HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1897-01-08, Page 47 7, P�� rr ,f IIJANUARY 81 _8 NEW ADVERTIEENTS childrenu Bothof these conditions arere- ings in that city. But it has limy come too was Spent in music, Agmeoi etc. The in- .r�&Mr.,'Wm, Caldwill in Brantford last the near future. -Mr., Sawel Swasey re- lessee,for $SO. -Adam Reid h" resi d his grattable. The frequent chafiging of teach- late, an -the great land' alias of the' 29rd of Strums gne 47''The ftute between the parouthesis, after each atal music by Rev. Mr. Smith aud *eeki-The Misses Holland, of Exeter,- bixrned home last Saturday from Toronto, position in Straollail'o mtore and is away this ant-, denotes the t-ge of the paper on which the era is prejudicial to th6 p well June last accomplished what it was'alippos. family 'Was hi hly appreciated by all were in the village this w -eek, the' guests of rogress and where be went a few- days before to our- week on a visit. On his kettlra he will en. advortlsewentlllb� found. ed. only an, earthquake could do. present. The lalies. with well-filled baskets Miss Oook.�-Mr, Robert Carlisle, jr., has, chase the properky he now liveo, on from ge in the Life Insurance btlaine", Air. Plgfor8erVee,J. U. Hender8on. (6) being of any sahool� and when we add to prbvided a bountiful repast. After isinging 'returned; from visiting his siaten, Mrs.. Uri. BurgeWi, of Totonto, the former 6wner. Ceid has been in this store for a uthber of V M h I years and was well liked, As will be great- it is alwl
ay Helfer -Joel Bechler. (5) this the youth and, inexperience ofwe migiit The politicians, ho were prominent the -niational, anthem the compiny dispersed. Friend, of Wbiteoharch, and Mrs. Halliday, Ile has got a nice bome now, e ong
old. RluR Found -Mrs. . Folisviid. (8) say, a majority of the teaohL era employed, when -Confederation was enacted -The diet -riot meeting 6f the., Royal; Te of Bfusaels.-Mr.� Win.- Bider, jr., returned live to enjoy it. -Mr. william�hirs re., by LopWuted-E-atate of T� T, Cala-man. (8) -ire die. ly missed. His Place is taken a Air. 'BOW YOU lars will be held, in the ternpeianCeL � ba Notivellobart Willis (8) k i �chanoe
it is surprising that the schools maintain appearing very rapidly. Another a to Toronto thieweek to resume his studies turned home last; Saturday from a business Service, of' Walkertoi Grand Concert-- (Itl-Kethodist Church Choi r. (8) na, on Tuesday., 19th inst, when inter- at the University. -Mr. John Pope, tailor, trip in Torofito.-Mr. Thom 0 L nry Carnochall Of .6011ra,
as Sherritt,wh spent's few dfk�s in Brussels seein h- A
310-Atig sale-Riohnr ,son & NoInni's. (a) their efficiency as well as they do. We fear the ranks. has been made by the death of eating and profitable Sessions will be held. of thiswillage, was in Platteville on'Friday, has been confined, to his 'room for some time friends. -The dance in the town nd you
January, ISK-E. McFaul & Co. (S) - awa on Fteduelvig-IL Willis. 0) that many do not appreeiate the importance Hon. Thomas McGreevy, who passed hall 2[f -be evn A
y attending the funeral of his father, who past, is steadily re�overing. and we hope to- New Year's eve was a Auccess.-The horse Stock Taking-mwinn -it & Co. (6) of our publi6 schools an much as they at Quebec, on Sunday last, after a long* and died at the advanced age of 76 years, affir see him around agafn soon, -A goodl fair on Thursday of last week brouThilt StaWing Now -s-8. B. Gunn. (5) Jaenssfi. y num eventful political career. Until his expul- quite a long illness. -At the antiliFil Sabbath." ber of our villagerq/and neighbors assembled big crowd io reels The Desired Effect -Greig & Macdonald. (1) should. To our mind they are the most im. town about 20 Sion from Parliament as a result of the ex- G. J. SUTHERTAND, Notary, Public Com- school meeting recently hold in Carmel at the telegraph office on Monday.night, changing hands. The next, fair will be on Rouses for aale--C. Bariliff. (6) portant of all our educational inatitut* d t, Beat Sboemakia6A-C. 8 fling. (a) long. posuroinconneotion with the McGreevy. missioner Conveyancer, Insurance Agei!lt at 'church, the repor a snowed good attendance and waited patiently, discussing the variouf zuthinlring]
Notice -Dr. Bethune. (8 Doeuments ly pay�
Next to the mothir, the public school teach- Connolly charges. He was for, thirty years Issuer of Iderriap Lloonses. All Legal and proress during. thei, past year. All the merits and dpinerits of 'the different cand i the first Thursd!�y in. February. Young Bulk for Sale -T. Cidmore. (6) 4. 9 drawn n according to Law st ressonabldi rateL i- BLECTION.S.-The elections -this year PUB- But. tho,
er has the- greatest influetice in mouldin 0111 of the most prominent and -influential money to can on Real Estate at current imtes of old teaAers and officers were re-elected, dates, until the result of the day's poll ed off very quietly,as nearly all wereel6cted It is truf
Just one Thing -W. H. Willis. (8) ins in the Province of Quebec, and latereaL Office at the Post Oftw J. 0. BuTH - with the exceiptidn of the on I Fonder Over, W. H. Willil. (8) and direoting the mind of the child, and 0-12 politic' 911 Peri6tendent,Mr. came in, when each went his respective by' acclamation, 'There were a number sut, -you, Woz
Seasonable Prosento[41'-ftea Davis. (8) was a ofose and confident friend of f;ir L"D, ROnUll. William Elder, Mr. Alex. McPherson hay.' resolved to meet some other day, -and non, inated, but during the following day all Fum Property WaoWd. (3) the kind of training which the children re.' Hector Langevin, who will likely soon FEui). -A large quantity.of Oat Dust and ing �een 4ppointed in his place for the wa Clard ofThask"ohn Turner. (1) thin'there might bel�somethjng different.to. retired, but W. H. k;r-;, reeve - Riibert. ceive in the! public schoo depends very fQllow him. Meal goods, on hand, loi asle 'cheap, so as to make coming yea q hou& I
Drving Pany Wanted -B. Rick*. (8) room.. Hensall, Owrxx4i, MiLLs. 1617.1 Say. -Mr. and Mrs. Delgaty, of Centralia, Wilsoii'George Thompson, R. Leatherdele on -IL J. Maodonald. (8) largely the kind of men �nd women they ht�ve be6n visiting friends and relatives in and Ge'or Backer, councillors, ". Though Ann Mee Buldge. (5) d A -TOWn SUR b�
will grow to be, go that i ' ality, the fut- Hon. Wilfred Laurier, Canada's. popular LOCAL Bwm.-Vew Year's day passed this vicinity. -Mr. A. MeTaggart, , who of Than &me$ Seattle. (1) Premier, was entertained at a complimen- over v, 1 ary quietly here. observed as B17th. Cousley, F. Vanstone, John Skeene and, t2 beft
Card of Thanks-4ames Patterson. (1) ure dest of this grea, t and gi spent the Christmas and New Years holi- James Turnbull, school trustees. -In ,rrey XWoo-John L"He. (5) MY rowing tary banquet, given by the Liberals of Mon. " general holiday, but as there was no ELFXTION. -Election day passed off very days under the parental roof, has returned, the councifelected. is, Thomas Stiachan, Of the wl
Food st Hen" Oatmeal. 21111. (8) country depends in a large degree 'upon -the quietly, all. thc, old council succeeded in iror yoou, kno,
aleighing-and the roads were in a very bad. se. and is again hard at work in his school.- eeve, (-goal.) ; James Turnbull. Itt Ideputy'r . to
Annual Neadog--Horticultural society. (g) treal in that city, on Wednesday evening 01 afatm, therei waa very little pleasure drivin8,' curing their seats for- another e r, with the A nunt r of young peo I Overoostw-F.A. EdwardL (8) training and instruction which the youth of a I be ple of , thi *ol.) ; Wm. Brown, 2ad deputy,, (Aect), the last week. There were between five and or stir in ll vning, the eoe t, icinity gathe at the residence of nd councillors, R. Livingston; -Jam(ig country receive in he- public sohools. JIBS ion of C. A. Howet whose place is v red an six hundred guefits present. Of the speech attraction was "the cantata, " The Birth of by Win. H. - McElroy.. The council Mr. John Manson, or., on Friday Linaga, the latter.beating John Ni.nnt by T1-
notwithetandinj that this is the delivered by the Premier, the Toronto Tele- Christ," in the Metbodist church, and there for the coming year. is composed of thi fol. evening, and spent a lively time. -min 15 votes. There wa, a smallote Parts of Wilfred Laurier's was a very fair attendance, considering it lbw1ingt Reeve, Joh Wilford; Councillors, Pearl howoftenis it that we intrust this' gram says polled.,
she pot, exudo 'case, Yet
Nicholson, spent the Christmas mow It 110 4
tremendously important duty, and impose sp.6ech at Montreal, for strength, and no- 'had been given only the week previone,'ind -Wm-1 Sims, A. oNally, T. H. Ashb and New Year holidays in Dashwood.- al u bility f Ili ught, and bevinty and dignity as on the former occasion, all taking part and W�n. H. M� T. W. Scott, Tumberry. erY k6sers. Robert and Peter Dougl J 0 as, Jr., in- of Ian;
this very great responsibility upon mere uag PFUNCILLINGS. e, excel thi powers of any other did so in a manner reflecting credit upon Annie Gray, of Sea- tend - taking a. tri to Manitoba in the ITEms.-It is disgraceful and very an joint ef the
BAFORTH. FRIDAY, Jan. sth, is97 boys and girls who have . then4elves very oistor on the American cout nent, and themselves, and iving pleasure and forth, arrived here on Saturday eveni� jei i ing to the peaceful and law abidin tizens i g to pring.-Mr. Geor e Edighoffar was the little experience of life and only the faintest equal the best efforts of. any living speaker fact. n to the aulence, -Special revival a take charge. of her duties as one of the as- g9eat of Miss 8, of Bluevale� and vicinity to be disturbednd land. The
in er- sis'tant teachers in our public school. - oltz on Sunday last.- abused at'alm -,dong, Xesull
conception of the great fesponsibilities of the, Anglo-Saxon -tongue." vices will be Wd in the Methodist church, -Miss Mente. R. and M. Oesho jr., started on oat all hours of the night by -the -skin tow.n.-Mrs. Montgomery and daughter, of wish m a pleasant aat. man bythenaineof We bir
Premier Hardyas pledgod his Govern- Robert J. Fleming was re-elftted quite a snow storm this w� eek,bt at present I rl � ung Give Us FuH Memuire. I bommeiicing with Mondayeiening.-We had Marray, of Detroit, is Visiting, friends in their to drunken men. On F *d Ight a yo 01
which they assume. If, therefore, 'the - r- trip Ohie on Tuesday. I We
the journey. -Mr. and7 ndamaged three -wound. T]
Government can do anything to ch there is not sufficient of the beautiful to from, U ment to enact the'largest measure of Pro- "ge this Mayor of Toronto, on Monday last by a Goderich, were visitors at the residence of Mrs. R. Swgrtzentruber returned b ggies by running into tfiem. Air, Ed. �wrateb hibition the constitution will warrant. The State of affairs and to secure'for our public make good aleighing.-We are pleased to Mr. James Bentley, the pito week. -Mrs. their trip to Waterloo county, where of, the bu majority of over 1,500. His opponent was the� Jenkins was thrown from one 9- -service of George Gibson, is visiting friends in, Wood- were visiting friends and relatives for this , es, rpoei injuries about t1le head.- It. constitution'warrants the complete Prohi- schools more permanency in the state that Mrs. G,'S. Thomson and Miss ex-aldermanMeMurrich, an excellentman. Gr4g I stock at present. w1hilo vIng d g both of whom 'have been quite ill ---�Jarvis Henry entered on -6ast three week"s.. Oman mid his family with 'The first bition of the bar room. The man who asks teachers and greater experience on the part urin� his duties as teacher on Monday in one of theremier ior less than he - has pyomised This will be Mayor Fleming's fourth a the past month, are now improving, horse ancY buggy ivere proceeding to church
is no friend of Prohibition. of those who are intrusted with so much of term of a fifth nicely -Mine Brett, of Seaf the rural - districts of Grey. last Sabbath through the mud, the horse -t;,On Is a ism
ffice. Judging from an obtaide ortb, formerl -Mr. James -w.bich IS V
the care of the children, - they will do the view, he is the beat mayor Toronto has had an assistant teacher in our' -public no Sims left on Tuesday morning for Detroit, Bluevale. walked through the harness on Kingla1hill.
ilton Templar The hoo . So says the Ham beeinr-lng country a very great service. If thi since the days of the late Mr. Howland,and and who has been engaged to -teach a school where he is gain to attend a -college for the NoTEs.-70n Tuesday evening, last week, The occupants of the vehcle were compelled ion that a could 'Meath the A
Templar seems to entertain the not it is encouragiiig that the electors near Hills Green, s benefit of horse elloeing, and also to study Miss Annie oHaray attended prayer to make the rest of the journey oil foot.- be dne.by a judicious increase in the pub. appreci- friends here.�Mr. Samuel Sparling; of St, about the brilliant steed. He will meeting in the Presbyterian church. The NIVingham to 4t frequentil. I
If the bar -rooms of hotels were abolished, 1. - - ate worth when thley have it. If �bhey ire. be ab. James McKersie has gone to- law the au
I le grant, it would, certainly, be money well ise they will keep him where he is as long n uncle of the Messrs. McDonnell sent about three mointha.-Mr. Maurice night was damp, and she, caught a cold learn tailoring. -Mr. Jermyn; of the� drinking babits of the people ould be Marys' a the B. Nesbitt left ow Mond .-M whi6h developed into pneumonia, and in by a tar- borie �ar ten
expended, and would 'give a better return as they can. Brothers, of this place, passed away on ay forSarnia r. line, had a cow'almost strangldd materially lessened, and it is trying to� start ingham, were Visitors Bpi supel
a Satukday. Mr. Golley V 8 of than if devoted to the cause of higher edu- Tuesday,'after a ornewhat long illness. - and Mrs. Hainp, of W Ite-sof all,that medical skill and -tender nlP On an agitation, in this direction. We have not The Ontario Government Nvill make im- Mt. and Mrs. J. Macarthur were in Ails4 in town' last week. -Mr.. W. Taman visited, nurfift cjuld do for h�r sne Wingliam, was called, and the)' 'This Is lom
cation. If our Aigh Schools, Collegiate In- mediate f urtber investigation of the Sad- Craig on Tuesday, attending family re -union died on Sunday forcid into, the ani: turnip wag der the fing!
the least idea what amendments to the-pres-.i Palmerston on his New Year's holidays. afterhoon. Much sympathy is felt for her mal's. stomach. The feativities.-Dr. Ferguson expects in-- the berelived relatives, -,or more ift
eAt li atittites aul Univ!ersities 'are suffering for bury, Ontario, coal deposits through the same thing ockurred on Monday. again, and especially -for her heart- cence act the Ontario Government in- increased Muds, it would be bp�ter to en- agen course bf a *'qe'k or so to be able to move PhRadelphi-i broken mothe�, who is in feeble health. Mr. Jermyn has decided that he will not hance the revenues by increasing the fees a. sow any -The fo=a;L tein is-debil
tend to make at the - approaching session of ey of the diamond drilL The manager into his fine new brick dwelling on Main suffered JI much in the Miss MeHardy bad turnips next -season. re, but we are strongly inclined of the.drill has been instructed to make street. --;--Messrs. J. Berry and James Bell SopimLM.'s.-As the Chribtmas holiday- fall from a -be islight a
0 severe type of tbroat trouble, tion of an orchestra in the Sabbath school to the" opinion that upon those who use them. We are not 'of bor-Ings for miles around wherever there is jr., are buying up quite a number of horses and elections are now past, everybody has which noi doubt weakened her' constitution, cell the iping out of the' of the Bluevale- Methodist church -was of our en pneumonia is -those who b6lieve that these institutions a�ty suspicion of coal, anthracite, anthraxol- for the old country, market. 'Several again settled down to . work.: --Mr. J. C. and wh set in As was unable sidered -last Sabbath and approved of, bar -room will -not be one of them. This its, -or any other, coaly substance. In every villa;gers enjoyed treat on Tuesday even- Kalbdeisch has his chopping millin ranni ' t should be made self sustaining, and that the 0 withstand it, She was thirty-six years Rev. Mr. Moas will preach nex Urals D an amendment which was itot asked for, and instance the boring will be made very deep, ffig of last week, in the order. -Mr. Paniel 8teinbach gave a grang, of age. v Miss McHardy had tbe respectf at 10i way of attending -.30 a. rn.liand R. J. oultonat7 whole burden of higher education should be' and samples willbe taken all the way down - the Odd fellows'co-ncert' in Clinton, and lis. arty -to the young folks of Zurich, 'on all who knew her and the� friendship of Methodist chure.h.-�Ckta- Ingwand IntA
we think wisely, by the eputation repre- p. in., in B -borne by those who receive it. If this were for the use of the Driday night. -Mrs. -KaIie Rothermaeli,who �uf 'a rart or,
seting the Tempera people of the - bureau of mines. te to the grand singing of Mrs. 'Walls, many. A laxge number of �relatives and secration 'alunedv��r$l call at. the Epworth the case it would result in build' spent her Christmas holidays ing up an of Clinton, and Harold Jarvis, of Detroit under the par- friends attended the. funeral' on Tuesda League on Thursday, at 7.30 4zi the aame
rnment a d a
fial;�rf Province, who waited on the Gove ental' roof &tDashwood, returned on. Mon- y der Itt
educated aristocracy, as only the -children of News of tlie Week. the, celebrated tenor' singer. The Oddfel. afternoon', to how their - r0pect to the church. elves great -the few week�, ago. It may -be supposed, there- lowg'lglee club al o id theme day. -Miss Sarah Smith left for Detroit dead and their sympathy with the living. fore, that in demanding the abolition of the the rich would be able to secure the advant - t.i-XDSLTDE.--A di-s4strous landslide has credit on that occasioril-Mrs. J.T. O'Brien, some time ago, where she intends staying As the Presbyterians in- Blue,iale have no th bing. bar -room as stron as it does the 'Tem- ages of a superior education. This would occurred in Italy, whereby hundreds are. of Londesboio, who was visiting her � pa- until spring. -Mr. an(f Mrs. DanW Stei stationed minister, R Death of Mi% Joseph Hickson. gly left homeless. bach, left for Detroit on Monday, w ev. DO Perrie, of The list of prominent dead I was augment- at the ,slde-
be a misfortune in many ways. Many, in Comlx.., To AwERTCA. rents, Alr, and Mrs. A. McPherson, return- here Wiughaui, had cha�ge of the funeral ser- ed at noon on Monday, y the demise of witholft h
plar does not represent the varidus temper- -Rev. George F. om they intend making their future home.- vice. -We are pleased to know that' Al'
w 'Be Sir J�ftdph-Hickqp an,
-the �,hat quiet in our usually stirring village as the Annie Stowe is recovering after her danger- ance organizations of the Province in this fact we might say, most � the -men who Pentecost has resigned the pastorate of ed h - e 'this week. -Trade h as been some- Miss S. Miller -of near Dashwood, n, far years general man- themselfe-9 in this coun, MarylebQue church, Lon4-5n, England, to during the past week, on account of the guest of- Miss Schilbe for a few ger of the Graind. T�runk-Railway. , Sir througli -an:
matter. This being the case, we'are strong acoep laii ous illness. Air. L, Stewart, mathe- a try, were I t a call to America.' "i Joseph was' born -Xorthumberl Vora su
the sons of poor'men who, per- very bad state of the roads and very little week.--w-A number of folks attended the matical master in Alexandria high school,re- England, in 1830, D em- ly requlivd
ly of the opinion that the temperance organ- 0 IVIR. CIIPLTN'S M ISFORTU-N& Right Hon. grain ha� been brought into market. y, after ploy
shooting match held in Zurich, on Friday.- turned to his duties last Frid, aul an 1 a lad was and#
izations are right and that the Te . mplar is haps,wodld not have been able to btain Henry- Chaplin, M. P., was seriously hurt -Dr. Mr. - Conrad Sieman, of Chi' ed in the offic� of t6 York New- and a cold z
tion-whichenabled them_ -to climb by biAng thrown from his horse, while fox Monday,- renewing old acquaintances. -Mr. ru vicinipy. wrong. �Ve do not think that the abolition the educa. hunting, on Tuesday last. Thomson, of . Goderich,was in the village on shing business in tbi cago, is. doing a spending Christmas with his parouts and caitle and Berwickshire Railway from -tormed; hoi
to the top, but for the assistance given by other relatives. ---Mr. Norman Farquharson) which he transferred to the Ma �baapvnedz.
of the bar-roon, while liquor is allowed to Charles, Meyers, of London,, was also here of Wingliam, attended the funeral Of Mies naheater and be sold on the premises, would result the State to higher -education. But there ElIGHT Ov OxE Fivmmy: -Eight children n Monday, combining business with pleas-: Dashwood. e -Mr. and -SheffieI4 Railway in 1-851. Ten yRarg later The 4pllcm
in a belonging to a family named Wilson at 0 Anni 1cHardy, on Tuesday. he'was appointed iis secretary Iaf the Grand e ure and recording his vote. -Miss 8 Mrs. C ristopher Mosgrove,* -of Manitoba, Trunk Railway, and he came to America MO reliet
is reason in all thin s, and we think th ' tephen- �carbolio
decrease in the -evils r suiting from the 9 Sit Utica, Michigan, have died of typhoid B-RiFFs. The rate -payers of the newly came to Blaevale on their wedding trip, and son, of linton, ;�ho has been engaged as formed school'section, met in Moser's hall, aFy per6ps the limit of public aid to these in. fever, and now the mother is ill of the same and in- 1874, when Xr, C. J, Brydges Ili -the 4A�
iraffic. On the contr -we. are of the assistant teacher in our public school,.bas on Dece r and are visiting Mr. Mosgrove's sister, Mrs. signed as gene manager, 'Sir Joseph an stitutions has been'reached, and that with disease. mbe' 30th, and elected the- fo
entered upon b1r duties with the new year, 'low- Kinswell, of -Tu,rnberry, and also, at Mr. �Hi�olt was appointed to the vacant pogi- 01-erefdre -1.
opinion that the abolition of the bar -room SKY ScRAPrt SOLD. -The most v' ing trustees : F. Baker, C. Sta de, James John Mosgrove's. aluable
the 'assistance which they now receive, any and w6 believq comes highly recomniended. Snell. Mr. B ker i three years, tion. He resigned in 1,891, and was the)i shouldbe -ei
would have a -Very strong tendency, to in- piece of real estate ever offered at auction j� a elected for -The Bluevale Cheese
to man who has the right,, in, New York, was sold on Monday. - -Miss' Amy.*Slurdock w�s *in Lpiadon- for a 'Mr. Stad Company will hold their annual me8ting in 'elevated to the knighthood. He' was If uthe:
cre"o the consumption of liquor and The e and Mr. Snell for two years.- kind of stuff in them need not be deterred property was the - new fifteen-stiry sky day or so last week visiting friends.- The old Evangelical church has been rented, the Foreateral hall on Thursday, Tanuary also president of the Chicago 'And is no ina#
encourage drunkenness. If the bar -room The election passed over with considerable. 14th, at 1.90,p. m. A from receiving such an education as will fit scraper, the syndicate building. It was for si months and in it school will be held t the close of the Grand Trunk, the- Detroit- Grand Haven bpened�
were abolished,the business would be driven interest and acti on Monday last, -both till the new school house is bitilt.-A meet. arge dividend will be paid o the and Milwaukee 'the o Thellnell
an rtgage. in=to �-h "ity them for ' y position in life, even the [most iio sold under foreclosure of'o, fourth r meeting a I
selection of County Coun- patrons Saginaw. nd intoprivate rooms, with the result that' COLT-VPSE: OF COD. -The pr!ce of codfish ing of the rate -payers will be held on Tues- .-The box social, under� the auspices Muskegon, and many other rail.w. d. 'This is all that is required. cil ou� maiden village council. As day, January 12th, to determine on a site of Ebenezer church held at the residence of 0 -well as the. International BrINIS exalte in the European market has droppedalar Mr. Edward Boom ge
greater harm would be- done. than now. m- to the County- Councillors, Hensa3l was for the new an, of Morris, Da- Tues- Company. He Untie, of 't!
Orhe rn re public the liquor selling places Mr, Brintuell,; of was also director day night, was a ve ElFroy
hensive of the result. ry fautty- a
cond part of o r i�gly very e- particularly interested in Mr. George Me- Hensall' ftoju all Sul
and exporters are r building.
The French ap r_ and Miss Mill, of Strafford, bare aair to most of most,. important -commercial com. the absceeFt
subject, that referringto Athletics, we-alo 6 a hPe Ewen ' our enterprising townsman' and people, especially the young peo men are,flooding Southern Europe wi It their been engaged as teachers. -On Sunday last ple. Mr. paules of good, standing in dan be. -kept the less harm viill result. If ree With ihe Presbyteri�au. Athl' manuicturer) and who has filled Phe posi- BoEman's large�hous -. a
ag t - the D instead of abolishing the bar the following officers were elected for the e was Comfortably filled,,
minion. , He aid a greAt deal for the C-i-auji -Youtbls 4
-room, hotel- are all A et"' fish, and endeavoring to drive the New- tion of reeve, of ths township of Ray, so and, if the weather bad been fine it would nk, an& especially for its connections Evangelical Surt;la for 1897 : Pre- ght in their place, and are, pe�- foundland article out of the markets. creditably, right up to the tirne of big sident Jacob havb been uncomfortably filled. Mr. and 'throu keepers were required to make ib'even Tru
OUR Quims.-The Westminster Gazette y ow is, haps, a necessity for the deveiopment of the -0 contest the County ell= vice-president, nan andifamiy were very kind, h hont the 6tates. Afterhe resigned more e3Toged to public view than it n youthful muscle and the health of the gives prominence to a rumor -that the Queen resign% ti n in -order to Henrk Guenther ; secretary, Moses Miller ; Mrs. Bosi wlngow�
as a pleasing report to treas and every�ne was grateful t�o them for the the Royal't6m. ssion. on Liquor t beM
Councilship, and it m� Way position, he was prehident of uref, J. K. -Goetz ; librarians, Jacob and were prohibited from s4ling liquor in has decided -to commemorate the fact that AS A raAl. -- rameyn
student. But we are ve muel, afriairl our vilin
she has enjoyed the longest reign in English ay even ng tu earn, EWo L, e they enjoyed. private rooms, much' more good would be Miller) Emanuel -Kellerman. When the b0x0s His private hobby, was modelarming son wbe, -h
Ile that in connection with most of -our edu- history by abdicating in favor of the Prince that Mr. Torrance and Mr. McEwen, both. were sellingthe girls looked wistf ally t-b� ife and'six children. tund omplish than, of the towns* of , Hay, had been duly ward the door to see what kind of partners acc by closing the bar and cational institutions the thing is being of Wales. leaves a w
accuracy tb
Zurich. they would get. It permitting the continuance of "the business elected by good, substantial majorlties. over done. It is not a good thing to lead a QUICK Fiptuvo Gu.N8 WANTED. -It. is The interest as to the, election of - oui first B E:F NOTES.-' Mr. wqs ctirious to watch CURIOUS FACTS. 4ceased abill
ated in Vienna that Austria-Hungary wili E. Miller has 'the expressions on their faces. Some girls' bey or young.man to feel that success on have to foll village council was high throtighout left for in private rooms. There are hundreds who at
ow France V�ry .�api:rville, Illinios, to resume his lower jaws would fall with - disappointment, would hesitate to drink in a public bar- and Germany, and the day and there was considerable sl� Z,L others would turn ver y red and a �epl. ntell
the ball -field, on the cricket ground, or in a spend from eig' ecula- studies h college. -M r. Jacob mmer- owe looked 'Over 300,000 people dwell in boats in -yond-this 11
hty to one 'hundred million ti
plea ed, owever, c room, who would be easily enough per-. rowingregata is dollars for quick -firing guns for t�e artille on as to who should be elected. S'me of man and family left on Tuesday for North verybody made the on�Canton, China, not 01110. more creditable or more to ry- the aspirants worked very hard, believing Dakota, near Cavalier, where they intend ir bargain, and I
service. aughed enough
roo M, to keep them fat for a long time, A short The Thames flowa t the rate �ofv,tw# Morel elt,
suaded to enter a private oom. But, what be desired Qlan success in the school � X that if the office was worth filling t'was to�make their future home. -Mr. Stallbauer, beat of the iniles an hour,. was inmble
would be decidedly the most beneficial re- LooTrl) THE RAI K. -At. Sully, Iowa, a programme was or that to shine in ELny or all of these sports small town near Newton, robbers looted the worth working for,and that in order to bave -of I Berlin, was here visiting friends over given �nd much enjoyed, as '-&Il the fain I
form of all, wotild be to stop the prevalent W, others interested in them they must 'be, in- it gave Liverpool machinists receive a ill cover uli the disgrace of -failure inthe LState Bank,- on L Wednesday night, 00th Sunday.-Mr.'Wm. Becker returned from the crowd an dxc6llent opportuj;lly and pernicious habit of treating, if that terested, in the work themselves - whil to talk'and IPLU average pay of $8. Nveeki �,ef theirresl
class room. So soon as this becomes the nit'. It is reported that the robbers e Philadelphia, Pennsylvania., with three fine gh somg mors. -The council- In folne 4
blew others thought th9t if the people wanted looking race horses, which be bought th John Mon- There are thousands of men London has forty auran�ts
could be done. men elected for Turnberry'are re84
open the safe and carried away from $5,000 ere Is inentioD
case, just that moment does the usefulness them they, would seek tbern and pu grove only vegetable f1dod is served. who become drunkards through this habit to $20,000. sale. He is enterprising. iss Tillie with 248 votes, Wm. Gemmill 184 t.,them at, votes, and of the student in the school room cease, and in. However, all were alive to the impor- Well, of this place, who took a course in John Copeland 170 �votes. For sh population 01. idledith i
d in all probability tance of thilp elections, and as the hour for the Western Shorthand Academy, L coun 90 t the
who, but for it, woul New 'York has an Iri
the sooner he leaves school and gets into ty council, Robert Miller, 514 votes 1, 1418 he largest� of any cit i. never taste 1' If each individual who' The Co'U y 'nited States. oulicil. elosing.th6 polls drew nigh the excitement has secured a T. B. Saunders, 197 and B. Cook, 1,50 U posi ion. as stenographer for FaIrtt VC
increased tintil the result was known, the,Anderson Furniture Co., Woods illors are- Wm. labiater France is the 49ily European country want ,nor some other sphere- where he Will obtain a The Coiinty Council for -the current year which -The Morris counc
'FosephL Coad, -3492 Mark Cardiff, 313. which has tO-daY fewer able�bodied nion a I ud the p - A
ed a drink of liquor had -to go- into a higher idea of the objects, of e' ose is as followsi -together with the,number of 378 tock
xisteiace the will be comp d as follows hotel and buy it for himself, and was not better. A friendly game or match between �I�Killop, Seaforth and Tuck*ersmith votes cast for each For reeVe;---�G. C. Mr. James Bowman, reeve, and Mr. George than it had 80 years 'ago. celebrated
ailowed to. take a treat from any person division. -Thomas E. Hys and John I ty, 118 Robert Bell, 79� leaving a 'Wroxeter Kirkby, deputy -reeve, were elected by ab- It takes about three seconds for a Justo
students or pupils on, :their own play Mc- Pe� THE annual meeting of the W oxeter Lean. maywity for li-. Petty of 39. For coun- r mes� else, -or treat any person, there would be ground, is all right enough, and is Ino Horticultural Society i clamation.-Miss Jessie Fraser has com- sage to go from one ead o xnexuaries 1
re Usborne, 11 be held in Thoinas B. San. menced her duties as teacher in the junio' f the Atlautio veri little drinking done, and Exeter and Stephen. -Dr. Rollins illors,-Henry Cook, 124 ; W. R. Hodgins, ders' shop, on the 13th of this month, -(We dnestla r -cA I ble to t4o other. the habit healthful and beneficial than" injurious- �but and Donald McInnis, by acclamAion. v d pa' Abeamoei
106 - Wni. Bell, 104; Wm. Moir, 97 ; D. 'next), for the�electiou of offlc�.rs. full attendanc� rtmenb in -our school. - would soon die a natural death. 'We be- e Mr. Louie B. The hat worn by Napoleon at the battle �7
above inen
the thing should stop there. Matches be- -Ray; Stanley and Bayfield. -John Tor- Urquhart, 94 C. ton�man, 64-; R. iii re,quesbcd. 1517-1 Duff has commenced his second year as 6f Eylan. was sold in Paris in the yar 189 themi �exau
rance -and G6 orge MeEwen. Patprson, jr.,, 5%, It will thus be seen that BPFs.-Mrs. Charles Simmons, sr. . re teacher in Nb. 9, East Waw.anosh, at an in- lieve tha an auti-treating law would be tween rival schools frequently cause ill fee for a surn eqal -to 44,000. thi
more effective than a prohibitory law at the Gbderich township, Clinton and Hullett.-- Mr. Henry Cook headed the poll with 124 ; turned last week from the funeral of her reased salary. -Mrs. Wm. Messer received ing and jealousy,, and should not be encour. John Cox and James Suell. W. R. Hodgins next with . 106 ; William mo�her, in Brockville. �Owing to'tbe i word on Tuesday that her b The citY of Ghent, the chief p Ack -eveda
n- rather, M Ott of nr. Belgium, stands on 26 present time and under the exasting senti- aged either by teachers, adhool authorities G6derich, Colborne and Asbfield. -Robert Bell yrith 104, and William Moir, 97. The cleoeucy of tbe weather, the anniversary McAllster, of Boissevain, Manitoba, wa
ments of the people. What does the Tem- or parents, while leagues, league matches McLean and P. Holt. four last mentioned, with the- reeve., G. C. tea�nieeting in the Presbyterian churelf was dangerously ill with -pneumonia.-Wh -8 'which are c0nnected by 9,2 brldges.`��"I*nd' ew A plar think of this ? East and West Wawanosb, Blyth and Petty, forming our new council for '1897.- not'as well attended as in former years, A Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fraser'were drivin certain - Chinese Be 'hat and all that sort of thing which savor of 9 ct tea4ea that Win am. -Alexander, Ste%v,%rt and Don la After the close of the polls here on M,onday to church last Sunday, the,whiffletre women who wear short 31r. Proadl I
professionalism, are an abomination, and 91, form In U in the great hereafter, a lecture by the Rev. Mr. 'Anderson, on''61A e broke hair will be trans- Athletics and Higher Education Patterson. evening, a, eetina was held. in MeEwen's trip to the Pacific by the, Ca. at the B. hill, and the horse trotted ed Into ' 'e nadian Pacific, on and con h6n tt' left them sitting in the buggy. When the There is a hole in the yell et
nection with them or participation in 116wick, Wrox'eter and Turnberry.-B. hall, and w he final returns for the Railway," was much enjoyed. Two e)ecel- Owstone Park 'eat �n The Canada- Presbyterian has sensible thern shoulfl be stri county councillors were received, gl., Cook and Robert Miller. which is only s iup_h a horse got to the church sheds M James ix
ckly prohibited on the le t sermons'were preached by * the Rev. es in diameter, but Morris, Bru�sels and Grey. --H. AMoon�y tbusiasm was manifested over the 'election Elliott led it back to th:e, bu and the which IS Ove� 3,000 feet deep. views on most public questions, and ib is part of.any school'or institution in receipt Mr. Ramsay, of Mount Forest, at the Sab- .99y jud tMmosi
not afraid to express them,' mo matter 'wbO and Archibad Hyslop. of Mr. George AlcEwen, and be called Frasers continued th y. -Mrs. The salt sea which formerly coer6d the wO bath services. -Messrs. Hamilton and'San- ir jourtle week beft r
I of Government aid. The Minister of Edu- The votes polled for each candidate in the upon to addre (Rev.) A. Y. Hartley am'8d Miss Nellie� Hart- Yuma Desert was once th sa the meeting', as'were also de'rson shipped a car of live stock on Tues- 4 home vurisandv
yet available but of 4 may be hit. Referring tof the agitation cation should can�el the certificate of an3 several divisions is not the newly elected council of the village of day last. -Mr. and Mrs.' James' Rae ley are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Toole.- species of 'oyster 20 inches in d -i -which is being waged in som* e quarter we sbll give it next week Hensall. We regret that the spacer at ameter, A plece �c
s for teacher who might join, or in any way be- St�ange to say, our have the sympathy of their many friends in Six new members joined the Chosen Friends In Don Miark An. "Old Maids" Iusuranc4 -der lid, -a XC
increased public grants to what is common. c 1 known as higher-educatio, ome connected -with any of th Be so called and a Conservative 8 us giving even a!�ynopsis the death of their son, George, who died on at t company Pa-ks regular week-fy benefits to of fbdpal
there has been a Uiber,M disposal Prevent heir last meeting.
elected in each division, and consequently of the speeches, which were all well! deliv' Monday morning last. he deceased -was a 'y n, and especially leagues, and should withhold the Govern- the council will be equ e J t spinsters of 40 years and upwards. graph wlte
Tuiversity College, Toronto, to the oint.- boy of clever parts, and a general favorite Bruss ri nally c -led the to L lly divided politic- er d and recelved,,, and right -which s ment grant from it6y- school or educational ally. In the case of a tie resulting in the Robert Bell, J. C� Stoneman and F. W6is. -at's PUY, A
with everybody.-Alr. Robt. Miller headed els. The thimble was ' 9i al' thumb bell,' said to be particularly needy, the Presby- ins selection 'of a Warden, Mr. FARIVIFRS' INSTITUTE.�The East Huron because Used 'upon the will have the casting vote, as he is thumb,instead of upo A IN
titution under his control, the students John Cox iller were also called upon d0ring the the poll for the Turnberry, Wroxeter and Farmers' Institute was held in the town n the finger, as at teriart say§ - 0- play -or it evening to address the meeting, whi, Howick division of -the county council. Mr. hall here on Tuesday of. this week. presen't. I cr pupils of which were allwed t ' the h thev
Athletic sports are good within certain t senior member" of the division having did in good style, speaking in a most�.kindli Ben Cook, of.Fordwich, was the other suc- was a good There -4u iftjpt�
6,ud encouraging manner to the udwly ap- attendance, especially in the -New T-02
limitatioris, but when athletic sports are, as" ake part in any of thesdr1eague matches. the largest equalized assessment. cessful candidate. --The village council this evening. Pap�rs were given by Thoma WITH PERSONS If BDMO such radical measures as thee pointed council, and 'giving both th' sociated with betting, and other well-kn6wa e were -am and year is Ism follows: Reeve, Thomas Rae; -,Millan, on " draught� horses ` and evi ep'ayers som OF TITLE
'Is, the college is no plaqe for them..'That adopted the growing spirit of professional. d *aluable
the rat Le timely an M A 3"
councill6re, -messrs. Bray, Rutherford, , growing of corn for feeding and by R. 'fact will be very clearly Vrought out when The Perth County Council. sIggestions. After this, the - meetin itDw in
was Wilson hud McKel�ie.-MMrs. 'F. V. Dixon S. Fraser, of Bedford, on " sheep, pi 0, and Lord Windsor Is running a niodel public ism, which is so rapidly gaining ascendency trp�ted by Mr. Petty, the worthy r6eve, to and family have been visiting in Goderich. silos," each of which w 19 -at the theal
the Legislature is asked for more money for The Perth county council for 1897 the a ard, a nice lunch, and afterur band, wh-6 were as abl house onhis English estate. Ill -the drain
y criicised by �higher . edue tion. The times are b in connection with all these sports, and firsb under the new law, will be com�osed -Miss Tena Smith is visiting friends in the farmers present. which is degrading anid rendering dangerous, as follows present, and who had enlivened th 1 In the evening a7good Lord Rosebery has the fiest collection Iftonej nd a, Ittrge majority of the e meeting Brussels. -Mr. Robert Ross, of russels, programme, consisting of addresses and of raodern b y is scarce, a
people are in no humor for bonusing balls bol -h physically and morally, sports which First district, Wallace and Listowel- with a number of selections, had Played the was in town on Monday last. -Mr. Gebrgb 00k8 in England. CAI ant I
and Thomas Ray and G. V. Poole. National Anthem, all dispersed 0 their innsic, was given. foot ball matches. The Patrons are should be a pleasant and healthfu- French has returned from a visit? to friends Queen Viatoria, never w 41onna e4ry
n6t arty means the only people who are homes. -A pleasing feature of the (election THE PosTxAsTERs ears the same by I Pastime, Second district, Logan and Elma-John in Union-ville.-Mr. Hilborn is in Baden for Bip.-A�a�epateh -from dress inore than live r six times. would be materially checked if not entirely Beneweis and C. H. Merryfield. here was the absence of any wrangling or Ottawa to the Mail and Empire.,of Wedues- The prizei wou. by the Prince of Waieq Sigh
doing some thinking -about expenditure on a holiday.-Mts. McTavish, of Tavistock, is dav earn i�
what is called higher education. wipqd out.. Third distri Hibbert, Fullartdn disturbance, and . the friendly manner in says:- Lieutenant-Polonel Lazier, of yachtBritannia during the past Be ct, and here �on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Hil- Belleville- was appointed some time ago a Alitchell-Joseph Jaickson mas f P e believe that a considerable ma L w W ority and Tho which those not elected took -their de eat, born. -Mr. Fred Vogt is spending a fe Ryan. _Mr. D. Urquhart, our enterprising; towns- - commissioner to enquire into' the charges of to 0,000. man days under the parental roof. -We hope to political partizauship lai A London firm has recently forwrded of the people of this Province. will endorse Editorial Notes and Comments. Fourth district, Downie and Blansbard- and manufacturer, was within iltree or see a good turn out of sturdy 4e"omen at the d against Mr, Far- to the Sultan of N1J0roceo one sin and the remarka of our Pre rc
Nelson IvIonteith and W. F.'Sanderson. four votes of being elected, and'had he )w, postmaster at Brussels. Itwas shown ssbyterian conternpor- The Ontario Legislature has been sum. n-eetij of the Farmers' InsUtute, in the by the evidence that Mr. Farrow spoke . at a - four doubie Vibt carriages-, ary. Some people are- stro Fifth district, North and South. East. onlv consented to run when first nominated, town hall here.- -on Tuesday next. , Ag for- 4aughter, 4
ngly of the opin. moned for the dispatch of business on Wed hope -John Schaefernd John Hay, by ac- and showed'any desire for the office even public meeting on behalf of the Conserva. The Queeuls: will is, engrossed on Val, ion that there is already too much mone nesday February lObh.- merly announced, a good programme is be- Loperly-
y lun, quar
clamation. after his name vias given, he tive candidate at the last election, and oth- to�siila and is bowidas a volu
would no ing prepared for the evening meeting. f . Inc. wifstack
bein,,, spent on higher education. While Sixth district, Mornington, Milvertan doubt have bedn electedby a good miijority. erwise worked for him. Thp commissioner, and secured br a Private lodk. lbetween '
we he
do not exactly take this ground, we do say The Toronto Sun speaks sbnsiblv when an Ellice- Tames Torrance and. Andrew as he is one of our oldest and most; efn ' ter- howevbr, flude that Mr.,- Farrow did - not . Lord Duilravn, although the Valkyrie i Lonerlv-
Kuhry. prising budiness men.' Blake. take an offensive part in the cam is once inore home, does a�-pt intsl1d the,, these grants should not be increased. it sas As ever intelligent -Our band sevenaded and y man knows, Of paign, wilstack If the Government has moremoney to spend -Nve have railroads enough, our reeve and councillors at their respective RETURNED. -Mr. C. Swartzentrnbei, consequently the charges against him will the boat which caused him rO Much .4aud 1 bopa
canals enough, homes on Monday evening last. -Mn Wm. this place, went to Seaforth on Saturday bedismissed. Mr. Farrow ;will retainhis bitterness. foreductional purposes, it should be de-, governing machinery enoug Varna. to meet all R. Thompson, of Chicago, is here "isiting last, and brought back his son,� Rudolph, position as postmaster: The report of He
Baroness Burdett-Cqut 6� once ordered a atjng�
voted to improv p BRftns.-On New Year's day the By- big mother, who has been so seriously ill. - and his wife, and Mr. John Bannerman and Lieutenant-Colonel Lazier has just been re- cake weighing 'ninety pounds. which she i � g the public schools and the demands- that, expansion is likely to field brass band serenaded quite a nu her Mr. James Sutherland, post master, �nten& his wife. ese pa, ceive uoc t e ostmaster. sent to Charles Dickens, Jr., when he vp�-As e a a eezx visiting in a furnace--
asig the burdens. of the people in connec- make upon us for the next hlf-centur . of our, citizens, and played quite amfew this week adding the county of Wate oo for t e past three y
What the.country. needs is econorny, lower a number of 'post office General- tion with them. If the public school grants taxatio choice selections in;good style. Come again but seven yearsof age. itrox.1ble, t1t
lraf& T]
en were increased izi �snch a -way that the p'e'o- brincr in.creasedpopulatiG-n." the business of which is centainly incteasin Year's . holidays with old friends in 'that the� snow which came on Wednesday, aiid of DenTnark, is a princess of Hess-Casse4 n and freer trade, which alone can boys. -r- Benjamin Higgins, our enVer �Dxea tolmeet the requirem6nts of th(f office, weeks, and spent the Christmas and INTew BRrF-Fs. -Everyone was glad to welcome The oldest queen in Europe, the Que
9 Pie would be encouraged to employ better prising harness maker., has enlarged his with the. growth of the village, and the fact county. They came 1to Seiforth, by train, now we have good aleighi�g.-Our schools premises, and owing to the rush of trad6 and mrried the present King of DeP4
A dispatch says: A,shock also, that nearly ail the mail formerl artze e He is a to Rodgerville is now bein4 distribuled at And taken home. They had a ver'pleasant and wife, of Petrolea, spent -the New Year's has had to take on an extra man. mark-, Nvho is her senior by a few monthih we 4
or at all events more experienced, teachers, of earbhqua'k6 Y] sent and were met there by Mr.1 Sw ntruber are again in full blast. -Joseph Ballantyn' great good might thereby be accomplished. that lasted ten seconds and was accompin- hustler. John McGann, an old resident Hensall.-Th in 1842.- e anniversary services'of - Car. time in the old co with fri,-,nds here. -Mrs. H. Dennis and greater ull
ied by a dull, rumbling noise was felt i rna, but of late years a "ty, but were all glad to ers have n Although Much is beard'conce The salaries of public school teiwh� f Va, resident of mel Presbyterian church1will be h4lcl on get home again. Master Frank, of Chatham, are here visit� ruin, he state ol
various parts of the city of Obt Dakota, is at present visiting friends here, abbath January 17th, I when Rev. Mr. NoTEs.-Saturday last wag an eventful ing friends. -George Heapy and family left Lady Henry Somerset, little or nothing is f Stratford, will �condact se-rvices di�y in the history of our quiet village Wis week for Mis�isa ppi, where th now become so reduced, that it is impossi- wa, on and is looking halend hearty. -The By- Ledch, o' heard of h6r husband .S'nch a person does -eachers in the profes- retain the best f, ey int ble to end -g - * 'Bornetims a Friday at mid-nighb. People -,%vho were field rod Presbyterian church mpnibers in. ind evening. -A special collection 3ecially among the young' men,as six of our making their home. -H. exist, however and he i mornin esl James, sr.,. care- s een -The Pre
awake at the timeofelt it distinctly, and t'end holding a social at the residence in aid of the. suffering Armenians' 011 be young ladies left that day"to push their taker of the school, 'bas been very sick - for 11 Milan, Heresides Mostly tlar. IX i
sion for ay length of time. As a resulb of
quite a fev who were asl of at La, Scala eep were awakened Mr. JohnNIcAsb, on Tuesdy evening next, taken up in Carmelchurch on Sabbat�fi first. 'way, in the various educational instuitiftions the last week, -but is now! in Italy. this, there is a continual changing of teach- by the force of the shock." Had thfs oc- 12thinst. A big time is-ex"-pected and getting better. 2,5, nos. -Mr. J. C. Clausen,-,hariness'makdr has and other branches, in Seaforth and 'Clin. His duties are being looked after by his The Sulan of. Turkey is a busy -man. ers, and in far too inany instandes the in- curred a year ago it would rto-t be a cause everyboay- is welcome. -A number of the been indisposed during the past week, and ton. We wish them every success. -Rumor son W e, formerly o s from 6 in the Moy �33, �C. Oil b'
struetion a4d training of our young chil for surprise, a nit was then thought that Aliam.-Walter Wak f Histworking day i ning s 1
e members and ad herents of St. John's church, confined to his room, but is now going: about has it that another youn�' lady leaves next this place, but who has beed at Penetangul. until noon. After lunch and a stroll be nothing less than an earthquake could- Varna, visited the Rev. Mr. Smith on Wed- a . n. -Miss Bella Sparks has returned shene for the past summer, is here on a for many
is bf-in- intruste4 to inexperienced boys shake or slifktte'r the corrupt Government nesday evening, and presented him aturday, but it is generally supposed she gies audiences until s o,clock. In ,t ho Of ith a fromCenbralia, whereshe wasvisitingher is flirther advanced in certain standards visit. -The Brussels hay scales were sold eveninghe plas with his chill toa. - Th(
girli,"rho are themselves little' more t which then i ulad ab the Parliament build- big load of oats. A very a dren, and n oyable-evening uncle,Mr.J.Delgoty, p certificate i' for 1897 to J. A. -Creighton, the present takej5 a t ublic school ins "ector. and expects to receive a life -urn At the miano. 3nay be. -eA