HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-08-28, Page 389 10111111.1...111111 irssea-e-eleese Store - Agents. ,500,000. S00,000. FORTH. United Statism, .hle in all parts made oat same highest =Ten Ind December Agent, LJO• iGLES ; Goods ARE. forth. e the azeney CRESCENT Quality Will but; he on (he price of krd:er to create Y cheap. it'a t- aty c ustomer 1- - :above high STREET aped, and Director Old Stand. IJGUST 289 1896 THE .Hilit0 EXPOSITOR. IMPORTANT NOTICES. • POSTS. --Ten thouisiad choice cedar roam taelike, each at COLEMAN'S, Seaforth. 1980-tf c RSurveyors, Dublin, Ontarle. rxelerelgNA, -Dominion land Provincial Land arveyor, Member of theAestoolation eOn •lf et5710 Elt FOR SALE. -The undersigned haa on hand at Nippon station a lot of good henalook umber ofau kinds, for sale cheap. JAMES COOPER' 11486 tf ANTED. -Old established wholesale house wants one or two honest and induetrous re tativee for this e - about week to etare aith, Drawer ei), Brant- ectioe, Can pay a- ii1u4s7t7ler lode Ont. - JON BEATTIE, Clerk •sf the Second Division eloutit, County Commissioner, of •Huron, Con- cepts:ler, Lend, Loan and Inearance Agent. Funds prested and to Loan. Otlice-Over Sharp & Neal' store, Main atreet, Seaforth. 1289 TANTESeveral bright young men D to db work for us. If they blayclas all the better. Address"ADVItZ9I8514R," BalittOrd, Ontario. 5y'IAB1 TO RENT.- To rent, a 200 acre farm, 2i miles from NS Ingham, with first-class buildings, mid well watered. It is all in pasture, and loon ex - salient chance tor either farming or pasturing cattle. ytir particulars, sapply to Box 125, Wingham 1473tf TITANTED.-Three General Agents for a block of Vy counties; also five canvassers for each. A e big thing, and those veho get territorial' rights Rill he in luck. Can also employ eoveral bright ladies el their own homes. The Bradley-Garretson Company, Limited, 49 Richmond Street west, Toronto, Ont. 1477 filDER MILLS, WINE PRESSES, TANKAGE kJ preens for peaking houses, all kinds presses and apple machinery, paring machines and slicers. catalogue free. Address S. pATTERSON & CO., the manufacturer, 19 Jarvis street, Toronto. 1491-3m ------ can WHEAT FOR SALE.-DAWSON'S GOLD- EN CHAFF. -The su.bscriber has for sale abut 700busb0l8 of the above varlet, of wheat, which he I will from all free froall oxious eeeds or any atherkbad of grains, and wil sell the same for a little over market price. It w s grown on land that bad been In pasture 20 years. A fine chance. T1iONA.3 GOVENLOCK, Township of McKillop. 1 1496-3 ANTEDSeveral first-cless clerks to attend to our business in Waited adjoining Counties, apply with references. Tins BRADLET-CIAREETSON Co., LTD., 49 Richmond W Toronto, Ontario. 1408 $ 300 Private funds to loan at lowest $ 500 rates of intereSt in sums to suit t 700 borrowers. LOans can be com- $1,000 pleted and money advanced 41,500 within two day's. Apply to R. $2,500 S.HAY8, Barrister,&c.,Seaforth, 126 STOCK FOR- SALE. MHOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL FOR SALE. j_ The undersigned has for rale a thoroughbred Durham. bull, 16 reonths old. He is red in color and Is eligible for registration in the Dominion Herd Book. Will be aold reasonably. WM. CARNOCHAN, JR., lot 13, concession 4, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, or Egmondville P. 0. 1481-tf 'DIGS FOR SALE AND FOR SERVICE.- The et, undersigned, breeder of Large Engliah Berk- shires,luts for sale boars send Bows in farrow. He will also keep for service the stock boat Gladstone. pur- aimed from Mr. George Green, of Fairview. Terms, -V. payable at the time of service with the privilege of returning if necessary, if booked $1.50. JAMES DORRANOE, Lot 26, Concession 6, McKillop, Sea- ter% P. O. 1465-62 BOARS FOR SERVICE. RAM Le LACe- PURE . INDIAN TEA was frollattrnei hitt lit41141 ecals luot . Will Make Frien MAMWORTEt BOAR FOR SERV10E.-The under- signed will keep for service, at the Brueetield Cheese Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. with registered pedigree. Terms, 81; payable at time of service with privilege of returning if neces- sary. HUGH McCARTNEY, Brucefield. 1405-tf Great Excitement. THE RUSH IS ON. OUTSHINE RIVALS WIN VICTORIES And Sell Itself on its PAerits Every Time. We have alsoseveral other blends in sto k to suit the different tastes of our custome s. IN GROCEPIES We always keep to the front. Buyers ca not put their money in more 1i1era1 an s. You need not hesitate to accept our sta e- rnents, as we back them with goods a d prices. In the CROCKERY . LI There is no room for improvement in t e bargains we offer in Toilet Sets, Water Se s, Dinner and Tea Sets. There can be lao hard times for you if you buy from A. G. Ault is now clearing his entire stock of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware at wholesale prices. Now is the time for great bargains to be had at the great bargain GROCERY AND TEA STORE. A clearing sale of all kinds of Crockery and Glassware. I will quote you a few - articles which is less than the wholesale cost. ROBB & CURRIE CITY GROCERY, 8M.A.F10013..T11 Fruit Jars pints 6e, quarts So, gallon 100 each. About 15 hundred on hand. 5 lbs. Japan Tea for 50c, worth 160 lb. 3 " Gunpowder Tea for 50c, worth 25c lb. sa " Evaporated Peaches for 26e " Rice for 250 6 " Tapioca for 250 6 " Boneless Fieh for 250 5 " Currants for 25c 6 " Raisins for 26c 4 " fresh Prunes for 25c 6 tine Sardines for 25c 4 packeges Corn Starch for 26c 3 cans Apple Butter for 26c 4 cane peas, corn and tomatoes, aesorted, for 25c Globe Washboards, 10c each. Brooms 10c each 3 boxes Matches for 25c 1 lb. loeee Baking Powder for 100 A, G. AULT, C4th. MAMA= EDndER1STE.R.lU Made a well Man of me:* CLEARING SALE Amomm,„_ TILE GREAT HIND00 REMEDY PaoDucitS THE ADoin/ RESULTS in 80 DAYS. Cures all Nervous Diseases. Failing Memory, Paresis. Sleeplessness, Nightly Emis- sions, etc., caused by -past abuses, gives vigor and size to shrunken organs, and quickly but surely restores Lost Manhood in old or young. Easily carried in vest pocket. Price $1.00 a package. Six for $6.00 with 0 written guarantee to cure or moneyrefunded. Don't buyan imitation, but insist on having INIFAYO, It aour druggist has not got it, we will send it prepaid. %lents), lloLedlosi 00., Trona.. Chicago, 111., or our agues. SOLD by J. V. Fear, SEAFORTH, ONT., and leading druggists elsewhere. It requires no heari to see the Bargains in our great stock of high grade goods. Yoe can't go wrong when you buy from us, because we can.give you dollars worth at prices that other competitors cannot touch with the same goods. Our stock is rapidly going off, but we have still Bargains you cannot afford to Miss, as we are always reducing lines in price so as to clear them out. Our stock is well as- sorted with up-to-date novelties and styles, and you have only to step in and be convinced we are selling goods cheaper than any house in town. Richardson & PIPInnis • MAIN STREET, SEA FORTH, CARRIAGE pIiqTLNG- BERT WILLIAMS i PARALYSIS CURED -SWORN STATEMENT. Mrs. Maggie McMartin, 27 Radenhurst St., Toronto. Ont., swears that Ryckman's "Kootenay Cure" cured her of Paralysis which rendered one sideher body entirely useless. Physicians said there waJio chance of her ever recovering the use of her Jin8. Hope deserted her, but to -day she is walking around telling' her friends how Ryckman's " Kootenay our." gave her life and happiness. Sworn to, July 10, 1896, before J. W. Seymour Corley, Notary Public. SWORN STATEMENT OF A GRATEFUL MOTHER. Louisa White, nine years old, who euffered with Eczema since her birth, has been entirely cured and her general syatem built up by Ryckman's "Kootenay Cure." The above facts are given in a sworn state- ment made by her mother, Mrs. George White, 139 Stinson St., Hainilton, Ont., dated July 3, 1896, before J. F. Monck, Notary-Ptiblic. A COMBINATION DISTURBED -- SWORN STATEMENT MADE. Charles g. Newman, 13 Marlborough St., Toronto Ont., had a complication of blood troubl Rheu- matism, severe Kidney trouble and con eipation. Was frequ ntly disturbed at night, Jost his appetite. and was a ery sick man. His Kidneys are ow in a healthy cndition, his appetite good, sldep undis- turbed an constipation cured; all this wail done by Ryokman' "Kootenay Cure." He makes sworn ataternent Ito the above facts before J. W. Seymour Corley, J y 10, 1890. TOTTER AND THOROUGHBRED. • DUE feels* Appearance of the Two When They Are In Action. T e thoroughbred' or. rumiing horse has always been in'favor in this county, in c.ntnokY; where the annual ,fairs hav been' a great attraction for half a cep ury on account of the faces. But in ther parts of the republic the trotter has rao bre pip Desires to state to the public that he will continue the business so long carried on by hie father, the late James Williams, and is prepared to do all kinds of CARRIAGE PAINTING The ScKillop Mutual Fire In the best and most artistic manner, and on the roost reasonable terms. A trial is respectfully so- licited. SHOP -As formerly, over L. McDonald'e Carriage Werke, Goderich area, 1470.t1 SEAFORTH. IT P.A.-Y-8 TO The Canada Business College, CHATHAM, ONTARIO, Is the oldeet business school in Canada under the management of ita founder. Students everywhere successful. Nettie Park, Windsor, has changed her/ position, and is now rtenographer for Stanton & 31orey, wholesale manufacturing clothiers, Detroit, Michigan, at $10 per week. Clifford Yeates, Gesto, just placed as stenographer with Mechanical Super- intendent D. L. and N., Iona, Miohigan. A. MeVicar, temporarily as stenographer with A. E. elhaunessy, barrister, Petrolea, Eva Fis er, Kincardine, tem- porarily as stenographer with $utherland, Innes Co., Chatham. Every eraduate pl ced in good position. It pays to attend the best. F411 term opera Septem- ber 1st. For catalogue addreeis D. hIcLACHLAN & • 1495 FAR pro rao th ho .int Ge for on res To an im In In co gr • art. TROTTER. nntil recent years held the leading o o? .public attention. The trotting ✓ driven to a sulky; the thorough- r:ans under the saddle. The first. re shgves a trotter in tun speed. fie -trotting horse is especially a 4let of America, although the fa - trotting families can all be, traced to thoroughbred ancestry. While trOtee.r was being developed to his hest point of efficiency in America, pearls still clung to their running stes. Lately, however, many fine orkara trotters have been imported ' European countries, notably into ny and Austria. Ameiicana have many years bred the trotter for speed regardless Of other qualities. The t was a horse too light and thin to of use for anything but racing. Con - airily we have had to Send to Eu - for Cleveland bays, for hackneys .for French and German coachers to rove our stock of Carriage horses. he fastest mile ever trotted was de by Alix in 1894. Time, 2:03X. hile the Ameri9an trotter is coming o favor in Europe, the running horse, monly called the thoroughbred, is wing in popularity in America. - NEW FE DING INDUSTRY. liturairean Live took to Be Fed os'Amere loan Crop Ranee. Uncle Sam li s determined to take all ihe waste from our enormous crops and convert it into read paid cakes for ship- ment to Europe to be -used as animal food, . All the w. te material is to be -squeezed down ith hydraulic press ma- chinery so that a fair sized dry goods box might bol a winter's fodder for a bunch of steers A man starting on a day's carriage ourney can carry proven- jer for his nag in a -tobacco pouch, and pocketful of hese ingenious American biscuits will bi food for a fuck of sheep. Thus the re use of flour mills, rice mills, oat mil s, starch factories and places where c ttouseed oil is made is all to be co verted into raarketable products. This plan fi. ds great favor with Eu- ropeen. farmer . They be:lieve in the cake form of f 9d for their beasts. Ty already use ca es compounded on dietio principles, fur iishing in prober propor- tions the elee ents whi'ch develop fat and lean. It s not unusual in the old cpuntry to see rustic traveler cut off a slice of bread rr his hcrse and another from the same loaf for himself. Last year th re were sent to Europe, as ' a basis fe this useful breadstuff, 7E0,000,000 p ands of refuse from cot- tonseed oil an linseed oi1 mii4s, repre- senting a vain of $7,200,000. Thisma- terial is mixed with various grains and fodders so as io make a suitable ration for whatever p3. rpose may be in view, whether it be icsh, nailk-or the support of beasts of bu den. - The oil rain refuse, known as eake or oilcake meal, $ very ri-ch in flesh form- ing substance. But now th tare suggests the raw mater manufacture rell them to virtnally crea which this co fli ele , be ca 1 yosommesur. " "" ,,,,,,,, - - THORGUSHBRISD. nning races excite now with us as ch of a furore as they do in Europe. he second picture illustrates the foot tion of the thoroughbred running his t clip. The fastest running time ever de was at New York, by the Ameri- horse Salvator, Aug. 28, 1890, on a eight track. The mile was run in 54. Salvator was 4 years old al e time and carried 110 pounds. Faetest Trotters and Pacers. The Breeder's Gazette gives the fo1. lowing list,of the fastest trotting and pacing stallions, mares and geldings. • Six fastest trotting stallions awe ith the same record) are: Directum, 2:053-, , by Direetor, dam Sjternwinder, 2:31, by Venture, 2:27% (horoughbred). Ralph Wilkes, 2 :06 X ,t by Red 'Sni1kes, dam Mary Mays by Mambrinc atchen. Williana Penn, 2:07%, by Santa Claus, 2:17%, dam Lulu M by Daunt- less. Arion, 2 :073. by Electioneer, dam anette by Nutwood, 2: 183. Kreralip, 2 :07X, by Lord Russell full brolOser to Maud S, 2:083), dam tid b Woodford Mambrino, ven. e - y :21%. Trevillian, 2 :083, by Young Jim, am Miss Kittredge by Gambetta. surance Company. The six fastest mares (two having the ame r ires an Alia, alanta b department of agricul- hat instead of shipping al the Ana' erican fitrmer into cakes himself and is European cousin. It es an industry, one for ntry furnishes a rich sup- ply of materi at the mere semblance of a price. The waste of glucose and cornstarili factories is enormous. It is estimated that tenlpounds bf glucose iS manufac- tured annually for every man, woman and child in this country. -The starchy contents of the corn grains are separated from the hulls and germs. These, which are splendid food elements, are for the most part wasted. The mills which pre- pare corn for distillers and grain for brewers have a, vast refuse too. A cheese shaped cake 16 inches in diameter and 6 inches thick, made up of these different products and subjected to the proper amount of pressure, will weigh 100 pounds and, keep a horse at astive work kr ten da36. We now sell abroad less than 400,000 tons of oil cake and meal. Uncier the new system we could readily 4ispose of 1,200,000 tons of ready made ton at our se gain of $14,00 for our grain mills. The depart circular to fa where, mirthi them to experiment in the manufacture of cakes from' the refuse, with a view to testing their keeping quality. These cakes will be put up in a cheap straw - board or paper, which will 'help to pre- serve them. -1 -St. Louis Post -Dispatch. reeding Steers. Question. ' Will you kindly furnish a ration for ye also a maint be composed bran or oats hay and car Answer. tion of one and one-thir Of this mix pound daily animals fe tional won.1 roughage gi consume. For the start with t the animal changed to parts corn To maint three or fou mixture of cob meal, t they will c Breeder's ords) with their records and AND ISOLATED TOWN PR PERTY ONLY INSURED OFFIGNIttl. Geo. W tt, Preuldent, Harlock P. O.; James Broadfoot, Viee-President, Seaforth P. O.; W J Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. O.; Michael Murdie, I epector of Losses, Seaforth P. 0. DIRROTOB.g. Jas. Br rtdfoot, Seaforth ; Alex. Gardiner, Lead bury; ta orge Dale, Seatorth ; Thonise E. Days, Seaforth M eurdie, Seaforth : Thos. Garbutt, Clinton; ¶homM Fras3r, Brueefleld ; John B. Mc- Lean, Kip en. swum. Thos. N liana, Maio& ; Robb. McMillen, Seaforth James Cumming, Egroondviile , George di d John C. Morrisoreaudiors. Parties desiroua to effect Insurances or trans- act other business will be promptly attended to c application to any of the above officers, addreatied to their respective post offlees. . . THE . EYESIGHT. J. S. Roberts, Graduate of Detroit Optical InstitutealsoChicagoOphth• almic College, is prepared to fit all defects of Vision Astigmatism, Hypermetro- pia, Myopia, Prestyopia or any compound defect. Intelligent peophs have given up,the idea of buy - ng ordinary common spectacles at a nounter,because they 800 well with them. It may be that only one °yeas brought into use, while the other may be so strainedas to result in blindness. If your eyes are weak, or sight poor cell at J S. ROBERT' Drug Store and have them tested. Does the pen blur or do the eyes tire when reading ? Do the eye ache ? Do the eyes water? Are they sore or inflamed 7 These symptoms point to defects in the retraction. or the enueoles of the eyes and can be perfectly coo - 1 ected. DO you have headache 7 Eye drain causes more headaches than all other onuses corisbined. Thous- ands of people are suffering who do not realize that "eye strain is the cause. All these oases can be cured • with glasses that are made to correct the error i ' the eyes.. s The eyes of children should be carefully tested. In many cases the defect in the eyes is shown b various symptoms, sutsh as inability to see figures o a blackboard, bolding the book, oloee to the eye blurring of letters, creased eyes or *eyes turning i blinking, watering of be eyes and perticularly hea ache. In many cases he child is accused of bein t ' in the eight and ea dull or stupid, when s be corrected with glasees. If you are wearing glasse that are not satisfacfery, bring them to me. In oal of disease, you will be recommended to the physiclai et once for treatment 1458 dams, are as follows: :03%, by Patronage, dam At - Attorney. Nancy Hanks, 2:04, by Happy Medi- um, dam Nancy Lee by Dictator. Pante. , 2 :06, by. Chimes, 2:30%, dam HoIF ora by Almonarch, 2:24X. Beuze ta, 2:06X, by Onward, 2:25%, dam Ber.lah by Harold. Martha Wilkes, 2:08, by Alcyone, 2:27, darn Ella by Clark Chief. Nightingale (Hamlin's), 2:08, by Mambrino King, dam Minnequa Maid by Wood's Hambletonian. The five fastest geldings, with their records and sires and dams, are as fol- lows: ,Azote, 2:04%, by Whips, 2:27%, dam Josie by Whipple's Hambletonian. Ryland T, 2:07%, by Ledger Jr., dam May by Tilverston (thoroughbred). Klamath, 2:083, by Morookus, dam Bob by Ophir. Lord Clinton, 2:08X, by Denning Allen, dam Fan, not traced. David B, 2 :093; by Young Jim, dam Rosa Clay by American Clay. The six fleetest pacers (two having the same record), with their records and sires and dams, are as follows: Robert J, 2:013, by Hartford, 2:22, dam Geraldine by lay Gould, 2:21%. John R. Gentry, 2:03%, by Ashland Wilkes, 2 :173, dam Dame Wood by Wedgewood, 2:19. Flying Jib, 2:04, by, Algona, dam Middletown Mare by Middletown. I Joe Patchen, 2 :04, by Patchen Wilkes, 2:29%, dam Josephine Young by Joe Young, 2:18. Mascot, .2:04, by Deceive, dam Miss Delmore, net traced. ' ' Online, 2:04, by Shadeland Onward, 12 :18%, dam. Angeline by Chester Chief. food cakes, worth $20 a board, or $24,000,000, a 0,000 in foreign markets, producers, millers and oil ent is about to issue a ers and millers every- ing recipes and. urging CONTE/CO OF 'It= BONTLS. Where Rheumatic Sufferer Was Cured With One Bottle of South American Itheunsetic Cure. The cures effected by South Am- erican _Meninta.tie Cure are so quick and certain that they may well he termed maTvellcus. The secret is that the rfiedleine removes frame the ssse- tem -the acids that are really the cause • of rheumatism. W. H. Cooper, of Del- hi, Ont., says : "My son fifteen years old, was a sufferer from rheumatism for six months. He becanie s_o bad that he was unable to ,walk. I pur- chased one bottle of South American 14ieurnat1c. Cure from 11Ir: Byers, our risme druggist, and the f ollowing day. he was able to drive a load of wood to Delhi:" Sold by 1. V. Fear and Lumsden & Wilson • He Couldn't Fool he Crow. _Farmer Crowder had fi ished planting his maize. But his heart knew the crows were whet to pull up the maize as soon above the surface. "1 tell you how to ge crows," said Neighbor Stoli a gallon of cheap whisky maize iti it, then scatter it black rascals will eatlit and get drunk, and then you can catch them and kill them. That beats pizen or shootin'." In a few days Farmer Crowder met his friend Stokes. " Well, how's crops ?" queried Stokes. My corn's mint," replied Crowder, dolefully. "I tried that ere scheme of yourn, and it's a humbug. I soaked the corn and scattered it one day, an' the next mornitt' I wentdown to the new groun' to see how it worked." Found 'em drunk, eh ?" "Found noothin'. I hearn a fuss an' went to see what it was. Thar was an old crow that had gathered up all the whisky corn and had it on a stump, and he was retailing it out to the others, givin' them :one grain of that sort for three grains of ,my planted corn, and dinged if they hadn't been and clawed up that hull field." Comfortable fortunes have been made In a few years in the sheep raising busi- ness in Wyoming and the adjacent re- gion. • -Mr. A. McMillan has sold his farm, containing 76 acres, and being lot 12, con- cession 18, Grey, to Mr. sJohn Fulton, of Hibbert, for $3,600. -Mr. Daniel McQuarrie'of the 10th concession of Grey, had the top taken off one thumb of his left hand the other day, by getting it jammed under the timber in his barn. Have yo horse not h upon a hill rling and 2 -year-old steers; nance ration for cows to of corn and cob -meal bran, and oilmeal with timothy stover for roughage? For the yearlings try a ra- third bran, one-third oats corn, and cob meal mixed. ure give three-fourths of a for each hundredweight of . A pint of oilmeal addi- prove very beneficial. For e all the forage they will as heavy. He ting their bills as it appeared away with the es. "Get you nd soak some roadcast. The ...••••••••••••••••• r rtiL_DISsOLVED. 'Kidney Dimmer) Can Not Be Currie( ty 1 or rowders-The cottenteusestee of Science. For a disordered stomach o; a sick heap:ache pills and powders are not without effect, but when these same remedies are sad to cure kidney dis- ease the commonsense of scieuce re- bukes the claim. This insidious and growing disease will not be driven from the system unless- a medicine ;s given that ‘vill dissolve the hard sub- stance -uric acid and oxalate of lime -that gives rise to the distress anct pain that is common to all who suf- fer from kidney complaint;-1South Am- erican Kidney Cure is a kidney speci- fic. __It dissolves these hard substances and while it dissolves it also heals. The cures effected leave no question of its powe-. Sold by I. V. Fear and Lumsden & Wilson • His Crooked Canal. In connection with the canal which Mehemet Ali caused to be cut by unskilled Fallah labor, to connect the waters of the Nile with the sea of Alexandria,a character* istic story of the Napoleon of Egypt hills been told. A French engineer, in conversation, vens tured to criticise the Viceroy's plan for the canal, while the work was in course of con- pletion. "Your Highness," he said, "will par- don me for suggesting that your canal will be very crooked." "Do rivers in France always run in a straight line ?" promptly asked the Pasha. 'Certainly not," responded the surprised Frenchman, "Did not Allah make them ?" "Assuredly, your Highness," replied the engineer, who thought the questioner's wits were wandering. " Well, then," answered Mehemet Ali, triumphantly, 1' do you think you or I know better than Allah how water ought to run ? I imitated him in my canal; other- wise it would be a dry ditch; not a canal." The Frenchman was silenced, if not con- vinced, and the canal was certainly made very crooked, and so remains. -year-old steers you might e saine_Mixture, which, as. fatten, could- be gradually wo parts bran or oats, two nd cob meal and one part in the cows give to each r pounds a day of an equal ran or oats and corn and gether with all the roughage nsume.-Professor Henry in azette. kAve Stook Points. ever observed that when a ltered or hitched stands free ide or upon sloping ground he always stands with his head down hill? His forequarters are always lower than his hind ones. Reasoning from this, Dr, London, co bent knees tilei are yo higher than the back. The high in front position Dr.I Almond considers a strained and unnatural one for horses. The trotting horse of America has been a centUry'reaohing its present state of developnlient, ever since the importa- tion of old Messenger, who founded the trotting horse aristocracy. A horse Irace of peculiar interest to breeders came off some time since at San Franeisco. It will be remembered that about:three years ago the English 'tIion Ormoncle was bought for a racing and breeding stable $160,000, the highest price or a horse in America. The was between two 2 -year - was Orestes, the first colt merica by Ormonde ; the other ateo, a colt by the American Salvator. San Mateo won by eck, distance 44 furlongs, Becends. The young fellows eat horses if they have luck. o, Salvator'S colt, may be said American product from way , good ones, have brought top the markets this season. lmond, a veterinarian of eludes that one reason for n horses is tying them when ng in stalls whose front is Our direct eenneetions will save you btime ancl money for all points. anadian North West Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia and California points. Our rates are the lowest. We have them to suit everybody and PULISI AN TOUR- IST CARS for your accommodation. Can for further information. . Station G. T. R. Ticket Office. Train Service at Seaforth. Grand Trunk Railway, Trains leave Rowel 011CG 'Misr Passenger - Paasenger. - - Mixed Trak7- - - Mixed Train......., 011ie NAM— Passenger..- - Passenger - Mixed Tnia- Seaforth and ton stations as - — 011AFORTIL 1240 P. m. 9.05?. M. 9.308. M. 0.20 P. se 7.:q A. k. 3321 r. 18. 5.26 r 11. Wellington, Oonto Norm-, Brussels Bluevale Wingham.. OLVG SOUTH-- Wingham.... Bluevale • • •• Brussels ..' . ..... Ethel.......... racing st a Californ at a cost ever paid recent r olds. On sired in was San ottampio a short time 56 will be San Mat to be an back. Lamb prices at samakm.m•••••••••••••••••mmom•••• CATARRH OF LONG D :NG _ Cured in . a 'Very ainiple Marin. • It is not alone the people Of our own country, and prominent citizens .tike 'Urban Lipp -e, M.P.,- of Joliette, Que., and other members of Parliament, wiho, _having used Dr. Agnew's Catar- rhal Powder, pronounce it the mosr effective remedy they -have ever known, but people everywhere are expressing their gratific,ation at the effectiveness of this medicine. C. G. Archer, brew- er, Maine, says : "I :have had catarrh for several yearsWater would run frm my eyes aneilose days at a title. Atout four months ago I was induc.ez.1 to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal add since using the. -wonderful remedy I have _not had an attack. I ,w ouu, not be without it." It relievetsii 10 inii.u- tes. Sold by all druggists. Sold by I. V. Fear and) Lumsden & Wilson ••••••• CLINTON. 1 02 r. m. 8.222,18. 10.16A.m. 7.06 rf sr. 7.26 a. m. 3.05 P. X 4.352 X Grey and Bruce Passenger. Mixed. 12.41 2.18. 9.30 r.m. 9.00 A m, 12 54 9.48 9.45 1.C8 9.57 10.10 1.18 10.07 11.20 Passinger. Mixed. 6.04 A.m.11.20 A. x. 7-.2.1 rat 8.13 11.85 806 6.58 11.69 9.00 - 6 41 18.14 rat. 9.30 London, Huron and Bruce. Passenger. 8.15A.18. 4.45e k 9.80 600 9.44 -6.15 9.50 6.20 9.58 0.28 10.16 655 10.88 7.14 10.41 7.23 Belgrave _ 10.1.8 7.87 Wingham arrive- __ 11.10 8.00 001180 Sevra- Pesselager. Wingham, depart.. - - 6.805.18. Belgrave_ - 6.44 3.15 Blyth. _ 6.56 3.) 3 Londeeboro-...— ...e. - 7.03 8 68 Clinton..e.—__- 740 359 Brucefield ..... 7.59 4.23 508, 4.41 8.15 4.f.8 8.85 5.08 9.50 A.m. 645 P.141 Onifil NORTH— London, depart Exeter.. - - - — Bengali. - Kippen. - - - Clinton.... - Londesboro Kippen . Heneall ' Exeter.. London, (arrive) ........ F. GUTTERIDGE Sate Agent in Seaforth for USHER'S QUEENSTON CEMENT —AND— GUELPH and ACTON LIME. This is the best lime on the market. Full instruc- tions given for all kinds of cement work. I will also keep in stock Portland Cement, Paris Plaster, Lath, Hair, Brick, etc. A full stock of all these kept con- stantly on hand. P rices right. Warehouse south of the railway track, opposite the freight shed. F. GUTTERIDGE, Sea+orth. 1181-tf JUST A WORD • ... I; .. —ABOUT— HARNESS • • • SEAFORTH CARRIAGE WORKS The best Buggies and. Wagons My steak of Carriages is very complete; all hand made, -under our own supervision. Don' buy foreign factory -made buggiee, -when you can get hettertnede at home, and as cheap. if not cheaper than the work brought in from outinde towns. Why spend your money in building up rival tewns and injure your own, when you can do better at home. Call and see me and be convinced. • AU kinds of blackswithing and repairing promptly and satisfactorily dote. A full stock of Cutters of the best material and latest styles, which will be sold cheap. We are giving the best value in liar • ness ever offered in Seaforth, -made by skilled workmen, and only first-class material used. Repairing promptly attended to. Bring along your old collars -and we will make them work. Light harness a specialty. • Told By Fingers and Toes. Dr. P. Penta has studied the fingers and toes of 4,500 criminals,and finds a deficiency in the size or number of toes quite frequent among them,although very rare among or- dinary men. He has also observed that pre- hensile toes,marked by a wide space between the great toe and the second toe, is a con- dition quite common among criminals, also a webbed condition of the toes, an approxi- mation to the toeless feet of some savages. He found the little toe rudimentary in many cases, showing a tendency tow rd the four - toed animal foot. The most c4mmon of all the abnormalities was the web ed condition of the toes. These observatio s agreed with those made by various hives igators, who have found Other deformities ejdsting among the criminal classes, particularly misshapen heads, one-sided faces, mismated ears and eyes, etc. The criminal is a degenerate' type. MA RIAGE ISSUED AT URN EXFIOSITOR OFFICE, FORTH, ONTARIO. POINTMENTS MADE. TNESSES REQUIRED. THE BE A LICENSES NOW ;1 e M. BRODERICK, Corner Main and John Sts., Seaforth. SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW • DEATII FROIFOKLAY. A Life Lost by Heart Disease Ivben PrOltipt ) Measures Would Have eaved It. This is not to be said of one death from heart disease only, but of tens of thousands. If the symptoms that warn one of heart trouble are not heeded, the outcome is almost sure to be serious. When one is fortunate enough to be acquainted with the merits of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Reart in 95 per tent, of cases disaster I s averted. This medicine will posi- tively:give relief in half '7* an hour's time, arid taken. with some little de- gree of perseverance radically cures. If your heart palpitates, flutters or tires out easily, and you value life, use this remedy Sold by 1. V. Fear and Lumsden & Wilson • Enforcing the Rule. Pat was a fresh arrival; and had obtain ed a situation in a hotel as a sort of man o all work. "Now, Pat," said the landlord "you see that sign, "Gentleman must us the spittons." "11 you notice any of th guests violating that rule I want you to re port the matter to me." "01 wull, sor.1' Pat kept a sharp eye out, and after watch- ing a gentleman for half an hour, he went tia him and said, " D'ye moine the sign foie ninst the wall, sor ?" "Yes," i ' Why \don't you observe it, thin?" "1 am net spitting on the carpet," said the gentleman, rather astonished. ' Oi know yer not, an! yer not min' the spettone nayther. • Spet ye thafe, or oi'll report yez." MI 44 CI% C, p ct. re, CD 0 rn t." 0 1--11 P %II Pis L-• es eml ul 64' fj), c, w `59 rac-t- cfq 0 CD Urn pl. IV I:7i st; CfQ g' aim "S ‘Lrl a 1En— Or Eft ci- P t 0 0 Pis Co 0 pa tglo cp "1. CD citt -2 cp F2J imt a opt- ,..,. .97-' lc Cr CD CDP in I-43 II „0 4CD ct. tslikk • CD rn 41214b.fi 0 Lewis McDonald, SEAFORTH. 1430 CASEY & co. ARE PREPARED TO SELL TURNIP : ANDAttaAllselib. MANGOLD: 1 As Cheap, as any in the trade And will not be undersold. Before baying give us a call. During August 5 lbs. of a good Green Tea, for 50c. cash. This is not a tea dust. Some' good Soap yet. Will give 7 five cent bars for 25c ; 14:.) three cent bars for 25e. In :Canned Goods We keep nothing but best brands. We- have/yet some pure Maple Syrup at 25c a quart. CASEY & CO. SEAFORTH. WONDERFUL DISCOYERY. ExceliorFRESH WILL KEEP FOR 12 MONTHS, IT IS NO PICKLE. You simply, treat the Eggs with PRESERVER, and lay them away in a basket, or box. ...Him. LAY DOWN A UPPLY WHEN THEY ARE ! CHEAP, Call for book - giving tun. information, free of charge. 1 '. : FOR SALE BY ALL DRUOGLSTS. Karn Organ ei Piano Companys • What we sayi is true, and Everybody knows it. Our sueoess dernonstrSbes that business oan be done on a fair, square baste, and be inicieessful. There's a reason for usi, continually getting the greatest share of trade. Never has our mastery been so complete as It is now. No other (=cern oan sell et the prices we can and will, none tan give you the choice of so fine a line Of instruments as ours, in square or upright pianos, cr for church or parlor organs. All new organs and planes warranted for the term of seven years. TERMS. -.18,$5, or 910 or more mouthly,until paid. What can be more liberate more indacive, more safe than to buy a RARN. SEAFORTH HANDLE WORKS. J. L. powney, 1429 MANAGER To Farmers of Canada. Several kinds of wire fences have been placed ea he market, none of which have proven ettirely eat- efactory ; but in placing before yo0 Din CHAMPION STAY WIRE FENCE, we do so confidently, beli413ving that we leave ever - come all of tbe objections tliat have 'been reamed against wire fei4eti in tbcfpast. It is composed of any desired number of galvanized steel wires, placed at a suitable distance apatt, upon whieh are placed two half-inch half -round Steel bars, °neon each side of the wires, With groove between to fit tightly on the wires, and bolted with four bolts holding Mena firmly together and preventing the wires from slid- ing up or down., It is else arranged rhat the actione of heat and cold in expanding and oontreetii3g the wires are thoroughly controlled by tighteners, and the fence can be kept taut at ail seasons of the year. All we ask is eh examination of its merits, and we afacretsuartisedfibedy yoaf _will deoide it has no equal. Manu' - EDWARD LITT & CO., Dublin P. 0., Ont. R. B. SCOTT, 'Seaforth, Is agent for the sale of ()aunty and Town - 1459 ship rights. , NOTICE, Apple Butter and Jelly Factor am now prepared tof meet the wants of all my old customers, and as Many new ones aa can make crseVenient th trade with me, JOHN! KLEIN, Proprietor, Seaforth. 1494-8 FOR TWENTY -81X YEARS NN7 S I will do all kinds of Turning to order on short notice, and I will do it as cheap as it can be done. I will pay a good price for Np. 1 White Ash. Give me a call and see. JOHN KLEIN, Seaforth. - 1460-tf KINC WDER THE C0_KS BEST FRIEND LARGlikET SALE IN CANADA. ItIcHillo0 Directory f(La 1896, JOHN MARISON, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0. WILLIAM ARCHIBALD, Deputy -Reeve, Lead- - bury P. O. • WM. Meoxisilm;Caiinclilor Leadbury P. O. JOSEPH C. MORRISON, CounehllOT, Beechweod P. O.1 DANIEL *ANLEY, Oorinelllor, Beienhwood P. O. 1 JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0. DAVID N. Faoss, TrOlieWer, WitlibrOff P. O. WM. EVANS, Mawr, Beachwood O. CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seafortir P. O. RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Iniptd, bury . P. 0, 4