HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-01-22, Page 6w•oi
"Saved My Lite'
«Several years ago, while in Fort
Snelling, Minn., 1. caught a severe
cold, attended with a terrible cough,
that allowed me no rest da x or
night. The doctors after exhaust-
ing their remedies, pronounced my
case hopeless,- say-
ing they could do no
more for me. At
this time a bottle of
Cherry Pectoral was
sent to me by a
friend who urged
--- me to take it, which
1did, and soon after .1 was greatly
relieved, and in a short time was
completely cured. 1 have never had
much of a cough since that time,
and 1 firmly believe Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral saved my life?' -W. H.
WARD, 8 Quimby Av., Lowell, Mao,
Cherry Pectoral
Irighteit Awards at World's Pair.
• AYER'S PILLS csra ladiwodim haatacht
TORN GRIEVE, V. S., honor graduate of Ontario
Veteritutry College. AR diwiaes Of Domestic
animals treated. Ws promptly attended to and
ebargee =dents. Vete finery Dentistry a specialty
01Bos and reoldence on Goderlob streetone door
Alt of Dr. SooteVii office, Seafterth. 1112t1
Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist,. Toronto College of
veterinary dentists, Honor Graduate of Ontario Vet.
winery Cedlege, Honor member of Ontario Veterin-
ary Medical Society. All diseases et domestic ankles&
*Wally treated. All calla promptly attended to
day or night. DentlitrY and Surgery a eeieltY•
Office and Dbpensary-Dr. Campbell a oldoffioe,
Main etreet Seaforth. Night calls answered item the
office. 1406-52
Air G. CAMERON, formerly ofCameron, Holt &
In. Cameron, Barrister and Solicitor, Goderich,
Ontario. Office --Hamilton street, opposite Colborne
Rotel< . 1452
Taws scow, Barrister, &o. Solicitor for Mob
tet ton's Bank, Clinton. Office - Elliott lot*,
Clinton, Out. Money to loan on mortgage.
MO• S. Ran, Barrister, Solloitor, Conveyancer and
..aila Notary Public. Solicitor for the Dominion
Bank. Offioe-Cardeo's block, Main Street, Seaforth.
edoney to loan. • . 1235
LII. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &o.
.e Offioe-Roome, five doors north ofOonamerois
I, ground Boor, next door to C. L. Papet e
feireIry store, Main street, &aloft. Goderich
ente-Cameron, Holt and Cameron. 1215
"ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solicitors,
47ar,..,OoderielvOnbaulo. J. T. GURROW Q. lito
WL Paouoroor. 586
CAAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, Barrister, go -
Helton in Chancery, lio.,Goderich, On* M. C.
miaow, Q. C., Paton. Hour, DIIDI,SY Hoof=
"161 HOLMESTED, encceesor to the late firm of
_E e McCaughey & Hob:nested, Barrister, Solicitor
Conveyancer, and Notaty Solicitor for the Can
adieu Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farm
for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street
MI W. TWEDDLE, Dentiet. Offiee-Over Richard-
son & Martinis' shoe store, corner Main and
John streets, Soaforth.
pit. BELDEN, dentiet ; crowning, bridge work
and gold plate work. Special attention given
to the preservation of the natural teeth. All work
earefully performed. Office -over Johnson Bros.'
nardware store, Seaforth. 1451
DR. H. S. ANDERSON, graduate of Royal College
of Dental SnrgeonsOntario, D. D. 3., of To-
ronto University. Office, '3Iarket Block, Mitchell,
Ontario. 1402
ACII:IFO, Dentist, Clintowill
..111,4ryvi;ititoirleanysallattal at ciscallottel
eecond Thursday in futon morith 1238
Dr. John McGinnis,
Hon. Graduate London 'Western University, iOereber
of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Office and Residence -Formerly occupied by Mr. Wm.
Pickard, Victoria Street, next to the Cathelie Church
darNight calls attended promptly. • 145342
11R. ARMSTRONG, M. B., Toronto, M. D. C. M.,
Victoria, M. 0.2. 5., Ontario, successor to Dr.
Elliott, office lately occupied by Dr. Ellett, Bruce-
eld, Ontario.
TS E. COOPER, M. D., M. B., L. F. P. and S.
jte Glasgow, &c., Physician, Surgeon and Ao.
ooncher, Const;noe, Ont. 1127
4'1XX. BETHUNE, M. D., Fellow of the Royal
'Ai College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kinston.
Stsoeeseor to Dr. Maokid. Offict lately occupied
oy Dr. Maokid, Mate Street Seaforth. Residence
--oovner of Victoria Square, in house lately occupied
lee le E. Dancer,. 1127
Late resident Phyeimian and Surgeon, Toronto Gen
eta Hospital. Honor graduate Trinity University
member of the College Of Physicians and Surgeons
a Ontario. Coroner for the County of Huron.
ggOOFFICE.-Same as formerly occupied ey Dr.
Smith, opposite Public, Sollool;Seaforth. Telephone
No. 46, N. B. -Night ealls answered from office.
Goder0a street, opposite Methodist church,Seaforth
J. G. SCOTT, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and
member Ontario College of Physicians and
Surgeons. Coroner for County of Huron. -
e. refecKAY, honor graduate Trioity University,
geld medalist Trinity Medical College. Member
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
auctioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth,
and Agent at Hensel' for the Massey -Harris Manu-
facturing Company. Sales promptly attended to,
aharges moderate and setisfaction guaranteed.
Orders by mall addressed to Menotti-Post Office, or
left at his residence, Let 2, Conceeeion 11, Tuck -
et -smith, will receive prompt attention. 1296 -id
JOHN H. MoDOUGALL, Lioeneed Auctioneer for
the County of Huron. Sales attended in all
parte of the County. Terms reasonable. From Mr.
McDougall's long experience as a dealer in /arm
stock of all kinds, he is specially qualified to judge
of values, and can guarantee satisfaction. All orders
left at THE EXPOSITOR office; or at his residence, Lot
3, Concession 3, 11. R. S., Tuckersinith, will be
promptly attended to. 1466
Emancipation from Pain
Dr. LeRoy's Female Pills,
The only reliable and trustwodlyrme.
paration known. Safest, stireat and most
effective remedy ever discovered for all irreg.
alarities of the ferrialesystem. Sealeilcfreular
free. Price $1 per box of druggists, or byrnr.lt
securely- ac-aled on receipt of price.
LeRoy Pill Co- Victoria St., Toronto, Can.
SOLI in Seaforth by; I. Y. Fear.
-The engagement of Miss Elle Walker,
granddaughter. of Hiram Walker, the mil-
lionaire disSiller of Walkerville, Ontario, to
Count Menford Von Matuschka, of Schloss,
Bechau, has been announced.
(Continued from kat week.)
It was a great aurprise to Scrooge, while
listening to the moaning of the wind, and
thinking what a solemn thing. it was to
move ou. through the lonely darkness over
an unknown abyss, whose depths were se:
crate se profound as Death; it was a great
surprise to Scrooge, while thus engaged, to
hear a hearty laugh. It was a much greater
surprise to Scrooge to recognize it as his
own nephew's and to find himself in a
bright, dry, gleaming room, with the Spirit
standing smiling by his side, and looking at
that same nephew with approving affability!
" Ha, ha' laughed Scrooge's nephew.'
"Ha, ha, ha!"
If you should 'happen, by anyi unlikely
chance, to know a man more blest in a
laugh than Scrooge's nephew, all I can say
is, I should like to know 'him too. Intro-
duce him to me, and cultivate his ao-
It is a fair, even-handed,noble adjustment
•of things, that while there is infection in
*disease and sorrow, there is nothing so ir-
resistibly contagioua as laughter and good
humor. When Scrooge's nephew laughed
in this way: holding his sides, rolling his
head, and twisting his face into the most
extravagant contortions: Scrooge's niece,
by marriage, laughed` as heartily as he.
And their assembled friends being not a bit
behind hand, roared out huitily.
"Ha, ha ! Ha, ha, ha, ha!"
"He said that Cluistmas was a humbug,
as I live !" cried Scrooge's nephew. "
believe.d it too r
"More shame folk, him, kited !" said
Scrooge's niece, indignantly. - 'aless those
women; they never do anytbhe; by halves.
They are always in earnest.
She wasvery pretty: exceedingly pretty.
With a dimpled, surprised -looking, capital
face; a ripe little mouth, that seemed made
to be kissed -as no doubt it was; all kinds
of good little dots about her chin, that
Melted. into one another when she laughed,
and the sunniest pain of eyes you ever saw
itt any little creature's head. Altogether
she was what you would have called pro-
voking, you know; but satisfactory, too.
Oh, perfectly satisfactory.
"He s a comical old fellow," said
Scrooge's nephew, " that'a the truth; and
not SO pleasant as he might be. However,
his offences carry their own punishment,
and I have nothing to say against him."
"I'm sure he is very rich, Fred," hinted
Scrooge's niece. "At least you always tell
me so.
What of that' my dear !" said S'crooge's
nephew. "Hie wealth is of no use to him.
He don't do any good with it. He don't
make himself comfortable with it. He
hasn't the satisfaction of thinking -ha, ha,
ha !-tbat he is ever going to benefit Us
with it."
"I have no patience with him," observed
Scrooge's niece. Scrooge's niece's • sisters,
and all the other ladies, expressed the same
opinion. -
Oh, I have !" said Scrooge's nephew.
I am sorry for him • I couldn't be angry
with him if I tried. :Who suffers by his ill
whims! Himself, always. Here, he takes
it into his head to dislike us, and howon't
come and dine with us. WhaVs the conse-
quence! He don't lose much of a dinner."
"Indeed, I think he loses a very good
dinner," interrupted Scrooge's niece. Ev-
erybody else said the same, and they must
be allowed to have been cohipetent judges,lie-
cause they had just had dinner; and, with
the dessert upon the table, were clustered
round the fire, by lamplight.
"Well! I'm very glad" to hear it," said
Scrooge's nephew, "because I haven't great
faith in these young housekeepers. What
do you say, Topper ?"
Topper had. clearly got his eye upon one
of Scrooge's niece's sisters, for, he answered
that a bachelor was a wretched outeasit,who
had no right to express an opinion on the
subject. Whereat Scrooge's neiceis sister,
-the plump one with the lace tucker; not
the one with the roses -blushed.
"Do go on, Fred," said Scrooge's niece,
clapping her hands. "He never finishes
What he begins to say! He is stieh a ridic-
ulous fellow !"
Serooge's nephew revelled in another
laugh, and as it was impossible to keep the
mfection off: though the plump sister tried
hard to do it with aromatic vinegar; his
example wai unanimously followed.
I was only going to say," said Serooge's
nephew, that the consequence of his taking
a dislike to us, and not making merry with
us, is, as I think, that he loses some pleas-
ant moments, which could do him no harm.
I a.m sure he loses pleasanter companions
than he can find in his own thoughts, either
in his mouldy old office, or his dusty
chambers. I mean to' give him the same
chance every year, whether he likes it or
not, for I pity him. He may rail at Christ-
mas till he dies, but he can't help thinking
better of it -I defy him -if he finds me go-
ing there, in good temper, year after year,
and saying Uncle Scrooge, how are you?
If it only puts him in the vein to leave his
poor clerk fifty pounds, that's something;
and I think I shook him yesterday."
It was their turn to laugh now at the no-
tion of his shaking Scrooge. But being
thoroughly good natured, and not much
caring what they laughed at, so that they
laughed at any rate, he encouraged them in
their merriment and passed the bottle
After tea they had some music_ For they
were a musical family, and- knew what
they were about, when they sung a Glee or
Catch, I can assure you; especially Topper,
who could growl away in the bass like a
good one, and never swell the large veins in
his forehead, or get red in the face over it.
Scrooge's niece played well upon the harp ;-
and played among other tunes a simple little
air (a mere nothing; you might learn to
whistle it in two minutes), which had been
familiar to the child ,who fetched Scrooge
from the boarding school, as he had been re-
minded by the Ghost of Christmas Past.
When the strain of music sounded, all the
things that Ghost had shown him, came
upon his mind; he toftened more and more;
and thought if he could have listened to it
often, yearsdago, he might have cultivated
the kindness of life for his own happiness
with his own hands, without resorting to
the sexton's spade that buried Jacob Marley.
But they didn't devote the whole evening
to music; a while they played at forfeits;
for it is good to be children sometimes, and
never better than at Christmas, when its
mighty Founder was a child himself. Stop !
There was first a game at blind -man's buff.
Of course there was. And I no more be-
lieve that Topper was really blind than I
believe he had eyes in his boots. My opinion
is; that it was a done thing between him
and Scrooge's nephew; and that the Ghost
of Christmas Present knew it. The way
he went after that plump sister in the lace
tucker, was an outrage on the - credulity of
human nature. Knocking down the fire -
irons, tumbling over the chairs, bumping
against the piano,smothering himself among
the curtains, wherever she went, there went
.he! He always knew where the plump sis-
ter was. He wouldn't catch anybody else.
If you had fallen up against him (as some of
them did on purpose,) he would have made a
feint of endeavoring to seize you, which
would have been an affront to your under-
standing, and would instantly have sided off
The fac-
ef •
Is on
Yoke Fellpws.
Many women work too
hard. There is no ques-
tion about that. If they
did not have Love for a
yoke - fellow they could
never endure the daily, .
hourly grind and drudgery
of life. But theybeat it
cbeerfully, sustained by
loving thoughts of hus-
band and children.
But when physical weakness or disease is
added to a woman's burden it becomes al-
together too heavy. No woman can be
cheerful or hopeful who is dragged down
by continual pain and physical wretch-
. The special weaknesses peculiar to the
/feminine organism are comparatively easy
to overcome if the earlier symptoms are
given proper attention. But if allowed to
.go unchecked, they are liable to develop
;into serious, chronic complications.
Any woman afflicted with these delicate
ailments ought to have the immediate aid
,of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is
a perfect and unfailing specific for all dis-
leases of the feminine organs. It was de-
!vised for this one purpose, and accompn
.ilishes this purpose as no other medicine
bas ever done.
For nearly 30 years Dr. Pierce has been
chief consulting physician of the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute,at Buffalo,
N. Y., where in conjunction with his staff
of associate specialists, he has successfully
treated many thousand cases of " female
No physician living has had a more ex-
tended opportunity to study this class of
• diseases in actual practice. No medicine
ever invented has done for women what hie
"Favorite Prescription " has.
jj Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation.
m the direction of the plump sister. She
, often cried out that it wasn't fair; and it
really was not. But when at last,he caught
her; when, in spite of all her silken rust-
lings, and her rapid flutteritigs past him, he
got her into a corner whence there was no
escape; then his con,duct was the most exe-
crable. For his pretending not to know
her • his pretending that it was necessary to
touch her head-dress, and further to assure
himself of her identity by pressing a certain
ring upon her finger, and a 'certain chain
about her neck; was vile, monstrous! No
doubt she told him her opinion of it,
when, another blind man being in office,
they were so very confidential together be-
hind the curtains.
Scrooge's niece was not one of the blind
man's buff party, but was made comfortable
with a large chair and a footstool, in a snug
corner, where the Ghost and Scrooge were
close behind her. But she joined in the for -
felt's, and loved her love to admiration with
all the letters of the alphabet. Likewise,at
the game of How, When and Where, she
was very great, and to the secret joy of
Scrooge's nephew, beat her sisters hollow;
though they were sharp girls too, as Topper
could have told you. There might have
been twenty people there, young and old,
but they all played, and so did Scrooge;
for wholly forgetting, in the interest he
had in what was going on, that his voice
made no sound in their ears, he sometimes
came out with his guess quite loud, and very
often guessed quite right, too; for the
sharpest needle, best Whitechapel, war-
ranted not to cut in the eye was not sharp-
er than Scrooge; blunt as he took it in his
head to be.
The Ghost was greatly pleaaild to find him
in this mood, and looked upon him with
such favor, that he begged like a boy to be
allowed to stay until the guests departed.
But this the Spirit said could not be done.
"Here is a new game said Scrooge.
" One half hour, Spirit, only one !"
It was a game called Yes and No, Where
Scrooge's nephew had to think of something,
and the rest must find out what; heonly
answering to their questions yes or no, as
the case was. The brisk fire of questioning
to which he was exposed, elicited from him
that he was thinking of an animal, a live
animal, rather a disagreeable animal, a sav-
age animal, an animal that growled and
grunted sometimes, and talked sonietimes,
and lived in London, and walked about the
streets and wasn't made a show Of, and
wasn'Cled by anybody, and didn't live in a
menagerie, and was never killed in a mar-
ket, and was not a horse, or an ass,or a cow,
or a bull, or a tiger, or a dog, or a pig, or a
cat, or a bear. At every fresh question
that was put to him, this nephew burst into
a fresh roar of laughter • and was so inex-
pressibly tickled, that he was obliged to get
up 'off the sofa and stamp. At last the
plump sister, falling into a similar state,
cried out:
"1 have found ib out! I know what it
is, Fred? 1 know what it is !"
" What is ia ?" cried Fred.
"It's your Uncle Scro-o-o-o-oge !"
Which it certainly was. Admiration was
the universal sentiment, though some ob-
jected that the reply to "Is it a bear !"
ought to have been "Yes ;" insomuch as an
answer in the negative was sufficient to
have diverted their thoughts from Mr.
Scrooge, ' supposing they had ever had a
tendency that way.
"He has given us plenty of merriment, I
'am sure," said Fred, and it would be un-
grateful not to drink his _health. Here is a
glass of mulled wine readyt to our hand at
the moment • and I say, 'Uncle Scrooge !' "
" Well ! Uncle Scrooge !" they cried.
"A Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year to the old man, whatever he is !" said
Scrooge's nephew. "He wouldn't take it
from me, but may he have it, nevertheless.
Uncle Scrooge !'
Uncle Scrooge had imperceptibly become
so gay and light of heart, that he would
have pledged the unconscious company in
return, and thanked them in an inaudible
speech if the Ghost had given him time.
But the whole scene passed off in. the breath
of the last word spoken by his nephew; and
he and the Spirit were again upon their
. Much they saw, and far they went, and
many homes they visited, but always with a
happy end. The Spirit stood beside sick
beds, and they were cheerful; on foreign
lands, and they were close at home;
by struggling men and they were
patient in their greater hope; by
poverty,and it wad rich. In almehouse,hos-
pital, and jail, in misery's every refuge,
where vain man in his little brief authority
had not made fast the door, and barred the
Spirit out, he -left his blessing, and taught
Scrooge his precepts.
It was a long night, if it were only a
night ; but Scrooge had his doubts of this,
because the Chrietmas holidays appeared to
be condensed into the space of time they
passed together. It was strange, too, that
while Scrooge remained unalteted in his
outward form, the Ghost grew oidenclearly
older. Scrooge had observed this change,
but never spoke of it, until they left a
children's Twelfth Night party, when, look-
ing at the_Spirit as they stood together in
an open place, he noticed that its hair was
"Are spirits' lives so short ?" asked
The fee.
is os
"4y life upon this globe ie very brief,'
replied the Ghost. "It ends to. -night."
.6" crii!ght 1" cried Serene.
" Tomaght at midnight. Hark! The
tine is drawing near."
The chimes were ringing the three quar-
ters past eleven at that moment.
"Forgive me if I am riot justified in what
I ask," sigid Scrooge, looking intently at the
Spirit's robe, " bail see something strange,
and not belonging to yourself, protruding
from your ekirts. Is it a foot or a claw ?,
"It might beia claw, for the flesh there is
upon it," was the Spirit's sorrowful reply.
"Look here." .
From the foldings of ita robe, it brougbt
two children; wretched,. abject, frightful,
hideous, miserable. They kneltdown at
its feet and clung Upon the outside of its
"Oh, Man! look here. Look,look, down
here!" exclaimed the Ghost. _
They were it boy and girl. Yellow, mea-
gre, ragged, scowling, wolileh • but pros-
trate, too' in their humility. Where grace-
ful youth,should have filled their features
outi and touched them with its freshest
tints, a stale and shrivelled hand, like that
of age, had piuched and misted them, and
pulled them into. Article. Where augek
might have sat enthroned; devils lurked,and
glared out menacing. Ne change, no degra-
dation, no perversion of humanity, in any
grade, through all the mysteries of wonder-
ful creation,
have monaters been half so
horrible and dreadful.
Scrooge started back, appalled. Having
them shown to him in this way, he tried to
say they were fine children, but the words
choked themeelvesmather than be parties. to
a lie of such enormous magnitude.
"-Spirit ! are they your e ?" Scrooge
could say no more.
"They are Man's," said the Spirit, look-
ing dewn upon them. "I.And they cling to
me appealing from their Ifathera. This boy
is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware
them both, and all of; theil degree, but
moat of all beware this bioy, for on his brow
I see that written which is Doom, unless the
writing be erased. Deny it !" cried the
Spirit, stretching out ita hand towards the
city. ti Slander those who tell it ye! - Ad-
mit for your factious purpories, and make it
worse, And abide the end !'"
"Have they no refege or resource?"
creed Scrooge.
"Are there no prisons ?" said the Spirit,
turning on him for the last time with his
own words. Are there no workhouses ?"
The bell struck twelve,.
Scrooge looked aboiit him for the Ghost,
and saw it not. As the last strokeceased to
vibrate, he remembered the, prediction of
old Jacob Marley, and lifting up his eyes,
beheld a solemn Phantom, draped and
hooded,coming like a mist along the ground,
towards him.
The Phantom slowly, gravely, silently
.pproached. When it came near him,
Scrooge bent down upon' his knee; for in
the very air through which this Spirit
moved it seemed to scatter gloom and
It was shrouded in a deep black garment,
which concealed its head, its face, its form,
and left nothing of it visible save one out-
stretehed,hand. But for this it would have
been difficult to detach its figure from the
night, and separate it from the darkness
by which it was surrounded.
He felt that it was tall and stately when
it came beside him, and that its mysterious ,
presence fined him with a solemn dread.
He knew no more, for the Spirit neither
spoke nor moved.
"1 am in the presence of the Ghost of
Christmas Yet to Come ?" said Scrooge.
The Spirit answered not, but pointed on-
ward with its hand.
" You are about to show me shadows of
the things that have not happened, but will
happen in the time before us," _Scrooge
pursued. " Is that so, Spirit ?"
The upper portion of the -garment was
contracted for an instant in its folds, as if
the Spirit had inclined its head. That was
the only answer he received.
Although well used to Ghostly company
by this time Scrooge feared the silent shape
so much thnt his legs trembled beneath
him and he found that he could hardly
stand when he prepared to follow it The
Spirit paused a moment,as if observing his
condition, and giving him time to recover.
But Scrooge was all the worse for this.
Itabrilled him with a vague uncertain hor-
ror, to know that behind the dusky shroud,
there were ghostly eyes intently fixed upon
him, while he, though be stretched his own
to the utmost, could see 1 nothing but a
spectral hand and one great heap of black.
"Ghost of the Future !" he exclaimed,
"1 fear you more than any. spectre I have
seen. But as I know your purpose is to do
me good, and as I hope to live to be another
man from what I was, I am prepared ao
bear you company, and do it with a thank-
ful heart. Will you not speak to me
It gave him no reply. The hand was.
pointed straight before them.
"Lead on !" said Scrooge. "Lead on !
The night is waning fast, and it is precious
time to me, I know. Lead on, Spirit !"
The Phantom moved away as it had come
towards him. Scrooge followed in the sha-
dow of its dress, which bore him up, he
'thought, and carried him along.
They scarcely seemed to enter the city;
for the city rather seeffied to spring up
about them, and emcompass them of its
own act. But there they were, in the
heart of it ; on 'Change, amongst the mer-
chants; who hurried up and down, and
chinked the money in their pockets, and
conversed in groups, and looked at their
watches, and trifled thoughtfully with their
great gold seals • and so forth, as Scrooge -
had seen them often.
The Spirit stooped beside one little knot
of business men. Observing that the hand
was pointed to them, Scrooge advanced to
listen to their talk.
"No," said a great fat man with a mons-
trous chin, "1 don't know much about it,
either way: I only know he's dead."
" When did he die ?" inquired another.
"Last night, I believe.,
"Why, what was tho matter with him ?"
asked edthird, taking a vastl quantity of
snuff oat of a very large snuff-box, "1
thought he'd never die."
God knows," said' the first, with a
"-What has he done with his money ?"
asked it red-faced gentleman eadth it pendul-
ous excrescence on the end of his nose, that
shook like the gills of.a turkey -cock.
"1 haven't heard,"' said the man -with the
large chin, yawning again. "Left it to his
coMatiany, perhaps. He hasn't left it to me.
That's all I know." •
This pleasantry was received with a gen-
eral laugh.
"It's likely to be a very cheap funeral,"
said the same speaker; "for npon my life
I don't know of anybody to go to it. Sup-
pose we make up a party and volunteer ?"
" I.don't mind going if a lunch is pro-
vided," observed the gentleman with the
excrescence on his nose. 'But I must be
fed, it I make one."
Another laugh.
," Well, I am the most _ disinterested
among you, after all," said the first speaker,
for I never wear black gloves, and I never
eat lunch. But I'll offer to go, if anybody
else will. When I come to think of it, I'm
not et all sure that I wasn't his most par-
ticular friend ; for we used to stop and
speak whenever we met. By -by !"
Speakers and listeners strolled away, and
mixed with other groups. - Scrooge knew
Te Ed
is as
itae/e/ erery
themen, and looked towards the Spirit for lam eine
JANUARY 22,1897,.
glided on into a street.
finger - pointed to two persons meeti
sklerooge listened again, thinking that the
explanation might lie here.
He knew -these men, also,perfectly. They
were men of business ; very wealthy, and of
great importance. He had made a point al-
ways of standing well, in their esteem; in a
business point of view, that *0 ; strictly in a
business point of view.
"How are you ?" said one.
How are you ? returned the other.
" Well !" said the first. "Old Scratch
has got his own at last, hey ?"
"So I am told," returned the second,
"Cold, isn't it?"
Seasonable for Christmas time. You're
not id skater I suppose ?"
"No. NO. Something else to think of.
Good -morning!" ,
Not another word. That was their
meeting, their conversation, and their
Scrooge was at first inclined t� be surpris-
ed that the Spirit should attach importance
to conversations apparently so trivial; but
feeling assured that they must have some
hidden purpose, he set himaelf to ponsider
:what it was likely to be. They could
-scarcely be supposed to have any bearing on
the death of Jacob, his old partner, for that
was Past, and this Ghost's province was the
Future. Nor could he think of any one
immediately connected with himself, to
whom he could apply them. But nothing
doubting that to whomsoever they Applied
they had some latent moral for his own
improvement, he resolved to treasnre up
every word he heard, and everything he
saw and especially to observe the shadow
of himself whenit appeared. For he had
an expectation that the conduct of his fut-
ure self would give him the clue he missed.
and would render the solution of these rid-
dles easy.
He looked about in that very place for his
own linage '• but another man stood in his
accustomedcorner, and though the -clock
pointed to his usual time of day for being
there, he saw no likeness of himself among
the multitudes that poured in through the
Porch. It gave him little surprise, how-
ever ; for he had been tevolving in his mind
a change of life, and thought and hoped he
saw his new-born resolutions carried out in
Quiet and dark, beside him stood the
Phantom, with its outstretched hand.
When he roused himself from his thought-
ful quest, he fancied from the turn of the
hand, and its situation in reference to him-
self, itii at the Unseen Eyes were looking at
him eerily. It made him shudder, and
feel v. ry cold. ,
They left the busy scene, and went into
an obscure part of the town, where Scrooge
had never penetrated before, although he
rezognized its situation, and its bad repute.
The ways were foul and narrow e the shops
and houses wretched; the people half -naked,
drunken, slipshod, ugly. Alleys and arch-
ways, like so many cesspools, disgorged
their offences of smell, and dirt, and life,
upon the straggling streets a and the whole
quarter reeked with crime, with filth, and
Far in this den of infamous resort, there
was a low-browied, beetling atop, below a
pent -house roof, where iron old rags, bot-
tles, bons, and- greasy offal were brought.
Upon the floor within, were piled up heaps
of rusty keys, nails, chains, hinges, files,
.scales, weights, and defuse iron of all kinds.
Secrets' that few would like to scrutinize
were bred and hidden in mountains of un-
seemly rags masses of corrupted fat, and
sepulchres Of bones. Sitting in among the
wares he dealt in, by a charcoal stove,. made
of old bricks, was a gray-haired rascal near-
ly seventy years of age; who had screened
himself from the cold air without, by a
frowsy curtaining of miscellaneous tatters,
hung upon aline ; and Smoked his pipe in
all the luxury of calm retirement.
i Scrooge and the Phantom came into the
presence of this eaan,'just as a woman with
a heavy bundle slunk into the shop. But
she had scarcely entered, when another
woman, eimilarly laden, came in too; and
she was closely followed by adman in faded
black, who was no leas startled by the sight
of them, than they had been upon the
recognition of each other. After a short
period of blank astonishment, in whieh the
old man with the pipe had joined _them,
they all three burst into a laugb.
(Tobe continued.)
Mrs. Smalley, No. 52, St. Dovid street,
Toronto, says :-sI, have used .Dr. Lavio-
lette's Syrup of Turpentine in my family
for true croup and .severe coughs, and I
have been more than surprised at the good
results obtained. I really consider it the.
safest and best remedYI have ever used, as
well as the, most palatable.
d ma
The Profit of Giving.
In Connecticut, a few years ago, lived a
lady who had a beautiful flower garden in
which she took great pride. The whole
country was proud of it, too, and people
drove miles to see it.
She fastened two large baskets on the
outside of her fence next the road, and
every mor ing they were filled with cut
flowere-t e • large, showy- kinds in one
basket, an the delicate, fragile ones in the
other. All the school children going by,
helpedthemselves, and studied the _better
for it. And the business men took a breath
of fragrance into their dusty offices that
helped the day along. Even the , tramps
were welcome to all the beauty they could
get in their forlorn lives.
"You cut such quantities," some one
said to her, "aren't you afraid you will
rob yourself ?"
"The more I cut the mold; I have," she
answered. Don't you know that if plants
are allowed to go to seed they stop bloom-
ing? I love to give pleasure and it is profit
as well, formyliberal cutting is the secret
of my beautiful garden. I'm like the man
ha Pilgrim's Progress:
"A man there was, (though, some did count him
The more he gave away the more he had."
Fits of coughing are often canoed by mic-
robes Attached to the niucoue membre.nees of -
the respiratory organs. Dr. Laviolette's
Syrup of Turpentine stops this at once, for
it is the best microbicide known.
-Visitors to Hawarden say that they
have not peen Mr.Gladstone in better health
for some time.
In ,some conditions -the
gain from the use of Scott's
Emulsion of cod-liver oil
1775.--i-a7 For this reason
we put'up a 5oc. size, which
is enough for an ordinary
cough or cold Or uspful as a
trial for babies and childi-en.
In other conditions gain
must be slow', sometimes
can't be built up in a day.
For this „ Scotts Emulsion
must be taken as nourish-
ment, food rather than
medicine, food prepared for
tired and weak digestions
Soon- a BOWNE, Chemists, 5c.e. and $1.o
And Thus Cures Permanently—The Oni
Spring Medicine.,
Banishes Like Magic irkligestion, Nervou
• ness Sick Headache and General Debility.
There is a great deal of uncertainty
In themethods adopted to remove dis-
ease. Doctors are not free from OLIO
kind of thing themselves. The poor
patieAt has to put up with: a good deal
of experimenting. The discoverer of
South American Nervine takes too se-
rious a view of life to play pranks of
this kind. He does not think that
these human bodies of ours should be
fooled with. He has recognized that
they are subject to disease, but by
scientific methods he has learned that
Just as the watch is to be put in, per-
fect repair only when the main spring
is kept in running order, so with the
dndividual, he remains in perfect health
only when the nerve centres are kept
healthful and strong. -
What disease Ismoredistressing than
Indigestion or dyspepsia? Some simple
remedy may be given to cause relief
for the moment. Nervine is an indis-
putably successful remedy for the
worst cases of indigestion, because it
reaches the source of all Stomach trou-
bles -the nerve centres. Indigestion
exists because the vital forces have be-
come diseased and are weakened. Ner-
vine builds up tire nerve centres
which come these forces, removes t.
CaUSeS of indigestion and then buil
up the health completely -
How many systems are run date
through nervousness. A etimulant ma
give ease, but it will not, cure nerveu
troubles. Nervine has cured more des-
Perate cases of nervousness than an
other medicine anywhere, and it does
for the same reasoyr that it cures 1
digestion. The nerve >centres are d
r.anged, or there would be no victims.
nervousness. Nervine rebuilds an
strengthens the nerve tissues, an
hence its marvellous powers In diseae
of this kind.
In the spring of the year the strong
est suffer from general debility. The
blood through neglect has become Im-
poverished, and the whole system seta
out of order, We speak of it as being
a spring medicine. - Nervine restore
the exhausted vital- forces that have.
led to this tired, don't -care, played-ou
miserable condition. No one can tak
a bottle of Nervine without disea
quickly glying way to aboundiii
• he Ith_
We have stared the New Year with as thre a line of Furniture as
wish to see, and at prices that will astonish you for cheapness. All our good
are warranted to give satisfaction, .and we extend to you an invitation to
and inspect our large stock. of Bed ROOM. Suites, Parlor Suites,Sideboards,
tension Tables, Dining ROOM Chairs, Centre Tables, Hat Racks, Wardro
.Chiffoniers, Bamboo Goods and Chairs of all kinds. When we know wb
please you in qualty and price. "Give us a trail."
Undertaking Department
Our Undertaking department is complete in every respect, and as
purchase from firat-class manufacturers only, we can guarantee to give go
satisfaction in all itis branches, as we have an Undertakrer and Embalmer
fifteen years' experience, and any orders we may he favored with shall recei
the very best attention. Don't forget the old stand.
P. S. Night 4aIls attended to by calling at our Funeral Director's
sidence First Door ast of Drs. Scott & McKay' s Oce: or at Dr. Campbe
Old Office on Main ,Street Seaforth.
Main Street Seafortb, Porter's 01A4 ta
25, 30, 40, 50 AND 60 CENTS
Year in and Year Out, the -
Forest City =usiness ge and Shorthand Colle
5:117' 1.101•TID 0 1ST IV M.
Gives the moat practical business and shorthand course obtainable. Courses earefall
graded. Rooms and equipment the best. Students assisted to profitable positioos weekl
Good board $2.50 per week, For particulars of either course, address
J W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
REST - - . -S1,000
'A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, Dr
issued, payable at :all points in Canada and the principal cities in
the United Stttes, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, ttc.
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of inte
E"Interest added to the principal at the end of May and Novem-
ber in each year.
Special attention given to the collection of -Commercial Paper and Fa...,
mers'' Sales Notes.
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. M. MORRIS, Manager.
0110 0 S E
Your Christmas presents from
our new stock -of
Caring Sets
Pocket Cutlery
Knives and For4s
Hardware, S
Second hand stoves taken in ex
Tea Trays
Sleigh Bells, etc.
& CO., Seaforth
ves and Tinware Merchants.
halve for new ones.
[The fo
for 'last w
Miss Magg
united in ni
ville, of
white kid g
Curtois. Ri
rnediately a
the bride's ei
happy eouphd
•ing their frie
they left
home. We
3COTA. -We I
will be of int
Free Press ol
The marria
Bella Hagan
-of Be/grave,
dence on sixi
Ilth, by Po
church d
friends of tin
The bride evi
silk. After
taken off, til
Twin Cities
Else is one id
137 respects&
universal fa!
The Free Pr
of the newl ,
happiness an
liSt. -Mr. B
his ilbaess.-a
of the Chris!
on Friday ea
secretion wa
and Rev. NI
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ay -The fi
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to Mr. F. if
men from he
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e..OuId be de
body seems
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Miller, Jr., --
week, and
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WroxeWr o
tute meeti
Kelly, who
right again,
visiting. Id
material fo
laming the
ment win
appeared t
have read
Some one w
-The mean
George Tay
ed treasure
Monday las
Mr. Arth
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108 births,
13 melee an
number of
yet, parti
able to a
ary 11th,
laration of
Moses Gei
Deputy ;
son 11:Tili"
nil became
chair. Th(
d efor
surer, F.
taker; M
Signer: Re
second attd*
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O.: James
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A number
ment. Cou
ary .22nd a
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affair wil
of " Dam
Wilma an
Mr. _Ancle
fun nothip
during th
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-oe, 40c,