The Huron Expositor, 1896-11-27, Page 2'
0N0 PUBLIC() "
Balsam of
The Gr atest Cough Remedy
• SLD IN 25c and 50c BOTTLES
Manufactured and Sold Wholesale
- and Retail by
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soarrs BLOCK,
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rdans NEW Store
For everything in the Grocery business
.v ----Choice and
Choice butter and. eggs wanted, for which we will pay the
highest market price.
M. JORDAN, Seaforth.
Before making your next purchase of Tea, that ,
LUt'7.°4 ELL
Is put up in lead packets, and guaranteed strictly
pure. From grocers -25c, 40c, 500 and 60c.
H. P. ECKARDT & CO., Toronto,
Wholesale Agent
- $1,5000010
A general banking business transacted. Drafts on all Parts of the United States
Great Britain and Europe bought and sold. Letters of credit issued, available in all parte
of Europe, China and Japan. Earmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances made on 80.170
at lowest rates.
Deposits of One,Dollar and upwards received, and interest lallol wed at highest cu[rren
rates. Interest added to principal twice each year—at the end of June and. December
No notice of withdrawal is required for the whole or any pdrtion of a deposit. -
R. S. HAYS, Solicitor. W. K. PEARCE, Agent.
Is an adage which has saved many persons from the -twinges of
conscience and from the depths of remorse. Butnotonly has it
assured them of peace of mind, and, consequently happiness,bnt it
has many times spared
And. thus may we have raised. them materially. We have given
theca the best. clothes to --be had, and at -prices consistent with
good workmanship and superior fit and finish. By looking at. our
stock and. prices before buying, you. will always have the pleasure
of knowing that you have the best and latest clothes at ,the
minimum prices.
. ,
_I..1r11.1\711113-RE •
We are still adding to our already large stock, and we are
now prepared to meet the wants of eery one requiring fur-
niture. It will pay you to examine our goods before pur-
chasing elsewhere, as we are sure to please you in .price,
Ettyle and quality.
Our undertaking department is complete in every respect, and
we guarantee satisfacti▪ on. S T. Holmes, Funeral Director
Residence next door to Drs. Sc tt McKay's office.
Main Street, Seaforth Porter's Old Stand
r .
NOVEMBER 271 1896.
Be'. Dr. Talmage SaYs a Good Home Is n
Mighty Defense, and So Are Industrious
Habits, but He Insists That Religion Is
the Strongest of AU.
n vanishes. .1n a wort time lib WIII
ready, to retirafrom •the bbsy world, and
amid his flocks and herds cultivate the -
domestiavittnes. . Then those young men
who once were hie sclioolinates and knew
no better than to engage in honest work
will come vvith their ox teams to draw him
logs and • with their hard hands to help
heave up his castle. This is no fancy pic-
ture.' It is everyday life. I should not
Wonder if there were some rotten beams •
' in that beautiful palace. I should not
'Wonder it dire sickness slimild smite
'through the young 'nen, or if Gad. should
pour into his cup of life a draft that would
thrill him with unbearablo. agony; if his
children should become to him a living
curse, making his .home a pest and a dis-
grace. I should not wonder if he goes to
a miserablagrave and beyond it into the
gnashing of teeth. The way of the ungod-
ly shall perish.
1 A. Great Battle. •
My young friends, there Is no way to
genuine Success except through toll either
of bead or hand._ At the•battle of Crecy
in 1846 the Paine° of Wales, finding him-
self heavily preased by the enemy, sent
word to his father for 'help. The father,
etching the battle from,a windmill, and
ing his on was not wounded and -could.
in the day if be weuld, sent word: "No,
I will - not come. Let the boy win bin,
urs, for, if God'will, I desire that this'
y be his with all its honors:" Young
*an, fight your own battle all through
and you shall have the victory. Oh, it is
battle wOrth fighting! Two monarchs
f -old fought a duel, Charles V and
. nets, and the stakes were kingdoms,
Ilan and Burguraly. You fight withein
nnd the stake is heaven or hell; 1 -
• Do not get the fatal idea that you are a
genius and that, therefore, there Is no need
of close application. It is here where, mule
titudes fail. - The curse of this age s the
• genifises—men with enormous self cnoeit
and egotism and nothing else. had
rather be an ox than an eagle; plalfri and
plodding and useful rather than hih fly -
Jugend good for nothing but to pi k out
the eyes of carcasses. Extraordin ry ca-
pacity without work is extraordinar fail-
ure. There is no hope for that person who
begins life resolved to live by his wits, for
bbs probability is that he has not any.. It
• was not safe for Adani, even In his un -
fallen state, to have nothing to do, and
therefore God commanded \him to _be a
farmer and horticulturist. Ho waste dress
the gaeden and keep it, and had he and his
wife. beyedthe di vine injunction and been
at work they would not have been saunter-
• WASHINGTON, Nov. 22.—A resoUnding
call goes out in this sermon of Dr: Tat
maga If. heeded, it would be'revolution-
ary for good. His subject is "Young Men
Challenged to Nobility" and the text II
Kings vi, 17, "And the Lord opened the .
eyes of the young mate"
• One morning - in Dothan a young then-'
logical student was scared by finding him-
self and Elisha the prophet,- upon whom !
he waited, surrounded by a whole army of
enemies. But venerable Elisha was not •
soared at all because he saw the mountains
full of defense for him in chariots made of ,
fire, drawn by horses of fire—a supernat-
ural appearance that could not be seen
With the natural eye. So the old minister
' prayed that the young minister might see
• them also, and the prayer Was answered,
and. the Lord openedethe eyes of the yading
man, and he also saw the fiery procession,
looking somewhat, I suppose, like the
Adirondacks or the Alleghenies in au-
tumnal resplendence.
Many young men, standing among tbe
most tremendous realities, have their eyes
half Abut or s_ entirely closed. May God
grant that my sermon mayopett wide your
eyes to your safety, your opportunity and
your destiny!
• The Charm of Home.
A mighty defense for a young man is a
good home. 'Some of my hearers look back
with tender satisfaetion to their ear y
home. It may have been rude and rusti
hidden among the hills, and architect r
upholsterer never planned or adorned i
But all the fresco- on princely walls nev r
looked so enticing to you as those rou h
hewn rafters. You cin think of no pa k
or arbor of trees • planted on fashionab e
country seat so attractive as the plain bre k
that ran in front a the old farmhouse ar4d
- sang under the weeping willows. No ba
red gateway adorned with statue of bron e
and swung open by obsequious porter in
full dress' has half the glory of the old
swing gate. Many of you have a second
dwelling place—your adopted home—that
also is sacred forever. There von built the
menal laws so eatitionions that the nouy
leas well as the soul demands this institu-
-Glen. Our bodies are ,seven day decks
that must be wouod up as often as that or
they wiil run down. •Failure must conic
r later to the man who breaks the
. .Inspiration has called it the
ay, and be who devotes it to the -
world is guilty of robbery. God will not
let th& sin go unpunished either in this
world r the world to come.
This is the stetement of a .nian who has
broken this divine enactment: "I was en-
gaged in, manufacturing on the Lehigh
river. On the Sabbath I used to rest, but
never egarded God in it. One beautiful
Sabbath when the noise was all hushed,
and the day was all that loveliness oould
make it, I eat down on my piazza and.
,went to work inventing a now shuttle.
neither stopped to eat nor drink till the
s n went down. • By that time I had the
ijivention ceimpleted. The next morning
I exhibited It and boasted of my, day's
grit, and was applauded. The shuttle
v$Tas trlted and worked well, but that Sab-
th dely's work cost me $30,000. We
ranched out and enlarged; and the curse
of heaven was upon me from that day on -
• While the divioe frown must reit upon
him w,ho tramples upon this statute, God's
special favor will be upon that young man
Who scrupulously observes it. This day,
properly observed, will throw a hallowed
influenee over all the week. The song and
sermon and sanctuary will hold back from
preaumptuout dins. That young man who
begins the duties of life with either secret
or open disrespect to the holy day, I ven-
ture to prophesy, will meet with no per-
manent successes. God's curse will fall
upon his ship, his store, his office, his
studio, his biddy and his soul: The way of
the wicked he turneth upside down. In
one of the old fables it was said that a
Wonderful child was born • in Bagdad, and
a magician could hear his footsteps 6,000
miles away. But I can hear in the foot-
step of that young man on his way to the
house of worshinstoday the step not only
of a lifetime of usefulness, but the onoom-
ing step of eternal ages of happiness yet
millione of years away.
An Infallible Defense.
A noble ideal and confident expectation
of approximating to it are an infallible de-
fense. The artist completes in his mind
the great thought that he wishes to trans-
fer to the moves or the marble before he
takes up the crayon or the chisel. The
architect plans out the entire stencturebee
fore he orders the vvorkinen to &gin, and,
of Busines
• On or about, February 1st, 1897, there will be a change take place in our business, and
in order to reduce our stock, and at the same time give you an opportunity to replenish your
wardrobe, we have placed at your disposal the below,tmentioned goods at the following
POP, °ASP' 01•TillY.
;$26 Black Worsted Lint, bound edges, $22
for $22.
$24 Black Worsted 'Suit, _bound
• for $20,
$22 Mack Worsted Suit, bound
• for $19.
$20 Black Worsted Suit, bound
for $18.
Scotch Tweed Suit, stitched edges, $12 and $13 Domestic Tweed Suit,
for $18. stitched edges, for $10.
$20 Spotch Tweed Suit, stitched edges,
• for $16.
edges, $18
edges, $16
$22 .Fancy Worsted „Suit, stitched $15
'edges, for $18.
Scotch Tweed Suit, stitched edges,
for $15.
Domestic Tweed- • Suit, stitched
edges, for $14.
Domestic Tweed Suit,
edges, for $13.
stitch ed
6enuine Iri:sh Frieze. Ulstn for
Irish Frieze "cnster for
Genuine Irish Frieze. Ulster *for
Canadian Frieze Ulster for 411.
A correspondingly deep cut on all Beaver and Melton Overmatings, and Black and
Fancy Trousering,s, Hats, Caps, Underwear, Waterproof Coats, &c. In fact, our entire
stock of,
Our stock of the above mentioned gooqs is limited, so if you. wish
prices oftered,, come early. ,
to benefit by the low
All parties indebted to us, will please call and settle theilr accounts at once, and
oblige •
Merchant Tailors and Gents' Furnishers, Seaforth.
first family altar. There your children
were born. All those trees you planted.
That room is solemn because once in it,
over the hot pil ow, flapped the wing of
death: Under th t roof you expect when
your welt,- is do o to lie down and die.
You try with many words to toll the ex-
cellency of the place, but you tail. There
Is only one word in the language that can
describe your meaning. It is home.
'Now, I declare it, that yming man Is
comparatively safe who goes out into the
world with a charm like this upon him..
T 4 memory of parental solicitude, watch-
ing, planning and praying will be tohim
a s iield and a shelter. I never knew a
re n faithful both to his early and adopted
home who at the same time was given
over to any gross form of dissipation or
wickedness. He whb seeks his enjoyment
chiefly from outside association rather
than from the more quiet and unpresuin-
ing pleasures of which I have spoken niay
, be suspected to be on the broad road to
ruin. Absalom despised his father's house,
and you know his history of sin and his
death of shame. If you se_ein unnecessa ily.
isolated from your kindred and former as-
sooiates, is there not some room that you
can call Your own? Into it gather bo
and pictures and a harp. Have a port
over the mantel. Make ungodly mi
stand back from
some spot with t
memory of othe
and a mother's
dence, ca11 it lion
Another defen
dustrious habits.
a i t
he threshold. Consecrate
le knee of prayer. By the
days, a father's counsel,
ove, and a sister's confi-
e. ,
e for a young man is in -
Many yoang men in
starting upon li e in this age expect to
make their way through the world by the
use of their its. rather than the toil of
their hands. A boy now goes to the city
and failtwice before he is as old as his
father wes when he first saw the spires of
• the great town. Sitting in some office,
rented. at $1,000 a year,. he Is waiting for
the bank to declete its dividend, or goes
into the market expecting hefore night to
be Made rich by the rushing up of the
etocks. But luck seemed do dull he re-
pelved on some other taok. Perhaps he ler-
rowed from his employer's money dr Wer
apd forgets to put it back, or for merely
the purpose of improving his.penmanship
makes a copy plate of a merchant's signa-
ture. Never mind. All is right in trade.
In some dark night there may come in his
dreams a vision of the penitentiarse but it
soo,,---...-• --.-• , • ^—c-mr— '
Ing under the trees and hankering atter
that frith which destroyed them and their
posterity—a proof positive for all ages to
come that those who do not attend their
business aro sure to get into miechief.
I do not know that the prodigal in Scrip-
ture would ever have been reclaimed had
be not given up his idle habits and gone to
fee lug swine Mr a living. The devil does
so often attack the man who is busy
wi h the pen, and the book, and the trowel,
and the saw, and the hammer. He is
afraid of those weapons. But woe to the
man whom this roaring lion meets vvith.
his hands in his pockets.
Do not demand that your toil always be
elegant and cleanly and refined. There is
a certain amount of drudgery throrigh
which we must all pass whatever be our
ocoupati n. You know how men are sen-
tenced a ertain number of yeas to prison,
and aft r they have su:fgered and worked
out the time, then they are allowed to go
free. S it is with all of us. God passed
on us the- sentence, "By the sweat of thy
brow shalt thou eat bread." • We must en-
dure our time of drudgery, and then, after
awhile, we will he allowed to glo into co -
parative liberty. We' must be willing to
endure the sentence. We all know w at
drudgery is connected with the beginning
of any trade or profession, but this does
not centinue all our lives, if it be the
student's, or the merchant's, or the me-
chanic's life. I know you have at the be-
ginning many 4 bard time, but after
awhile those things will become easy. You
will be your own master. • God's sentence
will be satisfied. You will be discharged
'from prison.• :
' Bless God that you have a brain to
think and la nds to work and feet to
walk with,`for in your constant aotivity,
0 youug man, is one of your strongest de-
fenses. Put your trust in God and do your
best. That child had it 'right when the
horses ran away with the load of wood and
he sat on it. When asked if be was fright-
.ened, he said, "No, 1 prayed to God and
hung on like a beaver." ,
A Recreative Day.
• Respect for the Sabbath will be to the
young man- another preservative gainst
evil. God has 'thrust into the t 11 and
fatigue of life a recreative day wb n the
soul is especialV to be fed. • It is no new
fangled notion of a wild brained reformer,
but an institution. establ1shet at the be-
ainniena. God has made n tural and
tnough there may for a long wmie 'seem r,o
be nothing but blundering and rudeness,
he has in his mind. every Corinthian
wreath and Gothic arch and Byzantine
• capital. The poet arranges the entire plot
before he begins to chime the first canto of
tingling rhythms. And yet, strange- to
SHY, there are, men who attempt to build
their character without knowing whether
in the end it shall be a rude Tartar's tent
or a S. Mark's of Venice—men who begin
to write the intricate poem of their lives_
without knowing 'whether it shall be a
Homer's "Odyssey" or a rhymester's botch.
Nine hundred and ninety-nine men out
of a thousand are living without any great
life plot. Booted and spinaedand plumed,
and urging their swift coureer in the hot-
test haste, I aek: "Hello, man!! Whither
away" His response is, "Nowhere."
Rush info the busy shop or store of many
a one and taking the plane out of,the
man's hand or laying •down the yardstick, ,
say, "What, man, is all this about—so
,inuch stir and sweat?"
The reply wil1 stumble and break down
between teeth and lips. • Every day's duty
ought only to be the filling up of the main
plan of existence. Let men be consistent.
If they prefer misdeeds -Ito correct courses
of action, then let thein draw out the de-
sign of knavery and cruelty and plunder.
Let every day's falsehood and wrongdoing
be added as coloring to the picture. Let
bloody deeds red stripe the picture, and
the clouds of a wrathful God hang down
heavily over the canvas, ready to break
out in clamorous tempest. Let the waters
be chafed and froth tangled and green
with irameaseirable depths. Then take a
torch of burning pitch and scorch into the
frame the right name for it—the soul's
suicide. If one entering upon sinful di-
rections would only in his mind or on pa-
per draw 'out ineawful reality this dread-
ful future, he would recoil from it and
say, "Am I a Dante that by my own life I
should write another 'Inferno?'" But if
zou are resolved to live a life such aa God
and good men will apprqve do not let it be a
vague dream, an indefinite determination, ,
but in your mind or uPon paper sketch it
in all its minutiae. You minuet know the
changes to which you may be subject, but
you may know what always will be right
and always will be wrong. Let gentleness
and charity and veracity and faith stand
in the heart of the sketch.
On some still breok's-ban make a lamb
and MD 110 doWn to ether. Draw two or
three of the treefe of 1fe, not frost strtcken,
per he glazed, nem wind stripped, but with
thiek verdure NV4Vin like the palms of '
heaven. Qn thel da est cloud place the
rainbow, Ibat pillow of the dying storm.
• You need iot print to title 'on the frame.
The dullest will ca ch the design at a
glance and say, "Th t is the r�ad to heav-
one" Ah,me! On dtils sea of life what in-
numerable ships, heavily laden and well
rigged, yet seem bound for no port! Swept
every whither of wind and wa e, they gaup
by the mountains, they go 4lown by the
valleys and are ,at their wits end. They
sail by no chart; they watch io star, they
long for no harbor I beg every young man
today to draw out a sketch of wiefe, by the
grace of God, he 1means to be. Think no
excellence so high that yon cannot reach
It. He who starts out in life with a high
Ideal of character nd faith in its attain-
ment will find himself incased from a
thousand temptati xis. There are mag-
nificent possibiliti s before . each of you,
young men of the st ut heart, and the buoy-
ant step, and the bo nding spirit I would
marshal you for gr nd achievement. God
now prolvidee for you the field and the
armor and the fortifications. Who is on
the 'Lord's gide? A captain in ancient
times, to encourage his men against the
immense ols on the side of their enemies,
eaid: "Cona, my men, look these fellows
- in the face. 1 They are 6,000; you are 300.
Surely the!match is even."' That speech
gave them the victory. , Bo not, my hear- -
era, diemayed at any -time by what seems
an immense odds against you. Is foFtune,
Is want of education, are men, are devils
against you, though the multitudes of
earth and hell confro t you, stand up to
the charge. With 1,0 0,000 against you,
the match is' just ev n— ay, you have a
deoided adtantage. If G be for us, who
can be against us? ¶Ifhu protected, you
need not spend much time in answering
your assail nts. ,
Many years ago word ciame to me that
two impos ors, as temperance lecturers,
had !leen peaking in Ohio in . various
places and giving their expeeience, and
they told heir audience that they had
long been nth:nate with me and had be-
come drunkards by dining at .my table,
where I always had liquors of all sorts.
Indignant to the last degree, I went down
to Patrick Campbell, chief of Brooklyn
pence, saying that I was going to start
that night for Ohio to have those villains
arrested; and I wanted him to tell me how
to make the ar est. He smiled and said:
"Do not waste your time by chasing these
men. Go hoir4e and do your work, and
they can do y u no harm." I took his
counsel, and 4d1 was "well. Long ago I
made up niy mind that if one will put his
treilst in God and be faithful to duty he
d not fear any evil. Have God ou your
si e, young nun, and all the combined
• forces of earth and hell can do you no
da lege.
nd this lead me to say that tbe inight-
jest defense for I young men is the posses-
sion of religiou- principle. Nothing can
take the place o it. Ile may have man-
ners that would put to sheltie the graceful-
ness and courtesy of a Lod Chesterfield.
Foreign languages may drop from his
tongue. He may be able to disuss liter-
ature and laws and foreigo customs. He
may wield a pen of unequaled polish and
power. His quickness end tact may quali-
fy him for the highest ;salary of the count -
tog house. He may be as sharp es Herod
and as strong as Sainson, with as fine
locks as those which bung Absalom, still
Ile is not safe from ccintamination. The
more elegant his manner, and the more
fascinating his dress, the more peril. Satan
does not care for the allegiance of a cow-
ardly and illiterate being. He cannot
bring him into efficient service. But he
'Oyes to storm that castle of character
which has in it the most spoils and trees -
•tires. It was not soMe crazy craft creep-
ing along the coast with a valueless cargo
that the pirate attecked, but the -ship, full
winged and flagged, plying between great
' ports, carrying its millions of specie. The
more your natural 'teed acquired accom-
plishments, the mere ,need of the religion
of Jesus. That (leesnet cut in upon or
hack up any sinoothness of disposition or
behavior. It ives symmetry. It arrests
that in the soul which ought to be arrest-
ed and propel' that which ought to be
propelled. ICBMs Up the gulleys. It ele-
vates and transforms. To beauty it gives
more beauty, to tact more' tact, to enthus-
iasm of nature mere enthusiasm. When
the Holy Spirit -impresses the imago of
God on the heart, he daps not spoil the
wives. If it all the mnititudes of young
• men upon whern religimi has acted you
could field one nature that had been the
least damaged, I would yi ld thh3 proposi-
• Cling to the e oss.
You may now have enough strength of
character to tepol the various temptations
to gross; wickedness which assail you, but
I do not know in what strait you may be
thrust at some future time: Nothing short
sof the grace of the cross may then be able
to deliver you from the lions.' You are not
meeker than Mose, nor holier than David,
nor more patient than Joli, end you ought
not to consider yourfjelf invulnerable. You
may,have some weak point of character
that you have nev r discovered, and in
eome hour when yojll are unsuspecting the
Philistines will be upon thee, Samson.
Trust not in y url good habits. or your
• early training, o our pride of character
—nothing short of the arm of Almighty
God will be suffi imet to uphold you. You
leek forward to the World sometimes with
a chilli g despondency. dheer up. I will
tell yet how you I lay make a fortune.
"Seek first the kin dom of God and his
righteousness, and atl other things shall be
added unto you." I itnow you do not want
to be mean in this sattet. Give God the
freshness of yeur life.. Yhu will not have
the heart M drink dewn the brimming cup
of life,and nein podr the dregs on God's
altar. To a Saviour so iofinitely generous
you have not the beert M act like that.
That is not brave. That is nOt honorable.
• Thee is not manly. your greatest want in
all the world is a hew bed. te In God's
name I tell you that. And the Blessed
tfpirit presststhroug ' the sol 3mnities (aid
tirivileges of this hol hour. 1Put the cup
ef life eternal to your thirsty ips. Thrust
It not back. Mercy offers it—bleeding
mercy, long suffering mercy. Reject all
other friendships, be ungra eftil for all
other kindness, prove recrean to all other
bargains, but to despise , Pod's love for
your intmortal soul—do not do that.
I wmild•like to see some* you this hour
press out of the ranks of the world and lay
your conquered 'spirit at the feet of Jesus.
This hour is no wandering vagabond stag-
gering over the earth; it lei a winged mks-
,. of _the skieswhispering mercy to
thy soul. Life is smooth now, but after -
awhile it may be rough, wild and precipi-
tate. There comes a (*isle in the history
of ec, ery man. • We gehlom understand
that turning point uatil it is far past.
The toad of life is forked, 1 and I read on
two signboards; "This is the way to happi-
ness'! and "This is the deaY to ruin." , Hove
apt We are to pass the! fork of the road
witheut thinking whether it comes out at
the dbor of bliss or the toles of darkness.
•Carn,pg pown al, .C...s.
•"To •
take Iflim down a peg or two" re-
ealls the Saxop tankards or wassail bowls,
graduated by lilies running around the in-
terior. Small boles wet.° made partly
through the sides of the vessels and in
these were placed pegs to 'regulate the
amount drank by each participa.nt in the
another was to tate him down a peg.
feast. To drink a grater portion than
LIARM TO RENT.- To rent, a 200 acre farm,
miles from W Ingham, with flrat-class buildloge,
and well watered. It is fill in pasture, and is an ex-
zellent chance for either far,' leg or pasturing cattle.
• For particulars, apply to Box 125, Wingbam 1473tf
EIARMS FOR SALE.—The undersigned has twenty
12 Choice Farms for sale in EastHun, the bare
ner County of the Province; all sizes, and prices to
suit. For full information, write or call personally.
No trouble to show them. F. S. SCOTT, Brussels
P. 0. • 1391 -ti
-CUM FOR SALE. —100 Ivrea, in the township of
J2 Grey, near Brussels. T. re is on it nearly so
acres of bush, about half Week aeh, the rest hard-
wood. A never -failing sering of water runs through
the lot. Will be sold at a big barzain. For particu-
lars!. apply to MRS. JANE WALKER, Box 219,
eion 6, township of Staniey, cOntaining 100
acres. This is one of the best farms in the township
and is situated in good and pleasant neighborhood
Soil of the best and not a rod of waste laud on it:
There are all the buildings on it that. are required.
The whole farm has been newly fenced and drained.
An orohard of 70 bearing • trees, plenty of good
water, convenient to schools, churches, post ofilee
and market. Apply to WM. SINCLAIR, Varna P.
0., or to WM; COPP, Scaforth. 1491-tf
skin 6, Township of Morris, containing 160 scree
suitable for gra.% or stook, @bruited two and a half
miles from the thriving village of Brussels, e good
gravel road leading thereto; 190 acres cleared lina
free from ettunps, 6 acres cedar and ash and balance
hardwood. Barn 51x60 with !draw and hay Shod
40x70, stone stabling underneath both. The brews
is brick, 22x32 with kitchen 18x26, cellar tmderneath
both buildinp. All are new. There is a large y
orchard. School on next lot. The land has a
natural drainage, and the farm isin good condi on.
Satisfactory reasons for selling. Apply at Tan Tx -
norm Orem, or on the prembes. BARBI;
Brussels. • 133E.4i
'the thriving village of Hensel', an acre of land,
upon which is creeted a neat comfortable frame
house nearly new, containeig six rooms, with a good
dry stone cellar. There is. a good well and stable,
and two sides of the property Is fenced with wire
netting. The corner lot, -containing one -gamier -
acre with the building and well, will be sold separ-
ately if desired. The three building sites, containing
one-quarter acre each, may also he bought separ-
etely. This Property is situated on London road
avenue, the best street in the village, and may tn
bought at a very reasonable figure and on favorable
terms. For particulars apply on the premises, or
address Box 71, Hensall, Ontario. D. STEWART.
TiARM FOR SALE.—For sale, lot 36, Coner-98ion
je 2, Kinloss, containing 100 acres, 85 cleared and
the balance in good hardwood bush. The land Is in
a good state of cultivation, is well underdrained and
well fenced. There is a frame barn and log house on
the property, a.never-failing spring with windmill,
also about 2 ac -es of orchard. It is an exeellent
farm and is within one mile of Whitechurch station,
where there are stores, blacksmith shop and
churches. There is a school on the opposite lot. It
is aix miles from Wingham and six from :Lucknow,
with good roads leading in all directions. This de.
sirable property will be sold on reasonable -terms.
For further particulars apply to JAMES MITCHELL,
Varna P. 0. 1495450441
MIARM FOR SALE—For sate, lot 8, and part lot
JU 9, concession 10, Grey township, containing
165 acres, all cleared exeept twenty acres, which is
a good hardwood bush. The land is in a high state
of cultivaVon, well underdrained and well fenced,
without any waste land. There is a good frame
house, with summer kitchen and woodshed '- a large
bank barn, 84x52, with storm stabling underneath,
and other outbuildings. 'There are four acres of
orcherd cf ore of the best varieties of fruit; three
good, Dever- failing wells with pumps in them. It is
a -mile and three-quarters from the village of 13rus-
sele, with good roads leading In all directions. This
excellent property will be sold cheap and on easy
terms. Apply on the premises or by letter to box
1. 3, Brussels P. 0. JOHN HILL.
at As the owner wishes to retire from business on
account of ifl health, the following valuable property
at Winthrop, 41 miles north of Seatorth, on leading
road to Brussels, will be sold or rented as one farm
or in parts to suit purchaser: about 500 acres of
splendid farming land, with about 400 under crop,
the balance in pasture. There are large barns and
all other buildings necessary for the implements,
vehicles, etc. This land is well watered, has good
frame and brick dwelling houses, eto. There are
grist and saw mills and store -which will be sold or
rented on advantageous terms. Also on 17th ton -
cession, Grey township, 190 acres of land, 40 in
pasture, the balance in timber. Poseession given
after harvest of farm lands; miIl at once. For par-
ticulars apply to ANDREW GOVENLOCK, Winthrop.
• 148841
Dealer in Lumber and Shingles.
All kinds of LUMBER always on hand
and of the very best quality.
Give me a call, and see if I can't give yoa
what you want.
10 -Lumber yard and office on the Huron
Road, near the flax mill,
&RAMMED Asstuirmx
Wilt Make Friends
And Sell Itself on its Merits
Every Time.
We have also several other blends -in stock
to suit the different testes of our cuetemers.
We always keep to the front. Buyers can-
not put their money in more liberal hands.
You need not hesitate to accept our state-
ments, as we back them with goods and
prices. In the
There is no room for improvement in the
„bargains we offer in Toilet Sets, Water Sets,
Dinner and Tea Sets. There can be no
hard times for you if you buy freen
SEE' 40 IR, 'I' T=I
To Farmers of,Canadas
Several kinds of wire fences have been placed ow
be market, none of which have proven entirely sits
sfactory ; but in placing before you our
we do so confidently, believing that we have over-
come all of the objections that have been raised
against wire fences in the past. It is composed of
any desired number of galvanized steel wires, placed
at a suitable distance 'apart, upon which are pigged
two half-inch half -round steel bars, one on each ode
of the wires, with groove between to fit tightly on
the wires, and bolted with four bolts holding shena
firmly together and preventing the wires from slid-
ing up or down. It is also arranged that tbe actions
of heat and cold in expanding and contracting the
wires are thoroughly controlled by tighteners, and
the fence can be kept taut at all seasons of the year.
All we ask is tin examination of its merits, and we
re satisfied you will decide it has no equaL Maim-
actured by
• Dublin P. 0., Ont.
R. B. SCOTT, Seaforth, Is a.,gent
• for the sale of Ooianty and Town-
ship rights, •1/59
e best 33uggi
stock 01 Carriages ia v
ander our own supe.
-wide buggies, whe
as cheap,
litin from outbids to
In building up rate
, when you 01.n do b. t
end he convinced.
• etnaindsta blAekanita
Assatightetolikv done
- Altai stock Of Cuttere
t-styies, Which will be
Owing to harEl t
• chided to sell Piaa
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prow at $25
Pialios at Corr
As Ohea,p as
And wifln
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5 lbs. of a good G
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We have yet so
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Broadishann0:,..ono0BroodW,te. seeyttitiooteer.vreai-re:71:
*utdite ittletabor
bury; George male,
Seaforth; M. Mud
Clinton ; Thome*
Lean, Kippen.
Thoi, Netball. Tfe,
James Catawba& El
John 0. Xonisonet
zeilwitmeittheilliegronbuliallimulsInto slinky omi
$heirXelPeetive Vol
VHS elan
111111N000 RENE
PkoDtrczn Tax Alia
iltRaUllia In SO I
- lier_yons Menses.
means etc., Caused 15,
to -ekCaliken orgaini
Iseeklitambeed in4S
pocket. PrIce.1.-0
written -guarantee
bastion. fotHation,
your druggist has:
leading druggist
ifig,aext to -tIr
A General' I
Issued and mike
-011 goad notes; or
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Henn. AnbOg
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Zig% Nun/Kiel