HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-12-25, Page 7,orths 3
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DECEMBER 25, 1896
' " •
• ••••rar ••••••-t-,•—
London WOMEart -Conducts a
Profitable Wood Business in
The St. Louis Lumbeaenan thus refers to
he business sucaese of a former resident of
London, Ontario, and who has many friends
Su that city:
"Few people who haze ,bought lumber
from 'A. L Livingeton,' or Thomasville,
Alabama, and there are r1141:15,- have any
;idea; that they have been .dealing with a
svonsan. Such, however, is the ease, and it
`yes us pleasure to present to our readese
handsome face of one of whom it can
'be said that she is an sap-to-ditte' woitt6,
mot in the sense of what is known as a 4 neYir
'woman,' possessing traits, habits and senti-
ments- which, from time immemorial, have
been regarded as unwomanly, but on the
tontrary, possessing all that is best in wo-
-mien—purity, truth, gentleness, sympathy
.and love, coupled with an araount of energy,
tact and business acumen rarely met with
in*smy one, much leas in the gentler sex.
.Born and reared in Canada, she possesses in
marked degree the strength of body and
mind to which that energetic climate is so
aionducive. Her education was liberal, and
necessity has developeei the rest.
"After her marriage her husband Moved
Across the line and went into sawmill*,
first in the 'shingle business near Brunswick,
.Georgia,, subsequently running a small saw-
mill near Anniston, Alabama -where he was
-swamped by. the collapse in business all over
the South, due to speculation in the later
-eighties. Broken in health and fortune, he
moved to Themsaville, Alabama, bought. a,
-very- small portable mill on credit, and sad-
-denly died, leaving the subject of this
.sketch with a young daughter to support,
and practically penniless. After a sudden
outburst of grief over the dead, she was
saroused to the seriousness ,of the condition'
pf the living, and with this -thought upper-
sYrost in her mindsshe set about planning
what to do. Proud, high string and self-
reliant, she gently but firmly declined to
make her home with her brothers, the
Spencer Brothers, of Talcott, Alabama,
(formerly of London, Ontario,) who were
and are successful lumber manufacturers,
preferring to alone undertake the support of
herself and the education of her daughter,
then only ten'years of age.
"The mill was not paid for. She had no
teams or timber, bat these obstacles, which
would have settled the case with a man,
were not considered insurmountable by her,
so she set out, purchased a small body of
stumpage to he paid for as cut, bought a
couple of teams on credit, hauled her mill
to the woods two miles from the railroad,
set it up and began to saw, firtit going to
Mobile and one or two other places and se-
-curing sortie saw bilis. ' Of the hardships,
meated and physical, she endured, how she
had to suierintend the logging, loading,
inspectieg,ibilling, do her own hook -keep-
ing, and; at the same time her --domestic
work, would take a:big book to record, and
yet she did it uncomplainingly. At no
time didsheattempt to excite sympathy or
secure trade on account of being ; a woman,
but on the contrary, had her stationery
printed without the prefix denoting sex, and
this article will be the first notice to the
;large number of ca u companies, contractors
-and lumber dealers 5-11 Over the country that
in buying of A. L Livingston, of Thomas-
-vine, Alabama, they have been trading with
sane of the bravest and best of -women—who
after years of toil, privation and anxiety,
has at last accumulated a nice little fortune,
-educating her daughter at a northern con-
vent, and is to -day forging ahead, after
having gained the name of being 'the
smartest sawmill man* in Alabama.
We commend Mrs. Livingston to our
host of leaders as a sweet, womaely wo-
man, and point to her success as a testimony
of the possibilities of her sex !when directed
with like eriergy,intelligenee and judgment."
the Yery pele you desire to reach that ren
dem telepb#na Service isivaluable.
A second-problemi, and one not ;so difficult
of solution as that Of securing_ the necessary
desirable subscribers, is to secure the capital
necessary to construct a modern telephone
plant.* Such a plant cannot be properly
constructedfor less than from $95 a sub-
scriber to $175 a salaseriber, depending on
the eize bi the exchange ; the larger the
plant the higher the average cost per sub- -
scriber. A rst-class telephone plant hay-
• .tch board capacity of 1,000 sub -
completed for $125,000,while
bly 'require an investment of
$5. f, 1 tatiehtplate every detail in a mod-
ern, plant of 3,000 subseribers. Many op-
position telephone exchanges have been
built for at less sum per subscriber, notably,
Topeka, Kansas; Fort Smith, Arkameas, ;
Selma, Alabama; Wankesha, Wisconsin,
and Immo twenty others. But these ex-
changes no longer exist, having gone the
way of all purely speculative e*erpristes,
and leaving no return for the heavy invest-
ment. Now the shrewd financier is not pue-
tin his money into investments that prom-
ise as fat pluckingfor promotor and lawyer
as competing telephone exchanges do. -He
may loan the use of his name in return for a
profitable consideration. But the plant will
be built, (well or poorly), from the invest-
ments made by "lambs "--honest and un-
suspecting cieatures who are so in,experi-
eneed as to believe that because a certain
prominent citizen holds quite a . block of
stock in a new enterprise he must have in-
vested a large amount therein. And as the
" lamb " seldom has the reserve- capital
necessary to protect an investment of this
character, he soon has se practical illustra-
tion of how easily his venture may be swal-
lowed up and lost for ever.
—"In money matters," says a miserly
.old fellow, "treat strangers as though they
were your relatives."
—WITH AN OBJECT. —"1 wonder why
doctors write so illegibly. Their preserip-
tions must often be misconstrued.' ''Oh,
yes. That increases the chance of getbin,g
the right remedy, you see."
—A wife, having lost her husbarid,was in-
consolable for histdeath, Leave me to my
grief,' she cried, sobbing ;you know the
extreme senaibility of my nerves; a mere
nothing upsets them.'
—She: Oh, yes, mamma and I have
rauch the same tastes. Do yoti think I am
very like my mother?" He (an old admirer):
"I hope not. Your Mother rejected me
twenty-four years ago."'
—When a Nebraska judge, some years
ago, was asked. by an attorney, upon some
strange ruling, Is that law, your honor?'
he replied, '11 the Court understand herself
—and she think she do—it are!'
—She: "Sir, what do you mean by at-
tempting to kiss me V" He: "Ob, I
thought you wouldn't Object." She: "But
avhst right had you to think so ?" :
4‘. Well. I saw that your mother had fallen
"What makes Colonel Blank so populer
lf am sure he is very stupid! He can hardly
ette beyond his nose, said a lady to her
friend, whh replied, My dear, sharpasight-
adness is not what makes a person popular.
It is whet the Colonel doesn't, see that gises
him such popularity.'
—Take the little task, no matter haw'
.sraall it is, which is committed to your
care, and put all the skill, the patience, the
'loving service in it: that an angel could put
le, and you have shown yotirself an angel in
doing it. -That is all you need to worry
*alaceet.—M, J. Savage.
-4" Say Ruth,it has taken me three years
to muster up courage enough to ask your
daaad in marriage. Will you have me ?"
"I could never procrastinate like that, arry.
1 will give you, a definite answer i side of
two years and a half.
But the most difficult problem that con-
fronts the new company in a large city is to
so plan the constructive and engineering
features of a plant as to insure from the
start a satisfactory high-class service t� sub-
scribers already educated to a high standard
of telephone service. It means something
more than placinge, switch -board ina room
and connecting thereto the wires radiating
out to the sabscribers' telephones. For the
building of the modern telephone plant in a
large city includes the planniirg or the con-
struction of outlying exchanges connected
to each other and also to the main exchange
by underground trunk lines; and in tile
proper arrangement and disposition of these
trunk lines, and the rapid handling . of the
ever increasing traffic in conversations,
abides an engineeriog problem, requiring
capacity, ability,and experience of the high-
est order to satisfactorily solve, and thereby
evolve a successful modern telephone plant.
—Miss Adele Wilkins, No. 92 Trittity
Street, Toronto, says: I suffered with a
very bad. cough and cold which settled on
my chest, and tried several. remedies with-
out doing me any good. One 25e bottle' of
Dr. Laviolette's.Syrup of Turpentine effect-
ed a eomplete cure and I can :really recom-
mend it most higlify.
Cobbler Feared Competition.
Clergymen are frequently good story
tellrs, but as a rule, a proper dignity pre -
%tents them from wanting to appear in that
light publicly. The following was narrated
to a Star reporter bt a popular divine:
"In the days of my early ministry," ite
said. "-I thought it necessary to impress
thoughts of salvation by everything I utter-
ed, Mid I am afraid I was sometimes not al-
together discreet.
"My first work was in a Western mining
camp, and I had to remain over night at a
rough hotel to wait for a stage to covey me
tomy destination: At the table a 'savage
looking man said, gruffly.
"What might be your line, young feller ?"
"Saving souls," I said, solemnly.
" Ugh, ' was the only response.
"After supper a coarselyidressed
approached inc and said: ;•
"Pardnar, let's make some kind o' dicker.
We're in the same line, an' thar a'nt room
fer both. Thar's a camp furcler up the
criek whar yo' could do well." .
"I think you are mistaken, my friend," I
said, "I am a minister of the Gospel."
"Sense me, parson; I thought yo' was a
cobbler."—Washington Star.
Difficulties of Telephone
.A writer in the New York Post Says :
When a new telephone company a tempts
to secure a foothold in a large city, itfinds
that one of the great problemsit s t mu t solve
lies, not in the total number of subAcribers
it can secure, hut in the number of desirable
subscribers that, will prove permaneht and
-paying patrons. , For the service of a tele-
phone exchange increases in value in the
sem ratio as the mules of the desirable ele-
ments in the community are added to its
'lists of subscribers. In other words, while
a newspaper circulating only among saloons
and read principally by the -frequenters of
such places might prove profitable t a cer-
tain class of advertisers,. the genera adver-
tiser would not use its columns, as it would
.not reach the public in general—the buying
• classes. So a telephone exchange might se-
cure several hundred or a thousand or two
subscribers,and met the combinations afford-
-ed have no practical value to the donstant
user of telephone service or the gene al pub-
lie, and the secured subscribers b rarely
called for. But the progressive merchant
-must pay his tribute to each company just.
- the same. Thus, it is not only the greatest
!number of people you can reaoh with the aid
mf the telephone, but the greatest number of
. •
marry another.
Walking in the street in a dream sign1.
fits that some one is waiting a chance to
db you any injury.
To dream of a ditch indicates that you
will soon be placed in imminent dangers
either of life or limb.
To dream of eating soup means that you
will readily recover from any illness which
may befall you.
A dream of being clothed in silk denotes
ultimate, wealth for yourself aud happi-
ness for your faintly.
To dream that you are flea-bitten ladle
cates that your enemies will cause you
great annoyance.
For a married Man to dream of wearing
old clothea means that his wife wilt soon -
have a newhiress.
To dream that you areattending church
means that you will have a lavesiult ending
to your ealt vantitge
A dream about the devil means that you
will have many dangers, but that you will
overcome them all. •
To dream of iton chains or manacles
means that your enemies are .seeking to
. „
encompass lour, ruin.
- A dream about paying money means
that you. will shortly be involved in a
lawsuit, which you will win.
For a young worrean to dream. about an
;old man rueans that she will shortly marry
a rich young loder.
To dream about a piece of bacon partic-
-ularly if is is on your own plate, means
the death of a relation. •
It is fortunate to dream about your
backbone, indicating prosperity and suc-
cess in business enterprises.
To dreamthat a policeman has you int
charge is a sign that you will escape from
sonae impending evil. ...
To dream that you are hungry means
that you will rise to eminence sud wealth
by your own exertiane.
To dream yon are climbing a ladder
indicates that your social condition is soon
to,be greatly improved.
If iu a dream you find yourself walking
on _crutches the sign is that you
shortly be sent toprison.
To dream of hearing pleasing music
means that you are shortly . to receive
money from an unexpected Source. '
IA dream that you are drunk means that
youwill make a friend who will prove
valuable in the future.
Breakieg, a glass in a dream signifies
that your engagement with your sweet-
heart is soon to be declared off.
To dream of apes indicates that you have
malicious enemies, who will secretly
endeavor to do you harm.
Young man dreaming of the Poor.
House is, according to the books, destined
to be married at an early day.
To dream of a barn signifies that you
are shortly to have •a. dispute with some
one and gaiu. the advantage.
A dream that you have lost, your sight
indicates that you will soon discover the
'perfidy of altrusted friend.
Todrearet of a hen and chiekens.means
that your sweetheart will desert you and
Just Like a Woman.
" Major, if -you don't punish that boy I
will !"
The words fell sternly from the lips of
Mrs. Domo, who was ruefully surveying the
wreck.of her best reeding lamp.
"Bel!" said the major, severely, "come
here. Mariah, leave the room!"
Mrs. Dorno went into the dining room
and shut. the doer to keep out the horrid-,
sounds. -
- " Whack ! Whack ! -Whack 17 from . the
AN ow ! 9, wew ! I won't do it again !"
from the boy.
" Whack ! Whack! Whack! Now, will
you break lamp shades you young whelp of,
Satan ?"
" No—o ? No—o !" sobbed Bobby.
" Whack ! -Who.ck-I Whack."
Mrs. Doino's ire by this, time was quite
Again that dreadful slipper fell, and
again the air was rent with the yells -of
tortured innocence.
"0, Major, stop !"
No by a jugful. We're having a splen-
did, time in here. Whack! Whack !
Whack !"
Mrs. Domo could. stand it no longer:
"Stop it, you big brute I" She exclaimed,
rushing into the apartment.
Then she grew madder than ever. There
on his hands and knees was the major gal-
loping 'around on the carpet, while Bobby
was larrnping a slipper and gyring vent to
terrified cries of woe.
Over300,000 people dwell in boats In
Canton—Canton, China, not Oliio.,
The Thames flows at tee rate of two
' miles an hour. .
• Liverpopl machinists receive a weekly
( ayerage pay of t-8.•
'London has forty restaurants in which
only vegetable food is served.
New York has an Irish -population of
190,418, the largest of any city in the
United States.
France is the only European coun[ry
whiCh has to -day fewer able-bodied men
than it had 39 years ago..
It takes about three seconds for a axes
sage to go front one end of the Atlantic
cable to the other.
The hat worn by Napoleon at the battle
of Eylan was sold in Paris in the year 1885
for asum- equal to $4,000
The city of Ghent, the chief port of
Belgium, stands on 26 different islands
which areconnected by 92 bridges.
A certain Chinese sect, teaches :that
women who wear short hair will be trans-
formed into mei' in the greet hereafter.
There is a holetiri the Yellowstone Park
which is only six inches in diameter, but
which is °vet 3,000 feet deep.
The salt sea which formerly covered the
Yuma Desert was:once the home of a
species of oyster 20 inches in diameter. ,
In Denmark an "Old Maids" Insurance
Company pays regular weekly bedefits to
spinsters of 40 years and upwards.
The thimble we's originally called the
"thumb bell," because used upon the
thumb, instead of upon. the finger, as at
—Mrs. McLean, a widowIady residing in
Wallaceburg, was awakened during the
night by hearing a noise &hen stairs. She
lighted a:lamp, and was on her way to the
sitting aopm when she fell over unconscious.
An hour later, when she recovered, she
found her daughter lying insensible on the
floor. Dr. Hord, who was notified, found
that the women had been overcome by
means of ether, the odor of the drug being
quite perceptible in the bed room. Beth
ladies are very ill. .
—The Montreal "Witness," this being
its jubilee year, has been printing ever since
last December a weekly page of the remin-
iscences of its early readers who still sur-
vive, many of which have been of fascin-
ating interest, and all of which have been
full of eager and hearty good will for the
paper which has been to the 'writers a life
long counsellor and family friend. 'Here is
one of the briefest •and !most practical of
these cortributionere—A Friend's Hint. —To
- tbe Editor of the Witness, Sir, I •vas first
induced to take this noble paper by our
mioister from the pulpit, in denouncing had
literature and recm
emending good. He re-
• commended the Witness among the best
family. reading for old pr young. Shortly
after I sent for the paper, and. although
over a scere_of years ago, I have been tak-
ing it since with profit and pleasure. The
price is very moderate indeed. The Witness
is a true Daniel, taking a firm stand for
righteousness, temperance, and everything
that makes for the good of men and the
.glory of the Creator. Now,I have a request
to make of two of the highest professions in
the land- -the press and the clergy .'viz., '
that the press shall kindly give this item
room in their journals—the one to copy
from the other, etc. ; and that ministers of
the gospel shall speak of and recommend
the Witness to their people, as it is such a
power for good wherever -known. John W.
McKenzie, Glen Oak, Ontario.:0-12etiase2
. _
; The Home of
Every leaf is full of virtue. Every infu-
sion is delicious. Sold in leail pickets only.
'25e, 40c, (50e and:00o. All grocers.
There are 400 licensed market porters; in
inT4hmereeriacrae forty-seven Chinese temples
Germany imports 800,000, tons of pickled
herrings every year.
1,0 opneodpolme roamstyniebaurs.es carried over 79,000,-
00 A whortieberry patch in ICIamath
County, Ore., covers an area of sixty
square miles. •
One hundred and. fifty million pounds'
worth of British property is always on the
Two wealthy Hebrews of Bagdad now
owd all -that remains of the ancient town
of -Babylon.
No receptacle has ever been made strong
enough to resist the power of freezing
The largest room in the world is in the
imperial palace at St. Petersburg.
160 feet long by 150 wide.
The British' parliament during its exist.
ence has passed about 20,000 statutes, 5,000
of which are still in force. *
The huge guns of modern navies can
only be -tired about seventy-five times.
This stances to wear them out.
In South Africa the High Commissioner,
the Governor of Natal, and the Agent
General at Pretoria are all Irishmen. -
The corridors of Farnham Castle, Eng-.
land, tha Episcopal palace of the Bishop
of Winchester, are 1,794 yards in length,
all told.
‘ItTo human head was impressed on coins
until after the death of Alexander the
Great. All images before that time were
of deities.
A picador was killed at a bull fight at
Bayonne. He ventured too near the bull,
which had -received its death blow. The
animal was lyipg apparently -dead, but at
the approach Of the nia,n it collected all its
strength, and,- raising its head, planted its
horns in • the man's stomach.. Man and
beast fell dead together. Earlier in the
day a matador had been dangerously
wounded while dispatching a bull, and
fifteen horses were injured.
The Turks have seven different kinds:of
The santir, a kind of dulcimer, has:been
used forages in the Caucasus.
In a very aneient Greek story the god.
dess Erato is 'represented with a psal-
The North American Indians are known
to have had two different kinds ol
flutes. .
The Musical insteuments of theGreeks
closely resemble those of Turkey and
Syill:hiac. Japanese taiko, Or drum, is placed
upon a.permanentsimport and rests upon
pi vOts.
The bandolon of Mexico is not greatly
dissimilar in shape from the moon guitar
of China.
The darabouka, Or .Turkish dr: 1.133, re,
smithies a long vase, the bottom eovered
with parchment. - •
The dombeg is the popular handelruni
in Persia. :It is double headed, and beaten
with both hands.
The rattles of British American Indians
are frequently Made in the form of birds
or small animals. ,
The balalaika, or Russian guitar, bus
triangular body, with four strings, and is
played with a bow. •
The Apaches have three different kinds
of violins, each having but one string and
played with s small bow.
The pang-kou is a 'small Chinese drum
resting on a Wooden .tripod. It is beaten
with :common wood deumsticks.
The Chinese la -pa in shape is__ almost
identical NV ith the ancient Roman- tuba.
It gives four notes—C, G, and E. -
The Persians have three kinds of guitars
—the sitar, the tar and suz—all played
either with the lingers or with a plea
The psaltery neferredto hi the Jewish
sacred writings is 0 kind of dulcimer
played either with the fingers or plec-
Lord 'Windsor is running a model public
house on his English estate.
Lord Rosebery has the finest collection
of medern books in England.
Queen Victoria never wears the same
dress ;more than five or six times. .
The prizes. Well by the Prince of Wales'
yacht' Britan nia cl tiring the ijast season
amount to $8,000. i
A London firm has recently, forwarded
to the Sultan of Morocco on single and
four (bauble baby carriages.
The Queen's will is engrossed on vel-
lum, q uarto size, (1,n0 is bound as a volume,
and secured by a private lock.
Lord Dunraven, -a,lthough. the Valkyrie
is °nee more home, does not intend to sail
the boat which caused him so much
bitterness .
Baroness Burdett -Coutts once ordered a
cake weighing ninety pounds; which:she
sent to Charles Dickens, jr., when he was
but seven years 01 age. .
The oldest queen in Europe, the Queen
of Denmark, is a princess of Hess -Cassel,
Sudenarried the present: King of Den-
mark, who is her senior by a few months,
'in 1842.
Although much is beheld. concerning
Lady Henry Somerset, little or nothing is
heardof her husband. Such a persondoes
exist, however, and he is sometimes seen
at La Scala in Milan. He resides mostly
in Italy.
The Sultan of Turkey is a busy man.
His working day is from 6 in the morning
until Oen. After lunch ,and a stroll he
gives - audiences Until 8 o'clock. In the
evening he plays with his children, and the iano..
takes a turn at:
The. Comtesse D f tnneskjold, who was
married reeently to' Count •Aage Moltke,
at Gopseffeldt, in Jutland, had a most
original wedding, and atnong many other -
strange features of it was the drawing of -
the happy pair to church in their carriage
by ten ,bridesmaids dressed in bright
red. ,
—In less than two days you can often
cure a severe cold by using Dr. Laviolette's
Syrup of Turpentine. It is also most agree-
able to the taste.
—Mise Eliza, Toomey of Odessa sent, to
Mr. Philip Armour of Chicago a cheese of
her Own manufacture. The millionaire pro-
nounced it excellent, and asked for a second
et to be sent.
New a Notes. .
—The Ogilvies intend to erect early next
year a new elevator at Montreal With a ca.
[Lofty of 500,000 beshels, and another in
Winnipeg with a caPacity of 150,000'bush-
els, making their ,total elevator capacity for
Manitoba wheat 4,50J,000 bushels.
-r---" The Women's ournal," organ of the
Woreen's Christian Temperance Union,
which has been conducted by Miss Scott, in
Olttawa, for several y ars has been sold to a
Montreal party. Th office of publication
Will be removed to t at city.
—Mr, Allan Baer a, farmer, who lived
about two ,miles from Perth, was found the
other evening, lying by the roadside With
his neck broken. is horse and buggy
were found further n, the buggy being
broken. It is thong t that he fell out of his
buggy and was kille .
—A young English an named Clark was
drowned near Meafor some time ago. The
body was found on T ny Beach a few days
ago, and advertised i the Penetanguishene
Herald. A young la y who lives in °Egli&
saw the notice and going to the village
recognized the body s that of her brother.
—John Bertram, a Toronto fireman, was
thrown from his seat while driving the Ron-
ald engine to a fire Saturday evening, 12th
inst. The ponderous wheels passed over him
and crushed him to death. Various attend-
ant circumstances re der this fatality one
of peculiar pathos nd sadness. The de-
ceased was only 25 y ars of age, and was
the sole aupport o a widowed invalid
mother, who lived ith him. Yet, more
distressing is the feet that he was married,
only three days befor the melancholy ac-
cident.Young Bert am had been on- the
brigade' three or four years, and had driven
the Ronald engine f r the past thirteen
• months. He was a q let, steady, fellow, an
efficient fireman, resp cted by his superiors
and popular with his ernrades, upen whom
his awful death has 13 st a terrible gloom: :
—The counterfeit bond fraud was worked
on ah elderly man na ed John Russell, from
Halifax,- the other da'on the train between
Toronto and Buffalo. On taking the train
at Toronto Mr. Russell made the acquaint.-
ance of a pleasant looking, middle-aged
man who stated that Msdestination was
Edinburgh, Scotland Mr. Rassell was
bound for the same place, and the acquaint-
ance warmed into friendship. As the train
neared Suspension B
gan to talk about so
pay. He was short o
Government blinds on
could realize. He hi
taking them off his
day, when he would
change. Mr. Russell
bonds, anclenow he is
• gave the swindler $10
ing has been heard of
or his money.
—J. J. Kelso, of T
of neglected children,
which is due to acorn
statutes affecting chi
a boy eight years old
Hastings county, was
the other day, and 1
Prison until he can be
atory, at Perietanguis
Baked Pears.—cut, rine pears in half,
without peeling or removing the stems,
Pack in layers in, a stouetvare or glass jar.,
Strew a little sugar over each layer. Put
a small cdpful of water in the bottom of
the jar to prevent burning; fit on a close
cover, and set in a moderate oven. Bake
three hours, and let the . jar stand un-
opened in the oven all night. -
. Delicious Sandwiches,—A sandwich -that
Is excellent with ice tea or lemonade is
made with a raisin fitting. Remove the
seeds from halved raising, and lay the
raisins closely together upon very thin
slices of battered bread. ' Sandwiches of
brown bread, - with a filling of finely
minced cheese, to which has been added a
little mustard, are delightful.
Celery Salad.—Well wash the celery and
keep -it in the cool till -wanted; then dry on
acloth, and cut in thin sliced sticks, one
and a half inch.long, or in sho -t julienne
shapes. Season. it with pepp r and salt,
oil, and tarradbn or other vit egar, and
chopped shaillot; mix: well to 'ether, and
serve in a salad -bowl. Garnisl with slice
of tothatoe or beet -root cu in fancy
shapes and seasoned like the celery. —.N X.
idge the stranger be-
e duties he had to
money, but had some
which he thought he
ted at Mr. Russell
ands until the next
arrange bills of ex-
ook up the alleged
orry for the act. He
,and since then nothe
either his new friend
ronto, superintendent
as, a case in hand
on difficulty in the
dren. Amos Webb,
from Shannonville,
brought to Toronto
dged in the Central
taken to the Reform,
enel It will be seeu
that by the carelessne s ofthe authorities at
Belleville this lad of eght, years old is to be
thrown at once into asochltiou with crimin-
als. The Penetangin titution is specifically
for criminal youths, a d no boy under four -
tee!' is 'supposed . to be sent there. For
younger rads, whomit • is not considered
judicious to place a ong criminal associ-
ates; the Mimic° Indu trial School is pro-
vided. i When a boy I sent to Mitnico, how-
ever, the county is obliged to administer to
his support, whereas, f he is sent to one of
the criminal institutie a the government has
to beat the expense. t is ' becoming cus-
tomary with officials, oWever, to save the
county expense by sen ing all boys to Pena -
tang, .and stamping them definitely as
criminals. To save e pense the county' of
Hastings has decided that this eight-year-
old child shall have his education completed
by criminal associates., It is probable .that
Mr. Kelso will take steps to have Amos put'
into Mimic° school, ani to force the county
to pay its just share.
Au annex to the Luxenibourg museum
is building on the Rue de Vaugirard side,
to make more room for Works by living
French artists.
Many frescoes, some going back to the
fourteenth century, have been discovered
-an the walls of the Church of San Flora
ano, at Montefiasconet during recent
The late Sir. John Millais'. income
ranged as high as $100,000in his best
years, and from an early date iii his career
his terms for , portraits exceeded those
charged by Sir Joshua Reynolds.
To Jules Stewart, the Ameriean pain ter,
has been awarded a gold medal by the
Berlin international exhibition. Among
other American -exhibitors are John -W. •
Alexander, A. Bridgernatt and Juliau
Possesses th following
' Distinctiv Merits :
Delicacy of Flavor,
Superiority n
to the IllTed3RV0US or DYSPEPTIC.
Nutritive Qualities Unrivalled.
In Quarter -Pound Tins and Packets only.
JAMES EPPS & CO., LTD., Howeorkrsio CromISTS
•LONDON, ENThAsD. 1505.26
For Infants and Children.
Me fare
‘&1,,.44 • wawa
sefal Gifts for Xmas Presents
DRESS GOODS.—Novelties in Dress
Patterns, left to clear, also a full line in
black and colored Dress Goods.
GLOVES.—In black and colored Kids,
Cashmere in black and colored for Ladies'
and -Misses at a large reduction.
HANKERCHIEFS.-In Linen, hemstitch-
ed°Silk, a choice selection and suitable for
Christinas presents.
Balance of Ladies' Jackets to go at whole-
sale price.
Table Linens Napkins, Tray Cloths,
Sideboard Scads &c. l -We can do you
You would not take Fifty 'loners for a Fifty Cent
box of Wright's Liver and albtimaoh Pills if you were
unable to replace them Mter using one treatment ac-
cording to complete directionto cure that terrible
'sick headache, weak stomach, loss of appetite, eon-
etiriation, indigest1on411 bilieue and nervous disor.
del% Trial box sent on receipt of six cents in
stamps to Dixon & Wright, 34 Victoria Street, Ts.
ionto., Regular size 60o., co pl Ate treatment with
directions eou eau proeure at 1. V, Fear'e, Seaforth.
Ilagyard's Pectoral Balsa
asthma, bronchitis, sore thro
the throat, lungs and chest.
Ought to Suit.
"I am going to imply for a place on the
police force, for think I would make a
good Policeman."
"What experience have you bad in that
line? Ever been an officer?"
"Then what makes you think you would
make a good policeman?" -
"I arrested a man's attention once,"—
Pittsburg Ch roil iele-Telegraph.
—Two carloads of Cotswold sheep were
shipped from Guelphto Colorado the other
—A well was struck the other day on the.
Porter farm,' Enniskillen, near Petrolia, that
will pump 50 barrels per day.
—Dr. James MeLean, a widely known
eye ear and throat specialist,of Nova Scotia,
(Heil suddenly at Amherst, aged 48 years.
Full range of Ladies' and Misses Uader-
Balance of Men's Overcoats at half price.
Extra values in Men's and Boys' Drawers
and Shirts.
A large selection of Men's Ties, Braces,
Collars, Cuffs, Fur Caps, Tweeds, Trou-
serings,tocast prices that will clear them.
See our Lace Curtains, Chenille Curtains,
Ohenille Table Covers, at the Golden Lion
Store, -the Bargain Hoase of SeafOrth.
isTo reserve everything will be sold at
Wholesale to clear.
etu4s coughs, colds,
t and all. diseases of
As "Well a
DKAR Stas,—After suffering
tion 1 tried B. B. B. took onl
made me as well as ever I was
B.p.B. to alhdyepeptics.
Your Ohristmas presents from
our new stock of
Carving Sets
Pocket Cutlery
Knives and Forks
Tea -Trays
Sleigh -Bells tete.
S. MULLETT & PO., Seaforth.1
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware Mere ants.
Second. hand stoves taken in exchange fo new ones.
1Notice to Creditors.
Pursuentto the statutes in that behilf, all per-
sons having claims or demands against the Estate of
William H. Aiteheson, late of the Township of Mc-
Killop, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased,
are required to deliver to the undersigned, on or be-
fore the 19th day of December, 1896, their names
and addresses end lull partioulare of their claims,
and notice is hereby given that after the above date
the assets of the said estate will be distributed
among thew entitled thereto, having regard only to
the claims orwhich notice is given. Dated at. Sea -
forth, the 2nd day of Deeembene 18%, R. S. RAYS,
Solicitor for the Executor 'et g Estkte, 15124
om two years' indigo!-
, three bottles, which
I highly recommend
Austin, Manitoba. •
The Best Cough Cure is ET
sane It heals the lungs and
Much heart and nerve weak
due use of tea coffee or tob
vousneFs, irritability, lack o
sure symptoms. ?dilburn's H
brine relief, by steadying the
the heart. They are a true he
gyard's Pectoral Bal.
res Coughs and Colds.
ego is caused by un -
eco ; palpitation, nor.
confidence, etc., are
art and Nerve Pith;
tams and regulating
rt and eerve food.
Sick Headache and 'Const
cured by Burdock Pil)s. Bus
To remove worms of all, ki
adults Dr. Low's Worrit
remedy. •
Indian are' promptly
to take, sure in effect
ds from children or
up is a safe and sure
Constipation Cured.
GENTSi—I was in very poor ealtn for over four
years, the doctor said it w s Constipation. Not
wanting to spend tooenuch ea h. 1 got three bottles
of Burdoe Blood Bitt. re nd took it regular-
ly. I can cc fv that 1 am n • w in -the very bat of
health anchfeel very grateful B. B. .
. Montreal, Que.
Dr, Fowler's Extract of W Id Strawberry cures
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Oram,:, Choiert. Morbus,
Cholera Infantum, and all too enese of the bowels.
Never travel without it. hie 85e.
-ilk • Ow
One Every ight. '
One Laza-Liver Pill taken sch night during 30
days wilt cure Constipation, o t.returnieg Headaches ,
and irregular action of the ho els. Laxa-Liver Piss
leave no unpleasant after-effec . •
0 el- 0
CD ill 0
I-) CD 0
I'd 1-40 ga,
.4 0
CD et 04-10
r4 0
Cr iNa
/0 c-t-
tV 0 0
bja0Q P.."/
1-0 o
P 0 5 5
P4H,,, CD 1 -el:
t -s bog ts
Ci2 p
HaYing-removed '.ntol the store fermerlis.
occupied by Mr. Ji Downey, in the Cady
Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel, I
now purpose carryinig a full and complete
line' of all kinds oft
Harness, .Whips,
And everything handled by the trade. Just
received this week a large consignment of
Which we are now offering at astonishingly
low prices.
----a girN •
Dr. Fowler's Extract of N ltd Strawberry Cures
Diarrhoea Dysentery, C,ohc, ramps, Cholera, Chet
era Infantium. Cholera. Morbu and all sunimer corn-
plaintS and fluxes of the owela in chi/dren or
IT EI.A."12-Et TO
The Canada Business college,
They are everywhere successful, and are being
placed in the best positions in the gift of the busi-
ness public. Milton Bogart just plaeed AS Book-
keeper and Stenographer for the S. Hadley, Lumber
Co. A. H. Ron as towhee of Methernatios and
Counnereial subjects in Troy Buelness College, Trees
New York, at a salary of $1,020 per annum. Items
to go to the best. We have pieced over 50 pupils In
such positions as the one eeoured by Mr. Rost, and
have now an application from another Umlaut
Business College to supply them with a teacher tor
the Shorthand Department. For Oatelogue of either
department, addresie D. MeLACHLAN & .CO.
To Farmers of Oanada,.
Several kinds of wire fences have been plaee,d on .
he market, none of which•havp proven entirely set.
sfactory but in plading before you our
we do so confidently, believing that we have over. -
come all of the objections that have been raised
spinet wire forms in the•psst. It is composed of
any desired number of galvanized steel wire!, Illanint
at a euitable distance aped, upon which are placed
two half-inch hall round steel bars, ono on each side
of the wires, with groove between to fit tightly en
the wires, and bolted With four bolts holdlog theta
firmly together and preventing the wires from slide
ing up or down. It iit also arranged that the actions
of heat and ;told in to4mind1ng and contraeting the
wires are thoroughly ,00ntrolled by tighteners, and
the fence ean be kept taut at all seasons of the year.
All we ask is an examination of Its merits, and we
-re satisfied you win decide UNA no equal. NATIV.
actured by
Dubin 11. 0., Ont.
Any person vlishing to have all wool pods
of any kind dyed a fast and beautiful color,
either ladies' or gentlemen's, should give H.
Niekle a call. Goods called for and deliver-
ed. Wood and farm produce taken in
change fororspkwhoork;
corner Market s,ud Ord
streets, near front Broadfood's factory.
P. S.—Men's'Women's and Children's
stockings knit at Mrs. Nickles. 1506-2m
R. B. SCO Seaforth, Is agent
for the s le of County and Town-
ship rigi tifr 1459
Now is the time to prepare for winter, and.
get your
We have on hand now a full line
of all styles, made from the best
material and by the best wOrkmen.
Call and examine our stocli before
purchasing elsewhere.
Lewis McDanald,
will do all kinds of Turning to ordOron
short notice, and 1 will do it as _cheap As itr
ean be done. I will pay a good price for
No. 1 White Ash. Give me a call and BM/i,
JOHN KLEIN, Seaforth.