The Huron Expositor, 1896-12-11, Page 8I A,% Wilson's Oash Grocery Some extra values in Teas. We h%ve now OnOL the finest black toaa Imported, price 603 per Ib. Will guarantee jr&j1L better than ny other -tea in -the f Market. Also the fint st young' flyson and Japan I Tea at veryclaski prices for cash or trade. Will 9 VUArab,tc0 &%tisfvotion or return the money. Our I B1 'end ot high:grada Coffee is second to none, and is tving, good gtjtjsfaefjon� Gold meda-1 br(3akfa4t Cocoa t worth trying -, price 17C per ou,nd. Out stock of Now RaWns, Ourran 0, Candleg I 619, Figs, Dates aad.Xul:4 axe of the very best qualtty,- and prices as low sthe lawcati. 22 -pnunds of best Granulated t Sugar far St. Remeniamber We will not be undersold kv anyone- In Dinner and Tea sots we have some ot the newest izood-4 oUb. Cal I and qee thein. 11 the So -oad 8aitWe! makethe pricosright. — extra. �irgains In Toilet aeta, Lamps and Glassware;' , W.0 want good butt;*, 69-t1s, potatoes and drpsacd fowl, (picked dr- - for the ,), find wil f pay the highest price right jjual��ies Ca5h for eggs. C. W[LSCkr4, Sea -Forth- Bsak of Commerce Block. Rd wrw ard as.h, Ridleo, 1540ep #13kins a' F uro, aof tile trittle ift 4_11(leg, heep, HLkttiis at tile oltl 1)uttar store, 00durich ArGet, 1602 --------------- Dominion Stemship Line. l3toarnevi 11 Vrcouvor," 11 Labradorl" 11 Canada,' the latter holding t ie record between Liverpool and Fir( Insurance. For satoty and oc. momy, Insure your home In one Of t , fie OldL Cc mpan loo—Phou nix, Norivich Union, laxperial. W. Agent, Tolegraph and Express BUIlding, So%forth. Your Aecamr�odation and Co!n- venience Receives respectful attention when using the C. P.R. for travelling. of the telegraph for your meNS and when you may expfe8a anythinl, use the go - minion Expressi. The Dominion xpre8s Money Ortler system of remitting mon6y is a model of han- diness and safety. For 4formation regarding same, apply to ,RANALD J. M-40DONALDY, Agent, Seaforth. (8T*d00"t0X Aght XNA DISTRICT MATTERS. Et,E(-rxo.,� or OFFimus.—At the regular meeting of Branch 23, Catholic Mutual Bene - :at Association, held in rheir hall, on Man- da,y evening the following officers - were elected fort'�he ensuing term -, Presid6fit-. John Kale ; Ist vice-president, Dr. Mcclin- nis - 2ad vice-president'L William Moran recording secretary, John F.Daly ;.assistant recording.secretary, John Killaran; firiancial secretary, M. Jordan ; treasurer, P.. Keat- in- ; marsha, G. A., Sills ;L guard, William 13,uggau. ; trustees for two - yeare, M.Brod- erick and J. F. Daly. A AssoortTION.—The monthly meeting of the South Huron Ministerial Association was- held in the James street Miethodist church, Exeter, on Monday afternoon,,. Rev. Mr. Martin in he chair. Rev. W. McDonagh, of Kingsville, Nvas in. -vited to sit as a corresponding member, and Revda. Bray. and Yellandt'were elected members of the association. Rev. W. M. Martin gave a paper on i�' Corif ucianism,)). and the subject was full.11y discussed by the members preserit. The next meeting will be held in, the Main street church on, thd Ith- of Januaryi Rev. C.Fletcher will then give a paper on. the " Divinit y Of Christ. MIKETIN.-G. —At the annual. meet- ing of the Star Hockey club, of Egmond- ville the following officers were elected for the ensaing year Honorary president, George E. Jackson Hor,,orary viice�presi- dent G. Edwin. Cresswell ; Rfesident., L. C. Jackson ; Viee-Lpresident, W. H. Baker secretary -treasurer, H. W. Cresswell I - - -naiger, R. E: captain, H. Al. Jackson , ma Jackson-; -committee, Charles Kruse, James Young, Richard Kruse, Tudor Ja:ckson, Lanis kruse. It was decided to join the town leaue 00rupoSed ef the Hurons, -Bea,vers, dolilegiate, and Btars, also the Western series, of the Ontaria Hockey as- sociation. A m eeting of all those interested "in the game will be held at the Queen, , a Hotel, on Saturday everdag, at 8 o'clock. A f Lill meetiag. is requested. f.F_—The masic,�le in Card - Tim, Alt-swA uo!a hall, ou Wednesday evening was not as well patronized as the merits of the enter- tainment deserved. Although the reserved sea,ts were well taken, the others were not so well filled as they inight have been. The programme, however, was an excellent one, andeach nuarber was adllmira,bly rendered and enthusiastically received. r. Georg Fox-, violini,�,,. is a most clever artist ' and his renditions were exquisite. Mrs. J. C. Greig, pJways a favorite, was most cordially received, and her exe, ellently rendered se- � each lections- received well merited applause, . .number elicited a hearty encore.. Miss Eva Acheson, of Go,derich, niade her first ap� pearance here on that evening. She has a sweet, stronc, vaice and sings with decided expression and �-le,%r enunciation.. Her se- lectians, were well chosen and were much appreciate(l by the audience. Miss -Florence Johnsor, acted as accompanist in such. i manner as to elicit much applause and prase and showed he� to be 'a pianist of marked culture and. ability. 0— E0110\DVThiX NOT.Fk% —Last week Leath- erdatie & Laridaborough brought their hand. some new h.e&rse to the village,where it will be kept w6ii not in use.—On Mouda y evening, last week, the annua meeting of the Bible society was held in our church. After the reaklixig of the report of the seer e- tarv-treaaaror, which showed the society to be in a prosperous condition, the election of officers was proceeded with, r6skultiii_g in the following chaiee : President, Rev. Xshu.w; vice-president, Nlisa 0. A. Porter ; secre. tary-treastiver, Mr. Gordon'AkcAdain. Rev. Mr. k Li Str th, of Inuerkip, the i�gent, gave an interesting addvesa. The collections last ydair amc�urxted- to about._$U.—Now thal the good ItLdies of the Wofnenla Christiar Temver&nt-e Union, have got their hand in, they miyht try a vigorous protest , n opp.osi- 0 V! tion to the ',�Uadily i7ailk buying:and ped dling' Four �cams, anid about as many mer as it took to un that special train, are em played every Sabbtti, in this vicinity A -lost of the pur(Aia8er'.- would be -9hoGked t( see the butcher or the baker calling aroun( . on the Lord'8 day, but they do not hesitat( to bay milk, thus depriving the vendor a his day of rot, while they, them, selves, gi to God tbt they are no- s other eople.—NIr. and Mrs. Landsbor ou� ah _at nicely settled in their fini Ilew resi(1611ce, the comforts of which wi hope they rilay long be blessed with healtl to enjoy. - ,Niiss 1,,liza Clarke, of Lowell iusetta, daugbter of Air. Wm.Clarke ,of this xillage, who had spent sever& months. with tier parents, left for horne oi Tuesday worning. She will be much miss ed by her parents, whose home she. ha( gladdened with tier cheery preaence.—Elarl, one morning this week some of our peopl were honored with a, call from one of Sea forth's anibitious citizens, who often aspire to municip tl honors. If a bland smile persuasive elo(luene.e. and a melodious voic are effectual cauvassing qualities, he wil t MBESITOR D CE R. 1119 IL8900 -of Oda- lanufactu'ring comfortable home.—A large number themselves justice end Oxford and Mlddlesex'� coming next. 1897, sent ont by the Pope f arely get there" this iinip.—The Wo_- brethren had fully done being' Company of Harbford, Connecticut, is to fellows from Heneall, lodge attended the Three Week, at the festive boarajan entertaining program Huron sold 39,860 sheep for $149,475, seeing held at Clinton on Tuesday ,ien's Foreign Mission society of one church hand, and as usual is gotten up in a, haudy district m, Thaz-`priucipal busi. of music and- speeches was carried out. the second I&rgeot in the rovince, Grey ,,let on Tuesday last. sing entertainment last, and they are loud in their praise of the 'Cheese, orses, cattle, and useful style. —A plew These gatheff4s serve admirably to biod" coming in first. Of Less transacted was the ile'otio'n' of officere was given by the members of Sunshine edting, and the princely manner in which In 'Which We Must the brethren closer in bonds of fellowship ;h,,,9e. 'b the Clinton 'Btu., I pand swine, the farmers of Huron sold or' the coming year, which re�ulted as fol It is Mission Band, in the basement of 'the Pres- they were entertained DWS Mrs. (Rev,) Shaw, president' Mrs.- and love, and on this occasion tbe-members 536 worth in the year 1895. aing last. brethren. We might just state that the I 'I Grace of Clinton lodge showed themselves to be also noted thai although the county'of byterian church, on Fridayevei Thousalids of Dollars. .. Ferguson, vice-president; iss vided entirely by Hensall brethren- confirmed Vhe initiatory e,lliott, secretary ; Miss Liimie Gemmillo most. admirable hos6. The next district Leeds bad fewer cheese Jactory patrons than The programme was pro degree at Clinton, and received very much t w in June Huron, they received double the money for the little folks, and thi�y acquitted themselves reasurer. This yeat, has been more thah mipe ing AT be he d_ in Exeter their cheese. This sho- we �tbat the' Leeds most admirably. A number of toys, and 'praise forbe manner in which they exem- isaaft prosperous, , at least financially.'— next. plified the work. The next district meeting be sent farmayt outage in. dairying much more ex- books were contributed by them to It has come to this, that we have now. dr. Ed. Steet, who went to-KingsVille, some FR01 M'AWITO RA. r. Hugh Grant, tensively t &WW6 farmers of Huron. How- to the more sparsely settled parts of the is to be held at Exeter.—Dr. Thomson, of _only a few weeks more to sell g THIRTIE e ,ime ago, to takeharge of a di�g store, is arts of . children Goderich, formerly of Hnsall, p nt' Sab- the close of the year, and w-' .iting from Inglesid Manitoba, mi No- ever, on tfie whole, Huron stands out prom. province to gladden the he a - Tho e want to ds- nuch pleased with his bi6nation, 4nd especi­ w' there who are not sa fortunate as to always bath with his friends.—Mrs. G1. S. m ber 26th, has the ollowing to say about inently as the banhek county in the banner pX(e of as much of our Fall and Wint,er, nild climate of that . pat'of vem dren's Christmas. — abn has been quite poorly during the , past a J.1y.:with the r have an enjoyable clfil -k as Rossible by that time. e )ntario.—At the regular monthly meeting matters and things t qr�: Oar winter set province.of the Dominion of Canada. ILI, � them, 'Campbe Provincial Road In- week or so, but is, now recovering nicely, — -4, - Mr. A. W. IY you f in early* this year. Aboat the 28th of fare, confident ask -or a good share of A theUdies' Aid society of our chiii and has snowed A N v. E. Oructor who visited Seaforth & short time Mr. Kenneth l acarthur, of Ails& Craig,1&s ield on Wednesday, last -week, the Olow-:� October'i started t 8 RSARY SE-airoxs.—The Re ek with relatives your patronage, upon the condition of low n r 'ago and in 'been spending the past we ,yo'da� since. We have L.-Lanceley, of London; preached th% an- spectedthe streets of the,,town', —Mr. Nokda,�.hrse buyer, of Reading, prices for anything you may require; - ng. officers were. ele,.Aed for next yes,d more or less e i v; es a -1 niversary sermons in the Methodist 'church nbout siAeen inq.h at present., has sent the Council a detailed statement of here. -A. Porter ; 111age this week, undorsivned bog V ?resident, Misa,C. vice -pre w to be. Massachusetts, is i'n'the v h6laularnifor-A ''The therinametef drop d t .30 bel their defeats and the beat' methods 'sets 41 -4 lient, All�s Jen�ule­-Muldrew ; secretary, as 0 w QJI in this town on Sunday last, His sermon em. It contains iieh combining business witlf, -pleasure*';,' �M rs. to bave tlte *&-me to i1nI,e NoveniWr 19 r ie ha dropped again in the morakog was an able 'and eloquent adoptedtoremedyth- UX.- .,A ­ I "xeter, -vi her There is a good assortment of verything 3arah Stewart ; treasurex, I i h i coneid ning was equ Zvof - is this week sitin t 03 D t usfigg) ered,the effort, while that of Lhe eve itily valuable informittion andbould be treasur- Bennet rhis society has done ekcellept work durhig ITI somewhat ed up find acted -upon by our town Fat wro, brothers, the Afesers, AfeDonell. — The which is niost in demand just now," Auth AS, -LUMBEP �ock ,)at, tire, were light in able oond eloquent, but was orl a PINE ;he past year, and deserves the best wiobox propert e%r he Mespro eoley, William ani! Albert White- V Mr . io -1 different strain, I -To took for big tex� the M UN'S. OV94COAT-8 th is 4� t, iahols per acre —The McBride hotel L DOAIWI )f all Was pi isid our peop Abele per licre i'll T, i _q� on of Xorden, ManitobA., and man$ of KIN of W xild. om, st words' 011he 400044 verge of bho,ift railww hstownlw 140 Whitemjdeop of this village, llr� BOYS, OVEMCOAT's far lip At �IJWQR 1014 Friday, WIL4 401, go) tho highopt oft w4m m0h bolow the -b@ wintlip riyod hom thift W"Ok, and Intond ope"din ATR A" ow fold a. 14yod §(0304i"Al 4 d otligh tho AlAng of the �Jlllpsil` 1-10 lood4, plue- fir)e wool, wall 1114dtat opillo fvpd of North MAJA 06 Wintor "Itinong with their pvanW, Thoy Hip"AVY DR 181t 0111111 001-01 4 01) go will. not 101wo tin od J)y (IR"Ing f*' Pofflark of Alax- 01RAll ill W1111411) 8M10 A ont go & Pandld,44 for 00 POWY of (V 411)1,110p, dthoifgh tbo 1,404h, 411,149 big Wok, wt big In g6l, mport tho WoAth@r Whop li WOOL BLAI Th WANT10),,Ally (111604tY of (1146d &PP1@14; Bt4 W" willah bo 40,Yh 00 Unibod, stf&§ to 69111PONA 1-1000 @Xtrolmly 041d, r@gIgt@r, Im gold, and In iflaking P, ( fligont 6411vilo wul i wo In Ir, "O"41 oil 0 A MRAWLS AND WHAPS -1 0 fill') 11oll 1111litfly AfA Nullity, Turkeyo IIII(IrAwn, In , botwoon 41) ad M do 1,000 Imlow Moro, W to Of (.)116 Of 00101101 of tbo 0 . o lont, ban noii im - I at 6110 - . it) 0I §11y# W will W111@ thore WAN 1A Wol o1plabolit #IX foot of hall thd 11 od 949 WOPI(Ill 111gorsoll, said yww§ lito yot ary,J)POI lip, and All" LADIHS' AIANTLES N" CLUFF A 9"t!*b yarl#tyl and, now -that tho Olver (Itto4loll 1§ gott10941 that ill lous than ton yoard- thoro w6idd q makc Hiftry foll littit bell jo doo& That, fiflow'—Mr ' 1), Atowart 11" fiold 148 frgtne %6 witsONIN, 0006fill, _dldaveg lop every alifleall In the United torth end hollp Intimt bbine before #he mifflin dw@llltjgj oppoh1w mr, IVIANTLE CLOTIM I Ift tile uniWi fttt tilt(i tile h(J11001 (1H0btl0fi bWo wm have Just hiltdo Nattle Very tilde '-fatipy betiville & 1111ppy sby,tag, m -showed frogg oro to �&Jr, we will booll The rawireild, getitlettill tit—mr, W, 11, Phelps, a pal 11141AVY DA10,91, GOODS litillool btei;4 Upoda, froto Wooded fitto 8Vool, We i If, would like you to see them at the WoO14,014111bl'st Iftid pragperottis people, haw fulfilmotib that pridlotim 81ii at In otie of the bob aburahm ht Lotidon, who Wall lti 1108toti. lobilititig mr, LAD110 11 IvVit CAI -11e had been find gave many obatlatiall to - rove will be - t 6h Y ti Mail'# 0111plot lawAgoo,* Barry I'll the ouve of hill ishipment of hormem p The annual meeting Ing, and will While - there, bits ratur 'COATS Bmtm your ideas or dealk-ph for Chrlab-�' ANXIAT, that wiln the last twenty-flve years the ciation r"oom'i th'is""Wriday, event rd ho-ne.—Our LADIES' FUR ma') JeWbIty to R. MARCYlt, . ab . d have the goods of the Women's F reign Mission society cause of religibh and morality had made give a number of leasing songs, 0,ther en, Morchants are getiting In nice 0 11 AND MILLIERY. onday eveni t progreso,while infideliby had been force be presonk On next smado to order, satistsiation guaranteedi I do Q- took plame last M ng in the va d tertainers will X large business every Christniso 'sbason in matvtl� 11 240 e to ho barment of the Presbyterian church, and to beat a' d bhat Wednesday evening the Npworth League tit taoturing sproial plooes to order.. Elooteo Platiog, retreat. He likesy-ise showe ibe nolpination' 01, was attbnded by quite it large number of d "nah- of church will give a varied entertainment in these CromaAr. Those who desire to make their money gq%. -for Engmi,ing trine, ate., donQ oil mcentl,� he farthest, and wt the same time xnxioug; T.0 ., repa the pro nists. great stri es ih every bra I& R*eV*o R.Ifflutom _ After devotional exercises, and - 'been made n that period, rooms. All young men will be 'made freely RETURN ED. -Mr, John Leary has i ablip Of it, Seaforth, work tied witbi Weloo Le ' to get the best thatLa gaiu4 call and S scripture reading by hire. Archibald Scott, and he is clearly not one of those who go m on both pyeningst and will,, we fe returned from the Northwest, and. reports belield in XTLF 8, Ii. R-, 0 12 VOL, rgaina . iti. Violinp. and -Ac about the world. beoomi and proft. La- what We ar MOUTIF, Organs, Hohners; up to date, and - ' the annua,l report was read by the secretary, aro ng sure receive both.plenoure cold weather, but it appears to have agreed see eaftering, and also ote bow�,, other lines, also-wreat ba and moaning ) - - cordeons, at Lvh4ww & Wiwsofs, SeslorttL� 1518-1 t dies are also inv -1 CHEAP WE ARE SE'LLIG, Aire, J. G. Wilson. There' were 54. mern. worseasibgrows. older and preaching hat ited pr Wednesday eve- with him. A,,.-0T1lP,-,u drop'in cbeap Rablieia, i�dies' Vore on the roll for 1896, about one-third of the people of the present day are not half ning.—The Collegiate Institute Literary So. PR611S.ItTV C1 IA —Mr. John S. Mew from 28o ap, Men's ftom 860 tip, Ladies' Sto�ui 27o Whom -are members at the their for' clety had a. well attended and intereAti 11wraith a n our popular ohoelparter,has bouLght A�iad In Valle r1q0r0 tbxl general society, a its good christians as efathers were. r dandIdA40 Ate PYOV001 up, Men's rod lined overshoes front Sop ul), - We . ch )0j T113M ing in the Assembl room of the a o -nor. keep also the very.best grades at lowest -Orlaek, The well as of -the local auxiliary. The total He is evidently of the belief that the meeb* the village property of Mr;"Thomas Von W11 be oponed VA oontribations fbr the - year amoun,444 to Mr. Vennov has with commendable L enter. U huckv cash shoo' sterVI world is better now than it ever was and on Wednesday evening o6st. The programme I 4 doors E. McFAIM a duth of Weir-s-flote to Seaforth, - e nt, so bo'u' t one, hundred aore farm X-on-d'Ot the -people are more roligous and more consisted of addtosoes by th Presid bt the 0 Yrroi .n226 8 1. At the November mectilig it wa that t n Chief; keading deciLd to take up a collection at each moral how than they ever were in the world's, vice President and B di or i in Mr. Teo, on the seventh concession. Dry- Goods . of the Recorder, the official Organ of the 'Wi.; have a large F,,,t6 of Blankets kind- monthly, meeting - for an expense fund. -history., and he is right. Mr. Lanceley is a Mr. V ennor bas'long been a resident of our For divivit)-ri b Miss 0. Case; instru- village, and s a hard working and ind-na- och inthe Villa Stocking Yarns, made from re Wool, It would Officers were dlect6d for the ensuing year as keen hinker, an original and ityipressive sooiety readi Lmi-of VOMP pay you to see them before pu chasing 0edwhere. fbIlowq : 'President-, Mrs. James Archibald ; p'reacber,.and altbough his illustrations were mental solos bygi8slyels Daly and Kemp, and trious man, and will no doubt do well in big anyo A. 0. VANK(I)IOND'H SONS, Seafort 'ce-presidents, Tat, 2nd and 3rd, Mrs. Me- souletim6s''peculiar and perhaps ludicrous, a vocal solo by Miss McCullough. Mr. M. new adventure. 'Mr. Mcllwraith will also Fi.N�r, Perfumes and Abomiz ra for Chrigi- vs. W. yet tlipy were always to thepoint, and well Y. McLean was appointed Honorary Presi- have more room and more suitable aecommo- Seaf orth'a Cash- Dry lGoodi Store? Donald, Mrs. M. I Y. 10 cLegi and M: & WILSONS, Seafortb. ing se,cre a. -Won mas presents at LuMSDEN Robb ; record' t , Mrs. Kirkman ; calculated to impress upon the minds of the dent and a most enjoyable meeting was clog dation in his new quarters. 41,4 corresponding seer6tary,711 rg,: J. G. Vils011; hearers thb particular truth he sought to ed by singing the Natiojn4 Anthem.—An Stnillie, Deplat.v Fo-n-a good selection of Librar and H&W -At leaflet- aecre Mrs. A. 8catt ; treasurer, efotee. Ile is one of the beat men we have enterminment will be given in the Roxboro Londesbofo. cause of the fire, unless through a pall of Dep4br UK Lamps, Carving Sets, eto., fbr Christru gif Its, *y_ W aC. ry. the 2 -2nd W. P.p.t 'superintendent of Mis- had here for some time, mud we are sure the school house ()n Tuesday evening, was plabed there.—Last'wi is S. M LILLEIT & Co. And don't forget see our LOCALS.—The Methodist church and Sun-: ashes which 'Tin cawa4l oil is -de I , 513- . I sion Band, 'Miss Wilson : assistant, Mrs inst., when an int6reating programme of In . lantern txhibition, in con_ '40 6 -r"Im Raisfn Seeder. Seaforth people will.be greatly day school purpose holding their annual tea- 'eVening a egic Voll *bi . pleased to Alex-_ Broadfoot. A . letter received from haveanother opportunity of' listening to music, songs, recitations, etc., will be given nection with the -Salvation Army, was givea,� of -1896, ul; CHRISTMAs TRiims.—An immense asso.i meeting on Christmas night. Further the sons fln merit of articles suitable for bsipg�9?9 On istmas Mr. R. Mitchell, missionary at Honan, him. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Bond, asked for by the scholars and others.. Roxboro schoo- particulars will be given later.—Mr. T. in the barracks. —The ne%v bakers, Alesxrs.� Trees. committees haviu.g them in chargne at I vited.. China, was read by Mrs. Kirkman, and an- a special collection' of $100 and the congre- has a reputa6lo for first class entertainl Lawson and family are moving into the Mallough & Langlis, who -recently bou A G. gat. t6 calf, get IbUr_y ricei and see thegoods at... ,AsDEN other irom Miss Ross, *.of the China Inland ga:tion responded by giving four dollars over ments and this one promises to eclipse all Lt pres- Out imrlkng & WiLsox's, Seaforth. 13-1 village.—Mr. W..Maxtin is very ill i Wr. Thom King, arrived here. fitou mission, and who is a sister ot"Rev.- Mr. the required sum. former efforts.—Mrs. Tweddle, of Fergus,.As ent.-- We hope soon to hear of his recovery. Dungannon Uis -week. They are experiencea---, CVT Saw and Axes, Sleigh Bells and Ross, of Brussels, was read by Vie president. visiting her Elan, Mr. F. W. Tweddle.—Mr. —Mrs. Caldwell is also very low, there. business men and first-class I Cutlery, large assortment and rIght prices�- S. Themeeting was a most pleasant and bar. Noble Cluff has taken into partnership With being but slight hopes for her recovery.— wagon will deliver in town and iconntry� MU 1,LFTT & CO , Seaforth. 15IX-1 . AINTOTHEit Li.Nic BRoicF,_-,-. —Another link manious one throuhout All ladies will be two yfield,, A -PUZZ WOOD WANTED,—anted & quantity of- �n the chain which binds the present to the himself in the planing mill bus;ness, his Mrs. Wilson is here visitinj friends and old We welcome these gentlemen to Ba good hardwood., long and short, t ll made welcome at the monthly meetings ast. has been severed by the death of Mr. sons, and hereafter the firm will. be, known tances, from Manitoba. —Quite a and wish them success.—Fishing has beem. hetlier members,or no't. a N. Cluff & Sons. Mr. S. Bennett, of the Tf for furniture. - LzATUERDALE. LANDSBOROU011, W t = of the young people enjoyed a very very good here during the pastweek.' At Samuel Stark, of Seafor6b, which o;k place 11 �eaforth. -tt late firm of Cluff & Benuet on the regular monthly meeting ofthe Bayfield .1513 at his residence on Thursday evening last, . , is iooking for 9, pleasant evening skating on the river Tim, I'COUNTY -.COUCIL Non[SATIO -8. place to locate in.—Mr. Alexander Stobbie SEF. our Coal saving and dust proof sh after an illness of about seven weeks. Mr. Friday evening last.—Alias Shepherd was Orange Young Britons,. held on Saturday- sifter. We sell them on trial.- S. MULL1=1 & Co., -The hominations for the county council� 'll Stark was born in Killakeen, county of is buying immense quantities of poultry for the guest of Miss Lou Ouimette over Sun- evenin , the following offifeers were installed A. Seaforth. 15-13-1 ' . innipeg firm, The bf am 9 b� held on Monday, December 21st, and t Irds are sent fir -Limerick, Ireland. Re came to Canada in & W day. for the ensuing year . W M., E. Reid. Foit go6d.reliable Furniture and the following are the places that the nominatio 8 the year 1848, and with. his bride, who ac. here to Centralia, where with similar collec- W. A M., W. M. Johnston ; secretary, A. To know how to big est aesortmerit, go to BR,0ADF6oT Box & Co., -will be held in the respective divisions r tions from other -places, they are drawn, ame urrison titatu I' 4mu Af t married be- rwin ; treasurer, J a IT. H think Seacth, prices the lowest. companied him, as he was jus Oentiaha the Tuckelilsmith, Seaforth and McKillop fore leaving the old country, settled at neatly and uniformly dressed, and packed director of ceremanies, W. Attwooa ; chap- And choicest goo& I Bm, variety of winter Rubbers, Sox and vision, at the towp hall, Seaforth; for e Richmond MIT, near Toronto. Five years in boxes and shipped to various parts of the NOTES.—A. Bowslaugh has leased C. W. lain, X. Patterson ; tyler, A Spencer but please evparybo� Felt Boots and Shoes. Prices the very lowest at the( Smith's chopping mill and will run it duri Usbarne-, Exeter dnd Stephen divisio , at rovince.—Mr.- Harrington, sup- in ciaeap cash shoe store�Carmlcbaers Block, 4 doors later they came to the county of comittee, Joseph McEwan, W. Osmond, at the Seaforth tea south of Weir's Hotel. W. H. Wiiws, Senforth. the town hall, Exeter; for the Hay, . tan- settled on the Maitland river at what is now ported by an able cut, will appear in Card- the winter.—Rev. Dr. Willoughby preach� T. M. Woods, T. Blair) W. Harrison. ca,a buy 5 lbs;currai J d. the claims of the Superannuated Minister's 1)5c, 6 lbs riee 95c, 4 1613 ley and Ba0eld division, at the township known as Roxboro. At that time -no's hall, this town, on the l7th, 18th an fund in such an able and practical manner r-9, wns building in Seaforth was a small log stiuc- TimiLF, is a very s n Rubb6 ' -hall, Zurich; for the Goderich to hip, 19th of this month. The play, 11 The Gold- 'W roxeter. prunes 3 lbs i and we cannot afford to cut prices very deep, itill, I. at the town en Giant Miae, or Down the Slope, will be On Sunday morning, th4t th-P. contributi�w Clinton and Hallett division� Calffornisari4 ..ture on the corner of what is now Main and 3 lbs in cheap Rubbe1a no store in town can match 'us, hall, Clinton ; for the Colborne, GoderiCh Go&rich streets, and which is now covered one of the leading features. amounted to ever $40, 11iis bei" consider- NoTEs.—Dr. McTavish, pastor Off Central 10 lbs sulphur 25e,, - and in better grsde3 we aye always as low, and In and Ashfield divisidn, at- Goderich; for the —0 ably atlead of au�tthing in recent years.— Pre 9 cues out of 10 we are . lower than othu places. by a portion of Mr. Wilson's egg emporium. sbyteriaii church, Toronto, is to be here� 5 lbs fish The cheap cash shoe store—Cumichaelg Block. Wawanosh, Blyth and Wingbam division, This house WSS'L then occupied by Mrs. Zurich. '1,rAKe.Epworth League is to have a series of the second Sabbath in January for the anni- J-21an tea 15c 1b, WiLms, Seaforth.- 1513-1 at Wingham -; forthe Turnberry, Wroxeter I Eapecial meettrigs, beginning next Sunday veraary .1�w. in the. - Steen, and it was here thA Mr. Stark and I BEv, to annouuee to the public that-. I evpni-ag.—Rev. W. H. Butt 'will assist at Queen City for a few da gree. and Japan ta FvP._mTv.r.E. —The' leading Furniture or and Howick division, at Wroxeter, and for 'A I _y last week.—Miss I - � his family spent their first night in the ha-ve a large stock of Christmas an -qew Years the dedication of the new church near Hr- Clara Xolfatt,of Blyth, is the guest of Alies- :f;or �25c railrosa Is Undertaking Firm has the largest and beat. assort- the Morris, Brussels- and 'Grey division, at county of Huron, on their m�ay to their new goods on hand. A great variety vf Christmas Cards. 460c -1 lake herrillg I ment of Furniture in the County of Hu:ron, at prices the town hall, Brussels. - Each of the meet- A call is extended to everyone to examIne the ristounext Sunday.— Maggie Miller, at Catmoss.—Messrs. Ham. -chia, that cannot bei touched for quality and design, Bed home in Roxboro. Mr. Stark was a shoe- Christmas presents, whether you buy gr not. Speclil —0 r01, crpkery, Rjom Sets from 86.f 0 up to SL25, Sideboards. troll, ings commence at one o'clock. Judging ilton & Sander -son have been shipping &. . prict maker by trade and worked at it for some value In Dinner Sets, China Goods, Japan Goods, right down in ' . 86.fo up to *1oa. Exteuslon Tables from 183.25 up to f rom present appearances there will be can- years in Roxboro. After a time he removed European and American Goods to select fr I orn. But- Wmthrop- large number of lmbe from the station., -w;rth $134nd $14,, $50, and also other goods at the lowest living price- didates galore in each division, and most of ter, Eggs, Dried Apple@, 4ken liberally in exchange. ScHooL Ex_4j,v(x&T1Ox. —Miss M.J. Scott, lately. ' Miss Alice Walker, of NiagaT.96 now I I 13ROADFOOT Box & Co., Seafortbe' them, so far as they,have yet 'been named, e of the earliest D..S. FAusT, Zurleb. 1513-1 teacherof Lthe school in section No. 12, Falls, is visiting her g�.andmotber, Mrs, A. 110 and $11, residents of this town. He engaged in ;;Or � ".50 now UNDERTNKING.—We keep a. large and Blairrws.—kr., Jacob Zinimerman,' who McKillop, purposes, holding a public exam- Gibson, at L resent.—Mr. Robert Black has. Beta V1 am good- men. It would be well if the elec' businesk'­He-re�--iihd was quite successful, rnmer, g now well selected stock of- Coffin@ and Ci9kets from tfi- su been Sin ag&inst & wsh�out in the� e torswouldturn out in large numbers to has been in Iforth Dakota the last wtion in the school hou'se on Tuesdy, cheapest tothe best, and our prices will be found as being at one time a large property holder. an- piece toilet sets Wo S.T. Holmes practical these meetin a" as,they will, no doubt, ob. returned horpe a few days ago.—The IJecember 22nd. During the day the pupils by dumping a great number of reeker low as any in tho business. 9 He did a good deal of conveyancing and 2other goods light A , Undertaker and Embalmer, residence' Gederich ­%aln much information, not alone as regards nual meetinj of Zurich branch of the Bible will be examined in the various branches of =the briidge.—An unreserved "ctionz- work of that kind in the earlier'days. Hia and all and get soi sday, on aceount the school curriculum, by tea�bhers from the sale of cows, young cattle and calves, vlth�, promptly attended to. 8,RoADFooT Box—& Co., Sea-, retired from business, however, some ten or nded. wbile they are goin Street, opposite Methodist Church, DIgbt o%119 the candidates, but also as to the working Society held here laar, t of thomew- Act, as it will be incumbent am of the rain, was only I , well atte surrounding sections. This examination 2,000 bushels of turnips., will take place De- forth. twelve years ago and has since been living The president, Rev. D. H. Braund, ope�ed u the farm of Mrs. A. Gib - Clocks, each candidaw to give all necessary ex- retired. He was strictly upright and � hon- will be folloiv*d by a splendid programme of cember IStb,,o LArGHTE-11 -- sale of Watches, the meeting, after w chl -the followin .lose to the se;vv mill here.-�-It is an- planations. -n 9 recitationidialogues,oc.al iind instrumental o, a Ao G. A Jewelry. Having decided to re-enter the grocery eat in all his dealings and possessed i a officers were elected : President, Rev.D. eed that, Wm. McPherson �has retired - business in the Town -of Mitchell. I have decided to high degree the confidence and esteem of -H., music, prepared by th.e teacher and pupils. noun clear out everything in our Jewelry f Braund ; vice president, Fred Kibler - see- are cordiall al- from the field as a candidate for County Store -by Jan- PouLT.Ry AssOCIATION.—A meeting 0 his fellow men. For many years he filled Al�l y invitd4 to attend, especi uary 15th, 3897, evory article in the retary, H. Dumart ; treasurer, Gabriel ly the parents of the offildren, to note the Council honors, and that Thomas B. Sau- coun. tV l store must b' delegates from all parts of the coufat�y was 8� t accompany every purchase. W. the position of village and town assessor recently h-eid Roltzman ; D. S. Faust, depository. itev. advancement or deteriorati aae� in the ders, reeve of this village, has- taken his- will not look for & prcfiti but for the cash as we in the town hall, Seaforth., for and occupied various other public and mun- on -in purchased the htock cheap, we are enabled to unde- the purpose of organizing a Huron Poultry, icipal positions. He was a well-informed J. P. Hauch gave an ex(ellent lectre on studies -of their children during the year. place. Mr. Sanders has had , lengthy ex- sell all compeiitors.. Now is &chance of a life timer. the work of the Bible, w:th marked effecC nai -he Imunidip. _Ali shop fixtures consistifig - of Cases, Safe, - Stove, and Pet. Stock Association. - The following mall , being an extensive' reader and a can- perience at the County Council board, a posed oft officers were ele6ted : M. Y. McLean, M. re. J. P. Hauch, of Berlin, has been e present good standing of the village of AAdStabley. andi*be� Stools, Work Beribbeo, will be Sold at &-sacrifice. troversialist of no mean ability, in fact he —M Constance. th until- the lease expires P., honor ry president ; Dr. J. G. here this week visiting relatives and friends. Wroxeter is largely du to his econ0M_"C&t_- fat Vhe in tl The store will be 'sublt 93. FRiD DAvis, Jewelry., cott, president; William Hartry,§�crietary- dearly loved an argument, and on many THu LUAGUs.—The Epworth League held 7na_,e:e,,-,. Howjok, Turnberry and DAY DICE11BUR i whi6his February 27, 1E subject�i it took i good man to uphold his —Miss Dyer, of Exeter, i has been visiting their consecration meeting on Tharsday of w., tor -tb Seaforth. 1513-1 treasurer ; A. J. Greyj Cliurton, lst vice- -her aunt, Mrs. D. Swinbach.—Mr. Andrew. last week, after which the of the roxe r would be ably represenud by repremat side against. him. Hq was a _ genial, good. I M OVING SALE. —The greit eecret how to Middleboltz has beeu. on the sick list for a ile arr4 I ugetWeni -n preffident.; 0. A. Wells, Goderich, 2nd vice- hearted man, who had many friends and Sabbath school in s to 'hold Miller and Mr. Sanders, and werhope to see ,of the Court. y ui save money. fix this in i our mirld,.* dollar does 'iveek,-741r, H. Well delivered an organ at both Aeleeted. —Thomas LGibSon, jr., was iw ata tlmt I -cow's POO yGuf � - president ; K C. , Coleman, Seaf a Christmas tree"* social on e -evening of bi;�s gool guoda\ 'cheap. For few enemies. His partner in life survives. the manner presew dbuble duty whehit vice president, Directors.—For, $eafart�h, leaves 3ous and the church of the Evangelical congregation, the 24th D6ceruber, for the benefit of the Toronto the early part of the weeL­---,A-- "on taL -#* 41i the next thirty d&5 a we shall ive fb ar) quality and him, and he a family of two I go. 0. C. Wil Ward 14t eve Sub Divu greater values for eyery dollar tbo-.3 %�5os over our lson, John 1, J.� H. Reed, 0. h concession, a few days a _Our re id scarf drill by eight yo'ung ladies from Hai.- 4her four daughters. In years gone by he waa school. All are invi e -Law Q t.) counter, tb&n'any shoo store _101q6--kn. We have Aitzel, Harry Speare, -A. Calaer Tyre-: returned from the County Council last Set- ristoh,high school be one of the features,- fixe. by �By an exceedingly robast; and active man and -The Inde"'ildent Or -der �Couneit -DIVUlon. I an immense line of seasonable 'goods at money sav man and Harold Johnson ; Goder4th, Win, -urday for the last- time, under the )Id at the putlic school concert here, on the, Ing prices, We do not confine our trade to any one for forty yearis be never knew what it was ot Good Templarsod-.ke beld..%� very firm but buy the best where ever they can be Austay 'AA7m. Ross ; Clinton, Rev. J. Ford, system. i to be a day sick. He had reached the good esEing meeting on Wednesdayeveuirig� One bought. , The manufaeburers,don't make our prices. .3 Exeter W. Bissett. Wrox- us- Walter Coae age of 75.years. The' rem'ais were interred Blake. new member was initiated.' The &ogramme and when buying from you are not paying cent BluEmal,&. Winter eirm. for advertising them. Re 8 eter, John Barnard ; Brusel,-, D.A. Lowry, in the Maitleindbank cemetery on Saturday, consisted of a recitation by Mary Schoales for shoes and dollars W.H.Kerr;Luoknow,JobnLy sJameal VisII-NG TRIP. —Mr. and, Mrs. N=s.—Mr'. Will McCully, assistant. 4t member our new store A�ill- soorf � be ready for ug, John .13re'-neman, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph temperance address by G. Coates ; 'recita- and we would inuch rather sell'yoii the shoes noiv Bryan ; %ViDgham, Frank Pat e son, W. tion.by A.� Go"odbue; speech by Wm. Me- cheesmaker at our factory, returned to Mw 0 than bare the trouble of moving tbew. RICHARr)sON Taylor ;'Londesborough, John M-Eille, W- Locm Biti-E has s9chwartzentruber, and Mrs.Jacob Oesch, all Fs��Mr. Alf. Stark, wb Intosh instrumental -selection by M.: homen, Kinburn last Saturday.—Mr, John. & Seaforth' u :1-hott, -of Wawanosh, was visiting at Mr. 1613-1 Wallace Blyth, E. Haggett��'; Hensall, been ill for some days, and who -was unable of this vicinity, left on Wednesday or,,g Schoales reading - by D. T idor. it, was F 3 b t Thomas Berry ; Zurich, D. S. Faust ; Kin -J to attend 11*19Aher's funeral on Saturday, decided to bold a debate next week -on the R. N_ Duff's, on Tuesday.—Rev. Mr. Hen- NT I WHAT WE WAN .—YOU 6 get 'the es las0to spend a couple of weeks visiting value or your money ; if YOU want the same call it el 'tives and friends in the vicinity of Ham- -burn, C. McGregor ;Almag W. lr�vin Win is, we are pleased 'to learn, recovering.— r a subject: 11 Resol-fedbat modern inventions dersonccupied the puIpit in he, Presby- C.ksxy & Co's, the leading tea house in town. All STRATA d to -60o a pound, also Raisins, Carter ;Egmandville, Alelx. Charlesw6rtb,! Mr.Johri, G. Grieve, of McKillop, losta, burg and Haysville, in Waterloo county. are detrimental to the laboring classes." terian church lRub Sabbath, bothwonhig gra es of Teas fr0m 10 Currants, and figs and all things necessary for the Edwin 'Creewell. The object of ' 'the very valuable heavy draught mare on *Fri- The drove to Seaforbb and took the train in `OJ . Our Crockery line is also V Theaffirmativewill be taken byWillain and evening. —A recent. issue of theWagga, 93 Christmas trade com- association is to encourage the breeding'Of day of last week. A few dwys preTiously there. We wish our good friends a leas- Jamieson, and the negati-fe by W. Taylor. Wagga (New South Wales) Express, con. the Dow ion, ple-te, new dinner Betts and tea Fett,; and glass poultry by holdirlg aurtu&l eXhibitions and she got a nail in, her foot, causing --blood ant visit and a safe return to friends at ith good busluesep eetts just arrived. We have also all kinds of -fancy tains an interesting description of the -larger -departmen't ;,v Cups mud Saucers, and Venettanware, suitabe lor in other ways. Xis intended ^to hold the poisoning -and -eesultilpg in death� She was home. foundry of Messrs. Cohoe 'and Walster, at, in attendince; Christmas presents and New Yeard gifts. Before ..first exhibition in Seaforth about 1he third one of a valuable team.—We again remind NOTES.—Many friends will regret to learn Usborrie'. Janee, New South . Wales, to bL ahead ech turlat", 3 on buy give us a call. CABY Co., 8eaforth. ' i , , _,_gether wit -*nd w)nen week in January, if suffidient courage- ourreadersof the anniversary services in of the serious illness of Mrs. John Bechler, A SrDDB'-'T QkLL.—On Saturday evening short biographical iketche _iJI these twwl it.. I , 1513-1 by inclpaL ful I ed -ext ment is received and afterwards &t other the Presbyterian church oil Sabbath next, of this- village. She has been attended last Mr. Win. J. Slavi, of Usborne, near gentlemen. Mr. Cdhoi7 is a son-in-law of Pn HOLIDAY SALE. —In accordance With my two doctors, and at the time of writing was Lumley, and his father, r. Wm. Slavi,. Mr. and Mrs. John. Bosnian, of Bluevale..— usual custom, I intend selling during the.:ruonbh of central points in the county, A meeting of and tte entertainment on Monday evening- thought to be some better. We hope- that, were unloading straw in the barn on the December at greatly reduced prices. My rcgu ar the association will be held in the � town —At the basket ball match in the skating Mrs. Anderson, and Miss Anderson, of; prices or atches are so low that they cannot be hall, ou'Alonday next, when it is expected rink on Monday evening, between the Hu- she may soon fully recover.—Mr. S. Swhysie farm of the former, when Mr. Wm. Slav in, Glennannan, end Miss KartA cwn, of' cut moh, W has rented Mr. Dunbar's shop, and iritenis sr., who was in the act of pitching str.aw to Chan but I can and will sell any description of reports will be forthcoming which will rons and the Beavers, a young man named t Morris, were visiting Mrs.. P6tor McBwelx�. Watch, lower -than any advertised out pric6. I have jus"ify the societ h with their W alier Payne a member of the* Beaver's carrying on the carpen er busineas in A his son, who was in the mov, suddenly ex- in the village I"t week. y in going� 0 a beautiful-stoDic of Gold Ringj, at reduced pric is, anging from 76o to $25, 'Diamond Rince $5 exhibition. This is a good movement and- team, and son of Mr. William Payne, during the winter.—Our enter ing . citi- claimed, " Oh my," and fell over on the to$ 6, em Rings 75c to $10, Keeper Rings $1 to 84. 0, it should receive the hearty encouragement slipped on the floor, brdaking a bone in his zen, Mr. John Thirsk, has bepernis doing & load and His son eame to his as Wedding Rings $UD;-�­upe Chains, Pini, B�roocl es and support of the publi lef I; I and also spraining his ankle. rushing business at his cider mill this fall, sistance, but his life had fled. He was aged SummerbilL BUS eg and all other kinds Jewelry. I will sell'at c, st Uut the 8`88,11OU for apple orushing being 70 years. Hearb disease was the cause of Iand in many cues b6low cost'ptice. he laid up for some time. NotEs.—There is to be a Me I have -a lai ;a He will etin]g thS trade in Spect4oles and consoquently & large 'stc )k HURON TO Mix FRONT AS USUAL.—Our —Services were hold in St. James' church in Kbout over, Mr. Thirsk will devote his death. He leaves. a widow, two gone (Friday) evening in the church here for the,. which I will clear out at astonishing low pric -3. old frien - d, Mr. John C. 4orri ion, township this town old, Tuesday last, it being the whole attention to grain crushing, in which and four daughters to m6arn his very and- Purpose, ff possible, of organixing, a society Genuine Pebbit a at $1, usual price 0. The b at iable be does'a large business for the neighboring den demise. Ile 'was a highly esteemed of liliristian Endeavor, a lony felt wut, Lenses in Steel Frames at 50c.,' Good-'Spectac ej Clerk of McKillop, has been spending his Feast of the Conception. —That old, rel 00 -nee usually- skild for $I# at 26c, Gold and Gold Fil ed leisure hours delving into the last report"of and invaluable pablic&tion, the_.Causdian farmers and always gives good satisfaction. resident of the township. The f aneral. took here, and we hope to See a g attend& 1,001, o' _*_ iz Frames,also greatly reduced. Cust mera eso r ily place from his late'residnce, near Lumley, and a suceesgial organ das usual that thes�, prices, and goods are just as -e- the Bureau of Industries, and be gives the Almanac for 18%7- is to hand, reminding us presented. R. MERCM, heaforth. 1513-1 result of his researches in so far as they re- �bat another year has about run its course. Rensall. on, Tuesday last, to MeTaggart's ceiftetery, Mrs. Noble Lovett spent Sunday at Lead7- X_"11 U-1tA for title own of Londesborot Ifa -late to the count f -Huron, as follows : The almanac improves with age, and this, J. D. C KE, Barrister, Solicitor, Convey-. on the Usborne boundary, and was largely buy.—Miss Sarlih Br Am, outstanding accounts in, MY or y 0 &c., (late with � Garzow & Proudfoot &ttended. In' the mida't of life we are in spent part of last week visitirig : here.—The- Hurou is the beat county in Ontario; it has the 50th edition, is the best and most useful ancer, , must be settled on or before January 16th, 1898. All Hensall. Money to loan. accounts unsettled by this (late will have to be sued. 591,976 acres of cleared lan� having the yet issued.—There is not nearly as much death.-" Temperance lodge is- s,e4dilv increasing im BRiFFs.—The bad state of the weather FRxo DAYIS, eaforth. 1618- second largest cleariag, eLlthough only. the wood being brought into town this fall as nembership.—Do not forget the, public ex- before- formerly. Whetherthisis due tothebad and roads is affecting tradevery much and, Crediton. DON'T be balldosed into buying Watches, ourth -largest county. In 1895, the year.to amination 'in our schooln the 2 -2nd inst.— our business men are longing for good Clocks., Jewelry, etc., at reduced _prices_/i when you which the report.- r'efers, Huron raised roads or to the fact -that wood is year by TH'E Couzzcm.—A meeting of the Stephen Mr. N. ingham is now comfort�6bly -settled- UI)out that dati c�u buy cheaper p6t our rcgul&r prices. We will *9 7 1,7 13 bushels of fal wheat, only Kent, year growing less plentiful, deponent sayeth sleighing. —Quite a. large number of our council was held in the township ball here, in his new house, and we" hope thet the, gl,�-e you a few of our regular prices so that you (an Essex and Middlesex D. D. Wilson is on his way home villagers attended the funeral of the late on Monday, all the members being present. gentleman and his family in place compare them. Ladies solid, 14k, goid, 6 size producin more: Huron not.—Mr. ay b4 long spar- Watches, with Elgin or Waltham movement, -regu r and Middlesex produ�-ed the 1 gest average from the old country and may be expected Mrs. Redmond, on Thursday afternoon of Resolved that; $2 be deducted from 1% B. ed to enjoy its occupan(,y.—Uisi 'Edith- last week.—Mrs. Blilf aur, of Kippen, was pri--e $21.60 ; Ladies' 14k, gold filled, 6'size Watc on is not re- Martin's dog tax, and that the collector be Manning spent part of last week with bBr s. yield %r a period of fourteen years. Huron here in a few days. - Al rs. Wils with Waltham,- Elgin or St. Thomas moy me o, grew �6 in the village this week visiting friends.— notified to do so. , Messrs. Sanders and sister., Mrs. C. Beacom, t ther guaranteed for 20 vears, regular price $13.50 ; a 2,756 bushels oftbarl.y, uly Sim... turning with him, but will prolong her visit We think tha ork -gro - wing e. Zan pro- iii the old land 8 A large quantity of grain is 10k, gold filled, 6 size Watches, regular price 81 coe and Y mor .—Mr. Andrew Govenlock' being marketed Hicks are to see what is best to be done hall here should be reilovated on the insidej, 1,adies',Silver Watches from $3.75 up; Boys' a duced 5,134,921 bushels of oats, averaging great clear'itg out auction sale 4 Winthrop here, notwithstanding the bad tate of the with the bridge over the S&uble river,on the and &Igo the paxt used as a lobby sbolia. b; pa: Girl.' nickle plated, Watches f rom 81 45 up ; Ge to to .—Miss E. McArthur, of Ailm Craig, 3rd side road. Orders to the amount of put in the shape of _ii neat porch on tII&I pk,",e call ankl j thirty nine and a half bushels the acre, an Tuesday next will be the attraction of roads 14k gold filled, 10 and 18 size Watches. . with % El in ig her brother, Mr.john MELcarthur. $781 were issued,- and the council adjourned outside. This would give the ,inch neede'd L or V'41tham movement, regular prie ts, tind the largest yield of any couiaty in On- this district. � The hammer will be wielded is Visitir e $1.6 ; er - gold filled, d 18 size Watzhes, regular price �ario, Essex, Kent, L by our versatile friend, Mr. Thomas Brown. —Mr. T. J. Berry, hore buybr, who had until Tuesday, 15th inst., when deputy- space on the inside and be more coirvaniar�t' 101,0 16an ambtan Middlesex, $12 ; Gents'18 size, solid- nickle, silver screw back 8imcoe, Oxford and Perth having better —Brigadier Margetts, of London, who is to been in Boston selling a car load of horses, returning officers will be appointed and s well. and benzel or binge case, Elgin or Waltham . move, returned home thih week. Mr. Berry had a. places for holding the elections arranged. ment, regular pri6e $6 W�7 Clook-ja.—Black, entuielled averages per acre. Huron is the third concitiat a s�ecial meeting in the Salvation case, 8 day Cathedral-g-jpng moyement, halt hour largest _664jity for peas, ha-ving produced Army baracks, this, Friday evening, will be very fine load of horses, but found the mar- Hovdck- strike, from 86 up.' /Eight day, solid Oak or 994,309.,bushels.ana gave the largest aver- acoomparlied by Brigadier Hunter, of Stra.t. kets very dull there, the recent elections TAILORS wmlnut case, with Cathedral gong, half hour strike age �e acre in the province, although Grey ford, who. is farewelling from this district. and consequent unsettled state of business, Bayffeld. G-tTHF111-T�G13. —Rev. Air. Fisher, ofOrange- ,an i ti�igs- 'TWO 0oors S wovemen�tjrom*3.50. These aregenuine Amerip gs Olocks. Riugg.—Solid 1- k, old - rings, engra,red and - mooe grew a larger quantity. Huron —A number of the members of Fidelity continuing to seriously affect trade in all BREEZY oTE --Mr. Charles Dewar, of Hill, haslosed a series of revival meetings was patterni, from 76c up Brooctles, Stick Pins, Ouff had 154j796 acres of pastulre, the third lodge, Independent Order of Oddfellows,- lines in Uncle Sam's dominion.—Mr. G. Me- Goderich, a forn:tr- resident of Bayfield, A great deal of good was done in that Vicin- eto.L7- 0 assistelI. Buttons, Cuff Links, Lock hains. ate., at the largest in the province,and had 31,602 cows, visited the Clinton lodge on Tuesday even 1pen is this week shipping away a quantity in town last- w*�ek —Alex. Ferguson is ity.—Rev. Mr. Harvey, of Clifford, sanic low cost prices. Call and examine our st A pleasure to show gooda. Rememb k. 19 cheese factories with 1,5092 s, and i k.—Mr. Rufus Andrews, of Clinton, has Of tOw.—Mr. E. Rannie, accompanied by visiting friends in Crinton.—Don!t forget by Rev. Mr. Philps, the evangelist, is hold, er the place. C. . patron n Barrs W. PAPHT'S ifookstore, Seaforth, opposiu Domi on the value of the cheese sold was $126,4'18. been engaged in S. llillett & CO.'s hardware his son-in-law, Mr. E. Pauline, of Crediton, to come to -the town hall next Friday even- lug special meetings in that place" W& i bank. W. It. COUXTZP., manager Jewiry, deoirt- y pa- store.—Mr. R. J. Macdonald, of the firm of was in Wingharn. on Tuesday.—The Rev. ing. Public school concert.- The scholims wish them much success in their good war)" Oxford had 36,982 cows, 2,666'factot IARKET i ment. ieetin took place at BelgravO OA Mr. Anderson of Goderich, delivered very of St. Andrews' and Trinity Sabbath schools —A tea ir. trons,who realised S494,3q7 for their cheese. Greig & Macdonald, is on a purchasing trip )roceeds wera, Leeds had 81 cheese factories,with 1,201 pa- to Hamilton.—Mr. H. Town represented able sermons in Carmel Presbyterian church are preparing for their annual Christmas the 30th of November. The I DfSTRICT MEFTiN. I (;,—The district mtet-� trons -Aad 3%982 cows, and sold $27i,2-2 Fidelity lodge at the district meeting of the on Sabbath morning and evening-, last.— entertainmenta. The dates will be given about $24.—Mr. Marshal Jacques2'who bas We Ole& i ing of the Independent Order of Oddfellc we . i t Clin- That the fame of Hensall is extending and next week.—Mr. Win. Bates was awakened been in Manitoba these last few months, re- Ladles, Capes, 1, worth of cheese. Huron has 111,553 head Independept Order of Oddfellowa a He looks well ani was held in Clinton on Tuesday afternom.� of cattle, only Grey having more, -and is the ton on Tuesday.—Au interesting game. of that her industries and manufacturers have about four o'clock Monday mornin-Pa. and turned last Saturday. no rippin I g e( I In the evening the lodge was attended by, third -county for sheep, having 55,7100 li�ad, basket ball was played on the skating rink a much more than local name, is evidenced found his summer kitchen on fire. R was hearty.—Miss Ids Jacques expects to have, tuits 7 brethren from Goderich, He all� Seaforth Grey and Simcoe only, b�ving more. Hu. on Tuesday between the Huron and Beaver Dy the fact that Mr. R. Bell, cl�,.tbe Hensall wiih much difficulty �he. house wasaved. a concert t the close of the year, 'Wben flhe"� I tiox. a andLondon. AtthL-closeok foundry, is in receipt of coFrespondence Thekitthenad contents wereconsumed. will quit teaching. A good time is expect, the lodge the. ronites sold 2,535 horse' football teams,resulting in favor of the Bea- a a -for. $179.,985, the all are welcome to attend.—We delothes = - visiting brethren, were entertained by the most of any countym— the province and vers, by a score of three to one. Basket from Japan, with a Wow of opening up Mr. and Mrs. Bates had.returned home on ed, and a members of Clinton Udge, at trade with that far country.—The Rev. Mr. Saturday, from a week's trip to *Petrolea, learn that Mr. Rattan, of Laklet, W45 he d - 1! U B'k M 0 esi� t_,he 0 t �nja 4 y g ar. I e U6 T hi U1 % d He re. -p;y a supper: in they sold $1,053,192 worth of cattle,the ball is getting to be quite a popular game dyed� 71ey the hotel Clarendon. The 'spread was a largest of any county. - She also sold 52,772 in town.—An interesting debate was held Waddell is now nicely settled in his new and a number of robes, cushions, etc., were around here the other day hunting. bio wad see our worl arsona , and with the new furnace and left in the kitchen, a -ad burned along with -ported to having secared a lox. during B most sumptuous. one and was most thor- -hogs, for which slid. received $445,396, the by the literary and debating club on Tues- P ge for work. I 1 oughly enjoyid by all present. When the fourth largest, Wellington being 60,903 head day. evening.—The Columbia calendar for other improvements he will have a most, other articles. They cannot account for the short time out.