HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-09-18, Page 5o ular linos of press mutts. -iNobo 'y need go acv- without a stylish dress if. sthope an some a oti ea ort , the P , 1. primo paid ranging alt the a ay from $80 To think that some daly their wool will be to$15Q. The Little t�5 they visit here, as we havo tliezu Ercall 2oc to X1.25 per 3ard, j 1 Ji made into fabrics such as McKinnon & Co, - . -At a recent meeting of tile' directors." of i y i H' the Atwood Public Library, the senretary, - . I now display in magnificent varieties. No - � ..Felton, repar`ted that the: Gos�erntment Ladies New Fall Jackets are All ire ant this year amounted to 896. It was _ • �" tonic i necessary to get np energy :when y • j •eeided to spored $r0 in the urchase of new isle! for lJ,op . P J bargai s are advertised in this establish- lol<-s. The subject of openzilg ftp a reading meet. The style ,his season is short coats, large corded sleeves, with beautiful lyes also discussed. Rev. A. Render- E son, the president, tendered •his resig>iation D ■o - 18-96 - I . , S DODS- g Dress Go ds- is •the backbone wide standing collar. ZVe havo thele in black and brown bea4ers, fancy i�veed 11 - 1 st because of his leaven the village. A motion , ■ n � :, wets passed expressive of sorrow at pasting �,4 . mixtures and black Niger Head cloth. These three kinds are the leaders for wlth Mr. Henderson, who has :been instru- ■ . ,mental inputting the library in its present a ■ ■ t this business■ fall. Then the price to is easily within the reach of every pocketbook. B autiU11111161d d y y g 111111= 114 fiff "lilt 1U1112111 NNE! 1,111 lonfilliggillinigligilagailigillogivagilligilI . . -_ - Bound conditions. • The Rev. Mr. Ball was Pt . IL VI- - . Ii ; hen elected president .tend the Rev. Mr. Pretty effects in low priced goods. One special 1 ne is easily worth 300, but we Iul Mantles' from $1.50 up to $10. You ought to see them. - Ashbury, y e•president. are selling it at 20c. The colorings are brown, blue and green, All our Dress f 'k 'f Goode are double fold. _._�� _ other autumn season finds its its way to us - GR,i:d,GoderiT,. February 20th, 1896. Elegant Tweed Effects in endless varier at 45c d 50e a yard, worth 65c"of any GI��� ticI� MANClinton,�and though ,perhaps not looked forward t€� by �, „J;;,1.11eLeod,Goclerich: _ f person's money. The wonder of every woman ie how each goods - are sold fog the � Dear Si_r,-After suffering; or over a year price. Beyer lines still at 65c, 75e, 90e and 1 a and in black or colors. j ,with sins in the stomach, svhioh eve*ltually Bettor y som s much as others we are sotne of the eo F ,pRssed over and down eta ri ht side, I eons y g The Dress Good this fail are an entlre change from any previous season. We • salted two doctors. I.was told that noth• hope to have the pleasure of showing you the finest selection of Dress Goods in ` h t � no could be done for me and to- c to the e O have been anticipating the favi weather_ u a the Count of Huron Your y County ur money back if not satisfied. . MILLINERYOPENINGa Toronto hospital tit once, tht>t Y had an t ulcer on the bowels. I knew that there was n C t- i t raG'f e. Five and six months age we vvr j s growth of some sort there. I swelled out ` ' f like a barrel. T could not ea ;, as I suffer- lr� e N N o b l $ f ac i r� i m ort o rd ens from trent Eritai r .ed intense pain if I did. I understood my 1�� N W ©, ! - ���� ; - •case was one for the knife, and expected - • - - - alath�ag but the worst. bt'cl), I was told 5, �VeY' bed. �Pelcao ourerrhn and France. These goods. are no�rw _ ,something will bo done for you anyway. I ,y � me Y Y y five and a ah de higher; .Yorkers, good SALE REGISTER. hind end O`Ur Ieavr purchasing for both our 11 left home with the intention of going to the to choice, sole for $3.55 . to $3.60 ; { hes ital, but ebanged m mind when I re- On Wednesday, September 23rd, at one ' P a y light, $3.60 to .65 ; pigs, skips to choice, o'clock p. in. on Lot 4 Concession 2 Me- M' LLINERY I ' membered 11rs, h.l4lorrison'a ease, and that $2.25 to $2.55; mixed packers, $3.50 to Killo Farm Stock and other effects Storesigives the people of Seaforth c'�,nd viCt'nity -a Pr with- _��O t •, you oared her, and I syen, to Coderieh now $3.60; heavy gr des, $3.,30 to $3.40; stags, oat reserve. I1Sra. Johnl�ehn proprietress • a•,. two years. ago next Mareb. I had not eaten 6-2 to $2.50. and -Lambs -Market' ' P P Com l.ete assortment of Dr Goods In all its Sheep Thomas Brown auctioneer. anything for 48 hours when. I got there, and steady for -lam s, very dull and 25c ower On Wednesday, September 23rd, 1896, at OPEN114G p } I was, and exhausted, could not go up for sheep choir to rime lambs 4.25 to , - - P ; P , $ one o clock m,, on lot 4 concession 2 Me- tbedoorsteps without assistance. Icema n- f P , . branCMeS. We Import C�irec#= too�iddle i aC - h. I did not believe $4.60 ; air to od 83.50 to 84 • c lis to Killo Farm Stock and Implements. John I A fire days in Goderis common, $2.75-g $3.25 mixed sheep,good p d g Kehn proprietor; Thomas Brown, auction- hlenGe 1.our LOWi'i'Ces. 11 ineiriffat I•could be cured.. 'I took two large bottles to choice, $3 �to $3.35 ; culls to fair., 81 25 to eer. . I . .of your System 'Renovator and used .two $2;75; no export demand; Canada lambs, AND. SATURDAY b01it1_es of E. A. McLennan s Liniment. I $4.40 to 84.75. Cattle closed dull, with- r I . mould eat and rest well before I left God- several loads unsold, and fully 25c lower`:on Be your own Lawyer. I • �`t (��'(v� elieh. I was at my work as usual in two common grades. Hogs closed dull and 5s. 2 26 11 TH f� O E, V lJ 1. I8T'kJ�E; SEPTEM BER 5th, and th■ weeks, and since then enjoyed the best of lower, but about'alh were sold. Sheep and A trustworthy guide. r t 11 ) I sea and health. I_have not been so well for years, lambs closed steady,. with all sold or shipped A book for the masses. ' C✓ardn�o $block, i�IdC� S block. �fy case was a surprise to all. out, A treasury of 10,000 law points. I • - - See I am, Sir, ours truly , ' f - fl Y TORONTO, September 16th. -Export Cat- Everbody wants it when they see it. And �Ye herewith beg to intimate that our stock of Millinery is to hand, �4rzLLTdu SrLA]. tie=Cottle of good quality were selling well Everybody can afford to buy it. x'or sale by J. S. Roberts, Seaford%. to -day, but there were very few of the right Price only one dollar. and -vVe will be pleased to supply anyone with anything in the Millinery line ,� class on the boards. Caines are not very A few more agents- wanted. anytime previous to -the opening. Our stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods is Black Cashmere GI ves Ile and 25c. CARPET DEPARTMEMT. • 11 THF„ MB..4KET$. good, reporting things in the old country' Write to W. H. Anger, Law Publisher, i very complete and we hill be most happy to show you the goo3s. I3�k and colored id Gloves 47c to $1. � - very .quiet: Prices on the local market 252 Palmerston Ave"nue, Toroaito.I Brusaella, Axminster, 3 ply all wool, 2 PIy 98AYOKTH. September 17, 1x96. ranged to -day frdm 3c to 36 per Pb mostly, Irving Collars and toffs 38c sett. all wool; Unions and Hemps, Linoleum and aIIlVheat per bnehel, . 0 68 to 0 8. Oil Cloths in 2 4• 6-4- •4 '-° filled on both11 one or two fancy iota fete leg 4c, Really I141PORTANT NOT (.E3. , , Spring W Leet par bileael, - ...... 0 b8 to 082 � '4i 0;�1leCi i11tEl %lid per bushes..................-. 0 15 to 17 choice would bring 4c per lb. There is a Ladies Vests for f 11, 2 for 25c. wide. 'Peas per bashes,.... . . ; 0 83 to +0 89 good demand for Choice cattle. Sales: One EACHElt WANTED. -Por Soh of Section No. 4 'r 1 -I B 01_T:.,A:P 0-da"S. T-3 STORE_ BarIeyperbnelat... ._....''. 0 23 try o 24 car load cattle, 1,200 lbs 3o fir T Lanes' Vests fox inter, 16c to 4I;Cl. ButtAr,lvo. 1, loose -. _- _.... 0 10 to 0 12 Average,�' P Morrie, Dna holdtna a at clad Disse professional head ; 21 cattle, 1,250 lbs avers e, $3.70 certifloate-preterred i duttee to` co imeoce the first Ladies Drawers heav 25e to rRE COUNTY. hatter, tub.........__. ._ _....-. 0 10 to 0 12 of the -your. Applications giving a 1 particulars and ' : 3rr $1• - � i tint .per doz _ p 10 to i0} per cwt ; 21 cattle, 1,2,50 lbs aver ge, 3 0 + �g{{ g e �� �� ---A DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Flour, per 100 to..... ._. 2 CO to 2 00 per lb • one carload mixed cattle 1 160 lbs j Salary required, will he received by the undersigned S ned 1N. r up to Ootobac 8rd, 1fi96. JOHN MOONEY Score• Flannelette Night Gowns, 42c to 83c. anal we waist Hayper toe new.... s oo /o s Oo rt stage $3.35 per cwt • 22 cattle, , ' Hides per VYJ Its .. ,. 4 00 to 4 00 ' , cattle,71,300 3Q0 lbs ,l tory Treasurer, l3rueaale P. O. 1601x4 , l`kieze ire �Ot Sheepskins ......................... i 0 3o to 0 4�) average, 4c er lb. 'Butchers Cattle -Prices 't. - R - CARDNO S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. Flannelette Drawers, 290 to 59c. Bookley Cloths, Twweeds, Serges, Hen• r ss wool........ ......:...... ... 0 19 to 0 21. Continue ret low in this line but to -d8 A DIl FOR SALE. Tho undersigned ofiars his E STORE--`- • p y n y j` b +cre farm, briug the North West TJ lot 14, Agent for Butterick's Patterns and Publications. riettas, Seliels, Satin Cloths. All the a Flannelette C. Covera, Ile to 19c, newest and nobby oods to be found in thits �oiata�a per bzg;(new).... 6® Eo, ; 5o they were ether stiffer than they have, coneeeei n 8, Morris, fret sale. About )8 scree clear- y 1; �T3 —•€ ns. Stora gals (retail) per barna. .. , .1 GEi to 0 00 teen lately. There are a: ood man cattle ed. Th re a house, bink barn, orchard; dta., on r €' COrdla 4i'ood per cord (long) . ! 2 76 to 8 1Z g• , y the r mecca. Poaeeselon would be department. Of Only infe for quality offering. Good and p given next Ribbed Cashmere Hose 27e to 58c. y Wood per cord (short) ..2_ ....: 1 60 to k 7ti y q y g March Ith privilege of workinz land by purohaser ' . Apples per bag 0 25 t3 0 26 _choice eattI sell well enough. Prices ruled from a , ot;sale. For price and tertus apply to W. Plain Cashmere ' Hose, 25c to 750. - Otover seed. ... ,. 6 76 to 6 -oo about as foil vi's • Common to medium, 2�e H. HE R, 'Brussels, or ROBE1tT 'HU(IsiEB, Pro- STOVES READY-MADE CLOTHI:�IG Timothy Beed 2 60 l0 2 f0 1, 33 to 2}c per lb good to choice, 2 je to 3c per prielror, Blyth. 1601.4 �a Pari, per 100 Q�e......... _.. - . _ - - - • , 4 2ii to 4 60 ' 3 c o e e STaVES I , Boys' Na Vt?orated Hose. E Tallow, per ib ................:.. _ , 0 2i to 0 03 lb ; picked fancy cattle, t 3 per lb; ; r 11 ARH FOR SALE OR RENT—Thst•farm known i Pure Featt>er Pillows ready far use. . DEPARTMENT.; Very few W of the latter kind are offering. F aA flee Hugh Griove farm, being tot 2i, e000are- Toaon:o, Eept 17.—Fall wheal, $*,64 to 10,66; Quite a few common cattle were left in the 2, MoHillop, near Seaforth, containing 100 acres, at • �pcing wheat, $0.60 to i0 60 , pati, 210 to 2i}o ; pens at the close of the day. Good cattle present occupied by the .subscriber, la now offered Flannel Blt`nkets, $-4 to it -4 wide, 80e A tom fete ran a of Men's and a"11 -11 etas, per bush, 40c te- 32r ; barley, 27c to 820 ; bay, for Bale on ♦fir ; P g ter toe $18.00 b 115.00 buELer, 16e; no 16+ ta• are wanted. Bulls -There were not many y easy tarots. it not sold'by October to $1.30. i t3O 10th, will be rented for s term of years, or I would 1 Suits and Overeoats.. Prices the IoZvest. Assortment the largest. We are certainly rrrr lave been - eut , , toes, per bag, 4bc to 60z ; eggs, Por doz., 19u in and all sold. early.. A few good ones are sell a half ioteraet as I am going into of fir business. Imported Flannelette t0 15e, g y to l80 , dre5ad3 hogs, roar lil0 lbs, i5 20 co $3s.so.. wanted at rices raise from 2 c to. 3c per b It is what everybody Will want shortly, and we are prepared to Po , p g P This is a good chance to get a first•clae4 farm. For _ �. • i leaders in this department, • lb or even higher for good shipping bulla. all articulare apply erwnnally,or adore StCHARD i , ' Dairy Markets. Sheep _and Lambs +'xport; sheep were a COMMON, Saatortn �. 0: 16o1.1s show you the best assorted stock of Mens Shirts and Drawers, 40e to $1.t0. BELLEwILLE, September 15th. -At our little off to day. Prices ruled from Yrc to -`- Neck Ties and Braces. - 3c per lb, even down -as low for some poorer �1 t FOR SAL,.'. For sale, lot s, cpnoeldon s, . MANTLE AICD MILLINiit`RY 'board to -clay 22 factories offered -1,005 boxes 1 H. R. e., Tuo eramith, containing 100 acres. Ranges Qook �tQ�eS`� Collars and Handkerchiefs. •ones as 2c per lb: Lambs are quiet. They About 90 acres clear DEPARTDfFtT..?white and 80colored cheese; 9s. to 9 o was d, wd1 fonoed, welC' underdrain. f ,_ bid ; no sales. sold to, -day at from 3je to 3je per lb, or ed and in first class; cultivation There Is a store Men's to Shirts, extra value. from $2.50 to. -82.75 pert head. Butchers house, hank barn with stone tabling, two good I\GER.4oLL, September 15th;—Offerings, orchards avid plortyi of water, The Bayfield river Q - sheep are dull at 82.50 per head, Calves- BoxMen's stiff Sats 'ole lot 25c. n o the lar e t aesortxente of aek$t�c ► OIII - a 2,205 boxes, remnant August make,no sales; rune through the rear end. It i within a mile and a - , Parlor o 1 and � Stoves , 3 , O 8 f g a J - - 1. I3=16c h• hest bid. Thereds•not much change in this line. ' Quo- half of Seaforth and Is one of the best farms in g to be found in' t he. county,. Up-to-date acid j7gICA, September l2th.-Cheese sales to- ta.tions ranged from $4 to $6. per head. Huron. it will be sold on easy t rme. Apply on the - Shopping Baga 25e. o da :130 boxes small a Good calves .are' in demand. Milch cows premsei or address E„m nd{•ille P. 0. JAHE3 I price sight. Millin rs busy at work, y t 8ja 648 small at McGEOCH. 160L4 Eve .shown in Seaforth. We would therefore ask you' to call i' ;85c, 1,1.47 small at S c, 1,300 large at 8je, and Springers -A few choice cows are want- Q Jackets and Caries made to order from E ed, but bad ones.are worth nothing. Picea and examine our stock, promising you that we will not feel the latest materials. We e u save money 1,610 large at 9s., 90 largo at 9 0, 40 carom- were to-day.ruling all the way from r$11 to -Booth Privilege, for . Sale. for you. ,,Enquire prices. mission , 105 pkgs creamery butter at 1.6ic g offended if ou do not bu as we alwa s consider it a Measure to 18e. Cheese,C higher and market $ 3o Per head, with the high• -priced ones sell- y y, y I TAILORING I3EPARTMLri1TT, ; The booth privilege on the Agricultural Grounds T rr Drees Goode in black and colors rhos . strong. ing easily, Only about a dozen offered, and in Seaforth, t n September lith and 25th, the days of Ito Sh01V OtlrOOdS. �� e have aISO a arae number Of g00d , P 1. -At Little gall r they were not all sold. Ho Hogs—Steady. the Fall Fair, will be }et by public audtion, at Dick's L t e t, s, th e were made sales g second-hand stoves, ?�oth coal and wood, which we are offering A large at�sor meet of Dress ixoods at I7p•to-data large range of stuffs. Prices of 21U boxes at Sic ;nmission; 561 at, 8s. 217 at Choice .elections sold at •4c .per lb, weighed Hotel, on Saturday, September 19th, at e o clock > m. T. E, HAYS Seerotar . 25c yard. � right, fit guaranteed. off the cars thick -fat 3, a per lb and sows p y griwate terms, 217 on 28 .pkgs P 1501.1 at 3c' er lb. Prospects are stead for this - butter at 15c to 16 ;. ! P P y q t�-� Yarns. -Bee dive, Saxony and Worsted, -� 110\TIt1AL, September 15th. -Cheese- wegk. - Municipal Taxes - A 1� Cg BOTTOM PRICES) S) 6 'There seas a brisk demand for I{rench cheese ' ` _ Job lot file!l ends of. Skirtings, STAPLE DEPARTMENT. { by boat to -day, and 4,000 to ,QOQ bax.es Births• The uunioipal Taxo3 qt the town of Seatcrth are And dr_o that we rruarantee erfect Still bear u1 mind that Z sold at St. Hyacinthe for 9 e to. 9de. Butter - _°tVILSON•—In Seaforth. ori September 14th, the wife Pay le at the Tr asurer s OHiee on the 14th of tl a p Grain Bads cheap. - -In consequence o - low cab! s i : of Air.-Alexlhder. Wilson, of a daughter. December: Three,pef pent. will. be a lowed off on. T o ,'I Filled to the top •with goods at the proper 11 E q f e ihµst cream• all taxes .aid aurin, S.' leanest two fir Debt. «e are .sole agents for the Clare Bros. Hilburn Furnaces. DAME:—In Dloiiillop; on September 6th, the titi.c of P P p p Chgnille 'Table Covers and Curtains. prices. cry will not fetch more than ,17c, though . Mr. Georlre. Davio, of a son. allowed during October, and five per cent. .will be t * added to all taxee remainin un aid on the 14th of i 18o might be hail for jobbing lo. s. Eggs— MULR —In Exeter, an S ptemher 4th, the wife of 8 p - - - The market la firm ; sale"s of fresh Candled stir. Jrhn Biuir, jr•, of a daughter. December, and collected therewith. IVILLIAti WeIN`IOSH.—At Shi;pka, on September 4th, the wife ELLIOTr: Treasurer. Office—Town Halt. Office i F •�' + I - are still beteg made at ills to 1' C, of Bir. Angus Muffitosh, of a'daughter• hout±a-9 a, m, till 12 a. m. 1001.1 S. MULLS T � ��• Seafor �ihs I I TORONTO, September 15th. --- Butter — BP.YDEN.—In Wingham, on September 4th, the wide ' II 1 , .1 There leas been tin easier feelkn here since of mer. 1Yaltcr pts don, of a son.IardWare Stoves and Tinwar0 Merchants. I - the closing of the 8xhibition. The demand FOLEY.—In Ashfl id, on September 8th, the wife ofr � � � � �� �: Dir. Robert Fol y, of a son. 1` 1 111 i is:'gh fir, and it is difficult to effect _liaise. LITTLE.—in Wiu am, on Se towbar 6th the wifeH.'R.. �.Ckson , Alpe for ile1V 011eS. }s pSecol�d h incl stoves tali en in stirs ��oeks are accumul#iting, but ab far values of lir. Robert Little, of a eon. i)J - remain unaltered. , Qu, tions here are as SOBY;= In Turnbe ry,_on Septenib:r 7tb, the 10fe of - Mr %Vm- $ohy, of a son. I follows: ; Dairy, tub, choice, 1$c . to 14§c ; D;eBUR1t LtI'.—in iaat iti'awancsaon September 4th, �/+ N �,11 losv grades to tate<Iiuin, 8c to 9c j largye° 1011, the wife of Bir. }Yet. cBur,idy, of a daughter. VEl .L� f A S O . lle • to 13c ; pound prints, I 3c to 15c ; . El icer 'Oils creamery tubs, ISG tri 19c; ounds, 20c to - . I Direct Irri orters of -- P Marr ages:.. p y :21e. Cheese -Continues firm, thou h deal. . Jules Robin & Co.'s Brandy, Cognac,AFTER,- 10 • SAT g CR011'P UPSIIALL.i t the rte dente . ot, the , "I firs fieri it difficult to get the advance. La. brido s liarenta, Tuc ererrith on Septcimber 1+ rears; Jnti. de Kuyper & Son,Holland D I 7 porters we a ain 'na in: higher rices, tit 16th, by Hey- S. Ar•ho� n; Dir. James S. Crozier, „ , A. P g ` y g g ' P of Seaforth, to Hies Annie, daughter of Mr. Jo. Gln, Rotterdam, Holland , Booths e, � Z URD 11 the different boards. Locally choice cheese se nY U sh ,11 cf Tuekeremitb. b Toni Gin London England : Bal- A iTe n t h of a C e h t u ry■ ---.ass••• aLAY ' I11t in gOOCI ' .sells at 9c to 9, e, E'a s—have n p , , ' , S • , ` nb-ReceiptsGHiTTENDi?<N—Dic\fICIIAEL.—At. the manee,.8ea- loch i� Co.'s Scotch Whisky, ` Glas- , tt seasons. been much larger, tirid the feelin7 is easier. forth, e n September 17th, by Rev.Dr. McDonald, , g g ow, Scotland ; Jamieson's Irish - - IDealers, find -it difficult to sell round lots, Mr. Freest S. Chictenden,to Blies Maggie, second g . q daughter of Mr.•1Vm. trtehfiohaei, all of Hallett. Whisky, Dublin, Ireland ; also Port —^� 1. licit!:;,—about There is an overstock of No. eggs on the PAL5iER—WILSON.—In Hennil,at the residence of - and Sherr Wine from France and ��(,, } market as exporters orters are sending lar e c uan- the bride's ino6hPr, MIs. E.' Wilson, on de §em• y , r After a business career of ten years in the Town of Seaforth, I beg to return thanks SEPTEMBER 25t 1 1 and `h: till not See Spain. Agents for Walker's Whisky, g Cities of their small stock here for sale. bar 9th, by Rev:"'i1'. E. Kerr, sir. Thomas. W. Ontario Ro .al Distillery and Davis' to the eo le generally and my customers in particular, for the liberal patronage extended . FAImer, to Miss H. B. Wilson, both of Hensall. p -Sales of- fii� is weic- inade bete to -day at FLOODY=CROCKEIt.—At the reeidance of the Ale and Porter, .Toronto to me in the past. I think few have more reason to be grateful from business standpoint. . 12 e to 13c, and good seconds at 9G' to 10e. bride's parents, Exeter, on September 16 h, by � - _ -ry line. A . - I have engaged ed MR. A. WILLIAMS Late of Detroit to manse the Rev. Dr. Willoughby. Dir. Matthew Floody, of g g K Iou"b, :01410, - - - Blyth, t,:) Miss Alice Louise, eldest daught.r of TO THE FUAIC ; Dress Goods and Clothing deparitments, He is agentleman who came to me very highly Live Stook Markets. Dir. Riobard Crocker. ' .ear._ � - recommended as an Al Dry Goods man. Ltrxno�, September 14.-C� nadian cattle IIARNESS= LAMPORT. Tu L6ndmxran September We have opened a retail store in • fetched 5d. Sheep yvece sttang, at 5d ; 16th, Dir. Carters Harness, of Exeter, to Dfi'ss connection with our wholesale buss- KaY in rice r 5 Cir-derella, daughter of 31r. Henry Lampart, of nese in the rear of the new Dominion - ` _-- P United .States cattle are unchan ed. AtCrediton.-+�►,'�r3, Dresses £flits: Liverpool to -day, Canadian sheep were not SCOTT?,icDON2 ALD --At the residence of the I batik, in Good's old stand, where we w'�! bride's father, BrucefleId, on September 9th, by will sell the best goods in the market ' DRESS GO ODS DEPART- MIENT h wanted, at 4}rl per t}:). I Rev. W. Muir, lir. Andrew J. Scott, - to Mise ( o- MONTRrAL, September 15th.- The supply at bottom prices. Goods delivered ` seas fa in excess requirements, and JeeEie, youngest dai,khter of ]f r, D.�DteDonald. -,) to any part of flee town free. Is co.nplete, onaisting of the following''; lines SL+RGL+S, in blue Black, cardinal, "Oil rr0 last r es of the 1 q 1 , EAAlER—GALLAHER -At the rcelde rce of the , , , , , is a number syere left ower. There svasno ma- bride's. moth, s, Ho++iek, on $apteniber 2nd, by TtLEPHONE IL garnet, green and cream ;� TVtrL+ 1�S and TITLED L+FFL+CTS in different designs ; T -,i ill tht; filler Rev. A. DicKibbin, B. A. Bir. John Ramer, of S1�BASTOPOL StJ TIN< S,-Brilliantines ranging in price from 35c up. We also have a I ! . i. tenial clittuge in fisc si�uatiou of the market, i s9.13 vs. fine assortment of Cheviot Suitings in theIatest colors, and a line of very attractive i 1Vroxeter, to seise Blanche, youngest dnujghter of prices being about stewly. The quality of . Mrs. Jolin Gall%her. - � • - r- .- T - [aids for Waists. i - the cattle offerer! was only fair, and no suit- GEEUTADN JACKSON. At Buffalo; on September _ p - r-ltt l els aIi( able stock was obtai.nalil� far shipping par- 7th, Dir. Fred. L Germnn,r to DS'es. Florence S. 3—� °l the rhea poses; in conscc users trade in this lige Lyes Jackson, daughter of DiC. Isaac Jackscn, of Great CLOTtIING I)EPAR HENT. I Dr Goods l Clint n. 1 incl 11i0St _ tzt asttindstill. :1 fcyy good lrtttehe'ra' cattle - - sold at Is to 3? c the htilh of to sales bo -a �';a l n .S �T THE Our Refidy-to=wear Clothing; is -kept on.the second floor. We think there is no doubt Il give you in at rtes severe rice. In one instance Deaths. about street we hay*e the best lighted clothing room in the county. 'You can examine xl o p ' McLAREN.—In Har, on Septeu�ber 13th, Alexander every garment under the very best conditions that light and room can supply. Therefore, _ 11* *,.to yvtts realized for a single choice steer. . McLaren, aged 74 years; 6 mouths ani 27 days. p - Fair Castle t,rcu«h. ?'Es. to 3c, ud common JACQUES.-1n hintoss township, on September 6th, you will see at once we have the facilties for showing the goods to mut al advantage, We 'iYT Iriylali(l to infer' t =• i + vs. svei�ht• George Jacques, aged 78 years. �� f ®�� Tea Store also think we have the best assortment of clothing outside the larg cities. Our Top 1 for 1. c ta;2_ c fir lb h S ' P ' C FERGUaOY.-in Bforris, on September 7th, James - Coats e special value. We have theta in Canadian and Irish Frieze, s well as Meltons, . • ad mit r vial There were l,0(. Sheep anis lambs ofPered,of Ferguson, aged 86 years, 9 months. P sv L' F th kris• and for. style and appearance we challenge comparison.f.?/� hies Er)U a ere left Over item ;last Tllttra- gUDDPLL -in Hullett, on Sept mbzr H C ---- . day, and as the de:mnauI fo t these was again tena, wife of bir George Rud3eil, aged 67 years, (y 1j1 � n L riday an(1 of a limited character t o -d a •number will 7 niantbs and 13 days. I hasFe now the best values in all kinds of ORDERED CLO -L RING• - - - be left ore r unsold. IZece t� sales reported PE JDU gy pIn East aged 6 D )-ears, to mrico thi5ber 1st, Teas that has ever been offered in Seaforth. take ourfrom i~\ L y fir o01 London a d Glas ow have LADioNT.-Ili SirinKhatn, an 6eptember 2nd, John I will warrant every pound to giy ' the very In Men's Suits we have -an exceedingly large range bothi f41 , sack and mornings and I �� been ori ra ' tl Zaninnt, aged 8I yours, 3 months. best satisfaction, or m_ oney refunded. I . in serges. Can fit a man from 5 feet 3 to 6 feet 4. We intend to pay close attention to _ li fitalilc to Shippers, cpn equen y KENNARD.—At Bruce old, on September i3th,i►Ire' have a ver lm; e stock in all radea : Japan, Bo s' and Youth's Clothing.- All sizes from 2.2 to 34. Men's waterproof Coats will beta - ,.. the demand for chi tnients has fallen off con Pi*ckard Co. 1 Thomas J.' Kennard, mother of Dire. James Y g g + y g sideralaly' and Only a fray reaIl choice. ens tii'eir and Dfra. 1Yrn. Pinkney, ai Sasfot•th, aged Blacks, Greens; (;unpowder, Monsoon and leading festers with us. VYe have them from $? up to $12. �'Ve have also placed in stock were t,l0sn at �c per lb while butchers paid 85 ear . Tea Dust ;Sugars ciowu a;ain; new Raisins, a splendid collection of Men's Fur Coats, consisting of Coon, Astrachan, Russian Bear and ` , p p' "c to `2a2c per lb for the commoner kinds. new Currants, 'cleaned and rea9y for use ; Wallaughby. 1 new Codfish, v ry fine ; a lot of nice .dried T Lambs for local consumption soI4 at.$1.50 to FALL FAIRS. p g, NOTION DEPAR �l� Eld T . $3.50 etch, as to cju;ility. In calves a fa-irly Hams from 8 l 15 pounds each Mon clean active trade yvag ciOlie seers all the of%tin s Seaforth, September 2.4 and 26. Bacon, all at the right prices ; a well assort - T , g rliichpil, September 29 and 30. were cleaned -ti tit prices rau kn -from $2 sz• Daus, Octoiaer 6 and T. ed stock of all kinds of Groceries at bottom Is replete, with all the best and latest goods in Kid, Cashmere and Silk Gloves, at . to $$ euclu is P s ,1 g g sons Stratford, O tuber 1 and 2. rices ; a good and well, assorted stock of rices that will make the comer store headquarters far close buyers; rind whether you C4rle of Main to.ir.4 and elualit3*; lean b P i0WUTH STORE sold at �•? c- , . st:sfYa, October 1 and 2. rockery and Glassware ; a very choice lot purpose buying or not please ask the clerks r,o show you through our Hose, Ribbon and 2ITtL� �''��� %�`��. to•,, r et ch, as to size. 1(irkton, October 8 and t?. r of fresh Butter always on band, and a good small ware stock. '':fix 13rir.tLu, September ivtll,-tattle Exeter, Sel)teu�bee 21,and.22, stock of first-class Lard in 2U ound ails or opp()S1TE T4WI`T B ILDII�IC - • -Market steady for good fat heavy and Ba- Zurich, September 2s�and 24, P P tine steers and butchers' stock: slow and Goder'b, 5 pban.ber 22, 23 and 24. in bulk. i Please call and look through our stock. Only too ple sed to show goods whether you 10c to 15c lower for other grades • choice to Clinton, S¢ptetuber 28 a>Wd 30. Come one, come all and get some of the buy or not. We are not going to say anything about GI oceries: We has a got there extra heav steer �•1•": Bayfield; S'epteiaber ifl and 30. already. - j . y , : , , to b•5 , ;good ship- Dungan[ nq, October 0 and 10. 1 beat bargains you ever got, y i Pero, $4.25 to Gi.Ci h ; Texas steers, good to Winghui,'Septetnber 29 and 80: . _ choice -i �" Bi°uaeete, October 1 ands` ( I I 4 * .. o tO $; 5}1;: fair to c�ioice native September 14 ani 26. / . Bzlgrwvo, GzitU'8E-■r heifers, M to 43.80 ; stockers steady, $2.40 . R H T� R •a -tNo71:,—We ekeLl be piled to ppublish tho dates of t i *S3•- �, feeders higher, $3.30 to $3.GQ ; ,�,y other shows it ths,saeretariee will forwasd to-ul ! As G• ALJ LTA Cjth Bs ■ G U N N SEA ” O RT H . ■ Nim ; , Ulmere�rn weals, 44.25. to $G.50. Hogs --Market ac- the dates.),' 1 ` �' i .. - - - G - .. i ' � I ; :, { . _ I . I_ I . `r . I1 I - i- I i - ., I : . .. . -1 � I I . � I , - . t - V I I . - I ..- .1 I ­ jj - . , - 1._ - I . _1 .I - - _� L.: - - ,_ 11A : . -_ - I . I'll iI .: �n_ - . I : - .- I d - L _ - - "i -m- , ''I ­ _, . .. .. _ t.. - - -..•. —.... gid,._...-a�.L- --,- ­ it. . ..- - _. s,.__ .w...--_�._.,.�s_.�..,. -- -- _..-a-.._..._. ,..� . .., _. ,i:-�_;.�� �- - ..�. -:� .: amu,.....-:-�. . I' ,i- � - . , I . -----------------I-----&--- tI tu.- I — 111.. a �x I .. I - i C .I . ,,, . - - - I I .,_. �.-y,,.- - -.1 - ­ ,-.,-; 1_ 1_ _. " .- I i . _-1-_.____-__ ­­_­ I—_ , " . - - r - _ I __ - - ­ --._-11L- L "91. 1