HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-11-13, Page 3- 96V IMMINESIsrount ud df kgents. NIC ��,00* 000. - FORTH. iited States, e in all parts ea.do on. Sara rhet ceirren December, 4 Agent. _EL thc iCC- peal and= Director NOVEMBER 139 1896 aroma 'ITE HURON EXPOSITOR. IMPORTANT NOTICES. riEDAR POSTS. -Ten thousand choice cedar posts brit)°, each at COLEMAN'S, Seaforth. 1480-tf J.51clIENNA, Dominion and Provincial Lind e Surveyor, Member of theAssochetion of Ontar10 asandServeyors, Dublin, Ontario. 1386,52 frefiN BEATTIE, Clerk of the Second DIN Dion Court, Couoty Commieeloner, of Huron, Con. /wooer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Fonds Invested and to Loan. Office -Oyer Sha •& Ivens' store, Main street, Seaforth. 1 ----_-- /UODER MILLS, WINE PRESSES, TaNKAGE presses for peeking house, all kinds presses and appIe machinery, paring machines aud Caere. Ottalogue free. Address S. PATTERSON & CO., the manufacturer, 19 Jarvis etreet, Toronto. 1494-3m vsss .••••••• ON EY TO LEND. -Money to lend in slums j $1,20a sr d upwards en good farm property, at lowest retes of interest. Pieymenta made to su borrower. This is net loan companies funds. A choice Tubkerernith farm for sale cheap. Apply to A. COSENS, firet door south of Jacksonat store, Egmondville. 1504t1 AB.N TIMBER AND WOOD FOR SALE. - Holing bought a bush tam the undersigned bas considerable barn timber, Rook Elm or Black Ash for sale vehicle will be sold either in quantities for a bant or be tha acre. All kinds of fire wood to be sold either by the cord or by the acre. The above thaber is MI in a good dry bush, and can be taken out any time euring the winter. Few partisulars apply to FRANCIS COLEMAN, Mlle Green P. 0, 1608x4 TXTANTED.ght men and women canvaesers VV tor Canada and Australia-" Queme Victoria. her Life and Reign," with introduction by Lord Dufferin. A thrilling new book; sales marvellous; the Queen as girl, wife, mother, monarch ; reads like romance ; grandly illustrated; big commission ; books on time; prospectus free to canvassers; Ex- clusive territory; lots of money in it. THE BItAD j,EV G&lt T -ON CO,, Ltd., 49 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ont. $ 300 Private funds to loan at lowest e 500 rates of interest in sums to suit $ 700 borrowers. Loans can be corn - $1,000 pleted and money advanced $1,500 within two days. Apply to R. $2,500 S.HAYS, Barrister,&c.,Seaforth. 126 ESTRAY NOTICES. QTRAYED IIE1FER.--Strayed about the llth of 0 October, a red Heifer Calf, four months old. When last seen it had a rope round its neck. Any Information that will lead to the recovery of the ani- mal, wilt be liberally rewarded on application to J. STODDARD, Egmondville. , 1507-4 TSNSTRAY SHEEP-Strao-ed from •Lot 18, Comes - Xi Mon S, Maintop, about the middle of August, five sheep and two lambs. Some of them were ear marked. Any information leading to their recovery will be libtrally rewarded, and any person fund harborine the same, will be prosecuted. JAMES NASH, Seaforth P. 0. 15074 STOCK FOR SALE. CatHEEP AND BULLS FOR. SALE.-Sevtral ram 0 and ewe lambs (Leicester) for sale, also two 1 - year -old Shorthorn bulls. All good quality. Will be sold at reasonable prices.' Apply at lot 17, con- cession 13, Hibbert, or address Cromarty P. 0. DUNCAN MoLAREN. 1505-tt -DIGS FOR SALE AND FOR SERVICE.- The undersigned, breeder ef Large English Berk- shires,has for sale boars and sows in farrow. He will also keep for service the stock boar Gledstone, pur- ehased from Mr. George Green, of Fairview. Terms, --$1 payable at the tine of service with the privilege of returning if neceseary, if booked 51.50. JAMES DORRANCE, Lot 26, Concession 6, Melaillop, Sea - forth P. 0. 1465-52 BOARS F.OR SERVICE. HAS A RtCORI:i irc 40 YEARS Of MICtESS IT IS A SURE CURC FOR. DIARR H CEA se DYSENTERY Couto 4 CRAMPS. CHOLERA INFANTUK and tal SOMMER eOMPLAIN-71-% • os. ekildrer‘ or Adults'. PRICE. 35C RUM 4 I ,e'V:4 • V I • I. RAM LAI:S- PURE INDIAN TEA AWED AlSOLVIMPUPt AIIIMANUFACTUMD Wi iNt OAR OM/ or boom Will Make Friends OUTSHINE RIVALS WIN VICTORIES And Sell Itself on its Every Time. Merits I • We have also sereral other blends in s to suit the different tastes of. our caste IN OROCrIES We always keep to the frot. Buyers can- not put their You need not silents, as w prices. In t ed a thousand years but have just begun their. dominion. Poor Anne Boleyn, in two year after that pageant, lost life and throne by one stroke of headsinan, lent those who on earth have a divine passion for souls shall 'never lose their throne& "They shall reign forevr and ever." Work For Salivation. But, after all,the bet way to cultivate that divine pasaion for siOtils is to work' f r their salvationd Under God save one, ai d youtwill want: right away to save t o. Say two, and you will want to save to 8 e ten, and you Will want to save twen y. Sae twenty, and you will want to say a huudr d. Save a hundred, and you will want o save everybody. And what is he „ use of talking about it when the place to begin is here and the time is now-? A id while you pray I will in one minute 11 all there is of it. Full pardon for he worst man on earth if he will b lieve in Christ, whose blood can instan ly w sh away the foulest crimes. Full col fort for the most, harrowingistress t iat ever 1 crushed a huipan bei g. At yjour first moment of belief, a pr oess by vhich the whole universe of Gcd will t rn clear around for your eterna advantage. For the mere asking, if the asking be in ar- nest, and you throw everything into tat ess a in ce ock ers. money in more liberal hands. hesitate to accept our state - back them with goods and CROCKERY UNE Thare is no room for improvement in the bargains we offer in Toilet, Sets, Water Seta, Dinner and Tea Sets. There can be no hard times for you if -yon buy from rrim.d.woRma BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The under - I efgued will keep for service, at the Brucefield Cheese Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. with registered pedigree. Terme, 51; payable at time of service with privilege ot returning if neces- sary. RUG'S McCA1tTNEYM3rucefieId. 140541 TAAIWORTH PIG FOR SERVICE. -The under- signed has for eervice on lot 32, concession 3, McKillop, a thoro'bred Tamworth pig, to which a limited number ef sows will be taken. Thi. is an extra good pig and breedere find it advantageous to cross their uerksbire trews with this breed of pig. Terms $1, with privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN McMILLAN 1505xtf 'DIGS FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 7, Concession 3, Stanley, a arge English Berkshire' B ear, seven months old, pur- chased from James Dorrance. Alao an intproved Yorkshire Boar, each with registered pedigrees Terms -51, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. HECTOR B.EID, Brueefield P. 0. 1506 4 TO OARS FOR SERVICE. -For service on Lot 10, Conceseion 7, Stanley. First Prize, (412) bred by Themes Teesdale, Cencord, Ontario. Sire Baron Lee, 4th (3444) dam Lady 2872. Varna Duke, (3771) bred by T. G. Snell, Edmonton, Ontario. Sire Star one (imp) (31:710 dam Ttainer Bell (imp 2336). Terms al. for glade, and $5. for registered sowe, at time of eervice, with priviige of returning if neceesary. Witt, McALLISTER. 1507 tf - -- -- TEACHERS WANTED. ilOBB & CURRIE, CITY GROCERY; SM.A.FORTI=I rilESCHER WNTED.-Wanted, for School Sec- tion No. 5, Tuckeremith, a Male Teacher, hold- ing $ second or third cease certificate. Duties to corn- menee .January it, 1397 Sealed applications, with' testimonials aed sttlary expected, will be received by, th tenth:re:jelled up to Friday, November terth, 1893. ROBERT LEATHERLAND,Seeretar3 -Trcasurer, Sea - forth P. 0. 1507xtd Barr's Dye Works asking, complete solace and helpful for the few years of this life, and the wide open heaven, which you can reac less time than it takes me to pronou that imperial word, flashing with all the joy that an infinite God knows how to be- stow -heaven. In this world God never does his lj He can hang on the horizon grander m ings-than have ever yet been kindled, rainbow the sky with richer colors have ever been arched; and attune oceans to mere majestic doxologies' have ever yet been attuned; but as no I can tell, and I speak it reverently, h en is the place where God has done best. He can build no greater joys, li mightier splendors, roll no loftier anth march no more imppsing processi build no greater palades, and sprea and interjoin and wave no more trans ing magnificence. I think heaven i 'best heaven God can construot, and all yours for the serious asking. Ho you like the offer? Do you really thi is worth accepting? If so, pray fo Get not up from that pow where yo sitting, nor move one ineh from you are standing, before you get a title for it, written in the blood of th of God, who would have all men col life present and life everlasting. If you have been in military life know what soldiers call the "long All the drums beat it because the one approaching, and 'all the troops mu mediately get Mtn line. What sour around the.camp and putting of the through the straps of the knapsac saying goodby to comrades you may never meet again! Some of you Germans PARALYSIS CURED -SWORN STATEMENT. aMrs. Maggie Mikalartin, 27 Radenhurst St., Toronto, Ont., swears that RyckniaWs "Kootenay Cure" cured her of Paralysis which rendered one side of her body entirely useless. Physicians Said there ‘541.9 no chance of her ever recovering the use of her limbs. Hope deserted her, but to -day she is walkingatround telling her friends how Rycktdan's " Kootenay Cure" gavo her life and happiness. Sworn to, July 10, 1896, before J. W. Seymour Corley, Notary Public. SWORN STA.TEIIENT OF A GRATEFUL MOTHER. Lousa White, nine years old, who suffered with Eozeme, since her birth, has been entirely cured and her general system built up by Ryckinan's "Kootenay Cure.' The above facts are given in a sworn state- ment made by her mother, Ms. George White, 139 Stinson St.'Hamilton, Ont., dated July 3, 1896, before J. F. Renck, Notary Public. • A COMBINATION DISTURBED - SWORN STATEMENT MADE. Charles E. Newman, 13 Marlborough St., Toronto Ont ,had s complication of blood troubles, Rheu- madam, severe Kidney trouble and constipation. Was frequently disturbed at night,' lost his appetite aud was a very sick man. His Kidaeys are now in a healthy condition, his appetite god, sleep undis- turbed and constipation cured; all this was done by Ryokman's "Kootenay Cure.". Ha makes sworn statement to the above facts before J. W. Seymour Corley, July 10, 1890. - ae" are ag t stelaiel eti in Seeforth and we think we can leilp to rinkt.: tlioac Hard Times Easier For You. Nectily everybedy ha e clothes e hich are too shabby to wear" and too good to throw away. Now if you will just brine those Clot tics to u ne can, in most of cases, make them look like new goods. Just give us a tiial and we are euro you wi:1 be pleased with the rcsults. Works on Market street, first door west of Pickard's store. 1514-1 yr Cash For Dressed Poultry. The und rs'ened will pay the highest mall price for all kinds of dn. seed. poultry. Must be starved and not scalded. Would like them the fore part of each week. Mao good freeh butter, rolls preferred. Shop at rear of B. B. Gunn's store, Seaforth. ALEX. STOBIE. 1107x4 Seaforth Roller Mills for Sale. This property, embracing niUl in running , order, elevator, freehold and leasehold lots, will be sold at a low figure, and resents an _ excellent opportunity in milling businese for practical mau with some capital. If not sold within a tow weeks, offers will be"' received for renting. wa. M. GRAY, Seaforth. 1501-4 TRADEMARK lima EGISTERED. apo Made a well Man of Mee The McKillop Mutual Fiv Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY iNSURED INDAPO TOR GREAT MINDOO REMEDY ODT.:CES TELE AHOVII RESULTS in 80 DA 8. Cures all rit RT Nervous Diseases. Faiilflg Memory, nareeis,Sieepiessness, g y . dons, etc., caused by paSC abuses, gives vigor and size to shrunken organs, and quickly but surel restores Lost Manhood in old or young. Easily co.rr ed in 1 e pocket. Price $1.00 tt Package. Six for $5.00 with A written guar alsteo to tore or money refunded. Don't bay an foiftation, but insist on having INDAPO. It your druggist has not got it, we will send it prepaid. Oriental Medical 00.. Film.- chtrago, tui., or our agents. SOLD by J. V. Fear,' SEAFORTH, ONT., and leading druggists elsewhere. OFFIONRS. DREAMS AND OMENS -.— Stories of Special Providence of the Night. In history and in life you come across class who believe t deuce presides over t never an accident happens upon scale that remarkable instances of are not mentioned 111 re or less in the truth of this beli f. In religio of the day you will find many case ministers of the gospel have been p by what b called. divine bate from sailing on vessela evidently to destruction. Recently the papers have been q Welsh paper's interesting accoun dreams that oanie true in connect the Hendreforgan collier7 aocide man saw visions of the wreck o and refrained from going to wo day of the calamity. A woman I a similar dream and saw her so those who were in peri of inamedi U4anlike the male dr mer, she her nocturnal irnpre ion of disa son went to work and WaS amo jured. y striking ded for the uals, the ing. Prof are namin f supernat ffairs, but rds contai that "th han is dre o among In he common individuals o iat a special oir affairs. t. rn- nd an the han r as av- his t no ms, •ns, out Mt - the it is • do k it it. are here f Uhl Son e to you oll." y is t im- eying arms - and or Frenchmen may have heard tha rell just before Sedan. Sonio of yoi ians na y have heard that long re 3 m before ergaor! Some of you 110 and so thern men may have heard before the 'battle of tho Wilderness. know its stirriug and solemn meauin so. I sos nd the long roll today. I be Old gospel drum that has for centuri calliug thousands to take their pit line for this battle, on one side of are all the forces beatific and on th side all the force demoniac. Hero th roll call, "Who is on the Lord's "Quit yourselves like Men." In column march for God and happin heaven. So glad am I that I do n to "wish myself accursed" and away my heaven that you may wi heaven, but that We may have a who vention of heavens --heaven added en, heaven built on heaven. ' And dwell upon the theine I begin to ence in my own poor self that which to be something like a passion Lo And now unto God, the only wise, t good, the- only great, .be glory Amen! Geo.' Watt, President, Harlock P. 0.; James Broadfoot, Vice President, Seaforth P. O.; w 3 Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seatorth P. O.; Micheal Murdie, Inspector of Losses, Seaforth P. O. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Alex. Gardiner, Lead bury ; 'George Dale, Seaforth; Thomas E. Hays, Seaforth: M. Murdie, Seaforta : Tons Garbutt. Clinton ; Thomas Fraser, Brueefield ; John B. Mc- Lean, Kippen. AGIINTS. Thos. Neilans, Harlock ; Robb. McMillen, Seaforth James Cumming, Egmondville ; Giberge Murciie anti John C. Morrisoioaudiore. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or aot other business will be promptly attended to application to any of the above officers, addreseed 1: their respective post ofil"es. CARRIAGE P_A_TICETINTG- BERT WILLIAMS CASEY -4-,CO. ARE PREPARED TO SELL TURNIP Desires to state to the public that he will continue the business BO long carried on by his father, the late dames Williams, and is prepared to do all kinds of CARRIAGE PAINTING In the hest and most artistic manner, and on the most reasonable terms. A trial is respectfully so- licited- SHOP-As fornaerly, over L. McDonald'e Carriage Works, Goderich street, 147041 SEAFORTH. , "Do" Paris and the Duty. Several of the principal importer gloves in New York are proparin tion to be forwarded to secret4r' Treasury Carlisle -asking for a rt the construction of the law r4la privileges enjoyed by transatlantic gers in, bringing in quantities of ki free of duty on the pretense that tl long Ital- I just thern t just You , and t this s been cos in which °thee long side?" lemn s and t have throw 'y our e con- heav- hile I xperi- I take souls. e only raver who were seriously in These seem to be v tions of disaster inte two particular indivi doomed without war itualists and others stances as examples position in worldly and other historic rec puzzling cases to sho in heaven and earth our philosophy." W had what at the time -seemed t ing dreams touching the safety love? In the exercise of a clan li as coal getting, there in the anxiety of a mo tly keen to raise phanto ble for her in dreams. A imagination eugaged in a pit be fiery or otherwise might Ing, su strange sufficie blow alk of every provi- here is a large escape roof of s books where even ted • elation doomed oting a of two n with . One the pit k on the ad quite among te death. brew off ter. Her g those premoni- behest of est being ssed spir- these in- ral inter - criminal far mere re is more med of in s have not be warn - f those we erous call - is nothing her being s of trou- mai of any Upposed to ell have a vision of the kind of accident that is not at all unusual in a mining district. Men eams that odd it the nd then an ot ocour. terature of are far less wo dreams and there, bo world of o the note - i fic and the tory of the vho shortly -earned that apartnient where a than presented a cup to her and desired her to drink. .She declined, and the strange person replied, You refuse; this is the last eup drink in your life." She w The king's physician was When he entered the room, the much agitated, because he re person she had seen in her dr I shall not die this ti lie," she said, "for this is not the same apartmen 1" She recovered, forgot her ream, but, finding her apartments pot ti her liking, obtained rooms a year afteaward in a con- vent near Paris. Being shown to her chamber, she looked arontd her and ex- claimed: ::It is all Over with ao. I shall not leave this room alive. .1 is the ono I saw in my dream at Warsaw." She died soon afterwaisl. A snan in Ireland who h Id a brother living in Amesbury, in Wilts ire, dreamed that he saw him riding on th downs and that two thieves robbed a d murdered him. The vivid incident aw kened him. He fell asleep and dreamed it gain, where- upon he wrote to his relativ , describing the thieves, their complexions stature and clothing. Not long after • th brother had received this admonitory .lett r he rode to- ward Salisbury and was robb d and mur- dered. The criininals wer discovered t was found and wonien have scores of d never- come true. It would bo doctrine of chances that noW impressive caincidenoe should What may be called the 1 dreams has rnanrcases that easy to dispose of than the,. just now being disclussed her and which will travel round the press and be cellected in books of the curious, the scien charlatan -for example, the Princess sTagotsky of Warsaw, traveled to Paris d herself in a strong of kid a peti- of the ling on ing to asset - gloves e goods are intended for "personal use. . iin- Oportens state that this practice has ree,ently assumed largo proportions and that their business is being seriously interfered with . . MANGOLD SIEiIEDS As Cheap as any in the trade And will not be undersold. Before buying give us a call. in consequence, They maintain t hl are brought in for "sisters, cous aunts" from Piris and aro landed ing apparel o the individual pa The governmo t loses a certain aniounat of revenue in not behig able to collo ttariff duties on thes goods. There is practically no limit to t le quan- tity of kid gloves that a tourist in as personal effects. The statue all siderable latitude in the Matter, subject is ono which vexes ths toms authorities. There is 11(1 -tandard rule to govern the 100 inspectdr of bag- gage employed at this port. Tires officers naturally vary in judgment an intelli- gence,. not to mention honest . T ie inter- pretation and execution of t w. is pri- marily in their hands. Secti 69 of the existing tariff law allows s goods as are necessary for the "present fort and convenieifee of the passenger' be enter- ed free of duty. The gloves in e of uni- form size, of course. It is a tient oc- currence that a fashionable °man brings with her from Paris a whole seaons sup- ply of different styles of gloves a opted for street, evening and opera wear. Thousands of AnlOriCail -women "do' Paris ach year., of the immensi- ined of. ndreds oyes in reign r ge. Th inspector is the judge of the so lal status ad circunastances surrounding it passen- ger, and if, in his opinion, th person is trying to bring in more goods than are in- tended 'for the individual's use he is au- thorized to compel a declaration r to seize the articles, -New York Times. t gloves us and s wear - sen ger. before sh she loan Tom's Letter Home. I wrote a letter home to -day -had little news to tell, Just aeked the old folks how they - them I was well. When I bad rested the letter up stamp , on, It strurk mel that I hadn't said John. I opened uP the tell, My thoughts( got aching as I ho,rne3igellirde 171. And batgoOon the farm -you patient, plodctilng John - d How are the horses and the ancrops now coming on Suppose yen have to work hard now, eine° my big help is gone, And can you manage better when you're ruunin' Isn't dad getting most too old to plough, and pitch, athnirdnessowalo?ne ? And does he Still awear he's forgot more than we'll ever know? Pm awful glad you aren't built like me -now you can take The fault finding of poor old dad, and bear it for his sake; Your temper ain't much like mine, you're steady, slow and true ; There must be comfort in the thought that mother's proud of you. were, and told and put the poet a word to brother envelops, and why, I can't jest wrote : Dcar• boy, I Cows ay enter e's con - and the cal GUS - should not ou will ever s taken ill. cut to her. rincess was enabled the "13ut Say, does the little mother speak c.f Inc sometimes, ar d cry, When elm sees Dick, or some of my old chums go passing by? And ma) be she forgets semetimes that I am so far from home, And leaves the old lamp burning cleer, Vtne to come. I'm h,crnesick as can be to -night, John, II I.:1 ou tell her -low, Thatil'm not now the headstrong boy I was a while ago ? Then there's our little Nellie's grave, be sure you keep it neat, The flowers ought to grow their best above a child so sweet. Begood to dad and don't you let den 'wither frei or sigh, . I'll nub in on you all some day -God 4)vie you,John, good-bye. •1 -Archie McKishnie, in Canadian Magazine ;for June. waiting for • SUFFERED FOR Y THE EXPERIENCE OF M AUCTION EJALE. UCTION SALE. -An twat IX firm property will b N0VE4BER 20th, at tie hour on Bauble Line'Loi o. 19, 2 View, I Township of Hay. , MRS. MARGARET JACOB1E, Proprietreek Johbatone Mille, P. 0. 1508-2 on sale of farm and held on FRIDAY, of 1 o'clock sharp, miles south of Lake - AUdTION SALE OF FARMS, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, LUMBER, ete.-Mr. Thomas Brown has received iristructions from Mr. Andrew Govenlock, at Winthreip, Lot 26, Concession 7, Mc- Killop, to sell by publo auction, on Wed- nesday, November 18th, 1896, at twelve o'elcok, noon sharp, the following valuable property: irking horses, 2 mares 6 years ising 3 years old, 2 driving , 1 spring colt, also several aged working hone .-Cattle--Twelve cows sup- posed to be in calf, 10:gears 2 years old, 10 heifere 2 years !Ad, in calf ; 8 , yearling steere, 7 yearling heifers, 101spring calve. 1 thoroughbred Durham ng 2 y Leiceste Horses -Two teams w old, 3 driving colts colts risin 2 years o bull corn 10 lambs, Berkshire 1,oar, 4 eene in pig, 1 sow newly pigged, g pigs 4 m nths old.-Impleinente-1 mower, 1 seed drill, and a lot of other farming implements. Several wa one, buggies, sleighs, etc. -Lumber -A large quantity suitable for building, fencing and ars old. -Sheep- 17 ewes, Rano-Pigs-1 thorou.ghbred ditching p Lot 28, CO 7, McKill McKillop ; Commis' Terms - II mont pravcd allowed Terms a THOMA LOCK, rposete-Farming lands-Easb .6 acres, cession 8, McKillop ; Lot 271 Concession - West hell of Lot 26, concession 7, Lot 17, Concession 18, Grey; Lot 18, n 18, Grey ; Lot 19, Concession 18, Grey. - 11 sums of $10 and under, cash; over that a' credit will be given on furnishing ap - -Ant notes. A discount of six per cent. or cash an credit amounts Farm lande- d oonditi us made known on day of sale. BR0WN1 Auctioneer; ANDREW GOVEN- ropriettori 1508-2 In the Ditys of the Can- ada Company. JECia.101RI-Y-o -OF THE - Early Settlement -OF THE - t • "— • - sit Our direct connections will save you time and money for all points, Canadian North West Counties of Perth and Huron, ARS. 1 By RO This hands bright, interest racy `anecdote GRANT DAY, OF HARROWS ITH He Suffered Much From Rheumatism, Es- pecially During Spring and Autumn - Following a Neighbor's Advice Brought About a Cure. From the Kingston Whig. One who has been released from years of suffering is alwayS grateful to the person or the medicine that has been the medium of release. It is therefore safe to say that one of the most thankful men in the vicinity of Harrowsmith is M. Grant Day, wile, for years past, has been a sufferer from rhaema- tism, but has now been released from its thraldom. To a reporter Alio Day told his experience substantially as follows : " I Durin October 5 lbs. of a good Green Tea, for 50c., cash. This is not a tea dust. Sonic good Soar) yet. Will give -_7 five cent bars for 25c ; 12 three cent bars for 25c. In Cannedloods We keep nothing b t best brands. We have yet some pure Maple Syrup/it 25c a quart. CASEY & CO., SEAFORTH. Some idea can be form 'ty of the practice compl Importers say that h women never buy kid g try. They can buy in f to much better advan AC ENTS CAN EARN LARGE SALARIES Nvee,i( 1 y, canvassing for Pelham Nursery Go., who possess newest and improveet methods for propagatinghardy stock for all sections Of Canada; also new and tested varieties of seed potatoes; write us for terms and ex- clusive territory. FELHAMAURSERY CO., TOrOnt0. e oh CO to ist fro 1, f stylish his coun- tail shops customs through his brother's letter th in his possession, the deseri )tion of the thieves leading to their disco ery and exe- cution. -Newcastle (England Chronicle. • Thieving Bank Office The banks of the United more money in a single year t dishonesty of trusted officials than they do in 20 years from o bars. Slick swindlers are no successful in their raids on only the smaller institutions ar be'invaded by burglars, but t tfficials of banks are able to el vaults of the last dollar without detected until the looted bank test. ---New Orleans Picayune. A Jewel. Aluminium Not Foie Recently two healthy ahd clans, aged 26 and 35 years, by the imperial German heal undergo an interesting expe 1101113. sabust physi- ere selected la bureau to Ment in or- der to ascertain whether aluminium is tatE9 lose rou h the nd agents tside job- . and tion auks, and liable to o trusted an out the ever being oes to pro - poisonous or not. These tw in order to test the nonpois ties of aluminitun, volun 'morning for one month, t grains of aluminitun tartra gentlemen, nous proper - :tiered, very ,swallo v 15 0- with heir have been a sufferer from rheumatism f upwards of twenty-five years. It usual attacked me worse in spring and fall, a at times thepain I endured was inten making it difficult for me to obtain rest night. From my hips down to my feet every joint a.nd every muscle appeared to be affected,' and the pains appeared to chase one another until I was at times nearly wild,' and mind_ you, this was my condition for upwards of twenty-five years. During that period I tried many remedies, and while I obtained temporary relief fropi some; I could get nothing in the way of per manent benefit. But last year the pains did not come back, and they have not re- turned since, and this is the way it came about. One cigy while telling my neighbor, Mr. W. C. Switzer, how badly I was fe 1- ing,'he said: Get a dozen boxes . Dr. Wilhelm' Pink Pills, and Me them ac- cording to directions, and you will find they will do just what they are advertised to do -cure you. I know this from experience in my own family. Well, I got the pills and used them, and the rheunaatism has been driven out of my systein, and last winter in more free from ne thing Id for me, Or ly id e, at ma K. Lizars. e volume of 500 pages of ng matter, interspersed with and amusing incidents, will ' be ready on Oetober 30th 241 illuetrations. The book has an interesting introduction by Rev. Prof. Grant, of Queen's College, Kingston. For sale by and spring, for the .first time than twenty years I was entirely my old enemy. But there is more Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and which astonishes me a little.. Over forty years ago I had a severe earache, and .-used a liquid preparation in the hope of -.getting relief. It nearly ruined my hearing, and for all the years since I have been par- tially deaf. After I took the Pink Pills my hearing came back; and my ear is now all right. My wife and sister have also found much benefit . from Pink Pills when run down by overwork, and it is safe to say that they will always be found in our house." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills strike at the root of the disease, driving it from the Bye - tem and restoring the patient to health and strength. In case e of paralysis, spinal, .tro ubl es, lo com °tor! ataxia, sciatica, rheuma- tism, erysipelas, scrofulous troubles, etc., these pills are superior to all other treat- ment. They are also a specific for the troubles which make the lives of so many wosnen a burden, and speedily restore the rich glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. Men broken clown by overwork, worry or excesses,will find in Pink Pills a certain cure. Sod by all dealers or sent by mail post paid, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the -Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Company, Brockville, On- tario, or Schenectady; N. Y. Beware of imitations and substitutes alleged to be " just as good." • Lumsden & Wilson, Seaforth. •eaAgents wanted to canvass the sur- rounding country and villages. -- 1507-3 lunch. At the end of the tr al neither of them had lost flesh or appetite or exieri- enoed the slightest discomfo 't durin the entire period of their metal ic. lunch It was found that the metal was not adapted, however, to 'contain for a long pericid brandy, whisky . or wine. After a time these liquids turn turbid, and although perfectly harmless are not inviting, to say the least, although for two or three days' journey they are not apprecia* acted on when carried in aluminium flmiks. A correspondent writing inhe London Electrical Engineer on the su ject states that lid has used cast alumini m cooking utensils for over 12 months, and that tbey have even both the cook and the COD - sumer every satisfaction without any fear of poisoning, as when copper utensils were employed. Dettal plates are also now made of alumieltun, whieh, besides having only a fraction of the Weight of gold plate, possess the additional advantage of. pro- ducing no disagreeable taste in the mouth. "Husband and I have never uarreled," declared Mrs. Hotly. "What a perfectly angelic disposition he must have," purred her deare t friend. - Detroit Free Press. Old Billiard Balls. now what becomes of sked a well known ca- nard parlor on Chest - it's rather interesting. Billiard balls, of course you know, are made of ivory -that is, the best of them are. They don't last more than a year or so -with constant use. After that the' get cracked or knocked out of shape a bit. It has to be 'turned' over again, and after undergoing that process a couple of times it gets to be too small for a regulation game. Its days as a billiard ball beitg over, it is now colored, and for several years more does duty as a pool ball. Nat- urally in course of time it gets badly chip- ped or cracked, and is then usually sold to an ivory worker. "An ivory ball can be cut up into but- tons, electric bell pushes, tips for conduct- ors' batons and numerous other little things of the kind. Even the tiniest chips aren't wasted, for they can be used in fancy inlaid work. I can assure you that srnall firms of ivory workers are only too glad to purchase seasbned material second- hand, and, as a matter of fact, there is hardly a more salable article in this world than a wornout billiard ball." -Philadel- phia Record. "Did you ever old billiard balls?" pert who keepis a bi -nut street. "Well, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSIT° OFFICE, SEAFORTH, ONT RIO. APPOINTMENTS ADE,. NO WITNESSES RE UIRED, Season ble Styles' nd Fair Figures Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia and California points. Our rates are the lowest. We have them to suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR- IST CARS for your accommodation. Call for further information. Station G. T. R. Ticket Office. Train Service, at Seaforth. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seafortb and CEPt stations ldllowsl GOING Warm- Siterowm. Passenger dims 12 46 r. x. Passonger._ - 9.05 re ea Mixed Train- 9.30 A. M. airdeed Train., ...on 6.20 le et. ma I:4ff- Passenger. ... - - 7,41 A. 11. Passenger - - 3521 r. Mixed - 5.25 r M. CLINTON. 1 027. it. 9.22 PIt r. 7,-25 &.M. 3.05 r. 35? Wellington, Grey and Bruce GOING NORIII--. Passenger. Mixed. Ethel.......,. - 12.41 r. x. 9.30 rad. 9.00 A X, Brussels. ... .,.. 12 64 9.48 9.45 Bluevale...... - 1.18 9.57 10.30 Winghean - .. .. 1.18 10.07 2.1.20 GOING SOITTII- Paseenger. Mixed, Wingham.... .. 6.04 1.) 7,20 rat. Blnevale .. .. .. 6.13 11.85 806 Brussels .... .... 6.28 11.69 9.00 Ethel. . : ... .... 6 41 12.14 P.M. 9,30 London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH - London, depart-. Exeter-- - - Hansen- - — Kippen • _ Brucefield, -- Londesbor0 - , — - Beigrave.a Wingham .arrive - GOING St. ,Wingharo, depart Blyth. Londe;boro- - Clinton , -- Brucefield .s - — - Kippen—.e- - Remelt- - - :- London, (arrive) Is a reasonable proposition to make to sensible people. You know it is possible for us to do this. We prom- ise it in good faith. . It means for you the best at low prices. Truth telling about seasonable styles means a stock of bright, ne*,elean,fresh and stylish goods. That's what you want. We have than. Truth telling about fair ririces means honest, Close, fair, square, uniformly low figures. That's what you want. We, give them. Our promise is a truth told, and we invite your inspection to our magnificent stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Trunks and Valises. Our stock abounds in both the necessaries and novelties; quality grades high in all we, offer. - Right prices on all things never were sounder. Richardson & M'Innig 'MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH: McLEOD'S System Renovator -AND OTHER - TESTED = REMEDIES. A epeei c and antidote for Impure, Weak and bai- poveaishe Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate - Mon ' of the Heart, Liver Complaint., Neuralgia, Loss of Memoiy, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gpll Stones, Jaundice,1 Ki nay and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, lainutle Iriegularieies and General Debility. , LABORATORY -0th rich, Ontario. Proprietor and Mann facthrer. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. J. M. McLE0 Sold by J. 15014f Gardening on a Small Scale. The Japanese have the art of daarfin trees to mere shrubs, and of cultivatin plants in it similar way. The people tak great delight in their miniature gardens, which require a special gardener to keep them down to desired limits. The auther of "On short leave to Japan," writes : A Japanese garden is generally about, ten yards square, and in this small space i found a park or demesne, with lake, summer houses, temples' trees all complete, and all in keeping withthe dimensions available. The lake is four feet long, and full of small goldfish. On the border stands'' pine tree, exactly 18 inches high, and 50 yeara old ; beneath its shade is a temple carved out of one piece of stone about the size of a brick. On a lofty crag of some 24 feet stands it fine maple tree, perfect in form and shape, 15 years old, and 12 inches high. . We bought three or these miniature trees later, a maple, a pine and a bamboo clump, each about fifteen years old, and 8 inches to 2 feet high,- growing ill shall° dishes. We were told of a complete garden contain- ed in a shallow two dozen wine case. Everything was complete, down to the fish in the lake, a sheet of water only a few inches square, and the foot bridges over the Watercourses. Tea houses were there, and. numerous trees of various kinds, each about. six inches high. Old as the hills were these, bet full of vitality, and yet never growing bigger. The "loving cup" of spiced wine which Is sometimes handed round at 1:tension House entertainments, had its origin in the custom of Saxon forefathers to drink moll other's health in a wassail bowl door. Ptirest and Beat for Table and Dairy No adulteration. Never cakes.. _tea . . THE Passenger. 8.115A.N. 4.45? it 9.30 COO 9.44 6.16 9.50 9.20 9.38 6.28 10.15 653 10.88 7.14 10.41 7.23 10.16 7.37 11.10 8.00 PAssenger. 6.801.m. 3.15r.a -6.44 3.8 6.-56 848 7,03 11 69 40 4.2.8 7.52 441 t 08 448 8.16 4,b3 8.36 6.08 9.50 A.M. 6.25 P.M F. GITTTERIDGE Sole Agent in Seaforth for USHER'S QUEENSTON CEMENT --AND— GUELPH and ACTON LIME. This is the best lime on the market. Fiili instrae- tions giVen for all kinds of cement woek. I will also keep in stock Portland Cement, Parte Plaster, Lath, HMr, Brick, etc. A full stock of all these kept con- stantly on hand. P riee3 right. Warehouse south of the railway track, opposite thz freight shed. F. GUTTER1DGE, Sea-ft:41'th. 1181-41 NICKLES DYE WORKS. Any person wishing to have all wool goods of any kind dyed a fast and beautiful color, either ladies' or gentlemen's, should give H. Nickle it call. Goods called for and deliver-. ed. Wood and farm produce taken in ex- change for work. 'mWorkshop, corner Market and Ord streets, near front 13roadfood'ia factory. HENRY NICKLE. P. S. -Men's, Women's and Children's stockings knit itt Mrs. Nickles. 1506-2n1 SIGN OF THE ClitelILAR SAW EYESIGHT. J. S. Roberts, -ThelArt Amateur, of New York, has this local reference : "James Griffith, of London, Canada, one of the moist able water color painters of that country, died on Aug- ust 11, in the 83rd year of his age. His first art work w s done in his youth at the famous Minton's porcelain factory, where his specialty was flowers, and it always re- mained so. At the World's Fair he made an admirable exhibit. He was a brother of Mr. John H. Griffiths', principal of the Western School of Art, one of the best art schools in Canada." Graduate of Detroit Optical • Institute also Chicago Ophth- almic College, is prepared to fit all defects of Vision 4stigmatism, Hypermetro- pia, Myopia, Prestyopia or any compound defect. Intelligent ' ople have given up the idea of buy - ng ordinary oo mon spectacles at a connter,because they see well w th them. It may be that only one eye is brought into use, while the other may be so strained as toiiesult in blindness. If your eyes are weak, or sight..poor call at J. ROBERT'S Drug Store and have them tested. Does the print blur or do the eyes tire when reading? Do the eye.s &elle ? Do the eyes water? Are they sore or inflamed ? These symptoms point to defects in the refraction, or the muscles of the eyes and can be perfectly cor- reetolime cor- rected. Dyou me headache ? Eye strain causes more headaches than all other anuses -combined. Thous- ands of peop'e are suffering who do net realize that eye strain is the cause. All these cases can be cured With glasses that are trade to dbrrect the error in the eyes. The -eyes of children should be carefully teated. In many cases the defect in the eyes is shown by rious s ptcans such tot Inability to see figures on laokboard, holding the book close to the eyes, urring of letters, crossed eyes or eyes turning in, inking, watering of the eyes and particularly head, he. In many cases the child is accused of being dull or stupid, when the fault is in the sight, and can b corrected with glasses. If you are wearing glasses that are not satisfactory, bring them to me. In case o disease, you will be recommended to the physician et once for treatment. 1453 (lb ALA CEYLON TEA. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS UNNS KING OWDER THECOOKSBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. McKILLOP ,TAXES. Charles Dodds, collecter of taxes for the Town- ship of McKilloP, will be at the Royel Rotel, e a - forth, every Saturday afternoon for the receiving of thei same. Tax payers will please take notice. CH1ARLE8 DODDS, Caligctor. 150741 - fitaillop Directory for 1896. —__ JOHN MORRISON, Reeve, Winthrop P0, WILLIAM AllailBALD, Deputy -Reeve, bury P. 0. WM. McGAVIN, CotincIllor'Leedbury.P. 0,. JOSEPH C. 110103,ISON, Councillor, Beeehwood P. O. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood P. JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P.O. DAVID M. R , easurer, Winthrop P. 0. WM. EVANS, 4.3 r, Beachwood P.0. CH,1 ARLES DDS, Collector, Seaforth P. 0. RICHARD POLLARD,., Sanitary 1nspector,Lid bury P.O. - - -