HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-08-21, Page 5=--_._ - r ._ _ -- - --. - -� .. _ , ,.. _ � . �,. , - . . . , _ , a : ,� . . I ,_�� 11 -, I I - 11 - I--.--- - .. -- - , �__;�.__ I -- --- �__ - 2 - -_ � � I 1� � �­:_ , � - � - . . - - ; , , F I - I - � I I - . ; �� , T _ ti o- � - B I` rho Notes. aon. the farm �' d c .-F rtn eued'axe. it gh l a Rt i r With• a hat tllile. lsmi Thoth - Births. larr~rait have hee4 ac4 PROUT -In Clint3n, on August 9th, the wife of as 'he waa alwa. Y dove h Wassel, fourth concession o€ Dr. -- y v } I. Pout, of a daughter, nicating with h ' by which his son Henry lost his Wolfe and taw. ROBER BON. -In west . t anosh, on August a 8!s Georgi i 1. ' gaged g grain, - the wife of I+Cr. W, 8obertson, of a son, . hag never 1>cei I& fey was ebackin i thea wagon out n front of us stood a stout, short, elder- BASO —In Staplet.n, pn Aagubt 10th, the wit ened roes the cozzFdetzoa the bop g' tan, an .tilimistahable Heiorew 1n fes- air. Johu liasen, of a can. r 1,tthe barn when part of the rade gave way and complexion. He spoke'English SMALL COxBk.--In Cllrmton, on August lith, {t Porter-sHill, nie� �w him to the ground. He fell on $uently, but with an a=tremel strong wit of Mr, Thomas Smszlacombe, of a son. e threshing at J Y g TAYI.O .—In Hullelt, on August 12th, the`%ite o k 1 and. broke his neck. Mr, Waddel forts n accent, and.hls manner and phrase- Mr. IIcnry Taylor, of twine -eon and daughter on which the stack. nif 10 h deeply afflicted by accidents, alogy worn peculiar, i>ri a lashiors which GL�RIi —1n Stanley, c7rm August 8th, the wits c �y at the corner on, ago a spirited team ran away made it very diflicult to listen to hien with lir. L. Clark, of a daughter, r working, and he WETT AUFFER.—In. Auburn, on August 41h, tl j&� his wife, and since that time the elle seriousness which Iiia subject demand- wits of Mr. L. Wetttauftzr, of a daughter. the ground:} recev_ tom nearly killed himself. ed, He enl� aged on his work in Palestine MoKA —In Tuekeremitb, on August 3rd, the wi stns some bruisesg �ohn Lindsay, who resides on the farm and Asia Minor generally, which had un- of lir. Robert-11ioKay, of a daughter. ork for a few days_ uthwold, Elgin- county, owned by doubtedly u of .a most 8TE WART. -In Exeter, on August 12th, the wife 4 Ig, 8th In3t. at p , savagely y p psewortky de- ]lir. Androw &tewart of a son. g ialyd Thom son tt as sat a el attacked sari tion but when he proceeded to illus_ sN11LL --In Exeter, on Au et 8th, the wife of M Wingham, y� 7 Eli Heil, o! a dao titer. ah �. passed' bull on Monde Mr, Lindsa was gate the customs of his rriroe by. chanting TOLL, Ia Eget Wawanoeh on Au est 9th the wii age of , 9 years. Vii( through the field when the ,anhnal some of tlzeir native songs in a high itched r i and highly 8 g p of •. Blyth, Toll, of a daughter, g y re- AAs p hushed at hint, knocking him voice, it proved every difficttit for me, light Ross: In Blyth, on August 9th, the wits of Mr. telt Conservative, a. and commenced to gore him, The hearted enough in those days, to hear him M• ss, of a daughter. t church and be, 'bull had a ring in his nose, which Mr. Lind- with due calm and decorum. Evebi his im- rt Order of . Odd- w Caught hold of and pulled the animal � itaticin of the lamentations of the Jaws at I ' Deaths. . of which society jo" so that the i11-cr aced 'asset could not I the wailing place outside the wallsfbl="fallen . CARLI G. In Clinton, on August 6th; Thomas I ij 0ar him. But for the fact of the ring t Jerusalem, which ought to have been dee Ca ling, aged 41 years and 8 months. feels, has lead artin the bull s nose Mr. Lindsa Would 1 p- MILL R,—In Bullett, on August 8tn, John Mille y p.. pathetle, became from his intonation ag d 74 years and 3 months, l ce , foo; steel l have been killed. and st le e oulited y t y �actly the reverse. HIKE HEAD.—In Goderioh, August 11th, Barba hence by lilessrs. ,._At an early hour on Wednesday of last :The culxpinating overthrow of my grav- C- Yule, wile of Mr. James Aikenhead, aged the Gould Corot- k nurse Je"[nima Mitchell the John H, it.* came With an anecdote which he told ye rs and 6 month@. . and pipes are as. �Ultford Hospital, Brantford asses peace- PARS INS. -In 5wa Gfe of h tea rt3hip, on August 11t P p of an Arab- chief who had offered him lakg Ja a Swan, wife of Mr. Thomas Pareone, ag, :t the fawn may g majority. daughter in mL-rz �ia-ge ,acid anaiflusly so years and 4 months. y tae• f over to the tont ma crit Miss ABBO T. -In Goderich, on August 6th George A itidhthon to a stip- Vifebell came from NloleswCrthI and has pressed` the beautiful bride open him. g °nae and stable, JWJon the nursing staff. for some six 'rYes tt. excla Uned Dr, Wolfe stretching Fox. In ggroo6 onAugust9th, Michael Fox, age he village of E1 e_ 1444S. . - : On Friday she complained. to put his arms toward a quiet, dignified lady 6 years, 3 months and .17 days. eel` The number - I Tolmie of not feeling well, when who sat oil a ,sofa. hear hue, "yes, that TRIM 1.E. -In Brussels, on Augudt9th,Mary soph at both inunici- w immediately placed in a private chief lie J e, infant daughter. of Mr. Qeorge Trimbl k to the' Le begged me. to have' his child, with sg d 7 months. rsons entitled t4 and. Dr. Heath, the'visiting physi- the brown e es like a ward y gazelle, to wed her licGR GOR.—In G�derich, on August 6th, Frede Orap, was.summoned. Complications, how- and keep her alwapq, but I said to hila; io Edison McGregor, nephew of Mrs. win. M s only, 1,37 ; per- , i elections to the ever, set in, and the- case soon got beyond No, no! I have my Georgina at home. I Bain, aced 2 months. : I { WAU 13. -In Seatath,on August 1bth,John Waug ,lti. The »umber the reach of 'medical help. 4 want no Irloro wives. I lines m Georgina . a ed 66 care 8 months. 11 irrs is 248. There-Lenworth Huggart, the Woodstock 1n my house almady, and that is enough, ; . nth who was nearly killed in a. hockey oh alto encu . ' " . q gh. , ,, I int. QVU that I ill have quite a toh at Paris, last winter, was the victim had to beat a hasiy retreat from the effects IMPORTANT NOTICES. ngs erected within of a more serious accident on Monday of of this speech on tho propriety of demeanor jut week, He was one of ' a large number I had been trying so hard to maintain.= A FOR SALE.—For 'sale lot 39 oosaoeseic long tlieiri are the Blackwood's ', ia;tizille fit, L. R. S., Tuol<erem:ith, containing 109 acre ompleted Brick - ofe.xe lonists:to Detroit, and on his re- + tiara lost his railway ticket. hien Tilbury Abou 90 acres cleared ,end in a hikh state of cult Sth concession ; 3 . 'airsergice, on the Gentle was reached, Huggart, who could I ratio The farm i3 all Well fenced and under•drair UPI . produce his ticket, was put off the train ed, here is a brick house and large bank barn wit se for Mrs. web_ Be Your QWII Layer. stone stabling. Also a good orchard and plenty on } brick house _ il? the. conductor. The youth resented the _ riood ater. Itis within tour miles of Clluton, i p Atempting to board the train ' is on of the best farms in the county and will t -House for Mr_ { *ZtW y T doing so he I A purely Canadian work. sold cheap as the proprietor is desirous of retirin ,es•ion. again ae 1t was pulling out, xL �` Appl on the prendaesor address JOIIN MoKENZI slipped and his foot was drawn under tpustworthy legal guide. (London road), Brucefleld P.'O. - 1457-tf and son,, of St. A book' for the masses. s last week by then wheels,..crushing it nearly up to the A treasury of 10,000 law pointe. , - :1 running away. � Everybody needs it. • s distance etting A Rochester, New York, special says: � y y � �g� ORr�r�� ' g '3nw1 Florence Wright, of this city, 18 years , everybody wants it when they see it. some ribs broken, Yeld, a poor gird atadying for the stage, has Everybody''can afford to buy it. LO/� BER - YARD :e penetrated the est r eines ward that she has just fallen Price $1, post free. M j salon of the brain' jeiresg to a fortune of $750,000, from her Agents wanted immediately. . in, lie will very Address W. H. Anger, Law Publisher, .. Ind again, Miss smc1e, a millionaire millet• of New Orleans, _ o -o � 8 � , ,having jnst died, left her that amount. 252 Palmerston Avenue, Toronto. , . P. KEATING, lnveyaRee at the - . aately. jars. Wright is an actress, who left her — - the members of ,daughter when a baby with a friend to Brucefield. De ler In Lumber and Shingles A€hf%eld Preaby- . tdng up. MissWright had not heard- of her B. R. HlGrlrts, general fire and .life incur- . Eanse on Tuesda mother for several years, but 16arned a few ince anent, notary ,public, eonveyancer,00mmiesioner the opportuni d><ya ago that she was in New Orleans, 1 for taking affidavits, &e. llioney to loan on first Al kinds of LUMBER always on, hand looking, after her own interests. Miss mortgage on good farm property. At home every and f the very best quality, - or their pastor, g morning and Wednesday of each week;. 1464 4Qright was formerly of Morrisburg, Ont. . Give me a call, and see if I can't give yo, severed his Con- She legit there while young. - — , y wha - you want. • ;alien, Mr. S., THD MARKMTS. i B. Lumber yard and office on the Huro; society, read an -Four young men of ?Elms, Fred Davis,, - • atirrg Mr. Hose - aloin .Baehan, Robert Tindall and Edward SNAFOala. August 19,. 1F96. Road, near the flax mill, token of the a - !Reiaeh, were ap before P. M. Terhune, of Fall Wheat per bushel......-......... o 58 -to 0 8i! 1497tf p Listowel, the other day, charged with doing 8pring wheat per bushel ............. 0 58 to 0 62 malicious damage to property- The coin- oats per bushel .....,,.-„ 0 17 to 17 , knew Rev.. W. g p P y Peas per bushel. ..... _."..., 0 42 to 0 43 Mortgage Sale of a' Valuabh it, twill regret to plaint was laid by George Daniels, who Barley per bushel.................... o 25 to o so orating, 7th that, , ,uveal -lot 18, concession 14, +'lira, who Butter, No. i, loose.. - _. - . 0 10 W 012 arm, in the Township, of ' •char ed the boys with breaking six or seven Butter, tub.............. .. ........ 0 10 to a 12 McKillop. 11 illness, which Eggs per dot:... -_.._--_._,_.. 0 7J b- 0.08 . -esignation. Dr. ;viadows in his house with throwing stones, Four, per loo IDs..._ M .. _ ,_-...... 1 96 to 1 90 .da and entered Evidence in the case was taken all day, Hayper ton new...,...........-.... 6 00 W 7 00 Un ter a viler of sale contained in a certain moil hen 'young.- He seven or eight witnesses being examined . Htdcs per 100 nm........ ...... _..... 1 90 to i 90 gage, there will be offered for sale, by public auction fes` Sheep Skins. ........................ 0 75 to 1 0o . by J- P. Brine, auetiorwer, at the COMMERCIA1 cud cross-examined. The defendants wereHOT L, in the TOWN O. SEAFORTH, many years ago. wool ....... ...... ........ .... 0 l9 bo 0 21 r 0 years of age, fined each $5 and $1 damages and $5 costs. potatoes pat bag,(newl_... --, _ .... t :6o to 60 ON SATURDAY, (AUGUST 29th, 1896, ;erial duty somnb - --tin Thursday, 6th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth salt (retail) per. bwrel.. .... ...... 1 00 to, 000 i passed awn at her home in Lis- Wood par oord (long).......... __ .... 2 75 to 3 IQ_ At. 3 o'clock in the at ernoon, the following leads lis later life to Mitchell p y Wood per cord (short) ....'.,_;..... 1 50 to 1 75 vz.: t 2t, in the 6th nneession of the Townshil towel. The deceased had been ailing for a Apples per bag-__..............,_ :0 75 to 1 00 of McKillop, in the Coun;yt of puron, containing ono ear or more, and had been confined to her plover Seed ................. _....... 5 76 to 6 00 hundred acre -j, more r leap.: This is a valuable tat week, Mary, qq :vans, of Turn- bed with a paralytic stroke some time be- Timothy Seed ...... .................. 2 50 to 2 10 farm, about two nnd-on!e half miles from Seatorth her; bed at the fore her husband's decease oil the 19th of Pork, per 100 IDs .............. ...... 4 25 to 4 60 all cleared, fairly fenced,i and is good condition. Th Tallow, per lb...,.....: . _ 0 04, to 0 05 soil i a good clay loam,' and 1s well watered by i s tzras 87 years - -the same month, last year, where he sue- •" ` branch of the River Maitland, which runs through it. i atumbed to cries sustained b falling i Ther is erected on the premises a stone dwellini th friends in the Zll y g Tor<oirro, August I9.—'?Rl- wheab,'0.8 i t t�.87 ; hous and a back barn, with stabling underneath, it ;st Dgrhram, and ,downstairs at the• round sold age of three spring wheat, 80.50 • is - 3+1.51; o.►ir, ; 2 t to 23 c ; fair r pair. Further particulars will be made known e tinge of her score and seventeen. They. came from the pe ". per bash, 60c to 61;,c; barley,. 30c to 6c ; hay, at th time of sale, and may in the meantime be had count of Arnla h Ireland where the were ter tou, 112 00 to $1.5 60; butter, los to 18 ; p0ift from the undersigned or JOHN BEATTIE. ESQ. ek, from whence -- y g , r y loon, per bush, Toe to 35c ; eggs, per dos., 9c J: P., Seatorth. GARhOW & PROUDFOOT; Yen .emetery for in[- • -married, and took up their residence in the is loo ; dressed hogs, per iJ0 iW, 65 60 to .00. ` do;'s Solicitors. Dated at Goderich, the 8th day o I a sister of the} township of Eima, living on the gravel road Au3u t, 1896. 1497.2 berry, ,*nd the .some thirty gears before moving to_ town. Dairy Markets. - - e soils aixd three The old lady lived to see her seventy-fourth TORONTO, August 18th. -Cheese - Ad- year. vancing all round. The old county mar- : James,! soil of - =Mrs. John Caven, of Motherwell, cele- kets .are firmer, and at the Canadian fac- ' '' ^""'"` ' '' "'r ` ' ." L - anal, James prated the -93rd anni-%ersary of her birttiday torics prices are higher. In conseq nce to Hoar M'y"� +RAP RE s j ,mething about.. on Saturday, Augyis.t 1st, Born in Ayr- cal dealer`s are asking higher, vale s, good ' - NGIANTEA of the former, shire, Scotland, 1St13, where she spent her new cheese being quoted to day at S to S?jc. i Ai,00carmhnu on :gave way, ,early life and was married, she removed Butter -Large stocks still remain in the lo- ! 11 ., at lightning with her late husband to Dumfries, Ont., cal market, notwithstanding the a oras of ,,las fell -20 feet, early in the forties. In 7853 they settled ,dealers to clear up. Good Butter is in de- dhtioin to a bath ,on the farm on the river Thames where she mand and brings the highest, prices east lie ' I I Make 1 k Fri n d C "b1cen near the las lived ever since and where Mr. Caven. .but any off, con .•tion of color has � a • e e Wore fortunate- died many years ago. The following are sacrificed. We :uote : Choice da ry tub . sy s, none the -her family ;-Rev. W m. Caven, . D. D. of butter, 100 t'o • 1� ; medium tubs 7 e to 8c - Knox college, Toronto ; Mrs. Alex. lvIc low grade dairy - tubs, 5c to 6e ; choice OUTSHINE .RIVALS On, had quite Fadzen, St. Marys cud s\Ire, Joseph Mc- large rolls, 10c to 13c; dairy poun prints, WIN VICTORIES the electric, Intyre, of Motherwell, Among her grand- c to 19c`; creamery tubs, 15c to 17c, t week, about -children are Drs. Wm., John and James +'ggs-Good boiling eggs sell at 8c o Sic, `lizitun, nn Ih:is 'Caven, Toronto ; Mrs. Robert Anderson, of but few sales are reported. Them rket is An Sell Itself On its Meritl Bila driving • Plover, Iowa ; and Wrzm, 14IcFudzen, St. easy and quiEt. - Every Time. rn he received Marys There are also several great grand- M0, TREAL, August IS -Cheese-Four .ampletely par- -children. ThouGh Mrs. Caven has reached thousand French cheese sold -this i�kmorning �j, e have also several other blends in steel .ral moments -such a patriarchal age she is still hale and at 8c to 8je. Butter -Choice creamer is :heart a to s it the different tastes of our customers he unhitched y nd in possession of all her faculties. as hard to,, and in as active request as each and sought -She leads an active life and takes an intel- • at the close of last week; . and for inch, r - wase where he ligent interest in all that goes on in the • stock 'shippers bid lSc quite freely. For 1'� � �� �' � � 1 �$1. neighborhood, grades showing even slight defects in make or We lways keels to the front. Buyers can from Chicago _______ ___.n-� keeping quality the market is. quiet. Wiggs not ut their money in inhre liberal hands alt corn, nisrks -_ _ `-• Trade is sti('l dull and for large Tots 9c is. You need not hesitate to ',accept our state THE ROMANCFFS. y j y' men s, a9 we back them with goods an, (=slid ?rank certainly extreme. The Majority of t ... >:lle time ago, :maw the Present. Reigx►ing Family Caine actions are Sic. prices. In the j large amount to the Throne In Russia. UTZC.t, N.Y., August 11th.-Cheese'-�'To- v ator. at God- da 9 500 boxes sold ;at 7c to 8 c ; about CROCKERY LIN E Darin tlx lesng ci it wars in Russia Y+ , h -use it was `which followed the extinction of the R:urik half large, colored, at -8&c. Butter -About r 4,anager Hays: -dynasty,im ori€tl title as still claiiiied b 100 packages creamery sold ,`-at 16c to 17c ; There is no room for improvement in th p w y {market -firm .for both cheese and butter. barg ins we offer in Toilets Secs, water Sete Eiteel the town- upstart usurper czars. In 1613 a new dy- T. Din er and Tea Sets. ;There can be n ,king some use nastywas chosen to put an end to,thorule LITTLE F,mL.s, N. I.., August 17th.- �iy, necessary of pretelzclers. Ilthchash Roiiianoffthe can Cheese -Large colored, 8J-@ ; large white, , hard times for you if you buy from 4 is fitted for Sic' Butter -Farm dairy, 13c to 15c. of Philaret, the metropolitan of : B ostoff, l �� liooner E- was elected by a kind of states general con- 4OBB &' ,' U1 E, Inst week Live Stock Markets. �. •vowed for the purposa. `1?li&o had bean va- { gorier S, J. Mous canelcltLtes but a letter, Said to be LIvliPesoL, August 17th: -The. markets ,r fest Side written b PhilFlret having been laced to -day were firmer, but prices remain un- CITY GROCERF, 4hipped from ibefore the a-sseznbly, which vas couched in changed. Canadian sheep are quoted 1c3 T1 at A O R .T H ! revicrtEs years' 'terms advocating constitutional govern- 5 d per lb. I `ir,'rtvoacl and D�OTz;E_si, August 18th. -The butchet�_ gent, the son of tiat church dignitary a � i gut they tic ere fvaselecd. Tho, lettc*r stud tlitit the as- were present in considerable numbers and as :; of -the trod` •seinbly ouglit not to confer irresponsible the supplies were not large prices had an up- . :e.ierrtl else , S P :power upon the monarch whom they would ward tendency all round excepting for old ��� � � � `s purposes, appoint but tht>t tiro legislative over sheep, of which there was a larger number. t r •tile will be ' g p than usual. Superior beeves sold at from -should be divided between the czar, the P J" corn it is house. of boyars and the states 3 e to 4c per Ib, pretty good animals sold at - 'irea:t to (rod- y general. � t y . The oath imposed upon itilichasl Ronianoff from 2c to 3sc p'er lb, common , dr cowsI I'll aecomrnoda- and rough steers sold at from _4e to 3e and vas therefore to the effect that he should Sale. r`" of the pro--nelther decree iw,vs nor deciaro war nor some of the leaner, old cows at about 2c per a a a kezi -made by-Wncludo treaties of �p«tce or alliance, nor. lb. One lot of nine good cattle brought eat shipped _ in$ipt capital 3• c per ib. The prices of calves ranged ;roll thence to I punishment or confise, tion p I' wheat at of"'proper-ty upon any person except with front $2.to $5.50 each, but; there were no extra ones` on the market. Shippers are D. ri n � - ext 2 Month; the assent of the boyarsand the parliament. 1 . -lie cars and Aftertvczicl this letter, tvlienithnd served paying from 3c to 3c per lb for good arge to grind -it sheep, the other sheep bring from 11.50 to I its'puiZsose, t; a., zleclared to be fl forgery. 00 each. The prices of lambs were from or tri the stock is cleared out. If' it kept c'2 - r;Iitrrres will '� few years later the young czar ordered 25c to 50c each higher than they were a We reoffering the following lines b the charter of le;! 3 to bo destroyed and to o g g be replaced try tutc�ther, in �vliicll it was week ago. Une, butcher paid'43..5eacli for at a' greatly reduced rate laid down that .1llichael Romanoff was flock of good lambs ; common lambs sold at about $2.50 each. Fat hogs are not plenti- 1,oarcl have elected czar and '`autocrat" of 'all the ful and sell at from 3:4c to 4e per b�. For. Cash Only For the en- Russhas. Gradually the convocation oven 1,7.i8T Bt ; race, August 18th.----�Cattle- J ,tuatrt, $1,- } - of a merely cazisult,eti tie .assembly became, Market ate dy for good stock, -air to me - F.. Walker, less and less frequent. Finally its esis� diurn los t, 20c lower; choice hea'y`steers, Thes , goods are all new, stylish ) . Gardeil, I ence teas altogether done away with. Aft- 40 ; g PP g+ an f the best 'duality. $4.35 to $4; cod shi in 4:10 to s l 11. Dent, "L I692 no cont vocation, took place any. , r_ $4.2;i ;fat native heifers,. 58.50 o $4.10 tgvenson, mare, eveclrt once, under Catherine II, for native cows, $2 to 83.75 ; fat bull , choice Craw Hats were $1.25 now 50c -- St vensan, a, mere temporary object. heavy,$2.85 to 53 ; stockers active; com �. �f. J= Ed- �. It is to these sporadic cases of states gen- mon choice $2.60 to x;3,25 ;, feed,ers,$3.25 « it 1.00 " 500 I, w+31' -50 ; oral, if they inhsy No called so, and to a char- to $3.4v ; weals, $4 to X5.50. Hog` s '.Mar- . 75 � 50e F Norman, ter en9lzrottclecl ..izt sone historical doubt r e 1<< ee Shirts were 1.00 750 ket' active and higher; 3i,orke: goad g g 1.25 " 75c NcDurney, that Itusshan Ifii>cnals llativa in'our time, weights,i s o. t0 t" io J 'r c tiheway, cow and their r€sfurred as to ti rccedent. mb_p x kers to 33. i 0 ; • ' � ,� , 1.00 f' . 75c �,l- Ire At 1 p mixed packers X3.55 to ., 3 65, mediums,' east they did so in writings published $3;40 to $3.50 • roughs, $3; stags, I$2.25 to Milt) ; J• U. 'abroad, Russian censorslirp havin Wfbid- $2 75, Sheep and Lambs -Market active Ba,y, gown, Tan and Drab Federa ; M. cion the subject to be touched upon at €�11. and stron rime lambs, 55.65. to $5.90 ; Hats, Summer Unzlerwear, Neck �..'' i Miss Peter 1;, Catherine I, Peter Ii, Anne, Eliz- fair to good, 84 to $5.50 ; culls and ,coalmen, wear, and in fact all hot weather !fki T Tot&l, abets , Peter 11I, Catherine II, Paul I, 75 g ood to choice, goods at a read reduced rate. $3. to to $4.55 ; mixed sheep,g g greatly , i I Alexander I, Nicholas z, A_lexauder.� II, $3.50 to $3.75 ; export ,ewes higher, $3.75 As th re is only a limited stock of tl,e, Grand Ale-Mauder III all ruled on the strict auto- to $1- Cattle closed quiet; all sol(l. Hogs these goods you can save money ' ImornlUg. _ I eratic principle„ which Nicholas Il is still closed arm; all -sold. Sheep and lambs, all- by calling early at ekiag up it. bent upon continuing. Poter I the Great sold early; market closed firm.. r my it on - eillargecl upon it try exteuding the liability I fly l,adeel, cotlioral punish:uaont frons. the 1.aobility Marriages. p /� (7 Pg at then to the imperial family itself`. He had his 11ENRY-AIKFN. �At the Rattenburyy street par'ry f Loa c�PEA!]�i�, Uea �Y�h lme tender ow' 96tl?rs whipped ped. He tit his own soil nonage, Clinton on August 8th, by Rev. R. MqI• U f �g hith in I I P yard, Mr. D. M. Henry, to Miss 'Ellin N. Aiken, elle tartare, �vlia disci from it. HO, too, both iron} Mornngton to*•nshi . 'iiloved to took a cicli ht in cher p TjAILO+R'S AND FURNISHERS, rt gird he g piling off the heads of DORRANvE-SOLO—At Colgate, Borth Da•. F , a ro>,v Of Political ofiendersl vvliila uaffin kota, on` August 6th, by Rev. w• C. Whisnand, I I G unt'1 the "'r ed : between each fatal strojre of Ms Mr. George_B. Dorrance, tormerlyot McKillop, One Door South Of Expooitor Oft 1.to,lilss M. E. solonion.. I P Z. I V5 - I . I . I , I W , S rX. A. 6.. 1 P. rT __ D , I I i I - � . I - . ON THURSDAY, 20th AUCs U ST - I : .111. I. . ,I I.... To cut the'prices of all Challies, Crepons, Delaines - y kuslins, Dimities, GinCleall r 0 - ghams, and all other lines of . Stock __ . . . . wool goods i I 1 11 . Siquare in Two, or Exactly half price: . . THIS WILL CONTINUE FOR i . - . SA L E 0 ]TLY S 2D' Y ,. I'.. I - . NOT ANOTHER .DAY LONGER.I 91 ., qil��i !pq­ lig ­t5l' ir ."_ N , " N! M, I — -- � - - - )=11 , = I �11 30c stuff for 15c, 25c for l2 c, 15c for 7. c,' 30c for 10c, 18c for 9c ' ' L 'I . 10c fo • 5c. We think it cheaper to do •this now, than pack _away for another season Don't delay one hour longer than necessary in coming here for the H av i n b bought very- heavily a Fa next light days. _ - and Winter Goods, which are -coming n G LROY & WISEMAN, Clinton. . � - .- t h A d :1111 h o an: - an w -- s ow UP I" fade quanti,ies,we find that mire will 'be cur- s . \ tailed for room unles,q we. make0 Lion ' big -pus • for s ace to s h - P ew thorn up.. 1 � i F16001% - Henc'e�'t a necessity i _ essay arses to clear a Rather Than Take Any Chane Lar. o ti o n of u r - large o stock at ani u n Of S�t�p77'`mmer goods being left Over, we are willing to lose mons for a time. _ !j No need to particularize. Call and examine goods and. get rices. 11 der c o s 1 No need to buy unless you are satisfied that you are I saving more here than elsewhere. � I I J. L. 8 M I TH, 8 ea o ret , a_ NEX.T TO C. W PAPST'S BOOKSTORE. . I T . H E WESTERN, FAIR LONDON, SEPT. 10TH TO 19TI11 1896. C I n da's Favorite Live Stock Exhibition. 01de4 Fair in Canada. . Established 1868: Going ever silIce. Exhibitors find it pays to show here. Entries close Sept. 8rd.; $30,000 expended o a new buildings best on the continent. Every pare breed' represented in the Live Stock. Every improvement to Agricultural Implements on exhibition. ! the Centre of dairying. The best new buildings to show in. A perfect sight and will well repay a visit to the Fair. . PAWNEE BILL'S WILD° WEST AND MEXICAN HIPPODROME. So actors, 60 animals -and a village•cf 60 tents ; the greatest.Fair attraction in America to -day. r ro H ACROBATS-i2IN h SSE 13EN AI.I'S 11 ORl"S IT i13ER. I SIE :KA N1y ISea for Prize List and make your entries. C PTf A. W. PORTS, Preside t. 1896-2 TH03. A. BROWNE, Secretary, UMMER ,------,- S .- 0�0 I I - ,At Greats Reduc e -d rices. - .11 - . Q4--- I . PRIINTS, CREPONS, CALL IISl SL INS, BLOUtii SES, .A_0D SHIRT WAIST' , GE.� O --1i WRAPPER, C� :P— TOES_ I _ -- TT3M =FA.P OAS= STORE_ j . � . . W. HOFF A.N. i CARDNO'S BLOCK. SEAFORTH. UJILIAR11 • W IN G TERE -DECKI � I I O1`T TSU I �awwft__" `�, SDA.Y, AUGUS� __ 13th W WILL, COMMENCE A 35c , cc . "« 25c Gigantic Cs aring Sale1. of Summer . Goode WHSOH W�=3L CON'Y'T1tT E .1±1 Q�= - W - . .1±; ]E<: ,I -I And everthing in SUMMER for new fall go GOODS must be cleaned out as we vant ds which are now beginning to arrive. Below space we f' . �. quoteAa fe prices to give you an idea of the'tvay we ar i . slauglitering goods ; inch, worth 14c, price now 71c Boys' Tweed Saits worth 81.50 and striped Chambray for $1 ; Boys' Tweed Suits worth $3.25 4, in three colors, worth 15c for 100 ; colored Dlick or $2.25" ; plain Suitings . worth 12 kc for Tic ;a 25c for 17c, -or 6 yards pecial line of colored Casbmeres, 40 inches wide, worth (a full dress) for $1 ; Ladies' Lisle Gloves, in brown, tans and state, worth 18c f wbAh 25c for 15c ; La r 10c ; Ladies' Taffeta Gloves, in light and dark shades, hes' fast black Hosiery worth 10c per pair, or 4 pair for . 2c. Everything in summer goods will be reduced in proportion. Come early to a cid the rush.I Hosiery - I I sima M im "11111h, " .. f%m el H SOUTH STORE. .;_� VIUKAKU & €'Ua. . • I , NORTH STORE. NORTH STORE. i Parasols to finish up 20 per cent. discount. l Corsets D"& A E & T 83c. DRESS GOODS V - A Carpet ends I price 75c goods to clear at 50c ` Lace Curtains 15 per cent. discount i�! 500 , cc cc 350 . 35c , cc . "« 25c i ° Men's Tweed Suits to cleat $3.45. 25c � " 1$c Men's all wool Halifax Tweeds Suits $4.40. Li+ Prints 121c now l0c gh •` � rattler lOc Sc Men's Tweed Suits worth $11 now $8 . I�larasols -g off price - , r S is th $ 0 f $8.9(3 ; Men's Tweed ui worth i or It Job lot!mill ends Tweed }price -, - cakes Boys Baits at carrespozidingiy low prices,i . Wide White and Cream Laces I price Men's and Boys' Pants at ridiculously los Job lot mill Inds Flannelette Skirting, 38 - prices." See them. inch, worth 14c, price now 71c , , - Ladies and Gents sum;per- underwear at Double fold Sheeting, 2J yards wide, worth below cast. 1 c, price now 12ic. I ,: '- ent off e:' n Dress Remnan s at per cent. D t 25 r ani, x P 2s ecial'nes Flannelette -81c and 6 je price. . All I in es Summer Silk at cost Hosiery - .;_� VIUKAKU & €'Ua. . • I , NORTH STORE. NORTH STORE. i f soaf`orth7s i Llar5est Dry Goods Firm's If■ 9 71V .lib -,.T.---,.T.--'/�_ � c a�jC � c �!�' W TI - �'- ■ . ,:B 0. 1.0 , arCo. -Vi count Hill, of Burf rd, Ont., figured I -bout eleven years ago it was chronieh in the Birmingham (En land) assizes on ed in the Woodstock Sentinel -Review tha� z Tuesday last as plaintiff in P. suit against Mrs. 'J. H. Scott, a fancy goods lady doing - . the Dbwager Viscountess Hill, his step- business in that town, had lost $15, presume 1 . mother,. to recover the family - diamonds ably through theft. No trace of the money and je elry, which he claims as heirlooms could be found and Mrs. Scott removed to ; under he will of his -gran mother. Judg- Gaylord, Michigan; fifteen dollars poorer. G'orner of Matti inent Was rendered in fator of the de- A short time ago Rev. Dr. Dadson received g U TIH STORE and Market atreetH= . fendan . an anonymous letter written by a woman is -W4ile out shooting n Friday last, Woodstock. Enclosed. in it was $25 which ppppSlTE TOWN BUILDING. L+'rnestr Wilpton, of• West Flamboro, was the signer requested should be sent to Mrs. + --'ng 'throue1. a 1, 1, a 1 as he este_ a `.Scott, if her whereabouts could possibly be - ,w's fest, he laid down his gun, picked found. She admitted taking the money a stuck and began to pot a the nest. The from Mrs. Scott and to the end t at she , I of the stick struck the trigger and the might make full retribution for her r iiscleed ' a w at off: The doctors have taken -out she. enclosed $10 in excess of the amo ut she st o the shot and the vi stun will likely ;had taken. The money was forwa sed to 'NORTH RT:H STORE ;over•.Mrs. Scott. ; Cardno's B106k:�+'�-" Under Town 01004 I - - . - � � Parasols to finish up 20 per cent. discount. l Corsets D"& A E & T 83c. Ladies' Vests finishing up at 4c. Ladies' Pets lac goods, - 19c•' Mill- hands Skirtings . 71c yard. . : - . . - . - Machine Oil I Toilet Soap Toilet Sop Kid Belts Curling Irons Ift bottle loc wrapped for cakes 2 for 255c ood the new thing - 4e. t _; �- .az_. _ _ E _.._ - - .5c 5C. 8c 49c. - - New Belts Hosiery - Shirt Waists Fans; Tokio Pongee finishingpp 9 black, c{ol'd to finish. up up-to-date fast black at 25c, c ' I i 236. loc. and 75c• 1Cc', 736 Ladies' a Ladies' Skirts Ladies' Ladies' White Lawn Drawers Corset Night Gowns Aprons 2 paid for white Covers i , ,r- 53. V- 32c. , I9c. 78c•: I 11c &_ 15c • Waist j Sets Ladies' 100 pieces Flannelett Chenille Tiger Eye' Shopping- Ribbons special Goods and DI Bas at ! Stone ; 37c. 29e. 3c. 5c. 1 . Cheap. f soaf`orth7s i Llar5est Dry Goods Firm's If■ 9 71V .lib -,.T.---,.T.--'/�_ � c a�jC � c �!�' W TI - �'- ■ . ,:B 0. 1.0 , arCo. -Vi count Hill, of Burf rd, Ont., figured I -bout eleven years ago it was chronieh in the Birmingham (En land) assizes on ed in the Woodstock Sentinel -Review tha� z Tuesday last as plaintiff in P. suit against Mrs. 'J. H. Scott, a fancy goods lady doing - . the Dbwager Viscountess Hill, his step- business in that town, had lost $15, presume 1 . mother,. to recover the family - diamonds ably through theft. No trace of the money and je elry, which he claims as heirlooms could be found and Mrs. Scott removed to ; under he will of his -gran mother. Judg- Gaylord, Michigan; fifteen dollars poorer. G'orner of Matti inent Was rendered in fator of the de- A short time ago Rev. Dr. Dadson received g U TIH STORE and Market atreetH= . fendan . an anonymous letter written by a woman is -W4ile out shooting n Friday last, Woodstock. Enclosed. in it was $25 which ppppSlTE TOWN BUILDING. L+'rnestr Wilpton, of• West Flamboro, was the signer requested should be sent to Mrs. + --'ng 'throue1. a 1, 1, a 1 as he este_ a `.Scott, if her whereabouts could possibly be - ,w's fest, he laid down his gun, picked found. She admitted taking the money a stuck and began to pot a the nest. The from Mrs. Scott and to the end t at she , I of the stick struck the trigger and the might make full retribution for her r iiscleed ' a w at off: The doctors have taken -out she. enclosed $10 in excess of the amo ut she st o the shot and the vi stun will likely ;had taken. The money was forwa sed to 'NORTH RT:H STORE ;over•.Mrs. Scott. ; Cardno's B106k:�+'�-" Under Town 01004 I - - . - � � . - I . . I - : . : - . . - . - I _ I __. - - e t _; �- .az_. _ _ E _.._ - - " . �. _ . ,. Z - - I