The Huron Expositor, 1896-12-11, Page 3aess RADE- Itaking uttran- -s. In ()e. ents. m..••••••••=e•f. rad States n all parte- le on eam set curren December. tagent. en Director Stafeet DECEMBER 11, 1896. TH11 HURON EXPOSITOR. -BARGAINS- - - in Crockery. As we intend going out of the Crockery Business, we are offering some of the hest bargains ever given in the eounty in Dinner, -Tea andeToilet Sets. We have a good col- lection to choose from and the prices are away down below the usual. Our Stock of Groceries Will be found coMplete as usual. In Teas, eve are giving extra values; our Japan Tea at Die and Sc2-per pound cannot be beat. Although °currants and raisins are higher than last year, wesare selling a good clee.ned currant -at 5c per pound. We are payin_ the highest market prices ood fowl, butter and eggs for all kinds of --cash and trail IMPORTANT NOTICS. CEDAR POSTS. -Ten thousand chola* coder posts for 100. Sach at COLEMAN'S, &Worth. 1480 -ti T J.MoKENNA, Derain' . Surveyor, Member of Land Surveyors, Dublin, On TORN ,BEATTIE, Clerk al Court, County Comm1 'In a user, Land, Loan and I inveated and to. Loan. Ivens' store, Main street, S ROB BROS., SEAFORTH. THE SEAFORTH Musical - Instrument n and .Provinolal Land heAssociation of Ontario rio. 1386-62 tne, betiond Division ionerr- of -Huron, Con - enhance Agent. Funds Office -Over Shall) & &forth; 1289 TIA.Rai FOR SALE. -Lot 28, Conceseion 4, Town - 12 ship of Hay, containing 100 acres. For para. (sulfas apply to GEORGE E. GREENSLADE, Kiopen P. 0. 1/4 1510x16 it TONEY TO LEND.-Mones to lend in sums of 111 61,000 and upwards en good fartn property, at lowest rates of interest. Payments made to suit borrower. This is net loan companies funds. A 'choice Tuekeramith farm for sale damp. Apply to A. COSENS, first door -south of Jackson'e store, Egmondville. 150Atf ATALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. -Consist - V ing of a hens°, containing -6 rooms, cellar, and with hard and soft water; also gable and drive Its°. There is two-fifths of an acre of land. S itable for retired farmer. Also for Bale, 1 new farm truck, 1 new buggy, and, 1 pair bobsleighs. Apply to 13.UGH InciNTOSB, Kippen, or B. R. HIGGINS, Brucefield. P. S. -All accounts dun It1r. Meintos.h must be settled before January 1st, 1897. 151zx4 -------- -- ANICE HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -For sale, the pr,operty of the late W. H, Aitcheson on the 5th Conees•,ion, of McKil op. There are 8 acres of land, well planted with all kinds of large and email fruit trees. Also {,a comfortable frame house, stable and workshop together, with all neces- sary convenienoes including! hard and soft water. Close to church and school and within 3 miles of Seaforth, on a good gravel road. This is a Most de- sirable property and will be sold very cheap to wind up the estate. Apply to WM. MARTIN, Bruseele. 151241 EMPORIUM. ESTABLISHED, 1871 Owing to hard times, we have con- cluded to sell Piaaos and. Organs at ereatly Reduced Prices, organs at $25 and upwards, and Pianos at Corresponding prices. SEE US BEFORE PURCHASING. SCOTT BRO CASEY & CO. ARE PREPARED TO SELL TURNIP — ANDAlbellivilb, more about the 'old, tithe , retivais, they ROYAL DRUNKARDS have only to go over to ask. Whitefieh3, andl Wesley, and Livingston, and Fletcher, and Nettleton, and Finney. • i I, EUROPEAN MONARCHS WHO HAVE Going Right on With Work. TAKEN TO THEIR CUPS. Oh what a place to visit in! If eternity ; wero one minute shorter, it would no long enough for such sociality. Thin our friends who in this world were sionately fond of flowers turned into p ra- dise! Think of our friends who were ery • fond of raising superb fruit turned into the orchard where eacli tree has 12 kinds of fruit at once, and bearing the fruit all 1 the year round! W at are our departed 1 .11 Christian friends do ng in heaven, those ' who on earth found heir chief joy in the gospel ministry? They aro visiting their old congregations. Most of those old min- isters have got their people around them already. When I get to heaven -as by the grace of God I am deetined to go to that be of Rumors Concerning Hine Oscar of Swe- den - Good Example of the Prince of Wales-Em'peror William and the Rul- ers of Ans. trine as 3 300 Private funds to loan at lowest 500 rates of interest in sums to suit 3 700 borrowers. Loans can be 90E0.- 311000 pleted and money advanced 31,500 within two days. Apply to R. $2,500 S; Us, Barrister, eaforth. t 125 MAN GO iJDS As Cheap as any in thteArade And will not be undersold. Before buying give us a call. During October -WITAT.1 ESTRAY NOTICES... EST R AY HEIFER. -Came into Lot 17; Concession 2, H. R. S., Tuckerernith, about the let Nov- ember, a yearling heifer. The owner is requested to pay charges and take her away. HUGH J. CHIEN-2], Seaforth I'. 0. 1611-4 place -I wili. come and' see you all. Yes, - I will come to all ,the people to whom I '• the bouquets of flowers that had been. have administered in the gospel and to thp thrown into his carriage by loyal citizens, there seems to be soine foundation for the persistent reports current for some tithe past to the effect that King Oscar had tak- [Special Correspondenee.] - • LoNnoat, Sept. 26. -As even the Norwegi- an papers do not hesitate to ascribe to in- ebriety the extraordinary conduct of their monarch iu marching up to a peasant at Trondhjem and roughly pitching into the mud the hat which the man through ig- norance and boorishness had omitted to doff, as well as in angrily flinging back ESTRAY STEER.- Came into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 18. Concession 10, Town- ship of Hay, a steer apparently three years old. The owner can have the animal on proving property and paying charges. AB. GEIGER, Zurich, P. 0. 1511x4 millions of souls to whoneethrough the kindness of the printing press, I am per- mitted to preach every week in this land and in the uttermost parts of the earth. I will visit them all,- I give them fair no- tice. Our departed friends of the ministry are now engaged in that delectable enter- tainment and -undertaking. But what are our departed Christian friends who iu all departments of vseful- ness were busy finding their chief joy in doing good -what aro they doing new? Going right on with the work. John Howard visiting dungeons; the dead wom- en of northern and southern battlefields still abroad looking for the wounded; George Peabody still watching the poor; Thomas Clarkson still looking after the enslaved -all of those who did good on earth busier Si1300 death than before; the tombstone not the terminus, but the start- ing post. What are our departed Chris- tia,n friends who found their chief joy in studying God doing now? Studying God yet. No need of revelation now, for, un - blanched, they are face to facie. Now they can handle the omnipotent thunderbolts just as child haodles the sword of a fa- ther come back from victorious battle. They have no sin; no fear, consequently. tudying Christ, not through a revelation save the revelation of the scars -that deep lettering which brings it all up quick enough. Studying the Christ of the Beth- lehem caravansary; the Christ of the awful massacre, with itS hemorrhage of head and hand and foot and side; the Christ of the shattered mausoleum; Christ the sac- rifice, the Star, the Son, the Man, the God, the' God -Man, the Man -God. But hark! The bell of the cathedral rings --the cathe- dral bell Of heaven. What is the matter noiv? There is going to be a great meet- ing in the temple; worshipers all Com- ing through the aisles. Make room for the Conqueror. Christ standing in the tem- ple. All heaven gathering around him. Those who loved the beautiful come to look at the Rose of Sharon. ghose who loved music cOMO to listen to his voice, Those who wore mathematicians come to count the years of his reign. Those who were explorers come to discover the height and the depth and the length and breadth of his love. Those who had the military spirit on earth saectilled, and the mili- tary spirit in heaven, come to look at the Captain of their salvation. The astrono- mers come to look at the Morning Star. The men of the law come to look at him who is the judge of quick and dead. The men who healed the (sick cense to look at him who was wounded for our transgres- sions. .A.11 different and different forever In many respects, yet'all alike in adniira- tion for Christ, in worship for Christ, and all alike in joining in the doxology, "Unto Asim who washed us from our sins in own blood, and made us kings and pri sts unto God; to him be glory in the church thronghout all ages, world without end." Amen. To you that your departed friends are more alive than they ever were, to make you homesick for heaven, to give you an-eiblarged view of the glories to be revealed, I have preached this sermon. EST h AY HEIFER. -One dark red heifer. 1 year old, white star on forehead, white spot on right Ilank. Any party proving property can have the saute by pasiug costs. ROBERT WARD, Varna P. 0. 1512-3 TEISTRAY SHEEP. -Came into the premises of the ra undersigned, Lot 5, ConcesBion 1,Tuckerstuith, in August last, a ewe and lamb. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying charges. MICHAEL DORSEY, Seaforth P. 0. . 1512-1 5 lbs. of a good Green Tea, for 50c., cash. Tlais is not a tea dust. Some good Soap yet. five cent bars for 2e; 12 three - cent bars for 25e. In Canned Goods We keep nothing but best brands. We ha.ve yet some pure Maple Syrup at 25c a quart. CASEY & 00. "ISTRAY HEIFEB---Strayed from 114 cession 6, Tuckersmith, abeut the vember, a yearling heifer, imoatly red, white spot& Any information leadin covery of this animal will be liberal] ANDREW ARCHIBALD, Sr., Egmondv STOCK FOR SALE. CI HEM) AND BULLS FOR SALE. 0 and ewe lembe (Leicester) for sale year-old Shorthorn bulls. All good ( be sold at reasonable prices. Apply at cession 13, HIlebert, or address Gro DUNCAN McLAREN. IS FOR SALE AND FOR SE JL undersigned, breeder of Large shires,hatt for pale boars and sows in far f r service the attack boar, SEA.FORTII. The liEcKillop Mutual Fin - Insurance Com.pany. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OPPIOEF.8. Geo. Watt, President, Harlook P. O.; James Broadfoot, Vice -President, Seaforth P. 0.; Sr r Shennon, Secy-Treas. Seaforth P. O.; Michael Murdie, giepector of L'osses, Seaforth P. 0, DIESOT099. Jas. Broadfoot, Seafortb.; Alex. Gardiner, Lead bury ; George Dale, Seaforth ; Thomas E. Hays, Seaforth; Id. Idurdie, Seaforth : Thos. Garbutt, Clinton ; Thomas Fraser, Brueefield ; John B. Mc- Lean, Rippe°. AGENTS. Thos. Ne11a7ne, Harlook ; Robt. McMillen. Seaforth James Cumming, Egmondville ; George Murdie and John C. Morrison,isudiors. purchased •from Mr. George Green, and winnbr at Montreal;Toro nto and Ottawa. Term -81 payable at the time of service with the privilege of returning if neceseary, if booked 81.50. JAMES DORRANCE, Lot 26, Concession 5, McKillop, Sea - forth P. 0. 1465-62 [at 6, Con' 5th of No with some to the re - rewarded. Ile P0. 1512x4 1 gant and indiscreet that. they have been excused even by Ms greatest arbnirers oh the plea that they had been delfeered after partaking of a hearty dinner or lunch. This would appear to indieate that Wil- .11am has inherited the weakness o his granduncle, Ring Frederick WI1liun. IV, for strong wines, and that he is not always accountable for Ms speech or for his be- havior after his meals.' King Frederick illiam's drunken habits were the talk of all. Europe, and at the time of the Paris conference, after the close of the Clifflean war, when Prussia clamored in vain for admittance to the congress, the comic newspapers of the old world-Londoil i'unch in partioular--caricatured King Frederiok William as a dreeling drunkard, with an empty bottle in his hand arid his crown all awry, staggarbag against the closed door of the rooniAn which the con- gress was held and endeavoring in vain tet get in. This klrig, Urelly be remembered," died. as a raving mama°, the result in a great measure of too match brandy and champagne. In fact, he used to get drunk nearly every night, and the scenes at the court dinners were frequently beyond de- scription. King Victor Emmanuel, father of the present king of Italy, used to get very vio- lent when in hie cum, a1 graphic stories are told of the manner in which at such times aft these he. andhis morganatip wife, the•gamekeeper's dtkighter, Regina, -/Whorn he created. Countese of iyIteafinre, would fling the crockery. at one another's linatlit The late Ring William of Rolland was a notorious drunkard, while his soli, the late Prince of Orange, who was knovheon tha French boulevards by the nicknkple of. Citron, used night after nightto'alileked up dead drunk in, the gutters of the French metropoby the Parisian police. Several ram also two 1- uality. Will lot 17,con- arty P. 0. 150541 VICE.- The glish Berk - ow. He will King Lee," of Fairview, Parties desirous to effect Insurances or trens• act other business will be promptly attended to t n a.pplicetion to any oi the above officers, addreased to their respective post offlees. TREmEDIndapo Made a well .Man of mer STOCK FOR SERVICE. Tem*/0/12-H BOAR FOR iERVThe under- signed will keep for service, at the Bruoefleld Cheese Factory, a thorMighbred Tamworth Boar. with registered pedigree. Terms, al; payable at time of service with'privilege of returning if neoes- tory. HUGH 0 ib-slruoefield. 1405 -ti riumwoRTA PIG FOR SERVICE, -The under - I. signed halb for service on lot 32, conceseion 3, McKillop, a thoro'bred Tamworth pig, to which a limited numbek of sows will be taken. Thl. is an extra good pig knd breeders find it advantageous to cross their berklhire sows with this breed of pig. Terms $1, wit la .viiege of returning if necesaaty. JOHN,McMIL A , ' -• '' 1506xtf OARS FOR SERVICE. -For ttervice on Lot 10, I 1 Concession 7, Stanley. First Prize, (4121) bred by Thomas Ifsasciale, Concord, Ontario. Sire Baron Lee. 4th (3444) dam Lady '872. Varna Duke, (3771) bred h • . G. Snell, Ethnonton, Ontario. Sire Star c one imp) (30710 dam Trainer Bell (imp 2816). Terms $1. for grade, and $5. for registered POWs, at time of s e, with piivItge of returning if necessary, _ ALLISTER. 1607 tf BULLS AND ' PIG. -Tho undereigned has on Lot 27, eConeession 8, "Libbert, a thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, to ,wbich a limited number of sows will be! taken. -Terme-One dollar payable at the time of service, with the • privileice of returning if necessary. He also has two registered Durham bulls for sale. They are about 20 rnenths old, and in every respect first class animal& DAVID HILL, Staffs P. 0. ' 1609-tf „ -- KLNG OSCAR. en to drink And this impression is further confirmed by the inconceivable extrava- gance of his utterances against his own Swedish and Norwegian subjects in an in- terview which he accorded to a number of foreign newspaper correspondents who had come to Norway for the purpose of wit- nessing the return honie of the explorer Na,nsen: Until a couple of years ago Os- car was regarded as the most sagacious, benevolent, and, above all, the most ac- complished monarch that had ever reigned over Scandanavia. But of late he has en- tirely changed, and many of his actions have been characterized by so much eccon- trkcity as to give riso to the belief that of- ten he is not altogether aecountable for what he does or says. • • If it be really truethat this irresponsi- bility is ascribable to an abuse of stimu- lants, there will be much sorrow among the members of his faintly, for his favor- ite son, that Prince Oscar who surrendered his rights of succession to the throne to wed the lowly born maiden whom he loved, -is the active president of the temperance society of Scandinavia, while the queen herself has insisted upon placing her name upon the roster of the association. The latter has a, very uphill work in Norway and Sweden, where heavy drinking is well nigh universal and bug° potations of ar- rack punch are indispensable features of every entertainnient and convivial gather- ing; ' As a general rale the anointed. of the Lord are an abstemious lot of men, one of the most notable in thisrespect being, con- trary to a general belief, the Prince of Wales to whose influence is attributable the fact that hard drinking has gone out of fashion among gentlemen and is no longer considered good form. But there are some very conspicuous exceptions. Thus the late Cron Prince Rudolph of Austria to all intents J,nd purposes crazed himself by means of I envy drinking prior to the tragedy at Meyerling. His favorite tipple was a mixture of cognac and, cham- pagne. And have known the Prince of Wales on the last occasion when he visited - Vienna prior to the archduke'sg death to remonstrate with him upon thelubject in a most kindly and. affectionate Manner and as his best friend. But it was of no avail, and. it is doubtful that if Rudolph hairiany cerrect notion of what he was doing on the menaora,ble night when he first of all shot the Baroness Marie Vetzera and then kill- ed himself. His cousin, the Archduke Otte, who has now been definitely designated by Emperor Francis Joseph as heir apparent to the Auetria-Hunga-rian throne, is renowned for his love of stimulants, most of the dis- graceful actions which aro laid to his charge and which have caused his name to be execrated both at home and abroad having been committed under the influence of drink. Indeed it was in the midst of an orgy of this kind that,' while stationed at Pressburg, be attempted one night to con -duet a largo party of equally inebriated companions, male and female, up to his wife's apartments and into her bedroom in order that they "might see what an arch- duchess looked like when she was in bed." It was only in the very nick of time that a gallant young officer attached. tci the arch - ducal household arrived upon the scene, pohted himself outside the door of the arch- duchess' rooin and having drawn his sword threatened to furs through the body ' any one, except the archduke himself, who dared to enter. Thanks to his presence of mind, the party retreated in the company of their imperial entertainer, whose con- duct in connection with the affalr Was sub- sequently denounced net only lit the prees, but in the national legislature and eavere- ly pnnished by the emperor. The late Ring Louis of Bavaria shat- tered not only his nerves but also his Magnificent +constitution and his reason by the potations in which he indulged during the last few years preceding his death. He ts known to have killed at least &couple of M. INDAPO • 'TIM GREAT HINDOO REMEDY rttoDuess TEE ABOVE ItE0CLTS. to 80 Dis.lill. Cures all Nervous Diseases. Failing Bientory, , Paresis, Sleeplessness, Nightly Emis- sions, etc., caused by past abuses, gives vigor and size to shrunken organs, and quickly_ but surely restores Loot Manhood in old or young. Easily carried invest pocket. Price $1.00 a. package. Six for $6.00 with a written guar sntee to cure or money refunded. Don't buy an imitation, but insist on having 1NDAPO, If your druggist has not got it, we will send it prepaid. priests' Idelleal 0 ct,.. Preps.. Chicago. Ill., 00000 soar& SOLD by J. V. Fear, SEAFORTH, -ONT., and leading druggists elsewhere. THE FARMERS' Banking - House S (In connection with the Bank of Montreal.) LOGAN & CO., BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. OFFICE -In the Commercial Hotel build- ing, next to the Town Hall. A General Banking BUBinete done. Drafts iesued and cashed. Interest allowed on depoeits. MONEY TO LEND On good mates or reortgages. ROBERT LOGAN, MANAGER. ""r17,7177., Sla SINCE 1878 With Nerr • • AUCTION SALE. fiLEARING OUT AUCTION SALE OF FARM kj STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. -Mr. Win. Mc- Cicy has ri.ceived instructions from Mr. Neil Brown to sell by public auction on Lot 9, Coneeseion 9, Tucketemith, on Monday, Deo 14th, 1196. At 1 o'clack, p. m., sharp, the following valuable prO- perty :-Korses-One matched tea% of gener I ; purpose mares, rising 6.years old ; 1 blood colt ri ing 3 s ears oily -Cattle -Five mild' cows suppos d to be ill calffft steers rising 3 years old, 3 ePeers ris- ing 2 years Old, 4 heifers rieing 2 years old. --Sheep and Pigs -Eight Leicester ewes, 1 brood sow withs 1148n -implements -One lumber Wagon, 1 double buggy, 1 binder, 1 mower, 1 general purpose plow, 1 twin gang plow, 1 souffler, 1 set 1ren harrows. - Terms -M1 Bums of $6 and under, cash ; over that amount 12 months' credit will be giveo on furnish- ing epproved joint notes. A discount of 6 cents on the dollar will be allowed off for cash on all Credit amounts. NEIL BROWN, . Propriet,g ; Wid, 1612-2 Mo - CLOY, Auctioneer. 1058 EMU On the other hand, the present rulers of Austria, of Italy, of Russia, of Saxony, of Belgium and of Portugal are all renowned for their abstentioosness and may be said to teach by example theadvantages of tem- perance. No one, iniwever, has accomplished quite so much fn this direction as the Prince of Wales, who may be said to have [frowned out of existence the so called '"three bottle men" who constieuted the pillars of English society 30 and '0 years ago, when it was -aniensidered a piece of bad breeding and of ungentlemanly con- duct to retire to bed etbele is Debility and cf esti° n H AND CANADIAN YSICIANS FAIL. "1 WOutti .-Not Be AliVe To - Day were It Not For South - . American Nervine." From all parts of the world people in „ill -health have traveled to Great Britain to consult with tne late Sir Andrew Clarke, the medical adviser of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, who conferred on him, as a tecognitien of his great talents, the honor of knight- hood. England's G. 0. M., G-ladstoze, found in him a tried councillor and frktnd. But times without number jt ha S been shown that when the high- et.t medical skill has failed to cure, South _serneric-an Nervine has taken men • and wonen. ahnost from out 'of the grave_ and given back to them lost health. A remarkable case cordee to us at the present time. Mrs. Har- riet Stapleton, an old and respeeted rtsiclent of the well-known town Of Wingliam, Ont.., had almost ereached death's door. "I - have been troubled," to quote her own words, "very much for ' a number of years (since 1878) with nervous debility, indigestiofl and dyspepsia, and have been treated by a number of the best physicians, both in Canada and England_ and had tried several proprietary medicines, but ob- tained no relief. I was advised three months .ago to take South Arneriea.n Nervine, and must say I do believe If I had not done so I would not be alive to -clay. 1 have received very git:!at benefit from the medicine, the Orl-t closes even having a most bene- fic:a.1 effect. I strongly and cheerfully recommend Scruch American Nervine 4.3 all who suffer as I have. I- will 'never be without it." Can .more be asked '? Mrs- Staple - ton's case. has its counterpart In scoreand hundreds of homes, in every v•illage an4 hamlet in the DO- m!nion. Women Mrs. tapleton sa had ! hat she w put 1 er foot to In truth. afraid The case was a but it was not beyond th,1 reach of South American. Nervine. It cured in Mrs. Stapleton's case. It will cure in ;others just as despairing. i • Ambitisen. It will Bare you from the vices Of a thousand evil ways; And proteot you from the tyranny, That subtle passion sways; It will guard your 'manly virtues, And raise your being nigher: " Have an aim in hie to follow, With purpose to aspire !" It Will dignify your actions, - And magnify your state, - Though bumble in pretensions, In equal measure great, . AS ion cherish true ambition To attain some fit desire: " Have an aim in life to follow, With purpose to aspire I" It will mollify the di..content, And rouse your dormant soul With -manly energies, to think Of striving for a goal. ' :Why droop in dreamy indolence? Stieup some heart -born fire 1 "1 Have an aim in life to fellow, " With purpose to aspire !" • Wonders of Plant 'Growth. The growth of all plants is in the essen- tial analysis the same thing -viz, the sim- ple reproduction of cells. if a thin slice of the stem of a rapidly growing plant be made and this be laid in water and exam- ined under a microscope, it will be found to be composed of a tissue containing nu- merous cavities separated from each other by very delicate .partitions. These little cavities are cells. Under the microscope thee minute cells may be seen to expand until they burst, each forming two or more smaller cells, but each perfect in ev- ery detail. These two or more cells which have been formed from the originol one, under obeervatiou expand and go through the -bursting process, just as their grogen- itor did, Sometimes the division of cells takes place only in one direction. At oth- er times it acts on all 'aides alike. Now cells ,sometimes grow on the surfaces of old ones, thus fori ling what the botanists term "cell aggr These tissues aro all the various o up the higher life of the plant. All vege- table growths are carried on by this plain which is also the model for all animal -!growth and life. -St. Louis Republic. GODERICH Steam Boiler Works. A. (ESTABLISHED 1880.) CITRYST Successor to Chrystal & Black, M.annfacturers of e.11 kinds of Stationary Marine, Upright & Tubular BOILERS a M. Gasori. AN EXPERT ANGLER. Mrs. Mendenhall Tells Bow to Make a Successful Cast. [Special Corresnondence.] WASHINGTON, Oct. 6. - Although a woman, I have always taken the keenest interest in angling and even as a child would delight to sit on the bank of some stream near my home and raake believe fLsh with a stick, a piece of string and a' bent pin for a hook. In 1870 I was an expert with the rod and fly and could make a cast with any man who whipped the streams for trout. I have always been successful in landing a good catch of the speckled beauties; but, unlike some fishermen of whom I have. heard, I never- take any of that peculiar bait with me when I go angling. What women need in the beginning of their practice is a little special muscular training, not necessary so much for the casting, but for the strength required in playing the fish, once he is hooked, and. keeling him on the line. That takes skil and very often endurance. Itnis not unnatural that the throw of the s average woman creates amusement. There is not one woman in a hundred who knows how to handle her arms. In cast- ing a fly it is not strength but skill which counts. There area peculiar knack and. a twist of the Wrist that send the fly whirl- . ing far out over the pool. in which trout is lurking. 'I never raise my arm more than a f inches in casting. When the fly is just hind and above my shoulder, I bring he slender rod, forward. and downward, giv ng a kind of side throw which sends the fly over the desired spot. It is diffieult to describe just how this is done. .14 must come more by practiee AUCTION SALE 011 FARMS, FARM STOCK, 1MPLEMENTS,., LUMBER, &c -Mr. Thorns° Brown has received inSirllOtions from Mr. Andrew Govenlock, at Winthrop, Lot 26, Concession 7, Me- Killop, to sell by publicauction 'on Tuesday, De. cernber 16th, 1896, at 12 o'clock', sharp, the follow- ing valuable property :-Horsese-Two teams work- ing horses, 1 driving mare rising 6 years old, 1 driv- ing colt rising 3 yeers old, 2 driving colts rising 2 years old, 1 spring colt sired by Barbwire, 1 well bred driving mare, also several aged working horses. iii2 -CATTLE.-Five cows supposed to be in calf, 4 two year oil steers, 1 fat cow, 1 thoroughbr d Durham bull.-Pigs.-Gne thoroughbred Berk •re boar, 4 sows in pig, 8 pigs 4 months old, 12 pigs 6 weeks old.---Implernents.-One mower, 1 seed drill, and a lot of other farming implements, several wagons, buggies, sleigh& etc. -Lumber.-A large quantity suitable for ouildieg, fencing and ditching purposes, —FarrtliDg Lands. -East 75 acres, Lot 28, Concession 8, McKillop; north half of west balf, Lot 28, Con- cession 7, McKillop •, west half of Lot 26, Concession 7, Maintop ; north half of Lot 30, C011008810D 9, Mc- Killop ; Lote17, 18- and 19, Conceesion 18, Grey Township,; Lot 27, Concession 7,' McKillop.- - Terme. - All • sums of 610 and under, cash ; overthat amount 10 months' crecilt will be given on furnishing approved joint notee, bearing interest at six per cent. per annum. Farm lands terms and eonditione made known on day of sale. A. GOVENLOCE, Proprietor ; THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer. 1512-2 — Salt Pans, moke Sta9ks, Sheet Iror Works, • eto., eto. Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve ngines. Automatic Cut -Off EnOnes a specialty. All hes oi pipe and pj8-fitting Constantly on hand 'Estimates furnished on ehbrt notice. Works --Opposite G. T. R. Station, Goderich. gates,',' or ,'new tissue. later on provided with gene which go to build The Only Genuine Selling OutSale A Parting Fling. "Go way from there!" shouted a wom- an at the kitahen window. Meandering Mike was half way over the fence, but bad paused to parley with the dog that snapped his jaws and growled and jumped at him frem the other side. "Did you say `Go way from hero?'" he inquired. "Yea And I meant just that." , "Madam, the invitation is wholly super- fluou• I was goin anyhow. I kin size up • situation es quick ez anybody, an I ain't goin ter t'row ineself on de hospital- ities of no fam'ly dat don't feed der dog no better'n you do." -Washington Star. A. Plant Growing In His Brain. -OF GOOD - Boots 84 Shoes CHEAP. Just When. You Want Thera. re terrible sufferers. d she had become so s afraid actually to he ground, and was, of her own shadow. esperate one indeed, All kinds of Beets, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes will be sold at panic prices until all is cleared out. I am leaving Seaforth, and will sell at prices that will soon clear out a well-bouglt stock of first-class Boots and Shoes. A universal feed Singer Sewing Machin A Patcher for sale at a bargain. NpTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is herebn given that the partnership here- tofore subsisting between uti, the undersigned, as Planing Mill 'owners in the Town of Seaforth, has th0 day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to said partnerehip are to be paid to 7 -Coble Cluff, at the Town of Seaforth, aforesaid, and all claims against the said partnerehiti are to be pre- sented to the said Noble Cluff, by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Seaforth this second • day of December, A.D. 1896. NOBLE. CUFF. S. BENNETT. - • JOHN BEATS?, Witness. N. B. In connection with the above rhave to state that all debts due the late firm must be settled 'before the first of February next, otherwise they will be placed in other hands for collection. NOBLE CLurr. 1512-8 One of the moat remarkable cases in the annals of surgery is that of Augustus Col - cannon, who lives near Sodom, Ind. In 1892 young Colcannon became suddenly insane, and the attending physician ven- tured the opinion that the cause was some foreign substance in the brain. A doctor Hazlewood proposed trephining, which was done in the presence of three associ- ates. To the surprise of all, when, a por- tion of the skull had been removed, a plant nearly an inch long, of threadlike structure and long, fibrous roots, was found growing in the brain. Two years before Colcannon had fallen from a wagon and injured his head. The only way of accounting for the presence of the plant is by saying that a seed was drigen through the skull at that time. -St. Louis Re- public. L. S. D. For 9. Toothpowder. A doctor recommends soda -the bicar- bonate used in cooking -as a dentifrice. 'It has been adopted' for occasional trial, and with apparent good results, as it sweetens the mouth and cleans the teeth. BO it seems too extreme a treatment to offer to what are really a sensitive part of the body and should be used with consid- erable discretion. s attendants in moments of Jru enzy before he was finally deprived of eins of government that were intrust - to his uncle; the present regent, and there is no doubt that ..he was crazed with tal. It consists of a blouse o_ n , liquor at the nioment when he deliberately a short skirt and -well, blvrhooto bloomers -and dered the eminent physician who was thick soled shoes. One o wishes be t,cessful an lermust not mind a wet - There is one thing which I have caught, and that is a cold, although er hesitate to walk into the 'water, MRS. WILLIAM MENDENHALL. than by following any specific instructions. Then there are times when the overhang- ing branches of the trees, which border al- most all streems, make the usual method of casting impossible, and then 0110 must make a peculiar side east, bringing the rod upward instead of dOwnward and sending the fly straight out in a horizontal line instead of in a long overhead swing.' In deep water fishing -that is, deep fresh water -for black bass, fon instance, the Silk and endurance of the angler are of- ten_ put to the severest test. It is necessary to keep the line taut all the time and at the same time give the fish the unkired play. Onee the line is allowed. to ainlcon the chances are that the IA will be lost and a clean hook will be the only reward of the fisherman. ZYon at the lilt mo- ment, when the bees is alongside the boat and apparently won, if skill Is not used in handling the net, or the line IS allowed to give in the least, the fish ia qnick to take vivag ante, of the opportunity and gtet sway. When I go fishing along trout streajus Itnd in shallow •water, I usually Wear a costume more serviceable than °linemen- . -Mr. Wan. E. Bracken No. 86 Elizabeth street, Toronto, says :-I have used Dr. Laviolette's Syrup of Turpentine for a se- vere cough and cold. Two 25c bottles I effected a complete cure. I can honestly 1 recommend it. murwalking with him in the grounds of the a su castle in which he was confined on the ting th Starenberg lake in the Ba- nev shores ox varian Tyrol, subsequently drowning him- I ne self in a vain effort to escape from his jail- though it may be knee deep, when not to ers by swimming clear across the lake to - do so woUld prevent my landing the flsh. the opposite shore. Drink, too, is the ' That cnstume, however adaptableit may origin of the incurable lunacy with I be for the woods, is hardly the ()wadi sea which his younger brother and successor, or lake fishing, and on these occasione I Ring Otto, has been afflicted since quite I wear an ordinary dress of some dark, ose- five years prior to his accession to the ly woven material which will not be dam - throne. Otto's madness takes the form of aged if the fish happens to land on it. mathesis--that is to 'say, like Nebuchad- If women would but have a little pa- nezzar in olden times, he imagines him- - tienee and take the trouble to learn the self to be either an aninaal or a bird, gen- ' very rudiments of a,ngling, I think Lam erally the latter, his favorite role being safe in saying that they will not stop until that of a stork. they become experts at what I consider the Many of the utterances ,of young Em- plod fascinating sport in the world. peror William have been so wildly extrava- 1 MRS. WILLIAM MENDT.N HALL. T. V. RUTLEDGE, SEAFORTH. 1609 Percy Perkins. SIGN OF THE piRCULAR SAW • A Dubious "Old Kriss." Us -folks is purty Pore -but Ma She's waitin'-two years more -tel Pa Be serves his term out -Our Pa he - He's in the Penitenchurree 1 Now dont you never tell 1-'eause Sis, The baby, she don't know he is, 'Came she wuz only four, you know, He kissed her last an' hat to go! Pa allue liked Sis best of all Us ohildren-'Spect it's 'cause she fall When she 'uz it a child, one day - An' make her back look thataway. Pit -'-'fore he be, a burglar -he's A locksmiff; an' maked locks and keys, An' knobs you 'pull for bells to ring, An' he Wild istt make anything 1 - 'Cause our Ma Says be cani-An' this Here little pair o' crutches Sis Skips round on -Pa maked them -yes sir 1- An silivur-plate-name here far her . Pa's out o' work when Christmae cetne One time, an' stay away from home, AD'S drunk an' buse our Ma, an' swear They ain't no "Old Klass" anywhere An' Sis she allus say they lifUZ " Old Kriss "-an' she aline does. But ef they is a " Old Krieg" why, When's Chris'mas, Ma ohs allus cry? This Chris'mas now, we live here in Where Ma's rent's altars due agin- An' "she jet slaves "-I heerd laer say She did-ist thou words that away? An' th' other night, when all's so cold An' stoves most out -our Ma she rolled Us in th' old featherbed an' said "To -worry's Chris'mas,-go to bed. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICk, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSE§ REQUIRED. Ask your grocer for •••1 0 02 cep tri 0 iti cl. 1--J cp 00 Pa 1 0 - : . tt . IA : Cr P cp I Mg 0 cn I:S . 0 . PEI P 0 : $ d rn I'1St i a; it CD I 0 p . no1 cp ril 0 . r/20 0 P i csa 1:3 i 1---1 Cia l et1 "S a) et ., cm ti ' 0 p 11 0 1---' - P-1 4 .F cn P 0 - et- 0.1 46_,It -141k .it 0 Fr ti En t loud FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNN7$ AKINC POWDER THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND LARGEST -SAL E IN CANADA,, NEW FUR N IT U RE -AND- UNDERTAKING STORE. An' thank yer blessed stars for this- Wedon' 'spect notbin' from •• Old RriSe !" An' cried, an' locked the door, an' prayed. An' turned the lamp dowo. . . . An' I laid Ther, thinkin' in the dark &gin " Ef wuz Old KrIss,' he can't git in, 'Ciuse ain't no Ohimbly here at a- lai old stovepipe stuck true the wall 1" l'ileeped neJi -An' wuz drearnin' some When I wak ed up Sie Toombs s come,- Fer our Ma she waz settin' square Straight up In bed, a readite there Some letter 'at she'd read, an' qult, An' nen hold like she's hugginit- An' Dimon' ear -rings she don't knew Wuz in her WI te 1 say so - An' wake the rest up. An' the sun In frue the winder dazzle -un q'hem eyes o' Sies, %Orr a time - Enough gold chain "Old Krise " bringed An' alfof git gold things -Sis, Though sity she know it ain't Old Kris '- Ile kiseed her so she waked an' saw skite out -an' it ems her Pa." - to 'er -jarnes Whitcomb Riley in December Ladies' Horne Jairnal. - A FARMER IN TROUBLE. A Grenville County Man Speaks His Mind—Ffeels Like a • New Man—Cured by 4 Boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Bowan, December Pith, (Special) -Mr. ert McIntosh, a farmer very widely n in this county, and living near this ge haii been in a painful and dangerous C Ro kno villase condition as the result of kidney dise affebting the bladder. When called upon he said : " During three years, until quite recent- ly cured by using four boxes of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, I have been an intense sufferer frora kidney disease which kept going from ad. to worse though I was doctoring all the hne." Under advice I began using Dodd's Kid- ey Pills, at once realizing great help. I ow feel like a new man, and am perfectly .,urld of kidney trouble in any form. --Grosse and Werner, the twO men who last Octeber murdered Rerr Major Levy, President of the Berlin bar, by stabbing him to death in his bedroom, have been sentenced to fifteen years' imprisonment. -1\ irESSRS. LEATRERDALE & LANDS. in BOROUGH have opened up in the oldGolden Lion Store, Seaforth, former' occupied by R. Jamieson, where theyw i keep a complete stock of Furniture n its branches, and where will be kept eve thing that is found in a first classeity fur- niture store. Prices to iuit the times. In- tending purchasers will do well to come and see our goods and get our prices before buy- ing. All goods delivered free at the house of the purchaser, both in town and country. UNDERTAKING, For Table and Dairy ,Purest and Best We have purchased a fine city hear alarge stock of undertaking goodie con ing of coffins and caskets in ail their diff ent styles, and at prices that have not bee heard of before. W.Leatherdale, having taken his diplo at the Champion College of Embalming un der Profesoar Sullivan, of Chicago, with Mr. Landsborough, conduct the busi nese. Any work intrusted to us will c-arefully attended to and satisfattion gua anteed. Remember -the New Furnit and :Undertaking store. LEATHERDALE & LANDSE3OROUG SEAFORTH. Night and Sunda calls will be attemie to at Mr. Landshorough's residence, th doors south of the Presbyterian churc Egmonciville, or by W. Leatherdale, roo over Dominion Bank. MONEY TO LOAN. Toloan any -amount of money, on town or f property, at the lowest rates of iuterest and on most reasonable terms. Apply to THOMAS Hays, Sealertla. 15I2-