HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-11-06, Page 8NOVEMBER6 RUR OR THE ON EXPOS vow ------ ----- 06 Samuel McGeoch has placed Mr. Charks thecountry since 'that day. hat; o a gee w we in. towti this week calling on old Monday when driving down street.—Mr-. intelligent interest in all. that was trans- Witson's Gas.h -%Grocery pirin� around him, 'He wag � a kind and A 000d Artiole Williamood in charge of- the farm be lately in bhe people. All those who settled ere fr ends. Mr. Taylor is an old Seafortl boy, George Irwin, who hasconducted the Coin a are' with h are gone, and a speond a to his o who was respected by New crop Teas Dow In stock. � We have now in purchased from his -brother. Wi , j�eas- gener ion — The'Womens' Auxiliary of St. T omas mercial hotel, has moved back liging neighbol, ;, -stock a full line of now a -op Japan and Black Teas. ed that Mr.41cGeroohl does not intend remov- have t en their. place. Many of that see. cl: arch Vvill.9 ve a Conundrum Tea ii i the residence lately vacated by Reeve Burns.— a wh6 knew im and was trictly honor- iii Although his time The finest %Ilott Be a ality ard wilt guarantee onr ou-itomers as good or better irig from the village,' a's he is a good citizen end eration have reached the ed oolroom n Tuesday evening. Thi will Mr. Thomas King, who has for five years le ia'all his- �ea Ll &a. slue thart they can get anywric re oleo. -and an exe t, e. any of them havo gone over to li�'a decidedli novel entertainment arti- carried on a successful bakery business hi d fully come, n knyl will regret his death, Reflabi, in QU Ceylon Black Tea at 40c to 60a per pound. -,& jood eedingly-usQfLil man. Fe 0 with the mostkindly Japan Tes for 15c, per pourid,L and the very best in t e majority. She has lived to mingle -with eqlarly as fa� as the -menu is cone ned. .here,- disposed, of it on Tuesday, Messrs., si d will remen r hl the warket for 35a 1 per pound, In Sugars, Now r Dafigaunon, being fe,-Iings. The eniatio were interred in the Falsinigi Currants. Soaj�,)j I iscuits and general re' CCIDENTS. —While. Mr. P. Keating was a third.generation. She can no doub ap A i excellent programme will' also be rovi Langlor and Malloughi ol i e di d. On Tuesday last as hVirs. . C.' the' to be taken. R -ucefield cemeery n Wednesday, and to purchasers Possession G .1 - ,V cetleswe have a first us new stock, secant working at Mr. M. Jordan's new'stable on prec ide those lines of Burns, wherein h e rnone and at, lowcet c4sh price? In pickling vinegar Tuesday, he had the misfortune �o fall from Says Willson and Walter Willis were on a shoot- December Ist. e are pleased to see Air. large . qoncourq of sorrowing fribrids, who and don able to &Vtendid to'pa-* and pure sp!ces we keep the very beat which are the scaffolding. One of the b I have lived'so many cl ansrofut years in g expedition, they ran across a poi capine le M s Bells, Whid A last tribute 61 respect', cheapest. In Crooke*, we have seme of it On earth I am a abrang!r grawn.01 in a bu%h in Hullett, A ear Harlock. A well again ter their serious illuess.— RIVI k rose, sad when Mr. Keating tepped on be nnd )1y testified! t o'the esteem %in which he the best values ever cffored in Scaforth. hLira be if , $t an * be loorue I't turned and tumbled him' to - the ground. So�e years ago M n i. Laird loar, her e�e aimed -shot by Mr. Willson btught the ani- Mr. Fred Elliott is recovering and we hope wts held by those who knew I d THIRR want a fine Tea, Dinner or Toilet. set, see our : Is what. we purchasing else-whero, Ir. will pay you to do so. The In the fall he struck the bottom scaffold, si ht, but otherwise h 1-8 Ltbe use of her fac- '11�1&1 down and they were enabled to carry it he will soon be ro'u a a W whose midst I Le had UA �ed so long. aim to suoply thepeoplevith gain. it will pay you to mal -el comparison of to meet bne in triamph.—Mr. Hugh McIntosh, highest price paid for all kind -j, of prodtice. Good which broke the fill! and thus -previnted ulVes. �She is -always pleased butter -wanted. Will furnish 'crooks to pick ir�, goods and prices. A careful look- what might have been a very serious acci- friends'from, Wiimotj and: converses freely formerly agent for the Frost & W'ood com- 6tephen. ibbe Ing at* (hah for egge. values may mean more Man you think, our dent. tka it -was -he struck on his head, cut. e'vents that tra, MR. MCCONZS S AUUTU, upon nspiie4 whi the next piny, here, has taken a position with the V. Ratz, M. P., H. Hill At E Mr. John Me. department is sellin C. WtLSON, Seaforth ting a rigity gash, which. required 7a couple oldest inhabitant in h,'er infancy. We Mann Manufacturing Company, -Bockville. NOTEs. d. and grade stock in every was ber, J. Ratz, LT. Geizer, W. Dawson and J. Connell's sale of tboroughbre. I that. -make ours A BUSY STORE. of titches before th-e doctorcould dressit; speak of the, reign of our A, r. McIntosh will b� general aent for the on Wedesday'of last week, was a Bank of Commerce Block. Queen as one of Schrader left last week for Parry Sound cattle, H -OT —The same day Mr*. Thomas. Baker bad a very great length, but to our 'venerable c He is a good agent and a hustler Diistrict, to hunt d uriDg the deer Reason.— �reat success. The . tboroughbred cow, narrow iescae from..... th, He *was feeding friend ab S'eaforth, the coronation of Her iij t e implement line and we are sure that We seem to have been -having a prolonged Chip 2nd, sold for $75, and 6ther cows from Edward Cas I'l the cupalo in the on ing shop in Messrs. Majesty was but of yesterday. $50 to $60 ; a thoroughb ed bull I , t n Her. mind tl�i company have gt the right man in Mr.. Indian summer, of which farmers -are taking r ca f e One of the busiest spots in on r ure I Coleman foundr w on he was: overcome reaches back not only through the'.reign. of 'Me ntoBli.--Miss Murchie, of Winthrop, advantage to,fliaish -pibking apples andto months Ol, got by Defiance, (imported), the Millinery Room. We have the best. Town -of SeOR —DEALER IN— b th 3 gas. One f t e moulders n d Queen Victoria, but the reigns of William t la of days tl)is week in town. take up the roots.—A large number from sold to Mr. John Hannah fo� $60 ; on -e got tbat's going in the way of nice things. i0ar. Yat U Baker had oased ,working and IV., ffxeorf.e. IV,'a-nd a third part of that of 'S e was the guest of Mrs. J. P. Brine, Har- the surrounding country. attended the fun- by Rantin Robbin, sold to . Mr. James Carlin tock comes and goes so rapidly that Uem Hides, Sheep Skins & rurs, went to see what Was the matter, whe be Qeorge II p rhey.—Mr. John, Carelake, ' son-in-law er Purisvatt to-- eralof thelate Mrs.. Harvey Switzer, at for $83 Rantin Robbin was imported by isn!t a chance for anything to get Old. N , h1be1 .ET found Mr. Baker lyir g on the floor to: o Mr. A. Hale North Main Street, left it Saturday. Urinie W. . D. Wilson, Seaforth - a bull calf ten goods by express alinost every.d vlortgage, whic "'i, GOERIC11 STRr Crediton, Im arri'd into A CENTENAPUAN% —The Bru e . - I . 11y, -a vill bi alrta,�pearanbe dead. He was c e ssels Post' this week for L a Angeles, CaliforniA,wher Morrison has been re iengaged as teacher in rr onths old, gob by 8co4isb �,Pride,� imported), theatook fresh and attractive. -auction at the 00) ;makes the 11 -Defiance, (irn�, PC the open air, and with, the' assistance of a following re ence to a Seaforth a good situati6n'awaits him.—Rev. 'Dr. Aid- Khi,% a school, at a 139, _ry of $350 a year. d ini by orted)i *ent, to ToWN OF 13EA VIrS. Lair th, who is Ionald was stifficiently recovered from his Mig ison is a good teacher, and the McKenzie, of W� ON FA After 45 years in business life, Vain still doctor, was, after considerable liffioulty,, lady : Old do of Seafoi a Morn alton, [for $100, and a three brought around. It wag 'A.' narrO' new visiting- at S.. T. Phim's, Brussels, will r cent illnest to be able to occupy his own w ese good - people of Khiva section have done rrio�ths old calf, by Dqfiance, to Mr. Hugh DECEMBER, 1$1 ope i g.e, a lu d 'celebrate - her onehundredth b�rthday- on p 1pit last a bath, morning and even" -ty, fpr $34 ; a heifer calf, Another busy ap;t is the Mantle corner tolloviing property J at the grindstone, an& h 'to � t share and an, experience. that Mr. Baker wc 1119, wisely to continue her services. Xorris, of Cromai ;Saturday of this week. . Airs. -_]Lard, - -Abe a d was attending to his regular pastoral There aTe scores of nice fitting Jackets b5ing Uts numbersl of the trade in Hides, Sheepkins, and Furs' not barb to'pass through again. by Defiance, was sold to Mr. Wm, Drager, $ Diats -and Capes, with plenty regls_ttred plan ws T i - I *_ 'krandmother of Mi c. dp1 for $45 ; ' - of good light at the old- butter tore, Goderich Is the Pluni, Airs.' Put- d Lities during'the early part of the - week, Oentrali& i&de- cows ran from made for tbe y re -A land, William M rs. bit we regret to state that he was takien ill to see them. If you haveiet made your. P. T. S. u-02 DRA711 OF MISS WILLI&,t-4e deep! drs. Ainley and ;PwNeiLLiwas.—Mrs. A. Robinson is the PO to each,. and ranL lamb$ from 8,'5.25 purchase yet, be sure and see what we, 'Railway $tWon. zon gret. this webk .to -record the death o Miss-, -Charles Rozell, has had a remaekable ex- a;aln on Wednesday -eveiiing and is � still 'jah to %, ch. Anidie Will 8 youngreat'Aaughtor Mr.,. ence in the retention of her faculties and c I )nfined to bed.—The many friends bf Mr. test of Mrs. T. Handford.—Mr. Eh showing. You will find the prices* this, peri Folwill, who went to Manitoba last July for season entirely in your favor. used uod suitable loi kaown as WBridea. Robert WillZ, of this town, who died on talks fl oeely of old scenes, aLngs hymns and N. B(xbler, of Egmondvillej will regret to Thursday r iorning. . The ;event, although enjoys 9, good time generally. Mrs. - Laird learn that he was prostrated by an attack tt e benefit of his health, returned last Llim3l By. w 3ek, slightl improved by the trip.—Mr. BRrEwi.�'__The farmer 3 of this vicinity -4-re b�c._T-erms-,o - ali nexpeded, is inexpressibly sad. M6 drove over from Simforth with Mr. Plum of illness, resulting from a general break-up ntalke �of t e good w t isio, 25 pe -r ecot, =j E B t of 91inton, bought a fine three taking adiva It b balance on fourth di STRATFORD,, ONTARIO, lishas been in ill hea1th forseveral last 2nday and suffered no.partionlar- o. !the system on AWOunt. of advanced age, : 11 I - " " Y.' I The Dresses -are getting their share of Ialf ew.:� at s"'X Pei yo ar 0% colt from Mr., W. Elliott,. on Taeop etting th �p eir t1artip.—Aiss Mary A I%rgo commercial school, the lairgest fn Western montbe, and, has been Ronfined-. to bed for wearin)es from her 16 mile jounti. She was bit we hope it will -only be temporary.— Cured by mortgage reserd Ontario. Nine beautiful college rooms elegantly f ur- several weeks. 'She was a victim of Bright's born -Donegal, Ireland, and can recall Air, and Mrs. James McMichael, of Goder- day, atagood round fi are.—The fa havea rmers [Orton, -,�bo has been spending the past attentiontoo. There are some beauVies U -yr are makin good u ol' the fine weather,1 summer It ber annt, Airs. James Broard- the way of Tweeds, Pbiaiids, Rough, Effo-p-ts nished - thorough, practical courses of study; all our disease. Miss :Willis was a bright, aract- events rem her 4th year. e-* i(h s , were away this ek attend- 9 of -sale be wade gradusfea-are enterprisfug, enthusiastic and one Alth@ugh d will Axe, Attic ma In the meaul5we r. and be well she with their wo higan, has -returned itlong with plenty of Serge, Hnrieti4w. t 90 years,.'Airs. ii g the funeral of their old friex 4, lr. Wm. re. going fast, .-and . - Write for prospectus, If lin- �.well. wing of Colboine* er. — Haggith gavean in- home, looking none the worse for -her of wer Street� 'Toronto. getic--thefrtraining has made them so. Students -=Ung lady, who was -the light of. heir. ln.ved of -eight for the the wint Mr. W ay ete. Jacket Cloths a admitted at He;i pleasing manner and bright, Laird da manage wmferfulC I township, one time terestingand extended reportof theSun- in Uncle S;m's domains.—Miss Helena have hard to repeat many of Our best selliz th, 19901�. terested. Address W. J. ELLIOTT, PrinolpaL cheerful disposition, -made -her a 'universal p.-ominent figure in municial a id public af- lines. 14" day School -conventio, i held at London, at Steacy, of W�ncbelsea, 1.8 under the parental favorite with.all who. -knew - her, and her MUXI61rAL Ac h firs in'this county.�Dr. Kned, itel and wife our Sunday school. last Sunday afteriloo. roof.—Miss Laura Dilanen our populmr early death will not only be a most severe amendment -to �he municipilact passed at le te of Ripley, are spending few do a dr'osmaker, y i� busily +ngaged getting the Dominion Steamshin Isine. X7 bereavement to her parents and other mem- �he-lasb a sior of the'Legislatu�e make's among friends here. They are )n their way Foufig l4die8litted oitfb Miss Furs are here too in great abu Steamers 11 Vancouver," " Labrador!' 11 (Janada,". bers of ier family, but will be most keenly one or two mpo �Unt changes to which the to London, England, where the Doctor. in- Credition, y r, the winter.— idanee.,.; the latter holding the record between'Lier000l and kM� E arl- paid a visit to the school - one Far Jackets, Fur Capes,. Maffe, Collars,' da taking a felt 4 a large circle 1 of - sincere Iriends. attention mul 101pal men should be direct- i course in the hospitals of the Oj3I,.!tTRy.— We r aster John- Horton, Rufls, Mitts, Ac. -'.Large egret to announce the day last week. ---LM assortment, and She v;w just entering,u , be- ed. . The a w councils elected on the first Weat metropolis—�—Rev. N. Shaw, of F19- death of Emnia Jane Sweit7er, beloved iwife Fire 'Lasurace. youngest son of Air. William, Horton of the prices the same as in other things, d ing but twenty Years or -age, and had the I owri 11q_ Monday in Jandary will meet on the follow- tr ondville, will address the Supday after- of Mr. Henry Sweitzer, which occurred on Ub concession, met with rOther a painful the lowest cash fiures. For safety and economy, insure your home in one' brighte� t hopes for 'the; future, until the in --Ph(onix, Xorwieh g Mondag, instead 'of the two weeks' in- -n)on ineeting.in the Young Menj'Christian Thursday morning of last we7ek. Heridean oken, by a f the old English compaues A ori t Sabbath.' The meet-, n , accident by gettin his, leg '�br deadly isease, which did its work all too., in as 3rinerly allowed; and rbxis.ting Association rooms nex came very unexpectedly. She was Union,. Imperial. soon, bohl Upon hen The sincerqst � councils will cease to have power to vote i - last Sabbath, addressed by Rev. Mr. kick.from a borae but at lasb accounts bhei W. SOMERVILLE, Agent, he ad- 2 -2nd year.; was an estimable d�ing'ag well ::The 0="' -voting wo: nan, li,ttI6 fel, Ow was as couild be symp that human heart can bestow will money for any purpose, pass any bylaw or Zo_�gins. was 1argely attended. and t and her demise' is regretted �y a very rge Our assortment *of Overer for fei, Telegraph. and Express Buildng, Seafor bh. ext edto Mr4nd Mrs.. Willis and. en'ter into' any contract or -bargain involv- d,,ess was much appreciated. We are pleas- expectec'.—Quite"a number of th young The best circle 6f friends. The attendance at the and Boys' is realy worth Beeing, CHATE people o. this )a i or c, their faTily in this the hour of their severe ing the payment of money, or dismiss or ei I to learn that the rooms of the Association ghb d attended e funeral was the largeiptseen in Creditor for coats we Could av our handsn for the- tlll- holds _1L dedid oysters pper held- at Farc nhur, on Tura- You r.Accommodation and Con- bereavement. Oi t any offiaial aft r the 31st' of Decem- are being well - patronised by young men. 851 , - app some time. We join the many frien money dood material, well made,_ in Shortband and (s in daye ing, Octortier 2Qnd and all report a are here. el vn,Jence her. he old council practicall. ceases to, eddesday.. evening tbete we4e over dinii be,ve be I condolence. The Rev. J, G. Ye -of fitting, and nothing high in price. Stu Housik to rent I rooms good c.—Mr. J. Beatty of Varna, was perfe iej�tWiliebeii it', Receives respe have any power between the grat day. of ?,In,, rt3 - present. Vale DwELLicNa the funeral th. atful attention when using the C. P.R. preacbe sermon in the 1608-2 renewingold acquaintances at Mr. John very town 4 for travelling, ot the telegraph for your messages cellari, hard and soft Water. 0. W. j?Apati th in nth mud the sitting of the new body 6dist of urch, on- Sunday night last. ) in poelt"01a 01 - I 61enn. 8 bn Saturday I Miss R, Robin- Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear, Corse g choice h pay 6.xpress anything, use thq D . H on the'second Monday, which may be as early - : I minion Express, The Dominion Express 32pney - 4USE XEUPUR WNTED.—Wanted -,A BR-rF,Ps.—C.. T. Morlock left;, Tuesday: ads which has mc;Kiflop. son, of x0ter, is this -wee c the guest of Veilings, Trim Ribbons, Laces, &c., �61[]Anjga lot 'ra"190. Or4er system of 'remitting money Is a model dr han- God folia-ble person as housewkeeper. Good wages as the 8th or as late a 3 the- 14th. Another night Is st for Aurora, Illinois, where I e is Aies M mings, diness and oxf sty'. For itformation regarding same, to a louitable'porson. Apply at Tffa ExPOSITOR iamendm�nt requires city and town deputy NoTEs.—All the voters 'of vaie Gleun.�—_34iss Louia Williams splendidly assorted. Jdepai�ltmentl addres, MCK"'OP engagei with his brobber, who is running `gIer sisbpr, Mrs. WhiLlock, of this pl Office, Seaforth. 1508-2 bould attend the meeting in school house is visxtl� -V to, returning officers to p.-oceed directly from an extTisive wrapper buainess.—Qiarterly No. 6, at 2 O'clock On �Slaturday,for the purl place. ' Air. W. McDonid, of CoAT LOST. —Lost on Fri October. the. olling place to the clark'f! office wi - e Kippon, RANALD I MACDONALD servic were held in connection with the 30vh,onthe Hur6diRohd, betwe -Seaforth'and. the 9a11ot boxes, on no consideration fakina f le ting a representative in the passed through here oA his" wheel to his P Be 0 Be c German Evangelical church oar Sund ay last, - home . Sunda —Mr. A. Dignan andiss Agent, Seaforth. Irishtown Church, I& -black cloth-, Over-coAt., The�- the boxes to their bonies. co oun by cotinoil for this division.----�Special n' Y, E.- MR—AUL FArm finder will be auita*'revirded on it at Tii P. conducted by D. Grey t at or-, —�lr. of S revival meetings have been. held in the F. Dlignau,.of Fansville,i an Miss J. Ford, ce, Seaforth. 1507-2 LonHo�lginsandJobn]) yer reimp EXPOSITOR 0 . M W&16on Methodist, chuqk the last two roving of Tackersmith, spent Stinda with Miss Dry Good s. aj W _Ojtjor the appearance of their pro ert ies by he wo, 811,0USER LOCL L. Hamilton of v eeks. Last' Maud Glenn, of th-e boui Frost TUATTOX week some person or persons, erection of the finest wire feDee in town. ompany a yoUng woman, apible of taking charge of Cromarty, was here onipriday Wit erecting d iring, the ogress of the service@, un. -house. Experienced. orson. -Apply 'at ExposmoR a wind motor mill for pr Having been �% o A GarrOw litched her es, took off I uggy wheels, n- kr� -Hu& 16OSxL Ii � DISTRICT. MATTER8.- Office. of Harpurhey. The in for e pumping h stened lines and other inch things. The Belmok6, Biue-�aie. S-eaforth's Greatest Cash Di Goods Store 1.amere�ot this *1c NOTES. —We are pleas d to hear fiat Miss LM Garrow has it rected near p, 6rties.whodid this shoula know better, at Win. N. W ALK -E R, the reliable Uphol sterer of water r rmerl from a long Matress Maker, BRTEFs.—Miss Laura 11 I e returned to nie McHard to reco erili stand, And ehall. bi u'v I and mf6rth, Ontirio. Parlor fur- his house­�nd irbe water is carried - in pipes si ich acts are not at all d1dver, and will not Henall last week, after spen t W 'custoll F FARU SOLD.—I r. 8, Dicksonl niture repaired and recovered Carpets sewed and ing a month ani I serious attack of t roat rouble.—Mr. at. And we must only say that they but t -o, .o =&BY -ne, frotii the well there to. the stables, and is so ri rise the perpetrators in the estimation of ab her home.—Miss Maggie ooey, . who Th DmasFluker and family have moved from trul refleet the characters Headquarters. low inaster, Seaforth, has sold to his neidhbor, laid, also cleaned and renovatea it reasonable prices. Mr. Wm. McGavin,one of his farms contain. Shop In r�ar of residence, Spa�rliag street. 1505xl arranged that, all the stock can be watered y of those whJ tilill Air Walit WI'nd---- any person. was spendingy*a, month With frie ds in Gorrie,, the Bluevale road into . 3, In Stewart's house,, patid 'Plates - Hamburg W_ without being removed from their stalls. ated in placing them there. The acres, being lot 22, concession 12, in '.HORSE PONVER. FOR SALE,—A 0 r. Hamilton has also jutr completed the returned ho -6a last week.— rs. B.. M c. in 1is village. —LI r, James Patterson, son really -did no injury to the paTties they in Vero, itraw �CdttcKll nship of McKillop, for. the sutm, of Chntort. Crae of wYork,wbobaeb ii -spending of Mr. Archibald Pateirson has been v weltri wareto, I *gotp! M tended to insult, so actions such ltlzle Itow er i0o secondhand P.tt's horse po rfors. chczkp erection of a Oh pping and pumping mill for tb w th friends here, re y these, , 0 Fnos.—Ab6ut 1 o'clock Saturday morn- a men urned bome sic], c in Manitoba. His f rienes will be alad Mr. MeGavin is to be congratulat- ply to 0. C. Wmtso, Scaforth. 16082 I'' ell, near Stafla.—Mrs. Geo. sooner or later, bring a just reward UPOU Mr.''William F N ed On his purchase, as this is one of the best discovered in McLennan�s bake last weei. Her sister Miss aggie HaIJ, to inow that he is on lie mend.—M HairsE TO RENT.—To rent, the house on Nott, of tbe!London road, Tubkersinith, has Ing fire was those wh are - so cowardly and mean 'as to:, farms in the township. He has proven him- the cornet of James and '� Wcst street Seaforth, won �he ver I handsome sum of over$ stop, and the whole block of buildings accompanied her.—Alisses Ma ie and Eliza Ye),.at present on - M n'George Casemore's F stoop so low in order that they might av y 180in . e self to be a most successful Jarmer, this latily occupied by Joe.Roee. Apply It. LOGAN. I Which were frame were soon a mass of Clegg, Mis; Mary Hooey and r. Edward far -n, intends moving on to the farm oce - revenge on those they dislike. prizes at the fall shows this year. Alra. Nott u 7 -ng the fourtji farm he bas bought besides 150jJ-2 i I by Mr. H Biuevale road. bei flames. The fire brigade were early on the Clegg, of Listowel, spent Su#day� at Mr. le rry Bo pan, has long bien a very suocessf ul, prize winner SOAP his homestead. We hope be may still go oil GREAT CAsif DrscoUNT SALE, A C. W. 9 ene and 'managed to save Silas Pratt's John Hooey's.—Mr. Hinde ajid his son, 'to move on to his and she does -not seem. to be losing any of a M Bosmati is going and prosper. Papst's Bookstore. - On 815,ko *stock of books r sidence on the south and Beattie's livery Richard, �f- Harri8ton, visi�ed at M r. otter farm, across the roal. John Wingham. - stationery; wall- paper, window sbadei, pictures,' her skill in this direction.— Mr. Bernard d residence on the north. cLennan's Barton's this week. —A literary' societ-Y was- Bu cgess''bas returned! fr a pleasant visit Loo.L Bnws.—Dust flying -on the roads tancy goods, to3 0, china and. gla9sward, elverplated- Thompson,of Hensall,was in town n Tues- i1to rr,j . ganized li re on Mond; ,. n'to ware, w2b A -Cowan —Mr. James in November is an unusuat occurrenoex�. I tches,--olowis, . Jdialry, &q. Discounts day. -Mr. Thompson has been a continuous I as includes bake shoo, residence and stable, or ay last with the with her ehitdren in Mad ba Th ot Tor ranging from 10 to 60 pe,r-cent. off reg ilar prices Valued at $1,500,.$800 insurance. D. -Barge followin cers : President, Dr. Mackli who is at preseot on a visit t R pertso has 61so returned from Manitoba, this northern clime.—Annual stock taking olfriends ere, R 1 HE f XposiTon for o ver thirty 9 0 aSL entertained at a so by subscriber to T 'dwelling and stable, valued at re 6 it, D. W. McDonald ; seeri mna e is in. progre ember ou regular, prices are o low and - many - Ic sea store, vice-� Bid etar�y; acc ied by his :n phew, Ur. Lyxinford wl so at the Union furniture fa�- lines considerably lower than eame goods are - sorlds years. Be Lalso erected. the first house in $1,500, insurance $700 ; Broker loses small Win 'Terfso .—The Saerame t of the Lord's tory Monday, and the machinery wassil the ladies of the W. C. T. U., at the resi- forelsewhere. Sale coin adonqes Saturday, November Hart.ey; assistant Becretar miss Be _t the village of Hensall. Long may he live to y eu� dence of Kris. W. D. Bright, on Wednesday 7th and %ill continue until November 30th. Now is shop, $300 ; Mrs. Osborne's dwelling, $500, Ruby Crittenden ; treasurer, H. P. Harris- Supper w Is disp nsed in he Presbyterian. that day.—Oef'our Chinaman had a boy -coAtinae do good.—Mr. George Baldwin .ur a p- e A-111 the present membML and opportunity to buy your Chiistinas'and N ce $300 E. Carter's two stores, ton ;. editoLi, J. ant church 8 Prearato before the -mayor for discoloring. bis optia. � &11_ vc ew auran D. C assis 18 a &V ry service evening, Year'gift@ it -great barg4ino at C * NY. PAPST's. Book- and Mr. B. Vinery, Who have been -in the the past inem �bers within reach, were invited store Seaforth, 1508.1 1 -of Mr. S.. Aluilett, of this town, for $.,000 ; 'Olson's residence- and shop, also editor, Hovi ard Lowry ;,cc mmittee, Misses is b eld t 11 o Clock Saturday. Rev. duringa, free -for -al fight in the -on V ralker Coate"s' residence, owned by Mrs. J. Bremneri, 1. Chittick, "at d M. Jeffray and f . Goui ay, of, Hathilton, preached excel- laundry the other eening, fter bear! - 1191i tp be present, and a most eDj Dyable social endleaving for Australia tTOGo.—A-nurnl�er of Ladies' Bicycles =years, int . Whitehead. The six burned -out families Messrs. J. Mulvey, T. 13 )aunders and J. let serm fis ell r)th coo sious, The rev- the evidence �.pro and cob, the bench dig-: evening was spent by all, Moo' Cowan was to be sold at very low prices.' 'these. will have to' e about -the -first of next month, whbre they one of the charter members of the Union sold the next thr�e weeks.- Now is the thre to -buy a will push their fortunes. Mr.. Hillery has m ill have trouble i� ecuring homes, as. all Hartley. erend gel emmi'lias lat,el returned from a missed th�e case, infliting the costs on the, The Tilt and was for many years an active ke�r' cheap wheel. 4fiply to Giwitay, BALDWIN, Seaforth, most every house in the town is occupied. two" est 01 wor for prices. 1508.2 a brother there and they are going where he Staffa. year it- to t] ie -ri, ish lales and the celeatill.—R. W. Raneiman, formerly of qu. I � and valued officia-1, andithe above acknow- continent.—Rev. A. Hartley, of Bel- Goderieb., ba.3 opened a machine shop in the-- the boy,' ls., They ae both steady, reliable young I . . I ledgment of h Tn WOMEi-T'S AUXILIARY of St. Thomas NOTES.—The regular, q arterly. services grave, w a in the village last week, bidding stone building.on Victoria street. John. eryapabarity and usefuliatess men and their niany friends here will awys Leadbury. Church purpose giving a Conundrum Te% in the wet. t was desi bear of their well doin on t e n connection with the Staf �a circuit.was ob- farewell to his friends before leavina for his Murray, formerly lessee of the foUndry be pleased to , School room' on fiaesday evening comm"encing it NOTES.—MiSS Jane Bell, who has been served on Sunday last at Salem, and the new -field of labor in: t�e vicinity"Of Sault also contemplating bramebing'out in the- 8o'clocksharp. ThefolloWiD othemenu:Women otherside of the equator. They. tafe pas- learning dressmak* in Seaforth, P O-ur 19U of Grit, brihg the crown$, m at delightful ate of Ing official board met -here or Monday. —Mr. Ste. Mari- Mrs. Hart) v, Miss Nellie and same line, in a -shop to be fitted up for'bim. sage by the. Dominio:n,,Iine steamer L brad r r a short visit.�Alr. R. A. -up ]of Tim DE-wltTr CLrB.—An interesting childhood, unruly member, hid en tears, good for is home fo Jeffery and Miss Dalton sp mt Sunday with AUster Charlie will remitin in Belgravefor at Button & Fessant'a chair facto —H.. J. meeting of the Literary and Debating Club spinning wheels, when Volunti ere are not Volun foe London and purchased their tickets f irom" A, cKee has been re-engaged to teach the ry- friends in Mitchell.—Mr. b. Maltman'has the winte'�r, while MisseE Maggie and Loui96 GoIrdn & Company.,* druggists, have pur-- shoes .-was held on Alorday eve last when a teers, fruit of the vine. what. a my calls his sweet' Mr. �William Somirville.—Mr. D. Al Antosh, a hool -in section No. 8, McKillop, for the make profitable debae on the 715inese, question heart, changeable Politicians,- auby'd party, spring V. 9.,. Bruce -field, and Mr. John Gi ieve, V. 0 ming - year. The trustees showed their gone to Woodstock on a short visit to will accom; pany their fat �er.—The Meth6d- chased the stock and good will of 0. G. offering. Dea$irtj sliced and usarted cake, -ice a have been a Stock ciatio of his services by giving him friends.- Mr. T. Hamilton went to -Wood- ist aunivorsary tea, me+ng 1ast wek, was WiRiams, druggist, and'. baying remod- i Boyi? -solid Lmi S., Se forthl, .)pointed Live pre � 6. - wasgiven. Tile, decision wai given against cream. There will bea program -after which re- stock on Saturday evening and returned a success; Revs. Mr. �Gifford, of Win— their stock to ilie store of tM latter, have Inspect ors in their respective dist icts bY the Mongolians, however, and henceforth' freshments will be served ' Admittance to tia, and a handsome incre4se in salary.- -Quarterly mqrning on seaml Monday his wheel.—Mr. and -ham; 1. k Wallwin, of JLucknow, and W. closed their former establishment, thus mak- - I- W Sol' we suppose all those of the yellow jacket programme 15 centsi lea ciesm extra.- All 'are the Dominion G vernme at. They will have rr eeting, services will be held at Walton Mrs. Reid, i of Essek county, are the guests W. Leecb, of Whitech rch, addressed the ing three instead of four drug stores in town. cordially invited to attend, dodrs'ap-an at half past to ins shipped to the jw id. ScIii a0 the pit, tail will be excluded from Can- 1608. -N.,ethodistchurchnext Sabbath. Rev. Mr. or seven. X1 United States Und gr, nt certific tea for D igsby, of Blyth, will officiate. �-Mr. White of the for er's sister, Mrs. John Tuffln.� audience.� The Winah rn orchestra plyed —Air. Graham, of London, contractor f 40irW Calf Schol ada. On account of the council meetings It is rum red tha�t Mr. David Hill has well. Aout forty do]. ars was realized.— is laid bere this slimmer. hat bei them.—The London Ad ertiser of a day Or h 9 been re-e�gaged to teach th school at gianolitbic wfkll ng held on Monday evenings it has been purchased he Ferguson estate. We con- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fugh are visiting in receiv�ed a obeque'for C%- 3.44 in payent L a FlR-E.-7-On Monday last, about. noon, the 'two ago makes the foilowing reference to a adbury. Mr. White is excellent 6,3 arg ra considered advisable to change the n -i' ht of 1q0 35,264 square feet. He, with.- two- .0 9 -sounded, and"the.stredts were gratulate r. Hill on b-ing so fortunate -as 'Clinton. —Miss Aggie Hi xbert took part in for meeting to: Tuesday evening, so that begin- fire alarm was gentlemn awell.] Known- in this vicini : The t cher.—It is reported that a new saw mill r3 X soon in*a bustle.- The was quickly lo- to get such a desirable property.—It was Professo A. awkiiis' piano recital in Others, haveiven a bond f9r $1,800, as many -fri�nds of Mr. A. S. MeGregG -, insuxx- - y ring with next week, the meetings will be I be erected.on-tbe Leadbur line in the cated at the residenceof r. John Header- announced last week that Air. Hoizffarth Brussels "ZT-Tuesday. guarantee of the durability of the walks� held on that aur auce agent, were glad to: see hi in do, vn town n sir future.—The nam6 of B. B. Gunn, .1 al -members should -11 - I -0 .1 for five years. —11allowelenwas observed in son, On John street. The -firemen, with. at bu,,dness to -day. Air. McGreg)r was ercliant, of Seaforth, is freely spoken of in was re-engaged in -No. 3, but sine bear this fact in mind. It is �Iso desired thei� trucks and hoe, were soon on hand, has handed in his resignation, and accep'ted the usual way by th small fry of thecom- tiiken ill on S' )tember 3rd and has been this quarter as a fit and prop�r person for Brucefield that a larger Ptimber 6f members attend the el a similar position in the Cromarty school munity, and, as a result, a bomber f meetings s often As bossible, ad that they and, in almost. less time thah it takes to- tell c6rifined to'his residence ever since4; He is countv councillor. Mr. Gun'li is popular B . R. eneral fire and le 171sur- be there sharp on tim e and in this way in- and we- understand Mr. McNauahton of ner faisings " occurred in the back yards the -it, a couple of streams of -water were being now about ell, and bids Uir to hav�l- many with Ehe men and exceedingly !popular with ance a�. ent. hotaiy pu lie, conveyancer, coamisaio poured on tbe,building. The fire, bo-wever, ebewn., theJadies.—We fear our Grit friends are the latter section, has been engaged'here., imd�vifa, &o. Pri,aso funds on first next morning. One citizen,- hwever wU__ ble headway before it wa' at 6 'per cLnt. beriefitted by the, pranks of the you crease the iatereif and facilitate tibe busi- had got consideral years of usefulness.—The Saskat for takin ness of the club, Times, of October -27bb, published ab.Priuce mortgage ob good ftrin property, ngsters. b comina too officious in hunting f9r offen- At home evclry wornfut and r,.f each He bad p noticed and the alarm' Bounded, but the lbert, N. W'' 6 T., says.: " T. 0. Davis, 3i e partizans, or they would' not bt�ve se Brussels. week 1464 urchasqd a quatity of lumber �W rep r beautiful sapply 9b,r4ter- kept it in check, genekat merchant, received a car load Of leleted a person of such A ding worth and BRuwjsog.-�-George 111eapy, of this )pl�ce, 'Grab air a wood shed. The teamste had Opposite ArNT4k 'P%,FTmSS foot ball so that at no time was there much of a to sER (;ff his goods and chattels on NOTES.—AIr. Win, am bad the mis- -thrown off*the lumber in front of the prop� r z. apples this week -199 barrels—the freight moderation as Mr. Thos. Fearrow If th fortune to 08 niaAeli on the Recreation Groun'da, on Sat 9 ey 18 going a valuable cow is ee blaze. The fire- had got up in under the on erty, and a number of fre�h youths durring: urday afternoon, C4 tinue the course they have choden Saturday week, when he intends going Mr. CbqrIes Reid shipped about 500 Ism, -9 ,,..between Alma, the present roof, and'before 'it could be . throughly ex. which from Seafort,ji, Ontario, to Prince n to pur- - the evening very generously carried it to, Albert was $518.60, -or about $-2).59 per sue in this. repect, there will bo,wailing an(I down south to Misissippi. He was away from Brucefield station last week. cut through the He also th rear of -the house holders of the cup, and the Dublin tean, re- ringuished. holes bad. to be' bicke s c in Nebraska- for a number of years, and I barrel. Nearly three times the first cost of lamentation when their ebicke ome home I Bhi pped s; num ber ( f 'caftle on Monday las t- tion where it was required for ute. A joke now returns'�o the land of the free.—Rev. I sulted ia'a, tie, each -side scoring one g6al. roof. After this wa's done the fire di4 not the fruib."—Mr. C.M. Whitne f Wood- t: roost in the swee d bye.—M r. een and-Mv. Erratt, reeve and of this kin During. the first balf time Dublin kicked last long The bUilaing''was pretty badly ot6ck, as in town on las W. Kerr has purchased the Salvation Arm —Mr. MelIv d was much appr�eciated by the M 10M with the wiad 'which Was blowing to con- Nvreeked�' and . Nvas-thordughly soaked with there are any lover Tue d t.—If John Kners is doing a rushing usiness I barracks from Thomas Pepper, and inten' � 8 deputy -reeve of ta ley township, were in- owner, who was thus saved a dea of heavy of the beabiful in 8ea- his cider mill, the amount of cider boiled Godetich t is.*eek-, and succeedtd in arriv. lifting.—Owing to the efforts put forth by sderable �dvaltage, ad succeeded in Boor- water, so tha it will need considerable re- forth or vicinity who have In in eeu I not r. Inc 8 A wn'to jelly and apple butter being simply Is ing at a s ttlemient in the Halliday case. a- v ing organizer, the Ancient Order of* one goal. In the next half Alma ' as pairs, but the dam age is nob serious. Al- chrysanthemums, we w)uld advise e ormous.—The marriage of Mr. James week received a sliau of road ters fro ip is required isi &vored by the wind,but it looked for a twim, e Thd towns to pay the sum of United Workmen's lodge 11are luxs taken here for $300 s. Halliday, she in return k1r. -Hender-IMIn was- living in the o go at onceand have a look at them-, arris and Miss Mary Wiltse was. t -0 Al iN though _'L th6Yt a joyous Quebec. They were purchased t -e was no rriuch furn�ture in'it him by his brother in-law &Ad shipped here. to quitea boom, and at a recent meeting 22-' aa tboug �h the 1)ublin boys would -withstand building thei and they will be apt to have a, vision -of o casion. Mn Harris is to be ongratulated withdraw party new membere were iniiaied.—The crop of' all att �.ks, but thipga were made' too hot a I procee i dings, and ea�h a( and it is said thiere was no fire inl. the stove beauty that will remain in their memory upon getting such an excellent young lady They are full brother and sister, four and to pay th ir own icosts. We think our for them., and, after some bard playing, at the time, so that it is not kno-%in how'the five years old, and will beat anything in the candidates for county councillo d' the remaining days of their life. - -Halloween for amife. reeve and 'eput, ted wisely in the Mat- No. 7, is beginning to blossoin Alma, did the needful, and the score w" a fire ori-inated. There was'an insurance. passed over very, quietly in to�vn and no county as a span of roadsters. Mr. Green y at in re tie�r Both teams were evenly matched, and ter, as in toe event of even winning�in earnest, we'intend -depredations were committed. . Are . the BaYfleld.' is also the owner 'of a. spanking span Of nt,w trial, the e-K'p sea would be -over the Business., we at it was a fight from beginnino, to enfl, th Nu�TXALS..— Sf. Thomas' boys becon�dng more sensible or is the: seh- F. A. EDIVARDS takes pl. ure in stating y score bein- an indictio the entire church, SeafdAh'was the scene of -a pleas- _�as amount reqhired to settle now.—Mrs. Ros R., bronchos, which be will match against an - .3, bargains ever c sation of hostilities due to the fact that the th�t he will continue the busimps for nearly 10 thing in rhe count __ r. Kalbfleisch has who is no� living 1 vith her son, Dr. Iffug Lakelet. h 'Tea and Toilet h team had its due einota of ad- ant event on MoInday last, on which Oreca- -ept sually years cirried on by � H. F. Edwalrds and solicits a taen po at ane eder, stores are 1. open and people Are U' asession of r. Graham�s residence as Man spent a f ew days TOTTX1%-QS.—B.oth chopping mills are go - leetio -to chooi mirers, Nvbo cheered lustily for their sio-n the church was filled with -admiring about latezbn Saturday night.—Al'r. W. K. continuance of pabt patronage - and invite all now and has commenced his practice. We wel- favorites,%�hen occasion dem P - l I ., andqd. wi!h their dealing. re,,ently visiting with the I'mernbers of hir in -g fall swing now at four � cents per bill Away down bel he marriage Pierce, ma2ager of the Doinihica bank,-nQw When you want the beat value for your money cail fa nily in this -vicin ty. —MA. Win. Sheare� J. Hainstock is gettings, rollerintici-divy' and interested friends. It was t customers who may favor him age. come im of Miss Maggie Case, second. daughter. of.� occupies tl�te handsome residence formerly 0 F A EDWARDS, 1 SPOCI&I pti268 for cash. 1508-1 sic d Mrs. MeDouge U, of Keiit'county,are and purpose . s in the future to ran the two. NOTES.—It is stranAe that Mrs. F. CIse, to Occup e -vidson: near the Ur Mr. Clement King, of ew - i Tuckersmith. db Mr Alex. Da 9 p jes n si in rien s�i Than-ksgiving Day must alwys com the Voik, and formerly of the B BEv'rims.—A number of our Salvation- ri e t vi it' 9 f * d !this locality.— and Mrs. Alyles cott went to Bell� auk Of', COM.L Collegiate. ustitute.'. Mr. Win. Clark, who s, a took in an oyster supper dt Goderich CouNem.—The council met at D a in Kenncidy, who 6 all beeir- most unconloforta,Me season. Ths epear it m erce , staff in this town' aly as been empl�yed. grave Saturday.—The turnips hav has got another boist Th --e ceremony! purchased'i 1e business of Mr. Tracksell, has onday evening.—Rev. Canon Smith, of hotel,'Egmondville, on Monday, November !&%e'OrgeMunroe, btiit her, for soni WAI be found 1 still deeper in.. Or the was performed at hig4 n - con by Rev, J. W.' e time consigned to the root house an.a pita. . And we arb giving. -- .removed hi s family from Bayfield and is now me to Wingbarn, . now the farmers te fiishiag their tall disaareeabie.L What a' fa. L ndon, paid his brother, Rev. S. Smith, a 2ad-, as per aqjouinm nt. All themembers past, was obliged to go b ree to I ut i� Hodgins, reetor of the church. The. bride' I -20C S�Ud 250 residing in towit —.We are pleased to note I short visit last.. week.'—Mrs. S. -Smith'� and resent. The chief i business before the on account of not feeli g well. We are plowing to put in the time. Turnips in. most when peop suppose the politiciaa�- '1�oMann iF- now able tQ be I t4e Misses Smith and Cameron Although Varr le can do nothing else. Dut wd, was attired- in,, --,pretty tiavelling dress, that Mr.. J h; attendeo the card was the paym at of contractors -and pleasedto say, howev�i, that from word cases were an excellent crop, Mrs. Bell of sea no 11 pull 1 in it and carried a handsome bouquet L of obrysan- iiround an has as keen an eye for a good Sabbath school convention at Clinto� last gravel accounts to he-amouut of $735.40. received, he - is very Wt thati last year, I ir�ach better.. -2 -Dr. the 16.th corimsiu, .bear& the. list h. horse as, e , his brother who leads, having 195 off 7 acres.—We are" in- like Labor Dav, and as most people geaer- theraums. She - as given away by Mr. F. horse as, e -er he bad. It waa reported that k, and greatly enjoyed it.—On 89�day The Medical HealthOfficet,Dr.J.G. Scott, of Armsto�g, to ether 'th.1 ally do more' visiting and feaStina, than Holmested; her guardian,aud -was, assisted ern6bu j�ext, at 2 p. rn Rev. S. Smith is., Seaforth, -presented his annual at allarton7j,verformed-' a very dee his aitnien waa.neuralgia of the L heart, but a't report, which practises V, d sorry Vo learn that Mr. . James Wright church going, On the occasion, it'l atters by her sister, Miss Case, who also carried a this is not'so. His illness was the result of to preiLch a scrmp'n in Trinity church to the sbowed that the to ship had been remark. skilfal'4eration last w�aek upon the person is keeping v He has tow b8ew- SL I We re pay -11 little when it corhes.—Miss urray, large bouquet of ery poor y. 0 W chry anthemums.'A-1r. C: E. 'a severe c d and billions -attack. —'The many F�resters. Varna court and others are to ably -free from c UtZious diseases. Only of Mr. James Colquhodn, lof Hibbert. 1he three ' eeks aad apparently his 009- of Clinton., has been the gue t of St. Clair Simpson,* of , the Bank of Com- Mrs. S. Cimochan this friends of v. Donald Guthrie, of Walker- aftend along -with Bayfield Order.—There one death had beeFt e"ported from typhoid- operati —cash itud, ral week.—To-t orrow merce, acted as. groomsman,, ­an ioti, which oons*�o in removing an dition has -not improved uny.—Mr.. AU(I- a year in fruitn' fever and. two fron� membraneous croup. ugly growth from the I 046 of the mouth, Mrs. William NeIS (Saturday) a special school meeting rill be Florence Johnson presided at the (I Miss ton, *ill I a leased . to leara, that he -has his been great growth thi on' of the 17th Conoeg-L held to elect a, trustee in pla organ., pretty ne 0 recovered.from a severe a't'back I al d yegetables, but we have heard of noth- The next meeting 'will be held at Kyle's was a very delicate onti but we are pleased. sion, have the oympathy of their many' ce of Mr James After the impressive ceremony was over, the of in g that beat the-carroit raised by council- botel, on Friday, Novemer 27bb, at.10 to say the patient is geot frienda in the Ios of thdr eldest -child McGeocht, who has resigned. It is �oped a �yphoid fever, �nd last Sabbath was able s g along nicely. e bridal party and a few invited guests drove to occupy his pulpit for -the first time sine Richard Bailoy, he having 2 that weigh o'clock. -Ltepa -wiU -What might hs.4, been; a ery serious acei- little girl three years and elevenlmonths�. goodly nuberof the r, . yers respond to the residence of the bride's mot'her,where his illness. --Staff Captain Turner, of Lon- I J pounds. to the pAI.—On. Tuesday next, the ladies .0dewas8ipounds the other DEATH -op AffoTHER Pio'�NEER.—Another deiit oeurred on ay evening. Mr. She was sick less thana week 'her troul)10 of a sumptuous wedding dirkier. was partaken don, will conduct -a ap6cial meeting in the 8 pounds.—There has been considerable of Tuckeramith's pioneers has departed Martin, of Tackqrsm. t was driving along started with a soreness in her' ankle *hicb� the Women's Foreign Missionary" Soci. tY Of of. Mr. and Mrs. King left on the 3:20 Salvation Army''barracks Monday evening, moving here lately. Mrs. D. Wilson has this life. Mr. Alexander G. McKay, of the oar. church purpose hot -ding their an-nLual train for the east. the 2nd concession of Sta ley., and over-tak- developLed into %- most serious nd event- e best wishes of a November9bh. All are cordially iuv*ited.— M Dved to Mr. John Esson's house, Louisa 8thconeession, passed- peacefully awayon ing the children.going home from school, he ualy faal -disease. She ww buried beW- Th Thanksg�ving meeting. — The commun'011 large number of �their friends go with them Mrs. J. Airq, of London, ..and Mrs. T. W. services va our church were largely attended to &ir future home in New York. street Chriii. Dressevand A. Dunlop to Monday morning last, after an' illness of invited some of them' into hia cart %long on Friday afternoon, and a very large uUm- at each diet of worship. Seven names were Duncan, of Guelph, were kuests� this week Mrs. E. Elliott's. house, Louisa' stree't.— thriee weeks, having reac�ed the good age of with hi&. The extra weight caused a bolt ber "attended the funeral. Rev. Mr. HarvVY' at Maple Hall, the residence. of Mrs. v. '"'in Clark, who has for the past five years nearly eighty years. hl�. McKay was a na- which holds up he foot board of the cart delivered a fittinu funeral Bermon in the- reml added to the roll, all by profession of faitb,. O.N D.—AIrs. Sam- Case. -!Mr. Reber t Pringle, of Chicago, paid been mail carrier, and who proved a most tive. of Sutherlaudshirg�,- Scotland. He to break, allowii Ig it to fall on the horse's chureb.—The "Reb paper just., 0ceu led -by I In this contlection we cannot help noticing net Laird now residing with her daughter, a fly cord" a new ing visiteto- friends in. town the latter the excellent aertnon on Monday by the -was obliging one has removed to Seaforth where came to Canada about foity years ago and heels, causing it to start Off on a run, drag- issued in Forclwich, reached the b r i Oppo W.I. 1 out welL 110w purpose e Mrs. R.- ays, in Seafortb, was one hundred at week. Mr. Pringle he is engaged in the bakery business. His settled on the farm on 'hich be cent,' 'ue'd ging the childret alon the road.. Fortan- after -noon. It ertainly starts 'Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Hensa11. part of la a sue 9 _g tb a wal His Years Of age 'ofi Saturday last. The New _cesfdI operator in the iecent wheat deals brother, Thomas, has the inail-carryin to live until his. death.! Pleurisy a the atel , Mr.. Martin got the horse line of 441 kini �g y topped but it has been our experience with IWO'' -masterly exposition of �,I%rk Xvi Ham buq Independent, eferring to, this on the Chicago Exchange.—Miss Mary eb utract. —Reeve- Burns has moved into his immediate causo of death, bat his end c e before going far . but not before a little papers that the first f�w editions are r Haimess 1'z well rierits Publication, as it could not but event, sa. rs Once in a great whii� we read Casson daughter of Rev. W. Casson, of bandso' MrJ Thomas Penfound's a best: How little any of them me new residence. We wish Mr. very suddenly and peacefully at last. ly daughter of rf tend to clear away many of the absurd con- of extrer. ie old age. In some 'remote part ,Danvi� ,e clusions drawn front false in auq formerly of Seaforth, is visit- ard Mrs. Burns and family many years Monday morning he exlpressed a desir to b scratched �and bruised.—We cannot Ad evervthin- erpretations of of thp continent, some one, so the papers ing friends in tow y tainwhen compared with-TuN EXPOSUO�' these Passages.—This Caada of, our's has say, has reached the c tur E.. T. Kellam, of . of happiness in their new home.—Mr. Dan go outside. His son aiid others assi ted, cc demn too strongly. tbA conduct of so e We are n A flattering. Our opinion is subw. received; Zhig In in s, spent Sunday with friends in I '" ilson, ho has spent some time in the him to rise and we ut. ' When he got 6ut- oar young me on Halloween. The old f ted by hundreds.—Mr. BLAXKET� ..ever -been rernai k bly free froin the prctiue as our kjlowled��"Df lle statistics assists town --As we mentioned last week Guy stantia Alex, But. so far Niagara; Fal of a' of lynching, but on Sunday morning last us, Mrs. Laird is the N) thwest, returned last week for the will- side he looked around �nuch pleased f�r a thr e ou-storn. of lebrating the laist night of Hamilton arrived home from Manitoba last` Icry hurnan looking could be ard no's te � months.—Mr. Win. Jowett left on Men- short time, but soon as4ed to be takebt in. Oct ober by pl ing obstractions on the Saturday. --Mr.- Win. Wallace, of the 17dir -first'in thii partof- Bros. minstrel"troop will appear in C Canada to reach -the 100. With her hus. this (Friday) evening. The Guy Bros. da' o attend the Forest City Business again. He was only in bed a few u 'Whichmerep min- tea, highway an in ther ways & seen dangling by tile neck at a Perilous bandshe settled atHa gville about hall i amaging prop- concession, will do his own bopping tbil�_ low prices. height in front of y sixfy ae almost too well-known for us to comment CHIle gte, London.—Jarhes and Alex- Ferguo- when be passed away as quietly as if fal ing ert 7, wei though ad dwindled ilbwn to the� winter as he has purchased a new 611QPPE5� the woollen mills in our years ago. She saw this township in its on, further than to say that they promise o Albert Vassor and Arthur Peck have ar. asleep. His wife died about twenty y mrs 'act i of a few bo rem' Spri�gbt��k factory will r village., Just a boyisvh hallow'een prank, forest 876te, saw it wh I OVIZILY however.—Alra. M c I' en ten acres of stumps gates and other — un another iii0lir, h 'Wing has given up and a small log house only her this season a bigger and better show than ri'� ed h-ome, after spending the summer on ago. . He leaves a family of one son -and inir ocent litilp j kes, but the unsigtl though the term expired Saturday'.­The� - I- sekeel le on.Wednesday to re- to be seen, was the' sign th e and there ever, and this, together with the high poi- i b ard the survey boat, 11 Bayfield."—Vei two daughters. His son now resides' on: the led cing objects placed be he y- front of - our hotel has I nt i- y fore People's uses been nicely painted.- ou (i rju lintanc at the' pione4r tion this company hold in the estimation of little mischief was done on Halloween. The old homestea, ide t ewi eir with her son-in-law, d. Mr. McKay Was a luiet, an� which confronted -them as they wended which adds tO its appe —Mrs ren- u g was cloing battle withm the- forest. Wh4t our people, will ensure t wIiee Org e e 11aA 'O arance. Coole f Tuckermith.—Mr. hem a big house.— Is of George Bates' buggy were ch ng- unassuming man, who med ed but little their way to the house of GQ'd on Sabbath tice,of Harriiiton, visited at -changes have taken place in the features Of Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, of Tilsonbur dl g, ed and he did not discover it until told on with public affairs, bi# he always tol� an motning,were anth ing but p1paing to look this week. 5kr n de an 0 I aldi' I'Mtend la V4 e tint