HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-09-04, Page 7IiErili"BER 4,11896* HUXLON IME UXPOSITOIL 4y spect*r a 0, -per 1"alst'y's malls, -MAY YLE TOU chronicles IThe Pace that. XMs. In Ills b.00k, On the Track ol! daughter said, adding that she bellieved.they prin!lar duties. t"b pertain to them in their' law, the younger Empress, besides herself the Mail Coach:" In looki *ord in the dictionary, had saved -her life. Citizens will attend the looking after her house ax)d children, risen
FN - A traveler wagered that he would break sever, Ll da;! augp(o tny, eyes fell on the defini- The ergerienofi of years has proved that riman - ist�r and. vote when the prev. at cook -crow sometimes to Write documents
ABLE YOU TO DO So. through -the blockade of Atl3ox-Closed.1y tion (f " emulatiod),—the act of attempting-' there is a1solutely no lisease due to a viti alenb sd I im t of attachment. t -o our inati- of importance for the Emperor, The Queen
He knooked. 'so persistently at -the littjc t? e &I or excel in qualities ated'obridition. of the blood or, shattered Putions lia so :: ouneed and c,)mpelling, of Italy—just n4w very keen on bicycling— or actions; pron
window that itt last-, it, Was opened fa.T rivs.Lt y ; desire of superiority -i attended nerves, that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will
thatfailure to diseharge the functi a of a
3ror Cooling Whole To enough for him to thru with effort to attain it.J) on usually spends tAe morning hours in study-
st in w-btindlo ol nob promptily cure, and those who are stif- citizen will he branded as contemptible. * ing languages auil ztage plays. The Belgian
0 "'au -v letters. He thought for a monlent 06 y the evening' before we had been fering from such troub es would avoid much Patrioti in has come rather generally to be Substitutes to Take the ]Place of Rain, that lit bad won but he didn't 1, talkil g j�boub a- little woman who was once Queen and Aust6an Empress in former days
ow the postmis. misery and save mone by promptly kesort- interpreted as a willingness to fight and mployed their 1:' ts in "Ibreak-
n genuine 3[odern Genius Hard at Work Vor the prett 1�, bat now has harassed and anxious Get the dieforcrie's, countryand its institutions. 11 e1sure, tress, who flung his, letters into the. ingt.t,o this treatme*
sonefit of Sufterers Fm Then ac street, 139 in"' pet ponies -, but of late the Belgian
ux neat. I toloncl,uiidortook . to underming expression of countenance. Pink Pills every titne and do not be per- Tb at -an" rers very well for a definition of Queen has preferred ttie study of literature,�-
the pOStInIst - ress' Position on the giving oi �Vbat is the matter with her?" '�sked tile suaded to take an im babion or some other patrioth �n, during times of war, bub is gen- and the Austrian Empr4 I s of Greek I The It is our duty to lce4 cool—not only our obauge- question. Presenting Iiims,,If a, one.. It was a physician who answered remedy from a dealer, , vhich, for the sake Of erally d f dent in that ib allows no room for Dowager Empress of
411ty to - ourselvbs, but to our nolghbois the window, he - tendered a, half or r- lie has no! disease. Shei is' wearing extr!x profib to himself, he in Russia and the Princess
own re. sarls just patrioti n in times of peace. We should of Wales have tastes entirely in common and the community In genoral—according questing io-. be supplic-d with a gilf hersb f - to death bv emulation of other niado by sanitary C l; s re. to. as good." Dr. "'IliamsPin Pills make consider! tat a very cheap specimen of con- both are devotedin art embroidery
99 blood is U pait-
Pe ain ;ftl kill her if she keeps rich, r 'to recent worth of -postage st,-t-mps.. .. qpl�. Tile str 6d blood, and cure when other medi- jugal Ad�elity w1iiehynt a man upon caring ing in. w
Matologiste. Disease germs within our ill it Nobody this wor' d call stay fi ater polors, and are i4nderful 091 -VO. DO 191ii(I the lady. avoc iso cine fail. for his; wife -and evoting himself to her adepts at millinery. ost of our own,
bodies are b6llaved by thoill, to develop h) ' very well, replied the c M; Words aJ the diellonar definition. 0 olonel. . y necessi ;tea! only on occasions when she -was Royal Princesseareau cook very nicely,make
much more extensi vely In the heat of sum- He wlthdkew for a minute or setn! to thinking. Are not 'many women Tabb ' ;
two, and illin themselves Y_ threa (ne ru ans. A husbands love butter, and are initiated into 1he mysteries
3UOr 9 h Many people suppose that tabby is a name T ey
than. in the coolness of winter, This I then xeturne k by this same Process.?'
reason that inost disease . I d with a bag of CO pennic.s. An(] how-drearilF unprofitpble.it all is, when where. T e only has its s ' hete of serIviae at all times and- in of household arta. h are one and all
:for tor the germs are Tapping goliti� At the 'window, he suav 9 . applied to cats in geneial. It really means all situ;t ions. Oo has patriotism. Shooting singularly accomplished, useful and sensible
ts -tegetables, and hot weather Is most favor- said, "A penny, stamp, if yo ' one considers phe truth of the physieian's 11ITentiye is soutid cats whose fur —The W men e.
-01r,*)1d.JJ I u please, mad. is marked in -a certain our Naitonal briernies is only a small and women.
e able to vegeWble life. And there Is this am, stater lent that nobody in this world, can VNI 0 al H m
only way, and so there are both male and femikle accidental part of the matter. . What our g stay f rat W wilsideration of still great importance-- She fted eye oi e tabbies. country needs most is menwhowil love Have Men - Good Taste. the human animal s found to be inore triumph, took tile penny, gav For strive as e may, ther'e id her and --not �ie for her, -but live for her
0 the stamy The tabbles are divided into banded—and Men as a rule have very good taste 'in
V7 nfluence, or perha a more th him With the glltt�rin ' 1z, n-irs,
-.criminal and more liable tL Insanity dur and. shut the windo. A minute' late] lei ed spotted furred cats. The name is derived while there is Jo shooting going on." deciding-f6r the womenthey care for details Ing hot than during cold weather. h b The're is merit in the esire to kidney ni t ere was a second -knock and a second ro. CUT from Atab,- a street in Bagdad celebrated of dress. TheT seem particularly
-lye 'Valuable lessons in the art 'of keeping quest," A Pon . ny postage staip, :U you =?ihe best of, ourselves and of the talents for the manufacture of watered silks, which OTAY I ful where the arrangement of the hair is in Worms cool may. be learned froln tile specific giveu!jus. 'There is no credit due her who, the. I whe Vr of recent patents granted tby the gov- th lcine,, 1�y S ii sold in E, ngland, were called atabi, or question. It is not that they are able to a- PI&SO, mild11D At the thirtieth penny because of. " 4 desire for superiorit �' over affety, and ftom their resemblance to originatean idea, but a chance
'ting qong a Postmistress surrenTeredan'd agrecd.vq y OC t I
ernent aliot4pr, wear's herself out in attempting to if N 6� U10. MIR YOO alteration
to hundreds of inventors, Ingen- give chang e., s D watered silk, the banded and brindled cats do th�t which she 'Cannot perform. Is this in the coiffure of the woman they love
-Jouq and otherwise, -who h struggled le , ill av9 were called tabbies. It is one of the com.- make them say, 'How pretty your hair is
-with. ffie problem for corrxniercl�l purposes. Mountain sickness. not e reason for the nervoui, anxious look Man Years Rdd6d to the Lives ol -day 1" They do not . know it is A Western inyclutor rccOntly'l Patented a on tob'' faces of our American women 9 Th yidney monest of colors, -or markings rather, and is to The tourisV-'who 'ras striv'- to . dress, as well- as neighlic' I ny b eeds of cats, but a uni- prettybutithe W thus praised will under-
hly- trudges ur found in ma. thom whol U�e this Great 91
tile scheme by, which he claims. hb can artIfl- blont Blan' 1;s WieK formly ma�
c occiircly roped to 'a larg(. ked t bby is comparatively rare stand atnce what the particular point of
r doub 6'their income they give en- u_ DisG v6ru av sed,to, suoh 001 a whole community at little ex- party of tr elers Is; apt, if unh. tertai nd valu4ble,— r,. Louis Post-Despateb. beauty is, and if shi be wise will keep
rum At certain Intel m e tha empty the never -too -full purse, —For 'vals lie I vould. erect exercise, * to feel. sick, and a lngth to be u� 'bt to it. an
-skeleton towers—liko -windm�ll towets— I d 0ey uy furniture for which they can Whai W d' Resident of 70 Women -usually hug to theme - elves the
slck,:after two or -three hours" ."clinibing. - that ickling sensation in the in sot ever, fi� each havingan electric trollek wiro run- He is ingloriously led do., 0 1 pay by rigid self-denial. what ve in the case of uniforms, Is throat try a 10 ent box of " Mist" Cough tyu to his hotel, hints given them by their masculine ad-
ning from bottarri to top. Tho w1re'trans- but on 7, exceeded ye-ars 6f -Age Says. , 4- re N �re we only content as Women to do Lozenges. The will allay the irritation at mirers. There are hundreds peculiarly mado bombs to he top, covering he will probably tell hii just that which we can easily afford, how The Prince has a horror' for evening dress, once. For to -day who ts quld, undoubtedl sale by all druggists and the simply L an n theit brows per friends: that lie w mudl, mote peaceful our Mr. Jameserw�o of Windsor, Ont ee&use
ti lives would lie, how- which heCODsiders hidedus. He prefers the h part their hai d curl it, adA1ktC4 tobildvft., -where -icy are axplodedby electricity. The reached -the -top If it had not been for thf Key Medi8ins ornpany, 395 Yonge Street, attainedi the ripe; ol fifty or A as aup;4jor much better our. children tyle to uniform however, an welve e of 70 year xty.years ago "I he to Umbs contain liquefied carbonic acid gas, n1al do niontagne to -%fhi(,-h the most he how much more , % d uses t Toronto, Ontar o. few years ago he 4u from an attack- said be liked it that way. Another ill
f :uits of these a year, at a fixed price of $80 care -free. and -youthful our. men — these Of Par-Mysis, and a s oond attack eame On knot bets in the napef her neck, while a Which, when liberated by, the explosive, roio craggman inu.sb 3rield.- The truth if Ame 7ican husbands, the befit in the world a suit. Let, me add that the Prince never him twetve mouth a
34 ]�ro '-will Instantly evaporata and severely chill that lie is . Th r a lit of this weare any. pair of trousers Wasn"t a bit Scared. trouble !was to sorl sl deran 'third would as so think f dressing it
_Oklyar X lr� lias simply been taken -sick fron. who1annot bear his di- 011.
the s=ouu(Iin- atmophere. to have their wives more than four gestive ans, and om limte nervous lower than the crown as ahe would
f4biguc, Possibly Some of Ills companjons, for times, and that as the discarded' I think about the most carious man I of,
1 haVa rtcommetide& A. Canadian Inventor patents a unt ihings that by an.. additional strain clothes of troubles followed. o o tallied froin! La- tin it off altoget er. -cut-
quo experienced ni6ilutdincors, hen iictudll- em ever nietil' said the retired burglar, met belle & -they might give th, . And would pot our royalty are nol# alloWed to be appropriated o., of 'Windsor, a bottle of Soutb
system ast- America 'Nervine. It - had an Immediate lor, again, isl a rnan�s strong point.
*Ivray-s! (2ont.intle to do by which air passes through con- at the sununit of the mountain felt a very lives be longet iii the land. Harper's by' the valets, but are all preserved, there is in "a house in e tern Connecticut, and I �Iyl produl�� .I� ter effect the stornach trouble, and on the at is to say lie knows whe, be likes a
-tock o*f thousands of them at Marlbor 'y d
en 3 e t t _ckl
10 ent
'he wi
le by a oull 0 Of
ol I a�
a a 0
-orl u fervil y or hotbed of flowers before being disagrecuble train of symptoms which they Baza a -s lough y �ither if I should ever 41 strengthei shouldn't- know him Th
cooled and circula,ted throbg1i. the bouca had not before experienced -when doing fax House. a nerves, ling the baiart's color or when it suits his fiancee or wife. t teet him agairk, �hless I should hear him ct-foln, N to d bee6me weWk. He tays He 1
M. D�, New Bythigmeansthoair is not onlycooled, morediftlepitafiddangerou it w 44 f ba understands, too, whab dressomaker ac.
sfeats*of climb zeak. as so d4rk where I., met him a This need surprise no one, for when King 11 c r " It the beat of medialn6s; It -gut purifled and scouted with the sweet" in4 at lower altitudes] How to Sleep Well. s In short- they at I never saw hin� at all. I had looked I'll elle a of paln,,buillt' up my health' centuates her good points, tliouich he iny-
George IV. died his clothes were sold by few 70, a o he suffered from -&u atta,* note able to explain that it i
ildrtn, and th4' Cry for� odor of violets, hyacinths, lilies of the Val-* for6d. from the, true* mountain' s_ SI eplessnefla is a most distress* around the house do*n- a becau e her l0kness ing com- public auction, which lasted over three stairs. and �Ctually a nd KO a
I - s - a me a gotod appett I will waist in trim in one dirre—se, d shortened ia wheit we give one a dow'. ley or what not. which is not elia lah t, �Lnd one which aaes a woman quick. weeks, there bein hadn't seer& thing woilth carrying ff, and always It Nt
I - racterized by, sicnos's ir vo less than 500 fur -lined . - Ii L insom�ia," as it is called t- we 0- to all, but especially to the 41 . tPO- -1 $ball alwaM Another iiiiventor,- claiming to its �modern 1y' ; ;herefore, t another that, he likes the rat audoe not
have English signift6tion'of voinit coatmalone. All e- Prince's clothes, o -a#'t a b d I ,k* I h use on the outside, * t. #. 14 and 10 A old nd
ll� con- n 15 eiter. I got up ta a a groped tbout, .& t,ni, I .. J ' W � am � T. ,
'I L11c 15YIninoms of mar -do montagnt new, are kept at Marlborough House, in sh I be kept at band. South Am-, Oh, he knows nothin a "s 3) -
-e the M-iuution of aftei night, A person lies awake for. hours ooms, little and finally turned into &- roc in that arican Nervies b I p- t dr I$ in
itruct a large gas envelope shaped lik �11 be explained by bho. di what are known, as the buehing-� the b_qst on the market.
COOPER- Newnr&# -uge. Alongthe lower 0 gcn per unit volume alone. TA&nioun- `.A I-- , I 6. st was aaftemarkof maya, sogtion of an Ora toge her, seriong results are sure to. follow. several men be--' darker than Eiz6A. I hidn't Lrdne more the commouand fli
edge runs a thick- Pir than three steps in this room when,� son. girl. But qitestion E! r VV �& --L V.Fear and Lumaden & W1 O of aluminiti-m. perfo- ta, sickness cannot 'be recognized at; ex, It m fty &rise. from various causes. them. All his fiats, espeevially the old ones heard ffor sale by ith d' maev ancl
o rear 9pout of a street sprin- is ng z below abo-ut 16, 500 feet. 'It is re- A en cause sleep- a manay, I Hello, there!' yon will see that, r neitfier so
r1storia, Tated like th disordered liver will oft are, for some reason or other, kept at San�' !gno�ant nor so he - is , 1. less ess. When this is the case, the piitient in taste ays you
'k -ler. To tl4s Is connected a hose of light in -able that very different experience dri'agham. He abominates the high silk Hello sayel. Strange Post Office. imagine, and that. this K C11"T, Tubber or other material, -wbich may be are related by leading cragsmen. . Wh feelsibeavy and droway after ineals, 4nd may hat h a favorite headgear being that which Who nre you?' said the man, burg- Until (ult( -recently the postal syste. in I
Yin- fall I g so he isyour
rs. . mrodisti"l.
-gerewed to a fire plug or spigot. At the per tip on the Andes at 16,664 feet could �slebp'ab_once on going to bed, !only to-, is inown in this country as the Derby, and lar ?' Pe very loosely conducted. It was best counsellor in matte. ga awaken soon after and lie awake for hours, in Lon I hats And I sa U th superinteriden vnds of the s envelopes are cables fasten- not'got his Pipe to -burn,and his guide g and the bowler. The high id yes. I did do something in h ce of a Minister of utda a
A to carriages at either gide, containing also had to fors'wearithe relief affoided b ter"p just dropping off for a few min' h h6 Wears are, by preference, a bell in line occaeionally. 09 owever does nab work the Cure. whic that eirtnalfs JXKo
ng, and waking again,- feeling 99 Tuller attachmentg. In dry weather this tho Virginian -weed. Yet* Sir W. CO fore fiiorni sle, and -with a roll brim. Miserable business to be in, ai 3?t. it self. Each',road is farmed to S. KRycKmAx, Etq�l SIr,—I suffend tired and irritable. In uch a em' e treat mid the ma -:n.'-' His voice came fron L a bed some meqc ant or weal y person, who ead
ontrivance may be sent aloft, against the, gulde- smoked a cigar quite comf -bly 0 one can dress quicker than does the from eczema for two YeMar�a iffernt kinds of
orta pays yourself m wh as you would for . a bilious over in, the corner of the room and -I know a certai* in to the medloln-. I was at the hospit f time, and the I some
AKW2%L t wind if there be any, being controlled by o -A the sum' mit of Pioneerpeak, 2.8,000 feet Prince. A valet is of but little use -to him, an' Minister for was told t-bere that all bod be
out of un. 'Jin Ine for me 'that can be directed attack. Take some perieut meaicine ; be and from 0 e moment when he gets he hadn't even oat privilege, and makes asmuch money out of
the vehicles below, It it�ve the sea, although he and tho':other And could be done. I ceased tres ment, -at C-litistmax. very careful in your diet ; take gentle exer I said, ' I�Gfl, 11 dunno Pve got the busiv eag as he can. On the south coatt, Mter leaving the hospitid I wa� un ier; the e_rz- of the. tops of high buildings and high trees. elfinberg suffored from distressing loss ol his bath un 41 his dressing is completed, not To to support my.family some way. of Patagonia is the most remarkable postal � Hamilton ph dclan, but got nd. relief. lh,&vetjktn
cise in the olien air, end avoid all worry'-�and. more than I en minutes have elaso " Well, you've juit wasted a night here, service in the world. four bottle@ oatenay Cure sud xm now well ul ore. ANw5liville citizen -would do away with energy. —13ritish BledicalJournal. ed.
I excitement.. give an ides of the value of his -wardrobe, it Close to the shore is free from eezemiL the popula custorn of play1jig the hose up- Verbal Prescrip'tions. Irregularity in the hour of retiring will !-aid the m&n. Didn't you see anything a large sign poat wit h the inscrip on �ou the front pavement. In �ubstitution ma b i al lolled that his uniforms and ti
ver to give nn3 cauqe , restlessness, an avoided Yours ruly.
therof6r lie Would resort to a scheme -by "I have adopted aule no d' should be IAL rooele _�er,, Marlborough ' House alone down stairs worth stealing I'Poat-oltee." Attached by chains th the Regular hours are much the Verbal prescriptions to patients, remarked if possible. 11 And I said no I hadn't. foot of ti 24213&rtcn St. k," *hloh coolnes and sanitation might be have been i ured for $70,000. e sign post a strong ell at, which beat. less - uptairs," says the jointly accomplished. He wotild line the a leading hysician, I If i r I hae observed Well, theres lerved a post Offi master, clerk, all in
Burdock PIN, small, safe iwd gu that in many casea harrh is'done by it. 'An afternoon nap is not always- a Aesir. man, and I then heard him. turn over and 0ne, r many ye re. � The ships passing . re, regukte the streets of our cities On either side with A Perfect Woman. Liver and cure Constipation,
My rule now is to �ut in writing all tlif -late hours settle down to Fo to sleep again. Id like throu 1e a ellai large pipes, just under the curb. At short - le thing to indulge, in, but if 8 *ts,eend a boat to e, and te re- -01 vals: these would contain 'spouts, orderA I leave for �Pationts. It is surprising have been kept the Wght befor - When Sam Jones was holding his meetirigs �to have gone pver there and kicked him.. to 4c xn:: letters that may be b- US,, 1 biter the ell fe The Dinner )Bell. whitt errors patients make, for medicine if quisite number of h6 een cur- in Dallas, on one occasion -he said The�re addresoe( to theirpl ces of call, and at the ns upon- the concrete street irs of sleep b But I didn't.! It was getting late and I spreading strear well to dke a short rest during is no �ucfi thing as a perfect man. Anybody Ings onsidered, that I miFht a me thn, � to lea e a y letters the c -or
something which the ordlithry, man oi tailed, it is thought, all tht c 3 The dinner bell has nd tharmi for a dyspeF
In front and converting it tn;o a. trough, us v Y may or bilious person. To onjoyyvur food, -svoddys- t as well let -him have his sleep out. ish to h ive t a! g at the ter- woman gives but little attention to, Oj the day. *The, corsets and shoes Ahould,--be present who has ever known a perfect man, %ken it other directions. In pepaIs wad he 11' to be cleanly dr. ned by sewei have - he9fty action of t vler, use
course now And then we And patleM Wllc taken off before lying. down. stand up." goston Post, mination of a �lop,.3 at each sk o. This sys- Small. g oup ( I a off the ,south coast 1A_,uLIverJ1ls, SWO, sure, never giipe. One fit Ul
Nobody stood up. after a t000liewrty we&) removes take to'niedicines naturally and who, un. all ill-efficte.
fem, of flushing Jets being surned on at leelanq ' the islanlZra have,& bottle it, ure Indigestion and give good appalte. T91y
Those who have ever known -a perfect Tommy could Tell. hich de' d 'I on the wind. Wben derstand them, theii names and'action. A Less 'on. ftom the Horse. pen s inaral wrtain times each da, If is claimed, ------------ we ON alm at as. -do physicians, but -this does no! Did you ever notice the hilosophical at- w0mall, Stand UP." Now, can any little boy tell me What e wiridr,blowi from, the south they put
/Ity One demure little woman stood up. Dr. Loves Ple"Ant Worm Oytup removes worms of ;'CASH OR TRAIM Cleanse: th streets. of happen, for that chiss of persciiis sel, ti�ude of a horsetbat has slipped and knows �he word Ide'but'means?" asked the teacher, eir letters into &'well -cork -ed bottle. TO all kinds from children or -adult 5. would c'ol tho -.entire c as well as ill pay the For smaller a -ad cheaper devices patents dom allow themselves t6 get, sick Pnougl thatLhe has come down to bedrock in this. Did you know an absolutely perfect wo- pleasantly. insure delivery a plug of tobacco or a cigar to need a physteian. Wthe ordinary. per. liard,'cold world'I Really, men might take man askel Sam, somewhat amazed. -ii pat inside,,& id people on the mainland are even more plentif ul. , An enterpri 94 - There was a dead silence. A Boon to H -t iv sing -amity.
son whOL is not sick on -an average ovei a lesson of him to the gre&t betterment of I didn't know her personally," replied 11 Come, come," she continued, in an en- afre, us ally onthe lookout for and ready to Buckeye inventor recently pt��nted a con- t Wberever there are SiCkLly Pe ip% witir weak hexyto he le
one Or - two days in that number- of yeari. their nervous systems. the little woman, " but I have heard a great couraging-tone, 11 let me see if I cannot help qenvi tt irs so! despatchect, n return and derenged erve ibun
tWwanco by which ny person sufferring P, It , t's Heart and Nerve
th troin the heat inay convert himself into a banding, He lies perfec —so of -ill you ignor- deal of her. She' was my husband's first. you a little. You all remember when I be- for the enclosed remiineration. Pills will be found art effectus
medicines are past . their iinders tly still medicine. They Ye-
br A ire enfeebled, enervated, eXb, and they got V fe." kusted, devitAlized oir -cold crystal water. The living fountain of things -wonderfully mixedL antly conclude that he is stone dead or stun- cameVour teacher V overworked men and romen to perfect cm4itution-
To illustrate. Sonic days ago a store nei. Nothing of.the kind. He is a philos- es ma"am., contrivance consists of a loosely,fittingeol- 9 9 'in a chorus. 0 Maerachaum is From. alpower. Weak and -PiOe girls and -women sion to-
keepercalled at myofacoto.ffhow me i opher. When he falls in harness, he recog- WHEN OTHERS FAIL Well, the first,day that I -presented. my- gain vigoroushesit 3. lar of rubber and a large basia or dish sev- The r[e i a a ve 7y gener sore foot. As he never had a sore foot be -hat the harness contributed self before you, what was it I eral feet in dianicter. The collar fits over nizes the f&,3t t made!" al-ipression in the !,STORE HEALTH Please, maam, I know," -from Tommy minds of ftokers that the meerschaum pa RackIng Coug ured by HAg,
fore he thought It something very serious to his downfall. DRi NVILLTADIS' MNIC PILLS Rr rt That can be uIckly c
the neek and shoulders. It contains many of the ti�b: lwb ich they treasure so carefully yard's Peowral Balka Price course "I explained it to him by saying hat it He siinply waits to limve all impediments AND STRENGTH. Tradles. perforations on the under side. To keep . 5 mud to, elsom-te pride and satisfaction in That's it, Tommy,' said the teacher, was simply a chafe, and that all he needec' removed before trying to retrieve his repu- ir i BabY cool by its meas the were - sits in a chair colouriPg," is ;compressed sea foam. Vaced. in the middle of the basin, connects was to apply. a little vasellno to it once oi tation as a hore of upright tendencies and A Well �nown Young Lady in Napanee with a pleasant smile. II Tell the rest of the Died.
however, is not the case. The Ger- It bab
twice a'day. ' In a f6w minutes afterwdre". solidmerit. �V- hen the. pressure is removed, givesher Experience—So Weak that- boys what it was I made." Stich) 4 . alns,� y wag very. ba with summer com-
a hose to the collar 'and enjoys the cantin- 66 Mall,%rora meerschaum means - in English plaint, and I thought he would idlo, until. I tried Dr. I -was in a drug store near by, using a tele. he gets.up composedly, shakes himself to She Could not go up -stairs without A big bluff," said Tommy. Fowlees Extract of Wild 8 raber . With th.o uous passage of a slowly flowing eurrent foam of tlid so&, but its formation b as noth- re fo ry
phone. Imagine my surprise hen I heare -prove tli.at be is all there and is ready to Resting—Her Friends thought she was 0—, firstdiosel-notloed dbangef] the botter, and bow
Of an tomperatum over his limbs and ingtodo4iththesea. Itisakitidof,clay him ask the druggist, for a small quantlt� give destiny aother wrestle. All of which in Consumption —No the Picture of .1 he I i cured ond and h.all body. Tito snie inwy be used as ashower of gasoline, I* burned to him 'and askee is commendable and deserving of imitati6h. Health hod Strength. Rebuke, Par Excellent.' comes out! of mines like coal, and is found MRS A. XonmA.N]31x,
An effeciive reproof was that given by an orily in Turkey. The artist -who carves bath for cleansing as w ell as coolin pur- Londc)n, Ojit;Nrja, .9 hb� what he intended to do Ivith the gaso, When a man falls in harness, he never From the Beaver, Naparee, Ontario. elderly man to a fashionably dressed young meerschaum !a h poses. li I . -mind shows big philosophical side. On the con- reiquired to pass t rough as e, for somehow .1 noticed that his Amorig tile young ladies of Napanee-there woman, who as it seems, must have been p Norway Pine By rup oures 6. 3ughv, If you are chronic. sffc-rer from the rego�ibedforliijn, _1rry, the more 11 go "' lie �bas in him -the severe a iieho )I or p'rentibesbip, lasting lqorW&Y)?Ino Syrup cured t ronehitis, -d 0 Ileat, besides suppl Ing, -11 some was Preoccupied vvhen I p more is! none better known or more - highly ed out,of her "manners" gays the from throe to.ten years, as though the work Norway Plno:Syrup heals i �ie lttngs� han 0110 y yourself wit 10 atention tx el y be is to flounder, kick and " to esteemed. than Miss Mary L. Byrnes, In. s Companion. were in marl le. and tha lie* paid but litt of the devices mentioned, you e' maki�g recuperation should�purcliaso amatti7ess and pillows, as what I said, and lie told in, he iatelxdc� do "_over his tumbl, deed her acquaintance and popularity cov The young woman was walking ra idly uslug it on hi.� foot, as. Windvised him 'not impossible. Philosophy is A,Cr ng 1P
I Ila( difficult, -if p �K fittt d: tip for us In: 06 NW. n ered a more extended field as- shc- is travel- along a street, abaded. by many trees, when BArery rying,evi! vil. Ora wborby the young xecentl patented— ide, of a light water- Th� settled -it with me, nd'd immediate, at P, discol., ut. � The grave yawns invitingly. Ii g P � o en Shoppers. I thould I e prompuy removed,
proof niaterial—ti) bo filledwith ice water. ng aleslady or the Robinson Corset the elderly man, coming up behind her, -saw Sick beadacbe Is a (ry ng evil p ff-�etlng thous inds,of fil,a,l f1ke. With out Sdp*tlff ly Aidopted t rule I had been thinking Deah has no sing. if it were 11 ot for man's com This might bo co-nifortabl coi-abined w th ny, and has many customers on her it large fuzzy caterpillar. on the collar of her Work, ail employment," writes Mrs. A. Canadias, which can easily � 3 remove e use wsine8s,llfe- Drop -us &�o� man conceit, lie might learn of Burdock Blood Bit ers, the;best kowi) st-mineb,
about for several yca,rs and now writo oui ektreme y hu route� which extends from Oshawa to Ot- coat. D. T. Whitlity" in, eptember Ladies"Home 11 mazy le sons o el % egoldt-)r and kure for sick headache
a device patented by a inveAt- f his dumb friends, hot least Ilver wid bow
-or, who -would inclose yol ir bedstead in a every I bl�iilg .1 for patients. tawa. How this young lady happens to be I beg your pa-rdon, he eaid, laying a Journal, 'I wou be, more bvailable., better 1.y4Lu1 w.IfLtaver cawe Ing. may cost- niore this way, but It h among� hich would be when and- how to 3LT ick f 3no. the subject of this article is due to the fact d6taining hand on he� arm as he spoke, and, rewarded, if it C D1114 be done less in. the conical s, qquito netting, this in- y1inder F. -der for theiii and Nvill pay in -end lie still if he fallg .'in harrless.�Jeanette she has recently undergone- a, most remark.. removing the obnoxious crawler. ""I wished mass, made mori � possible to the iudi�idual; um, Ch
cloure torminting in a rietallic c. I -lad lie put gasoline on his foot it.woulc Haderm nn -Walworth, in New York Mail For Cholera Morb 014% Total
at the top. Inside t'lie cv1trider revolves an able change through the use of those won- to take off this caterpillar which was -almost be less monopolized in centres, forcing both Colic, Diarrhoea, Dya Klery-add Sunmer Cuniplaint, d to the have almost -Lot him �crazy, nd lie'wopule and Express. derfnl little messengers of health, Dr Wil- at your neek." labor and quitory to crowd to a few engorg- Dr.Fowleea Extra W-1 St�&-Arborry is a prompt,
electric fn air direct- nio, instead of his own inat liams' Pink Pills. When 'the reporter of Th -e young woman stared haughtily and ing points. k ow co-operation and sub. safe -3nd ture cure�t��04 tias beeki a popular �AwAte_ ly, up, Sending it out at tile top. You are have blmeal, t for nearly 60 years, -ling Garments. lie Beaver called to.make enquiry into her with an air of resentment at the caterpillar division are gre t they enable pee. — Jth tention. shingt(yri tar. Mouri thus left to sweat repose in a coolness wl. Must the body or D t-eginald Sayre, says My,only ure, he Ivas met at the doQV by the young. and was about to pass on, With no word of ple to btly r(at' deal more than they en out either a draft ag, t - a nso daiian of trade Hido Birda at the Amsterdam Zoo. ourning garm the stifling atinosphero ustially produced objectioh to m ents is the heavy ladv- herself, whose rosy cheeks and healthi thinks. really want, and t�e o ' h Among the marty fois to hQkln braltb and bappl-
-ation and dragging appearance gave Ids up big for unes. The question is, ate
by mosquito netting. Should this nob suf- The collection of stork.8, horoils ELI)f Vail) cuttirig off respii no indication that she had If. I made a mistake, and Yon would bui t Dyspepsla 110 VonstipatleD Are Mineemies
0 Amsterdam is &i.nong the best ii weightily from the head. If the gown worn. undergone prolonged illness. The re- prefer to have the caterpillar replaced I tb c righ 6 r. eop le' bellefitted, in the igh r, fleo, you might employ the unique contrlv# greatly to be feared. Whh Ili 13, B, to dtive them I can easily put it back," said the gentleman Wa I Th fa Lilt lies greatly with pure out of the systew, h,34cver, r.9 dsnger need be an. ance designed by patcatee who, calls his E urope. Dut these, �urllilco tile cornio is propeRy dyed it does not matter if it is hasers ti ipated, as evety 1305a DTI 0 suft,rer a long
re cr,hibited i ontirdly tirtifleiki blue -black, green or pink. courteously, suiting 1 -he action to t e word. 8, con.4timare. il,Vomen will crowd to invention a "fanning cover. " An ordina- xaiits, or ne color, is latep, further on tlie 4o t4 wrlect be2ith ani
surroundings. Dutch tsto is riglit in thil not more urihealthy tha another. Mourning places where tl are a thousand things strength, aud a permspent curbi Iwaya lreal)hs,
r.7 %heet is place over the usual bcdc-lothes Lhey do not require, for one that they really nd i.4 wountea upon a wire 6&nle, one decision, for the W3�ds are so docorativ( is simply a label upon those in sorrow -.bear- Costly Badge, of Authoi -icy. do—a card of buttons or a yard :of ribbon, both in forin and Pluiuii,9 e. iug the words, I Let me alone.' -end of hingedto thefootboard 0 Th most costlyinsignia of'offfiffli tional surroundings. set; off thcirbeaut3 If a bereaved person did not weFLr e e hichlanylittle modest baber� r to,% li -ht motor. By simply London, _'y home might supply. v ry 'i _P
and the otlic world is that of the Lord Mayor o tol1chill- - a S,�v It yotlr SidLo you nay and they pear to far grete!r advantag( 'Mourning she would be compelled often to d her se by. EV: is
y cio of a ineadow, railbe explain why invitations were -refused, and the pendant to whose gold cb&inL Of offic rho dy ng out of local trade, the and dow_ 11 at than in tile ecti Cause tho cover to and other petty details connected set with- diamonds worth moke than cruel swallowing up of small activities, con-, b( ff by Nvire, in which they are kept in Ile a, hous, a lively pact-, refresbing broozo gan 1 $600,000. Each holder of the office is re- ge,sted.city streets, and disgusting ge'neral Crok, a coton Root 00MPotiod
,our foo't.7— t's prk. They. inbabit a double li: with social life. Viewed from - this� stand- 911, i I I
alid t(�rrifylng ll denizens of the night ry San( point, I really t ro- quired to give. bond for its safe custody jostle. which See�L� t "(11itUrl) V S1111111), S of 6; court.9 it to do Its er quare pavcd with deep, d bink it:is a desirale I pi -ice, and before be is b0lufactitred by The. ()Ur . I during his year of offi (I ad faced with widely spaced bims. tection. Why must every womti within twenty,
i—black or Whilo sitting upon lwn in the sworn in. After the Lord Mayor receives C k CO., I windsot Ont.,
10 per pair. evening yotl enjoy tha invention Of a miniature canal of runn ng Wat6r traveb. Dr. ohn I'anderpoel said.: The wear- the chain of office,and is duly sworn,the oth- miles of a largrq emporium make it her Detr�itXich isthe
t tin-ough each of the. co , tg fr�otn. end t( ing of heavy crpe eils is detrimental to IvIeceaf-ot devout,jliainful,perpetual pilgrim-
11bancapolis cit izen w1io iitilizes tho water 0- yknow�lsafe r�liale
The i�eight pulling er in9i of office, seeptriz, seal, purse, end of the line. In the liter of each roNi any womah's health. gn1da age? Why )nusU she travel to and fropush' monthly me in -on vhi�h ladies.
pavrer i an ,garden I�ose to turn swords mace, are formally presented to Ill gh wild, th onga, risk life e
which sui plies ill() stroani. from the head and the'difficulty of respira- ' I end
a rotary fan at I - i,' Ill poed, Tho fan is u rou n de the hour mid iftne s the fountain him by their custodians,to whom he returns r ly T -
Mounted m metal lie and inay, arelied over by-. chestnu trees stir tion cause headaGhe. It is seldom that the de bustled a id, huddled in itreet - cars, op
r rle four swon R. d- brains 'an - "e ry U -who reads.
so n fliininoes. wearet of these obnoxious. articles does not them. The 0, a Is belonging to exhaust 1 time d money, en- 1F OJ be turned to create- P. current in ny desired rounded by groups of' 11 y 0 direction. Stwiding oil the warm, dry sand by th( return home thus annoyed. � In England the cit f LOndon, namely, the Pearl deavorink to e plore all the stock in the thi isrequest e two Post
P I age stamps, %rter mentioned- his mission and found h addre6s, for .
gr Dups of or veil_� only are woru, and they lessen Sword, Xresent d. by Queen Elizabeth *in
rplashiDg streani, tho. inisor short 81 market, �*to ell se While ridiiig upan your wheel you. may, Byrnes quite willing to tell the par- 1571, an richl studded with pearls, car- fu�� libaded craue,;, & iite. and.�.purpl( the injurious e&cb. As to the rest of the I putJ on, Or fill h !e w nd why ,njoy -� hree7 tom a sinl Tray, IN". n, the f ordlNlpyor on. all 6 th (3 f I ticulars of hat she termed II an eseap'ade SEAFORTH, 6ta aue costume, I do not see why mourning should ried before- ceasions tal the time? Whycouldnot TeVOlVill in It Of network between 'IlQions, scarlet or-brohzo I bises, egr fromdeath." Inreplyto hequery,"what of rejoicing; thi i Sword -of State, home be- need she� do i : . - I so e yo ng person of agility and good taste (Ile bars� A friction wheal 1) " e his Lordal ip as the emblem -of his ',ulars, iwhich we will ;'r 1, and coildition n,, not be orn is so desired. i In are in plulluilge have Dr. Williams' Ph k R Ila done for y the han eneatli tl 0 r it is po'ssible fo birds to be. It is true tha'it is a constant reminde sor and fu Zpartic,
represen a whole suburban neighborhood in Tubs ar tiw�t the tire of yonr front -wheel. perfectas c gloom of she repli�.d, " why, hey have done wonders. authority; the Black Sword, used at the It ineeess&ry recoun(itreing, patteri3i send by returtq inail in plain. sealed. jr.itg that tfics whi6.. Ing? se- The crame sp 11 constantly increases Lh I feel like a new woman now. For eight death of any n -re nber of the Royal fami a a ing her iving thereby? "'by, envele'-pe. 9 arc in sucl
While in your carricre yo -u niay those i enioY a qhnilr (Lptation to your wheals. dance all the m Voll the ad ii bereavement but, on the other ly ; lectin In oxillng, I 0 years I was weak and miserable, and —at and the Sword of Justice, placed above the phy� persons to be migh e not consull ,_,modify, adapt, to th� An old ician,I�SS y4ears 4con-
'ort, advantage of her tinue praCtIC4 treaAng t, you cannot get Outside the realm jutant8torks forig�etto look miserablo. n( zide, it is a I comfort to some could not walk. I' was greatly" Lord Mayor's at air at, the Centka1 Crimina xece "figures" in an Anisterdaill crane'i; dane, clad 'in hue w),ich harmonize,with their times di diseases of of autaniatic if you ire in the coun- troubled *ith indigestion, and frequently Court. e r g relief, com. arc prol.)a.bly.t.lipse which h feelings. But -this is entirely a matter of -fl? And. wb y not a suburban dea-1- women, has clArge of� the office, and naeli,not always beer ng or. my stoi _wnsulted by letter try, whi-ro no Ovvtrk,ity Li to lie you could not keep anythi employe.
be or in teniperamen er be en, �ouraged to -arry' such a, stock of can the fashion aniong crane si � they livee even a glass of milk. I b d dizvy spills, the of a Combintion 0 h says .',-In my -opin- The Young Man as a Citizen. chosen r ods that ar lss retail sho i person. Ad&ess eu� xiiaiu office
pping on the Macander. 1,?ii,.4t t1ley spread theii Dr. I- L. D severe headaches, and my complexion was ro.try faii, oi- black modestly ivorn is not to be Con- "ev. Chirles H. Parkhurst, need be doiNe at the importing and trade. en turf &y kidneys also The R THE COOK C01 ings and loap lightly forwai d,. th of a yellowish bue. "PANYo
wear a iiewfangdea hat, recontly ptented, W Ion dened, but I think the habit of wearing a 9 of I I The Young an as 9. Cid-zen eentres ?! The troub . e is tb at women woWt Boom 3—No 2.53 Woal�araire,
tuid retire tit tile slow ware, i, bowing ui troubled me, and in fact, I was all aches treat i - 'knil Ilavil vy -veil should adies' Home Wi, . 11 I -ig in t110 t-11) a. fan �vheel to be actu- reat dea of crape and a h6a er depute; Ahey Will nc t be satisfied without each foot i"lUced oil the grou: id, and coin. 9 . and pains. In going up a flight of stairs I his article -in September c beirelt,311ch. � luliah-t -ItPd by -ton Star. o e The Tll( bp condem-ned as ver� unwholes m ve Journal. In d ransa ki g for themi elves ; and, also, it is
e ing the dut en- p!eL�etlieflgurobvtlio"'90(mstoP,1 �,iaht of the veil -is most trying. bad either to be assiisted up, or would ha. To (leVices— this 'going to town'—
for ex w( On the t one of t W Cook's Cdftn R6ot Compound A "are Sign. santries nes before I got to the ship, he says: 'I A citizen has no more righ phea, ,ire ac�iuirably def gned
to rest several' th
ther hatid, the constant wear of mourning lectful of the interests of the ei for ailing up'the tim( left emity by the su- is sold by "How do you your 11(,�w ang tho beauty of the rarc and gor. 0 top. At times na h&nds and feet we , all *sponoible wholesalel
hibi riefof Ae bereaved 37 uld to be neg vJ pers I dure o from t;,lic Dutch East Indiar f the ell home employmedto and retail 4 gigists iti the Dommiicin Addresg geous bird� tends to perpetuate the g have no more warmth in them thaii lumps of whole in which h.e-i8 a member than a parent sts but is itl a real getti�g and having? is Coonies. Ii,,jLclj ptilr of'bir4s lij,cli it, i person ice On one occasion while. stopping, at an or child has to be neglectful of the intere ofCanada and-Uited States for Oue no. s6od. Fiom ifewo� 4 living?" -A Spacious coLj1%.tIid sides an aeAhetic st6ndpoint, black is ton, after waiting on a, e in Which he is a Dollar per box,�, wht inakes you t, Wit], tr. - not to is the same quality of un- "Wh3 aud I front Of tla( be favored. There are other shades hotel in Kin num. of the domestfe whol
eing - bounded I 1111111co ber of customers, I fell down in a faint. member. There 0 cominon tur.'(.1 inclosur.e b king ivy,. iiia ffailio to the Pict 0 —Lon. move pleasing to the eye.. I also think th&t The laridl.ady found ine in - this condition -Christian disregard in volved in: both cases, now R y Their and lie didn't s,ay it would a woman robed in heavy mourning 6wats a 'O es Occup
tae.a Nveek,., fyset tile Ila, don Spvotator. and whether a nqan lets his State or pity yal and sent for it doctor, wbo after brill-gilig I to 0 shadow of gloom over all with whoni�ishe ft for, itself$ in the ne instance, as we shi Ill _r - 0
me back to consciousnes, gave me medi dQue."—Cle-veland Loader, es olatict." Ro al litdies ar the busiest ladies in the I e the other, he is false to his corporate Grand Secretary"Ll. cine to take.. He told me that my system as in .
A - duty, and, is a despicable shirk. world %mo int of real bard work they Editorial Gratitude. As some c I , twas $0 badly run down that it was i ra onfusion 6ecasionally 15otrayg m e '-The doctrine just enuaciated seed to get thro6 h everT day of the* lives would There iq itself,on the subject of Li HuMS Ch&719'8 Whitt. e Prince Wears. t -jolute rest.' His Ir ive-thatI should haveabs pushed. Agreat deal,of fairly st ger yet and me. As -a rule they VhO takes the may I �, s)e worth notii i g The Prinoe of 'Nales'is by no . means the m6dicine had no beneficial effect tliat I be preached and very ear y r �,rs, an
114�,ht 'uIlder the hedline lea inisery is due to the fact thtt Are d have managed to /11*1
(I a -wh.fch most bf his pictures could see, and I tried a number of other. our polit' 1 accomplish - a vast amoun We Are Thnk,- id. lie fol- that 1�0 has tile, Qk of enibassador, _b it dumpy litt,le ina. ho ae fairly faithful in mos of the t of resdixig and of i diA� e. It is not ever otter results. I became men, Nv rs letters ritrodnetion only to :t le sdem to, in t -man, doctors, withno b they acre , pla 'I do not writing before t)ie ordinary " soexe y wo-
-jriai note; wo suppe and, fell be y I 50, with a forty-five in6li ches,- who so low tba 0 d l courts lie is'ViS t- turnoc t I cared f r neither work nor relations in whioli of the sever
Ahe oth(,r dayand lievled oltrehin arldnose. 0 r man has compleW t4e-urlirig of her fringe. The Cam aiBusl.ness CoRege,
1s.4ion' The C11- can boast of a waist of no more han forty pleasure, and my friends thought I bad hesitate, and are not ashamed to b drones It 1"OOG-1000 Nvo fe", frratefill tl,,t,U Nve Wn Takeout, own Q!ue'en for instance, With ddingrl Wit"Itt any S1)oc`iZ1l In tion. It was at , this and renegades in their relations to t e to CHATH*M, ONTARIO, -is in 3 in I ea. If b .31IMP nese, our c q-taiii in this 0 c I e occasionally appears stouter gone inbo don' nee and unfl. '—Seiuritou Truth. c surname fir t. it is becAuse he likes his clothe& to be, loose at I determined to give Dr. or nation they beldxig to. They would con- What w . derful Versevera inch- Is the oldeat budnenO school �n Caads under Ue
r respects, Put tb juncture th ndea to State management of Its f�und,r. Siudtnts erywhcre many othL Willi and my appear- sider themselves reprobates were they to ing sense. of -duty she bas atte n d her
1,,i Hling Ch.ng, therefore, is equivale, it and easy. This is esp6cially the case with Pink Pills a trial, or, his ebaripc
A bor to suffer abuse without. an affairs. Y4 ey'en , at her present age she Pw-CeMful. th Ilenry Janies. Li CbuDg T those particular uits knqwn a's dittoes. e to -d y will show you what a wonder-, allow A.neigh popition, and ii ro.kl lwno pher for SWA,n I aric a, clotblero, Diatrolt,
of I'vilvaDee, Coril. to smi -uni ought i4i me. I attempt�at I tervej t would see their does -not'eonsider she h finished her edu- Xoz�y, vholesole m0ufactur
lled- 311cang. Grand Scol 0- For these lie never, ier any circum- I ful, change, they have wr difficul- an, st $10 per V
-8 d-igr_0u11t.ed ITU112 ti(t rult-,1. her with a lumd'01 as lie is Often c I - feW ye&Lre ha-ve continued taking -t�e Pink Pills for entire city with all its machinery ofgovern- cation, and grapples daily with the Michig I'Mird TepAes. J ist placed a "ispber -- Ith neshinjeal Snper- 11dipaj oitieA ilwased in a velvt-t. &love. tary Ll ' 'In tile dllyg of - the Ttilping 3 (3 stances, pays more than $40. A �v stenoi �
two bellion. he was known familiarly as ago Sir Francis Knollys,- his'private seere- tjiree ni6nChi, and before discontinuffig nient go to the dogs -and the harpies Without ties of ItidVatani. At least six European intendent D. 1.4 and""" P., Ion)L, kieblg4n, A, XeVjsar�
NVILIC11 WhItittVd, Of 110 CX(AT0011 . ne definite (fforb at- -rescue. or one distinj t languagi a are familiar to her, � and, 1106 con- te porarily as sten raber Wfth A., Z, Sbapc4s. Fatal— utai nicanin has b FAher. K] F g If governor" of t le- tary, finding that his tailors were over. 1 them every adh and pain hod disappeared. o-
�—she titn,, and slic W(nild iuce,of . Riangsix, which was thakil: ts f flXed upon eight guineas as 1cannotpeak too highly der. thought that suC4 ihactiou was wicked. o tent wit i -knowing German alone, she Arr:stver, Pet, e 340t Prov charging him 0 of this won this. -_ &.,* 'r to le, N'othirig will correct eNill masterd many of th%* �ountry diaects. The porarily as a er wl�h Btheftud, Inneg Do., 130 of T.1 nd I am eaffe t the fact inhuman. Oiathaw. E r luxte, -nodtion.
ometimes he Ne spok of as"Ll. the' uniform price each suit. ricy are 1 fill medicine 11 mrsues in good oil 'Not Sortua- was 111,L. ra a.k. I but *the creation of a sentiment so energetic Empresk Frb&*k of .0'ermany still F "'M
nee to libi membership of ordered in half dozeas at a time. Thee is! be linown for the -benefit of other sufferers.- It pays to At 0 nob, V i1rm optne.septow- tried Han4in, in reforo will ;ot the study,of music and painting with the nir Ut. Forvat i 6,ad4.ea D, XCLACIM-A-M may, an likewise a regular and fixedpice of $12 ior I Mrs. 13yrnes was present, during the in. &nd perVasive that decent people n til 'ily inderse'd what her tO brek 1wr iron, rules' . TwC 0 H4.11 -lin college, which comprises tho I have the cowardly audacity to -neglect -the ze4 of a y9ung girl and her daughter -in- of literarytalent and rarik.---Satur- his' trousers, whioh uzider no' pretext terview and stron fiu011uttelutit4 3,ir, Baines, cream FAI '01al Paper and da RoYLOW. . ......... _ - ----