HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-10-23, Page 5OSITeItt
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OCT:013ER, 23, 1$96
• Wit:What:a.•
Loner, Bettees.—Shaw's block is hearing
esompletion: Plate ,ghtes fronts were put in
posieton on Wednesday.—One of the Chinese
laundrymen got into an altercation with a
-" white -barbarian " on Tuesday evening.
The celestial is now ornameneed with a dis-
.eolored optic.—The Brunswick liorise, the
. commercial headquarters, is undergoing con-
esiderable improvement in its inter'or. A
new commercial room has been added and,
the bar has been removed to more cbuveni-
-ent quarters.—George Good, jr., son of Mr.
-George Good, boot and shoe dealer, has
•eonimencecl business in Dungannon in the
Jewelry line, and is meeting with fair sue-
: cess. ---=John Hannah bite iasued an address
to the electors of division No. 7, soliciting
.their suffrage in support of his candidature
for the Huron county council of 1897-8.—The
local butchers are praning down prices to a
nicety. Beef -steak is advertised at feur lbs.
or 5o.—Lex.McLaren, M. P., land a '2
representative of a. Montreal cominission_
house, was in town on Tuesda.y and ' met a
number a the salesmen of cheese factories
in the surrounding country. The price
offered for stock on hand is 104e per pound.
--The Huron steam laundry, un Victoria
-street instituted last month, is doing a
thriving business and is largely potronized
by our citizens a,nd outside a-gericies.—
Special, services are in progress nightly in
the Methodist church and .are largely at-
tended. The discourse at Tuesday night's
meeting wa.s delivered. by Mr. Alfre
secretary of the Provincial Sabbath
- Association.—The Winghane Method
triet Sabba.th school and Epworth
st dis-
_convention commenced in the Me hodist
.church on Wednesday evening nuder the
presidency of the Rev. Dr. Gifforo. Mr.
Alfred Data secretary of the Pr vineial
Sabbath Selma Association, gave an, inter-
esting and instructive address to a large
audience. A large number of delegates are
in attendance. The business seseiens com-
prise the programme for Thuridas —The
,Wilson comedy company are pia ng_ to
lege houses nightly in the opera halt. They
continue an week.—The last stretch the
new egrandithie walk was opened f r trittfic
on _Monday redraw,. The Main Area has
now upwards of three quarters of a •rsile of
this improved walk in use.—The new Sal-
vation Artny officers are not, only,men of
grace hut of muscle also. Two interrupters
of a reeeut meeting found it necessary to
make their exit by an open window. The •
last to leave came in contact with the sash,
causing it to drop heavily upon his coot
:tail, leaving a part of the garment ehind.
_ Taking advantage of the episode, one of the
army warriors, holding the shreds aloft,
excitedly exclaimed that the devil had been
caught at last for there was a piece l of his
Satanic _Majesty's tail; --During- the pa,st
days there has been o noticeable activity in
the grain market and farmers are sanguine
•thotwheat will reach a dollar a bushel , be-
fore New Year's.—The tax collector is on
his rounds. The rate is 22 mills en the
destination.—The farmers are beginning to
smile on account of the mem advance in
wheat market.—Messrs. Sue 1 & White,
local horse buyers, are doi a rushing
trade at present—Principal ckhart, of
the Exeter 'public school; is o the ' sick list
this week.--lelessta. Willi m Bowden,
reeire of Exeter ; ThornaseM. ay, ex -reeve
of T..Tsborne 'and Henry Ell er, reeve of
Stephen, are the aspirants to r presentthis
district at the county council at Goderich
next year, ander the New. 0 'taxi° Act.—
The farrners.are busy harveat ng•their root
crop. ---The funeral of the late Sidney
Sanders takes place this (Frid y) afternoon
from the residence of his bro. her, W. ' H.
Sanders 3rd concession, Stephens—Mr.
Riehard Davis is confined to his home
through illness.—Messrs. Seale Hoover,
marble dealers, Clinton, ereeted-a very fine
granite monument at the Exeter ceinetery
on Saturday last,for the late Thomas Kelly,
of Hay township.
Slummy, October 22, 106.
Fall Wheat per bushel, a 75 to 0 78
Spring Wheat per bushel; .. ..... 0 75 to *0 18
Oate per bushel......,..... ... .— 0 2L to 23
Peas per bushel.... ...... ,..— 0 42 to 0 44
Barley per Imam! .. • • 0 21 to 0 24
Butter, No. 1. loose.... 4 ... ... ..... 0 la ta 0 12
BUtter, tub ......... ... .. . 0 10 to e 12 .
Eggs per doz.— — .. —.. . . ... 0 '12 lib 13
Flour, per 100 The .. ...... a .e2 40 to 2 40e -
Hay pe r ton new. ........ —..— 7 000 r° 4 00
e8 00
.1/ides per 100 ebs 8 0 .
Sheep Skins • ' 0 30 to 0 49
Wool. .. . 0 19 to 0 21
Potatoes per bag,(new)....-........ 30 to 40
Salt (retail) per berm.. ..e.... 1 00i to 0 00
"Wood per cord(long).... . 2 76Ito 3 12
Wood per cord (short) , ..1 SOto 1 76
Apples per bag 0 25 to 0 26
Glover Seed , 575 to 500
Titnothy Seed . 2. 50 to 2 [0
Pork, per 100 itie...• e. •. 4 25 to 4 50
Tallow, per. lb. . 0 2t• to 0 03-
. . .
• Toaotero, Oret. 52. —Fall wheat, 10.81 to .82;
spring wheat, $0.494- to 60.491 ; oats, 260 to,27o ;
peas, por bush, 440 to 44e; barley, 31e to 41c hay,
ter ton, $12 00 to 04 50 ; butter, 160 to 180 ; - pore-
toee, per bag, 350 to 4,5c ; egg', per doz.. 150
to 170 ; dressed hogs. per 100 We, $4 76 to $5.25.
Toronto Poultry Market.
OCTOBER 20th.—Poultry is a drug on the
market. Prices are weak. Chickens are
worth 30c to 40e, ducks 40c. to 60c, geese
Sc, and turkeys 70.
Hills Green.
nual meeting of the Stanley, Tuckersmith
and Hay Sabbath School Association,which
was held here on Tuesday last, in the Pres-
byterian church, was a red letter day for
the people of this place, and also to the
large munber of Sabbath School workers,
who were present. The day was all that
could be desired for the occasion, which en -
bled a large number of delegates to be
present. It was one of the largest and most
eathusiastic conventions that have been held
for many years. Thitee sessions were held
- during the day, the morning session being
largely in excess of other years, showing a
growing interest in the good work. The
sessious during the day were enlivened With
choice singing by the home choir, under the
leadership of Mr. Love. A lively and in-
teresting discussion on the several toPies on
the program took plane, which were intro -
deiced by the brethren who . had _the per-
formance of ehis duty. Excellent and
profitable addresses were given en. Sabbath
School work, and should not, fail !to have
a stimulating effect along that line. At
.the evening session there was an overflowing
audience, the church being crowded to the
door. Revs. Cain and Waddell, of Hensall,
and Rev.- Mr. _ Muir,- of Brucefield, were
preient, and delivered excellent and approp-
riate addresses, which -ahould not, fail to
- leave deep and lastiug impressioas. The
evening eession was enlivened by good sing-
ing by the Methodist choir, Henson, and
also by the Hensali .quartette, under the
leaderehip of Mr. James Crawfor . A
hearty vote of thanks was tendered o alT
the brethren and singers who had aken
such an Dative interest in the coove tion,
thus bringing it, to such a, successful issue,
and also to the good people of Hills Green
for their kind liospitality. The officers
elected for the ensuing year are as' follows :
President, Mr. John Dinsdale, Stanley ;
2nd vice-president, 'I'. Meths, Kippen ; 3rd
vice president, J. O. Stoneman, Hensel ;
• secretary and treasurer, C. Redmond, Hen-
sall. The next annual mectingwill be held
in Varna.
D4-37 Markets.
TORONTO October 20th.—Butter -- The
pply is abundant. All grades of butter
a e offered. There is a good demand for
f ncy products. Choice dairy tubs bring
1 et rolls 15c, and medium to pod, 12c to
1 q. The demand for creamery is fair at
1 'e to 20c for pound rolls and -17e to 18e for
t tbs. Large rolls are worth 12e to 14e.
ggs—The supply is fair. Fresh eggs are
h good demand at 15c; eggs in pickle bring
1 e to 14c. ••
ONTREAL, October ,20th.-e-Butter—The
aaket is very firm. Creamery,190 to 19e -c;
N es -tern dairy, 13c to 17c; townships, 17e
te 18e. Eggs—Eggs are up lc, selling at
15c to 16c for good fall. A cable from Lon -
on quotes is 9(1, which is an advance of
Od over last year.
Uanse, N. Y., October. 19th.—Cheese
les to -day were 570 boxes at9b 2,940Iat
ate, 411 at 9c; 70 packages creamery bat-
e at 20e.
F. 6. Sclera has a number of choice farms
on liend for sale in Morris and Gray on oesy terms.
Parties wetting anv should call before purchasing.
Ile ie also prepared to attend to auction sales in any
part ou the shorteet notice. Satiefaetion eeueranteed.
He also has loads to loan on rear estate at the lowest
rates. - 15 3-4
L0( Alee—DiVieirm court was held here on
3,Ve(Inesday, Judge Doyle presiding. A
number of very ieteresting legal points
came up in the eases.—B. Gerry is bnsy can-
vassing the town, assisted by outSide elec-
triclierht men, for an incandescent system
for the town, and it is to be hoped that
• the citizens will patronize it, as they will
find it cheap, and the town to be without
light, after hating it, makes it leek as if it
were deach—The Brussels Herald has aaain
D. 0. Ross, of a on. ROSS.—In Brussels, ci,Bui:Othbgerj 9th, the wife of
QUIGLEY —In Hullett, on botober 12th, t he wife of
• Mr. P, Quigley, of a daughter. •
McGEE,—In EasIeWawanosta on October llth, the
wife of Mr. Henry McGee, its son. '
CLOW.—In East Wawanosh, on October 14th, tie
• wife of Mr. David Clow, of a daughter.
PENUALE.—In Stephen, on October 201h, the Wife
• -of.bir. George Penhaleeof a son. I
GIBSON—ROBERTSON.--1n Marnooh, on October
11th, by Rev. Mr. Hall, of Belgrave, Mr. James
W. Glbscii, to Idles Bella Robertson.
TERRIFF—MGREGOR —In Culross, on October
14th, by Rev. A. Meenab, M.A., of Whitecliureh,
Mr. P. J. Terriff, of Befmore, to Miss Lexay Ann
LANGLEY—McLEAN.—In" Wingtomn, on October
14th, by Rev. D. Perrie, Mr. James Langley to
Miss Mary McLean. •
SAIELTZER—BAKER.—At the residence of Mr. K.
Disney, brother -in law of the bride, on October
14tialoy Rev. R. Millyard, Mr. James Smeltzeteof
East Witwanosh, to Miss Merle Baker, of Glintem.
BESW1THERICK—PYKE.—M the reeidance of the
• bride's father, on October 12th, by Rev. J S.
— Fisher, Mr. James Beswitherink, of Gorr tee to
Miss Julia A. Pyke' of Howick.
FARR—HOLI1ES,—AtGrantham Place, St. Cather -
Mel, on October 13th, by Rev. Mr. Kerby, Mr. C.
J. Farr, to Mies Nellie, third daughter of Mr. E.
Holmes, fonntrly of Clinton.
BLOOR—MASON.—At tbe residence of the bri
father, Blyth, on October 14th, by Rev. F. ig-
-ley, Mr. John Bloor,-of Clinton, to Mies° Lot le,
CORNISH—LEW IS.—At the residence of the brite's
second daughter of Mr. John Mason.
parent, on October 141h, by Rev. W. H. Bott,
Mr. William Cornish, of Usborne, to Apes
Amanda Lewis, of Biddulph.
SELLERS -1' EWELL —At the residence of the
' bride's parents, Mr and Mrs.RobteSellers, on Qat.
21st, by Rev. W. Gallant, Mr. John Newell, of
- Detroit, to Mies Etta Sellers.
CUTHILL—SGOTT.—At the residence of the bri e's
• , parents, gn October 21st, by Rev. P. Scott, r.
John Cuthill, of McKillop, to Miss Mary Tre by
Scott, daughter et Mr. Thomas Scott, Hibber.
• - Live Stock Market
GLeetiew, October 20th,—Mar
le betters Present price for b
lle. .
LIVERIOL, October 19th.—At Viverpocil
to -day St tes cattle were quoted at 5,id per
pound, Ca,nadia,ns at 4*.ad to 5d. Sheep are
a shade fit mer, 'but the live stock trade is
all round t•ery dull.
Moeelan, October 20th.—A able frotn
Liverpool says that the cattle trode is worse
tha,n last week. Middling Canadian cattle
sold et 4,1d. Sheep sold. at 5d. There were
about 600 head of butchers' cattle, 50 calvee
aod 1,000 sheep and lambs offered for sale
at the East End Abbattoir to -day. There
were no really good cattle among the offer-
ings and -the highest prices paid were in the
vicinity Of no per lb, but sgood animals
would readily sell for more. 'Prices were on
the whole better than on . Thursday, pretty
good animals selling at from 22e to 3.1-c,com,
mon stock at from 2c to Ite end the leaner
beasts at from lie to 2c per lb. Calves sold
at from $2 50 to $'8.each, but there were no
'choice veals among them. Shippers are
paying but 21te per lb for good sheep; good
lambs sell at from 3.tc to 32te per lb and
contmon lambs at about 3c per lb. Large
fat hogs sell at from $3.50 to $3.75 per 100
lbs, and small porkers at from $3.85 to $4.10
per 100 lbs. •
et for cat
st, 10ac to.
Deaths. •
GODBOLT.—In Toronto, on October, 141, a tha
Rogers, wife of Mr. L. Godbcdt, a 'eis e . of
Mrs. D. Johnson, of Seaforth.
KING.—In Turnherry, on October, llth, JohnItting,
aged 84
years, 6 months...
THOMPSON.—In McGillivray on October 6th,lEd-
• ward, son of Mr.Thoe. Thompson, aged 2L yeare,
9 nicinthe.
THOMPSoN.—At Leeds, North Dakota, on October
10th, Lottie Thompson, aged 16 years sedond
daughter of Mr. James Thompson-, and grand-
daughter of Mr. Alex. Kirkbride, of Goderioh.
SANDERS.—In Stephen, on -October 20th, Sidney
Sanders, aged 61 pans
JONES. --In Exeter, on October 17th, Ann, relict et
the late John Jones, aged 84 years.
BAIL. —In Egmondville, on October 18th, Margaret
Sillery, wife of Mr. George Haile, aged 83 -Years. •
LOGAN.—At Carberry, Manitobe, on - October 17th,
Evelyn Muriel, youngest child of Mr. Wil iain
Logan, aged about 3 yeare and 6 months.
EAST BUFFALO, October 20th.—Cattle—
Marketdu11 and 10e to 20c lower for butch-
ers' stock and cows' and heifers' stock;
prime stock about steady ; good to ehoiee
steers, $4.50. to $4.7.5; good butchers', $3.90
to S4.15; light butchers', • 83.60 to $3.80 ;
prime heifers. 83 35 to 83.75 ; old to good
, fat cows, 81.75 to 83e bulls Steady ; butch-
ers', $2.85 to $3.25; feeders, 83.30 to 53.60;
veals lower; Common to good, $3.50 to 56;.
extra, 86.25. Hogs—Market active and
shade higher; Yotkers, 83.60 to 83.65 ;.
mixed packers, 53.60; pigs, $3.50 to 83.60' • ;
roughs,. 83 to 83.15; stags, $2.25 to $3.
Sheep and Lembs—Matket steady; good- to
choice mixed ` sheep, 82.15 to 83.25.;
culls to fair, $1.50: to 52.50; year-
lings and weathtri, $3.35 to $3 60; good to.
choice native lambs, 84 25 to -85.40 ; com-
mon to fair, $3.75 to 54.15; culls, 53 to.
83.50. Cattle . dosed easy for ell kinds..
Hogs- closed firrn ; most of the late sales of
Yorkers and pigs at 83.65. Sheep and
lambs closed ver3 weak, but all sold; last
sales of a few Grenades at $4.40, the- general
range being at -84 to 84.25.
TORONTO, October 21st.—Export Cattle—
Business Was not so active in this line, deal-
ers confining their efforts mostly to buying.
the choice ones of -theofferings. No really
fancy export cattle came in. Some carloads
of good steers sold for .31e per lb. Two
pretty nice steers, 2,360 lbe weight, sold for
3te per lb. The ruling figures may be -put
at from ne at 32c per lb, only an excep-
tionally choice animal going above the lb -
ter quotation a trifle. Butchers' Cattle—e
• There continues a quiet feeling in this line,
hardly anything to -day getting higher than
3c petelb. Poor cattleesold as low as 2c,the
general range being from 2c- to 30 per lb.
Bulls—Good bulls are selling well enough,
but medium ones are not in such good de-
mand. Some sto-ok bulls are wanted for the
distillery byres. Only good to choice bulls
fit for export will bring from .3e to 3Ic per
Ib, and au odcl fancy one to -day coming
close to nc per lb. The ruling prices to-
, Stockers
ctiee line
consider -
yell as for
from 20
from 2,2c
are quiet
ewes and
2c per lb for bucks. butchets sheep are
hardly quotable at 82.50 per head. Some
good lambs are 'wanted. They mutt not;
however, be too . heavy. Calves—Good
calves are in demand., -but poor ones are not
wantede To -day's quotations rule- from
84 to 86 -per head. °Jae or two fancy veals
went a little higher than the totter figure.
Milch Cows and Spriugers—Aihraund the
market may be called a little - dull, prices
ruling at, from $20 io $25 per head. One
eohl for $30., one for' r833 • and another for
834. Wellforwarcl sPringers sell even more
readily than milch cows. Hogs—Although
offerings were heavy, over 2,000 head, yet.
the market held' steady and unchanged.
Choice eelections of bacon hogs sell . 34e
pet lb, 'weighed off the cars; thick fat,
83.25 to 83.30. There is not the slightest
demand for stores. •
changed , hands, the purchaser being
Senery from Elora. It is said Mr. Welsley
will return to the city.—It was reported in
some of the daily papers last week that our
postmaster hail - been dismissed): whibh is
not so., • There i. a cherge and it is under
consideratiou by • the Postmaster -General.
The charge is. offensive partizansbip during
the last election; by speaking. IA petition
was circulated hist week among Reformers
for :his iettenf,ion.—Wm. •Ainley is busy
having hie leeiee moved- and. placed on a
new fourelation.---Mrs. Wm.'ilooney has
Leen 111 for eona; time veld fears are enter-
- -blued for her recovery.—The following
names are mentioned as aspirants foe county
council imam; : :Messrs. Kerr. of Bruesels ;
Dames, Hielop, Turnbull and Bryan, of
Grey ; -and t m ee, Kirkby . a.n 1 Sloan,
of Mortis. Any of these' would fill the
bill. The nomination will be held here,F.S.
•.ticott being the returnin,g olliaer for this
--A bus lead of Exeter Royal
Templet's visited the Sodom Lodge on
• Weduealay evening last—A. heitey fall of
snow fell ott Wednesday last and the
village had a wintry.. appearanee for a time.
—Ann, reliet (4 the 1 it e 3 ohn Jones, died
at the. residence of her son-helaw, Mr.
John 'Meek, on Thursday, thei 17th inst.,
and the funeral took place on Sitcday after-
noon last to the Exeter cemetery .and
was very. hugely attended. She was 84
years om ana wae hiehlv eetednied.—Miss
Bella Deride and Miss Belie, Weeeott . visit-
ed. at Mr. Thomas J. Amy's, Sharon, on
Thursday last. Thev went on. their bicy-
cles and r e port a very pleasant out in g.
Mr. P. Curtin shipped, three ear loads of
cattle on Monday 1 tst to Montreal. Squire
• Leothorn shipped two ears .0f cattle to
Liverpool on - ..ietnrdity last. • Mr. George
Phnith aecompenied the cattle . to. • their
•' BLAXE STEAM Cream Mune -John Thirsk
has now his new eider noill in winking 'order, tifod it
is the best egilipped in the county. Applesi made
into cider, apple butter and jslly of the finest qu lity
on short notice and very eleap. Give me a tr a and
you will be sure to return. JOHN THILISK, Bake.
• 4• 150-3
• t
On Wednesday, November 11, 1S9
one o'clock p. m., on Lot 10, Concessi
Stanley, Farm Stock and Implem
William A. Ross, proprietor; William
Cloy, Auctioneer.
Mn. Thomas Johnston, whose wo
factory here was burned down a short time ago,
has his new building complete and is occupy(
He keeps a full line of Tweeds, Flannels, and
goo& as usual and is prepared to take circle
carding, weaving and everything in his line
member the Zurich Woollen Factory. 16
• Do YOU require anything in the lin
Stoves, Hardware or Tinware this fall ? It s
and see our stock and get prices. In ittoves we
all the Meet designs with steel ovena. Come
and take your choice out of forty ifferent a yles. •
See the cook stoves we sell for 812; t takes 26 inch
wood; it is a snap. We also sell am round washing
machine for $4, and the best wringer" for 4250. In
Hanging Lamps we have the largest stook and best
variety, and prices are right. Tinsmithing and fur-
nace work done in all ite branches. See the rtew
Lantern with glass fount ; will not leak. C.
HA R.TGEI B. 1604-3
, at
a 3,
ur Clothin4 Sale
Continues the great
Success it began,
•••••=.311•••••••••• 31•11.1.11•••••••
All will be cleared out before it quits. Here are some of the priees :
now $11
Men's -Fine Tweed Suits were worth $14,
Men's Scotch Tweed Suits were worth $15 and $12, now $8.50
Men's all wool Canadia.n Tweed Suits $8.50 and $9, now $5.50
The same reductions are made in Boys' Suits and Overcoats and Monts Frieze Over-
coats ; all going out during this sale at wholesale prime, with just enough advance to
bring them here. We have told you the reason for this sacrifice sale. It -is because we
are going out of Clothing and want the room for another department.
• .
g it.
a for
Re -
3 -4
, call
carry -
13 L -Y" ET 1-1..
When see a man with a certain reputation you may be sure it behings to him.
Our reputation for selling at lower prices than oth r stores is our own. It is not
another's inislakl.; •it isn't a misfit ; it stick to us because it belongs
to us. Come and test it again to -day. he only difference
between our ready-to-wear suits and custom work is
the price, and that is in y ur favor.
WANTED.—Dressed chickens and. ducks
and good fresh butter wanted at A.Youxo's,Seaforth.
- 1606411 -
won prizes at tho St.uth Huron fall show held at Sea -
forth on September 24th and 25th, can now rec lye
day were from 2ci to 30 per th.
and Feeders—Thislwas the 'nest
in live -stock to -day, there 'being
able buying for the country as
the distillery byres.. Prices rule
to 2.tc per lb -for light stockers an
to 3te per lb for good • to choic
Sheep and Lombs—Shipping shee
and steady at 2cper lb for good
I.—Men's Suits, well made and made to fiE, dark patterns, worth 87 for 85.50.
II.—Men's Suits, itt heavy black Serge; farmer's satin lined, a regular surpriser;, and
ewe to give satiefaction,',worth $8.25 for $6.25.
III.—An all Wool Canadian Tweed Suit, good weight, well made and thoroughly up-
to-date, worth $9.50 for 57.
We sell the above " specials" because they possess extraordinary value. We pur-
chased a lot of them, paid cash,and now its your turn.
You will find them on exhibition if you call, but remember they wont last long at
We stake our reputation on. the I Overcoats
their priza money on calling at the office of the
secretary, ia recaferth. Parties desiring to have
their merry rent by men will please notify the
eeeretnry to th .t- effect. M. Y. Mcrae -ter, Secretary
and Treasurer. • 15(15-2
• NOTRIE.—House to rent or for sale, on.
George street. Comfortably situated with bard
and sett water and a good eerier. Apply to MRS.
RYAN. 1505-4
Be your own Lawyer. .
• A new edition frOin the press this week,
larger, better, right up to date with both
Provincial and Dominion Legislatipn, cheap-
est law book in Canada one active agent
wanted in each community, a snap for the
right man or Woman. Price .51.00. •Sent _
post free. ••
Address. W. H. Anger, Law- Publisher,
p.,8 Ulster. Street, oronto.
these prices.
Overeoats are demanding attention now.
we sell. Prices of specials, 54-.50, $5 and $6.
J. Wroxeter public
salary will be received
—For pri.rary division of
ohool. Applications stating
p till November 2nd, 1898.
ry. 1505-2
PIGS FOR, SERVIC .—The undersigned sill keep
for service on Lo 7, Concession 3, Stenley, a
arge E vglish Berkshire Bon., seven months old, pur-
chased from Janice Iorance. Als,o an improved
Yorkehire Boar, each with registered pedigrees
Terms—$1, payable at the time of s.avice, with the
privilege of returning 'f necessary. HECTOR REID,
Brucefield II. 0. 1506 4
Sehool Section No. 10, Stanley, one holding le
secend -clis 4 p ro f es.don al c3ri i Ileac preferred, dutlee
to °commence the first of the year. Applications, eri-
-ciocling test menials and stating experience and eater
desired, will be received by the undersigned up t
November 10th, 1 00 • Personal applwatione prole
red. JAMES IKENHEAD, Steretary-Tle5a0s6uxr3e
Bruccileld P. 0.
• .Are still at it slaughtering the stock bought of J. F.
until the whole is sold. Many lines going at half price.
• We are determined to clear out above BOA as soon as possible.
tunity to secure. every -day Bargains at the Golden Lion Store.
Inspection invited. •
. Lion
Wm. Pic
kard & Co., Wm. Pickard &
Branch. • South Branch.
I portant for the People of the
aunty of Huron is a place
here they can make the most
of the Almighty Dollar. We have
no cOntention in saying that this
place is in Seaforth at
Dry Goods
' 3
Our aim as Importing Retailers is two -fold. FIRST, to get
the best and choicest goods direct from large concerns and
makers. SECOND, to have the lowest prices. If we know
what success is, we've succeeded at both points. Every day
we hear words of commendation, because (roods are new,
stylish and novel, many of them exclusive t'to ourselves in.
this part of Ontario.
Kidd's block. Kidd's block.
of the largest assortments ever handled.
COATS, CAPS, ETC.—Over 50 Men's
Coats to seleet from.
Coats, Capes, Beatrice Collars, Caps, Muffs,
Ruffs, Gauntlets, etc.
all the leading styles of cloth we cannot be
surpassed outside of any city. A look will
convince you. Prices away down.
pride ourselves on prices, quality and satis-
faction in Men's, Youths' and Boys' Over-
coats, We cannot be outdone in price - and
quality, with style combined.
PARTMENT.— Positively up-to-date in
every particular. We have had to increase
-the staff in this department to attend to
the rush of orders,
An immense range of Mantle Cloths. We
also make to order Ladies' Jackets, Capes,
in Brussels, Tapestry, s, Ingrains, Wools and.
• Unions.
CURTAINS. -.41i Swiss, Chenille and
Lace. Large variety.
Oardno's Block. Oardno's B loc k.
Clark, and will still continue
Now is your opp or-
• J. J.L. SMITH, Seaforth.
AILIFF'S SALE.—Uoder a cartein (distress war
rent deliver d to me 1 have distrained, an
will offer for sale by public election, at lot 19,
1st concession, Hurn road, Tuekarsmith, th
residence of W. 0 Fowler, on Thursday, Octob r
29, 1896, at 2 o'cloak p. m., the fallowing prnperey
viz :10 head of 3 oung cattle, 3 horses. Terms
Sale.—Caelo .for purchases el $10 and under ; 1
mouths' credit on purcheses ovrr hat amount, to b
secured by approved joint note. 'Diecount of 7 p r
cent. per annum will he allowed on all ,credit ainoun s
for cash. J. P. BRINE, Bailiff. 1506-1
the thriving village of Iletisall, an acre of land,
upon which is orcted a neat_ comfortable frarre
house, pearly new, oon:o.inIng s'x_rooms,with a good
dry etone cellar. There is a good well and stable,
and two sides of the property is fenced with wire
netting. Ilia cornir lot, containing one-quarter
acre with tho buildiog and well, will ba sold separ-
ately if desired. The three building sites, centaicing
one-quarter acre each", may also be • bought eepar- •
ately: Tills property is .eituated on London road
avennee the bast street in the village, and may be
bought at a viry reasonablgfigure and on favorableterms. For perticulars apply on the premises, or
address Box 71, Hensel], Outatio. D. STEWART.
Balsam of
The Greatest Cough Remedy
Manufactured and Sold Who esale
4nd getail by
'IT1=)_A.-Y-S TO
The demand still continues for graduates of
The Canada Business Goliege,
• 7 p*YE
• students are everywhere succesoful. John Pierce,
Any person wishi Tao have all wool goods
of any kind dyed o fast and beautifol color,
either ladies' or gen lemen's, should give. I1.,
Nickle a call. Gools called for and deliver-
ed. Wood and farm produce taken in ex-
change for work.
oe.Workshop, corner Market and Ord
streets; near front Broadfoocre factory.
. P. 5.—Men's, Women's and Children's
stockings knit at Mist, Nickles. • 1506-2m-
1On the Top as Usual.
;Oa plaeed.as stenographer ie the Montreal office of
the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. Arch. Mc-
Pherson, assistant book-keeper, Goold Bicycle 03.,
Brantford. It pays tn attend the beet. For cata-
logue address D. MeLACHLAN & CO., Chatham,
Ontario. 1405
With a good steck'of custom Boots gild Shoes for
fall and winter wear. Will be sold cheap fer cash or
1453-2m I
short credit. J0IiN STEET, Eganoedville.
• • -
Notice to Oreditors.
In the matter of Ihteneni, Comstoe, of ti e
Township of McKillop, Farmer.
Notice is hereby g*.ven that Rieherd Comm on, of
the townehip of McKillop, farmer, has made an
essignirent under'R. S. 0., 18S7, Charter ,124, and
amending aces, to me, for the benefit el Ms creditors.
A meeting of creditors will be held at the ofil. of
F. Holrnested, Fig , berrister, Seeforth, ou Wednrs-
day, the 2.Rth claw of October, at 2 p. m. for the
appointment of Inspectors and giving direCtions for
the dieposal of the estste. Crediters are required to
file their claims with roe, duly verified by ntfi iavit,
on or before the said date. OHARLES WILSON,
Assignee ; F. HOLUESTED, Solicitor.
Dated the 17th day of October, 1806. 1506-1
Winter Flowerin
For two weeks. commencing Saturday,
October 24th, I will give FREE with every
25e cash purchase, your choice of a foe
Hyacinth or Narcissu Bulb.
• WATC ES, &ea'
' Here will be found large ranges of Hosiery, Gloves, Under -
Wear, Millinery, Furs, Jackets and Jacket Cloths, Ladies'
Flannelette wear, Handkerchiefs and. Shawls, all kinds, Grey
lannels, Tiekings, Toweling Table Linens, Dress Goods,
orsets, and a full range of Fancy Goods,
Jackets made to order at close prices. InquIre prices of these,
It w
• ther
•11.•••••••••• .•••••••••••
11 pay you to vi.it this store especially on Friaily.
8 are all the rage that day, and people want Bargain
We are busy from morning until night. Hard times
lade easy times. Don't miss it It will pay you to be
. Remember it is only the North Store where Bargain
Day is enacted.
Pentecost's old stand Every ,Friday
We, import, we retail. The very fact that these tons of mer-
.ehandise are so'ely for retailing, makes our success more pro-
nounced. It is simply •a matter of thinking out your needs
and providing for theni on a MOSt elaborate scale
"--7011111611104.... --411111.1111110.---"
Seaforth's Largest
Dry Goods Firm
For Cash or Trade
.ete. eta eta
eta eye
m .Pickard & Co:
and Market Streets.
-as.."•••1117•41•••••• AOINGFINIM •Ini••••=r••••seNT•••■••r,
'Under Town, Clock.