HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-01-08, Page 8Brucefield. he ritory. Re then took atourse nell, who for several years has filled the chat. Mi. and Mrs. Be�ry vs renied Willson's Cash %'wlrOcery at the Mani- point of attendance, which as, very larp, of book-keeper for. Messrs. Reid.& B. R. HIGGINS, generpl, fffr and life i - asur- their fArm for the sum of $300 a year, and toba, University,, graduating �.0 M. D. and but also in the presentatiori of a very 'choice January, 897. hardware merchants, of this town, once agent, notary rubilo, ed cer,commissioner have b6ugot a house and fptt half a - mile Some extra values in Teas. We have now one of 0. M..,, which latter title signifies Master in mine, which was thoroughly enjoyed Surge He then went to Edinburgh, Prolrlafoerartily encorea by an enthusias* left on Monday lastfor' Goderich, to take for taking affidavii a, nveya )Vhen they leave,
the Attest black teaa. imported, price boo per lb. an I ft. Prval funds on Ant east of�'Wsjton clitirch; m6r pr A , at 5 per cent. v dther tea, In the Scotl ry position of deput reglistiat, io which .4age on good L farm 0 the, farm the neigh�borhdod will lose kind V.111guarantee it an better than ail ani, graduating as b. � R. 0. P. and aul Much of the success of the enter' the y At home every, morning an W duesday of each 3makket. Also the finest Young Hyaou and aslown , I To ��' I as sit very close prices for cash or trade. Will L. R. C.'S., and subsequently graduated in tainment wag due to Mr. Harry Willis, the he has been Vointed, Mr. O'Connell is a week.. 1464 friends and Obligig nel hbora.—Mr. and No let up—here we are right at the Xul satisfaction or return the money. Our Glasgow as L. F. P. and S., Armed with energetic secretary of the club.—The writer steady, clever young man, who eatned the A RELIC. —Mr. George Forest, of this Milk James Hays, jr., X%Tbaby, spent ginning of - 1897—degirous as ever fo U13 New Vears with Mrs. Haig" .—W creasef business. 'We ivant to – 5r. rade Coffee Is second to none, and is theme elaborate letters.and still more by the enjoyed the pleasure of a short visit with respect and confidence not o 0 of his late parents e Blend: of h' h place, has in his possession a rare relic in D Open ud ettled M. Y. McLean, the genial and a new year with ood sales for January a ving =441=41on. Gold mel brel Coo" knowledge a experiew3e gained, he a ble. proprie- em loyers, but of the entire community, the sha e of a book, Which was printed in are pleased to learn that Miss Emma'POI wth tryin%; price 17o per poundr,-',0ur stock of f
two he will, we are sure, faithfully and lard is home from Dakot4. She staid a good start usuaf ly means a I New Weink rial 0%ndledPeets, Figs, Dates at Al.den, Iowa, but after a �ear he oam�'to -ter of the Hunox Ex-pol the Reform imT. 1657. Yt is a book of sermons by Christ -0. V1 good nibh., IM re and Nuts, are of thevery best quility, and prices se this cith where almost at once he acquired giant " of the north, a paper that is thol efficiently fill the responsibli position to pher Love, anl is still in a good state of feiv days with er sister Miller, in lowasthelowest. 22 pounds of best Graulated a large practice, which he has ever since oughly up: to date on all. the - important *which he has been appointed by Mr. Gibson, Ldadon, on her way home. -rMr. C. Bowers, The Spring purchases are begnring
Sugar for $1. Rememember we will not be undersold r, erservation. It formerly. belonged to the of Cli ton, is sp ding. his olidays at Mr. arrive, but we have some W . ter goodii b anyone. In Dinner aliod Te% sets we have some retained *ad extended. Al hough yet 'but questionif the day, -and fearless in - the the registrar.—Mr. Johii Cowan, barriste. late Rev. Mr. McPherson, of East Williams, n en 11 I in
a sell yet before wo talk of bpring. of the newest goods, out;---' Call and too them. It the 2 he holds the chair of prae- battle,for equal ri t to all.—W. M. Gray, of Sarnia, spent New Year's with relatives and wao found among his possession after J. Berry's; some extra a suit we1l make the prices right. t oge at Harvey niversity here, *he was our wortry mayor at the time of in facKillop and Gre —We are sorry to his death, ' It- is t really a c'uriol and is Se o, Lamps and Glassware. We. a i.r. in surgery in the -post grad- the visit of Lord Aberdeen last year, re- learn of the death o pren much prized by its present o* n-er. Whatwe bai�e -to sell- Of - Wit t�: go Vroint in Toil eased fowl, nd a 122r. f �Jss Jennie M. Dr7odale, u
want 'dbu, e potatoes and dr go d uate school. The Doctor cherishes the ceived from his Excellency on' Saturday, a del eldest daughter of Mrs. Prender. SOCIAL PASTINES.—The unual Phooting we are willing to take very low prices, 't r %eke dry), wi t thehighl price for,thf, A HAPPY - Ru-TJiioN.—Mts.- J. Thomp. ball of the Youn People's Heart rather than carry them over to another
ht qualities. or eggs� love of his native laud, and, is president of gold locket as a souvenir of his very pleasant gast, formerly a much respected . resident, sbn, of Moose Jaw, Northwest T.err't match and son. C. WILSON, S"forth. the Maple Leaf Club, in vMch he takes a but brief visit to Seaforth, whin on his of Seaforth, and a well-knoWn teacher of d - her- parents, Mr., and Mrs. and Hand Association was he�d on New Years Bank Of CCU -imams Block. warm interest. It is Il t note Ontario tour. The locket is a very hand- music, but now residing at Grand Rapids, ir'S pping in day;.- While the Weather iwas windy and Your chances are g, . ood forenuin . e 1474 Sw n and other' friends," by dro i how many of our youngaCanadivarnes are, ris- someone, and in highly L prized by. Mr.' Michigan. - Jennie was a' fine girl of 17 upon them unexpectedly on New Year$ disaire6able,' much better marksmanthil? twd. lit. er occas* e�s in Millinery, Mantles, Mantle CIOW
Ing to positions of honor and emolument in Gra�, who much appreciates the- kindly years, but consumption clairfied her as & eve. She was accompaid;d b was shown than on for I 10118. y Dress Goods, Fur Caps Fur 0 y her, John aunerman and their adopted con vie im so and family have tie ones the youngest being only two Fur 7ackets, Ovel utry. gift. —#– t* . Mr. Jam ' Doble , Messrs. A. $reenan, oats, Blankets n Ed Oash removed to Mitchell and taken up their months old. It is *x years since Mrs. , A �Dewar carried off lit, 2a4 and 3rd prizes ob clothing, etc.
NEw, YEVs 'were -not so SONS OF ScomkNI),.—At Lady Nairn residence there.--wMiss Kafie Duncan, Of Thompson left here as a bride, and.this-is respectively; while. some 'of those, who —DEALER IN, I OL
favored on New� Year's day as on Christmas � C&111p, No. 55, Seaforth, last Wednesday Toronto, pent New Year's with herfather he -werbnotaosucoessfulearriel off the hi h- B r first visit home, and -it_ gets withou- % Some of the'se thillys you are likely night,,the following 'were installed as offi- and other eat prizes in the -social event f the evening, �,
Hides, Sheep' Skius & Furs day. The sleighing Was all !gone, and in.! cers for the year 1897 : Junior past chief, . friends here. She intends going saying that her return was a joyful surprise as of -require, as there are ully two or -t stead Of the anew we had rind and slash. to Carberry, Manitoba, shortl aver enjo able party at t a residen y, on a visit to all her friends, and particularly to - her ather aheaid of us.
months' cold e
GODE�RICH STRFET, But, although the ground was wet On top, John illespie; chief, Alex. Broadfoot,, to her sister, Mrs. Robert Airley.--,From' father and mother. . On New Year's niot Mr- W 91nowl which. attendedby as 8 JM MP C) -R,r-r 3HE- the roads were still smooth and solid, andl chieftiint A. Sl chaplain, James Me. art exchange we learn that Mrs: (Rev.) J. G. there was a grand family reunion, every1the entire miociation ani a ut twenty-five Kindly givel us E, call for whatever Michael; treasurer, T. Richardson; record- McKichnie, of Wolseley, N. W. T., is invitedguestsi, The' music was furnished may need, If we have the article to wheeling -was fairly good, but- there is not; member of Mr. Swann's family being pres. vial ing er ra. financial 'seers- i iti h parents, Mr. *and M ted b you, th
After 45 years in business life, I am still much pleasuren riding in a wheeled vehicli ing secretary, J. Rankin 0 resent b the Bannerman string, b anis
Hab. eut but one.daughter, Mrs. - Ryser. The d suit a$ e nrice- will certainly be made tal J. R. AitchiBon ; marshall, J. has SeotlimorriB. Ms. McKe - Wentrrs. W.- Black, John- Da" rindstone, and hope to get a share la *intet. There was no -curling, no skat . hoi . re ch famil was represented by two sons and W G, An well. at the g ing, andzo slei h nidiMIJ11 An'd there being nol kirk; standard bearer,'R. Common; miide- nie spent a few days in Seaforth* some two two Taughters and twelve grand-ehildren. Mossbp ; while the president� M r. S. West. 9 uard, J. J. Elliott;' oniside guard, G. X. lake, asaisted by his worthy I;euten-ant,-,,Mr. of the trade in Hides, Sheep Skins and Furs bukiness, people seemed to' wander -aronn& years -ago when, as a bride she came here, It is needless to say that it was' a pleasant At thi. old butter store, Goderich street. the ttreets aimlessly, anAo"roely knowing� 9hesney. J. McMiohiwl, D. Moore and W. accom]6,niedi by her husband, Rev. Mr. Me- W., Slack, were the right' m6n in the right 'X:UM1 Ow t Ballantyne, trustees. - A,nidfrew Scott and Keabni6,, just,prior to- their leaving for the reunion, and much. rejoiced the hearts of 1502 what 6 do with themselves. or h O� puc, J. G. Wilson, auditors, the ' 'by o11d couple, Mrs. Thomrion in. PIA0e as floor managers. A s�mptuous re -
For vriety ney Northwest. While here they were the t wort &� ag 1 the ladies of McFAUL in the time. - eral � bleyelistal, nds with friends: here I r sev- put, which did great credit t . E. D took. a whirl -on their wheels, but the at enteof their aunt, Mrs. M. Thompson, theliouse was much enjoyed 1by everyone. 0XINION EXPRESS Co. eral rm weeks 14ONEY 6RDERS mosphere was rather cold and the roads too,, FARmERs' IN-sTrrUTE MEETINGS.—'The 1parling street.—Miss Taylor, of British, followin persons have ar- Mr. . 89tia then gave a cotiple of recita- Am sold atall of lits offices, at any business hour, rOugli for that p%stime to be pleasant or meetings of the South Huron Farmers' In- Columbia, and at present p6 student at rived *here from: Mlinito, , and tend re- tions, which convinced all present that even YZ7 Goods
mor stitute,.held at Brucefield. and Exeter,' on Brantford Young IAdiesl College, spent the a bashful man is of use for sol things, r.e;. ,n, some time vie ing re tives and V- and &to payable in Canada,' United Statee and Popitlar. However, it was much Tuesday and Wednesday.last, were well at- Chri' ainin ii laitui r,- - . torm stmas holidays with h rig was.
Rumps. The rates are, less thw�, for any other agreeablethanif ithad-been very a in er friend, Miss frlen7 'Mrs. James Ison, 'formerly citing being one `4f them. Thel danci oompan-yo sending money where absolute safety to tended and in every way.' quite sue, peol of Constance. �M re. E. Miss Swan ; Mr. Willia offat,, Mr. R. and cold, as people Could �asfly keep warml 068ful- Lottie Thorn at" then resumed and kept -up till dsybreak, afforded. The Brucefield meeting was the largest Of F. Davis, of Mitchell, -has been spending a McCartney and daughtOr Mary, Mr. 'and without the expenditure of much fuel. - The, the kind ther, has yet been held at- that when alliesent thanked the h6st and host. Seaforth's Greatest Cash Dry Goods S
good as couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and ess for the hospitable way in� y Rates for orders Payable ih Canada and New Year's trade was not niarly so Mrs. William Ron, fokmerly of London which the the Christmas trade, although our merchants- place, while the evening was Mrs. A. Davidson, of the Commercial hotel, road' and Mr. and Mrs, Moffat, form had 'entertained them, and �hen wended United 'States. 11 erly Of and buiness men say they did fairly well,,,, eque y a marked success. At 'Exeter on —Messrs. Case & Chesney will , shortly- the 2nd concession Stanley. kMr. and Mrs. their' way homeward. Not over # 5'00 ...... 6 ot& an Wednesday, there e ek, wit*, and is a7m edby his rien
is r It _r;i
11 neement for the. was a larg op n out a meat store in Carmichael's hie James McCartney, sister of Mr. r
10 GO.. .. 8 d made a good comme' ,e turn out of Alexander Crow, of Det . Purtin, a *
20 00......10 new yar. We hope it will continue' the farmers of the surrounding townships in the store recently occupied by McCOl Thompson, is also expects Hunett. of Huron College, London, was adgueSt 30 W ...... 12 throughout the year. and a very interesting !neeting was held, & Jeffery.—Air. Fred. Beattie, of Jackson d in a abort time. —Miss blaude Chrysler, of Heneall, has THE EL-EcTrows.—The follo, ng is the the rectory this week, and on Sun By m but the evening entertainment bad to bc Brothers, Clinton, has gone to New York to been stayfog with her *sistere, Misses -result of the poll in the toy p of Hul- ing assisted at the services .-in 150 00 ...... 2D Do You want a nice piece of platedware dispeneed with on account, of another en- take a course at a cutting school. —It was Florence and Helen, for some -days. —Mr. lett church. —The youn folks of tht Wethe Sold in Seaforth byAmmwa.— Rogers'Knives or Forks? lf.golDavio`lalear-� tertainment being held in the village the ' ch mild weather on Monday last that Mr- Thomas Kennard, who has officlated as FOR TOWNSHIP COUNC1rL I pits. church purpose h ding an entertamme on
R"AM �' I MkODONALA ing ale ; it WA "ve you 4011a". 1517-1 same.evening. and the officers of the In- Peter Hawthorne, - of Hullett, took Deputy -Returning Officer at every election Divisions -1 2 3 4 5 7 otal about the 21st inst. It will likely"uke I To BoARDERs — counI6 of boarders can� stitute did'not care to inter re with any +;ma U *hci f^ra1^^l,- —A A.A -40 1-4-
for the last 30 years, was appointed -this form of a tea - meeting eon V. F. IEL -Talegraph & Domirilon -F.xpl Agentl find excellent accommodation in'i a pl house in local entertainment of that kind. A more spring plowing. It is rarely that plowing can Benj.Churchill 37'21 39 38 31 4 12 1192 Oerte SEAFORTH. extended report of both meetings will be be done here on the'4th of January. -Mrs. nesa was John Carberb 92 35 60 2420 1422 207 ara now Tax Exposti;IiA Offide. 1616-tt year as usual, but on account.of ill al elections for town. by applying at unable to act. Mr. Kennard. was a general Robert Ferris 32 91 4 87 17 39-32 30-0 town fathers aii' Reeve i0s. wl�j�. Belle Rose Emalie,is Scotland -'a beat Riven next week. - The next meetings of the Muir, of Waterloo, is the peat of fav'orite with Git and Tory alike and was a Burns ; councillors, (b ider, while Mr. Charles Kelly k Canad&14 best her 9 y Dominion S t1eams1fln I&e. Masso, Cardno's Hall, Monday Evening, January 'Inititute will be held at Hensall and Dash- brother, Mr. D. Johnson. -The annual most efficient and impartial officiQ.1. John Lashain 43 73 35 92 47 43 46 38
—.V I 18kb, go and hear thear. wood on the 4th mud 5th of February. meeting"of the Huron Presbyterial. Society We John Wilson 30 43 7 38 11 �1 48 208 ard Bailey, Geo,$e Erwin Thomas, Ellio
Steamers Vanco-ver. Labrador Canada, tiust.Mr. Kennard will rally through his and James Thomson ; sWl�Wl trustees, JL the TaUer holding iia, re�eord betwaenLiverpobi and ALL Watch and Clock R irin done at will be eld in the Presb�terian church, trouble and will yet live to officiate at many FOR COUNTY COUNCILI�O�S. Fowlie, T. J. Marks aud Wm. Whiddon. half the regular price, pa Blyth, on Tuesday, Jlanuary -19th. The up o ebruary at Davis' - THE Tow,,�T ELECTIONS. -Monday was an more electi6vns.�-Mr. William Forrest,, on- Divisions -I 2 3 4 5� 16 7 Total Fire bisiurane e. Jewelry store. unpropitious day for the municipal poli- morning session opens- at � 10L. 30 E'6. In. An New y as eal th 8�assing rig, which n6cessoitacol" DID you ever hear Charles Kelly plal the ticians, especially in so far as weather was interesting programme h been arranged: lide wi eye, had the misfortune t John Cox 32 25 11 - 24-31118 38 '179 EX For safety and economy, insure your home in one Spaniph Retreat, "or Miss Emalie recite 11 Cuddle b6th for the afternoon and e�ening meetings. d D. Forrester 36 19 12 12 L I Ill 12 103 BRIET's.-Mr. 1�ryaut Gre, of the old EngIish'companie9--PhaDnixj -Norwich concerned. It opened with a heavy - down his borrowing . another, big own beifig James Sn ell 70 154 108 178 78 95 74 757 of LOCAL Doowand Saunders XcGl&sban's Court;ehipl These The Rev. R. Johnstone, of London to Viflon, Imperfal. two artists will appear in Car4no's Hall,"Nonday pour of rain, which continued steadily is ex- broken so that he could not take it hoTe.- Orono,'is visiting relatives .1 Evening, January 1$th, Linder the patronage of the throughout the forenoon, while the m j� Institute mee..-,, -... well W. SOMERVILLE, Agent, ud pected to deliver an address. -We , would The Farmen Miss Bena Dodds returned from vZ13it, �L
Methodist- Church Choir, reservo ats on sale at gain remind those interested that the Lit- Ashfield. friends it Elora an,4%other points, on
Telegraph and Express Building; Seaforth. Feaes Store, 25c and 36c. and 'slush were deep an�.d disagreeable. attended', notwithstanding the severell cold erary. and Debating club will open again o I day last --The Ek* Nothing daunted, however, the politicians n and uncomfortable state of the building. TnE REsu.YT.-The foilowing is the re- -firemen had a eres in s cess W SOLID Gold Filled Ringsa slanghteri Tuesday evening next, when an int t` sult of the voting in this towns I p for the 113 ful concert sYOULr Accommodation and Con- p Ing were at work early, and each one did. his -It will not be long iiiitil Brucefie'ld ill edn rices, at Davis' clearing JewelryT sale. 15174 be held. The mem ra aboull beat for hl favorite. The edge'L however, debate will be have a comfortable hall for such meetings. municipal officers and for count council, despite the si my weather.� ro.
venience Is the bes& shoemaking� and repairing all be pr6sent.-The Ontario Hockey Asso. nh n Fal is v* W- was taken off by the withdrawal of Mr. lors : Girvin, ward 1, 125 122 ; 3, Pe ale, Of FV�elo Is, Receives respectful attention when noting the C. P.R. done cbeal :quick too good for you 7 It not try ciation have deeided not to admi6 the Sea. 120 ; 4, 42 ;L 5, 105 ; 6, 1.54 ; 7, I 9-T- otal, un He&Men, or %rave ppbaite Id stand, o Tuckersmith. Sweet 11ing. or �the telegraph for your measate�% C.. SpAnmr., X. Robertson's ql unn from the field for the Mayoralty. The grandmother, IMTS. A forth club into the league, as it would re. street. --ZRRev. 1, Henry and when you may express anything, use the Feaes Drug Store. 1617-1 principa interest centered in the col for 777. Holt, ward 1, 24 2, 50 ; 3, 32 ; 4, quire a re -arrangement 9f the schedule. It THE EI�EcTio-x. -There was a s�irited phip,, TennevIvania, brotbJer'of the Reeveship, between Messrs. Beattie %taoi,;
minion EXpress. The Dominion Express Money 50 ; 3, 73 35 7, 53 T 17. Me- LADMS'! Do you want 1a nice Brooch, V. S., Of Lt oys will hie Village, Order syskm of remitting mol Is a model of ban* Ear Ritigs, Bracelet. Stick PW, Watch or Watch and Watsoni They are both good men and is to be regretted that our b e un. contest in. this township this year, especially Lean, ward 1, 100 101 ; 3, 1 ; 4, 7 preached in tho 4; diness and Safety. For information regarding Same Ohaln, Side or Back Combs, �r a Rivig ? It so, worked hard, and it was expected that the able to com%ete for the ebampionsh�p, but for the ieeveship. The result of the voting, 5 39 ; 6, . 33 ; 7, 42. -Total 500. For street Methodist church on f9abba#*4t apply to Des is"clearing eale is the placo� to get them obea . contest would bwkeen, while the result wai we expect to see some good match6 here however, brought Mr. John Shepherd, the iieeve,-Farrish, wird 1, 42'; �, 98 ; 3, P ing last, to a very large congregatio l6i7-1 tal Vivalservices are being condu�tedir-
in doubt until the close. Mr. Beattie how. jus"he isme.-We thinii it would be a former reeve, to the front by a majority of 18 ; 4, 14 ; 5, 39 ; 6i 68 7, 42 -.-To n i . L f.. �f HERE is somethinp- for the nublic to -non- inove in ihe ri Mi 116 The follow- n
ever, gou Luere, MFULIOUgh xvir. Watson ade 5 a0l. Menlenzie, ard 1, 5Z5 ;;Z. 6i) ; ts, re every ev py Warr �Svwqu eapplim der over, viz., 10 months! of business in 1896, better go6d run. The most surprise was,perhaps, would pass a by-law compelling.people to is- votes polled 4, 67 ; 5' 65 48 ; 7 69 T I t 1 383: pastor, Rev. Dr. Willou than the corresponding 10 months in 1895, we have eeveship. w2r d 1, Mr. always maintained that this store in the cheapest, in connection with the - Deputy -R move the snow off the sidewalks in FOR -REEVE. Township councillors,-BL61*a,� electionon n last, and it must be so, In face of t I Smith w froiit of their premises. If this were done, Divisions -I 2 3 ' 4 Total 116 ; 2t 'reeve, was
DISTRICT MATTERS. Oe above act, The The candidatute of Mr. as looked - 122 ; 3, 74,; 4, 76 ; 5, 58 6, 312 ; ell y a majority of 3 va
cheap cash shoe store Uarmichhel`6 Block, W. H. upon by moSt-�eople as a very good joke, people would be able to walk on the Bide. J. Shepherd 48 50 125' 110 333 7, 422. -Total, 520. Hunter, 1, 28 2, 84 ; over his appo nt, ol Carling. WILLIS, Seaforth., 1517.1 walks instead of on the road,, as has to be -Tatal, deputy reeve. d icouncillors were ilec I I . . although as reiults proved the joke was A. Cessna 99 69 13 36 217 3, III 4,,25 ; 5, 4$ ; 6, 51 ; 7,.2 . Pau-
-MON WANTED -TQ PUROuAsm�,A good dri -too far. Mr. Wilson was done, every winter, which makes it danger- by &Q01 atio*. John DPIWi
�THLY XEETi!m-The regular busi- vI'9 carried a little 368. M,acintyre, 1, 12 28 35 - 4 am nes,4 meeting of the Young Men"s Christian Fony. It must be a� fine goer,* safe for a lady I ous for, pedestrians and extremely annoyin FOR COUNOMLORS. eUcfed reeve of Usborne township e w handle, perfectly sound, and dot more than eight one of the very best and most useful mem. 9 12 ; 5, 70 ; 6,01 ; 7, 89--Ttal, 037. Association was* held on Wednesday even- years old. Apply to R. HICKS' E mondville. bers of the old council, and his defeat is to to those -who are driving. If our citizens .Divisions -I - 2 9 .4 Total I his -Opponent, Mr. Alexander Dunmmn, I 9 I ing.-Mr. Farnham, manager of ffie im- 1517.cl would all give a helping hand in this direc. James Paterson 72 53 .116 79�- 320 MCKMOID. votes.: -:.M -the be regretted, much more in the intere'sts of Ben.- Wilton, of Bright, in perial Trio will be invited to conduct the OTICE. �Accounts are i now reai tion, they would be greatly facilitated in A McMillan ' 88 - 33 73 107 301 TnE ELEcTios.-The elections Ion Mon- guest. of Miss Millie L Cudmore.- ul ly and the town than on his own account. His
morning medting next Sunday, at 9.30. customers Will oblige by settlini not later than lot opponent made a vigorous personal canvass, getting around and it would not take up J. Gemmill. 79l 53 � 71 98 301 day last, created considerable interpstj and 1,eathorn returned- home.from, visiting Tel - After next Sunday, the International les- February. RoBXRT Wmws, Boots and Shol Sea- much time or energy on the part of each H. Crich 72' 98 41 39 2' ti'ves at New Hamburg- and. Loud
forth. while he positively refused to personally. 50 despite 'the"bad rbads the aspir�nts for 6urls will betaken vp at these meetings. solicit any votes, and to this may be asl one. -Nearly all the teachers and students The council will be composed for, the fol- office were out, and worked hi%rd- all day Tuesday laot.._M,Lr. Thomas Friendabi d $6, other prices Arva, who is well known in his. vil r10 for died at his home on Tuesday last, at, spect for T " meeting. Rooms open in proportion. COLZMAN'S, &&forth. conducted in the best spirit, as similar con- returned to their reeve ; John,McCloy, deputy-reeve.�;' James *test for 'township honors was col
No meeting next Sunday afternoon, in -re. Loc -s WANTED. �111ghes price& paid for who were Bpending Chiistmas' with' good logo. Soft Men $5, Bunwot 1517-1 ed his, defeat. The contest throughout was �in town and vicinity have friends lowing year as fo�lows : John Shepherd, bringing voters to the polls. The nI games, etc., next week as usual.' A special. tests in SQaforth 'always are. The council duties. -Professor Hutt, -of the 0 e en �age of 75 years. -NIT. John Mogg took tw entertainment, is expected. for Wednesday TjrERE is one thing about this shoe busi- Agricultural College, Gu ntmr'o Paterson, D.'MeMillan and James,Gemmill, desers. William Archibald and hn new that you can depend on and that is we &I yo for the current year will be composed as elph, staid over councillors. Brown, for councillur in ward No. session of big --property, which he purch evenings, 2M and 277th January Seaforth, and rom Mrs.
. - Desi4rdines, of GranVs PabiN.
Good have and do an we advertise,no;need for us rad. follows : Mayor, Robert Scott ; Reeve, Monday night in on his way to the the robsult shows, the contest was a most meetings last Sunday. vertise, stock must be sold, &c.,3o boom our bust- James Beattie ; Deputy -Reeve, Wil- Far I iners' Institute meeting at - Brucefield. FOR COUNTY COUNCILLORS. on, on Wednesday last, Xel ness as this record Shows,' viz., o month;j oe bust- keenly contested- one, The Vol stood : Ore
ness, 1896, better than same io� months 1895. we liam' Smith ; Councillors. -North Ward, He was th� gues,t of Mrs. J. W. Elder and Divioio*ns-I 2 3- -4 Total Archibald, 95 ; Brown, 87 ; maj4rity for An erson, George Harness and R
AIL WE-4,THERs.-Within the past two challenge any shoe store in town to o4ow a record Robert Winter, William Ament, Donald 'am 'y- - Messrs. . Robert and Georife eau Ill 160 213 206 - 690 *Archibald, 8. The result of the voting for Handford. left on Tuesday lasbto t
re Hays 3 months' course t Woohley weeks we have experienced all kinds of equal to this, but the reason �s easy, everybody Mclnty ; South W�rd, James Gillespie, Bro2l!e, sons of Mr. George Brownlee,4t 8? .18 30 46 176 county c6uncillors is as follows weather; we have passed from good sll knows the reason. The cheap cash shoe store car- J. S. Roberi�, George A. Sills East Ward, coace"ion of Tuckeramith, left on Thursday Wilson, 67 39 33 17 156. London,-M,r. Geyge Bawden, contractor,
miebael's Block, 4 doors south of Weir's Hotel., W. I Ward. -No, Hys. bfuLzix. MURNE WILSON. ing to mud., from hard frozen roads to Il. Wmma, Seatorth. John Turner, John G. Wilson, Thomas lasNor Belleville College, where- they in. Murdie 15 :,15 39 .12 51 haa received the contra -at -of 'putting u aleigbing again. The sleighing f Christ- 1517.1 A takinga course preparatory to study. 1 169 0 44 -5 ne-brick- dwelling for Mrs. Ge�� GRA'.ND Concert, underl the - auspices of Stephens. The following is a statement tell 0 " 2 142 4 mas'day faded away before the spring-like the Methodist Church Choir, infCardnolo Ball sea. of the votes cast for the several candll- ing forthe ministry. -As this is the close 112- 0 Well, on 'her farm; I
Clinton. J miles South. of the- zephers of the, succeeding days ;' following season for rabbita,' partridge and a 3 105 8 162 1-6 Mage ; lso a fine brick residence for Mr� -!Pdh, on Monday evening, january 18th, '189"P. dates quirrel, vi
-There was a very keen 44 -4 1,74 16 1-0 Wesley. Welshi, bnfain--street.-�If Teports.,
glimpse; of spring was a heavy rtists.-Mr. Charles Kelly, Grand Basso, Guitar and E AST WARD., parties who are still shooting this game rainfall and � the gradual drop of contest here last Monday, for the dbputy- the Maiedolin 3oloist, - Belle Rose Emolie. of Edinburgh. should remember that they are liable to a be true, Exeter will have a canning factory. !hip. The candidates were Mr. Me-. Total 590 28 52 31 mckcury into another winter, and the finish-, S otiand's favorite Entertaineri and Impersonster, COUNCILLORS. heav fine. -Mr. David Moore, ot Egmond� reeve
iss,Hattie Re]13 Contralto. Piano and Mandolin John Darwin 84 y Kenzie and Mr. Cooper, the latter himing next summer. -The Exeter fire br-1 i"I'le ing touches were put on Tuesday night, Soloist. , The bW concert of the season, reserved ville, leaves here to -day for Wiarton, where headed by the Exeter b�nd, gave a -1 C when we weke favored with a heavy fall of , 8 to plin now open 0 rear's Drug Store, popular John Turner 103 hei will spend a couple of weeks visiting his been the deputy -reeve for last year, and he Ribbert: light- procession on Wednesday might Orrilrles 25c and 85s, secure your seats eal 1617-1 John G. Wilson 101 came out on top again this year, by a
snow, and now the - sleighs are out again, - sister and other friends. -The, Imperial Trio NoTEs.-Alexander Gray, Who olds a They -are a fine bod
GOLD RING FotND.-Found near the Thomas Stephens 91 majority of 44. The mayor and reeve were y of men -and. arear and everything looks more natural, with will bold gospel temperance meetings in laorative position in Cleveland, Ohl spent credit- to our- village, Which has been V'ery railway station, in Seaforth, a plain Gold Ring. with REEVE. re-elected by acclamation. The council for . I - Cardno's ball, during next week b last w6ek visiting friends in this local lucky the past year, -61Y having had the probability that business will brighten two Initial@ In it. The owner caii have the same by E. Ward. S. Ward N. Ward. eylnnmg this year will be composed as follows ity-l- oon, at 4 o t
auuary Warren Hutchison was married on Nvedues- fire and it did not do much damage beforw
have, one of the finest of climates, but MRS. JonN FOLLAhl), Seator4h. is 51 75 110 10%. Lim'e hilit, views will be ajor, Robert Holmes; reeve, R B. Ken' day last to Miss Clara ung. Gebrge be" extingush4d up tod. 'We -'have as a rule, or think we proving property and paying for ibis advertisement. James Beatt, Sunday aftern leloc
1517-1 given every nedy; de uty-reeve, S. S. Cooper. - Coun. Y Ing these Sudden &ad disagreeable chan JaM6 Watson 72 79 65 evening except Sunday. -The Mooseja, hased a 00 Tre ges -don't NOTICE. -All accounts ust be settled .1 w cillorl C. Gilroy, acob Taylor, J. B. Vipond baspure I arm in agree with us, and have resulted in a' ged- inimediatelyor-theywiflbe pla�edla other hands DEPUTY -REEVE. Times of last week Says : -
for collection. ALM BXTI1UNZ,1ht.-1D. 1517-2 Capt. Habkirk, Hoover, George Swallow, Thomas 'Walker, the neighboihood, of Staff%.--4,Mr. an Mrs. Lakelet, eral prevalelice of colds. Fortunately for -us Wilim Smith 70 78 19 superintendent of the junior work of the. James A. Ford, S. G. Plummer, E dwin Hartiiis spent apart .of the 1 �lidaY NoTzs--William Hubbard had- a wooldb? we haveWt thelmaking of the weather. Alex. Wilson 50 64 - W. 0. u in the vicinity of Strathroy bee on Thursday afternoon, and the boy.av
87 Salvation Army, was here for a few days seaso
A -N OLD -FRIEND HEAR� earle.- The public school board FRo,,Nr.-A few COUNTY COUNCILLOR$. this week-. Tie left Wednesday morning for W. S. dae ago we received a letter from our old Harland, J. 0. Stevenson, J. W. Irwin, T. auql girls had a good time at night.--4-
DEA:Tu OF MreirAEL TAGwEy.-Mr.Michael tfie west and will visit the towns between pleasant evening wasapent at the fesideneev
Tagney, who has for many years been a resi- friend, Mr. William Dorratice,of LaGrange,, Thos.1. Hays 128 109 87 here and Edmonton." Captain John Hab- Jackson, jr., W. G. Smith, Isame Ja6kson, J. B. McLean 23 20 23 John Gibbings, R. Agnew. dent of this town., passed to the great be- Oregon, who will still. be remembered by kirk is a graduate of THE EXPOSITOR office, NOTEs.-Wiri. Thuell, 7th line, a quite of Mr. WM. Wallace Iiiat Wcdnesday. many of our readeis. The! letter was Mih. Murdie 9 12 11 ill at present. -Mrs. Michie, Mrs. roctor, the aminual school meeting h'ere for the
yond �on - Wednesday'night. The circum- ten on the 25th o I writ- D. A Wilson 82 139 and wbile here was an energetic worker in Mrs. Wightman and Mr. A. Cole also election of a tr stee, th contest wfs - ef- lf Decembe'r. - Mr. Dorrance 217 a e
stances srrounding his death are particu- the Salvation Army in eaforth. John A a Usborne. larly sad. Re had atlended says that for the first tw s of his resi- NORTH WARD COUNCILLORS. -Donald on'the sick list. -Wood bees are 8 the ceedingly keen,- and at the close of the poll,,,
f o rear good, honest fellow and a hero in big chosen Tim ELECTIONS. There was a, particular- fashion. Mr. Love- and Mr. Wile Dn had the candidates were a tie, but Mr. Weller� meeting of d very
di;nce in Oregon he ha poor health, McIntyre, Robert Winter, William Ament. the Catholic Mutual Y:e)ae b sociation on work. -Miss Edith -Steinbach, of Zurich, ly spirited contest in this township for the 'each one a week ago, and James N16 iol -had who was chairman, and one of the eaudi-'�
but for the past year his I health has been SOUTH WARD Monday evenino and iwhile on bii, -way COU--N-GILLORS.-J&mes Gil-' sp: ent New Year's with friends in town. - reeveship and for the council in the north- 'A large vote was poll. dates, dodared himself elected with tlit�-
VE one on Wednesday.-
horne was s�riXe)n with' Paralysis, and fell much impro -d.. He. s4ya Ivii, ol(i lespie, J. 8. Roberts, George Sills. Mr. T. E. Baker, of Toronto, spent the west w r'd the councillors for.the other ed on sidering the stat ' of the cal vote. - On t�h4 b0andarly there watwv
friends in Hulr Will soon EAST WARD Cou, Monday, con
About an, ho a
from the sidewalk. ur later on be all gone, As I NcirjORS. -John Turner, holiday season in town. While here he was three warWsl having been ee
elected by a ',a-. roads and the wet weather. The fo -lowing a similar contest between Wat Pomaro I I ) I he -was found by Mr. John Darwin, lying ' see they are being remove� - one af ter an- John G. Wilson, Thom" Stel the -guest of Mr. Latimer and family. -We mation. The candidatee for the'reeeship is the result: of the vote polled by can lidates and J. Renwick. The latter was sueoesviw other, and if I live to get blome, again I will helpless on the bard ground. He was as- are sorry to learn that Mr. John Folland, of were Mr, John Delbridge, the el eve, and in the- township : J. Bolger, 129 ; T Coad, fal.-Our -pedagogue has left the be almost a stranger in Sekorth. What a LOCAL BRIEFS. -The laciosse boys had -a' fame
sisted home and medical aid summoned, - this town, has been confined, to his resi. .Mr.. Alex. Duncan, M. Cardiff, 318 ; J. McCricken, 184-; bu ' and is I his house out in the -
an old r dent and
when it was found that one Side of his ovely climate we have in, this part of Ore- big houie at their concert on New Year's dence for two weeks through illness. -The prominent man in the township. Mr. Del- 334 rg iving in
on. For the t fi Win. Isbister, 358. It will thus b 3 seen country. -Air. David Hainstok, of Mani-
bodv was completely paralyzed, 'while he 9c ve weeks it has been niAt, Cardno's hall being packed. -The: week of p -
rayer meetings which are being bridge was elected reeve, and r haLfreceived a severe blow on the back of more like sprixg,"It'han win�er. We had try -Association are getting' out Ralph that W. Isbiater heads the poll. Whit a toba, is visiting his relatives here -at present,
-a -held ibis week in the Presbyt�rian churches Keddy was the successful candid e for the pity the township was put to this ei 'is of as are also Mr. James Akens nd Mr, severe spell -in November, 4ut 8ince� then splendid prize list for their show which is to 'of Seaforth and Egmondville'and the Meth. councillorship, The deputy-ree e will be an electio atall, as it wil�l cost thel -town- Mrs. Berry,.9f the Same place. -O'
his head by �his fall, causing concussion of it �eni
11 ur ebop-�
has been lovely. Hayds from three to four be held in Seaforth on the 25th, 26th and odiSt church, Sbaforth, have been well elected by the council a*t its first eeting. ship about $50 or more for the eleetiOn. cutting p ces, but, - we ret
the, brain. Mr. Takney was a quiet, indus- ail trious man, and was much r63pected by dollars per ton, and plenty at that.11 4 Times 27th of this month. It is expected that attended. pers are again ri aret
are getting better, but e have� the show will be a ood one. -Mr Dickson, who knew him. He leaves a widow- and assed 9 ------ :—*— afraid they are, making very little mQue-V.-
through fotu- years, the like of -of the London Advertiser, brother-in-law of EGMONDVILLE NOTES.: Leadb pe b, m, fly. The funeral takes place this (Fri- which hope [-miss Walker, of ury. Bayffeld. They are chopping for 2 and 3 �cents . r 1) morning, never see again. We had 'a good Mr. Samuel Trott, spent New Year's with Ilderton, has been the g SAYINGS. -The teachers ha' for -roll vbog and 4 ceiits for, tenel and will be conducted by the -L w est of her friend, vs buckled on You can get Do;$' and Y Ouths' 6 Coate �holic Idilual Benefit Association. crop out here the past year and farmers are Mr. Trott. Mrs, Dickson was, here for Miss Maggie Jackson,1 -daring the past their armor anid commenced their ye4?a at just half price St A. EDWARDS', for Ca,h,, number of e young people in the vlbimty� getting good prices, but tell you what Christmas and she returned home With her week. -We very much! regret the severe work, and instead of criticism, it would be spent New Year's ni&t in JoCifil n A C-IMISTMASL good crops and prices are uch needed to husband -on Saturday. -Mr. Fred. Cardno, illness of'Mr. Harry COsswell, who has well for parents and. others to extend kind. BRENZYLNOTZS._"Mi" Dnek"df Mgr;etb, at -b4r. J- MxhoO"-�-*Vg� J.- Hub NumBER.-The Christmas Straighten thing' Who has been in Northern Dakota, near been prostrated by an attack of rheu�inatic. ness and Sympathy,' as the teachees is the guest of the Misses k3mith.-Mr. I've t e ou
a up. Flan ners are -now be. h school a good',Vl"ng ou M
number of the Chicago Canadian American, ginning to spend a little n easy, but. while Cavalier, for about two years, has returned fever for a week or two. iss. E. 0. Thomp., task is certainly not an easy one. -Mrs. Baker, of Toronto, is visiting at Mi. John Rursday. a journal pUblished in Chicago in the" inter- times were so dull they let. everything home. Reis not -enamored of that 'oun. on of'Blake, is a with relatives in n away for a �week isit- Bigart's.-Miss Whittaker, of Lonoon go, c tayin Is est of the Canadians who are located in the eir I who has bee their horses went without shoes try and does not'intend r6turning.-LAIr. the villige. She is. a I g a course :in the Ing relatives in Aylmer and St. Thomas, visiting Mrs. G. R. 1 Hewson. -Xiss 1 Lizzie United States, is one of the most interel plows ran without points"Aheir orchards Robert McCartney, formerly of the. Mill Seaforth Collegia ar� has returned hom GATnEpiNGs.-The Rev' Mr. od Mri6 ina: nd useful publications of the kind te Ii tatitute. -We e. -Mr. Joshua Pollard, Ferguson is home from Detroit.-Mi4sl Mag- ,, Linve a e e n we without pruning, and no pdyrson would do i oad,. Tuckersmith, but who has been is.. pleased to note the cent nued prosperity of who got one of his legsbroken a short time gie Falconer, of Goderich, ier spending her Mason of Wmigham, A . re at present visitine." h By the way, the Canadian anything or buy anything I'that they could siding in the Moosejaw district for the past' the tannery business in 1is villa e Eight ago, is impiovini nicef -The new year Christmas holidays with relatives here.- friendis' n 'Redgrave. -We ere pleased fb-
American is published by our old friend, possibly do without. All this was hard on seven �years, is visiting old friends'in thi en are tly emlpfo;,,ed and state that the
Mr. Robert Matheson, formerly of the I a m almost const was ushersain with a sarut6l"of fire -arms, in Among those -who wereipending their "hrist. Independent OiAer.GOO4.*-
trade 6f every kind. Kindly remember, me district. Mr. MoCartney is accompanied by steady work -given to several families in the German settlement! to t6 east of here. Tnas -vacation at their homes here are 'Ernest Templars, of Redgiave, was re -organized Clinton New Era, who is .still a Canadia at to old friends who may nof have forgotten his daughtor. He has a farm of -four hun. gI o've making, of which ar e q uantities are -The suit of Lizzie 'Robinson vs. Sandy Smith, of Huron College, London ; Ambrose short time age, by Meas . Stqbbs an& heart although iocated in the land of Uncle ra
me. Seaforth and the oldl associations are dred acres in the Northwest. - He -intends being turned out.-Twolo our clever young Ross- created a ripple -of e:kcitement here, Smith, of Bishop Ri4ley College, St, Cath. Brockerie:iire.-Mr. Milton Carter, 0.
y I going back in tb e spring. -Mr. Win., Goven. men, Messrs. William Ab as the parties live only a ebuple of' miles erines ; George 8tanbu ry, Of 0 For�
Sam. This numpdr is beairtif ally and pro- often inhily mind, and In ope is that -hart and Robert agood Hall, [wich, accompanied by the Aliases rr;t-C fusely illustrated with Canadian -views. The may be spared to visit" the old haunts and lock and -wife of Griswold, Manitoba, spent Hawthorne, left on Monday to take a course from here. Just fancy, -a j4dge, two bar- Toronto; Wm� Jo wett, of Fore City terson, spent �at.p e is taken up with lar -e and, their Christmas holidays iw.
P13 (g see the old friends of my ..barly days once New Year's with friends in this vieinity.---� of stfidy in Chatham CoTmercial College.- rioters, and nearly a dozen witnesses, all Business College, London. -Mr.. avid friends in Durham.-M:r. David MahoA of-
ortrait of Canada.f Premier, 33 . p I - more. Mrs. James Grieve, of the '2nd concession Mt. Jacob McGee is again to the front with over five Yo while in the remaining pages thej�p are views rk shillings, and both contes- Raley, of Battle- Creek, Michigan, and Fordwicb, left, last Monday for Oiwtn�. of Tuckeramith, who has b of een in Dakota, a valuable invention. �his time it is to, tanis Heilan into the barfain ; tub, tut.- Robert, of Bosanquet, are renewing id,%c. Bound, where he- will resume his studies.&-."�
many of the leading and pubW buildings As OTHERS SEE Us. -This is wh*t the since last summer, �eturned home last week.' pibvent the reffiling of � bottles after opc An east end gentleman, w 0 went out for a 4tiaintances here. -The ann'ual mee in Toronto.aind other Canadian towns and e Mn and Mrs. Wyness spent hristmas &7 besides, many, views of prominent Is d things in Seafor be but breaking the seal. This ine, one Sabbath the Stanley Branch Agricu] ng ty I
cities, London Advertiser has. to' say ab6ut the The many friends of Mrs. Grieve will emptied, with' drive on the Leadbury I ;i 'iocieof with: friends in Fergus. -Miss Gertrn�r
peop an In the issu e Pleased to learn that she is much improved should do away with m �ch counterfeitl recently, caused some� amusement by dis. will be held at E. Swarts' Wed. milliner at 1�,ordwich, left for home I places- in Manitoba and the orthwest, to- of Tuesday we' u in hotel 1. 0 ag. I, M.-, find the lowing - " Mr. in health and that her sojourn ': in the patent thedicines and the like. -Miss i carding the lines altogether and guiding needs 'January 13th, at one ole 0, week, where she will remain through gether with t h-! portraits of several promi- (Charles Willis left here on Thursday for Northwest has done her much glNlr. gie Stephenson, who has�� been spending the hi Iriver by a firm grip on, the animal's Mr. 17 1 y ispos nent Canadians. In his Christmas number Midland, Where 8 4 . Swarts reeentl di Df his the - winter. -The Rev. Mr. - Grabll he has acce e a position Archibald Scott, of the firm of Scott past two years with her brother at Rounth. tail., It -is-needless tot say he is a bachelor, hotel 'business here to Mr. Me )sb, of Michigan, preached a very -able And a Afr.'Matheson has done good service to his as teacher in the public c 001. This is Brothers, Seaforth, returned from Manitoba waite, Manitoba, has home, and as a married ma�n would #con be taught a Wingham. Mr. Swarts has been wietor able sermon last Sunday in the Meth naive Country by bringing its resources so Mr. Willis' first school, and if be' displ ys in time to eat his New Year's dinner with expects to remain in thei village most of t better form. -Mr. Willim Rae, who has of the River Hotel for the.past th e years, ch. -Mr. and -Airs. Ernest Butebard prominently and so attractively before the the same ability in teaching as he did w a he . . chur hen his family here. -Mr. A. Ingram, of Sea. winter. -Literally through seaa of mud the been spending the holidays at the home of and we are -sorry to lose so ente 118ing a Reldgrave, visited a number of friends ift-,
people of his adopted country. Among the a student his friends'will entirely satis. forth electric light works, has the -contract bu election workers waded on -Monday ; big parents, purposes. returning .By e of this Lakelet fast week. -Mr. and Mrs. of placing an electri- plant in Bayfi6ld, for some to victor 4ud others to defeat; Good studies at Toronto Univer�ity this - week. month to take possession of t Huron Montgomery, of Orangehill, gave other portraits is an excellent onef Dr'. J. fied.-MeL-srs. Broadfoot & box, our furni to big citizen, He leaves about the mid M. 81oani,�a Huton boy who is -distingush- ture manufacturers, are evidently not afraid Mr. Donaldson, of tchat village. ' This will men have faliey� i# every direction, all over His many friends here were pleased. to meet Hotel, Goderich. His any fi s: wish friends a party last -week. A very plea ing himself in- the Windy City. Attached of hard times, as the running their be another attraction for Huron's popular If bad i or incapable me him Ugain.-Let all try to adhere to the him abundant succe"ss. e ual hrist. evening was spent. -A Chiistmas- tiefte y are; to this portrait is the following biggraphical factory full time employing! some 60 men. summer resort. -INIonday was a bad day have - been elected to position e is open- mas Sabbath school entertainments under held in connection with the Oungregai our country, and
golden rule through the year which sketch, whichvvill be read with. interest by Ogilvie's big flouri a of trust, th Ing mill isdialso very busy for' the municipal politicians, and - made peoRie are responsible ' On's thing is be- ing, and also remember that Provience is the auspices Of Trinity and St. A rew's church of Redgrave, last we0k, atwh' '�eryyeir, that we ke "help them. churches, were held on the 28th And POth of a very enjoyable time wag spent by te many friends of Dr.- Sloan in thi.q county, runiiin ht and day, prin�cipally for ex' them wet outside, although they may have coming more -a 'e most lik I to help those who 1b proceeds : Among rising young -Canadian- port. 'Vhleg foundry, woollen! inill and oat'. been dry itiside.-Mr. Harold Clarkson, need a law pro ibi selves._ Yhe many friends of Mrs. Harry arent
ting c4nvassing,by agents December. Both were well at nd d, %nd Were present. An excellent programme
American physicians in this city, a Promi- meal riiills are also quite busy The pro- second son of Mr. C. Clarkson, of the Sea- especially.1 Candidates' themselves ha' McIntosh will be sorry to learn I that she is the programmes provided prove mo, t satis. rendered. -Mr. 4Adson Spottl f Sloan, for the prietors are siitisfied hat the - overnment forth Collegiate Institute, has succea lient member is Dr., J. M. vs
G siully generally more honor th�n to use disrdpu very sick4tth I& - grippe.-Mii.. and Mrs.' fnetory.-Wed Camer6n, of Gorrie, I home hill, is at present home from Toronto Ja6b two years located at 264 S. Halsted is run by business men.-Mig' Annie Gra" passed the Ontgrio Normal College;exam- table means towards each other,.but not 0 atreet, corner Hatriston. The Doctor was y John Muldoon and baby are !home on a for the holidays. -Mrs. M. FRi3her d fam- his Christmas holidays. -Mr. and left'on. Saturday for Blytfi to take the ination and has bben granted -a 11rat-clas- 1 with man go called v;121E frn� 'n I I �,R)r A�-%-�
ey w I a MUL Is neir Illy, or Kincardine, spent the Ch tmas Harris, of Ingersoll, are at pre4ent, barn near Blyth, Huron county, Ontario, position of teacher in the ele�ant new school public schol interim certificate. This was at nothing that Will have a'.tenden host -of friends are pleased *to see- them again.' holidays with her i ter, Mrs., F. Ed. friends at Springbank.-Owing to the CY Big where he had the pleasure of knowing his building there. Miss GlaY is not only a a difficult examination, and we congratulate blacken the character of, an opponent and -A very pleasant event took place on wards. -wBayfield will. soon be out ol dark- agreeable, damp evening, on Wed ouryoungfriend on hip .1 amiv1 uncle, Dr. Sloan, now of Toronto, a man of successful teacher,* but a very�popular youn success. -The an- deceive an unwary e e tor. -Miss Maggie " Summerside Farm,' on Now Year's day ness into light. 'A new electric lighl plant December 30th, the c al at Flo uerg and promise in public affairs. Dr. lady, making friends. of all with whom she nual meeting of the Royal Templars of McDougall has been suffixing from a severe' which was the giving of a din6er by Mr' has been put in Mr. Donaldion�s in, II,. and was - not asuccess, the lee being rathii J. l, 8loan, like many 'other you-ng men of comes in contact. -The condert on Friday Temperance, will be held at -Varna on Jan. attack of illness for a week or so, but we - and Mrs. John, Berry to about fifteeq the Ii lit ted to shine tliisweek.- soft for skating. -The Rev. Mr. Cosellst I -is expec Ontario, went west to Manitoba and taught evening, under the auspices f the Lacrosse nary 19th, instead of January 12th, as pre are pleased to state is at present writing couples of their old friends and neighbors. A Mr. Tolh Geminhirt, who has s the For4vAch intends preaching to the ecess not only in Im nt obil school atMorden and in the N-6rthwest Ter- Club, was a decided u 0 viously arranged for. -Mr. James D. improving. very enjoyable time wab spent in social, summer :-ort the, lakes, arrived home. last next Sunday.
..... ......
T v
Brucefield. he ritory. Re then took atourse nell, who for several years has filled the chat. Mi. and Mrs. Be�ry vs renied Willson's Cash %'wlrOcery at the Mani- point of attendance, which as, very larp, of book-keeper for. Messrs. Reid.& B. R. HIGGINS, generpl, fffr and life i - asur- their fArm for the sum of $300 a year, and toba, University,, graduating �.0 M. D. and but also in the presentatiori of a very 'choice January, 897. hardware merchants, of this town, once agent, notary rubilo, ed cer,commissioner have b6ugot a house and fptt half a - mile Some extra values in Teas. We have now one of 0. M..,, which latter title signifies Master in mine, which was thoroughly enjoyed Surge He then went to Edinburgh, Prolrlafoerartily encorea by an enthusias* left on Monday lastfor' Goderich, to take for taking affidavii a, nveya )Vhen they leave,
the Attest black teaa. imported, price boo per lb. an I ft. Prval funds on Ant east of�'Wsjton clitirch; m6r pr A , at 5 per cent. v dther tea, In the Scotl ry position of deput reglistiat, io which .4age on good L farm 0 the, farm the neigh�borhdod will lose kind V.111guarantee it an better than ail ani, graduating as b. � R. 0. P. and aul Much of the success of the enter' the y At home every, morning an W duesday of each 3makket. Also the finest Young Hyaou and aslown , I To ��' I as sit very close prices for cash or trade. Will L. R. C.'S., and subsequently graduated in tainment wag due to Mr. Harry Willis, the he has been Vointed, Mr. O'Connell is a week.. 1464 friends and Obligig nel hbora.—Mr. and No let up—here we are right at the Xul satisfaction or return the money. Our Glasgow as L. F. P. and S., Armed with energetic secretary of the club.—The writer steady, clever young man, who eatned the A RELIC. —Mr. George Forest, of this Milk James Hays, jr., X%Tbaby, spent ginning of - 1897—degirous as ever fo U13 New Vears with Mrs. Haig" .—W creasef business. 'We ivant to – 5r. rade Coffee Is second to none, and is theme elaborate letters.and still more by the enjoyed the pleasure of a short visit with respect and confidence not o 0 of his late parents e Blend: of h' h place, has in his possession a rare relic in D Open ud ettled M. Y. McLean, the genial and a new year with ood sales for January a ving =441=41on. Gold mel brel Coo" knowledge a experiew3e gained, he a ble. proprie- em loyers, but of the entire community, the sha e of a book, Which was printed in are pleased to learn that Miss Emma'POI wth tryin%; price 17o per poundr,-',0ur stock of f
two he will, we are sure, faithfully and lard is home from Dakot4. She staid a good start usuaf ly means a I New Weink rial 0%ndledPeets, Figs, Dates at Al.den, Iowa, but after a �ear he oam�'to -ter of the Hunox Ex-pol the Reform imT. 1657. Yt is a book of sermons by Christ -0. V1 good nibh., IM re and Nuts, are of thevery best quility, and prices se this cith where almost at once he acquired giant " of the north, a paper that is thol efficiently fill the responsibli position to pher Love, anl is still in a good state of feiv days with er sister Miller, in lowasthelowest. 22 pounds of best Graulated a large practice, which he has ever since oughly up: to date on all. the - important *which he has been appointed by Mr. Gibson, Ldadon, on her way home. -rMr. C. Bowers, The Spring purchases are begnring
Sugar for $1. Rememember we will not be undersold r, erservation. It formerly. belonged to the of Cli ton, is sp ding. his olidays at Mr. arrive, but we have some W . ter goodii b anyone. In Dinner aliod Te% sets we have some retained *ad extended. Al hough yet 'but questionif the day, -and fearless in - the the registrar.—Mr. Johii Cowan, barriste. late Rev. Mr. McPherson, of East Williams, n en 11 I in
a sell yet before wo talk of bpring. of the newest goods, out;---' Call and too them. It the 2 he holds the chair of prae- battle,for equal ri t to all.—W. M. Gray, of Sarnia, spent New Year's with relatives and wao found among his possession after J. Berry's; some extra a suit we1l make the prices right. t oge at Harvey niversity here, *he was our wortry mayor at the time of in facKillop and Gre —We are sorry to his death, ' It- is t really a c'uriol and is Se o, Lamps and Glassware. We. a i.r. in surgery in the -post grad- the visit of Lord Aberdeen last year, re- learn of the death o pren much prized by its present o* n-er. Whatwe bai�e -to sell- Of - Wit t�: go Vroint in Toil eased fowl, nd a 122r. f �Jss Jennie M. Dr7odale, u
want 'dbu, e potatoes and dr go d uate school. The Doctor cherishes the ceived from his Excellency on' Saturday, a del eldest daughter of Mrs. Prender. SOCIAL PASTINES.—The unual Phooting we are willing to take very low prices, 't r %eke dry), wi t thehighl price for,thf, A HAPPY - Ru-TJiioN.—Mts.- J. Thomp. ball of the Youn People's Heart rather than carry them over to another
ht qualities. or eggs� love of his native laud, and, is president of gold locket as a souvenir of his very pleasant gast, formerly a much respected . resident, sbn, of Moose Jaw, Northwest T.err't match and son. C. WILSON, S"forth. the Maple Leaf Club, in vMch he takes a but brief visit to Seaforth, whin on his of Seaforth, and a well-knoWn teacher of d - her- parents, Mr., and Mrs. and Hand Association was he�d on New Years Bank Of CCU -imams Block. warm interest. It is Il t note Ontario tour. The locket is a very hand- music, but now residing at Grand Rapids, ir'S pping in day;.- While the Weather iwas windy and Your chances are g, . ood forenuin . e 1474 Sw n and other' friends," by dro i how many of our youngaCanadivarnes are, ris- someone, and in highly L prized by. Mr.' Michigan. - Jennie was a' fine girl of 17 upon them unexpectedly on New Year$ disaire6able,' much better marksmanthil? twd. lit. er occas* e�s in Millinery, Mantles, Mantle CIOW
Ing to positions of honor and emolument in Gra�, who much appreciates the- kindly years, but consumption clairfied her as & eve. She was accompaid;d b was shown than on for I 10118. y Dress Goods, Fur Caps Fur 0 y her, John aunerman and their adopted con vie im so and family have tie ones the youngest being only two Fur 7ackets, Ovel utry. gift. —#– t* . Mr. Jam ' Doble , Messrs. A. $reenan, oats, Blankets n Ed Oash removed to Mitchell and taken up their months old. It is *x years since Mrs. , A �Dewar carried off lit, 2a4 and 3rd prizes ob clothing, etc.
NEw, YEVs 'were -not so SONS OF ScomkNI),.—At Lady Nairn residence there.--wMiss Kafie Duncan, Of Thompson left here as a bride, and.this-is respectively; while. some 'of those, who —DEALER IN, I OL
favored on New� Year's day as on Christmas � C&111p, No. 55, Seaforth, last Wednesday Toronto, pent New Year's with herfather he -werbnotaosucoessfulearriel off the hi h- B r first visit home, and -it_ gets withou- % Some of the'se thillys you are likely night,,the following 'were installed as offi- and other eat prizes in the -social event f the evening, �,
Hides, Sheep' Skius & Furs day. The sleighing Was all !gone, and in.! cers for the year 1897 : Junior past chief, . friends here. She intends going saying that her return was a joyful surprise as of -require, as there are ully two or -t stead Of the anew we had rind and slash. to Carberry, Manitoba, shortl aver enjo able party at t a residen y, on a visit to all her friends, and particularly to - her ather aheaid of us.
months' cold e
GODE�RICH STRFET, But, although the ground was wet On top, John illespie; chief, Alex. Broadfoot,, to her sister, Mrs. Robert Airley.--,From' father and mother. . On New Year's niot Mr- W 91nowl which. attendedby as 8 JM MP C) -R,r-r 3HE- the roads were still smooth and solid, andl chieftiint A. Sl chaplain, James Me. art exchange we learn that Mrs: (Rev.) J. G. there was a grand family reunion, every1the entire miociation ani a ut twenty-five Kindly givel us E, call for whatever Michael; treasurer, T. Richardson; record- McKichnie, of Wolseley, N. W. T., is invitedguestsi, The' music was furnished may need, If we have the article to wheeling -was fairly good, but- there is not; member of Mr. Swann's family being pres. vial ing er ra. financial 'seers- i iti h parents, Mr. *and M ted b you, th
After 45 years in business life, I am still much pleasuren riding in a wheeled vehicli ing secretary, J. Rankin 0 resent b the Bannerman string, b anis
Hab. eut but one.daughter, Mrs. - Ryser. The d suit a$ e nrice- will certainly be made tal J. R. AitchiBon ; marshall, J. has SeotlimorriB. Ms. McKe - Wentrrs. W.- Black, John- Da" rindstone, and hope to get a share la *intet. There was no -curling, no skat . hoi . re ch famil was represented by two sons and W G, An well. at the g ing, andzo slei h nidiMIJ11 An'd there being nol kirk; standard bearer,'R. Common; miide- nie spent a few days in Seaforth* some two two Taughters and twelve grand-ehildren. Mossbp ; while the president� M r. S. West. 9 uard, J. J. Elliott;' oniside guard, G. X. lake, asaisted by his worthy I;euten-ant,-,,Mr. of the trade in Hides, Sheep Skins and Furs bukiness, people seemed to' wander -aronn& years -ago when, as a bride she came here, It is needless to say that it was' a pleasant At thi. old butter store, Goderich street. the ttreets aimlessly, anAo"roely knowing� 9hesney. J. McMiohiwl, D. Moore and W. accom]6,niedi by her husband, Rev. Mr. Me- W., Slack, were the right' m6n in the right 'X:UM1 Ow t Ballantyne, trustees. - A,nidfrew Scott and Keabni6,, just,prior to- their leaving for the reunion, and much. rejoiced the hearts of 1502 what 6 do with themselves. or h O� puc, J. G. Wilson, auditors, the ' 'by o11d couple, Mrs. Thomrion in. PIA0e as floor managers. A s�mptuous re -
For vriety ney Northwest. While here they were the t wort &� ag 1 the ladies of McFAUL in the time. - eral � bleyelistal, nds with friends: here I r sev- put, which did great credit t . E. D took. a whirl -on their wheels, but the at enteof their aunt, Mrs. M. Thompson, theliouse was much enjoyed 1by everyone. 0XINION EXPRESS Co. eral rm weeks 14ONEY 6RDERS mosphere was rather cold and the roads too,, FARmERs' IN-sTrrUTE MEETINGS.—'The 1parling street.—Miss Taylor, of British, followin persons have ar- Mr. . 89tia then gave a cotiple of recita- Am sold atall of lits offices, at any business hour, rOugli for that p%stime to be pleasant or meetings of the South Huron Farmers' In- Columbia, and at present p6 student at rived *here from: Mlinito, , and tend re- tions, which convinced all present that even YZ7 Goods
mor stitute,.held at Brucefield. and Exeter,' on Brantford Young IAdiesl College, spent the a bashful man is of use for sol things, r.e;. ,n, some time vie ing re tives and V- and &to payable in Canada,' United Statee and Popitlar. However, it was much Tuesday and Wednesday.last, were well at- Chri' ainin ii laitui r,- - . torm stmas holidays with h rig was.
Rumps. The rates are, less thw�, for any other agreeablethanif ithad-been very a in er friend, Miss frlen7 'Mrs. James Ison, 'formerly citing being one `4f them. Thel danci oompan-yo sending money where absolute safety to tended and in every way.' quite sue, peol of Constance. �M re. E. Miss Swan ; Mr. Willia offat,, Mr. R. and cold, as people Could �asfly keep warml 068ful- Lottie Thorn at" then resumed and kept -up till dsybreak, afforded. The Brucefield meeting was the largest Of F. Davis, of Mitchell, -has been spending a McCartney and daughtOr Mary, Mr. 'and without the expenditure of much fuel. - The, the kind ther, has yet been held at- that when alliesent thanked the h6st and host. Seaforth's Greatest Cash Dry Goods S
good as couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and ess for the hospitable way in� y Rates for orders Payable ih Canada and New Year's trade was not niarly so Mrs. William Ron, fokmerly of London which the the Christmas trade, although our merchants- place, while the evening was Mrs. A. Davidson, of the Commercial hotel, road' and Mr. and Mrs, Moffat, form had 'entertained them, and �hen wended United 'States. 11 erly Of and buiness men say they did fairly well,,,, eque y a marked success. At 'Exeter on —Messrs. Case & Chesney will , shortly- the 2nd concession Stanley. kMr. and Mrs. their' way homeward. Not over # 5'00 ...... 6 ot& an Wednesday, there e ek, wit*, and is a7m edby his rien
is r It _r;i
11 neement for the. was a larg op n out a meat store in Carmichael's hie James McCartney, sister of Mr. r
10 GO.. .. 8 d made a good comme' ,e turn out of Alexander Crow, of Det . Purtin, a *
20 00......10 new yar. We hope it will continue' the farmers of the surrounding townships in the store recently occupied by McCOl Thompson, is also expects Hunett. of Huron College, London, was adgueSt 30 W ...... 12 throughout the year. and a very interesting !neeting was held, & Jeffery.—Air. Fred. Beattie, of Jackson d in a abort time. —Miss blaude Chrysler, of Heneall, has THE EL-EcTrows.—The follo, ng is the the rectory this week, and on Sun By m but the evening entertainment bad to bc Brothers, Clinton, has gone to New York to been stayfog with her *sistere, Misses -result of the poll in the toy p of Hul- ing assisted at the services .-in 150 00 ...... 2D Do You want a nice piece of platedware dispeneed with on account, of another en- take a course at a cutting school. —It was Florence and Helen, for some -days. —Mr. lett church. —The youn folks of tht Wethe Sold in Seaforth byAmmwa.— Rogers'Knives or Forks? lf.golDavio`lalear-� tertainment being held in the village the ' ch mild weather on Monday last that Mr- Thomas Kennard, who has officlated as FOR TOWNSHIP COUNC1rL I pits. church purpose h ding an entertamme on
R"AM �' I MkODONALA ing ale ; it WA "ve you 4011a". 1517-1 same.evening. and the officers of the In- Peter Hawthorne, - of Hullett, took Deputy -Returning Officer at every election Divisions -1 2 3 4 5 7 otal about the 21st inst. It will likely"uke I To BoARDERs — counI6 of boarders can� stitute did'not care to inter re with any +;ma U *hci f^ra1^^l,- —A A.A -40 1-4-
for the last 30 years, was appointed -this form of a tea - meeting eon V. F. IEL -Talegraph & Domirilon -F.xpl Agentl find excellent accommodation in'i a pl house in local entertainment of that kind. A more spring plowing. It is rarely that plowing can Benj.Churchill 37'21 39 38 31 4 12 1192 Oerte SEAFORTH. extended report of both meetings will be be done here on the'4th of January. -Mrs. nesa was John Carberb 92 35 60 2420 1422 207 ara now Tax Exposti;IiA Offide. 1616-tt year as usual, but on account.of ill al elections for town. by applying at unable to act. Mr. Kennard. was a general Robert Ferris 32 91 4 87 17 39-32 30-0 town fathers aii' Reeve i0s. wl�j�. Belle Rose Emalie,is Scotland -'a beat Riven next week. - The next meetings of the Muir, of Waterloo, is the peat of fav'orite with Git and Tory alike and was a Burns ; councillors, (b ider, while Mr. Charles Kelly k Canad&14 best her 9 y Dominion S t1eams1fln I&e. Masso, Cardno's Hall, Monday Evening, January 'Inititute will be held at Hensall and Dash- brother, Mr. D. Johnson. -The annual most efficient and impartial officiQ.1. John Lashain 43 73 35 92 47 43 46 38
—.V I 18kb, go and hear thear. wood on the 4th mud 5th of February. meeting"of the Huron Presbyterial. Society We John Wilson 30 43 7 38 11 �1 48 208 ard Bailey, Geo,$e Erwin Thomas, Ellio
Steamers Vanco-ver. Labrador Canada, tiust.Mr. Kennard will rally through his and James Thomson ; sWl�Wl trustees, JL the TaUer holding iia, re�eord betwaenLiverpobi and ALL Watch and Clock R irin done at will be eld in the Presb�terian church, trouble and will yet live to officiate at many FOR COUNTY COUNCILI�O�S. Fowlie, T. J. Marks aud Wm. Whiddon. half the regular price, pa Blyth, on Tuesday, Jlanuary -19th. The up o ebruary at Davis' - THE Tow,,�T ELECTIONS. -Monday was an more electi6vns.�-Mr. William Forrest,, on- Divisions -I 2 3 4 5� 16 7 Total Fire bisiurane e. Jewelry store. unpropitious day for the municipal poli- morning session opens- at � 10L. 30 E'6. In. An New y as eal th 8�assing rig, which n6cessoitacol" DID you ever hear Charles Kelly plal the ticians, especially in so far as weather was interesting programme h been arranged: lide wi eye, had the misfortune t John Cox 32 25 11 - 24-31118 38 '179 EX For safety and economy, insure your home in one Spaniph Retreat, "or Miss Emalie recite 11 Cuddle b6th for the afternoon and e�ening meetings. d D. Forrester 36 19 12 12 L I Ill 12 103 BRIET's.-Mr. 1�ryaut Gre, of the old EngIish'companie9--PhaDnixj -Norwich concerned. It opened with a heavy - down his borrowing . another, big own beifig James Sn ell 70 154 108 178 78 95 74 757 of LOCAL Doowand Saunders XcGl&sban's Court;ehipl These The Rev. R. Johnstone, of London to Viflon, Imperfal. two artists will appear in Car4no's Hall,"Nonday pour of rain, which continued steadily is ex- broken so that he could not take it hoTe.- Orono,'is visiting relatives .1 Evening, January 1$th, Linder the patronage of the throughout the forenoon, while the m j� Institute mee..-,, -... well W. SOMERVILLE, Agent, ud pected to deliver an address. -We , would The Farmen Miss Bena Dodds returned from vZ13it, �L
Methodist- Church Choir, reservo ats on sale at gain remind those interested that the Lit- Ashfield. friends it Elora an,4%other points, on
Telegraph and Express Building; Seaforth. Feaes Store, 25c and 36c. and 'slush were deep an�.d disagreeable. attended', notwithstanding the severell cold erary. and Debating club will open again o I day last --The Ek* Nothing daunted, however, the politicians n and uncomfortable state of the building. TnE REsu.YT.-The foilowing is the re- -firemen had a eres in s cess W SOLID Gold Filled Ringsa slanghteri Tuesday evening next, when an int t` sult of the voting in this towns I p for the 113 ful concert sYOULr Accommodation and Con- p Ing were at work early, and each one did. his -It will not be long iiiitil Brucefie'ld ill edn rices, at Davis' clearing JewelryT sale. 15174 be held. The mem ra aboull beat for hl favorite. The edge'L however, debate will be have a comfortable hall for such meetings. municipal officers and for count council, despite the si my weather.� ro.
venience Is the bes& shoemaking� and repairing all be pr6sent.-The Ontario Hockey Asso. nh n Fal is v* W- was taken off by the withdrawal of Mr. lors : Girvin, ward 1, 125 122 ; 3, Pe ale, Of FV�elo Is, Receives respectful attention when noting the C. P.R. done cbeal :quick too good for you 7 It not try ciation have deeided not to admi6 the Sea. 120 ; 4, 42 ;L 5, 105 ; 6, 1.54 ; 7, I 9-T- otal, un He&Men, or %rave ppbaite Id stand, o Tuckersmith. Sweet 11ing. or �the telegraph for your measate�% C.. SpAnmr., X. Robertson's ql unn from the field for the Mayoralty. The grandmother, IMTS. A forth club into the league, as it would re. street. --ZRRev. 1, Henry and when you may express anything, use the Feaes Drug Store. 1617-1 principa interest centered in the col for 777. Holt, ward 1, 24 2, 50 ; 3, 32 ; 4, quire a re -arrangement 9f the schedule. It THE EI�EcTio-x. -There was a s�irited phip,, TennevIvania, brotbJer'of the Reeveship, between Messrs. Beattie %taoi,;
minion EXpress. The Dominion Express Money 50 ; 3, 73 35 7, 53 T 17. Me- LADMS'! Do you want 1a nice Brooch, V. S., Of Lt oys will hie Village, Order syskm of remitting mol Is a model of ban* Ear Ritigs, Bracelet. Stick PW, Watch or Watch and Watsoni They are both good men and is to be regretted that our b e un. contest in. this township this year, especially Lean, ward 1, 100 101 ; 3, 1 ; 4, 7 preached in tho 4; diness and Safety. For information regarding Same Ohaln, Side or Back Combs, �r a Rivig ? It so, worked hard, and it was expected that the able to com%ete for the ebampionsh�p, but for the ieeveship. The result of the voting, 5 39 ; 6, . 33 ; 7, 42. -Total 500. For street Methodist church on f9abba#*4t apply to Des is"clearing eale is the placo� to get them obea . contest would bwkeen, while the result wai we expect to see some good match6 here however, brought Mr. John Shepherd, the iieeve,-Farrish, wird 1, 42'; �, 98 ; 3, P ing last, to a very large congregatio l6i7-1 tal Vivalservices are being condu�tedir-
in doubt until the close. Mr. Beattie how. jus"he isme.-We thinii it would be a former reeve, to the front by a majority of 18 ; 4, 14 ; 5, 39 ; 6i 68 7, 42 -.-To n i . L f.. �f HERE is somethinp- for the nublic to -non- inove in ihe ri Mi 116 The follow- n
ever, gou Luere, MFULIOUgh xvir. Watson ade 5 a0l. Menlenzie, ard 1, 5Z5 ;;Z. 6i) ; ts, re every ev py Warr �Svwqu eapplim der over, viz., 10 months! of business in 1896, better go6d run. The most surprise was,perhaps, would pass a by-law compelling.people to is- votes polled 4, 67 ; 5' 65 48 ; 7 69 T I t 1 383: pastor, Rev. Dr. Willou than the corresponding 10 months in 1895, we have eeveship. w2r d 1, Mr. always maintained that this store in the cheapest, in connection with the - Deputy -R move the snow off the sidewalks in FOR -REEVE. Township councillors,-BL61*a,� electionon n last, and it must be so, In face of t I Smith w froiit of their premises. If this were done, Divisions -I 2 3 ' 4 Total 116 ; 2t 'reeve, was
DISTRICT MATTERS. Oe above act, The The candidatute of Mr. as looked - 122 ; 3, 74,; 4, 76 ; 5, 58 6, 312 ; ell y a majority of 3 va
cheap cash shoe store Uarmichhel`6 Block, W. H. upon by moSt-�eople as a very good joke, people would be able to walk on the Bide. J. Shepherd 48 50 125' 110 333 7, 422. -Total, 520. Hunter, 1, 28 2, 84 ; over his appo nt, ol Carling. WILLIS, Seaforth., 1517.1 walks instead of on the road,, as has to be -Tatal, deputy reeve. d icouncillors were ilec I I . . although as reiults proved the joke was A. Cessna 99 69 13 36 217 3, III 4,,25 ; 5, 4$ ; 6, 51 ; 7,.2 . Pau-
-MON WANTED -TQ PUROuAsm�,A good dri -too far. Mr. Wilson was done, every winter, which makes it danger- by &Q01 atio*. John DPIWi
�THLY XEETi!m-The regular busi- vI'9 carried a little 368. M,acintyre, 1, 12 28 35 - 4 am nes,4 meeting of the Young Men"s Christian Fony. It must be a� fine goer,* safe for a lady I ous for, pedestrians and extremely annoyin FOR COUNOMLORS. eUcfed reeve of Usborne township e w handle, perfectly sound, and dot more than eight one of the very best and most useful mem. 9 12 ; 5, 70 ; 6,01 ; 7, 89--Ttal, 037. Association was* held on Wednesday even- years old. Apply to R. HICKS' E mondville. bers of the old council, and his defeat is to to those -who are driving. If our citizens .Divisions -I - 2 9 .4 Total I his -Opponent, Mr. Alexander Dunmmn, I 9 I ing.-Mr. Farnham, manager of ffie im- 1517.cl would all give a helping hand in this direc. James Paterson 72 53 .116 79�- 320 MCKMOID. votes.: -:.M -the be regretted, much more in the intere'sts of Ben.- Wilton, of Bright, in perial Trio will be invited to conduct the OTICE. �Accounts are i now reai tion, they would be greatly facilitated in A McMillan ' 88 - 33 73 107 301 TnE ELEcTios.-The elections Ion Mon- guest. of Miss Millie L Cudmore.- ul ly and the town than on his own account. His
morning medting next Sunday, at 9.30. customers Will oblige by settlini not later than lot opponent made a vigorous personal canvass, getting around and it would not take up J. Gemmill. 79l 53 � 71 98 301 day last, created considerable interpstj and 1,eathorn returned- home.from, visiting Tel - After next Sunday, the International les- February. RoBXRT Wmws, Boots and Shol Sea- much time or energy on the part of each H. Crich 72' 98 41 39 2' ti'ves at New Hamburg- and. Loud
forth. while he positively refused to personally. 50 despite 'the"bad rbads the aspir�nts for 6urls will betaken vp at these meetings. solicit any votes, and to this may be asl one. -Nearly all the teachers and students The council will be composed for, the fol- office were out, and worked hi%rd- all day Tuesday laot.._M,Lr. Thomas Friendabi d $6, other prices Arva, who is well known in his. vil r10 for died at his home on Tuesday last, at, spect for T " meeting. Rooms open in proportion. COLZMAN'S, &&forth. conducted in the best spirit, as similar con- returned to their reeve ; John,McCloy, deputy-reeve.�;' James *test for 'township honors was col
No meeting next Sunday afternoon, in -re. Loc -s WANTED. �111ghes price& paid for who were Bpending Chiistmas' with' good logo. Soft Men $5, Bunwot 1517-1 ed his, defeat. The contest throughout was �in town and vicinity have friends lowing year as fo�lows : John Shepherd, bringing voters to the polls. The nI games, etc., next week as usual.' A special. tests in SQaforth 'always are. The council duties. -Professor Hutt, -of the 0 e en �age of 75 years. -NIT. John Mogg took tw entertainment, is expected. for Wednesday TjrERE is one thing about this shoe busi- Agricultural College, Gu ntmr'o Paterson, D.'MeMillan and James,Gemmill, desers. William Archibald and hn new that you can depend on and that is we &I yo for the current year will be composed as elph, staid over councillors. Brown, for councillur in ward No. session of big --property, which he purch evenings, 2M and 277th January Seaforth, and rom Mrs.
. - Desi4rdines, of GranVs PabiN.
Good have and do an we advertise,no;need for us rad. follows : Mayor, Robert Scott ; Reeve, Monday night in on his way to the the robsult shows, the contest was a most meetings last Sunday. vertise, stock must be sold, &c.,3o boom our bust- James Beattie ; Deputy -Reeve, Wil- Far I iners' Institute meeting at - Brucefield. FOR COUNTY COUNCILLORS. on, on Wednesday last, Xel ness as this record Shows,' viz., o month;j oe bust- keenly contested- one, The Vol stood : Ore
ness, 1896, better than same io� months 1895. we liam' Smith ; Councillors. -North Ward, He was th� gues,t of Mrs. J. W. Elder and Divioio*ns-I 2 3- -4 Total Archibald, 95 ; Brown, 87 ; maj4rity for An erson, George Harness and R
AIL WE-4,THERs.-Within the past two challenge any shoe store in town to o4ow a record Robert Winter, William Ament, Donald 'am 'y- - Messrs. . Robert and Georife eau Ill 160 213 206 - 690 *Archibald, 8. The result of the voting for Handford. left on Tuesday lasbto t
re Hays 3 months' course t Woohley weeks we have experienced all kinds of equal to this, but the reason �s easy, everybody Mclnty ; South W�rd, James Gillespie, Bro2l!e, sons of Mr. George Brownlee,4t 8? .18 30 46 176 county c6uncillors is as follows weather; we have passed from good sll knows the reason. The cheap cash shoe store car- J. S. Roberi�, George A. Sills East Ward, coace"ion of Tuckeramith, left on Thursday Wilson, 67 39 33 17 156. London,-M,r. Geyge Bawden, contractor,
miebael's Block, 4 doors south of Weir's Hotel., W. I Ward. -No, Hys. bfuLzix. MURNE WILSON. ing to mud., from hard frozen roads to Il. Wmma, Seatorth. John Turner, John G. Wilson, Thomas lasNor Belleville College, where- they in. Murdie 15 :,15 39 .12 51 haa received the contra -at -of 'putting u aleigbing again. The sleighing f Christ- 1517.1 A takinga course preparatory to study. 1 169 0 44 -5 ne-brick- dwelling for Mrs. Ge�� GRA'.ND Concert, underl the - auspices of Stephens. The following is a statement tell 0 " 2 142 4 mas'day faded away before the spring-like the Methodist Church Choir, infCardnolo Ball sea. of the votes cast for the several candll- ing forthe ministry. -As this is the close 112- 0 Well, on 'her farm; I
Clinton. J miles South. of the- zephers of the, succeeding days ;' following season for rabbita,' partridge and a 3 105 8 162 1-6 Mage ; lso a fine brick residence for Mr� -!Pdh, on Monday evening, january 18th, '189"P. dates quirrel, vi
-There was a very keen 44 -4 1,74 16 1-0 Wesley. Welshi, bnfain--street.-�If Teports.,
glimpse; of spring was a heavy rtists.-Mr. Charles Kelly, Grand Basso, Guitar and E AST WARD., parties who are still shooting this game rainfall and � the gradual drop of contest here last Monday, for the dbputy- the Maiedolin 3oloist, - Belle Rose Emolie. of Edinburgh. should remember that they are liable to a be true, Exeter will have a canning factory. !hip. The candidates were Mr. Me-. Total 590 28 52 31 mckcury into another winter, and the finish-, S otiand's favorite Entertaineri and Impersonster, COUNCILLORS. heav fine. -Mr. David Moore, ot Egmond� reeve
iss,Hattie Re]13 Contralto. Piano and Mandolin John Darwin 84 y Kenzie and Mr. Cooper, the latter himing next summer. -The Exeter fire br-1 i"I'le ing touches were put on Tuesday night, Soloist. , The bW concert of the season, reserved ville, leaves here to -day for Wiarton, where headed by the Exeter b�nd, gave a -1 C when we weke favored with a heavy fall of , 8 to plin now open 0 rear's Drug Store, popular John Turner 103 hei will spend a couple of weeks visiting his been the deputy -reeve for last year, and he Ribbert: light- procession on Wednesday might Orrilrles 25c and 85s, secure your seats eal 1617-1 John G. Wilson 101 came out on top again this year, by a
snow, and now the - sleighs are out again, - sister and other friends. -The, Imperial Trio NoTEs.-Alexander Gray, Who olds a They -are a fine bod
GOLD RING FotND.-Found near the Thomas Stephens 91 majority of 44. The mayor and reeve were y of men -and. arear and everything looks more natural, with will bold gospel temperance meetings in laorative position in Cleveland, Ohl spent credit- to our- village, Which has been V'ery railway station, in Seaforth, a plain Gold Ring. with REEVE. re-elected by acclamation. The council for . I - Cardno's ball, during next week b last w6ek visiting friends in this local lucky the past year, -61Y having had the probability that business will brighten two Initial@ In it. The owner caii have the same by E. Ward. S. Ward N. Ward. eylnnmg this year will be composed as follows ity-l- oon, at 4 o t
auuary Warren Hutchison was married on Nvedues- fire and it did not do much damage beforw
have, one of the finest of climates, but MRS. JonN FOLLAhl), Seator4h. is 51 75 110 10%. Lim'e hilit, views will be ajor, Robert Holmes; reeve, R B. Ken' day last to Miss Clara ung. Gebrge be" extingush4d up tod. 'We -'have as a rule, or think we proving property and paying for ibis advertisement. James Beatt, Sunday aftern leloc
1517-1 given every nedy; de uty-reeve, S. S. Cooper. - Coun. Y Ing these Sudden &ad disagreeable chan JaM6 Watson 72 79 65 evening except Sunday. -The Mooseja, hased a 00 Tre ges -don't NOTICE. -All accounts ust be settled .1 w cillorl C. Gilroy, acob Taylor, J. B. Vipond baspure I arm in agree with us, and have resulted in a' ged- inimediatelyor-theywiflbe pla�edla other hands DEPUTY -REEVE. Times of last week Says : -
for collection. ALM BXTI1UNZ,1ht.-1D. 1517-2 Capt. Habkirk, Hoover, George Swallow, Thomas 'Walker, the neighboihood, of Staff%.--4,Mr. an Mrs. Lakelet, eral prevalelice of colds. Fortunately for -us Wilim Smith 70 78 19 superintendent of the junior work of the. James A. Ford, S. G. Plummer, E dwin Hartiiis spent apart .of the 1 �lidaY NoTzs--William Hubbard had- a wooldb? we haveWt thelmaking of the weather. Alex. Wilson 50 64 - W. 0. u in the vicinity of Strathroy bee on Thursday afternoon, and the boy.av
87 Salvation Army, was here for a few days seaso
A -N OLD -FRIEND HEAR� earle.- The public school board FRo,,Nr.-A few COUNTY COUNCILLOR$. this week-. Tie left Wednesday morning for W. S. dae ago we received a letter from our old Harland, J. 0. Stevenson, J. W. Irwin, T. auql girls had a good time at night.--4-
DEA:Tu OF MreirAEL TAGwEy.-Mr.Michael tfie west and will visit the towns between pleasant evening wasapent at the fesideneev
Tagney, who has for many years been a resi- friend, Mr. William Dorratice,of LaGrange,, Thos.1. Hays 128 109 87 here and Edmonton." Captain John Hab- Jackson, jr., W. G. Smith, Isame Ja6kson, J. B. McLean 23 20 23 John Gibbings, R. Agnew. dent of this town., passed to the great be- Oregon, who will still. be remembered by kirk is a graduate of THE EXPOSITOR office, NOTEs.-Wiri. Thuell, 7th line, a quite of Mr. WM. Wallace Iiiat Wcdnesday. many of our readeis. The! letter was Mih. Murdie 9 12 11 ill at present. -Mrs. Michie, Mrs. roctor, the aminual school meeting h'ere for the
yond �on - Wednesday'night. The circum- ten on the 25th o I writ- D. A Wilson 82 139 and wbile here was an energetic worker in Mrs. Wightman and Mr. A. Cole also election of a tr stee, th contest wfs - ef- lf Decembe'r. - Mr. Dorrance 217 a e
stances srrounding his death are particu- the Salvation Army in eaforth. John A a Usborne. larly sad. Re had atlended says that for the first tw s of his resi- NORTH WARD COUNCILLORS. -Donald on'the sick list. -Wood bees are 8 the ceedingly keen,- and at the close of the poll,,,
f o rear good, honest fellow and a hero in big chosen Tim ELECTIONS. There was a, particular- fashion. Mr. Love- and Mr. Wile Dn had the candidates were a tie, but Mr. Weller� meeting of d very
di;nce in Oregon he ha poor health, McIntyre, Robert Winter, William Ament. the Catholic Mutual Y:e)ae b sociation on work. -Miss Edith -Steinbach, of Zurich, ly spirited contest in this township for the 'each one a week ago, and James N16 iol -had who was chairman, and one of the eaudi-'�
but for the past year his I health has been SOUTH WARD Monday evenino and iwhile on bii, -way COU--N-GILLORS.-J&mes Gil-' sp: ent New Year's with friends in town. - reeveship and for the council in the north- 'A large vote was poll. dates, dodared himself elected with tlit�-
VE one on Wednesday.-
horne was s�riXe)n with' Paralysis, and fell much impro -d.. He. s4ya Ivii, ol(i lespie, J. 8. Roberts, George Sills. Mr. T. E. Baker, of Toronto, spent the west w r'd the councillors for.the other ed on sidering the stat ' of the cal vote. - On t�h4 b0andarly there watwv
friends in Hulr Will soon EAST WARD Cou, Monday, con
About an, ho a
from the sidewalk. ur later on be all gone, As I NcirjORS. -John Turner, holiday season in town. While here he was three warWsl having been ee
elected by a ',a-. roads and the wet weather. The fo -lowing a similar contest between Wat Pomaro I I ) I he -was found by Mr. John Darwin, lying ' see they are being remove� - one af ter an- John G. Wilson, Thom" Stel the -guest of Mr. Latimer and family. -We mation. The candidatee for the'reeeship is the result: of the vote polled by can lidates and J. Renwick. The latter was sueoesviw other, and if I live to get blome, again I will helpless on the bard ground. He was as- are sorry to learn that Mr. John Folland, of were Mr, John Delbridge, the el eve, and in the- township : J. Bolger, 129 ; T Coad, fal.-Our -pedagogue has left the be almost a stranger in Sekorth. What a LOCAL BRIEFS. -The laciosse boys had -a' fame
sisted home and medical aid summoned, - this town, has been confined, to his resi. .Mr.. Alex. Duncan, M. Cardiff, 318 ; J. McCricken, 184-; bu ' and is I his house out in the -
an old r dent and
when it was found that one Side of his ovely climate we have in, this part of Ore- big houie at their concert on New Year's dence for two weeks through illness. -The prominent man in the township. Mr. Del- 334 rg iving in
on. For the t fi Win. Isbister, 358. It will thus b 3 seen country. -Air. David Hainstok, of Mani-
bodv was completely paralyzed, 'while he 9c ve weeks it has been niAt, Cardno's hall being packed. -The: week of p -
rayer meetings which are being bridge was elected reeve, and r haLfreceived a severe blow on the back of more like sprixg,"It'han win�er. We had try -Association are getting' out Ralph that W. Isbiater heads the poll. Whit a toba, is visiting his relatives here -at present,
-a -held ibis week in the Presbyt�rian churches Keddy was the successful candid e for the pity the township was put to this ei 'is of as are also Mr. James Akens nd Mr, severe spell -in November, 4ut 8ince� then splendid prize list for their show which is to 'of Seaforth and Egmondville'and the Meth. councillorship, The deputy-ree e will be an electio atall, as it wil�l cost thel -town- Mrs. Berry,.9f the Same place. -O'
his head by �his fall, causing concussion of it �eni
11 ur ebop-�
has been lovely. Hayds from three to four be held in Seaforth on the 25th, 26th and odiSt church, Sbaforth, have been well elected by the council a*t its first eeting. ship about $50 or more for the eleetiOn. cutting p ces, but, - we ret
the, brain. Mr. Takney was a quiet, indus- ail trious man, and was much r63pected by dollars per ton, and plenty at that.11 4 Times 27th of this month. It is expected that attended. pers are again ri aret
are getting better, but e have� the show will be a ood one. -Mr Dickson, who knew him. He leaves a widow- and assed 9 ------ :—*— afraid they are, making very little mQue-V.-
through fotu- years, the like of -of the London Advertiser, brother-in-law of EGMONDVILLE NOTES.: Leadb pe b, m, fly. The funeral takes place this (Fri- which hope [-miss Walker, of ury. Bayffeld. They are chopping for 2 and 3 �cents . r 1) morning, never see again. We had 'a good Mr. Samuel Trott, spent New Year's with Ilderton, has been the g SAYINGS. -The teachers ha' for -roll vbog and 4 ceiits for, tenel and will be conducted by the -L w est of her friend, vs buckled on You can get Do;$' and Y Ouths' 6 Coate �holic Idilual Benefit Association. crop out here the past year and farmers are Mr. Trott. Mrs, Dickson was, here for Miss Maggie Jackson,1 -daring the past their armor anid commenced their ye4?a at just half price St A. EDWARDS', for Ca,h,, number of e young people in the vlbimty� getting good prices, but tell you what Christmas and she returned home With her week. -We very much! regret the severe work, and instead of criticism, it would be spent New Year's ni&t in JoCifil n A C-IMISTMASL good crops and prices are uch needed to husband -on Saturday. -Mr. Fred. Cardno, illness of'Mr. Harry COsswell, who has well for parents and. others to extend kind. BRENZYLNOTZS._"Mi" Dnek"df Mgr;etb, at -b4r. J- MxhoO"-�-*Vg� J.- Hub NumBER.-The Christmas Straighten thing' Who has been in Northern Dakota, near been prostrated by an attack of rheu�inatic. ness and Sympathy,' as the teachees is the guest of the Misses k3mith.-Mr. I've t e ou
a up. Flan ners are -now be. h school a good',Vl"ng ou M
number of the Chicago Canadian American, ginning to spend a little n easy, but. while Cavalier, for about two years, has returned fever for a week or two. iss. E. 0. Thomp., task is certainly not an easy one. -Mrs. Baker, of Toronto, is visiting at Mi. John Rursday. a journal pUblished in Chicago in the" inter- times were so dull they let. everything home. Reis not -enamored of that 'oun. on of'Blake, is a with relatives in n away for a �week isit- Bigart's.-Miss Whittaker, of Lonoon go, c tayin Is est of the Canadians who are located in the eir I who has bee their horses went without shoes try and does not'intend r6turning.-LAIr. the villige. She is. a I g a course :in the Ing relatives in Aylmer and St. Thomas, visiting Mrs. G. R. 1 Hewson. -Xiss 1 Lizzie United States, is one of the most interel plows ran without points"Aheir orchards Robert McCartney, formerly of the. Mill Seaforth Collegia ar� has returned hom GATnEpiNGs.-The Rev' Mr. od Mri6 ina: nd useful publications of the kind te Ii tatitute. -We e. -Mr. Joshua Pollard, Ferguson is home from Detroit.-Mi4sl Mag- ,, Linve a e e n we without pruning, and no pdyrson would do i oad,. Tuckersmith, but who has been is.. pleased to note the cent nued prosperity of who got one of his legsbroken a short time gie Falconer, of Goderich, ier spending her Mason of Wmigham, A . re at present visitine." h By the way, the Canadian anything or buy anything I'that they could siding in the Moosejaw district for the past' the tannery business in 1is villa e Eight ago, is impiovini nicef -The new year Christmas holidays with relatives here.- friendis' n 'Redgrave. -We ere pleased fb-
American is published by our old friend, possibly do without. All this was hard on seven �years, is visiting old friends'in thi en are tly emlpfo;,,ed and state that the
Mr. Robert Matheson, formerly of the I a m almost const was ushersain with a sarut6l"of fire -arms, in Among those -who wereipending their "hrist. Independent OiAer.GOO4.*-
trade 6f every kind. Kindly remember, me district. Mr. MoCartney is accompanied by steady work -given to several families in the German settlement! to t6 east of here. Tnas -vacation at their homes here are 'Ernest Templars, of Redgiave, was re -organized Clinton New Era, who is .still a Canadia at to old friends who may nof have forgotten his daughtor. He has a farm of -four hun. gI o've making, of which ar e q uantities are -The suit of Lizzie 'Robinson vs. Sandy Smith, of Huron College, London ; Ambrose short time age, by Meas . Stqbbs an& heart although iocated in the land of Uncle ra
me. Seaforth and the oldl associations are dred acres in the Northwest. - He -intends being turned out.-Twolo our clever young Ross- created a ripple -of e:kcitement here, Smith, of Bishop Ri4ley College, St, Cath. Brockerie:iire.-Mr. Milton Carter, 0.
y I going back in tb e spring. -Mr. Win., Goven. men, Messrs. William Ab as the parties live only a ebuple of' miles erines ; George 8tanbu ry, Of 0 For�
Sam. This numpdr is beairtif ally and pro- often inhily mind, and In ope is that -hart and Robert agood Hall, [wich, accompanied by the Aliases rr;t-C fusely illustrated with Canadian -views. The may be spared to visit" the old haunts and lock and -wife of Griswold, Manitoba, spent Hawthorne, left on Monday to take a course from here. Just fancy, -a j4dge, two bar- Toronto; Wm� Jo wett, of Fore City terson, spent �at.p e is taken up with lar -e and, their Christmas holidays iw.
P13 (g see the old friends of my ..barly days once New Year's with friends in this vieinity.---� of stfidy in Chatham CoTmercial College.- rioters, and nearly a dozen witnesses, all Business College, London. -Mr.. avid friends in Durham.-M:r. David MahoA of-
ortrait of Canada.f Premier, 33 . p I - more. Mrs. James Grieve, of the '2nd concession Mt. Jacob McGee is again to the front with over five Yo while in the remaining pages thej�p are views rk shillings, and both contes- Raley, of Battle- Creek, Michigan, and Fordwicb, left, last Monday for Oiwtn�. of Tuckeramith, who has b of een in Dakota, a valuable invention. �his time it is to, tanis Heilan into the barfain ; tub, tut.- Robert, of Bosanquet, are renewing id,%c. Bound, where he- will resume his studies.&-."�
many of the leading and pubW buildings As OTHERS SEE Us. -This is wh*t the since last summer, �eturned home last week.' pibvent the reffiling of � bottles after opc An east end gentleman, w 0 went out for a 4tiaintances here. -The ann'ual mee in Toronto.aind other Canadian towns and e Mn and Mrs. Wyness spent hristmas &7 besides, many, views of prominent Is d things in Seafor be but breaking the seal. This ine, one Sabbath the Stanley Branch Agricu] ng ty I
cities, London Advertiser has. to' say ab6ut the The many friends of Mrs. Grieve will emptied, with' drive on the Leadbury I ;i 'iocieof with: friends in Fergus. -Miss Gertrn�r
peop an In the issu e Pleased to learn that she is much improved should do away with m �ch counterfeitl recently, caused some� amusement by dis. will be held at E. Swarts' Wed. milliner at 1�,ordwich, left for home I places- in Manitoba and the orthwest, to- of Tuesday we' u in hotel 1. 0 ag. I, M.-, find the lowing - " Mr. in health and that her sojourn ': in the patent thedicines and the like. -Miss i carding the lines altogether and guiding needs 'January 13th, at one ole 0, week, where she will remain through gether with t h-! portraits of several promi- (Charles Willis left here on Thursday for Northwest has done her much glNlr. gie Stephenson, who has�� been spending the hi Iriver by a firm grip on, the animal's Mr. 17 1 y ispos nent Canadians. In his Christmas number Midland, Where 8 4 . Swarts reeentl di Df his the - winter. -The Rev. Mr. - Grabll he has acce e a position Archibald Scott, of the firm of Scott past two years with her brother at Rounth. tail., It -is-needless tot say he is a bachelor, hotel 'business here to Mr. Me )sb, of Michigan, preached a very -able And a Afr.'Matheson has done good service to his as teacher in the public c 001. This is Brothers, Seaforth, returned from Manitoba waite, Manitoba, has home, and as a married ma�n would #con be taught a Wingham. Mr. Swarts has been wietor able sermon last Sunday in the Meth naive Country by bringing its resources so Mr. Willis' first school, and if be' displ ys in time to eat his New Year's dinner with expects to remain in thei village most of t better form. -Mr. Willim Rae, who has of the River Hotel for the.past th e years, ch. -Mr. and -Airs. Ernest Butebard prominently and so attractively before the the same ability in teaching as he did w a he . . chur hen his family here. -Mr. A. Ingram, of Sea. winter. -Literally through seaa of mud the been spending the holidays at the home of and we are -sorry to lose so ente 118ing a Reldgrave, visited a number of friends ift-,
people of his adopted country. Among the a student his friends'will entirely satis. forth electric light works, has the -contract bu election workers waded on -Monday ; big parents, purposes. returning .By e of this Lakelet fast week. -Mr. and Mrs. of placing an electri- plant in Bayfi6ld, for some to victor 4ud others to defeat; Good studies at Toronto Univer�ity this - week. month to take possession of t Huron Montgomery, of Orangehill, gave other portraits is an excellent onef Dr'. J. fied.-MeL-srs. Broadfoot & box, our furni to big citizen, He leaves about the mid M. 81oani,�a Huton boy who is -distingush- ture manufacturers, are evidently not afraid Mr. Donaldson, of tchat village. ' This will men have faliey� i# every direction, all over His many friends here were pleased. to meet Hotel, Goderich. His any fi s: wish friends a party last -week. A very plea ing himself in- the Windy City. Attached of hard times, as the running their be another attraction for Huron's popular If bad i or incapable me him Ugain.-Let all try to adhere to the him abundant succe"ss. e ual hrist. evening was spent. -A Chiistmas- tiefte y are; to this portrait is the following biggraphical factory full time employing! some 60 men. summer resort. -INIonday was a bad day have - been elected to position e is open- mas Sabbath school entertainments under held in connection with the Oungregai our country, and
golden rule through the year which sketch, whichvvill be read with. interest by Ogilvie's big flouri a of trust, th Ing mill isdialso very busy for' the municipal politicians, and - made peoRie are responsible ' On's thing is be- ing, and also remember that Provience is the auspices Of Trinity and St. A rew's church of Redgrave, last we0k, atwh' '�eryyeir, that we ke "help them. churches, were held on the 28th And POth of a very enjoyable time wag spent by te many friends of Dr.- Sloan in thi.q county, runiiin ht and day, prin�cipally for ex' them wet outside, although they may have coming more -a 'e most lik I to help those who 1b proceeds : Among rising young -Canadian- port. 'Vhleg foundry, woollen! inill and oat'. been dry itiside.-Mr. Harold Clarkson, need a law pro ibi selves._ Yhe many friends of Mrs. Harry arent
ting c4nvassing,by agents December. Both were well at nd d, %nd Were present. An excellent programme
American physicians in this city, a Promi- meal riiills are also quite busy The pro- second son of Mr. C. Clarkson, of the Sea- especially.1 Candidates' themselves ha' McIntosh will be sorry to learn I that she is the programmes provided prove mo, t satis. rendered. -Mr. 4Adson Spottl f Sloan, for the prietors are siitisfied hat the - overnment forth Collegiate Institute, has succea lient member is Dr., J. M. vs
G siully generally more honor th�n to use disrdpu very sick4tth I& - grippe.-Mii.. and Mrs.' fnetory.-Wed Camer6n, of Gorrie, I home hill, is at present home from Toronto Ja6b two years located at 264 S. Halsted is run by business men.-Mig' Annie Gra" passed the Ontgrio Normal College;exam- table means towards each other,.but not 0 atreet, corner Hatriston. The Doctor was y John Muldoon and baby are !home on a for the holidays. -Mrs. M. FRi3her d fam- his Christmas holidays. -Mr. and left'on. Saturday for Blytfi to take the ination and has bben granted -a 11rat-clas- 1 with man go called v;121E frn� 'n I I �,R)r A�-%-�
ey w I a MUL Is neir Illy, or Kincardine, spent the Ch tmas Harris, of Ingersoll, are at pre4ent, barn near Blyth, Huron county, Ontario, position of teacher in the ele�ant new school public schol interim certificate. This was at nothing that Will have a'.tenden host -of friends are pleased *to see- them again.' holidays with her i ter, Mrs., F. Ed. friends at Springbank.-Owing to the CY Big where he had the pleasure of knowing his building there. Miss GlaY is not only a a difficult examination, and we congratulate blacken the character of, an opponent and -A very pleasant event took place on wards. -wBayfield will. soon be out ol dark- agreeable, damp evening, on Wed ouryoungfriend on hip .1 amiv1 uncle, Dr. Sloan, now of Toronto, a man of successful teacher,* but a very�popular youn success. -The an- deceive an unwary e e tor. -Miss Maggie " Summerside Farm,' on Now Year's day ness into light. 'A new electric lighl plant December 30th, the c al at Flo uerg and promise in public affairs. Dr. lady, making friends. of all with whom she nual meeting of the Royal Templars of McDougall has been suffixing from a severe' which was the giving of a din6er by Mr' has been put in Mr. Donaldion�s in, II,. and was - not asuccess, the lee being rathii J. l, 8loan, like many 'other you-ng men of comes in contact. -The condert on Friday Temperance, will be held at -Varna on Jan. attack of illness for a week or so, but we - and Mrs. John, Berry to about fifteeq the Ii lit ted to shine tliisweek.- soft for skating. -The Rev. Mr. Cosellst I -is expec Ontario, went west to Manitoba and taught evening, under the auspices f the Lacrosse nary 19th, instead of January 12th, as pre are pleased to state is at present writing couples of their old friends and neighbors. A Mr. Tolh Geminhirt, who has s the For4vAch intends preaching to the ecess not only in Im nt obil school atMorden and in the N-6rthwest Ter- Club, was a decided u 0 viously arranged for. -Mr. James D. improving. very enjoyable time wab spent in social, summer :-ort the, lakes, arrived home. last next Sunday.