HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-01-15, Page 22
.. THAT IS...
To know how to suit your customers. I
think that.I can do it by selling the best.
and choicest goods at prices that can't help
but please everybody. If you Will just call
at the Seaforth tea and grocery store, you
can buy 5°lila currants for 25c, ditto raisins
25e, 6 lbs rice 25e, 6 lbs tapioca. 25e, 5 lbs
prunes 25c, 3 lb; evaporated peaches 250,
3 lbs California dried and pitted plums 25;
10 lbs sulphur 250'
globe wash boards 15;
5 lbs boneless fish 25e, 3 boxes matches+25o,
Japan tea 15e lb, green tea 150 ; black,
green and Japan teas worth 35; now selling
for 25e ; railroad lanterns, formerly $1, now
600 lake herring by the dozen or half bar-
rel, crockery, china, glassware and lamps
right down in price; dinner rete, 97 pieces.,
worth $13 and $14, now $10 ; and sets worth
$10 and $11, now selling for $8 tea sets
worth $3.50 now $2.90, sets" worth $3.25
now $2.75, sets worth $3 now $2.60, ten
piece toilet sets worth $2.50 now $2, and all
other goods right down in price. Come one
and all, and get some of the big bargains
while they are going.
A. G. AULT, C4th.
. •' THE
'. S. Roberts,
Graduate of Detroit Optical
Institutealso Chicago Ophth•
almic College, is prepared
to lit all defects of Vision
Asti:.. atism, Hyp. ermetro-
pia, > > yopia, Prestyopia or
any compound defect.
Intelligent people have given up the idea of buy -
ng ordinary commonapectaelea at a conuter,because
they see well with them. It may be that only one
eye fs brought into use, while the other may be so
strained as to result in bllndneas. If your eyea are
weak, or sight poor can at J. S. ROBERT'S
Drug Store and have them tested. Does the print
blur or do the eyes tire when reading ? Do the eyes
ache ?Da the eyes water? Are they sore orinftained ?
These symptoms point to defects in the retraotion, or
the muscles of the eyea and can be perfectly cor-
Do you have headache ? Eye strain .causes more
headaches than all other causes combined. Thous-
ands of peopleare suffering who do net realize that
eye strain is the cause. All these cases can be cured
with glasses that are made to correct the error in
the eyes.
The eyes of children should be carefully tested.
Ie many cases the defect in the eyes is shown by
various symptoms, such as inability to see figures on
a blackboard, holding the book close to the eyes,
blurring of letters, crossed eyes or eyes turning In,
blinking, watering of the eyes and piirtioularly head-
ache. In many oases the child- is accused of being
dull or stupid, when the fault is in the sight, and can
be corrected with glasses. If you are wearing glasses
that are not satisfactory, bring then( to me. In case
of disease, yon will be 'recommended to the physician
at once for treatment. 1453
Western Advertiser
FOR 1896-7.
•` ITO JANUARY fat, 1898.
Sixteen Pages Each Week
All the News of the World.
Market- Reports, Stories, etc.
Excellent Reading for every
rneniber of the family.
We offer goo3 inducements to agents.
For terms, ete., address
1512-4 LONDON, ONT.
Having removed into the store formed
occupied by Mr. J. Downey, in the Cady
Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel; I
now purpose carrying a full and compiete
line of all kinds of
Harness, Whips, Blankets,
And everything handled by the trade. Just
received this week a large consignment of
Which we are now offering at astonishingly
low prices.
System Renovator
A specific and antidote for Impure, Weak and Im.
noverished BIood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness. Palpate, -
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss
of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones,
Jaundice, Ki•ney and Urinary Diseaaes, Sb. Vitus'
Dance, Female Irnegularieies and General Debility.
LABORATORY—tlodeech, Ontario.
J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor amliyanu
Sold by J. 5. R013EItTS, Seaforth.
Barr's Dye Works
We Clean, Dye and Finish
Ladies' Capes, Cows,, Shawls and Dresses
(no ripping necessary). Also Gentlemen's
Suits and Overcoats, to ,which we give
;special attention. No matter how soiled or
faded clothes may be, if the cloth is good,
it will pay you to have them cleaned or
dyed. We will be pleased to have you call
and see our work. Wdod taken in exchange
for work.
McKillop Directory for 1296
- JOHN MORRISON, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0.
WILLIAM ARCHIBALD, Deputy -Reeve, Lead.
bury P. 0.
WM. McGAVIN. Councillor, Leadnury P. O.
JOSRP}I C. MORRISON, Councillor, Becehwood
P. 0.
DANIEL MAN L EY, Councillor, Beechwood l'. 0.
JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0.
DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, W1ntllror P. 0.
WM. EN, ANS, Assessor, Beechwood P. 0.
CHARLES DO DS, Oalleotor, .Se::forth P. O.
RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead.
bury P.0.
FAR&I FOR BALL.—Lot 28, Concession 4, Towne
ship of flay, oontaining 100 sores, For part •
oulara apply to GEORGE E. GREENSLADE, Kippen
P. 0. ' ' 1610x16
El ARM TO RENT... To rent, a 200 acre farm,
.1L` miles from R Ingham, with first -clam buildings,
andwell watered. It is all in pasture, and is an ex-
cellent chance for either farming or pasturing cattle.
For particulars, apply to Box 125, Wingham 1473ft
VARMS FOR SALE. The undersigned has twenty
j Choice Farms for sale in East Huron, the ban-
ner County of the Province ; all sizes, and prI es to
suit. For full information, write or call personally.
No trouble to show them. F. S. SCOTT, Brussels
P. 0. 1891-tf
MIAMI FOR SALE. -100 sores, in the iawnehip of
j? Grey, near Brussels. There is on it nearly 50
acres of bush, about half black ash, the rest hard-
wood. A never -failing spring of water runs through
the lot. Will be sold at a big* bargain. For particu-
lars, apply to MRS. JANE WALKER, Box 219,
Brussels. 1470
DARK FOR SALE.—East halt Lot 41, Concession
2, Township of Beet Wawanoeh, containing
100 acres. This to one of the best farms in
the Township, and ie situated in a good neighbor-
hood, soil of the best and no waste land. There are
on the farm, trame barn and etables, also two acres
of orchard, plenty of good water, and ;within one
mile end a half from the . village of Blyth. For
further pertioulars apply on the premises or to Box
1b5, Blyth P. 0. 151441
tO elon 6, Township of De-
Morris, oontaining 160 sores
suitable for grain or stocksituated two and a halt
miles from the thriving village of leruaeeis, a good
gravel road leading thereto • 120 acres cleared and
free from stumps, 6 acres cedar and ash and balance
hardwood. Barn 61x110 with straw and hay shed
40x70, atone ambling underneath both.. The house
is brick, 22x32 with kitchen 18x28, cellar underneath
both buildings. All are new. There is r large young
orchard. School on next lot. The land has a good
natural drainage, and the farm loin good' condition.
Satisfaotoryreasons for gelling. Apply at Tam Ex-
eoaor0s Oarroi, or on the premises. WM. BARRIE,
Brussels. 1885-tf
T'ARM FOR SALE,—For sale, lot 36, concession
J 2, Klnlose, containing 100 aorea, 85 cleared and
the balance in good hardwood bush. The land Is in
a good state of cultivation, is well underdrained and
well fenced. There is a frame barn and log house on
the property, a never -failing spring with windmill,
also about 2 ac-ee of orchard. It is an excellent
farm and.is within one mile of Whitechurch station,
where there are stores, blacksmith shop and
churches. There is a school on the opposite lot, It
is six miles from Wingham and six from :.ucknow,
with good roads leading in all direetione. a This de-
sirable property will be sold 'on reasonable terms.
For further particulars apply to JAMES MITCHELL,
Varna P. 0. , 1495-I504-tf
FARM FOR SALE.—For sale,- lot 8, and j part lot
9, concession 10, Grey township, epntaining
165 acres; all cleared except twenty acres, which is
a good hardwood bush. The land is in'a high state
of cultivation, well underdrained and well fenced,
without any waste land. There is a goied frame
house, with summer kitchen and woodshed; h large
bank barn, 84x52, with storm stabling underneath,
and other outbuildings. There are four 'acres of
orchard of one of the best varieties of fruit ; three
good, never -failing welts with pumps in -them. It is
a mile and three-quarters from the village of Brus-
sels, with good roads leading in all directions. This
excellent property will be sold cheap and on easy
terms. Apply on the premises or by letter to box
1:3, Brussels P. 0. JOHN HILL.
1! As the owner wishes to retire from business on
account of ill health, the following valuable property
at Winthrop, ee miles north of Seaforth, on leading
road to Brussels, will be sold or rented as one farm
or ins parts to suit purchaser : about 500 ,'acres of
splendid farming land, with.. about 400 under crop,
the balance in pasture. There are large barns and
all other buildings necessary for the implements,
vehicles, etc. This land 10 well watered, has good
frame and brick dwelling houses etc. There are
grist and saw mills and store which will be sold or
rented on advantageous terms. ' Also on 17th con-
cession, Grey township, 190 acres of land 40 in
pasture, the balance in timber. Possession given
after harvest of farm lands ; mills at once. For par-
ticulars apply to ANDREW GOVENLOCK, Winthrop.
To loan any amount of money, on town en- farm
property, at the lowest rates of interest and on the
most reasonable terms. Apply to THOAfAS E.
Dealer in Lumber and Shirgies.
All kinds of LUalBER always on' hand
and of the very best. quality.
Give ine a call, and see LAI can't give you
what yeti want.
iteLtartber yard and office on the Huron
Road, near the flax thin.
A General Banking business
Farmers' notes discounted.
Drafts bought and sold
Interest allowed on deposits
zZ 5per cent. per annum.
SALE NOTES discounted, o
at the rate
r taken for
OFFICE --First door north of Reid &
Wilson's Hardware Store
Our direct connections will save you
time and money for all points,
Canadian North West
Via Toronto or Chicago,
British Columbia and California
Our rates are the lowest. We have them
to suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR-
IST CARS for yotir accommodation. Call
for further information.
Station G. T. R. Ticket Office.
Train Service at Seaforth.
Grank Trunk Railway.
Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as
follows :
Goma EAST—
Brussels ..
Grey and Bruce
Passenger. Mixed.
12.52 9.44
1.e6 10.20
Passenger. , Mixed.
7.21 6 37
7.33 7.02
London, Huron and Bruce.
GOING No RUT— Paesenger.-
! Centralia 9.18 5.67
Exeter. 9.30 6.07
Londcsboro 10.38. 7.14:
Centralia 8.5 6.28
Ae Eloquent and Tiotureaque Serrano on.
• the Topic The Sou„ of the Drunkard"-
Tlae Power and the Evils of Inteanper-
ance in the Use of Liquor;
Washington, ,Jan. 10.—This discourse
of Dr. 'taixnago it from a most unusual
standpoint, an arousing call to reforma-
tion from dissipated habits, and must
do wide goad. .The text was Psalms lxix,
12, "I was the song of the drunkards."
Who ®aid tbat? Was it David or was it
Christ? It was both. These . Messianic
Psalms are like a telescope . Pull the in-
strument to a certain range and it shows
you an object. near by. Pu11 it to another
range, and it will show you objects far
away. David and Christ were both, each
In his own time, the.song of the drunk-
arde.Holiness of doctrine and lite always
did excite winked merriment, ,Although
David bad fully reformed and written a
psalmody in which all subsequent ages
have sobbed out 'their penitence, hie
enemies preferred to fetch , up his old
career and put into metric measures sins
long before forgiven. Christ, who com-
mitted no sin, was still more the subject
of unholy song,,beoause the better onens
the more iniquity hates him. Of the best
being whose voice ever moved the air or
whose foot ever touohed the earth it
might be said: --
The byword of the passing throng,
The rulers scoff, the drunkard's song.
- The earth fitted up for the hill
race, in congratulation the morn
stars sing a song. The Israelitish a
safe on the bank of the Red -aea and
Egyptians clear under the returned wa.
Moses sang a song. One of the m
Important parts of this great old boo
Solomon's song. At the birth of
Lord the Virgin Mary and old Sim
and angelic prima donnas In hover
clouds sang a song. What :enriohm
bas been given to the world's 'Herat
nd enjoyment by the ballads, the ea
les, the disoants, the ditties, the roup
lays, the epics, the lyrics, --the di
ambs! But my text cans attention
style of song that I think has ne
sen discoursed upon. You Emmett
ear this style of music when passin
aloon, or a residence in which
ion is ascendant, or after you h
etired at night you bear it coming out
he street from those who, having tarr
ong at their cups, are on their way ho
the ballad of the inebriate, the ser
de of the alcoholized,. or what my t
alis the song of the drunkards.
For practical and saving and warni
nd Christian purposes I will announce
ou the characteristics of that w
nown cadence mentioned in my to
irst I remark that the song of
runkards is an old song. Much of t
ago of the world and of the church
d musio. First oamo the music of p
isslon, the clapping cymbal, which °w
ggested by a hammer on an anvil, a
en the sighing of the wind across t
eds suggested the flute, and then t
rained sinews of . the tortoise across
ell suggested the •harp. But far back
at, and nearly back as far as the mor
llapse of our first parentage is the so
the drunkards. That tune was su
least 4,243 sears ago, when, the delu
st, Noah Dame out of the ark, and,
-disgusted with too much prevalence
ater. he took to strong drink and sta,
red forth, for all ages the first know
unkard. He sounded the first note
e old music of inebriaoy. An Ara
thor of A. D. 1310 wrote: "Noah, b
g come out of the ark, ordered each
e sons to build a house. Afterwa
ey were ouonpied in sowing and.
arf`ting trees, the pippins and fruits
inch they had found in the ark. T
ne alone Was wanting, and they cou_
t discover ie. Gabriel then informe
em that the devil had desired it, an
deed had soon
to it. Hereupo.
ah summoned him to aPPear in th
Id and said to °him: "Oh, accursed
Wb • hast thou carried away the vine fro.
?' 'Because,' replied the devil, 'it b
ged to me.' ' `Shall I part it for yon
d Gabriel. 'I consent,' said Noah. 'an,
11 leave him a fourth.' 'That is no
Indent fo "him.' said Gabriel. 'Well,
"1.take half,' replied Noah, 'and 1 b
11 take the other.' 'Thet is notsuff`ic
yet,' responded Gabriel. 'He mus
ve two-thirds end thou one, and whe.
wine shall have boiled on the fir,
til' two-thirds are gone the remaide
11 be assigned for thy use.' " A fabs
t illustrates bow the vine Chas bee
It i§ an OId Song.
enhadad and 32 allied kings, iiotin,
a pavilion, _took up the same. batch
1. Nebel vitasrendering that drunk
s' song When his wife, beaatifu_
gall, came -hack from her expedition
ave her husband. Herod was singing
t song when the daughter of Herodia
eled in the dance before him. Bel
zzar and a thousand lords renewed
t song the bight the handwriting
e out on the plastering of the wall
the tramp of the besieging host was
rd on the palace stairs. Ahasuerus
g that song when, after seven days of
ural, he ordered Vashti to' come
the presence of the roaring guests
out her veil on -a January storm
ng to command a June morning.
yes, the song of the drunkards is ansong. King Cyrus boasted that he
d drink more wine than his brother.
nkenness was so rife among the
daemonians that Lycurgus had all
vines of the vineyards destroyed.
1 excoriates the Corinthane
turn -
the communion of the Lord's supper
for huroh into a carousal. Isaiah men-
s the drunkards of Ephraim. So
h were the Athenians given to Was -
that a law was passed giving a man
le punishment for crime while in-
ated, the first punishment for the
e, and the other for the intoxication.
as a staccato passage in that song
Alexander ,the Great arose from a
k is
JANUARY 15, 1897.
want Go right dewn among the resider). arti suipmaa;" 'none yet– naiti .11zr
Mal streets of any city and you oan lind
once beautiful and luxurious homeeteads
that were,expended in this destructive
. The lights have gone out in the drawn
Jag roorn,the planolbave ceased the pule-
Gough, "1 .will drink a glees of soda
water rith anybody. I will drink a gime
They went down •Chambers street to
Chatham street, and into a place where I
"Best Soda" was announced at the door
ation of their keys, the wardrobe haa After loine delay there was battled to
lost its last article of appropriate attire. aim a glase of soda water said to be
The Belehazzarean feat has left nothing flavored with raspberry, but, alas, it was
but the broken piece of the crushed rum, that flew to his brain and sent him
°billion There it stands, the ghastnest
thing on meth, the remnant of a drunk-
ard's home. The costliest thing on earth
through the street an ineane man. and
weeks passed before he came to himself ;
and implored the pardop of the Christian
*is sin. The most expemtive of all mimic churoh time he had joined and resumed
is the sonteof the drunkard. It is the
highest tariff of nations—uot a protec-
tive tariff, but a tariff of doom, a tariff
of woe, a tariff of death This evil whets
the knives of the aseassins, cuts the moat
of the wounds of the hospital, makee
necessary most of the almahonees, opuses
the most of the ravings of the insane
asylutn. and puts ua most of the iron
bars of the penitentiaries. It has its
hand to -day on the throat of 'the Ameri-
can republio. It it the taskmaster of
nations, and the human race crouches
under its anathema. The song of the
drunkards has for its accompaniment the
Oink of chains, the chattertne teeth of
poverty, the rattle' of executioner's
scaffold, the creaking door of the deserted
home, the oraeh of sitipwrecke and the
groans of empires. The two billion twenty
=Mien dollars which rum costs this
country ha a year, in the destruction of
grain aud eugar and the supporting a
thehaaupers, and' the alvalids and the
orlininals which strong drink oriusee, is
only a small part of what is paid for this
expensive song of the drunkards.
It Is a Song of the Multitude.
Again, this song of the drunkards is a
bis wondroas career for God and ri
.eousness. But the grogshops and
places of dissipation rang with _merri-
ment at the temporary downfall. All the
grogshops and wine cellars of America
took up with nevi valve and new gusto
and new enthusiasxn and new diabolism
the song' of the drunkards.
Effect of a Song.
There loonies up in my memory one of
the best and noblest friends I ever had.
He bad been for 80 years a consistent
membee of the church. I knew not that
at about 21 years of age he had followed
the ilea and habit of inebriacy bad been
fixed upon him. But converted to God -
he began a new life. Yet it was a 80
years' war againet the old appetite, but
about this struggle I kneve nothing
until he was deed. While absent during
my summer vacation I received a tele-
gram announcing his death and taking
• me to come and officiate at his obsequies.
I arrived at the moment the service was
to begin, and had not much time to
make inquiries about his last hours. In
my remarks, without any limitations, I
extolled his virtues While living and
spoke of the heavenly raptures into
• which he had entered
that he had died of delirium tremens in
dint, not a queetet, not a sextet, but
the hospitaa because; he was so violent
millions on millione aro this hour sing-
ing it. Do not think that alcoholism has he could not be suffidently restrained in
his beautiful home. He had been seized
this field all to itself. It hes powerful
ricale in the intoxicants of other nations in the street with violent pain's of body
and went into an apothecary store to get
our --hasheesh and arraok and pulque and
eon- opium and quay° and mastic, and wedro.
lag Every mitten, barberic as well as civil -
ant ' ized, has its pet intoxicant. This song of
ure the drunkards it rendered in Chinese,
Hindno, Arabian, Assyrian, Persian,
de- ' Metican—yea, all the languages. .All
by- zones join No continent would' be
to large enopgh for the choir' gallery if all
ver those who have this libretto in' their
Ines hands should stand side by side to chant
a the international chorus. Other throngs
Pa- are just learning the eight notes of this
deathful musio which is already mastered
ef by the orchestras in full voice . under the
led haton in full swing. All the musicians
ale assembled at Dusseldorf or Berlin or
ea- Boston peace _ ju-bilee, rendering gam -
ext phonies, requiems or grand marches, of
Mondelssohn er Wagner or Chopin or
ng Handel, *ere insignificant in numbers
to as compared with the innunierable
ell. throngs, host beside host, galleryt above
xt. gallery, who are now pouring forth the
the sung of the drunkards.
he Years ago, standing before a bulletin
le board in New York on the night of a
ea- presidential election day, as the news
as came in and the choice of the American
nd people was finally announced, there were
be people in the streets who sang roistering
be and frivolous songs. But in the street
its one man, in deep, strong, resonant
01 voice, started, to the tune of "Old
al Hundred," "Praise God, from whom all
ng blessings flown' and soon all up and
ng down the street the voices joined in the
ge doxology. May God speed the day when
as the song of rescue and salvation shall
of drown with an overwbelming surge this
mighty song 'of the drunkards!
A Suggestive Song:
9i I Again, the song of the drunkards is
a suggestive song.: 'You hear a nursery .
e'l refrain, and right away you think of
of. your childhood home, and brothers and
I'd; slaters with whom you played, and
IT mother, long since gone to rest. You
°I heir a national air, and you think of the
he encampment -of 1863, and the still night
to s
at 0
It w
the t
BO gr
to we
it kn
the si
this o
an ex
per ni
'they n
sing w
the an
but t
It cost
d shookaheir reflections up sand down the
d faces 'of the reginient. You hear an old
church tune, an -d you are reminded ot
8 the revival scenes amid which you were
brought to God. Nothing so brings np
?' upon instrtiment, and the drunkard's
song is full of suggestion. .As yesu hear
' it on the street quite late some night
you begin to say to yourself: "I wonder
if he has a mother? Is his with Waiting
n for him? Will his children be frightened
when he enters the front door and stag -
t gers, whooping, up the stairs? What
chance is there, for that young man,
started so early on the down grade? In
r 'what business will be succeed? How
e long before thet man will run through
n his property? I wonder how he got so far
fetch him Cook? He must have got into
astray? Can any influence be wielded to
bad company who led him off." So you
- soliloquize and guess about this man
t whose voice you hear on the street
under the starlight.
, Notice that the second noun of my text
la in thei plural. Not "drunkard," but
s "drunkardS." It would be dull vvoek to
- sing that song solitary and alone. It ie
generally a chorus. They are in groups.
On that downward way there mutt be
companionship. Rare apd there is a
man sd mean as always to drink alone,
but generous men, hig hearted Then,
drinking at bar or in eeetaurant or in
clubhouse feel mortified to take the
beveiage , unaccompanied. There must
be some one with whom to click the rim
of the glasses, some one's health to pro-
pose; some sentiment to. toast. There'
must be two, and still better If four, and
still better if six, to give zest to the song
ef the drunkards. Those who have gone
down could mention the name of at least
ime who helped them down. Generally
it is some one _who was a little higher
up in eocial life or in financial resource&
Our friend felt flattered to have an in-
vitation hem one of superior narne. Each
one drank not only when he felt like it,
but when the other felt like it. Neither
wanted to seem lacking in sociality wheti
he was invited. So 100,000 nien every
year are treated into hell. Together are
they manacled of evil habit, together
they travel toward their, doom, together
they make merry over the cowardice or
Puritanical sentiment of those who never
indulge, together they join their voices
in the song of the drunkards. If the one
proposee to stop,' the other will not let
him stop. Wben men are getting down
thersselves, they do hot wa t their
glit colieeums and academics of
. Some of the people of small
ahnost paupe,rized themselves that
light sit a few evenings under the
itment of those angels of siteet
. I paid $7 to hear Jenny Lind
hen it was not very easy to afford
Very expensive • is such music,
he costliest song on earth is the
ard's song. It costs ruin of body.
s ruin of mind. at costs of
p asso-
ciates to turn hack. Those who turn
back will be the scoff and caricatore of
those who keep on, and there will be
coneplracy to bring them baok to their
old platen and their old environmeht,
and so have them renew the song ot the
drunkards. There was a tragedy in New
York September, 1845. A man of mar-
velous natural gifts had, after arriving
from bis home in England, fallen into
dissipated babits and, being a fine singer
as wellas impersonator entertained many
barroom group at Newhuryport, Bog-
ie:ill and New York, but, ay the grace of
God and the kindnees of one Joel Strat-
ton, had been rescued and took the plat-
form for temperance and moved vast
auniences toward a better life. "Destroy
him," said some of his old associates,
and they set a trap for hig, feet. "How
do you do, Mr. Gough?"' said some one
on the street of New York. He pretended
to be an old acquaintance, and said,
"I suppose you are so pious now and
have got to be so proud that you will
apt deink glass of, gala water with an
medical relief. Scimething there gi
hint set on fire his old appetite for str
drink, and, ' utterly irresponsible,
went from -liquor store to liquor at
until, raving maniac, the officer of
law bound him and took him to the
pital where he died. Some time aft-
sdid to the doctor in the hospital,
what did he die" And the answer w
"Congestion of the brain." sa
"Doctor, I want, to know the bott
facts, for I was his tpastor, and he
one of the best friends I over had.
it delirium tremens?" .And the doo
; responded, "Yes." Did I regret that
his obsequies I had extolled his virt
and speken of the heavenly joys up
which he had entered? No. I do
think that my friend was ana more
sponsible for the mode of his taking
than a typhoid fever patient in deliri
is responnsible for leaping out of
foorth story window. But while we w
heartbroken about his going away,
think that in the saloons, to those w
heard of his membership. of the ohur
and the tragedy of his departure,
became, as David and the Christ of*
text, the song of the drunkards.
Easily Le"arned.
Again, the song of the drunkards
easily leaded. Through what long a
an elevated and inspiring singer!: Ern
Abbott, among the most eminent can
trams that ever enchanted academies
musio, told me on ocean ship's deck,
answer to my question, "Whither a
you bound!" "I am go;ng to Berlin a
Paris to study music." "What!" I sai
".After all your world renowned suoceses
in music, goiog to study?"
Then she told me through what hard-
ships, through what self deniaist through
/abet almost killing fattgues, she had
gone in. order to be a singer, and that
when in her earlier days a great teacher
of music had told her there were certain,'
notes she could never reach, she said,
"I will reach them," and throngh doing
nething else but practice for five years
she did reach them. Oh, how many
heroes and heroines of musical achieve-
ment! There are songs which are easy
to hear, but most dilfficult to render.
When Handel, with a new oratorioft
entered a room where a group of mut
sioians had assembled and said, "Gentle-
men, you all read mugic?" They._ said,
said the great composer, "Play this."
But the performance was so poorly done
Handel stepped his ears and said: "You
play in church Very well, for we read
the Lord Is long suffering, of great kind-
ness, and forgiving of iniquity, trans-
gression and sin. But you shall not play
for me." Pure music, whether fingered'
on instrument or trilled from human
lips, is :most difficult. But one of the
easiest songs to learn is the song of the
drunkards. Anybody can learn it. In a
little while you can touch the highest
note of conviviality or the lewest note of
besottedness. Begin moderately, a sip
hero and a sip there. Begin with claret,.
go on with ale and wind up With cognac.
First take the stimulant at a wedding,
then take it at meals, then take it be-
tween meals, then all the time keep your
pulse under its stealthy touch. In six
months the dullest scholar in this
Apollyonic MUSIC Mar bevome an expert.
First it will be sounded in a hiccough.
After await° it will be hoard in a silly
ha, ha! ginlurther on it will become a wild
whoop. Then it will enable you to ran
up and down the five lines of the
cal soale infernal. Then you will have
Mastered it—the song of the drunkard&
Never Too Cod to lLearn.
The most skillful way 'is to adopt the
modern theory and give the intoxicant to
your children, saying to yourself, "They
will in after life meet the inte4cante
everywhere, and they must get used to
eeeing•them and tasting them and con-
trolling their eippetitee." Thai is the
beat way of teaching them the song of
the drunkards. Keep up that mode of
education, and if you have Mtn. boys at
least three of them will learn the drunk-
ards' songs and lie down in a drunkard's
grave, and if I ever laid a wager I would
lay a wager that the fonrth 'will lie down
with the other three. Or if the education
(Continued on Page 3)
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