HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-09-04, Page 8�1 .-
'"Al ir;ig
N i J
T 'i !it ii
o relatives ierp� on Sc
i!nday last. -Mr. Thomas
a baseless fabri6i Rev. Latin, Hebrew, etc., which are of bompari, aid literary progrl no and plenty of re- large sipplies of apples, and finding n
11jetter than such v Is ery best. T -nen P, Swe4 let an Friday 'last for Manitoba,
Wilson s Cash "'Arocery',- einen a for ship VT
%J Mr. Petiinger preached two excellent ser- atively little use to. a large majority of freahnents of th he chair buyers, are making arrangeA
where he Will visit rela "i sforafewweek-s.
mons in our church: on Sa bbath last. In Puplab a thorou h commerc V %woccupied b wlie.—blies Struth- ing them themselves to the - Id Country �Ive
The. beat msngolld to grow li& Evans, improved to the pupilei desiring it e!s, teacher in To —The -Gauld sion will _M Ed, Christie has based the Ching
o Ailtioul- Tng urc Hay, and has
fact, he is becoming rather a favorite with e impartel d h' h school, was markets, Mis Band r P
inammotheswiloz, i(Sce repoit of Ontarl r a few meet in St. Andrew's church onS farm, on th� Lake Road
tural Collage.) Iffihe beat flold carrot Is the Improved Tuiny of our people.-Mr.Georgo Anderson, without adding to the cost of maintenance . t le guetit of -Miss Ma Hartry fo I The mem- i taken P0 es9on of the -same. Mr. Christie ARE READY
shortwhite. The best Swede turnip iA tho- Monarch, mathematical master of Windsor -Oolle-giate of the institations, which, n most cases, is 4 -a -ye, last week. -Mr. W. E. Struthers, of Septem,,ber 5th, -at 2:30 p. In. will nt of this village, and
Ralls Westburk or SkIrving, ituprow d, and, the boat e,left already as heavy as the I eople can bear. Toronto Medical School, spent Sundwy with bers, and'all interested in mission work, still e al reside
r seed is Institute, who has been holidaying her
sy. . uring It might be ell if some pe -son would direct f�riends i� W'n.-Miss Thompson, who has are requested to be present, as business of- will. be u d attending to his numerous
place to buy them is� right here, wi all on I FOR I
*.trict),y new and of the best quality. oar prices are to restfine his duties on Mond �o customen at 'his liver barn. -The Young
away down his stay with us he amused himself occasion- the attention of the Minist)r of Education en visi Ing f ends in Manitoba for the importance is to be discusses. ISO . I
below The regular combinstion P"1009 Dual problem. t ri e'd home. M' People's t beiety of Caw istian Endeavor held EARLY :BUYER
Choice seed, barlay, clover and tiolothy si�ed at with photograph�, taking some very -to this phase of the educati ast six months, has return
toweat price.g. Have Just received some very fine ally at as Brandon, and" their ann ial distrieb meeting in the James'
now Ceylon Tea in bulk, -which we can aL41 at 10o per 6ne tures, among others a good one of h.ompson was as far we There were
njo -Mr. A� T street eb i ch on Mond ay A HURT. -On Monday, afternoon last whil
pomnd less than in packages. Also;aome very chole Mr. %lills' two thoroughbred Ayrshire cows. iEvs,.-This season in prolific of 'led' her visit very much. el presen b. -Mr. _T_ W"MIT Y-,
wo are retailinf ',t �Mr. Robert Gommell and, family, who. � Ohs berm, who has been in the employ oi M he 2nd boncession ofl -a large ja�mber A delt gates
yonng Itysons sind Jiapans, %% hich ria r. John Butchart, of!t
prices no pecbor rian afford to sell at. 'Give us a t large fruit yields, but perhaps the greatest everal years this township,, was drikring �hrough Clinton John Thomas Burlington, who visited rela-
ta of the been holidaying at the pleasant home lesars. S. Mullett &.Co., for a WSOLN T�
h&vo u that we hiLve a here the ast few weeks, returned A conaiderable portion of
Canned vegetables, oannel- and dried fral curiosity In this directio good:. itioil as travvi- rse got tivp- our new
best quality at lowest'prics -Sori)o extra finecheeee of the Misses Gemm-ell, just eastof this. pecimen g . en us by MrJames :ast, has,secured a Poll with his horse nd 1buggy, the hoi home on Monday last. -Several of our
seen,is a * m ra 'frightened, upset the and threw 'the
in stock just now.- Hava'a, welled stock of village, returned to Guelph on Monday. eller for a Montreal firm. r. Chabe Goods have been rece; ved, and the assort.
Fantion�, of This was a small is a ug ,dies regent the agricultural
groceries, crockery And provisioni of. the best qua,lity Miss Bertie Daly hbs been, Ittid up during Seaforth. nisbing young man, and we are,sur old gentleman out. HO h5d two ribs broken, Yc`u�g ladies or th(F
and wit) not be undersold by any house in -the trade. limb tak rom pearl tree in his garden. will do well wherever he is situated. -Mr- his head out and was 6therwise bruised and grounds Evenings, purpose of learn- ment of Tbe followit goods pret
The higheiat pri va paid for all kinds of produce. the week with a severe attack of. quinsy.- on a sp&ce of about Ing !to ride a bi h e. Some of them are be- ty com.
Cash paid for eggs. Mr. D. Stevenson has been away during the fourteen inches in R, Logan left this week for Manitoba.- shaken up, but was aYe' to be removed to
length, there are no fewer, �han seventeen corning e�cparts with the wheel. -A great pl;ete
past two Sundays, inspectin b Ifflas Lulu Davidson has returned from an his home the same evening. He is 76 years
large aiwed 'pears. lbey are growing as many of our retired farmers can be seen
0. WILSON, Seaforth. e visi 0 Grand- Haven,"Aiebigan. of age. The buggy was considerably wreck- New Jatkets
schools in this district. -Heivas aocompan. exte master
Bank of Commerce Block. closely as they can stick. Thepearsontbis daily on the ba k streets trying to
11,74 ied by Mr. W. M. Grey, of Seaforth Miss _Mr. James Gray, of Ingersoll, spent last ad but the horse was not injured.
_T_ limb weigh 14J lbs. Their size the bicyolej de
can be r very great difficulties.- Irsa is icreeping
New Capes,
MBER Maggie McDougall is dohy the T ronto h. with his brother Roderick, of McKil- I —*—
SEPTE we( judged from this. Mr. Fanson says there woe Our cide �mills tire doing a very large busi- at& with fuel SU
el� T
moillinery establishments this reviii lop. -Mr. W. A. Gray and wife, of Ishpem Sunimerhill. 0 "iD her thi
FALL TERM 1 St. ck- ar;e oiker limbs on the same. tree which ar'e' ing, M iehigan, 'are. visiting at the paternal ness thi$ 411 in manufacturing apples into New Silksi
DUN to beginning the fall term in Mt. Pi nearly as heavily loaded as this one. -The Pic.Nic. -The annual picnic of the Sunday cider.- lar - number of Hensall'ites at- fall er"Ps It
/Z ard's.-Mrs. Le,.�Is Reinke went to T ron 0 bome, McKillop. -Miss Mad e McLoughlin,
Johnston farm in McKillop, which was. of- a and day schools of this l&ce, will be held 'tended ��e funeral of the late Bert Gillespie varmer and he&,
New 'Dress Goodsi,
re,ob of New York city,spent SunTay in town th
on Thursday, whe e� will spen few r -Saturday last, was in Mrs. Garvie's grove, on the afternoon of on Mon w1mt to�
ferect for sale he e on t of Misa Maggie Murray, of Goderich ay days wi�h' her sister, and L attending t e In not sold, on account of no offer being up to� gues Saturday, the l21;h inst. There will'be the if and, your I
street. -Dr. Mary Irwin, dad J. I 1 4 � I New Cloths)
dustrial Fair. the upset price, -Mr. Thomas Alurray, son, _gbter of Mit usual games and amusement provided. Come . . i =n,
1 wh6 is Goderich. 06 ewer to thoq
TRATF RD ONTARIO, W. Irwin, merchant, of Clinton,
of Mr. James Murray, of'Hensall, treasurer and bring. your basket and enjoy a pleasant well
THji- FouNDRY CHAst LF.,�TJIER.-The probably the youngest lady doctor in On- S�ROUS Fijtp. -A most disastrous fire New TrImMings,
Yolinz Wen ard wo -.ca who desire to secure A first of Tuckersmith, who has been spending his I)LsA la demauds mada -,I,
clitsa biTsiness ed uca� on are inviied to correspond baseball match on the reaea, ds on tario to -day, and who has, pasged with such
us. Friday afternoon list bet tiQn Cole an's holidays in Hensall and vicinity, left here high honors, in Toronto,- is a pr I esen at her NOTES. -Mr and Mrs. H. B. McVittie -took )lace Su 7 day morning at three oclook.
This scbo6l� is the Boost eqt0ppedbuumeSs ween on Tuesday for Brampton, where he has a' eave this week for their home at North The 14rg( saltworks, dairy salt mill, saw N 6W Linens, Irall suitsand 01
qUilegoinweatern Ontario. Writefor circulars. W. foundry team and a picked teitm froni. the home for a few days, rior to leaving as a -The well at the school house has been mill, sto ve and heading factory, together
J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 1444.62 good position in the high school. The Col issionary to Ceylon. he is just 21 years Bay. town, resulted disastrously for the bitherto legiate Institute and public schooll thoroughly cleaned and the boys and girls with sev( ral thousan(I barrels of salt,belong- New" Draperies, �sgdy,..fbr-wear Suit-
high-standiDg of the wroughters in iroh, and of age and is a most remarkably talented have pure wate)r to�drink.-Adrs. ing to M, -.,Peter McEwan, Saltford, were
on Tuesday last. The teachers were all on can now
and has many friends who wish her ton I
they were -kept pretty busy hunting 1 deck, looking fresh and- vigorous af beii their girl John Colborne,bas been laid �up for some compete y destroyed. The loss will be New Underwear,
in the far, ii;wsay corners of the fiel n voyage. insurance 'We Are very., he
titne with an attack of fever but is improv about fifleen thousand dollars ; i
Manitoba , Exordon innings - were played 'and - in that'tirr e. the holiday outings. The attendance of pupils ing.-Miss Emily Proctor, of Holmesville, not v,.ry large. The flames spread to the
rooms Will fillL AND IN A VERTFEW DAYS _r fv�ta At 411" was not -jery large, but the, Wroxeter.
picked team gathered in 35 runs,' whie the i ra k Gtteridge is is holidaying at her sisters, Mrs, J. H. tannf ry 4 f Mr. Joseph Beek, destroying the
IS ON THE up in due. cour 17sats, our iawn mat
se. -Mr.
foundry fellows were only able to scrape to- putting down a plece 11of ranolit PDXNTEM.-The Unions were defeated old p; 6rt e plant. By - the aid of the
15th of September,
etheit, a small twelve. In the ifirst - oouple of ain a gift Thebest val1e W4
9 is west side lof hic p'Z the grounds here last week, by, the Goderich Godericli steam, fire engine and brigade, The New Miffinefy
r ment on tb tret, n; :, ff
f innin the picked team got a good I d which w t over to Saftford, a plentiful
tween Market street and th south eam. le Centralia. or bur clustomers
n ir anxiety to catch up the fo e� being the cou t NVA Good Returning N0'V- 14 0 d in tv corner of t A' turn match will be played in
a e undry n town - on the 7tb,. (Labor Day,) supply of er was bad from the river.
the post office block. 'The, work is NOTES. -The Parson Produce Company WILL BE TO- HANIX
_if you are goin.- apply at this office for your tickeL players would almost invariably get rattlek. done for� the town, the property 'Owners when we expect to see our 4oys regain their are shipping apples to Manitoba and the The firemen sav the new portion of the sad- stout All Wool,
ey put laurels. -Mr. Adam Sander tannery containin the machinery. A-1 r.
ata critical point. Atothertimes.th h 9
The beat wp6y to send and to rcceiY6 small rernit- agreeing to pay one-third of the cost. We �t of Nortwe8t from bere.-The sound of the The Shl that ef
4nees is by DomirKon. Express money ordere. Try up a good game, The' picI&M team were hope to see the whole of Main. street, 0'11 from Toronto on a visit a �fe;!dayo., 'Miss straw -thresher, is heard in the vicinity of Beek's loss will be about $2,000 ; covered - �L�
troubled a little with the lighf bead at ne to I Magars, Falls stern and Lancashire pop�larityareour u -
them. - both sides, laid in the game, way. It would Edith Gibson has go p our village and the yield of grain is re- by insu ance in the We od $L
Do you carry an accident policy. The Traveller's times, but altogether, they pla�&d a surer ill attend the, olle�iale Insti. Ha it not been for the steam 19, McFAUL
Accident Insurance Company is liberal ih provision - prove the cheapest in. the e�.d.-A meeting where she w i orted as very fair. -A numb ar of Epworth compan es.
ad F ame 'nd that was"what count who
a iteadier of the directors of the M6Killop Mutual tute.-Mise Norah Lin( at Y, 0 aris teaguers from here took in the convention fiwe en i ie the village would have been Five, School CaT
and prompt In their payments. ect. UndouttedI3, however, these two has been visitin at Mrs. BVown's for a few Pt nee, as a high southerly
Fire Insurange-'Comnany wa� held in town at.Exter on Monday. -Rev. W. H. Butt 11 W" Dry Goods wduroy and Tw4
RANALD J. MACDONALD, teams will meet ag in and we feel sure that eki, returneg on, nesday last. -A wind w The supposition is that �0(
a 0 dry tea on Frida' last. A far-ge pu�b applica- we feativa left on Tuesday on a trip to Manitobai,and Whistles attached.,
er of
Agent C. F,, R. ticket and telegraph. Dominion Ex' In that case th nrwill. make a -tions for insurance& were passed, and the HarvAt Home 61 8 held at the Salem the r)a t block was struck by Company,
I the Northwest. His numerous friends *ill
Press and Money Orders. far more creditabl showing. rate of essment for the year was struck. appointment, b the Me hodists here, on i8h him a pleasant visit and a safe -return. lightning, as a tremendous electric discharge
0 Tuesday last. -In inreas d acreage of fall NVI Dec ing many The short besom.
The com ny has been exca�dingly for�unate Delgaty, who has been quite il urred about that time, arousi Of Seaforth's Greatest
neighborhood -Mrs. is Cash -Dry Goods Store, wearing and atrr,�ng.A
SobiH good work horses for sale cheap, this year o far, �s they have not had any whea6 bias been sown in t iis slowly recovering. the inha )itante', who noti0ed the flames a
SC)1V11431R'V-I3:iT_AM Call and see. TuomAs'BitowN, Seaforth. 1499xi
Dina& arna, this al mi*1 tes afterwards,and gave the alarm.
large loss s. -34r. -Tb' Ward, of V eason. W A futl ZtVek iDf It
h 'fine Black F
GruL -Wanted i bein
--AGLELNT FOR— "WANTED. a good general was in to on Tuesday,and he was hippling Leadbury. ere he i been no re 'in tb6 furnaces of Jessie , Robertson. -Mr. Archibald
Pervant for a amall fawily. Good wages. Apply at along with a crutch in one band and a cane Dash -woo the salt I olock for three weeka. Much sym- Patter.. =Wor. at 11.
Canadian Express (including money orders); Tux ExpostTOR Ovinca, Seaforth. in the other,, �nd J it wasn't the gout either, (Frofn an occasional coireopondent.) �pathy is -xpressed for Mr' MeEwan in big son has started to btcher' &is he always,
I BRIEFS. -Mrs. George NOTEs.-Mr. and Mrs. John Scarlett great loss, as thi�s is the second time within does in the Willi'am. Grey, jr., of -
G. N. W. Telegraph ; three old established WE are selling shoes just as qhbapi�and in, but a sprained ankle. -'A barn belonging to Kaerher, from
Fire Cornpanies-Phoenix, Norwich Union, some dases cheaper, than the cheape3t 'Toronto he .1 farm cast Tavistock ' is at prese visitin f * d visited friends at Summerhill last week. -,fiis saIt works have been the tailoring establialim, nt �oflllr, Hutchinii-
Mr Shipley, on liz rien a in a few yeam,that
Imperial Dominion Steafliship Line -Royal prices. We hays compared our prices with Toronto of Mr. Van and around the village.- iss a Shetler, Miss Ruth Jones spent several days last destroyed fire. son, Staffitt, is visiting at his home here. HAVE OX
91 price lists and have found this to be a poBiti've' fact. Egmond's, Huron road, Hullett, was burned who has been staying aginaw for some week visiting MisBEmigh,.of Blyth. -We Mra. George Alacdonald, Aliss Eliza lile
Steamers Vancouver," "Labrador," "Can- The cheap cash shoe store, Carmichael bWek. W. 011 Monday night last, together with its time,. returned home' Tuesday last.- —0 sser
I lada" Parker's Dye Works, Toronto. J1. WILL18, manager. contents. The b aze was distinctly visible are pleased to state that Mrs. George Iferan and the Misses Collie took advantage of te�
LA-BoR DAY PROCRAM.9 a. �m. I b=ball Misses Rebecca and Hannah Ortwein, from is recoNering after a serious illness. -Mr. Brussels. excursion to Owen Sound -last Saturday. -
is AE1 iniltown between ten - and eleven o'clock.- Hensall, were callin n f " o d in the vil- and Mrs. White have returned from spend- Bitiios.-T: A. Hawk i -in s,, music teacheit Mrs. Funston and M* a Ella Fanston of' G
m%teh.-Coleman'o foundry team vs. picked team- - Mr. Harry Beatti is home from Toronto on 'lage on Sunday'last r1TMlIerVian,a,- ing their holidays with friends at Goderich. plice, is spe ding his holi Brussels rs. R I 0V 1:30 p. m., football match.- Brussels vs. 8aa4o'rtk.- a, visit to biw parents here. -Mr. Ralph of this' days hold- ..Spent Tuesday visiting M
tX11004 3:15 p.m., baseball match. -Clintons of Clin'ton va -2 isses Lora and Bell McCully, of Con- ing conwr in -the eighboring schools and Mosgrove.-Mrs. R. X. Duff Arttended the.
Stars, of companied by his inothle, [went to Berlin to -ith Mrs. Wrn. Me- villagA and is meeting with much
.al of ra
Seaforth. Admission g ioc; Cresswell, of Puealo, Colorado, is visiting attend the funel I N. Snider.- CLOT
afternoon 16c. Three splendid gai pon stance, spout Sunday w funeral of her aunt, the late Mrs. Williar&
it his father, Mr. G, E. Cresswell, and sisters, 7
499-1 While Calvin Grigg was playing on the success._� G. T. Blafr aiid. bride returned on Elliott of Wawanosh, last -Saturday.-Mr-
forget Monday neit.. Gayin.=Miss Tena Mowbray- is very ill,
DISTRICT MATTERS. in Tuckeramith.-+Oat of 105 pupils from
roadside the other aay, through some mis w ex- Monday, an I have lsp�;Uled down as if they A. McEwen, principal of the public- o. w.:
LoST during the summer months al -DomUe Seaforth C0114iate Inabitute,who wrote ith little hope of recovery. -Quite in
inion Savigs Bank Deposit Book, No. 256. � Also a fortune be fell and fractured his arm.- citing foot race took place in our village the had been in the bu�sines before. -The car- school pr'epared six pupils for entrance.
brown colored pain book with rent entries, ha it. at the different d partmental examination,, 'While Air. Joseph Warn �Qrk)ug other ni pen rs sh and two for�- commercial course eXam-
HF-tvy IaiponirEm.-The dry goods firm at midsummer, Hd was m ght. The oli men ran well consid- t � arefus ingi along the work on J. The finder will &�fer a favor and be suitably re ere succesgful. This is I k's* new residence. It will be a fine
8 . he flax mill the other day, be got 'his ering they are out of practice. -Mr. Jones C. T7 inations. All were successful, and we,
of Wtu. Pickard &.Co., of this town, are warded by leaving them at Tus Exrosi!roRl OFFicH, nearly 77 per con ., and when the severit [In t. 81EAFORTH,
is as wor John Walker has start- incor thankw'
Pana badly injured. He ki one When'finishiod wen has the a.
s Ding a ivel
ap Ing ataas her cle.Tning establishment, and
among the heaviest, if not the heaviest, im- Seatoith. of the p )eia taken into consideration,. an i d Ii y business. He runs things are Sure Mr. McE
ulley, when his hand c ught in number one- style. of both pupils and, -pa
porting firm in this part of the peoince and VIOLIN- CLASS. -All desiring violin - e 0 ed his femtl rents for his patient
contribute a large share of the duties that structions under Miss M. A. BenDoch for thi in and this average a compared with that of Kawn between the pulle a post, which is doing well. -H. bennis has sold out his work. -Mr. and ]Kra. John -McCracken, of -
a winter other sch e standing is indeed a . 0 1 -
will favor by leav!ng their names with Mr. Somer- held it there till the be t was thrown off. harness business to John Donaldson, Of Sea- - the Bluevale road, � �spent a few days thisi. "V07 -town StOM
ville at once. Class to begin about middle of Sep- c ! red itable a d shows that the teach'ug He will not be" able to wo k for some time. Ash-fleld. forth, who takes possession on September Carmlchaers -BYA
go to enrich the coffers of the country. In on.
orns week visiting their son, Rev. J. Carilton,
one week recently they paid in Gust tember. Bpecial arrangements for beginners. staff of our scho 1. is in the front rank of BpmFs.-Farmers are btisy packing their 15th, Mr'. Dennis at that tirne going to McCrackeu,of Chesley.-VT
duties on goods imported -from Great Britain 14991 e�fficiency in t e' province. -Mr Harry iss Jamieson bw
i Fithel, fall applet;, there is an abundant supply.- Chatham:' 'Mr. Der nis, who for some years -returned from aisit to Fordwich.
and Germany the largeurn of over $1,000. WHO WANTs Li kE F. Gutteridge, Jackson, son 0 Mr. 0eorge E. Jack- The recent showers have made reat
DOTS. -Mr. and Mrs. 1'ratt, of Hamilton, A @ has been �wiirden of St. John's church, has
In one year this item to this firm amounts Seaforth, has just received a car of Gue'ph lime. son, of Egmondville, who has been in To- change in pastures, also greatly impr)ved Fall
to over $3,000. Good lur either Albt or second coat plastering. ronto during the summer, has returned Visited at William Poliards last week. the root crop. -Miss . Mary Webster, 12bh handed in; his resienatibn, and Thomas Bruceffeld.
Maxwell as hisplace. Rei. A.
1499-2 * electe
home. -The Mitchell lacrosse team has been Mrs. Pratt is Mr. Pollard's daughter. -The conceesion, has gone on a visit to St. K. Griffin ian e jn is resignation at the B. It. HiGwws, general fire and life insur-
TxAE AT TiiE B.tRiticics. -Very SONS OF SCOTLAND. -All members of suspended by the judiciary committee of public library receivei �94.40 as Govern- Catherines. She will be missed in the &nee event, notary public, donveyancer.eonamisaloner-
A Bic,
special meetings will be I held in the Salva- Lady Nairn Camp are specialty requested to be the Canadian Lacrosse Association, pen4ing rnent grantg for last year. -Mrs. G. Imlay, young people's' meetings. -Mrs. same Me( ting. T. Hawkins and Win. for taking' affid&vlt;.'&c. Money to loan on jr5l;. 'Footw4l
tion Army barracks on Saturday- and Sun- present at next regular meeting, September 16th, at arents Manning were elected sidesmen in the place mortirage on good ftm property. At home evefy
an investigation into the record of some of of Pec�ria, Illuois, is visting' her p Brown has been on a visit to friendii in of Win. Mines and Philip Hingston, who morning and Wedneadwy of each wp-ek. 1461
8 p.m. Importsat bust.nesq. By ORDFFL. 1499x1 1 Si son. -Rev.
day next, the 5th and Ub, inst. Ensign their la�ers.Mr. Win. Dawson and Wife, Mr. and Mrs. W.' Mp I)- Bruce township during the last week.
Scobal, G. B_ 11. B. P. A., will be here on ROOMS; TO Rmu.-Two nice airy rooms to p have lef t t, 0 wn.: M ra. F. C. Rogers 'has re- BuiAF&�-Mr. William Fraser, who is ati
let,'witb or without board. Five minutes walk from of Detroit, and - formerly of -this town, are Trimble occupied the pulz)it of the Meth- movedhfr millinery establishment to her ub practising law inEmerson,Mani- The month of el
Saturdaynight. He will conduct an inter- visitingfriends here at present. -Mr. Alf. odistchurchlast Sabbath evening. -Quite
Collegiate Institute. Apply to MRS. E. COOPXR, Blake. new shop, in;Leckie's block. -The East "pout a few days last week visiting biw. wet weath.er, -and i
esting lantern service, entitled "Little North Main!Streeb Seafofth. 1498x4 Peters, of Uxbridge, is visiting at his a number from this vicinity will attend the
Alic6, from Match. girl to Captain." 'He mother's, Goderich street. -Mr. Charlie Toronto exhibition next iveek��Mrs. Elliot NOTES.-Harveat in now over and the Huron fa I fair will be held on October lat in other-alid other friends in this vicinity,. 'things, Fall Footwex
and 2nd, and romises to be a success, as William speaks in hopeflil, terms'of the- vith our new stole I k AD
-will also conduct the meetings all day Sun- CHRISTIAN H.-iDEAvog.-The fifth annual -Stewart, son of Mr. James Stewart, left on is visiting her daughterk, Mrs. Patterson farmers in this vicinity are bury putting in ay f
day. Big times expected. Come-. Convention (Zf the Huron County Christian Thurad or Brooklyn. :Should Charlie de- and Mrs. Menzies, of Mole8worth.-Miss their fall wheat. -Mr. Walker, of Exeter, the directors a m doing all in their power to western province and, like all Stanlely ready 'with the bei,
factory of
Endeavor U��in, w"'held at Goderich, on cide to rernain in the � States, he will be Lida Hall was successful at the recent do- Who bought Mr. Leslie's property, has make it.83.-A' Hunter and Samuel Shine who have brains and ambition, is doingwelt, emery IMIX
PRESESTArION.-On Tuesday evening last, Thursday and Friday of last week.- This a moved to Blake and its now busy taking are now proprietors of the apple evapor- �in the far weat.-Rev. Mr. Henderson' -or 4d saying, 11 Goodis
greatlymissed in stbletic'eircles bere.-Mr. partmenial examination and secured 2 applies �Atlh f t
&ter.'-M&OR eir Stewart,, of the Standard Hensall, preached in the Preabyterisin, sold,'
a. number of lacrosse enthuaia;ts and friends was the most successful. meeting-Ahat has and Mrs. T. F. Coleman left on Monday for second cla:ss-cettificate.- Rev. S. Rogers of stock. -Mr. Wm. A ew, of Clint
In on, was Bank, is at 1 onto holidaTiDLI.-Dr. Me- �church on Sabbath I
of Mr. R. E. Jackson,- assem:,61ed at the yet been held in the history of the Union. Toronto. Mr. Coleman will look after the Colorado,-Opent a short time in our village the guest of Mis na Holtz, on- Sanday or ast, Mr. Muir officiating, every Occasion
Commercial Hotel and made Mr. Jaokson There were 250 active Endeavorera 'present, last. -Mr. Edwalred Stelck was the guest of Taggart, fortue�rly of cjntcish�' & McTag- �.in Hesall.-Mr. Charlea.,Aisson,our veteran bxbibit of his firm at the Industrial, and this week. Ievery line from eveiy
the recipient of �a gold chain and charm. and the various -meetings were largely at- from there will go to the Western F air at Mr. -Adolph Stenbach on Sunday evening.- gart, wa n to*n this week. -R. M. Dick- horsie buyer, shipped another car losdF holn certain firms, is
ig I o er on, of Detroi ere, hU horses to � the old country last week. It,iv "U. We want to -et This was a slight token of their appreciation tended by friends and aympathisers of the London. �Messrs. Broadfoot, Box & Co. of Miss Kate Ed' h ff was under the parent- 6 - - of Mr. JaGkson!o -valuable services in con- cause. The reports of the officers were most this town, have sold and delivered to 'Mr. al roof on Stific1ay last. -Mr.- Peter Duran& return ed home,,,- only &few weeks since Mr. Mason reture& there, is no economy
nection, with the laeroSse cluli. For a num- encouraging, and the addresses given were John F. Dale, of - the 2nd concession. of �VFLr, Do -,;&-The Zurich public school was the guest of -Miss Sidona Holtz on Sun- h bm a similar trip, and we hope that be- Wear. Trashy footi
her of years he has been one of the leaders to the point and intereati�g. When the Iffullett, a very handsome suite of parlor still shines andl will -soon rank first among day evening. -We are glad to bear that i HuDiett. will have as good success �� this time as last ielliough to be good-_(
h the high grade Ochools o Huron, under its Miss Sarah Witer, who has been under the -The Harvest Rome Large quantities of appleo' are being shipped- to be .-healthy. -Prt
an.- Endeavor 'brick house which he has just completed, e r station %by Mr. 0, Oaitelon.- The pocketbook by buyin
i efforts that our clu'6 has always been suc- were in the county 16 Christi fficient princioal, Mr. dward J. Hogan. care of an ear doctor, for the past few weeks, picnic wil ick k 'd been look-od forward to for from On
n the club and it is greatly due to -his Union was first organized, in '1892, t ere and bedroom furniture for the fine new HAUVE 3T 16KI9.
Out of eleven p4pils sent up for thexecent, at Waterloo, hah greatly improved in, - b �r weeks wifth so 'much expectancy, e
ctissful in its competitions with other clubs. societies ; there arenow 92,socioties, with a' and the comforts of which we hope himself Specially price is low, bat people aire glad to get rid! init we handle.
examinations, I ix got entrance ; three hearing. -Mr. Sam Witwer is now employ. by our of them. -Many will lea n with deep regret
membership of 4,563, besides 9 junior so'- and his worthy partner may long enjoy. - y ung folks, came off on Wednesday as befall to Mr. Robert.
e nforti
PZR.550,�AL.-Dr. Edwara E vans, of ta. cieties with a membership of - 457.' The in- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Canipbell, of Bad pu . blic school -leaving and two first part of at his brother -in law's, ia Michigan. of 'last anately, the morning of the sad 10 Ven!s MR IS]
We undentand Mr. Hogan
crosse, Wisconsn,'w'as in town for a few crease in the membership Auring the past Axe, Michigan, are at present visiting at primary. was wet nd u romising, and it was feared Marks, a former Briti-cefie boy. We refer
intends teaching both firi t and second parts i
e pioni woul have to be cancelled, but jo the death of his wife; bich Bad eyent- Bome alendid. sarr.
days this calling on his acquaintances. year has been larger than in any preceding Mr. John Campbell's McKillop. IM r. of the primary for 1897j,- so, all desiring to Constance. th w
The doctor has just returned from E year since organization, except in 1893.! , Of Campbell came, over iorl the benefit'of his it clears off in, the af tornoon, the sun -came oceurred some two weoks ago, at their hom& Ing. We have 131en?a
urope, ake up the work had �Ater apply. LOTS OF Hwizy.-Mr. John ffin6lej, of ols� in all its stiength, and people gathered in K Th sympw�h y of Mr. V"rki(*
where he has beenit'since April last, taking the 9*2 societies now in. active operation, 45, bealth.-A special: meeting- of the town ansas e and as high as $3
in the leading hospitals ctf Paris, Vienna are Methodist, 30 Presbyterfim, 4 Epi � THE SCHOOL LITERAI�Y SOCIETY. -A meet.; this place, who is quite an apiarist, tarted many friends go out to him in this his s#A
scaii council was called on Tuesday evening last �, with their baskets, so that'everything went are ISO acf46 agents I
ng was held in the Zurich public school last in the spring with thirty colonies of es bereavement and are� : ,
and Berlin. He ca4ta t is way principalli palian, 2 Baptist, and 2 Congregational. At to consider the advisability'of changing the along just as if no rain had interfered with trial. The following lace, shoe I no breakh
riday when the following O'fficers of the and with these thirty colonies he has taken t6 arrangemei-its. The picnic was held i the names of those froxr� this' vicinity whoi ---rith broken bukles-
to see his father, Mr. Jo eph Evans, of Mc,., the closing .meeting there was an au�lience by-law in connection with -the collecting of n
Killop,.who, we are sorr to say, is not in of over 1,,,000.- -The folll6ming are' the newly the town taxes, by doing away I with the iterary and Musical Society were elected up to the present time over 4,000 pounds Of Belmont Park, on the farm of Mr. Lee, just were succe-eful in passin i the recent am- Ver- Alk to ace thief
the beat of health. - T many f riend or a term 'of tiwo montha : Leslie Williams, honey, or an average of 134 pounds tAp the as, I inatios: Misses Janie $N.1ustardand7Fxor-_
3 of elected officer VInion.:-Presidenb, percentage off.n prepaid taxes, but no -ac- e 't of the village of Londesboro, and was Complete line N
resident; Calvin Williams, vice-president; colony, -and, besides, be has an increase in -ntpla� therefor, but the attend. ence Chrysler, second certifieate;� and thild -en' is of
-ere pl
the doctor ,i leied to see him, and to W. H. Iverr, of Brussels ; first vice-presi- tion was &tken. Mr. George -Donaldson,'... ina Doan, secretary treasurer ; Clara bees of 39 colonies. TheEe bees were attend- an excelle r a h
learn that fie is pfibSPE ring ini his chosen dent, Rev. James A. Anderson, of Gode- -who has been carrying on a harness making a -nee was smaller than it would have beer. Messrs. Melvin Graham d William Baird, afid at prices-" o1w`
rich ; second vice' Buchanan, organist; B(Atrice Steinback, ed to entirely by Mr. Hinchley himself, who
profession in the domain of UnGle Sam. "president, Miss A. 'Ross, business in - town for some irne, has par- but for t rain. The sports consibted of a first class certificate. ey all bail from -good qualityii
assistant organist ; Clam Buchanan and is a gentleman of 73 years of age. He would sack rac blindfold race, egg race, potato Stanley, the first thride re civing their early 4uarterij f4Dr good f4
of Blyth - secretary, A. 'T. Cooper, of Clin- chased tbebusiness of Mr.'De-nnis,in Brussels
-a J. 'Wilson, of Clinton. and intends removing there in about two Emelia Axt, Fr�d Axt, programme com- youn , who can beat this record. race and I a well contested game of football tuition at school section NLo. 1-0, and tbe- YOUr-next pair of sh,
ALmA L.IDES' COLLINE.-A knowted ton ; treasurer, Mi Ethel Williams, librarians; Mabel Hardy, like to hear of another man, either old or
. ge Executive conimittee-Miss J. Murray, of weeks. The people of :Seaforth will be 9 between Belgrave and Londe8boro teams re- lapt mentioned was. tutor
of short -hand and skill in the use of. the mittee. The staff of officers is complete ACCIDENT. -Mr. George Stephenson, of as I d by his father,.
Wingharn Rev. Ji. . Henderson, of Hen- sorry to lose Mr. Donaldson, as he is not suWng i a draw. The strains of Aub'urn the old veteran of the 2n�- concession, north.
type- writer are opening the way to mplov- I and under their able managemenb wemay Ball - Rev. lJoseilah Edge,� of Goderioh ; Rev. only a good harness maker, and a square this place, met with a painful*, accident On band enl vened the 'afternoon proce(Aings. We congratulate our youbg friends and we-
ment for thousands of y( "g women to -day. look for. good literary 'entertainments- in Friday last. It seems that two of his horses :f.
Stephen B nd, if Searorth. buain6ss man, but a most worth citizen. In'the ei ening, a cou�ert waa- held in Belps know that they.receive � nothing but the--
Nea,rl_y every busine-ps ffice has �ow em- y . the school and a grand oncert, in the near had got into the same stall,and in going UP hall, L(ndc�aboro, apd it was more than d 11, d woX
ployed or is seekini, to employ a young lady We can heartily commend him to the con- best fewar for h r Young people,
rl, future. to,them to sel�arate them,one of the animals like these area credit to"
who can take down by U ie aid of phonograpy HoNOR T6 A'HUILOINITE. -At the meeting fidence of the good people of Brussels and crowded -Theprogiiamme embraced solos tile community,
of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association, vicinity. -U r. �Beck, our market gardener, kicked twice, striking Mr. Stephenson the by Miss.1ill. Miss A -dams and Miss Pearl -to their teachers and to their friends. -Mr.
to varioualletters and afterward Bay:Beld. firsttime with both feet on the thighs,
print the of Canada, which meets every* two years, seems to be'the champion cabbage grower Andews Londesboro; Miss Patterson, Thomas' Ward, of Varfia, shipped from,
M. upon t4e, t7pe-wri . ter. ;140. 00 and wbicli this year convened at Ottawa of these parts. GET you A le Paren at R. F. Edwards. knocking him back against the stable wall. n Miss Yahh, Ottawa, and Miss Brucefield sbation-on Mooday last, a car -
He has shown us. a monster Have you a e D 3
per term, or $135,00 per year in advance, last week, Mr. Bernard O'Connell,. of Me- cabbage which weighs 17J lbg.,and measures w on Pth ew La 2tern ? The strongest The next time he was struck on the breaf t. Londesbor� ; instrumental duet, load of fall apples. 6
will pay for board, furnlihed room, light, iud won't b ow it out. 1 Andre ut of his own orebar&
Killop, and Hon. W. F.'Hackett, Treasurer 3 feet 8 inches one way by 3 feet the other. His legs were severely bruised and he had. M iss 8 -Melville; trio, Misses He mends them right i, Opposite f I
laundry and tulition (inlu ding nse -of instru- BREEZES, - Miss Smith, of Georgetown, is several of his ribs broken. He will be con- d ma and J, , ; hrough to the 614f Jgxpositr Offie tST(
inent, at Aln-ta. Ladies' College, Thomas, of the Province of Quebec, �vere proposed Mr. Beek. also has tomatoes which measure Scott an Clark 'an� Mr. Clark, Auburn; country and we hope bis:1renture will prove-,
for the Presidency for the current term. J6 the guest of her siste Mrs. E. Elliott.- fined to bed for some time, but, we are glad ad satisfactor
Ontario. For announcement, address incheg.-Monday next, being Labor dress -on buto'ler rn�kiug, Professor Dean, y
But,'Mr. O'Connell, with hi-susual,mde'sty, day, willibe observed as a general holiday, Miss Mary Rum all, of London, and Mr. to say, is getting along as well as could be of the gricultural
Prineipat Austin, B. D. C61lege; on Home
declined to stand, and Mr. Hackett wa ac- John 1L)ennison, o McKillop, were visiting expected' and we trust that no permanent C
# and all the stores and other business places y R. Irwin reading, by J. H. ' -Thomas German, an [employee at I;iv-
cordingly"elected. In returning thanks for will be closed.-Mrie. L V. Fegr and child- Mr. and Al rai � Ja I es Wldtteu 1 last week.- injuvill result. Lowery. R. HolmesoM � or of Clintou,.oc- ingston's flax mill
Ay a, at Listowel, lost the�,
T)ILMI OF Boyy).-Sad indeed the honor done him, Mr School opened oni Tuesday, Mr. Thompson A EW WIND MI.LL.-Mr., Christopher cupied the chair. The proceeds will about end of two of the fingers of his lft , ban&
Hackett said ren returned on ITL iday last. from a very
were the circumstances in connection wit -h " He considered the position to which he pleasant visit to Picton, one of the prettiest in charge. is! L\zzie.1'erguson is teaching Dale, of this place, has had a new Brantford meet the- expenses incurred.
Wednesday morning of last week. , lie wat
the death. of James W. Boyd; youngest son was una the junior Zvisiou, owing to the illness of wind mill erected at his barns for pumping ...ToTA
himo ly ele6ted greater to him towns in Ontario. -Miss Ena McCosh, who . I _* I - passing the thresher in the mill -�'hon his -
of Mr. Moore Boyd,:tNorth Main street, Mr. John W. Whiddon.-The members of water and ar'ushing grain. Mr. Dale is one
than ny unde thei c f Heaven, In -spent a couple of weeks with her sister, foot slipped on some reed) an"he threw out-
'3eafortb, and a brother of Mr. W. H. Boyd, his hours of st dy, of recreation, and of toil, Mrs. Win. Henderson, left on Sa St.. Andrews' Sabbath chool and mission of the largest farmers and stock raisers and staffa.
his hand to save himself d ET
of Lucnow, and]% -Ir. J. Robb, of Morris. turday last band, and a number of Weir friends, spent a' feeders in the county, and be will find this BRIEF BITS. -Mr.. NA,illiam Gray, our �n just reached
the m oat pleasant recollections to him were for her home at Toronto. -Mr. E. C. Cole- I I ECLIPS
-When a young man of seventeen he went the pictures of the bro very pleasant time pien eking in Mr. Jo;w- mill a� great convenience in connection with popuularl tailor, has eve�ed his connection the end of the pullies of the thresher which.
to attend Toronto Veterinary College, with in- th ers of the'C; M. B.A. man is no�v comfortably located in the -.old �'s grove last Friday, a d on Wednesday his feeding op . orations. The mill was pur- 111.4r. ]EC,utchi8on'ss%re and has returned instantly crushed the - end of his flagers.
their various gatherings. (&pplause.) homestea4. 'He has bad ilif thoroughly reno- et, It was fottunate that be got' no further in -
the object of fitting himself as it veterinary Since the first convention at Hamilton in vated, and lighted by electricity. -Rev. Mr. afternoon TrinitT churdh Sabbath school chased from and erected by Mr. S. Hiuch- to � is ho' e in Bluerale- - Mr. Grey is a
, but he had only been two months 1878 thev ha ' one on increasing. They 11,94gins exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr. held their annua picnic at the, same place. ley, it�nplement agent, Seaforth. ver esti able young man and we are sorry or he would have lost a hand at least. The volume of
-There passed away Sunday, 23rd ult.,
in the city when he contracted typhoid had the' worthy services of good, men o Kerrin, of Mitchell, on Sunday last. -Mr. Several of our fishermen ha�e set nets at to loose. hirm. While here he won the during the
fever and for sever, mon-ths'15,y in Toronto uide them, a. - Kettle Point for -- 11 fishing. -Mr. Alexii eat em nd respect of a lar in the person of Mr. Thomas Brown, Of' 14
lid it was gratifying' to know �P. Keating has had his residence much im. Exeter. ge circle of Stratford, one of the pioneers of the town- durin -
general ho,,pital. Dr. Reilly, of that inti- ander Mitchell, of the fr nt road, near Var. friOnds M o extend to him their best wishes
�ai(l that in all his practice he had. that of late they had at their head a man, proved by raising the roof and adding an na,. is buying apples now, IA)qAL BRIEFS. -Messrs, Robert Sanders for, his future success. -.Quite a narnber ship of Downie, and one of tratfol - most -
who carried them through"one of the most other story, and double siding. -St. Thomas' and Alexander Dow left on Monday last for etimable citizens. - He died at the ripe old- --entirel
never se(Uf a Patient come through 8tich a critical -.questions-that ever faced any . so. church Sunday school will be changed to the Man, i�oba. They will remain in the Prairie froin her, i propose taking in the cheap ex. age of 90 years, having jed as a bachelor a;*- y eclips
siege of fever and live. He can -pe home a eiety,:that of separation from, their r Provibee about two months. We wish' curpsion ;0 the Toronto fair. -Rev. Mr. upright life all his day�. Blest with Vve leave you i
Ke4ner I i spending a few,, days in Hamilton
mere wreck aud.wfas never able to shake off to the slouth." Mr. O'Connell wa b others afternoon, - commencink next Sunday, at Kippen. magnificient physiq�ie, beiwas until sthe after effocts�'of this- unani- 2.30. -Miss Helen Ai?d of Toronto, who DwN(.s.-Mr. and rs. 'Ricker spent them ia pleasant time and a safe return.- thii weel .-The following are visiting in I severe illness. He mously appointed 8�eciond ice -President. has spent the aummo�, �olidays at Maple Sabbath last at the home of Mr. afid Mrs. Rev. W. H. Butt, of Centralia, visited rela- of years ago a most acti e man, carrying:
subse(luently learned the trade of a baker v oue, harnil -t this week : Mrs. J. G. Jeffe I prices is -sure i
We congratulate our old friend upon his Hall, returned home' on Tuesday last. -In John Bawden, Centralia. -Mr. Peter Grant tives here on Tuesday last. He was on his ryl his 88 years so eas dve anybody,
B4&lo; Mrs. R. Honey An4 daughter, ily as t decE
and *hile following this -occupation in Brus- populaxity with his fellow countrymen and: referring to tho barn 'of Brock Brothers, of has sufficiently recoverel from' his recent way :to 'Clinton, where he left the same who did not know him iwell, , His death fore I . Seqorth � Mrs. J. At. Hamilton and daugh- lesels, was seizo(l with tubercular meningitis, co -religionists of this most excellent society. Tuckersmith, last week, we neglected to illness to be able to attend to eveni�g for Manitoba, for a few weeks' hol was caused by ge' the result
and in spite of the kind attention of his his garden Iter�' Blytill.-Messr neral debility,
a. James and Isaac Norris age.
mentioil that the roofing and other� iron once more. -Threshing-, seed - days, for the benefit of his health. He was ha%'*"e retu. ruled to their du -ties in Kineardine
friends and ll that medical skill could do CO5113-RCLtI, CouRsE.-The Education work was done by Messrs. S. Mullett & Co., g far nd fall wheat accompanied from Clinton by his brother advanced !.Wednesday morn- Pan uit or I
be sank rapidly until death reli.ev9d him of Depirtmout provides for the followin g- c, iDg are keepin mers busy and making I an4 Dut . n repectively.-Miss Tufford has . -During the storm on
All sulffering, om- of this town. --!-Mr. 0. L. Schmidt, formie�ly' business quiet in our village. It appears Ephraim, of Goderich township, -Albert ing, last week lightning struck the house,
He -was unmarried 'and leaves in and See
mercial courses in our high schools anJd of our Collegiate' Institute, is right at home hard to get along withDut the farmers.- second son of Mr.- John Gillespie, of thi; returned to''Toronto af �er apending her Mr. Wm. Lee, netr: the light houser
behind him his aged fathev, wibo will ever Collegiate Inatit es :-(l) A junior cour e i n- Picton. We" otice by a programme of Dried apples are coming into our merchants place, secumbed to that dread disease, con- holidaya. yrith her mother and brother. . stock is inow
cherish ia fond remembrance &he affection of ut - Goderich. It struck the top of the West -
a dutifu- First form" Mi�s Lizzle Davis, who �r&8 saccessful M,
I son. work, and (2) a seni r sports for, Labot Day th�t Mr. Schmidt in large7 quantities, ma y believing in the sumption, on Saturday evening, after a few I chimney, almost ffitting it in two them
3 berexam nation, has gone t I %Orted. A full
course-" Commercialdiplorna work. 6 attend the divided, one pairt passi.ngjoown the chimneYf-
A I secretary of the. sports,��commi t tee. -Rev. good *Id injunction, "Jet nothing be wast- He was in his 26th year, Moael se ool in' Mitchell., The first game of a1l kinds at
months' illness.
who have passed the entrance examinato'n Dr. McDonald has been Asiting in Toronto. ed."- -Mr. W. M. Gray, of Seaforth, and and was highly respected. Thefuneraltook and the other betweenlit d the siding-
E(,Nr9Nf)vTr.T.F. NOTHS,-IAJiss C. A. Porter or the public [school le�aving of I)aseb I that has beer
"Ifie expenses of Mr. I I played - here for an
examination. -The official return 6f Mr. D. Steavenson, of Egmondville, who place from biB father's residence, Carling The latter current in its c6urse broke abosti
and 91iss Marion Aluldrew went to (Ilode- mav,,,;enter the junior de the� last, f ur or five yeari was played on Ways b, sto',
,parment; those G. M. Kilty, McCart y1te candidate, in the are now visiting the Sabbath Schoo'g of street, on Monday afternoon last, and was twenty boards of the SlAing and then Ap-
rich as delegates to the Endeavor conven- who bavo passed the recent " firs -uro election, according to Tuckemmith, visited our schools last Sab. very largely attended. Mr. and Mrs. Gilles. S&V�rda between the single and married ed into the 4-rth. The other
men, wh
the statement of he financial agent, bath, ving good counsal and encourage- pie and family have the sympathy of the a 6,11 the bricks inji i ntion, on Thursday and Friday of last week. aniination," or who hold high school com ich resulted in a victory for the , pasa -e(
t form ex. recent West H parently
Well', friend. j4leadbury, we have rated -The half -yearly meeting Ong t latter by a score of 11 to 1. - T�e maTried "008 ixed ts p9magep
in the past, honest and fairly intelligent,but department In when stopped at the- bottpm (the chimuDY.
you niercial certificates, may enter the senior amount to $94.92. e n t agli be,line of Sabbath Schoolwork. whole village in this theiivery,sad bereave. ovr be after the scalps DILL EA
n ai or ing in These courses include a train. of the ruri-decanal chapter of Huron county, -Mr. Cudmore has now three presses in ment.-Mr. R. S. Lang, apple buyer, has being built on trusses tb�'at proected into
the one or the ol several angs of packers at work getting the rick and 011 -
truly your a of Cartwright is neith bookkeeping; commercial trans. 'will be held in St. Thomas' church school full swing in Lambtor , county pressing of t ; be ma rried . men in Seaforth. the bed room) it forced the b
He has been in office actionsi l stenography.,. English and math- robin to-ulay (Friday) at 11 a. mi. -Messrs. large uantities of hay.--LWe are pleased to fall a Manitoba
se:Lreely two months ; barel ppfes ready for shipment to two pointe, TAILORS AND
tered the room apparentl. from
y time to get ematics, 'The, trustees of the Seaforth I I
his chair cleaned, and Yet you charge him Broad - foot & Box, of this town, have leae, Tat Mr. John Mo � t has had a1aver. &Dd the old.00untry markets. -Messr4. Ross B evale. From one it ran along ithe wall tos, bed
Collegiate In st.itute should take this matter a store in Clinton, 'Which they are havii able week, and his proi pects for 're--oyefy & Taylor and Mr. Harrison have each start. Sxnwsii-Mrs. obn Burgess started for -stead, a side piece of whi'h it Split I two-
Avitil neglect of former principles. Better into, their consideration and see if a com- iag? fitted up, with the view of starting a
he ther curre
-ad thby employ a Manitob,6 on Tuesday, to visit her- children and then passedaw"y man, SE'AF
retail furniture business in that town. -Mr. Rev. Mr. Acbeeon and ley. Mr. Graham, great many hands. -It is expected that the out therel, She was accons
turn. your pop gun on Sir Charles Tupper, mercial department could not be added to are beaoming more'favo,able every day.- ed evaporating apples, a 'a
o'n ap- of Bayfield, exchanged T. ulpits on Sabbath which it damaged consideribly,then oour"4
who has &ced dlean &bout on the scfhool our excellent Institute. It would be of jamesCumming,of Eomondville,has pauied as far as flew straight across the x oom to a bu
qttestion, for which he was prepared to I Mitshell and Exeter lacrosa'* clubs will Toronto by her daughter, Ma gis, and Miss TX A
ay decided adv'antage to a great many pupils. pointed tax collector for the township of last. r. Graham,- th-(ugh young ia the cross sticks here on Monday next. The Mary Fiaser.-Mr. James thro h the hall, cutting rung dean Out J11A%ND'
down his life a few mmths ag Cortson. and
0 Not much There is no reason why a th6,rdugh com- Tuckeramith for the current year. -The Exeter lacrosse club - went to Mitchell on Air. Alex'. Ander�on aleo left for Manitiooba. of a c
of a saarifice if lie had, but you accuse the mercial training should not be in our Seaforth bowlink club go to London ouMon. ministry, is very enthui issbic and earnest ! ufair. The fiery par( of the ligning
and promses to make hi i mark in the near Friday last, and played a friendl Ram I I it- i kin&
Liberals of being the chief obstructionistg give" day to play a match w e$ -Elliott Bros., of Waurainosh, are doing made a passage right dwA the. studs til will do AIII -
Ilegiate'Institutes and high schSols 'and ith t6 club of that fature.-Mrs. MeDonal' , of London, has which resulted in favor of the*Miteliell club most of the threshing in this neighborhood. came to the parlor, then 1 entered nf&r 00 Allort notice V
(luring last,ses�ioa. ol Parliament. - Where t us save to the people the expense of send- city. -The- Christian Endeavor social in the been visiting at the parental home of Mr, by a score of two to one. -Quite a large Mrs. J� J. Messer an,til little Margares ceiling, storehing and cra,&ing the Owt*r- ftu be don f
in Is. I vvm
(to you le&ya such goo4 Tories as McNeilp . 9 their sons and daughters to distant basement. of the Presbyterian church on John Anilarson.-Mr. R. MeMordia has number from here are attending the Toronto returnsd Ito their home is Wasailton on It then apparently spreii'tl all around Or I White A -ah.
O'Brien, Wallace, McCarthy and other t wns! to procure training which they Wednesdav evening was not very largely been making a thinning out of his hors Exhibition this week. -Miss Millie Cudmore Tuesday, �aftor a mouth's visit M Mr. V I hed. or damaged
ez, lFm. rool as piaturas ere score
boltan, who kieked so Vi orously. Pahaw ! should receive at home, It less attention attended, but tboaeWpreveut spent a pleasant having disposed of tkree at ano sale. -A few visited relatives at Seaforth this week. -Mr. i Mosser.-�-Misa Minnie Ross, of Wingham, on each of the fourwalls, and the.0111126012011to
T wo weeks' efforts shoulygive us something wi�re paid to the languagem, an Jo -ters of this distrist, ud Mrs. Ed. Hnt, of Seaferth, i ch as Greek social evening. There was a good musical of the farn who have a -visited spent 1"6 week visiting 11ism Maggie and on the piano were on fire.;� K
n e
of ;;iate
dn f the sal
o relatives ierp� on Sc
i!nday last. -Mr. Thomas
a baseless fabri6i Rev. Latin, Hebrew, etc., which are of bompari, aid literary progrl no and plenty of re- large sipplies of apples, and finding n
11jetter than such v Is ery best. T -nen P, Swe4 let an Friday 'last for Manitoba,
Wilson s Cash "'Arocery',- einen a for ship VT
%J Mr. Petiinger preached two excellent ser- atively little use to. a large majority of freahnents of th he chair buyers, are making arrangeA
where he Will visit rela "i sforafewweek-s.
mons in our church: on Sa bbath last. In Puplab a thorou h commerc V %woccupied b wlie.—blies Struth- ing them themselves to the - Id Country �Ive
The. beat msngolld to grow li& Evans, improved to the pupilei desiring it e!s, teacher in To —The -Gauld sion will _M Ed, Christie has based the Ching
o Ailtioul- Tng urc Hay, and has
fact, he is becoming rather a favorite with e impartel d h' h school, was markets, Mis Band r P
inammotheswiloz, i(Sce repoit of Ontarl r a few meet in St. Andrew's church onS farm, on th� Lake Road
tural Collage.) Iffihe beat flold carrot Is the Improved Tuiny of our people.-Mr.Georgo Anderson, without adding to the cost of maintenance . t le guetit of -Miss Ma Hartry fo I The mem- i taken P0 es9on of the -same. Mr. Christie ARE READY
shortwhite. The best Swede turnip iA tho- Monarch, mathematical master of Windsor -Oolle-giate of the institations, which, n most cases, is 4 -a -ye, last week. -Mr. W. E. Struthers, of Septem,,ber 5th, -at 2:30 p. In. will nt of this village, and
Ralls Westburk or SkIrving, ituprow d, and, the boat e,left already as heavy as the I eople can bear. Toronto Medical School, spent Sundwy with bers, and'all interested in mission work, still e al reside
r seed is Institute, who has been holidaying her
sy. . uring It might be ell if some pe -son would direct f�riends i� W'n.-Miss Thompson, who has are requested to be present, as business of- will. be u d attending to his numerous
place to buy them is� right here, wi all on I FOR I
*.trict),y new and of the best quality. oar prices are to restfine his duties on Mond �o customen at 'his liver barn. -The Young
away down his stay with us he amused himself occasion- the attention of the Minist)r of Education en visi Ing f ends in Manitoba for the importance is to be discusses. ISO . I
below The regular combinstion P"1009 Dual problem. t ri e'd home. M' People's t beiety of Caw istian Endeavor held EARLY :BUYER
Choice seed, barlay, clover and tiolothy si�ed at with photograph�, taking some very -to this phase of the educati ast six months, has return
toweat price.g. Have Just received some very fine ally at as Brandon, and" their ann ial distrieb meeting in the James'
now Ceylon Tea in bulk, -which we can aL41 at 10o per 6ne tures, among others a good one of h.ompson was as far we There were
njo -Mr. A� T street eb i ch on Mond ay A HURT. -On Monday, afternoon last whil
pomnd less than in packages. Also;aome very chole Mr. %lills' two thoroughbred Ayrshire cows. iEvs,.-This season in prolific of 'led' her visit very much. el presen b. -Mr. _T_ W"MIT Y-,
wo are retailinf ',t �Mr. Robert Gommell and, family, who. � Ohs berm, who has been in the employ oi M he 2nd boncession ofl -a large ja�mber A delt gates
yonng Itysons sind Jiapans, %% hich ria r. John Butchart, of!t
prices no pecbor rian afford to sell at. 'Give us a t large fruit yields, but perhaps the greatest everal years this township,, was drikring �hrough Clinton John Thomas Burlington, who visited rela-
ta of the been holidaying at the pleasant home lesars. S. Mullett &.Co., for a WSOLN T�
h&vo u that we hiLve a here the ast few weeks, returned A conaiderable portion of
Canned vegetables, oannel- and dried fral curiosity In this directio good:. itioil as travvi- rse got tivp- our new
best quality at lowest'prics -Sori)o extra finecheeee of the Misses Gemm-ell, just eastof this. pecimen g . en us by MrJames :ast, has,secured a Poll with his horse nd 1buggy, the hoi home on Monday last. -Several of our
seen,is a * m ra 'frightened, upset the and threw 'the
in stock just now.- Hava'a, welled stock of village, returned to Guelph on Monday. eller for a Montreal firm. r. Chabe Goods have been rece; ved, and the assort.
Fantion�, of This was a small is a ug ,dies regent the agricultural
groceries, crockery And provisioni of. the best qua,lity Miss Bertie Daly hbs been, Ittid up during Seaforth. nisbing young man, and we are,sur old gentleman out. HO h5d two ribs broken, Yc`u�g ladies or th(F
and wit) not be undersold by any house in -the trade. limb tak rom pearl tree in his garden. will do well wherever he is situated. -Mr- his head out and was 6therwise bruised and grounds Evenings, purpose of learn- ment of Tbe followit goods pret
The higheiat pri va paid for all kinds of produce. the week with a severe attack of. quinsy.- on a sp&ce of about Ing !to ride a bi h e. Some of them are be- ty com.
Cash paid for eggs. Mr. D. Stevenson has been away during the fourteen inches in R, Logan left this week for Manitoba.- shaken up, but was aYe' to be removed to
length, there are no fewer, �han seventeen corning e�cparts with the wheel. -A great pl;ete
past two Sundays, inspectin b Ifflas Lulu Davidson has returned from an his home the same evening. He is 76 years
large aiwed 'pears. lbey are growing as many of our retired farmers can be seen
0. WILSON, Seaforth. e visi 0 Grand- Haven,"Aiebigan. of age. The buggy was considerably wreck- New Jatkets
schools in this district. -Heivas aocompan. exte master
Bank of Commerce Block. closely as they can stick. Thepearsontbis daily on the ba k streets trying to
11,74 ied by Mr. W. M. Grey, of Seaforth Miss _Mr. James Gray, of Ingersoll, spent last ad but the horse was not injured.
_T_ limb weigh 14J lbs. Their size the bicyolej de
can be r very great difficulties.- Irsa is icreeping
New Capes,
MBER Maggie McDougall is dohy the T ronto h. with his brother Roderick, of McKil- I —*—
SEPTE we( judged from this. Mr. Fanson says there woe Our cide �mills tire doing a very large busi- at& with fuel SU
el� T
moillinery establishments this reviii lop. -Mr. W. A. Gray and wife, of Ishpem Sunimerhill. 0 "iD her thi
FALL TERM 1 St. ck- ar;e oiker limbs on the same. tree which ar'e' ing, M iehigan, 'are. visiting at the paternal ness thi$ 411 in manufacturing apples into New Silksi
DUN to beginning the fall term in Mt. Pi nearly as heavily loaded as this one. -The Pic.Nic. -The annual picnic of the Sunday cider.- lar - number of Hensall'ites at- fall er"Ps It
/Z ard's.-Mrs. Le,.�Is Reinke went to T ron 0 bome, McKillop. -Miss Mad e McLoughlin,
Johnston farm in McKillop, which was. of- a and day schools of this l&ce, will be held 'tended ��e funeral of the late Bert Gillespie varmer and he&,
New 'Dress Goodsi,
re,ob of New York city,spent SunTay in town th
on Thursday, whe e� will spen few r -Saturday last, was in Mrs. Garvie's grove, on the afternoon of on Mon w1mt to�
ferect for sale he e on t of Misa Maggie Murray, of Goderich ay days wi�h' her sister, and L attending t e In not sold, on account of no offer being up to� gues Saturday, the l21;h inst. There will'be the if and, your I
street. -Dr. Mary Irwin, dad J. I 1 4 � I New Cloths)
dustrial Fair. the upset price, -Mr. Thomas Alurray, son, _gbter of Mit usual games and amusement provided. Come . . i =n,
1 wh6 is Goderich. 06 ewer to thoq
TRATF RD ONTARIO, W. Irwin, merchant, of Clinton,
of Mr. James Murray, of'Hensall, treasurer and bring. your basket and enjoy a pleasant well
THji- FouNDRY CHAst LF.,�TJIER.-The probably the youngest lady doctor in On- S�ROUS Fijtp. -A most disastrous fire New TrImMings,
Yolinz Wen ard wo -.ca who desire to secure A first of Tuckersmith, who has been spending his I)LsA la demauds mada -,I,
clitsa biTsiness ed uca� on are inviied to correspond baseball match on the reaea, ds on tario to -day, and who has, pasged with such
us. Friday afternoon list bet tiQn Cole an's holidays in Hensall and vicinity, left here high honors, in Toronto,- is a pr I esen at her NOTES. -Mr and Mrs. H. B. McVittie -took )lace Su 7 day morning at three oclook.
This scbo6l� is the Boost eqt0ppedbuumeSs ween on Tuesday for Brampton, where he has a' eave this week for their home at North The 14rg( saltworks, dairy salt mill, saw N 6W Linens, Irall suitsand 01
qUilegoinweatern Ontario. Writefor circulars. W. foundry team and a picked teitm froni. the home for a few days, rior to leaving as a -The well at the school house has been mill, sto ve and heading factory, together
J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 1444.62 good position in the high school. The Col issionary to Ceylon. he is just 21 years Bay. town, resulted disastrously for the bitherto legiate Institute and public schooll thoroughly cleaned and the boys and girls with sev( ral thousan(I barrels of salt,belong- New" Draperies, �sgdy,..fbr-wear Suit-
high-standiDg of the wroughters in iroh, and of age and is a most remarkably talented have pure wate)r to�drink.-Adrs. ing to M, -.,Peter McEwan, Saltford, were
on Tuesday last. The teachers were all on can now
and has many friends who wish her ton I
they were -kept pretty busy hunting 1 deck, looking fresh and- vigorous af beii their girl John Colborne,bas been laid �up for some compete y destroyed. The loss will be New Underwear,
in the far, ii;wsay corners of the fiel n voyage. insurance 'We Are very., he
titne with an attack of fever but is improv about fifleen thousand dollars ; i
Manitoba , Exordon innings - were played 'and - in that'tirr e. the holiday outings. The attendance of pupils ing.-Miss Emily Proctor, of Holmesville, not v,.ry large. The flames spread to the
rooms Will fillL AND IN A VERTFEW DAYS _r fv�ta At 411" was not -jery large, but the, Wroxeter.
picked team gathered in 35 runs,' whie the i ra k Gtteridge is is holidaying at her sisters, Mrs, J. H. tannf ry 4 f Mr. Joseph Beek, destroying the
IS ON THE up in due. cour 17sats, our iawn mat
se. -Mr.
foundry fellows were only able to scrape to- putting down a plece 11of ranolit PDXNTEM.-The Unions were defeated old p; 6rt e plant. By - the aid of the
15th of September,
etheit, a small twelve. In the ifirst - oouple of ain a gift Thebest val1e W4
9 is west side lof hic p'Z the grounds here last week, by, the Goderich Godericli steam, fire engine and brigade, The New Miffinefy
r ment on tb tret, n; :, ff
f innin the picked team got a good I d which w t over to Saftford, a plentiful
tween Market street and th south eam. le Centralia. or bur clustomers
n ir anxiety to catch up the fo e� being the cou t NVA Good Returning N0'V- 14 0 d in tv corner of t A' turn match will be played in
a e undry n town - on the 7tb,. (Labor Day,) supply of er was bad from the river.
the post office block. 'The, work is NOTES. -The Parson Produce Company WILL BE TO- HANIX
_if you are goin.- apply at this office for your tickeL players would almost invariably get rattlek. done for� the town, the property 'Owners when we expect to see our 4oys regain their are shipping apples to Manitoba and the The firemen sav the new portion of the sad- stout All Wool,
ey put laurels. -Mr. Adam Sander tannery containin the machinery. A-1 r.
ata critical point. Atothertimes.th h 9
The beat wp6y to send and to rcceiY6 small rernit- agreeing to pay one-third of the cost. We �t of Nortwe8t from bere.-The sound of the The Shl that ef
4nees is by DomirKon. Express money ordere. Try up a good game, The' picI&M team were hope to see the whole of Main. street, 0'11 from Toronto on a visit a �fe;!dayo., 'Miss straw -thresher, is heard in the vicinity of Beek's loss will be about $2,000 ; covered - �L�
troubled a little with the lighf bead at ne to I Magars, Falls stern and Lancashire pop�larityareour u -
them. - both sides, laid in the game, way. It would Edith Gibson has go p our village and the yield of grain is re- by insu ance in the We od $L
Do you carry an accident policy. The Traveller's times, but altogether, they pla�&d a surer ill attend the, olle�iale Insti. Ha it not been for the steam 19, McFAUL
Accident Insurance Company is liberal ih provision - prove the cheapest in. the e�.d.-A meeting where she w i orted as very fair. -A numb ar of Epworth compan es.
ad F ame 'nd that was"what count who
a iteadier of the directors of the M6Killop Mutual tute.-Mise Norah Lin( at Y, 0 aris teaguers from here took in the convention fiwe en i ie the village would have been Five, School CaT
and prompt In their payments. ect. UndouttedI3, however, these two has been visitin at Mrs. BVown's for a few Pt nee, as a high southerly
Fire Insurange-'Comnany wa� held in town at.Exter on Monday. -Rev. W. H. Butt 11 W" Dry Goods wduroy and Tw4
RANALD J. MACDONALD, teams will meet ag in and we feel sure that eki, returneg on, nesday last. -A wind w The supposition is that �0(
a 0 dry tea on Frida' last. A far-ge pu�b applica- we feativa left on Tuesday on a trip to Manitobai,and Whistles attached.,
er of
Agent C. F,, R. ticket and telegraph. Dominion Ex' In that case th nrwill. make a -tions for insurance& were passed, and the HarvAt Home 61 8 held at the Salem the r)a t block was struck by Company,
I the Northwest. His numerous friends *ill
Press and Money Orders. far more creditabl showing. rate of essment for the year was struck. appointment, b the Me hodists here, on i8h him a pleasant visit and a safe -return. lightning, as a tremendous electric discharge
0 Tuesday last. -In inreas d acreage of fall NVI Dec ing many The short besom.
The com ny has been exca�dingly for�unate Delgaty, who has been quite il urred about that time, arousi Of Seaforth's Greatest
neighborhood -Mrs. is Cash -Dry Goods Store, wearing and atrr,�ng.A
SobiH good work horses for sale cheap, this year o far, �s they have not had any whea6 bias been sown in t iis slowly recovering. the inha )itante', who noti0ed the flames a
SC)1V11431R'V-I3:iT_AM Call and see. TuomAs'BitowN, Seaforth. 1499xi
Dina& arna, this al mi*1 tes afterwards,and gave the alarm.
large loss s. -34r. -Tb' Ward, of V eason. W A futl ZtVek iDf It
h 'fine Black F
GruL -Wanted i bein
--AGLELNT FOR— "WANTED. a good general was in to on Tuesday,and he was hippling Leadbury. ere he i been no re 'in tb6 furnaces of Jessie , Robertson. -Mr. Archibald
Pervant for a amall fawily. Good wages. Apply at along with a crutch in one band and a cane Dash -woo the salt I olock for three weeka. Much sym- Patter.. =Wor. at 11.
Canadian Express (including money orders); Tux ExpostTOR Ovinca, Seaforth. in the other,, �nd J it wasn't the gout either, (Frofn an occasional coireopondent.) �pathy is -xpressed for Mr' MeEwan in big son has started to btcher' &is he always,
I BRIEFS. -Mrs. George NOTEs.-Mr. and Mrs. John Scarlett great loss, as thi�s is the second time within does in the Willi'am. Grey, jr., of -
G. N. W. Telegraph ; three old established WE are selling shoes just as qhbapi�and in, but a sprained ankle. -'A barn belonging to Kaerher, from
Fire Cornpanies-Phoenix, Norwich Union, some dases cheaper, than the cheape3t 'Toronto he .1 farm cast Tavistock ' is at prese visitin f * d visited friends at Summerhill last week. -,fiis saIt works have been the tailoring establialim, nt �oflllr, Hutchinii-
Mr Shipley, on liz rien a in a few yeam,that
Imperial Dominion Steafliship Line -Royal prices. We hays compared our prices with Toronto of Mr. Van and around the village.- iss a Shetler, Miss Ruth Jones spent several days last destroyed fire. son, Staffitt, is visiting at his home here. HAVE OX
91 price lists and have found this to be a poBiti've' fact. Egmond's, Huron road, Hullett, was burned who has been staying aginaw for some week visiting MisBEmigh,.of Blyth. -We Mra. George Alacdonald, Aliss Eliza lile
Steamers Vancouver," "Labrador," "Can- The cheap cash shoe store, Carmichael bWek. W. 011 Monday night last, together with its time,. returned home' Tuesday last.- —0 sser
I lada" Parker's Dye Works, Toronto. J1. WILL18, manager. contents. The b aze was distinctly visible are pleased to state that Mrs. George Iferan and the Misses Collie took advantage of te�
LA-BoR DAY PROCRAM.9 a. �m. I b=ball Misses Rebecca and Hannah Ortwein, from is recoNering after a serious illness. -Mr. Brussels. excursion to Owen Sound -last Saturday. -
is AE1 iniltown between ten - and eleven o'clock.- Hensall, were callin n f " o d in the vil- and Mrs. White have returned from spend- Bitiios.-T: A. Hawk i -in s,, music teacheit Mrs. Funston and M* a Ella Fanston of' G
m%teh.-Coleman'o foundry team vs. picked team- - Mr. Harry Beatti is home from Toronto on 'lage on Sunday'last r1TMlIerVian,a,- ing their holidays with friends at Goderich. plice, is spe ding his holi Brussels rs. R I 0V 1:30 p. m., football match.- Brussels vs. 8aa4o'rtk.- a, visit to biw parents here. -Mr. Ralph of this' days hold- ..Spent Tuesday visiting M
tX11004 3:15 p.m., baseball match. -Clintons of Clin'ton va -2 isses Lora and Bell McCully, of Con- ing conwr in -the eighboring schools and Mosgrove.-Mrs. R. X. Duff Arttended the.
Stars, of companied by his inothle, [went to Berlin to -ith Mrs. Wrn. Me- villagA and is meeting with much
.al of ra
Seaforth. Admission g ioc; Cresswell, of Puealo, Colorado, is visiting attend the funel I N. Snider.- CLOT
afternoon 16c. Three splendid gai pon stance, spout Sunday w funeral of her aunt, the late Mrs. Williar&
it his father, Mr. G, E. Cresswell, and sisters, 7
499-1 While Calvin Grigg was playing on the success._� G. T. Blafr aiid. bride returned on Elliott of Wawanosh, last -Saturday.-Mr-
forget Monday neit.. Gayin.=Miss Tena Mowbray- is very ill,
DISTRICT MATTERS. in Tuckeramith.-+Oat of 105 pupils from
roadside the other aay, through some mis w ex- Monday, an I have lsp�;Uled down as if they A. McEwen, principal of the public- o. w.:
LoST during the summer months al -DomUe Seaforth C0114iate Inabitute,who wrote ith little hope of recovery. -Quite in
inion Savigs Bank Deposit Book, No. 256. � Also a fortune be fell and fractured his arm.- citing foot race took place in our village the had been in the bu�sines before. -The car- school pr'epared six pupils for entrance.
brown colored pain book with rent entries, ha it. at the different d partmental examination,, 'While Air. Joseph Warn �Qrk)ug other ni pen rs sh and two for�- commercial course eXam-
HF-tvy IaiponirEm.-The dry goods firm at midsummer, Hd was m ght. The oli men ran well consid- t � arefus ingi along the work on J. The finder will &�fer a favor and be suitably re ere succesgful. This is I k's* new residence. It will be a fine
8 . he flax mill the other day, be got 'his ering they are out of practice. -Mr. Jones C. T7 inations. All were successful, and we,
of Wtu. Pickard &.Co., of this town, are warded by leaving them at Tus Exrosi!roRl OFFicH, nearly 77 per con ., and when the severit [In t. 81EAFORTH,
is as wor John Walker has start- incor thankw'
Pana badly injured. He ki one When'finishiod wen has the a.
s Ding a ivel
ap Ing ataas her cle.Tning establishment, and
among the heaviest, if not the heaviest, im- Seatoith. of the p )eia taken into consideration,. an i d Ii y business. He runs things are Sure Mr. McE
ulley, when his hand c ught in number one- style. of both pupils and, -pa
porting firm in this part of the peoince and VIOLIN- CLASS. -All desiring violin - e 0 ed his femtl rents for his patient
contribute a large share of the duties that structions under Miss M. A. BenDoch for thi in and this average a compared with that of Kawn between the pulle a post, which is doing well. -H. bennis has sold out his work. -Mr. and ]Kra. John -McCracken, of -
a winter other sch e standing is indeed a . 0 1 -
will favor by leav!ng their names with Mr. Somer- held it there till the be t was thrown off. harness business to John Donaldson, Of Sea- - the Bluevale road, � �spent a few days thisi. "V07 -town StOM
ville at once. Class to begin about middle of Sep- c ! red itable a d shows that the teach'ug He will not be" able to wo k for some time. Ash-fleld. forth, who takes possession on September Carmlchaers -BYA
go to enrich the coffers of the country. In on.
orns week visiting their son, Rev. J. Carilton,
one week recently they paid in Gust tember. Bpecial arrangements for beginners. staff of our scho 1. is in the front rank of BpmFs.-Farmers are btisy packing their 15th, Mr'. Dennis at that tirne going to McCrackeu,of Chesley.-VT
duties on goods imported -from Great Britain 14991 e�fficiency in t e' province. -Mr Harry iss Jamieson bw
i Fithel, fall applet;, there is an abundant supply.- Chatham:' 'Mr. Der nis, who for some years -returned from aisit to Fordwich.
and Germany the largeurn of over $1,000. WHO WANTs Li kE F. Gutteridge, Jackson, son 0 Mr. 0eorge E. Jack- The recent showers have made reat
DOTS. -Mr. and Mrs. 1'ratt, of Hamilton, A @ has been �wiirden of St. John's church, has
In one year this item to this firm amounts Seaforth, has just received a car of Gue'ph lime. son, of Egmondville, who has been in To- change in pastures, also greatly impr)ved Fall
to over $3,000. Good lur either Albt or second coat plastering. ronto during the summer, has returned Visited at William Poliards last week. the root crop. -Miss . Mary Webster, 12bh handed in; his resienatibn, and Thomas Bruceffeld.
Maxwell as hisplace. Rei. A.
1499-2 * electe
home. -The Mitchell lacrosse team has been Mrs. Pratt is Mr. Pollard's daughter. -The conceesion, has gone on a visit to St. K. Griffin ian e jn is resignation at the B. It. HiGwws, general fire and life insur-
TxAE AT TiiE B.tRiticics. -Very SONS OF SCOTLAND. -All members of suspended by the judiciary committee of public library receivei �94.40 as Govern- Catherines. She will be missed in the &nee event, notary public, donveyancer.eonamisaloner-
A Bic,
special meetings will be I held in the Salva- Lady Nairn Camp are specialty requested to be the Canadian Lacrosse Association, pen4ing rnent grantg for last year. -Mrs. G. Imlay, young people's' meetings. -Mrs. same Me( ting. T. Hawkins and Win. for taking' affid&vlt;.'&c. Money to loan on jr5l;. 'Footw4l
tion Army barracks on Saturday- and Sun- present at next regular meeting, September 16th, at arents Manning were elected sidesmen in the place mortirage on good ftm property. At home evefy
an investigation into the record of some of of Pec�ria, Illuois, is visting' her p Brown has been on a visit to friendii in of Win. Mines and Philip Hingston, who morning and Wedneadwy of each wp-ek. 1461
8 p.m. Importsat bust.nesq. By ORDFFL. 1499x1 1 Si son. -Rev.
day next, the 5th and Ub, inst. Ensign their la�ers.Mr. Win. Dawson and Wife, Mr. and Mrs. W.' Mp I)- Bruce township during the last week.
Scobal, G. B_ 11. B. P. A., will be here on ROOMS; TO Rmu.-Two nice airy rooms to p have lef t t, 0 wn.: M ra. F. C. Rogers 'has re- BuiAF&�-Mr. William Fraser, who is ati
let,'witb or without board. Five minutes walk from of Detroit, and - formerly of -this town, are Trimble occupied the pulz)it of the Meth- movedhfr millinery establishment to her ub practising law inEmerson,Mani- The month of el
Saturdaynight. He will conduct an inter- visitingfriends here at present. -Mr. Alf. odistchurchlast Sabbath evening. -Quite
Collegiate Institute. Apply to MRS. E. COOPXR, Blake. new shop, in;Leckie's block. -The East "pout a few days last week visiting biw. wet weath.er, -and i
esting lantern service, entitled "Little North Main!Streeb Seafofth. 1498x4 Peters, of Uxbridge, is visiting at his a number from this vicinity will attend the
Alic6, from Match. girl to Captain." 'He mother's, Goderich street. -Mr. Charlie Toronto exhibition next iveek��Mrs. Elliot NOTES.-Harveat in now over and the Huron fa I fair will be held on October lat in other-alid other friends in this vicinity,. 'things, Fall Footwex
and 2nd, and romises to be a success, as William speaks in hopeflil, terms'of the- vith our new stole I k AD
-will also conduct the meetings all day Sun- CHRISTIAN H.-iDEAvog.-The fifth annual -Stewart, son of Mr. James Stewart, left on is visiting her daughterk, Mrs. Patterson farmers in this vicinity are bury putting in ay f
day. Big times expected. Come-. Convention (Zf the Huron County Christian Thurad or Brooklyn. :Should Charlie de- and Mrs. Menzies, of Mole8worth.-Miss their fall wheat. -Mr. Walker, of Exeter, the directors a m doing all in their power to western province and, like all Stanlely ready 'with the bei,
factory of
Endeavor U��in, w"'held at Goderich, on cide to rernain in the � States, he will be Lida Hall was successful at the recent do- Who bought Mr. Leslie's property, has make it.83.-A' Hunter and Samuel Shine who have brains and ambition, is doingwelt, emery IMIX
PRESESTArION.-On Tuesday evening last, Thursday and Friday of last week.- This a moved to Blake and its now busy taking are now proprietors of the apple evapor- �in the far weat.-Rev. Mr. Henderson' -or 4d saying, 11 Goodis
greatlymissed in stbletic'eircles bere.-Mr. partmenial examination and secured 2 applies �Atlh f t
&ter.'-M&OR eir Stewart,, of the Standard Hensall, preached in the Preabyterisin, sold,'
a. number of lacrosse enthuaia;ts and friends was the most successful. meeting-Ahat has and Mrs. T. F. Coleman left on Monday for second cla:ss-cettificate.- Rev. S. Rogers of stock. -Mr. Wm. A ew, of Clint
In on, was Bank, is at 1 onto holidaTiDLI.-Dr. Me- �church on Sabbath I
of Mr. R. E. Jackson,- assem:,61ed at the yet been held in the history of the Union. Toronto. Mr. Coleman will look after the Colorado,-Opent a short time in our village the guest of Mis na Holtz, on- Sanday or ast, Mr. Muir officiating, every Occasion
Commercial Hotel and made Mr. Jaokson There were 250 active Endeavorera 'present, last. -Mr. Edwalred Stelck was the guest of Taggart, fortue�rly of cjntcish�' & McTag- �.in Hesall.-Mr. Charlea.,Aisson,our veteran bxbibit of his firm at the Industrial, and this week. Ievery line from eveiy
the recipient of �a gold chain and charm. and the various -meetings were largely at- from there will go to the Western F air at Mr. -Adolph Stenbach on Sunday evening.- gart, wa n to*n this week. -R. M. Dick- horsie buyer, shipped another car losdF holn certain firms, is
ig I o er on, of Detroi ere, hU horses to � the old country last week. It,iv "U. We want to -et This was a slight token of their appreciation tended by friends and aympathisers of the London. �Messrs. Broadfoot, Box & Co. of Miss Kate Ed' h ff was under the parent- 6 - - of Mr. JaGkson!o -valuable services in con- cause. The reports of the officers were most this town, have sold and delivered to 'Mr. al roof on Stific1ay last. -Mr.- Peter Duran& return ed home,,,- only &few weeks since Mr. Mason reture& there, is no economy
nection, with the laeroSse cluli. For a num- encouraging, and the addresses given were John F. Dale, of - the 2nd concession. of �VFLr, Do -,;&-The Zurich public school was the guest of -Miss Sidona Holtz on Sun- h bm a similar trip, and we hope that be- Wear. Trashy footi
her of years he has been one of the leaders to the point and intereati�g. When the Iffullett, a very handsome suite of parlor still shines andl will -soon rank first among day evening. -We are glad to bear that i HuDiett. will have as good success �� this time as last ielliough to be good-_(
h the high grade Ochools o Huron, under its Miss Sarah Witer, who has been under the -The Harvest Rome Large quantities of appleo' are being shipped- to be .-healthy. -Prt
an.- Endeavor 'brick house which he has just completed, e r station %by Mr. 0, Oaitelon.- The pocketbook by buyin
i efforts that our clu'6 has always been suc- were in the county 16 Christi fficient princioal, Mr. dward J. Hogan. care of an ear doctor, for the past few weeks, picnic wil ick k 'd been look-od forward to for from On
n the club and it is greatly due to -his Union was first organized, in '1892, t ere and bedroom furniture for the fine new HAUVE 3T 16KI9.
Out of eleven p4pils sent up for thexecent, at Waterloo, hah greatly improved in, - b �r weeks wifth so 'much expectancy, e
ctissful in its competitions with other clubs. societies ; there arenow 92,socioties, with a' and the comforts of which we hope himself Specially price is low, bat people aire glad to get rid! init we handle.
examinations, I ix got entrance ; three hearing. -Mr. Sam Witwer is now employ. by our of them. -Many will lea n with deep regret
membership of 4,563, besides 9 junior so'- and his worthy partner may long enjoy. - y ung folks, came off on Wednesday as befall to Mr. Robert.
e nforti
PZR.550,�AL.-Dr. Edwara E vans, of ta. cieties with a membership of - 457.' The in- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Canipbell, of Bad pu . blic school -leaving and two first part of at his brother -in law's, ia Michigan. of 'last anately, the morning of the sad 10 Ven!s MR IS]
We undentand Mr. Hogan
crosse, Wisconsn,'w'as in town for a few crease in the membership Auring the past Axe, Michigan, are at present visiting at primary. was wet nd u romising, and it was feared Marks, a former Briti-cefie boy. We refer
intends teaching both firi t and second parts i
e pioni woul have to be cancelled, but jo the death of his wife; bich Bad eyent- Bome alendid. sarr.
days this calling on his acquaintances. year has been larger than in any preceding Mr. John Campbell's McKillop. IM r. of the primary for 1897j,- so, all desiring to Constance. th w
The doctor has just returned from E year since organization, except in 1893.! , Of Campbell came, over iorl the benefit'of his it clears off in, the af tornoon, the sun -came oceurred some two weoks ago, at their hom& Ing. We have 131en?a
urope, ake up the work had �Ater apply. LOTS OF Hwizy.-Mr. John ffin6lej, of ols� in all its stiength, and people gathered in K Th sympw�h y of Mr. V"rki(*
where he has beenit'since April last, taking the 9*2 societies now in. active operation, 45, bealth.-A special: meeting- of the town ansas e and as high as $3
in the leading hospitals ctf Paris, Vienna are Methodist, 30 Presbyterfim, 4 Epi � THE SCHOOL LITERAI�Y SOCIETY. -A meet.; this place, who is quite an apiarist, tarted many friends go out to him in this his s#A
scaii council was called on Tuesday evening last �, with their baskets, so that'everything went are ISO acf46 agents I
ng was held in the Zurich public school last in the spring with thirty colonies of es bereavement and are� : ,
and Berlin. He ca4ta t is way principalli palian, 2 Baptist, and 2 Congregational. At to consider the advisability'of changing the along just as if no rain had interfered with trial. The following lace, shoe I no breakh
riday when the following O'fficers of the and with these thirty colonies he has taken t6 arrangemei-its. The picnic was held i the names of those froxr� this' vicinity whoi ---rith broken bukles-
to see his father, Mr. Jo eph Evans, of Mc,., the closing .meeting there was an au�lience by-law in connection with -the collecting of n
Killop,.who, we are sorr to say, is not in of over 1,,,000.- -The folll6ming are' the newly the town taxes, by doing away I with the iterary and Musical Society were elected up to the present time over 4,000 pounds Of Belmont Park, on the farm of Mr. Lee, just were succe-eful in passin i the recent am- Ver- Alk to ace thief
the beat of health. - T many f riend or a term 'of tiwo montha : Leslie Williams, honey, or an average of 134 pounds tAp the as, I inatios: Misses Janie $N.1ustardand7Fxor-_
3 of elected officer VInion.:-Presidenb, percentage off.n prepaid taxes, but no -ac- e 't of the village of Londesboro, and was Complete line N
resident; Calvin Williams, vice-president; colony, -and, besides, be has an increase in -ntpla� therefor, but the attend. ence Chrysler, second certifieate;� and thild -en' is of
-ere pl
the doctor ,i leied to see him, and to W. H. Iverr, of Brussels ; first vice-presi- tion was &tken. Mr. George -Donaldson,'... ina Doan, secretary treasurer ; Clara bees of 39 colonies. TheEe bees were attend- an excelle r a h
learn that fie is pfibSPE ring ini his chosen dent, Rev. James A. Anderson, of Gode- -who has been carrying on a harness making a -nee was smaller than it would have beer. Messrs. Melvin Graham d William Baird, afid at prices-" o1w`
rich ; second vice' Buchanan, organist; B(Atrice Steinback, ed to entirely by Mr. Hinchley himself, who
profession in the domain of UnGle Sam. "president, Miss A. 'Ross, business in - town for some irne, has par- but for t rain. The sports consibted of a first class certificate. ey all bail from -good qualityii
assistant organist ; Clam Buchanan and is a gentleman of 73 years of age. He would sack rac blindfold race, egg race, potato Stanley, the first thride re civing their early 4uarterij f4Dr good f4
of Blyth - secretary, A. 'T. Cooper, of Clin- chased tbebusiness of Mr.'De-nnis,in Brussels
-a J. 'Wilson, of Clinton. and intends removing there in about two Emelia Axt, Fr�d Axt, programme com- youn , who can beat this record. race and I a well contested game of football tuition at school section NLo. 1-0, and tbe- YOUr-next pair of sh,
ALmA L.IDES' COLLINE.-A knowted ton ; treasurer, Mi Ethel Williams, librarians; Mabel Hardy, like to hear of another man, either old or
. ge Executive conimittee-Miss J. Murray, of weeks. The people of :Seaforth will be 9 between Belgrave and Londe8boro teams re- lapt mentioned was. tutor
of short -hand and skill in the use of. the mittee. The staff of officers is complete ACCIDENT. -Mr. George Stephenson, of as I d by his father,.
Wingharn Rev. Ji. . Henderson, of Hen- sorry to lose Mr. Donaldson, as he is not suWng i a draw. The strains of Aub'urn the old veteran of the 2n�- concession, north.
type- writer are opening the way to mplov- I and under their able managemenb wemay Ball - Rev. lJoseilah Edge,� of Goderioh ; Rev. only a good harness maker, and a square this place, met with a painful*, accident On band enl vened the 'afternoon proce(Aings. We congratulate our youbg friends and we-
ment for thousands of y( "g women to -day. look for. good literary 'entertainments- in Friday last. It seems that two of his horses :f.
Stephen B nd, if Searorth. buain6ss man, but a most worth citizen. In'the ei ening, a cou�ert waa- held in Belps know that they.receive � nothing but the--
Nea,rl_y every busine-ps ffice has �ow em- y . the school and a grand oncert, in the near had got into the same stall,and in going UP hall, L(ndc�aboro, apd it was more than d 11, d woX
ployed or is seekini, to employ a young lady We can heartily commend him to the con- best fewar for h r Young people,
rl, future. to,them to sel�arate them,one of the animals like these area credit to"
who can take down by U ie aid of phonograpy HoNOR T6 A'HUILOINITE. -At the meeting fidence of the good people of Brussels and crowded -Theprogiiamme embraced solos tile community,
of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association, vicinity. -U r. �Beck, our market gardener, kicked twice, striking Mr. Stephenson the by Miss.1ill. Miss A -dams and Miss Pearl -to their teachers and to their friends. -Mr.
to varioualletters and afterward Bay:Beld. firsttime with both feet on the thighs,
print the of Canada, which meets every* two years, seems to be'the champion cabbage grower Andews Londesboro; Miss Patterson, Thomas' Ward, of Varfia, shipped from,
M. upon t4e, t7pe-wri . ter. ;140. 00 and wbicli this year convened at Ottawa of these parts. GET you A le Paren at R. F. Edwards. knocking him back against the stable wall. n Miss Yahh, Ottawa, and Miss Brucefield sbation-on Mooday last, a car -
He has shown us. a monster Have you a e D 3
per term, or $135,00 per year in advance, last week, Mr. Bernard O'Connell,. of Me- cabbage which weighs 17J lbg.,and measures w on Pth ew La 2tern ? The strongest The next time he was struck on the breaf t. Londesbor� ; instrumental duet, load of fall apples. 6
will pay for board, furnlihed room, light, iud won't b ow it out. 1 Andre ut of his own orebar&
Killop, and Hon. W. F.'Hackett, Treasurer 3 feet 8 inches one way by 3 feet the other. His legs were severely bruised and he had. M iss 8 -Melville; trio, Misses He mends them right i, Opposite f I
laundry and tulition (inlu ding nse -of instru- BREEZES, - Miss Smith, of Georgetown, is several of his ribs broken. He will be con- d ma and J, , ; hrough to the 614f Jgxpositr Offie tST(
inent, at Aln-ta. Ladies' College, Thomas, of the Province of Quebec, �vere proposed Mr. Beek. also has tomatoes which measure Scott an Clark 'an� Mr. Clark, Auburn; country and we hope bis:1renture will prove-,
for the Presidency for the current term. J6 the guest of her siste Mrs. E. Elliott.- fined to bed for some time, but, we are glad ad satisfactor
Ontario. For announcement, address incheg.-Monday next, being Labor dress -on buto'ler rn�kiug, Professor Dean, y
But,'Mr. O'Connell, with hi-susual,mde'sty, day, willibe observed as a general holiday, Miss Mary Rum all, of London, and Mr. to say, is getting along as well as could be of the gricultural
Prineipat Austin, B. D. C61lege; on Home
declined to stand, and Mr. Hackett wa ac- John 1L)ennison, o McKillop, were visiting expected' and we trust that no permanent C
# and all the stores and other business places y R. Irwin reading, by J. H. ' -Thomas German, an [employee at I;iv-
cordingly"elected. In returning thanks for will be closed.-Mrie. L V. Fegr and child- Mr. and Al rai � Ja I es Wldtteu 1 last week.- injuvill result. Lowery. R. HolmesoM � or of Clintou,.oc- ingston's flax mill
Ay a, at Listowel, lost the�,
T)ILMI OF Boyy).-Sad indeed the honor done him, Mr School opened oni Tuesday, Mr. Thompson A EW WIND MI.LL.-Mr., Christopher cupied the chair. The proceeds will about end of two of the fingers of his lft , ban&
Hackett said ren returned on ITL iday last. from a very
were the circumstances in connection wit -h " He considered the position to which he pleasant visit to Picton, one of the prettiest in charge. is! L\zzie.1'erguson is teaching Dale, of this place, has had a new Brantford meet the- expenses incurred.
Wednesday morning of last week. , lie wat
the death. of James W. Boyd; youngest son was una the junior Zvisiou, owing to the illness of wind mill erected at his barns for pumping ...ToTA
himo ly ele6ted greater to him towns in Ontario. -Miss Ena McCosh, who . I _* I - passing the thresher in the mill -�'hon his -
of Mr. Moore Boyd,:tNorth Main street, Mr. John W. Whiddon.-The members of water and ar'ushing grain. Mr. Dale is one
than ny unde thei c f Heaven, In -spent a couple of weeks with her sister, foot slipped on some reed) an"he threw out-
'3eafortb, and a brother of Mr. W. H. Boyd, his hours of st dy, of recreation, and of toil, Mrs. Win. Henderson, left on Sa St.. Andrews' Sabbath chool and mission of the largest farmers and stock raisers and staffa.
his hand to save himself d ET
of Lucnow, and]% -Ir. J. Robb, of Morris. turday last band, and a number of Weir friends, spent a' feeders in the county, and be will find this BRIEF BITS. -Mr.. NA,illiam Gray, our �n just reached
the m oat pleasant recollections to him were for her home at Toronto. -Mr. E. C. Cole- I I ECLIPS
-When a young man of seventeen he went the pictures of the bro very pleasant time pien eking in Mr. Jo;w- mill a� great convenience in connection with popuularl tailor, has eve�ed his connection the end of the pullies of the thresher which.
to attend Toronto Veterinary College, with in- th ers of the'C; M. B.A. man is no�v comfortably located in the -.old �'s grove last Friday, a d on Wednesday his feeding op . orations. The mill was pur- 111.4r. ]EC,utchi8on'ss%re and has returned instantly crushed the - end of his flagers.
their various gatherings. (&pplause.) homestea4. 'He has bad ilif thoroughly reno- et, It was fottunate that be got' no further in -
the object of fitting himself as it veterinary Since the first convention at Hamilton in vated, and lighted by electricity. -Rev. Mr. afternoon TrinitT churdh Sabbath school chased from and erected by Mr. S. Hiuch- to � is ho' e in Bluerale- - Mr. Grey is a
, but he had only been two months 1878 thev ha ' one on increasing. They 11,94gins exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr. held their annua picnic at the, same place. ley, it�nplement agent, Seaforth. ver esti able young man and we are sorry or he would have lost a hand at least. The volume of
-There passed away Sunday, 23rd ult.,
in the city when he contracted typhoid had the' worthy services of good, men o Kerrin, of Mitchell, on Sunday last. -Mr. Several of our fishermen ha�e set nets at to loose. hirm. While here he won the during the
fever and for sever, mon-ths'15,y in Toronto uide them, a. - Kettle Point for -- 11 fishing. -Mr. Alexii eat em nd respect of a lar in the person of Mr. Thomas Brown, Of' 14
lid it was gratifying' to know �P. Keating has had his residence much im. Exeter. ge circle of Stratford, one of the pioneers of the town- durin -
general ho,,pital. Dr. Reilly, of that inti- ander Mitchell, of the fr nt road, near Var. friOnds M o extend to him their best wishes
�ai(l that in all his practice he had. that of late they had at their head a man, proved by raising the roof and adding an na,. is buying apples now, IA)qAL BRIEFS. -Messrs, Robert Sanders for, his future success. -.Quite a narnber ship of Downie, and one of tratfol - most -
who carried them through"one of the most other story, and double siding. -St. Thomas' and Alexander Dow left on Monday last for etimable citizens. - He died at the ripe old- --entirel
never se(Uf a Patient come through 8tich a critical -.questions-that ever faced any . so. church Sunday school will be changed to the Man, i�oba. They will remain in the Prairie froin her, i propose taking in the cheap ex. age of 90 years, having jed as a bachelor a;*- y eclips
siege of fever and live. He can -pe home a eiety,:that of separation from, their r Provibee about two months. We wish' curpsion ;0 the Toronto fair. -Rev. Mr. upright life all his day�. Blest with Vve leave you i
Ke4ner I i spending a few,, days in Hamilton
mere wreck aud.wfas never able to shake off to the slouth." Mr. O'Connell wa b others afternoon, - commencink next Sunday, at Kippen. magnificient physiq�ie, beiwas until sthe after effocts�'of this- unani- 2.30. -Miss Helen Ai?d of Toronto, who DwN(.s.-Mr. and rs. 'Ricker spent them ia pleasant time and a safe return.- thii weel .-The following are visiting in I severe illness. He mously appointed 8�eciond ice -President. has spent the aummo�, �olidays at Maple Sabbath last at the home of Mr. afid Mrs. Rev. W. H. Butt, of Centralia, visited rela- of years ago a most acti e man, carrying:
subse(luently learned the trade of a baker v oue, harnil -t this week : Mrs. J. G. Jeffe I prices is -sure i
We congratulate our old friend upon his Hall, returned home' on Tuesday last. -In John Bawden, Centralia. -Mr. Peter Grant tives here on Tuesday last. He was on his ryl his 88 years so eas dve anybody,
B4&lo; Mrs. R. Honey An4 daughter, ily as t decE
and *hile following this -occupation in Brus- populaxity with his fellow countrymen and: referring to tho barn 'of Brock Brothers, of has sufficiently recoverel from' his recent way :to 'Clinton, where he left the same who did not know him iwell, , His death fore I . Seqorth � Mrs. J. At. Hamilton and daugh- lesels, was seizo(l with tubercular meningitis, co -religionists of this most excellent society. Tuckersmith, last week, we neglected to illness to be able to attend to eveni�g for Manitoba, for a few weeks' hol was caused by ge' the result
and in spite of the kind attention of his his garden Iter�' Blytill.-Messr neral debility,
a. James and Isaac Norris age.
mentioil that the roofing and other� iron once more. -Threshing-, seed - days, for the benefit of his health. He was ha%'*"e retu. ruled to their du -ties in Kineardine
friends and ll that medical skill could do CO5113-RCLtI, CouRsE.-The Education work was done by Messrs. S. Mullett & Co., g far nd fall wheat accompanied from Clinton by his brother advanced !.Wednesday morn- Pan uit or I
be sank rapidly until death reli.ev9d him of Depirtmout provides for the followin g- c, iDg are keepin mers busy and making I an4 Dut . n repectively.-Miss Tufford has . -During the storm on
All sulffering, om- of this town. --!-Mr. 0. L. Schmidt, formie�ly' business quiet in our village. It appears Ephraim, of Goderich township, -Albert ing, last week lightning struck the house,
He -was unmarried 'and leaves in and See
mercial courses in our high schools anJd of our Collegiate' Institute, is right at home hard to get along withDut the farmers.- second son of Mr.- John Gillespie, of thi; returned to''Toronto af �er apending her Mr. Wm. Lee, netr: the light houser
behind him his aged fathev, wibo will ever Collegiate Inatit es :-(l) A junior cour e i n- Picton. We" otice by a programme of Dried apples are coming into our merchants place, secumbed to that dread disease, con- holidaya. yrith her mother and brother. . stock is inow
cherish ia fond remembrance &he affection of ut - Goderich. It struck the top of the West -
a dutifu- First form" Mi�s Lizzle Davis, who �r&8 saccessful M,
I son. work, and (2) a seni r sports for, Labot Day th�t Mr. Schmidt in large7 quantities, ma y believing in the sumption, on Saturday evening, after a few I chimney, almost ffitting it in two them
3 berexam nation, has gone t I %Orted. A full
course-" Commercialdiplorna work. 6 attend the divided, one pairt passi.ngjoown the chimneYf-
A I secretary of the. sports,��commi t tee. -Rev. good *Id injunction, "Jet nothing be wast- He was in his 26th year, Moael se ool in' Mitchell., The first game of a1l kinds at
months' illness.
who have passed the entrance examinato'n Dr. McDonald has been Asiting in Toronto. ed."- -Mr. W. M. Gray, of Seaforth, and and was highly respected. Thefuneraltook and the other betweenlit d the siding-
E(,Nr9Nf)vTr.T.F. NOTHS,-IAJiss C. A. Porter or the public [school le�aving of I)aseb I that has beer
"Ifie expenses of Mr. I I played - here for an
examination. -The official return 6f Mr. D. Steavenson, of Egmondville, who place from biB father's residence, Carling The latter current in its c6urse broke abosti
and 91iss Marion Aluldrew went to (Ilode- mav,,,;enter the junior de the� last, f ur or five yeari was played on Ways b, sto',
,parment; those G. M. Kilty, McCart y1te candidate, in the are now visiting the Sabbath Schoo'g of street, on Monday afternoon last, and was twenty boards of the SlAing and then Ap-
rich as delegates to the Endeavor conven- who bavo passed the recent " firs -uro election, according to Tuckemmith, visited our schools last Sab. very largely attended. Mr. and Mrs. Gilles. S&V�rda between the single and married ed into the 4-rth. The other
men, wh
the statement of he financial agent, bath, ving good counsal and encourage- pie and family have the sympathy of the a 6,11 the bricks inji i ntion, on Thursday and Friday of last week. aniination," or who hold high school com ich resulted in a victory for the , pasa -e(
t form ex. recent West H parently
Well', friend. j4leadbury, we have rated -The half -yearly meeting Ong t latter by a score of 11 to 1. - T�e maTried "008 ixed ts p9magep
in the past, honest and fairly intelligent,but department In when stopped at the- bottpm (the chimuDY.
you niercial certificates, may enter the senior amount to $94.92. e n t agli be,line of Sabbath Schoolwork. whole village in this theiivery,sad bereave. ovr be after the scalps DILL EA
n ai or ing in These courses include a train. of the ruri-decanal chapter of Huron county, -Mr. Cudmore has now three presses in ment.-Mr. R. S. Lang, apple buyer, has being built on trusses tb�'at proected into
the one or the ol several angs of packers at work getting the rick and 011 -
truly your a of Cartwright is neith bookkeeping; commercial trans. 'will be held in St. Thomas' church school full swing in Lambtor , county pressing of t ; be ma rried . men in Seaforth. the bed room) it forced the b
He has been in office actionsi l stenography.,. English and math- robin to-ulay (Friday) at 11 a. mi. -Messrs. large uantities of hay.--LWe are pleased to fall a Manitoba
se:Lreely two months ; barel ppfes ready for shipment to two pointe, TAILORS AND
tered the room apparentl. from
y time to get ematics, 'The, trustees of the Seaforth I I
his chair cleaned, and Yet you charge him Broad - foot & Box, of this town, have leae, Tat Mr. John Mo � t has had a1aver. &Dd the old.00untry markets. -Messr4. Ross B evale. From one it ran along ithe wall tos, bed
Collegiate In st.itute should take this matter a store in Clinton, 'Which they are havii able week, and his proi pects for 're--oyefy & Taylor and Mr. Harrison have each start. Sxnwsii-Mrs. obn Burgess started for -stead, a side piece of whi'h it Split I two-
Avitil neglect of former principles. Better into, their consideration and see if a com- iag? fitted up, with the view of starting a
he ther curre
-ad thby employ a Manitob,6 on Tuesday, to visit her- children and then passedaw"y man, SE'AF
retail furniture business in that town. -Mr. Rev. Mr. Acbeeon and ley. Mr. Graham, great many hands. -It is expected that the out therel, She was accons
turn. your pop gun on Sir Charles Tupper, mercial department could not be added to are beaoming more'favo,able every day.- ed evaporating apples, a 'a
o'n ap- of Bayfield, exchanged T. ulpits on Sabbath which it damaged consideribly,then oour"4
who has &ced dlean &bout on the scfhool our excellent Institute. It would be of jamesCumming,of Eomondville,has pauied as far as flew straight across the x oom to a bu
qttestion, for which he was prepared to I Mitshell and Exeter lacrosa'* clubs will Toronto by her daughter, Ma gis, and Miss TX A
ay decided adv'antage to a great many pupils. pointed tax collector for the township of last. r. Graham,- th-(ugh young ia the cross sticks here on Monday next. The Mary Fiaser.-Mr. James thro h the hall, cutting rung dean Out J11A%ND'
down his life a few mmths ag Cortson. and
0 Not much There is no reason why a th6,rdugh com- Tuckeramith for the current year. -The Exeter lacrosse club - went to Mitchell on Air. Alex'. Ander�on aleo left for Manitiooba. of a c
of a saarifice if lie had, but you accuse the mercial training should not be in our Seaforth bowlink club go to London ouMon. ministry, is very enthui issbic and earnest ! ufair. The fiery par( of the ligning
and promses to make hi i mark in the near Friday last, and played a friendl Ram I I it- i kin&
Liberals of being the chief obstructionistg give" day to play a match w e$ -Elliott Bros., of Waurainosh, are doing made a passage right dwA the. studs til will do AIII -
Ilegiate'Institutes and high schSols 'and ith t6 club of that fature.-Mrs. MeDonal' , of London, has which resulted in favor of the*Miteliell club most of the threshing in this neighborhood. came to the parlor, then 1 entered nf&r 00 Allort notice V
(luring last,ses�ioa. ol Parliament. - Where t us save to the people the expense of send- city. -The- Christian Endeavor social in the been visiting at the parental home of Mr, by a score of two to one. -Quite a large Mrs. J� J. Messer an,til little Margares ceiling, storehing and cra,&ing the Owt*r- ftu be don f
in Is. I vvm
(to you le&ya such goo4 Tories as McNeilp . 9 their sons and daughters to distant basement. of the Presbyterian church on John Anilarson.-Mr. R. MeMordia has number from here are attending the Toronto returnsd Ito their home is Wasailton on It then apparently spreii'tl all around Or I White A -ah.
O'Brien, Wallace, McCarthy and other t wns! to procure training which they Wednesdav evening was not very largely been making a thinning out of his hors Exhibition this week. -Miss Millie Cudmore Tuesday, �aftor a mouth's visit M Mr. V I hed. or damaged
ez, lFm. rool as piaturas ere score
boltan, who kieked so Vi orously. Pahaw ! should receive at home, It less attention attended, but tboaeWpreveut spent a pleasant having disposed of tkree at ano sale. -A few visited relatives at Seaforth this week. -Mr. i Mosser.-�-Misa Minnie Ross, of Wingham, on each of the fourwalls, and the.0111126012011to
T wo weeks' efforts shoulygive us something wi�re paid to the languagem, an Jo -ters of this distrist, ud Mrs. Ed. Hnt, of Seaferth, i ch as Greek social evening. There was a good musical of the farn who have a -visited spent 1"6 week visiting 11ism Maggie and on the piano were on fire.;� K
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