HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-12-18, Page 814
than seven prospective candidates for. the
uteresting. In veoll opponent named.—Mr.- Thomas E. Hayes require a surgical operation to draw atten ouncil for
our peop�6 Who attended th athering in tive and intensely i 97 or- the
Witson',s Oash Grocery Fjoeth, on Mr. Neil for their anniversary services, the has announcea himself -W -a candidate for tiou to the. new County 'Council election. two seats on next year's county coun
the Preibyterian church, little, division No. 7, county of Huron.—Mayor
a fortunate choice, -the County Council in this i�livisi_on. The Perlhaps'nekt Monday will create a
Monday �Ovening; enjoyed a treat, as the church people here made M"kenzie contemplates a prolonged t f
extra valnew to To". We have,.now one of. music and lecture were of the beat. The and we are sure that all who heard liim on n tit. --Mr. W. I 1 candidates now in eight are :'JA me 5 Et. Gray, of Hibbert, w
thaliqe4black teas Impoited. nice No per lb. ht will be 'pleased Lean, Tuckeremi 'week. benefib of his' alth -to Southern ali
ILTIV Other t" in the' chairman� was particridlarly , happy in, Sabbath and Monday Ing th D. D. Wils�n and T. visiting friends in this vicinity last e and mill not Christmas
wilt guarantee it as better than memo uu N. Hays, Seaforth, and icluiel Murdie, Hunters in quest � of Russian Sable ire fillin fornia, early in the now, year,
M 9
rairket AIw the finett Youn Hyson and J11rut his rim4rks, egoially on -the ' wot to welcome him to Seaforth on seek ie -election to the mayoralty. Reeve
h or , e he atmosphe . . . . .
cas" rade. h re with an unpleasant odor.
Teastvaryaolose prices for man question. T a day is cortainly pmt occasion. But, by no moans the least pless- McKillop.-�Dere is nab likely te �J M; t
ant change in McKillop council next: Utter :keep t
murantee satisfaction or return the money. r. They had' he back. 'streets in parli udi-
d is when a monopoly �of righteousuesse or Ing feature of the evening wab the 6xcoll r J active caouu* Trade
Out y!a: S [ng, Deputy-Reeye Holmes and C
Blead of high grad a Coffee is second to none, an as, the cillor Golle�, V. $., are prosp
sfaction. Gold medal breakfast Coma ability is! the just prerogative of the male music furnished by the dhutch choir, who, John Morrison, the present reev , will future. �-Satur� Le dates for the civic ch#ir.--m-The local suit of
'day,we have seen for some On
f zwo f9"o ti; price 17c per pound. Our stock I always good, never did better than on Mon- likely be re-elected, if he -will stand,—Last loveliest
01 human. Knechtel vs. Ritchie came up, for hearing
day- night. The anthems by- the- wliole 'week Mr. Hugh Ross, of Winthrop, dver, 49, in the.'shade, with brigh
Dates t sunshine.
Now Raisins urraptA6 Cmdlod Peals, Figs., I .
and)Kuts are al. the very beat quality, and prices before Judge Masson,,at the quarter sea
low as the lowest. 22 pounds of uest Grarplated THE: PouLT-Fy ASSOCIATION;,,—A Well choir were beautifully rendered, while the tined some small Berkshire pigs for male. Vroz�ete�. siotis in Goilerieb last week, and his honor Our assortment is good in the folivw.- THIRTIN4
Sugarfor$l. ftemememberwe will not be undersold quartette by the male members and the solo Mr. Ross wAtes us now that he hu'sold all, in for dam- ing seful 11
byanyone. InDinnerandTea sets -we have same attended meeting of the members of the "could not but be his pigs through this small advertisement..- reserved judgment. The action W6, suitable for Xmaus
at the newest goods out. Call and oee them. It the Huron Poultry and Pet Stock Association by Mr. James Mullen; W&-TTED AT WROXETEP. SAW MILL.— &gas to plaintiff*s stock of clothing, ate., by presents - -WHOLE NU
6jorth,, on admire -d. Miss Ewing, as usual, presided Advertising is as bread cast upon the waters, yint.clase mapie logo, suitable for blabka, any overiflow of water from 4 cistern in de.
9 suit wOl make the p co�. rigut. some extra was held in.% the' town hall, Sei most' pleasing meeting which will return an hundred f4d in a few 16 ngth. Also any quantity 96u4d :oft elm logo. to un K1D GLOVES
All sections of the district at the orgau. This
ains M 6 M an and drossel Mondav last. er's d�ys.—Au- entertainment consisting of be 110 ai�d 14 feet in lengto. ' Tgh st price In Rub feudant�s rooms,. over Knechtel & Son�s
W t d butter, eega, Po closed by a vote of thanks to the speak paid. Get them in early. A. IB%oN,- Wroxetf-r.
a - dry and wilt pay the highest price for- th were ;van represented, and the reports and the choir, moved by Mr. L. L. McFaul dioramio views of places, beautiful scenery, 1514X3 store, in the Macdonald bloek. Considerable KID MITTS Chrittv
ght"all0es.- bliforegge. broughtinbythe directors were most an- interestis taketf by the merbantile community SILK HANDKERCHIEFS
C. WILSON, Seaforth. couragin . g. - -it was . decided to hold -a poultry and seconded by Mr. Robert Lumsden., The etc., in various parts of the world, including NOTES. �Auuiversary 'services will be as to the finding in the case.—The' Grand
only thing which'�n any way detracted from America and Manitoba, will be lZeWn the
IS74 Bank at Commerce ck show in Seaforth, on 'the 26th, 27th and on -held in the Presbyterian church on the Trunk authorities h %,a decided to control
first week of the new year, and not the 2nd, their water s-4pply for locomotives at the LINEN
28th of J% ext, when a most liberal the pleasure of i6 occasion %ras the absence Pr sbyterian church, Seaforth, d
Dr. McDonald, from his ev ning next, 21rt inst., by Rev. W. m -note- I
u 6f the pastor, Rev. Wh —Splendid displa tank house here, and have not awarded a EMBROIDERED
pr mium be offered for competition. : an formerly announced.
,a n ile 4 d d, a to be seen in 0 contract for water to a local firm, as
was alslio decided to try to procure Mr. aceustomed place and the reasons which Bitt,. bf Ce tralia. 0 the. = of,Chriftmas goo p ar report. FANCY,
caused that abadrice,as his cheerful face and especially for'the children f
E.dwa'rd Oalsh Jarvis, poultry manager at the Ontario agri. h'oql, who will be admitted free, -it win be shops here.—Mrsi. M. 'Younk, of Blyth, in -ad in a recent. issue of THE ExposiTOR
words of wit and'Wisdom were missed by, all. in I— FRILLINGS
oultural,fi6rm, at Gue h, to act'as ju4ge. theguestof Mrs. Thomai Gibeon.—Good The gold mine boom is'a dead issue this
Jarvil IP
—DEALEF. IN— e n wever, forgotten, as all thle exceedihgl iteresting and instructive to
Mr. is is considered to be -the best 6 has been formed- on the mill -dam here, localit ' Shares find a very slow sale,with VEILINGS There is, apParentl:
ince. We speakers made the most kindly reference to older peopia, and as the . admission fee in 113 . . L L
Rid s, Sheep Bkins & Furs authority. on poultry iwthe 1 Prov, small' may be expected. A and skatin b the young in freely indulged little lemand. The concensus cf opinion aP- FANCY TOWELS in this ;r0j.1A, and he
Mde expect ihat our poultry exhibitors will him. and we hopeth'at long before the j�axt a large crowd .—Rev. VyMaleolm, of Teaswater, 00- pears to be that the big dailies are reaping a TRAY CLOTHS GOIDERIC El . STRRMT, Ity he will not onlybe fully recov. short, descriptive talk and'a number of In make a splendid showing and that the ex- anniveras cupied the pulpit of he Presbyterian church richer yield for, advertising �han the. share- FA the farmer WAQ owns;
ered, but that he will be stronger and more musical selections will accompany the views. NOY COVERS
hibition *ill.be one of the events of the This,exhibition.' III bl ipoken of by those. last Sabbath. holders ever will. P"!on who is fixe.
-vigorous than ever. is ig. y A CURTAINS roctonies close, m
_and I
vho have een it. -
St. Nomm 10hurch Sabw DR998 GOODS After. 45 years in business life, I am still COUNCIL D hrist. Walton.
oi.-ws.—The' council met.on bath School will hiie their annual C Zurich. J&rmer who owns'
at the grindstone, and hope to get a share Now is the chance of your -life time to Tuesday evening. The finance committee masentertainment in Cardnb's hall, -on the I BEa to again remind the public that my BwEFs.—The annual Union Sibbath CLOTH JACKETS the will live in �cov
at the great clearing sal
buy Jeweir a at DAvis" Wednesday, December 23rdg stock of Christmas goede to mass complete than Schoolconven
1614-1 reported that they bad wnferr!ed with a evening of 6 alarge'stock of Coll , tion was held in the Presby FURJACKRTS plent
uloid Al- _y tooest and. dri
of the trade in Hides, Sheep Skins and Furs,. Jewelry Storej . Seatorth. delegation from the Mechanics' Institute, hen a good time is expected. —Major And- ever. Just receiv d terian church here, on Thursday of last
at the old butter.; store, Goderich street. Dm you see our window with its stock burns. Picture and Toy Books, And Drbsted Dolls. A I most independent
of Christmas gifts, and It you don't see the article and lad gone into the affairs of' the Inati- erson had hi� �vindingpp rabbit hunt on Fri- k. That nessi6ne were well attended and FUR CAPES the
1502, new lob of Baking Powder with prlz�e of Tin Poil, wee ouglily- enjoyed by all. The speakers of OERCOATS there aTe lots Of therl
and see for tute thorofighly and recommend that, the day and Saturday last in the bi d not thOrc
you want there, we. have It inside, come 9 6WOMP In Granite - Kettle, Granite Pam. as sure an their situeaon.�)
Frr & Co., Seaforth. 1514-1 The* inatter wall McKillo D. S. FAUSTp Revds. Allin, ofBrumels ; SUITS
yourself. .8. 3fuu sum of $100 be granted. p, but he W.as not so successful, miss the txhlbitlon before Christmas. 16144 the evening were
Dommion Stdamshin Une. as on former -occasions, and the reason Zurich. Forest, Westman and, Weir, of Walton,
W601)';-WANTED.—Wanted a luantity,of left over. The tinancial statement as�for �GENTS' TIES
mers Vancouver," &' exchange -by the boys is, that, himself a#d his
kbrador Canada,& good hwrdw�ood,.Iong and short, taken n nished- by the clerk wm received b� �be given ft=s.—Mr. F. Hose has a numberof- and Mr. W. R, Kerr, of Brussels. —Rev. J. This wholes
the latter holding the record between'rAverpool And 'fo; furniture. Lr.&TazRDALF & LAxDJ%9OROUGU,. council and the clerk was authori�ed�to companiondidnotkn6W the ground v�ry( nice first class cutters ready for sale.—The P. Westman goes to Elimville to preach an- BRACES. doin which 96p]
Kontr"I. Sedofth. 15134f a TD11. of -the have it printed for 'distribution '&Mon&'! the well and gob lost in the swanip. We do not merchant a are making every. -effort to supply uivereary sermons on the 20th inst., and th UNDERWEAR
Fire Insurance. PREsEwTs.—Useful, Suitable, electors. , A vote"of thanks was tenoo d� .-believe, however, that this statement 'is all the customers andeverybody withChrist* Rev. W. J. Ashton, of Ellimville, taken Mr.- UMBRELLAS,'etc. be about n9. M .
For safety and economy, Insure your home in one. 9ensible. !we have one assortment and special value Mr. A. W. Campbell,z provincial road true.—Monday was thei-last-day for paying mas goods. All are invited to visit our Westman's.work here.—Great interest is
-PboDnix, Norwich in the following : -Hematitched Handkerchiefs, Em- Tud. anifeated. b the young people in the fsra�er, to wh
of the old English. compsnie& broiderect'llandkerchiets- Initial Handkerchiefs, In structor, for his able and iutereeti4 taxes previous to the 'Addition of five per town before Christmas. —Our township m T1
Union, Imperial. ers met last Monday in the council meetings he every Tuesday evening in the 137
Silk, Lineil and -Lawn, dress, and for� his compieheiisive reporb for, cent., and on that,day town clerk Elliott fath tion stone ot i
blm�k and colored Kid Glove@.
W. SOMERVILLEj Agent, Drew Goods, Jackets. Fur CAOQo; Fur Cape. Ladies' the beat methods of imp inj the streets,' was in receipt of a pile of money,. There chamber for the last time thin year, and Methodist.ch'urch here, under the auspices M, McFAUL *ke this, a
Every. rov 9 - x -the Ep orth League of Christian try h
Telegraph and Express Building, Seaforth. Misse*' and Children's Hats and Bonnots.�, and �the clerk was instructs to forward a still remains to be collected, however, about wound tip the business. No t Wqday is of W prosper , ity
thing Wk exceptionally low',prioes diaring the holiday -Com- nomination day forthe county canilidatee. Wac for the
season. The cheap cmh store, W. -W. HOFFXA1q, Sea- 'copy,,of the motion . to Mr. Campbell. A 81,40O.—The Ever Ready Dress Stai -deavor All are welcome.— th Dry Goods
increases the
Con- forth. the whole cow
Your Accommodation and i5it-1 rebate of $1 was, allowed each fireman on pany, Windsor, Ont., have issued for the The nominations will ' be held' in the town furthe; notice of th4 Sunday school enter-
NaGj� pair of ikates, either Hockey, taxes. The fire and water -committee was holidays a very pretty composition for the hall here, and a good. turn out is expected. tainmen�V,� to be hold in the Methoo.-ist " hic
Venience A Or MIMS%, can bi bought at right prices from empowered to instruct the -clerk to pay the piano,"' The Ever -Ready Two -Step," and will —Division court, which was held Isat Wed- church here, on New Year's night. Compalftyll merchant W
Receives respectful Attention when using She C. P.IL Spring I my 1&33 inAing a stamp for p�st- nesday, was noon over, as there were oni� a valud for b!
S. MULLz# & Co., Seaforth. 1614-1 amount due the Electric Light Company for rnail it, to i
$or travelling.or the telegraph- for your messates, V SeafortWa Greatest Cash Dry Goods Store�, h
and when you, way express anythin h kre the practical andleading furniture the fire alarm stem if satisfactory to age.—As Mr. John Coventry was passing fewcases. Judge Doyle presided.- Constance. words, lie
ff. use t e Do-. WF, f by I In - If �m
minion Expteqa. The Dominion Express Money' men, whd will aell Ali kinds oV furniture at prices them, and the clerk was instructed to draw the Royal hotel on Wednesday evening, a H. Warner, who has been here for nearly a in . ower o,
Order system of remitting money is a model of ban*. that. cannot, be quoted elsewhere, for up-to-date 1--iTERESTIN TEMS.—MiS8 I&A Brittdn is ihe me
dinew and safety. For iLformation regarding same, up an agreement with the company, asking young men named Roche, - who was under week. visit' his, parents, returned 'on Crawford, leader of Carmel Presbyterian . 1,
do not�bipg trathy kept., BROADFOOT, BOX & CO. nfis home in Vassar, took harge of thd Epworth League meet- - - �Lll - ceive most att
con'r, t raday Michigan. . rchchoir, rendered the fiolo entitled,.
apply to leato th. 1 hem to guarantee the system for one year. the influence of liquor, came out,,and se�ing Thm Sunday- eve spar was on chu.
-appointing � deputy I, t rnin I Mr. Coventry, kicked at him, striking him The several church Sunday schoolF are mak- 'Ing on uIng. er p 8 afied, (the words,of which Were com- the farmer -
u -stock of Hill Lamps which *we Ily-law No. 10 0 u g
RANALD I XACDONAID, SEE o2 r -officers and polling places for the next mu- a severe blow in the back, Constable Gil. ing great preparations for their 0hristmas The ever present Chkist."-�-The anniial ati course we, as C1
r imported; direct from Germany, before you -buy b u'siness . meeting of the -Sabbath school was posed bDT Mss Graham, of Egmondvillej, 4Df only what -a b
Agent, Seaf6 th. your Ghrietmas gif to, also Library and Stand Lamps. nicipal elections was passed. A number of lespie got after the young fellow and as a entertainments. A grand time is looked , C 0 -h eve
co . urich held on Tuesday evening, at 6.30. —On Tues. �t the se of the sermon on Sabha#. 11. to iell, him, jL
MaLLNiT & Co.. Seaforlih. 15144 - accounts were passed. Council then ad" nsequence- be wa's e for. All are invited to attend.—The Z d evpning last, commeWe , ing at 8 - o'clok, Ing last- Mr. Crawford has a very fine
A GOOD Tv-aE WITH ST.. Nic.—The an- journed. The deputy returning officers ap' Mayor and enriched the town to; the extent male quartette were, last Tuesday at St. smaftASM in;
t ay tiigue hold its monthiy literary meet- %roice,: be thoroughly understands muslar'
nual Christmas entertainment of St. Thomas Church ointed are� Messrs. William Elliott, Ed. of $5. —A meeting of the Wealte6i Ontario Luke's church, on the Goshen line, Stanley' he an . d the solowas rendered in a manner that but " averY 1,
Sunday School, will behold in Cardno's Hall, Wed. illfs.Tbur'pastor, Rev. Mr. Andrews, was Inside, we 418 gash and. Loftus Stark, -and the polling Veterinary Medical Associaticin?i- will be Their singing was much appreciated., esent, andAelivered. a nice address, fol. did much credit to him.—Airs. Shf,.Oer, w1o. nesday evening, Decewber 23rd. 1896, beginning at aces are it the town hall, 0. C. Willson's held in Siratford, on . Dbeember 29th. Miss Jennie Me- was hereon 0 visit, has returned to -Mar- Ing money
7.45 P. m. A varied programme of Christmas Carole, Pi lowed by a reading by -for y6urseff
DISTRICT MATTERS. Choruses, Dialogues and Tableaux, under colored store and E d. Cash�s otce.- Among those who Will L read papers at the Gregor, a'readingLby Mr. Lue Farnham, an lette, MichigaLn.—Mr.- Thpmas Ballanfyoe�
Admissloh low, see Brucefield. -n all
lights iivil�l be happily rendered. meeting is Dr. Gibb, V. S., 6f tfiis town, - I ade a fine shipment o.f cattle to 3/lontrell - A -W061 'fit Of I
B. R. HioGiNs, general fire and life insur- instrumental selection by Mis Hattie Todd, M de to.order Sca
le- this week.—Mrs. F. C. McDonald -is vbith�
It 'is desirous that there be a full comp Nellie A
WAT'('z;H Glasses a' _g: have the
Ac6iTzED. —Elijah. E. Kidd, the Tor- programmes. DRucHT HopsE BREEDEPs.—The tenth &nee agent, notary blic, conveyancer, commiseifter of Clinton ; a recitation by Miss
onto man who was chirged. in Goderich for 10c each t DAV& 'surgeons from this pa r1u, at her former home in Exeter. --Messrs.Cook
annual Meeting 6f the Dominion Dra-ught ment of veterinary r�. for. taking affidavi &c.. PrivAte funds on first
Jewelry.$fbre,* Sbaforth. 151 linton —Mrs. McPherson of Kincardine, is the mortgage on good Nrm property, at 6 per cent. Medd, a reading by Mrs. Campbell, and an lei, gave- left of this 1I
breach of -contract and false pretenses, aris- Horse Breeders' Society was held at C Medd.— Bros., of the Hensall flouting mil
Atf home every moriiinir and Wednooday of each address by the president, Mr. The Our own make of 11!
SPECiAL A-.,,-.,-ou —For Saturday
Ing over a sale of county rights. to a patent on Wednesda .'of, last week, ivith'a good guest.of blr�.' George E. Henderson.—The your correspondent ;Ln exhibition of the r
vening ext. OurChrietwas display 'Will surpass y week., 1464 Good Templars held a very nice meeting on are equal toz
potato peeler, was discharged on both aDythi before shown in Scaforth, in Fumiture and attendance of �fnembers. In the absence of Hal. Harrilgton Comedy Company played A Bia TREt.—Mr.. Jobn of. Wednesday evening,'- with a good pro- working of their fine steam fire pump, on incharges. Kiddproduceda receipt for the ebilt" s specialties, And our large show rooms will the president, John McMillan,. M. P., D. in'Cardno's hall last night and will continue Wednesday last, and it certainly does'is -Avery -goo
the London road, Stanley, this fall out gramme., We were pleased to. have Sister
be OP o every body wbo.will be made welcopDe to Moln�osh, V. 8., vice-president, presided. to-night.and Saturday night. -ream Bale of 500 peelers in court, and on this . at down an elm tree on his 1jarm from which Hattie Dodds, of Clinton lodge, with us to work to perfection, throwing a large st
evidenco the cass. fell through. The plain- invec ur well made -and handsome furniture, The - annual of water not only over the four storev -mills,
0� I .1�epert showed - considerable -made29 cords.of 22 inch Wood.- It was assiat us in our meeting. Mr. Stubbs, -our Storm -lung, N
prices t�at cannot fail to be appreciated. BROADFOOT he dozen -sold hi
tiff, claimed that Kidd had sold him the Box & CO., Seaforth. 1614-1 work done during the past year, notwith- 18AD AND SUDDEN DEATIL-11 UC4 sur�rise five feet across at the butt and perfectly temperan'ce lecurer, delivered a fine address but -over the smoke stack, wbich . is- about
J () ur all wool Frieze
county rights, and that notwithstanding S-A.LE.—Every article in* our standing �he dullnesffwhich still marks the and regret was felt here on Sunday last, sound. Thursday evening. 30 feet higher than the mills. By extefid-
this he disposed of the right for the same j re- horseregistering-buainss, and the finances ing the hose there is sufficient Yower to
ewelry $tore must be sold by January on learning of the death of Mr. John C. NOTES. -Mr. Hugh and Miss Minnie Mc- : ait.06.50 and county to several other men, but Kidd gardlesiM cost, now is your -chance. Ali rep -air continue to show a most substatial balance reach all surrounding buildings.—The
H-Unett. Everybody is tiakin I
Hoffman, of Stratford, and formerly of this Naughton, qf Teeswater, who have been at- Methodist church choir 8 place, at -
showed that he merely sold the goods. work d: ne at half price. until January 15th, at in the bink about $1 ')00, notwithstanding town. It seems that Mr. Hoffman, who had tending-tbe Model mohool,at Clinton, d A CowtEoTioN.' Mr.John Britton -wishes of thi is to Sive got
DAvis' Jewelry Store, Seaforth. 1514-1
the extra exp 'Tred in printing the tended the tea -meeting held at Varna, on..
enses inen me tim uring senififils—sud
the NoTjONc, more sensible'for Christmas been -suffering considerably for so a thepastterm, are spending part of their us to state that' the statement in a report of
�WELL Do.N�E.Mr.- Harry Smith, third �volume of the stud book. The total . ..t. Wednesday evening last, rendering a num-
from asthma and sciatica, went to Little b- Ties, 100116M
,well-known stock� breeder of the townsbip pr sent4 than Slippers. Ovefshoes, Felt Shoes, Over- Rock, Ark vacation, before returning, home, vial Ing"at the Lor(deaboro meeting which appeared er ere wall re- Glloveo; 0te.3 i
F t gafters, Orin fact shoals of any description, and thi numberof animals registered to date is aneas, about aj month ago, with Mr.- Geoige Bairds, in Stanley.—Dir. under this b adin,,y last week is incorrect, as of fine selectiobs which w
of HECy, was nearly as successful at the 124 stallions and 1,334 mares. The old ceived.—Mss Emily Berry, of Leadbury, is
a. che ip �Aeh shoe store Carmlobael's Block, is the I the hope that the change' would , benefit his u fMr
Thomas Gilmour, of Wingham, who has he has not,as
Stock- show at Guelph, as he'was at the best place to get them, 4 doors south of Weirs officers who have conducted the bus' as re Snell that he will
iness the gne�t of Mrs. R. Hunt,—M�r. P� Trig- gifts.
variwas fall -shows tis past season with his Hotel, W. H. WILLM, Seaforth. o satisfactorily for so long, were unanim- health, and with the intention of remaining been out holidaying in Manitoba for several not oppose him as a candidate for the gero is this week mo, to his new
ving in
splendid herd of Shorthorriz, -At Guelph, Do you want a Bicycle, if so DAV oly re-elected, viz : John McMillan, presi- there, where he his a brother - and brother. weeks, is spendi ' a few days with his County Council. Mr. Britton - has not yet dwelling, on Mill street.—The Sacrament of
place to go. - New and sac-ond hand wheels at low brother Job other friendat in this decided what course he will pursue, but
in the thoro'bred Durham class, - be carried dent ; D. McIntosh, vice-president ; P. in-law residing, if the climate agreed with U, n d's supper will be dispensed in Car -
prices, at t DAY& Jewelry Store, Sesiforth, 15L4-1 him.,' He found, however, .,that he was nab- k
-off the fQllo ms . let for two- McGregor, treasurer:; James Mitchell, .. vicinity, before ret ing home.—Mr. Alex. will make his intentions nown at the nom- Mel Presbyterian church on Sabbath mom;.
wing prennu improvinf and determined to return home. urn 0a ' inatioh- WE HAVE OV
Aliss --Ethel Sheppard, of Toronto, the ander Campbell, of Kin rdine, who former -
year -old steer ; Iat for one -year-old steer secretary, and the retiring members of ing next. A preparatory sermom will be
any poloist in. Warrington -a - famous choir, also Eddie L cohnoil as follows : John MoDiarmid, Luck- He lettALittle ock on M6nd&.y, the 7th ly resided near here, is renewing old ac. Piggott the Irish Comedian have been engaged for in:st stopping at several places on the wx preached this (Frid Rev�
sweqpstakia� or best Shorthorn steer of afternoon,. bi
age, and 2iajor two-year-old heifer. This Now Yeaes now ; James Henderson, Wellburn; Thomas Y� q��i�tances and visitin relatives in this Londesboro. Joseph Elliott, of Nirn. -The � A -el being,
the Beaver Laoroon Club Concert on and reached Sarnia cu Saturds
goo record for one man. We evenin , seats on sale at Fear's drug store. - 1514-L illaget
is a prett' d Green, Dublin; C. E.' Mason, Brucefield y about noon. vicinity.—Miss Eliza Wlaidron has returned LOCALS.�Mr. Wm, Martin is very ill.— passed incorporating Henull as a V
While waiting for his train at Sarnia,, the home from Toronto, where she has been. Mrs. Caldwell is no better; she is - bedfa9t.
ave not Teai_6d whether or not Mr. Smith E ae eight kitchen Clocks left, clear- John Avery, Clinton ; John Watt, Harlock; our residents are now canting their eyes
aggageman on the train running between. staying for some time with her brother, who OEM if
made any satps.' in P 500,$Iand $1.50,atDAvis' jewelryStore, John Ketchen, Brucefield, tak the place. ' Mr. John Bell has sold his hotel', to - Mr. about for capable,men whom we will have
1614-1 ing Stratford and that place, who was well practises law in that city. —An - entertain., Lue Hill.' For a, great many years Mr I ncillo
of J. H. McRoberts, removed from the reeve, deptity-reeve and co rs
;, —The
New Year's evening, January let, alwayegood. and looking Presbyterian church on Christmas eve in
acquainted with him, met him and spoke to ment and Christmas tree will be held in thef Bell has been proprietor of the h6te many friends of the v T, Waddell
-of BEAv country.,, James Henderson and Alexander 1, and
OrFraERS�.l.HriEcTED.—At a imeeting' Ep. Lacrosse7 Club Annual Concert oe him. He noticed that he was'not
Loyal Orano Lodge, No. 1450, of this town, has always kaut a first class house always 0
Innap were elected representative delegates Methodist minister f thin! village, will',
this year better than ever, seate on sale at Fear's well, and'asked him if he was ill. Mr. . 9
eqnnection with. the Sabbath school.
held on the Uh inst., the following officers to the Western Fair board. o6liging.* A - eat many are sorry that he thize with him in the death of hi&-
Wereolected W. M., Captain E. Dawson ; drug store. Hoffman.replied that he did "not feel well Everybody welcome. Admissiqn free.—The if, lea,ving. Aer was a good neighbor and =son, ivhich mad death decurted az� On the $id
D. Al., ., Hanley ; chapla I in, - Ai outstanding accounts in my favor and was very tired The ba agemaii took anniversary services ip connection with very obligingj but Mr. Hill is we known in Saturday laist. The little one had been ail- W I rong
George m All ;LOCAL BRiEFs.—Last week westated that him into the passei, Ig Stru'l
ust be settled on or before January 16th, IM I er car anTmade him Union church will be held- on Sunday and this tie tion of th6 countr
Boyd. ;reb9rding secretary, H. T. Swit7er ; Accounts unsettled by this date, will 'have to be sued. the Conoy Council nominations for the d is very much ing for a number of months, but of 1
ITI an I ate waw -
financial seer'etary', 'J. Noble ; treasurer, FRYD DAvw, Senforth. 1614-1 Wawanosh, Blyth and WinghiLm division is comfortable as possit'le, and he' seemed to Monday next. Rev. J. G. Shearer, B. A., respected. Mr. Hill w, I take possession in thought to. be recovering nicely. The -re.
rally. 'While near Forest stition, and of Hamilton, will preach both morning and- SEAFORTI
Wm. Smith ; director of ceremonies,, R. A FAcT.—There is no doubt about it the to be held a-, Wingbain. This, we are in� he a short time. Maine- were interted in the Exeter cemetery
Smith ; lecturer, J. Pinkue�y committee,. J.. alceit'stock of Crookety and Glassware and fancy formed by Mr. P. Porterfield, tbib nomina- while the conductor was talking to him, evening on Sunday, and on Monday evening on Mond," afternoon last.—Oar Sabbath,
suddenly fell over od. the seat and b a missionary festival will'be held when- ad- schools intend holding their ChristmasmUr-
Brintnell,'J. Sanders, J. Brunner, J. Me- China for the least money, is to be found at A ecame
Young..'o. Eta Dinner Sets and Toilet Sets are en:- ting officer, is incorrect. The- nomination for - Clinton.
unconscious. At- Forest station medical aid dresses. will be delivered by Mr. Shearer 'an on
Donald, T. Reaves. The lodge is in a tirely new ia style, and prices are away down. A. this division will be held at the school house was procured, but nothing could be 'done to and neighboring - lergymen. Excellent music A GOOD TEAM. - Messrs. John and George -t&inMentFJ_ 36 the Presbyten hrist- -
flourishiog' condition and during the past Youso, Seaforth.. in section No. 8, lot 36, concession 9, town- 'lly him.' On arriving at Stratford he w Hill, of near Rainmerhill, township of Hul. Christmas eve, and the Methodist on c
year has increased very materially in mem- Two hundred empty''boxes, 5c and 10c ship of East Wawanosh.—Mr. James Me- ra 5ke will be provided by the choir.
immediately conveyed to his home, but he lett,, had a very fine team, ik horse and a m" night-
bersh,ip., Meetings are held the first Friday each, tit DAvis'JevVelry Store, Seafonh. 161,44 Giiinis; merchant of this - town, who has #_
neyer regained consciousness and died in mare, weighed on the Clinton abates the
in each moat art are al- :5GLISH Rolly1or Christmas decorations been laid up for some time, is now recover- WA
4 and visiting brethr E about two hours. The cause of death, was Bayfleld. othf r day. 'The hotse brought down the
ways welcome. cheap, at 0. W. PArwr's i6ftstore, Seaforth. 1614-1 ing.—Mr. A. Ingram, manager of the elec- 600 poubds, and the mare at ENTERTAINMENT.—A Christ tree ed. -
the bursting of ahlood vessel in the brain, F. A. EDw,%F.Ds has soind extra values in beam at 1, In"
THE large Water Tank, to contain 1000 trio light works in this, town, returned from and from the first there was no hopq. F 1,660 pounds. tertAh . iment will be held in Dufrs church,.
,,van Tweeds, several lines much below regular prices to We 'are open o-,
--iLy W-ED.—The following which we 90lips of water, for Palo at DAvis' Jewqlry Store, St. Marys on Thursday last, where he,� had ad he been at home nothing could h e1514-1 Ax OLD REsibi3NT DBPAnTs.--�On Satur- on the evening of'Wednesday the 23rd lust.
U-4 ri b kve�been
No- beaforth. 1514-1 been erecting an electrical plant for the do' (3, readings,
clip from a Biloxi, Missouri, paper of j � . lighting of that town, and ue to aid him. As it was, he received the Miss M, J. MAnTiN, eneral- store, Bay- day last Mr. Wm. Plumateel, a -highli es- An excelentprogramme of Muni
e of-, TAEIkE is a vcxy big 'diff4rence in e got everything to I Dr6ssed JOL9
Tember 16th, will be of interest to som th I e8ide14 of this town,,and father
r e� jag greatest, attention from the conductor I and field, 13ible Soclev afid Tract Depository. A supply teemed r of -re6itatiqns, etc., in heing prepared, after -
pride. of furniture herd to -day tban' th9r a one Ni�ork in good shape and to the entire satis- of Bibles and reliKious literature always on hand.
our readera ia this !vicinity. The young other train employees land their kindness- m1ge H. j.,MARTj, Mr. Henr
month ago. �Who has the pul*lio to thank or this q. I . 1512-4 _y Plunisteel, passed to his long which, it is expected, Santa Claus will faction of the couacil.—'Ihe many friends of was Most c, hom eased was born nbar Brock- on hand to distribute a load of presents. Poulitu
lady is a daughter of --' Mr. Colin Gor(fon, (�f but LzATuzm)ALH & LANDSBOROUG11. If I u give us Mrs. F. Gutteridge will be pleased to learn ommendab4 His-aad and Isud- BREEzy NOTES. Miss Susie Burgess, of a. !fte dec 'dially vi d to attend,
Laird, Alga mca, and formerly of McKillop. a share of your trade we are.gging to stly4w4th you, den de h was a ter'rible shock to his family, ville, nearly 80 years igo. 1111843 he Mar- All Are cor in te
Point Edward, - Was visiting her parents tied. Miss Wiltae, a sister -of Mr. Wiltse, sr., —Reliable lodge -pail before dispos
and y6u. can always dped on getting the very beat that she is now nearly recovered.—Mrs. for alt at I A PLEA.sANT EvimixG.
It is as follows J. B. Roberts, captain of goods at the very lowest prices. We will not b hough they'were expecting him home uce, and 0M I
the steamer New York, running from here e Thomas Patton, who has heed'seriousl ill, I auspe! I here last week.- Mrs. Greeii and family, of Pit
undersold by any oue.� LzAr11FRDALX & LANDS- nol person ever cted that there, was otTuckeramith*. In 1873 the family re- Patrons of Industry, `UeKill p, ha
now some better.—WO are sorry that Goderich towns,hio,, have taken up their
to Ship oland, was married in New Orleans anything more wrong with him than i mrved to Tuckersmith, and took uD- farfii-.. pleasant timeon Tuesday even 15va
a They i,iist., at their place of meeting, in J. S.
a�i AT
0day, to Miss Minnie G4rdon., sister -in- � A M.Epmy Christmas and a happy New b -ary -indisposition, and the first info ma. house on Main street. lately vacated by then moved'in ton, where Mr. Henry Brown�o - house, concession 5. For that
BOROUGH, Seaforth. Se* forth is about to lose 'one of its best. pot residence in Bayfield and now occupy the ing, where they rCeTained three ye
to tin
Year to all, and to help to make them such we� hsvra- tion his family received of,his real condition Mrs. IN. Wilson Mrs Green is an exper- plumsteel south main Stim
]a* of Sergeant, Smythe. Capt.. Roberts and ness men. Mr. 'Fred Davis, who ha
lifs bride -will arrive at their. pretty home, lbt8 of Candies. Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Oranges, &c., been conducting a jewelry , business in was from a telegram forwarde has since been engaged - in busi- evening everything of a business nature was -
d by the �con- ienced carpet ZJer;a.nd is prepare to do
on the beach, to -morrow evening, where which we will sell aa cheap as any house in the Counter's old stand for some time, having ductor,.and which was re-,eived only a few d ness. Deceased was -a most wor laid aside, aul a. rogramme of a morazecial-
many friends will welcorrie e ro n Mitchell, in- consistent 'character was in ulged in. Wlien all bad
trade, it you want anythirg in Vie Crack F -y line fof purchased a g ' eery stock i sucWwork in a satisfactory manner.-- Mr. Christian man - a Metho
present, see our goods � atid values. ' As we are M nntes before, the arrival of the trai
'a Ist St � at and Mrs. Johnl Watson, who have resided His aged their horses ut away in Mr. Brown�v very
of the wedding.all ships I ing in the harbor giving up this line of the business, it you want theo tends removing to that town about the fi atford, and-even� then, they had no idea religion, and a Liberal in -politics.
newes of the new year. on Louisa street for some time past, have Ifu
-had flags rMaed Saturday." partner in life, together with -one son and commodious tank barni and had themselves -
k patteins and shape% in Dinner and Toilet —Rev. Dr. McDonald, al.. th t things were really as bad as they i�ere.
-our stock. ROBB BROS., Seaforth. 1514 1 moved into Mrs. Cleave'8 bouse, next to one daughter, are left to mourn his demise. th hl w ' ed in his cosy and comfort -
Betts, see� though not able to be around, is recovering
M Hoffman was about forty-nine years of oroug y arm
U_NDMLTAKIN(� a speciality, prices cheaper slowly. —It will be noticed hat Al r. Alex- Trinity church,,. to UVe with Mr. J. Watsonv ad
a - able sitting room, they were invit ; to sit Township
'wrth. ander Wilson has announced himself a cact.
Aec1.DE-,,T. —We are sorry to learn that -than everli was known in the town of Sey, nd a vigorous,- active man who, human- who re.-eDtly moved here from Brucefield.—
Mr. James Nevills, of the Seaforth marble LyATlix I �s ea ing, had every prospect of a lou down to an oyster supper, which, for qual
uou, eaforth. 1614.1 Notice 16 berebY
-works, inet with an accident last week, by didate for the deputy-reeveship. Mr. Wil- a leaves a widovV, one dau*hter, aul The Salvation Army officers, the Misses 'MR. James Sutherlan'd of the Post Office i,�y. and quantity, was all that could be tie. for the nomination
son will make a capitalAeputy-reeve, as he Brannigan, have moved to the house lately ok � Reeve, Deputy-Reev,
sire s, each de-
lif!e.-son, to whom the sudden taking away Book Store, Is I his week fih�wing and openillf up the
-which he hm been confined to the houav AsxivEltsiRy SERVwBs.—Ths anni on, occupied by Mr. Watson.—Messrs. Robert t d..' As there wo co
ver- always does *ell - whatever, he under'. of fancy oods for b goes without. saying: of TuAer#m10)
!since. It seems that -while carrying in eome of I the ever faithful and thoughtful husband largest stock oliday Am Christ; �ermin_ed to excel, it
sary services in connection with the First takes.—Mr. J.' W. Livingstone hike Erwin and JaMes Marks, who have - spent Mae prefients ever offered to the public wnd at that the culinary department was &.11 right. be told in NYLE1
urned from his tudies at To- afAicti - rrived Suppet over, Mr. Brown, the presidefit, took
wood into hie shop, he A truck his *k4ee' cap Presbyterian church, Seaforth, were held reC a so kind and indulgent parent will be an �the summer sailing on the lakes, a prices to anit Me ti to. �NNUS 3UT11KRL&ND, Hen�
8 on the severity- of which, while it!
against a large tone, which was near he and Mon As routo, meffical college- Toronto, for the ay home last Saturday.—Mr. George Stanbury, 15141 the chair, and gave a short but' neat ac-
t on Sunday day everung. call forth the deepest sympathy ol all,1 can mouday, De
door. It pained him for a short while, and previously announced, Rev. �ohn Neil, B. Christmas�vacation. —Mr. James. McMichael, of the law firm of McLennan & Robertson, CHRISTIAN ,EbTDEA 16A7 The businees
then he thought no more of it. o�'ly be duly appreciated gy very few. �Mr. count his trip to Ireland the past sum -
In a couple Amd in ew more'
A., pastor of Westminster church, �Toronto. wko fell and bioke,a couple of ribs a short Toronto, is home for Christma� holidays.— meeting of the Young! People's society of mer. ge described the acefiery about the -
of days, however., it started to pain him Hbffman was for many years i6 resident of candidates -ore
preached both morning and eve'ning, 'to time ago, is now able to go around again as Mond&y, December 28th, is the date- of Christian Endeavor, on Monday eveining, lake�of Killarne 'much the same as RV4 will be opened -0,0,
e congregations; in the evenin the usual. --We have received this,week a hand. ad by a large numbet bf mem- Mr.
ain, and so quickly did the pain increase- larg Sgaforth, h&ViDg been engaged in the dry, Trinity church Sabbath school entertain- was attend Neil, who lecturedin Seafoth Monday'
that it- was with great difficulty he m 9 goods business here in company with his. ment. A more than usually attractive pro- bers.. The principal business befdre the Konftyl
anaged church being crowded. Mr. Neil was some and useful calendar, -for the coming
to: reach home. Medical'aid 4as Cal brother, Mr. W. W. Hoffman, 'who istill. night,but says when the Irish girl offered the�
led in, l6tened to with much interest and -profit. year, from the St. Paul Lima and Cement gramme is being prep�red, eome of the meeting was the election of officers for the an he took the -
and we are pleased to kno* he is progress- ntinue' the business which was started goat's milk and 11 pote
He has a good presence, a pleasing voice Co. of St. Paul, Minnuesota. Mr. W. D. main features being a May pole dance, by 8 ensuing six. months. 1 The. following are a For diviniolm lqo wh - �t a elected : President, Mrs. William a discu I anion
ing as well as cain be expected. He will be and an easy, fluent delive ile his mat- Stewart, son of Mr. Alex. Stewart, of this in�.__,Seaforth's early days,- little onesc ; color drill, representing a rain hoe "Poteen, nditwasthepurestuffi Next
a unflowers ; comic McCloy; vice-presid t Dr. rguson ; ti D
fortunate if he escapes having a stiff knee, ter is of the cho c -st. years ago, but, for the set eight years he bow ; choruses by living P came on the act for the elec Geocb, In - the
i There is nothing town, is a member, of. this firm and we be- n �of :the new cour ty council, qwty.Murn
as accidents of this nature generally result sensational about his preaching, bti his ser- lieve that he has fully sustained Seaforth's r6ided in Stratiord. We was a good busi- illustration of the way Santa Claus comee;in- secretiary, Miss,'.Et 0 which wa; For divisiou No. 2,
rather severelv, -As 'it iz, his knee is very m t noes man and his genial manner and kindly hel Murdock treasurer, taken -part in by quite a number of those foovs) James
ons are eipinently practical, plain and in- eeputation-in the west, and now, owing to s1rumental selections,by the Smith Brothers, Mr., W. Colwell; corresponding secretary,
mach swollen. drposition made him popular with all who present. The opinion seemed to be that
structive,. while they. are delivered in the his businessenterprise and ability, has a k on violin and Jlute ; recitations, dialogues - Mr.,,William Elder. The conveners of the F.6r division No. 3
ew of Germai� parentage had the office of deputy reeve been done
him. He was
singing, etc. The town hall should be t committees a
choicest language and with �a graceand 6"e prosperoug businees.-1896 is [nearly gone a differen �e as follows* : -Look- JALM_
NorES.—We are pleased which makes it a pleasure to listen to' them, and the gloW of 1897 is a a'd could speak that langual; f1hently,"but -7Miss M —Mrs. away with, it would be more satisfactory. For Aivision 0.
IM04 visible, on 9f crowded, as it doubtless will.be, on the 28th ub, Hunter ; devotional, Retulid
His inst.—The annuql X-mas tree and ante
friend, Mr. McGee is and one feels sorry when he is through. the horizon.—A yo�ng son'�of' Mr. George a appreciated, and betoveen 11 and 12 o'clo&- JU care 9 Poll , Is
to leara that our old born in the County aterloo. r i Buchanan A.' Hoggarth ; Then came several songs, which were welyl pepu�y
udden and untimely death will be lea�ned
aily in receipt of letters from far and near, The special collection was unusually-- large Fitzgerald met with a painful accident on ment under the auspices- of St. An re 'a sick and visiting,—Mrs. Moore and Miss
with the deepeat regret by a large cir I f auldang syne was sang, and a verY Division 24o. 6,
making enquirie§sbout'hia celebrated Acto, this, year. It having been decided iiot to Saturday* last. He, with some othbr child- c" 0 Sabbath school, is to be held: in - the town Gilgan ; welcome,—M.�. J. Miner and Mr. ISM* such
nin as ran, 14 Ing hall, on Wednesday evefiing,Deicembef3fth. 0. Johnston. With' -the above officers at the lowe
Washer. We hope it will, be worth m b siness -and personal friends. The rem pleasant evening was brought to a close -
Oro, hold a tea meeting on Monday eve i g yvas playing with a wheelbarrow. w r taken here on Tuesday for inter ant All were of one opinion, that Mr. BroW_ and be conda-fed
expect A. G. SKI
than a Rossland gold claim to him.—Friday used to be the custom, but simply a mq;sic- They had a string attached -to the wheel, a The young folks of St. Andrew's Sabbath the head of our s6cIety We May
Mhe Harpurhey cemetery,. where th de- and sons deserve credt for the way both
last was examination day in OUL
r ublic 'al and literafy entertkinment, the ladies of and in some manner young Fitzgerald got school enjoy the reputation of f urnishing ex- prokress in the good work.
scliool. In the forenoon not rn'uch wa' ceased had two' children buried. The I un. nd horse were attended to.
s done', the congregation; were asked to compute the first finger on the right hand caught in I services were conducted. by the Rev. cellent entertainments and this L promiisos to- A SuccEss.—The thank offering bf the 9
hat early in the aftetnoon teachers and vis- the cost of thet Provisions they would fur- the string and before the wheel was st ed he no exception. Vocal- and instfumental Women's Fore n 1114s8ionary 'Society of
T'r. Leech, of Stratford, pastor of the Turnberry.
itors, flocked to the geene in vast numbers. nish had a te4,meeting been held, and to th t of the finger ha - been severed.— seleotions,,dislogues recitations, readings, a Carmel church, ifeld on Wed; eaday evening Wi-nter Tern
0 urch which deceaed attended, and no
I a sp an of ng success. The NoTEs.—Awther pioneer has passe
ee� Monday is nomination day for County - K' was a gratif�i :n d over -
For a time the- examination of classes was? put half the - amount in the col. N xt a companied the mourning friends fTrvo cantata and other atures, formin I - last Week, 4
proceeded with. Soon, however, this be- lection plato- bn Sunday. To this re- Councillors and a week f m'Allonday, In did programme, will be given. &n't for. meeting Was addressed by the Rev. J. H. to the ailont majority, in the person of mun'- t at place.
came almot impossible, as the pupils quest, the 61lection showed, that the cipal nomination day. The battle still get'the tw4 dates, December 28th.and 30th, MoVicar, B. A., of Fergus. -For over an Alexander INIcHwen, of the 2nd �cooefiftiou-
were unable to find room to work ladies had respdnded nob B U
ly. The anniver-' rages in town and the v ter that isn't can- and enjoy the- annual X-mas entertain- hour,, in a thoughtful, I earnest and interest- His remains were interred in the evow,
on d Wbich on- sary meeting w held iu the churl6h on vassed, and canvassed assiduously, will,.this ments address on missionary lif in Honan, cemetery, on Thursday of la4t week.—John
f the arge of Boissevain, Mauitob&#
tinned to P_0ur in till even standin room Monday eveni g. - In the absence of the: year - certiainly be a monstrocity.—Mi NOTM.—Mr. Thomas Leamington 0 �hgina, 'the speaker � delighted the Roli�rtson
could not � be fQund. About 3 o'clockMr. pastor, who is a in confined to his residence, Wellie Tracka;ll, Of Shakespeare, was visita 112th concession, of McKillop, has a contract tll�l audience resent. The interesting facts visiting in thin vicinity. He was th(
4on was called to the chair and the ch d;b( Mr. M. Y. Mo- ink friends in town this week.—Miss Jessie for getting out five or six thousand ce LOCAL BR*rFlFs.—Shootink cointesta for -stated an . I related, together of Johatack, of the, B line, NIonda.7-`
George Jack,, experiences
a splendid programme, consieting of speeches, Lean, chairms;hof the anaging committee. Bethune, who has been the popular �eacher posts for Mr. Kelly, who i asw C hristmas geese and
4ar Cansdalsvopular
a running a turkeys are all the with the missionary enthusiasm which char- Mrs. Mills, Of the 4th , concession, in the DomIrtio.n.-
readings, recitt4tions, dialogues and music, Theke was a nice audience pret4ent, although of the 3rd department in Ayr public school mill on the Leadbury line.. The posts Will rage in this vicinity.—Mr. J.'Wlton, late acterized the address,' made it a model. Ethel 4aiting upon her sistef, Un. SilftO- with go.odL busibels'
was ably carried out. In fact, the day's the number might have. been greatori: and for some time past, has handed in her resig- be a great bonveniance to those wishing'i to manager, of the Brampton steam laundry, The. choir added much to the pleasure of the son, who is very ill, caused by, the buod* every depwlMne
in -attendance mcm
proceedings. showed conclusively the'-indus- those Who obuld have attefided and nation, to take- effect at the close of this erect fences the coming season. ---Mr. Wm. has assumed'eharge of the mechanical- de. evening by a few well, rendered missionary of a blood vessel.—Hubbard Millar,. of the-
tr and ability of our esteemed teachers, were the losers, ha the affair, from first to Year. —,Nifr. - Wm. T'. Buggin, brother of Mrs. Dr at, who has been residing in Buffalo partment of the Huron steam 'laundry, Vic- selections. The collection amounted to let conceesion, will go to Hrristou to at- women
Baker and MisseLarty, as it wa� un- asi, was.one of the most enjoyable held for aames Beattie, of this town, and who pub- forlree or four years, is visiting his par- toris street.—On Tuesday evening,*; while $75. tend the -bigh school after the 0hristmR* ful lith
oubtedly the 'Most successful examination a Ion 0 1 cipal
g time. Short addressei were deliver- lished a paper in Plattsille until recentl , �nts and other relatives in this section:at Ernest, son of Mr. Hiram f his
y Lemmeaux;, waa Nom.—Mr-.,- -Michael Troyer, of Elia, holidays.—John Black has disvosed
�oever held in this section, both as regards ed by Rev. Mr. Bond, pastor of � the Meth- has issued the first copy, of the Raden oresent. His many friends here were practising hockeV, he slipped and fell to the York county, in visiting his sister, Mrs. hogs to' S. Birchan, for shipment. The�
the order and general proficiency of the odist, church, and by Rev. Mr. i Standard," a bright, -newsy. sheet, with an und haw, of pleased to lmeet him again.—Miss Rosa ground, sustaining a fracture of the two David Clark�-. Miss Annie Bell, daughter price paid was 31 �_cents per Vo
pupils, as well - z as the preparations ma' a a Grigg, Grigg, of middle fingers of his right haud.—Mr. W. of Mr P is South. H
-ertaintnent of the visitora,—A The eve nt of the 'evening' ; how-� thrivinovillaie with a good farming com- Morris, was visiting the Mines Smith for, a J. Chapman, the enterprising owner of the withier sister, near Drucefield. —Quite a conduct, the Sabbath school 61111iver6my
for the ant de EgmondviRe, and Rev. Mr. Musgrave, of _independent pplitical platform. Baden i daughter of Mr. George . D. &11, il spending a week or so weight.�Tra_ay. Mr. Norton, of grussels,vilk
d irymaid "social will be held in the ever, was the address of Rev. Mr. 14eil, who munity 4n the vicinity, and, Mr. Buggin -is aw days: last week.—Those who speak Wingham glove works, haa been the reci number of our villagers, fitcluding the services -in the Methodist cl the Annual
al BluevAl8, ipi-
basement of our church this (Friday) even. gave a description of his travels in Ireland, just the man to boom every depa an& Huron turia
rt ainst the' dismissal Of d men from ant of late of several good sized orders from church choir, attended the tea meeting held -next Sund Messrs. cook Sand
ing�, � Why to de�ignated, it, Is difficul� to Rolland and 'Scotland, 1 and. sometlihig of it, —Miss M 0 a I ;be field for* Hotel In lhe�-Vlllage
U urray, daughter of Mr- William I office on account: 01 0 coun ry the candidates in I aay,tb it we believe. refreshments will he what he saw and the impressions formed. Murray, of Port F1 F their politics, are classed Id t firms.—Rev. Mr. Moore, evin. at Bethesda, on Tuesday evening, and re- 'Millar are his dim -
served, and. a g I nl%3,i Algoma, has been as " Tory dogs of war, and those who a list, ana Mr. Maynard, vocalist, have port having had a very pleasant time.—Mr. honors in the opunty ouncil, in t 'P. X.. Vuen tholm
ood programme, suitable to Mr., Neil is As attractive and interesting a 'here several weeks visxtm* her many 2nd 0011004sioupl.
the offloen and, d
tg among �aaking for the dismissals are terme an conducting a series of special meetings A. Q. Bobier, produoi merchant, of --Exeter, trict.—Mr. Peter McEWS11,
.,elected and 4th
the. place and ocemion is being prepared.— lecturer as he is a preachef. He spoke for relatives and friends in is vicinity.—Mr. 1pack of hungry wolves." This is aA a n the village this week. — THOMAS
a read in the Baptist church during the past two we' Min' Mabel has just completed the erection of a Ure
Miss Tena McLarty, of Stratforid, is spend- over an hour and was listened to wit'h almost 'John Shepherd and Mr. A. Cosens are like. lit in -the country,, press. —Rev. Mr. eat,; 'weeks.--m-The tax colleetcoi had many callers 'Reynolds has returndd-bome from Varna.— winamill - on his promises. He expect*
ing -a week or two with relat
ive8 here. —NJ r. breathleag attention. His word pictures 'Ly to be the candidates fovthe reeveship of �man will preach at Winchelsea next S%b- and a busy time on Monday, the- last day of Miss Roxie Excrett, �of Exeter, is the guent enough po N. B� A4
'Hills1as rented his house, lately occupied were most vivid, while his frequent flushes uckeramith. Mr. John McCloy, an old J acarthur causher and other m /41be,"me place
war from this to drive a 9MID,
be- #he forenoon, !or
descriptive part. councillor, is a candidate for the position of lace will poach at the churches 3,000 was added to the town's exchectuer' has returned to Ailsa, Craig.—Grain is com.� energetic and experimental �usluew of tho
i),v Mrs. McEwing, bc� Air. Mobonaid, of of wit added spice to the bath, and the Methodist 'minister at th t before the 5 per cent. is added. Over of Miss A. Hoigarthi—Miss X M aebinery. He if 013�
I farmer, and
Athe Henderson House, Seafortb. �n -the 11,
—Those of His address throughout wAg both instrue. deputy and we have not heard any piobable Walton eire lit, in return.—It Would alm6s� on that day.—Up to date there are no less coming into the marke froelv.—�r. James lieves in advancement and improvement.