspector's Report for- the year ending D Christian Endeavo'r Nocie returne" Mr. George Watt was re -appointed pr#i the library was 1,2 -unite with Tff E ExrosiToR in extending to appointed. Killop, and purposes working h fors herself and her husbad the most hearty Manitoba, where he takes a similar position Council at its next mebting:—Total num- able sum.—Mr.. Louis Lippert, who %als. 72] ath I an 9 associate members. During, a year time. He will malct his home *ith his un -4 Congratulations. in a bank which Mr. Logan has there. He ;'bar of inmiaten admitted since the opening been in Manitoba for the past few years, re- there was paid for &Ill purposes, $973 ; of cle, Mr. Joseph Stanzel.—Miss Alice Dun - Tux COUNOM.—The council met for is a lever, industrious, reliable lad, and I of the met the running expenses of dam in taking lessons in music for &not I h House, 95; number of inmat turned -home a few weeks ago. He inten thisoum, $718 as On do business in the council chamber on Mond just the kind to make his mark'wherever he 1 January 1, 1896, 51 ; oumer admitted dur. the 'congregation. $004 id to: missions term. Mi - E h, is her.. a social party-, st,the rei4em pione 53 was con- teacher.—IT88h wing' of Seafort Dowos, —Another of Huron's evenin8, The following will compose the may go. Mr. John Forbes, son of Mr. i ing the year, 42, 33 males and 9 females.; sorry to relate the des,th of the infant son going back in the near future.—We are DFATul, aly erg has departed this life. Mr. Chris- at . andin committees for the year: Financ and other church'sZemwer vopher Dale, of the, Huron Road, Hullett, committee, James 'Beattie, J. S. Robert a Arthur Forbes, another Seaforth boy, has "number of inmates in House oriJanuary.1, of Mr. and Mrs. J. McBride, of the Blind tributed to the British 'and Foreign Bible of Mr. Wm.'Smith, was a success in everm)lr,rr- 8, been laced in charge Of the bank there and 1897, 61, males 46, females 15. The in- society,. and $23 was sent to aid the Armen- r'espect. Mrs. Smith, Mr. Dale had Thomas Stephens; fire and water committee, line. Their many friends will deeply sym- who -it a very kind died on Ff iday night last. Mr. Nolole takes the place which he former- mates admitted during 1896 were from the uIller The Hallett and ondesboro lady, and who has a ready and pleasin nuached the good4e of 80 years. lie was James Gillespie, G.A. 8ills, Robert Winter; pathize with them in their bereavement. ian a era ly filled.—One evening last week a very following munioip I* i Auxiliary of the Woman's Foreign Mission- way, of making her kindness manifest, spar - _N a ities:—Ashfield 3 ; Col. a itative-of . 'orkshire, England, and, with streets, John Turner, Win. Ament, John &asant event took place in the firemen's 1' bome 4; Goderich 2 ; Grey 2; Hay 1; Hul. ary society gave $42' to the Foreign Mission ad no pains towards 'making her younr.�- his wife and five children, came to 'C�nada G. Wilson; property, John G. Wilson,Wm. hall, in this town. Mr. John A. Stewart, let I;. Morris 2; Stephen 4; McKillop 3 Varna. Fund ; $10.60, (the, proceeds of a Harvest guests feel perfectly at home.�Afigs Ummso� to seek his fortune in the new. land in 11847. Smith, Donald McIntyre; court of revision, who, for theopast--two years has filled the Tuckeramith 2; Tumberry 1 ; West Wawa. NoTEs.—Mr. Maloney, of Calmlachie, has Home festival), to Home Missions ; and Dragen, -who has been in, Detroit for near1r,'WJ Thay first settled in the county of Oxford, mayor, reeve and councillors Sills, Gillespie very responsible position of chief of the fire nosh 1; East Wawanosh 2;Goderich 3'. beenin town lately,in *.the interestof the c16 . thing valued at $17 to the Indiana of the a year, has- returned home. Emma. I i's DOW r,�a,r Woodsrock, where they remained about and Soberts; charity, the mayor and reeve. brigade, was presented by h brother fire. Qinton 3; Seaforth 3; Wingham 2: Exeter' number joined Northwest territories. The treasurer, who real well, andher man fiendx here an- kjur vears. Le Maccabees' order. Quito a y Aving Woodstock, they The �uties and salaries pertaininj to each men, on the occasion of his retiring -from the I ; Brussels I; Blyth I: total, 42. . - on Thur day eveniag last.—Miss �,ame to the county of Huron, and settled of the officers of the town will remain' the Number Flora has"' held the office continuously for 20 years, pleased to welcome her back.—We n6tiw I position of chief, with a Complimentary ad. who have. not resided in the county two Du can, of Clinton, . is visiting With her kepof ted a balanc� on hand of $147 63. It that Mr. Alexander Gardiner has beom tak- (,n a farm in the townsh�p of Hullett, near same a ' s last year, with an increase n of $10 drdss and a handsome secretary, as w mark years; 1. The causes of Pauperism are am uncle, Mr. Andrew Duhcan.—Mips Mina was decided to attach a salary of $30 to the ing a prominent place in addressing E, - whio-h is* now owned by his in the assessor's salary. The appointirimt of the esteem in which he is held by them, follows:—Intemperance 8 ; old age I I ; sick. Haxby, of Clinton, is here for a few' days.— office of precentor, and $50 a Year to that ers'lustititte meetings. If Mr, (iardine?*-.' A nbum, Chriatoph-erT. Dale. This of Alex, Broadfoot as chief of the fire bri- and the pleasing and efficient manner in nesis 12; injury 2;'weakness of intellee� 5; A�r. James Calwell, of Goderich, one or our of caretaker. The pastor thanked the con- hearers meetings do as *Lwell A _h&Ve, pioneer citizens, was here on business Tues. gregation for pto,�iding and ring the farriiing an he has done they will nor�. A th�) country was then almost a wild- i2adc" as ratified by'the council. D. D. whic'i he has discharged his duties while in blindness 1; enciente 1; indorsing for brot at these (,:Iess, anq Mr. Dale braved and surmount- Wilson was re -appointed a trustee of the office. Mr. Stewart's successor er is Air. 1; father in house 1. Nationality of eii all the ha,rdships and privations of -p-;On. Collegiate Institute. The mayor was author. in. day.—We were pleased to see Mr. andlVirs. I]pi,t supply during his illness, and also reason to com�lain,—With regard 'to the* . Alexander Broadfoot, an old and most mates—English 9; Scotch 10; Irish 9; Amer. G.Turnbull, of McKi'llop,ron Tuesday even-' Fout] their. handsome Christmas present of proposition to ave a person to in t and,* - .,,e life. He was a man of indomitable will ized to take legal adVice in regard to the I efficient member of the 'brigade, and under ican I; German, I ; New South Wales 1 - ng.—Mr. John Sparrow ha's put in a big' about 120 bushels of oats. measure wood offered for sale 1 21,721 ; keeper's family and -he has threshed grain on -one hundred days, great porseverance, and industry aiid colleating of taxes� the collector to Work whose care the duties of the position ill Canadian, 11. No.'of dayfil board of P in? .season threshin " juvenile race, but we believe the buyer and seller are ,good business abitity. He accumulated under his instructions. The mayor, reeve be properly looked after. The , brigade has mates , not the weahh rapidly, and'wa� reputed to be one and councillors Roberts, Gillespie, Sills and alorays been a credit to the town and much help, 1,095. hired Exeter. qualified for. the job. Any person who ow 4 I considering the keen of the wealthiest far'mer.�, in the county of Wil on were appointed a committee to finish This is big work, k�w �, of its efficiency has been due to the capable ---- *—. I not know good Wood from bad, nor et � I Huron. At his death he was possessed of revi:ing the by-laws and have them brought i competition. —The evangelistic services held BRIEFS. —Mr. Robert Higgins, is taking a much it takes to make a cord,sliviuld bring, meb whom the members have successively THE LATE MRS. DORSEY. in the Temperance halr, Varna, every Sun. course of studies in the Strstfor4 Business a friend, along who does., And besides, , era, and thia'yeav mentioned-tbe arrival here from Winnipeg day right, by Messrs. Reid & Palmer are College.—M. Richard Harrison, a retired great -number of farmers, rather tbati be - five hundred and fifty acres of land in his before the council for discussion. The street selected as,their chief offic' —Last week 1we o%vu right, besides other means, and himself committee were authorized to advertise for there- has been no exception made to the of the remallis of -the late Mrs.MatthewDor. beingwell attended. 'Mr. Loftus Stark w�l gentle narl hia son's owned between thein'l.950 tenders for lumber and gravel man, l0ing in -town for for the general rule. —"Not wi tbatandi many Years, � humbugged in hunting around for -the ��oa, w..res. All this laud consists -of fine, feritile streets. M r. Wm. Elliott was re -appointed ng. the fact sey. We take from the Northwest Review take part in the: iriusicil exercises ne4ct-. on Sunday af6r -tea went to the inspector, would drive to some ofthe mallu- that thei@e has not been a great deal of the, following particular concerning the Sunday evenin January 24th. Meetings James stre=d'it church for service. factories at once, and the last state Of the go farms.in the townships of Hullett and Tuck- treasurer for 1897 at a salary of $125. The Aleighing this winter thus fa�, Mr. Lewis deceased lady. 'It says'? ." We have this commence about 8'.15 p.'m. All are cor� After being in his seat about five minutes. Iarsmitli. He- a4o took a lively interest in time for' the return of the colle ctor's roll McDonald, the well-known carriage builder week to re' town in general aud the official who introo cord the death of Mrs.. Matthew dially invited to*attend. be suddenly gave -a gasp, and almost in- duced the measure In particular, would U public aft'a-iU3, and. was at different times a wu extended till the first of February. The of Seaforth, has made a large sale of cutters, Dorsey, which event 'took lace on Friday RoYAT, TEMPLAR DISTRICT MEETING.—' stantly died. His body was carried horne, worse than the first. However, if' tbate Member of the tom-riship, council of Hullett. annual grants -of $200 t6 the fire brigade and has sold out nearly his efitire make and evening, the 8th inst.',". at We. 184 Austin On Tuesday a large number of 'delegates and his sons were He had been in failing heLdth for the past and $50 to the chief were asse notified by wire of --his V . d John is now engaged in getting up a new street-, in this city anything -wrong practised by tiny of th0l, year, and had been confined to his house Beattie wag appointed town engineer. The Aupply. the residence of her from Kippen, Exeter, Sodom, Creditou, sudden death. Mr. Harrison was aged 74, This is no doubt due to the 'fact that Mr. I -son-in-law, Mr. Peter Klinkhanimer, pub. Holmesvllle and Goderich were ent to and leaves two daughters and ood haulers some II i I -of the elired farmax- - -nioat of the time for the past few -months. clerk was authorized to advertise for ten. McDonald makes an exceptionally good and four gone. are the best hands to look after them, thb� n a dthe-distriot meeting heldpr�' re A The congregation was much agitated by the same as an ellicit distiller turn& out totlo. -fis wife died about�eight years ago, and he der for running the snow plow. The fire satisfactory rig,—All the liquor license attai e the r e old!age of nearly very profitable and enjoyable day wis spent awful event. —Ads, daughter of Mr. Stephen the most shrewd excilleman, lisher oT the Review. The deceas d had atien he seventy. leavea a family of f6ur sons and thr'ee daugh- and water committ6e were instructed to ex. commissioners who acted for the three I ters. The sdns are �11 well known farmers amine the fire alarm, system and if found ridings of Huron lasb year, have been four years, a2passed away foAlfied b all by the delegates in convention. ` iThe dele. Powell, died at the residence V re- the rites of the church. The late' KIrs. of her father and raisers iof thi� district. The s'atisfai3tory to instruct the clerk to pay tb appointed for the present gates were amply provided for .Ibv billet. on Wednesday last, after a few rhonth's ill! �-Mrs. Joseph Goforth, of- Mitchell, 0110- -year.—Mrs. D. Dorsey, whose maiden name was Ann Ryan Vehicles were in' waiting to conWy them name, from that dread disease, consum-ption, ugh4s are, Mrs.;Kesler, of %,Voodstock company f6r- the same. Michael Keefe, McMillan, cumbid to consumption= the 7t Inst., of this town, was away visitin i. w born in the Parish of Ballana, -County from th de ol. At the. close 'of the. meet- The funeral -takes place this (Fridav) after. the 28th year of her'age.- Her ccouininnf. Ifulle 6 re were eledted for noon to the Exeter cemetery. —Mr. �ind rs, . was Mr- -Goforth's first wife, died boll . s. Coates, wife of Mr. Robert Coates, or Thomas Murphy and James McMichael friends in Londonlast week.—Our old aill i Tlp"'pprary; Ireland, and left there in 184 in the 'folyow tt, and Mrs. %1homas Carwr, of the, were appointed fence viewers. J I office &Mae worthy friend, Mr. James Bolger, of Mor. with her parents, who first settled in To- district of 'ron :, Select Councillor, John Smale, of Oil City� attended the fun. seven 'yearn ago from tjie same die. IfiUron Tuck�rsmith. The remains. Beattie and Thomas Stephens were appoint t ee I u ris, was in town on. Monday ..and p�id his ronto, where they resided for some. time, Mr. W. Lewis Crediton; Vic a Councillor, eral of'Mrs. in. Button, a sister of Mr. Ea,ch has left one child. T W Hidi Evry i la0w;what i0lae, 1kilav Everyone� iales will. new attei TegulaT dt, -wherever p,reeiites Value fo lmolvs 4 pays to so 4 linest the ,poiut -thi given for: en lines zo The ,con& 0 A total Stilts in I Worsted ed,'ies, Divuio Wbratedl f Uhl-rity t Dilvihio Divisio Bre,asted sw, futu" Dlym—O Bre.aEted, $120 futm Divisio 101Z f Utu Divisk ing Singli 48-753, fat Divisip Aout sw price $7.1 DiTisia f rem __$ .1. f Divisk ocial, PU fit Odd, Paul At 78e. DIV18H Every this sew good vou about 101 the plH4 Ulsters, pfi6e $7.1 Divieu regular P I DiyieR 9UIAT F0 gular pril Divisii Men's B1 futurity -1 speetiel breasUd Divisi Overzoa� in EoYe 1 VW we come qud 4 U� comes A fine �O_ Fur' IN Aust sum" I Beal -Coats t6 ed 'Clap mention IQ* � Unv ould be� laid out, ,countom.� Div -mid prices at, Divisio if Yo im.fied of Bile. WE ILI 40U the