HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-12-18, Page 5.11ardelb, of Zurich,wai .,tee OR 8 turdsx on buaineis.t=Mr. Ferner, of Michigan, is 'getting, in the village.—Mrs. J. Smell hast from Elmira, where she hie been *le* weeks with her sister, who choir's of the different . ehurohes Wog for their Christmas fee- . Hhroeder, of Zurich, was age on Satardeee A meetingof directors of the Hay Fire Insnranoe was held at the Commercial 1.3. Saturday.--Mesare.;Paulin and_ Ran. 'hardware 'merchants, of this place, imposed of their busineis to Mr. eib. Mr. Hartleib ie en enter - citizen, and no doubt will do well in undertaking. We believe it is Mr. *intention to move to Wingham.— Dual meeting of the Dashwood of the UpperCanada Bible 'Society held. on ednesday, Deoember 9th. ''agent, Rev, J. P. Hauch, of Berlin,was xtit and gave an address on the work of ,.� society, after which the . followingoffi- ers were a lected.�: President, James nell ; Tice President, Bev. K Eby ; etar, - eaeurer, Thomas. Snell ; Committee,—L. Eckstein, J. Hall, J. Kellerman and T. uenther.: Another of our young men has joined the great army of uenedicts.z We refer: to Mr. Pred. Rinker, who Was last week united in marriage to Miss Clara Rupp, of Zurich. May the young couple have a long and happy wedded life. Thin.ts :the fourth of ,lir. Rinker's. faily that has been married within the last. our months. `This beats the record. �f of the 6 Tues- s with €act€oars. 11 have saying ;relents te coat - held in ember, . Brenna church [oca-lit- James o'er,. is hie, jr.,, Lon and r from school -of last. lopping 4 week. on -the to poor - Fd a Tot lturclay Fier itY k . No ry low Kl. from :ever ' istmas IMire ki€ll are 'one to morn- rouge - he hall meet- f busi- show' g rl 1 LocAL Blum. —The iLedleid Chapter of -the Trivitt Memorial 0huroli will have fowl supper in Drew's otera house.on Mon- -day evening next A peogramine is being proeidedi consisting of' singing, readings, -recitations and speeches by the resident .4AM-eters, and Rev. Mr. Mills, of Hensell. Tea will i be served from 5 to 8 p., m.—The tea -meeting which Was held in the James Street church on Mondayevening last netted 4.160. -d -Mr. B. Aubrey, the Montreel horse buyer, was in -town on Thursday last, purchasin; horses.—Mr. George Taylor, of Emerado, Dakota, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Wm. Wood, Exeter south.—Mr. jabez Bieeett, who has been at Killarney, Manitoba, the pa,st 17 years,- is renewing old -acquaintances in and around Exeter.--tdr. John Greenwood, of Mitchell, spent last Sunday here, the guest of Mr. J. TdWest- oott.—The many friende of Mr. -Thomas Pearce -of -Mitchell, who was at one time a residenl- here, will regret to hear id his death, which took piece at the residence of his mother, at lelitchell, op the 7th inst., .after a brief illness front inflammatory rheumatism, at the, age of 28, years. --Mr. 'George, Hunter, hf Ridgetown, visited - friends here' the past week.—Mr: H. Chase ney, of Egmondville, was the guest of his -past few days.--Messra.1Prier de_ Armstrong skipped a ear load of hoge from Ausa Craig to Ingersoll on Thursday last week. Mr. eV= Willis shipped another car of live turkeys to Buffalo on the same day. --Thos. tenders, who has been sailing the past see- n on Lake Huron, returned -home on Fri - ay last —Mr. Donald Melones, of the hantea road, Usborne, who is b,Spirillg for tounty municipal honors, is busy canvassing -Stephen township thfs week. dayschool will , hold an- entertainment in Inustry hall.; this evening. --Mr . Bjamin Evans, who was vielting her &leiter in Dakota returned home, last weeke She pre. fere her: natio land . to that olimate. Mr. Drysdale. PK1011,DTGS.—Our sportsman, Mr. A. Seeeeen, had the good luck, the other day, to capture a fine white owl, for which he deeeived from Mr. John Orr a nice sum.— Mr. John Talbot, who has spent the last twelve years in Manitoba, returned home last week, looking well. He reports the •crops as being fairly good.—The Young Peoples Hand' and Heart Association in- tend, having their annual shooting xnatch on New Yearat dayi Some good shooting is looked for.—Mr. H. Howard has invested in a new evaporator. We wish Harry sue- eess in his new investment.—About a week ago some unknown parties broke into Mr. Robert Orr's ben coop, and helped them- selves to some of his valuable and well bred, WEST END ItToTES. —ek _Christmas tree and entertainnient will be held in Turner's church on Wednesday hvening,. Decembet Mrd. An interesting programme is being prepared, and a good `time is expected.— Some of -the farmers in this vicinity were taking advantage of the open.weather of last week, and were finishing their plowing. —A number of the joung people from thia Colmar. DOINGS.—At the last \meeting of the ueborne *moil a depilation consisting Clarke sad N. Herten waited upon the pennon urging the continuation of the special grant to , Ohool section No. 10. Action deferred Afi M next Ines d The noonJor councillorse In case a poll is de- manded the votes of the eleetors will be re- ceived at the same places tes formerly, on the 4th day of 'January, 1897. The- 'votes for County Councillors will be received at the same time and piece as Jor councillors, but the nominations for Count_y Councillore will take place at the town hall, Exeter, on Monday, Deeember 21st, the morning previous to the date fixed for the nominee tions of reeves and councillors. The _council after passing a large number of orders ad- journed to meet on the 15th inst., at lep.m. neighborhood And linton, spent a pleasant evening at the residence of Mr. J. Martin, tid concessiom—Mr., James Crich is laid upi with a severe coId. to be a very important and . attractive event in the history of School Section No. 2,Tuck- ersmith, is to take place on Tuesday next, Deeember 22nd, this being the date fixed for the Public School examination. Besides the exe,mining of the pupils by the visiting teachers, which will no doubt be interesting to both old and young, excellent music by actors from a distance as well as by the best local talent, will be interspersed between the class recitations. In. the evening a pro - •gramme, consisting of vocal and instrumen- tal =tic, reeitations and dialogues really woith hearing, will be given in the school. 1The annual gatherings in this school of this nature have, in the past, been occasions de- serving of more than ordinary prominence, .atta this one will be no exception .to the rule. Everybody is invited to both day and might meetings. Coteame Donies.—The council met at `Ditly's betel, on Tuesday, December 15th, edger statute. All the members were pres- Ault_ The annual meeting of the electors for the nomination of candidates for the offices •of reeve, deputy reeve and touncillors, will be held at -Kyte s hall, lot 10, conceseion 8, R R. S., on Monday, December 28th, at one o'clock, aod if more than the necessary :number of candidates are nominated, and a poll demanded, it will be opened on Mon- -deer, January 4th, 1897, at the usual polling plades with Joseph Weber, James Broad. - foot, ,A. Smillie and Peter MeKay as depnty returning officers. Mr. Cummieg, the collector, reported that about $500 of the taxes were still uncollected. The term loreollecting was extended until the day -of the next council meeting, after which -five per cent. will be added. The next meeting 'will be held at Kyle's hotel on Monday, De- eember 28th, at 10 o'clock.—A. G. Sesimao, clerk. News Notes. has named hie baby boy, Wilfred Laurier. —Two oarloads ef Cotswold sheep were shipped. froni Guelph to Colorado the other day. —A well tieas struck -the other day on the Porter farm, Enniskillen, near Petrolia, that will pump 50 barrels per day. —Dr. Jarites McLean, a widely known eye, ear and throat specialist,of Nova Scotia, died suddeo4 at Amherst, aged 48 yeatso —Some Miscreant stole a new clothee wringer froth the 'Methodist parsonage, at Wyoming, ahd the article is badly missed on Wash -day. --Rev. Gebrge Cuthbertson, of Wyoming, has been in failing health lately, and has gone to Clideago to visit his son, Dr. Cuthbertsoni —Mayor Snider, of Waterloo, has just cleared $30,0W by et mining deal. A claim he bought laiet spring in Roseland has netted him that nnich profit. —Miss Eliza Toomey of Odessa sent to Mr. Philip Armour of Chicago a cheese of her own manufacture. The .millionaire pro- nounced it excellent, and asked for a seeond lot to be sent • —On Moxillay morning, pounds of Milk was taken in iat the Avon - bank butted faetory, fienn which a trifle over 1,000 Pounds of butter were churned. Most of the'1butter goes to the Toronto market, for Which121 cents per pound is received. —Mr. Janiies Hall, an old and highly re- spected citieen of Mitchell, is seriously ill. He has beeniconfined to tbe house for some weeks. Fotabout thirty-two years he has been •Tyler eix Tudor Maponic lodge, and during- all tliat long time never missed but one rneetingi and that Was the last one _ —The Mt sem of Councillor J. Pearl of North Toro disappeared the other night and so trac4lof bim could be found although search partielepatrolled the city and suburbs all night. home in des ed to see him.' The boy had felln asleep in the hay in a barn nett door, am was utterly oblivi- ous of the eiteemmotion his absence created. —A numbly of friends interested in mis- sion work atabng poot children have started young girls *ill be given practical instruc- tion by Wk. Joy, teacher of domestic science in th2i Toronto Technical School, --tAni &Pineal is being made for funds in connectioo Wiitt Knox College. The (Melt it the close of the financial year wasg$6,576. To meet th4 deficit, with the increased liability •caueeiii by the appointment of two new professeiria will require this year $18,500. The bo'ard is therefore appealing to Preabyteriani ..tor hap. . • 7th inst., 20,600 he anxious father returning air about daylight was surpris- ohnnie running out to meet . fi that of the world he 1896 is barely edu 1 to the total: reregqnirenteuute, and the reserves,- though .eserves,though ble, are being:.'totally. worked:' -In . oonolusion, the Mirk Lane Express predicts that a <.recovery of prices *probable within a week of ahything ,like seasonable winter weather. Toronto Poultry Market. Dzo Msaa• kith. -Prises are steady tto- day under moderate offerin ... The mer et is pretty well cleaned 'u .' Turkeys, tial to ?c per ib ; geese, 5c to a per lb ; chickens, neo to 35c per pair ; duoks,, 35o to 55b per pair. Dairy Markets. Cesamery tube and pounds are easier, and dairies of all kinds are easy. Medium grade creamery in tube is hard to sell. Qito- teflon* ate : - Low grade, dairy, tube, 70 to 4 80 ; medium -dairy tube, c to Ilc ; large dairy rolls, 12o tet 134 ; reamery tuba, 19c - to 200. Eggs—No apogee Cooler weather will -tend- to Brat values. Limed are selling at 14c in a jobbing way, end 'at 13o by the taw, delivered here. Following are the quotations: Limed eggs, 143 to 14/03; cold stored, 15c to lfic ; fresh -gathered, like little bulling' hae been done in butter on the beads of 132 in the qountry and lino to 19c here for finest creamery. Egge—The market is steady. New laid sold at 20o fo 220 ; choice candled and Montreal limed, at 14c to HO; western limed, 100 to 14e, and wagtail held fresh at 12o to 12ic per dozen. Live.Stook Markets., 6riesaow,December15.—Market for cattle unchanged. Present price for best 9ic to - 100. has been firm, as supplies are short: States cattle sell at etd per lb ; Argentine at 511 Sheep, 51d to 6d per lbe EAST .11IIFFee.LO, December 15th.—Cattle --eThe marked opened with a fairly good de- mand ; -fancy Christmas steers, -$6 to $5.50 ; , choice to prime steers, $4.50 to $4.60e; good to choice fat steers, $4,10 to $4.30 ; fair to good mixed butchers' stock, $3.35 to $3,75 ; Hogs—Market fairly active ; Yorkers, fair to choice, $3.65 to $3.70; roeghs, cionnnon to good, 92.90 to 93.10 ; pigs, comnion to fair, $3.75 to $3.90. Sheep and Lambs— Market faifly active ; lambs, good to choice, $4.15 ; Canticle Aerobe, Odd to choioei $4.50 to $5.10 ; sheep, good to choice handy ' weight eyethers, $3.65 to $3,85 ; culls and MONTREAL,. December 15the— Locally trade was rather more active, there being a .better demand from butchers on account. of the colder weather, and, notwithstanding the fact that the supply was in excess of the requirements, a steadier feeling prevailed, and better prices in some omit were realie- ed. The qualitV of the -cattle was much better on the whole, and for really choice stock no was paid more•freely, whhe good sold at 3c to 31c, and lower grades at lte to ietc per lb. There was an active -der-nand for sheet. and lambs, and prices ruled firm $3.75 for lambs, each as to quelity. Calves, sold at $3 to $8 each, tte td size and quality. Blyth. SAD DEATIL—On Monday morning a gloom W R.'S cast over this village, when it was repotted that one of our oldest and re- opected residents, Mr. Gideon Ritchie, had maidenly expired in Aub:urn. It appears ithe deceased had. driven over to Auburn to attend to smile business for his son-in-law, mw. Scott. When at Monroe's he took sick, fell down and never rallied again. The deceased ha -I not been feeling very well for the past couple of days, but not anyways eerious. The remains were brought to his aorein-law's residence here, frdm whence the funeral took place on Wednesday afterni to Trinity church cemetery for interment. NOTES.—Mr. T. W. Scott has purchased the atock of the late insolvent firm Of Jes- top & Co.—The bell on the old school build- ing has been remOved to the new school.— Sacrament was administered in St. An- elrewh church on Sunday last.--Tueeday was the hest day for paying taxes, and in consequence the collector's office was be- siege& all day with those'anxious to square dia with the town.—The Presbyterian Stuo; 161aNnuro dime every day at the eStaffa Cheese Factory, Itieur cents per bag, J. D. Watacza, 1511.3 Proprietor. , tageeseemne Varna. NoTIGE.— 11 parties knoseing themselves to be indebted to JOSEPH MORROW, Fullerton, are inforthed that ail *mental must be paid on or before December 25th, hi they will be placed in the hands of a lawyer for ttelleetien. JOSEPH MORROW. 1514x2 Tau MARKETS. 3 ,811411PORTH, December 17, 1896. Barley per bindle] • 0 20 to 0 24 Hides per 100 Boit . 6 '00 to 6 00 Apples per bag. 0 25 to 0 26 Clover Seed 6 76 to 5 00 • Toaintiro, Dec, 17.—Fall wheat, 60.87 to 10.88 ; spring wheat, 50.65 to S0.66 ; oats, 23o to 24e ; peas, per bush, :44c to 45e; barley, 27e. to 340 ; hay tor ton, 613 CO to 614.00 butter, 150 to 163 ; octet wee, per bag, 40e to 45c ; eggs, per doze we to 22e : (Waned hogtetper 100 lbs, 64 60 to 65.25. The Grin Outlook. LONDON, England, December 14th.—The Mark Lane Express, in its - crop report to- day, says that the rather heavy rainfall of December is welcome, and will give the No- vember sown grain a hopeful start. "Spain," the Express continues, " has enjoyed an ex- tremely heavy rainfall since Octobera and the benefit to the agriculture of that arid peninsula is likely to "be *ery great. Central Europe has seen a rapid rise of temperature and rather heavy rainfall." Referring to the Indian outlook, the Mark Lane Express says : " The India rains are too late to al- low of anything like the average -area of sown wheat for 1897." Regarding the South 'American outlook, the Mark Lane Express states that the new wheat ie now reaping in the warmer provinces' of Argentite, Mid adds that it learns that from 300,000 to 400 000 quarters of wheat may be expected from Montevideo. Referring to tho ex- pression here,. the Mark Lane Express, re - willing market, in damp, close weather, ac- count for the depressed English market, the downward tendency being aided by the Gov- ernment orop estimate, which has weight, though it is generally regarded as 'excebsive. Foreigti wheat has been affected by the vig- orous dompetition of the home supp dy, but the dependence of Great Britain on import- ed produce is now so hearty that the natural fects of the position are bound . to tell ere long, the facts being that the total produe- 1111111111 • Births. BEATTIE.—In Seaforth, on kovember 29th, the wife of Mr J. Wesley Beattie, of a daughter. COOK.—En 011iiton, on December 5tb, the wife of JOHNSTON.—In Clinton, on Deceinner ard, the wile of Mr. James Johnston, Godericb townehip, of 0, wife of Mr. George Cockerline, of a son GREALIS.—In Clinton, on December 8th,the wife *f Mr. Themes Omits, of a daughter. BOWIE.—In Exeter, on Deeetnber etb, the wife of Mr. A. Bowie, of daughter. CLOW. --In East Wawanosh, on December 6th, the wife of ler. A. Clow, of a daugheer. FARROW.—ln Wroxeter, on December 4th, the wife MoBURNEY.—In Wawanosh, on December 8th, the JACK LIN.—In 31..rris, on December Eth, the wife of Mr. Wm. Jaeklin, el a daughter. - BOWEY.—ln Exeter, on December 7th, the wife of Mr. Athed A. Bowey, of a daughter. KUNTZ—EIL13ER.—At the residence of the bride's father, Crediton, on Dedember 8th, by Rev. J. A, Schmidt, Mr• Win. Kuntz, of Exeter, to Miss Ellen, daughter of Mr. Charles Either. • r, a. ;...,_.�...: ;—.'•'.r a .4-.,...-, HOFFMAN —Tn Stratford, on December 12th, John C. Hoffman, formerly of Seatorth, aged 49 years. R088.—In Hulled, on December 8rd, Hugh Ross, aged 65 years. HUNTER. --In Cianbrook, on Deceinber 7th, Nor- man, youngest son of Mr. John Hunter, aged 2 JAMIES0t7.—in Bildulph, on December 1st, Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. Alexander Jamiestn, aged 22 years. McINN18.—In McGillivray, on November 80th, Donald McInnis, aged 77 year& SLAYIN.—At, Lumley, 'Osborne, on December 5bh, liVilliam Slavin, aged 70 years. FINKBEINER.—In Stephen, on December 6th, Bar. bare Finkbeiner, relict of the late Michael Fink- heiner, aged 138 years, 6 days. • SALE REGISTER. On Monday, December 28th, at 1 o'clock, p. m., on Lot 26, -Concession 4, lifibbert, Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ARM FOB. SALE.—Eabt halt Lot 41, Concession 2, Townehip of East Wawanosh, containing 100 acres. Tire is one of the best farms in the Township, and is situated in a geed neighbor- hood, soil of the best and no waste land. There are on the farm, frame barn and stables, also two acres of orchard, plenty of good water, and within one mile and a half from the village of Blyth. For further particulars apply on the premises or to Box 1t5, Blyth P. 0. 1514.tf SOUTH STORE. Christmas Slippers. Men's 'black velvet embroidered Everett Slippere, only hienis Black Seal .Slippers, only Men's chocolate leopard Slippers only 1 25 Men's fancy plueh Slippers only 1 50 Ladies' doeble strap Uppers only 1 00 Ladies' Bedroom Slippers, in red and blue, only 1 05 Ladies' silver -beaded Slippers inst., When our store will put on its new Christmas dress, which we have had made- especiallylfor the occaiion:— We will pre- sent to the public seine new features in goods and prices and in general attractions which we, think will mean much money saved to theM during the holiday season. We' have been lavish in our outlay.for real nice things for the holiday trade, and some very pretty things .lat very reasonable prices are to be found in this storel We lore always glad to have the people visit this 'store, and we 'would be especially fond of having a still greater cro+d during this gladsome time of the year. GILRGY ViiiSP.MAN, Clinton. T.:J745r :T •, , Wm. Plc a Ready 'fosr the Rush, , -,----- Christmas enthusiasm, -has take? this stbre by storm. Everything in good, shape for the holiday season; During the past twO weeks the pace •has -been quickening, and we are in the very vortex •-of Christmas trade. No need. •for pushing business at this season. he business is bound to come whether,or no. Sensible people select sensible gifts, . and some sensible gifts are toAbe found in 81)(14:A611km of fancy bordered Handkeri very nobby, $1. Ladies' Mink Ruffs, extra large and. long,. • Sill Handkerchiefs, ladies' size, white $3.50 and 93. ' with colorededge, 5o 1 1. Ladies' Fur Sets, including muff and ruff, Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs in green, pink, in covey, astrachan "black oppossumeetc.; garnet, heliotrope, buttercup, etc., 7e. I • prites meg° $2.50, ii(4, 95, 98 and 99. . Cream Brocaded Silk Handkerohiefe, kur Capes, newest and most fashionable, large size, 20o i at Xmas prices. • Cream Hemstitched Silk ' lie,ndkeiref Specials just in this week.: Gingliam worth 8o for 5o. for gentleinen, 25o . Woof Shawle, special value, in grey, Factory Cotton, 34 inches wide, regular black, white, cardinal and peach, 10e ' priee 4o, very special at no. Ladies' Black Ruffs, nicely made and 1 i chiefs two for 5o. 1 25 Full lines of Overshoes, Moccasins, Over - gaiter's and Rubbers. lextra help dur- ing Christtnas week. - Come early. Headquarters for Christmas Slippers,, • A MERRY, M ERItif CHRISTIVIAS. & Q0., BLYTEt. 0 0 S Your Christmas presents from our nemi stock of Carving Sets Pocket /Cutlery Knives and Forks Tea Trays kates oSjeigh Bells, etc. S. MULLETti 8:0 CO., Hardware, Stoves and Tinware Merchan Second hand stoves taken in exchaiwe for, new oneS. aforthi Golden Lien Useful Gifts fior Xmas Presents DRESS GOODS.—Novelties in Dress Full range of Ladies' and Misses Under - Patterns, left to clear,. also a full line in black and colored Dress Goods. - GLOVES.—In black and colored Kids, Cashmere in black and .colored for Ladies' HANKERCHIEFS.-In Linen, hemstitch - wear. Extra values in Men's_ and Boys' Drawers Balance of Men's Overcoats at half price. eetion of /vie/3.'8 Ties, Braces, Collars, Cuffs Fur Caps, Tweeds Trou- li ed Silk, a choice selection and suitable for serings,dicoat prices that will clear them. • Christmas presents. Balance of Ladies' Jackets to go at Whole- sale price. Table Linens, Napkine, Tray Cloths, Sideboard Scarfs, &c. We can 'do you right. J. L. See our Lace Curtains,. Chenille Curtains, *Malin° Table Covers, at the- Goldea Lion Store, the Bargain House of Seaforth. No reserve- everything will be sold at wholesale to clear. N XTs TO C. W PAPST'S BO SMITH, Seaforth. OKSTORE. be''Cut Off. On the day of th,e issue, of this paper we will start to cut off another slice from the year's profits ; it will be in the Township of Tuckersmith. I W tern Advertiser 1 TAX COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that 0,11 taxes not paid in to the 'Township Collector on or before M nday, December 28th, will have five per cent. added, - as ordered by the Connell and authorized by Statute. !This Tule Will positivelY be strictly enforced Wont ' respect to persons. JAMES CUMMLNG, Col ector. • to handle established trade in W E WAIT" this county. Canadian stock guaranteed to live. Permanent position, whole or part time. • Liberal terms, You can make ten dollars a week or better with unsvc, eifisaorrye.very week you work. No experience BROWN BROTHERS COMPANY, e Continental Nurseries, TORONTO, ONT. 15.14xli Iro The Electors of Seafotli:;- Having been dotted by a number of Ratepayers to accept nomination for the position of Deputy Reel& for 1597. I have decided' to accede tei their request, and, though I willenot be able to make s pommel canvass, I will, if elected, appreciate the honor all the more, and serve the people to thb hest of my ability. ALEXANDER WII.60N. 1614-8 FOR 1896-7. BALANCE OF 1896 FREE. MILLINERY AND MANTLE All Ladies' Coats will be Slashed ih -Price. IVIillinery will be sold at a " " '12 00 bia discount the balance of the season. - W cannot give 13 prices, as Ladi s' Hits are composed of so many different articles; but you may count ._ on Eats being sold cheap. 15 00 10- OD MEN'S FURS. We have the largest range ,of Men's Furs in Seaforth; and will not be undersold in any case of Coats in 'Wombat, Lamb, Canadian Coon., 'Astra - can, Caps, Collars, Gauntlets, PNLY ONE POLLAR TO JANUARY- lit, 1898. Sixteen Pages Each Week WITH All the NOsrs of the Weil& ' Market Reports, Stories, eto. Excellent Reading for every member of the family. We 'offer good inducements to agents. For terms, eta, address— , ADVERTISER PRINTING CO., 1512-4 • • LADIES FURS. sure you visit our stores before you purchase any La- dies' Furs. In Cape!i and Coats we will n9t be under- sold. SpeOial prices will pre— vail from now out. Be sure you look before you purchase, if 7011 don't you may miss it ; our prices will be found more lhan right. Our Clothing Department Is certainly doing a large business, the special prime which we are giving Me ClOthing is causing some extra sales.we can assure you. But no wonder people who know value and style will buy our Clothing every time at 'ouch- prices Drop in and See Suits worth $12 for $8 ; 99' for $6.150 ; Overcoats Worth $8 for $5.50.. All our Clothing in Boys' and Men's Coats and Suits at the same rate of prices. Dress Goods Department. in order to finish up some lines, we are giving -special prices on them. We are also showing a fine line of Silks f6r evening wear. This department is most complete with_ all kinds of finks and Dress Goods, ,Linings rand NM AR EC. EaliM rth Store, • Wrn -Piokar4 & Co. SOUTH STORE corner dardsiii-----"warket Streets. • OPPOSITE -TOWN BUILDIU. NORTH STORE eardn" Bitter Town