HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-12-04, Page 3364 Iness them, For toc, 50e ,gents. 00w000. 00,000. ited States M allpart ade on sam hest current December- , Agent. 'sea ath ul [Z,TEL. 3 CEMBER 4,- 1896. i• - -BARGAINS-- ra In Crockery,. As we intend, going out of the Crockery Business, we are offering some of the hest' bargains ever given in the county in Dinner, 'Tea and Toilet Sets. We have a good col- lection. to choose from and the prices are sway down below ehe usual. Our Stock of Groceries Will he found. complete as usual. In Teas, we are giving extra Values ; our Japan- Tea at 20e and 26c per pound cannot be beat. Although currants and raisins are highee than last year, we are selling a good cleaned currant at de per pound. We are paying the highest market prices for aR kind s of good fowl, butter and eggs -cash and trade. ROBB BROS., SEAFORTH. THE SEAFORTH Musical - Instrument EMPORIUM. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. IM R ANT NOTICES. CDAR POS -Ten thotuand chaos cedar posts tor 10it. s�dh s OOLERA4418, Seaforth. 131044f T 4.*0101DINA, Dogahliois and Provindal Lead •'Surveyor, Member of 14110A111100lation of Ontario tatted Surreyorsi'DUblin, Onliwto. 1126,611 HOUSE IN BRUCEFIELD TO RENT. -To a nomfOrtable house iu Bruceneid. Apply le W. 8O , Brumfield, or to JOHN licKENZIE, London 1609x4 El3TABLIBliED 1873. Owing to hard times, we have con- cluded to sell Pianos and Organs at Greatly Reduced Prices, Organs at $25 and upwards, and Piams at Corresponding prices. SEE US BEFORE PURCHASING. • Tom( BEATTIE, Clerk •tf the Seemed Division e.) Court, uounty Commissioner, of liuron, Con, “teitacier, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Fund" 'tweeted and to Lean. Office -Over Sharp ts iveng store, Main street, Seaforth. 1209 SCOTT BROS. -LIARS FOR SALE. -Lot 28, Concession 4, Town' ship of Hay, conteining 100 acres. For pant' eiders apply to tiEoRGE E. GREENSLADE, Kippen P. 0. itilOxUl an•••••••••••••••', ONEY TO LEND. -Money to lend in sums of al $1,000 aod upwards on goad farm property, at lowest rates of iuterest. eayments made to butt borrower. .This is net loan companies funds. A choice Tunkereniith farm for sile cheap.- Apply to A. COSENS, -first door south of Jackson's store; Egmontiiiille. 1604tf WANTED. -Bright men and women canvassers for Canada and Australia-" Queen Viotoria, her Life and Reign," with Introduction by Lord Dufferin. A thrilling new bo.k; sales marvellous ; the Queen as girl, wife, m ther, monarch ; rea do like romance ; grandly illustr ted; big conamieetell books on time ; prospectus 1 ee to canvassers; Ex - elusive territory; lots of mo ey in it. THE BRA"' LEY•GARRETSON CO., Ltd, 49 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ont. ..110.11•11•11MINII waru raysOn pray.Dearti tn. Weil obimeof Longfellow'srhythens, and before any one aim seer them I read the first line of Bineroft's history and the Malt verse of, Bryant's." Thanatopsis' ' and the first WOrd Viotorlfugo's -almostsupernatural ro- mance. I heard the music of all the grind marches and theknient of all the requiems . that for nigh ten decades made the 'cattle- dral windows ahake. . 1. have seen more moral and spiritual victories than all of my predeoessors put together.' For all you who hear or read this valedictory X have kindled all the domestic firesides by which you ever sat and roused all the halloos and roundelays antVrnerriments you have ever heard and unrolled all the pictured sunsets and starry aanners of the Midnight heavens that you have ever gazed at. But .ere I go takethis admonition and benedic- tion of a dying century. The longest life, like mine, must close. Opportunities gone never come back, as I mild- prove from nigh a hundred years of observation. The eternity that will soon take me will soon take you. The wicked live not .out half - their days, as I have seen in. 10,000 in- stanoes. The only influence for making the world happy is an influence thatl, the nineteenth century, inherited from the fiist century of the Chrisita.n era -the Christ of all the centuries. Be not deceived by the fact -tbat I have lived so long, for a century is a large wheel that turns 100 smaller wheels, which are the years, and each one of those years turns 865 smaller wheels, waash are the days' - and each of the 365 days turns 24 •smaller wheels, which are the hours, and each one of those 24 hours. turns 60 smaller Wheels, wbioh are the • minutes, and those 60 aninutes turn still smaller wheels, Which are the seconds. And all of this vast Machinery is in per- petuill motion and pushes us on and on toward the great eternity whose doors will, at 12'1)a:dock of the winter night between the year 1900 and the year 1901 open be- foreme, the dying century. I -quote from . the three inscriptiona overAhe three doore of the cathedral of Milan. Over one door, amid a wreath of sculptured roses, I read, "All that which pleases us is but for a mo- ment. " Over another door, around a sculp- tured. cross, I Teed, "All that which trou- bles no is but for a moment." But over the 'central door I read, "That only is im- portant which Is eternal." 0 eternity, eternity, eternity! eteenth century this nation was se of the fatal TIROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—For sale or to rent, Lot 8, in Worsley Survey in liarpurhey. There is a con fortitble frame cottage , with 6 tooms, hall and pantry, and a wood shed, hard and soft water. There is also a comfortable stable. On the property hi planted a number of good bearing fruit trees and small fruits. This lea desirable property and will be sold _cheap. If not sold will be rented. Apply to MRS. ISAIAH HALL, on the premises or address Seaforth P. 0. 1509x4 A CCORDING TO AGENTS' REPORTS," Queen jle Vionaria ; Her Life and Reign," int' disitlion by. Lord Dufferin, will reach high water of circulation ; one agent reported twenty-nine ortere the day after be -got his prospectus, many take orders from three-fourths of ,oalls made ; we need canvaesers in Canada and Australia ; prespeotus free on deposit 01 81 as guarantee ; if you want,, share in this gold mine hustle, for territory is going fast, The BRADLEY-GARRETSON CO., LTD., TORONTO. 1610 $ 300 Private funds to loan at lowest 500 rates of interest in sums to suit 700 borrowers. Loans can be com- $1,000 pleted iknd money advanced $1,500 within two days. Apply to R. $2,500 S. HAYS, Barrister&c.,Seaforth. CASEY a& 00. ESTRAY NOTICES. ARE PREPARED TO SELL TURNIP MANGOLD As Cheap as any in the trade And will not be undersold. Before buying give us a call. During October 5 lbs. of a good Green Tea, for 50c., cash. This is not a tea dust. Some good Soap yet. Will.gia-e5 five cent bars for 25c ; 12 three cent bars for 25c. In Canned Goods We keep nothing but best brands. We have yet some pure Maple Syrup at 25c a quart. CASEY & CO., SEAFORTH. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED -10, STRAY CALVES. -Came .„into the. premises of 11,4 the undersigned, Lot 21, Commission 2, Tuckeramith, H. R. S., three gray Calves, 2 steers, and I heifer. The owner ean have the same by proving property and paying °barges. JOHN McDONALD. 1610-3 "E1STRAY HEIFER. -Came into Lot 17, Concession Er 2, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, a`eout tha let Nov- ember, a yearling heifer. The owner is requested to pay charges and take her away. HUGH J. GRIEVE, Seaforth P. 0. 3.611-4 OFFICERS. Geo. Watt, President, Harlook P. 0.•'James Broadfoot, Vice -President, Seaforth P. 0.; W. J shannon, Secy-Treas. Seaforth P. O.; Michael Murdie, Inspector of eosses. Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTOP.S. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Alex. Gardiner, Lead bury; George Dale, Seaforth; Thomas E. Hays, Seaforth; M. a:birdie, Se*ort : Thos. Garbutt, Clinton; Thomas Fraser, B ucefield ; John B. Mc- Lean, Eippen. - AGENTS 'Thos. Nellans, Harlook ; Ro t. McMillan, Seaforth amee Cumming, Egmondville ; George Rundle and john C. Morrison,audiors. Parties desirous to effeot Initnranoes or trans- act other business will be promptly attended to tn application to any of the above officers, addressed to their reepealve post offiees. Indalso TRADEMAEK 4 EG1STEREO. Made a well Man of Me:' TX3TRAY STEER.- Cattle into the premises of jel the undersigned, Lot 13. Concession 10, Town- ship of Hay, a steer apparently three years old. The owner can have the animal on proving property and paying charges. AB. GEIGER, Zurich, P. 0. 1611x4 RECEIVT INVENTIONS BY WOMEN. A bicycle skirt. ylsTRAY COLT. -Came into the premises of the Ei undersigned, one mile and a quarter South of Blake, about the 16th of October last, a black colt, two years old past, it has one hind foot white. The owner can have the eame by proving property and paying charges. CHRISTOPHER_ GASCHO. 1509:0 TIM GREAT HINDOO REMEDY PRODUCES THE ABOVE RESULTS in 80 DAYS. Cures all Nervous Diseases. Failing Iiiemory, Paresis, Sleeplessness, Nightly Ends - glens, etc., caused by past abuses, gives vigor and size to shrunken organs, and quickly_ butsurely restores Lost Manhood oid or young. Easily carried in vest pocket. Price $1.00 a package. Six for $5.00 with a written guarantee to cure or money refunded. Don't bug an imitation, but insist on having INDAPO, It your druggist has not got it, we will sena it prepaid. Oriental Medical Oo..Proos.• alitage, 111.,Oraur Masi& SOLD by j. V. Fear, SEAFORTH, ONT., and leading druggists elsewhere. STOCK FOR SALE. BEEP AND BULLS FOR SALE. -Several ram 0 and ewe Iambs (Leicester) for sale, also two 1 - year -old Shorthorn bulls. All good quality. Will be sold at reasonable prices. Apply at lot 17, con- cession 13, Hibbert, or address Cromarty P. 0. DUNCAN MclIAREN. 1505. tt DIGS FOR SALE AND FOR SERVICE.- 'rise I undersigned, breeder of Large English Berk- ohlres,has for sale boars and sows in farrow. He will also keep for service the stock boar, "King Lee," purchaeed from Mr. George Green'of Fairview, and winner at Montreal, Toro nto and Ottawa. Term -21 payable at the time of service with the privilege of•returning if necessary, if hoeked $L50. JAMES DORRANCE, Lot 28, Concession 6, McKillop, Sea - forth P. 0. 1466-62 THE FARMERS' Banking - House, ELF 0 IT - (In oonnection with the Ban of Montreal.) STOCK FOR SERVICE. Me, hearers, as the ni was born while the face o yet *et with tears beca horseback ride that Washington took out here at Mount Vernon tbrough a Decem- ber snowstorm, I wish the next century might be born ata time when the face of this nation shall be wet With tbe tears of the literal or spiritual arrival of the Great Deliverer of Nations, of whom St. John 'Wrote with apocalyptic pen, "And I saw, and behold a white horse! And he that sat on,him had a bow, and a crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering and to conquer." ThIeese Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. BOAR FOR SERV10E.-The under- sfgned will keep for service, at the Brimfield with registered pedigree. Terms, $1; payable at Lime of service with privilege, of returning if neces- iory. HUGH MoCARTNEY, Bruoefield. 1405-tf MAMWORTH PIG FOR SERVICE. -The under- " signed has for service on lot 32, concession 3, McKillop, a thoro'bred Tamwotth pig, to which a Ihnited number of sows will be taken. Thi. le an extra good pig and breedere find it advantageous to cross their tierkshire sows with this breed of pig. Terms.$1, with privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN McMILLAN 1505xtf Non -refillable bottle. An IrnproVed dustpan. Improved Window sash. An ilnprovk!okmedicifie glass. An adjustable quilting fratue. Fastener for bottles, jugs, etc. An improved duplex dress shield, Abdominal supporter and bandage. An improved self -heating sad iron. A telescopic -shaped miner's lantern. An improved device to aid the hear- ing. A. table implement for holding green co.7411.protecting or screen for ranges. ,An ingenious machine for hanging wall paper. A. device for pipes or tubes. A shim upper made of one piece of material and joined by one seam only. Au improved refrigerator wherein the shelves revolve, giving ready access. to the contents. ' A sreissor holder consisting of a metal loop, with ends bent backward and safeay-pin attachment. An ingenious work table handy little pockets aud d pall out just where wanted. A combination of curling tongs and stove or heater for same, wilth fuel, and all combined in a pocket case. An ingenious hinged garment stretcher, which simulates the human form and when not in use folds into a small com- pass. A sectional blackboard for school par - poses, with sections so arranged as to per - Mit several scholars to work at once -with- out interference. A lapboard which instead of being made In- the ordinary shape is made round, and prevents any possible looseness in the out- side material, as the board has practically the curvenf the body. pocket supporting flexible gas provided with ewers wisich CATARRHAL DEAFNESS' ON TWELVE& YEARS' ST ANDIN s44 Cured by Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal rawdez XXtraordinari Experience. Catarrh nearlY 'always leaves its marks atter At. These are frequently avvealed. in deafnean of the va.a.im. case in point .is that of Capt. Sera nnor. oil 189 Berkeley -street, Toronto, Vv'n() was aleaf for twelve year frOM catarrh. No medicine or treatm t did him any good, until he /procured a, bot- tte of Dr.; Agetesv's 'Catarrhal P Wder, nia.in gaire immediate -relief, a d con- tinuing to -use it, in a short ti e. the neatness was entirely remov l. Connor's friends, who knew th extre- d ib A Record Breaking Machine. President L. S. Woodbury of the Great Falls Iron works has in contemplation the construction of what he chooses to term a horsecycle, whereby a horse can propel a four wheeled vehicle on ordinary ground at the rate of one mile in 59 seconds. The proposed machine can be made in two forms, either one of which Mr. Woodbury thinks will 1111 the bill. The first is in the form of an ordinary buggy. Instead of being hitched ahead, the horse will occupy a position between the four wheels and operate a sort of tread- mill. Should the velocity be so great as to attract too much air; then it is proposed to inclose the entire rnachine-hbrse, rider and all -in a whaleback or torpedo out shell, the propelling operation to remain the eame. The seat of the rider will be directly behind or above the horse. Pres- ident Woodbury is so confident of success that he is willing to back his bonds against silver that a mile can be made in 69 sec- onds or better. The machine' will be a novel one, and if it should prove a success, will undoubtedly be a world breaker in records for fast traveling.-eGreat Falls (Mon.) Leader. pOARS FOR SERVICE -For service on Lot 10, .1) Concession 7, Stanley. Firet Prize, (4121) bred by Thomas Teesdale, Concord, Ontario. 8. ire Baron Lee 4th (3444ydam Lady 2872. Varna Duke' (3771) bred by T. G. Snell, Edmonton, Ontar o. one (imp) (3071,) dam Trainer Bell (im Terms $1. for grade, and $5. for register at time of service, with priviige of "ret necessary. WM. McALLISTER. BULLS AND PIG. -The undersigne on Lot 27, Conceesion 8, Bib thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, to w limited number of sowe will be -Terms-One dollar payable at the time of with the privilege of returning if neceess also has two registered Durham 'bulls f They are about 20 months old, and in every flat class animals. DAVID HILL, Staffs P. LOGAN & CO., BANKERS AND FINAN IAL AGENTS. OFFICE -In the Commercial Hotel build- ing, next to the Town•HaAl. A General Banking B11E1108E8 done. Drafts holed and cashed. Interest allowed on deposits. MONEY TO LEND On good notes or raortgagee. ROBERT LO AN, MANAGER. 058 GODERICH Steam Boiler Works, (ESTABLISHED 1880.) A. CHRYST L Successor to Chryetal & Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationary Merino, Upright & Tubular BOILERS Salt Pans, moke Stacks, Sheet Iror Works, eta., etc. Also dealers in Upright and Horizon$&l SlIda Valve teepee. Automat:le Cut -Off Engines a specialty. All lies of pipe and pipe -fitting oonatantly on hand tatiniates furnished on short notice. Works-Oppoeite G. T. R. Station, Goderich. re Star 2836). d sows, ming if 507 tf 1 has ert, a ieh a taken. service, ry. He r sale. respect 0. 1609-tf SHOWN AT THE SHOPS. mity of the malady, are lou praises of this medicine; and Capt. llonnor himself will be only too glad to answer all enquiries concerning ails case and remarkable cure. 4••••••• -N. ••••••mmorommEmmosommmsmo For eale:by I.V.Fear an Lumsden &rlson • • Thanksgiving Plum Pudding. MARY E. CARDWELL. Plum pudding is a feature of the Thanks- giving Day dinner that has been,: ornewhat neglected in the West, but has always been a favorite in New England. The rlipe in my mother's manuscript cook book als for one pound of stoned , raisins (we al- ways gave good weight on these) one pound df crackers, three quarts of rich milk, a half cup of butter, nearly one cup of sugar, a cup of molasses and four eggs. The slices used 'axe clovereallspice (a, half dessert spoonful of each) and a deesert spoonful of cinnamon. Bake in a moderate oven four - and a hall hours, using an earthen pudding dish, well buttered, for the baking. • Growing Prevalence of Bright's Disease Bright's disease shows itself usually In depression of spirits. Life loses its sest „Efforts bring an early "fatigue. There Is, Joss of appetite; listlessness; sleep fairls to refresh. There niay or may not be pain in the region of ohe kidneys. It is not only astonishing., but alarming the extent to which this disease is seizing the ablest men or the country. The deceptive n.a.ture or The Only Genuine Great-'-- Selling Out Sale Bargains AT THE Long plumes for picturesque hats. Fancy buckles of. steel and Rhine- stones. A variety of girisi Fancy linen collar Wear. Stylish floor wood -brown shades. Red cloth gowns trimmed with beaver fur. • Braided boleros in cloth, satin, velvet, etc. Waists of silk have the front in sur- plice effect. Jeweled clasps gowns. Figured black goods for general -wear gowns. Changeable green, red and blue silk skirt linings.. Prune, violet and purplish gowns of all textures. Many princess gowns for home and re- ception wear. Ribbon edged with black velvet for dress trimming's. Moire brocades having empire, leaf and scroll designs. - Many jeweled effects in velvet bands and passementeries. Deep cream guipure over white satin vests. Very large buckles to use on heavy and rough cloth gowns. Cloth skirts having waists of brocaded silk in a modified coat style. Heavy cloth costumes of two colors having tiny enameled buttons. Chiffon trimming in close, thick box plaits. for everything is fluffy. -Dry Goods green frocks for small sets for winter A Bishop's Evolution. Bishop Curtis aloman Catholic), for- merly of Wilmington, Del., says that he once went on a yachting cruise wearing a rough yachting co-sturne. An Irishman, observing him changing his clothes as the boat drew near shore and discovering tbat he wore scapulars, mad in a rather eaesiti. lied tone, "Oh, I see that ypu are a Cet,h- olio." The bishop nodded and said indif- ferently: ‘!..0h, yes. I am a Catholic." The man continued to watch him, and he gravely put on his Roman collar. "Oh," aaid the Irishman, "I see you're a priest!" The bishep, who had slifficulty in main- taining hi S gravity, answered, "Yes, I am a priest." The man fixed his eyes upon him with more interest than ever, and Bishop Curtis then proceeded to put on his purple scarf. The Irishman started, with astonishment and exclaimed, "Why, I see you are a bishop!" The bishop said quietly, "Yes, I am Bishop Curtis," and the man fell on his knde and asked the bishop's blessing. -New York Tribune. PARALYSIS CUR D -SWORN STATEMENT. Mrs.`lklaggie McMar in, 27 Radenhurst St., Toronto, Out., swears that Ryo man's "Kootenay Cure" cured her of Paralysis which rendered one side *of her body entirely useless. Phy imans said there was no chanc,• of her ever recoveri ir the use of i her limbs. Hope deserted her, but to -d y she is walking around telling her friendi how Ryckman's "Kootenay Cure" gave her life and happindss. Swein. to, July 10, 1896, before J, y. Seymour Corley, Notary Pulelio. Swons STATEMIENT OF A GRATEFUL MOTHER. Louisa White, nine years old, who suffered with Eczema since her birth, has been entirely cured and her general system built up by Ryckmait's "Kootenay Cure." The above facts are given in a sworn state- ment made by her mother, Mrs. George White, 139 Stinson St. Hainilton, Ont: dated July 3, 180d, before J. F.,Motick, Notary Public. A CO3IBINATION DISTIVIED - SWORN STATEMENT MADE. Charles E. Newman, 13 Marlborough St., Toronto Ont., had a complication of blood troubles. Rheu- matism, severe Kidney trouble and constipation. Was frequently disturbed au night, lost his appetite and was a very siok man. His kidneys are now in a healthy condition, his aptktite good, sleep undis- turbed and constipation cured ; all Line was done by Kootenay He makes sworn A New Flooring Material. rugs for in trimming evening laces for wearing 1 Economist. INFORMATION. the trouble is almost. akin to consumption. Our d.earest frie carried off with it before we are hat of ds are aware of the nature of their disease. The one salvation. is to rid the system of the tro-uble at its inception.. This is being most successfully accomplished adney Cure, a any ,ase Of as not already ant of its vie - hat mast com- of those ele- titute this dis- oly,on the kid - by South Americae medicine that -syn.- our Bright's disease that signse,d the death war time :It in a medicine pletely rids the syste ments that go to con ease, working distincti nevs. Sold by 1. V. Fear and Larnstlen & Wilson -OF' GOOD- Seaforth Tea Store Boots 84 Shoes CHEAP. Just When You Want Them. All kinds of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes will be sold at panic prices until all is cleared out. I am leaving Seaforth, and will sell at prices that will soon clear out a well-bougt t stock of first-class Boots and'Shoes. A universal feed Singer Sewing Machine Patcher for stile at a bargain, V. RUTLEDGE SEAFORTH. 1509 Mortgage Sale OF FreTY Acne FARM IN THE TOWNSHIP OF 111.13BERTt •••••••••••••••.......• I have now the best values in all kinds of Teas ever offered in Seaforth. I will War- rant every pound to give satisfaction or money refunded. I have a large stock' in. all grades of Japans Blacks, Greens, Gun- powders, Monsoon am'l tea dust. Sugars of all grades, new raisins, new figs, new cur- rants cleaned ready for -use, new codfish, a fresh and well -assorted stock of Groceries at bottom prices, also Crockery and Glassware. A choice lot of fresh butter on hand, also - fresh lard in 20 lb pails or in bulk; prunes raisins and eooking figs at Sc a lb. If you want a fine toilet, dinner or tea set, give me a call, and you can get them cheaper than the cheapest; ten lbs. sulphur for 25c; ten lbs. salts for 25c ; five per cent. discount to all cash customers. Wanted -chickens, ducks fresh eggs, for whi • the highest prices will' be paid. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained In an indenture of mortgage, made by Walter Shil- linglaw to tbe vendor (Layina Shillinglaw joining therein to bar her dower), sod which will be produced at time of sale, default having been made in the pay- inent thereof, there aid be soldby public auction, at Hodgins' HOWL in the Village of Bengali, on SATUR- DAY, THE FIFTH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1896, at 2 o'clock p. m., (subject to such conditions as shall' thin be produced), the following property, viz.: the wee half of Lot No. 26, in the 12th Concession of e the Vinship of Hibbert, in tbe County! of Perth, containing ff1ty acres more or lees. This land is of firstrclase quality, and there is a good barn on the premises, ,Terms of Sale -Ten per cent. cash on day of sale, bal nee in thirty days or as nay be agreed. For further particulars, apply to ELLIOTT & ELLIOTT, Vendor:a Solicitors, Exeter, Ontario, or to JOHN GILL Auctioneer. 1510-3 i ' Clotted Cream. Clotted cream is an English delicacy that Americans frequently meet in novels, but few have seen or tasted in real life. , A dairy writer thus describes the process of lits making: The evening- milk yielding the richest cream, should, as far as possible, be used for the purpose. In warm weather it should stand twelve hours, and in cold weather twenty-four hours before being scalded. When milked,it is usually poured into large open milk pans of the old-fashioned type, holding about two gallons each. Having stood the proper time, each pan is placed in a vessel containing boiling water over a brisk fire, and when small air bubbles begin to rise at the sides of the pan, it should be removed immediately, as the cream would be spoilt ii allowed to boil. When taken off the fire it is set to cool, still in the pans, and when cool the cream is re- moved by means of an ordinary perforated skimmer. One gallon of new Milk should produce about a pint of clotted cream, assuming the milk to be of good quality, rich in butter fat, puch as that yielded by Channel Islard cattle and Devons feeding on the rich pas- tures of the southern counties where the process is chiefly carried on. The butter made of clotted cream is some- what pale in color, but usually of firm tex- ture and of the finest quality, cOmparing most favorably with that made where the separator is used, or the old simple skim- ming without scalding process still adhered to. • WELL YESTERDAY - DEAD TO:irAY. There are 2,750 languages. Envelopes were first used in 1839. All moths produce some form of silk. Telescopes were first invented in 1590. A Pasteur Institute has been estab- lished at Athens. . France manages to sell a billion oysters a year for 17,000090 francs. A Turkish turban of the large size contains from 10 to 20 yards of the softest muslin. There are no fewer than 11,000 rooms in the Papal palace, and many of them never receive a ray of sunlight. There are at least 200 horse butcher shops in Paris. The first one dates from July 1, 1866, since then the consumption has grown continuously. It is said that an orange 16 inches in circumference, was taken from a tree at Pomona, Cal. It is to be sent to Europe as a e.pecimen of California fruit. Pavements made of granulated cork mixed with asphalt have proi-ed success- ful after two years' trial in London and Vienna. They are odorless, clean, elastic and lasting. The name of papSTolith is given to a novelty in flooring niaterial which has Lately been invented by,Otto Kroner of Chemnitz, the article being a special prep- aration of paper pulp which is in the form Of a dry powder. When mixed with wa- ter, it may be spread like mortar over stone, cement or wood, where it dries quickly and may be innoothly planed, be- sides which it may he tinted almost any eolor, in this way adapting it for parquetry with variegated borders, or for panels and mosaics. , Among the various advantages olaimed by the inventor for the use of this product are freedom front crevices, dead- ening of noise& and poor conduction of heat; also considerable alastioity, safety from fire and remarkable durability. It may be employed, too, for wabasooting and other architectural purposes as well as for floorings A NOVA SCOTIA:CASE. Suffered without Help Eighteen Years - Getting Worse -Cured by Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. BRIDGEWATER, NJ S., November 30th (Special) -There isno man in this town bet- ter known than J. S. Morgan, tinsmith, who for eighteen years had been,going from bad to worse without help, until at last he got hold of the right treatnient. He says: "It began with backache, pains in the limbs,and finally settled down to rheumatism. I was a cripple and after I ran down greatly in weight the doctors said it was Diabetes. About a year and a half ago I quit every - ,.i...» and took . Dodd's Kidney Pills, Corley. July 10, 1890, Have taken twenty-three boxes, and have r statement to the above facts before, J. W. Seymour regained my weight, health and strength, I am perfectly cured. -Sir Richard Cartwright has gone to Rochester to seek relief for an attack of rheumatism . .., Notice to Taxpayers. Thomae Neelands, eolleotor of taxes for Mullett Township, will be at the following places on the dates named, for the purpoge of receiving taxes; Londeeboro, on November 30111 and December 14th, Kinburn, December llth; All taxes not paid by the 1 6 per cent. added. THOM Hilton. December 12th, th of December will have AS NEELANDS, Collector; 1511.3 • Salesman Wanted. We want two or three active, reliable men to sell our choice hardy home $ grown nursery s oe , in Huron County and vicinity, liberal term and steady employment. -Apply to A. W. GRAHAM, Elgin Nurseries, B. Thomas, Ontario. 1610x3 HAVE YOU TASTED LAD CEYLON TEA. , It is the most delicious of all Teas. Sold only in lead packets by A. CARDNo, C4th. , THE BOTANIST. SIGN OF THE' CIRCULAR SAW Sudden Taking Off by Heart Disease. That pain in the side, that sense of smothering, that palpitation of the heart, chat restiveness - rendering it impossible for one to remain long in any one position -these are symptoms of heart disease that should be imme- diately heeded. And practical heed will be given by seourin.g a. bottle of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, the most wonderful heart specific that has ever been given to the world. As ,Thaar b-een shown frequently in. these ool- umns, some of the most desperate oases of heart trouble have been. cured by its use. One dose will relieve in 30 minutes. The remedy Is harmless as milk, as it Is -entirelv vegetable. Sold by .I. V. Fear and Lumsden & Wilson • Pansies should be covered in winter with nothing heavier than leaves, as they need a free circulation of air. Not only do the forms and character of the blossoms of the chrysanthemum vary greatly, but there is a wider variation in the color than in any other flower. Tbe British scientc expedition to the PhitipPine islands is said Vs have discote 'fired 2;500 feet above the sea level, on the sids of the extinct volcano Apo, a flower ri(f) et in diameter. • ,ne extra good winter blooming fuchsia is speciosa. Given a large pot, light fibrous soil of leaf mold and sand, good drainage and plenty of water at the roota and overhead, it will make rapid growth and flower abundantly from January to April without cessation. • P>. PC5 1-^a CD • Home Loving. The wombat is a little animal resembling in appearance a sms.11 bear, with short legs, a broad, fiat back and very short tail. It eats grass and other vegetablematters and is a harmless little creature, shy arid gentle in its habits, though it Ctia1 bite if very much provoked. There is a story of a farmer who had a wombat for a pet. He took it a long way into the forest in order to get rid of it, but twice the little anisnal returned, having found its way without help to its adopted home. The third time the farmer conveyed it across a deep and broad riveis and, as the wombat cannot swim, he felt, sure he was rid of the persistent pet. liaut, no; the little creature soon found a hhge fallen tree which lay ael'OSS the stream, , and, crawling to the extreme end sat wistfully gazing at the departing farmer. So touched was the man that he paddled back again, took his fat little passenger on board and carried it home, much to the delight of the childrllln. WEATHER SIGNS. Salt is a good borometer. When it is damp rain is probable. A rainbow in the morning foretells rainy weather during the day. A rainbow in the afternoon is generailt an indication of fair weather. The fal Ing of soot from a chimney is a tolerably sure indication of approaching bad SY eat When ings see rain; th causes t than at o Ducks the appr q uackin an alm weather. er. lstant hills, mountains or build - near at hind, the sign is fox air being full of moisture, ese objects to appear nearer her times. are more than usually noisy on ach of a storm. and their loud is considered by farmers to be st infallible sign of rainy ‘MA RIAdE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED. • „ . Rheumatism is Still Being Cured in fro One to Three 13100 by South AInerIctjil Rheumatic Cure -More Testimony. Mr, Z. A. Van. Laven, Governor the County Gaol, of NaPanee, Ont., writes: "My wife has been a great suf- ferer from rheumatism fer some time paint. The disease attacked the limbs and was drawing ithem out of shape. The pain was most excruciating. Sthe could. not get anything to our -e her. Mr. Huffman, druggist of this town, re- commended South American Rheuma- tic Cure. The first few doses, gave my wife perfect relief. To-day,a.fter taking four bottles, of the remedy, she Is certain that the disease is entirely era- dicated from her sy.stem and blesses theedvd7 she first heard of this re- rnSold by I. V.1::_ear and..Lurnsden & Wilson -Alex. Bell, manager of the Scottish - Canadian Loan and Investment Company of Montreal, has disappeared, leaving a num- ber of clients out of pocket. -Joseph Hunter, the 18 -year-old son of, James Hunter, an East Garafraxa farmers went to Waldemar for a day's rabbit shoot• ing, and accidentally shot himself in the alal domen, dying before his companion, a boy' -Among the white settlers who were could bring help. killed in Matabeleland during the rece4 fighting between the British and the nee tives,were several young Canadians from tho neighborhood of Belleville. era A. G. AULT, C4th. AUCTION SALE OF HOTEL PROPERTY -IN THE - Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Pursuant to the power of sale contained in,te mortgege, which will be produced at the time of sale. There will be offered for sale by public auetion at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL,IN THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH, by Mr. J. P. Bring. .auctioneer, ON FRIDAY THE FOURTH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1896, AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M., the following property in the said Town .of Seaforth, being Lota numbers 36, 36 and 37, as marked on a registered plan as pars of the said Town of 13ea- forth, made for the Goulnlock Estate by George McPhillips, P. L. S. The said property is near the Railway Station, on East side of Main Street, and as thereon a large rough east building formerly used and suitable for a Hotel or Tavern, and was known as hicBride's Hotel, also a frame stable and shed. -Terms of Sale. -Fifteen per cent. on day of sale, 26 per cent. more in one month thereafter, balance on fourth day of January 1902 with Interest half yearly at six per cent. per annum, to be cured by mortgage on the property. The Vendors have a reserved bid. Other terms sad oondtticma of sale will be made known at the time of sale and can in the meantime be ascertained from the tinder - signed. HOSKIN, OGDEN & HOSKIN, 23 Toronto Street, Toronto, Vendor's Solicitors. Dated November8th, 1896. 1509-4 • dtdira/Vat Gook's Cotton Root -Compound Manufactured b y The Cook Co., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich., is the only known safe, reliable monthly medicine on -which ladies can depend inT "the hour and time of need." Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for flu GAM t On the Top as Usual. With a good stock of custom Beate and Shoes for fall and winter wear. Will be sold cheap for cash or -short credit. JOHN STJT, Egninadville. late -2m and fu 1 particulars, which we will send. by return mail in plain. sealed envelope. An old physician, 35 years con- tinued practice treating diseasesof women, has charge of the officeand can be consulted by letter or in perion. Address our main office - THE COOK COMPANY, Boom 3-1o. 253 Woodward .A.vo., Detroit, Mich. Igre Cook's Cotton Root Compound is sold by all responsible 'wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion of Canada and United States for One Dollar per box. THE . EYESIGHT. J. S. Roberts, Graduate of Detroit Optical InstituteailsoChicagoOphth- almic College, is prepared to fit all defects of Vision Astigmatism, Hypermetro- pia, Myopia, Prestyopia or anrcompauxid defect. •.•••••••...• Intelligent people have given Up the idea of buy - eye is brought into use, while the other may be go they see well with them. It may be that only one ng ordinary comtnon spectacles at a counter,hecause dzeess.. IR1 ovosurzeheljr tsre gtwerilaikn,edor"sigttrpettioirt cal ablllaitn Drug Store and have them tested. Does the print blur or do the eyes tire when reading? Do the tame ache Do the eyes water/ Are they sore or inflamed? These symptoms point to defects in the refraction, Or the =melee of the eyes and eau he perfectly cor- rected. Do you have headache'? Bye etrain causes more headaches than all other causes combined. Thous- ands of people are suffering who do net iettlize that eye strain lathe cause. All these cases eon be 'cured with glasses that are made to -correct the -error in the eyes. The eyes of children should be carefully tatted. In many cases the defect in the eyes is shown by various symptoms, such as inability to see figures en a blackboard, holding the book close to the eyes, blurring of letters; crossed eyes or eyes -turning in, blinking, watering of the eyes and particularly head; ache. In many oases the ohild is seemed of being dull or stupid, when the fault is in the sight, and can be corrected with glasses. If you are wearing gitieees that are not satisfactory, bring them to me. In caee of disease, you will be recommended to the physician %t once for treatment. 1403 McLEOD'S System Renovator --AND OTHER - TESTED - REMEDIES. A specific and antidote for Impure, Weak and Im- poverished Blood, Dyepepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpeta- tion of the Heart, Liver Corrplaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory.. Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Ki ney and Urinary 13Dieease9, Ste Vitus* Deuce, Female Irtegulatieles and General Debility. LA.BORATORY-Goderich, Ontario. J. M. AleLEOD, Proprietor and Manu toothier. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. 1601-tf FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING :POWDER THECOOKSBESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. F. GUT E Sole Agent in eaforth for USHER'S QUEENSTON CEMENT —AND— GUELPH and ACTON LIME. This le the best lime on the market. Full instrue. tions given for all kinds of cement work. I will 41641 keep in stock Portland Cement, Paris Plaster, Lath, Hair, Beck, etc. A lull stock of all these kept con- stantly on hand. Prices right. Warehouse Mitts of the railway track, opposite the freight shed, F. GUTTERIDGE, Seaforth. 1181-tf NICKLES DYE WORKS • McKILLOP TAXES. Charles Dodds, collector of taxes for the Town. thip of MAUIlop. will be at the Royel Hotel, Sea - forth; every fiaturdsy afternoon for the receiving of the samre. , ax payers will please take notice. CHARLES DODDS, Collector. lbel-tf Any person wishing to have all wool goods of any kind dyed a fast and beautiful color either ladies' or gentlemen's, should give lies Nickle a call. Goods called for and deliver- ed. Wood and farm produce taken in exs change for -work. talWorkshop, corner Market and Ord streets, near front Broadfoocl's faetory, HENRY NICKLE. p. S. -lien's, Women's and Children's stockings knit at Mrs. Nickle's. 1506-2m. IdelEillop Directory for 1896. JOHN MORRISON. Reeve, Winthrop P. 0. WILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Deputy -Reeve, Lead. burv P0. WM. McGAVIN. Councillor, Leadbury P. 0, JOSEPH C. MORRISON, Councillor, Beechwood P0. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood P. 0. JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthzop P. 0. DAVID 11. ROSS, Treasurer Winthrop P. 0. WM, EVANS, Assessor, Beethwood CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seaforth P. 0. RICKARD POLLARD, !Sanitary Inepector4Leade bury P. O.