HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-01-22, Page 4-- r-- , .. , - I.--7-�7',-��,,- v - - �-
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-M, induced Sir 'Zonn -ThAnpison to Church for' undertaking to ran the at
NEW ADV ERTIStRENT8 increased if they, will only give more con- ing actualities. A ohatiodieristic -featuris of the the fact/ that he: ra a the
upright Character. About four
1#04 doyrAft the 0 Dombilonr at least an Important see- con years ago
sidoilatior to the poultry buisinew the situation in that all, these p notows Deparfinent no
e' 11 re tioal machine- for the bone. he movod to Hensall, where he has sines
th ry All,
AN'The ftn*e between the parenthesis, after ealoh tion f Slick fit ofthe t was not so nine v his liveds, ietired life., Unfortunately his welt
coming to a head at the. same V it on clerical lines.
Mr. D. A Wilson ime. They Mar-19on, iff.p. Sam
*,no, denotes tho p#go of the -paper *n which -the of Sedorth,' who is, ., , - V
we all � 100 -Ia, to point, aa& that the Tories, imedo say -that whilst the Nova Scotisis fault �" the fju -orMeement will be found. ssing Mr. Charlton le -disliked by 56thO80 w1a e mf d earned ristas suddenly out, ho
perhaps,_. the lariest xporter of eggs in point.W the present We are sure Theydq not like any, one in partioulm w6re slaugwhanging one. Another at: poll- -1 him in doiiig so. er -he throat, which -
Toxw Good (5) Mr. Holman, was &-j ee er severe form of cancer of t
aB&ph% -W.. W. Rqffman. (61, Ontario, "so with he remarks of Mr. every. one will hope that our outemp6rar tical meetings *the Yankees wAre catching after.pdlitical favor, and although he used the bes� me
an the Liberal tilde, but him they -hate t . (lical skill was powerless to --ure
his has been of & bright visions way be more than -realize
Morgan, and, h experience d.1 because he has so long held a county'
is ll th6 11sh.'It Is equally true that whilist the eitire machine at his disi6sal to at- andwhich had been for some * time
Great Wilison. (6) ast .
Sal6611roy 8r -nit-ate. Mr. Wilion' has been iA the �'used to be regarded 'as a Tory we are "killing each other for love of tain his pbject, �uj rtun away his
similar which 0 ately for h 'self slo I but suiely s
Condition Pawdm-Fe4r's Dtug Store. (5) -Mr. Alfred Evanturel, the member 'for because he is a very form.�- God" tlie, United States Is drawing to that object has not yet been attained, WT 8'"ing
kpireserve and ud t Th e
e ceased "wa
old count u- an unmdrriid im, a
Madaboro Creatnery-fthn Watt. (6) ry mqrketa several times superi n In Parli6ment and on the. itself a feat deia- of -foreign labor and is. riot likely that"it �viil be now, But had Reformer in politics, and*A Presbyterian in
Piescottis-likely'tobegalected-asihoneicti,idablemit 9
Th *�k McFa! Corupant.'(S) tending the. sale -df bin eggs." He was there foreign capital which under happlor air- the leaders of the Tory party been an and tU through Iiis quiet and'.
A Good (1) sker of 'the Ontario Legislature. M stump. Ontrade and tariff. questlohii he me to religion,
For Sale--A'WcUol. (U -home only a tow ape Ar Y,
last fall and returned. weekA Is as good a speaker as there. Is, and can culustOnces Inight have their way Mr. Holman. as be Wais to the Tory t reticent manner of living e
Evanturel is a French Canadl' was mujih�
Sealed Ten&a-& F. F� Roy. on, and is holdhis,own on to Canada. things would have bequ -different wit� him. respected, -and sympathized xvith . n his 11V
-X\Neoutors *e --M Ta and George. Dale. (t ago, and he it, therefore, thoroughly other subjects with the
cOn;* among the oldest and most rominent mew- Inuebec, as I know from person s
best. He was, born of paiFents on tY Owes Mr. H Iman Den. The fune&I will tafte-place, from 192
whatVY01 but Mule, (4 'he irastly" more
*Shod Priod.-Rol variant with the requirements of the old bera of t Legislature. - lie is a Anent and olwan ow�s the late redidence to -day (Friday)o for Rme:
Homo for Ub-LxPosulow Offlo& (1) the American side nearly Ilo observation politicis � In? the. . pulpit Ij than "M H
accom shedopeaker, both in French and
V.4bod Wanik-Broadf6ok 9ox &Oo.- (8) country moketoll He says thotif Fifty years any Liberals away ftuni the Tory party,'atid the aggravating part df the cemetery, Bracefield. —Aliss
South Huit4n. FwmeW Imititute. 0) h WC.anada, but driving mi oEM and has well-earnod the distinction U:r. e came GotJoliild,
would supply the kind of eggs that are h. baso his - business connections Church, They do -not become Protestants, business to him, is, that it is some of Ithose Amherstburg, was here last week Attending
r6ow mulign Co. (8) w Ion follow members will bestow upon saw
� with the United States, ha�ving, They siifig?ly stay -at home on Sundays. -samejeaders 'whom he aided.to pla0e in her grandfathees uneral, the late Mr. ohn
wanted in England, and they. could. da so by him *heln
the House meets. ;He will fill whom he - kept, in po g It
power, a
X6 oe to DebUm-X. bluff. (6) mills In Michigan and at. Tonowanda, In the �nd, of course, this sort -of thing wer, khd to Caldwell, sr.,.and also 'w in er cousin,
exercising a little more care# they eoul& the position with dignity and Oilit. The church as, whom he freely lent the fruits of big
near Buffalo. He possesses largemepns must hArt all concerned. Miss Mabel idaldwell, of Tuciersailth.—In
Cheap RM Yeed-Sealoft Oatmeal Nfils. (4) soon "control the
trade there far-eggs_als well. as �he people. to enable thern. to pass -the names of the 'new
To iWatl-WhI. R"kaist. (I And 19 A most generous mau,, though'his muster w in mentioning
Itis, stated that the Qor.Drnment has Thus fa the Liberals have cted with d adve te
thoroughly as they now do for obsew The ower, who are now the loudest 14 re 1: in un, or our incorporation, we AL ntly-
aim charities an not advertised from the
the W. IBM issued a commission to Ponce But, this is by the'.
idmirablo indderation., 3&r. Laurier does 'in- it missed the name of of Dr. Misediarmid
three prime reqiflsites, are size, freshness housetop. Re Is a Presbyterian and holds - I , 41F
o is- Me
h A., IrAwmile. (8) 'rect'at ution died health officer.—Miss HAttie
Seager., of Goderich, to iniestigate a series views -on strict Sabbath obsexvanpe not WJih to fight If It can be: avoided; U wanted Especially to 'd
a ore U111-
nd color. The eggs. should be m which
-Is perfectly sincere. A little hille finiih. - Mr -Tare who Your report tello us that M -F.
form loge; they, must be -into tilile ensive partizansh some do.not at the same* time he B visiting
of charges of off lip againei 'share it Cannot be'[ avoided he'Will M&IkQ it a the appointment of Mr. HolmaWs once ton,, of North Dakota,, in h her
ly got isle ago :fight, to a' t se Mr. and Uri. A. Johnston, of, the
w . appoi ted Thl irue,butth re ento' —A number of the ladiOis f
great, advIsIng his hiiijadi as in isle uite
a number of civil servants and public 6flic he iiet with an accident an& has now to
Igh furp market m: nearli absolutely fresh as possible in West Hhron.. Amo . fluence, is is Cridon road.
an nget those oited to ood deal more of wJ r not Carmel Presbytefian church attended
-and the, 'shells should be bro in'color use crutches. Because of his American to be. cool'and. patient and at the same b10% the tell us. For i does
flavor of 'the appear are - D. - R., Munro, postmaster, birth 3tr..chariton ha been amused of time to keep their powder It 4tance,your re
Instead of white as the Irown dry 71187 t !,:ell Presb3 terial-meeting held it Blyth on -Mon-
say, Visi
Auburn; J. M. Roberts, postmaster, Dan. 'f woring annexation, be- that'the authorit1eq at Rome will yet icant day last.—Mise Rofis, of Lind
when In truth he is us that theie Was iinothersup it -an 6 that, ting
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY- Jan. 2211d, 1891 egg is more preferred -than that of the Mr. Morleywas i M bi the h ir sisters rs. -Beatti4e and Wbi w. W. B. �-1
1113M -peaw. in lug 0
J. A. Dalton, mail clerki Loud - as Amunch &!Canadian as is to be ' I But If it is to be a war
on found Cc -
In the Dominion. He is loyal �o England, to -the knife, the Liberals will not ot vote of th
white. ; it is, in. short, a xicher, better egg civine0ioln LT. J. Austin, e e reeve. the quest will MoLean.—OsTuesday evening of last week
In '&I' "' rk, "'rst the W it In the end. There, we IciaturhUy arms,' why. dil the reeve t row the monsle at Exeter, wo t -,so
pbe Ord � of -he of -
Siouth Huroll Reformerolk aud keeps -fresh longer. The farmers, �tberell ord division ; Willia as loyal. -as the next man, but he is loaft-
s600 000 Frenoh'Canadiaris bybifth or de- hiki powerful.' uence into the scale in L r very Pleasing event, vi&, the in
t, caretaker &at of all, to Canada. It is ; the hope
The annual Mee of the South Huron fore, should cultivate the breed of --hens master, Goderich ; Lewis in of
ting 'uilding, GoderichElnot ^Just south of the line, witli fifteen of � Mr. MOrl!y ? He is a- CO rativel un� Mr.. John DAIr son of r. Robert :'A
public b Re cases will of being. able i4 do something for Cana- scent nple,
kno7 man in the towns. he live s at� D rg f t1re townshiP of TuckeramiM.
that produce's the 'Is at eggs, and those
Reform association., 114 constituted for Pro- Me come for; investigation within, the next I than Interests that,_ crippled as he It,, he 'nwspapers printed in the- French lang- one ox aple,.
UP 'k
t 4 E. R
vincial purposes, will 'be hel# at Coxworth.,E; tha give the poptilarcolor, and they shbuld eek or 80. In cases where officials - are has gone to Washington agath at his- own.- ua98, 120 Prench Catholic churches mau- tr4me edruer ; he his never t en d Maggie mej daughter of Mr.
any- particularly active part - in p iblie Alex. Ross, ot MitoblL We join with
'he most part by French Canad-. affairs, an , d he his never shown in any way the mauy friends of the young a -a
hotel, HensaI4, on 84drday, February fth, trive to get them to, market 'PA fresh as puid adeh remaneiation as should astify expense to -lipend weeks in combatting ned for t
their devoting their whole time to the know
at I 6lock p. in. It is desired that there Possible. If 'this is done, with the cold PU6- prejudices and trybig. to pyopagate a ian clergy, 85 convents and I don't
qcular, aptitude for the position and: wishing them Ion and -continued happiness.
lie service it is -quite proper that they knowledge of Canada and . Cunadlan how many national soleties. ' This Im- n
be a I& rge representation f d by the a y par
of the Libefala. * Frances 6xworth returnea home I
storage facilities whioh.-it is propose ould be brought to book and, punished offairs. Instead of Abus few if any ever thought of his name in con -Mlss
0 lug such'mew. we mense new force Is arrayed on the LIb- 4 -
Gov neat :with it until it
the riding as buAness of rpport ernment to inaugi�rate in this country, came before the i0it week from a pleassul visit with Iriendu
preae they have been interfering offeniivel should, to say the leaA, show them eral-sidel; "Why,". they ask, "should the
y In council.,: On the other hand, - his opponent in M�rkham,—MT. D4can McLasleu, of
ance to the party will be cousideredi Ad. the requirements of the old co"try mar- politics, but in -the case. of sm4ll office's ord.1naiT fair play. Church in Quebec, still treat Fiench ca-.
ost livesalmost in the esntre of the toWa3hi the -township of Hibbert, -redetitly told,aud
such as Auburn and Danganfibn' where the There axe so -me native Canad nadtans as childre� when -the Church
dresses will also be. dsdvere4 by several gen- kets should he Met very fully I the course t � I I
a. a In "within a stones throw of the township ha delivered Winters and, Dick, U
Mori as. Senator McMillan, States I treats- us as grown � wl�
public are usually of . 3 in.debti# o the Congre 1the 'United
tlemen, if time will;pierniit.- of a year or two,. and the keiiip�ng of fowls! ere the business of the township is lambs, which ti- d tb %leg at 4 140 'he officials are to-Ahid public, gan was'born ih Ha�mflton
officials than t
and wo4-ed menL?l I No powerl on Tpe, is na earth aa" Prevent -acted. he is one of the most clever a d and N�,era oi,$4.25 per owt,,, which is
will be even more profitable thin it 501c c
is now. it seems absurd to demand that thi' at We the influence of thEi New'Rn and French.
8 d' achinist on the old Gr ,,�-rn capable young man in, th6 to�vn who the boat'sverage -we have, -yet he
e as a m
Wardenahip to , fT Senator.Gallenger, of New B q from making itself felt in Quebec. You Ship, ard of for
To give an idea of the impqtance of this of officiali should be required r:go
The both from training and experience is Ek mir- so Malay lam�n.
branch. ot industry w- ghts of citizenship out of respec6 for was born at.Cormvail.' S r P o, f
xt, not� their i enato as o might'ag Wen try t�o Stop L the progress, of
e may say thi abli adapted for - the position., and 11 the
'to L
miugurat:iou of the new er h they receive from' the light fiam the sun by,mandement as
With the Ord the ittance whic
Florid was born In E ngland, but lived In
less than $120,000 we're paK out for eggs an ab6Ve, 611 others whom three foi rths
of things, it might W well for -our county pubK treasury, and we hope the Govern- for a while in PrInce Xdward Island. check the spread Of ideas, In this ae.� of the
people of the township looked n as
and poultry in this county during the year ment will not disturb any such. Repesentative Hardy, 'o� Indiana, was Let us hope, however, that Rome, MAT likely to be the,suea or Of Mr Holman HXT1mF-TmwxExT.—Shipk& Methodist Sun-
councillorsto, consider the �6dviiability of 18961 and of this amourib _ _any $1 egg
00000 born at'Simcoe, !nN1r. Chi4ton's countv, declare hostilities ok -. Ngr. Begin ar�'d And- yet, the reeve in his wisdem. entertiin-
adopting a different aystiem from that which pi asea day school bad a very successful
Ron. Edward Blake''has at
was paid out for eggs. Ij win'thhus be Re ew length sue- and is, I believe, I ted to Hon. A. S. his brethren of the Episcopal bench we, over this man and appointed the o;her. ment on Thursday evening, last week.—A,
has been for many y0ara in vogue in ceed, Representrt McLeary, Grout it goes without saying, perfectly sincere Wh
this that this interest, although a 4all in earn I ed -in ranging himself at the head of a Hardy. a y did he do it ? Tife oul mme -was tendered nd
y reason cab AU
county�. for the ielection of Warden. parison with what it, might b6 in one ive
I ""; nited Irish p�rty. He has been chosen by and others we also C * tans. But ni and honest in what they an dioing - and g* is that h dor
ade eve ever hears the polit opponents of these are doing it from.the best of motives, for is mant Pont who attendied enjoyed themselves.
he aele I �
Hitherto ction� has been made purely elivities overcame him. - 'The pfui Mr. hompson, on
t by any means sh unimphrtant the Irish members, of Parliament to move snece 'behalf Of -the 8%mds�y
now, no men reviling them because of their Can- the -good as -they believe of the people, as applicant is, a C ' school, presented the organist, iss Ras�v the Libera onservative, whilehim uw
on party grounds.. if Is happened one. theamendment to the in reply to adla, birth or charging them with trea- well of the -Church. Liberals freely ad-- successful rival -is so unfortunate as to be with i handsomely, bound teachers'
-he Quedn"s speech in the House of Cons. son to American institutions. American mit makes a Liberal. The reeve hag been p 03BITUARY.—On Thursdiy.' morning, 15th
to have a majority in the council, the 'War- t this,'and that it should be so
M sing
-den was-suve to be selected from the ranks ons,-demamidibg reform of Irish taxation, politicians bae their but it all the more painful for them
weaknesses, to en- for some time as an independent in 'inaL, another'bf Ste
phen!s pioneers passed
A Bad Looking ob. This is the result of an understanding ar- they an 'not small and mean and nar- gage
of that party, while if the Conservatives A I;ooa many people In & War for v�bat they regard as Politics, and as utterly opposed to wway. We refe to t-heeath of Mrs.
were surprised las rive& at between the. Dillonites, Healyit�s' row-rainded like those Tory shouters wbLo, the political and 'intellectual emancipa- allow g politic apy place in her usual
in Holt, f Khiva. She had been in
had a malo;ityl the! Warden wasi just as ju Redmonites and Unionist f t 0 to have
ne that Manitoba and the Northwe-si- --in ac , all attack Mr. Charlton when he is not'there tion of the race, municipal- affairs. - O the stieng bh of I hese goodheal'th, nd died very suddenly,, it
the promoters of the new movement. 'All tp
sure to be of that persuasion. Indeed, the voted so stronily in favor of angw�r for himself. The Ontario Leg1*1
ature. Eiof the township thoughtof hear'tfaflura. _Hcrtemains 6
a coercionist these elements. will support 'Mr. Blake. rofessions the Liberal W er.
every new coun -inilence" his favor and sec�red: interred in Exeter' cemetery on Sund
h Tfegotlatlons!at Waphington. Ab this% is Mr. Hardy's -first session as used their in
first act of oil as soon an the government. The 'secret is now leaking The choice of t e Canadian for 6is duty Premier, the Proceedings - a- the Legisla- him his seat in the regivela chair and it w lDeceased was 75 year.of ag6 and,
as -with her
members, reached the 'county seat, was for out. -The ballot boxes were not Aept sac- puts hiih forward as the leader of a united,,,, It is not likely that procity treaty ture, which opens on Feb. 10; win ..b* through the votes and infl husband,. came from England to- Canada
the adherents of each party _to assemble in red. A number . of the deputy -returning Irish party. Will be attempted. Sxidh treaties' before nence of the. ib.
eral's thit he -was. re-election this ivai universally
ar many year ago. - She ,
caucus, and, select their favorite candidate taking effect have not only 110i aged
officeis in the constituency of McDonald to., p4ss the Watched with considerable interest. The in opposition to aL staunch -Lib'eiral of s
Mr. t United States Senate but to be supportied trouble, is fty spected. by alt het acquaintance
HealoA, of Gderieh, read a most that the Opposition is scarcely
for the chief officer. Now, there ib no rea- for which Boyd,, a supporter of the late years' standing. Now I th-wk I am a ect husband andgrown up family of sevenaoux
things Interest-
abl paper before a recent meeting of by a tvio-thirds majority of that body. fitrong enoug4 to. mak
er one daughter survive be
did not gal t
son why this should be he case. The Governmentwas returned, are now -being the It Is always- hard to�"get a commercial- Ing.' Mr. Whitney. is a fairly able mail, the Lierals or and
position of Warden largely, an honorary WeqtHuron Farmers' Institute, ia which.. treaty because of his politi A PLESANT EVENT —A v r I asant
ici or e y -p e
prosecuted for. tam�eriug with the ballot throuih. IRn all likelihood the but, has no s�p&rt to speak of. The
e. . the forth of an -Torie. cause they a air cam.,
any -pe on negotiatioi -Fak e of Mr. Wil-
e f ration is -will liltra-Protestdnt 9 are anxious to see
he d i alt with the subjects o immig oi politics, but be e off it the resid�nc
position, and rR.' who is elected to boxes., Threa or four of them have been" were sick and tired,of having their co incil liam Flynn, south boundary of Stephen', V11
and the settlement of our vacant ortbwest arrangement for plabing a certain number what course *1he will take on - Septa -ate, run as a purely political machine and 1 a an Thursdiy, the - 14th inet., when soine:41k,ty'
the council is competbat to discharge he committed't6 stand the*ir trial and more of natural product' and matlUctured schools- and grants to Catholic charities.
duties. Whv. then should not the honer be lands. Mr. Heaton pointed out that! the appendage to he tail of the Con' serVL4 "Ve eoial friends and,riuvitiid uests Caine to nientR re likely to follow. At this goods on the free Ilit of the two Colin- Some say that he has turned TUpperite, partyj and they thought they had fourid in 1p eddin'
'ae comr4t' �erag.,� farmer with four sons and one farn,4 them calebraie their silver
aIJowecl to 96 band Let* it go to one stag a tries. TA3, of course, will be done by that while Tupper is to press for renle- 9
e;, h6wever, 'it would not be fair to com- Mr. Delbridge - a Man -Of suffiCiL
municipality one year, and to another the an can only pri3vide for one upon the farm, legislation at Ottalvi and Wasb�inigtom' dial legislat ent poli�ieal and participate in.1helestivitioll usual"On
menb oit the evidence givennor to condemn the other Chree are forced to crowd into' ion at Ottawa for 66 TestOrn- independence and streimgth Of charao to such: an oceagion- The. bridg looke
t nvesture f Wbit#
nexti. in rotatioi� irrespective altOgeth of the accused men, eis they have. n tion in, full of the old Separafe school 'use his influence to uses loveliest, -arranged - in. -a'
ca"Ings already over -crowded or to ge Out An attempt will be made also to put Cie stamp �ut these,
political coudideratipris. Commencing with oantry. I As a remedy for'this stace North Atlantic fishery. question on a Meredith to'abadon the and Pue Who would, in so far as he uld, serge,decked with calls lines and jessa'
of the c system, Mr. Whitney 1.
I me,
an opportunity of being heard in. their' -own policy and come -out* as the ee tk&t the council Was worked
�of things INIr. Heaton suggested- that we :more satisfactory footing'. At presen the and to all appearance- fitlo, older -or a pound
on 11111-
a clean sheet, as the 'council will when it' friend and chaanpion of Separate schools ness principles a -ad not on political, 11 a. lighter than he �aid'25 years sin
defence, the evidence of one side only a,%- ish -IA f(,Ilow the example of -Germany, -Americans complain that we dp, not ce, whea
in Ontario. to Wil.
meets next week, it, w4uld--be a good time ink, as yet, been givin to the pablic. We 'Holland and Australia, and adopt a system -Aheir fisherman the commercial privil- I so, be will -have- a hard It is ty, therefore, thatAiie broke d wn she first gave her hand and heart
to adopt this pl av# it would.do aw time. Of it with such followers as Di. at th: grat real, liam. Flynal, considering the
an, a may say, however, thalt the business -has a of home colonization, giving,Goveraront eges- which we give to the French fisher- tefit; that li� has t his that dun ye Ryerson and the editor of -the Oran e back 'a,
with a great deal of ill feelidg, in-connietio assistance to the sons of Canadi on—his beat friends and upon those iquelo 'h ppy married Iffe she has very bad look. At the preliminary trials an farmers men of -the M' n. islandi and which �g 25 years of
Sentinel. Q, I t and two, daughtvils tohe
r unethployed, instead of to foreign the United Sta -4 lilves free would have stood by him. un il the end, ad'� ed 10 sons
and on t, of toil or
with the election of th 5 officer, and ould numbers of voters in different polling Rub The Goverment ba.4 been. gaining he fulfilled the h6 ulation of Middlesex - an incident f imi
era, to form colonies upon our vacant lands. tax 6 -Canadian- f [shernien in Atierican'. pe whieb his pa's 9 est
'week's rejoibing., -is,
question ill also i professions ould 'a' ra th#v an be advanced to the blennon- Ports.` The wrecking worth a
also aid to start with a better' feeling all divisions came forwit -d and. swore that If 100,000 C strength of late. Mr. Hardy is a man.of an w n e to A's
i r: 4- ng a
round, ana'would b6 the means of savi ites without loss,,hy not to Canadians ? be dis clear judgment, "a vigorous enemy of expect. But, lam af i at, I., oA such oc
cussed nd the alien labor ]a* I casions, the pregentg
had voted for Rutherford, the-, Liberal can- Adog were Costly
abuses, a reformer . who is not happy to. his vomit, he h is a nuMerous to- give -a
lot of time which would otherwise be wast-, ed to his 6 411d nameroull--to
idate,. and in every instance by the ret' dia
Which beds so severely on Can, .
urns The bye -elections in the constituencie's of mechanics and others at points like When he cannot find ometbing to re- 'love. I hope, Will Editor, yon will paldon ,*description of. 'ab this - tinie. Needless
ed, There is no occasion for mixing politics form, and a first-clas de-partanental. chief. � me for, � trespassing �o much on your a
North Ontario and Worth Fort E rie. American lypeep
-returning officars, fewer - say the friends from London,
'Votes South Brant, Windsor and V
of the deputy fo
with our municipal affairs, and the less it is Mr. Gibson is a strong xuan, a popular but I think I have given yot oBiddulph� and M -
were found recorded, for him than -there railroads are tryin to get lip a move- man and a hard worldng ma-ri, ItJs -not new light Which-.1did not appe Gillivary %,a
Exabef, Step�e
ft. imcoe, all of which vacancies have been .9
done the better it is for the Municialities,
were,voters who sworelthey had vot6d for ment
for the repeal of -the bonding privil- ar froin *our re ' hearty in their con i
made by the -election courts, have been fix- necessary to -say Etnything about Air, G. 'very innocei I I f grat
and the members of the. cotfaty co, ege, their object being to deprk�e the it report of the- proceedrip 0 alations, After enj�.ing themselvegto, uncil Of him.' There Ii a*s already been found in that' ed for February 4th. The Government W. Ross; he has been so long before the our township cotincil.—A R the utmost, and after wishing Mr. andUrsll,
Haton and other place Grand ATEPAY
a _berepolitices rule, e tita Trunk and.. Canaidlan
,Dns tency enough of this. sort of thing to public and has done �hls work so *ell Flypti May nLve to 6 have everything to gain and nothing to lose Ame�loan through traffie.
Repeal would their gold
admitted on � all wedding—the pleasant gathering dispirsel
no have an excellent opportunity to set a have elected the Liberal caa�didate by a'good by these elections, as they were all repre-. certainly hurt, the Canadian roads but -that- his strenkth is
gOIDd example'to the minor municipalities. swited. by Conservaties before. handig. Mr. Harcourt Is a'capital tr'eas-
majority, whereas the returns showed him they would not 'be the only sufferers.
-The question ma be� asked, where. w urer and has bad great succes lately in- Loc.,m BitrEFs,—Dr.'. Ferguson haR re
Ould defeated. It - is strongly, snap First of all, Chicago'and Minneapolis in -e
ected that OUR OTTAWA LETTER" the* West and Portland, Boston proceedings with the b6- 'moved his office- to h new dwelling, at the Hluov&L
the arbitration
*h this same speai6i of legerdemain was car- and New minion. mr-.11axtThas been "in poor east end -of -King ktreet.�Sevpral of our �wOTES.—A full
t vegiu ? We faincy the III
ey retwo d. not be
York attendance of
much difficulty in in the. east would. lose -anq lose those in -
9 [From Our Own Correspondent.]
hittin' on a scheme if ried oa in Winnipeg also, resulting in the heavily by the elimipatidn of Canadian, health lately and is ot fully, TecQ villagers attended t1he- anhiversary tea terested was at the meeting of the Bluevule
but, iiia -y take parlt in the -session. He meeting held at -the -.-Prelsbyterian. chure Cheese and Butter 00 1pau
theLre were a will to do so. We might sug- defeat of Hon. Joseph Martin, - bat Ron. Otta-wa, Jan.'19.—Somebody tried.'t& competition, Then the farmers of the is, held irr the
perhaps, the best Ilked man 111 the Tham'esroad, o g last,�, Forester
gestavery good be�giuning point for the Hugh -John Wetern tate wo-Lild be and _S'hall -Lon Thursday afternoon if
lcDonald has taken time by get up a sensation of the kind which the a deprived of the House. Mr. Dryden has mde,a name for eport a good time, the large - chardh te hisf week. Next season the wh from tbe
tages offered by the;. Si.- Law
councillwis f this cou'uty, althou advan In
gh we -OnIY� theLforelock there, and will likely, by his laented Empire new rence himelf among the farmers and as a crowded, notwithstanding the. unfivor'ablge factory will be*carried home . ey
a aag�
mention it as aeation. We believe the spaper used to Con- route in SllnlMer for the Of to the patrons
action save big over zealous and unserupul- cci speaker in the House or on the stump has 'Estate. of the'weather and roads.—Miss, Me- in the same cans: in which the -milk- JkVaig
ck- aout AIr. Charlton, M. P. and their produce. to the seaboard and of
equ ir. Davis-- the new
township of Hay is tile only raral munici- OUR workers from - prosecution, as he Mr. Edwad European mechndie'from the. seboad. few ' als, while A Gregor,- of L near .5ek9mith, has returned brought and nexts ring the -,ompauylitiend
arrer being deep in some Provincial Secretary, is turning out homer after spending several weeks in X6n- placing a butter ma�� ing plant in the factory
pality that has maver dnjoyed the honor of Again, the Michl
sort of a 94pi, t') in Washington.
has admitted bribery by agents, and the gn Central which
having its representa�ive occupy the War- it turns -runs thl(j an admirable Minist6r. This phalanx; is don. While there she attendedi -the �n�r- Thomas Pilkie, of Weiford
-is election ugh Canad, would be closed t Mr. William Mes -Mr. John
courts have declared h oid. Out that the..01 were not in Washington and so would the branch qf the NoAbern altogether too heavy fo, the Oppositiq as riage of her friend, M ist; Wri y..—Mis a seen
den!s obadr. It is due 'of the largest, and
Roxie. Eacrett, of 'Exeter-, is Ing
Another election will therefore have:to be togethe.r it at pres�nt constituted, -es' eciall as speadii a Gemm
t all.- Farrer w 6Pacific that runs into * p y thierle, son of Mr. James Gemmill, who
as there -on some Manitdba and 'the
wealthiest townshipi in the county- It held'in Winnipeg, but I really nothing to flud fault with in the week or so at, Mr.
it is not yet known business of his own and, spur lines from the Great Northern to the W. Chapman's. leftTarnberry about twenty-five yarsago
would, therefore, be graceful act to select gave a good fro - utler. conduct,- of the Goernm6nt. Joseph Case opened, out his: new at -or on tGtaike up lind-in North Dakota, is visitin
who the coondidates will be, although it is deal f a, lble 0 south of Lethbridge and into if Mr. Mrkpatrick should be compelled rushing bus eas relatives in Turnberry, Mr. 'Gerarrilli, h
14 the Warden from the' division of which. Hay not " 0 T 1. inf rmation to the news- the Kootenay mini1w Saturday last, and did a, - I
�4 finprobable that Hon.' Hugh John and to sa an
county, by 11 health t re
paper correspondents and otiiers �6 tire from Governnient that daly.—Mrs. A. H. idarr6ll, of Ca roll, done well mi Dakota owning. at -the present
a the largvatmunicipality,.and, as Mr. Ter. on the nothig� of the loss flio Great it- time ov.er:600 a re of land and thinks it
Hon. Joseph will meisure swords once subject of Mx. L1111rier's reciprocity pro- and Northern Pacific woul 'Northern house before his, term is up, it is quite Manitoba,, accompanied by her son','!Is
d sustain
I Ing her sisters Mrs. James Suth d. g6i�d place for a poor man to settle
rancle-, the senior reprpsentative of that di-- nloje'� prived of the possible that his successor may be brought il—mrs.-
vision has enjoyed tiie honor of being W ar- pogals. He had no commiss�loii or author- through being de ir large from amilto I n. MT. Bronson'i name Is Miss Constance Carroll, of Beaclivillb I I
1. 5 r�d MaCracken)of Brussels, is visiti�j her
through business from points M, Onta�jo
ity, good, bad or indifferent, tq. speak for mentioned and lils appointment would also visiting her aunt, Mrs. Sathorialid.— Itients, Mr. and Mrs, John Gard
den, �-is colleague, MeEwen, who is one 'and Quebec to points in F
toba and
Editorial Notes and Commentr,,. %thei: Ottawa Government, Mani give -great satisfaction Q=oughout the rs. Hay, of Forest, is the guest of, Mr MiA. John Diamond jr 'and her ractibe
but did it a British Columbi, or of th' ama-ge that Ft
of the veteran members of the old council e d, A. McDo-nel,
Th6 large departmental stores of To- se 'iyouldbeinflicted on e Ottawa, region, but Ido,notknDwthat of this vlllage.---mMiss... on. X on Wed.
ice in inspiring �aiticle ' asti6rn Ainerjean ka.�Sheridaat went to Michigan
niqght, be taken. We submit this propORI s designed to -dLa"
he Nvould take the job. GA�90u. thron, of Exeter, recently of Rodge ine, neodiy, where they Will visit several rela-
lines like the York Central, DpIa-
ronto hme been playing the mischief with le swrio of the ignorance andapathy was in the village. part; of last week � and tives lfi�a
tion to the county council -and we woet Kertliti Ross, Of Wingham, ae.
the Amall retailers of the city.- These, in with reRpect to 'Canat"ht wl�ich exists at ware a`n(I Hu(1,-7on., Central Vern'Qnt, -this visiting her manyOfriends.--�-Mrs. COV.). CoMpanied by Miss CE�rrie Fisher, was
ischarge them a cent, for -the ad ' e nor will etc Ixich have close Canadian conni�-
V�e Waddell has been seriously
turn, &re now trying to get back at their Washington and indeed* everywhere else tions. III dumn t e in at Thursday.
0 Usborne.' John Robertson�a last
our feelings be wounded in the least should past week and is still quite poorl b we is ago bade the Misses ]Robertson good -
big competitors, 1�. uniting their stocks
they see fit not to. accept it. How' in the United States. He had left beforn The b6nding priyilege is sliell 111 1,,,- A-NmVFPsARY —Our friends of arepleased to learn is now beginning t re. 'bye before leaving fo.r Scranton, Pe
ever, we
and capital and forming departmentalA Mr. Charlt Meuse conveniencL� to both cou-11tries the Thames Rpad Presby
on arrived, y!�t verd -rialu congregation
beheve the sugeation. is cover. —Rev. J. S. Hende -on preac d in vania where she intends to study music.
a good ond a11 the 'stores on their own hook. Several such are that its abrogation -would be a crinie of were, not favored with propitious weather the Presbyterian church Stiatford
wrWr crescribed. them as g tford i' tin, Their' man� friends will e Jilad -to ku
same. By this means, each district would now in proobas of formation- and are seeking Oing abOl't the first ma'g'nitde. 'N�ben the forinal for their anniversary cele�ration. The Sbbath last Rev. Mr. ech, the p ow
toge tor that Mrs. Will blxell, of the Bluval.
have the honor of th� j Wardenship in tarn, incorporatidn, and it is said they are being ther nd doing thisi tht and the negotiations begin, soniething my be. eather On Sabbath was so -wet .-and, dis. of tnat church, preached- road, is improvin& and that 3fir. Robert
backed tip by prominent *holesile houses. other thing in company. done about the dWPP11iug,-of the t. Law- agreeable that only small congregations were j Rev -
instead of the. prize Of Mons in Carmel chtirch.—The blisses Hol. Maxwell has entirely retovered,-34iiss
It now looks very muchaa ff 'the whole re- Mr. Charlton is there to ound the Re- rence Canls. A "O -foot channel fTol), able to get out to hear Rev. Mr. Grant, of land, of Exeter, are visiting Irs. A. Mur- Alaggie Diamond is visiting'in Paisley.—
contention between �arty politicians, and a tail I rcantile trade of the country will Port, Arthur and Dulutb. to Montreal St. Marys, who preached two -excellent se'r-
me L
graceful act will hav� iieen done ter the iublican leaders. Formal nego nio dock and Miss Lavina Cook; of this -village. 11r., John - Bugess,. high auditor fof the
Only soon be done on the departmental - system, tiatiOUS, would Cost a lot Of 3noney [ but a ns and who is a great favoriki3 -with 'the —,Miss Jeffery, -of Staffa, is - spendi f Canadian Order of Foresters, is ijf Uraii
uder a. :n ew
instead of by small establishments aeaing will not bec,,,iu tiU after the inauguration joint arrangenient it would not 9
rural municipaty t�# has not enjoyed the ,regation, and had ben i days with friends hiire�—Kr. Wiffred �Iioue-: ford this week looki�g over the books.—Air.
in -special lines. Whether or not this will of wXr- McKinley in 'Karl0h, but the. Re-- ve-rY- 1411011 to either country, while it have be
honor of hving theAardenship. favorable the * church would - en 'man left here this week for Staples, ssex :G a ��od is at the Agrimulturat
-be an advantage to the country remins to Would be of enormous crowded. On Monday evening,- howev
benefit to Mvni- e,r, county, where be intends spend in. g u onsd -nmk
eorg e el learninj L how
be seen publicans at drafting a taiff bill just toba and the Western Staes as wen-, as * despite the extremely cold weather and winter nick the' to -e
i 4
Colle r Ptiad wi ake butter
�mes , on
now to at to 'to Montreal. Wheat could then be carried oomewhai rough roads, there was the usual' Stoneman.. . T. J. Berry horse bt�yer,; -at the che&�e facto , ftring, the mouth of
Mr. V
Canadian-Egizs in England. be passed at a ape al �ses.s n In �hs with big uncle, Mr. butte al. Ill in
An exani�le of how money ?verflowing house at the an Mr ry
may be saved April, and no better -thr to Liverpool for;15 pual, tea meet. ! intends shipping a carload of
Alr. E. Morgan �a,'! I man than Mr. from Port A I
deaAer in eggs and by a pradent and economical g -,,, and all prei fin horses to April. i
overnment Charlton could be found for. the job"Of cents per bushel. Railroad t rEttes -would ing. ient seemed iito spend a real I the old country next week.—The Ki
poultry at Delhi, Ontario, has issued a cl.r- has recently been given at Ottawa. The looking after Canadian interests. He have to come down to that fignre during enjoyable ivening. It is... edleas to say Indian Medicine Company have taken UP
is the season of naviiation. that the tables -Weire77 boun tiny uokerstnith.
spending village7 fo the
a profit that may be which has for years had. the contract rom Republican leaders, and, though he can- Welland and lolv'e.r canals would create a ondon -road, were in-Lond-on tbis eek. -bebij1eld at Turner's Appointment. On
euldr to the farmers' 6 . f that district, point' Britiah-American Bank' Note Company, personally acquainted with m any of the of so much money in, fully�prdvisioned, as the 14 ieg of this coup pre nt, M1 and Mrs, George E. Caso, of WEST- END NOTES.—Spedial services are I
The their he;kd,quakters in'Our T
ing out to them t� deepening the Re r.
�regation ex9el in' this respect. The Intel- the L
Made from the production of eggs. In his the Dominion Government of �printing the 4ot expect to influence bit of a boom here at home. In all lee.ual feast,, also, was in keeping with th Mrs. Gray
their views to e i of Blyth, is visiting fier I son- Sunday afternoon next Rev, S. Bond of
Mon the poultrybusiness is one of the Dominion bank notes, poitage stamps, po any likelihood Mr. Laurier win go, to. Wash- material. The chair was occupied by the in-law and daught�r, Mr. andNirs. Samuel Seaforth, will preach at Ttirner�g thurch.—
at very great extent on a question it genial pastor, who is alw y the ife of such -, mi
best paying businessei GP'enzto the frer- k -P ington later on to talk over these ques- a 8 9 llie of this vAls;96. —Mr. John Me- Mr. G. Turner is laid ap-with a cut hanil.—
gatherings. Addresses were delivbred by 'Arthur, hardwari3 ra a an
-cards, etc.,' and-- the seveial members of iprotection, will no doubtlave opportuni- tiOns With Mr. McKinley' and his advl� . er h t, intends moving Miss Clemensi of Usborne, is visiting friends
It -must, however, �be managed''with care -whih- have becorne,%'ve Rev.- Mr. Grant, and bv Bray, into his new dwelling on Rithmond reet here. — I y., f Holrriesiille visit.
Ves of informing them in regard to vari- sers. Sir Richard Cartwright will rob- Revs. Mesersil t613 gtan 0
and intelligence to,� insure good results. t p of E xeter, and Denth, �f Elimville, and Mr. 'this week.
Morganstateathat hepaid out K4,300
met, have just lost their fat snap.. The Ous Points In which Canada is more or ably go, too. Now that a league of 'poae D. D. Wilson, of - Seaforbh. The audience —The anniversary servicO in ed relatives here last week.
Is about being established between Eng- also,.- cofinection with ' Carmel Presbytopria WoOED Al" MARRIER-*AND A!. —A�Es Will be
resent government cancelleo, their. contract. less concerned. In 1894, when the Wilson land and the Un were delighted with the music render- :church w�ere held on 'Sabbath last. �R'ev. seen by notice in the proper place in this
in cash for eggs durin&'1896, all obtained nd took new tenders for the work. As a ited States, surely the
sed, Air. Charlton was instru- UnAed State and Canada ought to I be ed by the �hoir of Cavan church, Exeter. Mr. Leech, of Stratford, Conducted services issue, Aft. James Rouatt, formerly
in the' Delhi -district, Nvh1le there wai ship- result'the contract has gone to a,'IVew bill was pa, 8 -
York 3n The receipts of the dritertainment, amount of Tuck�
ed frornthe sam'e statiqu $2,500 worth Of firm, who agree to do the work equally ental in part in procuring free lumber. able to reach a friendly understanding t ad morning 'land evening, and delivereii two erismith, has b#6n taking unto'himself a
P o nearly one hundred dolilars. On one
i nTe ion
turkeys. The total sh p nt of'poultry and a wever, on� which ne v We very "Ie serm were attent�,vely help mate for lfe, in the person of 311
well for $121,000 a year less, an(i to - estab. The only condition, hi� on all the little matters in diEipute.,
Aftwirs ilk 4Quebec. tening there was another entertiin. IiWtened to and much enjoyed. On-Mo�nday Mary Winn- Of--OOse Jaw. The' ceremony
e' was that m lish a pl t in Otta" At & Cost Of abGUt Congress would make it fre ent r e children of the congregation, evening -following, Rev. Mr. lurr&F of th
eggs aniounted to ��30,500 for the year, -or 1,*,75,000, in which the work will be N p
done. Axchbishop Bein's circular of s took lace at the residence 6f a - brides -
Canada should not levy Undfty and in which the older people
e crying
about $100 ir da for every week day -in th Some of the Opposition "papers are seemed: to Kineardine, delivered his popular le On the hap y oc6sion'the bride -
an export duty last marks another stz1c,-r0 of the- Prelim- take, nearly as lively an interest as the jun- " What Iaw in Italyll� to e was attended by Miss . Rouatt, While 411r.
out because the work has been given to an On 1095e. and a proviso to that effect was inaxy -irmihing between the Ch an apprec
year. The only market, for oar surplus eggs, A sl 12 � -
uz--h iors, and at which a nice tea and a good audience.' The attendance both on .9
mericau company. But the work- is to be insarted. Yethen he got ba6k to C and the Liberals. A batle to the al bath Wn stood by the groom. The many Old at- death, 'a, musicalland literary programme "Was dis-' and Monday evening was very good, con- friends of Mr. - Rouatt b
saair. 46rgan, - is G.reat Britain, and done in Canada the same as before, and rbe ada the Tories act-11ally jnade I
long and trying caanpaign which ere will unite
there we have to compete with the whole taxpayerswill appreciate the annual. saving t a ch will end pensed. sidefing the very disagreeable state o: the sending
ar9b only when One or other of the combatants congratulations to himself and bit
Tm� CLERKSHIP. EXro.51TOR,— weather. and roads. —Mr. J, W. Ortwehif " bonnfe bride�ll and in wishing them a
against Mr. Charlton that he h�d caused shall be completely exhausted and beaten, DEAr. SIR,—I noticed in your'last -issa I merchant, made a bus' t long, happy and prosperous m
world, It is very, essenti therefore, of $120,000 more than they would hav- t
all that ing i
the poulbrymea of Canada should study the done by Canadians at the higher price' This 611ch a proviso to be inserted, when:with- seems inevitable now, It is a thousand wh e genera iess 0 0 arried�life.
SIM, I& ja , a yiurports -to be a report of the proceed- London this week.—Mr. Gideoji H6 cpirtk. ., EAsT 'ENDERS.—Alre. S. Wallace has' a
is batne example of many Ir ving at it our lumber would. have begn taed Pitles that we should always be engaged iga, at the last meeting of the Usborne ampan by
British market and produce the right kind that have been made by the present govern- and in export trade which last year in religious or'racial conflietq. Nothing council. of Eureka, North Dakota, ace ne wind mill created on her barn, which -tit
peril. ard, however, a few things big wife and family, visited -at !ft. giving -gobd atUfaction'—Sproat, Brothers
of article. Inorder toobtaina readysle' ment. aountedto $12j500,000 Put in grave does more harm to Canada. Th notions which' transpired at that meeting, bat HolikirVe,ofthis'village, 19�t week. report having an unusually busytimeatthir
s � up
in Great Britain, eggs hould average' to Canaicliau luinbermen, Grit and which outside;rs I get from th' b which did not -appear in your 'report� I John, Buchanan, son of Mr. William
The Toronto "�O—rii7ismn T o ry a I I I.- e, ca. led
works, having loaded uf�rar.ds of tWo.
or, Pessimistic ia were grateful to him for orts are necessarily Orlide rand u -shall now endeavor to bring out and eluci- anan, -of this place, who was home re ntly hundred thousandbrick in one' week. au
1 pouads� per dozen, they should be Clean. rep uch- 'brick
having spent weeics at Washington at
its views vt any rate. It takes a very hope- -exaggerated; they fancy that e suallv
and have a bright appearance. The only are on date these. I moticiii in the first place that on a visit
his own expense in fighting the battle of has returned to resume his at udies -low,
fid view. iSf the futur6 when it says . "'Neve the eve of civil war and 'do hot care to Mr. Holman, the - late olert-, declined re. at the Agricultural C611ege more to fol —Mr. Robert Doig.and bride
complaiats that reached. �-Ir. A fret� himber, but all he received from the
Guelp.b.---Miss entertained the young people to a siocialop
lorgon of a. the Witiary of Canada was there a neiat wils shower of take chahces by coming here or investing appointment, and that the con E I 7a Bell, of Mount Pleasa.
Canadian eggs in the Markets last time Tories in Parliaa neil passed a I
nt Farm, Lon.- on Tuesdayveoing. All report having ]hail
abuse. The anlyl excli8e on, setting forth his good don road, has returned from visiting friends a good. jolly time.—Gur new teacher, Mr.
when, the futvr6 looked so promising as it, their Money here- CK%dians themselves very nice resoluti
year were,that �hey ere too sinall and did them was grow tired and heartsick of the perpetual qualities and recognisirig his officia
that they did not underst nd the mat r. row I fitness ontheThamea Road,- near Lumley. --The Doig, has
does We are on the eve of a ne-NI, te and go off to the States Nyhere ruo, 'for the'position which be occ made quite a f avrable impression
]act present a clean appearance. There I �n fact., at the very tinia. when our lum- apied so long.. miwny friends of NJr.. William AICK al;reqy.—As George Strong and Hiiefh I have iiofault to find with this, for what. this village, and'formerly of the
industria era. The expmnsion we are atigat trollbles are unl-nOwn. We cannot dial
shoiOld be little difficalty in meeting these *jeopardy! cuss public affairs intelligently or profit- ever fau3ts or failings Mill, Holman tow ship were cutting wood in SproaV bush, Hiigh.
to witness will not be confined to- one or the Ottawa Govermnent actually. began may.. of Tackeramith, 'will regret to lear his gave his foot -a bad
010jections, Canadian eggs shmild reach the two industries. It will be many�aided and ably when the qupstion uppermost in the ha4e n _cut, which will keepim
no person will dispute his ability, Jr d
t enforce the Collection of a duty on _mth,. which occurre�d on Wediesd
en- q, e
a dustry and every America b oms eveily tim electors is not he, efficiently performed the duties: of Ing last, Deceased,N,as one of the p . ioneor at high standard i England thaL has will atfocL lmost every in minds of large masses �bf that t for sometime. —Aliss Nellie ,
n. w
his office. Indeed, he aid tno're. He knew farmers o 0 -last f X eks, has -returned
movennent with which the country is identi- a they arrived the well -be -ng of the country but an h has been visiting at- Air.
been mattained by Cinadian. cheese. 1, r - in Canad4i� WIters for logs, and'nothing ecal f Tuckersipith and resided con- for the ive ior si we
fiedi ' heories which we have been discuss . esiatical movement, a desike to pun- more about muXticipal law �n(l proceaure Ham 0 VJ
n the part of the on hia-farin, a, short distance west to her home in - fit n.—. r. Jofft
-N� lorgan misures the farmers with wharn he but prompt - ac. on o than all the memblers w.hb usually stirr '0 9
aug for ten and twenty years are now assum- Ottawa- Iralloy lum
'sh One Of the two Political parties be-. on, otTwhuatlyis known ai the Red Tavern! fo- has been confined to the
Ad -
deals that the -output of eggs can be largely berinen, who were in cause it has offended the Rom ed him at the council board pub' t
ing practical shape. --Our draams are beco- -xQu*stant conmilAication wlt� Xr. Chat- Chuxck or a deteiminatio "n Catholic In fact, for n&ln Ogetheni over 40 yqars, where lie was widely k4own' house most of the winter, is not improving
y years he was
practically.,, espe 6d'.1or his sterling and as quickly as his friends wond wish.
as 0, Pon
To ri
shi�,r. pjot
i. lie,
g and 1
Ssw tw- *re
jw=jet w4s
farmers coMMI
T doni�. for I
tots 4
its Value, �Ibab i
J06 for
lost A- val e,
T.Utthe h
�wvund, who 't
2-ber", Im
Ineeting re a
disgrace t4 A"al.
�have s0m6 pe
4f hauling 4s 4
4lection th
-Cook for 1
leads thoq
1yin,gt;o hi
311r. S. jot
ist-ock ralse
Xr! A. go!
Wa defeat
31r. Stsiva
,dayt thistl
.,#Irly settl
house righ
-the.guest of b
'While here 4w,
�known �-hom'
1ai now a"! ar
itkg Nick. - .1
-Visiting frbon(
far the plastl 1
and retarneo,,`
'. Tuesdal
returning ht
day inor*iuk�
:71�ridh Toad
been -a seripo
on the h*rd�; I
,got the her".
coinmenood v
mumber b"If
rty At mr.1
,Xen!d1)aY lfti&�
was the guot
—Au" Rae
--ed with a bi
irtWOO -4d
e u 'bU
,,,abant, -01 St.
-to ew,
up I
-eheu Is toom
, eeso fastor
-Of efiefte,
10i centso 'W'.1
—TbZ St.:
Elizabeth N
lier brother-,
-4gbardll h
heart .
not to.
in any formt 1
ab6nih this.i
—Rev. R, �
"thow,as ret (I
=as bolida�l
-Impressive Ist
�of Hibbert 111
the rebellion
vent, is mpen
hisold hom
-:5r. iia�
Mar v) a
eewn the Nei
�diistriat, wl
very-r!,61i. .
�Dwtid E
lortune4f bil
A.MiLithed tha
ISome bev
hig this -tie a
house, he lo,
into all' es
beaA. His
right *M a':
—One A&I
'Of near Amu
.thegrist mi
U111161111 Chat
-smaU portit
Stolen- O'�k
lisve tionoe I
1er.,of Mito
ilippid. as;h
from -the 1a)
T-efimed to b,
'v�d when.
found that. 1
it was R-ol
�could not 1
an?s ago tj
with- & pai
-Visiting ir
her I
ly. ,Whilei
�Xe fell -and
-ed her so Im'
were Out -In
was good0l
.higher. TD.
from 40 ft.
stock at I
-common a]
�Caivesf 'Were
le%U boba!
-lambs at f- o
rather 9'cab'
�$l per 1W-1
1-00 Ibs for,
Market 4-C
&teq3,-S5 'p